The Huron Expositor, 1928-02-03, Page 10 7 — • 4,0004414,01,01.4.100 Of' 4,,,an - h: , •I, fo ,„ ;., ,ilf,A-c fy iv.!15.1.;,•; nt• , ' , •7 •„- • • ., -"V ri , t, JIFir ' ., , '0,,i7",,' 1 'N ' k 'A 0: ',.,• III: 7 ' t.71 g i . ,;. , 9. 9 t , . n , sc, ” , „ . , .,, 10*.144# , I** .40. r. ., .,) ; ii )toe .. „; • . • 0 0i, • :-Atibb .. . • •-;„ uftett-E . , e• . •- ., vLorikii. , nd. .*- .., ::- . • eStra. . .0.11.,04-4, „.-9,. ti„0,.;',j. •'•-./44.31ist, ...!..,0,, 'cm.- '.' riee4- ' ' .,,.,,:,, l":,•• •r,. ' , -„,-_.„,.- .1,k4r.4001.6114,'AggkileP.Y.' . -• 4 ' ta449.1V3404,;"...,' . li ' Aa0, ,...,,do.i";.'' P141'T'''' , ,,,. WOWen ,., . Ve.Nraiiginecd* • 3' - Otea• .sind :01intOn.403,44,Larigford., - , • • -the . .,..,06,4•40, 41.,,,_;,.. R....;,-!•,,,, :41,01,10-4 ,j.. w., lied. Craigie.- ._ - •. -_•.,.. . . .Seaferthe.-4.: '.)W4, BetAtie,. Wingliani;e4.154 liteiceibh0*-7 • .-. IdlYtliBrr J, .W."Milne." . • ,c.vi: 0 . 'IS4-4;:,-,C.•:;*Ooke,r••• Fxeter' ,,, ..:;?Sitelt.-,'-.;' " ‘gteigarli.lie- , exotet..phii gonoe,bweg, ,. ,,...it'enisallItahertHiggii4e-• '. . - lielie'Clerk..preAitlieti....;anetnalled ,upore:$1,000:te`eaCh theriminbers present tO mi he . . „ ., . .. , . .,ions for the ,efftce . of --"Warden for 1028 ..• ' • ,' ••: • ,. -•' - '•., .••• • • - : - .- nn . • . - ' :keyed * F. J. Me.Qpnid and second- .4.'-tiy:'-"A: C.: •r•Baikern that%:.John.,-J. .Vanstene Bnyeao 'Reeve .01 -Stephen,: be elected,: Vanden of the .County. of•HUrOli for •e" , Inn. : . .:„. n. • - - . • '. • .., ., There being/no further nominations „ ..., the Clerk , declared, Mr. Hayes duly . eloqied. ,. ..- s r- :,..-; - - ..-:. .. . , , The newly elected Warden iiis then 'Goderieltr011egiatee.-Carried. tosediied O.:then:chair where he Made and'atibieribed theusualdeclaration -Beide of •-...offiee- before . ex -Warden -I ;'"E.`: F. nalopp, ••1116 :in n fenrawOrda;'.ctitaplia itraettted.;, the --Warden on US election and introdtteed'him to the council, ben .. . speaking for him the hearty support ' c,f the-mombers":„.--- ,..:••• , •: .•,.:..r. ..- _ 'Spot The Warden -thankiethe..Merabora - Council for :,:tlie:Stonot".-'-ecatfirred, ,tio-Good,'Roada'CommissiOn. upon the; He.'SPoke-2.-of the large .,01'. •,peninturei, made 'in the- of the ,appointed iOnnteeaffers, and ".. .04,:heenerniOn ier'er, Ianftleh ...Of the:: 'co •- *vine, Be hoped ;the,affairS-.Of''-',the OOnntY 'wetilethe carried On ,in a business -like way e and he had the utmost confidence la .alt the.. MenlierSte diti'A' iiedithe, .,. , „ „..., . . . ... .„ ,.. ,. , ., - following .,,cerantrinie lona were ••••:fkolinirit " , „..;:, noniagnto la the Deoartinent ot Vie latitiWays.' , .:T:,'-' , -:' _ :From,.tlie Conitty, of Siniene, a:reso, lotion- ;regarding;the redwing of .the °poi neason,.fietc-gvistoie deer.-:-ont 40:SPecial -CoroMitted-': ' ' -1•.; . -. ykoiat.310 &rife of the Western- University. -Sent to Education Coni. , • • • .arsilitoe; • . • - . ,'_ ,. .. • • 7 -Prat the 'Township Of Stamford, • asSeasing. of Provincial IfighWaYS.-e-. .. Sent to Special 'CoMinittee. ' ''-'• ' - ,,.:, •Xteply". Of f Provincial Secretary, re ..,,,,Ifint*I County House of -Refuge in-, anateS.Sent to"-Sfidelid Coffifitittee::- I • Troia' the tho,tatie -SeloioI:Trustees and :Ratepayers - Association, re - ap- oointing.:delegates.,-4kait to "Educe! ItieriTCEitoliiitio, ' -: .-.. .. '' . 4. , • From :the Canadian Institute- for IlielBlitid.--Sent'. to Eticative. Com- . mittein - • : :. . . '' : . -• . -- • Resolution . passed n by _ lElastirtge-: Cotint3i-- regarding Protection of , the Trea4e :re M.miting: loads on truchs.-,•-- Sent to _Special' Cintimittee...- . , Fro* the DemiMori "Chemical Com- .• *di" •re '-the use of ea.kram-alorMe . nen' the roads -Sent to Good Ronda ..• ' - - ' . , .. ' '' . - ., „ - -Front • the 'COnnties of ireede, said rerevillen'ie•ocenpilling:tuoban munici- ,..palititii hearinge reastitable share of • ,. • • •„the',001oseP-of the Pnovincial lognWaYs. -'..-Sent to. Special- Committee. • ' Resell tiOn .of - the. Township . Conn ••Ialr ;of 1Vielfall,o1ii re the expense „ of a 'Preening open highwaysln 'the winter and., On detrimental.. effect of • such to the far/nese and'.:othwes using these . fteds.,--.Sent. to .eriniti-Roads Commlia' • &Mi..; - '• . '. .y ,:.,'• . -. :: , • -nr rom•the inspector of. Legal. 011cP.S re Matter pet!tairtiog to Sheriff'S of- Aco.--,Oeitt to County Pieper ty Coin- ' mittee... - '' . . ..:-•••-•-...--, -.• .. : - 1 -At)Plieatitnia: for. the. ,,positian of County ' Anditor .tere neeeeiVed frOal Peter Garfield, Il Ali, and A:,,,•,E.s Er- - win, '13ayfield.', '. L, - • Application of the Children'snAd Society for the mune , grant . as last Ti -ear, . $8,000,... -Sent to Executive 'Oink, -andttee, • . •• . ., . '. '', . 'VerOM kr.' yren g, Hicks, of Oen- .1tralia, •otieltrailig an account for $00. - Sent to. miateg. 00nunittee.- : 4.1iill:taqc 4ATA'Aig4„t_liygtailied, re ,..'aioii .iit ,,,,,itsali40.0,-,.frotn . Joseph eneWeeie gineva1e,-4Sent to „quad i . 1,-dymtoleden".•• : , .„-. : . , • r.,,M, ..MOrria--",Townaltip enclosing I eleithtng7tirain':+0 t tO geed 4.0061*.41. oir14-7: ' „,. : .. A-iihC' ' .ii„,:;4 iid "e Ofetd- . , 6, ttt 14k-! e ' .: ., , • •0 ' the ,folicste4 .. it...tit14. to tio.t. ,, A, 6.,' , '6 ' ., . . Al riga ,. . atit„,..gio:06.0.0'6:101#: Mr. Alilie - ' ri d Wawatinabg , ,.. .. .. 'attendance.'.. tfeeV . 00044 .•.,..,1, rot, aid ' d• II , t 0' ,p , et '' iS; -,Adame-Creigie.:TholhirS. Ongli" :140itt-tiee'XeiiriOdY::„- feith .MCKilibeni-Lentgfond:i of pa Committee., . . Wbighani be legiate.aaCanried. of " cutting' the S0011 that time died ' -Such-Higgins: Board.- be teardearried:i ...,. tic Wednesday the 'of v,,erv. for gouatk:of, ' Henderson Wei, the Magistrate' dreee erice. other Iiiffi-a-z-Therne, Steps through gardirtg School residrbY McQuaid printed .-The Changing the took taken Township. need- ered matter Council sion count recei*M1 ColinCg.:. en thanked trent cultural -Ctiotedo,00 *biglis4Inblisird: liolding.a. .. a ::intilige : ,.: - . it - v ""i . , " .. r, la , • Warden's..,,Q0Mainit-t0=-Alai.:. ,... . , '','IR;Ili;.''Goati, rsitid,' Boada :IL Ifill;:, 00X-Hoekett.: G., 'W. Beard - ,, Bill' . , rid . . -Collegiate---Carriect. the i.eqiinty rt e m nt.. MelCibbozi4den , .., Cox -Langford: appointed'arnstee. Turner -Hill: :Cell:One; Kennedy Conintission of road- as the auch.:workbelturried :this and .reads of 'ettXreot•''••.That . ., ..„.. appointed Pri•laMtlan ... the Council ,ir„-.44,,e,..74,.reA '- . -1. r;f:•Bitieiter"read installing -Refuge:. ranch . the Under taken Maiing Aid to; office taken The :Standing .the'Cliairma”,:, Mr. Higgins The report Inspector:1ot --:in. Clerk County, place, „ in A largely was•read•by seOt Mn Themes •took Warden VT% ,Hacker of later. :Mr. J. and Committee minutes 3eattie7Wrightl: .. be "granted grouted tire- CoMialittee.' ill is fever deterioration ing large all the IetrAti solted brit#1.12 , thd'Highttrayt , • Oki tAk , $ ':e,troisliiit.gaitt..01 e4 for . , ' 'IOU .6,14.014:,...a. 01I , ' iiia•,. ‘' "a , t 4 • 0 „ .:Hendersoni; 'E. Conatoission. . C.' That ••Ffolman,lie.. af;;.crh nyinal,,, . ,: .._,.::-;.•,,-;,-,-. and 'Herbert . , appointed of the 'recognised - - Re/44-rd •. • • „, - • airs , .'1.30 - be: -aPPOinted High SchootaLnearried. , .That That be, appointed -Hackett: . the hilt on. the way weather ' locations one of the in . the *It trustee ,EdnentiOn..-farried. , . , • -pntlie,•;ffroderiehTrfospitat ' of • Messrs.. . 'adjourned morning. ... .. • vvid6lidif., . , a a Mt.-..Baelter'S appreciated. same wesnreferred Refuge the head ,- dakette regarding: of,-,tlie and the Beeretiet4 , the Matter - in the Jerk - me the Committee askett.tne •early •nominations. of the Clerk and ; taeker the minutes raised the dates Council. butno•definite the matter. . signed of Ilowick, to Good Inglis of having in June. place on the part and how royally and . entertained Definite • M. Govenlock the Council asked thellouSe to meet ht House • society. holding $100. ., Its each Pall Pa Co Whereas increasing, of . expeUdituresfr'end ravenue derived permits and Is's'''. the Oirvilizzi*i that 'the' ., 'OW GovernineiWitaletftion . .. .:Departifient tlit,fgAsatitle'friint , autotak . . . . 44-60:- of $ttigirtiaiiii,**.rout, tar . ii, I , I, a c . '. 9 4 . ,4 . f. - , :.f - ynktd,o, .,-. 1 ., 1 - ,., . A . ' e b -,r , 4.fe ent. . :,...' ' ileteee . ''bben;."Cireerge -Oral -: r-,.'"...!..' Hack.. 'John Fitenne- A.• A.dsorta. - T. ltue Co.. - , T: .:1A:eC." Beek**. appointed ea,' :-19*,';.::•eed:t'''. Atidit.--!Par-; -,...-..".', -.• -.. ': ..,;"'ir, •:,..': Inglis, Co he the , for 1928.--. „i'..)C.turstilsta'die, That ''lidr.\ _IIntary trustee feif Sea- , That we grant „ aciVerail hospitals Iv. the, ps7; e t - iteeuti o E. . ve , . : • , • .Was 7 - ' • on. . That R. •• trustee '' of ' - Wm.. Brydone of Clinton Coln .; ' .• ' ••:-.• . • Jr. 4'.. Robertson, . trustee of ...That the Good Proceed with the and 'Widening of to *Saltfencinas will .permit, - and to conipIe-„, being a dangerous most widely tray- eounty.--Referred . ' That T. Rowe be Of the Exeter • :•4 "":14.Craigie ;" , • A. • • : ; . . . -:. Hill and . Beat- to meet en - - ' =.„. , , „7. . _ . n 'tr'•etitteinent, . re radio in the House report was The account to the Committee. : • • of ,encptiries, mr: What . action had theematter of offices of the police agent:of .the Chil- . also with refer- of providing an- Court House for explainedfullythe matter. • reported Dr. Milne.. question, re- .. , Dr, fad& Public East.11iiinn, was and on- Motion of was ordered e - :the question of of the meeting of Much dismission action. was . -'. • 'petition from the . re ' a certain the Clerk and ord- os Commission.. brought up the a visit of the Bruce Considerable discus- re the matter, the of the Council, others gave an en- the council *as by Bruce action -will be tak- spoke briefly, for his appoint- of Refuge him for a few of Befuge matters. That . each agTi- Spring Fairs --Sent to,, Executive That $100 be AgricultUral Society. -Seat to Eltecu- - the automobile causing a -grgat ail 'reads neceSsita,t-. Whereas frOm 'the auto- itAt ta4 „are col- to•I;it 16." COlintY Ciaineil mem:. ' to: raise . . 8: eAtitt ,to A111oto e tlis- i purposes, airtal, tbit eagumer 50 Volit',1010; an iiiit . iti ta il 'tat' '4 ..toddoi.„, . 'al diiiiiiia ' .,t1t6,,,,ittiti ' .1," :.0114*(r Attkio Okla. S. i SII e;q ' ,• .• ,7 n , it:r ' 7 r 4 , ,,, „, eitap07,0 Onbria Of . Aade.*')-0114 . t it cinMeeting link Ilighway:itt.'0e. the County reed„A tovviashkas•lior, and WiewWeell.:., maiiitenanCe:to- fillide,.14:. a,.cresire, fiat '::i.,*iicItliatre the.e:.:6ointitY",:t-ii."004.-..Paid 'ads: Ocelt1",ROads CoramiSsion. ' iiiIggm' s-8nell: be Made reF, Remo to Exec. e .Committeee 7., , be • Unaneli.....o arOund the Ceuit' Executive-Ceininittee.. Mr. -,J., W,.-:•Wilkinsoir the GOvernment, with• refereopeeter-teeturniug: of 'certain Ontario. es of Refu • ale,. • to send them -eremonths,but• for thr probation they mittect as at 'firit,„ The' report of was read. • • Inspector- Tom's _ , a Huron Inspectorate, ented„ and on Quaid and Henderson and -ordered printed: , MrnPatterson, presentative, was dress:. the , Council. rePort.was well den -exprdised Council. a Mr. Haase, engineer, Was the .couneil. Moltilihen-McQuaid: ter of grants to tion Seheols'emPloyingmily er, be. referred , , toe.: -Carried, : McQualti:Onkei:- eill memorialise ment to amend of Ontario, - Se Shelter of:eanineennty, red lir li eooltaitfoe- •County Council ed by them and by the- County CanntY Sheltets the Same as Refuge, and that tion be sent to Sent to Special (Contioued . ,, 14. .; • thi- 'County Of the :oadefailhe .15 g. • easeaSed , between the -.ProVin, On, a - 4ing Colborne a ii..,4 :.Munnings .arY? 1924i frayed out Of tbe. town •bgen levied in 'by the purposes, -Sent '.• That•a grant of seed seow,sene '• 1,6:, That'af grit ant of ewer Hoinette,-Bene - , . , repreSen.ting spoke to the eOinocil imitates lifotipitals to -He- ' proposal said th-e pro out OO .Prohation, -after six months ' *Mild have to. be : • ' • , the County .Engineer - report, re the ,. ...was :then Motion of Messrs. was received in the minutes. the Agricultitral then asked to. - Mr. •Patterson7s received and the the appreciation . --Aleue the District Highway 'present. and addressed • • That the Fifth FormContinua-in one to Education Commit- . , . .,.. - ..- '... , That this the -Ontario Govern- Children's Aid that the Children:is be administer- appointed bY'etiah- atid ,paynientS all payments be Treasurer,:. ilia,. -will be administered the .County /rouse copies of this the Jo*, members, Committee, ' on iciage 0) . ,' - : . , e: oa naain Town as "A and . .aneh f a by town • to $25 ., $20 4,4'21.1reclheei$-.thA't, beds . to -• Roils- ' -1,66. ad- -- • West, pres- • Mc- Be- ad- 'land War- of the mat- teach- , emm. . ActAlso order- Made : that of inn..- 0 : • . a will ./1. D. a true an- Mi'. 'proud • Penton, was Agnes, shetime. prob- - -Af- tInk -..- the an'd in by in the in the him placed came and family —and the our- the in the but the in the sink anti the ship she to ll a'it Brain, „Irelmit,`, 1)1000 ho May :ann. , : baiglif . Pat.'', t:11 Altdi ,It 1_ 41:0 :tti S'I , TAT, IN P, ' ' It I : 0 r , 1 0 i:.4-0, t ' , g A •.- at'lec - • tiln.Y. doh, Tofiternentr end ferPeence: thereof lritent 'and Veteran rdtNihreirdZieetni3teLlt My overseerse brance Of MY love • - s tbrAcenEfs salteellt lowbesiteeieNki.thIleil ponothert aencecissiinielow, land and estate need shall e things .that may standing as to ........., _ .....„ ,__ equttu .r_or oreservacion -of among a' my • . In vvitness whereof put my hand a the third 1111(133e, • and liftie-fowre. (Seal) THOMAS Signed, sealed presence of William Barritt, Joseph • Memorandum. CoRins and Jose in brief notes mouth, the particulars his will, did understand cons of his howse, proviemi be during the and not otherwise, this 22nd, 3 'Mon Edward Collins. At a County town the 20th Hills, Mr. Wm. ritt attested upon ed named Thos. being of sound memory to their this his last- Tho. Danforth, (From Middlesex A true inventory lands and estate of Char_lestown, Itfle.; 10:54:- A king list cattle, grain, so house and hundred .pounds; the 'inventory fortyttwo pounds en the 25th of • Jose* Hills, Th4mas Blanchard's in Halifax, 1637, in which his family to in Normandy came, with tt o other brothers shire -in -1610. two brothers Blancliard,•for proprietor of whose nephew the well known buried inthe Chelsea. Joseph setts • in 1637. The following from.the gravestone chard , (a descendant Thomas), born was interred Grounds at His two wive§ Stop, traveller, what in my Eighty-three did run, But now alas, Within that have, And nine sweet.0 the grave. Now vvorn troub e presse 1 M,y mortal does vest. My soul immortal With kindred And left its dust, Tin the last shall bust; And then I ' ' . 'r. • . tlic - . . -Geo - • .0 ‘0. 9. '% ':Fi O ,,o, . ' *lab , s. rs i fer-the,•.hattir „par, •nocoiding.toMy.true eapportit' ' lrge9'tid):Iii:Lnd: to irvilioni US a remero- - . e-1 deelive'ten"111411-- "wily:46'113-e on wehrOtoaleanvool '1:tlePoen telt ,a, hereby disp- . as . and to sell all at be detibtful under- th _ ein shell seem just ttne -establishment •and peace, love and unitie relaeons. ' , I -have hereunto and seale this 16th,day 011e thousand six . BLANCHARD. and delivered in the Sergent, John Hills. --That - we, Edward h Bilis who tooke P 7 fronejThos. Blanchard's expressed in the reserva-.IRON wife's dwelling in the for her _eight cows to time of her widowhood witness our hands 1654. -Joseph Bills, Court held at Charles- 4th Mo., 1654, Mr. Jos. Sergent .and John Bar- oath that the abov- Blanchard, deceased, judgment and good best knowledge, made Will and Testament.- Recorder. Probate Files), of all the goons of Thomas Blanchard deceased the."31.st 3rd . : ' of ite,ma consisting Of household' stuff, etc., al- ground yalti,ed at three the whole amount off being six hundred and and four pence. Tak- the erd lido., by us.- Edward Collins. first wife died Yorkshire, England, in year he moved with London. Ile was 3eorn in France, in 1586, and his brother Joseph, and to Halifax in Yonk- From one of the other was descended William sixty years editor and the York Chronicle, was illiam Blanchard, playwright, who was graveyard of St Luke's, came to Illassachus- epitaph was copied of Thomas Blau- of the original August 4th, 1720, who in the Blanchard: Burial South Weymouth, Mass. he interred beside him. awhile and hear me tell pilgrimage has me befel), years my glass o it has forever clone. _. space two tender wives i children followed to with toil, with age and d , fr e here in the grave that has gone to be spirits in eternity, partner mouldering in the trump, the stentntcanh trust this mortal frame . i ?), ;Gly• I ' , . V ' . , a . alCin. ' . i. e 1$13r.O : . - 4". '- met . a 1 . " u!e'. ad , 10:r.F,; .4.: , !f.' 4$ .1.0 t$7,$-* $ * : 1 •.,-.. ea•P'S°.0e.77-'..- . • -. . :' "•oftk.••' .":2:723a.g''---170.:±ir':F:cia6r" at-i7;:a.:. '3 24'10 43;411_, _L-Equiplo• we' rag A faTtm flo..ck of 200 :Wong' 'I .11;931.9'n'Jm uSani• ta• -dm' .•''' .m.---......onsing. .- 145, p.rae--Jd ranclging' ;:ntil. nd reenli-nng nnstratl°n' . Wednesda n,• um.. 10.00 a.m..;--Diseases of .p .11.00 a.m.---Inetibation, ni frig. 1.30 p.311. -"-Feeds mad Fe 2.45 P.m. --Feeding Ley Ned Flock Management. Thursday, February 1 10:00 a.m.-a-Breeding and Chicks. . • , • 11-00 aan.-Egg'Grading; p.m. -Fattening aik 2.46. p.m. -Marketing. Special Speakers -Mr. T. son, Poultry Diviaion, Dom partroent a Agriculture; I Clark; Cainsville, Ont. • - - t. . i ,,:4,01$014trart42to.....7.)irize.14,nr,004-.4631iit ". - ' 1 1 . - .. 1' - • '.',` k.. 0 L (1..) .. .":7..e.'peete!,1, . el first liCitir..;_eso:seifrranne..7;i7.-;latacliarett*ere:, •• eeand:in. Married eok remoeed:to.4..nd97 ,61,3Aii..,,et.14:2P*-441.41'...7. . 4'4'47-'4•Fk Etighind;" -4••thr'-'4Nat ,,,;.: Dec , •• datigliter.70pDeaCon' Wove:4A al.„.6i107' A6•J'en Tn6P-aec, second . Blattchard„Whan . ' the; of Midlesex; through make Mary anieintlie'useaht:,the dwelling„,hensor!,andithe dureing•-thelife whereof .,i,iS-'Ium'ffit' eed 4ba teWs nit'exeentors, ter Also els be at month, Indian, , the appertaining thered -;-(eXcepting :Or So the and forever. trust with up so in with uel, his pounds; payed overseers ninth -and the in and ninth and corn, tenth years received and and unto cepting of - .. - ''. ''''. ------" .•-• , .,:'!',e,e.*:;14, te. • '. ' 4ay. OfAltoirof, style. .. . „. .. • Pc9X$0.--* 'olvas bornna-leon '1618.,OriCdied in Charlestown ..,b,Oe';:] in Engi.s.:ned.e1162.9-. . Oar040-‘, ,?Pirr' • ' . - ' til.04-4y.,$!Otetser, daughter of ,stpo*oefi,,kw ere, 1.654e. . iilmei., ....0 r, nem, eiliero _he ., - . 0 was eeee in 4- '''''': ' a ArY1651- .'• .. ellign in England in „. . . , , „bundred lk. a„ • .ma .,, ea. in Charlestown mber.,16th-pli656 Susann Bates- 0 - an ---7-- • 7 a , Samuel Bates, of h ' M. S-• 'removed to •• ey- ,. as , ., . W !Whe*".hendied August 27th, i.i.g0,-IrWidewn married ' Deco" -: Bees, pf Braintree, as , his - '•• ' ' ' • ,0..: 7, -_,-,,...* * - -, - .. . ; - ., , , , From Middleamt Probate Files ! • -• -'. .03OatOnef.Mass.) (Copy ox the origin ii will of Thos ewe to New Eng- in the year 163). "In the.itantenef 'God, and through strength of 1 ,Jesus Christ. My Savior*, I, Thomas BlanChato, . Charlestown, in the Cointie . of.. being weak of body, but .ffierele in sound memory, doe this, my last will and testament the MatterlelloWing:- • First-•-.--I:.:give unto my beloved wife, Blanchard, and my son, Nath- new end of my dayry house * my sayed Wife. I give' MOO; ' wife eight cows three';'' dowrea are called ,140, ' -01:162T cows arldo-gilie" Onto - -7 'Ire 6 -mufti' and winters s •r or 'feed for said eight cows,. .so many other to be kept and, rikronided for by in aii.saoeets, in rant- of ;food -among •-libeir own cows. I give unto my 'wife fiftie bush- of corn a are (hiring her Inc to Paid for by mY.,ecifecUtors, yearly or •before the first of et the second in ,wheate, rie,•pease, barle and in equal propproons. Also I give onto .qsay wife one of beds I now ly an.With all things thereto, • as also one- part of all other bowshold stuff the beddirre. to be set out apporeoned by nit, overseers. Al- I give unto my wife :my old mare, aforesayed conyannhowsholol stuff mare to be he and her heirs I also doe ,disgose and be- Benjamin ThOrnpson onto and my wife to provide for and bring in learning (at her own pleasure ) as to fit him forthe Universitie, ease his parentS please to have him her, and that she live to that „ Secondly, I give tato 'my son Sam- beside all my fernier gifts now in , . hands, the sutra ...cf fowrescore where .& adz* pounds to be in cattle upoli,:valtaation of my at or before the first of the month next 'atter my decease, ten pounds in eorneat or before .flret of the second month follow- and ten pounds a year in cattle corn, at or before,the first of the month next after nay decease, ten pounds a year in cattle and at or before the first of the • month -for the space of fovrre following. Samuel had already his portion.11. I). B. 3rdly: I give mite raw sons, George Nathan*. I, an my fame, bowsing appurtenenc es . after my decease them and their heirs forever, ex- as before expVessed to the use toy wife. . GIRLS" AND AT-HOME ' Dont know why they c Toronto Huron Old Bons, A Perhaps the girls never grev haps the boys do. The ol pipe has gone the way of au burned and poked out at t1- Santa Claus brought me a briar root with an amber MO But it's no so 'gold as the c must be an old boy mese" though I'm a Grit till the I grow conservative an' old When it comes toe pipes and t dinna like the begs. But to spend the Biller and ge new corncob. They dinna cos as a briar roots with *lab M pieces, ye. ken. An' thinFrom erdeen, but from Huron, ,obrneeb or „no corncob, I the mild felf, at baine abe home irt the Temple Buildli to, last, Thursday : ,nig4irr. and foremost; as the late 3/iillan used to ea.,, 'orb blather out to the folk at Ted it,, and yours truly rig a bit of a confab in which isIid.and it 'Irma. the goo old days and the pie of our day in the auld towliships that both a tu admire till this day -and till the end. For whatever been our successes in life- ever they may be in site auld folk of that other de titled to the credit. . Well, we had euchre a and dancing, BOOM real dan or your partners, cornet same." you'll get what I there were those modern tw steps --made in four and orchestra, was bang-up. T sixaphone, but no the pi floor is twice the size a HalL and it was comfort& times. I don't vrant to 4 ores, for as I said above, but 1 believe there were hundred present. Last yd lime 'ran into below-zm his year it was above 5 o the weather and the location of the Temple hu e desire of former If . t- . t gether-maae or one pe Forbes and Doug. Wilson Forbes no needs a megg- Doug does, not so powerf You heard them over the Floody and Bob Holmes Clinton; Bert MoCreath Macloren, to Goderich; 7 Exeter; Lac. Kennedy t( and the son of it 'first re sels. We often try to r the old folks under the the cemeteries of Huron . . e , A WILL MA aE ill‘r-1639, - • - • The...following is a ef_)py- of taken from a vault in Migiachiliett4 and given to Mr. Melvin .1., Blanchard, of M,cKillpp, by his cousin," Mr. Blanchard, of Toron,to. . It IS copy of the wilt made by Thomas Blanchard, in the year 1639,, the cestor of the Blanchards, of which 34..J.• Blanchard is one of the members: "John Pent came from L'hgland. The mother of John Agnes; she hod a daughter. married to — Barnes, by whom had Richard and Elizabeth; Whe ably married, Thomas Plimlitoia, ter the death of her first; Inishand, Barnes, Agnes, Jr., II/tarried in land Thomas Blanchard in 1639- • Her son • John having embarked within a year previously, Agnes, mother then aged and infirtn,her daughter Agnes and husbguid fent child, with her two children her former husband, ethirarked Ship Johnathan for New England- 1639. Agnes -the mother, who before emigration of hen son, lived with in Penton, hard probably been at Andover, from whence she up to London ...With the Carriers was with Thomas Blanehard'a about a •month in London. there was a gathering among Christians at Bugle to help them en Fifteen days out Agnes daughter died, making 0 nen-copal-on will (Which was afterwards 'allowed) ---and a gathering was made ship to mit-her child to nurse, thild died shoitly •afterivards ship. Near the Bank of Newfound nand Agnes the mother' fell continued so. . About the 'time claim to ,anchor in Boston arbor; died and het son-ist-law' p•reditred carry her to shore to lie buried.”. 0 ... 0 - 0 , - ,,,, ' THOMAS BT.c.ANCItitILD, yik'lio lio f.Folla E00.0.ntl.* legto, Md in tree), Miss.; in. 1.446401... /ix ory, 1051, he bought a tom 'acr;e0 in •Itist loartof °bailee which is.1.110w liguldet, lobere warda lived and where he died: 21st, ,1664. 44., wife, ths third, viv42rd hiv, Etta2 zAtrio vos ..14A21.,....;„ 0,1$ she diAtt a' L0 iii lent' greks.-41Sft's:1,162F thi yrsiv . .t. ' 4 E. .1110,L',64k; 64$40.-tti. itgOolhO :000114210..,- %ttg* it 46 :4011444 2a. 'Off '144 :420t ei „, '-'i•,' p,.: .! 0.- , 0 4' .6 , ' if they could but ,return 1 daughters - 1.I . •° A „T. c,„,c0KE=,,c.,1,,, (00 f) their sons and enjoying themselves a 1 miles away. And still ir ful, former Huronites in 4 Dixey Land and in our ON ti sitting in their oven horrne mg to music and speech ( knew iri the long ago. The ladies were beant ,. ed, the old boye. well dre past was excellent. Sc co3,31d one ' wish for. But wait tj11 I get my and I'll write more of 1 for they are worth eite's BILL ,. ,i •Geo6 Ear " 60 C IC • • . 0 &P e S ' Al ilk a (mg MEI. r - n Get t -:e ces‘t reauRts Irrom yOUT ' heatt ant by ore rim g youT - . -. 'at ano Coks from . . a . / .. t *f_i , II . e ,,, r , . Phone gi or 52 , V. RD , . . 4 A TM? A 411t,(C trBy Matilda Fotiler, 'tib Dondon to Edi Ti',, In the TillOrail -2 1 El London, for Inhibit, the London, radiant' I nwasr to the mot $0, o toktriet. Thit . Agli irrAtty ilt,zEttotl VILIN,.ztad: 0- 670, N 1%0, 'eat. Hi. Advance L.:la:0i "nu., Publishers 4 it•.'," and v. tore! it .tnkled are re I aired fele, us, ty birds ultt.04, ding. g Hens ,a45v2li id `11,he'rras, bps 01400g1 tad Pea,fl - %Le* tlw-1 wor0 I is an 01 sive walls.- Valley,. has -a ''eat Century. , Here 1)41. clisim Were edilipte school. On •Qie.:lior e country" we .posed, of Stafford; On tb town is a: - of am; old z.,i; of Crewe has the largest'' works ii, the world, Bearing men besides Me& otheis with the running of Inc -a iVO gime,. At 17garrhigto the old Roman road from eroseed the liver Men on the ManchesterShip Canal half-way between Liverpool Chester. Preston is a large.city port, on the river Ruble, at Sea. It is connected with' the next thief etation,b-Ya country here is more hilly and t�. north were rangesof high bine'.hi Many sheep and cattle were grafi among the Wis. The farm bzildin were mostly of stone, and therewt stone fences and hedges. reached Oxenhohne, neai' Lake derrem, the brill's and :_yalle*a. marked everywhere by 4 'stone',„ around, the fields. There w great hills on every, side, many them pink withheather, and ther saw the first blue bells. In some the hay fields they were ,using fashioned hand rakes. ' Soon after we reached old market town near Lake- Ulle ter. It is Vety, ancient, hein �nci Roman station :It detroyed the Dane?. in iFile year vAio- I Killing, A. Ben - inion De- r. J. W. BOYS' 1 it the ssociation, old, per - corncob corncobs, e bottom, new pipe, ourthpiece. ld yin. I Foral- backbone, fashioner rousers. I Pm going meself a t as much em mouth- tralk4‘ ,was `muck 'We.saw tbe-•rdins of an 6 14P6-‘ ▪ u°4' the time of Richard ut out at- which is in the border country,g, To:Cert ous for its historic memories :• of the e_eetit l'eAffre4- feudal strife between the Peretel 'Tann 'ne- Douglases, comtmemorated In rnfly tin .'nes sO Border' ballads, -It Was origin ame athat aRoman station and the ruins of" were av" rime's Wall are refill near by. It was eerner• destroyed by the Danes in fri§i but ruy °ainlf , - was restored by William ltufwiho 00UCO- built the castle. Alward town. antParliament here, and asserafbleor his anu forces here in 1296 to invade WO, wel ▪ s° h welcomed Prince Charlie bele maY "ave hattle of Culloden. The r.a,ftdr and what- bells that had pealed a weieomeivere life -the ordered to be rung 1530 more; an in - Ys are en- terdict not removed until 1925. •Mm Queen of Scots, was imprisoned iirt th - nd bridge, cing, "hon - castle after the battle of Laithaide the During the Great War it was thin lady ed with workers who were engaged-- mean, and the gigantic4 „Linunition werIM o and titree Gretna. , til five, The ere was a At 4.15 p.m. we crossed the hound. pes. The ' ary into Scotland, just six hours f Cardno's ter leaving London. Over the horde* ly filled at we passed through Gretna Green, stretch fig- which is on the Solway Firth and ' Ian a Grit, Dunifrieshire. The town was fti amrunthde ly notorious for the runaway- Mara n-afive ly tfheewr riages which took place_ there it be.'„ well ( big the nearest place within the eroa tish Border line. During the war the - convenient great munition works here eiderded, ming -plus for miles around and were busy d ✓ ites to get and night. Cannobie Lee, mention inn"Young Lochinvar," is nearby, aif Etwgearnet busy.time the river Esk, where the follecre4„. phone, but of Prince Charlie braved the porilea lly lunged. flood by linking arm in arm and radio. Edter crossing, dunned themselves talked to to the lively strains of the bagnili and John in this district there were large"flocks of sheep almost everywhere, ihe owbleindigehkto ain, herds with their dogs, and very fllc eve to Brus- horses. The Borderland i cture what $ nett Highland nor Lowland, but a re distinct, alluring and apart from would dockthink others. The country on the 'EsegI end listen to side is chiefly rugged moor land, talking and ful only for pasturage, but on'. undred odd Scottish side are great stretches ore wonder- fertile land, dales and valleys of Heoreie or natural beauty. We passed far West. Ecelefenhan, the birthplace of Carlyle, and where the poet is hI sf and isoslettheen; We passed near severale.eiya and could see the Pentland gully gown- the right when nearing Edin reached Edinburg at 6.15 p. wet tthe re - a more had a gang drive alohe Street to my hotel. new corncob, he- old days, time. POWELL. Seth) scud ton Stefan Coal production in Alberts was the largest ever, ranah for all grades of. 6,980,/55-, tires compiled, by the show tho,t 1521 wtnt of the best lirevlouS rome, establishing a no'r tory of the Albertei lv Tha gonfOliOld noteiTtset dikta ' Be OW he -r i'.0$110,1140.. Ail*" ": : .440p40,11 lot*,