The Huron Expositor, 1928-01-27, Page 87'.
VN 1`�,, 1,0` ''i
, i's
64. 140- ob Quite ROJU414 Two,
Umvs, re sirvQ W
-§Weessgul most-
a -not derao-ge the stomciob,
NAQ a very
p Doe
�bs hew wab tke- Stew -art, of N9410
ants; spothing and week on his an- 6 poullas for ....... 25C timeArled, and throughly - test- St, Paul, ia, home thic
isi there had to
QZ—.We recommend f be a bnep6R. It wpa:'held'oh Ved-
7 at was a real Thers were eight . . . . . .
nIN &t 10z or -for 26c Wd ama personaRy g=ranteed esday afternoon And evauln$ and -it
a. own
r ]a DurI&ROM—Za bulk . SM &6ut- -
ks the draw and with good W
..... the. play vIias keen. Om game was play -ad in the afternoon, pfter which an �Art;l ........ ..
:ZaAD PU —Reg
a -hot dinner was served in, the curl- TWO
LS passaM a
3 were The Rexall Store in th4
ar Be, for ..............
T. S. �$mithif-
11 Rick, PHONE 28 SZAFORT-E ers, club room, fqllowed 'by a few '7� Kra. so arke, short speeches. In th6 evening two
PADS and more games were played; the winner Arst pa
-special values. vs. jam�6i
Over to �uchre,
We have Mrs.
The, p of the spell being Peck hnston's kit
'14XTRACTS—At 10c or 3 f6r....25c rink, with three wilis and a full plus, Kra".., W. J_ Donmit';
6e� of Our Overs
Th I k was cop�posed of Bill Bell, 40 eal;
g1iIrtu-7*obh -cake tr
CIPPS or CartWa Pills for plants. TEM HURON , m
Dawson Rld, D. I, Reid and T. Joh eig -gave a lx� in DW-Q#V#41qct rThe coiIrect'way to fertilize hous ston, skip. %ding His r
aplants. one Cipp, per plant th� Rome Lands."' 491" 49"Mu On -
per month; package ........ �W4 the addrestes by Mll� a:Word t 6, DRSTRU0,T KA7TMES the youngeg. peopl,
Win, oil,
Uke f the StUdOpt'.Volvin . . - " t
.Iteer dance, and all
October or June,
CHEESE—Made in —A car of salt is expected about Febru- Pic
1927, also June, 1996; mild, medium a. J. Me- --Movement CqnViqAt1Oi;�.,**h
ary 2nd.' Leave your orders with evening, The: prIoce
*4al'eld in Detroit durlog�iha��Ch Millan or M Charters, Seaforth. 3,137-1
or old; pound .......... 30 to 35c utcoms To uteut-Wain at at, c. -for :ad on the constructio 0 and convenient; as
Phil thea Class- The Philathea M table tfix4s, Week. The mdata* r, Bowling Park on Ma" ISUTTERChoice Dairy Butter ntral location; town water. in at.'
-rayer, f6llowe
School held thelli monthly meeting on weer,
,p'ra Jor our native JA.n4_
sac assited Church Sunday A D. Sutherland, Seaforth. 3,sl-tf pound ............... of the Uu by,41e t
U)on't Vornet Power Farming Conferenceil F. D Wednesday evening at the home of Seaforth February Ist and 2nd. See page 6. N'Siry 24th, is to,
Daly's &;S�e_
3117-1 T,4671,Wbrld Day
of Prayer,- Death'of Mrs, Fred Vanstone,,—The
Mrs. J. B. Tyerman, when the business .t fell
0 for eV0*y,w MIan, following, froutk4he Stratfbrd, Beawn
Quul�ty Coke. Nut and Stave coal on hand, of the class -was concluded., Life fAntercessin
Cara of corn in a week. Phone R. J. Me-'': xii
1?IffON3 membership certificates. to the W.. or see Harry Chartem. 3131-tf land. The meetin gret
by many
S. were presented to Miss McBride Valentine Tea. — On Tuesday afternoan be held in the hore-as;Mrs. Vanstoa6� was au
-an gmond and
Nrthside an invit f Wks. - L V: E
and iss Alexander, then a social February 14-th. the Ladies' Aid of ition to- jitti �Jk�.aunt
would United Church, Seaforth, win serve a 2U
tea In their school from, 4 well kno" to many hour was spent. The 'Class -to 7 p.m. Every- exbouded, to all womew In Seaforth and
"Word hq.4 been received: M1
have you watch for further anne
ment, y e
sex, selling our cleaners. Works like magic. if Mrs."Fred VanstoAe,-181. ifill dffer iv W. "k
body come. a of their Leap Year sociaL
Agents Wianted.—$100.09. weekly, easy. either O that
the death(
Unusual high commisgion., FTee samples. P
UeAtA of Mrs. J. Fisher.—At her
home, 84 Dupont Street, Tor
A. Lefebvre Co., A.1exandrizi, Ont. $137-tf I Ocibourg Street. Mrs. Wnstone 13,49-6- ay a -d onto, -on I n, sat d t Ad
in the Toronto General H�.-
away I - . , r _
boutTuesday' ...
Suu&y, January 22nd, an early Tea*
2gmondville (C. G. 1. TThe Ceer- Sale.—Ten per cent. discount on all lines
for twoweeks, sta January Laim,
Leld their clearing Sweateris, =ZZTZ' Graves' Wall Oplit.4, Seaforth and* vicinity passed night -as the result of -an operation
ful Chums C. G. 1. T. Group I
weekly meeting on Tuesday afternOP11. F"er store, seaforth. awq7, - in the pierson of Mrs. �. Ellen some days 91�6 had be ailing
aHelen, Thompson, the president, occu- Lost__iBetween D.. Gemmell's and Eg- Stphie, Fisher, widow of the late 0
for a 'Couple of -months and *as,,r'e-
a cloth robe. Fi4her 'She was in her 7" eari to pied the chair. The meeting opened niondville an Thursday night last, e ady e y
Finder. please leave at The Expositor Office. moled � to the Twonte 'General _w1a,
am —$100.00 weekly easy, either For -�nuniber of years. sh, had & t
with the roll call, which wor- 3187xl OnChriat pital about a weigo.-IFrw to li�r
Isa- f -e warriag,6, Mr . a. . Vanstone . - w I a I s. Mss mr
ed by a favorite winter sPort. Agents wanted. �e art trouble,
d1rom he
t oply
hie Scripture lesson, sex, sening our cleaners an Come -
bel Forrest read t , d clothes gin bags. miiiiftht a severe attack Mary Jane Ball, only child of the la*;
-hompson gave the Unusual high commission. Free "mPles- P- lewe#.three weeks later by a stroke.
after which Alice T Ibt iold U du-
A- Lefebvre & -, Alexandria, Ont. 3136 -ti John BalL. Mrs., Vanstone as born w. h.
devotional talk. entitled, "The Child Polloving that ' she rapidly , t-
tt coal and Coke. Coal and Coke on hAnd at in tratford . and: resided he
yo h'A apd Prayer." Various cOmmi eeb the warehouse at the -station; also a, small weaker until she slept away, - 'R6rn' c�,113� ll her, fife,: and, word of her ull� count t ollifs: Y, htve
were appointed, an. , Stoble, assing"will' come as 'a -shock �o her
and a-., ange- or hand power. Phone. 44w, seaforth- AN� canlq'�-to Canada - with her family. n
-part of the meeting 3135-tf oat of, friends and, relatives in Strat,; business mossey-Harris cutting mach
during the -jae, either, power at Teenside, Scotland, -Ell
m with the M6;,;v&en she was fourtien.years of ford. Mr. -Vanstone is 'a, well
ants for a skating party
na wal Plor Sale�On good.reneral purpose horse
Trail Rangers were made. ears aid, 1 a R.P. massey4farris engine ge..: 10e� firs home was iii
mployq of the M�Lagan, Furniture
W h Sh
Company. . Th46 de was
agon, 2
co a, Fisher, she,lived a beloved member of Mwx Presbyter�_
lace closed the meeting with prayer. zind�truck, one 3 H.P. massoi-narris engine, hey.7-Af'ollowing her marriage to"th6- ceased spring
I circular saw. 1 binders in good running order, I M heyears 6zi the 140th concessi
binder in good running order, a -furrow riding On 6f" Tuci.; law. church, and, waa.7 mother of
low, I Bean harvester or in. which, communitir 4he *as
'A i-furrw ridinL -jiith
Lions NeaL—The regular meeting palodw'scuffier. Appiy ii wassey-Harris Shops, vejy,��dely known and respeeted� in two daughters, Mxs., Thomas. atterat
a Z* re
Ison, of HaTuilton, and ' Mrs. J. Robin-' �;Th r
of the Lions' -Club was held in the seaforth- Phone 1163- 3136x2
Himse� Qnd Lot for Sale.—For sac, frame �kaxer�.Xears she had, lived in Si�p&qrth otiSt� Thoma Tb.-ramains ILI
A HECLA Furnace Commercial Hotel dining room last 4;` son
I atteIndane h 19 move4 to T*6zitoi��,. Last ouse situated in VIN -age of-Eg-ondville; 2! arrive -here this � aftern6m aud,-ipter�-
monday evening. A ful acres�af land, fruit trees aid orchard; two, sum
equo greeted Lion, Dr. Beche-ly in the chair. frame barns. House'eontains bur rooms and mer as the guest of lier si§i�ir Went will'be -made in �.Avondale* o�
n3FF 1CIaNCT After the lunch .n and reports from kitchen, soft water in house: electric light tary. Yunirar irrgjjiLgemelitS��Iha"-, t
in home and barns. Weohone� Will be solt as yet been comp
Tred - zfid
4 CWstmas ale. Apply to James
h: ,.a_
phone, 2 ou 146. Sea -
Cheer Committee., Judge J. A. k VE, qd% or
forth. CMON g, gav ZONYORT AND SATISFA venin
son, as
guest off the a
iteresting and zi4eti
Lions si most iT Egiqa�Aiilli. he weimy
aty V. F
inativ discourse on "Bow -of tbe ' Younj � People's Soci
illustrating t
he same with personal mov t
'Robt. Rej4` tS, �',
ay, February IsL ille, Uinted'Chtirch, t6ok placi�ou I f Dr. Berry. Wednesd. Providence a .,pn a -are goes athe
Paumbfimg =6 Heating -h werf, highly in- —The Honie and. School Association
ORTH experiences w-14 Th Jn&h�r Monday 'iiight, with 'Mr.' Aanald
thOPe -:0n44*vo
and pituiv, and,
SHAIF structive. This most successful and will hold an evening. meetin eat
fe.6ting -0 rt; JJX
a] 9111 OMS
Oge with the Lione R4Dar
?U90N19 29 g in tho a town Rgivike; 44 T-Presi&nt, iii: t! I ie At aftm 6;,r t e
-puts on a -brought to 2 Collegiate IT, After 1&- fiist istitute-mext W,46ldnesil6y: el and the February ut, singing of the Nation Frivik CasI6 ri�dd rat pArVof !A
7 " ; , 14 , Iftfij er o
cripture, leskoh, 'aud,,Mlss M, IWQ-.
Engineering -of the DePartmaut 'S'' this' WLeWol tfie'44WIM 'a bar-' 60 e
Health of. Ont give anuld
ijoyable meeting was at 8.-.P.m�- :1)0_13ofm
al - Anthem. Direetor of the Division of .. 'i the: fi a
ario,' ry lace �the second pa R
4 gave �,A very intericiatir d%flk" And witl Reinke
rain Comingl;—The trated lecture on
'1What Differ� u pter T Demonstration T an inspirational -talk on, the-'I'Dyftamie
on other biects.
euch suill
Seafarth Agricultural Society has just School Sanitation" and "Refusire461- WQrd" wiffi
been advised that the Ontario GeV 0 , "'L ��
ence Does Rea&,*- The public is invitea. ind ng the Bible 'Mak#."
ernment Seed Cleaning Demonstration . 1- . hig ar, Saturda of"Jast W re
the Association extends a Speela 'eWtla4j� f',Bo6ks: of. the Bible,"
9, A poem 'N`O`rtfia'd'e
an Mcinday, b;k,,
Tr2in will be in $eaforth i
vitation to all milk dealargiiithe was theu� read.y .: Chesney.. Nr� J. 'WAct "in 4110 ttfalhi yf
February 27th. Wilt
Farmers anti others
Vicinity to Come ande take parl; M the, sg66
wishing seed gram or clover seed Wilkinson. read, an article, -based, on
S A, silver colleotion will b how the .1our ge,
a b1limtor. kk
cleaned mu train not later discussion. he tal�ic, e;cp1aWfig 0 a ;Xowal Gespels V JJ
isEi Al -b 7th V
one taken. iksed;- 3r iee�
than 9 a.m., and the limit for any. DENNY
M e �non
Th*�.Ahen -read- a_�p:)em.entitled,� JMuiun&_-_,Waq ,.person. is 30 bushels. Expert axid adim d.
vigor. was un
Prospec tx, yzisjieetive millionaire, 4,My Bible. *s, Sadie -HowAt viak
agriculturists, will -deliver "days" ajo+ -he-, a about Me, aheJ1'6)f'T_fiuf6Aay last Atte*11n# prwtical after taliiiig a licking from the Dig pianist "d -was accompanied by Mr. 'ler'
ec4tl6n, Ofh
answer all %ulestions in iDeath of Mrs. George Fowler-- dwighter4
addresses and bi*ege back with a chauffer Bob T3itdall: on',.the saxophqne work tA
16- th seed and d mon- Word was received here this week by MtYi thin dime to run Mr. Zdwin -Chesney on It im stea *is regard to clean e a Of Mr. George, friend an a t L __ . - the violip.-_ Allivr. Of 'StkA�
stration on the different kinds of seed rel tives. of the death I '" life -time incentive Duing. - in etmission, groups era ,his duties again: 0 �e
: machines will be given. Dakota Which smack 'ftto'a real,
g This Fowler, of AR1614 nelt door. forrned:4nd a 'fPeny' Contest!' toA En 91
Fargo, North London 14 � -in, 41
ty occurred on January 23rd - (P
train -will not return to this vichn' isis, FiIW
within t14 sun. is tU Cr
h t4 her hbihe, h6re.-after
for some years, and everY' -PeT§6n in- ler was, -In her 78th year and had been Here's a tingling, joyous game of plam,' The'winning group was that *ceftrod, hir. A ion, in, 'YOUR, M -RATS? of Edwin i3hesney. , -,Following the in. early edue C '' -a VJait_:fij Bootft OVV
the in poor health for terested should take advantage of some rune. Zhe wit, witji_� !hs clO ol, and canW
e Francis termlision, the minutes were reid y
of the lat '�u
You,want nbt much meat, but opportunity. was a daughter corn on,a.6b lad of 1.7 it IM. He*As 1@ Ne� gained
extra good meat. We believe we Fowler, of Harpurhey, and a sister Of the Secretary, -Miss L. McMA-lan. Af- tk t R B. Xorphy, undiei-Au" 4i y req of the 11tiron Read ter deciding -to have a dbate n the inSiL ght into the donini6jiL l&j.Lit of. er
can fill most an Uirement Mr. Joseph Fowler, Francis Fowler, 'NOW PLAYING near future, the meeting- closed
Our Meats are Fresh, Juicy aud and of the late Miss was lkter:;jAbh lAn', �i al� McKiHop Home Helpers. The ffie Miz�ab r4 'bf ar'
with a ji�,mn, and I enc - ti . ce,
6�iarga a"ohaficery pra lion"..
Tmder, rig dit' In'the 4aw A iWi
�:gt the ht prices. All onthly meeting of the McK.illop of Se,,th, Some fifty years ago
ze ask is that you ry us for m Mr. diction. - Miss Jean Smith 15111 ii r,day, she was united in marriag,6 to
Rome Helpers was held on Tht ince then had a the n6xi
quality. of George Fowler and a �thir Walkhi, P d"T A
January 19th, in the school room aft
led fk6*
a"din' iMl .weeks ig4t
11, Presbyterian Church. On ae. been a resident of Dakota. She is wng_� � er
D'H. count of the unfavorable weather, few survived by her husband, one daught copetitor for, fifstplace.
If d five ons. Open thi'mra'day;� Friday and Saturday Annual Meetin of the., United... Ora. and SSAFORTH were present. Mrs. R. Govenlock pre- all 9 fth hbli' pra ice
EDIKONE 58 f, to' March Ist. Chiarch.-4& very, large number Toronto 'With 4me
ded and led, in the opening prayer. tended the anual meeting of North,
sted, eiitli6fW:�lofi
MIrs. RobertScott gave -a vry helpi Side Uuited�Chureh, held,vn Mohda�,,
Doing—Un -'Hall,. nful Bible reading. Mrs. Wm_ Drover Hearing. And der this Y., I%96��', a
evening, January 23rdt in the Sunda
fead very in- heading there appeared in the Febru-
school , room. Devotional exercises tes.—Mr. -Aoi
teresting papers on Missionary work. ary number,of The Homiletic Reviei�, deceased was albotherolthel4to F� Xt Al Were conu 'tecelifly I nstalle Mrs. J. M. Govenlock read the Wad a sermon written by Rev. F, 11. Lar- atid by the pjist4r, Rey
HO r W. P. Lane, who also presided orVor his 'home.,The 1
Tidings prayer. The' meeting closed kin, D.D., of Seaforth, of which the inga.L BY - d. ' niug's proceed UWta Ohtl)Al ni6t,-dn
said: the eve 'isinoon of this4eek,,a,,t,the h
with repeating the lord's PIrayer in editor of the magazine
N OTICE DAN C rangemet of the General: 0butle11
woof, of what the United. Churell ofCanadai ther end lir4 M14. Ve'
unison, after which a delicious lunch sermon -we havd read several OWes.
was served. It contains evidence, v St, paul.� 'MfilnsSOta,� is
otter aof the church. yea,has be6n.:eh=g*d aild11i
j"week'at'th,& h of'hi$ mother;' athe author said in his covering 1 4 ' ' ILI,
------ frow -the 31st oT Mdreh-to the 31Af F 3 concerning his prolonged- contemOL- Mrs.. A Ste:wi
The Indusmal W-Ortgage and rmof Decemb _,This -midene that thb h
Ballbarsr Kirkman AusiliaryThe -tiOn of the subject: I ept asking !7 e montf o
'VI. Clob P riports,giveh are for pin''
mof SwWr�o She discourse is packed 46haSed
ihe various
ftrat me�ting of the Year of the Bar.' only. As fty'. ari,�,
myself." the reports of
ontzrlo� boo y, and well4on-
il�a V6
ili�ry of First Pre- witli thought, weight�
organizatiops, were d satls�' thom4s o a Join Ue'
bara Kirkman Au
siOred eXPressiOlL It is -worthy of faft� whh� ex�,
0250,#90 TO IGAZ byteriall, church was held eve- 1%-v b
'o. It way be SeAFC T H factory *as- ieva- g in the schoolroom with Mrs. H. J. Stu( grand yt6 e sninj
ie -and, iss Edith explained that The Homiletic ir. an reiier Orchestra as Secretary,, meeti g ine a I0M vol farm IMLO, at =602- Gibson pretiding, sef4koitV4) P. tio, and Ll Ari International magazine of Re- The
tv- u-1 -mon& p rio4 The aft 72te(J. e, Di i IMLLFRS hYmA, by br� the "FOR jpiL,�
q Theology and, Philosophy, MM11-IGHT AAV bt G
owed dig.h
pened with a full aftloAnt- 0 un
)r " uni: a unIon Mlsfj whiel
n UM.� L is published -ho in. New Vark and unt* of 9hort Cotu�se Midnteto*0 xteMaii t . 'l )W
JU recognMo '01 his L at6re '6'
,prayer by Miss Jennie Steele.
�land, and a- I A, s, Gretts ROW read the Scripture lesson London, Eng 9d thd itteri
-The W.M.S. Was Agriculture and reach�d�. Th. minut;ea of DrJArkill'
from the 103rd P 1EOhi6-Eb6U0mie0 (Sdd- Busters forwar4ed. b
sid over and of lfwg meeting were read ag
M04T E==8= proved and business dizctwe-d- Mi -be-Ing ralsed, Tho LUM
Rssie And. Ella Elder rendered a, 0V4V duet. 1-tiv 6,
Miss S. 1. McLean ga" 1,00 per, tb.'*
VY a ?bill motZgWo . !�' sAd, L .218 SPIRV id
es2g.-TOW0 V 1.
5rt d'lt'ho ]�"Tnatio=l evenint last -week the ftW17 installed
-Odd Fdl-
Fideiity- Dodp of 8M
0,,Aor �1
Of Bvucefid4j a
tit4d in Dagroit in �Ianu&27. lt)Vft wero insalled Thu
'hie' ft6vV19ma, T,
09-_g V,
V 'md his %at& MM004ldl,
points q0 the Idea Of 20algi Vhil _ded t4 601VO. are,, Kole- VG, dinp
rbad tke ba n; It Gold -
and all ZDFORIM; ue '44
LA 9
SUM de, JU*' IM Xy MOP" �4. fR