HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-02-03, Page 8lei ramedy -lie PXQIYU 0,0�.Vra sw t Cow r time-thed and al pm ior ...... 251(a an Cup Hooke bhoroughlY A Comblual Does not derange the stomacb- ArcWlbr,14. m4 Um Johni ONs 7=4Uct of. orP4 tion oouts; soothil test, -P� And heaUng 1y.— ­The &=u ad. games for �possessiope of the Dilwar. a to , ip Will be pMyed end for Cup �hls year during, at r ...... 25c Sold nad personally 9448=111 ry. All boys under 16 years only at ill bo W. ble, to Play. They Uoulic' "*U(r L r names into N.. aisionette at w er ul tinid. t di d f once. They will be giouped Into sp. 0*104 AO foteas. Asn added Ia -play, Mr. Duncan ha§ ukthside VIM r1 incentive to good i'q' eii weekly The Rexall Store ppomised to the SEAFORT nPHONE 28 'PADS and ENVELOPES wining team a banquet. Thk 4weting o a*,: ened with' follo: 'Lions 'We havespecial values. e =TRACTS—At 10c or 3 for. Afterthe roll ]gOaMe To 13eiRt­-4XaiR Street. COMfortab e ­U -Q water. &ft r -which Mrs P1118 on town as Cartees Vills for plant were read anid 04� --.,THE !EJURON EMPOSNOR and "V" -Ag 1=110 ; rl nutes or A. Th 'business part the e *7, &T�ct ws to fe ac rtilize house h R -�ied- by A The cc ipj=ts. (Due Cipp per plant arn of corn in a we ers portance,o. h �f t, ce.' emanty Cohe. Nut and Stove Coal On hand RpU)ag was discussod, hille 0 alection Was. theu taACTR pti s-arry C one ­ThO !M' per nth weekly, easy, eithef. a few aliieb o every: lady. fi,464bithl mo e MAUMES Millan or see H 1he meeting de in, October or June, 77 �0 chief featux* of - the sex, selling our cleaners- Works like mAgIde. adj,6 r The 40CIESM, 01 oorqi"�-: e 1926- mild, medium -4 he 10, 0. 1Df U16 g004 1927, also Jun unusual hizh couimiss,ion� Free samples s th,6 ie.Port� a spen, ng a.few lays at taed, I .... .. y - old - p A, Lefebvre & Co., Alexad V'V-'tM4;f' Va pound .......... so to 35C iv&L—A masquerade Carnival ria, Ont. 3137-tf X Z 9 -Conterence held -ord on or In VgMondvllle,�-4Mr. U. VO Cam ur ve,prices a IBUTTF,,jt--�Choice Dairy Butter SIC ace Rink, Sea- saie—Ten per cent discount on all linea 4ry 21st,bY 0 Pie4laeilti Vss tufted - Ods week from 099*1 di ittrik �Ap will be held in the Pal 4'. a W11 A per pound ................ r t,. weeks, tar -tins Friday. January 1d6f 11 JtW Thursday evening -next, fo L3th, Monday – Millan. thi OPP earing Sweaters, Hosiery, Etc. Graves' Wall :,'bauVal IVIC g. forth, on L � q, Z a mn�wrj February 9th This is the first earn- Paper Store, eafoth. T"g- the thermom, th easy, eithe nyears and should bring a &gents Wanted -4100.00 'weekly capoies pin bav has jet obumper 'crowd, as the prizes offered s our cIeaners and .-The regular inekillg G ex, selling ion. Free samples. glaoudville, ra 2*' Unusual high c -here .s '4 ort. Judging ments' 1PHON11 PHOR PEGOD-06 pre worth an extra eff A. Lefebvre Cooltm=andria, Ont. $136-tf 01- ftke Young Pe64 Society: Lfter, spen . inv nveral: . I rr nde 'on mont-11S with f T [to-, I win commence at eight o'clock, and valentine Tea.-.0im Tuesday afternoon, Febru; risE avour was. li cielids i . nL­ QVonto.-Uhii: Aid of Northside United night. ChUreh, Seaforth, W11L was rea Margaret e - the Seaforth Highlanders Band will be ary 14th, he Ladies 1VId Miss JeR4 b PTe: serve a 25 cent Tea, TAI B"G FERED hi atten Zr4oll 22� in in their school room, from 4 o 7 P -W- Zv­ TS, turned this week frciv $UIT" The Scripture lesson, d' AINS dance to provide inu ic for the -1 b 'Mi Do othy Brouffoot and �teV U9 erybody welcome- McDonald led in pra. katers during the evening- 3198 C 0 (coal =a colie�coal and col, at atte-n'd the , station; a thy Robinson favored the:�'mee the warehouse at the so a -4 toMassey.Harris cuttinst machine, eitner power r . i I e.fi#SL- of a delightful solo; Missos� Ger� of.. imany f ATEM9 Vr1lRmott-Godk1n-A quiet wedding or hand v6wer. Phone 44W, seaforth. AWeie a duet; rs. Gillespie Will regret to 313541f t;%�;�"d Jean Webster DRuW ARHMALD. a se ecitv took place at Danforth United Church, iid learn of her vontinued" illniss,-Miss ale. frame - Dn on the Thursday, January 26th, "A Toronto,'on mlew3a oad iLat for sole. -For a lRde daughter of Mi --Eginondeville; I augh- house situated in ssrs. Edwin Chesney, and�'-J�ob­Tyn- Dorothy, the h Hester second d Valase of duet. Mrs. 11 -ah David Gemm6ll Melissa, ketsmith,., and the. late Al- acres of land, fruit trees and orchard; twe W. - F. Meg ur rooms and wil ter of Mrs. Godkin op, was united frame barns. House contains fu interesting'aild­ f playing at her-h6me i�n Tetlsdiir,�baa bert Godkin, of. McKill kitchen. soft water in house; electric M.'N-G' LWE JTTOM 'DRESS. ift".talk n thi Frederick Arthur, son in houd and barns. Teiephn,.* will be sold,. e- subject; I'Sub4iy 'Ob , the.misfoituni fall an fractumbet s- arm. in marriage to cheap for quick salc% Apply to James Hna- D Ing interihis§f6ii group She is)n�cW -I* the-'Wmoriaj� Aosime MANY OTiiE of Mrs. John Willmott, Bracebridge. GOIDDS' Sit lg4moadjniije, or phone 2 on 146, S n�wst entitled, t' 61 ely. —1fte iormed" for a ccM pital and get ormed by Rev. of a Sewing Basket, ice harvest started, this week a n& the OTTII­,�S OREL : - EM T The ceremony Was Perf contents AcneIT b f good quality, -Mr.' J. J. Coulter, of Toronto, in Wh S TH i4,�eiv which a num er o , gam�s were ice -Is ol Mrs. Willimott will in . ake 'by Young rpsilyted -lard is Able ti and M T. a Miss Ru equt -again after his their home. -Mastiar Thos. Sills, an- His, L. Otowe 1, W 0 Ut Took Nerve� as LW vice -President, and. recent illness. rank Sills, e�ta-',Finnigan was elected has, b4en ill. 10 -year-old son of Mr. F in h6i Place.. for the past three mo�nitths exhibition -of youthful couret y -,�eek is, being obse aw the It, able' to be out qgaiq.�A' Home and School A.sociatioDet-DT. gav an athletic ability last 41th' meuvers ug of to press. we learn with,r�e of'. the Hugh 4*hich AND-OURVOUD -Director of the 'ndeaV0ur or of age, nerve and ary of the Berry, week, when he climbed unassisted the the Christian E ation, death of. SAX -16 P -10E: PIkov, ]I�L, oecurried-at his home in sanitary Engineering of the Depart- 21 foot flag Pole on top of the Post which hasspread to one hundfed ebun a rnent of Health of Ontario, gave office, inserted the rope at the t p ofo itries and has an i6ktive'membefihip- of on Thursday. I, �Mri.- es6ey' most interesting and instructive lee the pole and unfurled to the winds 4;0,00 000 inembers. Next,, .'Sunday 'Was one of t. L Aen: in the, AT ture o sanitation of milk, wells, sew- t�e flag that has, for a thousand ixiiining Rev. M..McDonald-will give eountk-��3#f- is -at- ection, his points ood the battle and the breeze� "Crusade tending the -annuaf.coiiiventloA 69 the and garbage coll the subject, years, st aii:,:,address on -ge StrAt being emphasized by motion pictures, gurated Ontario Fairs' Asioeiatio in HEC' A, ]Furnace Christ, newly , inau. fthe-y6ung. Peo- f6rd and Toronto, this eek, or Wednesday evening in the as- y�o)#h movement. A v installed has no eQM%2 Collegiate 171sti- hall f the ing, Another Old Expositori-Mr. J. F., pig -are urged to. attefid'L thii, 'y Dr. Berry is a fluent, pleas' W- FICIFINC tute. onday night, ON, L'' aMcKay, while makirfg* some altera- s4. the meeting an cVMOHAM BASE OF OPERATION speaker, and the large audi ap, a special programme will be ON L aring tions to his farm residence in Tucker DURABILITY preciated the opportunity.0 direction of Mr., -f! XUB -Margaret Scroggiel 01 smith, c=e across an old Expositor' Lpi- ented unaer the CODffRT AND sATaSFACM01m him. Anther pleasing fe; Wilkinson., the guest of,her friend, er y x- ated 1970, which contained a lotof Gue 6 the entertainm6nt Was a C146 Fisho MI Rita' Biden of /ue,. interesting reading for the oldeiv gen- Mr.- ss isn ew friend, br 'Robt ige apw Brieft biollirn Shorthorn.: Reid ecutediano selection by Miss H ions. Among the� merchants' -of Walesley" The lecture was given under the aus- erat �-AnBs- Ella. Turnbull, dayes i&. -loss, oul$e Seaforth, whose, a6ert nents ?Rumbing amcE Heating I the pices of the Rome and, School As- tendency of. visxon. peared in the paper of that bygove w.fib 9i been c6nva. escing a eamsUnde_�w-ood §, there t help 11mve, a r 'a, ' 91HON18' 2S sociation. day, were: Broadfooi, Gray" I 'home f jor- mother, Mrs. G. T- Turn- ln-06rtie.��Mr. Johh--G1bb,6* of '163A Kidd & McMulkin, gr6cer.166­ has returned. to Ci for good.- -Gf ber, P f London 'after spending a ;(qw, h6lidakr; A -cow- W liquors; . C. Armstrong, W V7 comak �j. I I - ... 1. T -The Marion Keith C. G. C. full line Of misical 11ftstrumen with his parents,. Mr. and-B1n.-"P,.Gi*' AVM011i, Is" at Pragg V151 in the her son -Erhie �ular meeting '00. goo 1. T. held their reg Telegraph Book Store; PLAYING bons.­--msMr. in4 Mrs, Yule the NOW Mcar�lw th go iiioxigh for him, r- week end '!in London-. L Sunday school room of Northside oppor Counter, jeweller, �ite big Son a Deffolt., Church on. the evening of miehael's Hotel. There was an ac- Spotton.L left for M-Cri speaks ed United The meeting T iupoor� Wednesday, the 2,5th- count of the induction of Rev.,Thcs. uesda-k to -commence his oCtich, otill ba$ th singing of the C. G. Goldsmith into the pastorate of.,First Abck �6fe4iialyeAs.-Zood brd' fd opened with ary Mvitie Af- Sesdoifffi, and uraLa e . nelgb Wed, End N6tqs, The. f,- 1. T. hymn, followed by prayer. Presbyterian Church v a I Scripture MANLl9y ho L ti e's" M WMte ar singing a few SoGgS the this urther notice.- No $'Volunteer P, here gire takinir advantage of te� goo& these, partt.�-Mr. Dswabl� Cle-lighlu# and are gotiig tWk, balls will be ripw his- be4n3il . hurch beld,ith" nd H McKerchey. u'rg for Vldtithie: Day, Walker ,B � ti ince T. lessou. was taken by Misses M, RclPh Company will meet in'Seadrth on pro- Ing'In. lourL"b` busy ge ag C a -The roll was September 19th, 1870, and, wx t at pyesp;� mcaued and -ansvitered, -after which the ceed to Goderich for annual'di0- T. ante when'XiAs MaTy,E6kart,'da1dght6r " u on 'he. 4d: 9 a the last meeting weie Teed C. Bull, Captain. We might also men- Mr. Tr6d Fkkait, -*ill become the beadyi minutes of t -.of 14st week with the W A A avbeen-& ton guseUor f We eX pt A- --flie.ille " adop-te The business was. th!u tion -that m3r. McKay -h i4" "The -Midnight Sun!' jV iffifro nT WeT ispresen b see in an ..t _ 'I, * , de discussed, -followed ; y tinuous subscriber of Tlie 9KPOSItOr in O'sr k a#tal rk3ort were gieveif !by the 4arlouk all DAVIS? Sliarkling New Ed. Horan.��Thid' many friends*f Mr., I '%rn that a:, cial Part of the als'6,�4 iuTt Lane taking the so for over 66 years. Yorkll$t#ge�6niedy Hit Tony � StqMon, 'Are sorry to !1� he 4lurch stor o 'hueb- like.' of, t ss Elsie Pullen gave a his �finj�' which -was. almost severed , e,, ,r meeting. Mi r, rograv4n�.--�W, -.A. Matheson, W v ag address on "Friend- pi g ne& Improving Q, Vision- residin ).rl 1W fit ery interestil by a eircular,..saw,- is not which Miss Margaret ks rapidly. as it was anticipated - at 144t week, WODIEN LIKE TO TRADE HERE ship," after - The re- A Correction, g a pleasing solo. ICLA fir t'. of at infection set- sa Re -,,Cleaning 0 Crich Seaforth, February 27 f the ine6ting was spent in Train, .-In 6un Because they know they are Z-ge AYX. Club. are finish- ing f mainder o ti;�; in eat to get the Choicest Cuts last week's paper it was announced g. on lreiuiar', sure playing games. their.We6klk sports this wiek. that the maximum quantity. Of grain -meet at - Mr. and the"Young )?,a pjo!s, LeQue -was bad BRUC9FlZLD 0 of Meat -and save money be- the licims' of, They. "ll" I . I I dows in &I a,4118'v e aim to make per as 3o bushels per persor4 when in Wri, H.'Benne*16s, and both -old 6d n . . . ts 15 - sides. Vj Wen -hieWienther reality it should have been per sta- bf the,­ehtirth� The manent customers of every oungareAaking in the spidres.-Tho thd'h.. 06.00 fok Z4,a u6n."d Peaman Town Council�­A special -meeting y . . . " , , V ; -kiinitotte Mtmuete.. 12 tion--r-that it, from 9 W.M. to I P -m- withit.,gr t supporting cast, inelud qs� in ebarge,o �derw ho buys her 'n- it will -be impossible for'the staff to i PAUL- many.. friends d vas �bpene housewife of the town council was held on AD TL96 mAca -we UN, as ng Bi�,V�AXT WASHBURN, Co"Cit, � at o­16aru� 81 a S -1i14Vr0V.111X W, *rt� eMi. Coi I'd Heats from us. To do this day evening, January 30th, in the handle more than 30bilshels-thrOugh ETT`9�IiEWAL; 'VAUTER HIERS, c -we must give quality all the rapldly� iAter a, serious.. opera. at Hymn linar council chamber, -with all. the main- the different machines on the train, TULLY �,X4,RSHALL. Sc4iPture' time. minutes of the last and at the same time demonstrate the theMemoiial -11ospital, Seaforth, -whil-e bers present, The thi',eaimotioial otes.,�� Aj&stroyig ano. ALSO -baby joying good. he re euttg it 911OWiNG the nr Fatheiing alft meetingwere read and confirmed uses of the of the sieves, ClealleT, f COU06 t�aa � A, 'story wood or. by F. D. Hutchison, ',Af�,Roachls Rascals in an -7-Mr. Coli,Eekart is'spending it ew was moved etc. Farmers are invited to' bring a lijo,brother it itobert rJo Rev. r. Con, -Augh Alkenhpad.�-A uumlier tgo,& seconded by Geo. p. Card -no that this days. this week with 'few bushels of wheat, oats ' barley, 1.�Wg GANG COMEDY dingr� the b Al#'M -ioni t 0 t Tiams 33A]FORTH nor read,a sketch -T here firpow ;on a a -its appreciation of the clover seed, etc., 'for dem;�strptio-n social iri 'arri council expres 11.50 t and efficient services of I N cr long, faithful purposes and to avoid duplication they tenThe- C kin Eleanoi,ft tobse-re Urn- the�.offerm­g.w.as� sentGhief uonstaide, William wilf-1kiidiye inform - GL' Tllz,�VOIGNT OF MONn CMSTO 'A 'following isl;nee I was opelled by"15111 ed from' PAIT'drstdh, 'where' our pre -The Gillespieo who has expressed his de- Agricultural Representative, 01inton, wSchool IREiport. read a a -been'sfendbitt aefew -Sehool Sedt( a repotts.1w ., .. o' 'JOHN GILBERT spepai-aga A day the � report of m 140i from active service, and 1%, dr A, D. Sutherland, Secretary AZri- ais sire to retire offiee;rs, were.. ,a e McKillop, for the nolith of utiarg. id. The . ' d" that he e presented with an hoilor- cultural ' Society, Seaforthi so that iss a. *ere is neam�& atb�indd&'06- ;..CE Those marked with an aiderisk,vere� bilgy, -Anstipi. 7, and that s will arium of one mouth's sular samples of all grains and,seed absent for some tests. ' Sr IV-tE61eii thl9was eldged W intive address be presented be on hand. special request is made 7(oR6s(6hed tbit: pociir an Appree Bajbra Vb I#0 - the next regular meeting of IN CE 8 "rehi KJ Beatife, 83. -IT,, eV- 815 i%od Piev. NOTI Of red C seed for D �V �j6r �otfiet - thaAi"n to him at for a! sample IoVerL hhrt,'14%- Fred Vibbaer, prayer. It which he is respective- demonstrati The negative the council, attend. A by-law- was the act, onurposes. At 2.30 P.m. I Sanno6, Sri Xetr, eter, which F2010s Ing Sjde.� Those -taking ly invited to res will commence, covering )r6n, 79%; L16" , 11 x6tes'On - Vidi t passed appointing Mr. W. G. Fee as lant diseases and insect pestso de- Rifth G( ta trl Br6c. grid-, AIM., 4rt 6 ssThe 7neduatrial Mortgaffs 2 Chief Constable and gel&- collector in Mr P 4o', 73.%- *14nnes' K n %`k"' d, t�e,.co;grertl0n, isre holding a I f -weeds, etc.. Most farm- i to do So a I pa.irin 'on the 0 93)5 struction o b hutch McIntosh bh�tll savings Company, 6:2 smin, William. Gillespie's place.. Mr. am ers will be interested in A, machine 56n heEdna If Ryan was appointed assistant (Ontario, has that Will remove, wild oats from oats, A Jr: 111.�Ohvee n 0- constable. beerley ffam wheat, oats barley, IGV Tom rib -f clover se6dt Wild CE grass seed, carrot fr Ism gob& fmw- oni sweet clover, efe. Sam- -, 1 , . s Vill Socitl 3veningima-On Tue8- pies of all kinds of weed seed HALL o'r. P. 8 People of be on exhibition 'And this experts on ei ShAtiloh iifid SylirL 30 hi i eviiiig the Young iiuml)er Oil b§; tall 19, 16; Xotes,,-AA /s, ionv day T4ro-A 0, !,Is - s d, Partlec dashing a IoMii t701 as- the train invite the fatemers, to ask for .;., Northside United Church very Ple at, lb b6 the MUM t their difficulties, Mir ft d the pupils of the information, state. is opeftte& b� the 7th ose AgTiecultursel,Class- etc, The tr �,�fok' % es. Miss Dorothy Rabinson. prierSided. Federal. Seed Depirtificint, The De- illbe 0, of Agiculture�, the Camd- "'a Tfiv WIdWing programme was gret- partmen Admbsion�:7504 apresent: Familiar Ian National ItsilWA;V, C. ly enjaeked b of ko:br, IOU Land-, solo, miss Grace as'by the audience; Vra;PVT by Mr. way 9nd MidbigAti, UfttrAl U20197, Willi, nentieri; for the bellefit of the farmers 118re- Relpet; ticulaTly, and the Mgt T)$ O'flVe, 40 d , Uri em D�k. A , Girlis: 1A' VLT4rtit3.-1Wt at, f6 .7ur&& of the hil t6oi 'b"610, C. G. a" Var�r' Owl t* "7 y ogo iftft- tend, 04116ta tooffition Agfa 'ed Fad w ct; s7% '.;1 V�k � . . . . . . ..... low , �,Xw o4p w, op HAd g 1.4f i4dk, t P,7 W 7 Vmd T I & �,q ngo�t,,l -i;� ag'g NOW e