HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-03-02, Page 8T
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14M —At less than riogular s. &�-,powerful
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3 for ...... for *QQ
-�WWZ TO"T6 SOUP It is moulded w#A:on place Of d, U*j all, it is S at
f !=pot%
It is so good we guarsatme at Xiv
M=TRIC LIGHT BULBS -40% or eb-ild welfam 'Mioi� thoe- two, are
man Topvig wbmelz,�_ 4, 7!.n -,K*;
for two years.
(ays. at 26C or 5 for .......... $1.00 linked cloaekv- ba grinpathetic 01yorts, t4 jkru$
ass wag sung by R-er-0
at understanding the eed 2,000 hours. you m&F SOLD ONLY AT ;io 'attendance, The cilillair p oo4glploA
after wieh Jutermea'�,W,
ate the Price but not, the h all that it is pos0ble to MTS. Jff. J.
St J anes, cerotw My. �7� o0HJ9ESZ_(,Juue, Im SWA X
W Buttl T, Qo�'w 'the, �4
-gound ............. ........ Gull J. 109611. a QviQUey CC%% mat 4ad Steve coal an han(L W9PWJ
The ReXaU Store
Carn of corn in -a week. Phone a. j. Me- I#Ul ffom 2; distance Vj E
Xrs- D.
persons ova'Off accounts at the
Will= or am 4arry ChaAers. 8181427 Marg M
St� Columbian Store Are requested to call and (Mss Marg tile..
settle same by casht or note on or bA Cam, of ko
E D. re R. Carr, Of
March 10th. J. J 3Rolland. 8142-2 JYAM:
-call 4W..#4au,
r i weekly. easy. either roll
L Oghway Contract Let.—The con . R.0 —1 ex. seninc our cleaners. _�'Okah Euchre. delwbies Led
Vorks like magic. Miss. Grattalt' trat for about eight miles of concrete snusual high commission. Free samples. P. of �1R�Wtikahs held a mot plea$47lt SO-
, ow
%aforth and Clin- L Lefebvre Co., Almazilria, bnt. 8187-tf er's rep(wt.
pavement between SL
,ug in th
on the first -part of
ton, on the provi 'al highway, has lncubab&,� for Sale.-Ideall Incubator, as Xo4day evening of thik-, week,
been awarded by the Provincial De- good as new; has self'iurniag trays. Bell th'-W
Th6n,were twenty-se,*eu tales of
-i L; ' I- f Mrs- X. R.
cheap for quick sale. Apply to Roy Lawson, reading the PaftmeDt Of Highway& to W- W- King- R R No, 1, linton. Phone 31-241, Bes- eiT tv the prize viiiin ' baiag'
quartette ccompanied by
The paving of this iece of road win forth. suz �d"_ irst Mrs. Roy McGeoch; oon-. eekly easy, either
'rinanent roadway from Azaits waat?,L-_sieo.eo w miss Nalthe- Ai*ve complete the pe Rennie, ang h pleasing nu
sex, selling our cleaners -and apthes pin bags. rx Robert Smith; con4altion. n gave a, very instm-
Goderich to Toronto. f id,
----------- Unusual high commission. Free samples. P. VIOW'01 Zfte sVudy boolE for last A. Lefebvre & Co,, Alexandria.. Onit As Johnston- Ions ha
"Moslem - Womeiill' Th orgefl-That on Wednesday, A St. Patrich's Ten will be heid in First Ch Henderson'. -FollewiA he ySam
car. jA4a very
March 7th, at 4 o"clock in the after- Presbyterian ehurch on Friday, March 16th, V-1 interesting
Prop me,
an _ Dorrance, said Mi6 -Bel].Le- Smith read
noon in th� Kindergarten, the Sea- from 4 to '4 Pm.. under the auspices of the ler the chairmanslif " f
1�arbara Kirkman Auxiliary. Admission. 25 an �rttae on the Wi)rlda.- Day
forth Home and School Association cents. McKellar, which
yer held. -in Toronto, Friday-, as 11 hold their monthly meeting and 'coal and Cafre.-Coal and Coke on band at a quarbette by Mrs.' Misses, H. Murray, -at,, the association being one year Did, the warehouse� at the station; also- a _ small and 24th The meeting- ci with. athis meeting will be a happy informal Massisy-Harris cutting machine, either power imn and the Lord's Pry ur SpAng req- er in iiiii-
B rand M, P. Patterson; piano
or hand Power. Phone .44W, Seaforth AN- son lifts- m.
birthday party, commencing with the DRpw ARCEUBAIM. 3ls5-tf sole 1* Mr. C. A. Howey; reading b;y
cup that cheers and dainty "eats!' Now Wall Povers.-Th, finest and Mr, 'Ren Johnston; intrumental by
One of the features of tea time will colors, at the best prices that we have ever Mj".�-W.. Chesney; Sailor's Roriipipe Death of Jqhri Roche—The strit�
be a series of Don'ts for the Parents Iffered. We guarantee a good job by -nfi- by.!!W. G. P. Cardno, accompanied by -ford paper. makes. the following ref -
dent Paperhangers irnd Pointers. Graves' Wall
cocerning the children, for example: Seatorth,
Paper Store, 3142-1 Kiii.' J� E. Keating, and A dillet - by erence to the death of 'Mr. John Roche
WGMEN LIK-13 TO TRADE HERE Don't, on a wet day, send your child Hiss, . �Vlorence ea#ie and MT. Ja7hes for a number of years well known
to school without rubbers.� With To the Public, --Having transferred my ag- Stewart a
sure to get the Choicest Cuts till ave a few rolls of 'Frost fencing and ed�ilthe ladies of thO lodge. VAUAL MERIT
Because they know the are cne to r ier, I wish to state A delicious lunch was servm resident of Seaforth: "John Roche,
chatter, music and song the hour will . y M * 'Cma one of the best known horsemqn in HOSI. 0F UN
of Heat and save money be- flow swiftfly along and the executive gates, also a few pumps,,which i am offer- this district and well own in other
dially invite everyone to Ing at greatly reduced prices In order to kn
sides. We aim to make per- Deifiopstration Train_ --:-The �oubarib parts of Canada -and United- States,- DURABLY SHEER— -14usT
clean up. &II overdue accounts are requ
come. -Mrs. Chas. Holmes, See. e3ted Gow4iiment Seed Cleaning Depio-A- the Stratford General
inianent customers of every to be settled at once. eft Gillesie. S141-2 passed a -way in
housewife ho buys her Special Optical Offier.-High gade heavy tra%6u Train was, in SeAfbrth On 'Hospital about 2.30 o'clock. on Sat -
The Choice'. of Refixied' Women.
Meats from us. To do this Successful Skating Party. - Last weight gold-fille.1 spfttacles and eye glasses great d6al of inte"st urday afternoon. He -had been ill for
we must give quality all the Friday night the Junior Marion Keith with heart flail spherical lenses for only $4.00.
TMil All -other style of frames and lens. -s at low- in its operations by the ffite weeks- following a major opera -
time. C. G. 1. T. and the Live Wire f Our Hosiery is extremely popular With women
est prices. -Eyes examined by our well known ar'Wers of the district. The 'train tion, but 'ag apparently, making. r,6 -
Rangers held a very successful skat- and Painstaking specialist, Mr. Hughson. with consists of three cars. One car is covery until Friday, when pneumonia
w rticular to have their -apparel
SteWM.Irt Son ing party at the Palace Rink, All 27 years' exiperience;,18 years coming w Sea. equipped -with the ost modern ma, developed, causing his,.death with an -
Do H, enjoyed themselves immensely at the forth. You are assured f the best optical chie�i for the cleaning of seed raini other day. With the passing -of Mr. hi good taste.
work to be obtained and at very 58 SHAFORTH rink, the ice being in excellent condi- cosL
Tuesday and wednesda Mrch 13th Whick- were diemmistrated by the *Roche, this city and man5r other cen- —AND—
tion. Alter the skating both girls and 14th. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. 3�)2-2 cl of the different virieties of tres throughout the. country, lose one
and boys went to the home of Mr. We: have-, Mavy niakes for practical -wear. and..
Horticultural Canvass�During the grallabrought in by the farmers. The 'of �he best known met in harness
and Mrs. C. A Barber, where a won- second car shows all the better Var- horse circles. * Although born in Wiar- 'To `WY
sturdy Stockings -for children's use.
was served by Mrs. Bar- next two weeks the canvmsers for
i0ties 'Of seed grains, while the third wick, Lambton County, he.had resid- hosiery 1jeje -is. io be satfified. results.
ber. After lunch, game.; were lay- membership will visit everybody in is used for lectures. In the morning ed intratfod for over'30 Wars, and
Seaforth and Egulondville. T�e Prom
the seed cleaning inachinev were had made this city is home. For
ed'and songs were sung, and after a
ium lists, shoing chc�s given fre
vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Barber e
deniotiAralted and, In the afternoon the past seven or eight 'years -h6
onded by Evelyn Golding, all returT a -bAteT seed campaign. The whole visited here each winter.. Mr. Roche
home, declaring they had had a jd
was, w,�31osit interesting and instrucive was in his 70th year and'had
Mrs. (Dr.) -Bechely, Mrs. E. Chapman, de
Ily Miss Jean Smith, Miss Edith McKay, - . * I .I AV I
was given by Anna Edmunds and sec- to members, will be handed in with lectuibs were given along the -lines. of been away from Stratford, but had CVP
led the membership. -The canvassers re i P 11
The Industrial Mortgage and good time. deiii1blngtration. The staff ageompany- ed -his entire life to the. raising
Win- Barber, Alvin
Duncan Cup Hockey—Last Satur- Snowden, Rev. W. P. Lane, together �'SXAF`09TH
Savings Company, of Sarmla, Sillory, Cyril train consists. of. A. R. 0. tritining of horses. He had rid in
the Grand Circuit 0 Uni
Ontario, has with he President, C. New Hamburg; James Mw--- ted States
day the Hornets lost their first game P. Sills, and
Leari��" Ridimond- ill; D. Seymour, a'nd,1ad won a large number of big
to the Rinkeydinks after a valiant Secretary, E. R. Grawfprd. In order Kera J. D rLeod, Dunvegan, races in his day. In the,
to reach members in the. country, the year -1882
struggle. The score was 34. In the premium lisits -will be sent out by mail and s.11alider, of the Dominion he was a grand, allrounde athlete of East of guestsat -the home epector Murray op e in-th
second game the Tigers winning their o' and membershiP receipts will be is- is oan good farm lands, at moder- Seed R&nclL and -West Lillinbtor� - During- h" aiid Jacob9,iMr. lohn ate rate@. first game, defeated the Wildcats 4 1 dence in Stratford he had a clas& in
sued 9t the post office. Orders for ex- Obk received a ni Wed- of V. ei �Sea orth p6A
Died 'In Adgeburg.-On Tuesday, riding for men and women and viiiis� fte
These gaffnes were the best that have
tra plants and shrubs, should be hand- s1day nnounicing the sad viiws, of efficincy-, of � the st�
Parties desiring z loan vill been played this winter. The players February 28th, 'there -was laid to rest very popular wi ks
apIDRY tO are beginning to realize that they ed or given to the Secretary. th all with whom he the �,;ath of his sister) Miss Margaret has' returned from -her, hlidays.
in the.MaitlandbixiAk Cemetery, Sea- had come in contaict. The year Strat_� Gove
occurred that moin- 'his again taken her, position Slid,_
must work for the cup and the feed. Died In London. -The death forth, Miss BessieBeattiie, of Bridge- ford was made a city, John Roche and. ing at Granton, North Daka
No ai�t Bros, Mfllinei�, Depg Fd -
ID. IF. The standing to date: occur- burg, only daughter of Mr. � and Mrs. four of his.brothers, were an -one
Team Won Lost Tied pts. Pf further Particulars; havle� been recei�*.d day, March- 16th, i fAif6f red in Victoria Hospital, London, on James Beattie and a native of Clin- the fire department teams in the big e. choir of �:Xgmon&ine . - �.7..
rnets ..... 3 1 Q 6 ac ing: at
Friday of last week, of Mr. George ton, oit. For the lait ' years her r es, repesent Rinkeydinks 3 1 0 Eddie, in his 66th year, from pueu- nine ing Watford. His team are -giving a pluy �111w Dust af the dit1h Hunt, of Tbronto 6 -been at Bridgeburg, where w
ninia. home has
Tigen 1 2 1 Mr. Eddie was born in scot- on in Stratford ind went to'Toronto Earthp prece0ed by a Gil
W. UL ]FAU1, RffM=gW,, 3 she was employed in the anadian Where they b eat the American t - PSY Ope� -her amii -tli
Wildcats 0 3 1 1 land, but came to Canada as a young eam. etta, on Wednesday ie"ning, Mixch Colemn, � who'wis�eallled to, Tcj�6r,
Custom% 'gar -sudden death in the He had been in Toronto at the ice 28th, -Miss Granger � . � ;>
SaTMOCL, Th Mail. For twenty yeaxs he was a , Siiporintendoiat owing to.the Serious Illness. of e games next Saturday will be- residnt ofSeaforth anviinifty, - rime of life, came as a shock to her races this winter. The late W. Roche of the Olinbon Hospital,'underwent. an 'inother, -returned -home this welOk-,-
W@ t2 gin at 9 a.m. and are as follows— aila immediatefivilly and to her many was a member of,St. Joseph's hurch, -operation� for appendictis it that hs- Mr. anA- A*a. E, !-.'Calwoll, 9 a.m., Tigers vs. Hornets; 10 a.m., for the greate'r Part of that time he friends � and relatives. She became Stratford, and was also a member of pitail on Saturday evezn
was employed with M -r. Jos. Fowler, son,,.'Sask., and Ifflas Sadie alxmlL
Rinkeyditiks vs.. Wildcats. istrickn while on duty and though the Ancient'Order of Hibernians. His eaforth friends will be
of the Huron Road. glad to know of,.VadC6uV6i!- Wh-b 11216W gllldWbi�
ago he removd to Lo E'ghteen-_ years- the tender care wifepredeceased--him by Z07110"twentr- tit Abe h-lintielLof- T&. -awU R.L Z_
Women's Missionary Society��,he ndon, where he was - five years. He is survived by two recovery-4fiss Narl Carn- Spr6at, returned to their onies iz
., she pais,6d peacefully a monthlyeeting of the Women's Mis- had since been an employee of''th way in era
_qn I Hiospitid, Niagara sons Murray Rdehe, -of Stra chaii, wl�o h* been Spending several the West this week.-M-essrs._ R.. IL
sionary Society of First Presbyterian Some thirty y_ws ago he Falls, on 79aturday, February 25th. Thom' as Roche, of Los Angeles:;- two weeks with her mother, Mi3s. Robert sp�bat, and- J. E Willis, of as united in marriage to Miss Mary
Church was held on Tuesday' after- w Miss Beittiel was a young woman of daughters, Mrs; L. Duntle, Detroit, Carnochail, has- retuin�d'to Detroit. Ire: i�rchased the
ffid �d(B A. Currie, daughter of the late Mr. Shoe 'Sto
noon in he school room of the church exceptional worth and sterling char- and, Miss Helena Roche, of New only i d equipment
and Mrs. John Currie, of --The man '. I V": J. . stdek an of - the. J. 18L
'with a fair attendance of members. Harpurhey, acter. She leiriv4d moA of her plea- . y vie-nds of -1frs,: J. 40.
Brom York City; four br hers, Michael k -a 1 to
In the absience of the President, Mrs. who surAves him. The funeral was Ot Fm -a-it re p eased, ' �atei her about Smith & $6n shoe stom and'va h6ld-
sure by devoilon to duty and in show- Roche, Forest; Th6inas Roche, Wat- akain�lnspector Murray.,'of the Pgst A 54te of' this si�ck in about ftv . 0
K. M. McLean, Mrs. James Kerr oc held in London on Sunday, interment ing
erl - kiridness to others. In er busi- ford; Williain. Roc% LoVdon,. and Office lngpo:etor.ate . psid his offfmw6l weeks. In the ',meauitime, In
bart being made in Mont Pleasant come- they vn,
Sale cupied the chair. Chas. Ab ness was much esteemed by Carles . -Roche, Port Huron, Michi� -vi to si�#Orbh�-on, Wediiesdlayi,.-In� cia�ky bust
sif on at
led in, the opening prayer.. Miss An- t'y- the railvMys., and' customs eniployees, gan; also one sister, Mrs. H. OrReara
nie McTaggart took the - Bible read -
in herhelime and social life she wag of Los Angeles. One son, aCollegiate Notes
ing; 'Mrs. J. C. Greig read n essay —The Junior Wos- cherished'. as'a, true friend, a loving Roche, was killed -in action in -thi
-of Miss XaTgaret McKellar's, which a team played the rest o the school and unsOAA daughter and & kind and GreatWar. -Interment vVin'take iywe*
in a fine game of hockey at the P,laco
was awarded, the second prize in the I' i
thoughtful4istei. The -services at in Avondale cemetery.".
C.G.I.T. Essay Corrtost. Mrs Kerr Rink last 'Monday. The Wasa de-
feaW the others 4-3 in an overtime
a synopsis of St 9
the two fir chap-
ters of the study book; Miss TOR MeTaggart and Miss Sadie McDonald one and ll knew it to be a fight to NOW PLAYHNG Local Briefs—The viany friends of
liam. Ballanty.ne, will regret to: favored with a duet which was much the finish. The Prineipal, iMr. Spencer, MT. Wil IOUALITY
BMW olhAe ontest. After the first bell had rung
I that he is sqriolibly ill wb his�
his- 0* kmis have b"*
A 17NAIRD earn
enjoyed. Mrs. EL J. Gibson read an did very well as referee.
item on the recent meeting on the -The February practise in the D. home in Harpurhey. As he is:ln.
C.R.A. competitioni wgT shot at - the :;at: ig 11 and be� Con look
World's Day of Prayer in which so 89th year, little hope is entertainqd' over- . our 'Table 4 Barigaing .
mny of the different nationalities Collegiate this week. The junior to- -in recamery.--Mrs. A Gingfian , Oh bra
for his kinsoiii aid F-Wlkio is- am kg�' PAAts and
took part. After singng ahymn the tal - was 753, average per boy 94 12 u Atkinvoix- left this' a
Miss Ann
The senior total wag 761, aver go ;;: ?�n_MnQU__ I : - .,b ' _
meeting . closed -by repeating the for DetroiC-AlUs, -Hazel Thom Ta W LLmis �regul-ar
The Possible in bot' com- THE, 1AND BEYOND of 0hathaw, was a a
Lord's Prayer in utlison. boy 95.12 th apetitions waal 100. The following .8re .............. ......
thm 4)(0mo of Mr. ad-Afts., 11.� TaeLinen,, Huron Old Boys, Association. -The Mr. S. Jaeobs is able.to Ut A& di
............. ....... ......
Tyndall 98, Chester Archibald 97 LAW ter,his "leee4N '11'
133edRift Used the individual scares: Junior-Nleil
second Bridge and -Euchre of the again a? wingham, vnll he at Hu�on Old Boys' Association of To- Howard Hyde.97, Ian McLea, 94, Tom' __W". A. 0. Xdleod, of London;.wag
Cluff 93, Herbert'Peterson 93, Eugene Cattle'Baiang of New
ronto, will be held in Hlygela Hall, 0,; ultahl6foi quilt lihirilik i�o-h6l 35,13,
ti� ihioir efforts. to stem the
Commercial NOW, 900orth Elm Street, in that city, on Friday Duncan 92, Gordon Roum,,e 89.. Senior Ruthlesg J., F. dd.-Mr1i. Stevva
Louis Jackson �8, tide of I ba while, #iey last
ack Frost 99, or, '13,01 evenirig, March 28rd, o6mmencing at chi1drbn,-.of l,6tid
o8 o'clock. A splendid musical pro Harry McLebd 98, Noifnan Jefferson '71 the La" 'is houlle of "Ibs: Parents ........ ........
rt Cm
gramme' is promised and very valu- 95, Gordon McGonigle 94, Louis Xc- more t14&,�-x,Wostern drkina. It is and Mrs. 11;�be AUXatrl, wnga-warded to the Donald 93, Frank Hogg 03, J�ames an au and historica� story, in ville, Ut
able prizes will be a Sit 6 Plied;- y
which nard' with his wonderful
ulastments girem for abawss Mildr 91 ords .....
successful competitors. There will be Mother Ifig W Wi6tteott, *eye,': in
of SH yinda. Roljj6
horse on' Monday sitteftdift the. fun- 2 pab for
enitertainment for everybody, and a TtvzhW1 revM a the soirited
ec The Late William P. Vairs aral of' Mrs. 'nfece . Imes, ......... ..
P renlz
ial invitation is extended to all aft—The reckless_,A�
th-zt�-' bAtuany estab.
de th
uraniteft in the city and suburbs to occurred at his home on'Gentre lished in the great 1ofte Tholvat J. y4utri� Winter
Seaflorth, on ftursdy has beev, spending a�-felw
be Present and enjoy the good time. Febru- smol Weeks �ft
-The anual picnic of the Huron Ubs ]Ret4diite,
airy 23rdi . of W,
in hi's 65th
Vogt, BTr,, �Viaton was
Old Boys' Association oil Toronto,,vAll ------ er , Thlo
bom in Xinloas, Bruce .;, aq
to=47, where
be held In Area No. 4, 13zhilAtion aroun&, on Sturasy afternoon',IiW la e, ly 1i
f Spent For ame W E Kh
To 2nd what the es arld sports, vAll, he W-
MSMAI, '1XSVMA%dMJ AO= be better then eveT. All Huroultea, vendfte�, in. before 9,010 Adfti
W two b% ri, 'add
W Ir won" war -AL�, bs ult Can- vIleiav6-t they gve, are invit6d10 take, 9-A19 to thg� W�k U
oRiflob im ad A=Wildmilill, lit is" 114 was united- In m6rAigo to M*d Mimi,
op. RC IAL. 19'
of rsduct.
mm� at w0ag ok coal'& 6,
hAi3a 40