The Huron Expositor, 1928-03-16, Page 5�7 Hu VIM RON to -7, X8 A. D. SUTEIMLAND Vc'ri N S entral Insuranilm Agemy, 'Real Ritate
I'U ad , 110 V-4 t ONT. W ZZ 3 rp , g - e, ... .... o04; IE. Rau. ip 4 staidton, any LP 5 4, let prize of T oof op'*W 10. buabolk $=den 1pese, cinil 5 8 2'': r .04, laum 'to Mention. Oplsk';, imsik gum Of elO and Ta 'J A�43- P, 70310� i Tgr Owns under,� montim, credit V�111 be MAV. —Two, Pure, f4 vp r cent, Per annum. *�J for coall On approved joint otw. A &scouat,'of L aAot amounts, Terms On A ofi 4W of sale and balance In, 00:# Bright ol ed an N21=LSON, P 1prl*ri,�9, a, 411104 gov.0L, 99 U. lb "r laymn 04� 13 ly lat 2nd V, almor-Ile, -u PW ey half Polled Angus bred .0 7m, . All=
xove*bar. loth, I tutqclga . Otallion, any ase j ..... 0 choice Holun cow 8 years at ta ;�A, COP' a ","e 614,, izilf ati, foot; 1 Holirtiailt cow 6 years old PER UON IV . Me 401i i due'lif Ju I Ayrshire cow milking, I f[ol- * stallioni au3r age ...... t4e det,600nal"p her -4 4n Tues&W. W:� sdt stitn"caw 9 years old liked in Nov,o%d a- dw f4�lid 9"o 'Mon, in -alike' With 4141f' 2 'Vung *Xraw,'cOwa*.; 'a The of ROADS" SM' 449L ft rlRing, , two by Millie yesiti old, -0 -e a at �olda draft Mai Standard Bred Trottl;l* -Xing beifsra'. 2 lit" choice bed I �ygiu�qld beife�;� t NO ��lzht TMAM 21 704=,Pld� 4111 60MO harness ...... 'in vet W ,V R;k -Did due Novpmbeir Close. 'IT X-Malonites of Western in us, cow yeatti OtQ Jarx4ft., Xrs. 'Connor read a sows due in doublv. barness, 'Caittle--Vur� lat prize -J� �P-- 'Wmt- 4. years" old. due July 10th, cft. 2nd e e 'Out 15' 1) era& cow 6 years'ald milking, Standard B PLOolr# SM NeW red you in lit pAulie oaafton 4iiii'vill, be guataAreod at! ma. I Kind of -T 6,63, repe s4 - arp Is ow 10 years old .,due, October harness . . ..... ,Wr; "Jesus - 0abhl -'Sble will D 12th, 6 ch6lce 4t*ers 2'years-�old, -2 choice donate --,v )MYmpia en"guIg. --Ve cl, by specticleg, T. this amaxw�lg t i�selits i6 14=7 Vas th r m�it-. a*Umfr,'--Ter �-Xightmonths'cr`sditona ca p , 'A- � pro. itlt,pioto. Fiveper can+- OR for cash. heifers 2 yetirs old, 3 choice yearlins'heifers, i1ali r6pelatinv� tile W�Palh holl- ML-SPROAT, Tile,Mftr.,'ProPri;e- 9 choice yearlft.stee;a; I fall calf and one Scott% Wall Pwelp. ktog.,�,. pqsing� array oi tdghmq in -un eG --a, sow du,6:�April l2th. Poultry--,AbOut 75 Anconalknd Wthite 74egborn 1,000 Pairs to 19e (Given Yeee car attributes -ever (edict 4- resor and 4ohu young "N. -Pigs. Love .11as, rie� Ahrens, Auationeer. Brood Mare in ........ 10 It -Masisey-Heirris binder 64%. First and.. seetind"034tw 46nated by ens. Im1plements, di Cut. Maj%ey�HftrT%,:bfiY loader- natirly IfteVol, Toronto, Ont.—A new, Lear -vision :,11,94 QXWr,$P;QU lug�i..a t 6rd pfite donated SALE OP FARM. FARM STOCK W*"g Haasey,43wris seed drill 14 hoe. pectacle has been created, which is long wheelbase, 107", 41nches longer, too h cultivator, Deering mower 6 -foot a AND IMPLEMENTS. -The undemisned ean'souffler *Ond harvester, - Mats a. . Mare, Filly or Geidtag;, any 5 8.50 T kliaranteed unbreakable, caninot tarn- before. will ofter for sale on Lot 9, C�aucessfon'l% spring t lat prize donat=1 V Th6' n's mrso a do0sted by ish and is a great improvement over -w�ok end with, friends near Seafortli. Hibbert Towns 'on March ?2nd, 1928, cuk Deering hay rake, 'Deering disc harrow, New, mote beautiful, roomier Fisher bodies. Book Wre: 2nd -46, 7 of "M ills & 3rd don- A. 4utana, visited mending at 1.80 o'clock, the following. chat- set of diamond harrows, Pea harvester, land G. A. S all6ther makes, as they -will enable x,oller, Bain wagon nearly mew, set of farm impressive new radiator and hoo(L y almost; everyone to read 'the very X-rs..W. Jarrott for a few days re- tels: Horses -One ears. 6- ear -old geldings,- ated by Thomas Dickson. hay rack, gravel box, stock rack, walk- Newl improved, 34 per cent. more yowerfizR trucks, Filly or Gelding ropied in ion.... 5 2 I -The Young'PeOple Of KIpPell 1 bla* gelding 6' -years ojd, I bay mare nine smallest print, hread- he finest y ��ently.- ing plow, set 6f sleighs, top buggy, ize, donated by Province of years old,' 2 gelding drivers, I heavy black lot prit the play, -I!iVvIanted I a gang Plow, set of scales capacity, engine. .,%re giving f inave, I heavy bay geldint. Cattle- -I Reg- 12 Ontario Bank ; gn4� prize � donated. needle, and see far or 'near. It is ,ang rthe country by storm. cutting box with ca+riers, Fairbanks U we -11agreen church on Tues- istered Durham �cow due in May, I D asollne by Charles Dungey;:3rd prize don� now tal wly designed Sb0Ck-abS0TbeT Spring,& urhom engine 6 horsipower Fairbanks grinder 8 -inch ated. by Thomes'Rickle. egistered Durbami, heifer '2'sets of h The manufacturers., Consumers' -wheeL brakes (non- edAy evening, March 27th. FlIrthiar cow due in April, I R Is plate, fanning, mill, eavy =. 2, Tried and proven four 2,yearo old,. frepli; 1 Durham heifer 2 years 8 Filly or Gelding Fooled -in 1920 .... 5 2 1 will be ets of sin Chas. Aber- Spectacle Company, 29-33 Melinda St,, garti6lilaxa later-49acrament l;L fresh (can 'be registered); I Holstein Cule. h I "ruesis, about 100 Of list prize donateCtir locking. geed oats C. 72.: quantity . Dept. NW251, Toronto, Ont., are of ;iolnr�ved in the ',church ',L on Sun I Durham ni harlt; 2nd prize donated by,,Graves' q% Apr tity of hay, Wrks,� hains, hR= I . -
day P heifer 2 Years Did due in 'Whii es New luxurious interior appointments. Wallpaper Store; 8 rd'i pri ze dailated, fering to send a pair on sixty day*, March. 125th,. Preparatory services cow due in May, 2 Durham cows due in thert articles. Household Effeett;-Extension b3r Harry Chong Scores of advanced features and refinements. due in March, five b June, Hogs -Two sows table, 6 kitchen chairs,, couch, sideboard, bed Filly or Gelding Foaled in 5 2 1 trfal. If you are not amazed and de- -viI1 -be fielld on'Friday -evening, 'Mare .all Pigs, 8 Pigs 8 weeks old.-' Implements- room suite complete, 2 toilet sets, bureau and , Tat lighted, if you do not Uiink their alI at NEW and LOWER PRICES, �23rd, at 8 oWoek. �' D;iz�.e. donated y G, 1). Root pulper, -walking plow, binder, disc bar. tand, parlor suite, parlor table, square piano, �aon 2nd prize donated by W. spectacles at ontly $3.98 equal to those rows, diamond harrows; sulky plow, mower, walnut Tockipi chair,, Aladdin lamp, hanging R. Smith; 3rd Prize donated by sold elsewhere at $15.0, send them Come and see the car with which Chevrolet rake., cultivator, wagons. hiy rack, buggy, lairip. clock, pictures, sealers, and croup Gallop & McAlpine. sleigh, double , harness, hay fork. -Quantity other article& Terms --Grain and num ; back. You won't lose a cent. They again pioneers new heights of quality at I all "on's Of Team in Hrnesi ................... 15 10 I of hay ind straw, hens and ducks. Real 10 and under, cash; over that amount eight lat prize donated"by Fred S. Say. 'will also tell you how to get a pair cost. Fatate,-Farm Lot No. 9;: Concession 12, Hib- 0 in nths' credit will be given on furnishing auge. for yourself without cost. WTite' them bert, containing 100 adre3. h a roved joint notes, Or a discount of 4 per S,eevstakc ........................ Badge AUCTION SALE L C. . . . General B90tOrs' OWn delerree -day. The G.W.A to one of- the best barns in the Township. Ex straight allowed for cash on credit HEAVY DRAFT payment plan alffords the most convenient and eCOn- cellent, land. Possession by April lat. Tprn* amounts. Everything to be sold as farm is of Sale: Chattels -$25.00 and under, cash ; disposed of. GEORGE E. JOHNSON, Pro- Brood -Mare in Foal ................ 10 6 4 omiczl way of buying your Chevrolet on time. months credit on approv- Medd, t 6 over that amoun prieibor; Geo. H. Ellett, Auctioneer. 8144-2 lat rize donated by W. G. -a by X-1 tION SALE OF FARX'STOCK AND Discount of 6 per cent per 2nd prize' do SIB(f 9,6,ww IFT102, XZZEMENT9 on Lot 22. Cd,nceasion,4 , ed jotilit notes. M.L.A.; nate Aak,�To*psluip, on Tuesday, March. 27th, 1928, �n oil,- Settletrient must be made with Clerks TION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLE- Cardno Bros.; Sid Prize donated by RoadsteT $625.00 Imperial Sedan in cash or notes before goods removed. Real a UIC Economy Shoe Store ,cominepi,Zing at 1.80 o'clock, sharp: Horses- Estate 6 4 2 625.00 Cabriolet - - - 83540 _T*n per cent. on day� of sale and - MENTS, SEED GRAIN, RAY & EES. More, Filly or Gelding, any age'... Black'tclim rising 9 and 10, about 1450 tbs.; has MEASURES SAU OF Touring ,darrlage horse, isfUgle 'and double. dattle balance upon possession -within 30 days -, 75 The undersigned auctioneer been instruct lat prize danated'bY R. J. Gibb, (Coupe 740.00 Commercial Chassis 470.00 -Cow S. years old due, in April, cow 6-.yeara per ceiit. of titirchase money may remain on ed to sell on Thursday, March 29th, at one 2nd prize donated )�Y James Kerr: M FOR Uns Coach 740.00 . Roadster Delivery 625.00 ,,old, -fraah; cow -4 years old mortgage tit 5% Per'cent. if farm not sold o'clock, on Lot 22, S.B., Stanley, 21/-. miles 3rd Prize donated --W Dawsoulteid. Sedan 635.00 Ton Truck Chas 635.00 fresh; 4 heirfers. 'will lease for term of years. For further north nd % mile west of Zurich: Horses- Filly or Gelding, Foaled in 1025.. 5 2 1 slo I-iiising r 2 calves. Brood soy bred pa� DN& W UN and Team of carriage hoi-ses broke single and lat prize donated by N.'Cluff TOWN OF SEAFORTEI Roadster SupTesis - $650.00 'h con. type-, 9 ens. GL MZapply -esh cow bred February 15th. ag BUj C45LQUHQ
Anoona h y -, Frank --Taylor. doubl- attle-Fi Sons; Zn4 prize donated bY, T. J. All prices at Factory, Oshawa -Government Taxes extra. VebruarX � a I with 6 years old 'Auctioneer; Al.. Purdon and John- G. Scott tepheris�' is hereby given that the adjourned ,XmplemeijU,' Etc- -Wagon- almost new ' cow rising 7 due July 10t1r, cow bolster springsi 16400t hay- rack new, gravel 8143-� lyred February 18th, Jersey cow rising five Filly Or Gelding Filed in 5 2.50 1 Notice Clerks. sale o lands, for -arrears of taxes will be held waasey-Hiirris seed drill, wagon ' with a o milkers ; 2 fat lat Prize donated -by W. Marishail atock rack combined, huggy cutter- rs rising wo. 1 fat heifer rising. two, 2 Stewart; 2nd prize donated. by W. In the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Seaforth. bas� and stee walking loo cedar� paz6, set bob sleighs. N SALE OF FARM STOCK. -Mr. heifers rising one, I steer rising one. Hogs J. Walker & Son. on Friday, March 30th, 1928, at 3 o'clock p.m. biarriess with breeching, �buggy -Two brood sows with third litters, 9 sOck- Filly or Gelding, Foaled in � 1927-. 5 2 1 JOHN A. WILSON, Treasurer. siets7 double 7 QlI manure AUG0,11,Oe H. Elliott has li�en instructed to era about 90 pounds, 8 stockers about 140 tbs;. lat prize donated by Jas. J. limmeaw-,hames-.- and- tugs,l sell by p4lic'nuction on Lot 29, Concession 1, n , 4 BariZed Notice is hereby given that the Municipality 4,6 plow. 2nd prize donated by Roy S. Phifi- 'snow saekg. ;forks, McKillav, one milewest of Seaforth, on'rues- Rock roosters, 2 White. Leghorn roosters, ney. of the Town of Seaforth intends tD purchase ezahavelq hey fork rope and alings, barley fork. CHEVRO. 49 -Corn ;Ianteir,' stable. broomI, 2 set doubletrees, day, March. 20th 1928, at I o'clock, sharp. Collie dog, Hay and Grain -75 bushels - 04& Team in Harness .................. 15 10 5 for the amount due for arrears of taxes on zwkyokes,. 2 barrels, hog troughs, wrecking the following: Aoi;es-One mate risinir five C No. 21 barley, 76 bushels mixed grain, 150 3rd'Prize donated by J. F. Daly. Block A; Gouinlock Survey. if the price offer- bar cow ch;tins, wire eable. 2 horse blankets, Years old, 1 gelding nising 2 years old, I filly b�shels Banner seed oats, 5 bushels Yell�w Sweepistake ...... I ............... Badge ed at the adjourned sale is less than the by British Hero; I Sweet Clover, 5 bushels White blossom Sweet . arrears of taxes, charges and E, W, FAWM =-cat saw , axe, 4 bushels potatoes, -several rising I year old, all gat GENERAL PURPOSE amount due for -�oil lamps, Pandora range new 5 -gallon all driving mare rising 8 years old. Cattle One CloVer, quantity seed beans, 5 tons alfalfa in Harness ................. 10 7.50 costs, or if no price is offered. can, string Wla new, I la�ge cracks, 8 Pails, stock bull rising 3 years old, 3 heifers three hay first and second cutting, 5 tons mixed Team Seaforth, March 13, 192�. mer, 2r lanterns, one new -. garden tools; years old. milking two months and bred bay. Implemnts.-Massey-Harris binder near- 2nd Prize donated by W. E. South� MITCHELL, ONT. ey- gate- ROADSTERS JOHN A. WILSOW, Treasurer. quantity hay and oats and numerous other Again; I.Durbarn cow rising 7 years old due ly new, -Massey-Harris fertilizer drill, Mae rising 4 years old. H-arris bean puller and scuffier Combined, articles. Terms of Sale -410 -and under, cash; -April 20th, Durham 3w - ilassey-Harris cul-tivator, Massey -Harris mow- ktoadser Horse -in Harness, 15-8.*r With the aboxe exception, two houses, barns -aver that amount 9 months' -credit will be giv- milking, due to freshen in June, 1 Holstein er. wagon nearly new, wagon box With Stock . under .............. ............ 7 3 and lots will be sold to the highest bidders. RRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA� LUMETEZZ milkinir 3 months .on on furnishing approved joint. n0teB.;,F6ur -)w rising 10 years Did. w rising 6 years. rack, 16 -foot hay rack, set of bobaleigbs with Carriage Horse in Harness over 15-8 10 7 3 3144,2 Zier cent. 9,0 for cash an credit airiounts. A. Owl bred agairi -, ape blue en VINGSTON SPECIAL -PRANGER, Proprietor; I Win. S. Johnston, --ilkinv a morfbs and brP4 again: A r new soles, (above mentioned articles are all LI yrehi e Draft or Agriculture]- - 3144-2 nearly new) .130 feet new cable with trip Beat Heavy ,<Olerk; Oscar Klapp, Auctioneer. �ow rising 7 years -old, TJ]kinc I month ropes, -feir cow rieinv chairL trip. ling -Mare-, Filly -or Gelding. any age 9 Years, milking three weeks; bag truck, Clinton fanning mill, set double Prize donated by ThorwLq E. Liv- nUrharn cow riqinm 6 years, milkimr 2 rn(yntlhs*. harness with breeching, 3 collars, single ingston. Inurhnin cow ri�ing 7 years, milking 2 weeks; harness, buggy with 2 lights for oil or. hat- Exhibitors, Please Bear irk mind roilkiuW 2 weeks: Durhain-cwriqlng 9 years, tery, stonebDat, old wagon, 16 -foot old rack. Parade at 1.30, sharp. Judging commences DEATHS -nucham c�w rising at- time t VeriC* Akew No. 51. rolling colter, 3-seetion, An Unwise Selecfion Z-o'Mock.Cfasaes will be called -in, -the order qa1e: Durbum cow rising harrows. wheelbarrow, gravel box, cow leader. as they r on this bill. years, milking March ilth, cow rising 7 appea Iffay.-In Stamford, on Sunday. br,.4 Durham years, a ythe, V/ bags, 3 horse eveneri SPECIAL, n aged coupie in Desboro c .1 dozen . grain William S. Hay and Jean Hay. m131cing 3 months and bred again-, Durbam doubetrees, meekyokes, hoes, forks and riumer- POSTMASTER'S A -a and under display cow rising- 9 years. milking two months and ous articles. 'Everything must go a's proprie- For Boys. 15 Yew lost $3,500 'when they chase ,ftred niraiii: Durham cow rising 8 veers. milk- tor is leaving farm. Terms. -All sums of 010 :Ing best ability and horsemanship weeks. -to and under, cash ; over that -Rmou 00 Ing two -months , 15 calves from 2 nt 7 months' in exhibiting a horse on the halter .5. aspeculativ investment 'CARD OF THANKS .9 mouths: a calves readg to veal : heifers credit on approved joint notes. Three per Prize donated by C. P. Sills. Postmaster. instead of a trustee security. To men of Seaforth and Vicinity -ur,vo"d to be with calf, 8 oven heifers, six cent. straight allowed for cash on �credlt No entrance fee required, but-'brivs must baby beeves. These claws are all in good con- nts. NORMAN G-ASCHO. Proprietor: W. make their entries before 2 o'clo;ik., amau I wish to express through the medium of ition and ready for good production. Hogs— Johnsn<!erk; Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. BOYS' JUDGING COMPETITION 'The Expositor, my most sincere thank- to the Four saws suvposed'to be with Pig carrying 3144-21 t 2na 3rd 4tb rth Huron & Erie debentures are Th(p, Big shkt vke Zziany kind neighbors. and friends far the their second litters, 5a feeding bogs frorn,50 Open to Boys 17 years, of trustee investment a Xcinduess shown through the illness of my -late �10 120 pounds each. I Yorkshire hosm fifteen �7 �wife, and -also after her death, and to those Months old. Everything must P is- ([;LBARING AUCTION SALE OF PARK, age and under ...... by 10 , 6 thorized by law for is still on ALL Shirts at less than half prico. ositively be di First prize donated a u -�whw pa kindly gave the use of their cars. sold. Ternas.-All posed of as one farm is FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS at Thomas McMillen. M.P.; suin,3 of $10 and under, cash : over that amount Lot 13, Concession 1. Provincial Highway, 8 executors. 2nd prie donated by J. N*. 2, Exeter. credit will be zi�en on furnish- miles east of Clinton, on Wednegdow. March Wesley Beattie; 3rd Prize seven montbr Thia Weelk ARao ing approved joint notes with land ownera .85 -Mth: at I o'clock, sharp, consisting of the donated by W. A. Crich Applications are accepted by security. F -r per cent. straight off for cash. following: Horses ---Heavy' draft toarn seven 4th prize donated by Jm. M.--BEATON, PtopritDr; G. H. Elliott, Auc- years old. 4CattleCow 9 Years Old due $it Edw: Keating; �th prize tuing our Underwear Sale All Lines Stan- Aneer. time Of sale, aged cow freshened one week, donated by Thos. Phillips. contin D. F. MCGREGOR, field's, AdmiFal, Penman's Fleece, etc., and Spirin and Ayrshire cow freshened one week, Polled The competition will be under the direction Ariguli cow 5 years old supposed to be in of Mr. G. R. Paterson, County Agricultural Be- R. R. No. 4, Seaforth Summer weights at ridiculously low prices. oj� and Aftev, March 12%, 1928, We will ([1LEA'9ING, AUCTION FALE OF FARPI calf. Holstein cow rising 3 years old supposed presentative. Beare cards will bei. given each Mondays instead at Lot 92, to be in calf, ,heffer 2 years old f for placing by il,f�r4zm Dublin all STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS boy Bo points will be given Shtuidaylll.,,As forracrIt and baga -111 be miles west of- Holmesville. week, heifer -2 years old supposed to be In A�;e card adr, 50 points for famous to be Huron Road, 2% at, --Dublin andL Paid' for on graded a to be judge4:wolll be Heavy BURR Dog on Provineial� Highway, on Thursday, March calf, Durham grade cow 4 years old due to riven Orally. Clas Tonati I Mr. - James Shea will be grader. 29th, at 12-80 O'clock,' sharp, consisting of the freshen April 80-th, 4Grade Hereford bull one Horses. NO entrance fee will be.requlred but XAMES SCOTT I purpose yeaT old, Polled Angus steer rising 2 following: Horses -Team of genera years boys must have their entry in befato2 eclock. Croratirty. agricultural old, 8 Polled Anus steers rising 1: year old, geldings rising 8 years, broken; year old.. 8 RULES AND REGULATIONS. This is yonr best chance for the next ninety years. gelding rising a years, broken; bay horse 10 2 Polled Aingus heifers rising I each additional entry d In any harness - an Arabian young calves. Poultry -About 60 Rock hens 1. Entrance fee $1.00, years (Ad, goo of I year old, 2 Toostets, I gobbler. Implements 50 centai W. Mare In foal, good single or double: team al, Oattle-�-2 young blac1c -Massey-Harris binder 7 -fool, ellit� Massey- 2. Brood Mares moat shotv vlsib%Y in P bey, ares in jes of 'horses to date from4aftuary lat. DON17 miss 11 J& .1 Harris mower 6 -foot dut� Massey -Harris hay a. As 0� be final.' Idue fifo he# in April, Ayrshire dow [us to greshen In April, choice leader, Massey -Harris. 10 -foot Ateel rake, Deer- 4. Judges decision fA -5. years old � 'with calf at,foot, roan cow due inr 'disc drill 11 hoe, Deering steel roller, The Judges will be particular to regard yEAA'.oLD$, Gbgrusey, cow eti 'With- lreh, Hereford cow due to lumber wagon, farm truck.-wulgan, steel tire inerit -in all Stock t0c cOmP bldu, and We have now in stock Red, Clover, to, frfthiu. tit We sleighs, hold guy premium If they consider the enimal -lit 'PIGO Hereford cow due 44wts; 64 I avo.d, qua to fresh- top buggy, Portland cutter, set of� 4n in May,.Woel� dDw with 04f I 'freslxen In AVTU. and a first or seeftil,sirize will Alsike and Alfalfa Seed, also White
t, ti IyAs ?it' foo;t� .5 Tgabopei-Anderson single Plow, ftnuing TaIll, undeserving Ro E0 BRIGHT
2;' Xi#vbv. %_4 801P coneeibibn 011 ek. not be siven to a third class aniuml; or in a e1srevibelferis due to freshen in March dbt of scalea 2,000 Tbs. cavdclity, hay ra h Ps der thO atimpytition a7ld Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover, all .,Phone 29494., i and Apr% 6 Aafthire heifers springing, 10 stock racl� gravel halt, collapsible WO -Oft bolc- dweePstfitke if t ey to Government Gra&d No. I Purity at hairow, slonebOat, flou& nt sufficient- A - set of barrown. scarf entry right. Let us fill Your Wan, from 7 to 9 der,. 2 riew wheelbarrow.. 2 eAp kettles, 82 ft. price Duthass, ,arid',96retord grade Uifefa spring 6. Every e4chibitor must produO his bh AXI N. dln�k rid hit, is tW6, J�bar eta h ticket in every class Otherwise tho, qn1lad Will obt rem *14. aud,onef 6il p6uu4b- S Yearling Iteifere -and, three extension ladder, cedar ladder 12 ft, 110 feet requiremciliM. 1:lIA01131i", Sy British, Hero. APPI t6 a5, Young eftbres, Piga- bay fork ape, trip loik and 611411% set of not be judged. A,11anims,lo enter L ed for ecla�egtloa must !M rphans VVung� sot# dub Mak4b. Ofth. 70unt "O due ling T�ojes, trip. rope, set of kdaft 'harness, tiorn hens.' set of Plough harness, set of sihLfle,harness, appesir in the Parade at 1.30 PAM Aj�rlj 28tiL poultry --4u wmte Ju ghlem e Wme scoft Coo b:rtrfick, Ford touring tar in good running - DONATUOxs RECEIVED %bm 20, Roch vulteft; 9 Titer boa, SALE.-% XAVM A QUAN-, mixed hay, Wild. aVeCorrhick Under fd6t cut IleSTIV VLOW- about 80 tons of Directors Seaforth Agricultural ffodislw, orsh A I to M- I& Masny-Harrig' boiy -wake ae=1)r ew, Massey- B kitebtat cupboard, kite M.L.A., cash, $10; MMU Corn- fthbric V: new, Mus- meree, CUP, *It I 0 . p . Sills W. R. ed aced b2rioy for ate; Coo, Mggaoy,�Rcrris, Mower 61cot cut nearly nevr. sftr�Horria separator Dday churn, 0. W. BRUCEEFILD
he, table. �21 - Thomas McMillan, M -P-, dcbk, 'It,
dining room chairs. Wardrobe, 2. I)ablinj or Harris ll�hoe ferbilizdr, drill neSA PHONES S144-2 I bean- addiM& hArvesil-sr at- about 100 sup buckets SAP pan, work beach. le las, ch: 1. ey- at 2 It, 02; . Wesley B ------ 1,5400 gret of .black two aT. Holmes a Son, cash. 02 142-13, Seaforth� 168-13, Clinton. pulllds�, igoo Ms.. Que,utity of sch ent (no ). . �, t a- hur- lutithei, and scautliu4 crossout saw, SX0, cash $S; Dav A� d 11, to -Deering 14-MaTe' 4110 men Reid, cash,, 12,; T. J. A17 11 I exing Steel r0116. 'Ir to AN- r, Piwinbts' havae blankets, quarift of,*00d, pulPer, ftouip 00 it 9, end ding Plow. 4300C step'lleps, cash, 02*, Thomas Bisl%16, doobli, row t (Duley Huron �Eszvosftor, cash. D5 cash, I Autt waikilif low. 2 row root drill, 40antity 9f potat e nff' wer 6-foat cut, De6thia CO tivdt0r- and Mountain). about 600 pounds 69 McAlpine, HdrrY 11, bell racic, doIC -40 rods of 7-0trand -wire (new), 40 feet M61M, &tisb, 01.00; Seafrth Nq�p, 6=11, 05; 'k1i ew fie tarrow tired wagoil 2 B61Ti mM90714- I '*aj 2 fire extinguighdr, eherjn DUhgeV cash, s2; 7,11%q= Phillips. boxes, set of 4-se4tion ham Of l.inch 141vaalzo-d pipe, gravel hangiog ItiViitti, table 1Omw, vbiffi6trbes, forks, W. 0. 441T611 a- 6annins wills, set, of sleigh$ With & The 01; ilaa. Edw. Keating, 069 1124 et of ObSiTIO anti wartiorbus dtht Portland vatter, gain gopamtor. 2 oein )f above Willis,, casibi, .$2; Province of Q *Wnta are all Iti splendid above, all 149 MtWsey4ff=ria ere dy new. 2verYthing adver_ cash. 05.; W. J. WhIker, goodgt U-1so. Roys. Farmers jod horse collars, A, 4duritity' of thLft -'Aft! up plillmey, bread tiaketo. $2: JATAO,�,Xoft *hif- s%idtor is, aiving Making the Way clear for the NeW Spling Hier-' Sweet 001' Cle, PW ;41-11 blossom fold to, Ua sold fie&M.- $4 t W.. E, Southgate, Over- 1110 Teivillb.-All 06M Of FAQ 4hd under. OeM,.1026 Ford Coupe in good co alto -47.0.- Fred- S. Suvauge, co fork forks, obalm. -that aw'O"t -1.2 niontlib, credit Will St6wart, BM�. tybods� $45; T W feeIft appt6ved J,' I t nafts if 116W` Hay rove,
ta and otheir articles t4d' be given Wall. I'door, 05; Cardvi gdods. chandise arriving daily—NeW- Spring Suits., *hiffietreW, Tledity0l advertized or a digeautit S vei- disitL dll6Wdd for numerous to mention, Everyttillig Restaurant, the eas tl�e proprietor Wds on a be sold Vibb, q4dft P; 0. Aberhart, VC31tivel . I *New Spring Oyercoatg, supig of $10 Mild place the form, Which Wisit,h3 of 100 a6vo, New Spring Hats ndl , 04, renue his Lr that amount 8 montius' tfiom'or less. of 0arldy loami csish; ov, S"Wa Vftil Pa. r goods �55 re ban for nale. Thin farm is In *"d allW Of but gooft You -will use Superior Judg- vNIJ be Oven tion; go tia-es platiahkea, 18 "W&I Of budft
t X14 per cent. stft* sU1bZblef&, paper Furnishings, Und Ne4wear, va D. Vemmon 06419041b, 05; Caps, New bush, S acres of.ged credit amounts. 91. 01601". mernt by using F�ertilizers wid down. Oil the orvzi4ea Ta rietor; Geo. balance seeded A;, 5; �Y. &, Veq Lime� sold, by th line, 8144-2 ereewd a barn 44960 feet on dildul.' 9611*dd- aiid reOM0.4tatives, s We T070, V76k* handlo New Sport 'Sweater nd Pulloers. heri house 1?4t2u Xot a $41% t[OA, tm�016plent sli on "rid daub?o, �C%vafgb, 190 tAfthf, goofto.,O Economy abot 0nly quality goods t a rock bot- -A dle,se, ihila A feet, good ribouqb &OWL' %x8%. 6ey and, a Wl tom FOR SAL Ifts Ihouse and 16 I �11:1 . With tc*. dbit=41ft Taos, MI stoty With price, and give You service Von cannot get -ehewbere.
liftrifit bTdbard f&.&Mbouse in Brueefield; o0d of ain hine 8 'A i�a yrotZ ably Joested vav 14ro 7�6* go 'A%'Ad3TV4 WM. NVI spnet Chat fat Prov,illdilll HiffilWOV 1* qV:v% era, I day Of dul& THGA 060, .. ........