HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-02-24, Page 8--L .. ... . .... t 20. -for ............. It qQn't leak it is sa vzg by the *04 In Quo It b" no Saa,=. -for ...... to In It, 444 no Patches. 01 lsstezlnowr nto, Ilut onIt haw no splites. INZ TOU wia 4, g for ................ 'Bro at d J d t, The wili EqUible Rubber. ATO �CA. va is moulded wih one piece of J. ....ft .9d, Of major R. S PORK and BUNIS -it is so good we gu4r=,tee it C.' P. Sills, U. fox .......... for two years. iiiiiii_L:io�t r and a Mug. - kumd -of -Of tho TOURS s6det,i C E llixistign Wlestcott ohn Bari, 4. 4rk, the 161st, Unns. The*. Beattie, $1.0 SOLD ONLY AT at 250 Or 5L for James Suthet *s. .7ou. may, W. Batwn�Ln, F vma .*604'� d -not the uB1,060 how a Price tt, all of ,LoadolrL Smith, J. Neilknds, B. lWuir, H. T Ate, site -1 4,n, the Sam, Of VancoRve it&')%9V +61Xd, `Vice-Fresiq)eut, Was bA -ObArga d Miss,Ellerr,� eA two §Wterj� v nell, headed by, the $e0orth H The Razall. store landeirs ]Band. -During the bour_�f thi� devotional exeiojd�w pound ............ ........ itlu, A' d erii, '%T� 40 ��,mArold, was drowned topic, MUTT7R—Zhoice dairy Butter PEO1,41M 20 $R�&FGRUZ. the Church service. the business plal� To closed on main Street we a told Ben John- W ?
March 12, 1851., rie;�r T his to. e spent the early part of if t eg 'R o Huron Brieders, Sole. — The Gifts—Prizea—Bargaine. BeAtie Bros., Sa4- 1116,6jithe,Scarlett ho4wtead,, on the 44��.ioncessloxl cKillop township, 7._ Do Huron County Breeders' Association forth. in X h To ew, pring unadvisible to la UWRL--wairk. ounty, and went to London has considered it aW aud=enient, central location; town watar�' ee ago. For man ?HeOD-263 the annual ale of pure bred c A. D. quti�orland. Seaforth. :�.iwo years years oal on hAU4,: -ted with the Orin of; t. phone R. s year�. which has taken place in Wingharn caue. xut and Steve C 40 ",was conneC Carn of earn in a weel -sketch. of the, lite of tq#� during the pa: t Raillan orwe Burry Charters. & Wardi locul nianufictulr_ as; literary number. for -the ;p -pt ew W'' Nov Wall Pagers—An as indql ars bad attractive line ausslort Tree cgntest,W P Something To- Remember.- The _t arrivc& ob d W, insixr�wd., I . 9 carefully selected wall paper has ju. ",,.,engage ome and School birthday Party Will Prices from 10c up. We are always pl&s ri, 00so A Geo,graphy contest., ed ago he servlod .!�, tw �0, Alder-' T. fid H the Minutes of the :lasf me t* mi Grw�es' Wail Paper store. in the public school on Merch to she the VMS in the C Wobstor. - four o'clock in the afternoun. b - Qf Union, L64g A.F. reialt Ift. Kel was �leloted pm er *�zants wunteasimoo weekly. easy, either" as fvurtll ficerPr4sl4ent" in place of ouse #4v Th . �4- of Nassau Lode lNp.�2170 executive is planning a happy sex. selling our cleaners. Works like magim nald" Reinkle, who has. taken a POO- get-together meeting. A hearty m- unusual high commission. Free samples. P. 0, and of the Choseii Friends. �or' rad years thati r0l�l �k lei. vitation is given to all. Let's go, A. Lefebvre & Co.. Alexandria, Ont. 5187 -if' Ifad act! tion in, To b. r; e.be an-Anterej iig 7ty Aaents'Wanted-4100.00 week;ly easy, elthe� �promiSOSj A' Be It of Cronyn M sex, selling o loans= afid'61othes pin j, a Sundayj in- the -subject be' 11;K 0* V
New Garage—On March 15th. M 6:funeral was held oi -lexandria, made in O Unusual high commission. Free pie '�olved t t dinada. offerso, will 3 86
3 86 O.P. Andrew Dunlop, of Milverton, Will A. Lefebvre & Co., A 3186- �nt b�ing open a repair and service department Leap Year Pie sodul—Given Philatb portumities to young Oeople thAA4.he Bertha Class,, in North Side United C on z United States" Mlsses� 'celled -d he A ex in im, in connection with the Chevrolet ar esday, February 29th, at 8 p. od pro- and Sadie Hutt on the affirmative 0 Oldsmobile Garage, under Mr E E. grame. Good pie. Admittance Ur Horticultural Society. The side, and James Wilkiso Mr. Dunlop Rre,r li and Mss Welch, of Seaforth. is a P�ece. pium. List Committee in lice rhompsm.blm th negative side. taid to - be a very capable mechanic real an& ci.—coal and Coke on hand atgolijOleted their work'arra all is of wide experience, and is bringing the warehouse at the station; also a sma&l readiness for the canvass for wm� Massey -Harris cutting; ra chine. either power two good mechanics with him, and berAip, which will ake -place t&is Celebrated., Bigbty-Sev@nth or hand power. Phone 44W, Seaforth. N, 1. - 31 month. The different choices are, day.--Jlfiny.irtendA',will,$61n' The Ex- of cars. General Motors parts and sale of Horses.—The undersigned will be in thrteen in number ' And- - of -these, 'positoT Lin extending COT 22nd with a car +hey will give a service on all make DRuw ARcmBALD. 35-U. a -bout February members may choose three, either all and- beat wishes o Mr Tr 1 � . M, accessories will also be stocked. MIT. Seafortb ng Western honses, ranging load of good you Dunlop intends moving to Seaforth as the:siarrre. or: different as the ineniGeT Stephens, of this towr6 who celobrat- in ace Irom- 3 to 5 years. soon as possible. ed teaBis -in the lot Robert Douglas, Pro- ary prietor. 3141-1. JyLij$'With extra trees, plants, shrubs, 15th, whbn he received many cov� vshs. The Society will supply ed his 87th birthday nL Febru ow Young People's League. —Having transferred my ag�. e at cost. Wernbers may,veceive gratulatojy MeSSag6s 'from out_ of- The To the public. Young People's Society of First Pres- bul4s; in the autumn, season Instead town friends and had m"y Callers. ency to Mr' Crosier, I wish to state that till -have -1y 86 a few rolls of Frost fencing and regul a I Old [0 %1).9 050 t7me choices mentioned abovem Ught Mr. Stephens was born in London on byteian Church held a very uccss- gates, also a fsw pumps, which I am offer- prices in order to ik`be pointed u that the Uorticul� Fabruary I&th, 1841, and his youth ful social'evening in the school room ing at greitly reduced of the church on Tuesday, with a clean up. All overdue accounts are requested 'turw Society offers every -one intown was spent on a farm in London e A HECLk Flag to be settled at �)nce_ Neil Gillespie. 1141,2 fi�,a minimum of cost, an, pportun- ship. Ili the year 1865 he was mar- large attendance of members presen Lot for Sale.—Fr sale, frame House and Zfficiently installed has no eqwaa Mr. A. J. McRae occupied the chair h it 'to join with thers in helping to Tied and came to Seaforth, being one ouse situated in Vllage of Eizmondville; 2 Y, 3? IFECaNC7 and the programme consisted of a aLrest of -land, fruit trees and orchard; two beautify the town. The sociefy, be- f the town's oldest.living residents, frame barns. House contains four rooms 8-04 act BASE OF OPMATT014 talk by Dr. Larkin,, a solo by Mr. Jas. Aides giving in premiums pr ically When Mr.. Stephens came to Seaforth kitchen soft water in house; electric light Lumsden's Drug Store was on -the DURABILITY Stewart, two hymns and a geography in house and barns. Telephone- Will be sold �the entire amount of the membership COMFORT AND SAT]ISFACT70M contest, which was won by Mr. W. cheap for quick sale. Apply to James Hua- e&, grants the member the priolege corner of 11VIain and Goderich,�Strtets, lorence so"- E9m*1d1U- or phone 2 on 146, Sea, o buying extra material at cost, Un Sutherland's team. Miss F - and behind it was the log house of Beattie acted'as accompanist. After der the energetic secretaryship of Air. Mrs. Steen, Seaforth's firt resident. Robt. Raid the programme, refreshments were Crawford, the members Are as- Where'the Queen's Hotel now stands Plumbing and Iffeeiting served. sifted of pro�mpt and efficient service there wgs a franle'hotel built and MON3 23 SISAYORTE Duncin Cup Hockey—JAst Satur- ano,-thebest of stock. Our aim is to av�ned by the late Thomas Downey. Died In Portland—There died at day there were two fine games. play- hjj�� three hundred members'. One This hotel was purchased by Mr. Aland, Ore. ed. In the first, the Rinkeydinks. de- 461)iirs makes you one.—C. P. gills, Stephens, but six months after 661 Clachamas Street, Po he feato the Tigers, 4-3. The Tigers Ti e gon, on Thursday, February 16th, d nt. took, posession, it �vas completely rly put up a wonderful fight but were Mrs. C. A. Stewart, who was forme, destroyed in the big fire of Septem- Miss Jessie 'McDougall, youngest considerably handicapped by being Death of R. E. Coates.—Death re- ber 4th, 1876, when thTee-blocks of Me- short handed. In, the second game desgrvedly , us parents, Mr. nd,Ms. A.- Wiaikel, in Gordon Wb�i 'youngest, - son daughter of the late William Me*, a well known and iness places on Main Street, W- Harpu'rhek, returns aii -Monda to Alice :Wreu,-, Hibb6rt. the Hornets defeated the Wildcats 6-3. r =, 'tpd resident of SeafOrt17r ides a number of homes, were - des�. 16 cerekv, Dougall, of Egmomdville- Her hus- on Sat.' Elbow, Saskatchewan. . o V R - band predeceased her about sixteen R. N. Bissonette referreed both games. p9T1011Wd:AyR&V.., T�, last week, where Mr. Robert E. Toyed. On ih�,&h bfOctober of &Be DaI6*,deiwent' an OTV-6 pasted away at his mome o same year he started the erection,of months ago. he leaves to mourn The standing is now: s Coart' W4aS goWne Tied pendicitis Ili,. the orial' bil& " Team. Won Lost a I peach, her IGs one daughter and ne sofi, Sparling Siteet, in his 61st year. Of the -present Queen% H el and rriov- 'O ot on Taesday,._?Qrs. Thomas n 4ett% wearing*' a, bridal veil caught wi* Helen and Laughlin, also one sister, Hornets ..... 3, 0 a strong, -Vigorous constitution, Mg. ed into it on the second "Of April, 1877. had -the misfortune to faU at libi. orange"blossoins,. zin4. carried, i bon- -led an active life until a He is still hale and hearty, takes. ail he Miss Helen McDougall, who was with 1 0 4 Coates had me on Monday and'fr several quet of _cArnatibrij and. her sister in her last hours. The re- Wildcats 0 2 1 1 few years ;wig ago, when he suffered a interest in the house guests, and is ribs.�Mr.: J. 'J. Auggatd. was- iw:To- erii. _- Th' mains were interred -on Monday, Feb. Tigers ........ 0 2 1. 1 stroke� since which. time he had been still the alarm clock used for calling Tonto .thij, week on legal bus' se ed y mss -1 a 19th. She will be remembered here Next 'Saturday, at 9 a.m-, the a partial invalid and since ihe New guests who are going out on theearly Mr. Arthur Foiil�es, of :Toronto, �Vas d,ixmer was served I& the Hornets play the Rinkeydinks, and at Year 'he -had falied rapidly. He was morning train. He 4�njoys reading, in town 0, huiadak��
_4�ft M�s s4� was quite popular 'before leav young coupl.� lat''On.'a sh 'h in e meals, a pipe e of wer I e moon. ------------- Team managers, goal umpires - - and born At'Constance where his early life euchre; and every day his command- week guests this g S'aforth for Portland. 1() a.m. the Tigers play the Wildcats. a son ofhe late John Coates and was his and a gain' 'Stettler' of New at the he Of k Record of AfTendance, First Pres- players got there zt 9 o'clock. was sprent. .As a young man he went ijig figure is seen going up and dowii and Nis. R. , X Bright.�Miss gia BAYFItLp byterian Church Sunday School for to Bellevue,, Idaho, where he engaged the street. Long may he live. 'Hills# of Oshawa, "eutthe week end year 1927—Thirty-four scholars had The Late Charles RolphFollowing very successfully for a number of with her parents, Xr.�, and Mrs. Gee. Br�eleg"Instpctor Tom visited, our. -EnE perfect attendance for the year 1927, a long illness, Mr. Charles Rolph pass- years in sheep ranching. In 1900 he Local 8iiefs.—Wednesday of this Hills�,- in � B'gmondville.�Misj Mar aWOMEN LIKE TO 'PRADE H school Tuesd4y.�Mrs. Herbert WW1H1 (missed no Sundays); 2 scholars had -ed away at -his home on West Street, -v,as united in marriage to Miss Isa- week was Ash Wednesday and the amt -R. Ashton, of the post office staff, and',two so -as left for their Westerifi. spev e week - -exid' n ee- Years in 'Se-aforth, on Wednesday --February belle-MaflchaeL -daughter of the late or tfi6--,L6ri n- a o Because they know they are perfect attendance for' thr se 9 TVesda ure to get the Choicest Cuts m1ccession—Ross Rennie and Elsie 22nd. Mr. Rolpb was.a son of the William MeMichael'and Mrs. McMich- and Wks. E. Umbach, of Toronto,, and -friends.—An invitation,is extended to Wil -Westlake and family spOrit of Heat and save money be- Drover; 1 scholar had perfect attend- late Joseph Rolph and was born in ael, of Seaforth. After his marriage Kids ErieStewart, of Kitchener, spent every wow -an -to Turner.'s, Sau4le sides. We aim to make per- ance for four years in successiou� Logan township 49 years. ago, but he he li*d for a short time in Brussels th� week end at the home of Mr. and Day of Prayer, a fellowship of.Anter- Whitch for the date of the pla ramarient customers of every Evelyn Grieve; I scholar had perfect had been a, -respected resident of Sea- and Michigan, before coming to Sea- Mig. D. H. Stewart.—Mr. Leslie Me- cession to every woman of -every lAnd, berry Corners," the iWin by nieii- housewife who buys 'her attendance for 5 years in succession— forth for the past. 2& years. In 1909 forthi- where he bad since made his Kay, of Kitchener, spent the week end in First 'Presbyterign Church on FTi-. bera of St.. Andrew&, United Ghumb Norma Rubirk! 2 scholars had per- he was united in marriage to Xiss Meats from us. . To do this at the home f his parents, Mr. and day, February, 24th, at 3 o'clock�— choir, shortlyA rlieeting of,the r1natA.: fect attendance for two years in sue- Janet Adams, daughter of Mi. arid we -must gitre quality all the Mrs, Robert McKay, in Egmondville. Mrs. Gordon, Hayi,_who- was visiting payers is. called- for Friday evening,- time. cession—Wargaret Drover and Ber- Mrs. Wom. Adams, of this 'town, who --JMrs. Neil Gillespie underweint an with relatives. -here, returned to her the 24th -At 'the Town Hull,. at ce Dorrance; 11 only one Snday survi,�es him, -together with a family ROLUCKING operation in the Memorial Hospital On home in 'Detroit on P.M., -to elbOt three school ibrusteeg&�� Go Saturday. 'Many friends'will be gl" W� f�.' Bright is spendIng. a few dais aPPOin.W in JAnuary,' Bit absent. Handsome pins were award- of one son and three daughter,%, r- t !a hopec ed with certificates for perfect at- don, Wargaret, Elizabeth and Helen, to legii that .she i-,� miiking�a good in Lutall. With. MT& T16T Mani. I PHONIS 158 87,A]FORTH ten-dance—J. G. Mullen, Superintend- all at home. He is als sufvived. by Sally 01N v! a, good attendww4iiia recovery.--ne R6beUhq,_ are'hblding thei�e ill his mothe ers, Joseph and Te and dance, in the Odcifellews trustees l ent. r, two brothl a eiiell ecte. 6*111tafie-a.keexr' William Rolph, of Logan, and [two Hall on Monday etaning 'of next RLINVILLE Iy McKillo' Branch W. M. S. On sivters, MiTs. Alex. orrison, of At- t. p Week,—Xi Grant. Caldwell and sorij Notes..�-Xr. Silas J�hnsis.vlsi ing -n Mr§. J. P. Bell, of Toronto. 'at Thursday Afternon, February 16th, wood, a Kate Pno C (L Garth wo,.have been guests, at th Pybus, I BY e hifs daughter, 1&s. Will I the February meeting of the Women's A private furil�-ral will be held from home 'of Mr, -and 'XTr. R. H, Sliroat, Chis�elhurst.-�qMr. - IL FQrd` attended . �izes . . m. b . ogitie. as Missionary *ciety, 'McKillop Branch, his late home on Friday afternoon, returned this we�k to their home in -the,Rdad 8uperintendent's, Oon*entin itl d Saskatdhewan.---4Mr. 'in '-Toronto -this -w: 'k-�- of the United Church, -was held at interment being made in gal an Central Butte, ee The Adiik the home of Mrs. R. Searlett, about bank cemetery. M. R. Rennie, hits, purchasd oiie 'of Mble Class, are',havii'g a social Ow�4 forty ladies being prevent. Part- of MI OTICE 116CO aal y the new model Chevrolet Sedans from hig, on - Ffida,y ..of this week'. 'the day. afb�r s6111hk the 60-aer� the afternoon was spent in sewing. Lions Meat_ -Last Monday evening the lQeal dealer, MT. E. E. Welsh.—A arapathr di ithe -cornmunft;,fa ex� 19r'fakhor ill# 'Mr. The programme opened with a hort was the occasion of one of the most _11 e rink of Seaforth curlers� composed. of 'tended the Vami y of.the tate Mrs. Georg *h6 Ud it legs800 Club ineetings'of the Since his dedth.—Tht,;�majjy fleudg; �vr The Industrial Mortgaga and addressy the President, followed by successful Lions . .1 Lev Dr. Beehley, R. J. Winter, R'. . Herdwaft. a hymn with Mrs. Turnbull as pianist. year. A full attendance greeted Lion y Sproat -and W. X Southgate,- re -Savings Company.,'of Szrm1a,- Miss A. Lawrence gave,an interesting Frank Sills ift the chair. The guest An sha-16w -4 in Ki7s. Thomas McKay k�& leased, to, s It.' ish Peace (Conference Toronto this week INTEROP attending tlie big learn she is 1hiproving:'rapidly amZ 'Mrs.- Lane and of the evening were Mr. Riusban r Ontario, boa talk on "Prayer." ol, bonspeil�held -in that eity'.�Mr. J. B,. Qft—PrftM—BArgatns'. tokwe Br" 1,1 Soon -b e ablO to be proidd. t� her Mrs. Cluff sang a very pleasing duet, High School Inspector; Mr. Stetston, Introduding the World's ,most Com- Tyarm-n returned homf,, Monday last 'forth mRogan of 82501000 TO 1LOAK accompanied by Mrs. Barber on the of New Bedford, Mass.; 'Mr. k- ical Pamily—The Laugh -able LPid- after spmdinj a -week with hjstougrn,� Notea.—Don't fofket 'the dance to 6hill, got the contract 'of The Bible lesson was read by land and Mr. ATmetrong, of the OvVitzeo piano. Dr. J I W. Uutchiso74, .-of JSagillAW-f held iii the `W[bifirop Hall, Flda�, 260 ToAdsoil 1CoTj,t.egs16n Is$ Bleyn, on good farm Igma, at moder- MTs. James, Scott, Sentence prayers Dominiou Bank Inspectorate staff. OW PLAYR�TG" Michigan� Vrs,., T yermam is in the 24tii,, Mugie 1 I ras, lld&4 opt OV =ar y will ba., sery aUd th-, ato ratso. were given by Mrs. Grieve, MWs- Kerr The chairman, in well chosen words, Saginaw General 'VEospital, iohte Ahe all _�.Luneh 11 a' vritb and Mrs. McNay, ater which a hymn pointed ou� the necessity of S me 'O OR. Thursday orge J6 9A`rUR]My itdAnNimm underwent Mi, op6ratl ito s6rkyto beat Ge r Parties dedring a,loom �7H] was sung and the meetin -was clos- of rejuvenation, hat our 0on fr 9 sort sow hir ton 7Bett9 %. laid U�', it red ariii. t] ed -with prayer by Mrs. J'. Thompson. may not go dead. and finally se-med is J. C oiel; to'n 'severe ttorm. the vil otial is, inip;0'ent A dainty lunch was -then served by notice that the Lionft, Club undertake 49,46 ha�� him 40 . :, the lage -a few days Geiorffii 6 -d the hostess, assisted by some of the the duties and services of a Board of 1XCE 8 spent so-veml 9,4,ytsh this week home, of hek- ei! in Goderich,_' Eiitorf!$6w is--�the proitcfpossefc�bzok of a'l�* mem1bers. Trade, by which, the town, might be ...... Air. and Wri� Robert Scarl4tt -were in twin. calv6s.�Migs Bessia Bli benefited. The chairman"s r London. over the week nd, atWnding4 left last -Week fo -were followed by 4 travel Death of Louis Atkinson. The falk by MT. de Alpral. -Ur.scarldma brother she is training lot a umo J�, th 7. tL IPAMI moms death of Mi. Louis Atkinson in the Husband -and the soject being que- t1w late Villiam, totdz�,� SeefolethMemarial Hospital orlThdrs-, 8eldord, bas it ethe,. priv ftoim, the, gritof th6"Vok fift. block r. amo Ilu nday afternoon arpe su iegisofho. d Z, of last vieolc, C -end Ogy of sense of sho6k, ludid, a d �W y and with a deep )eautifull'k hot -only to his family but to thp -ProV *a old -ance, of, Qudbed,! its cus- e reVIO JW Ur 0 tilt 'Q= 6a Its: poople". The., tilk was a 7V ec. whorls coiamimity, 0 th Tueodgy he bad I on fok "al t kliti this idde&tdr dbort ad� 4511, rs It *bd. too, gV tit dfid 0 was '6 "Ifendleffig, but 4:6 th� timb it was r4moez V, Mk. Stetson dft& t 4,0%tow a let, woitghthis reto 00 zot a Ida' i4 a4v 4 Iof 2. Mkinwa.'v�u b6m hk Mb "Sop yevs t V 4 hood do" 7r,