HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-03-09, Page 2IIL IIIIIIIIIIe f D IIIRA IIiS44T �S USIDIF FOR p4ANy, UL IA. -Mt she THINGS I�Vem Its, flavoring proper- In V 02A be used Jq -many Light cQ10XI44, clotli can be Itte name* to the IWry S-AtWaetorily vAth dry salt. -d T114L' be laid on a ttable -or abber hvd surftge and salt I10king t6 ceq* .eta, the,,t4UMpb�. 0 scattered liberally,over it. It should the argat manipulative surgeon, was lost 3�,006 in' ope"tion -un be, spread evenly over -the surface of onid fsal of the B *,am D7ne, w "a P hIA pad should then be to 0110b Ai�ned ci iece.of linen folded ezv- made, of a V medleal C9114.411 toxa4torb to the, re� ter tbe.n=6'of Dr. Aicham, then in sought a positi eral times, and with this the salt 'his eighty-sixth yei, and dying. Thjs on T4th lrnmoAger. should be rubbed into the cloth by jve ntually, she got 4L job refusal 'was persisted in'to she end, BaeklprTW�14W,A,N',� means of gsweeps. RAO. Provoked -a storm of protest and at '9700. year. YOt, the nek� year. could sen Your, Too,
Care must be taken not to rub in off Ill -will againsithe Arbitrary her positionhad improved to such an February 1:4th 11mboAd Ictreles, as this would be liable to af- she had 'lost and paid tive dollar bunt thut 'not yet comp�etel hof orch! �IN feet he ur&ace of the cloth. When abated.' ore than $28,000. The nexi year York the whole garment has been. treated 'She lost about a tenth of 'this amotmt the salt should 'be brmhed out and and in 1,996 had s profit of - 923,0004 n the 'Course Of 6 oug life. I hwm' Since then her losses had lalno.Unted become -very tired'. of ho4 '08rsb he garment shaken. n laundry- $1 regift4ting to the sum, for which Ironmonger had who 4% Salt, too, has its use i I0 k, s a laced in the There are so maxii anbut 0ontiR.0 spoonful "P 44 everybody now �tht we ,Q� not kAow P to z0f.
The New "Royal -Series" offers wiov where we are.—Sir Robe -WW.J�ce, foolish or sing water twill ieffl- .41*y stop Mrs. ectu pt, . . Dyne said that the idea of uv-, any "running" o-colr bi a fabric .1 Beiven mefiele (4 — what she called a "splutter" on. A- s4entihe f The Universe is friend] U7 o fwhich is not 'Itubfast." y to brave MV the MrIpt occurred to 'her when, as 007"n that it is possible, to live foZ-1 men who are willing to enduTei hard� Gregore* secretary she had eorres�- 20() %tabliv, diet. .00 to 0450.00 placed.on the Canadian Ifa handtul of salt has been added years en a viqg to the ransing water, no difficulty will fox Sweeping sales 'throughout Ca t is not frindly to cowards nor pondd, "�h, � the, -bankers. She had would you Want tD?—MM-flt be experienced in drying the clothes ."J to those Who merely want to enjoy been iufio U trated above is the ada' have more than proved this V to Mr. De Wsel, of tabor. 4=4tipffs�one of -the out of doors in frosty vreather. They themsoves.�--Deau Inge. the.lronmonger firm, and- he had said Series. For will not freeze after, this treatment. -te would be" delighted to afford her The imore grey hairs a wan geU i Statement. g U Things don't always turn out as
I�Vzht Socket" or Bat- Dor culinary purposes it has two eall faeflities; for backing her judg- his head the, in realizes, that ole- yod 'expect --arid, that includes the- men and me,nding her fortunes. rs, belief about
-ftry oeratiou. Gon- posite usm Placed in hot water it Ispeed Vr h I meaning was- a0le cabinet by Me- VVe suggest that you reserve the op -s up the boriling, whilst placed auttomobile just ahead Of YOU --Mont- Dyne protested that she knew nothing do ig ell'bunkey—GZ5
in cold water it lowers th tempera- real Star. about bulls- orbean' and that Mv. De . m alt Reporter. model in which you are interest- ture� Thi is the reason, it is used in IWael told her notto trouble er head Our great par
ARaEltil0d expert 4nnunlceg quest about t. All sh -ty -is accused some- ed. 'Conjunction with ice for freezing pur- They coutine themselves mainly to f0 e, had- to do was to times,of lack of ' but, wait tE. courage r metal that most lends itself to find'tlib'money when
poses. dislocations, !,and affections of the flig. our plank on the earn boer..
If a. egg cracks during boiling, a joints of the body, whereas -the modem Street journal. cover 16ss� she had —ohi State Joimal.
teaspoonful of salt in the water Will osteopath acknowledges no such lizri-- given Mr. De, Whel a brooch which he F S'S'Voolugeg Seeforth prevent the white from spreading. itations. 'It 6eems, probable that if ----------- �C� ht. Why not try gold? shie lost.' On you see,
Wall one occasion, to a
sold for her. On -an-other occasion her Atrocitis-did not end with the war,
When removing staiins it is alwa�s Barker had ever graduated, from husband, had come fforward with a as wise to use simple remedies whenever non-orthodoi witness some of the war pjcturez� possdble. 'Salt 115 very us-�ful in this &1lege. of medicine he NEW STRENGTH FOR theque for 915 ' 517 to pay her debts. made in. HtollywoodT,,ronto satur- This mon-ey he had raised on his se- d Night. would longago, have conquered the ALL WEAK GYRLS y
TegPeCt. If a fresh fruit 9tain is cov- Oppositi<m, to him, which the British curities,sh said. It muitave seem- ered immediately w1ith salt, it will Medical Council has steadily main- Comes From the Rich,'R Blood �d to judge and jury an extraord- -Our idea of nothing to grieve about-
-mat ed inarily complaisant husband
g,:%erallybsorb all the coloripg taind. It' i's mainly because he is Made by Dr. Williams' who is 'an unpublish au biography br ISUNDAY AFTERNOON taking all they had in the would thus impoverish himself for hie Peaches Icommon. ter and a rinse will complee the re- deemed untaught that -his ifforts for Pink Pills. purse to spend it on one meal. And moval of the stain. recognition have been resisted.. wife and yet exaA no promise -from cord. gft Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.) even if we should, said he, it would Ink, too, unless. it as dried, will Sir Herbert's first successtes were There must be no -guesswork in the her that she would desist from -her .Vromi day to day we humbly own multitude. It was implied in this, juice, followed by soap and water noct be sufficient, to satisfy such a generally yield to salt and, lemon won in Manchester, and the, in* dangerous courses. But the idea seems sit cn- treatment of pale, anaemic girls and Tho hand that feeds us still - spicuous, of them were through his children. If your daughter is languid, to be -that M. Dyne was not Perm. A se�edkss, lemon has been develop-
Q1ve us our bread, -and teach t� rest that in his view they could not pro- wasi- One can indeed disoover al- treatment of wl�knovkm foot-runnrs has a pale, sallow complexion, is anently deprived of this money and ed. It is to be hoped this 'can also
Contented' in Thy will. vide for them if they wished to do it, most innumerable uses for sak in the and ootball players. With his skilled short of breath after slight exertion that somebody or other made it up to be made to apply to ,the personally and it would be better to send them house- For example.:
hands e set, them right after other or on going up -stairs, if he.has pal- him.. handed out -variety.—Brantford Ex -
]%r Thine the, power, the kingdom away than to attempt it. A burnt saucepan can be restored practitioners had failed. His patients pitation of the heart, a poor appetite, On another occasion Mr. Gregory positor, Thine When. Jesus inquired what provis- to wholness, by filling it with salt being public figures, it was 'natural or a tendency to faint, she has &ne- was good enough to oblige -her by M11 glorys dud to Thee; !on was at hand -one of the disciple, water and leaving it for twenty-four that his fame �sbould quickly spread, maa—the medical name for y sending -his heque for X6,000 to the The cancellor of the exe)hquer.
from eternity they were, Andrew, Simon Peters brother, saitl,' hours. and it was not long before he had all of the bloo& Any delay in treatme baners to cover loss of Mrs. Dyn's. Amd Thine shall ever be. unto Him, There is a lad here whic� If milk has become just slightly the prati ut pronidsd that e would aim at econ-
ce 'he could handle. Then may leave her weak and -sickly for She explained blandly that this trif- hath five barley loaves and two small burnt, the taste can be removed by he conpludedo go to London, and al- the riest,of her life. V& -en the blo1 ling courtes. omy, but'a great many things are, Hugh Blair. fishes, but what are they adding a pinch of isalt. most starved there. He returned to is thin, and watery give Dr. Willia;�� she did -no y was extended -because - d at that are, nev�eer hit Sir- among so t -have her cheque b aim
ook orge
PRAYER many? (J01111 6 : 8, 9). Jesus said, Wen pltes and dishes have b'- the North, and quickly recouped him- Pink Pill, Coupled with nourishing with her at -the moment. Upon this H. Touche- Bring them hither to me (Matt. come brown, by being consta ly ut � If After the death of his cousin, food land, gentle the learned judge commented sourly. ut e out-of-door exercise. Almighty God, thy claim upon our 14:18). And He commanded thern to to heat in a hot oven, the stain can j AtkingonI,, he went back and took The , new, Mrs. Dyne said th-at the money had
life-givin blood which Worship is unceasing, for t make all sit down by companies upon be removed by sprinkling on salt and over Aitkinson's practice. It Wag a- COmeg fTom a 'fair use of Dr. Wil- been, restored to Mr. Gregory by her .19ve thy maesty, by -erey, the green grass. And they Atdown rubbing vigor(yusily with a cork. -bout this time -that theattle with the liams' Pink Pills, increases the appe- endureth forever. husband, and that note of 'the transac- �Ihou dost ne ,ranks, by hundreds and by fifties. By Gaking brooms, and brushes in regular tion -s bad -been recorded, in her diaries medical profession began. He tite, stimulates the nerves nd brings Dr. Brownin his commentary says: St ng alt water before using, they VAIL giving good gifts unto thy hil_ Do S had, a bit of ad luck when a.patient a glow of health to pale cheeks Alm tr h had been destroyed. The de- wDl be found to last much longer then
are As thou hast made them in "DOtrbtless this was to show at a it�
sued him for -damages, and though a Rubeit Jackson, R. R. No. 5, *Sb,l_ fendant did not deny that She had I t image and likeness�, and glance the number fed, and to enable if not so treated- nominal verdict went -against Barker burn, Ont., praiseshis medicine for some dealings With 'both Mir. Gregory �= miplated within desires which all to witness in an 11 orderly manner New potatoes are easier to scrape it did not weaken, but rather increas- restoring her daughter,, health. She and Commander H. F. B. Maxse, to �he -world can never satisfy,- so thou this glorious miracle. in salted waIer han in fresh. d the enthusiasm of his friends. He says:—"When �my daughter -both of whom she had made pay- And when as nine pecially reveal thyself unto e had taken the 'five BarnboD nd wicker work should be tried in, vain t6'have, members of -the years old she was so weak and hin ments. An -other trusted adn)iser of loaves and th -in cold salted' -water afterwash- profession, attend hist clinics and see that we feared we would lose her. hers was nonp- other than our. old i m day by day, appeasing their e two fishes, he' looked rinsed ng to harden the surface. him work. One doctor did attend, She was very nervous, and goilio 'to rien(l, Captain, Peter -V who lost 4ftnger -with bread from heaven, and up to 'heaven and blessed. Thu, i the 'th water out and became so'l her. exTehing their thirst wi would the most distant of the multi- To clean a linen blind, place a libel a�--tion against Zolrd Gladston nteteeted that he of- school seemed too much, for ibf the river of God. To the, be ll tue see -what he was doing. Thi, bin4 -on a table and sprinkle with a f,,ed to dminister Often she wouldhave to stay at home a year ago. In the course of the lQuar and g1lGry through, Jesus blessing and giving thanks for the mixture of salt and owdered bath- those cases in Which the patient might for days at -a time. At time5 he tiial one of the juryinn objected to -Chvist. Atmen. meat, and benediction - of it as the bria- Scrub vigorously, shake well, be saved needless suffering. would have a very high and Captain Wright standing o close, to food for thousands, was the crisis of and rub with clean, cloth. (Selected). This was the famous Dr. Frederick the doctor's treatment did not help the winess -box when Mrs. Dne was the miracle. Salt is indeed -an all-round house- William Axh ',g 'her test LESSON FOR MARCH 11th. Herake the loaves, and gave them hold help. amt, Who died a short her. I tried, several remedies, but gl"vli iniony. Maxse had en- time. ago. Whern, the 'Medical Council with no -good results. One day , tered the case mainly to try to to his disciples, to set before them learned that Axhani. was assisting friend advised me to give her Dr. straighten out the accounts- of 'Mr.
lesson Topic—Jesus -------- ----- The happy
IFeeds The and the two*lLshes divided He among lindtitudes. Barker his name was removed from Williams, Pink Pills, and I did so. It Gregory and Mrs. Dyne Gregory, she them all. And they took up twelve
Lesson Passage—M its rolls, and he was thereby deprived was not very long after she E.-egan said, knew even, less than herself a- mer6hant ark 6:31-44. baskets full of the fragnients,, and of Iden Text—John 6:35. of the riht to -practice, except with taking the Pills that I could see bout business. There warz so-meques- the fishes. 'This gathering up of t�e Pies Dis PP Barker. This case caused a remend- change for the better. 'She kept tioning which seemedto hint that Mrs. Neve7r Vefore in the historr fragments showed that vast as -was ous furore. Influential members of taking the pills for several months Dyn and Gregory had et abroad a time the Twelve returned of the world has it been pos-
the multitude—five e
Arc -y tour and they thousand --a n d Nopainful cutting or greasy salv�es the lay press sVpqiortd Barker- and andthrough therif grew into a strong' f -eaW sible. for
-�m their missionai e or r n% not immediate c y chant in goo&
-0tlked, together with Jesus of all they -�cant -the meal t.3 now needed to banish piles in anry Axham. Many medical men did like- healthY'girl. Since theiii, if a toni�' ed with the effortsof y the- provisions, -edit to uch busineer, France to stab -
I -them was a splendid form. Dr. Leonhardt's prescription wse. Shaw took u the cudels for has -heen needed at any time, it ha ilize its currency, but they were met 'up in stock.
.ttd done and had taught. 'He took each and all of with so �apital locke& s
one. ip promptly by Mrs, Dyne. it was also thm away with him for a quiet time The baskets were part of the HEM-ROID frees the blooId eircula- them, as W. T. Stead had- done earlier always ben -Dr. Williams" Pink Pill&. rest luggage taken by Jews on a journey tion in the lower bowel and ov o t and fellowship because of the rem, es f r Barker. They,succeeded in, show- The pills are sold by all medicine suggested that 'foreign office codes
that wuld give them no leis- to carry both their proviGions and the cause. It's brought quick and ing ne important reason fok tlic_;
Vrawds the British Medical Council's dealers r will used to keep her -apprised of the sent by mail at 50 7ere
e hay to sleep on, that they -might -not lasting reli present.,prosperity is,,that in- Imuch as to. eat in. But the ef to thousands—it must course to e narrow-minded. More cents a box y The, Dr. 'Williams' situation. This she vigorously denied. Mead of having to buy a big were not to be outwitted In nave to tiepend -an Gentiles, and so do the same for you or money refund- -abuse as heaped, on the Council at Medicine Co.,.Brocville, Out. 'Airs. Dyne contended that really she 3tock at the beginning of, y. 'Although Jesus and the run the risk�pf ceremonial pollution. ed by Charles Aberlhart r any -,&ood he time of the war, when Barker knew little abourt what was going on,
each season,. he'is now able s went by b6at the crowd This shows us the extent of the mir- druggist. sought official. sanction for his work but oughor sold on happy inspirar to bu small stocks and Ire-
acle. d to/ reach the destination -the soldiers, which probalil tion. She admtied hat she ad fre- Plenis them promptip b
ra The' y LAWSUIT WAS 30399 IN rr eagerness touched the was more benefielal,ithan the work of quently heard Gretory and Maxse at long DiStj�nce, a heart—his great heart of most-dot.is. Birker wanted to treat the Foreign office discussing the WORLD MISSIONS FAMOUS BONBSNiTER REVIEW FOREIGN OFFICE
ad h,:h looked upot� the -m the soldiers on the -same bad& as oth- French situation and the , effect it XLrep YoUt -customere f6a sion a
-a shepherd. In- The printing ress 'has greatly GREAT FIGHT When Mrs. would have from week to week 309W around coming to 7o on the of. teaching and enjoying the multiplied the power of the church to ley Dyne, wife of Husg e Bradley Sot whatever the hee& In- franc. The jury took,the. view that rav
Fieryb6dy -who enjoys reading Dyne of the tweh)e, from whom dlsseminst� Christin truth. At the 'Nmt ways ofin ucing. thev6- any bout a fight, or a London soulptof entered a advising her -and. were gaining 6i los- war, for witness box Iwas the battle has been raging intermit. been parted for a time� he be- beginning of last century Printing rather a to defeT an action ing as the case might be thr6ugh her to visif �YOW-stoke, i)r t; aj, to terach the waiting people. done on hand presses, and only from brought against her -by a anking actions know their way about,, .and Ger Irorn 6% by Long Dis- ght drew on the disciples be- one to two hundred impressions could tently for some thirty years, will find firm, j;he fate of . D. Gregory and that when their losses'had grown. to UUM A — t 46�dous 'both about 'the people be taken in anour. in,. -Sir Herbert Barker's pleasure FOR) d 1. . I . I other -officials in the British Foreign be oie than they could meet they re- —you Will not be seriouslyr-
themsolves.. Their rett-eat was presses which print Now there are I'
Leaves f Life," recently puly- ccmgjapq hind and 161d liehed,. 0899019be Office were virtually Issa-led. , Their PudiaW the whole affair. ]1*9. Dyne %6%erad bF eompetition. an V T'I'Verbert Barker is the. ininhabited part of the coun- 100,000 papers in an Sir dismissal r reprimand was but a adn-dt6ad t t h ti e
1hour. The linootype ha s e was, at the m famous manipulative surgeon of Eng. 'd they ad made no provision nd - many other improvements ift matter of time, and the British. Gov- 'Without a shiling and that her hus- 439 Distmee - b 'matd4&- land, whose efforts o gain recog-Aition
sta' ng any length a time, Itow Printing haffe, to a rema-2kable de Soothin and%hegling in its 9Lc ernment dealt promptly with them, band for some unaccountable reason &appr werchanto In somc- we 'hey to satisfy their own gree, reduced the price of books. from Abe British edical Council For some ye"ra Gregory I�fts been, a had refused to igive her any more of
t town& Don't overlook Ats In tion MGM��SEMULSRON -=pens- is not yet, for marked man because of the suspicion is securities to- gsmble with or even if the Crowd remained much Past generations, Bibles were iL promises to tecome historic. .,The end peat Possibilities: Th6_9 mlentiOned the situe, ive. Carey's first Bible gold at $20. tive, and full Sir Herbert is still ac. i an effectiv remedY.' fOr Of members of the Labor Pady that to 'himd over to Messrs. Ironmonger on t 3—par- he was responsible for concocting the and Company. e a -Mr. Imagine their our- for few cents. gh by this time he has ticularly col ughs, bron- famous Zinovieff : 1ptter which con, Jesus- nd suggested he send A Bengali Bible can, now be Purchased thou a]- children's a i I m e
probably dMMSY when he said, "Give ebanical difficulty in the c at the M so band�wmely to he defeat So there I,% -no me- grasped -the fe t th edical ds, cb tributed CURRENT VnT AND WISDOM
-way of giv-- onu8I does met like him and, will do chi tis and whoping cou gh. It
to eAt." Philip, '-for it was ing the Bible to 11rY amyund0K nothing that might be construed as is also a safeguard again'st the of the Ramsay MacDonald Govern- A higbbToW is nVan Whiose I 6 asked if Jesus wanted them heaven. The influence and Proectin ment. But even if he had not been earn -
condoning him and, his methods. But chest I 0i mssociated suspect, 'his conduct s revealed un- Ing outstrips his intelligence.—Vju� =d 'buy in Order to feed the of hristian govern7nents is & decided
CoMr) IC ionE he has had even more valuable re -16 6:VAS s;mazed at t1164110119ht of help to missions. In no 894i could nitito, as his knIghtho showe. with measles, kailet fe willingly and, perhaps unconisci;usly ce'At MasseY, ver and �y 3firs. Dyiie, would have made it not be ermitted to call hikfiself A loosens the impos-gible for the' Government to The claim is madehat everyone has
may ngler S
'V-00tor" Or Place the letters K.D. ph, ZPom, relieves the soreness keep im any longer in the Foreign -s name, but o long as he can 0 oat and chest,, 'and its Office. So far as a layman can un- af ter hi
Place in front of it -and can. point derstand 'from the evidence, Greg cleansing action removes body cry toenibem of royalty a� his p committed no crime. H4 gani)bled attents, to say nothing,of Lords iand members n s, thus hastening the heavily in French exchange, end if Uri P 'P of the House of Con�mons and distin. atient�i reeov guished aymen like 6alesworthy, h e ibook advantage of his particular AWGrF tis of t
information to copo Wells and haw, he can feel that he isgh oruWonof purl. ehe lost. mq idea fied �ctrolcum;b'H with hypoplibs- f
has degree of vindication Which is that he was, the principal, And Mrs, prutes klime ancl It $a would atWy mmt men. '11 ft does Dyne merely the Aguro head in Cho ant tc not svdafy Sir Usbert Barker, ) take, builds,op'strength and it is -a rare e" vitality, And 6M ba T -Von ZO the - Dyno ties ofida for an' A_mtmt beceet
In additica. 0 the �)thsr hovoym thot children with goolure cl- by Irolim- ?ASV,4 been looke, Vdd him h.e� 7paro 9,610 a74 C610pitp. Mr defenob Was awma to be ao,==, ill' the ANGIEWS Ts1 IMM that thlb was virtmaly ddbt, aid sho 01,sadddV=U71 08or oat ILI? thtp =61fted nnd IFirda"kOW ff tPiAgn 614 ftillipt, to cousiddir tht 6iss, tisiv .mo glotLeb I46*.fted. The
I"IndAt,of Vag p aluMmm tut �Tjo ova Ve
IIIIIIIIIIII?sp, I7 ........ ... 7 IIIII
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