HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-02-24, Page 4ITHE RUR0k-,,' i
21$,, 7—
, q 77 1:a - au V "r of I and latw Z, 0� eta VWS b4i� of the murijAkma I 0=0il -of 0 14 W4 '.V111 tlp- U pu ba, ve'Alle& with boner o�knd, 'With, Tboae 4upon- -9, When , 54k, native to- bt tlii w34 and proat to the townsbil - qe r James fti -01 WeRmt your loubtr U'* -1,0 live, for avemoy. V&S 44rV=0 �"A 104 1W F., T1 :for YQUF in Stretford, you Val &nd the Rous.0 0 W'' o:;040* 104a6l lWok or kgpf, tlis SatisfECUDA that Ki Common ;w ta46, ITM110 q�v Moo, PIQ t a ogular luuniyy. As You both enter into the old son of.,Xr. ind 2irs. Nelson J. other Gergag settl the best wi&er. of the whole com. will carry witb You to your new horAe lmrents.0 7447, whre. Igo, N,r o4autk �bpnheg ge* D�atb.—Iv* the 19-mazths the t abi, ed aim t04 the th 4r Idad Th' snof life, may your'thouiWilts turn Ma -at shown nd the week ade comfqrt,, �4 07. description, Mi�li. On ........ bsr is of neighbors of your childhood, The fer- -a serious .accident ovar ? met industry, economy, sdo dirv, Of wftderfail fts sse, 14th Concession, IKAY, A array recept back occasionally to the friends and with cleared the,fqr�"!��,Aud. M Smith ag�D,! which caused - his dot Me home4 : � �)*d .61 application- CkjIsts, fol- vent wish of all present is that an kh last ft�,��Jbe.mselvea and, their. �444 charge of '*e well stoel� 4 H nen, r9ox 'i Kiss Tdargartt h9uld render to 0&es�ar all-wie Providence will watch ever thin Ile his mother -was washing. tionately A y his- friends, Soon �0114�go of',the, biridels. dis a Z 'g whi play, whic Wednesday. The little lad was play- children. B.ai as he was affler�; ngs that -alre Caebem A you and sPare you many'Year Of N-Auotieed he pulled he, plug out (if became an e9b in ad- y�ais Magnifteent be 0 '-%my is to get- out. of the heath and hap ....... glipper and piness' We beg of you the machine and the hot water scald, homestead he Following this th ests., Figs. for dition to -their e guests =out busine d attend to accept this Purse in remembrance ss, an b 'bet to their omes, ed him on his legs. It was not thought also chbppeO��.' is. raft to the business of many happy days spent together. my fallows for at 'CoinstArell, to be a serious matter although the settlers and vlo I pkp.,; `hwne randered. lard h �� e go doi arid the, X�zmps. The, ri s nd the,.Xo cumbed to -his play, Ag many W"Alk" soul$ and Signed, fro Your X end a NeigI 7 aoctor was called and attended. him ' giant of " )�ost s4c: "'Mummy arid the bors." r�qia ly, s But the shock proved -tao mueb. for Powerful stroka.. Whilo still a young.- recent g von in the Town it 'Js *hat The lt Fore t Celebrate Silver Weddi to 11all und� ng. the young lad and he passed away oil -man he married the auspices Qr St Paulis W% e calls plain talk na it and Mrs. 9 d James Delaney, of h argare liert ho Church'A. Y. P. A., roved. -a,' great U. McKil- February 15th. The funeral was eld of Zuia IERRY #Ik, likewise good, lop, celebrated the 2sth anniversary or many yi�w oyl� suoees%. both in We, a- y, the 20th tertal of their marriage on ldlonda� on Friday, interment taking place in f shared his, j the R. C. Cemetery at Drysdale. ?Orraws aud-T-4p ably assisted ..him en nment. r y observers, even �"" inst., by 'attending the nuptial mass The Late Wkn. B. Battl —After a in all his Un�lkings To this;- uu-. the hall was crowded, c4lOes- the ever inereasing'number of of their eldest daughter, Miss 'Mary short line g of abo or ult '011 week's dura- ion two phildrewsurvived, z., Annie, to, describe the attendance, ietie Soc s, church entertain- Delaney and Louis B r, a usioi space was utilized t 8,30 tion, there passed away at his bome (Mrs. William �Watson) 'and � 8 available it �S ir )elaney, -nee Miss S� ire church llanquets, and every- a.m- Y s. rah inar. estimaW that anywhere betwee 1.0 on the Babylon Line, Hay, William (Mrs. James 131dk). After his wi-11 YYe. Muclij tb�: 4f the pertaining -to the, eburch, except by of mat! McQuaid, wa James De- R. Battler, in his 78th year. The latki riag he &Med',for a ew years in and. 200 were unable to Obtain adft,Mml - bsed. 4 laney in the he'$u_nday'semees and sermons thar, t t at' Colum- Mr. Battler was a well know4 farmer Hay then came to Sibu, so great fame had'the play ob- and friends. I I �.o -in - very or qf;-, being, advertised and published in - ban 'by the late -Rev. Albert McKeown. of this township, and had a host of Kippen nearlLy�$o years ago and went tai#eO from those who knew a good- The Nominati a -�ft*afit, the�AKrdOck#s, fez,' Reeve McQuaid, of WeRillop, is a friends. He was active in the ad- into possegOiql, of the Kdppen Hote deal-, about it� And from the accounts nomination meetingi held in �thw-,Tpw V e� paper& to-day,esPeciallY the couu- brother of Xrs. Dela' _41 'A�� 1, y '4,nd \*indne6a neY* This happy from Othel! -Places where it had Hull on -Xionday e��l -h " 114 vanement of the social and municipal which he An4--. his good wife success- 'veli ing ta to i -s, it -would seem that the couple are blessed with nine children, o... weeklie e. doing, and
welfare of the co nity and during fully cond. y years, and been -given. Besides it s known the-positibil, of Reeve. rej�ito -I four SC. 1p1mu or man he�, itx,4.,. such had gone into the amuse- seven daughters and two sons, and his lifetime occupied a number of re- which providd'.'�". be a financial sue- that taking part in it were all *ell men. being nominated, nam. elk Robert a ong thes, William f b business,, a -ad -gone into it O have had much prosperity in their 25 e lines. cesi t sponsible positions I s, as theii,'.Uuse had t4e reputa- proven adepts from'past' experiences iggins, Owen Geiger, years of married, life. it was & very orn- -the practical exclusion of the origin- The funeral %as held on Sunday af- tion of ift. 1.0W, best hotel between in which they bad- taken parts,'. and sitt'and Alex.- Smith. COnside 'g
edifyin sight to see the whole fam- con. London and: 7,Q -*erichi and- -travellers the advice given in tlio, bill the -severity of the cold. night, 4ere lat purpose for -which these edifices ily receive Holy Communion. ternoon, when the services were 6 scrif. out ttendance, showing P aAnOr tO the ducted in the Evangelical Church by and others for miles to be at announcing hree long aets of_laugh-� was a Very good Cornelius, nun in the Loretto Order, the pastor, Rev. W. Y. Dreier, and a. live jutg,r-, everybo'dVI f ' ' and refreshment. ter and the added advice, "If -you are That our. ratepayers arry OF, nt, V pro" And the regisah advanced for the and a sister of'Mr. Delaney, was also interment made in the Babylon tine When e Kippen, he made not PrePar4 to laugh, stay away,'! !�St in the - c6miiig. contest for the uted lo. the� vtek 7 Pig t hAP aclumge is that the younger genera a communicant at the Mass. Four a cemetery. He is survived -by his wid- graik cradles ��ifbr the farmers and was bourne� out to the very letter. It reev�ahip. bein ..Vacsat�4j jhe time spent, a M!r_ Delaneyls daghters nd- gavo,4 Ihave earn- verypregsimg. g made
i- on will not attend church unless owl one son, Jacob, 'on the home- knew how to -swing them. He also' was, indeed, a most amusing and side- ulisetink, of 'Reevp' Rigging, awin' 'tatio invi n to onei-a# me. t e' ' ' ; � Ih— Pleted the high school course at Dub- stead, and one &ughter, Ms. John embarked extensively in business, slilittIng play from start to, finish, to his filling position of, County �v` built the stoio�aud conducted it for And taking, as it did, three hours in Auditor. 'Mr. --fliggins, was the fimst closed the evenifigIg thoy are coaxed in by food -and enter- lin and two of these are teaching in Bender, of the Town Line,. near DaA eir new h th in n th That is not true. But, if public schools,- wood. several years the Hay corner, and the renderin& it is impossible in the to speak f about -half an hour with the 6xee or Ption Of all &-thering", in. er�, .-the Witli. ere, whose fault would it be. Old Eighth Line Notes.—Quite a num- en the Lo#d4all, Huron and Bruce compass of a news r�_port to give any- which he 'very -ably heads are too -prone to ha de to Notes.—A number -from -Zurich at- wh discussed maK, form 01--a circle'afid xp on the ber from here took a sleigh ri tended the funeral of the late Henry Railway came, to Kippen, he built two thing aptllyoa�hing a full account Of- in. which the village ws interest �righ the home of r. and Mrs. t good will arid irn,: i%41d 1AU lollies of the youth of to -day. It Henry Schaefer, of Kippen. held on Wedues- elevators and- �Purchased all kinds of it. But -happily for those not having and outlined what -he would do for _Syne?, and "They are jolly good Hoegy -and celebrated Mrs. Hoegy's day of last week—MT. Philip Beaver fa the� village duri' een S
b o in -all days. A short birthday on Wednesday rm produ6ei.�for many years, and heard it, the ociety, at -the earnest ng the comaling ye i f lows,". We might just n thaL, merAI6 mevening, qttended the funeral of his nephew, jo shipped mairy-c4ra of livestock to the solicitation of a *host of peoplc�, have 'Ve-elected. He made reference also thO, great sue.cess of the games, . ana c
:ago a tablet was dug UP in February 15th. An en yahle even- the late Garnet Beaver, at Exeter on Toronto and -Montreal markets. His ConSented to. give the play over again. to wflat he had- endea;�ored t do ' contests and amusements were ereditL_ 0 in
Egypt, which had lain buried or ing was spent.—Mass Freida Messer- 'Saturday.—The mebers of the hotel accommodation being inadequate in its ntirety', in the coming mbaith thci best interests of'the viI1qgqduT- ableto the men uremb s of th - or e. 0111, -or his business, he erected- a large of April., While, as we have said ng the years he was in'the CounciL who showed that they 'could rise Cr three thousand years, and on it was Schmidt is at present staying at her Luther League held ahard time party f , we I ch u ic said that home here. --Mrs. Regele, Sr., is ' again ir. the basement on Wednesday eve- addition b6 thiihotel and built several cannot,b0gin to give anything like qn He was-,folawed y Mr. 0. Gel -ger, ind and isposed. We wish her a s the occasion of fine entertainarg the youth of that day were degener- P"y ning. Those in, attendance wore old dwelling houses� in this village, and extended report or individualize where who poke for about half an hour, re;m merrymakers. The'follo recovery.—Th young son of Mr. and Wing aje t4e,, imed,ed., with, verses ct)mposed -by O. a ood-- illiam Berinweis is at present were played. A good time was had a railway Aition at Xippen to -day well,. we will in the mealitime and the Council an 4401d " -ate and evil, not stron'g and noble as Mrs. W time costumes and old time games it is very douWul if there would be all,,'did their�, parts so wonderfully- viewing the matters co
d' what hehad done -to win and sunk to the tune "of were their fathers. in Seaforth Hospital, where he recent- by and Mrs. E. E. Wuerth only for th6` se of P�ndixfig the giving of it over again, &Onrpte the welfare of the village Black Joe." These verses we . re sung Usiness eTrteTpri T � The generation of to -day is large- ly underwent an operation f6r appen- and Mr. Jacob Brown visited relatives Henry ScIxOoj�: He lived to see near- 9M' would still.do if re-elect- following the mock marTiage,'Xrs. T. the cast of characters taking and what he ly what the generation of yesterday dicitis.�Mrs. Whn. Koehler entertain- laid to -rest, he e and Mrs. A. C. Hggarth �be-; UWAid# of half's century was P�ared-. Sir Hector 'Fish; who im- sum he had in taxes. � After the. accompanists o the n anw� - is; acquired the same as the .—Mr. Harvey Fischer, ounty and to'wnshiD road superin- a very busy;,p he owned and Mr. Geiger followed XT. Alex."Smith Pi made it. The habit of church going her birthday Neeb is attending the convention of and for Ing '
ed a few friends on Sunday, it being i Kitchener this week.—Mr. H. H. IY all f part in the order in which they ap-- ed ajid made entio , of' t larg - Welsh
on, op- personates the Mummy, Rev' T. W habit Of of Fullarton, spent a couple of days iendents at Toronto this -week. erated a bt�telii�r shop and was am ex� Jones; Francis Biiscoe,. who imper- who rna& 'mention of matters theatregoing or joy riding. It is the at the home of his cousin, -Mr. Win. nWay down in Tinker Town usa'e�e W - nected doing oft repeated that forms a bab- Koehler. Pert meat utter, and as a s9 sonates Rectdr,, Albert Shi il with"tlie village and in which SormAim away, maker he "ver had an equal. liam Laidl can, he- had had'a., part as a ]?.atft R9,0v Dat -'s where my -heart war, He Aw, who helps turnin' ever it'. To form the habit of church at- KIPPEN %vas generougi and kind and never a]- W_ A. Houston;* James Slamman bui declined nomination . as- he' th�6uglii Dat's wherethe-9fil didgtay. h' Rckr, who has three men's work to if there *as honor in the position of All up and -down the teadance, one. bas. to be trained in ST. COLUMBAN Y.P.L.—The Young People's Leagu- Icwed a Ungry Man to leave 'his solid sidewalk Youth Many en, and many women of St. Andrew's United Church hel�� house, whet)ier.-he had' money or not. do, E.. Drummond; Perkins, the sheriff. Reeve It'Should Pass from. ' - I . - I . 1. .1. _: :,.
ope to an-; Madly I roamed, r meet,ing on Friday -evening peb During hig David Shirray; � Anna thin :ADf tlday know to e profit -what they Say girls, from'St. Golumban way, hei life as a hotelkeeper, Aher as well as the services.; it e#�- Still longin, fq.'the sound or slkh�of.. thought was a tedious'llar6hip, when I've waited long for this, ';ud. he had ha:ifhIs turxi. Mss Dorothy alone... l7th, with Mary Thomson pr;sjdiii� he hd mini e�citing adventures but. Western GiA, Mrs. Peppier;, id "ailed,, and that -ind Mary McDonald as pianist. The lways kept a Iirst class house. lie U11031 . an Eastern girl; Miss. Grace "Ar. Consitt, on account of having a All the world wai sad and ,Ahe pw.utma o aen church in For some young lass to be ray wife -neeting-was opened by he sining of was strong aiia.active and if anyone Dulie Dumbl beautiful lbw 'Very sever� cold, did not s . weary. Y And fill my soul with bliss. 7 .. peak as he Everywhere I rodm6d, hrIL ermons seemed long Hymn 4, after which 'Mary Thomson Aarted any rdu lumb, Miss Louis�e Dru man gh stuff or tried- to. m d; Aga- eIt also that there was really. noth. until I saw the girl I looked for, is houg �ed in prayer. " 4e was soon brought ha,Litidlaw, founder of sello(O' Mrq ng to go on wlth� And got invted lome. olden days, and outh could I'm. 0131Y sixty-eight this spring, Hymn 262 was then run h over' in d6nnecti: mt� �e epected to understand them- My he.rt is full of - ung and Scripture reading "3hiiray;.:Phoebe war, tak- to Order by*., .'Ris: death rie- Beebe, tin, 'report- the village Proceedings that -had no' ai Ohapter Mves a velnenible landmaiA. fl�om e might just en' touched'. upon by the, Oteviou�- -UI i�otina.the 'But there is this about it, the mere I've prayed and prayed for some f r en -Rev. Mr. Connor took 3r, Mrs. A. 1. Case w attendance instilled -a reverence, and maid 4 in "Jetus, Teachings"- Margaret �his VaIdge, as.,for -niany years it here state that -the proceeds of the :peakers and declined the� nominiti,c�W 'All cDonald told of the life, of. Dickens. as vbry seldom that -he left home, qbove mentioned, play amounted to Phis brought the e�vcning's proceed Since first we ro have me for her beau. ulet; reverence is good for youth. Better Hymn 348 was then sung. Mrs. Con- le was always read7 ail- �'22,2.50, which s,p6ks,for the popul d willing to ar- 7198 to a close except short . and There many ev:fting,s I aid any person requtfing a As. to be repeated. �nappy replies made by 'Mr. Higgims -ed h ermans in- No more washing dishes for nor told of the life of Lowell. An ssiitance y that have s t an that, these old time se me; �ty of the ph listrumental. was given by -Mary Deat t stilled a knowledge Of right and No more mending of socks; Me- nd,.he'saw generations grow h of John'Caldwell—We have 'nd MT ' Geiger following up,the first Mai, - ga6d times, You 6 Donald after which Albert Alexander up Xromi. childhood to. imanbood, the this 'week to cb�ronicle the death of -tddresses they had -given and - tou6h�- Wihen- she .wai I av for youth, even if it is not always Wbile I watch Wer the flocks fine reading_ Clare -nee Me- Thinking was
wrong. That -knowledge, too, is good Ify little wife will do these things, e, 7niter since he was ,'small boy, has another of our 6ajiv'residents in the **.ng on points hey desired to, put be- I Lean told of the life of Thomas A known the docelliid, and f6r mearly person of the late 9kr. lJAn Caldwell ote the electors, In their own inter-' How could I really pop tlie* question cted upon. ad 1, wh I've waited long and I'm weary, --dison; Alex. MeXurtrie that oi three�score years lw�ay found him a son of the lat6 John C I -we I o 9sts. 'Mr. Alex. Murdock acted as Aryd win her for -my W There is another side to de' the muse- Tired a living al Wasbington; life of'A. Lincoln was 'I good. friend and - s' residd for some.time in TH n plendid neigh- our viliag�� --hairman of thevening, at the re e th world was glad a*nd cheeM one, given ment business that is entering into So I've bought an eighteen karat ring by Harvey McClymont. Hymn. b6r, and his memory will, be long many years -ago.. The deceased a- luest. of the nominees, rld endeavor- Everywhere we went, 17 was then sung. The meeting wa's cherihed by those who church life. That - is the minister',-, Set with a diamond stone. knew him the time of his.,death on Thursday -ad to give each speaker fair'play in For I had surely got the courage, Aosed by all repeating the Mizpah best. During �is last iumss he ws I;st, at his home on the 2nd Conces- the presentation. of their position. The And she. had How can any miniter prepare given consent.. )e lookod ,after by__1i,-W sion of the Township of Tu6kersinith, c6ittet will e* 'betwee r. Robert, a message, that is a real mssage Now the girl who wants a partner rfiedietion, games being played also. -grandson, Clif- Owen n To cheer her lonely heart, Notes.—!rhe W. X S. held d Watson, and. -his wifb, who gave was in his -8fth He -was first Higgins.4nd Mr, fine new house up th�rl! on Xi3!g or his Sunday deliverance if in addi- monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, him every care, kindness and consid- rnurr f their 'or Geiger foi, the One' ti Please send her name this very day, ied to Afiss Mary Ch.ambr, who �Reeveship, awd-Pro-mises; to I e a mar Onto his -regular pastoral duties he And be sure to ask for Art. Wesley French, of our village, on 3ration. His funeral -was h9ld on wedeceased him a - number. of years than usually keenly contested. on�, but One that we ve Wednesday of this -week, with a Wednesda, F b -' 15th fiom his sgo leaving five, has to attend an amusement feature e ruary SOlik,af whom two if ea'cjh contestant endeavors:to dot, VVe Wilt ayi4we, Ka�e got iffurnlahed� late. resid'�nce to Maitlandbank Ceme- have passed away, those now ain is church two, three or five eve- For I'm a tern old bachelor, P.odly number present.—Miss Jean living duct what is usually termed a. good,, Where we`ean lWe like dqves. tery,. where being Edward,. of Lawson clean election camp keeping, But b -fiito - it- wison, who has been visiting her his remains were inter- Sask.; just -efore we� move mings; a week? And 'too often he is My hair has turned to grey, iister, Mrs. Reid Torrance, of Par- red beside those of.. W Butte, �Zk., and dear of personal abuse: and' endeavor-. We must get wo xpected to attend them. He can not I �oq>e smne maid will hear my plea is, youngest Grant, of Centr ter's Hill, has returned home, � Mr, 5laughter, Sus.ie Dick, the Rev. R. John of the London Road, few miles ing not to bring Undue pr�tlgUre oil 'Andthiii is all arranged for-Satta-da And surely come my way. _r do it, and we elieve if there is a ind Mrs. Ed. -Granville, of our villa Connor officiating. Vh6' p south of our village, theadaughters the electors, but leaving it to their Down Ili the vI&W6st End. gel all bearers lack of pulpit power and a lack of ART. B. HILL. 'nade a business trip to Sarnia dur- were L. Petty, J. Hood, W. M. Doig, being Mabel, wife of Mr. Len McCon. judgment there should All the b�ys are sad and',lonely, and decision TeVe'rence for the cloth to -day, the Ing the past week—Mr. Alex. Man- W * Butt, J. Deitz and�E. Datars, all nell, of Saskatchewan., Gertrude, wife ot-he much hard feeling and when Everywhire, -1 r0alA re- Amusement business is largely teith, of the London Road, who has at wham were old -friends of -the de- Of Mr. LorneMffatt:Regina, Sask. ill was over, resume the accustofiied Since I hive aken., tfiair cow
as. Mustard, ceased. ir paluon STANLEY rented his farm to Mr. J Ethel, wife f r. Russell Sproat, of., -ood noighborship and iendsh p thal. Away 1r in the old tolkil .-o"nsible far it. 0. t home. Notes.—X. intends holding an' auction sale of Seaforth, and Sadie, of Vancouver. Should prevail. r. Rufus Keys, of Port his farm stock and implements A Choirve on Ed. Grant and Miss -'Sadie arrivig. ning.:wOn Ttiesday, eve- Brief&—'Mrs. A. C. Irggarth re-'
Colborne, attended the funeral of his home two ning last, 8 week from L
STAFFA Tuesday, March 6th. — The many weeks efore his death. the :choir 'of. the - 'United turned thl obdoN w1wre cousin, the late James T. Keys.—Mrs. -Mr. Caldwell'w;is rburch some thirty in, number, spent she-ha&heen fair some time �nd -NoTics—Mr. Lyle Worden VMS tak- friends of Mrs. Clifford Watson wili ork Coun- Hospital la J %me eight r ninia fine 'Village lots for. ty near. 'rilionto . VIS1 ing McKinleY,`of Cjinton, is spending �e sorry to learn that- she has been . ale, sukable for building Purposes or gard to Huron st Wl er parftts� r. to Landon en ta ye I mo enjoyable evening at the h6mc IIth li
well ')f Mr. and Mrs. T. Murdock, of oui
St week- We a few days at th-e home of her son, under the dectoi?�"care for the n 4iite a little lad. He f7guid01C.—ViSS Marth, Run- ilre glad to report that he is doing as Elgin cultivated and enriched; a good Mrs : �ind stab!e in fair condl*n an the Premises. was married the second time to XTs. village, who threw their ter spent a few -days with - be MgKinleY, in Stanley. — Mr. week, but all are�pleased to knowpas' fng; weu spacious home r role- 'Well as can -be expected. — Messrs. Lorne Finlayson, of Tuckersmith, I- 846 Apply'st the Post office, to G. i� Sutherland G. GOdbOlt, of' Eliniville, who survives Ven for the occasion, and, UeT6, the latter par�t of s recovering nicely.—X�n. Win. 'Hay )r to Box No. 26 i. Atueiai, which was tives ftewart Robertson and Wm- Jeffery pent Sunday with his friend, Frank been visit 8139-3 him. The deceased was a progre.g_ one in hon P are attending the Grood Roads 'Con- XcClinchey. bood rarm For undersigned or of -Miss D&othy- Welshi. artfeii still
vention in Toronto this weeL — Mr. 9 her sister, Miss Jean cLean, o fera' for sale 1hat 490d'fAruh known as Lot Iive, succesifnlnd most ac'tivO farm- " member of said chair formaky: the Order of* tli�: tinWt.gnd still. g . 0 Obituary-�.Pri Wednesday, F&Kr'u- in Number 28, on the �*lt Concession of �the nd i %fact was bu Dng,—Ther� the southof our village for some Vinic, SHY engaged in Years, and whose marriagi is an_� as AO' land Mrs. John Scott, of Cromarty, in sti,
eu- returned to her home in Niagara either from HenalUl-ai 1urlch. Possesiion 9 week K the United -Chvifeb,
est at his late residence Falls this we the �age that most this week. Tspent Sunday with MT. and Mrs. G. tered into r r6wnshlp of Hay. two miles attending to ary 1501, Jaines Thompson Keys farm duties long after Pounced.- for - Saturda #ternoon of' in 'this 13f,lison.—Miss Ad Miller was op- a, the Babyl- ek. She was accompan- an be given to suit t hriier. 0180 arrange. men' who hik Th4 choir came ladenuri.tif owing . to improventeritw being M12 erated on for appendicitis on Tuesday to can i * taking ove atoc.k worked as hard,, on Line of Stanley town- 'ed back by bei, sister, Jean McLean r 98 lie, had retired the 900d'thmigs of this life and fulh mh he school r6am or be ship. Deceased was born March 26tb, —A number of and implements if c*AMI AvOlk"to Albert but was of th t active and spared to have a good- tlkne� w�ie� the Eric -ketlnod our local S e wish Ada a speedy recover ere out on tPort= Proncet. Owner, and bhoidd �he not be at nature that made him, stick to hi 11e,y certainly had from eig h
in'the Seafort Memorial Hosital- 1960, and spent his whole life in the Wednesday of is home apply to his neebbbx, FAvad va,trs. energet!� r, lit o!,clock sPi are, iattlil-g at,W 4-ftd y. immediate neighborhood. The late ,d L-nding uJ) jack rabbit siddress of both, Hemal[Plt R� No. 2. fine farm. In p, Mr. Keys. joined the Methodist Epi a as'these n, 31,40.2 Utica he Wgs�a Ver3, ',a the early hours of the mornink,. so 0. Geiger% irlials are getting 'numerous and Staunch Conservative, and i.rellgiaii 'Aea"litly' and happily did_tfie -time n6dy`,��Aq,-,*e UIL-AtWned' fomofr
re � ,:, a
McKILLOP COP24 'Church over fifty years ago, de- doing a reat deal of harm to fall TO,THE El,rcto"' F 921437SALL- mnibei'of the Presbyterian, church, fly With games, plays and,',milsic, 160th isgue., ball ijd 6,jioDwe 'o
Gif Pri-0--Sargains. Boattie Bros., Sea. voting his energies to the advanes�� wheat. It would be a wi attending ve
se act to Ladies and Gentlmnft!-� rY regularly when his vocal and instrumsrital,,_ -therclai,6 1011 he- hel� oil the� coming V its reo%Pectfu Y re(me io many goo .voices In this- r -g. mg in 't Iftli "and: for went of his, Master's Kingdom. When try and have them destroyed as quick;, 11 health fer6itted, but -which of . late d ed In Iowa—The death occurred the union 0 Lvipur vbte and influ- ven
sons, h17&b:,tJ1e- camnifted, An ehakgo �'Ts. the churches took pla e ly as possible.—The Young people of "ce 'to secure rn rn.;as, Reeve in the Veas had'not been very, g�,,and �hoir -as as e home f her in 1884, Keys joined with th' Prith. I do go, Particularly o ditring the past arf4reat insItiu,ment A 30a, k0m��T V, Andrew
e St Andrew's United Church i�iev�d election qn Monday
need to do into my ioc�rd 0f,admin�st in Oat interest_ At, re evening% 0 and Walter Cowan Scott, in, Goshen Methodist church. For forty h �ving their Plaj, entitled, "Wanted, in past years. you it Ile -"a of a very SOCIA10' dis�bsi. Ini part, rity �Sjpfttr,�gj,, of the"' oJitertain- JA&SOU r, 0
-the COW921 SeOttj in her sixtieth. and Bible bIW47S plesig& to 1. olve. sits ent,,afid one that b6re closely on at" Dos Moines, 101ffs, on January 27-th, years he taught in the Sunday school .,g Wife," on Friday,, March 9nd. AS municipal affair- ali�� on y �ee iri in
'Clan efficiently. He filled the youn0 people �ido of the taxpayer.* ru-itubw My ex from his relatives and the coming- wedding, was that of a; ill Milton. t- R, Peri- friends land
The deceased was the widow the office of.Rikording Steward for a ways noted for pu of Rippen are l- "Ii& 4" County CodgWll instru- was .1 good eonvOrs-stimalls * wbdding i which:]Am Georg� Chtle&- ltft OlAte William P� Scott'; of montal in Seca t' and waig InOc
Paul- tting on good 91gyr, you -rettirn nng I.., �' f Years- in the United they can assure everyone a real ejg TrAlilt of 01,600 for do P'' olmons" Pavement Very fond of gi minber, L�fit Idlig ebureh ft9WJftt Year, and ik ines, and, Sports, oth Hem figured as a' most- hkAds6mo a: Pr
and Agnes Cowon, sin. Aj all es he was the riffient by comi f I aziil o titside and a. ing roorn, while Mr, :& . U.18910 ch Will be the mean. %velled n the OVm,. sad yanngest daugbter of 'was a kember of the Ses- ning's entertbi Min, that same of' an inside anil do hi tim o719 out n t "a hear this ane.—Mr, John Co game of 069�, Ronnie made a; most fas�in 1:0 6f bon -or and, a, Christian. g ntlemar P9 very subi hUhT e of ibe town line, 4#ho is a han gn. ro ASS63srnents if 4n okport ebarming bride. Tbj vV,;ad4jA_g' rilafg iob,—On Thursday *ven. F6r the Past few weeks he was in fal- at almost anythilig, in t nn wliiih gam h wag quite, K"kt , , r. .. .
AX.V A DIX, oifix June ne*f4,. *Tlet psd player. The funeral. service. r he woo n, Sun- VAs , played''b Nils. A , �-C . I -vill be considered. wi�s ill"t 14V The '-,ceremony whio-h ziidt� line, i's making some nice improve. S )[111ter ing health, taking to his bed four d*oTk day last, at the h6m sdqVh)b& assembled at days before the end came The far- mentg to the insid A two 1114 e Mange bere. despite. of Mr. adftid F6110., gfftd: Z*0- Z& HOT'su RY gathered aro i b be the I W. attend0d "3ftt,ag 6ha'v" &W by- -hill, o P89 most MI -1 Chdre of. h s ed and —Mr. avd Mrs, Thomas Was rdging�. -thelms t
fi�sw boe hit testimony to the saving Clintonj visited. at, the h6Me,'. of �'Ur, ROV "J. 'XVJ1r6Y, - lArldemifield, who didl�fg lf,.6k d I .1 - I I � I M, Oressively and r one;. Th' C,
an, 4 MV All. rupislre ed, give i d, in 'that, isOv, mentroft 40 6fA Mrs. Clie Watsot Aurmg 64 sermii i t 9 VM, Face of Gdd,. At all times he was arid W nla 'eqnp . Ifusband and a kind. fat -her, pow-, W,,e Mrs, auh held oIss from, th� feiil�i heli.- its �J6 marriage corer 4difi,6hit.. *ith He Vg; Q Member of the t6"shi Tuckorsmitb,, has. returned h6lilb 'afti, that wig �m4r .0,poty, --'s 'oil' thtr fl, 't, for� Tallbe Years, toldig SU ac�, V.V, 0 iRing a few do ; , iaor# 'Y'
at O W i
affairs of V poig 61 dodhd big bo=f6n��A of L iftd, tha pft-t in Ie inianicipa ;And jn� th# Vng'by §pe#t 'a few. days lot riftd by tht, Port r the t cai I t6mbdr, 1897, he wag unito ta;, T Mar- du, th stri nas, 04R, to M*mh mg to tr Gejgsiw 01&W� Deri ftit 6"A P t td, Nigs Mizabeth, P,, T6AJ - Ok. iPt 1111 �g the Pat = i0 tbe, 214 of aerme home. --we at i0 d e ev the, 261 ed thm, 4p W hii tZ adt i&d Ato"d 010 t i� laid up for a f#* *dolis, jrl., t6 reiqu'est X
ed, WhO 18 00 tkke home-� ilig h it 'Mrs. Austin. -Y Butt of &&ktih� J� g -be fully OCR 1,317101 ."d few days at �hs� -hoot 1— _e 60 �ft-��A, salt +19+1 Idd1a A _Iv� t
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