HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-03-23, Page 4EN ff ITHE RURON� SKAI 9t Z54 OT A itON E_ XMI)SOITO it' 7- , YPW T� 4- 4li, 7 ,W "'T Z a frteu4s, of Urs, TbLo=* W her baby bw W, weleme. NOT,, on her ator alteem T Ge tw1alk weehsT�ie sat wmther A . ..... , np left the roads in bad wor the an -ogle, idep, of,pa Kaple syray making is the order of -lugs to h the day, but there are not niany who lae, bas, become it 4ay instmo Wag to sad.., The' ave the -maple b"h left. -Mrs. Joe ox great tlkar,�St. Wr Thornton is engaged with Mrs. Tho -o Courtesy to ba. UT1 to of Md, Be McMay to takQ care of her until she qeadq �c�e oregalms her normal strength. baar;4 to t4e R Wh low a L%MA tb= is well worth. OR motion of V of values. J�atj� of aa The 7 V704 *0 114�" 3Mr- ST. c0LUDVff,41\q it! valities 'have been e --don't rdiis' li.04_9r� - Rev. T, W. JoneS, wpq 94� eanmag-ain at tile call Of the Notes. -The ladies of the . T.. 1, R.42 tary- The membl6ro of, ma 'are well k to #tj arish Eall vr Thelk.,there is another matter are holding a social in the P n Ig pre�enW, on Easter Monday night, AprJI board for this Year jam; *re !$Olad nz, rhairmam- Wim. 2aeRay,. Sel; EW4 zmd ths very, act* 6 Afe- re, me, . r that Z4 � �T . . be hf,4 lived, es e Moonlight Serenaders, of Stratford, r- a is allowing dogs of al Er -me us -Tremsurer" Rev -2 Jones will furnish the m , and lunch will tar "000. okklss.,47114 descriptions, to run mcilzg how Ipany 40 publicbQ& at t Follick, A161 Alf. ClarhA They have be served. -10 and 35e JAUS and on the street& mom went Uti, a, Ray McArthur end XISS Greta Xe� Y Nen the means of Pea- St. Patrick�s Concert. -The Cntin- Qa Ing, 'Ice NauhtOn, librarian. he -bvA-' X�,nls Solid. Leat W, werl refusing to buy fruit which tratiou and Junior classes of School As P_ Ratepayer Sees tha Di 'And Section No -'3. St. Coluniban, present, ho wou missed, by P uleg" r Merchants actually send away ed a very interesting 1 6 M"been meddled with Roy same. _Dear Ali`$3.56,to Oadi Van St. Patriekvs In oi�derth-t the it �, epaers of Hemall inay, reallse rat the son, Y eer certain articles themselves, programme in the Parish Hall on forces lined up in Vensan Wesle Jennr, �Rt why not, the general pub- 0On Th D y, ,, Seaforth, sed , Z Is The Opening chorus at tbe, re- chell, vi een =14 wom F iday evening. submit a Th, day night ww con- Lodgef A �* T ,il guy TO a SKORS H62� Cent municipal elections, I ceA bad 11 �p urjc� qu of Irish �ariations by the gis was Oui town and country alike are a treat in itslf, sons, questions andr, The first play, "A COM people make hem, and the Ont rio Secondary years, And the the audience little girl sent omnents' lar' Gwen Geiger "as C'Med ',Federation, assisted body at the churdl &it Good Little Girl," took dby.storm. The good sall continuously j!or age Of by thO of Toron and w 1aa'Ithat Sesiforth as Henthe 'ax industry in the vl wards at Hensel] had 40.0 Tude jolts quite recently is to Union C to two maiden aunts, turned out to be manY Ysers- for the 0,1 y Worshipful Brother of selecting the pe -r- WM4, BTika, tiot, going to help matters, a bad little boy, who played, an Ort3 In fact the 1928 season will make his son who represent District No. in -the lbeeUful and touching servi�e, that indus 1, ad a car I would be at ecutive Year in 4, inclual, "Ah and the immediate of that fine order, The floal tributes of tricles on them, but who justly re- 40th cons 0 sic 't t e a hike to some otler try in Hansall. During this Period he .9 4PO14 too. has distributed large sums of money -9�0anties at the Province were most belautiful and numerous, falls in. the last act. kno the well known The Doll Drill of to take place at To- more thau've have space to partje�_ Ou ad- ron ec "The just seem _& tifyi to 0 eap was very graceful and musical. The with the working men (if 11�ensalt, the to -,',XUy. tratford Col- ularize upon, tes ng th r t 8e to suffer, business men of Hensall and the �'A ,, , unjust." new catchy "Tin Pan Parade', was gym U AV& the legiatO contestant in the event felt for the deceased and , pathy JD ROP1Mg You will place this in dramatized in t* form of a drill. fal7mlers throughout the district and as Farquharson is re- for'bis family, We venture, to say Those present decided that nothing county v large, which sum of money print at an early date. cognized of the W.0,S.SA. that there -was -no family in our vil- could 'have been added to this delight- runs into the 'hundreds of thousands. OLD SUBSCRIBER. Senior GliW,` atory, for entry into lage ore attached to each other and ful drill. fancy that the kiddi,, His is the only flax manaf-acturin 9 the Proinrl,04",finals, without further of sollis- and daughters -who visited Th. abcAne is the letter referred to were more 'keen about the dramatiz- Plant in Canada or the American Con- C014Pstitibli',,�iOnari is divided into their'parents so !frequently. and were Owen Geiger and hiraily.---Rev. Mr. of:whie church tingnt to ru gave 'formr. itorial, columns of The I,%- tiously in s o d to th , instameing.!h6 Sinclair of the 'United g1hurch )r n contin in the edi ing "Off they march to the cookies face of .1.1 the 14 oratorie,% *jtrict . The winner of 8 kin em vv love and plums" in preference to "They industry and the recent the ups and downs of the each ltrl�t he win- begets love, and great hrugh -,his last setles. of Special,Aermarts; on uumbw'of last week. Since then the n L�Osl or , jogether with t exathple i 'Cris t, r9 Of AOTT,VOS.S.A. ompete at this age of what home life and ening last,, the' subjeet f s6o who, *in 'ei;kchi pound on the paw with table spons." me the Sunday ev .9 pa ro nd ter has been good enough to diz- The second play, "Agnees, the Run_ Out OritariD Mr. Geiger has run in the provrrnctjj� j O all thirteen elections, singl n-als to decide the relationship between parents and which was "UTWS Biggest 'closehis identity, and -we publish the away" and the third play, "'Help- e handedly Young young lady who -will falhilY should be. We might, per, and Which he regarded 4w *4�best and imith� Rev... Mr. meeting the diffelrent candidates represent Province, in the Domin. h�ps, be privileged to mention that' most impdrtant, of his libjects. A Dougiffl mratorod, to, r 1itter as received, but not because we Susan," were apPreciated eq ally as brought forward. He ha. . s been su_ ion of 046&,'contest. Then Can very large Centre ti e Weve the argument, or even the. well as the first. The last number ada's arrong the telegramis of condolence ga 'PA -w" present part of4hjo 'h his cessful as Reeve of Hensall in all 9 before the cReing chorus, "Good Night champion;- #W 8 and enjoyed the much. X 'Fran ean; fr6x6,, tb,6. 00 points are well taken. years, and fi uccessor of Frederick amd floral tributes received and much pati�nt -T. A Ladis," was the minstrel. This was ve Years straight with- H te Therewswalsoa fine service--. f otson;'o Stock, last year's vie- apprecia was a message of con- 0 hospital th� Take the matter of lack of court y a e of m r cut a break. X, t+5 tor_willi A �T'a two months, touring dGlence from Rev. Canonody, Of To- Pvai y he. larg -h e,"� .4,44: sourc 8 riment, from begin- any Money gram se h it and fou owniplained of. The 'writer has been ning to end. came to our village by his wp� If one were t pick out effort and seholarship,,Wurope, go to Wa M* ronto, i Miss F1,6ra, who is a me.m­ Sanniel Rannie rendered a$L' -&tT4 ng- very pleas. are Pleasell'to-tePort t in which the ratepayers driv the ton and, out of the stores of Seaforth, the best players one could but say be ef s e his re urned n It. t6�� peak against the cham-''ber of the phurch organizaii-ons, of ing slo.-Mr. T. C...J10Ynt Id ni I - He endeavored to. hav the t that all excelled themselves every n Of the." er countries of the Rev. Cann Cody's- church. The pull sPring .�6poning on Thursa Frid'' A. Smitk most. daily, for a gd many years. village ran along Ayj lay recently from SwherW sbe, respect. Everyone went home feel- ecOn0mucal fries world. once in those years has he ever The��&ld pin, ff,red by the 'bearers 'were all intimiate- and wrm, and Saturday.of last week, pyhad een ing that they had spent a jolly, yet without sacrificing legitimate Pro- Toronto 'ends of the deceased, be- Ing visiting district honors, goes Personal fn by,far he lagest and It discourtesy at the hands of gress lelt c0l� of our merchants, have been bu worthwhile three hours� -of pleasure. t knowing that new industries to Miss Bftil4ren as a result of her ing Mr. Thomas Welsh, Mr. Alfred lection, of laffies., wear, more espec very . jM' ial- of late taking stock._-_�Rer r,- anerchant or from a -merchant's clerks, will not be established in a place, re- victory FrQa lY in the coat y evening. As well as Taylor, Mr. G. C. Petty, Mr. Thomas and dress line., - Aijun_ f C nor has he ever seen discourtesy HENSALL gardless _ armel Presbyten:, of 'what they may have to this personal'* ward, the Star Cup word Grace." Following is the -very usually large number of the fair sex is giving. 'a Farmere -We iiL - lrerSr intere6ti course .,:ShOwn to any other customer. ([)nthe Mr. Levi Bands. Thus one by one were present Attention. have a car of Offer, if the tax r2te is higher than a handsome. Itrophy, will go to her 'the openings:.-Mtse good old Crop American corn on the way. if other places, offering in. the main school HemBAll for the ensuing year. our citizens are passing and . -Of sermons - bn the "Piodikal So%M�_ - "it away but Helen Uefferan iss None NTs. 1). L.. Anderson, of 'Chicago i other hand, we have many times seen You are 'eqUiring a -Y, get in tob with us. similar advantages, but low tax rate. Mr. L cherish6d Hughes, of Geo. T. Mickle a Sons, Hensan. OnL OcheAd,iand the winner of third their -rueniory will long be what might he termed discourtesy That only -with the first coming of Seafbrthl visited -at the vlffitil)g'st �thO �'home 4 Mr. and 31M Se. the Dempey-Tuny $1.600,000 WDrid-8 place, res of Mr. L. Refferan and :tam!IY George Dick and tflarmil are recognized by those nea t and dearest to them home hown to country customers by clerks championship Heavyweight Bout in Motion new industry and necessary growth, bysll vr a-:ti&1bronze medals, also pro- Briefs.-M�rs. Norman cook, ae� on Sunday last-UTs. Bomthron,%Pelt fieing- a daughter f'Hvs, Pictures at the PRINCiSS, scafrth. spring can follow excess development and Andrson 1�a city stores. And the mason is not vided -by Toronto newspaper. conirpanied by Ars. C. ook, intored the week end with relatives. and Mrs. Toang, of Rochester, N.Y.j,- Fair Day, Afternoon and Eveni;yb_-. then more industries. Mr. Geiger is Each of gave a to lloiidon on Sunday spending the friends in, Clinton. -Mrs. Coleman was ending a sh OA time with her cous- *e y far to seek. The towir merchant, ied In Ed"_ntor--Phe relatives one of the largesf t NP wealth of information about the sub- day there with, Mr. Norman Cook, a guest over the Week end with her ins., Mr. nd Mrs. J. Leeper.-TaBs t e : six speakers tto learn of the village and a large taxpayer in the ject and piiieilcally all followed the who is theretakig treatments in the mother, Mrs. Consiiitt;'Tand sisiter Miss Doris Bolto whether by inclination or not, has to and friends will regre i aYers in our SP be -courteous to his customers, because death of Thomas Bell, son of the late distri �� and County at large. Besides same metiod.' accompanied by- Miss -ald of handling the topic interests of hishealth, finding him Annie-The:S4,erarrientof the i�rdls Etta Bell, of London, spent the we& be meets, them ere Wr -am Bell, of -the London Road, and all this, he has Paid tens of thousands Pointing outthel vast n tural resoure SU ry day or every brther of James A. Bell, now on Of dollars in renthrlighut thS.dis much improved and looking better pper W_"111 be �observecl in the United end:ivi(th their.parents.'and Other reT- week,he knows them personally, and the homestead, and a brother of M±s. trict and villaie. He has lave, es Of thOP nion, lut yet laying since he left for London a week age. Church on Easte'r Sunday and during atives-Mr,, ..and Mrs; iid Me e, La Die 'has tO give both value and court- Alfred Taylor of our village, whose ted his stress upon. .,the need of a greater His relatives and many friends wish the preceding, week kno . V�n as Passion spent the week end and, first part of uDds in the -village and county. xr� p,,,ul, tioli,_4�cl':upon the necessity of for his comfinued improv 14 esy-his living depends on. it. death: occurred in Edinonton, Alta., on deiger's services at County Coun I emnt.- rs. Week th p"i vdll'coiwduQt 6pecial the week�_wlth rh�ilves and'frienfis eople with a high intg- Alice Cudmare spent a few days last �ne ci nmg a at eltings each evening of the: week -in London, KiV hener and Fergus, y store it is different. The Saturday Of last week. We believe were appreciated as shown , Y his be- rrietty. Mr 1;�d, of Kitchener, pic- week with relatives and fri s in with the excip-bion -of - Saturday, M r s. clerk as possibly never seen the cus- the remains axe being brought home in,g honored with the Wardenship. tured the end A. McXuitrie is sp�emdimg'a few for burial and -will reach here the lat- His counsel there was always resp as "one vast trea- Lonflon-A. comedy drama entitled, Mrs. P. Venner�, -'of 0hiselhurst, -who' dqys -with'hoi reigti es 'fr�; tomer before, -way possibly never see g v and de it ber part of this week and ect- Ure-chest Of batural resources," while "Granberry Corners," will- be pres- has not been- enjoying (the. very- best Kfppen.-��Miss` Flean6r'Fisher wha Wi -will be in- ed, knowing his divergent interests the Mitchell �ikak I ,b M again. . The goods are marked terred in'the family plot in Ffensall throughout tie county, h,k knowledge Canada. to er fittingly likened ented by the St. Andrew -1p United of. health for a -number of weeks, was gue'st for the firA part -of t14�, week J:eCeiver. "Every- Church their of Bayfield, in'ilre Tewn taken to� 01spital on with Mj� ' 4 -s. Walter Noffat�and �4_ a certain price, he will not haggle UninGernetery. Further Particulars of pioneer development, and his var- or bargain. It is a case of take it or will be given in a future issue, thing," h,�� declared, "is inside. It is Hall, Hensall, on Friday, March 23rd, Tuesday afteflioon, where she wiff I- ittle dag_ er, of Brucefield.' Mr. salts from it. We are -operating the Mission Circle of the Hensall United of her health. H�r numerous elatives Visit, spent'* a day recently with heyx ing of the council -was held recently Robert ffiggins has been in our vil- dials.", In the ora Council Meting. -A special meet- ing to big business and farming. leave it. The custorner knows this led Personal experiences from ditch- our.d.uty.-to get the best possible re. uaer- he auspices, ofth, MollAid underg6-treatrnents in tfie interests AlexandeitRoss, w*ho is her Says Yes or no. If the value suits Is of last night, the Church. Cast of characters: Tom and Meirds trust that the treatnie nts relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Jarrett,. to receive and diseuss the auditors' lage fifteem. years or better. What vwt difference bletween oratory and Dexter, a gntlman young faraner, and rest will be berieficial to her of Hlllsgree�m.'_Dr. A. RACamphell. e is N h Says Yes, if not, no. Let the report for the year 19217. Mr. RaY has -he een doing in business or for public -speaking. was em-pbasized. The (Don McKenzie); �Sjdney -Everett, a health. Her 'husband. accompanied making changes in his stable propertv same customer treat the town merch- McArthur presented the report. Af- business?, an anyone say he has public speaker, in -an engaging man- hardened man of t , world (H Id h r to London also Mrs. G. Dalrymple. and at the rear of his dwelling lot. - Out mi a like manner, with the same ter comiderable discussion the report ever had a single man on a regular ner­m�ie]Y states facts, figures and Scotchmer); Ben Tathan, a wanderer who will remain with her for a few I We regret that Mrs. merner has not: are dered to b� printd and the* auditaks Elliggins 'has talked of, new ind, amount of car-bi and store keeping in was adopted and 200 copies were or- Paysheet during all these years? Mr. dedacdons. -But the 'orato,,'the -true (A. E. Irwin); Andrew Dexter, Tom'% days� rs. Edward Sheffer received for the past week or so been eiijoyl the town of Seaforth and Other t owns in the county would be a very diffr- ecade p word that her daughter, Minnie, now her -usual health. but trust -that she pajid- The school board showed a sr- for a d tries Orator, is he who casts a spell upon father (James terling); Aezekiah but has never accom _ his _audience, he who contributes an Hopkins, a neighbor (Murray Grain- Mr. G. Reid, of St. George, had with 'will %oon be in the enjoyment, of. hdr, t Plus Of $1,400; Public Utilities Com- lh%he anything, Does e mean to inspiration. Mis6- 197ma Hopkinson, g4r); Nathan Speck, exter's hired her husband- and family, -moved 311, Proposition from what it is to- misAon, a surplus of $9,o0o; Pablie imply that during all that time he the Tavistok speaker, holding the -an (Brown SteWallt); . Carlotta Ban- Port Rowen, Dr. Reeid having exchang- that Mr. William Fairbairn has rent - day. to accustomed' good health -We believ� Library Board, $221, and the gener�d never had Opportunity to do his duty rapt ttention of--her-audience, ac- nistr, a child of fate (Gladys Gale); ed practices with a, doctor from thELt ed �M. W.m. Simmon' s farm on the Again "Old ubscribler says- our current atcOun't Of the town, about to the citizens Of Hensall, or that his cmlished this rather more than Mrs. A. Bannister, Carlotta's aunt, a town. -Mrs. T. 'C. Jyn has return town and- country alike are what peo- A8 the T`owmShiP of Hay is talk was Only so much hot air? Can a 'of the other eo Boundary and intends i the m fa - $51.00. my nts. n ear -make them." Noo truer words a The haughty woman of the world, (Heler to her home after an extended trip ture mAng theze..�_Mr. Earl B&- 14, ple holding a special meeting on Wednes- Mr. Higgins, as an example Of his fact, however, that on two occasions, Crerrie); Amelia Dexter, Andrew's sis- day to discuss fire Protection fo� the business ability, say that he has held h Ewen, who has been here,on, a visit Wem. ever spoken. Vftere are the of a number of weeks to Toronto and To -ship ef Hav ad to be prompted,- put her e -a- ter (Mrs. B. Stewart)- Mrs. Muslf Detroit. - Councillor Cameron his own froin his first start on his - n tovns and the thriving vil- timly out of Mrs Russel Laugmaid and for the past few w intends leaw- the ram�ming. -Mr. Loc- something of,a UlkW(Huri e Gran r is home in bridge, Alta ]ages of our fathers? aTI& Fire Ch"ef Bates were appnted 'own? The- -People- who knew It- little daughter, of'. !Streetsvt are ing fo­ himf -head, -Of Kitchemer�___S�oke_lm e Pres- ger); Bella Ann, Dexter's hired girl, -spending a number of weeks wit aet, rs. rgAr ; I s CT, What is� the a cominfittee to attend the meeting, then know the ans h Mrs. the end of thisi k and resunrin,� blight that has been put up NOW look sirelY, but for the fact that he weak- very (Do-ru on them 9 and see What -arrangements can Ile What Mr. 11ten, has contributed to e4ed it by cosistelitly using are Florine, Mr' _ !�k , S&Ilc i6kr, �Langviaidl m6ther, OtI6ds -one th,--staff-�-af-the- Is- it 'not the outcome of the country made for the Hensall Fire Depart- the to -Im '!Offers. just think that in b, mannerisms. B. Bannister's maid (Ethel Key -The Mission Ban of nk thr Meat to 'take over a portion of Hay in the TU, winner, Miss Stirling). the Unit- Royal Ba Miss Lilly Mc - round about using them as conven- Township f r f villageys total busi _t a fiery peak- ynoPsis:' Act I -Yard at ed Church met, On Sunday afternoon Ewen, accompanied.. , r cousin EaA 0 ire protecu Tress tax MacLaren, althollgh'160 s Ferndale Farm, Cranbe on rry Corners, and held a most enj ' le meeting McEwen, as far as. routb, and is oyab _Purposes. assessment of $too in 1927, his tax,, er,_ delivered her well -pre -pared ma- an afternoon in, July, The Telegram; with a good -attendance. After. the spending a a relati, 16mces, while kt the same time they The Council then adjourned to nreet for that Year were three dollars and terial in a conei'se and impressive Act 11 ---LS _Ves expend their money elsewhere. again the first Monday night in forty Or fifty cents. That is the ex- manner. The speaker fr ame as Act I, about a.weeL- devotional part of the meeting 'Was, there and with- r-siste Ora Forest, later, The StrangeT. Act 111 -Rei- over the following n S. e e iv :,Distaftt fields look green, -but they April. tent of his interestin the village, for Mr. Marsh, posseSg6 umber w r g , at Kitchener, n her rk local shoe makers of former days. . ful birthday 01 -but he did City, three monthi later,4n the H�ands� pgtteroii. trio, Gladys of th . . & a voice which dence of Mrs. Bantister, New Yo en and much enjoyed: *.Reading, Rae John Robertson, 0 as .9re not always so. Where are the Bkthdav Party. -The W. M- S- Of not One foot of land does he own in� offered reat potl Wes, the United Church, held a very sue- Hensall. Had it not been for the not fully utilize Pasrore, boeii,hore Visiting is, ,4 "1-- Act IV-Baek at the Farm, Florence McDonald and Lula Linden. Charles Jinks, of our vi the local tailors, the local niachin nins Party -on Friday eve- combined 'forces Of 'the clique (abqut ing attitud #ng a debkl- of Fate; n als the 18th, with a very lar e it- 16 in nl�mber� headed hff mess-ra, Domin e, Provimg-f:#cts about the two weeks, latei�, The Silver 'Uning. field- stud, Yj�rs. McDonald- so g 9 rath 109, in 10romarty __4St. Ptril%., Shops, the local blacksmith shops an,i teudance, with the Pet ion rt offeTing inspira- -Solos RA4T hestra Kati6yn Dusdaleind President, Mrs. consitt, ty There WiH be ore WASmY other local enterprises? Priest A. Smith and tion. Miss Ma Mary Hemp, at tivie. 6-r writing, have the fbIlovving sented num7mrs betwe�n regula ill- n I It r4s. pre They eDG7171011, presiding. The basement Moore, and a hunch'of d Hym1 43 was sung, atter which engagemetts.,to -prejemt 'have largely gone, and gone because was very charmingly decorated isgrillitld wth the gold Ftredericy Hot.: meeting of the Youths"Club, was held the meeting Closed with prayer�._T)ie the people of the country, t -for firemen, Mr- Higgin's would have been s*14 Gana[da's ijj�41eki � rator of On X0'm&Y leve�ng; Mrch 19th, Qrd A.Y.P. Mumirny� and the he people �be Occasion, Presenting a very pleas- 'Snowed brlder- One has only to look Tk7, A. of the AnglicAn Church mek ii Rkmsall, - A :afta I at presm , 0 s udent of e, April Istl the Rema Hudson', presia- on Monday everllng:.for their, giml -M,ngb�a willages, and of the towns, with Word Co 19th. 6 ing appearance. After the singing of at the names of the clique mentioned Stm t t a hymn and opening prayer by - Rev. above reali7 llegiit 'a e why they Wo I notifute. S. ing. A*eT singing -a number of ting with d good attOndance. The being presented in Hensalltth��_ ter.T% Uereasing transportation U Faller, vice-princilmd ofthe CO 'Stef h"%, t44' Scripture lesson was road meeting opened with Z hymn followed S; of -In facilities Bir, Sinclair, the following pro 'me POSe Mr- Geiger. is it true that these Presented the :lnedal: que t ' - Y -who were' unable ft gram at Ov, ught that they saw bet- vms given: Reading, -Migs Gladys -firemen are sre at MyA6J&ifth, falldw#d b Y the �1)7 TraYeT; oriptuft, niinutea and roll see ip the first tirrieMrs. D. B, Me - pr, dd, tho Ilk end lrger bargains farther afield. Luker; voc u W Mr. Geiger be- Lochead, Mr. 3"roh., received the mintes of tli� Miss Heleii call 1.4 _1fteived a] d et, r. a d Mrs. H. cause he sawfito secretary The topic for v Yang wah 'Worked out that -way? Are Call being red by & History of 0anadian Grairl", ar� tives, -in St. Thorns' Of the d"th the it Pfile; instrumental, Mi�'s Irene Doug- they keep liquor Pass' on a tip that btotze medal from; 0 Erb, of_-Xit. JOhnston� voll ge ing better and Cheaper shoes 6 VOTse from! the Bible containirg the ranged by.Mrs. Robirm t pgi . r . t e . tj 1 -368S Met& hall .,and respect the law, slid' the and- Chairman of -�4ti',&vewmg. On,' and Proved* firs' Xr las;.,voc2l and acting duet away from the Are- chener, president, bistrl�"O. 4, ryn. DrYdele and, building which is the property of Dr. E. WOrg 4�Grace.T% . Following i the very very delightful And interestini. the local h`-e-keT used to son; violin Selection, So§t H.,,"kidt, chairm _ A ­p h, ac- the ratepayeft? papers dealing *lth all at", 'the vocational interesting programmo,and much en- mairrbei, of er.�%n o 'AcA Are we getting better and companied 'by Iffm Avis 11 it true that Stor- committee of the Straidbrd Board of joy�M: Trio, Misses 11*je Data3�as d Md, Dir A Whe4t, MA" Vrace Store;. oats, Mrs, M�J��fbt 466impa oa-lyr to make? Is our machinery or 9 very interesting a&dress. on St. true that on election y 0 th d i I 0'feceived it for "Wa's Rbifison- barley, Mrs, itaW - l clothing than'the local tailor On the piano- Re'. Mr. Sinclair gave water to defeat Mr. Geiser? Is it' to IMM Ffacl,arenj '' b ' * ' topic, miUtted 01"Ofir L -inderfield ies Qf untruths and lies flowed like Education, Presehtia.the district Cup lreneIaoggarth Mabel Workman; th�' Were qstohPatrick, dr. he ifensal GO el be made which was, listened to,witj qulification of qroter.s, givei y A&T. ralkqr" oohing se that ased to MRA# Son. buckTW-eat, !4-rme,,'Po'tp_ ryd, aflldst -to, a rit-, oet this -week 90A, much pleasure. Pollowing this n VJ,_ Ti Aimps6n, aft Death 0( Rolai, a re. Is Your ntme eheaper or better than it -ug- ber I or *h1&-th um- 'On the deed Of land" -w Eldred in 01womitle. Srnitb. The =00 MiZed, quartdde was given COT em by Him,"? Cat the dpath of on -6 pioneer and be h6lxl on HafAch Of Mrs. Sintlair Mrsi. Hedden, Mr. Higgins be the white ngel h4 mu6h ris W M -c -and r, -An 071's case. A -ad. in the past Mr. W. 0. Goodvoi, ;;�d Mr. J. Pass- viat painited, during the pected The OF _1V ic X,6r,:thp,,. evening, 6ipgtti briiig -bk�i vrWh,­1i!*- It pern me Sim 1017e- Thf!0 WAS, foll6vved brolos by, he onlY a, tool of the abve othp- roll nar[l%e'r -of it ba in the luture. election 'or is dents, in he late will b-4, 110tw, aict ear it. at-, d, Cu&ftore, aA Y -at' Coln to Of the'U41t6d Chureholiag h6m*, here, c6ij ft* Smuel ReAvIle and readin9r; by is �&tfe to Bar that all Belf_rpp _rnooii riOWng A09M *Atli Wft '697 f6l� lersdry ot reol o'est, M, to y thV tAMMS f0111M, and f they do, this very delightful' Programme, The tect the Rensall 'me to VZO- wt. 121 his 6Rh Mtn<�T villa&e bAS already Be Dlisa Xsttie. Rills 19bieh Concluded citize-fts. 'Mn th citie Prigidert thanked those that had tk. at the next election Will ray a-rourh 01th for the 9119- 'J, W, gkil!lftr t"tr in Strathkoy! VAII 112PPtW? e g 'fair namwofthe Slimink, .110-1 VAth bargis, _t mcminee 09ft -0 di on or en P&A aii that had helped in jnV Mr. Geiger or some athe go Around U..... OhriAmat' dar or *11en is '11 aging and his force 91,90 On the viuipll�t 60t the way td 1621W the evening success. and givo, Mr. Hl t6 & B,= to Come tg tliew anywaj, At the close of the program, -me a very the 9ste. Thanking you for 'youJ4 ��g of Years. ugly I I- OUVII39 At "Past -9, lurxh, W& served. . Tho vaiva6le SPato in'the Ieresto of he Stiffdred very' Intieli', for, :&W V4416 _4 ft.ow daint e��te and fOP th�6� gakt iht4e months' bee- i4o seii,6 n''by Coulee War ooAllage. RATZPA M. r 9ftAter Pa rt Of,* diie prbv#d ajiA,ao Aoi6t with the. Opt to nearly $5 The aceoniPtnisto, for w4n District VMS' barn in' spring. wtatho e& to 1W. Ybr of 421, mlepnor P"Sher and, Moo Of Canad a, Ond 'he ar, 4t V el 71 n 6ma P if 9. 14_6t gin:r eau wLarev of jhe mW01;' 46f ObliT a Year 'for We . .... . t ablie UbMT7-�-The, Arst the Ora #g of the p ford distifet, h e t4 &�05 wd b6ata tt th4, In'. tho 0ii er Qldtt midl ftmhws .07"et with ;M Th is, of kit to c4n A, shtlir of OfAt& W11 V�6 invito t - -.4. ,- -, 4 $-&A '�Ar.JA � A ,, �.k - . 11. 1 . 1, , _06 wit 7a, Sk,o � 0 , at oild . Vr 2 6 DVA. Q04 ft a W, Ww�'N, '§f `4 2,,4,,,W 4,16 M n� _`v uti6o Car za"Sot�o 1�. 9`1 w -"V*qi1AhV Ra "AIi, so� bill di a him Orb '7 of.,, 'Awv F., Wag 0"Aso.- da""'his 1", ter. ;h Ou VA V'� N 0 ii.�4biiR` id �Aao--_ W,R 6u a y 2 "' 40a, XV lo" *41 vow .96 �iai sg, df `t%m #P4044ft, tit 1&&�, !lit 4b, t; W.49 MOP ��g n7ii T;!, .0, V io WARCH 23,,,192 0 Z a frteu4s, of Urs, TbLo=* W her baby bw W, weleme. NOT,, on her ator alteem T Ge tw1alk weehsT�ie sat wmther A . ..... , np left the roads in bad wor the an -ogle, idep, of,pa Kaple syray making is the order of -lugs to h the day, but there are not niany who lae, bas, become it 4ay instmo Wag to sad.., The' ave the -maple b"h left. -Mrs. Joe ox great tlkar,�St. Wr Thornton is engaged with Mrs. Tho -o Courtesy to ba. UT1 to of Md, Be McMay to takQ care of her until she qeadq �c�e oregalms her normal strength. baar;4 to t4e R Wh low a L%MA tb= is well worth. OR motion of V of values. J�atj� of aa The 7 V704 *0 114�" 3Mr- ST. c0LUDVff,41\q it! valities 'have been e --don't rdiis' li.04_9r� - Rev. T, W. JoneS, wpq 94� eanmag-ain at tile call Of the Notes. -The ladies of the . T.. 1, R.42 tary- The membl6ro of, ma 'are well k to #tj arish Eall vr Thelk.,there is another matter are holding a social in the P n Ig pre�enW, on Easter Monday night, AprJI board for this Year jam; *re !$Olad nz, rhairmam- Wim. 2aeRay,. Sel; EW4 zmd ths very, act* 6 Afe- re, me, . r that Z4 � �T . . be hf,4 lived, es e Moonlight Serenaders, of Stratford, r- a is allowing dogs of al Er -me us -Tremsurer" Rev -2 Jones will furnish the m , and lunch will tar "000. okklss.,47114 descriptions, to run mcilzg how Ipany 40 publicbQ& at t Follick, A161 Alf. ClarhA They have be served. -10 and 35e JAUS and on the street& mom went Uti, a, Ray McArthur end XISS Greta Xe� Y Nen the means of Pea- St. Patrick�s Concert. -The Cntin- Qa Ing, 'Ice NauhtOn, librarian. he -bvA-' X�,nls Solid. Leat W, werl refusing to buy fruit which tratiou and Junior classes of School As P_ Ratepayer Sees tha Di 'And Section No -'3. St. Coluniban, present, ho wou missed, by P uleg" r Merchants actually send away ed a very interesting 1 6 M"been meddled with Roy same. _Dear Ali`$3.56,to Oadi Van St. Patriekvs In oi�derth-t the it �, epaers of Hemall inay, reallse rat the son, Y eer certain articles themselves, programme in the Parish Hall on forces lined up in Vensan Wesle Jennr, �Rt why not, the general pub- 0On Th D y, ,, Seaforth, sed , Z Is The Opening chorus at tbe, re- chell, vi een =14 wom F iday evening. submit a Th, day night ww con- Lodgef A �* T ,il guy TO a SKORS H62� Cent municipal elections, I ceA bad 11 �p urjc� qu of Irish �ariations by the gis was Oui town and country alike are a treat in itslf, sons, questions andr, The first play, "A COM people make hem, and the Ont rio Secondary years, And the the audience little girl sent omnents' lar' Gwen Geiger "as C'Med ',Federation, assisted body at the churdl &it Good Little Girl," took dby.storm. The good sall continuously j!or age Of by thO of Toron and w 1aa'Ithat Sesiforth as Henthe 'ax industry in the vl wards at Hensel] had 40.0 Tude jolts quite recently is to Union C to two maiden aunts, turned out to be manY Ysers- for the 0,1 y Worshipful Brother of selecting the pe -r- WM4, BTika, tiot, going to help matters, a bad little boy, who played, an Ort3 In fact the 1928 season will make his son who represent District No. in -the lbeeUful and touching servi�e, that indus 1, ad a car I would be at ecutive Year in 4, inclual, "Ah and the immediate of that fine order, The floal tributes of tricles on them, but who justly re- 40th cons 0 sic 't t e a hike to some otler try in Hansall. During this Period he .9 4PO14 too. has distributed large sums of money -9�0anties at the Province were most belautiful and numerous, falls in. the last act. kno the well known The Doll Drill of to take place at To- more thau've have space to partje�_ Ou ad- ron ec "The just seem _& tifyi to 0 eap was very graceful and musical. The with the working men (if 11�ensalt, the to -,',XUy. tratford Col- ularize upon, tes ng th r t 8e to suffer, business men of Hensall and the �'A ,, , unjust." new catchy "Tin Pan Parade', was gym U AV& the legiatO contestant in the event felt for the deceased and , pathy JD ROP1Mg You will place this in dramatized in t* form of a drill. fal7mlers throughout the district and as Farquharson is re- for'bis family, We venture, to say Those present decided that nothing county v large, which sum of money print at an early date. cognized of the W.0,S.SA. that there -was -no family in our vil- could 'have been added to this delight- runs into the 'hundreds of thousands. OLD SUBSCRIBER. Senior GliW,` atory, for entry into lage ore attached to each other and ful drill. fancy that the kiddi,, His is the only flax manaf-acturin 9 the Proinrl,04",finals, without further of sollis- and daughters -who visited Th. abcAne is the letter referred to were more 'keen about the dramatiz- Plant in Canada or the American Con- C014Pstitibli',,�iOnari is divided into their'parents so !frequently. and were Owen Geiger and hiraily.---Rev. Mr. of:whie church tingnt to ru gave 'formr. itorial, columns of The I,%- tiously in s o d to th , instameing.!h6 Sinclair of the 'United g1hurch )r n contin in the edi ing "Off they march to the cookies face of .1.1 the 14 oratorie,% *jtrict . The winner of 8 kin em vv love and plums" in preference to "They industry and the recent the ups and downs of the each ltrl�t he win- begets love, and great hrugh -,his last setles. of Special,Aermarts; on uumbw'of last week. Since then the n L�Osl or , jogether with t exathple i 'Cris t, r9 Of AOTT,VOS.S.A. ompete at this age of what home life and ening last,, the' subjeet f s6o who, *in 'ei;kchi pound on the paw with table spons." me the Sunday ev .9 pa ro nd ter has been good enough to diz- The second play, "Agnees, the Run_ Out OritariD Mr. Geiger has run in the provrrnctjj� j O all thirteen elections, singl n-als to decide the relationship between parents and which was "UTWS Biggest 'closehis identity, and -we publish the away" and the third play, "'Help- e handedly Young young lady who -will falhilY should be. We might, per, and Which he regarded 4w *4�best and imith� Rev... Mr. meeting the diffelrent candidates represent Province, in the Domin. h�ps, be privileged to mention that' most impdrtant, of his libjects. A Dougiffl mratorod, to, r 1itter as received, but not because we Susan," were apPreciated eq ally as brought forward. He ha. . s been su_ ion of 046&,'contest. Then Can very large Centre ti e Weve the argument, or even the. well as the first. The last number ada's arrong the telegramis of condolence ga 'PA -w" present part of4hjo 'h his cessful as Reeve of Hensall in all 9 before the cReing chorus, "Good Night champion;- #W 8 and enjoyed the much. X 'Fran ean; fr6x6,, tb,6. 00 points are well taken. years, and fi uccessor of Frederick amd floral tributes received and much pati�nt -T. A Ladis," was the minstrel. This was ve Years straight with- H te Therewswalsoa fine service--. f otson;'o Stock, last year's vie- apprecia was a message of con- 0 hospital th� Take the matter of lack of court y a e of m r cut a break. X, t+5 tor_willi A �T'a two months, touring dGlence from Rev. Canonody, Of To- Pvai y he. larg -h e,"� .4,44: sourc 8 riment, from begin- any Money gram se h it and fou owniplained of. The 'writer has been ning to end. came to our village by his wp� If one were t pick out effort and seholarship,,Wurope, go to Wa M* ronto, i Miss F1,6ra, who is a me.m­ Sanniel Rannie rendered a$L' -&tT4 ng- very pleas. are Pleasell'to-tePort t in which the ratepayers driv the ton and, out of the stores of Seaforth, the best players one could but say be ef s e his re urned n It. t6�� peak against the cham-''ber of the phurch organizaii-ons, of ing slo.-Mr. T. C...J10Ynt Id ni I - He endeavored to. hav the t that all excelled themselves every n Of the." er countries of the Rev. Cann Cody's- church. The pull sPring .�6poning on Thursa Frid'' A. Smitk most. daily, for a gd many years. village ran along Ayj lay recently from SwherW sbe, respect. Everyone went home feel- ecOn0mucal fries world. once in those years has he ever The��&ld pin, ff,red by the 'bearers 'were all intimiate- and wrm, and Saturday.of last week, pyhad een ing that they had spent a jolly, yet without sacrificing legitimate Pro- Toronto 'ends of the deceased, be- Ing visiting district honors, goes Personal fn by,far he lagest and It discourtesy at the hands of gress lelt c0l� of our merchants, have been bu worthwhile three hours� -of pleasure. t knowing that new industries to Miss Bftil4ren as a result of her ing Mr. Thomas Welsh, Mr. Alfred lection, of laffies., wear, more espec very . jM' ial- of late taking stock._-_�Rer r,- anerchant or from a -merchant's clerks, will not be established in a place, re- victory FrQa lY in the coat y evening. As well as Taylor, Mr. G. C. Petty, Mr. Thomas and dress line., - Aijun_ f C nor has he ever seen discourtesy HENSALL gardless _ armel Presbyten:, of 'what they may have to this personal'* ward, the Star Cup word Grace." Following is the -very usually large number of the fair sex is giving. 'a Farmere -We iiL - lrerSr intere6ti course .,:ShOwn to any other customer. ([)nthe Mr. Levi Bands. Thus one by one were present Attention. have a car of Offer, if the tax r2te is higher than a handsome. Itrophy, will go to her 'the openings:.-Mtse good old Crop American corn on the way. if other places, offering in. the main school HemBAll for the ensuing year. our citizens are passing and . -Of sermons - bn the "Piodikal So%M�_ - "it away but Helen Uefferan iss None NTs. 1). L.. Anderson, of 'Chicago i other hand, we have many times seen You are 'eqUiring a -Y, get in tob with us. similar advantages, but low tax rate. Mr. L cherish6d Hughes, of Geo. T. Mickle a Sons, Hensan. OnL OcheAd,iand the winner of third their -rueniory will long be what might he termed discourtesy That only -with the first coming of Seafbrthl visited -at the vlffitil)g'st �thO �'home 4 Mr. and 31M Se. the Dempey-Tuny $1.600,000 WDrid-8 place, res of Mr. L. Refferan and :tam!IY George Dick and tflarmil are recognized by those nea t and dearest to them home hown to country customers by clerks championship Heavyweight Bout in Motion new industry and necessary growth, bysll vr a-:ti&1bronze medals, also pro- Briefs.-M�rs. Norman cook, ae� on Sunday last-UTs. Bomthron,%Pelt fieing- a daughter f'Hvs, Pictures at the PRINCiSS, scafrth. spring can follow excess development and Andrson 1�a city stores. And the mason is not vided -by Toronto newspaper. conirpanied by Ars. C. ook, intored the week end with relatives. and Mrs. Toang, of Rochester, N.Y.j,- Fair Day, Afternoon and Eveni;yb_-. then more industries. Mr. Geiger is Each of gave a to lloiidon on Sunday spending the friends in, Clinton. -Mrs. Coleman was ending a sh OA time with her cous- *e y far to seek. The towir merchant, ied In Ed"_ntor--Phe relatives one of the largesf t NP wealth of information about the sub- day there with, Mr. Norman Cook, a guest over the Week end with her ins., Mr. nd Mrs. J. Leeper.-TaBs t e : six speakers tto learn of the village and a large taxpayer in the ject and piiieilcally all followed the who is theretakig treatments in the mother, Mrs. Consiiitt;'Tand sisiter Miss Doris Bolto whether by inclination or not, has to and friends will regre i aYers in our SP be -courteous to his customers, because death of Thomas Bell, son of the late distri �� and County at large. Besides same metiod.' accompanied by- Miss -ald of handling the topic interests of hishealth, finding him Annie-The:S4,erarrientof the i�rdls Etta Bell, of London, spent the we& be meets, them ere Wr -am Bell, of -the London Road, and all this, he has Paid tens of thousands Pointing outthel vast n tural resoure SU ry day or every brther of James A. Bell, now on Of dollars in renthrlighut thS.dis much improved and looking better pper W_"111 be �observecl in the United end:ivi(th their.parents.'and Other reT- week,he knows them personally, and the homestead, and a brother of M±s. trict and villaie. He has lave, es Of thOP nion, lut yet laying since he left for London a week age. Church on Easte'r Sunday and during atives-Mr,, ..and Mrs; iid Me e, La Die 'has tO give both value and court- Alfred Taylor of our village, whose ted his stress upon. .,the need of a greater His relatives and many friends wish the preceding, week kno . V�n as Passion spent the week end and, first part of uDds in the -village and county. xr� p,,,ul, tioli,_4�cl':upon the necessity of for his comfinued improv 14 esy-his living depends on. it. death: occurred in Edinonton, Alta., on deiger's services at County Coun I emnt.- rs. Week th p"i vdll'coiwduQt 6pecial the week�_wlth rh�ilves and'frienfis eople with a high intg- Alice Cudmare spent a few days last �ne ci nmg a at eltings each evening of the: week -in London, KiV hener and Fergus, y store it is different. The Saturday Of last week. We believe were appreciated as shown , Y his be- rrietty. Mr 1;�d, of Kitchener, pic- week with relatives and fri s in with the excip-bion -of - Saturday, M r s. clerk as possibly never seen the cus- the remains axe being brought home in,g honored with the Wardenship. tured the end A. McXuitrie is sp�emdimg'a few for burial and -will reach here the lat- His counsel there was always resp as "one vast trea- Lonflon-A. comedy drama entitled, Mrs. P. Venner�, -'of 0hiselhurst, -who' dqys -with'hoi reigti es 'fr�; tomer before, -way possibly never see g v and de it ber part of this week and ect- Ure-chest Of batural resources," while "Granberry Corners," will- be pres- has not been- enjoying (the. very- best Kfppen.-��Miss` Flean6r'Fisher wha Wi -will be in- ed, knowing his divergent interests the Mitchell �ikak I ,b M again. . The goods are marked terred in'the family plot in Ffensall throughout tie county, h,k knowledge Canada. to er fittingly likened ented by the St. Andrew -1p United of. health for a -number of weeks, was gue'st for the firA part -of t14�, week J:eCeiver. "Every- Church their of Bayfield, in'ilre Tewn taken to� 01spital on with Mj� ' 4 -s. Walter Noffat�and �4_ a certain price, he will not haggle UninGernetery. Further Particulars of pioneer development, and his var- or bargain. It is a case of take it or will be given in a future issue, thing," h,�� declared, "is inside. It is Hall, Hensall, on Friday, March 23rd, Tuesday afteflioon, where she wiff I- ittle dag_ er, of Brucefield.' Mr. salts from it. We are -operating the Mission Circle of the Hensall United of her health. H�r numerous elatives Visit, spent'* a day recently with heyx ing of the council -was held recently Robert ffiggins has been in our vil- dials.", In the ora Council Meting. -A special meet- ing to big business and farming. leave it. The custorner knows this led Personal experiences from ditch- our.d.uty.-to get the best possible re. uaer- he auspices, ofth, MollAid underg6-treatrnents in tfie interests AlexandeitRoss, w*ho is her Says Yes or no. If the value suits Is of last night, the Church. Cast of characters: Tom and Meirds trust that the treatnie nts relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Jarrett,. to receive and diseuss the auditors' lage fifteem. years or better. What vwt difference bletween oratory and Dexter, a gntlman young faraner, and rest will be berieficial to her of Hlllsgree�m.'_Dr. A. RACamphell. e is N h Says Yes, if not, no. Let the report for the year 19217. Mr. RaY has -he een doing in business or for public -speaking. was em-pbasized. The (Don McKenzie); �Sjdney -Everett, a health. Her 'husband. accompanied making changes in his stable propertv same customer treat the town merch- McArthur presented the report. Af- business?, an anyone say he has public speaker, in -an engaging man- hardened man of t , world (H Id h r to London also Mrs. G. Dalrymple. and at the rear of his dwelling lot. - Out mi a like manner, with the same ter comiderable discussion the report ever had a single man on a regular ner­m�ie]Y states facts, figures and Scotchmer); Ben Tathan, a wanderer who will remain with her for a few I We regret that Mrs. merner has not: are dered to b� printd and the* auditaks Elliggins 'has talked of, new ind, amount of car-bi and store keeping in was adopted and 200 copies were or- Paysheet during all these years? Mr. dedacdons. -But the 'orato,,'the -true (A. E. Irwin); Andrew Dexter, Tom'% days� rs. Edward Sheffer received for the past week or so been eiijoyl the town of Seaforth and Other t owns in the county would be a very diffr- ecade p word that her daughter, Minnie, now her -usual health. but trust -that she pajid- The school board showed a sr- for a d tries Orator, is he who casts a spell upon father (James terling); Aezekiah but has never accom _ his _audience, he who contributes an Hopkins, a neighbor (Murray Grain- Mr. G. Reid, of St. George, had with 'will %oon be in the enjoyment, of. hdr, t Plus Of $1,400; Public Utilities Com- lh%he anything, Does e mean to inspiration. Mis6- 197ma Hopkinson, g4r); Nathan Speck, exter's hired her husband- and family, -moved 311, Proposition from what it is to- misAon, a surplus of $9,o0o; Pablie imply that during all that time he the Tavistok speaker, holding the -an (Brown SteWallt); . Carlotta Ban- Port Rowen, Dr. Reeid having exchang- that Mr. William Fairbairn has rent - day. to accustomed' good health -We believ� Library Board, $221, and the gener�d never had Opportunity to do his duty rapt ttention of--her-audience, ac- nistr, a child of fate (Gladys Gale); ed practices with a, doctor from thELt ed �M. W.m. Simmon' s farm on the Again "Old ubscribler says- our current atcOun't Of the town, about to the citizens Of Hensall, or that his cmlished this rather more than Mrs. A. Bannister, Carlotta's aunt, a town. -Mrs. T. 'C. Jyn has return town and- country alike are what peo- A8 the T`owmShiP of Hay is talk was Only so much hot air? Can a 'of the other eo Boundary and intends i the m fa - $51.00. my nts. n ear -make them." Noo truer words a The haughty woman of the world, (Heler to her home after an extended trip ture mAng theze..�_Mr. Earl B&- 14, ple holding a special meeting on Wednes- Mr. Higgins, as an example Of his fact, however, that on two occasions, Crerrie); Amelia Dexter, Andrew's sis- day to discuss fire Protection fo� the business ability, say that he has held h Ewen, who has been here,on, a visit Wem. ever spoken. Vftere are the of a number of weeks to Toronto and To -ship ef Hav ad to be prompted,- put her e -a- ter (Mrs. B. Stewart)- Mrs. Muslf Detroit. - Councillor Cameron his own froin his first start on his - n tovns and the thriving vil- timly out of Mrs Russel Laugmaid and for the past few w intends leaw- the ram�ming. -Mr. Loc- something of,a UlkW(Huri e Gran r is home in bridge, Alta ]ages of our fathers? aTI& Fire Ch"ef Bates were appnted 'own? The- -People- who knew It- little daughter, of'. !Streetsvt are ing fo­ himf -head, -Of Kitchemer�___S�oke_lm e Pres- ger); Bella Ann, Dexter's hired girl, -spending a number of weeks wit aet, rs. rgAr ; I s CT, What is� the a cominfittee to attend the meeting, then know the ans h Mrs. the end of thisi k and resunrin,� blight that has been put up NOW look sirelY, but for the fact that he weak- very (Do-ru on them 9 and see What -arrangements can Ile What Mr. 11ten, has contributed to e4ed it by cosistelitly using are Florine, Mr' _ !�k , S&Ilc i6kr, �Langviaidl m6ther, OtI6ds -one th,--staff-�-af-the- Is- it 'not the outcome of the country made for the Hensall Fire Depart- the to -Im '!Offers. just think that in b, mannerisms. B. Bannister's maid (Ethel Key -The Mission Ban of nk thr Meat to 'take over a portion of Hay in the TU, winner, Miss Stirling). the Unit- Royal Ba Miss Lilly Mc - round about using them as conven- Township f r f villageys total busi _t a fiery peak- ynoPsis:' Act I -Yard at ed Church met, On Sunday afternoon Ewen, accompanied.. , r cousin EaA 0 ire protecu Tress tax MacLaren, althollgh'160 s Ferndale Farm, Cranbe on rry Corners, and held a most enj ' le meeting McEwen, as far as. routb, and is oyab _Purposes. assessment of $too in 1927, his tax,, er,_ delivered her well -pre -pared ma- an afternoon in, July, The Telegram; with a good -attendance. After. the spending a a relati, 16mces, while kt the same time they The Council then adjourned to nreet for that Year were three dollars and terial in a conei'se and impressive Act 11 ---LS _Ves expend their money elsewhere. again the first Monday night in forty Or fifty cents. That is the ex- manner. The speaker fr ame as Act I, about a.weeL- devotional part of the meeting 'Was, there and with- r-siste Ora Forest, later, The StrangeT. Act 111 -Rei- over the following n S. e e iv :,Distaftt fields look green, -but they April. tent of his interestin the village, for Mr. Marsh, posseSg6 umber w r g , at Kitchener, n her rk local shoe makers of former days. . ful birthday 01 -but he did City, three monthi later,4n the H�ands� pgtteroii. trio, Gladys of th . . & a voice which dence of Mrs. Bantister, New Yo en and much enjoyed: *.Reading, Rae John Robertson, 0 as .9re not always so. Where are the Bkthdav Party. -The W. M- S- Of not One foot of land does he own in� offered reat potl Wes, the United Church, held a very sue- Hensall. Had it not been for the not fully utilize Pasrore, boeii,hore Visiting is, ,4 "1-- Act IV-Baek at the Farm, Florence McDonald and Lula Linden. Charles Jinks, of our vi the local tailors, the local niachin nins Party -on Friday eve- combined 'forces Of 'the clique (abqut ing attitud #ng a debkl- of Fate; n als the 18th, with a very lar e it- 16 in nl�mber� headed hff mess-ra, Domin e, Provimg-f:#cts about the two weeks, latei�, The Silver 'Uning. field- stud, Yj�rs. McDonald- so g 9 rath 109, in 10romarty __4St. Ptril%., Shops, the local blacksmith shops an,i teudance, with the Pet ion rt offeTing inspira- -Solos RA4T hestra Kati6yn Dusdaleind President, Mrs. consitt, ty There WiH be ore WASmY other local enterprises? Priest A. Smith and tion. Miss Ma Mary Hemp, at tivie. 6-r writing, have the fbIlovving sented num7mrs betwe�n regula ill- n I It r4s. pre They eDG7171011, presiding. The basement Moore, and a hunch'of d Hym1 43 was sung, atter which engagemetts.,to -prejemt 'have largely gone, and gone because was very charmingly decorated isgrillitld wth the gold Ftredericy Hot.: meeting of the Youths"Club, was held the meeting Closed with prayer�._T)ie the people of the country, t -for firemen, Mr- Higgin's would have been s*14 Gana[da's ijj�41eki � rator of On X0'm&Y leve�ng; Mrch 19th, Qrd A.Y.P. Mumirny� and the he people �be Occasion, Presenting a very pleas- 'Snowed brlder- One has only to look Tk7, A. of the AnglicAn Church mek ii Rkmsall, - A :afta I at presm , 0 s udent of e, April Istl the Rema Hudson', presia- on Monday everllng:.for their, giml -M,ngb�a willages, and of the towns, with Word Co 19th. 6 ing appearance. After the singing of at the names of the clique mentioned Stm t t a hymn and opening prayer by - Rev. above reali7 llegiit 'a e why they Wo I notifute. S. ing. A*eT singing -a number of ting with d good attOndance. The being presented in Hensalltth��_ ter.T% Uereasing transportation U Faller, vice-princilmd ofthe CO 'Stef h"%, t44' Scripture lesson was road meeting opened with Z hymn followed S; of -In facilities Bir, Sinclair, the following pro 'me POSe Mr- Geiger. is it true that these Presented the :lnedal: que t ' - Y -who were' unable ft gram at Ov, ught that they saw bet- vms given: Reading, -Migs Gladys -firemen are sre at MyA6J&ifth, falldw#d b Y the �1)7 TraYeT; oriptuft, niinutea and roll see ip the first tirrieMrs. D. B, Me - pr, dd, tho Ilk end lrger bargains farther afield. Luker; voc u W Mr. Geiger be- Lochead, Mr. 3"roh., received the mintes of tli� Miss Heleii call 1.4 _1fteived a] d et, r. a d Mrs. H. cause he sawfito secretary The topic for v Yang wah 'Worked out that -way? Are Call being red by & History of 0anadian Grairl", ar� tives, -in St. Thorns' Of the d"th the it Pfile; instrumental, Mi�'s Irene Doug- they keep liquor Pass' on a tip that btotze medal from; 0 Erb, of_-Xit. JOhnston� voll ge ing better and Cheaper shoes 6 VOTse from! the Bible containirg the ranged by.Mrs. Robirm t pgi . r . t e . tj 1 -368S Met& hall .,and respect the law, slid' the and- Chairman of -�4ti',&vewmg. On,' and Proved* firs' Xr las;.,voc2l and acting duet away from the Are- chener, president, bistrl�"O. 4, ryn. DrYdele and, building which is the property of Dr. E. WOrg 4�Grace.T% . Following i the very very delightful And interestini. the local h`-e-keT used to son; violin Selection, So§t H.,,"kidt, chairm _ A ­p h, ac- the ratepayeft? papers dealing *lth all at", 'the vocational interesting programmo,and much en- mairrbei, of er.�%n o 'AcA Are we getting better and companied 'by Iffm Avis 11 it true that Stor- committee of the Straidbrd Board of joy�M: Trio, Misses 11*je Data3�as d Md, Dir A Whe4t, MA" Vrace Store;. oats, Mrs, M�J��fbt 466impa oa-lyr to make? Is our machinery or 9 very interesting a&dress. on St. true that on election y 0 th d i I 0'feceived it for "Wa's Rbifison- barley, Mrs, itaW - l clothing than'the local tailor On the piano- Re'. Mr. Sinclair gave water to defeat Mr. Geiser? Is it' to IMM Ffacl,arenj '' b ' * ' topic, miUtted 01"Ofir L -inderfield ies Qf untruths and lies flowed like Education, Presehtia.the district Cup lreneIaoggarth Mabel Workman; th�' Were qstohPatrick, dr. he ifensal GO el be made which was, listened to,witj qulification of qroter.s, givei y A&T. ralkqr" oohing se that ased to MRA# Son. buckTW-eat, !4-rme,,'Po'tp_ ryd, aflldst -to, a rit-, oet this -week 90A, much pleasure. Pollowing this n VJ,_ Ti Aimps6n, aft Death 0( Rolai, a re. Is Your ntme eheaper or better than it -ug- ber I or *h1&-th um- 'On the deed Of land" -w Eldred in 01womitle. Srnitb. The =00 MiZed, quartdde was given COT em by Him,"? Cat the dpath of on -6 pioneer and be h6lxl on HafAch Of Mrs. Sintlair Mrsi. Hedden, Mr. Higgins be the white ngel h4 mu6h ris W M -c -and r, -An 071's case. A -ad. in the past Mr. W. 0. Goodvoi, ;;�d Mr. J. Pass- viat painited, during the pected The OF _1V ic X,6r,:thp,,. evening, 6ipgtti briiig -bk�i vrWh,­1i!*- It pern me Sim 1017e- Thf!0 WAS, foll6vved brolos by, he onlY a, tool of the abve othp- roll nar[l%e'r -of it ba in the luture. election 'or is dents, in he late will b-4, 110tw, aict ear it. at-, d, Cu&ftore, aA Y -at' Coln to Of the'U41t6d Chureholiag h6m*, here, c6ij ft* Smuel ReAvIle and readin9r; by is �&tfe to Bar that all Belf_rpp _rnooii riOWng A09M *Atli Wft '697 f6l� lersdry ot reol o'est, M, to y thV tAMMS f0111M, and f they do, this very delightful' Programme, The tect the Rensall 'me to VZO- wt. 121 his 6Rh Mtn<�T villa&e bAS already Be Dlisa Xsttie. Rills 19bieh Concluded citize-fts. 'Mn th citie Prigidert thanked those that had tk. at the next election Will ray a-rourh 01th for the 9119- 'J, W, gkil!lftr t"tr in Strathkoy! VAII 112PPtW? e g 'fair namwofthe Slimink, .110-1 VAth bargis, _t mcminee 09ft -0 di on or en P&A aii that had helped in jnV Mr. Geiger or some athe go Around U..... OhriAmat' dar or *11en is '11 aging and his force 91,90 On the viuipll�t 60t the way td 1621W the evening success. and givo, Mr. Hl t6 & B,= to Come tg tliew anywaj, At the close of the program, -me a very the 9ste. Thanking you for 'youJ4 ��g of Years. ugly I I- OUVII39 At "Past -9, lurxh, W& served. . Tho vaiva6le SPato in'the Ieresto of he Stiffdred very' Intieli', for, :&W V4416 _4 ft.ow daint e��te and fOP th�6� gakt iht4e months' bee- i4o seii,6 n''by Coulee War ooAllage. RATZPA M. r 9ftAter Pa rt Of,* diie prbv#d ajiA,ao Aoi6t with the. Opt to nearly $5 The aceoniPtnisto, for w4n District VMS' barn in' spring. wtatho e& to 1W. Ybr of 421, mlepnor P"Sher and, Moo Of Canad a, Ond 'he ar, 4t V el 71 n 6ma P if 9. 14_6t gin:r eau wLarev of jhe mW01;' 46f ObliT a Year 'for We . .... . t ablie UbMT7-�-The, Arst the Ora #g of the p ford distifet, h e t4 &�05 wd b6ata tt th4, In'. tho 0ii er Qldtt midl ftmhws .07"et with ;M Th is, of kit to c4n A, shtlir of OfAt& W11 V�6 invito t - -.4. ,- -, 4 $-&A '�Ar.JA � A ,, �.k - . 11. 1 . 1, , _06 wit 7a, Sk,o � 0 , at oild . Vr 2 6 DVA. Q04 ft a W, Ww�'N, '§f `4 2,,4,,,W 4,16 M n� _`v uti6o Car za"Sot�o 1�. 9`1 w -"V*qi1AhV Ra "AIi, so� bill di a him Orb '7 of.,, 'Awv F., Wag 0"Aso.- da""'his 1", ter. ;h Ou VA V'� N 0 ii.�4biiR` id �Aao--_ W,R 6u a y 2 "' 40a, XV lo" *41 vow .96 �iai sg, df `t%m #P4044ft, tit 1&&�, !lit 4b, t; W.49 MOP ��g n7ii T;!, .0, V io