HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-03-30, Page 5vtj 0, '4' w;.�, A3 EXI aS 1h I -1000N ITOR 0 A il 7 "T, y C! -hr)0 6:, RA Nxj 4.4 JAg or 'AN _U i 1�044 d"'I V_ P4 laui", W Z, 0�1 _771"11141 1" 19, F, m -,q -7, nd" Aiitdo 15T P 'e, 4_1 11YCOT L M�' 4), 9 �V 11, `4070 �4' Z I 01V it 1'%,. 437 �g Al g S, "N q 'RAY, ON "N NAR "M M; A 0, % "0 , to FF r :,V luns. t T., T4=0 eat um VisPit; Rai AU=OX "A ............ y public atuot on progr 1014 al", g, 'J44b. tD u kp.m., the 20)1ovfIx�q_ 4 eoyV,6 one "go- 'porgerp,. ;i�v ;,�;T *rith calves at.,Xoat, 4 ;400*4, W' reshen in V4 M libbert, ------ Prue dauqw. A tvyo4e,�j�, heifers, 2 in goo s W)� now sink. -Wia;ado I steel tired Y, ru er AW" it balard. horses YeM oldr e, WQVa touring cars h= %lonaW -by P, T. Zolmoa 4 Son 9, 1926 ......... e 2.k., "atmated V71 et f spoe uumo�,sq oredio on up. good cqn� vqr, 5-g&llon ".t 011l, c4w*,, worl� nen4l Per annu= irk, 14th, s mol % 1. notes.. Sft.. 11 4U4 prize Icine cabinet -­0Q*q tfl,15, In C robe. ate, GEOWZ ,Prize med fomany so y ;AN, PToprIe numerous other artl 11 tow-, 3). Mattfiva, 8146.1 �4 Ition; 8 leatheretW lot 2nd W Nothing reserved.., -T and under, cash. t TbU VAle und. of Mr. and Mrs. t be ehole.q� JP9, goaWafta, Mht ced I ye and O'd YE, rooms anli (114 3 A Order, Theri 4i4 ............ Public Hospitul on Mar. stomon, Beau. f Tuelers-m, oa-�and It wn rushd gar - ed r 'iStallion, ;a, Va" t- ewas,good, but Monday ts 4 months. SaXav tVill be sold Standard Bred Trotting 1m: aannal TA 0 oe V F,� 4 3 srich, on Waraft inth, on easy ............ ............ the SEFU DAY �%Gmod ft'eoue time as <21ange gave a rest for Annie MacDonald, widow of the late kTor- 3146-1 Istl wdie dona & A- West., Men are second tq�� tqm,�44 Op on a 10, thei hovered around us since. catt; 2nd prize donated by Z. 1E. -zero w" roan XAcDonald, in'ber 71st year.: —In Goderich, on March 1,7th, Ofe wlthoht rOtt0ae in life Watson. eldest son. �69. Mrs. �Vrtg '3 W"out a job- Standard Bred Pacing Stallion n John A. Eckart is ),�usy runm g Watson orge rum We an0 'Wit ais 'Incubators to h 0 'HeMOW TiWued- Qnd harnss ........... ............. -4 have- secur��d TAaL 16RAFFi 'ag�l� the late William aged 68 "y uCTION $ALF, OF, VA=, FARM ST 0 K AM Olympia he Fri .�ars 4 "'T donated y INM af-C A" a Q W.M-now. Good -hatch Of White Leghorns.— W4aaer with a Wirst prize ence in measuring fbir Clvth.�; !�re will be sold 1"Re'MYOU too can be Wstaurut; 2nd prize donated by e 2dads which were in an impassable by public auction on Y�Qt 29, CoucewioA 3, real Made -to -M asure Clotheg and' to meet th�� Hfbbert, on Widnesday, Apiril'Ah, at I oclock ?10",94 a big pay .%cows wull Paver Stom Zondition, care drying the cold es, battery. See this Tailor-Acraft .11-nei of 35& st the following'.. Herses--Matched, team geld- AGRICULTURAL EAnd dry,. $27, $29, $30, 1$41� �,Wv $5 inga rising a yeais,--I gnsral purpese horse nBrood Mare in oal .............. 10 ltheir seed grain thid h bo ob=g- rising 17, yonto old. Cattle-�-1 cow, with calf ters, are first and second prizes donated by by i $Lt. foqt�,2�'� elfers with calves at foot, - me IN Mot", Stewart d -be a -.41 So CeU6' verse and. 95� MID 111"emw .10.0 Broi & prize donated seems to scarcity, 'Kay, Ist Ila. 11.W 00 vou N 2 cov�s due time of by Fred W. Wigg. h 14004t heifer 446�. iibpuj� aring on h1a, s= am Filly or Gelding, any age.... 5 3.5b 2 Be it Hemiphin Tlrado� of seed as the pTices are so be0gr,'One th�ee months. 2 .at eing. Tailoring Departin Moffat, whom 1, 9. 4ch.' 9 � fat heifers 900 oronts Ist rize donated by I'hompson's accoun-t� of the Western crop b emory of John no Xing street wesb T .`Sh6rt, and no oats are being, sh! fv &4a- steers riAug 2 years 'bid, 2 stem ook Store; 2nd prize donated by Our own, ent is not af�cto In ali-y vay,T* ame one year ago, April 2nd. 1927. e year old� 5 heifers rising 2 years 3rd prize don - unselfish sow wit] ated by Thomas Dickson. 4. A. 'Bills. & Sons; 11,16M there. h 12 pigs 3 weeks old, introducing Ready -to -Wear. We are pattiiag in his Ila lbs., -Gelding Foaled in 1925.... 5 2 any requests. for a goo -TIT, our TAILORING.IS STA and kind, 1 2 t D. 15o 4 pigs just weaned, eight h equal we'find; MBAN a ST. COLU chunks -to tbs.. 8 chunks 100 tbs. Implements Ist priz donated by Province of BUSINESS TAITLOR-�RM�T. One. of the best that God could send TIENDERS WAN12D Ontario Bank -, '2nd prize donate& Deering disc harrow nearly erary So. loving father right to the end. Literary Sciety­-The Lit new, I Verity 2,furTow gang Plow, I grain by Charles Dungey: 3rd prize don- ciety hs4d their meeting evening, The programme, which wac, A heart that was purer than gold; All, sunis under $10, cash; over that amount of McKillop, Stone Crusher for the season if Fillyi.or Gelding Foaled in 1926 .... 5 2 1 And to those who knew him and loved h -7 anwiths'.6redit -will be given on approved 1928, will be received up to Tuesday, April ast. prize onated by Chas. Aber- 'RIG on Friday He � had a nature you couldn't help loving, bagger� f9r a Clinon fanning mill. Terms.- Tenders for the operating of the Township sted I , Thomas Rickl. gut- on, by the married'falks, was long His memory will never grow cold im, joint notes. .Four per cent. straight allowed 3rd, at 11 o'clock a.m. Tenders. to state price Ro E,,' hurt; 2nd prize donated by Graves' -and varied. Splendid talks were giv- Family. off for cash on credit amounts.. At the same by the day and also y the yard. Wallpimw Store; 8rd prize donate& dly missed by Wife ani Custo Tailoring. a time ancl plagg- there wily, also be offered for Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- b� Harry Chang. M erl by Reeve Moyris on "Value of 1 3146 cepted. FWill he opened at Queeri's Hote], Sea- Fill 'or Gelding Foaled in 192 .... 5 2 1 sale the large farm of the estate of the late -Good Literary Societyl- William At- Peter Jordan, 148,acres. situated on 3rd Con- forth. Ist Prize donated by G. D. Fergu- cession of Hibbert, Lot 22, and South half &-insan on "Pioneer Day's as Compar JOHN llfcNAY, son Co�; 2nd prize donated by W. f 23; miles from,Dublin; large barn 3146-1 R. Smith; 8rd prize donated by ed With To -day";' James ljane� oi� "A (CARD OF THANKS o92x40 feet; good frame house and driving Gallop; & McAlpine. Description of a Post"- violin selec- Timm in Harness .......... is 10 5 shed. Land all seeded to grass but 25 acres; tions 41>y William Burke, Harold Ma- Mrs. Roland Cud lot prize donated S. Sav- more and family wish. to 10 acres of good hardwood bush, Terms an t. to be paid in cash; bal- auge. James Morris�; songs by �hank the many kind friends, Farm -5 per cen Sweepstake ........................ B 9 loney And he officers and members of the r i1p LOdge ance in 30, days. It is. subject to a reserve adge Mary Scanlan and -Vintent Lane; reei- , their ymple,hy and the loaTVP'Zars� dur- bid_ GERALD . DOYLF, Proprietor; Dan oHEAVY DRAFT -he Gig- Aue,#oil.er. 8146-1 10 6 4 tationsby George Holland, "T ing their sad berearviment- Ma.ithews, Brood Mare in Foal rlgljng Girl," James, Atkinson, "A Lit- lot prize donated by* Little L donated by tle- Sense and a Nonsense' and ML.A.; 2nd prize ALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK Cardrio Bros.; 3rd prize donated by Den -is Feeney, "Boys' and Girls, Dis- N lew Merch e 300RTAkff NCTRC92 AUACNTIO Economy Shoe Store. 4 9 IMPLEMENTS at Lot 14, South Mare, Filly or Gelding, any age .... 5 - �cussions"; John Holland, "Burial of Boundary of Stanley Township, one-half mile Ist prize donated by R. J. Gibb; Sir John Moore." The St. ColUnIarl SEED BARLEY NO. 21, west of Hillsgreen, an Friday, April 6th, at wanteo Times was read, emphasizing'the val- F0'RgrownAL`Erom registeize seed, 2nd prize donated by James Kerr; $1.15. Apply 1.30 o'clock, -sharp, consisting of the follow- 3rd Prize donated by Dawson Reid. Pl)tope 92 r 9, Hensall. ing: Horses -Aged bay mare, aged grey mare, ris- Sod Land, yue of Colonization, after which John w- & 3- WOOD- or Gelding, Foaled in 1925.... 5 2 1 spring or fali 46x2 filly colt rising -1 year old. Cattle ­Cow 11st prizi donated by N. Cluff delighted all with his year old Malone, Sr., ing 6 years freshened 2 weeks, 2 plowed, for flax krow.ing pur- Sam; 2,nd prize donated by T. J. Making the, way clear for the New Spring Mer - 1 young calf; about 8 istep dancing. Rev, Father steer. o 'MODE -poses DantzOr FOR SALEL--SW1EET CLO`vtft.'�SNED; -YEL- year o14- heifer, , season 1928. Stephens. ,zollgratufated all the members taking I w Blossom. Apply to R. H. - dozen -hens'i�nd a pair of geese. Implements Filly or Gelding Foaled in 1926 ..... 5 2.50 1 LAND. Phone 143-4, Seaforth. 3146x2 -L4Deering Tnower 5 -foot cut, Masse3r-Harris -For partioulars apply.�to Ist Prize donated by W. Marshall chandise arriving daily—New Spring Suits, part, fter which the meeting closed diamond harros nearly rake, set of steel Stewart; 2nd prize donated by W. -by singing "God Save the King." QUANTITY OF GOOD. neng, Cocksbutt walking plow -nearly new, good J. Walker Son. farm wagon nearly new, good steel tire top 'FOR SALE --A I A. KERR,. '107... 6 2 1 clean Ba.rley, sultable for seed Apply Filly or Gelding, Foaled in New Spring Overcoats� New Spring Hats and buggy, light wagon, 16 -foot hay rack, nearly to J. W. THOMPSON, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. isit prize donated by Jes. J. Cleary. STAFFA on� 81-233. $146-2 new, gravel box, wagon box, wheelbzwrow. ph 2.d prize d .. ted by R-1 S. Pink- aebine, anvil, set of PHON12 269 drilling m ney. Caps, New Furnishings, Underwear, Neckwear, quantity 3'146-tf Harness ................. 15 10 5 FOR SALE. FOR SALE, ONE double harness, set of single harness, earn in t gal- -attended a Sunday School cedar posts, 6400 cow and one springer. GEORGE of wood, quantity of 'Convenion COM - 11 3rd prize donated by J. F. Daly. in London last week.—Mrs. , Robert ZBEHA.RT. Phone 5 on 2,28, Seaforth. vanized trough, set of new team lines, quan Sweepstake.. ........................ Badge a new Banner stave, 5 New Sport Sweaters and Pullovers. -Barbour is ViSitin ger daughter, Mm'. 31464 tity of bay and grain, good chaire, kitchen table, irn bedstead, set 'William Drake, -in Stratford. — Mr. of springs, quantity of other household effects, Team in Harness ................. 10 7-50 17OTL SALE. -SEVEN EXTRA CHOICE L 2nd prize donated by W. E. South Crone has -returned to his home in York pigs. ready to wean, 62,25 each. Al. forks, chains, shovels, and other articles. At one the s e i e and pla 'which te. ce the farm, London after sending a couple of so five young cattle about 1 year old. Ph am tra ROADSTERS consists of 24 acres, more or, less, -of good Baned Rymouth Rocks - P, J, Kelly, tratford ?4TS. (Rev.) 238-22. F. J. COLMAN, R. R. No. 1, Sea- Roadster Horse -in Harness, 16-3 or -weeks wth his daughter forth, Ont. 3146-2 farm land with bank barn 88%38 feet In hai ... ............ 10 7 8 under ........... Jones.—Mr. William Wbrden, who plendid condition, with cement floors; fare paid from Mitchell, Dublin mni Sen2ortk efflaw bF dwelling house 14x2O feet on -good cement Carriage Horse in Harness over 115-3 10 7 8 One way -dwen living in -Stratford for a number railroad or car, on Purchases of $20.00 or 070r. FOR &ALE' -TWO HEIFERS C`H`RYlNG 11 in eentre of ON -SPECIAL their first calf. Apply to ARvEy foundation: overflowing we LrVYNGST of years, and formerly of this 'com- rain, Paul- All Barred Rocks lay eggs. The farm. Terms on Chattels --Hay, g y Draft or Agriculture MOORE, Lot 23 Cone sion 4, L.R.S. Phone Best Heavy munity, passed away suddenly after and all sums of $10- lay when eggs mean money, and they Marc, Filly or Gelding, any age.. 6 ... 5 on 132, ew lines a week's illnessf at his. home on Sur, and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' all lay. Orders �are coming in Very Prize donated by Thomas E. Liv - SLE. -H BUSHELS OF YELLOW credit will be given on furnishing approved ]FOR cent. fast, so don't be disappainted. Book ingston- day. The funeral wa§, largely attend sweet Clover and 45 bushels White joint notes, or a discount of 4 Per Exhibitors, Please Bear in Mind ,2d by relatives and friends. Inter- allowed -for dash on credit amounts. yours t -day. Parade at 1.30, sharp. Judging commences sweet clover, 18 young pigs, and a steel tired straight th6 H Terms on Farm -10 per cent. of the Purchase o'clock. Classes will be called in order Huron Erie Debentureo xnent took place at Staffa cemetery. top buggy as good as new. Apply to JO N KLEIN, Lot 19, Concession 3, McKilloP, or money paid down on day of sale; 40 per t. athey appear on this bill. 'The sympathy of the community is to bre paid in 80 days; balance may remeeanin Farmers phone 23-228, Seaforth. 0146-1 coft POSTUASTER'S SPECIAL extended to Mrs, Worden a:nd daugh- on n3 tortgage at 51A per cent. per annum. 'ZeT.—A big play is coming on Thurs- FOR SALF,--SHORTHORN BULLS, SIX Everything to be sold as proprietor is in fail- "Sunny Crest Farm" For Bcys. 15 years and under display health. ANDREW CAIN, Proprietor; inm best ability and -horsemanship "When A months 1* 12 months old; roans and reds. ing .halter 5.00 <day, ApTil 5th, entitled liam, Jarratt, Manager; Geo. H. Elliatt� in exhibiting a horse on the Attenfiont Sdatch pedigreed. Apply to MELVIN CRICK, Wil PHONIE 32-251 SEAFORTH Single," by the Young People 814.6-a Prize donated by C. P. Bills. -Postmaster. XaVs R. No. 3, Seaforth. Ont. Phone 21-615 Auctioneer - R. No entrance fee but boys must ,Df the U.F.O., Mitchell, under the Clinton; make their entries before 2 o'clock. We have now in stock Reid- Clovers, auspices of the L. A. S. BOYS, JUDMNG COKPZTMOTT A GOOD WORKIN% MARE Alsike and Alfalfa Seed, also WM&q- FOR S LE' -ONE AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK ek0t years old. and one gelding rising 3 lat 2nd 3rd 4th 5th and Yellow Blossom Sweet Cover6 OE old, aired by- British Hero. Apply to AND IMPLEMENTS -Fred W. Ahrens, SLUEVALF, years NOTICE OF TZME AND Open to Boys 17 year- of P e 7 a n n U M 1payING Government Graded No. I Purity at JOHN SCOTT, Roxboro, or phone 33-236, Sea- auctioneeii. has rec4ived imstrateffions from age and under ........ 10 5 Notes�On Saturday evening there forth. 8144-2 John Stevenson, 172 Ontario Street, Stratford, PLACE OF HOLDING First prize donated by yearly upon $103 and vver. prices that are right. Let us fill your 'was a flash oT lightning struck a tree — Authorized Trustee under the Bankruptcy Act requirements. Miss BARI" - FOR 3ALE.-I HAVE A QUAN- of the Estate of Harmon Vr6dhagen. to sell (COURT OF REVESION' T2nhd-7,rizMe`1on"!fe'4d 'by"J" at George Gannett,-. place. tity f 6 -rowed seed barley for sale -, also by Public auction at Lot 31, in the Twelfth Wesley Beattie; 3rd prize Issued by an institution Which who, was Walking oncession f the Township of Logan. two donated by W. A. Crich; ,Olive Shiell carry- 4 Black Minorca cockerels. Apply to WIL- C lage, on Monday. TAX NOTICE THAT- is "Older than the Domminion W M" Scott Coll ing an aWirella near there at the LIAM HOEGY, R. R. 2, Dublin, or phone miles north of BTodhagen Vil 4th prize donated by Jes. 23-12. Dublin. 3144-3 April 2nd, IM, next� at I o'clock, sharp. the 1. The Councif-of'the Corporation of the -Edw. Keating; 5th Prize of Canada." BRUCERIFILD time received a shock and was un- following-. One heavy draft mare rising 9 Town of Seaforth has constructed as 'a local donated by Thos. Phillips. Tonscious, for a short while. Others OLSALE.-CROICE 0. A. C. NO. 21 years old, I heavy draft mare rising 12 yearn improvement asphalt and concrete cement The competition will be under the direction -In the vicinity 'received a bad scafe. F Fa purpose irelding Tising 7 years Pavements on the following streets: of Mr. G. R. Paterson, County Agricultural Be- Applications ars nccvpte�2 �y ley, $1.25 per bushel. Apply to AN- old. 1 gener 142-13, Seaforth. Ismal 0W. spent the week end 98 r 9, old, -1 driving gelding rising 11 years old, I A. Victoria Street, 18 feet wide. presentative. 'Score cards will be given each DREW B. BELL. Kippen. Phone ng mare rising 13 years ald. Cattle -1 e placin 81,53-tg drivi -B. 'Grombie Street, from Main Street to Vic. boy. 50 Points will b given for g by car of cattle Holstein cow 5 years old due May 3rd, one - TD. IF. MCGRWOR, ?o-ronto taking down a, to 'a Street 118 feet wide. score card adn 50 points for reasons to be '7 cow S years old due April 16th, one y. Class to be judged will be Heavy Clegg has re- HOLSTEIN COW To Durham C. John Street from Main St- to Lot 26, given Orall :and one of 'hogs.—Mrs FOR SALE. -ONE due Way 15th, I but Seaforth Holstein cow 9 years old Homes. No entrance fee will be required freshen the middle of March, Apply to time of sale. Jarvis Survey 30 feet wide- ,iding the -past years old due at e their entry in before 2 o'clock. turned home after spe, R. No. I Holstein cow 7 D. John Street frm Lot 26, J,�rvb Sur- boys must hav at JOHN WeMILLAN, Roxboro, R. Hogs -I York sow due April 29th. I Tamworth wide. AND REGULATIONS. 'Phone duc been on. sow due April 26th. 1 7,ondou� DR FOE 7MES ,toupie of weeks with her daughtei Senfortb. 286-4. Tarawarth sow vey to Sparling St., IS feet RULES -Alwc. MeGee:'bas way 15th, 3 York. sows due May 15th, one E. Sperling Street, from GodoAdh Street 1. Entrance fee �$I.00, each additional entry 0 <> i1he sick list but is somevhat better LEICESTER weeks, I York to 'Market Street, I ed: *i e. . . 50 cents. Tamworth sow bred about 7 F. Church Street frorn 4�odcrl,cg. street to R. Hamil had the F 0, Rew sesA L r. Apply to boar z years old, 4 Ghosts about 100 Pounds, 2. Brood Wares ton , tr-ed` Timnw Wconveomlcbse must show visibly in foal. 0 rusty nail, WILLIAM CHARTORS. R. R. 8, SeafOrth- 6 190 Pounds. Hens -About James Street, 84 feet wide, S. Ages of horses to date from January Ist 0 TOWN OF SEAFORTE store hogs about iG. Jarvis Street, rom Goderich Street to to step on a Pone A-187. 318142 60. young ens, 5 Emblem geese, I Emblem feet wide. 4. Judges decision -to be final. and is sliftering Trom a verY sre gander, I Muecove duck. I drake. Imple- Lot 113, Jarvis Sixryey, 30 5. The Judges will be paticular to regard 0 Licenued Emballinw? omin 'Q Notice b hereby given that the nd�our=-Z I has returned- FAx-= FOR SALE. -A FEW CHOICE ments -Cormick (foot cut, one H. Jarvis Street, from Lot 113, Jarvio Sur- merit in all stock for competition and With- Q> Gale al landz for arrears of tanes wM be Me _1 Me binder 6 0 Funefral Dhwtolr. '10ot.­-4Ge0r90 ChUrChil to uron Street, Is feet wide. hold any premium if they consider the animill date Iff0=8 3M& RSV�W Z) in the Council Chamber. Town Hall, Seafort% in itbo Townobl= 02 U0b0=*, Dearing binder 05 foot cut, I McCormick mowor v417 Stret to lome to Toronto after a short visit (2firma I. Giminlock Street, from MOh , a first or second prize will 0 up-tv- rd acca bulldlum slad 6"fot cut I Kemp manure spreader, I Me- undeserving and on Friday, March 80th, 1928, alt 8 o'clock pin. ohcromith o7w Ribbi Victoria Street, 80 feet wide. mal, or in a ,With 11is, PM 'heTe,--Th9 tee broke .,al locatoa an marlieb. T302M OAM- rake, 1 McCormick cu,l- not be given to a third class ani 0 M, ZORN A. MLOON. Tr==Tar. nts W"112 Cormick 14400t oteel I bay tedder, J. Main Street, from Can. 14g3t' iBt to' sweepstake if they consider the competition -ap and mmt thTcugh On Sunday eve- oox. mnabw, naL twister with grain box attached, a3r Street, 10 feet wide; ext*i V�idt , op- not sufficient- Xigbt and 1 truck 16 disc. 3 walking Plown, I furrow REAI� . - �". , I . duce hia entry 0 Phone 19-22, Dmbnm Ntice Is, hereby given that the XuuicigoMv oclock. Mr. Garni8s. . I odufflor, posits tot 61, Jarvis Survey. Every exhibitor must Pro of the Tovn of Seaforth intends to puftE"t, ming ebout FOR SMA_ -FORTY YOUNG PIGS READY 6 riding Plow, 2 furrow gang Plava, X. Goderich Street, from Man 9*dat to for the rtmount due for iorrenra a-' tnacb ca 1had all tt gateo out of tvro spans and to wean; 2 young sovm with aecand litter. .1 wheelbaerat7, 1% wagon nearly new. one : ticket in every class otherwise the animal will to in Victoria Street, 42 feet wide. t1hrough the third SPAn Th,=o are a thrifty condition, Ocleat trPe truck wagon, I Viking soparator 1000 lba. not be judged. ed for competition must C> (Z�> <> Block A, 0oui. "lack Survey, if the priieo ovcr- 0hel, ice broke read Apply � to JOKN NOLA14. Magsey-Harris pulper, I 1� lGederib. Street, from Victorilm�to, Ciole- . All animals enter ed at the adjourned sale is less than ttt� iage and aarry'- of e -d b Ing. act aleisho man Street, 20 feet wide, of appear in the Parade tat 1.30 P.m. amount due for arrears of taxes, oharg= cn:1 <doing considerable daTfi nearly ne,�7. I set aleighsi, 2 bar racks, twd The d. Somforth; two miles east of 2. The cost of the work is 092,91041, offerecl �ng ,jv�ay about tw*e M5-4 gravel 1,6%es, 2 net harrown. 1200 lbs. plat- which 620,028.83 is to be paid b# 4'ho Cor- DONATIONS lM3C=`vBD FROM 0> no Price 9164k's VM6 c form scales, I. Glinton fanning min, I set Pe poratiom The special rates per iectors Seafarth Agricultural Society cash forth, March 15, '1928. 1, SEM OATS FM SALE. --TSE bundler, I 14 -foot bay rack, one I M,P.. cash, $10; W. litter and are no follouz- 18 feet wide., 10 $21: Thomas MM11 an- aig1jed has for aale a quantity of el ttook ruck, 10/6 .P. Gilson engine and pump $10; Bank of C c.14> AL WILSON, T—Te feet voide, 4.44 cente: 30 feet V7146, 18 1-8 G. Mdd, M.L.A., cash, am, Price 90 cents Per washing machine, 110,0� Q%G timbers Data ripened vith barley. jack, povrer I quutity cup, $16 CO. P. Bills, cash, $5, W. R. centa; 42 feet wide. 31.34 cent��;:, 20 feet erce. bushel. Write to or apply on PTemi9d3, Lbt� of 2 -inch planh. a quantity of Wesley BevAUP ., I anebor Posts, wide., G�amt�. The special asse56TAbnt � Is to amith, mab, 02 . - , cash. 05'- 0 7maral Din 31211 0 With the Aboxe exception. two %ana(m, .. I :A No. 24, 2nd 0onemnion of Nar. A_ H, - quelathy of cedar pcsts� I Mer-armick lily 3h, 12. W� A. Criell. 0 nd lots will be -gold to the highest bidderot. DUSLUN a S. T. Holmes & Son, cal -2 tire buggy, I hay car be, Paid in 70 Instalments. .7. 8144-2 R. R. No. 2. Heussll- 8146 lo"er, q cutter, 1:stetl, a. T11. timated lifetime of t�� T�orlt to cash, $g; Dawson Reid, cash. %; T. t1larIg!b r6pb, I Pile of Polo 52; Thomas Bickle, cash, 11 M (a 0 JU.- and 200 feet of good 'I "Pile of 20 ye=i Stephens, cash, 1Z tor Md Light Bot 45 cords 'of 14 -inch w4bd 4. A Court ok Revision wili'be held on Huron xpoitor, cash, $5 -, Issue Hudson, co'h, 1@80t 0 a wood, do Sc!Sfbr%. SPOV sturap), I 20 -gallon milk cft�, 8 ladders, tho:18& dar. 69 April, 1928. at 8 o"eldelt- P.m. gg , Gallop & McAlpine, easti. 01; Harry <�> pine bar, 1 dozen grain,baza, News, cash, 05; boeg, log- cash, $2- Thomas Phillim I wagon Jack. I craVv at ths 0outWU Chamber, Town Hallo 190adith, Chong, cash. $1.00: Seafarth hovels. quantity Rents' e og ng, cash, $2; W. 0. for the purpbse of hearing Charles Dungey, nd any 40or com- Willis, cash, $2: Province of Ontario Bank. 'SPRI ker, goods, ".50; Pay S. ging chains, 1 c—cut saw, 2 GP""g %dy, Tpeg�cjed- aMeasments, or th cash, 01: Jan. Rdw. Xeati NG TERM and a heat of other articles an"s farm too momurements, a rested rx�dv deaire cash, OT;: W. J. W01 whitit Dcraous inte nilmorous, Marneas-�-1 set of frontage 01 -I beavy bresching h6 ams Kerr, whif- Farm, ers -About 12 40ild ma' fletrees. 04 e Sehoolo 0j"l Np. and which is by law Cognizable by Pinkney, bread tickets. $2; Shaw's W. E. Suthsratp- Snagproof (Over With e0ta f. ploWing, 11tirness. Fead -00 into th � Summer Term with otf &over hql. At the egold watch, 015'. <0> of )Wlod 20 tons �grd. 1928. $7.50; Fred S. Svauge, Enter an:j, Gam1ti tme Atfd place th_6 will tor P JORN A. WILSON.' Stewart froods, %5. Thompsons Book Write 1190, t�fie �stluahlj farm lands: The Store, Wall Paper, 05, Cardno Bros.. goodS, oL ant, goods, 05 T R. 7ow 0 Lot u;'Guil ate 3146-1 ot nusnbor 80, 65: Olympia Restaul ast ithig of Dot tm;mber 32, Gibb, groiodq, $15; C. Abetb&Tt, goads, 0, .6rilon of the T6wl n, ffoods� aship of. Lodah. On 02: W. M. Stews"t. COG&-' oti gl,� is, a bank barni., 66x66 frame house A� BUEH7 Daly, 96; Fred W. Vvi ab 4itchen, avid -a never This good, 05, Scott,& Wall Paper Stare. wall 'Yoii vill w2e superior Z� svropditr well smated, paper, $4; Geo. D. Ferffus0f, CO., Mcd§, 05 0 ment by itl4ilh'g Pei-tili20ri) aIR d ft:6 wll6a 'A m116'fjvm n railway btotlo% a N. Cluff SOM JrcOdls, US; Jas. J. Mety. Lime S016, by the undemi fk01A tfe rmstt St6ft, house paint, M; milhavoft 6� m - Graves' vlllw�e bf'n' d A. Weateatt, Froods. 05, <0> "ikdor, oash; over that dM011f, dkt - Economy Shoe Sto :Real neste '7, J. Walker, ftA(W& . . .... * ncis, �a, re, vvoric rg. given until -Sawrober Int, 1028, AOU S 4 H. Clse, pipe, %4: G. A. Bills 0 0 Bright, Too gootiz bVtek d rector and zmbalmoa stom prive htng approved Joint VIMA bL'9tInff it- ",give You kr,&A with bs- ter6f, db 6% per cont. Prizo be obtabM64 fr= 610 otor Hors wnersbutcher 11 =2111'eat to a reson oney to be Paid Od ll, QccQPT9F; THOS. 3. LUVIN Corn Or VIM, e bid. Ten par cent f pul of gale, GSTON Lid within 80 ddV th&'Wtov. balance- to be P9 "3 to -at in othe� SPRINO SHOW CI 0" be. 'paid, be:10e A, D. SUTHERLAND Sm. LeMS, _12to " 0 RCUIT 101M STnVZX$*N1 Seaforth, April 92d, rF1 La W ntatio, F I., itAu, April Sth ltoMal AVrI1 1"1- Jolicitor. 19 .......... .. ..