HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-03-09, Page 56F .T 11K HURONE vow P", . .. ..... . . e pain Ill n 04 t *b Vo* WAA t1 _040., Y'd 71b Ott= 'at fbe, U A"A blaiok' gel mare Am@ - -W#11,,.F IM& Fears old 2 j:01" !*Avy blarjg� am er 2 years � 14old. xroals I H) Ou At, due covr FOR S ALE PIP" 1" Plements— disc bar- 16 eqUar,: garden and rimj", uiatin� ta W mower, , cultllvatar� waupts, W _zwk bug -aale. owner m4min PER a�06t 101,4iLvok. Pr,— ka. Rea We Quantity go 12, Hit. ouse and 04V twoi- gl %21�e u h ag5ni,ore, Ger. Pik Ex- 4 ivwsk ;,George ote of. the basit. harns %_ d '4 troal f oorgot,�';-.,q p�. IyQWLI&�; or month til,:11st. Terms- bdM frost,200 to aa Sale- hattels,*Zy6o # 0"..Vi.toer each - 620 V��r, or varalt . . . . . yk t Attend�t='e f D cellaitt I . and. Posses v4red J of VE 'zodit.ou appmv -it xclu, 9t Nellie MeLevu, GeTald Zer th ith leas ItptAes eisei7 week to. att.eud,, lenn. se wI ,41; amount 6 *Oik nates. DWo unt, i A�';i§0 cent. per e -up MI es In Spelling, for, month, IV� Tphd4rg.­q. m. Oettlement mmat, e with Clerics l8th., Ora* early *,gat ibmt eaws. Ice 119th" � #- 10,30, ojki.. forJAOxatinig the. in. cash. or no qtep� "I, iov.d. Real We "er in�the Township of ei, he rollwi, WMcrtL, dr� Estate—Ten per ci�nt�� �oh �,&*' of sale and bilance upon V [�n, 20 days; 75 -T it. N.�_�� _�.44"r& r - I sunny 49. xr, _ice Pr1eq - I --'- 4— - Crest Farm. par as— 03C pure.fativ sr remain o C leaS for term_1,4r eother PU q . Section NO. -4 , 16 *W: mortgage at 53A 4 A The lowest or 8317. L 8, N �ket i"ort of the School H nowill 'a For further AN 0 9.�V,'-wLQUROUN and �sari�y acv�pte& P artieWars apply. to' 1MVILLE GLAMAN Taylor, e . L JAMES JORD 40.ed by �;md:0611n G. Scott, ree 3443-2 0 AucUoneer; Af=. Pardon -2 R" UP frk6nds'oX,, r, Rob. Rae,r who recent- 3148 Clerks ut� so -7 to*.'7Seot%,nd, his UCTION: 'FARM STOCK '0 ND IMPLEMZZ G aue- .ath6V-� paso.d TANT A otibim to sell by ING TEM f Coneer, has redeivid 'ins!" Q1 idys- -Webber,-. N has rp- ?I public auction at -4hei 8=f() in Of Shaw's Twelve Schools tdrne4 t6.,k� 'tj bUhs, after spend SAL 0. I - -day, Mari the home, of n 90r. ' - o'Ing.r & week So 7, st.25 per bushel. Apply� to AN- on Satm Merges hito the Summer Term with or DFAW* B. _�BELL, Kipp"��-'Pivaae, 9.3 r 9, sharp, the fol Od 4 helowing: Pariiif.-�­The farm con- Ao forced vacations. Enter my sirts of 5e acres weaV bolf of'Lat 6 Con-unn par near I NA 00 b n 3143- Bookl free. Write 113 cession 7; 6 acres of g604 Jiardwood bush; ABY CHICKS AND' HATCHI EGGS two storey frameousii;. Aqx2e. Farm Stock,- e 'ri NG. gn j%buj�_ 'quglntatoes tbe,.villag . �`ceiltly­ B Mare 10 years old.'librsp 14 1tvare, old, driv- Secretary. -Dougal Yen wed - ac-' day blemon,,of Cenralia, "rine, I ;.St.,. Toronto, W. R_.Sh faf -sale from large. ,strain of Barron S. M Ge6rgiii K�llatt, who. has beer. Apply Ing mare le years old, grey �Durlukim cow due i14. Rh ex. ra. Mer --Al C. White Legbonis., Rrices vtderate� Sca- April 25th. red Durhata 'cow due May 15th, .auite ill, is improving,—Mr� harles to T. J. WEBSTI R D . Pho�6'14-6n. 143, :Are'iU'ojder of Merit. condikt 3143x$ red cow due April 10th red D4rhafan cc�w due and Jimmie Upshaw and er Upshaw, of forth. April 8th. Hogs-Thoivaghbred. white York CE Exeter, avie ;;Wied part of Mr. C. w with litter of 12 head'�Qf Sfa4Fart, T�e*dher OR SALE�ONE HOLSTEIN COW TO so sheep. Implernents­�­Dear� 0 binder, nowe I'! i -arm and intend to move in F Snell's f fresheii, -the middle of March. Apply to vator, land e .1 disc TO (CREDITORS JOHN If shortly. We welcome them to this MeMILLAN, Roxboro, R R. No. 1. ­' -K - OTICIE roller, seed drill, set; c wagon, MANLST -tf N OT t Jding Phone 296-4: 3138 community.—Little Miss Shirley Coul- Pehf- b stock rack, set -of li�.]iL,,sleighs_.7 plow, ill�*still on the r0- IN TIWESTAT9 OF ROBERT BROADFOOT, -140tes-.- if M * and 'Mrs. Nelson -ang plow, 2 walking i set of wagon .bits 'a US, daughter 6 r. s the new regiment�made a great OR SALE. -A FEW CHOICE LEICESTER wbeels, et of double set 1,000 lb. Coultis,'whoas been quite SickL with F to �eales, material for maliing vi-avel-box, I oak To men of Seaforth afid Vicinity .,drive last TuqsdAy. — The many improving a it W.1 owes, bred . in Xov�mber. Apply bronchial trouble, is LLIAM CHARTERS, R. R. 8, Seaforth. barrel, I DeLsivial eream.. separator, 65 sap N077CE is hereby given that all persons :friends, of, 'Mr. Martin . Purcell are Ph pails- and spiles, I Daisy dhuM I 4tring of 'he estate of ROBERT 117 tle at time of wAting. one 4-187. 3131-tf having *claims against BROADFOOT, late of the Town I Seaforth, o ed to L S WM round'. agaiu-­-� T, Z Big sh'Irt vake .pkas, bells, I kitchen table, I :dou6le bedstead. 4x4 in the County of Huron. retired farmer, de- C1 PARKS FOR SALE. -A FEW CHOICE a . " . QUite..a nuinber -from bear attende quare of carpet, 10 bushels garden peas. and ceased, who died on -or about the twelfth day the Townships of TJsborne. fneial of the late �J.iM�ffa ff farms in other articles too, numleious'., to mention. -tile ft is still on ALL Shirts at less than half price.. -Decent r. A.D., 1927, are required to de. rucker�mfth and 7111bbert. Good buildino and Terms. -All sums of Lfotan cash be tj OCK MARKET Vell loeate& as to Markeb. T110MAS CAM- it under. liver to he undersigned, the administrators Fef.86aforlbh Iast,.WedpesdaZ as he VIEST over that amount 9 credit will be FROM. Exeter, 9068-tf his given on approved joint �rootis. A ALscou nt of of the slaid estate, on or before the fifteen* was -raised In -the midst of us in Stock Yards. Toronto, March 6th- 8 in a very light offering, sold steady 0 per cent- Per annum. off'fdr-cash on credit, day of March, A.D., 1928, a full statement of youthful _403�6 and sorrow a three score, fancy fed lamba. FO SALE. -FOR SALE; A FAMM their claims together with particulars therei, to strong, some FARM t amounts. Terms" on par cent. Cash 1elt for his, bereaved:'faldilYt--74M�$.B-�rs- on the Provincial-- Highway, 2 miles was and the nature of the securities, i any, held consigned, by bue.owner making 16 cent$ peF d on day of sale and balapLAn. 30 day, ADAM -Mike me, 'b ge choice ewes. and wethers of Seaforth. Tucketsmith. side, 100 acres, ICH by then, all duly verified by affidavit, L ughlin', Und A%ert -Siemo.11 voli.nd, while averag go' N OLSON, Proprietor;. G.' -H: Elliot. Atte- ' continuing our Underwear Sale All Lines -Stan . - . 0 barm, comfoitable frame house. and 411 t, neer. " .143-2 AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said eir Con a . cil mg ' a e .. good stilte-0f,cultivstiOn. Will last -mentioned date the slaid administrators ring and - .3 _1:4 6 its. S be sold on to aria it . for heep rices ere steady For further particulars apply to will proceed to distribute the estate of the field's, Admiral, Penman's Fleece, etc., and Sp oms HORS7 DLO amongst the persons entitle -8umrner weights at ridiculously low prices. 00 T" Jerry Y, ara,, 7 most , d light- ewes,. easy terms. pUBLIC AUCT16k SALE OF'CAR with Mr. _A AN NT . 1,1110 with e odd P 7Y., cents and fair hisrv- T. J. ADAMS, R. R� NO. 2, Seaforth 2 'OF -aid deceased ound.- phone 14 on 170. 1,,.Or thereto, having regard only to such claims as esilme"joli lea nward cents. per p CATTLE.�P. W. Abreas,.suction6er. has re- at ridemigned pro- ;hall have received due notice and in accord- on ly was down 400 head a4, compar- CLASS pARM ceived instructi6its from the ui ed I with 'last Xonday:and the price was steady prietom to sell by public aue*fi.' at Lot 29, nce A:: FOR SALE-�-­FIRS DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this sixteenth therewith. rKILLOP at-, last week's declie bacon selects sellinir sale, with ci without stock and imPle- Concession 8, Logan Township at George BuRR Dog Ovez M I -School ge�oit­-�The 8%--centa ppr pou4d,.f.,o.b,, !and e 9% ments. - Farm consists of -100 acres on Con Mogic's barn, one-half mile east 6f, ap)(thagen day of February, A.D., 1928. itentS. W.40.C., sales being made cession 2. Lot 8, Stanley,,all well drained, 10 Village, on , Tuesday, March I This w I SW A928,, the Black, Alexander Broadfoot, r'ar the roduced SLOO Per, ewt, acres -fall L.'"esir.,. Xali.. 1) owing -Horaes, - black Administrators, e 4 -6f. Scho6l.-So ion No. 2 all done; 4Q Ioing: .-I team, William s your best chance for, the next ninety years. 'for- the acres seedeq,to grass and hay. Easy terms. -spread as - compared with: f^b- old, weighing 3500 tbs.; 1 b14%ig team, R. R. No. 8, Seaorth. I -'or fur- and, Febr ary. th Scott --The receipts to -day were 2,164 cattle, 250 Would consl der nice home in town 4 and 6 years old, weighing 8200 thak'-,' I bay Sr. IV_Ru u tber 'part- ulars' apply on farm to JO" B. 3141-3 calves, 1,160,hogs and IS5'sbeep and lambs. to team, 4 and 6 years' old, weighing 3400 tbs.; Sam McClure 3143xl Arnold Scott Quotations: Heavy beef steers, choice, $10.75 HYDE. or write to Rippen P. O. I dample grey team, 3 and 4 years old,,weigh- '470... -Jr. !V-Maek McFarlane 74, to $11.00; do. fair, $10.00 to $10.50; butcher ing 3200 the. ; I grey team, 4 and � years RENT: -GOOD HUNDRED 73, Margaret. Stor y A;eerS, choice, $10.00 o $10.75; do. fair to good FOR SAT OR Old, weighing 3300 lbs.; 1 iron grey teant, 4 bt' $9.00 to W.50;, butcher heifers, choice, $9.50 acre farm, being Lot 9. Concession 'S' and 5 years old, weighing 3400 lbs.i'l,blck A D. SUTRZRLA1'\M V to $16,00,; do., medium, $7.50 to $9.00; but- Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of team, 4 and 6- years old, weighing 800q. Ms.: Ie -quarter mile to.schooL R ]a R I Hof V6Tna McFarlane 74, Ine; $7.50 to $8.25 ; do a dapple grey team, 6 -and 7 yea h- eneraR Insurance gency .ws, good to chin - Huron, situated ne rs old, weig to $1.00, . 'do., common. Wna Mcdonald 74, Jean 'Macdonald fair to good, $6.00 1 0 iles to Vill-age f'Kippen. and 5 mileg from lbs.; I roan mitre, 6 Y,,�a�__old, lson-M-eClure, SO. Sr. rl-Eddie $5.00 to $5.50. canners and utters, $8.25 Seaforth. On the premises is a good frame weighing 1300 113s.; I bay gelding 4 years Real Estate ;6, Ne to $4.50 ; butcher bulls, good to choim house and bank brn. The land is well fenced Talloring LJr. II�Ma-rg, and well drained, and in good state of cill- 'o Storey 70. aret McClure <44, weighing 1500 tbs.; 1 bay mare,;S years $7.00 to $7.50; do., medium, $5.50 to $5.75 Id, general. purpose; 1 driving rrari� rising Conveyancing Three good premises; 60 ra old :87, 'Edith MeMillan 70, OrVille Storey bologas. .%.50 to M75; baby beef, $10.00 tivation. wells on 3..'years old. Cattle. -I cow 6 yea due 70.' Sr I_Elmer Scott, Isabel An- to sf2.00; do., fair, $7.06 to. $7.75: stockers, -acres seeded down. For particulars apply to July 13th, I heifer 3 years old due March 15th, Bends . 'der choice, '87425 to $8.00: do. fair, $6.50 to $7.00: A. D. CAMERON, Mitchell, Ont. 3141-3 8 steers rising. 2 years old, I heifer rising 2 son, Arthltir'�Anderson. Charlie ringers, choice. 4115 to $1251 milch cowa. years old, 1 steer rising I year old. , These and Investments. Store% F�# McClure. Number on 4P UNDERSIGNED. choice, $90 to $120; plain to medium cows. $50 FOR SALE. -THE oFARM teams are all well matched and all -1tarseB Phone 152 -roll, I. ',!:gverage attendance, - offer for sale all that farm Propert), well broken and quiet. Sale to commence at to- $80.00; calves. choice, $14-50 $15-50. 9, in the 12th Con- do. medium, $9.00 -to $12.001, do. grassers. known as Lot Number one o'clock, sharp. Terms f Sale, $5t5o to $6.150; lambs choice, $15.00 to $16-50; cession of the Township of Hibbert, in the months' credit will be given tm furnishing EAFORTH 1. ONT. do. good, $14.ft to 014,50; bucks, $11.50 to County of Perth, containing 100 acres rov*4 . joint notes with land owners as $12.00; sheep, yearlings, $7,00 to $8.00 ; do. or,less. On the property is a splendid barn IDUBIJN choice, $6.00 to $7.00; do.. heavies. $4.50 to 9nd a good house. Find some other buildings. eat I - ur per cent. straight off for cash P0 Z Kelly on credit amounts. FRED NMYER and JOHN --Wifp_, . of -.our $5�7_5,; do__ouIIs,_UooAo_ZAfio; fiogs.: selects. Tha,airll la. very fertile and the farm is loeat- - -ed 40� 10 -BRODUA.GEN, Proprietois; Fi VL_Ahrenal 'phy-sician, is now' piogressing $9.75; do., fed, $9.35; do., thick.smooth ed in the centre of a splendid arming 1s- Au 2148-1 <> a 'complete re, vyr.O.c., $9.25; do., fed, $9.95. t,iot. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter fa)vbrab4y toward discounts on inferior grades of Hensall. Patrick Regular 3140-3 T. IEIoRmes & Om Carlin SO, IM- movery.� ent a hose. AUGTION SALE OF COWS. FARM <> funeral Director and 0 Jew - days recently with . her fziend� PLFAMNTS, LUMBER. AUTOMOBILE, 0 Licensed Embalmer. 0 ANN"'Es the allr" of " J_6hTiL__Shine, of 'SeafoAh. XXIli. ETC. -The undersigned has received ifttruc- spiring Suits and Gvelrcoata� Carlin iwas also asympathizer at the AUCTION SALE tions to sell by public auction at Hensiall, on 00 SALE REGISTER Saturday, March loth. 1926. at I iecl.ock:- 0 Finest Motor Znd Horse- Hughes.-Mys. NewspTing .. 11, �� labine 0�the late 'MT. Studebaker Car in good running oWdition. r I., 0 drawn equipment. Beattie Nagle spent the -Week end'at SALE OF FARM STOCK. -Mr. Cows -Pure bred Jersey cow Ing 9 due Daniel Matthews has been instructed to Mareh-20th, pure bred Jersey cow rising 3 <> B Joseph h0T niede, MISS Auction sale of'Farin %took, Horses, Cattle AUCTION lock, Main Street, opposite thOl7guest of ' and Hogs, on Lot 6, Concession 3. Tucker- it' by public auction on Lot 23, Concession 1. due March 22nd. ImvIements--DeerInf_#ovver, 0> The Expositor Office. S. T. <> son, JOI�- smitb, on Wednesday, March 2-Ist, at I o'clock "a 'bffi(l with het Hibbrt, on Thursday, March 22nd, 1928, at seed drill. 10 -hoe; disc harrow. 'section 0 Holmes, residence, Goderich 0 '011. in me, Singing sharp. W. X SPROA, :�Iroprietor; F I c,clo6k p.nL, the following: Horses --One diamond harrows, walking Plow. now scuffier, Ahrens, Auctioneer. matched team of Percheron fillies rising 4 good lumber. wagon, set bob leighs, wagon 0 Street West; Chas. Holmes' on the l9th. A driving Tnare 7 years old, in 0 residence, North Main Sreet. and 5 years. box. gravel box, steel tire top buviy, *, open iii *hi�parish- hall... foal., Cattle -I fresh cow with calf at side, buggy, root pulper, land float. ctrttingi- box, 0 Flowers furnished an short <> soft, ERR the new cok)lro, 6,M3 G%to,7Y4� 'time of GbArpening 'as�`iwell as, th�? singing. parts, 2 Durham cows due to calve about fanning mill, grindstone, saw 0 notice. All kinds 09 op- -intereSting'sild a 1 H.Itein dov, due to calve April 5th, stand, sat double harness. 3 horse collars, are 4wuilng and (CARID OF. THANKS I cow freshened in January, 4 burbam cows sweat pads, 20 fact ladder, cros-8 cut saws, 2 0 holstering neatly done. 10 FTices $2.9.9 to I is assure niii; ' * d those who -to calve in Mi -year-old heifers pitch forks, scoop shovel, barley fork, set 0, jolly evg due ity, 2 four Phones: 119 or 308 attend. I I�j storilis -of Sunday and Mrs. Robert Mocrja6p "d family deeply due to calve in May,. 4'grass cows, 2`grass whiffietrees, 2 neeky6kes. 2 lojzginff chains, 2 0 10 -Wedt"day' haVe piled huge drifts in -appreciate the sympathy and kindness of heifers rising 3 3�eaTdbld, i steers,riaing two crowbars, apade, shovel, post hdI6' �poon, 8 hand saw, some Xence wire, No. 9 b e wir --the way -of the edestrian. :frienda and ne.ighbors in their r�ceut bereave- years old. 2 heifers rising 2. years old, se yearling calves, 2 calv�s 2 months old. two cant hook, pullevii, hooks, lot of carpenter calves 1 month old. PIg%­SIx chunks about tools, cook 9,161ve, heater, quantitr of hay. - 1 One way fare paid from Mitchell, Dublin and Seaort�4 eitTAW bF In April, I wheat 5trawo 611IAhree inch tile, BFIkiMOOD oo 0ounds, I sow due to litter 'a hand S161 urchaseo 0i $20.00 or evw. !low 41ce, flat <> * 0 0 0 Q> 0 0 due -to litter about time o faitle. 10 chunks beet foric, goqd work lamol and railroad or car, on p PA. Horan, of Strait- CMD 6FTHANM about 60 pounds. hardwood, rack bottom, 2vOQO feet I -inch lumber. bem- 0 -ford,' spent the �ast week. at Beech- =.8 ums of $10 lock and aserkood; 1500 feet Much rOck maple and beech. :, �= e'r ..t I-bd Ax4 ------- A - that cant 8 months' elm and maple, quantity of 2x4,' 0 to at) u er, cash ', ov %VDod._Xr. Thomas jXaloney,weara a Mr. J. M. and Miss Ballantyne 'Wish d nd 4 white.ash wagon tolk4him'. two 0 famil since the 3rd inst., -0-hen, his' thank those, who so kindly helped during our '6iedlt will.ber 9= furnishing Approved- scantling, Xir Mature Licensed Mmbalmor au�Q 10 joint totes A Of 4 per t,cett. per planks 4 lnohea�thfck 12 feet Iona f -hilin;-With S. -baby girl. ,father's, llness, and death, and a) f r t a <0 .esei2ted oh annum.will be allowed *6 for cash on credit sleigh, 2 vive, joist 20 feet long, =Of 0 Funeral Director. Vif'eL Pt leg ehi�maey took beautiful floral 'tribateo. mJ. CLEARY, Proprietor; Daniel, dressed pine for doors, Umber for 0 Up-to-date Horse ancU Raotay 0 Matthews, Auctioneer, and whiffietrees,.quanity of elm Ph3filf-S-Inch. 0 a901P was galled 14 -feet long, quahtity of mixed lamte-bak- 1170111 t116 aid d: &�fite tels and boxes .. and, isterous oth4 C> Niglit and Day SeyAcG. did nu ;,.atliales. or and under, cash; it, " soo: brought that 0 yes VMS ge TM6_110ne- This $eaforth on March -9rd, 'to Mr, (CLSAUING AUCTION SALE OF FARM araciiint 9 ailtantfis, credit will her JjViln bv 0 ep STOCK AND IMP furnithbil approved joint -dr -VeaV doma notes, a ill a110JIlse. Lalid n annum ;owed Mr. N4 ord, to Mr. dersigned aucti6necr haso biv. on March and 26. thos� Mittano;r. a daughter. . to seil hyubile auction on Lot 34, C6iscdsalon cash on credit smoir f� of 4.0 Rrd&�_ 'ALL18TER,L Prooriepws, Oscar 100j6p, Auc ome Fai?mers in Parth and Kfaron U81T,.Xjagar9 UmG ,�j*' - j�djp 'Shooteii fi6tW -At Searooh.Maincriol Hospital. on 8, Tackersmith, WoL IMI Mrs, field,*on Thursday, March 15th, at I o'clock, tioneer. 6d Teri'dnL tr, sharp, the folloWing. Hornes-1 heavy draft ohorse 7 years old, heavy draft home 6 rearo OP FARM, H66SEROLD -Hill.-In Hansilton.,. oto iebruitry 23til, to Mr. AUCT'0N` SA"a <> (Other Farmers are oatisfied with poor crops. old; this team is wall mtched and -delgh . FUMITURIZi AND IMPLEX%WA. at aggod.. It is vOrY and Mro'. F. Mll, a 4QU (Vnilium X03110u)- ftes]Oml ur, Camssil6n% Wbikabop, corner Iftion tin BarkerAt Alexandria 3kc�vjtaj Goderleb. on about $400; onst handsome greV ftbbits Cattle­Uow due to Onaage gtroeia, Clinton, on Saturday, March tlRigent Use of Niagarz Land Lima Pays. ir ary 20th, to Ytt. and Mrs). RArry"17. PNe horse 8 years old.. Directo? nei <0 sm May 11 M, cow dtie June 94th. m* loth, &imimencinig at 1.30 p.m" tb(�Lfcllow_ arker (nee Ruby Knight), Hinalin . Street fresh due July 15th, cow due � August 16th, &w due Ing will'be offered for sale by publIA'dtlotion. *0 Land without Lime is Unprofitable. it daughter. (0. mom Morriton.-At he ospital, Kindardino, on October Mth, cow with ealt at foo,16 4 two Pisrnjture-�-Cuo, oak dining room A661e, one olied to be In 011,19. foul' china cabinet, 4 oult dining roiml*tbairs, I yLar Did heifera.supp pebrua�y 16tb, to Mr. and Mft. J� 0 MO`r� death rig heifer, 2 baby beaves chesterfield''sulte, 9 parlor tables,,. I *aitutl yearling'&t0ers. �efltrlfl hisrision, a daughter. �(sijbouot 800' MIT.). Hc#si�-19 Store hoda, one extension, table, A cherry dining raiint ttible, 2 or Sol Uble R" inso* with litter ready W- WeatIL tt time of onla, Itit wphrut ining f4o Chairs. Ahead teblib, 4 Lim Farticular farniGrg prefer Niagffra SUP ith litter, three weeks I lautbov I walnut ed on davus Ote bred wi MoVero fn=i h old at time,"of Gate; Rhout 78 yearling Vilifte refrigerator .1 ffitth6n cabinet. .1 k1teben -notice. 6 kitchen zinc of %," li`6bruart 291h, Ruth it L thoi,�d hdnfj and vul-108, 4 -pure bred cocilt, range (Lighter DAY). Economicai &rmers use it. Why Ctlls COMM - 0 the'Aunds Street tTnited eering blv&e, 9*800- ginall 6ittet, I viadhing machine, 0 ZigltO 60. *, V PtITS61iAtO, Blxetor, an Harris geea dvfM Oliver Tiding Plow, 92,1117 11 bad riagg, 2 bed room drtamQb, I waAh- 0 71C Vivin-A. 4 -ter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel plow, matnure av�rendor, Pl-rY atondt;sv ,toIJot,.avk I radiator eovot. %,.trei; of <> LF rogressive farmers Always Demand Quality. $tetlitkii, to Mr. Keith SinIt'lloft walkIne Plow nynew, :2 hotno raltea, bein vl,40arm. and;, locoop males. wes;L. eftu,. il"in 0 * <> 0 <> <�, 0 9% Pure son f Mr. a -ad Mrs. W. E -Vic, Mcabey-Mrria eultiVaton 91721106W board� -A 4 140 .1, r stand a,tove pipes, '�a' Niagara Land Liine mowo�, land rollei, RArack, 1umbor 7 cn 1 at,- as", friend i-furrow,v%1t,,t Waih of Otompirtyj by Rev. D. McTavbh a6qey4fteris w6lkon Sadie truck wa�im, light *d*im. 000 gons W,, I tunting Oar In &*oil "fiditi6n, 6 . bt uLmlel 900 X& ft, hhatlr new; I bay fork4 Ill* fork Tried AWay ATrial Order Solicited. Once' anvil. Sob �'bfik, tapd nc*j. slift, trip tind rope,�" 4 dotily4L -1-9 horse doubletrLe, I dbt db ble- 0 4tbft% Ireavid a cot tree; t;� t 3si*" 1 steel tire ILNI�. , rgq� ad harro", Pulper, ftul thill, 'DO -Val A he Superior Fertilizer for Alfalfa and Clover. 'Pip, FrIdAy, March Ind - A . J. goontatot. 2 dets 09. woth 'for a n$L oth6e tirtli �PA fbo same timoa-.4 fido it the th*lh'of llv.��Wmllinin Rellry Wil bf�, gr4bis;"At graftofi, X. D., *11 March 2714, % bee I ter of the artin bate, fokI , �N ON 42t- feftlf 'ThIi farm 420 dual , Itui 161111na the of lx T ittT 28til, cuts, f4 .. . Mclt4llev, aged 14" oad lydP4 %thred aid willdino rector end zmroalZr- Aim o4th y6ar. Of dintle. hattads" toniti oi Willer, lar& old. by ta scow -ab noweivita to 1%attl t a4 und4r. ditiath', OV& Ilia WA60t ft Wt. llfftllfp� ht IVK hin 1519 yeall. 17, Febra Wet t Ito All WM6, Frid 0 4 oint ftoti 6 't'� ' L ;,�r n, o4i or'li'v/4 0tvIlip,lM iLv %Wald. aged q7 Itetwo, .1, d Dav or Me T, Mw 2&A, Elks- tblut t4wi MV0.01 10 40"LA, ' 01 IL Z MO no edit 4 iiirletov,; a. V, Vilkitk 4'