HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-03-09, Page 8I....... ... �U.T 011 ............ Dy* psie" For -at COAwba Rr -Poll ............ 4§thmatic- Condl- -ed- in -the sub� is , Doo 4 A., ­ "" "" f", and 260 tions a tegdeocy, towaro jest ­vbjo 1*,a4 tlixt. for...... o... ......... ittes so p . 4,1 &SF--J-ua% � 1026; Jun*� 1927; lcreosot4 .11" been combilled toi yo,uAs'' -R* November, 1027, at ...... 30 to 35C 'ate .11 in this preparation in such . a St s The Speam the VAM way that it cane taken witb- ative Were Miss VOM., 07-04'dr- -and 20- 1. Meat quality, 4 for .: ....... out fear of causing digestive Kennet 'U�o ,U J,40 p,�;Ru4 for As a tive M-LAREWS GELATINW distubancs. 'side, WSK Thcp*= lid Mr. %egular 25c, for ......... An Excellent Torde Builder in James 'Milkinson.1 Thq� '7-, 11�5tkes 4 Imperial Pints of Jelly). General Rundown Conditions. Rev.. Mr. MeDOAW4 Viss Bertha Beatty Wi, VarV W,08W. Mr. Leaf or SOLD ONLY AT and Tree; McDonald also -acted � *-4 critic. The N 11 1!�, ��i 2190 ............... a for ....... subject of,the debate wAs Oly Ois cussed by the speakm ouotli aides, BRKEN BISCUITS -or ......... ..... vtqreeting- faetstaing noted. a ounds f The Rex4l Store Koine i SVMEPING COMPOUND PHONE 28 SEAFORTE After a discussion, among the judges, 4 pounds for .............. the decision was given-infavor of the affirmative side'eind due credit was given the negatie aide. During irk- terission a musileal contest took Announcement. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm- place. Jim Ches!XeYAKWPUP was sue - Kerr, McKillop, ann ounce the engage- -the titles of all cessful in quessing ment of their only daughter, Esther tlie nVirtbers layed, and they were Helen, to Mr. George R. Ctampoell' requ4fed to sing their favorite on--. H. Campbell only son of the laite J. After the -minutes -were read by tlis and Mrs. James Baron, the marriage Secretary, Tdiss Laura XtMillan,. it to take place early in March. harve an open air skat- was de6ided to ing party on. Wednesday iftlit, March Lions Club Euchre and Dance. -By 7th. An offering was taken for the popular request the Lions Club has regular funds, after which,* a hypir changed the St. Patrick's dance on was sung, followed by the MizPah Friday, March 16th, to a euchre and benediction. dance, in order to please as well as off er a full everAngls entertainment Quality Coke. -Nut and Stove Coal on hand t Cara-, of corn in a week. Phone R. J. tol]. There will be plenty of cards a good lunch, and lots of dancing, Milian or see, liarry rharters. 318141 say nothing of an evening of real Notice—Farmism wanting seeds for seedim social goodfiellowship. Everybody wel- down land in the spring, Phone your orders tA ng you. R� J. McMILLAN. Phoni 123, �eaforth. come. We are expecti Notice.—All persons owing accounts at th4 Died In Dakot&�The funeral of St Calumban Store are requested to call an( Miss Margaret Scott Govenlock, who settle same by cash -or note on or befr 0- March 10th. J. J. Hallanil. ssed away in Grafton North Dak WOMEN S TO TP.ADF, JIBRE 'ps eld Paint.—Try a can of "Utilac" on youl ta, on Friday, Maych 2nd, was , shabby furniture. It is easily handled, dur Wal Because they know they are from the home of her brother, Mr. able and in attractive colors. Graves John R. Govenlock, NorthWain Street, Paper Store, Seaforbh. 314a -I sure to get the Choicest Cuts on Wednesday afternoon, when inter- Agents Wanted—. $100.00 weekly, !say. eitb�� of Meat and save money be- ment was made in Maitlandbank sex. sening our cleaners. Works Ince magic sides. We aim to,make per- Unusual high commission. Free samples. P manent customers of every cemetery. A fuBer account of the sad A. Lefebvre & Co. Aledaaudria, Out slaq-t rrence will appear in The Exposi- Agen housewife who buys her -occu ts Wanted.—$100.00 weekly easy, eithe tor next week. sex, slling our cleaners.and clothes Pin bags Heats from us. To. do this Unusual high commission. Free samples. P we must give quality all the A. Lefebvre & Co., A-10sa,ndria, Out. 3136-t Keep Wednesday, April 11, Open. For Sale-LBel-le ity Incubator, 160 egg time. —On that night at 8 p.m., the Marion- splendid machine, used only ne season; on brooder, 7 mash hoppers, 4 fountains, on, Son Keith C.G.I.T. and the DeLuxe Tuxis R, will present a three -act lay, "Eyes 12 -dozen egg crate, 1 large shipping erate� a] for $12.00. W. H. Gading, Seaforth. -58 Don't SEA7(DEtTH of Love,,, in Cardno's Hall. 8148-: fail to see this production that has A SL Tea will be held in Firs pleased so many audiences both ml this Presbyterian Church on Friday, March 16tb +1,- I..k from 4 to 7 p.m., under the auspices of th coun ry an a I 716 Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary. Admission, Z few years. Practice has been going cents 3142-� on for a couple of weeks now and the Ca* al and Coke.—Coal and Coke on hand a caste that has been chosen promises the warehouse at the station; also a smal to make it n admirable performance. M.assey-Harris cutting machine, either powe Li at 8 or hand power. Phone 44W, Seaforth. AN Remember Wednesday, April I DREW ARCHMALD. 3185-t p -in. in Cardno's Hall. House and Lot For Sale.—For sale, 6 -room ed frame house, with kitehefi and coal hous, A Good Sale -The sale of Western hen house, good garden and small fruits, sit horses held by Mr. Robert Douglas. lated on 'George,Street, Seaforth.. Hard an, soft water in house and electric lights. F at the Dick House stables on Wed further particulars apply to James D. Me -Gil. neesday afternoon, was well attended Goderith, or.J. J. Haggard, Seaforth. 8143x and.good prices realized, although the special opticai Offer. -High grade heav Eddding was somewhat slow. A seven weight gial&filled sp�ctaaes and eye ga With best flalb spherical lenses for only 2470'( year old filly ,brought $151; a pair of All other tyle.of frames and lensts at I lov, three year 91d fillies reached the sum est prices. Eyes examined by our w,,Jl knv�r. of $294; a pair of seven and eight ind painstaking speeial-ist, Mr. Hughson, *It 27 years' experience; 18 years m 9 year olds brought $300, and a pair of forth. You are assured of the t five year old geldings, $300. Thomas work W be btaied and at ver . In er, Brown, the well known auctioneer, cost. Tuesday and Wednesday, March' l8t handled the sale. and 11th. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. swo The Seaforth Rome and School As- Palin-Grurnmett-A retty weddin, sociation-All membe" of the As- was solemnized in St. Thomsrchiircl sociAtion will be pleased to earn, that Seaf,,th, n Vdnesday morning o our Vice -President, Mrs. Munn, and this week, when Elsner Emily, dAiigl little son, are doing well. "The fu- e, of X, and m,,, Daniel Grumnit ture of the race marches forward on of Harpurhey, was united in makriag the feet of -little children.'�--PhilNp to Mr. Williain Henry Palin,­tbe -cere Rroo'ks. By the united efforts of Mony being performed by. the rectoi turpe� home.�-:Dr. W.. Aerbart, o f Sun Lif,e. Insuirance comPany 4A Uen- parents and teachers, the future can Rev. T. H. Brom. After -the cere Ilithem spent he week end t th hoine o -Johii Be0ti� was in, iroi6nio' be made nobler, brighterand happier. indny a wedding dinner was serve n his 89th year.,. With the'passing Join the Hoin e and School Associa- at the h,,,, of the bride?s parenti end with friends In Tgronto.-4-Mr. and the -home- of his' paxnts;,: Ut.� azxvt'-� ;outhern part of the county lost a .-at Mrrs. V, dispn Hawkins were called to Mrs;,. James Hayi, -in Egniondvil'" tion and take an active part in this the kninediate realthves and, frie -nd 7� I....... ... �U.T 011 ............ Dy* psie" For -at COAwba Rr -Poll ............ 4§thmatic- Condl- -ed- in -the sub� is , Doo 4 A., ­ "" "" f", and 260 tions a tegdeocy, towaro jest ­vbjo 1*,a4 tlixt. for...... o... ......... ittes so p . 4,1 &SF--J-ua% � 1026; Jun*� 1927; lcreosot4 .11" been combilled toi yo,uAs'' -R* November, 1027, at ...... 30 to 35C 'ate .11 in this preparation in such . a St s The Speam the VAM way that it cane taken witb- ative Were Miss VOM., 07-04'dr- -and 20- 1. Meat quality, 4 for .: ....... out fear of causing digestive Kennet 'U�o ,U J,40 p,�;Ru4 for As a tive M-LAREWS GELATINW distubancs. 'side, WSK Thcp*= lid Mr. %egular 25c, for ......... An Excellent Torde Builder in James 'Milkinson.1 Thq� '7-, 11�5tkes 4 Imperial Pints of Jelly). General Rundown Conditions. Rev.. Mr. MeDOAW4 Viss Bertha Beatty Wi, VarV W,08W. Mr. Leaf or SOLD ONLY AT and Tree; McDonald also -acted � *-4 critic. The N 11 1!�, ��i 2190 ............... a for ....... subject of,the debate wAs Oly Ois cussed by the speakm ouotli aides, BRKEN BISCUITS -or ......... ..... vtqreeting- faetstaing noted. a ounds f The Rex4l Store Koine i SVMEPING COMPOUND PHONE 28 SEAFORTE After a discussion, among the judges, 4 pounds for .............. the decision was given-infavor of the affirmative side'eind due credit was given the negatie aide. During irk- terission a musileal contest took Announcement. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm- place. Jim Ches!XeYAKWPUP was sue - Kerr, McKillop, ann ounce the engage- -the titles of all cessful in quessing ment of their only daughter, Esther tlie nVirtbers layed, and they were Helen, to Mr. George R. Ctampoell' requ4fed to sing their favorite on--. H. Campbell only son of the laite J. After the -minutes -were read by tlis and Mrs. James Baron, the marriage Secretary, Tdiss Laura XtMillan,. it to take place early in March. harve an open air skat- was de6ided to ing party on. Wednesday iftlit, March Lions Club Euchre and Dance. -By 7th. An offering was taken for the popular request the Lions Club has regular funds, after which,* a hypir changed the St. Patrick's dance on was sung, followed by the MizPah Friday, March 16th, to a euchre and benediction. dance, in order to please as well as off er a full everAngls entertainment Quality Coke. -Nut and Stove Coal on hand t Cara-, of corn in a week. Phone R. J. tol]. There will be plenty of cards a good lunch, and lots of dancing, Milian or see, liarry rharters. 318141 say nothing of an evening of real Notice—Farmism wanting seeds for seedim social goodfiellowship. Everybody wel- down land in the spring, Phone your orders tA ng you. R� J. McMILLAN. Phoni 123, �eaforth. come. We are expecti Notice.—All persons owing accounts at th4 Died In Dakot&�The funeral of St Calumban Store are requested to call an( Miss Margaret Scott Govenlock, who settle same by cash -or note on or befr 0- March 10th. J. J. Hallanil. ssed away in Grafton North Dak WOMEN S TO TP.ADF, JIBRE 'ps eld Paint.—Try a can of "Utilac" on youl ta, on Friday, Maych 2nd, was , shabby furniture. It is easily handled, dur Wal Because they know they are from the home of her brother, Mr. able and in attractive colors. Graves John R. Govenlock, NorthWain Street, Paper Store, Seaforbh. 314a -I sure to get the Choicest Cuts on Wednesday afternoon, when inter- Agents Wanted—. $100.00 weekly, !say. eitb�� of Meat and save money be- ment was made in Maitlandbank sex. sening our cleaners. Works Ince magic sides. We aim to,make per- Unusual high commission. Free samples. P manent customers of every cemetery. A fuBer account of the sad A. Lefebvre & Co. Aledaaudria, Out slaq-t rrence will appear in The Exposi- Agen housewife who buys her -occu ts Wanted.—$100.00 weekly easy, eithe tor next week. sex, slling our cleaners.and clothes Pin bags Heats from us. To. do this Unusual high commission. Free samples. P we must give quality all the A. Lefebvre & Co., A-10sa,ndria, Out. 3136-t Keep Wednesday, April 11, Open. For Sale-LBel-le ity Incubator, 160 egg time. —On that night at 8 p.m., the Marion- splendid machine, used only ne season; on brooder, 7 mash hoppers, 4 fountains, on, Son Keith C.G.I.T. and the DeLuxe Tuxis R, will present a three -act lay, "Eyes 12 -dozen egg crate, 1 large shipping erate� a] for $12.00. W. H. Gading, Seaforth. -58 Don't SEA7(DEtTH of Love,,, in Cardno's Hall. 8148-: fail to see this production that has A SL Tea will be held in Firs pleased so many audiences both ml this Presbyterian Church on Friday, March 16tb +1,- I..k from 4 to 7 p.m., under the auspices of th coun ry an a I 716 Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary. Admission, Z few years. Practice has been going cents 3142-� on for a couple of weeks now and the Ca* al and Coke.—Coal and Coke on hand a caste that has been chosen promises the warehouse at the station; also a smal to make it n admirable performance. M.assey-Harris cutting machine, either powe Li at 8 or hand power. Phone 44W, Seaforth. AN Remember Wednesday, April I DREW ARCHMALD. 3185-t p -in. in Cardno's Hall. House and Lot For Sale.—For sale, 6 -room ed frame house, with kitehefi and coal hous, A Good Sale -The sale of Western hen house, good garden and small fruits, sit horses held by Mr. Robert Douglas. lated on 'George,Street, Seaforth.. Hard an, soft water in house and electric lights. F at the Dick House stables on Wed further particulars apply to James D. Me -Gil. neesday afternoon, was well attended Goderith, or.J. J. Haggard, Seaforth. 8143x and.good prices realized, although the special opticai Offer. -High grade heav Eddding was somewhat slow. A seven weight gial&filled sp�ctaaes and eye ga With best flalb spherical lenses for only 2470'( year old filly ,brought $151; a pair of All other tyle.of frames and lensts at I lov, three year 91d fillies reached the sum est prices. Eyes examined by our w,,Jl knv�r. of $294; a pair of seven and eight ind painstaking speeial-ist, Mr. Hughson, *It 27 years' experience; 18 years m 9 year olds brought $300, and a pair of forth. You are assured of the t five year old geldings, $300. Thomas work W be btaied and at ver . In er, Brown, the well known auctioneer, cost. Tuesday and Wednesday, March' l8t handled the sale. and 11th. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. swo The Seaforth Rome and School As- Palin-Grurnmett-A retty weddin, sociation-All membe" of the As- was solemnized in St. Thomsrchiircl sociAtion will be pleased to earn, that Seaf,,th, n Vdnesday morning o our Vice -President, Mrs. Munn, and this week, when Elsner Emily, dAiigl little son, are doing well. "The fu- e, of X, and m,,, Daniel Grumnit ture of the race marches forward on of Harpurhey, was united in makriag the feet of -little children.'�--PhilNp to Mr. Williain Henry Palin,­tbe -cere Rroo'ks. By the united efforts of Mony being performed by. the rectoi for this evenit. years ago, and resided therepntil hi death. 'The funeral was held frot Duncan CIMP ffa�lgeYLast 'Satuy- the undertaking parlor of Messrs. -M day norning in two fast gaings. the T Box & Go., on Tuesday, intermen Tigers tied the Hornets 2-2, and the being made in Harpurhey.,Celnoter3 Wildcats beat the Rink k 4 eYdi4,,, 9 6 beside the remains of his wife an, Next Saturday- morning (laughter, wh d.ied many years -ago. last gape of the schedule. t- -boy knows it will 'as a fighqto the Death of Sames Hughesi-Death re colmmerelal Hotel, sm?CrA finish for the cup and the lianquet. moved a well lmown i�sidsvt of thi 0 So the games tlext Saturday should town n Friday, March 2nA,,whe �6m(2 , e standing Mr.. James Hughes passed away a be pretty interesting. Th ywdav Alswacomo. of the teams is now:- Tied Pt his -home on Chalk Street, followin, Tesift Won Lost 9- an Wriess of some mantU., duratjy on Hilaft Hornets 1 7 'Mr. Hughes was �bmin the t6wilsbil, rs ago. There h Rinkeydiiflts 3 2 0 6 'of MeKillop 68 y6k Tigers 1 2 2 4 lived � until he gs,re u; the farm, an, moved to Worth. or aotTo rdgr 'he wds v4 dittployd of the sills, hard The games next Sst&day will be the -ware and allo c dtieted a coal an am. and 10 'a.lp- Ak.9 Zm on W rd. T go Rirdteydinks play the Tigers, avid At ooa ,ED hivty Year a he Va 1.0 am. the Hornets Play the Wild, united in' r6awkilive cats, Shuld, a tie result, the vlay� off voill be arrangod, latel, I e. -The .00,6 b of th VD11aft PeOP109 -Sdd1dt7 V ftd, b� he Itagfieb, of r"! Id TL � MOW&*, 40rohlo 0,1 W. imei. Vakftg= hAvb he, dricewt r &AN S. turpe� home.�-:Dr. W.. Aerbart, o f Sun Lif,e. Insuirance comPany 4A Uen- parents and teachers, the future can Rev. T. H. Brom. After -the cere Ilithem spent he week end t th hoine o -Johii Be0ti� was in, iroi6nio' be made nobler, brighterand happier. indny a wedding dinner was serve n his 89th year.,. With the'passing Join the Hoin e and School Associa- at the h,,,, of the bride?s parenti end with friends In Tgronto.-4-Mr. and the -home- of his' paxnts;,: Ut.� azxvt'-� ;outhern part of the county lost a .-at Mrrs. V, dispn Hawkins were called to Mrs;,. James Hayi, -in Egniondvil'" tion and take an active part in this the kninediate realthves and, frie -nd as was an outstanding figure -in M 0 Haffaim Ego Me grand work-Mrs.,Chas. Holmes, See- ----------- being present. Ur. and Mis. Pali- reside the farm th tioris tsaen for a w?, P'Spers at PW1104GUG Me -Go., Seaforth Spring ShowThe Sea- will on grooni's on. fourth 'concessioA of McKillop, vrlier oversight of the Piw.4bytery; 0 df,,,th0ae 12,047 are membdr,si,of the s forth AgrZleturalt Society is arran - 9 P lis ing the -for their Spring the -best wishes of many friends, wil fal1low them, members f -the-' Sunday t. d I and 1,467 gmulbers -Young: Show on Tuesday,. April 3rd. Gen- additions have been made and Death Rih,,d<' &at ,bqftL%,, Fine new chllrefiov W#re -76ullt: T 0d Bend and Fort& eroug xhibitoris are well repaid for the time of Reid.��hd occu rred in the House of Refuge, Clip and Extension' t J�..And­,amount to $4V,364; �100i*000, . t and trouble in exhibiting. The Boys' Judgin Competition is again limited 9 to n, n, Saturday of lag week of Xg Richard Reid. r. Reid was born i , property in the Presibyteiry. U.1 ,L, minsr)1,500. E -to der with'one boys 17 years and un England, but came to. Canada an, charge is under the care of an ordain-. Toron to, where heas.,ac�6pted a posi- f the classes in the heavy horses to o A all the settled in Seaforth in 1975. Alway thhiiiasement of the Northside United , Cb*& on Marchw qth. Tlhe meeting e judged. pgirade of cheerful,- 'honest and industrious, Se Wre lesson was read -by Misses �E. Burrows and E. Wheatley. After imals entered for comipetition, . Highlanders gained the esteem and good. Vll o NGW PLAING THRSCREEXIS MOST BEAUTIFUL headed by the Seaforth 1.30 the community, whe'r6 he was a fam I S El L 0 -in- Band, will be held at p.m., sharp; iliar figu re for half a century. 01v Based on David Belasco's famous the judging to commence at 2 oclock. to ad'Vjaneing years 'and 111 continent. Mond my, Tuesday a4d Wednesday WADGE BELLAMY There will be five cash prizes ven -SUMMER BA CHBLORS" for this evenit. years ago, and resided therepntil hi death. 'The funeral was held frot Duncan CIMP ffa�lgeYLast 'Satuy- the undertaking parlor of Messrs. -M day norning in two fast gaings. the T Box & Go., on Tuesday, intermen Tigers tied the Hornets 2-2, and the being made in Harpurhey.,Celnoter3 Wildcats beat the Rink k 4 eYdi4,,, 9 6 beside the remains of his wife an, Next Saturday- morning (laughter, wh d.ied many years -ago. last gape of the schedule. t- -boy knows it will 'as a fighqto the Death of Sames Hughesi-Death re colmmerelal Hotel, sm?CrA finish for the cup and the lianquet. moved a well lmown i�sidsvt of thi 0 So the games tlext Saturday should town n Friday, March 2nA,,whe �6m(2 , e standing Mr.. James Hughes passed away a be pretty interesting. Th ywdav Alswacomo. of the teams is now:- Tied Pt his -home on Chalk Street, followin, Tesift Won Lost 9- an Wriess of some mantU., duratjy on Hilaft Hornets 1 7 'Mr. Hughes was �bmin the t6wilsbil, rs ago. There h Rinkeydiiflts 3 2 0 6 'of MeKillop 68 y6k Tigers 1 2 2 4 lived � until he gs,re u; the farm, an, moved to Worth. or aotTo rdgr 'he wds v4 dittployd of the sills, hard The games next Sst&day will be the -ware and allo c dtieted a coal an am. and 10 'a.lp- Ak.9 Zm on W rd. T go Rirdteydinks play the Tigers, avid At ooa ,ED hivty Year a he Va 1.0 am. the Hornets Play the Wild, united in' r6awkilive cats, Shuld, a tie result, the vlay� off voill be arrangod, latel, I e. -The .00,6 b of th VD11aft PeOP109 -Sdd1dt7 V ftd, b� he Itagfieb, of r"! Id TL � MOW&*, 40rohlo 0,1 W. imei. Vakftg= hAvb he, dricewt r &AN S. -IV 7 ..... ..... 4 T� im, ,kAe Mod tied tbim� -5-6 M, DAM P ft r rorld Th e e h, r wgo -h t vehukh sted in a'. I -)2a time As of ono a,min' h� gof 4 6k 0r te )r Burrow's 'on the) at, in -getting into. �Wo '1; 44441 mat of the WrldIs go ,,a rateridUy aiding Stewart and, 5, s0p, R, iti'Oh � by'Tom Cluff 13arbei. , os ashea,� fid W., 0 -xushi�,d bi ajea 0 Wo em, -ore aid wDoi -r�-Wh In y i qxv­ er n b e a N �e k Pal "A" 0 Ug h pair f doe q�wly esoapi AV Y� �Priod ends after Stewart ixipfre be' exclusively,. OPT, Oried to stop 94 t f no. Score 414."' ff.he last, att lsj pened with by.' rho scored Vor the Wolrd,' 'r`+ y, nd f the -period some' say after the eriod ended. Tfie WOSSA.- . scored, ALL WOMEN kin the score,"5�5. 15it�-officiak: The- ecid (i*. minutes overtime, Vossia got one got' ond .whpn. thres� we were u VigtL. this,, re . unut,6 of the 6irerti should.' oJjm thq� list mInItte. gh a pitek the. WonA net: lVe oAthwe" ke 11 iniself, ending up fii,t16 a L ch' -Of 900re oards with J. Xel)6pald �,on� taip', The sme ended, the ;t�di ty, butit. was some a The' S'pring APPArO., -LADI.ES� SPkIN eferee was 0 Dick and the goal um,-� 'utherland and Gi ires were S. S, COATS. L 'night. ine-ups. Wosda Goal, efferson;, defense, Cluff� Gardiio-,. J. nngs, Trott,. Parke; centre, F.. )onald; subs., Rennie. World--LGoal, itewart; defense, Edmunds, Barber; vings, Burr,*ws, Parcel]; centre, J. deDonald; SZ"Olfft stib�., Sills, Brown. 1yeata oil W1111am 0allantyne-Air. N111liain Laidlaw TWIantyne passed turpe� home.�-:Dr. W.. Aerbart, o f Sun Lif,e. Insuirance comPany 4A Uen- Lway at hisl home in HaTpurhey,-eatly the Weetern Hospital ftff,'-Tor6iito, -".11,was iii4own ou Ilithem spent he week end t th hoine o -Johii Be0ti� was in, iroi6nio' ng an illness of about three weeks, his parents, MT. -and Mrs., -,C. Aber- wesk ;ii business.-4'Mi. .Zodrd Agis" A . OW n his 89th year.,. With the'passing hat. -Miss JeanHays. spent,'ithe week of Walkerville, *a"-� guest'thij we0k d Mr. Ballntyne, Seaforth and the end with friends In Tgronto.-4-Mr. and the -home- of his' paxnts;,: Ut.� azxvt'-� ;outhern part of the county lost a .-at Mrrs. V, dispn Hawkins were called to Mrs;,. James Hayi, -in Egniondvil'" pan -who for,,more than two,genera- t - 'th L%xeter ork.Sunday owing 01 0 ser- 'MrK.'Iames as was an outstanding figure -in .................... 0M tioris tsaen for a w?, P'Spers at PW1104GUG Me -Go., p 17 465 persws wider the s oversight of the Piw.4bytery; 0 df,,,th0ae 12,047 are membdr,si,of the s The W3iL& mamber r they raised 414;037. There f members f -the-' Sunday t. d I and 1,467 gmulbers -Young: Societie& The re were 130 t mar*ges celebrated; 206 1paesed,. on t ,bqftL%,, Fine new chllrefiov W#re -76ullt: T 0d Bend and Fort& t;WVpurc1h at, Benniffler has brseli..�ien­ I Igb&A and beautified.' The :1 and Extension' t J�..And­,amount to $4V,364; �100i*000, . t W404��aised for all .Purposes during I ,0i6',Lt1ne months of the finaheiaryeart I , property in the Presibyteiry. U.1 ,L, minsr)1,500. E belvhffing to the Preabytery.dekirift e is provided for, ixnd 7.0very I charge is under the care of an ordain-. Toron to, where heas.,ac�6pted a posi- -- - ---------- 1. T. -The Marion Keith, C. held their weekly meeting in thhiiiasement of the Northside United , Cb*& on Marchw qth. Tlhe meeting ojibfted with Hymn 1 on the song-'shoet f6116*ed by prayer in unison. The Se Wre lesson was read -by Misses �E. Burrows and E. Wheatley. After )f the Masonic fraternity in Canada, of Graftoii,. NoAh. Dakota, and.,Vb�s. � home df her Son,.- ,Mr% T,.:GrkVev NGW PLAING THRSCREEXIS MOST BEAUTIFUL STAR here, this week d-ttenditig the,juhe)�91 '�ifiome af.her sister-in-law, Mis.A. -D. S El L 0 -in- he Heart. r arylal, d Based on David Belasco's famous old Civil War Melodrama in which Mrs. Leslie 4CArter once thrilled the continent. Mond my, Tuesday a4d Wednesday WADGE BELLAMY �8 years Mr. Ballantyne'wast Licen0a -SUMMER BA CHBLORS" Also 10th of COLLEGIANS- ecial 7. FTIRITS D A I Friday SL Saturday) THE MARINES" *ith LUN ��',NEY'ss the Irish Sergeant Pv�-N CE SS L St Patrick r prieW "C been. -e , ut.. 1i , A . . . . . . . . ao man of his, da, earngd or received 1 fuller Aare of respect And estdMem . . . . . .-Over'. h of th - urtain Are,,Pyqf n 1910 but he is -stf=eSdAZi fallf-I Uble IUem, rog�la:t �$1.00* Sale Price PARIgn HAILL I ............... Tolin M. Ballantynd,`bf, St; Thomas; Tabld, regulair $ 6 149 'Li T�4,idi�ig frOVT-510 7.00 oWock git,6� Of and Home ..... ... . . ........ -IV 7 ..... ..... 4 T� im, ,kAe Mod tied tbim� -5-6 M, DAM P ft r rorld Th e e h, r wgo -h t vehukh sted in a'. I -)2a time As of ono a,min' h� gof 4 6k 0r te )r Burrow's 'on the) at, in -getting into. �Wo '1; 44441 mat of the WrldIs go ,,a rateridUy aiding Stewart and, 5, s0p, R, iti'Oh � by'Tom Cluff 13arbei. , os ashea,� fid W., 0 -xushi�,d bi ajea 0 Wo em, -ore aid wDoi -r�-Wh In y i qxv­ er n b e a N �e k Pal "A" 0 Ug h pair f doe q�wly esoapi AV Y� �Priod ends after Stewart ixipfre be' exclusively,. OPT, Oried to stop 94 t f no. Score 414."' ff.he last, att lsj pened with by.' rho scored Vor the Wolrd,' 'r`+ y, nd f the -period some' say after the eriod ended. Tfie WOSSA.- . scored, ALL WOMEN kin the score,"5�5. 15it�-officiak: The- ecid (i*. minutes overtime, Vossia got one got' ond .whpn. thres� we were u VigtL. this,, re . unut,6 of the 6irerti should.' oJjm thq� list mInItte. gh a pitek the. WonA net: lVe oAthwe" ke 11 iniself, ending up fii,t16 a L ch' -Of 900re oards with J. Xel)6pald �,on� taip', The sme ended, the ;t�di ty, butit. was some a The' S'pring APPArO., -LADI.ES� SPkIN eferee was 0 Dick and the goal um,-� 'utherland and Gi ires were S. S, COATS. L 'night. ine-ups. Wosda Goal, efferson;, defense, Cluff� Gardiio-,. J. nngs, Trott,. Parke; centre, F.. )onald; subs., Rennie. World--LGoal, itewart; defense, Edmunds, Barber; vings, Burr,*ws, Parcel]; centre, J. deDonald; SZ"Olfft stib�., Sills, Brown. 1yeata oil W1111am 0allantyne-Air. N111liain Laidlaw TWIantyne passed turpe� home.�-:Dr. W.. Aerbart, o f Sun Lif,e. Insuirance comPany 4A Uen- Lway at hisl home in HaTpurhey,-eatly the Weetern Hospital ftff,'-Tor6iito, -".11,was iii4own ou Priday morning of last week, follow- spent he week end t th hoine o -Johii Be0ti� was in, iroi6nio' ng an illness of about three weeks, his parents, MT. -and Mrs., -,C. Aber- wesk ;ii business.-4'Mi. .Zodrd Agis" A . OW n his 89th year.,. With the'passing hat. -Miss JeanHays. spent,'ithe week of Walkerville, *a"-� guest'thij we0k d Mr. Ballntyne, Seaforth and the end with friends In Tgronto.-4-Mr. and the -home- of his' paxnts;,: Ut.� azxvt'-� ;outhern part of the county lost a .-at Mrrs. V, dispn Hawkins were called to Mrs;,. James Hayi, -in Egniondvil'" pan -who for,,more than two,genera- t - 'th L%xeter ork.Sunday owing 01 0 ser- 'MrK.'Iames as was an outstanding figure -in ous illne4s of 4r.s. -Aw na,father with, friends in Stiitf6td-�­Mr.- J -,,VL'. StOt 3orn in Hawick, Roxborshil Tow6i�t6,` the we eattuding e, and, he came to Canada when four- his parents; Mr."'. land, John father, `the': late, WHham'. W014 een years of age and. s�ttled- in Galt, Grdig­�Mr. Ru§s�el Bhyg ioi;7 i -and vhere he learned the shoemaking and his sister, Mr * A il, oi Aorne,:of Goderkh, s. eg Red ;rade. In 1859he was united in mar- Stratford, were guest this week at endfat hti- home; f MrArswthoriies - iageito -Miss Agnes'MackaY, Of Galt, the bmer Of E, Mrs. Adam Bays. ctnofher'Arl� RdbertHttwthonwl-*,DSe�.:,.",, tnd two years -later moved to Har-pur- later the Mary Laing, of IMIlverton aiiany friend's VA-11'.be pleased tojearlt, iey. A few years when spent th.week. end at the is reeo-vering -from mainess part of Rarpuhey moved to her parents,Xr. and Xm J. C. Laing., pneumbnia.-�Mr., and 3eaflOrth, XT. Ballantylle came here -Mrs. Alex. Stoble is visitink with Stratford. spent Lnd he had- since been a coiitinuOus friends.in � Clinton.--Dft. E. C.:'Cham- end at the -home of Mad0-r,�.Sqtd.:X=. -esident. ]is was a charter irne mber 'berlain left on Tuesday morning for R. S� H&ysL-4M-r­'-G D , Haigh it )f the congregation of First PresbY- Toron to, where heas.,ac�6pted a posi- ;eria-n church, 964forth, and for tion in -t .. I he office. -of ithe Xhisell Hard- Nss. Dorothy'Xii#AM -fifty_ .e4rs_ _4 _member of t�hhe ,early -�y 3es&ion of I jueski. at Ml� %Limit are-Cq a ed, Of that Oty.'a Vancouver, are-weeknc 'Ma Angus -wo Ah,i- +omq-,of- ,harter -member of Britannia Masome -Mr. stpefi or --and end in Toronto­4Mrs; Laird, -iffiss was k7 �qdge,,ind one -of the d1destembers janst 6overilock, MT. Robert Laird, St. Warir:s thiK�week -Visiting at the )f the Masonic fraternity in Canada, of Graftoii,. NoAh. Dakota, and.,Vb�s. � home df her Son,.- ,Mr% T,.:GrkVev Ere had 'received the old -members' -which 'Of W. H. Govenlock,, of -Chicagoi- -weraJV`al&� Usk., is a guest: at the. nedul from Grand Lodge, of he here, this week d-ttenditig the,juhe)�91 '�ifiome af.her sister-in-law, Mis.A. -D. vas. in former years an officer, and of tb� late,Miss Margaiet Goverdbik.''Samerville. Misi %arY.Jksoli, CE .n June, IM, was tpres'blited by the Mabel Huisse.. and ss, L. !�io4o, is spending'the week ea -L ent a n 'bers of Britannii ^Lodge v� a Satchel, of Stratford, spent! Sunday ith -her parpubs, Mr. -tcnd Mrs. L. G... 'Urs,l NJRaZdkson,. ,old headed came, to mark the 60th with Mr., and 'The' many, ffieA& f Mr. Hartman Huiiser., I muiversary of his membership.. For * I --jMr. VV. -puchanari, �gent for 'the �8 years Mr. Ballantyne'wast Licen0a , , I I . .pispector for. South, Hdrdn, for 22 rears he.w.gs a imaemer of the Public 3chool 20sid, and or many.years IlledAhe office bf town assessor. li nibliche was a man of quiet and dig -6 of public lutk, he wet; it -man of unb0ading U principle, but to those who knew hift �est, he wAs a man of large heart,''of dudniss, hiamor and of wisdom 1. an4 r prieW "C been. -e , ut.. 1i , A . . . . . . . . ao man of his, da, earngd or received 1 fuller Aare of respect And estdMem . . . . . .-Over'. h .h1an he. Us. urtain Are,,Pyqf n 1910 but he is -stf=eSdAZi fallf-I Uble IUem, rog�la:t �$1.00* Sale Price ly of, one son and,two daughters,, KE I ............... Tolin M. Ballantynd,`bf, St; Thomas; Tabld, regulair $ 6 149 'Li oind Miss- Isabel Bollantyii,6, at bome. Dress Flannels, rhe funeraT, which, was ......... luspices, was hella,fr6m, AZA -pla . nit aj aulti�16,hr quflt:lip#ng;,*gv ' a ej lar . ..... . �'Cr Per YAT )A;T1tan.0hureh op.,$undty� d Arhen the services word -poung a -they last Larkin, D.15., MaUted7*. or 'lop; km T. a. Brdwh, Redo -At r VhomMl� Churdh, %,f*11oWtd 'by this fok ftsoiiie. se e. 6 musk"for' ;ervics. -was urnished 1>j the -full g limilor ... ihurdh- '"t and art ,4 qessrg. J. steakt, a Unnia And D, L, R64.'�11* thi I"fidre wo w I t a- r� oc e 4�11A 0 1hid 4t &V,4 IVAT; CA*`. 00 V17 I .. . ....... ..........