HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-01-06, Page 7XN woo- Alp IW T zng-,40#� You yOU be ItVlftig, JOW W V01W 10. t4 0 V hi ou oShe *t b1ludly%16rU Thi* w' y a D U 1P pe he And ane it11 'a st us int Rr4ct, ith i �qp eves dren df the ch�g, ss0 him-, a, yo-pul of TAin not fte him'.- M &X -Yes"fQl er—a hs 116 be;A to a a 7 i4W, nd *e ;thIng. ut IV also, iised to be. rea, her Taan& IV's organs'.in a hpdth� condition ViI hiJ3 d )op So 'at this gam; my fvland� Boone swung abruptly Melissy, sit Q russet and gold" Melissy found Roqkrlo:*,� f -u14 �e- stomoclf apoI digestivc, sa 9 yp �ft f whits- ZA4 ot P " , , 11 ha, at go UqOr' n alve�_thos: tere 40 W Vr promo ing d building afir and grace. R% too,'vao' room:_that ha4[ BOwe- Wreir. a the l3ow, oeome YOU- hare Tell lnlos.t to *Oman, The up stkenoFt gi mei" honor gth" 'But ust now She, Own I iThe fin I -6 e d niin.o ry ey wu 5 eafortb. so yj wx h And in'thves sentsnc:4 ex- oil c9ntain.W in ANGaERIS h6ld his bear ollow of her glances oi,4arm �1 inake sure" ',4* inued from Igs tightly clegiched little fist. Good men were alone, eral seristic.0% Mel sy,that "Wha's your ar46t MUMHON izp �;crts a sood ing laxa,", hi an a i fty: for 4id tive action L,4 ,the bowels d b d ,,� bottom we are an made "His Here is in a normal,.he tk hit -resista (led of ,MacQueen. n 41' y condition so ,ad I Destroy it. Swear not Q h nee. The1YOU bring b6r?" the Arkansan de- f, the same stuff, once we are down Re t. t BEST HS _t er -Barristers, Solie I ;A 'prompt recovery. ey0s."find man to the primal emotio s --that go deep- betray Rosario necessary 'hat he m6aut what I BY M(ao,' told heit The latter stood balanced on his er -than civilization's veneer. B.v the light of ai 'matich Mells MRS lb-MULSION rams been I -that-' she -III de beels *ith -his feet wide apart. There read: no., outery" that -she did not shed tears W-3§ -a scornful grin on his face, but 2;ecan�dW and prescribed by AKG "Behind the ig rocks. In' half an A gallant .Spirl' -�rty-fave CHAPTI&E VII hour. or. plead wiitk- hi t his eyes -were fixed warily on the 24'Ma fog, oveir th and other man. inhabited that slim, girli�h ody; to "What was I to do -with her, . Mr. "A FRIEZSTD."� YMT4. pleasamt to t8fte. "I have "rRAPPED111 Liiet' dignity.- This iiurprised him Buttinski? She found 6utwha-1 was., W JOHN GRIEVE, V.S. stung hs reluctant ?,''If 1:d1d ho 9 Prescribing Angierlq greatly, and reitte What could it mean? %o could ad- Could I send her hoMe Black MacQueen rolled a ciga time, it set was I to fix it so I could go, to Mesa Em0sibrz for #1-7 roars wit d sauntered toward the other out- hav* -sent it? Rosario would answer :06norgraduate of Ontario Veterin- mi -ration. At the,,same an All diseAkes qf domestic her apart from him' -and 7hen it's -necessary e- get this (Signed.)—M.D. law. no quest -ions. She snatched the note, hedged her 'A anX111124 13 al "I reckon you better %addle up and treated.. 'Cills pioniPtlY ar- with sipiritu 'l:larrioers. Her body ransom u:lrn�ss, arr. torti it into fi�a nts, chewed them "All t�andedl tiD and cha)rgoig, moderate. Vat might ride with him into captivity; -take a look over the Flattops, Dune. into a pulp. Then, still shaking"'ligr 'k� file ine I'll to hav e Be must head obstinately, hurriedly left the _y Dentistry'a Bpecialty., Office she was still captain of her soul. she.'s nd of in at e � " -,. � ; 'Th way I figure it Lee's pos But ybu understand hurt," ANGIER be somewhere over there. Swing a- room.' g�nd i6ildence, on Goderich Street, one "You're a game one," he told her-, her door -east of Offic-e, Sea- as he helped her to the saddle "Oh 'go to the devil! F round toward the Elkho get But -at least it meant hope. Her rnis and n oked- the back fo report by to -morrow evening, mind flew from her father to Jack She did not answer, but lo: habit of hurting'Young 111adi -horSecr, MitcQueen swung on his he'�l ino- LS t say," Flatray, Bellamy, young Yarnell. It traightforward bet�.een, her t be any of them. Or it might iting for lently and knocked on tfie door of a Boone looked at him in an ugly igh ea 12. CAUPBELL, V.S. IS, with6ucze him, � *ai and $1.20—ag aft dmggist'j A. , aing t 4d , Ontario Veterinary lilm: to goe�tbe word 0 start. Cabin near. manner. "Nothin' doing, MacQueen.', be O'Connor, who, perhaps, had by Graduate of "Doift, forget that I'm here. when "What's that?" College, UnivrsitY of Toronto,' All some miracle escaped. you diseggoss of -doines;tit.*,.anini4li'l�tt6rit�d need me," Boone told Melis-sy in "I'm no greaser, my friend. Orders The minutes we�re hours o her- In- down, 6truck in the body, but don't go with me." a low voice. terminably they drakged. The fear C]�APTER VE b. himself to his feet and sta ered,,. on. Charggs` reasonable- Day or 'night "I'll not forget," the girl made en- A, eh? Whio's the major rose in her that MacQueen . might .99 All this time he 'had se atta*nftd to Office on IN DEAD MAN'S CACHE swer in a murmur. en nobody e dome of this outfit?" come in time to cut off -her escape. Cana piomptly tom. in Dead Man Cach to go garn- at whom he could fire. Not osite Town The wrinkled face of a Mexie�an "I'm going to stay right here in At last, in her stocking feet, carrying had come from his -revolve �Kahx Street, Hens4ll, opp eir journey woman appea;ed presently at a win- ishied -with weapons. her shoes in. her hand, she stole into #e sank. Hall. Phone 116. Not since the start of th this valley to -night. See?" Her curiosity led her to deflect to- behind a roc c for shelter. The --what's eatin' you, man-?" the hall, out to the porch, and from PIn bad, Melissy broken silence, save to dow. MacQueen jabbered a sentence ward the old woman. But she had of a. bullet on the shale beside' him answer, in as few words as possible, 'or two in her language. She looked "Arid every night so long as Mel- it to the shadows of the cottonwoods. 'brought the tortured man to his feet. not -taken three steps towards the it was a night of both moon and the questions. put to her by -the out- at Melissy and answered. issy Lee stays. cabin before he man with the jade He lboked" wildly about him, the.mon DR. w. c. SPROAT law. Yet her silence had not been The girl had not lived in Southern MacQueen watched him with steady, stars. She had to cross a space eyes stopped her. shining n his bare head, and pl Graduate of Faculty -of Medicine, sullenness. It had been the barrier Arizona for twenty years without h hostile eyes. "So it's the girl, is it? washed in silvery light, taking the 11119- "That'll be -near enoug ed up the canon. hich she had set, up between them having a w-orking knowledge of Span- he Want to cut in, do you? Oh, no, my chance that nobody would see her. But Universi Ontario, Lon- w said, civilly enough. "This old first she stooped in the shadoWs to And now it appeared his unseen ty of Western,. ould not -break down ish, Wherefore, she knew that her —one which he c don. Member of College of! Boys crone has a crazy spell whenever a friend. Two's company; three's a tormentors were afraid he might es- of -actual raughnes.%. ca�tor lidd'ordered his. -own room pre- . She's mine." slip the shoes upon her feet. Her lazid and'Surgeons of Ontario. bffice short stranger comes nigh. She's nutty. It crowd )I ape them. Half a dozen shots camei 94NO heart eat against her'side as she bad c In Aiberhart's'�Druk Store, MA -111 Of this she could not accuse him. pared for her. ain't safe to come nearer—is it, old close together. Boone sank to the indeed, he had been thoughtful of her While they waited for this to be "Yes. And another thing, Mr. once seen that of a frightened mouse rithed like a crushed worm, Spaforth. Phone 90. Sit -fn -the -Sun?" to ground, w comfort. At sunset they had stopped made ready MacQueen hummed a l3oone. I don't stand for any inter- do. It seemed impossible for her The squaw grunted. Simultaneous- -and twisted over so that his face was It In r all that moo by a spring, and he had shared with Anatch of a popular song. ap- ference in y plans. Make a break rove nlit open unseen. to the moondight. ly, she looked up, and Miss Lee her such food as he had. MoreQvel-, pened to be a- love ditty. Boone at it and you'll take a hurry up jour- Every moment se expected an alarm tri-ou d glared at him, - n OUGALL -ward and knelt be -
DR. 1. D e had insisted that she should rest ground his teeth an ght that she had never seen more ey to kingdom come." to ring out in the silent night. But Melissy ran.for. of In of Faculty piercing eyes. side him. onoq to amuse the oth "Or Y -u will." none came. graduate for while 'before they took up'the whicli'appeared ei "Is Sit -in -the -Sun her name?" ask- "They've go P#adicind and Master of Sciencei Uni- last stretch of the wa�r. ruffian immensely. "Don't bank on that off chance. The Safely she reached the big rocks. A t ed the girl.curiously. a dozen Waces. . . . I'm going varsity of'Westekn Ontario, London- it was midnight now, and they had "Don't stay up on our accoun bays are with me. You're alone. If voice called to her softly. She * an- "Th'at's the English of it. The fast." velling for many hours over MacQueen suggested presently with a I giye the word they'll bump you off. swered, and came face to face with *einber of College of Physicians and been tra "Ob, no . . . no," the girl pro- -Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 2 doors Navajo word is a jawbreaker.
Phone 56, Hensall, rough mountain. trails. There was malicious laugh. "We're not needing "Doesn't she understand English Donkinake a mistake, Boone." Boone. A drawn revolver was in his tested. east of post office. would look a chaperone any to speak of." The Arkansan hesitated. What. hand, .7� more strength than one "Yep. Surest thing "No more'n you do Choctaw, miss. you Ontario. 3004-tf "You Tnade it," he - panted, as a for in so slender a figure, yet Melissy The Mexican woman announced A uick step crunched the gravel MacQueen said was true enough. His q know . . . .. I did you dirt onct, that the bedroom was ready and Mac- verbearing disposition had made him man mig* who had been running was drooping with fatigue- 0 girl. And live been a bad lot --La wolf, DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY, "It's not far now. We'll be there Queen -escorted Melissy to the door of behind Melissy. She did not need to unp,orpular. He knew the others hard- n prom.- the room.. He -stood aside with mock Jook around to know tha here was would side aganst him and that if it "Yes," she Whispered. "But theym a killer." a few minutes," MacQuec "Never mind that now. You died '-an -Dublin U Black MacQueen. Gra i4te niversity, -Ire- IT' ed her. gallantry to let her pass. e to a showdown they would snuff soon know. Let us get away." land. Late Extern Assistant aster "What's this --what's this, Hank?" caln to save me. Always I'll remember "If you hadn't come I was going narrow trail "Have to lock you in," he apologiz- out his life as a man does the flame Women and They we "Not that it would do you I.e demanded sharply. that." Hospital. for' hi h ran along.the sidehill tbpou ed airily. Gf - a candle. The rage died out of in to kill him." "Onct you 'most loved me. a at residence W L' "The young lady staxte =ir, Dublin. Offic 'Presently they tapped any gobd to escape. We'd have yqu d to come his eyes and gav -noticed the hard glitter in his r. the-qun. I 'lately Occupied by Mrs. Parsons. the timbe up and speak to old Sit-in- e place to a look of She But it wouldn't have done. I'm a. eyes as he spoke, the crouched look �Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 P.M.; the summit, and the ground fell away again inside of twenty-four hours was just explaining to her ho�v crazy cunning. wolf and you're a little white lamb, from their feet to a bowl -shaped val- This bit of the hills take's a heap of -so, Black. But there of the padding tiger ready for its Is Flatray the man?" Sundays, I to 2 p.m. 2866-26 the old squaw is," Jeff ansWei:ed with "It's your say Ity, over which the silvery moonshine knowing. But we don't- wa t. Don'- kill. The man was torn with hatred a grin. will be a day when it ain' "Yez." and jealousy. played so that the baBin seemed to running away. You're too tired. So forget that." "Thought so. Well, be's square. 1 DR. F. J. BURROWS gic sea of light. I lock the door and lie down on the "Oh! Is that all?" XacQuen "And in the meantime you'll ride Already they were moving back rigged it up on him about the rust- ffite and residence Goderich Street, swim *in a ma turned to Melissy. said to porch' under your window. Adios, ve the word?" through the rocks to a dry wash that -east of the Methodist church. Sea- "Welcame to the Cache," he She's plumb loony—dangerouS, ling. I was the man you liked to 'a' The bed of senorita." fortb.. Phone 46. Coroner for the her. too. I don't want you to go near Boone -nodded sulkily. "I said you ran through the valley caught that day years ago." She was surprised ut of her sil- Melissy heard the key turn in the tiis they followed for nearly a mile. County of Huron. her." had the call, didn't l?" ng f "You ence.. "Dead Mans Cache?" lock, and was grateful for the respite "Then ride 'em now, damn you. Deflecti rom it they pushed across "Yep." He broke off abruptly. "f her by the night. She was The girl's eyes flashed. "Very con- d don't show up in the Cache till the valley toward what appeared to MACKAY "It has been called- that." given An g, girl. . . . It's gittin' DR.� C. siderae of you. But if you want to to -morrow night." be. a sheer rock -wall. With a twist am gain C; Mackay, -honor graduate of Trin- "Why?" glad, too, that Boo�e was here. She black. Hold my hand till—till—" ty University, and gold medallist of he knew, but she wanted to see it knew him for a villain,but she,,ho'pd protect me from the really danger- MacQueen turned on his bel and to the left they swung back of a f ace - - I ous pp*15.-Iiere, you had betteir send HE gave a shudder and seemed to T"ty Medical College; member of he would tell a story which showed so he would stand b4tween her andVae- strutted away. He was elated at his of rock, turned sharply to the right, g , in a fissure fall together. He was dead. ,&a . College of Physicians and Sur- plainly his OW11 ruthlessness.' Queen easy victory. If he had seen the look and 'found themselve if the latter proved ufiruly"in__�r - ome. Melissy eard the sound of rubble "I tell you they do as I say, every d. Here Her guess -was that 00116 6f,ontario. that followed him he might not have Melissy had not slipping. Some one was lowering He hesitated, but only for a morn- his attentions. , all exPecte
man jadk of them. I'd flay one alive eanon-known only to those --of Boone was jealous 'of the other ent. if he insulted you." been so quiet in his mind. ran a little it on the himself cautiously down the side of DR. H. HUGH ROSS "There was VL man named Havens. his authority with the gang to which "It's a privilege you don't sublet But on the surface he had cinched few who rode up and down the canon. A man dropped to the ------ --ar-aft-ate -bf-, UA14-e-tsity--of -7`07011tv Hd-,ha-d a reputation as a 'bad Man, they -both belonged, and now of his wash and strutted to -ward her. He his leadership. Boone saddled and nefarious business of their un'whole- bar of Col- and I reckon he deserved it -:.-4f brand relationship to her. Out of di then," she retorted swiftly. es. lFaculty of Medicine, t2em this ode out of the Cache without another some liv kept his eyes fixed on the lifelesV, Admiration leamed througli his d vindic- Boone spoke harshly, breaking for lage of Physicians and" SUrgeOnO Of bletting, mail rustling and shooting vision might co word to anybody. Sullen an form, rifle. ready for action at an in Ontario; pass gradu#p courseG in citizens are the credenthi& to win So tired was she that, in spite of amusement. "Gad, you've got a sharp tive he might be, but cowed he cer-, the first time in half an hour his stant's notice. When he reached hiz Chicago Clinical School of Chicggo ; that title. Harp dressed 'on a.&count of her alarms, sleep took her almost as tcngue. I'd pity the man yod marry tainly seemed� MacQueen celebrated I -oody silence. In e pushed the body with his 'this soon 4. —unle h a tight rein" ,Safe at last. By God, I've evened victi Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, some deviltry, he drifted into % her head touched the pillow. ss ot what we're iccussin�, by frequent trips to his sleeping quar- with Black MacQueen," foot, made sure of no trap, nd re- England;, University Hospital " Lon- ountry, and wits made welcome 'by When she awakened the sun was shin- "That's ters, where each time he resorted to my score laxed his alertness. Mr IMacQueen. Are you d",,.England, Offiee-�Baek 49 Do- c goinT to a bottle and a glass. No ri--i had And fiom the cliff above came the those living here. The best we had ning in at her window 4bove the cur- "Dead as a hammer." send me home?" minion 1§ank, SoaafOrth. , Phone No. -0. as his. He was Tod, outfitted, -and tain strung across its lower half. The man was MacQueen. He turn- Night calls answre7re4 :&om residence,, "Not till you've made us a niep long ever seen him intoxicated, b,t there answer--& laugh full of mocking dev- kept safe from the law that was look- Some one was knocking at the door. safe were times when he drank a good iltry and -malice. ed to Melissy and nodded jauntily. V.Jotorla Street, SeafortL ing for him. Wien she asked who was there, in a visit, -my dear. You're quite deal for a few days at a stretch. His The Arkansan turned upon ILwelissy "Good evening, my dear. Just taa- wAs under big voice which Could not conceal its here. My men are plumb gentle. dissipation would be followed by startled face of agony, in which ,you would figure he ing a little s�troll?' -he asked ironical- J. A. MVXX obligations to the men that did this tremors, the answer came in feminine They'll eat out of your hand. They mandis of total abstinence. despair abd hate stood out of a Yel- ly. Siccbssor- to Dr. R. X Rem don't insult ladies. I've tought M All day the man persecuted Meli,- low ballor. for him__�wouldnit you? But'he was tones- The girl leaned against the cold wan "Tis I—Rosarig Chaves," —to "Trapped." 0rt1tJVAt4.of Northwes= n cAM9 adpity yon couldn't teach their lead- sy -with his attentions. His passio and covered her face with her arm. was veiled under a manner 0 it was his last word to her. He
Jj Roial was subbing hysterically. %ot bettk� th6ge mein tO The Mexeaii wothAn wwl not com- er, too." f mock swept the girl back against the she'.- She do e 6f - Deirtal- SurgeOns, Toronto. he plWad to by the
SL the law, i exchinge for a pardon for 'municative, mor did she appear tb he deference, of insolent assurance, but The utlaw seized her over Sills, Had*are, Main -11 D He aelmowledged he hit. ter of the wall and ran crouching to- hilr own sneaking life. The letter was sympathetic. The plight of this girl s the hours passed the fears of the shoulders and swung her round. SeAforth. Phone 151. -spon- again, dearie. But 'What's Your com- a I grew upon her. There 'were mo- ward the entrance. ird that out, girl," he ordere roughly. found, alid it was proved he T"Ote it. might have moved even an unre plaint? Hevantt I treated you white gir with A bullet zipped—a sec6nd—a th 'What ought hose men to have done sive heart, but Rosario showed a atol- ments when she turned sick Melissy caught at her sobs and BECHEL so far?" He stumbled, but did not fall. Turn, d to check them. 0 -him, Miss 'Lissie?" id -face to her distress. What had to aves of drind. in the sunshine, un- t G_�bijate Royal College- o� Dental t ow." She Shuddered. be %aid, she said. For the rest, she "No. You -insulted me gossly hold her Ing, he came back, dodging like a ng to him, R. "I don't Im when you brought me here by -* Z the open sky, -she could As he pa§sed her Me- "He got what was comi Slit, eons, Toro:ftto,� Offieb over W. qherels got to be law, even the night's hunted fox. j�asly. what hie's been playing for I i 5pin ,h1s Grocerlr,..R in ors I -served Melissy :12eriz
Streeto Se� in a declined conversation absolutely. "Did I lay a and on you own, but under cover of place like this. We make our own 'Breakfast was blaelmess ghastly horr w,uld lissy saw that his face was time. I warned him, but the Olfice, 185W.- res'- "If it had -been necessary yotould He ran with a limp. the -men that.1stay here hPr roam, after which Rosario led her oy. wouldn't see it." iorvi-if laws, and to have," A second time she heard the cackle have got to abide by them. Our law outdoors. The onitto gave 72e ,Yau're right, I would," her tooed. Nor was there anybody to whan, the must die. He died." understand that she'might walk a- she might turn for help. Lane and of laughter. Guns cracked. Still (Continued nent -week.) AUCTIONZERS zuid this man ask him how. The bout the cleared spacet ut mu9t -not "I've taken a fancy to You.. Youpre Jackson were tools of their leader. doomed man pushed forward. He went .She did not d -looking and a plucii.. little ra whom pass into the "w000s beyond. To point a goo, story went that he outlAN �,ted devil. 'Ne & notion to fall i7� Jove the wratchad man bad.tried to Bell the need a'obbdl�nce, Rosario Be . th you." --that,just herself on the* porch, and began do- let him escape on purpose ic "Don"U" Licenged auctioneer for the couatlea as he thought�,he was free of them, ng some drawn work upon wh h she Correipondenee� ,69 Huron and Perth. laughter came to him ias engaged. a good dates can be- their mocking corral, a bad lot. Wouldn't it be arrat60=611ti for 89143: from the rocks all-around. He was Melissy walked toward the made by calling The 193tposit6Z Office, ch it. An old aS was thing for me to tie up with a fine, They straight -up young lady like Vim.? Me, completely surrounded. hAd: but did not rea Charges m Seaforth. oderate, and marely let im run into 'a trap. Ile 'soated in a c"ir beside one of the log flash. You've I like the way your eye, Datisfaction guaranteed. wandered without food' cabins, From the color of her shin ...... . of a temper, haven't escaped again, got a devi n disea an for daYa, and agai vered that' the girl judged her to be an Indi She wore maccasins, a dirt you 'they had been watching him all the squaw. Honor Graduate Carey JonesP time, Turn which6ve-r way he would, and shapeless one-�iece dress, and They had been walking toward a pile of rocks some little way train the 0onal Sdho I of Auetioneering, Chi Was their rifles warned him back. He big sunbonnet, in which her ead cluster of cabins. Now he sat down -SL t . . . . . . . . . . esga� oadiil course row ud buried. often Jim Pure stumbled on, g in weaker a -miled imppdently acrosg at her. . . . . . . . ...... Sjoek, Real Estate, Mer- and s weaker. They would neither capture Sitting on the floor of the par b, ,That -s my business," she flung mind Farm Sales. R2teO in Bhi nor let him go. about fifteen feet from her, was *ye 11 &aping with prevalliA with -stonyt s- T markat. &b. ly' Lack stormily. isfactIm - - vior nearly a jTeek the. cruel game hard -faced customeTt Geniallye nodded. "So it is. Mine 4 asilured. reVA* t on. Frequently 'he heard their like those of a snake. He was sew- - , M Won at -had given way. tool,whero.we trot in double harness." dget� . po, Zurich, Pbdiltgo hills about him, Some- in on a bridle th 7 voices in he Her scornful eyes swept UV and times he would cE)II out to them iti- melissy noticed that from -the pocket down him. "I wouldn't ma on if put him'- out of his mi'36VY� of his haps the butt of 9, revolver were the last nian on 7U.0 eShe judged it to be the,cus- Y01Z Ogft�.r their hb answer- peep "No. Well, rm not partial to that T� Lug YA id r
ad. Willeft h4- a I ed the Him I diotin't menfrft matri- game mys tod, died. elf.
Many, d148 f -AWA :the fft-A lhad- ongineeidd keThe mewAng sb read in vovbhgd� �elosed (ayes startled tbo girl. h&d T,:,Id tell in'' a - - ng, half sj& fftd # 1, hi dddg-d wishruff: vhoj@�,abyi%rik, ghe'hg, WIred 'll mgm vust as you Emy labout that. we -walta. rola r1o, TAadQ1ta2n I= the it Ndthind coldRa W6 if, you l9w r,60w, 6121d'e, the 6=&d6r, �Mjq pnsgioTj in ki� outgodmp� "I'd hanab she h6d, fallen. rZt 6V lie. dend at your :ZOG�--4,d ra- it and but liatf WPM e00(4616 h, I Fine i A -0 24 &,810ovo Ah - W got fov, L JUL- U q Meg �w RD Thio 01or P t i L �16 6 #