The Huron Expositor, 1928-01-27, Page 6L Ali
u),,, L 751on. Xr, Kur�ay- suS. tt0a'� is -way MAY, unsettlers located up- apd. new me. WA19A.. they do coA arms te e, r Tarigible, usof the two-day `6 ' ' L "A.0hr ano are gone., and other oMials of the Provincial OW7 Zu, 00e �'n a city conference held by the stAffs. a th aepartmet of Agriculture mig�ht a tFP Rj I I '. . ,� �r � leto Pmviueial and Federal Department�� ender beinficial service to the new- AO co f, beiuty linTer it 00 of Agriculture t Fr4derktou recent- e 'hick would prove A valuat'le perA one,'trpd, en un(Te t1a Omer�� w ly, to discuss raeaw for putting'agri "M, +.Iqi n PIS et Al things W -idition to the after-care provided by fe Such is lffe� I lien o culture in New Brunswick on the best -the mrvivial �of * Q- the "a are eize the poppy, aud'go box �qf Dodd,* 3r, aiy. elig%egeeAt. We s the Federal Government org4niza- , , , 0 possible basis, are indicated in the tions. sbloo b, sheds-i-Ahe fresh. eg I& Before I bad A ota 7 r4 a in loses, lts� hick when yoil ha0 it for adoption of now policies which ars,_ free a day only, a Senatorship back -war, etter. Ffam. zkow 111 Miic, Etc. :--,ummarized as follows: box of T�,oddls Zidney P1 SeafOrthe 011t Establishment of at least one calf 1 find they hqlp m 11fet4me,,goverFnm,6nts stai to sy 1,owse. cluh in each county as the foundation B-PRODUCtS OF tj;13 FARM A the seats,ec6ma� warm. fully.'? the mof . ��A
4Uj �-:M; , ". In& in of the pro- hav S. HAY&- duction quality dairy animals. for community breediag f high pro- A very large proportio I have the best of authority that, Thereason, Dodd's Kidney"Pi a u caet, catch a bir by putting split c,Qrne :to occupy gueb, a _-day in industy comes yo ter, Solicitor, Conveyancer Creation of a Provincial Seed Board fits made tQ on Its tp I 1. ,11 and there are no.bags of place In the li�qme is th, so Many t Public. Solicitor for the and the placing of farmers in touch from the use of material that was -Ahe. end of the rainbow. ii -416k. 48, 11!s, rdina_ry everyday ills cox e from -U14pn Ban pure gold at., 6 k. Office in rear og the with sources fTora which seed formerly thrown away -as waste. That Bad Ufal, kidneys. ea art or B trde, for example, of only the very yquitig ppd,lthe V biWou Bank, Seaforth. Money to may be most Advantageously obtain- is cOnsPicuOu lY Rheumatism, urinary troubles, 'Old spbalt the packing business, where the in- Vale ed. ache4� land: -heart AlseasA can. be tra get something salable out of every Three new Senators have b een Extension crearn routes to br in ir directly or 1 d
ing dusty -has learned, so it is said, to cad GlasgQw RW414i,
T j4oahealth the kid.. ali more, cream to existing creameries. im, the O e suTed,ol Servien through district re part of the pig except hiB squeal. It poin This leaves only s as
present;F eall o much to get t Iney's must be ke�t In �ood' working y to is true also of the coal business; a thin IjUe,.,ata ading between a Tlry,pAd 3prinisters, Solicitors, Conveyan- tives and all officials of the Provincial order,all the U1114 - Waft in ksisi;6 and repentat Holly. _Tornut�n 0see Departmert of Agriculture for immi- hundred beautiful dyes and no one a Liberal deadlock in the Upper Ttodd!a Xidney Pills -can be ob,tained *O`6d--F—JA7n6s J- Monague, in New �a,ond Notaries Public, Etc. t4e , Edge Building, Opposite The grants and new settlers upon* farms knows ,how many medicinal prepara- Chamber - If those ,with ambitious fr 3W*Us1tQrr Oace. in the proVince.' tilons re derived -from the coal tar car' work it o -at, the task is easy. 'erywlere, The York HeFsld� ]Dodd's U4 Ltd,, 'Parliamentary T&rOnto 2, to Vx.' Establishment of community orc-h� that was once thought valueless. In- Take a copy of -the Ont. tot W tina.,joul rd clubs to provide centralized ship- dustrial chemistry is the witch that is Gui&--41gureut the average age of the fi rvice ID.
-chard nit everywhere 'pr9ducing gold from the those who hold the -Senatorial- lovieliervord than the Dean - o
of V =3RUDTAUg,7 _Mr. BE. willialig nping 'and oi Be for fr basest and most unpromising mater- and Fwezr, the togs of the Mighty, SOIL growers. ean[ n JOET4 GEMM V.& Summer demonstration& for each ial. Now the chemists tell us that then take a statistical table, - giving sion that numbers, alo e by d thA size measures the' Etenor graduate of Ontario VetGrin-, poultry club, continuing the present they can show the armers hoW to the mor. lity rates and a litle tion an 027 College. All diseases of domestic bonus system for cockerels, recogni- coin money out of the- stubble that a simple matter of arith- pacity of a man. ixf free raide asb6lieve Bug, And- is the only civilized COU4- W
animals treated. Calls promptly st- tion for highest standiiig members of they burn up every fall as a meze metic one may determin6 how many the mul# Mr. try igere you oin'-hear. educated Oc- each poultry club and issuing of gs all around, one may Snowde4, �zuded to and charges moderate. Vet a encumbranee to their fields. die; In.'41n year, when the tide will Taking thin ple: dficlariig that, 0* Im ty. Office t rarluaz,7 Dentistry a special new bulletin on poulfiy housing suit- It is estimated that in thoe, states turn,. and with more o lose- definite- enture the suggestion -that what. aout: it4rature, and carp less. and,residence on. Goderich Street, one of the corn belt alone two hundred change of entering in at Parmanient needs this Session is more able for maritime conditions. W. B. mamwell. door east of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea- Adoption of a system of uniform million tons of corn stalks and twen- the straight gate Divide the thought. --less paq�ion; more willing. young, gs I CIO ot hink-, the. averA94 Jo
gore. record books to -be used by the secre- ty million tons of corn oobs' are result'6j two to make allow-mnee for nss to get to the�bottom. of thin n he and less strivi i4ak of twenty-one ca aver ta'ries and treasurers of all ag-Ticul- thrown away or destroyed by fire. Party. changes --eliminate , yourself q'a point. We In R
age Wlorld an of his own age, ihat ely' yet beeta
tural societies. Yet this "wastell material ban be entirely if you are a Progressive. Only may get it oo. . Speeches. are to, be young wom A. & CAN ?BRLI� V.S. �stupider than, he�Sir W Joyn- born.-Ati Snowden Graduate of Ontario Veter,fa&ry The report of the Live Stock Coin- made by chemical. processes into all members of the two old political'par- shortened and with., less timi� spent slie i� CoMge, 'University of Toronto. All mittee, wich forecast marked exten- sorts of comaAerbial producLs—syrup ties �are. ever permitted to enter the in speedhes, there may be more left G,
of domestic animals tree WS sion of activities in club work, re - paper and artificial" silk, t6 mentig Scarlet Chambeir. for thought. iv- only a few of them. One enthusi- commended that authorization be g onder. This—A rune is a plufiz
en for 40 swine clubs and 23 calf astic chemist declares that if all the The iinema,; is :i great haler of with the water dried out of it. 'Ie in Ost modern 9rincip, P
�es reas ble. D y or lug t ended clubs for 11�28,'with provision fo -a process Office on r waste of the Western cornfields could
pr� Our National responsibillities grow. CURRENT WIT ANf) WISDOM matirlin nial disturbances.—Mr. J. A. qan put the water ack:by
ca mptly t i 7 WE "t, Uensall, p .8 ta o such changes in numbers as conditions be collected and reclaimed it would 2. Cairns., We are to have an Amb,assador to 'Phone 416. developing may justify. e th HalL add $1,500,0400,000 to the valu However agreeale to the possessor, plum again—alwayA a prune. �There'z of e France. France will send one here. Regarding the new policy of com- cro ; a surn by no means to be sneez- p t of Mr. the superiority complex makes a man Thls�. follows the appointimen a lesson here, sure enough�Szujt y munity reeding of cattle, the Uve ed at—pretty nearly as much as the M I an exasperating neighbor. Dean Ste. Marie Star. assey'last year to the United States. Child Poverty is the Orly sort of
itself is worth. This may be an Stock Committee recommended, that corn r Inge. d more than, likely that simila nverty that matters.—Mr. Bernard DR. W-C.SPROAT further study be given the matter, extravagant estimate, and there are action will be taken ith Japan. On Sbaw. with consideration given to the pos- obvious difficulties in the way of get- uate of Faculty of Medic grounds of race friendship we, are of The influence of kings seems to b6- Grad Ine, ri Lon- -i-hility of modifying the bull bonus. ting all the cornstalks rn 'University of W course"Viore closely related to France ti
policy to further this idea. The coin- of the Wiest to market; but it ma The general average of intelligence constan y on the wane except -when Member of bllege of Physic- there 'are four of them in a pokqr M.P's is higher now"' than it Th
y than., are to Japan. It was only among ans and ,,. Vof Office ni-ittee suggested also that, 'in th- point, the way to one means of in- e governments now ruling in
21 , natural that France should- come was when I first entered the House.— gameThe.Baltimore Evening Suin.
again St., placing of calves in calf clubs the idea cresing very substantially the 6ash most western countries were formed �u Alberhart's Drug Store, I
first: but our Pacific relationshi'09 are Vi -count Ullswater, of community breeding be kept in possibilities of our farm crops. s 'Inder the fear of Bolshevism.—Gil-. Seaforth. Phone SO. of -growing importance. Canada's -day is a busi- mind. The importance of placing Since the farmer to Vkrestern doorway should not be, for- bert Murray. oTily calves of one breed or grades ness man, engaced in a real commer- The self-made man, is one of t�%a B
gotten. It is only a few years since of that breed with any one club, and cial industry, he may well consid-r most'deplorable creations of civiliza-F
DEL P. R. DOUGALL Lyrain started moving outward by the A writer contends that "the modern tl�.,lat these calves be from high pro- whiether he cannot apply some of the tiov.—Sir Herbert Morgan. Pkc�fic route. Before the war, Van- girPs cheek is disgusting:*' But aw- A lot of elderlv women to -day are Honour graduate of Faculty of ducing cows, was emphasized. principles of economy and frugality cuver fully inviting. IAverpool Wee y unning around like chickens with i and Master of Science, Uni- c
edielzic In connection ith the expansion of that have made other industries pro- had a magnificent harbor, but �kl her shipping w venity of Western Ontario, London. as negliAble.- To -day P`Ost- Even after everything has their hair cut off.—Jud 11 the establishment of calf clubs as a fitable. 51 It is -one of Canada's great seaports. Beats Our Average; Too The Memer of College of Physicians and foundation for community breeding be -en done that tariffs and -govern- 4 W
urgeons of Ontario. Office, 2 doors of high production quality animals, inent aid can do, it may turn out thaL it seems hard to make the East re- Montreal Trairiways Co. have receiv- ize this fact, but it must be driven ed two. dollars as conscious money. cast cif post office. Phone 56, Hensall, Hon. Levri 'Smith, Minister of,Ag-ri- the real profits of farming as of met t Too many people would sooner lbor- This guy mustave a cloak of invisi, s al Skirts may be4orri longer�iut no Ontario. 3004-tf home. There are two front doors to at thepresent rate of shrinkage, more -,ow trouble -than pay pack the monoy bility or something to have been hble culture, stated that it was proposed packing nd of coke production will L
to purchase calves from high Dioduc- lie in the use and sale of the by -pr this, the Pacific seems 9h,in a few months longer.—Araindon they owell—Glasgow Herald. country and
-BRADY 0- destined. to he as important as the Sun. -two free rides. The
DR. A. NEWTON in toF.get,, thirty
Baygield. g dams. A portion of these will be ducts- No doubt our agricultural col- Atl�whlc from the standpoint of Na- B
most we can manage -at two s iibo high -grads nd the rest will be pure ILg- can help and are ready to help Graduate Dublin University, Ere- tional �c7e-lbpment and National ar.--iXontreal Herald. ye breds. The Provincial Department of the farmer in working out the means land. I#ate Extern Assistant Master Agriculture will assume a portion of of making his stubble fields coin A fellow will give au�thing to thi and -e into power in We'll sav this for the weather man; girl he Jav!". That is, if it dosen't Rotemda Hospital for Women - Ii fi iLrier cam residence oey for him. The thing will not ' 'bl at the cost Of the purchase of the ani- ir he nev�ei ames it on-,ththe reporter cost - tD6�anuch�--Blue Dragon. mals selected, the Minister said, and hbppen overnight, but we beli Sq6 our OxDorts to Japan totalled The Dayls Sad.Th6ught—Alas, it ir. eve it Lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. $8,148!,00, in 191:4, the total - was v�b&? he mAep a bad reak.—Hamil- the policy will -be to make purchases can be done and eventually -will b- wan's fate to keep on, growing -older,, 9 to 10 a.m., to 7- P.M; within the province so far as possible. done. $1,587,000,—that was the high water ton Herald. long after he is old enough—St. Johit I to a P.M. 66-216 mark that - time. Last year the 28 Among the duties f the Provincial W-6aring- cast-off clo is no Tixneg-Globe. total went over $34,6-00,000.00. The h studying of worse 'than. using decisions that have DR. F. J. BURROWS e with China has been on a beliefs -'down, Office and residence Goderich varieties as to their suitability, fol. WHOLE MILK VS. SKIM MILK. ;iinilar soa By ridiculing the religious of been handed, —Manitoba Fre6 Street, le. With the other mem- ea- other people you invite ridicule Of Press. As an artist I start with't- e idea aast of the Methodist church, S lifferent parts of the province and AND SUBSTITUTES FOR CALVESS, ')efs of the Comonwe�alth, Australia your own.—Th king of Afghanistan. h forth.. Phone 46. Coroner for the the rec6mineindation Of varieties elig- that may is right and the wot1d is Calves Must Be Well Started -.—It -,;:d New Zealand. the development County of Huron. iHe for registration under the Canad- is a. .well known fact that the vepy has also been rapi&—true, the Pacific right, and work is to be regarded-�as !an Seed Growers, Association rules t bes "possibl -itart must be given o Coast is coming into its own. "At cards I win -one day and loose play—M., Eric Gil]. IDR. C. DIACKA7 to act as a'connecting link -between By 1932, at- the present rate of in I why don't you the youngsters. To secure inform any jealousy so i�he next." "Wel play c ea C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- the Dominion and lProvincial Depart- -er da,Y9'�—Manchegter Even- tion on'the cost of rearing cal-�es, a far as the - East -is concerned. This I Be everybody in America will 'b d every oth -in their efforts to further the -re rverty �ty University, apd gold medallist 0 ments feeding experiment was conducted. cOuntry is o6 big for that. The beyond the ch of p6 —Mr. ing News. Trinity Medical �College; member of -production of good seed: act to studv - V a does Hoover. the College f Physicians and Sur- the problem5 in. connection with th� with 38 calves at the Cap RouiTe owth of one section of Canad M
periffiental Statioin. not hinder, it belps the other. There geons of Ontario. pr6duaion of clover. The SeedCom- - 4- - nference approved Experiment.—The project consisted ,,u-zt be the fullst recognition of the mittee of the Go I do �not believe there is a single E
the holding of Springi fairs at Monc- ir. feeding*three lots of cal a
DR. !4, HUGE ROSS ves onl.dif, eeds of the Pacific- Co. at in every A fool and his money keep lots of living poet who can live by his poetry Graduate Toronto -ton and Bathurst, and recommeiee ferient feeds u'nttil they -were twentyz future session of the Cafiadian Par- people from being lionest.—The Grand —Mr. Humbert Wolfe. four Weeks old. One lot received Faculty of Medfieine, member'df Col- that the Provincial Government assist liament. Every effo# should be made Rapids Press. whole milk-, the second, skim milk to: cultivate -good- will with the Nations lege of Physicians and Surgeons of those desiring to do'tile underdram- and a home -mixed meal consisting of ture depen4 on Qnkirlo; pass graduate courses in ing by meeting one-half of the freight C1deago Clinical School'of Chicago ; charges O" parts corn, three parts oats it�an Ambassador to Japan is a good six -All life is a lottery. No act of, n carlot purchases of drain one TI -ere at would happen if a Parliament - touches the atest,lot-, Royal Ohthalmic Hospital, London, tiles. and a half part flax. seed, by weight, is wo for him to do. Wonder wh
b gether; the third lot r6- ortanee. man returned gre
fflnglan&', University �Hospital, Lon- T e Coin aAl ground to It' is work -of, vast.1p, a bill and wrote, "I do tcry of all.—Mr. Justice KcCardle.
mittee on Agricultural go- ceived Royal Purple calf meal, a well Tiot choose to pay this."-96atford donj England, OMce—Baek ol Do- cieties recommended that each dis-. know -ft commercial - article. B�sides Beacon -Herald. aniWon Bauk,- $eafaith- - Phone No. 5. t rict representative Night calls answered -from residence, of the Depart- these feeds, the youngsters bad ali Mr. Amfery, Secretary. of State for A reader writes. in and wants to ment of Agriculture be made a mem- the clover hay, Swede tu Dominion Affairs, is in Canada. Irmi- Victoria Street, -Seafortb. rnips and' ter ex -officio, -without voting power, corn silage which they w know if Thmas,Jeffersn, was mar-, ould clean gration, the great task of Canada and By doing nothing, we soon learn to riled wheif he wroti' the Declaration DR. -X. A. MUNN Agricultural Society in the district. pe o' the Board of Directors of each up. The feed, both liquid and solid, the Ernpire_is under discussion. The do mischief.—Los Angeles- Examiner. of Inde -ndence. udge. saccessor to Dr. 9. R. Rego was weighed to the last pound, and proper distribution of the world's pop- Graduhte of Northwestern Universl The committee also favored the regu- the cal-ves were put on the scales at ulation is quite. aask. People do not If HE lation under which district represent- birth, at four, eight, twelv, sixteen, flow naturally -to the- cepAres which Ity, Chicago, 111. Licentiate Royal atives would have authority to P` twenty, and twenty-four weeks. A device is being sought to mea- A modern girl might blush at some College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. most need population. The "3,00f) -e books of the societies in Results.—Calculating feeds at cur- sure the density of smoke, How of the things she hears, only it- is Office over Sille, Hardwre, Main St., arnine th
their districts. family scheme" by which GTeat Bri- Seaforth. Phone 151. I rent prices of the summer of 1925 tain loanedmoney. to certain families With regard to horticulture and (whole milk, $2; skim milk, 20 cents; to enable them -to start in Q�nada, apiary work the committee -he P J. BECE1917 of t wyal Purple meal, $5; home-mixd will prababl be extended. These ental Graduate Royal College of D conference recommended that he meal, $2.17, other concentrates, $1.72 families receive certain aid by way Iforticultural Division send a circu- per 100 pounds; clover hay, $9; corn of transportation -and the Dominion Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main Street, Sea. lar news letter monthly in Spring, silage, $3; Sw4ede turnips, $1.80 per Go,'vernment gives them supervislion -forth. Phones: Office, IL85W.; resi- 'Summer and Fall to the District Re- trn) it cost for feed, until the calves, -to enable them to get started proper- ence, 185 J. 8055 -ti presentatives and'othek meml5ers of were twenty-four weeks old, an av- ly in the new conditions in which they the Department, and also to field of- erage� of $49.03 for each one raised find The prospects of se- ficers in New Brunswick of the Do AUCTIONEERS on while milk, while the figures were curing settlers -for Canada are improv- Fminion Department of Agriculture, respectively $15.99 for each fed on ing. For one thizig, the general ClAii., giving items of geneTal and specific the Royal Purple meal, and $12.53 adian financiosituation is bette-r than
THOMAS BR07M interests concerning prospects and de- for. each fed on the home -mixed rneai. it was. The, greatest factor in get- cemed auctioneer for the countiec velopment Of the honey and fruit The cast per pound of gain was s6ltUers, is the man rwho crops, market outlook and prices, etc, spectively 20.7 cents for while milk writes back home -and sends a photo ting new re
ax uron and Perth. Correspondence A The Committee on Crearneries an(' 7.4 cents for Royal Purple meal, and' f of his new place of abode. Then wilth or sale aates can De Cheese Factories expTesqed the opin- calling The Expositor 0171ce .,r that there are sufficient creamer- .26 for horne-mixed meal. improved conditions in the old land, moderate, 8na !,, Pie Charges suggestions—Wbole milk after the the people 'Are onte mo-ke re, as on es in New Brunswick at present to gainng guaranteed. first two or three weeks is complete- their spirits 'of push and enterprise. take-, care of all the cream produ ced. ly out of the question, from 'the point Pio ablisbment m However, they urged est has not gone fro of view of economy, as a feed for the neeringszeal 00CAIR, IKLOPP of Great Britain—it will NZ- The Opinion calves, and a good home -mixed meal Carey Jfte�Al w of 'ne cream routes. people that'theTl� were also sufficent cheese i revive. The post-war depression was dofial Seh6ol df Audioneering, Chi- just as satisfactory and cheaper mental a., -well as finane -jai. For he 9 Special e `V tories in the provinceas alsa ex-- than Royal Purple Meal. moment, it- vhecked enterprise, but ourse zken in Pare--ao presged. Personal contact of the Live � Stock, ]Meal Estate, Ner- ------------ Sal6s. Ri a it Dairy Superintendent and District new spirit -will arfse in the British ts
VAth Marlmt. Sat- HeVre gentatives with the prodneeTs le and h,eir colonizing mal will return. owag suggested as likely to dd much k�u to eliminate dissatisfaction arising M66r, mov, Zurich, ont. P= 2060-52 t6r. , FA, the Hert 10, is there great need for tre- over butterfat +ests at cheese fav o mendous haste tipon � our part, We ie3 and c-.-cameries, are making 4 fair ineagure of pro- Last year there were seven poultry Gas Pressure frq�li . . . . . . a gour, Acid, gress. Everf,little while, someone clubs in the PrOvinee, and it Is aitned Upset Stometh is not only highly un- `*11s of the'vont developthent taldat OQ aMet�ondtr gar VIS 004 UL wtv tq increase thi a number to twenty- comfortable, i,but some day may -prove place in At�stftlla, -and the Work that 6' attOgddd, tb= aH one. Reports pres'ented during the fatal! country is,.dolug in-securing-'Immi- VOft=' 02T- confer&te showed baween 'is,000 When your meals are folldWdd by grants. eta hardly veft the SnskafthO- and 10,000 day�bld chicla; had been bloating, a feeling of fulness and painq optiMiStic wwo, Metal fi urea dati- �gbippred out 'of Mew 15runsick thh; around the Hart ---you may be sure mate ap- yeariF The- Poultry Committee re. that STOMACH GAS is pus nhitg and proximately 6 yftr, This� comralauded eoiltinuing.'the present crowding, upwards. Tbat's the r4gon iVCIUdeg fncr`01t9e At *911 ds boag system oi% eocWrels. for the shortness of breath and sharp, granits, ,,I AeW settliinb�iit shooting phfivs. accounted ft 2 21"000 or less' -at viltutat To qtliekly bitnish this� 04s, n,eutra�� than A 4M01W alid F*deMl Governinmts lize the (acidit and eleanse and gweet_ ;d b Nbi� I 'A Mutriv, CoftunipgfoI14�r tb,t tte tilyipf( 1kilft"d Map,4 I OnPlAfted tO t5e is battaT aFvasid g ta-reg ft M Um 20 7� 6; 0� fit Ttatg nao� Ubdd' Wgid Ma! thlo, ndtr 160 ark MA6. 11 'A n1#2fit" relIit CA av an, Wd im Aa� p,*d, l