HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-02-03, Page 71 Ri I!
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J. inou d XYL .:V.ith the doctor hadcome Oso olug-to�throw me down, are, a-ir. rate ereg of
Alit, 'lots members of the Lee Posge� To rf Wo
er grlral
I give the deputy in Charge Jacktutri QVAM, isi slim and
Od et
out with'the light' when $he� *ai long, T114
Sign him, Tor, she knew-, t4aVba h, l�u yjq Jng qn inch. She �goodbehfwior fo'-win her liki.
fbur prisoners -and, the on 13 and to emind X
lti*as &Miuute to sha�ke nerveg-Qf As so -on as, the. 14 te'dolorlessyfor he was a man
stood, made the g1 Fogtune faoried It sp.
'L T. d'of Ubbs: she -could not time, they had heard he cook'moving
er, For some
*tie hO:could bdai the
goun and dressed ed quiclOY at. 13,611amy. and Raw In' h oX Jubilant laughter, and,, took u one Ug'Slid. kne*. He ab t I Once she h er
Voices,' axi,eo o.. Qi - crugh the an
ir er b e Ito t ' thi on n -the kitchen. ad
rid of on, shoes striking stone., WIth, glim coul never ta e' Ifer* z&ay with him The train into "'d
Em 'Ile,- J� Xeoi; Gods- -head., in- to know weth
otiolvi W.
poked, her
in the trall. Then, some one shouted- ritly e c u
and escape.,;" And t"-' ne her* young Mistress would like & Presently
10h, you, Buck!" mus; kho�w it too served notice
th it
clier . pie for dinner.
DIRE The, programme might-haye g6wt i7 'CliAPTER XIIE
4CTOM. ho . an"if y U -oZt to, -all outlaw sho, R. No. 2, Seaforth - through as: - arrangedl,� but 40i; -An urk-P tricked . I it that. YO'il "I didn't know yez bad company, 110. �d me into 'Marrying you. Y then with the m y We William Rinn, Or, in, the Ou Wfiss, Upie," she had apologized.
looked -for piodeo meant to betray me all the.time. G"'Goo&bi D
ni James
Johiti Sennewies, Brodhage' MZLISSY MUERTAINS ",Thia %gentleman -will stay to in- on't fooget that 11
nk to
Buck, let out a shout of �Variil while there's- #111 chance. I don't ner,"' Melissy- doming back," he said,, perfectl "'This 16ii
Ewen, Clin-
eechwood; M. Me "Tratim, Y Enhad Onnounced.
firienos. AlVost, at the The notes of Schumann is Want your bIoQ.d-,drr:y hands." for,
Connolly,. Goderich; Aleji is, At lufich�on -Melis�y had not eaten distinct, low tmiie.
trie instant the -bAtt of
Broiadfoot, No. Seaforth- 4- G, gal arnum's erei'l died away.' Melissy glanced ov- It was characteristic, of im that he - And with that -lie swimg aboard the
rev-dylver'mirmiks: .Ao*n� on his, ead.; er her music, and presently ran jight- always iwtntea- with him; but.at dinner it was neces;-
Griet;6 b lerrls�, T40re,wh4t he could Pullman car -with his heavy.stait age,
wo.,4; Walton; AO Or sa ourit of
mage.was a e, ,ry�'mn,acc the cook, that she jean vaquero
-�Ut I the, d4i 4 ady done. ly into Qhoins, "Valse An Petit not get. -instant later the Me
No s down, too. The meal had.,gearee
S aforth- Xuri qipsoV;,�Bruc6field- Bellamy'and �his 'friend swarmed 6hien." She was, after All, only a "Don't answer so quick girl. Listen
am' Pill
Ing in. pulled himself to the vesti le of the
-like bees.' The outlaw girf-anol there -were moments when. begun when Kate came be
to me.- I've got enough- in that sack "'Shure Miss lLissie, there's aTI_
out s were wait smoking car ahead,.
Ing irresolutely some mounted, she If rgat to remember that- she was to start us in- the cattle business in other yZ at the MaeQ en looked -1-mck from the end,
ng gentleman door.
Among wed 0 , 26 min
others beside ' their horses. ded to the worst unhanged vil- Argentina. Ther0s More buried in It's Mr. Bellamy. I told hin, to come atthe twofigures on the "APIng he i'-�h
t pack horses,. lain.'. � Wen she drowned herself the hills, if we need it. Girl, I le
tb I if - A third. figure had join- A xandek Low,�,wbd�141 49
e lit in. He's washing his race e
lJ.a`d0r%p w7 6rdereA the mine own -
fathoms deep in her music, she)iad you I'm go' to run straight from ed th'em., It -was Jaqk. Flatray. The of anatbni Abe eeh LONDON AND WINGHAM ng first." to-d-ayl"
P: s arly� the beit chance of forgetting,,
N11,elissy rose, white as a sheet. "All rl and the sheriff were looking es thd'atidrv� f at descri -o �.,t
North. The answer was streak of fire Chaminade?s "The Flatterer" fol- She laughed scornfully. "And in each other. With a furious oath, he women wh6a itiviste, the
right, Kate."
a.m. III antly, there -follow- lowed. in the midst of this the door the same -breath you tell, turned on his heel. 'For the evidence' droop."' This, he - eix�plairi I
from a rifle. at
me how But as soon as the, cook had left
&51 ed. a usillade. 411ash'after. flash lit opened quietly and closed again. Nei- much you have stolen and are taking t
-Centralia .......... 10.36 of his eyes had told him that they or stand wi b6� th,=. 01, he To in she turned to the outlaw.
............ 10.49 6.04 up the darkness. Staccato Oaths, issy finished, fingered her music and with you. If vou were a C'TOeSUS, I .Wh were lovers. ward,Ahe ehin up�and, the,.. shoulde,
at shall I do? What shall I do?
A lares-
Hensall ........... 11,03 .6.18 cries, A moan of pain, the tram -piing became somehow aware that she was wouldn't go with you." She flamed Little whinisic4l imps'of mischief MacQueen assed into the coach and rounded. . Such postdre �he' ec
Xippen ............ 10.08 6.23 Of- Ttightened horses, filled the night not alone. She turned unhurriedly on into sudderi;. fierce. passion, "Will flung himself down into his. section characterizes t6st
shone in his eyes. "Have bim, in and with wIpi�ic,."".�"�.'',�1--�,�l,.�,�
ou never understand that I bate and introduce -him to your husband, my
Brucefiold .......... 11.17 6.32 With confusion. the seat and met the smiling.eyes of y discontentedly. The mvor f his ad- lar and nervous systems.
............ 11.53 g,52 In sPite of the shout of warning, her husband. detest you?" s one, He had made big; "Young women wb6 *1k dear.'
escape with A large share f the plun- he warns, '.'should.kno th
12,13 7.12 the situation had come upon the ban- From 'his high -heeled boots to his "You think yiQu do, but r-ou don't. 0 You must go ---- quick. If I don'f W e ey ard.ZP7
7.21 dits- How black, glossy hair, Black MaeQueen You love me -only You wonit g r, in spite of es and'Posses. But ini An ape and
Blyth ............. 12.22 as a cRrpjl�lete surprise. let your- et rid of him, you'll be able to sli�
Belgrave .......... 12.34 7.33 many were agains Beside him self believe it." in his heart he
t them, whether or vas dusty with travel. kn that be had lost man's'chief glorieii: 'Vgr 'he#l-
out the bacl; way and get to the de- ry� high
'tb such col-
Wingliam ....... 12.5,0 7.55 not they w6ke betrayed, the certainty WaLs. a gunny middle "There's no arguing
sack, tied in the wi whom he hd.forded ed shoes, the,professor,
pot. He doesn't know you are here." forever the girl
that, the law had at last taken, them and filled- at both ends. Picturesque ossal co to marry him. He was still thinking habitually might be conduelve'to' riceit," she� retorted,, With hard 714acQueen sat back and gave her
South. at a disadvantae-these thin a work- lie 1%ras and always would be, bui his laughter. �Ilt's about it somberly when a figure ap-� shortening of the tndon,.�Ibf the 166 9 no use to tell you his easy, reckless smile. "Guess a-
erl_with the darkness for the po�se. A present costume scarce fitted the pres- that I should. like to see you dead at peared in the aisle at the end of the wit muscle strain stiffness and a.m. p.m. man flung him'self on his pony gain. Bellamy can't drive me out.".
lay ence of a lady. Yet of this he gave my feet."
She caught her hands together "Oh astumbling-, gaii. The proper, way
Wingliam. ........... 6.55 3.05 low on its back, and galloped wildly no sign. He was leaning back in a Swiftly he slid a revolver from its o -go! There will be trouble' I Instantly 'the outlaw caine to alert walk is by a 'parallel galt,,' �whieh
9 You
Belgrave ........... . 7.15 3.25. into the night. A second 'wheeled morris chair, rakish, debonair, and at bolster, and presented it to her, butt a tention, and his, hand slipped to the t,�nds to strengtheii the -feet arid,
t in.
Blyth ...... ....... -.7. wouldn't kill him before my ver�,,
97 3-39 followed at big heels'. Hank Irwin his ease. Evidently, hehad been giv- first. "You can have your wish right butt of a revolver. The figure was crease their elasticity."
...... 7.35 3-47 was down, with a bullet from.a car- ing appreciative ear to the music, and easy, if you meali it. Go to it. The e first play that of the Mexican vaquero whom he
re "Not unless he makes th
4-10 bine.through his jaw- and the back Of' more appreciative eye to the music- is no danger. - All you've go 'With [lad carelessly noted on,the platform The auction
eer who'haft been iihis-'
-.8.15 4 t to gi'v It's up to him." He laughed
-30 his head. A wild shot had brought ian out is that I frightened you. lief of the station. Vigilantly his gaze
X11iiiIen .......... * 9.22 4.38 -down ,,other, f the outlaws nly You'll the ver
delight of it. "I'd as pering excitedly to A man in
0 So it s you," said. Melissy, -White. be a heroine, too." settle my account with him right coveritol the apptbaching man. Sure- ence, lield up a hand for silene.
-behind his horse to the lips.- ly� in Arizona there, were not two men
. ........... 8.32 4.49 M=Quep in
standi g She looked at the -weapon and at now. Ye's meddled too much in my ill wish to announce," he said 8.47 &0'5 ai het fired, remained on the, field un- MacQueen arose recovered his dusty him., and the very thought"Of. it made With that -elastic tread -or that lithe, a gentleman here has had fhe 'nuisfor;
Centialia . .......... 8.59 5,17 injured. hat from the floor and owed theatri- her sick. -She saw the thingi almst She broke out in a cry of-distr supple figure.
tune to lose a. -v�allet,,containm,g 2006.:
The cattlemen had scattered as thq cally. -Your long -lost husband, MY as if it were already done --the smok- ',you wo6ldn't! I've tre His revolver flashed in the' air. He tells me that
ated you
'he I cQuId have betrayed you an
11�egan, and had availed hd`M7 dear." mg -revolver In her h "Stand back, Bucky O'Connor --or, by be given tor anyone
and, an&% -man fair.
selves.,tifsUch cover as was to -be had- "What- are you! doing here Ill lying motionless before her. I didn't. Are Gooll I'll drill you!"
C. M R. - TIM TTABLB n't you going to play - After- a silence� a man in the - crowd
Now -they. concentrated their fire on.. "I'm visiting my wife. The explan- "'Take -it away," she said, With a The vaquero smiled. "Right guess, shouted: "IT give S-301"
"a th6.1eader of the Outlaws. His home. ation seems a trifle obvious." shudder. square with me?" Black MacQueen. I arrest you. in the
p.m. He nodded. "All right. Show him -down, -badly torn name of the law."
Ater the
"Have I said I wanted anything?" can't even go to the window there Lieutenant O'Connor. It was too * Black's revolver spat flame twice traveller who was dining in a 1,6ndom,
Goderich ........... 6.20 2.20! staggeied and Went "What do you want "You see, you can't do itl - You ir. He won't know me except as "My plat, is d complained Z
by a rifle bullet. A moment I
.... .... 646 2.37 before the ranger's gun got into ac- hotel.
6.44 2.50 sPeciul thirty-two carbine he carried "Then you had better leave. I'll and - shout out that Black MaeQueen dark last night to see my face.pt
'eked from his hands'by an- -chance." is with you in the house. Yorijonit tion, but the swaying of the "Hush," whispered his wife, "thaVs,
s kno give you up if I get a train
Sedfrth ........... -6.59 &W va Bellamy came into the room.
,or shot.
He looked at her with lazy derision. bate me at all, my dear." your soup."
St. - Coliamban ...... 7.06 "How's Jack?" Melissy asked quick- caused him to stagger as he rose to
ll� crouched and ran to Irwin!s ,I
ike you angry. Your eyes snap 'Because I won't kill you with ray ly as she caught,his hand. his feet.
I ............. 7.11 3.22
The first shot of Bucky's revolver 4'W ou buy that miracle
home, flung himself to the saddlq,;de- electricity, sweet." own,hand? You reason logically,' "Good as new. And you?"
--West. ere did y
liberAtely.omptied his revolver at big "Ohl" She gave a -gesture of im- "Then why don't you betray my went through the heart of the outlaw; jj�f?vm
am. P.M. p.m.
"All right."
ublin, foes, and put spurs to the bronch. As patience. "Do you know that, if I presence? *hy don't you call your The outlaw stirred uneasily in his but so relentless was the man that,
D 11.17 5.38 91.37 "I'm sorry, but I don't think I know
he vanished. into,the"nills Bob Farn- were tq step to that window and call friends iI to take me?" even after that, -his twitching fingers
St. Columban. 11.�2 5A4
seat. His vanity objected to another what hat you are referring to."
uni slowly sank to the. groun& out your name, the whole town would "I'm not. sure that I worilk; but if emptied the revolver. O'Connor fired "Well, yesterdayJou had a new lint
'53�- 9.50 man ol
9 fo th 11.33 6, h ding the limelight while he
I've got mine, Bellamy' Blamed be in arms against you?" I d6n't it will be for their sakes, only once. He watched his � opponent on and I understand someone was call-
...... 11.50 6.08-6.58 10.04 was present.
ife ain't iplumb bust nrylaig!" "Why don't, you?" and not for yours. They could not crumple up, fling Wild shots into the ing it , miracle hat."
12.01 7.09 10.13 Melissy turned. "I think you have
The mine owner cover�d the. 'two 411 ball, if you don't go." take you without loss of life." upholstery afid through the roof, and "I' remember someone. telling me
Croiderich 12.20 7.20 10.30 ounded outlaws, while his men di- "Are Lyvet i, never met Lieutenant O'Connor,
14, w you alone- in the house?" e r lit- there," be si k into the silence from which there h w ell it becoines Me, ut I C
ai Bellamy. Lieutenant -Mr. Bellain " In 0 an
d-t'he�m.-Th-e�-Fe--'-wii!7k(id-a-cross- #'Whydoyoua ?" Herheartwas with a gash of his tigerish f�vbicity. They sbook hands. MacQueen smil-� 1, no awakening on this' side of the seem to recall anyone calling it a
sk Y. -
%rid beatin "They couldn't take me alive, at all grave. Then he
to his friend, laid down his rifle, . -bitriself. went forward and
g fast. miracle hat."
'Beca se you must hide' me till to- and I reckon efore I checked it ed. He was enjoying one did. If aC. & TINS TA3 knelt beside III looked down at him. "Indirectly some
u "Glad to meet you, Mr. Bellamy.
44Wd he get you bad, old man night. Is your father here?" few of them would." You and Flatray'have won the hon -
"I reckon that ends Black Mac- become a girl I certainly would
Fast. 413�ad enough so I reckon 11111ave "Not now. He is hunting you -to Queen," he said quietly. "And I "" . , �, r�:
call it a miracle hat."
a doe .,look at it one of these days." ors surely. You beat us, all to it, sir. -ee is a widow."
........... 5.50 kill you if he finds you." . I reckon Mlissy L
As I rode in this mornin', everybody
555 ]Bob grinned to keep d.o;rfi the pain- Servanf� ?
Vmset ................. CHAPTER XIV was telling how you rounded up the
...................... 6.04 Once more there came the sound ' " of "The cook is.,out for- the aftern6on. outlaws. Have you caught MacQueer,
hoofs beating the trail of decomVibied, 9he will be back in an hour or two." B HES His himself?
Auburn .................. teii Bellamy looked up and "Goodf- Get me food.". Jack Flatray had met O'Connor at
-6.25 grani CHECKS
lolyth .............. "Not yet. We have reason to be -
sped -his rifle. A simple She �id not �Ise. "I must know his own office and the two had come
Wql ............... `6.0 gr lieve that be rode within ten miles of
.tqn . me apd*ity down to the station on the off chance
drknqw and drag- ore. What is it? Are they hunting It was part of his supre
652 loomed out of the town this morning bfore he cut across
XeNaught ................. he was dhan, I that -MacQueen might try to make his
Toronto .................... 10:25 ged his horie to a halt, a dozen yAids you? What have you done now?" A to trust her. Fhile ging to thel railroad. The chances are
froM the mine owner, in such a posi-, strong suppressed excitement beat in his dusti,.--trivl-staided clothes for y from Mesa in some disguise.
he will try to board a train at getawa
tion that he was directly behind one her pulses. some that belonged to her brotlker she that
VITest. seme water tank in the dark. We're But as soon as he saw MelisY the
a.m. of the pack horses. "It is no 7hat I have don pared a meal for him downstairs. sheriff had eyes for nobody else ex -
e, but pre having them all watched. I came in
7.40 "Tip with yo r hands!" ordered Bel- what yur1friends have done. Yes- A dozen tiftfes the impulse was- on her eeve Of To�onto .................... telephone all stations to look out cept the girl he loved. One A
11.48 lamy on suspicion. terday I went to exchange West for to fly into the street and call out that to his coat was empty, and his s
MeNaught ................. Black MacQueen was in the house, but for him."
12.01 Two hands went swiftly UIP from the ransom money. Mo4t of my men was bandaged. - He looked very tired
n .................... always she restrained hers Wbere's Jack?" Melissy asked.
The Moonlight I had to take with me, to guard a- elf. He I Blyth ........................ 12.12 beside the, saddle. "He'll be here presently. is arm and drawn; for he had ridden hard
-held the canon -as e the country with- -n sixteen hours -with a pain-
iething bright in the going to leav
Auburn . ....... ............ 12.23 gleamed on son gainst foul play. We more tha
e night. from Ad flat tops,. and everything in a few hour.4, Better let him go was troubling him some, so he stop-
�hf hand. A fl�alsh Tent th ful wound. But the moment his gaze
............... .... 12.84 rig ped to see the doctor. Then be has
...... 12.41 A jagged, re&hot pain tore through went all right.,'The exchange was without bloodx;a. met hers she knew that his tboughts
............. n; He came down to his dinner fresh)-to,,talk with his deputy." 12.45 tb6 shoulder of 111al Yarnell. He fit made. We took the ransom mo eY
'Goderich ...... ............ You're sure he isn't badly hurt9" were all for her and her trouble.
ea. wildly, the shock having spoiled back to the !Cache. I don't know how from a bath and a shave, wearing a His free band went out to meet hers.
No, only a scratch, he calls it."
bis aim. -ayed me new tweed suit, which fitted him . a "Did you happen on Dead Man's
it was-whethex somebody pl She forgot MacQueen and all the sor
The -attacker laughed, exultantly, false and sold us, or whether your trifle loosely, but was not unbecoming Cache by accident?" asked MacQueen row he had brought her. Her eyes No com- weTe dewy with love- and his answer -
W0 'kingly, as he s*ung.his home friend FlattAy got loose and his p se' to -big trim, little figure.
c th well -assumed carelessness.
A 8ARGA1111- about. stumbled in by accident. But there mercial traveller at a familiar hotel wl ed eagerly. She knew now that she
and Bellamy had no intention of giving
Black MacQuee," they were in the Cache when we got could have been Inbre jauntily would love Jack Flatyay for better or 17ow splendid,. that we can
"A present from Rosario away to anybody. "You might
blithely at home. se until death should part them. run away -for a few days to
FOR SAM -Five acres, onG Wile be jelered. back." cyou wor
With that, he w" gone, again, tak- awayl" He call it that," he said evenly
rn "YesPll The -keenest agitation was "So you didn't run 're once But she knew, too, that the shadow it your motherl Without
grom 'Seafotth; mode house With know, I bad been near the
mal with him. He in Melksy's voice. grinned. of MacQueen, her husband by law,
Jurnace, bath and toilet; small haft; ing the Pack Ani en I was out hunting." 1:6g Distance it would be of
back "They took us by surprise. We "Not yet. I'm going to later. I wh Mac- was between them.
good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid bad had the udacity to come "Do you expect to catch course quite out of the ques-
at rid had got some of fought. Two of my men ran away. owe you a meal, and I wanted to., pay
art'chicken farin, been, After 'his foot�_g, Lint Together they walked back from
abance to Queen?" the outlaw asked, a fa tion, but it is so easy to can
I was alone." it first.?' epot. In the shadow of the
Apply to it., too. Two were shot down. hint of irony in his amused voice. the d up our homes by Long Dis-
It was his. very contempt of fear s on her father's pomh they Stop -
R. S. UAYS, One of the 'unwounded cowpunchers "Ad then?" "I can't tell. That's what I'm hp- vine
ped. Jack caught her hands in his t
t halt an hour later The devil of torment moved in him. that had hold her. To fool away half ance and make sure all Is
seafoin'. ant. gave pursuit, bu your friends an hour in dressing, knowing that it ng, lieutenant." and looked down into her tired, hag- well that, really, there is no
he returned rufP1IY4' "Then I shot up one of "We hope for a heap of things we
"I loo him somehow-idained if I outfit, rode away, changed my mind, was very likely she might be sum- -ned the outlaw in a gar4 face all lit with love. Team excuse for denying Ones`812-
n hin� before- me one d moning men to -kill him -to, dome never get," rtui ttered were in the eyes of both.
know how. I see and went back, shot -your friend, an ntle voice, his eyes half shu It," 11 suppose you use Station.
k - 9' "You're entitled to the truth, Jac
miftiate; the next he war, gone. - Must hiked off,duto, the hills. with a ac down confident and unperturbed, os behind drooping lids.
lap known som6 trail that led off from sibly to meet his death -was Such a Melissy cut into the conversation she told him. "I love you. Pithink I to -station 'Cans. I do. By
the road, I reckon." piece of dare -deviltry as- vlon reluct-- hurriedly. "Lieutenant O'Connor is always have. And I know I always asking for the number I got
He intended "Aann"rat shall But I'm another man's wife. the cheaper rate, and tho
ismy said nothing. ant ion, in spite of her (letes-
-not going on the seven -five this evening,
tation of him. Even if he did I have to be good-bye between Evening rate after 8.30 R6
to 'take up the trail in person; but lamy. He has business that
"Argit th6 wounded had to be l6oked td, Mr. Bel
give him up, his situation Mil pre- will take him away for a while. It us, Jack," she told hii% wistfully. keally most reasonable."
diaato-hed for a doctor, and n e rem All -AIP He took her in his arms and kissed were being weehed- -and in, stito of her. "You're my sweetheart. I'll The kdtas to nearby towns,
At "fd against another
this 1e fii� to waik. boldly t6 the P, Don't think it." within a radius of say 95
poaMbIq but 44probable attiwk- It not give you u
*A,g� t6 154, 6, blity Iii lit-, for he had on station, buy a ticket, and Pas!; mmself He spoke -with much strength; such miles, ftre, go low that it ib
that she knew he would
M thib �tdupueg 11LAl as *ell At off for an ordinary traveller. assurance,
-am poasibla to keep Up"d
AP Both �41tw that the chanea Were not yield without a
imitwg; W wore wz 2ries
of ing to him -
Against kllm� OUT 110 gave no never be anyflil
Never land Xel- us.
seen him -716 full Of SpirftL 'Th�
concern e stands
never. But h
Don't you see haOoe?"
Sitnatijb'o Wbuld have depret . most '-N6. Your marribige to
d" dtdd`bt6 tft6t� V40jaeu
em-pty words. Well hive It anhialled.
thd Milli It movely atimuln-tg4",
tb, 5f'gt,,k= tttobgh )E o
ritf, did - 4
it -will t stand. in any colitt, VVS
Vm, his tith 19ft`P Wou'
his MOO& WV6n ft won, You -And I'M, Voinr,
There's 'no tao -about that.
she to 0616
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