HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-03-02, Page 6,17,*, t kill ------ 0514N.- xmvi 81AUCI 77 -77 71, F Z, OU 1hi. R Va VM "'k, h, W,,V 46 it (Rao, QW0 oicaitly, bqrdy to climatIL eria C 4M. or, 004i Onions p se. and 4d � 4-11", , P2 in a 09 =90 bived '610 5-4rV,4* 7nze wake QU UIMPBt NPW W Cvloba, :4 , ,, ip Q.- Ile stims. Dats from experiments car ary 0 e CQVIAC aneir4hich are )fast suited to our (pondi- ildo -ollow U710Y=wl? ried on at the Don Npe;Zu- *Q zkz W Farm, Nappen to. alaz 5044 N- show 'F'a= Spinach offico In Lu Pr,�Auku w. there is a great dilTerence in ttie win- --Mooftsdale aiW Xw Zealand; Tom- 11DIned them, as'oom: etitors''In, the XROUG7 ter hardiness of 'MO4 3`404, crops grown from 4toes�_Canadin s first early, fol- markets of the vv�wld, and'as f seed produced under vidiatly va rying lowed by Earliana, wWa Jolin Baer worthy of their sed in this battle w a ciiwaftic conditions. s6ed has been and Bonny Beat as the main crop. It the markets sown which was grown in"France, is well to remember that. the quality He gave a remarkaRAY machinery of w,`m ­ oil grilightiening lecturie on Danish: agri- Such is the C oderg viliz IdJA criveyan- Italy, Sicily, S*eden and Canada an r Etc d of t e s ed > is even mre -important Una A;ae, ricl I Offlea Culture. ounsel Of our,-, f th�asfe only that of Swediehand Can- tha4i,, variety, and that vegetables to sages--4rho, are -no longer, Abs 05 di sits The Ili replying, H.'S. Arkell, Canadian adiai be om 1 origin w4s suitable for,�our con- have, the 'highest quality must philosophers, but stirring business, T psi M IF, live,, stock commissioner, pai tributer ditiora In 1923, eleven lots of Swed- grown, quickly. To set'this, result,, There -to.the reraarlmble pirit of t ishand Canadian Ord is gin no doubt that conditions The unrightiaous re not "and (Jeclared produced an- beds must,be thoroughly worked b rent ow from thoSolpf ones who we M_ W V V. 8. averw yield. of three ons and 18 ioie and aTter seeding and a 41king in 11) t are vastly diffe lanw at" this. OHN qdckly� ds of cured ay per -acre, while .-Mor graduatef Ontarto Veteria- POun available fertilizer, such as nitrate of country, of the el`ghteOnth cenitur$' Thelz capital place§ to-day�—,Stratilprd Beacon- -er- fdolm tic from'.7rench end Italian lotsthe yield If; 114 3.1 -0 C4 . -4-11 diseases a soda, Ghould be applied every -rim hearts.,ai4 were so similar to diffi�ulty was to get mone,e the n6rtb�ri clime,'�Ohose people had was searci and goods expensive.. The ld d 18.23 pound se s per eated. calls promptly at- only I tol�(an ia nough to- jug: weeks during the early part of the V_c �de 'it is doubtful if its u is the Ganadians ihoiit, i4es in. outlook et- acre. In INTU* difference was ev- season. The easiest way gether to. finance TI)ere are 80311ie pawts, of the. COUR- to. and charges moderat . V the pr6duction of 4illary Dentistry a specialty. Office n More- marked with nine Swedish this is to diss@ve about a tablespoon sult's Uive been ot�ined by inreas and -in ide�tls 'and Usparaugns, Pill If whih on account of theli sheag,� to apply divisia - in this district- Bet r re - "d v6iiatgbe had 111, 1 ul Fticles of trade try mark had aiccomplishe -aver-, an b ig�d residence, on Godirleh Street, one -and Canadian lots yielding in a gallon and soak the ground about day CK-Atal is- abundant, amount of peas,, but if this ecause th4� Danish peamantshai and goods beauty shoul -be preserved -is cal d bey a ush�ro peas to useurn piwes are reseme&—PtoL gor east of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea- age,of 3 tons And 258 Pounds O� cur- the plants with a watering can. en above their task. pitir out of our -factories in iiich . a P ed hay er acre and five lots from str ma th4t,� the diftulty is t4 sell Adshead 8 of oafts, the mixtu ille, Ont., ve will . D. E. Stauffer, of Plattsiv eilough to ]keep th Italy and Sicily ameraging 'only 1962 ge �very easily. em from A- �L CAJg?S31d V.S. pounds er acre. During the winter reminded the visitors that it was Y�e�- choking upt`the sour�6 "G9Anq MIXTURES FOR L-Imperimental work with mix- of supPly. It Every man- should o his duty essary -for them to grasp the spirit Graduate of Ontario Veterinary of I -M-23. the gTound was well cov- tures, Is being continued'at then Len- and the idesls� unde Is theOretleallY 74]�Y P0201bl -to. save time h u uccess too t depending on someltod mu�h - - to add too rapidly �to College; University Of Toronto- All red with now and there was very ENSILAGE tatin and additional- In- o ue inipres- our else to do it fQr hi:4.— Kk6_ _f the Danes to obtain &Ar Guel disegaes of domestic animals treated little freezing and thawing which 'Will pT. oductive' e4ui pinnt, while we fall Sion of the pTogress made, cury. Pay the most modern I f 0 It"Iflion will, no doubt, be available to take care of what it is Already principles - account for the fairly good bnowing In districts where, owing to cool each.�tar for si yews to come. Day or might Hon. George Langley, of Saskat- turning out. Eva, Charges reasonable. Of the less hardy lots. The winter of intoist weather during" the summer For hepresent, however, it would chewan, bluntly asked why it was that Qalls promptly ttended to. f Ch3isti4n TiAtIons Offic tono em.Ahiait the best re ut we think that depger is chiefly slowly but surel' t&nsfqmi, ihe 1926-27 was much less favorable and months, corn is uncertain, mixtures results a to' be uch a spirit existed, nd M!r; Holm Mpin Street, Hensall, opposite 'Hovou the less hardy lots were unable to of grains suchas oats, p�asi and vetch obtain"ed with a mixture oomposod'of J theory. Most pe'�ple need little en- heathen. Th nwithstand the winter. will usually give better rezults as an replied that.it was because. education e nferred that n lall its forms was carried to the couragemet toward spending money. poison gas.­Van�ouver SuiL two:�'�bpshels f a stiff trawed tall It should not be i all ensilage cro In general such mix- oat,�iscb as Gold Rain and one bush- mass of the p y will spend Wfast enough if let Hari p. The W DECAL eople, and that the so -!- alone. Indeed, those thinkers who The United -States navial, �deVartmept imported red clover seed is non -hardy tures will grow at lower temperatures el 4f ''a strong growing ea such as. entific methods on the farms had been are not afraid 'that we shall -wreck esti� imates the, cost of the navy for the IDR. W. Q SPROAT but from results at this Farm pra�- then torn, and on land where surface hancLilloror Golden Vine. This mix- adopted by the farmer, not because Medicine tically all of the Italian and a very water is readily disposed of, are not 'nis by spending too little Graduate of Faculty of ture should be seeded at the rate of aqme official in Copenhagen had told are Tio, L -an- :large percentage of the French seed harmed -by frequent precipitation and fearful that w6 shall. ev6ntuall ', Wr uDiversity of Western Outs from three to three and a half bush y eck els them to -do these things, but because by spending too much—in instal - don. Member of College Of Physic- would be condenmed because of ack continued dull weather. Although per Aere according (to the fertA ity Of they wanted t because ent buying. Our lans and Surgeons of Ontario. Oflice, of hardingiss. in, -the resulting crop. comparatively low yielding on a green the -sail. On very fertile soil or on theen who were teaching them liv- wn view is that Benjamin Fra klin is outmoded more Ej'Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St., Seed from Swedish sources, othe weight basis, grain mixtures are rel- low4 g situations, where a crop d in close contact with them. by external conditions than in pi�in- part, of Canada and Northern Unit Sesforth. Phone 90. atively high in dry matter, and at would lodg-e ea�qily, it isadvisable to . Another lronr was don� the Causd- d States seem.% to produce a crop the Dominion Experimental Station substitute fifteen pounds of the oats ciple, and that, -,however much we DR. R. P. H. DOUGALL sufficiently hardy fx)r normal years in t Lennioxvill, have during the past by like quantity of spring -,rye.� iane when they were made guests of spend, we shall be happier. and wiser a the Danish government at the famous the Maritim Provincef�. Clean, Plump years, produced more dry matter, if we save enough to add steadily, to cal eed, Itowever, offers the best or material of actual feeding value Royal Theatre, owned by the State, our bank accounts, our insurance'pol- Me Wedicinei and Master of Science, Uni- chance of scuring a perfect stand. per acre than corn and shgbtly less where the opera "Faust" as ex- ici4s, and our well chosen investments. Kip veraity of Western Ontario, London. CANADIANS VISITING DENMARK quisitely staged and sung in the pxes- than sun -flowers. Being sown in the It is as trup, as it eivei was that "a c Member of College of Physicians and ence of the King pf the Danes -Mm- penny saved is, a penny earned." Clin same manner as an Ordinary grain Surgeons of Ontario. Offlee, 2 doors IMPRESSED BY CO-OPHRAtION self. King Christian sat in the royal crOp, they have proven excellent Lo east of post office. Phone 56, Hensau, GROWING PLANTS INDOORS box just above -where the Canadians ----------- 4D--- nurse-crops for seeding to grasses and :For the past week Danish agricul- were seated, and remained for the RID-RULL/GrHmse Ontario. 3004-tf One can get the garden off. to an- clover, and of course, do not require tulists have been entertaining the re- ce. MISTAKES MOTHERS MAKE greater part of the perfoman start and Also grow those ten hoeing Or cultivating during the presentatives of their keen competitor rbofs-L in early DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY The Danish visit concluded with a IN CARE OF LITTLE ONES der plants which require a longer sea- owing period. Accordingly, such in, the agiieultural. � markets, the visit to c -operative dairies and bacon your house or co ttane son than our climate Allows, -by start- -iixtures can be grown with less labor DoYAWI-6n of Canada, when the factories, and tone of the, much dis- Many mothers give their children -Roll. Hands y -greet. with Ilib ome'to Graduate Dublin UniversitY, Irs- ing many flowers and vegetables in- tban other ensilage crops, but owing ed the most unusual party whielf bad cussed peoples\ high schools, W'her increases value of look at... ster e -olid foods. -at too early an age -and mel lasting ... Col. 6 clia b Rand. Late Extern Assistant Me doors. Supplies for the window box ',,) the high cusit of the seed, particu- ever,visited their country, namely, short courses are -given to young peo- rainWater, anishes Rotunda Hospital for Women and say proudly that their b hies "eat Win or hanging basket can also be produc- larly peassand vetch, the cost of pro- the Canadian, farmers, marketing leaks...ideal for houses. Children, Dublin. Office at residence tour pie in citizenship. The visit paid to everything that grown' up people do." barno-sheds warehouses ed in this way. Among the flowers luction. per ton of dry matter, as de- of the Canadian National Rai Elf -I Bately. occupied by Mrs. Parsons. lWaYs. the Fredericksborg castle, the ancient Such a. course is almost, iQertain to schools, chu'rches, publi; innia We size ofroof for s, Petunias, Cosmos, Marigolds, termind -at Lennoxville' is op the The invading Canadians had come to home of the Danish king's, was one bring oti ind- estion andl Lon Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 P.M.; having prov sLy tlie foun ate. Write 2866-26 in fact practically anything except while high, to be more probe the secret of Denmark's won- of the --most inteiresting of -the entire dation of -much ill -health fbr�'th I't- Sundays, 1. to 2 p.m. e. Poppies, which do not transplant than sunBowers but less than c,)rn. derful success in the marketing, of tour, for this is- one Of the most beau- tle one Bruc Easte.m, W readily, can be started under glass in Another desirable feature of grain DR. 3F. J. I§URROWS agricultural products, and they dis- tiful of all European ioyal castles. Our mothers administer 'harsh, Kip March or April, and will benefit from mixtures. is that although they are c&4ed the secret to simply be this the party were Hien -he journalists wi nauseating purgatives which in . real - T PRESTON,,ONT. Office and residence Goderich Street, being moved around a few times be- an excellent ensilage crop, they need the splirit of unity and common pur- entertained -at dinner by the royal ity irritate and injure the delieate­i'� Z Successor t6 east of the Methodist church, See- fore they are placed in their perm- not be used As such if space in the pose bi s deep-rooted in the. heart Danish foreign ffice, he gue metal Shingle & Siding Go. Con t _��ts be- stomach and bowels and at the ;sam forth- Phone 46. Coroner for the anent locations. In the vegetable, ilo is not Available. If cut while of every true Dane, and -develop�d to ing Miss Cara Hdnd, -of the Manitolba time cause the- children to dread all 14mited. .... .... ... County of Huron. ne, tomatoes, cabbage head lettuce, - en and cured -they make xcellent a remarkable degree, a spirit which Free Press; Mr. George Bt, of the medicine. cucumbers, melons an� even a few harey, an4, if standing well, the crop so dominates the life,of Danish farm- No'West FarmeT; Mr. Adair, agricul- Absolutely nomeat should be " the. CAasgow 'Herald, to.a ebila until,it reaches the ag& of DR. C. MACKAY -arly beets, carrots and corn can be may be allowed twripen and will give ers -sis to�bansh ny vesfige of dis- tural editor of planted. A box a couple of..inches a fair yield of grain�of high fe�dig loyalty to the common task of making who -is with the party in Denmaik; 18 months,and then only if next,nine yea C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- Approved- rs, -at.. $4,200,000,000, or deep with holes bored in the bottom value. Denmark supreme i a-,,, $466;666,666 a y i?p hil 9ty University,and gold medallist of n the markets to Mr. E. D. Haliburton, of the Farm- by the doctor. - For medicine for drainage and filled with send mix- The most commony used grain inore expensive' than, arbitration� God Trinity Medical College; member which she exports her produce. Coup- ersy Guide- Mr. Milton George, of strong, disagreeabl oils and powd of e erg Hamilton Herald. ed with a. little loam makes the best mixture for ensilage purposes is a led with'this -istbe careful and insist- Deloraine, 'Man-.-, Mr. E. F., Augus� should be abandoned and Baby's 0 'Hol the College of Physicians and Sur- Wn geons of Ontario. lanting. If such coydbination, of varying proportions, ent standardization, of breeds and pro- tine representing the Farmers' Advo- Tablets given. instead. Cli material is not available, the nearest of oats, peas and vetches, generally dus witir proper giading. It is said that "Nue -sky" legisla- Se Pers . A. P.,Mc- Baby's Own Tablets are especially greenhouse man willibe able td su known as� "O.P.V." As a rule the Denmark is, of course, a small Vann -ell Ter4�senting the Ontario made for, little ones. They are pleas - DR. EL HUGH Ross tion in the States -is driving fraudu- Graduate of University of Toronto ply some, iMoisten the earth� thelk via'rieIties used are Banner Oat, Prus- country, and Iits eople all of one Farmer land others; Mr. Frank Etg- ant -to tak� and can be given with lent promoters into Canada. Watch Dub Col. mark off the rows, which need only ian Blue or Gulden Vine pea and language, which together out�Kingston Whig -Standard. Faculty Of Medicine, member of with the land, of the Canadian National Rail- absolute saety-to eventhe new-born spring vetch, commonly known as alertness of mind and the even -temp- wayq, London; and Mr. Colin Groff. babe. They quickly banish 0Z be an inch apart, sow the seed and lege, of Physicians and Surgeons constipa cover the box tightly with a piece of Black Tares. From the results ob- eredness -of the natives, hs made pos- of the Canadian, National Railways, tion and indigestion, break up colds A Buffalo daily speaks of the To- Dub Ontari uate courses In sacking or. burlep. This covering will tained, during the ast three years, sible the solidifying f the nations. Montreal. and simple fevers and- make the cut - Chicago Clinical School of � Chic;Lgo ronto Glo-es 11-0ariadas dryet news - at the Diominaon Experimental Staz- Prince Edward Island probably has ting of teeth easy., They are sold by -paper Well, we're inclined to let it Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, �asten gernidnation, and prevent the Se s from being Washed out. go at. that,—Kitchiener Record. England; University Hospital, Lou- seed It is tion at Lennoxville, Quebec, it is ap- the nearest -approach t it -in Canada. medicine deale Clin rs or by mail at 25 England-. Office—Back, of Do- best to get the plants started in a -,)arent that such a mixture is not the But Denmark's accomplishments are cents a box from The Dr. Williams, exemplific The =dnion Bank, Seaforth. hone No. 6. dark. warm, cellar, and after they most satisfactory that may be used. outstanding nd are ation JkMg %rSe 7haM Medicine -Co., Brockville, Ont. 'world is so full of a number God Night calls answered from residence, have pushed up through the soil, re- From the information At caif be -done by a people who present of what of cures that it is a wonder we have Victoria Street, Seafortb. move the covering and place them in available it would seem that the val- unite themselves upon, a common pur- not arrived -at an earthly Paradise An Aching Back full sunlight, at least a foot away ue of a mixture is governed. by its pose. Denmark's greatest lesson to long ago.—Mr. Robert Lynd. CURRENT W IT AND WISDOM DR. J. A. NUNN from the glass, if it is single, or clos- ability to remain standing for, if the the visitor ig this spirit f uni ty Successor to Dr. R. R. Raffo er if a storm window bas been pro- crop lodges badly while quite green, throughout the nation. ral- Possibly, if you -go back far enough Agricii1tu B. C. MAN TELLS ABOUT DODD'S Am,,g..bhe surest signs that the yo Graduate of Northwestern Univers- vided. Make sure that they are pro- pea and vetch Anes rot quickly. If ly speaking, her lesson to the Cnad- KIDNEY PILLS u'll find nuts -on most family trees, morning is, cold is flivver lay- —Border Cides Star. Go Iy, Chicago, 111. Licentlzte. Royal tected on nights when the thermom- much of the forage is in this -�ojtdi- ians wae the intensive nature of cul- down a snioke-sren. �joo Ijaily College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. eter threatens to go to zero. Where tion it.ill make -an, enigilage of in- tivation, and her ccomplishments in Mr. Herman Wewers Suffered Severe- Star. xe Office over Sillo, Hardware, Wain St., a large quantityl of plants i de ired, ferior quality with a mery 4isagree- the bacp hog industry. Her develop- gy With Pains in His Back. A fir -cent eigar is probably about c as satisfactory as -anything else that Au Senforth. Phone iLsi. it is adiviqable to provide a hot ed. -able odor., Accordingly, although a ment of the bacon pig from the cros-s- "Plumber r -Mistaken for r ber -ng of the Yorkshire with the land- is.,Fheap tbe&e_days.=-Oshawa Times. ]sly This is simply a glass -protected ed mixture may make the best ensilage i Lumby, .C., March 1st--(,:Pcciai) nure, while in fthe dough stage, if -es About 25 years ago, in the State�, says a headline. 'What do you mean, DIL 7. Z. 39CEBLy placed on a pile of hqfi�e ma it lodig race breed has been a notewortby ac- "mistaken,"?—Vancoilvr Su W. n. which should be fresh, at least kile quitegreen. it should be ut and corn Plishnient, but the sight which ' when husking corn, I got a pain in me] is Graduate Royal College of DentaR inches deep. my back,.,,so bad I had to stop work The bed should face the Asiled without delay. - Of a large a joy for is to isit one - of their -A Cure For Silence. 'for .:Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W� R. south with th� glass sloping a few numer of mixtures that have been co-operatite.bacon factories a writes Mr. Wewers, well known iii t Aunt '4'ary had -been visiting our Smith's Grocer nd wat h his The we'l-dressed man, say the tfl� yp Main' StreGt, Sea- inches that way, so that water will tested, all th*�e cntaining Banner the steady stream of unif district. "The farmer I wa working ors, must have at least five overcoats, house, and hL-was a great talker. A Ofilee, 'SSW-; � resi- run off and the Ejun rays caught fully, at, peas -and vetch, in varying com- Pigs comilig'in and the uniformity of s few days 'after she had' gone home forth. Phones: for advised me to take Dodd's'KidiieY but fkunatelyfor the multitude, one the subject- of vaccination was being ddlic% 185 J. -anted until the binattions, have invariably lodged be- the product going out. With such a and should not be pl Pills. Vdid, and wag soon able to good overcoat will' keep 'a man warm Iror discussed one evening, oat reached the dough, stage. perfect urdty pf product, and eon i 'w rk Again. I always keep. Dodd19 —m-ontreal Sta nd our young it n 0 r. manure is 'heated up Kidney Pills,in the ho,�se and if my son, some past eight years of age, again to about seventy degrees. In On the other� hand, mixtures contain- uitY of 1UPPlY, it islittle wonder that -cold weather, water very sparingly, ing Geld Rain oat, and Golden.Vine Danish bacon can b t t e World par- back gets sore I take a few and am It is the traders, Arid not the mis- remarked: ea It TMORgAS 3RORM and only on bright days. Ventilate a or, Chancellor pea and, vetch b% ticularly When the urpl soon all right akain." sionaiies'who encourag ress Aunt um Au us, bf skim e the wearing na ed Ae 'was vael- nAcensed auctioneer- for the countiec little by raising the sash, and keep proven satisfactory in�this milk available makes'it possible for Dodd's Kidney Pills purify the of 8othes.—Rev. H. D. 1i t Vi a Vic-crola needle." U00e. of Huron and Pertla. Crres EM he�e blood,.and pure blood'earried -to all Mel pondence this open longer as the weather gets and would apparently Ir e corn bogs better fed than zurs. d ad full maturity without lodging. Also As for, "dairy industry, though par T6 prope� -place to, perform on a a as I -ts of the body means new health rramigements for sale can be warmer. Plants grown in a hot be Go d energy all the �nade by calling -The Enpositor Oflice, should be transplanted to a cold frame the substitution of fifteen Pound; of Denmark. 6nnot make the showing and increase 0 A Remarkable Cas e ex AwtOPhOne -i's Salisbury Plain.—The Robust . old gentleman to an old Chi body, Dodd's Kidney Pills are enforth. Chafgez moderate, and thatis, a glass protected bed without the outs by fifteen pounds lof-spring of herds that 40"ada can, her won- f ()Onstable, Of Southampton. la6at health oltizgwtion' guarantaed. cellent tonic, and'now- is the oppoy- the heating manure underneath, where rye ha's given excellent results. derful accomplisliment in the develop - came here' first ; badn't strbngth to tulle time to take them.. During the IVIAnY divorces are cau. they are hardened OR before trans- It hag 'been observed that -although ment of �he Ved Danish cow hasbeen sed ' two utter a word- I had"gearcoly a hafr� The Canadian party long 'weary Winter -months the sys- eoewho are 'in lov head -.'I c6uldn�t walk 6rosq 'SCAR VIOPP �lanted outside. veth is commonly tiseil in such min- simOly arkla�lnj. tem becomes weakened and gets in a gelv them- on my eJameov tures it actually fcons a very small saw -_ one h4rd, a these cows, numbel. - cam Place No YOMS On G=60m. percentage of the total crop, Of Ing go head -which /.has Averaged in rn-dowl, conditiori. Dodd's os 91tting married, Oshawa the'roo and had to be, lifted froxt Mond,' 9chadt 'of Aud$okq�rlig, C51- Kidney Times. eleven mixtures contaiming,vetch that p &hother Pills work with Nature by encou'ag.- my i4 bed." roductiom f4k9m iff WV0 There will always be�.�marty critics d.,,,,,_to r were tested in 1927,�,,ffie ing and assistifig,the ki 6dy: ' ,You ego rne hip fur pe, who -will mmmintgin that� Iff the labour cast The, word 4twonison" is is ftreely Us- FLOW loiki percentage herd of 260 bead which hag an aver - and of tbisveoies in the geedig ranged efge prodd6tion of round 6,000. out everything impure r diseased. ITO VMS BOMA lob 'involved in 'gardening w *28 #alued'at fro'm 11.1 to 17.6, but tiro analysis of The they art lady clerlis, lady &50&,W tAth PrOvcilillg M=§W SAt' so much an Tiour, it Would be cheaper CA0144iatr Party wre able to chwwomen, la_ dre.10 't the forage showed -that -it f6rmed a see anathor'oufttanqiing, Danish ac. ate e&q, to buy vegetables and flowers, Such much smalled Percentage of the crop, complish%6'At. in a trip to the heath alculgtion� however, neglects to thOWge "ng from 1.04 to7.88 per tends 9,0#0 61 � E)Werg on, he THRU" AND SPENDING takd into side�ation the eaercise a! c� 011 west con �high pri of coast. fb"utj , fa s and cant In iew of he ce ful rm tr9761led a lo In . le4sure derived from. the grow- Up On.JaMdbhSt ftg way, fro Be min. Ptanklin, proph& of bordes baita been nia ing of vegetables and flowers uppir e ollifOrt6ble doetkilke w�ag §andg alld acres �,pon �rhoz 0- CgOW6r t!�r g6 q6_,%2Nt7 which no proper vs No money could purchtse It 400vact tn 4ne, can be keed. .t quei a Penny eatu to the cultiva- penny iiVed is e9,1, W ity law tion of fir Awl othevev&rgreens no Acinger spend, money Wfth i few C, of vegetables gr6wt within a More He& which as�gs 'tft farmers in establih. "'2136 'Of � mwuilt- *e 'also, eointa�ae- t Ught'. vards of the kitebeft, or the flo0gra ing f 1161=,-� The reclamation of heatteffir-to 'spd& -,in -the. future picked from the beds at the these hetth'�I&A *ill go down 'into InOrley, we - Thousia& less e 0a y4t - got. In Leomkardt, the agyricultuthl., ry at obe, of the Wdr' N%ctis* "Ift,talhileilt buy- spedalist Who nAscoveed Trals V�g*lolt varn'atIei of Z poop 0 8 o,many hult. who e b dr4d/A of U11111fand;, or %4,:f6110VAnff list of' two re, y eat. he surgeoni The Ciiw4dl t0uft- 40 the If -.You think,. that t 'Astern Ce' k0lfe is the only method of 0-soape, eieWA suitable for Plaviti7f9 ad at r ada, s tedommet -9 fmin the mg, - '0 . W �e y,of piles, It's bwube, 0, i RX demet 0 the on havopftl heard Of the r -a W11=00, Maw 80 �4ftl W, . �. d a tag Pwigb1a, asi P111690 fr6m as Dr. Le avdt, tot W Ill : -, Ailngti cra Ilier, the kind o 111' cowl,, ist, got At work iia to Itib havill ho Ift d tor 01160, osssrf014 wn a4 . . . ..... .. o494.1 V -4 7 iV �7F 4, "A J