HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-03-09, Page 60 It UT 44 Tq ve ea It Not your 1Z 14ne the hollows U, � , prove to att Eli, Q00 az Inb=-edizz. 5 kX sVA4 4,'34 Rve sta4z W]Ooxias =d gain UII�o - Q, 'clear c M1 ZwOL �,4jv the live 'have same 'tit �At U, erMMOv4d. sua reEmIts, but tke rk a AT"t u aqv�� centi am= im s h24mbdon zaa% Jay ar 3=h, antea. W;4fUt oMqmt Be =Ke� Cow 44 It is true QliW Fx&act Tablets oo,'-S q4o hotle by His woyl� vas, ezre- y y ceatm'y =4.a kZW,aTO. are good fully P1-'Z'1e4 and. k SM11 =bleved 'fully uszz� =d 11be lottery of live- any thini I -4i, iZT1D success. Ame Cruickoh-ank end willi tock breodiav 0,ten, proyw 'Eu. offit?o 5 pou:34'ind feel comple QQes ara Nat=les Pubh% devoted to an Ideal Ically, man doesn't so into! %Ai ON- areat" the, 0=,* 9, Sootah Short- "Tito best laid sehmaes. mice and a b In k;rX , �; i - " 5C� RU oppoLNZ `a�� ham�s rentwhable resutts. An- w1uners in' the herd a� 'Men Zang c2t, asley tit is 20411 tM, "Nt V�o Impatw offiee. he4 our druggi I R61bla"al wouldno ah, drw and William Montgomery, Wfl� An, le3ve, us maught but grief and ham Duulop, James Kilpatrick, Em- wa t t4a Aberhart or ma ptin for promisea jov, retuvn:; puroha Co. the' aiWV4i Th, est Mew =4 John P. Slelgla sl=ys U 0 ZT11=0 VE11 V.10. Nion firs had M delfillite bject in view in, the abuor graduate of Ontuds V Canadian Ibreader who has produ(4ion a t 4*� CORGUe. All diseames of domestle Proven to the full that t ov�nomeizaw 4149,4� " Wcas treata. (Calls prowptkv at- There we. to -day many able men lor ye, its Ior hull.'calvex his IC6i� Vt in good' live the game d 1i0C change is James of Jtitie4 Douglas and Sons, t engaged stock 4ded to and ebarsez, Douglas, of Caledona,, mAw wi n6t. and a sire of Chdmplons� specialty. agaee on both sides of the ater, who ere sons Stamley have been and Gnild Ch&ni wom first for r ': 1% X,4j:�q$ tho o I J6 pions at American it . Oro, breeder's hei* first Oace, Sezi- several cow, second, for get of Fire An rA 0 C Stl�eet, one making definite lniWovement in their breeding Shorthorn eattle, for a couple shoWo��j:��the herd of Thawks'Wilson, fbreeds, and it is interesting of dscades. The Douglas herd dates Of -test b to amlyze, what some of these sue- =k for 8 uty yean, as Shortholms vwoW, in fact the gred reod- eve ond. fDr group -of four calves. ftillir cessul. bra bull in, the United , 0 . tte*, thp have 'been kept t Wwbank for a ad record,. ;en t 6' 'be phlouW U: shl(iial4di and by what metheds they'are, achiev- tb length of time, but the A. 5L CA&PBRIX" V -S. Statels­t&-day. "Count" is out of C third Browdtl Rev4a- aperiod I Notning -Blossom 2nd, and so is - a of Ontrio Vetsdaa* ing their endls; and also to Make some at game unWoky. porson: want to cover is that of the last ten full. was third at the Canadian Na- r er, br4ther o Browndale Uollqga� T3niversity of 'Earonts. All comparisons between their methods Blanner I E-thibition and is owned, by Dr. some t. tentific should - an i -brother in lood. toi, -Mouar�h I" tional. a-4juat, cRbsases of domestie animals �xGated and those of the old worthies who James Douglas and Sons began ThOm thTee bulls were all - sired t,7 McCullough, of -who He, is It, is is not an morsel. mors 1�hctlie most mode= IP4243188- founded he breed marrasal t to s and achieved so their hw yard, career at the Guelph BrA�wndige. -extens!" breeder. Th cow also e gas reasaxwol. jatly Vic liuLs"11, much in the production of them. 'bitig one The.n�gd (bull produced dropped a fourth,limll calf that bred to promptly -atter Winter Fair in 1918, by eadd By TMS lam - "hat breed 'w�e heifer, and winithe female chem- ilY was. Browndale I well in, a small-keTd. Tb one 0 Aed to. aides am it is rwt material v T, street, Iffemscm D OPicsfta 70�75 disleuss as live stock impovement is er, now in -the show. Tho following The greatest, winner of- champion- mer be saved* 'The other is that ervic iwedL Prmons no. worked out in one in pretty -minIch the tqnithe Douglas herd. This pionship ct bull ships aniong fthe ulls of Dougla coward-, gnd if summer they won the Junior Cham- -s' the ihaxk is, an, s&= aianner as in any ther. It is pionship for bulls at the Canadian was miior Champion at the Canadian breeding was Br6wAdale Hero. He, the. swimmer beats the water furious- ff- National Exhibition and Junior and years since Rvibert Bakewell startled Grand;Cbampion at the Royal Winter ship as a Se over one hundred and seventy-five N ti , E&bibW T ly e will ftigliei the 'shark Away r1al 0 with won the Junior andrand Champion n%or DIL W. C. SPIRG.L2 Ing bythei nise., BrOVmd2l, Baum�er, and at nine Can- Fair. Hoas sired by the fbr times, Yea4i at the Can e British, live stock Gra6uat th breeders by the dian National Exhibition n 1921' In Titese. storiee, owever, do'not prove a 04, 7acalty 02 Basdiciae� Rdian Nat'19nal F13d1lbitiOns In the Grami Champion Browndale HA -rot and inbreeding methods which he adopt- . 1922 he wag not- Brownd'ale that the harks. will devour si umiVersity of Western Omtario,l Lon- same single and group competitins out of Morning Blos mthers. d for the improvement of his sheep James som. 4th Count was the Willowbank'candidat e They only prove th 60L member Of college of Physic- Douglas & Sons won eight Bro*nd�le. Morning- �b% e lively apprehen- and cattle -and by selecting zome of Blossom "L flo Grand Championship honors. that sions of the . Xis pbssible swimmers laim and Surgeons of Ontario. Me G r a us d Cham)pionships, seventeen was qt. of'Mo his best specimens -he doubled in their eir and -he annexed them. :. For the of course, tore, Ranin St, Championships, fifty-four first prizes mother'of Browndale Banner -and Aberhart"s Drug S that wheii, the shrk turns blood in what was regarded as a most folkning years, however, 1923-24�25, an his'backand attefitpft to di " be- Seaforth. Phone go. and twenty-three second prizes. They incestuous manner with a very mark- Browndole Count. exhibited at the Royal Winter Fair he won, the Grand. ChampionIships at neath the swimmer (he i -s merely,try- Browbdale E-mblem, the first Prize 'the iCnadilan National Exhibition ing �o get a better view so that he ed improvement in his herd, Quali DR. IL P. 11. DOUGALL ty -from 1923 to 1926 and won, two Grand Junior Bull Calf, at the Canadian Na. E and fleshing were two outstanding without break. He was by Brown- can return, htae, with a camp ChampionshiM fcn= Championships, tional. Exhibition, Royal Winter Fair, lete ie - Faculty of features of his cattle as compared dale and out of the implorted. cow Mil- part at' -the phemomenom, Honour graduate of tweny-five first prizes and eleven see- Western Fair, Londlon, and Champion The truth j� adefficine and. Master of Science, Uni- with those of his competitors at that -nd prizes. These phenomenal re- at the Guelph Winter Fair, was out lercraig Rosebud. He was not a wry that there se6m to be not more thp 17ersity of Western Ontario, London. time. sure breeder but he sired, Browndale, hal& a dozen recordlid cases, at sharks cords are enough o.arrest the atten- of 'Matning Blossom 5th, a daughter Member of College of Physicians and Mr. Bakew-ell was active as a breed- Courier, a Junior Champion at the having eaten human eirliga. tion of the cattle breeding world, and Of 'MOrning Blosgom W, and This is L ns of Ontario. Office, 2 doors er of sheep and cattle about 1750 and by Canadian Exhibition, and junior and said on, the. authority of bj% Will' AAways have the surgeo more articularly when attention is Brow�dale. lam east of post office. Phone 56, Hensall, for half a century later his plan of This bull was sold to E. grand Champion at the Royal'Winter 0 im Lo called to the ftet that every one Of J. Boaks, of Acme, Beebe, the well known American nat- WRIGLBY P Ontario. 3004-tf inreeding was usually referred to as Albera- What a Fair. uralist, who is director.of tropical re - these prize winnerG were direct des- great gr VA' your'pockeL the Bakewell system. cendants of the Shorthorn bull Brow— dued oup of five bulls to be pro- Millertralgi Rosdbud &op&,d an- search for the Now York Zoological DM 1. NEWTON -BRAD About 1790 Charles and Robert from these two cows,"full sis- 04, Soothes mLerves, dale 80112. Browridal was bred on ters and froni their two dau other bull calf, Bmwndale Yet, a prize Society. Dr. Beebeas had, much ex - Collin were becoming promirient ghters, - - Graduate Dublin University, the Bakewell plan, as he -was sired by vwnq 11 r at the Canadian National Ex- perience with, sharks and on �L recent thirs4 aids This quintett hibitio a full brother of Hero, and trip to Haiti , d i in e Ire- breeders of recently improved cattle full sister in blood. and as'ib��'Sorthorn distinguish Avondale, his dam was sired by Av- (f Orange,Blossom buls do high blon ma e spec gl v stiga Late Extern Assistant Master kuoy�n to digestion. the sire in the herd of Oakleigh tione. requently e 'went dfbwTf fir.� -mdale, and his grand dam was sired or hideled to this branch of their il- Thorne, of New York State, of the teen or twenty* feet'below the'sarface Rotunda Hospital for Women and them from the old English long horn. red "The Dur - Children, Dublin. Office at residence The Clling's Brothers b by Whitehall Count, a half brother to lustrious, Shorthorn 'family Grand Champion steer at the Eastgrn of the wliter,_v%aring nothing bat a Rately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. ham Ox," and "ne White Heifer that Avondale, as they were both by Cows that breed good 'bull allves tates Fair, Springfield Mass. bathing suit and.a diviers helret. The se tvII �N thithall Sultan. iy produce good heifers- though Hours, 9 to 10 am., 6 to 7 p.m.; -o animals are tTavlled 1 The general so-calld man-eatin sharks . came Sundays, I to 2 p.m. 2866-26 well known to all ho have read Browndle has proven to -be a ver- the reverse is, not always true. Morn- 1§rownale Guard, the winner of close and swam round curiously but Shorthorn history and they were sir- itable "Cainpion of Egland" in the ing Blssom 4tb as herself a first Junior Championship honors at the niade no-attemt to �attack, Sh A be DR. F..L BURROWS ed by Clling'9bull Favorite 252. The, 'Jouglas herd. Not only did he sire prize winner at the, Canadian Nation- Canadian National Exhb't"`, the to, this scientist, are no more than &ery lVkag 01 Street bull -was sired by Bolingbrook, by champions, but he sired bulls t�at ai Exposition. It wa observed Royal Winter Fair, the Chicago, In - Office and residence Goderich large minnows, They are playful, �red champions on to the second Ind that she is a full sister a the great terntioAai, was 'perhaps. the best. east of the Methodist church, Sea Foljam-be, out of Young Strawberry and nothing but their size and thir rd generatin,and Browndale blood Earth... Phone 46. Coroner for the out of Lady Maynard, and his dam bull Bt*wnale Count. Morning Blos- %hoi bull bred at Willowbank. This evil reputation prevents them from was Phoenix by Foliarnbe, out of is much sought after by the Shorthorn som. 3rd that produced the bull Brown- bull unfortunately died last summer County of Huron. breeders of to -day. supplanting the goldfish as. an orna- dale Monarch was also the moth Lady Maynard. er of before the, Show was held. He 'was The: Collings Brothers then bred Browndale is now succeeded by a two Carthdian National Exhibition sired by Brovindal Coronet and out ment in the living-raom. I'trust that we are all finally dis- DR. C. MACNLAY granc6son, Browndale Coronet, as herd p TO, -fortify his Own, -experience he c rding the ancient barbaic fallacy the most remarkable bull of his time, rize winfiim-d'heifers, Morning Blos- of the imported,'cow Phingask M34tle talked to mm in:411 p4iTts,,of, th a C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trim- Comet 155-, the first bull in Britain A coun . t1' latter is proving himself the best bull an on eprospexii be expected -b, hare in the Willowban herd and the son! 5th and Morning Blossom 7th, nrd. This cow was also the mother kno1w aty U d gold medallist of to sell for 91000. Cmet was Sired while Alorning 'Blossom 6th oat of of Browntiale Consul, fir�.t priz-'e' sen- sharks, -and- they agreed that the et used by Mr. Douglas. Browdale -ning Blossoin 4th, was first prize ioral aft the 1926 Canadian Nation - —Lord Crewe. -his dam was Young y stories representing these, creature$ TrinijMdiQlaColege; member Of by Favorite 252, the C ege of Physicians 'and Sur- Phoenix by Favorite 252 and his Coronet is by Brown -dale Count, by Junior Yearling Heifer at the Canad- al Exhibition and sold to the Agri- in an unlovely fight -are figments 0 The -meanest' man in the -world is Browndale, and Iris dam Seams of Ontario. grand dam was Phoenix the mother is Willow- ian National Exhiition, cultural College at Emonton to head the imgination. Even thAe who be- the fellow -who regre-bs having spent S bank Jilt by BrowTrdale. When this of Favorite 252. This was &urely ap- That branch of the Bruce Rose- their Shorthorn herd. What a breed- lieve that in' icertain is coupled with the inbreeding Of woods' which found it -way circumstances his youth._6itIurnal. DEL H. HUGE Ross plying the Bakewll theory with a into the Pr of hulls� this cow should continue sharks ill attack and devour hum -an Brownale--himself it takes us back Willov,�bank herd has produced a to be. a Graduate of University of Toronto ve-ngeance but with excellent results. -beings, admit that there is -but one The mechanical man known as tele - Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- On down through the years breed- to the days of Roan Gauntlet, or back group Of . prize winhes worthy of Browndale Coronet, herd bull at species that will do this, and that lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Com st August the Grand Chem- Willowbank, at the present time, and et Of over a century ago. The note. La Is vax may turn, on -the lights�, but so far ers like Booth and Bates worked uP_ the gTeat blue-ned shark 'which, he asn't emonstrated that he can Ontario; pass gradliate courses in on similar plans too numerous to last time I was at Willowbank, r few pion Sbrthorn bull at the Canadian sire of numerous prize winners at the e open seu of all he oce'anl-. empty the pan under the -ice chest— de- weeks ago, there were seventeen lit- National Exhibition was a senior calf Torouto Shows, -including Brownd. T ranges th Chicago Clinical School of Chicago ; tai here. -his monster, however, is on� of the Indianapolis News. Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, cle calves in a large box stall that T hundred years later a exhibited by.Jame Douglas & Sons. Guard and BTowdaI4 Supreme, Is rarest in the seas, and, there i Nearly a England, University Hospital, Lo were, as a group, the most eloquent This great calf, Browndale Supreme, out of Willowbank Jilt, a cow sired n- tenant farmer in Scotland, Amos museum in the United States hat ,has ---------- dm England. Office—Back of Do- Cruickshank of Sittyton, after years testimny to th� unifoTmitv of the was by Browndale Cronet, and out by Bro­w�ndale. This cow has no other a full -grow speciamen. Therefore, if minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. of careful selection and bv-eding progen,of this great bull. of the fourteen year ld- cow, Athel- great bull to her credit but sh is Night calls answered from residence, hinISelfL* -nosed sharks are, da-ngerou only blue found in possession of a home There is in the Douglas herd - - - stane Rossvoodtth by Newton Friar the mother o- �Toyful -Jilt Victoria Street, SeAforth. a I Pr1ze' the charkei of-amyorii6 being-VittenY bred -bull, Champion of England, that Duess of Gloster cow, Maxwdlton (Imp.) and out of a dam by Roan junior heifer calf at the 1924 Royal a shark are remote. In the opin-ion, proved himself the sire par excellent Gloster 23rdi bred by Carpente ief (Imp.). Hier third dam was Shw and -a prize winner -at both - the of Dr. Frederick A. Lucas, honorary DH� J. A. MUNN r and Successor to Dr. R. R. Bass bull was by Lancaster Comet whose dale, her dam being out of an Avon- bred.by Wriiam Duthie. This old national in 1924. This heifer is by -nd rich in the blood of Avon- the irnported. Trout Creek Rosewood yal a th, icag Inter- di ... tr of the American Museum of of all the Shorthorns in Scotland. This Row, a Toronto R n e Ch a Graduate of Northwestern Univers- Natural History- in New York, these fty, Chicago, 111. Licentiate Royal sire and dam were both by Will dale cpw and by an Avondale sire, Clow is also.the mother of Browndale Browndale Gount and so is -a full sis- chances dre about the same as the ormb, while his dam, Virtme was 'but with an outeross, in her sire Caurtier, a bull used some in the Wil- ter otl Boiid:Ae Coronet. Joyful Rod- beingtruck by College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. average person. has of has dropped three heifer ffice over Sills' Hardware, Main St I rich in similar blood lines. ney. She lowbank -herd, where -he sired Morn- Jilt was bred to her full brother lightning. The comparison, does not Then began the concentration a calves in � -succession, all sired by Ing Blossom 4th, a'first prize senior I'CorOnet" and produced the first prize seem to us a ery happy one, be honcause. the blood of Champion of England in Brownale Coronet. The first one was bull calf ;it -ffie 1924. Canadian Na- senior heifer calf at the Canadian Na- nobody doubts' hat peolyle harve been the Slittyto-n herd that revolutionized second at the Canadian National Ex- tioal Exhibition and only be(aten for qLonal Exhibition f last August. This struck by lightning, and prudnt per - DPL F. S. BIRCHEL it, in fa�t made a new breed of hibitin as a junior calf, the next was the Junior Championship by the &en- is rather close, breeding, ut a bull sons do not unnecessarily i��pose, Graduate Royal College of Dental "OnicIcsank Shorthorns." Sons and firstthe following year and We third "Or yearlingBrondale Coronet, was calf from such mating-Ephould be..a themselves to it. ELI Surgeons; Toronto. Office over W. were us- one was first, and Junior Charavion out of Lady Rosewood -by Browndl, d ropositin t6 experiment wit, The cases in, which it has been grandsons of the Champion goo d for years, and perhaps the great- last Au t. Mr. Douglas is waiting and Ladyosewood was out a Athel- and by all the rulles of the game it &MIth's Grocery, main Street, Sea- 1 912 proved that sharks have'l�itten hu gorth. Phones: Office, 185W.; resi- est successor of the old, bullas Roan 'or a bull caff from this cow when he stane Rs*mad fith.. This bull is sbould,'fix the Browndale type. Duke breeding well in the berd of F. W. beings --and there are -a mere hand- eadmee, 186J. 30r,5-tf Gauntlet. He was got by Roy hopes to get the Inost. choicely bred EWi inbreeding is. only safe with indi -hse sire -and dam were sire -he her. yet owned. ng, of of Gloster, w ful Of thelm­�prcserrt'extenuating cir- abn1at- Out. These are viduals of exceptional merit,gnd then The t cumstances. Two or three of thepe three outstanding bulls to the ere both by Chmpions of England, and ed pedigree of these three*heifera is dit when you hit upbA an outcross that AUCTnONN=8 of this oU ni6kg with your inbred. bull, -and this, injuries ere inflicted by.persns ap. his darn -%vas Princess Royal by Chem- a study in breeding lines and works (,,cow, 'but she dropped moit- e�e proarhing too near'a haric impound-� MGP�IAS, Rpion of England. These methods Of out thus:— ly -heifer calvis and thr daughters is often by accident, you have the ed -or tangled im, 9 net, or gasphig, on Ifers, Lady,Rorewood 2nd, Lady Rose� real thin, . Phingask . Myrtle Ord 9 Licensed auctioneer Mr the countiao the share. If a sliirk shouidt hit6 in, Avondale. wood 3rd, -and Lady Rosewood 4th, seems to have een that cow in the tb these circumstances nobody c6uW e� Huron an& per . Coriesipandence Browndale. were all first prize winners: �t the Douglas herd. What it great Pity blame it. In other - Raes,, where d .#kongeeitts for sale date& eAm be Maxwalton Mina Canadian National Exhibition and an- her illustrious prize-winning son, c enth made by calling The Enpositor Office, resulted ahark'bite' it was al- The "good old days" were wl Brawndale f2nd by Avondale other daukhtor, Lady Rosewood 7th, Browndale Guard, did not live long . l fro ye proved that ten a geafortlL (Charges moderate, and Count. morning Blos� enough to demonstrate what his value wa: the sQri was firs I t kiss tasted like rnot like a drug (som 3rd. attracted to the spot by blood or re- store.—]�ordr Cities Star., would be as a breeding bull. fuse. 'A wounded r mangled mail OSCAR 9197F Avondale. I have only placed these facts on Brovmdale Browndale. DOn't et record, Tbecauss live� stock �breeding-and I have v;sd ttt the eonclueflon Caray JonGav xa. Coronet. manwalton Mi farming are two lines ol business in that 1 t does not anatte two enee h Blad i eakness 0 01 dchOd *2 AUWOtd6ring CM- Duchess a 12nd by Avordale which -we can, -learn much, from the a word p ovidied everybody, 1. al Wlowbank PcIft G%zterSist experience of othem The men -who wi& thowo v&at -it is.—The 'Bishop of, dtvit� wiKl, sdal Tgdbat% 9&. Scarlet Fever Left Her ill. in these-activi. On 16ton fim Ducliegg of ties,have lft r0estonts by Cho way MAr%6t 800, Gloster 40th Riverview ilt which are s6ime guidance and diret- a displays trtmendnus tRodney. tion for thosi who ardndeavaring to -of *W &WeT to fimd almg gokft Rest VT Duchess, of follow alter, even though tbey- (iften NOVA SCOTIA LADY HIGHLY Rg-11 '"hat his: vAe.Rvoks like. — Ottatm G1cster42m n Health tag a long way bohimd,,, COMMENDS DOMS RION9T 60ramL Sep PILLS Gloster 24rd "4�chvs Pains in Ahy*ay, hPY0 art- not tftsed �kr &A and, -as- by Avovdzle, VM�ftugte;a, Restle no cot, mtv nem, freqgifit but seamtk urination R'S WANTS TO KNOW IP BEARKS youni sufft'red Unwd Agany bid with burnift.". gstop Gloster 11th vehig-up- From llv Ridh6ra. gtovlado"Skm VwV--&andZt4L Manwalton Gloster rm ima Halifax, N.S., eshi of kidmey, troublos,11 wK.t9jv,' 1gr dm rieva geientist, Vhose name uey pils to MIlterfivig OM%d bi, id 7th by AvorI photo 6. dto ohould hiio aftelbson before 6seapeg, us, but. Who is the tou 9. roW Sun. "im 116 Tff."4A4 Jat an, Awas Cruickshank found lor W. 1. V razer, who ha thty rewW 4 6 -koA�os tagel the obhq Ameolean ticientilst haocase devI004 aroofe whifbh " li,,6pes U411 Street. he tv6m� faileal amftg his, Shorth6im-% hlr�i. This bull wag, out, of Idoitift. 'on; was A WIS, i hiitl h �tooa, davl 4bovA to 1* b6t'�6T b"U 0104uwft, &ZA 6thsr-s. MoswM 2nd by Roan Chi Thi 'has Idt for teen I Vag prae, 71�, -let ainer resulew , so vt� find it, the Douglas howd cow belon9d to, tha'. Qtag�e e"aas 'to -settle on recoveAn 4t 10ft 14na 104th ida sir d6alt tfie —doimlt t V,; a 6=1 conawlaidt, Is ill� to IE; hope� I 'j, VVW, b I it oth, imp 4. t to tftlyz;e the. breeallils of I okw by Jai;w 1. of *iv bit's hifteli, b4h&. Until quitt Db�aorAd X"4idiijo tm� of to Ar., Xt it IK A -am bite herd, N in lhi ho olih 0 1 tn-oft in avtfelo fon. ,]gnu bdediftl -khmm ehe' Tdb- emV Prir Doild Z Aa -AA, the dVi&WZd in, ed VVI rw-t �fio'hm bSeT$,bJf, I.ftok thej�t'4 t61tV& Ioftd Was' t$ joy abbw b7 too 0 not, �,(t niUeh it tM,04, , Lft", BT obih! 6ii &I �fir6t aul- ot - k t21044104 bitt". An "J'qal f the thVil- do, 6d "VAI �� y �! 'I aot, va Ida, ad Oft T� 20a l� 00 WOW tho dd tu ec r,& wi bull sy, �,04, V . 40. Clhesin ..... .. ... �Ut, v61 oil pu4itip 1.6,04. on't WS iZDri, QCA= Zw_ :,� I I J 0 WLI, ?