HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-03-23, Page 6X
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, I ! �� '1� �,' � APOSITOR
. . .... OtE JIURON -F S MARCH 23�, 1928
.''I'l ;,� - I I _ i" - � . 1- M_ I ), _�,
. . . . . . . . . . . . ......
put Ql2 tQ 441
69 Ono P4 s: WApla 4avo comq� to�, Tay
vts rguga OZAS and alblia or
%orty tpy. rb" are out in a smq�
iry --- -------- ------ P44404t eveim dliy- bilt never Mrpe
4 -?My b4on divided into or to rustW for them, ' P?, aw U�i r A pnrta, or t�e arat twenty 70= sel-Ve$ until the S"011d yeAr. This
91t for the 14MOUS give the MN'the necessary exercise
-, 1
Ad. b t they are neve
Smithfield arimts in ED& r allowed out in bad
than, I have applied the priampes the"or the $impl reasoir'thEt 3 arlem In eing old country to Amer!- qa.mp.017 4441 t4
d , the %mail calf is similar to a child, b
edi us Aments, 0$ -
subject to all sorts of a
f- 4� .
TH I o aecan eon tio
shti YE
ao I thought your readers might be vau
pecially colds and pneumottiR which in thO
sis dnw4l 4f or Rt
*0 aa interested in knowing something a- They are bred at
Womey to bot the diff
Uplu; up, ce la ra often prove fatal.
r, nd tddnoy 'For e,
odicines loir bladdek
erenee5 end similarities a
about 15 months of age and put out
-e feeding methods of the Ch Ual-4,to D�
Pe m from
between th into a good pasture &nd fed once a
th it E, fte, jaulli � staited to h4rbor, or:
course there are a
countries. day with a mixture of three �arts- ed -he c
Tk�wks w7rUlt- anyone object , to by t 6 ay11 ha
parts bran, 2 parts
A =SIT number of differences, but you MaY oats, two r ed ste�,,djiy. tog tour 040 leaaq actu �y Solicitors, COUVetrall e surprised to learn that the fund, ground s linseed meal, Q homin and two part Qay. JL aAve nev tenant may not'recelve-in his'lidme
axe mostly the y Y,44�t 2
A.Tdthout a st
a Public, Zt1_ 0000 mental principles their coming p6iZz And N4tarie -which is the means of than I do ndw,," �Mite.s X except.. physicians 84=111,
itz) The same. -men'moving him
back in the fall, good, well develop- aham of Oshaw.a, Olt, QZ1 the rAge jauunuzg, 01 y, dr4y
ourse the contin
England, and f e
known in- ed two-year olds, ready to -be fitted made from the, fulces of to ot from,the 'hquie au� the. linder�
ent of Europe also, have 4se a
for freshening and ma-king'records "' , j f its, intensified t4d.com- This statement is- ina4e On the th V Ve farming methods for a longer Tql' � inpe ru engthening tonics, "Fruit
99 tensi dairy cows. authority of The New YorIc XAti6'
'here. and developing into real
ZOM4 GRZT!-VZ V.S. time than is the case it has am following at the pres- entering the
This plan 1 4% soon b6ngs radiant health to
5 Travellingv.,
trho suffer amssia' ja tbat barb� Zolliatu
tho ggh they
Colleav� All disease,
bladder and kidney troubles. It works were enWilg-thi com.
3011102 i�adiateof Ontario vetzriu- been a necessity there longer because omowoc, of which I am now manager
s of doinestic of the greater value of the iLd there ent time at the Pabst Farms, Ocon- from constipation, Position
treated. , Calls promptly at- that tbrow bombs
The reason I explain this so thor idi-
where the population is so much more
vn way. You will find pany a cr
moderate. vet� � A _s mu
virgin land here . st receive, a Per-
ten(jdd to and charges -&Mg your 6�� mit ��ef re � righte4us Indj a 0
condensed. Cheap, I see so many i0or ves, �e very hey 0
Dent oughly is because aim wmade faraling in the early days a ws Ord ts. Start right !w_ay—tO'ftX_. that the houses must be vacated s
fed and 'under -sized young co t 25c and 50c a box at ZU -he leases, invariably provicke �4LS, WITH GOOD'
id GodericlL S Teet6 one ively simple t But now, ly ders. T
residence on hing.
compara Owing to (the fact that they have been
aaar east of Dr. Mackay's 02ce, Sea
toL farm values are much, more the same life
e cease to W elt- bo
soon as the tenants 4tes Wits RA eve,
So that'the -very auto tre and Ba ho'.
here. W�__ too must fertilize our land stunted in the first year of th ir
which can never be overc( of 4,
-the great- ploye of the company. c
a local firm,. F.inel 2
artificially, must feed for p
later feeding. As soon as they are men have always present in their sel
R. CkMPBMUAI V.. oduction and must �omctimes this proves, fat6l.- If
via Vsterinzry est economy Of in :�ronl pasture we start fit- ndL PT
Graduate of other brought -the dangerous end
OUy COM'S general syst
market more carefully -4n our heifers for their first mind the knowledgp that the firstcon- The front end is bavo,uj4 Mddla 'Kid
University of Toronto. All come busi- ting Te- am is so sequenqe of going' on strike will be. —Xitchener, Retord.
ls �f
als treated words we farmeraave be ng them in a box diAtuited that she will be of very lit�; Pi Rhen'biatis awl%ipick_�
College '072
seases of domestic anim Iroduc- freshening, putti i ig t at -lact ti' th t thbY ill be turned ouf of their ache cannot say too �Umh � in t modem principles. ness men land industrialists. I -with good ventilation and feed use dur n h . a on_ Foy the mos stall' s, your cow Is simply homes. tr M -es in such circumstances Av
might tion costs count. isting of equal parts In -Otber word 4
e -60 this formula cons e can it
ed to. Office ou Ptly a And it is on this point that America d oats, bran, hominy and lin- Iii oth aachine, ifyou do not take' on -a eroic- aspect. Ejected A culinary periodical says -nuts ar a�l er n �r if -you from their houies'.5trikers trying to most deligtful when pickled in alco. 6." sow to$ toens Opposite Town is coming closer and closer to the grOun
Then after freshening if giv4, it the proper attention, c anyou. aln et, eal. W wbo, are - far a well-knoTm an dirie
seed in jbing establish a d
practices of Agricultural Europe. In aveTl�ad it, sooner or later somel teut colony near 'by have 61, ,e know some
hone they are to go on test they are fed a
fact in many ways America has far been enjoined by judges. . Seeing that iron, delihtful.—Ottawa Journal. resident of this Place..
es own everything in the Alieumatisni is not exactly a kidney will refer ration of three Parts ground oats, on account of not, being the cmpani
4�- surpassed England, but I bear up under the strain. -You
three parts bran, 2 rts hominy, 2
to this later. p s corn gluten meal, and 2 parts that by feeding linseed Tneal neighborhood exists as -a community di-sease. It is the result of kidney de -
W. Q SPRO.LT and the same oxily because of the company's opera- rang-ement. The aches and pains com-
I can remember as a boy, when we art All these mixtures are or,oil*eal which is one Miss Agnes Maepbail admits that
cine, were fit linseed meal.
17 ate of Faculty of Medi tions, it is only natural that -they Monly inowin as rhellinatisni are
Graclu. ting beef for the Smithfield fed with corn. silage,and alfalfa hay thlug,: liberally to balance your rA_ should influence if not control abso- she hates. houseworli. But that is not e blood. If
Timiversity of Utest6m Ontario, Lou- arket, there used to be a tremendous -e you -a worth while caused by uric acid in h
;Iom. Member of Co e- amount of work involved the amount depending upon the size tion -1t. will giv lk and Wilso lutelY 41 public officers. The coal an unfeminine trait. Many ther wo-
Ilege of PhYs! m in taking the kidneys are doing their,duty there
of the animal and production given. returnAn the way of mi the companies supply and support the po.- men do.�Hamilton.Herald. should be no uric acid in the � b1dodi
Gans and Surgeons of Ontario. Office linseed cake, and chopping it up into wom
an Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St-� silage for the very young lubric4tes the machine, which is did that for Logan But if the kidn s are tired,
small bits for the cattle. And I oll d keep her func-, Bee forces. They ey
The amount of feed is gov- COW In this case an
Phone So. no mean calves. tioilifig in a perfee county, West Virginia, for 11 years out, or out of order, the amipunt:of
want to tell you.. that was i tly normal c6ndi
blood -will: increase
A motoring journal suggests that this
job either, for those cakes were two erned almost enirely by the animal according to tei-timorly taken in 19h23. poision in tbe� Cent
DR. R. P. U. DOUGALL n inches wide and which must be studied veky carefully ti0n, Company officials declared hgt-they the radiator should, be more artistic. daily. It crystallizes. 4t the 1eint-5 Exei
feet long, eightee
s I believe that a great number of sees and en comes, - ihose
were able to keep labor organizers, or After all, it is often -the first thing and mu I th Zen
Honour graduate of Faculty 02 more than, an inch thick. They were a s die or are made sterile by fore- them, labor agitators' _Mont- agonizing pains'so many people know
hard as rocks. 'How well I remem- cow as they called aboutL a car that strikes you Kim
Blefficine and Master of Science, Uni- swinging an ing or in other words over feeding OnoMn out ;of their bailiwick;s just 'as New real Star. and dread. The remedy is Dodd's
sity of Western Ontario, London. ber the hours spent in ful protein feed. We bin 1W
a much too power York police kept known crooks above Kidnep -pills. They- strengthen thei
-heir full work
college of Physic4ans ani ax on those so-called cakes.
Member of of high have made a great number of 1,OOU
ario. Office, 2 At this time the feeding kidneys so that they do t Loni
Surgeons of Out doors Gaiei R 5 Pounds the "dead 'r - Blyt
protein supplements was almost un- pound cows; by that I mean cows that In the strike of 1922-1923 one slier of � emoving. the uric acid from tho
Phone 56, Hensall, carriages
east of post office. 3004-tf known in this country. You had the have produced 1,000 pounds of butter iff supplied -the coal companies with The 1928 models in baby the blood. BeI
'd sh ence tends, toward Win)
Ontario. days, and had a perfectly 5 Weeks ow the_prefer
great open -ranges where production in M 6,�80 deputies. The company pal
ch: But normal and healthy cow at the end re. r one-seater.---3St. ,Catharines Standard.
DEL A. W13WTON-BRADU costs did not matter so mu her lactation which is the most es-, these men but they we wom in as
the range is no longer ide and free, of Men and women, weak, thin and officers of the law. Naturally their be cut, IWO
Bayfield. ntial thing of all to MY way Of miserable, are urged to put on lbw would -be the law as handed down a cheese soimething to
-rsitY, - and beef raising has become a steady s
Graduate Dublin Unive Ure I -attribute it greatly, until it disappears.—Hamilton Her -
thinking and -
Rand. Late Extern Assistant Master everyday job where profit is only ob- of oilineal fed. I main- weight and get back theii� health to them y their employers. On the If he says he woW-t argue, he means ald.
Rotunda Hospital fo W men and taind by more business like methods. to the amount and A I rength with McCoy's Cod Liver whole the situation is growing worse. only that he won't listen. after gay -
n it is the greatest regulator ad S Beig
a"to residence In England they are still feeding tai Extract Tablets. The basic trouble is that more mines ing his, say.—Border, Cities ta
Offi r all animals that I
Children, Dublin. conditioner fo ained 15 pounds in ]§Iytl
linseed cake, but America, which has Otia 'woman g are operated and,more coal is being
Utely occupied b s Parsons. of concentrated know of. Ii is a protein feed which five w"ee'ks and- that's going fast produced than there is a demand for. Honesty is tl�e'one"card in the pack Lo*
Hours, 9 to 11 1 6 to 7 p.m.; learned her lesson othing in every way to the sys- clim
In. 2866-26 feeding from the old country has gone is so enough for anyone. Competition cuts wages, and reduced The greatest enemies of you'can play at any time without
Sundays, I to 2 P. which is any good Bru
suffr' c
step further and we are now using tem and acts as a laxative McCo takes all the Ask—Red wages mean strikes and ing, cause are -the extremists who favor thinking of how to play it.—Montreal a eat benefit to cows that do not thisf ironclad guarantee. If after tak- There is chaos in the industry - and Star.
is more easil a gr
DR. .7. J. BURROWS ground mal which y di- get much exercise. I can tell in an it.—Wooster Record.
of - McCoy's in consequence women and little chil-
gestd by the animals, and certainly sixty ceni boxes
Office and residence Goderich Street, I that has been fed 1111 eToot an4, are hun- Exet
easier to feed. ie have discovered instant an aninia Cod -,Liver Extract Tablets, or 2 one dren are going bar
ewt of the Methodist church, Sea- V with oilmeal by its condition. Ce.nt
various new methods of feeding, us- liberall: dollar'boxes any thin, underweight gry.
ing the old principles originated on It haEu a great tendency to make the f course the fittest- survive, as The trouble with a man who does
fwth.. Phone 46. Coroner for the iowing that man' or woman doesn't" gain at least Darwin said. We're all here, aren't not say anything is you -never can tell
County of Huron. the other side. hair and hide smooth st
5 pounds and feel completely satisfied if e means it or not.-4MOntreal Her -
The same is true in the dairy busi- the condition of the animal is good. with the marked improvement in CURRENT WIT AND WISDOM we?—Altoona ribune.
bion is the principal thing as
DR. C. MACIKA7 Tless. When I first came over here Condil health�your druggist is authorized
a cow can -not do its best if not in the _-'the purchase price.
-ay, honor graduate of Trin- I was startled by what seemed to me to return British worries in Egypt and Arab -
C. Mael 's a -seldom resort t
'Gty University, and gold mea-allist of unsanitary and shiftless ways of very best shape possible. Every part Ask Charles Aberhart or any gqpd la mi GO&
ght tak6 the edge off Italy's a Modern women o
her anatomy should function to 0
Trinity Medical College; member of handling dairy animals and their pro- of unt of milk required druggist. petite fot-co'lonies.—London. Adver- tears, but there isn't much left to cry
make the amo cifin
ducts. In England, at that time, only tiser. for.—Dubuquet Americain-f�ribune. the College of Physicians and Sur
girls took care of the dairy hed. from her and she cannot do it with- A SAFE AND SURE
geons of Ontario. -nd pie- out the- Cows of all ag- REMEDY FOR
They wore neat white caps a proper feed. -ring
pretty much the same SHOCKING CONDITIONS IN THE Cupid is the manager of a two
ut and wedding
DR. EL HUGI01 ROSS turesque costumes. The milk was es are treated il-AILING CHILDREN' Dub]
c rcus�thei engageme
Graduate of University of Toronto cared for in a much cleaner way. w COAL TOWNS rings.—, Kitchener Record. The dentist may not be able to fill
rried on test precisely the same a- long -felt. want but he can fill an
Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- Here men in dirty overalls milked ca
�le of Physicians and Surgeons of dirty cows in dirty barns. way, giving the cow 6 to 8 weeks Conditions prevailing in Pennsyl- A husband has -no right to say that aching void.—Chicago News. ICU EN Dubl
ge hocked t 4
91 she should be dry that nia mining districts have s
Ontario; pass graduate courses in But now the situation is reversed. rest - that i va his'wife, must bey him.—Mr. Justice
Chi -,ago (Clinical School of Chicago ; No country in the world handles its length of time before freshening a- and even horrified a committee of the Hill. WORPq Seaf
be turned out
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, irilk and dairy products in as iscien- gain. She should never Upited Stites Senate, which has been Ethics in politics is usually -the il- Chili
asture out this POWDER -551 HOIT]
and expected to keep up investigating them, and ab Many -a maWstarts out in the morn- 109
England- University Hospital, Lon- tific and sanitary a man er.. In Eng- to P ity to determine which policy ivil get
physical con time Re -
don, England. Office—Back of DO- land the milkman still delivers his her flow of milk and her Senators, and particularly ing like. an epic poem and returns the most votes.—Chicago Post. GodE
fashion, dition without being fed some concen- publican :9en-ators, are pretty,hard feeling like a typographical error.
minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. milk in the can and dipper to CARLYTAKEN. QUIC MY
24ight calls answered from residence, whereas we have it brought to the trated feed. I would like to empha- h,,,,. It,i, an exraordiirary fact THOROUGHLV CLMAMC W%V"MW
St. Catharines tandard.
Victoria Street, Seaforth. house in sterilized bottles from care- size this one thing, having your co s that in nearly all parts of the world
rfect condition before freshening ;�'here coal mining is- carried on,. the We -are -Outliving- the- unthinking, un -
fully supervised farms and tested in Pe -Two to three weeks before tariff is a toy. She would have it like
DIR? 1. A. 114UNN Cows. time. light of4heav�age minr is worse,
P discriminating adoration of the clas-
-to-Dr. R. R. But we in America still have inam, that time Practically all grain ih;uld than any other member of the com- sies which was one of the-characer-
munity who is not actually starving, istics of English feeling when I was
of Northwestern Univers- things to learn from the other sid�. be elimi ran and oil -
Graduate nated, feeding b Godi
aty, Chicago, III. Licentiate meal with plenty of alfalfa or clover ard yet* mining is -the basic industry, ung. 'Sir 11. Uadow.
Royal We must learn to watch the produe- yo
ig time she Without it nearly all ther industries
Colleg of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. tion costs more closely. Over there hay so that at freshertil
Office over Silts' Hardware, Main St., each animal gets more personal atten- bas no fever and you will find he would be forced to close down. Coal
Seaforth. - Phone 15L udder in nice shape. Be careful -and is an e%sentiali'andyet the, men en- Married men are -the best customers
tion, more care is taken with the feed of public libraries, it is reported. Blyt
commence feeding very gradually,. for gaged in producing i -i rarefy are able
Ing. Isn't it a libraries that the sign "Sil- Wali
ite a few days after the. birth of to earn a �ear in and XCN
I feel that I have gained a great qu decent wage, ,
encel, is so consicuously displayed?
DEL IF. J. 33CHI&LY udder d
deal from my early training, for I the calf. This will save You year out. Strikes are frequent an Torc
Graduate Royal College of Dental estion by so doing, awa Citizen.
The Herrin `Ott
have found it easy to adapt them to trouble and indig are desperately fought.
Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. American conditions. When our cow now feeding the test ration as given massacre iu. Illinois, the most shock -
Grocery, Main Street, Se�- Hollyhock Prebe Fabes, won the gran previously but only feeding amounts ing peace time outrage in modern
- rtio - te to the quantity of milk -to know
championship and :all American hon- propo na American -history, was provoked by The modeA nurse seems
dence, 186 J. 3055-tf It stands a miners, strike. Probably from both. her anesthetic.—Guedph Mercury.
ors at the National Dairy Show in produced about one to four
to reason that cow giving from 80� to wall
Detroit in 1926, and when Pabst Corn- a social and. an econ6mic point of view
Pounds of milk -a day lias to be the coal fields constitute the gravest
flower 11 won reserve all American 100
-nors at the 'Wisconain State Fair fed accordingly but you should always contemporarly problem. Aub
ho golf clul6s now re�-
Where gran
9MOMAS 3RO=q t, "A blotch upon American civiliza-
this year, well, I think that the value have in mind he health'and4trength
practical of your animal because you can easily tion" is what'Se-nator Gooding calls was a crock full of ginger
ne nd the
Licensed auctio er for the counti0o of this experience a ver -feeding yo ookles.----�Brandon Sun.
over -do by o ur cow and God4
of Hi[ron and Perth. Correspondence appliation of it was demonst the coal tow.=�' This they undoubted
�6zln be know that means acute indigestion, off feed ly are. They'are quite different from
=tangew ants - fdr- sale You may be interested to
made by calling The Eirposvitor Office, how this works out in practice, and any other towns in that they are In-
geaforth. I Charges modr actical variably owned 'byJ;he people who own "Cow -milk cake.11 it?
ate, and so I will tell you some of the pr W at' i It
catisf action guarantee& rules vre observe at the Pabst Farms the minesi They are a survival of is what we saw a Chinaman call but -
Oconomowoc, whi6re these animals feudalism at its wors, and we doubt ter. Not a bad name. Kingston
11LOPnD Bladder wea6uess
OSCAR were raised. if the report of the special committee Wbig-StandArd
Bomor, G=dnats C4ny JoneoO Xn- To make a good dairy cow- we -have,
will altqir them. Indeed one large pro- F1
Chi- found that the feeding of the new prietor, Mr. Baker of the Pittsburgh
Terminal C6iil Company, said that he phe�dif&Te
qeeldsl course taTkm in a born calf is very essential,. beginning nee betreem, a- -11bootleg-
Live , SUE' Eal Bustaft, with it as soon'a it is born. The had no ap6lo�y to offer for the can -
rot, gaO
berh 15-11palially set
way ger" and an 41tkpor
t�idirje gnd Vann 8210. ltatsa im usual is t6 take the calf away
Daily Annoyance, IToublesome Nights dition of the aines, and the
comit` by th amount'of capital invsted in
-he di
-avalliag =Tket� sat., -nty- Wrecking Lives -of Thousands tee says that his "Statement that e
from the mother fter about two
states 1writer 711ho Tells What did not 2AAe any -apology for t r-
dodiitd. WAft Or 7ATPo four hours and start feeding it from
ws that it To Do For Quich Reliefl. ditions
91'' Eugleb, Ott. vhoae� alpail. Now, everyone kno; ty, filthyj Verthbi infested C671
found in ht bn#k hotts,
�iq 28GE-59 i6 almost imi�ssible to get the milk the commi
perature Backaches, Headaches,. Ptins in es occupied,: by,the miners shocked ev�
to thit calf at the �gsm tem
and logs, Nervousness, ReGtless- ery memlitti Offhe.com�fiittee-"`, 21Z
and right temperature at all t4mes. feet
C*Ang to this fai2t I started a few ness,'frqueTit but sdarlty urination Baker's attitude, Is rditild8cent -to that
while in charge of Holly- with burning and pain,, getting -up- of the faraoug, Tailroad president, Baer
tic, a
years ago
bock Farms to use lintse cows, tsk� ilights--are some of the more trOu- Who at thi time, of thE great anthrA-
Ing the -calf from, itg mother about bleso-kne signt,of,gladdbt -Trouble that cite strike .-of t0entyvdd years
ago expregod,
-twenty-four hus after birth, leaving ghoul&'have prompt. attention bafOT :;the, opinion that the
t this length 6.1 M so that it gets they Teach a more serious stagel mine ownet6,-,bd, beeft ehoseliby"06d,
U the
dA fl,6m here, thft No matter how otabborit your. ease to own alld q&Ate, '*e mines, a%4
-to be or"how inay medi- that it wdy; i6tJ
it with tuoth�r cow for about may seem of I oti,
utih of, W two or three montha, the lengt Pines you. have tried %Athout, results that theft A601d, 330, 1 hr
Tho of the don't mvalm think yottr on is h44fts h otdied, toyho
or B7 so oing We found it elibl- .6J1s4qUi3'ft6s Of S& These coft&6fid, ild�r brought k
topt I e
bi ve olisted f
o cy inatA dili 1701 trouble and other dk� vatiding 7,efts until rod.. 11'4VJ� Olt
*06at Am travatoloilt 'of a, *Orld lotig 4�440:
ri e2z*d'eaused'bv the actois -from �uo- I a
0 In, pails whith V*i4 not -at All'tim 0 'did
'60'. 1 . ��07&t6 and, wt
&J, rAivd amthdr 14L�b T ime and.,
noot "box 'Outp,4406 ff ou"46 Coal Colk6bg. ' dft
vmiie great �dokl in Oil 91 up
611 T-91 1,
161hat it, divft bi g 4
6r etif n66 VW Alp. f
old e 1 60�W throp D. t Alt Ado ro 4$ ekwv eam�i-)Of to
iifflh d :# 46 il Iwo