HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-03-02, Page 3tIIIIIHURON EXPOWOR .... ... ... Ito 44 II -05 men
or V t S
IImill' IIr itI14 4 itqP tr , t ttgu e tlT '41illi"; I4 4 4 tIW. eC?' 0 _Q 0 iIV dyl g )I�i g41.4 teIwlit-'polders, and a _VVI'll. pe pUfted Out It'jS Iwisr3r Tor th 1h lmo W mnA -0 .1' v,- tlidugAnd, S��rea of good farm land Via: necess,%Tf4ir- us iQ an ai'ea equal to one-tenth of present" y Holland—Noill thus be. b_ec�14sel have no d4 brou e' STS liack to -the use of man Tv1
The Dutch say that that' yd to support three hu four hundre4 o lWedium of 3xchange. central lake be Ji4jd4is, through A, small colored boy was called on left which -t4 -and,, bt by one of his white- neighbors to her' smaller 4selves into and for her. After it was done rivew. cafi. �'flisthdrke ther tfi6r'dut�r dyke will be she smiled graciously. -and said; or -with si�uieeways for that pur- Much obliged, Bill,- lBill looked'at her fixedly, 444 quer� pse. he greatrojq�q4 will not be com- ied- ae ifl be SOUTHLAND IMPRESSIONS ted or tweifty years, and it will 4' s MbIlie; what store is . that ple continued from Page One whar I kin git cUdy for 'nitch oblig- cost "inething like $200,00,000 in SW complete ex- all. Of course the government New. 06iwrz ad'.? of this- oUt at lea" The latest adverI stunt in pects to get back A great pa ale sum through the s or lease of the -Jacksonvill was a man lon Boys one c6 che ZeIg p- and -in the sea. Al- �wrecked" Kell standing contlnuoI farmland recovw-ed fro Ocular Evidence. together it is one,of -the most remark- opole above If Id have ly � on the of the flak I the long" battle of the ou wou the., Standard 'Furniture �' Companyl�. able episodes n Mary is a tomboy of the nth _'�)uilding. over 150 feet h gh for thirty-' Her various activities 'during the day 'Dutch against the Atlantic Ocean, in the, . n Y Tweed of new very roix hours. The, cognomen "Shipwreck lemanded more than ordinary ablu- which the Rollanders, unlike Mrs. Xellyll-was, obtained after the Titanic on, have again and again Sweaters -1 in either arti git "ons at night. Coming out of her P U light weight and soft back the in- coat or pullover Ich Kelly succeeded in sweeping IRIV ,disaster. The board gn whi �ath recently, she was inspectedi by stood -was, ten incher� wide., The her mother nd remanded to the tub vadin waters. 9 style, we have them. ,pe'ilous'perch much ew, ideas in r only permitted the with instructions not to come out un used. II A IRA All the n -and pla tog plight shifting of the feet 'il sh" had l>athed perfectly. . After a Ci e the hands on kne6s and -head, which both -patterns and long interval, a voice called imprat- RICH, RED BLOOD It=, C x1elly claimed as restful. -His ev- iively from the bath room: A REAL NERVE TONIC colorings.- T h e Is e OYS t St' movmen " watched day.- ana I" If you don't believe PICTORHAL .Y curious crowe, other -r -r! come here and look at The Source of All Nervousness is are, the product of AD might by the morbidly I?m clean, you below. Kelly said, "I was not cold this water." 'Weak, Watery Blood. the Penman, Mon- PRENTEED bighe uall and 4 StL at night but the dew soaked me arch, Aberley and COat NO. 4237 Drm No. 4239 'Unusua I sure prayed for the suii to come 'Many people, both men and women, PATTERNS ure have thought it P. K. Mills guaran- Price 50 ceim Price 45 CI co You would s find themselves run down through Mp. Eve a -bout four Aural Proof. tive fabirles, -was New Year's Such suffer- quality, toverwork, or anxieties,. teed for bining' 8 p e'n 'clock in the morning. They certain- A Mexican and an American work- ers find themseles tired, low -sprit- wear and ---nanship - " d" i" U 11 ly throw parties in this man�is town. ed together in a mine in Kansas. On ed and depressed. Their nerves seem smart ap- worki The motorists stopped far belo and several occasions the Mexican had to. be worn out and they suffer from pearance. PECTOREAL PATTERNS ....... 25c, 35c, 45c, 50c Perfection I of'", offered me drinks." Klly's receipts, rabbit in his dinner pail, and be har- headaches and other nerve pains. All Ad S1
according to street gossip, varied PECTOREAL REVIEW BOOK ................ 10C offering 'the 6d it -with his workmate. One nigla this comes from starved nerves. froin $500 to $5,000. Our esteemed the American asked: Doctoring the nerves with poison- FECTOREAL MAGAZRN,� .................... 25c tion :of -friend, Mr. John H. Reid, should e- "Where you get rabbits, lose? I ous sedatives is a terrible mistake. zure the services of "Shipwreck Kelly" d It Th� only real nerve tonic is a good ?ECTORRAL FASHEON SHEET .......... Free all the nee&, Of can't. fin ally. lor a similar advertising stunt f r Therefore present vo, 0 "My wife; she get um," Jose re- supply of rich red blood. the Canada Furniture Co. It pays to plied. "Ever' night they come round to relieve nervousness and run-down utmost Co advertise. the house and make nise. She sot health Dr. Williams' Pink Pins TI nolice of Jacksonville have should be taken These Pills enrich coziness. I
threatened war on "petting parties."
"Nise? Rabbits don% make a
the blood, which tones the nerves, im-
,,in -the police court a police officer
110ise.ly .
proves" the -appetite, - gives new
against the conduct of a
asserted Jose positively.
strength and spirits and makes hith-
Modern girl and "her sugar" that,zn,
"Go, 'meow, meow."
erto desponden t people bright, and
�zbuple were "hugging and kissing and
cheerful. Miss Irene Denn, R.R. No.
=rjying on fiercely in plain sight of
1, Washago, Ont., tells what Dr. Will-
othr passing motorists and pedes-
-trians." Theoung man's explanatory
liams, Pink Pills did for her as fol-
IOWS.'—"I SUffeT6d for a long time
statement was that the rumle seat
with my nerves and a generally run-
,of the car forced "close sitting" and
For Ondigestion
dqwn condition. I grew so weak that
Jurther'stated, "I did hav my arm
I had to lie in bed a'�art of
on the back of the seat,. but I don't
&Aow anything.. about any -hugging
People who suffer from indigestioll
day. I could not do- -any work and
was taking medicine all the time,'try-
�;Snd kissing going right on at that
have tried pepsin, charcoal
usually d various digestive aids an�
drugs an
ing one medicine after another. I
particular time and place." The, court
the ome parlor for similaf
got little more than slight temporary
was advised to try Dr. Williams, Pink
Pills and I have reason to be thank-
Wculatory rehearsals and a $10 ad-
-monitory warning was administered.
relief—sometimes not even that.'
-But before giving up to chronic dys
ful that I acted -on this advice ' as this
was the first medicine that gave me,
Premier Ferguson's political action
-is, just try the effect of a little.
BisurAted'Magnesiat—not the ordinary
any relief, and in a comparatively
New To I&
2-n the elimination of Clause 17 from
carbonate, citrate -or milk
snort time restored me to the bless-
--the School Act of Ontario and its en-
but Bisurated Magnesia whi,ch.
Ing of good health. When I think of
The name of Brock,
dorsation by the Grand Orange Lodge
1.,egis I laion Comniittee, raised,a big
Y4Du can obtain from practically any
the marvellous good these pills did
me, I can most highly recommend
Borsalino, X i n g,
ru I M _ pus among -the: members of- the
druggist in either powder or -tablet
them to all weak, nervous ,
a- n d Fitwell --are
Orange Order; �vhiehas for its mot-
-to, "One flag an d one, language f or
a teaspoonful of the powder or
If 'you are at all run-down or weak,
you should begin at once to take Dr.
y o u r guarantee
�Gaiiada." Through he -abolition of
ith a, little w
four tablets w ater after
next meal, and see what a dif-
Williams, Pink Pills and you will
that the style, qual-
-Clause 17 "ift is Optional with the
trustees and teachers of. any 'school
fi!rence this makes'. it will Instant-
soon be well and strong. These pills
arer sold by all medicine dealers or
ity and price is ab -
section in Ontario to teach the French'
lY neutralize the dangerous, barin '
in the stomach which now causes
will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box
solutely right. The
to the exclusion of the Eng-
food to ferment, and sour, mak-
by The Dr.'Williams, Medicine Co.,
new Spring styles
3ish language it is now up to the
Ontario M.P.P'.1s to endorse or defeat
Ing gas, wind, flatulence, heartburn
Brockville; Ont.
ate hexe. You wiH
he meI at tb� next session of
and the bloated or heavy, lumpy feel-
in that seems to to follow -most ev-
like them.
-the .Legislature. In -the. meantimey
permit a Floridan to suggest that a
Lodge of
elything �you eat. You 'can - enigy
your meals without a fear of '
.,tommittee of the ()range
-A—field meet with the citizL�ns of the
ani 318omers
Full range of the
w. anted colori; porl
fect fit; good wear.
VESTS, �1.00,
on the An Sauble Leaders in the automobile indu4try .7rench Settlement line in Stanley township, and agree advance many.logical reasons why a joint concilliatory ' resolution WINNING LAND FROM THE SEA they predict that this year will be toperly attOoted by each of the, high the greatesl in automative history ,7 (Contracting parties and submit it to Look at a map of Hola�d, and you from the standpoint of the number of the local 15��slaturet the approach- will see that the middle of the'little cars manufactured. The fact that for qdjudication.. An kingdom is occupied by production for 14g session,. , . 1;1 .. � I,
ution, of arm of the sea, called the Zuyder Zee than year was siibstantially greater 'Orange noish-French. reW a wide gulf r the first month of the !EAFORTH awaken surpris- Seven hundred years ago Zuyder Z ' 1, STJEEWART BROS this characte w ee +hq corresponding month, one ,.as 'galore. Try it. if satIs&ctory, was represented by a rather small a'go7is prov*ng intost en-bouraging. '1hen the Ferguton-4Xeigbell millenium. fresh -water lake, and the coast line To -day there are three makes of A sign, on -a noOr Fod, car says, 'of Holland followed the chain of is- cars selling for less than $560 in the lady -out, of , Lizzie." lands which now sweeps from Helder United States. There is another make l'The New Fordor Sedan sells at 585. to the mouth of the river Ems in Ger- at one hundred dollarg more, maldag ie thirteenth pentiry it possible to choose sg-�eral types of �(agsoliiie ells, ftnts a gallon- on many. But in d cars with lights flaying have made wings of wax, oA Which be WHY SUBMARINES? paratively small navies, Ii eggion. of tremendous storms automobiles at practically the �same I,which the State Of PlOvida c0lleetI �a. succ much easier n the eyei: *ith two and Icarus made their escape from It is now two months since the and Italy, on the ground tet It-, d the line of the shore, and Obviously, these companies big Companies leading, it is certain Crte, where they had fallen into d - gedy of submarine "defensive" weapon,, co 't�zis* para-, breache is tra the S-4 off the M, TIve &Uts par. The , ind price. the sea rushed in to -dood 6 Million wbo'have -dropped prices will secure that many other of the smaller con- favor ith King Minos. D2adalus arbor of Provineetown, and we can cheap;to build, and so useful to dr The white populatI of T1 acre Of -'Dutch, soil; To -day Holland a considerably larger volume .)f W h 04&.i;s. I I cerns will follow the exainple. came safely to Sicily, but Icarus, ft-, consider the event it a coollness of tries that cannot afford or 6 BIEW-at 68 per cent. 'is engaged i.az mbitious effort to buiess than they did a year ago, How many cars achieve forty, fifty ing too amBitiously, approached the mind that was, not at first (possible. ne'dd great fleets of baftle1shim, neis cbge in Florida andi vdn'back fro the'w�crogehifti waie and their early Teports' indicate �an' nd milegAn their life- sun. The heat melted, his wings, and The moree think about it the clear- even for such countries ieglilawt4 tor, sixty thousa afactuver pointed out he fel likely to b0' m0ke'vattit&d, important gain in producti6m All tim.6? One mam I to his death. er seems the essential, futility of the 11 th:se things indicate that the cars in recently that the life of an airplane The artist has naively shown three submarine. No striking invention of marites, in time of war, %er-WI e the low-priced field -will coitribute far is greater than the life, Of 'An automo- difierent momnts in the -affair in the 'our time is so useless. every dollar that is *Izat -&A tgreater number, to the total for the bile so far ag actual mileage is con- same picture, a space -saving contriv- For purposes of peace the subMar- 711'a'670s is as good as Wttfkd aerned', He pointe� lout t�e many aneb that the y are still' b year than they did in 1927 karly painters of the i,e is valueless. As a cargo carrier But while, the Lindbergh h Renaissance sometimes employed- In or a passenger vessd it can never sailed there Ought it) belat Prosperity in the smaller indu&tries thousands of Tnil diview -his plan and- ftmpared it the middle of he wall lea-rus—or it compete for a -moment with §hips that devised for their 4�rp_ws 0 9Uply-ing the car makers witH equip- ing, year. with the comparatively.gh�all mileage may be Dwdalus—is shown- in full go upon the surface of the sea. Its presence of Other sbi*, �oi Iment is assured for,the com flight. Unfortunately, that PaTV Of only service is as a weapon of war, food to be Poveyed to mehn t many automabiles.
Access6ries in. tremendous volumeare 01 the picture has been destroyed; we And, although for a time during the as the sx men of tho S
Ana required�. can only see the tips of the. flyer'8 Great War it appeared likely to be -a wrecked S�khaAne, Ana Due to the additional equipment Iwith po
+I- being provided pial*r-liriced TIME FIRST AIR CRASH wings projecting to the left of the very effective weapon, the navies of sunkela undersea boat to tM ou
tpatch of exposed plaster. At the top Great Britain and 'the United States The Navy DepaAmett bas 'One of the most intomsting houses le rim PTOdUc- unearth�d by the .�xasvators at oars these iytdu�trielg are working at
r to of the painting Icarus hA5 met the managed to work out -systems of db- sailed for neglecting Automobi ull f re
I6 0 b iii*' & sun god in. his chariot and is see se which made tlie submWine al- ty Soplianceg of these Zokyt per cent. ah6o of the PoI is that of ths'jilest Aman- plunging downward, amidt the hor- most he less against properly a replies that no suc r. ManT Detroit dus, whose body, with thbim of eight rmed
simo period last yea
er& *gwv�n 6 rified cries of two Young gi*rl'- ill th ships, ted, 6 d#4, &r makers are putting bulidIteds of of his household, was found embedded. he undersea boats can still ytt, btoen lylvn he IiI plan men b on their jobs every It the ahes that haduAt'd his home the middle distance. At voy; they can kill nonc6mba foreground and two boat -loads Of sink merchant ships If not under con- true, th aek
pectators in rituntt lthdv I
T -me wealth
Its gre,addiv�g to their Ahavadus was a man'42, so the bottom of the panel we see I men, women and children; but this is -b6r ily seem ot�6y ta 2is, house Is stretched upon the ground, While R about all they can, do., ih Vhs� 4 :forces daily and glase mtk-' and �much cultivatioig: hing -up output to 0 ei d1mrmii trA ate pus Vly decorated with wall painL- wayfarer approaches to Offer help. A good many naval orpnft than, t thi i§ time k5tjngis *W6I us &O duednent Idea % ready tmd anxious, to abandoll tht of OhSt art wag like W the, great days S. X yekr� aubmailine, as a weap0h,twdt I$; ta. OU64 ��94 40 S 62kili f fglasg, In th,6 zuftmdbll� ok thit Aornan EmpitdIi 'oWn "6-W 6ott at P 4 %t l$1W 0 P- ,
va, are tro 4 f th(I It's easy enough to have inon Tlir mOst SO dangerous t" 1ho: picture holoo; one, 0 6*1 '09.0 '�AO tit rivers didnt 99 to Sri one eIgg, p6edWdd for 6V t6iihiA$ '&6 bAlliabbly colored In. which afie brakes—if the d go I A4 In '1401 us to UK oce* atts. tllzii to at atra. t1b t ot, t� the. widsbields.—Bv�hdvft c teof tn6tov &TS has 'f4o -Unluelcy through e 6h 6z suy�. thAt eVY 0`499fttiOu to 11MA einy. 60 rot, qtp "tht tot, good thing for AS t n-Voat dotllta?d d M nj)t compelled to falOw =0 ddz :,so glv6i IttI