HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-03-30, Page 4. . ... . ... ... vi, i RA �Ilo tt I f Ito , � '', ; -, 4 � L -ii, -wq-., 0 il 4,t;g ZJ, F 7 'r 9,tg q 3e 41 1F THE Ru'RON "EX1J*)SvR6a- iM-, -A �� 5111, R MRS 14� TWI�'?TAQ�)P,41=t�Agql"��,��Po�,,,,���*,��,�� #AM k��c C10%1'4UR` -,444- I W"N' wt; mow W IF -1. 1-110 , 0 it OQ�'' k7 w P iwt a Qd Vdtb;M1! q'p;Rn 1p, i4mrm v=, -V M T V5 J1 oraT4 4; U01% 11 0 4P,.r? '4a �, PPV, 0 z` Wilk, ;4T p'' ;i thp Comm n 4, 1 f T4 W , , W a t R, ­ , mej� end In, ''t �twm!"-dold� 0 mi,'V, �T..Wpm' �)qpty M taw :bi; 0 -'A"'I'L'p4pple Wh b t 4, lut fna Aoaa oadin meela)In Awe 1.3 On hand. -T40 '400 ar na tk awA, last Woftesday lu he Tima Ha to tzv. "Mo go alve had, or th;P. to, fi��e tl%ey 'how: cial CaM F>vt After bor 40Q, -�p c on for tho -0oction 0 the aot At-� Our VA100 have to -be built, ye=v 41* P u dedd was 4AA 4iscuos Are �voe 4 delayed UH zZ A Tbe Wxt to a's it TDro*o. well meei�in 10 to Beipforth; 000, tended by as many larq*a, to conm Qvw Out It, is not surlwising that 011, ,he the -Iub. m �tjnuAry, M4." case, 24"Wep in literally cat to second T David,' 444" B. expecud. X V. E. 1F. tom friends, who M, 641 "ft. 10, ins In Canada. Mig �i votzoit� rs. X, old now Als tunity d 6 man=&74, and o, fo� at Was tlVr�-ahod out from NO Bear in, W trucks th bein, and the cost of that Via Tho decif�jea was arrived )a ho�wever, a kwnma &Z 8 tb :grm bayond anythinq -funeral oem t YOU' he nd kriefs.-Mr. and 1�31t` would even be considered possible by wa*:coad be a heavy bill Local 5 a?*V. C. F., IZ�arbe, the meeting was t �qb h to make your se -The yr pays, Q9 tho weeli end any party in Canada or even by any -1k itself. eto 'have help for farmers en, 0' -5, roads �T4 been olved by local farmers, as n Underwent a serious operatiGa 14 the [a at the Irczental kcmo of MAjqr and of 4%e wild men of any Party in Can- war Xeg� county rotii] ex ra�� Mrs. R. P. Zay".-Mrs. James Rankin ada and extreme action, upon the the, Mica. Gre township part of labor has brought about con- Rhyne$, Ig :dj4tricts, is just around the I John A. Monday evening ninj young men ar� ted, the de- $p SeafOrth Xemol"Al Hospital On Mfk� ditiozs which have previen gusan, B�2 AvW here and wereaken charge of Men 8 �Ilt (Cowhide) Shoes, solid OW4 A4 b - actually dsy�The many friends of 1*, Robt. astries. Mer- New .0 . a -New boAs recently by farmers who had made arrange- " �mt. ui*i that day el"int of naturQ Ind stantial, %Ww y worth $8.65. SALE -Falwm Will have to 6 aogg are pleasqd to see him down v; MeiVe Brown Leather Work Shoes lne'do With PSaco ibl" Q A., JIM* Means ha�#ise exports 111 Australia were added to -,: -Aeld, Library int to preserve the -roads as they town again after a serious illness, from Useful me , is for their services and journ y 211;488Xe less than the vulue Of im- Art -Medi, a Ragid, here, some months ago, They are 'heels; a medium weight ahO6 with pliable- uppirs 41' z and Mrs. W. Hogff� and Eiiigln�er' dUrin special price of ........ I ...... certain dzys in the port* for the first six months f the book ai Fiction - The �*ld $20 a month and board for the ... I ......... Of Stratford, 'Were week end guests Australian fiscal year. Customs Rev- Men's Tan Grain Leather Work Shoes, medium weight, CQQ 111al or t e lzutyne. Trvel-x-A first year. bill, already oiie, at the home of 119r. and Mrs, Thomas enuet for January axe down -over $I,- Foster- The Days or leither soles, rubber heals, outaid counters. h road items in the rural Hsbldrj�.--Wr. Jake Sproat, who previous Beforeiyg'j 250,000 as compared -with the SPECIAL SALE PRICE .......... M et, Nvill be almost doubled, the winter with his paren ts, Mr. and * ryw Ken's Bolivia Kip :W!orl� Shoes,,,wli January. We in Canada have much There e her Ffomut�A". Plain toal'L Mrs, James Sproat, -a our of the 'Wa0d, Tubber heels, worth $4.50. in ftinondville, to be thankful for in so far a tt not the fault Of 'the ar owne Bkotw 3�==, Am4l loth,, lm-Vwsall Town and Nnth other friends here, returns -ban.; Tit SPECIAL BALM PRICE ................ is invested in the car, an o' §4pdpw of the East" -Rull; Hall, smin� show kT*h.L d ountry has fallen upon much better to Temigami. Mr. Sproat e this week ditions. Now W t f3w the vempsey-Tumm ey wants to get the use of it, as be has been ottivelly -d in min- con intereste The reverse is the situation in Can- The Nt rdy rfect right to do. At the ing in the northern country for sev- Motaxes at the adaw Imports are UP and exports Uneonque�e the Diver FOr DZ7. Aftemoon &EAd L Detroit, spent the week end with her Ing anuary 31-st-but the trade Bit- Les Jt*0 The Spring Fair. The anuuaj: time be is amena'Qls to reason. eral years. -Miss Verna Graves, of slightly down for the 12 months end- e- ffardy­'� Lit# 'boys detour signs, iii sum e 0 sister Miss lva Graves. -Mr. and Victor struction, . q ! roads are under co uation is good ---employment high and olumos). pring'Fair of the South Mrs. )Riy Holmes, of Datroit� spent revenues swellimg. Aa imllication of ij iiiltuiil Society will be held in Hen. In the week end with relatWes here. - would obey similar signs i OU4 110kned Fire 61 unknown". conditions can be gleaned from the origin sell on Tuesday, Apl-11 10th. The -where a road was not fit Miss McLean and, Miss*Elizabeth Me- y destroyed a sorod -to Directors this year Yave increased the spring mo-�,enient of settler' effects. The fol- frame Lean spent the week end in Toronto dwellitg ouse belongin 9 motor traffic- lowing table shows the movement for Thomas IiMi6tt on his cralue of many f the prizes in the _Mr. Walter Robinson, of D)ILdUU farm on the not have the patrol en post the past three fiscal years (years lake bank, different classes, ai the OPP08rM CONUMCIAL Elorn*m y Oil y a t premium f SU spent the -week end with his famil� ending March 31st)'. list, which will be published next 'bree .,when they know their partic - son� of Han- house has.;ban. vacant Tor about,t here. -Mr& M A- Ander week, is va of the beat offered to iis unfit for traffic. it would i1ton, is a guest at the home of her Emprts Imports years, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and, fam- exhibitors, and vill undoubtedly, en - it 517 ily living in Qeorge Copeland"s house o course, but e tinie, and money parents,, Mr. -and Mrs, Rohert Bell.- 1925 $7,862,105 $6,342 sure keen competition. and who still owns the, dwell, lug.. next to'�St. Andrew's United Church, much enjoyed by the large congrei only be for a few days at Mr. Harry Stewart, of Ne Hamburg, 1926 7,R6,3ryl 6,271' Successful Play.----�'Cranberry Cor - and he was':nat informed that the tion present.�­An Easter dance will perty situated on the north side a - was given in 877 7,797'518 ers," Which the Town 'Most, on any road, and would be in- spent the week end at the home of 1927 6,994 house vv* on; Are till about 4.30 Sum- be held in the Town Hall, on Monday, Queen Street.-I&S. (-Dr.) Ward, -Q2 to Mr. Robert McKay, in Mgmondville. "inpi cheaper 'than having , Hall, Hensall, on Friday evening by -The rain and mild weather over the When we come however, to the 12 day aftemqon,.' A number of youths April Gth. Msic will be furnished Exeter, spe# the week end with Mr. the., Bayfield choir of the United cally rebuild the road as will week end have taken away practically months ending January 31st last, the were walkint:pri. the beach and notie- by the Axaln Orcl�eatra, of Lucan, and, Mrs. Appleton,. --The . pkesient in Church, was very much enjoyed by which will play the latest dance hits. weather is -favorable for BugdT wab- Thave to be done in many cases this all the snow, but made bad mess of situation is much better. Settlers ed smoke com' g over the bank and the large number present. Each as Dorothy Hefferan spent the Ing and making of molassissi and i' the Toadsi-----Wv. and IWTs. Oliver El- coming to Canada brought in set- on climbing to, the top discovered the Mi _ did exceptionally house near19T, burned down. ..There- 7eek end with relatives and friends number are engaged in the makiag. ue of$9,218,644 liott, of 'Stratford, spent the week tlers' effects to the val well. Rev. Gale, of Bayfield, made a 'ed undred bushels in London. -Arnold ell, aecompaul. end at the home of Mr. Elliott's and exports forhe same period were were seven or eight h LABOR ST= by his mother, Mirs. B. Bell, spent I&S few ope remarks wVch were aP mother, Ms. J. J. Elliott. -Mrs. J. only $5,948,547. of &ain, oats, buckwheat and' sweet -ng of a special coal rate by clover seed stored in the house and preciated. Interesting 'numbers- be- Sunday in Seaforth with relatives. - (fifteen hundTed employees of G. Wilson, who has been spending The fixi tween acts consisted of a vocal act - several months with her sister, Miss order -in -council so as to give the A]- also a couple of bedroom suites. The The play which was to have been General Motors Corporation at ing duet by Rae Patterson and Miss Mr give -h in the Town Hall on Thursday k- Scott, in Hrpurhey, and with other berta coal men a chance to try Our barn was.burned four years.ag. va IV Kathryn Drysdale; �olo,,�Saniuel Ran - the manufacturers of d relatives here, leaves on Tuesday for the Ontario market, as, in the opin- Elliott -was at the farm on Saturday evening last, under the. auspice,% of all nie; violin selection, Miss Greta Lam- the Unitedi Church, and given by a Chevrolet an Pontiac, her eme, in Kindersley, Sask.-Miss ion of many people, certain commend- and everything was apparently niie; accompanists being Miss Elean- number f aTti ­�#her -well known makes of motor jean Brodie, of Stratford Normal able features. Among other things right, Swne'insurance was carried.- ks from St. Marys, Remember or Fisher and,Xiss -Jessie 33ulh'111- had to be postponed on account of the ahave gone n strike as, a Pro- School, spent the week end at the it gives an opportunity to test he The Coutffivation school oreh6stra, presient impassable state of the roads, a reduction in wages. home of 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. cost of moving coal under actual con- agai, KIPPEN compbsed, of Misses Avis and Lula until Thursday evening, April, 12th, were first Or- Charles Brodie, North Main Street.- ditions. It will be recalled tat the Lindenfield, Scott Welsh, Mltdn Boyle hen it is expected to In given in a en labor unio Zpd their need was gr�eat. Labor Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart and son, Railway Commission arrived at a rate Notes. -Mr Robert Blair, of Ed- and Clare Zuefle, added very much to manner that will delight all, as the' David, were in Toronto this week.- of $7.22 per ton as representing the monton, is spending a visit at the the evening's entertainment. Rev. Mr. St ldary�s troupe -have been here: EYES L� the mercy of capital and capi- Wto are sorry that the name of Miss cost. Frank Oliver as a dissenting at i, on -previous o . gi Sinclair acted as chairman. Follow - was a hard taskmaster. Orgalliza- Eleanor Evans was inadvertently member of the Board, gave $6.50 as ing the play lunch wasi served in the ccasions and.give.4 every the report of the pro- what, in his opinion, constituted cost. of Tackersmith. It is. over twenty satisfaction. It will be well to re- TWII.�­­Fou and organized strikes were the omitted in Now the Government fixes a trial rat�, Years since Mr. Blair was'home and council ehamher. member the change made in date. - used that brought capital to gramme at the St. Patrick's,Tea held Y. P. 'L�The Youn -weapons The test will do good. It he sees quite a few changes, His 9 People".s' The services in Carmel Presbyterian in -First Presbyterian Cli League, of the United Church hel'a Church on the coining Sunday will be. the error of its ways and brought arch on. of $6.75. friends are all glad to 8eeim. many the con - March 16th, which was published last should at least help to solve their meeting On Monday eve i ning labor a fair division of Profit, a liv- week. -Miss Julian Kenny, of Dublin, troversy. There is no etter means --- 4The young people of St. Andreves special *n�es. In the morning the United Church gave - their play at. with a good attendance and with Miss pastor in continuing his course of ser�- ge and humane living condi- is visiting her sisters, Mrs. C. Eckart of determining the value of a specla 'Irene Douglas in the chair. Follow- ons on, "the Prodigal Son" will take wa ris, diet thai� trying it ou Hills !Green on Tuesday evening of and Nfirs. Jahn Nolan. -Miss Har t -that is -what meet- up the "Elder Brother," and in the of Listwel, is a guest at the home is proposed. this week, and wexe greeted with a in.g the devotional art of the That day has assed. To -day the lug, Mr. and Mrs. IT. Pfile rendered a LOVE fair good audience. -Miss Jean Ivison evening the services will be ap To -day it of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock.- propri- is on the other foot. of the Town Line, spent a visit with very �leasing duet. The second chap- ate to Palm Sunday'and the Triumph- im6sts On dictating what Mr. and Mrs. W. Fin-layson, of Welles- her sister, Mrs. Reid Torrance, of ter from "Drains in the Darkness'.' a, Entry. -The roads in this, section A 3 -ACT DRAI49A islabor that ley, were week end guests at the There are no end of People with entitled, "The Elephant Hunters' Peo- have been very bad during the past TO BE PRESENTED IN Portervs Hill, during the past week. 'Worlo shall be done, what hours shall home of Mr. and MiTs. H. Well -and, in. solutions for our problems. Mr. Heaps all, -. ple," was taken by Miss Douglas and week, in fact, in many sections, they -Miss ary McKaig, of Hens "a - the following very interesting papers all be paid, Egniondville.-Mr. G. A. Jackson has asked, fo;r an investigation of the ited with frite d we worked, what wages sh re- -Vs in an around our re rellylimpassable, owing to tl�e -M e what men sall -be hired and also turned to Montreal on Monday. T- idea of un mployment insurance. It dealing with the subject were read: frost going out -of., the -ground en Shall be fired and to have Robert Laird who spent village during the past week. -Com, several will be investigated by special oom- munion seryicawqz,,dispenaed in St. The first on Homs, Avis, Linenfield; Our Reeve, Mr. Robert is all this say without having one d weeks at the home of his uncle, MT. mittee of the House. Mr. Irvine; La- Andrew's United ChUtch at the morn- "Fashins," Margaret Douglas; "Birth Nedoesda,7 j R. Govenlock, returned to Grafton, this week Opening a sho'ifi O Ock ant5 ing service on Sun&y last. Mr. and, Burial Rites,"i Pearl Elder; -"Play Tqurd kl, bl , foruhis PrIiclice uit.; lar invested in the enterprise, or suf- North Dakota, on Wednesday. On his to arrange now for conscription o Connor, pastor, preached a very in- and Work, Miss J. Buchanan. Pray- ness and in order to make it- morL- it At 8 P.M. 'by -fer any monetary loss if their policy way home he will spend several vrealth in time, of way. Parliament spiring sernion on Christ before pil era on the chapter were given by convenient for his patrons. Hr. Hi g. an eyxterrse to the -wall. days with his cousin, Mr. W. H. took a few hours to discuss the ques- ate, and the choir algo rendered a gins has been engaged in the produce should drive Gov- Grace Brock, Gladys Passmore, Alma THE MARION KEITEI C. G. -That is not a condition Miss Flor- 1. T. AND THE DELUX3 of affairs enloek in Chicago. -L -Mr. and Mrs. C. tion. Mr. Ralston, Minister of Na- be tiful anthem entitled, "He Was Scruton, Mayrds 'Spenser. business -for a good many years, buit A. Barber were in Toronto this week. tional Defence, feared that such ence McDonald rendered a piano solo. TUXIS p-rosperity for any coun- 2 Nailed to the Cross.'�-Th many has in the past madte use of a part that spells Mrs. R. M. Jones is visiting with resolution or the adoption of such a friends of Mrs. John Henderson wil This ras followed by a crossword t of all a young country like of his dwelling on Richmond Street, try, as io- garet policy might lead- other Nations to be pleased to learn that she is puzzle, after which the collection was So-uth.�7,9� al musical services are - ours who 'Wee aceful country of gressing nicely after her opertion in taken up, followed by a hymn and BETWEEIq ACTS se future groi�vth. and Pro Wals, of Toronto, a -pent the k ;uspect that this pe Pro- being held iw all our local churches SPECIAL NUMBERS t depends irt a large measure in end a the home -of tier parents, Mr. Canada was preparing to don ts war the Se-aforth Hlospital.-Mr. J. C. Bell the Mizpah benediction.. on the coming Sund4y.-Mr. William utroduction of outside c ebodY. of the London Road, spent a day in omas Bell�Oii Sat- Webber li leavin. -here the end - of Oie apital for and Mrs. P. Walsh. -Miss Muldrew, pint and go out to lick som The Late T 9 Watch for particulars If of Toronto, is visiting her sisterg, t, urdqy afternoon last the :funeral of this w growth and development. Merely to the casual observer that London during the week. -Some par ee)Oo visit his sons in London, Next Week. Mxs. J. R. Scott -and Mxs. Robert seems a it, verdrawn. Countries of the roads in this community are the late Thomas Bell, late of the city cruing from these labor one of -whom is going on a -the losse�& ac Searlett.-Mr. Frank Rankin and hio which prepare to conscript wealth ba' in very bad condition, making it al- -from he has lately secured, and Mr. Web - of Edmonton, Alta., was held 'kes fell on the 'he a of capital sty;i ad sister, Miss Kathleen, Raiikin, of De- fare starting on a war, are not likely most impassable for cars --Mr. Clif- the home of 'his rother-in-law and ber, ill -likely spend a few *eeks- ind labor only, it would be bad troit, spent the week end with their to start. The War Lords of Germany ford Watson. of our village, visited sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Taylor, with -him in his new home quarters. -,,WMgk -but these only bear a part, mother, Mrs. J. J. Huggard.-- Mr. would have hestated to begin to fight his mother - in eaforth during the of this village. The deceased man �Xrs..A. P. Ross, nee Miss Belle that. It is Anderson Scutt, of -.4toxboro, under- if conscription f wealth bad been in- week�Th m a. was the youngest son of the late Wil - and a very small part at e n friends of Mrs. Jno. Bouthron, who was spending a. few r appendicitis in volved in their action. Sintlair, of the Kippen Road, will be Sr., of this village, and was weeks here recently, with her r6la-' ning public went an operation fo lia-m Bell ,in every case the consul eaforth Memorial Hospital on Tues- -Baiakrup A r� pleased to learn that she continues to well and- favorably known here as- a tives. and� many friends, left- here-tii� - young man +bat stands the brunt of the loss. In day. having lived for a long Monday afternoon last to vistt, with' 'ease it means that the kee a little better the past week or particular; term of years in the West'after leav,­ �Public will pay more for their can Parliament spent a -day in debat- so. As Mrs. 'Sinclair is -one of the iifg here, and, -had been. in failing relatives in St. Thomas and vip! - oty. Ing a Private Bill for the Incorpora- grand old pioneers of Tuckersmith -Mrs. Erastus Rennie spentthe'-week. gian they otherwise would, because THE WEEK RN OTTAWA tion of a Company to, build a bridge and is over the eithty mark, her health for some time before his death in Detroit with her daughter, Miss Sho Sale which occurred at the ospital (By FL J. Deachman) t�er lossccasioed by the delay, more over the Niagara River. it seems many friends hope she may be p,,,d at Irma. ---4 ur Reeve"and Council have at- te at this season of the year, will, that lately, building bridges, has be. to enjoy a gret; measure of health Banff. here he was receiving tre made a good job of cleaning up our An ment. He was only in his 54th -ear street& during -the past w ek come quite pro-fitaible. -The Youn. ' People of St.' - y ge!,.be tacked on to the Price The iene'r2l, Principle of the Bad Motor cars yet. d 11 be ^U rew's church - 11 'hold their young and was, an unusually large and strong in the business -ng been, duly accepted by are quite plentiful i t nited d articularl get havi part, y e CaM r an. The funeral service was on- here �thb,', snow gets packed so hard vote, the House devoted itself to States. Drfnks are scarce. Good peopleiIs night oil Friday of this week. n Particular case, the other atters. during the past week. roads exist in ntario nd "refresh- ducted by the Rev. Mr. Mellroy, pas- aiad-forming ice so�.that,if q0t attend - in thi tor of Camel Presbyterian to ry bad e no,:L an assigned forthe strike, Par- ()f course the examinatin of the ment" is reasonable in price. atChurch, ed to our itreet,*rould be iii ve The an agricultural district schedules still continues in Commit- could be more natural than a bit of ZURICH and was quit� largely attended. condition far quite a leftth of ticularly to twe'� pall bearers were all relatives -of the :r., ou of the Whole. This gives an op- reciprocity and o traffic btween the -Dr. -A. A.: Canipbell last week. �gbt Ou r as this, would appeaT as, ridicu- tee Notes. -Mr. Frank 6orriveau, of deceased ai�d the remains rons, and prices aill &o tand the stiike as entirely un- portunity to carry criticism a bit fur- countries ontinues to increase. But n-: the gtableh6 b6iub*t from Mr. Rdbe -his Mlvlerl, mit their and enable a Member to speak no agreement would be re Drysdale, has purchased the 100 -acre terred in the "Hensall Union Ceme- F ached in re �acrett*,Movea�Z&4 rear of, ealled'for, because the new rate of- farm near Blalte, occupied by Mr. tery. r#s th St� ' " twice without having time called. Un- gard to the Bill -both sides split on and Mai fibxin6i stiible iui�iod Oth&� oe Norman Gascho, and owned by A. Oddfellows At Home. -The meMT �ered -hy the company to their em- der the circumstances, many Mer4- it, more or less. It was finally it tah- an- a reato are Just round so th�Lt,' Johnston Son, for $7,300, and gets bers of Hensall Lodge No. 223, intend ployees is 65C per hour. bers indulge in remarks. Sometimes ed out and in doing so 38 more pages of'jt.fie immediate possession. Mr. Corriv"u holding a social time or "at home",, A it looks, too, as if the time for, the these remarks are -wise and some- of -Hansard were added to the year's has purchased the firm for his s6n; on Friday evening of this week in'the. -few days ago the collection. the stril,- times otherwise. A of, ali oflIce,4fidr leg;vlii r.e was badly chosen b3 Denis�Mr. Ed. Datars has renteIi Town Hall, which will be nicely dec., Ouse was discussing the itera of Prage n H gis white the"A"ti * 'S With 4,000,000 men out of em- 0 Lot- 23, oncession 4, Hay, from Mr. orated for, the opeaslan, and a ki�og- th buckram Should it be vaised or low- he move&i6li will in�6 -e 10 0 ent in. the United, States, the A. Pranger, for kt term of one yiar. tima is confidently looked forvmrd­'tO quar.tera-fo eredP the duty been increased purD are places should i S Hied And time crawls on toward the Eas- Mr. Pranger is movimg to Hensall.- as the Oddifellows are a ttronp,' or not be Sr& to will be seeA ad., rs. r decreased, otc., end so on? Btick- ter recessl They are going to have Xr. and Mrs. ohn Kipper and son, gRn'Z9tlon h6re. and,- togdtUr iwith I, ward and forward the argument drift adVert, about ten days o this year.. They and Mr. Leno M I)o " per left last week their invited friends, mar ed without much diaply of wis&*. need it. Stray Visitors.to Parliament fo7f Biggar, ask.0 Vrhere they -happened. Som�a- vMl re- probability a gatheriui�lof, Then the unexpected on to tive this cedt ands, in, CoNng=M MOM PA03 0 'With the -impression that side.--Xr. and Kvs, Theo Nittelholtz 400. The first part%'of..%e eve body startled the House witlr the- 60 have . , . ,011a"Vo , ]k r an e237 time, but t have moed by will be in, in ad!--, -ould hs ,V i6f the eanL rogation d vv ove been a bright idea.. - t6 15ack Z6 the farm for a fevT d8kdIs holtz has purZ4i*wd,-W4d *as re,� vices oflf&- Mt�catk bne' oft refekene regmed to have -asked that question whe-ii the' alWys on fttUrd'ay. of the death � a mogt�pd* on Vfflis Chore the and, cooling. cerved here h 9W kho smippt, ind� Applet",: i6,t Aght -was, called. "Bat vhat They'come back more fitted for the :of yrtr. j... n: "What is buckram?!' to gom�o good4lo.C�M,ifi4 F'resbytory was spent over a 6ase' quosti6 iiij t It is wearlig�it gets. on the ne es. Mr. John Kipp�r 6�ellt the ser -s ry c'Mon pcTD ronto who,. Zeller., e - ell nubAir: of -ogatioia &�einertlly whon at fought eachather for,' is still a vidot job -more capable of --hgrd ar1 At, Xitchener on ndhk� %e'. lite J&. toeetheiir itli 'llidy. accompanist, ore Mr. q ttlon undeii the circumstances. on with tA It aveed to raquest e Salihatht to Zelkr resided OnL'p I�n to give three Joynt made'i !readings, 2va wis a d all -wood for mk�y` -A wa, mu n that ckar. b A stir has been raised b# We pitb VA to durin Irtiowit in number actOikeg,, so' that. a treat will ha - i t e&, the an% for an, eton fttd family attending. Af an- Store the tioh&u the dte fication of stor!f thit. the (96vern- from this viciniN :A end Into -6he, dortil tgrvofi�& to supply %r. If. M4 -at has U-ndcautakefi certain negotia- 'Bree2es.-krs.: $her Pe; Ut6ttiO, ral of the late Mom PfhV- held at Concert lunch will be 0dVv6d thei Of WD tions with the tr4Wd, he is iViaitiftg her rothejS, J�bjt, ini tj6ete t pf'!d. by -Mr. r lag Sefo , Oft, the. late Mr. ;n the body of the spacious -hall atil 1k 1=t$ %#ga adpted deepening, of the St. Lzwrenoe 0=- A461L, Per a an Wig 'thqu the itat d., the time 4AII'b� de. whe ate A Jdt_-b1t A,� lived trim and JS'.tafi� f a Say, all tul�ned sof' Dash -wood 'all onoil gliffif 16 thdin. The rana-ad &V61 Vd1l. 6, d�vtbktain fh6ilt th fit 0044 arm on the boV vbted,to,diiimiffiffi sCar4V of the is. nidat C L IV -he '(A IS: 6% any oria� groug. ad, t. David -Xair, tirlia is pr. 'Mind Lite, 6 -been on. Of so2, t 'gg&e gave e 'so - lea "and d cXXS� WrC�y Wegton, of Saftia Ugh f. th ne argpW�,,-Mr. and larg." dantiU900*%6 at, inUtV ro Th ar Mr.' an& Wg"11 tAmpit, . arrived oat-fbp o�,oning, �Md-as tbey ar w heo", gar t e d1h r. to FX xn� 'ri udsof this I it ad oP4d -of f, 'J'h . hl� much; Gilt t1, the veqplio V1.1ho re- to-, utou �N ep, So 7 and th4ft facts AVO driW�� 1 takif "U'' IV Bar tid - lot d &r "a ti t �6 t f a it) "Pau I r r toy A R'W$,ft MA aA d W iF nit, , Oki WIZ 'P .... ... .... ...