HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-01-06, Page 5w Tuttor a tA, -a" aft, 4 'n .. 40 . i . 0 E; "good ma 010 to 4,97-09 qiq tiiio Mah,prices th2r, and 7,Mv pebplo? to thWal P7;9c, ar001w, 1401tt KENEY"Ases 19EAN� 44,= R alieep wvro� 00 0 US to-'.frult has -0 auadlal� to $10.74; co to Toronto, January' Qxd,,�,O tamon. 1. to e handpicked, $$.so Tcqelpts 2.Oi Top Te T= 't it price for htigpi, =d aeWamOtt, 'Was mado P ey 3Z on, up by'stdrind oTi a flat or i-r4d,g4busb ilgiavc- %04 Ladies axt4' graded a bomw of 01 00 hOJ POA4 I return my 43%11eere: tbalalw to, yen for the re, 'says on qqleaW 4.nd, 50 cerits per hog 9r. off most sentgous support Beeord#d me on Moli- e-the chops. made to 4ocal day 104t which, enabled to bee Plant P A few salci4 tv -the election, for , 0; - ors. thvere in butchers at SQ -85, And,09,46 ,,I W My first qlow sellers, At 07,25 to !A�40, thought will be to serve you faithfully and ahe n1a, well in all Township aftirs. hearing, on -both quality and Chic4ow, ................... �o a The . ........... 4 ....... 35 life. As an example of this �8 'ta, 4 ras . .................. 32 r, THOMPSON. st6tem, - . .............. so out two pickings of Gxa* over 5 �Ibo . ................. Do 4 to 5 11)p . ................... 28 ansteins wore made In i` -firly u, orm. condition We 24 TO THE ELECT094 OF -TUCKERSHITE.- re 4 W*., :'1616d. ThIfruit from Olie ......... 22 ,w . as picked and a repreient , ative ............. ............. 50-52 Ladies and Goa 4aa� I wish to thank' all the electors who auip- 't Ne stored, Ten da*s�, the fruit The issmiLy-.of he -lite Mrs. Alex. Gordon ported me in W�B �eagjit atest, and wish all desire to express their 4appre.ciation of the a Very HaVVY, Nev Year. rees w sympathy shown them in. their recent bereave-' #om he other f" e:ge picked siad represeotative�sgiiipld stored alo4g DAIRY RgAgEET meat, also tohank those who so kindly loaa- 8134xI P. WATSON. ed, their buggles.' Toronto_ Angiary 8Td.-Cheese, new, large, The early picked . lfrutt wa§ not so 23 to 2g%,; twins, .23,h to* 24c; triplet4. 24% tons 01 0; � tydns, the qp, 1ot TUCKERSNETIR. qjn4 14. 5c; S#1 : 26�.* d lame 27 TO Tq2 ELECTORS O� ground color was. #111 a -pronoUne�. 27 -J-2 *0, 280; triplets 4and cut�l 98 to' 20/20, 04 SM0M. 490" Ladies and Ge"�leMeft:­ greenish yellow. , Thi' second lot Ittek---No. I 'creamery ints, 32- to 43c; I appreciite greatl�v tbpfact that although *,as -highly colored with �a g6od yellow 41C. sicknew"Itad confined me to� the home for Vound, and the fruit average.j three %V= h� extraw; In � cartons, 65 to 67c; some weeks, and I was unable to ask for fresh extras. loose, 63 to 456c; fresh firsts, 58 Mrs. John Boyd desire to ex- your support, you havp paain -*unds harder thallf the first, picked t�, slic., fresh secon&, -86 to 37c. ihekindness shown , seen fit to elect; press their appoeeiation of , me to the office of Zouncill- or for the combig u to th `by,their- neighbors and, in y r. it. After two months' storage the . :Egp-�-Stbrage extras, 46 to 47c; firsts, 40 exj� friends ea ' I thank you for the coutinance of the 'irl . picked - fruit - was 'still market- to 4�- their r4cent-sad bercavemenU. confidence you have'plwed in me in the Uast of.a. faithful discharge of -Iillzbut lacked the desert quality, Apd ensure you the dutiew'of the office.' 'ilor and hardness of the fruit from M. CLARK. second picking. After three MARK=, 1, , , - ?­ -months, storage the first lot was past Lennan--On- ChAftnass �Eve,` X927, at - the and practically. unmarket- prime No. I Noi�iernl novalt'W" No. 2-14oq��rn, Royal�Viatorla Maternity ospital, to Mr. TO THE ZLZCT038 OF McMLLOP: abTe, I whereas the late picked fruit Northeru.:$1.861/4; No. 4 346rth- and Mrs. Edward!' P. Lennon, 445 Cote, de toug Ladies and Gentlemen. - 'Was in splendid condition and retafti� 'erin,l $L23%,. No. 2 h, $1.44%: No. 3. Neiges Road, Mlontrq#l, -a qop, No, 4 tough, �1.211/-,. c -i.2- ,a tha I return my sjucere thenjas for your gen- d jpd desert qualities. The pxpkel que.N- eiraq-4n Exeter H pi , ou'December 27th, rous support on Mnday, -3ast, in again elect- .1vi1tie of the late pickled[ fruitwas eqj.� & W.r. and Mrs. Willi,sla sima� a son ing me to repmexit On in the McKillop d fe,Wantoba� cas-No. 8 C.W., 67%c; No. I liani Evan). b highe ed, 65%4�7; No, 2 feed,'63%c; W -tern grain Council of - IM. - - 50 pe�r' arr( Bray�ln Exeter Hospite*, on Tuesday. De�- thii�'the first lot u;tatiena in ef. Parts. cember 27th,'to Mr. and Mr§, John Bray America- corn, Toronto, freights, No. 2, Usboine, EL son. JOHN M. ECKERT. Xliples shovnink conaiderable scab yellow, kiln, dried,,.$1.00; No. 3 yellow, kiln A �oj,blemish'ftom,�isease should not be 'dried, 99c; Argentine corn, $1.05. -Aept n storage any longer than nee- Millfeed-Delivered, Montreal. frelghto. 1= ECT�RS OF McTOP: �assary, -as such fruit W rariably included: ran. per -ton. 884.25; shorts, per t1l ini , . ton, $86.25; middlings, 044.25. Ladies sitd ?.,Iemen-.- Totana wilt'quicker than sound Sped- i Ontario oats --68e, f.o.b. shipping points. Ifunkin-Hamilton.-At Thames, Read Manse, I express my sincere thanks to you for znens. Ontario Aced milling wheat -$1.27 f.o.b., Aipping points. according to -freights. Satufty December 24thf'Miss Elizabet again electing me, - to- the Council Board for Good ventilation that 'Will drop the Irene. 0 45 � dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. Wra. another year. I wi.11 bend every endeavor to -teniperature of the storage room " Buekwheat-75c. A. Hamilton, t6- Mr. 'Nelsa' J. Hunkin. serve your interests in the coming year as I youngest son of Mn and Mrs. Thomas Hun- have in the Past quickly as possible in.,the Autuinn is Rye -N- 2, $1.02. D. REGELE. essential for the storing of the kut- -Manitoba flour -First patent, in cotton. kin, by, Rev. G. M, �Phldley. I $7.90; Toronto, second patent, in jute, $7.80. -unin varieties. Warm temperatures Ontario flour -Toronto, 90 per cent. patents, -hasten­the changes that ripen and Der barrel, in ear lots, $5.135 ; seaboard, in DEATHS TO THE ELECTORS OF MrKILLOP: ­wflt apples, whereas low temperatures bulk. 05.85. Ladies and Gentlemen— prolong the storage* life y slowing Rackhey.-In Exeter, on Monday. December Permit me to express my appreciation of mp the natural ripening process. 26th, Andrew Hackney, aged 65 years and Your continued confidence in me by again LUVESTOCK MARKI&T 6 months. electing me to represent Your interests in the Hodgert.-In Exeter, on Wednesday, Dedem- McKillop C,ouncil for tfie coming year. Buffalo, January 3rd. -Hogs, 8,300; hold- her 29th, Mary Ann Hodgerk, aged 65 !KEEP TURKEYS APART FROM "'era, 480; 25 to 40 �ents higher; bulk, 170 years and 28 days. THOMAS J. McKAY. pco4nds up, -*9.65 few 1$9.75; 150 to 160 pounds $9.25 to $9.50; 156 pounds, down, $9.00; OTHER POULTRY packing sows. $7.25 to *8.00. TO THE ELECTORS OF McKILLOP: Turkeys can be' reared artificially e Cattle, 1,20; market mostly. 25 cents high- Ladies and Gentlemen:- r, spots, up-, top steers. $14.75 for 1.280 AIW I wish to express to you my thank� for the and successfully when kept in elcoe Pounds; few loads�' $13.00 to $13.85; few Oil support you gave me in Monday's election to $12.50; yearling heifers. $11.�5�to $12.50: and in electing me Reeve of. McKillop for the -�,eohfinement. By this mchod alone $8.00 to. $10.00; fat,cows, inth time in succession- Service will be my motto for 8., can they defy the deadly blackhead t.h5es, bull,, .06.50 to $9.00. SOUTH HURON AGRICULTURAL 'SOCIETY the year 192 . ., and other diseases. 'This has again Calves, 1,000; 50 cents higher; top veal- Th annual meeting of the South Huron 'FRANK J.. McQUAID. 7been deifionstrated by Poultry divi§�' a,--. $17.00; cull and common. $9.00 to S12.50. Agricatuml Society will be held in �the Coni- Sheep. 4,200; fat 1-ambs, 50, cents higher; merciat' Hot�el,'Henssll, on Friday, January men of the University of Min- the, trong; good to choice lambs, 90 lbs' 20th at 1 0.m., for the ptirpose of receiving ion mesota. --Experiments carried on in down, $14.00; culland common, $1.50 to $12; the 'Directors' and Auditors' annual reports, to, $7.50. f6r the current year U. F. 3. MEYMN(G 1926 and- only recenily summarized ft'ewe6, the election of directors and the transaction of other business. iconfirih the splendid results reported. The regular monthly meeting of the U.F.O. in, 1925 as to gains, costs, and Inortal- Union Stock Yards. Toro . nto, Ja I nuary, I 4th. W. D. SANDERS, liL. M. McLEAN. will be held in Crnegie- Hall, Seaforth. on -f President. Secretary. Wednesday, January 11th, at 4 p.m. Mr. R. -Ttigugh not qui�e bqf,4,-to normal fez, a. N. Bisgnnette, Bs.A., will -tuldreifs the meet- ' -As c6m on hens tire -carriers Of week's opening day, vourne of 'cattle ..Ppdy ig on "Entomology." ul-i4kheadr it is a cardinal principle on to -day's market was heavy for a Tueada-v, 3134-1 WILLIAM CHARTERS, President. and a ecided ineresse. as compared with of the sb-called close 'confinement dally of the past fortnight Trade mneihod that the turkeys - must be kept was bit slow at the opening, with Bales- apalt.from other poultryand on'clean men asking an advance in price, but after FOR SAM BY, 7ENDER, SCALES WANTED. :groVud that has not been infecied by the first h.)ur cattle moved readily, with the t -the poultry ftock. . At the tniversitY quarter. advance Pa,id for choice killers and f the bulk selling Arm -to a shade stronger i Wanted to purchase a scale, 1500 'Farm, the eggs were ll-atoed in in- than last,Weeles diose. The heavy steer class was' rep resented by severa emall lottos St. Luke's Anglican Church, Lot 12, Copce-4- to 2000 pounds capacity. Must be in cubstors and the poults were raied -2n brooders End in Of UTICOn- A on County- sion X1. Goshen Line, Stanley Township. Har- L -7 w Tuttor a tA, -a" aft, 4 'n .. 40 . i . 0 E; "good ma 010 to 4,97-09 qiq tiiio Mah,prices th2r, and 7,Mv pebplo? to thWal P7;9c, ar001w, 1401tt KENEY"Ases 19EAN� 44,= R alieep wvro� 00 0 US to-'.frult has -0 auadlal� to $10.74; co to Toronto, January' Qxd,,�,O tamon. 1. to e handpicked, $$.so Tcqelpts 2.Oi Top Te T= 't it price for htigpi, =d aeWamOtt, 'Was mado P ey 3Z on, up by'stdrind oTi a flat or i-r4d,g4busb ilgiavc- %04 Ladies axt4' graded a bomw of 01 00 hOJ POA4 I return my 43%11eere: tbalalw to, yen for the re, 'says on qqleaW 4.nd, 50 cerits per hog 9r. off most sentgous support Beeord#d me on Moli- e-the chops. made to 4ocal day 104t which, enabled to bee Plant P A few salci4 tv -the election, for , 0; - ors. thvere in butchers at SQ -85, And,09,46 ,,I W My first qlow sellers, At 07,25 to !A�40, thought will be to serve you faithfully and ahe n1a, well in all Township aftirs. hearing, on -both quality and Chic4ow, ................... �o a The . ........... 4 ....... 35 life. As an example of this �8 'ta, 4 ras . .................. 32 r, THOMPSON. st6tem, - . .............. so out two pickings of Gxa* over 5 �Ibo . ................. Do 4 to 5 11)p . ................... 28 ansteins wore made In i` -firly u, orm. condition We 24 TO THE ELECT094 OF -TUCKERSHITE.- re 4 W*., :'1616d. ThIfruit from Olie ......... 22 ,w . as picked and a repreient , ative ............. ............. 50-52 Ladies and Goa 4aa� I wish to thank' all the electors who auip- 't Ne stored, Ten da*s�, the fruit The issmiLy-.of he -lite Mrs. Alex. Gordon ported me in W�B �eagjit atest, and wish all desire to express their 4appre.ciation of the a Very HaVVY, Nev Year. rees w sympathy shown them in. their recent bereave-' #om he other f" e:ge picked siad represeotative�sgiiipld stored alo4g DAIRY RgAgEET meat, also tohank those who so kindly loaa- 8134xI P. WATSON. ed, their buggles.' Toronto_ Angiary 8Td.-Cheese, new, large, The early picked . lfrutt wa§ not so 23 to 2g%,; twins, .23,h to* 24c; triplet4. 24% tons 01 0; � tydns, the qp, 1ot TUCKERSNETIR. qjn4 14. 5c; S#1 : 26�.* d lame 27 TO Tq2 ELECTORS O� ground color was. #111 a -pronoUne�. 27 -J-2 *0, 280; triplets 4and cut�l 98 to' 20/20, 04 SM0M. 490" Ladies and Ge"�leMeft:­ greenish yellow. , Thi' second lot Ittek---No. I 'creamery ints, 32- to 43c; I appreciite greatl�v tbpfact that although *,as -highly colored with �a g6od yellow 41C. sicknew"Itad confined me to� the home for Vound, and the fruit average.j three %V= h� extraw; In � cartons, 65 to 67c; some weeks, and I was unable to ask for fresh extras. loose, 63 to 456c; fresh firsts, 58 Mrs. John Boyd desire to ex- your support, you havp paain -*unds harder thallf the first, picked t�, slic., fresh secon&, -86 to 37c. ihekindness shown , seen fit to elect; press their appoeeiation of , me to the office of Zouncill- or for the combig u to th `by,their- neighbors and, in y r. it. After two months' storage the . :Egp-�-Stbrage extras, 46 to 47c; firsts, 40 exj� friends ea ' I thank you for the coutinance of the 'irl . picked - fruit - was 'still market- to 4�- their r4cent-sad bercavemenU. confidence you have'plwed in me in the Uast of.a. faithful discharge of -Iillzbut lacked the desert quality, Apd ensure you the dutiew'of the office.' 'ilor and hardness of the fruit from M. CLARK. second picking. After three MARK=, 1, , , - ?­ -months, storage the first lot was past Lennan--On- ChAftnass �Eve,` X927, at - the and practically. unmarket- prime No. I Noi�iernl novalt'W" No. 2-14oq��rn, Royal�Viatorla Maternity ospital, to Mr. TO THE ZLZCT038 OF McMLLOP: abTe, I whereas the late picked fruit Northeru.:$1.861/4; No. 4 346rth- and Mrs. Edward!' P. Lennon, 445 Cote, de toug Ladies and Gentlemen. - 'Was in splendid condition and retafti� 'erin,l $L23%,. No. 2 h, $1.44%: No. 3. Neiges Road, Mlontrq#l, -a qop, No, 4 tough, �1.211/-,. c -i.2- ,a tha I return my sjucere thenjas for your gen- d jpd desert qualities. The pxpkel que.N- eiraq-4n Exeter H pi , ou'December 27th, rous support on Mnday, -3ast, in again elect- .1vi1tie of the late pickled[ fruitwas eqj.� & W.r. and Mrs. Willi,sla sima� a son ing me to repmexit On in the McKillop d fe,Wantoba� cas-No. 8 C.W., 67%c; No. I liani Evan). b highe ed, 65%4�7; No, 2 feed,'63%c; W -tern grain Council of - IM. - - 50 pe�r' arr( Bray�ln Exeter Hospite*, on Tuesday. De�- thii�'the first lot u;tatiena in ef. Parts. cember 27th,'to Mr. and Mr§, John Bray America- corn, Toronto, freights, No. 2, Usboine, EL son. JOHN M. ECKERT. Xliples shovnink conaiderable scab yellow, kiln, dried,,.$1.00; No. 3 yellow, kiln A �oj,blemish'ftom,�isease should not be 'dried, 99c; Argentine corn, $1.05. -Aept n storage any longer than nee- Millfeed-Delivered, Montreal. frelghto. 1= ECT�RS OF McTOP: �assary, -as such fruit W rariably included: ran. per -ton. 884.25; shorts, per t1l ini , . ton, $86.25; middlings, 044.25. Ladies sitd ?.,Iemen-.- Totana wilt'quicker than sound Sped- i Ontario oats --68e, f.o.b. shipping points. Ifunkin-Hamilton.-At Thames, Read Manse, I express my sincere thanks to you for znens. Ontario Aced milling wheat -$1.27 f.o.b., Aipping points. according to -freights. Satufty December 24thf'Miss Elizabet again electing me, - to- the Council Board for Good ventilation that 'Will drop the Irene. 0 45 � dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. Wra. another year. I wi.11 bend every endeavor to -teniperature of the storage room " Buekwheat-75c. A. Hamilton, t6- Mr. 'Nelsa' J. Hunkin. serve your interests in the coming year as I youngest son of Mn and Mrs. Thomas Hun- have in the Past quickly as possible in.,the Autuinn is Rye -N- 2, $1.02. D. REGELE. essential for the storing of the kut- -Manitoba flour -First patent, in cotton. kin, by, Rev. G. M, �Phldley. I $7.90; Toronto, second patent, in jute, $7.80. -unin varieties. Warm temperatures Ontario flour -Toronto, 90 per cent. patents, -hasten­the changes that ripen and Der barrel, in ear lots, $5.135 ; seaboard, in DEATHS TO THE ELECTORS OF MrKILLOP: ­wflt apples, whereas low temperatures bulk. 05.85. Ladies and Gentlemen— prolong the storage* life y slowing Rackhey.-In Exeter, on Monday. December Permit me to express my appreciation of mp the natural ripening process. 26th, Andrew Hackney, aged 65 years and Your continued confidence in me by again LUVESTOCK MARKI&T 6 months. electing me to represent Your interests in the Hodgert.-In Exeter, on Wednesday, Dedem- McKillop C,ouncil for tfie coming year. Buffalo, January 3rd. -Hogs, 8,300; hold- her 29th, Mary Ann Hodgerk, aged 65 !KEEP TURKEYS APART FROM "'era, 480; 25 to 40 �ents higher; bulk, 170 years and 28 days. THOMAS J. McKAY. pco4nds up, -*9.65 few 1$9.75; 150 to 160 pounds $9.25 to $9.50; 156 pounds, down, $9.00; OTHER POULTRY packing sows. $7.25 to *8.00. TO THE ELECTORS OF McKILLOP: Turkeys can be' reared artificially e Cattle, 1,20; market mostly. 25 cents high- Ladies and Gentlemen:- r, spots, up-, top steers. $14.75 for 1.280 AIW I wish to express to you my thank� for the and successfully when kept in elcoe Pounds; few loads�' $13.00 to $13.85; few Oil support you gave me in Monday's election to $12.50; yearling heifers. $11.�5�to $12.50: and in electing me Reeve of. McKillop for the -�,eohfinement. By this mchod alone $8.00 to. $10.00; fat,cows, inth time in succession- Service will be my motto for 8., can they defy the deadly blackhead t.h5es, bull,, .06.50 to $9.00. SOUTH HURON AGRICULTURAL 'SOCIETY the year 192 . ., and other diseases. 'This has again Calves, 1,000; 50 cents higher; top veal- Th annual meeting of the South Huron 'FRANK J.. McQUAID. 7been deifionstrated by Poultry divi§�' a,--. $17.00; cull and common. $9.00 to S12.50. Agricatuml Society will be held in �the Coni- Sheep. 4,200; fat 1-ambs, 50, cents higher; merciat' Hot�el,'Henssll, on Friday, January men of the University of Min- the, trong; good to choice lambs, 90 lbs' 20th at 1 0.m., for the ptirpose of receiving ion mesota. --Experiments carried on in down, $14.00; culland common, $1.50 to $12; the 'Directors' and Auditors' annual reports, to, $7.50. f6r the current year U. F. 3. MEYMN(G 1926 and- only recenily summarized ft'ewe6, the election of directors and the transaction of other business. iconfirih the splendid results reported. The regular monthly meeting of the U.F.O. in, 1925 as to gains, costs, and Inortal- Union Stock Yards. Toro . nto, Ja I nuary, I 4th. W. D. SANDERS, liL. M. McLEAN. will be held in Crnegie- Hall, Seaforth. on -f President. Secretary. Wednesday, January 11th, at 4 p.m. Mr. R. -Ttigugh not qui�e bqf,4,-to normal fez, a. N. Bisgnnette, Bs.A., will -tuldreifs the meet- ' -As c6m on hens tire -carriers Of week's opening day, vourne of 'cattle ..Ppdy ig on "Entomology." ul-i4kheadr it is a cardinal principle on to -day's market was heavy for a Tueada-v, 3134-1 WILLIAM CHARTERS, President. and a ecided ineresse. as compared with of the sb-called close 'confinement dally of the past fortnight Trade mneihod that the turkeys - must be kept was bit slow at the opening, with Bales- apalt.from other poultryand on'clean men asking an advance in price, but after FOR SAM BY, 7ENDER, SCALES WANTED. :groVud that has not been infecied by the first h.)ur cattle moved readily, with the t -the poultry ftock. . At the tniversitY quarter. advance Pa,id for choice killers and f the bulk selling Arm -to a shade stronger i Wanted to purchase a scale, 1500 'Farm, the eggs were ll-atoed in in- than last,Weeles diose. The heavy steer class was' rep resented by severa emall lottos St. Luke's Anglican Church, Lot 12, Copce-4- to 2000 pounds capacity. Must be in cubstors and the poults were raied -2n brooders End in Of UTICOn- the odd load, wh ich Bead from 9% lalu%d heavy on County- sion X1. Goshen Line, Stanley Township. Har- good shape. Apply at THE EXPOS - yards tanlinated sod four feet wide by 40 ON Le"o$q9�J I (0 Four acres, more or less, of cleared if ITOR OFFICE. 3134-1 10 feet in length. ,11UR arable land, right of way necessary. (2) Also church, timber frame lxtildiug, S. 'T. Zoltmes a ESE -77 LANDS FOR 'TAXES �7777 4 cedar sleepers, size about 27 ft. x 36 ft. (3)* Also timber frame abed, size about ft, buildings to be YOU'RE NOT SO DUMB w Tuttor a tA, -a" aft, 4 'n .. 40 . i . 0 E; "good ma 010 to 4,97-09 qiq tiiio Mah,prices th2r, and 7,Mv pebplo? to thWal P7;9c, ar001w, 1401tt KENEY"Ases 19EAN� 44,= R alieep wvro� 00 0 US to-'.frult has -0 auadlal� to $10.74; co to Toronto, January' Qxd,,�,O tamon. 1. to e handpicked, $$.so Tcqelpts 2.Oi Top Te T= 't it price for htigpi, =d aeWamOtt, 'Was mado P ey 3Z on, up by'stdrind oTi a flat or i-r4d,g4busb ilgiavc- %04 Ladies axt4' graded a bomw of 01 00 hOJ POA4 I return my 43%11eere: tbalalw to, yen for the re, 'says on qqleaW 4.nd, 50 cerits per hog 9r. off most sentgous support Beeord#d me on Moli- e-the chops. made to 4ocal day 104t which, enabled to bee Plant P A few salci4 tv -the election, for , 0; - ors. thvere in butchers at SQ -85, And,09,46 ,,I W My first qlow sellers, At 07,25 to !A�40, thought will be to serve you faithfully and ahe n1a, well in all Township aftirs. hearing, on -both quality and Chic4ow, ................... �o a The . ........... 4 ....... 35 life. As an example of this �8 'ta, 4 ras . .................. 32 r, THOMPSON. st6tem, - . .............. so out two pickings of Gxa* over 5 �Ibo . ................. Do 4 to 5 11)p . ................... 28 ansteins wore made In i` -firly u, orm. condition We 24 TO THE ELECT094 OF -TUCKERSHITE.- re 4 W*., :'1616d. ThIfruit from Olie ......... 22 ,w . as picked and a repreient , ative ............. ............. 50-52 Ladies and Goa 4aa� I wish to thank' all the electors who auip- 't Ne stored, Ten da*s�, the fruit The issmiLy-.of he -lite Mrs. Alex. Gordon ported me in W�B �eagjit atest, and wish all desire to express their 4appre.ciation of the a Very HaVVY, Nev Year. rees w sympathy shown them in. their recent bereave-' #om he other f" e:ge picked siad represeotative�sgiiipld stored alo4g DAIRY RgAgEET meat, also tohank those who so kindly loaa- 8134xI P. WATSON. ed, their buggles.' Toronto_ Angiary 8Td.-Cheese, new, large, The early picked . lfrutt wa§ not so 23 to 2g%,; twins, .23,h to* 24c; triplet4. 24% tons 01 0; � tydns, the qp, 1ot TUCKERSNETIR. qjn4 14. 5c; S#1 : 26�.* d lame 27 TO Tq2 ELECTORS O� ground color was. #111 a -pronoUne�. 27 -J-2 *0, 280; triplets 4and cut�l 98 to' 20/20, 04 SM0M. 490" Ladies and Ge"�leMeft:­ greenish yellow. , Thi' second lot Ittek---No. I 'creamery ints, 32- to 43c; I appreciite greatl�v tbpfact that although *,as -highly colored with �a g6od yellow 41C. sicknew"Itad confined me to� the home for Vound, and the fruit average.j three %V= h� extraw; In � cartons, 65 to 67c; some weeks, and I was unable to ask for fresh extras. loose, 63 to 456c; fresh firsts, 58 Mrs. John Boyd desire to ex- your support, you havp paain -*unds harder thallf the first, picked t�, slic., fresh secon&, -86 to 37c. ihekindness shown , seen fit to elect; press their appoeeiation of , me to the office of Zouncill- or for the combig u to th `by,their- neighbors and, in y r. it. After two months' storage the . :Egp-�-Stbrage extras, 46 to 47c; firsts, 40 exj� friends ea ' I thank you for the coutinance of the 'irl . picked - fruit - was 'still market- to 4�- their r4cent-sad bercavemenU. confidence you have'plwed in me in the Uast of.a. faithful discharge of -Iillzbut lacked the desert quality, Apd ensure you the dutiew'of the office.' 'ilor and hardness of the fruit from M. CLARK. second picking. After three MARK=, 1, , , - ?­ -months, storage the first lot was past Lennan--On- ChAftnass �Eve,` X927, at - the and practically. unmarket- prime No. I Noi�iernl novalt'W" No. 2-14oq��rn, Royal�Viatorla Maternity ospital, to Mr. TO THE ZLZCT038 OF McMLLOP: abTe, I whereas the late picked fruit Northeru.:$1.861/4; No. 4 346rth- and Mrs. Edward!' P. Lennon, 445 Cote, de toug Ladies and Gentlemen. - 'Was in splendid condition and retafti� 'erin,l $L23%,. No. 2 h, $1.44%: No. 3. Neiges Road, Mlontrq#l, -a qop, No, 4 tough, �1.211/-,. c -i.2- ,a tha I return my sjucere thenjas for your gen- d jpd desert qualities. The pxpkel que.N- eiraq-4n Exeter H pi , ou'December 27th, rous support on Mnday, -3ast, in again elect- .1vi1tie of the late pickled[ fruitwas eqj.� & W.r. and Mrs. Willi,sla sima� a son ing me to repmexit On in the McKillop d fe,Wantoba� cas-No. 8 C.W., 67%c; No. I liani Evan). b highe ed, 65%4�7; No, 2 feed,'63%c; W -tern grain Council of - IM. - - 50 pe�r' arr( Bray�ln Exeter Hospite*, on Tuesday. De�- thii�'the first lot u;tatiena in ef. Parts. cember 27th,'to Mr. and Mr§, John Bray America- corn, Toronto, freights, No. 2, Usboine, EL son. JOHN M. ECKERT. Xliples shovnink conaiderable scab yellow, kiln, dried,,.$1.00; No. 3 yellow, kiln A �oj,blemish'ftom,�isease should not be 'dried, 99c; Argentine corn, $1.05. -Aept n storage any longer than nee- Millfeed-Delivered, Montreal. frelghto. 1= ECT�RS OF McTOP: �assary, -as such fruit W rariably included: ran. per -ton. 884.25; shorts, per t1l ini , . ton, $86.25; middlings, 044.25. Ladies sitd ?.,Iemen-.- Totana wilt'quicker than sound Sped- i Ontario oats --68e, f.o.b. shipping points. Ifunkin-Hamilton.-At Thames, Read Manse, I express my sincere thanks to you for znens. Ontario Aced milling wheat -$1.27 f.o.b., Aipping points. according to -freights. Satufty December 24thf'Miss Elizabet again electing me, - to- the Council Board for Good ventilation that 'Will drop the Irene. 0 45 � dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. Wra. another year. I wi.11 bend every endeavor to -teniperature of the storage room " Buekwheat-75c. A. Hamilton, t6- Mr. 'Nelsa' J. Hunkin. serve your interests in the coming year as I youngest son of Mn and Mrs. Thomas Hun- have in the Past quickly as possible in.,the Autuinn is Rye -N- 2, $1.02. D. REGELE. essential for the storing of the kut- -Manitoba flour -First patent, in cotton. kin, by, Rev. G. M, �Phldley. I $7.90; Toronto, second patent, in jute, $7.80. -unin varieties. Warm temperatures Ontario flour -Toronto, 90 per cent. patents, -hasten­the changes that ripen and Der barrel, in ear lots, $5.135 ; seaboard, in DEATHS TO THE ELECTORS OF MrKILLOP: ­wflt apples, whereas low temperatures bulk. 05.85. Ladies and Gentlemen— prolong the storage* life y slowing Rackhey.-In Exeter, on Monday. December Permit me to express my appreciation of mp the natural ripening process. 26th, Andrew Hackney, aged 65 years and Your continued confidence in me by again LUVESTOCK MARKI&T 6 months. electing me to represent Your interests in the Hodgert.-In Exeter, on Wednesday, Dedem- McKillop C,ouncil for tfie coming year. Buffalo, January 3rd. -Hogs, 8,300; hold- her 29th, Mary Ann Hodgerk, aged 65 !KEEP TURKEYS APART FROM "'era, 480; 25 to 40 �ents higher; bulk, 170 years and 28 days. THOMAS J. McKAY. pco4nds up, -*9.65 few 1$9.75; 150 to 160 pounds $9.25 to $9.50; 156 pounds, down, $9.00; OTHER POULTRY packing sows. $7.25 to *8.00. TO THE ELECTORS OF McKILLOP: Turkeys can be' reared artificially e Cattle, 1,20; market mostly. 25 cents high- Ladies and Gentlemen:- r, spots, up-, top steers. $14.75 for 1.280 AIW I wish to express to you my thank� for the and successfully when kept in elcoe Pounds; few loads�' $13.00 to $13.85; few Oil support you gave me in Monday's election to $12.50; yearling heifers. $11.�5�to $12.50: and in electing me Reeve of. McKillop for the -�,eohfinement. By this mchod alone $8.00 to. $10.00; fat,cows, inth time in succession- Service will be my motto for 8., can they defy the deadly blackhead t.h5es, bull,, .06.50 to $9.00. SOUTH HURON AGRICULTURAL 'SOCIETY the year 192 . ., and other diseases. 'This has again Calves, 1,000; 50 cents higher; top veal- Th annual meeting of the South Huron 'FRANK J.. McQUAID. 7been deifionstrated by Poultry divi§�' a,--. $17.00; cull and common. $9.00 to S12.50. Agricatuml Society will be held in �the Coni- Sheep. 4,200; fat 1-ambs, 50, cents higher; merciat' Hot�el,'Henssll, on Friday, January men of the University of Min- the, trong; good to choice lambs, 90 lbs' 20th at 1 0.m., for the ptirpose of receiving ion mesota. --Experiments carried on in down, $14.00; culland common, $1.50 to $12; the 'Directors' and Auditors' annual reports, to, $7.50. f6r the current year U. F. 3. MEYMN(G 1926 and- only recenily summarized ft'ewe6, the election of directors and the transaction of other business. iconfirih the splendid results reported. The regular monthly meeting of the U.F.O. in, 1925 as to gains, costs, and Inortal- Union Stock Yards. Toro . nto, Ja I nuary, I 4th. W. D. SANDERS, liL. M. McLEAN. will be held in Crnegie- Hall, Seaforth. on -f President. Secretary. Wednesday, January 11th, at 4 p.m. Mr. R. -Ttigugh not qui�e bqf,4,-to normal fez, a. N. Bisgnnette, Bs.A., will -tuldreifs the meet- ' -As c6m on hens tire -carriers Of week's opening day, vourne of 'cattle ..Ppdy ig on "Entomology." ul-i4kheadr it is a cardinal principle on to -day's market was heavy for a Tueada-v, 3134-1 WILLIAM CHARTERS, President. and a ecided ineresse. as compared with of the sb-called close 'confinement dally of the past fortnight Trade mneihod that the turkeys - must be kept was bit slow at the opening, with Bales- apalt.from other poultryand on'clean men asking an advance in price, but after FOR SAM BY, 7ENDER, SCALES WANTED. :groVud that has not been infecied by the first h.)ur cattle moved readily, with the t -the poultry ftock. . At the tniversitY quarter. advance Pa,id for choice killers and f the bulk selling Arm -to a shade stronger i Wanted to purchase a scale, 1500 Irm edder, PoOn Plowet, V. lo RVA �40YAUArrp dtilnt *00h mapure sproder, a 21row,'uuMer, p: Irw $Miller, Climax bull -WW'44 feet' OX vive pod 40 feet,of froa belt;� 114, hor�4*"i, eug,lija' almost new. sood wo. hay ruv. viavel bm 4juing gany plow, set of aqlghs wiWrkk, set of� scale$ 2,000 lbs. 9bgr tire top buggy, steel tire Clintn fanning *W, set of 4�sectAow harrows. Star $44ap, oar, . in good running order, 2 sets of, do0l btirussa (nearjy new), 8 good horse cQuAs, 60 Vuohela of good clean whita sweet clover eed,.2a tims of millet, 10 tons of hay. The o, impatt- ments , arls a nearly new, meat of - them be� ing purchased in the last two years. Every- -thing to be: sold,-- as proiirietor has seedea. down is farm. Terms-$6ven months' credit will be given on furnishing bankable paper, or a discount of 4010 strailrht allowed for cash. GUSTAVE BTSBACK, Proprietor; Elliott, Auctioneer. UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK� Ex- plements and Household Furiture-Wr. Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 16, Concession 8, H.R.S., Tuelversawith, on Friday, January 6th, 1928, At one o'clock p.m., the following: Z(orses­T*o blood horses, I general purDaze borse. good single or double. Cattle -Two cows du6 in March, 8 helfer� calves, I- purp bred Ayrshire cow due in March, I pare, bre4 Ayrobire cow with calf by aide; I Jew heifer due in April. Hogs --Two sows; ZZ 25 hens, limlements-­Mne drill, cultivntot, na,ruess.' bean dultivator, harvester, plough, roller, w�gon, buggy, cutter, light a buggy poles, horse lylankets­8 Buff&L-r-hu neakyoke'and whiffietrees, I set; double Dium- ess. 3 sets single harness, logging chains, forks, shovels, wheelbarrow and -lawn mower. a quantity of hey and roots. Houpehold Zf- fects-One dresser, I bed, I spring, I Pandora kitchen range with water front, wicker baby buggy, quantity of quart jars, wringer, table and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms -All sums of $10 and -_under, cash-, over that amount 6 months' credit will be -given an approved joint notes. Six per cent per annum off for cash on credit amouAts. J. H. PRICE, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auc- tioneer. AUCrrION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS on Lot 23. Hay Township, 1/4 mile north of Zurich. Goshen Line, on Fri- day, January 13th, 1928, commencing at one sharp, the following: Horses --One team of horses, I driver, I sucking colt Cattle -Vine cows mostly fresh. one due to calve in February; 7 steers rising 2 5 heifers rising 2 years. 10 sPring calves, �,; small calves, I pure bred bull. Figs - 27 stocker pigs weighing about 100 pounds' I saw with litter at foot. Hens --150 White Leg- horn hens, mostly pallets. Implements, Etc. - Massey -Harris binder 6 f9ot cut, Wassey-Har- ris 5 -foot mower, Massey -Harris d6c, Massey - Harris corn cultivator with puller attarh- ment, International fertilizer disc "rum steel roller. 5-secti.. harrows. I tion harroovs, gasoline engine 9 LP., Gray engine 4 H.P., .,hand scuffier, spring tooth cultivator� steel rake, two wagons, 2 hay racks, 2 gravel boxes, wagon box. and stock rack. 2 fanning mills, 20004b, scales, wheel- barrow, manure wagon. ladder, logging chain, 2 double plows. 2 single plows, Pair bob- sleighs, 3 sets of team harness, Chevrolet car in gbod running order, about 6 tons of clover hay, F) storm windows, about 80 onion racks, 2 bushels alsike clver, 2 bushels red cicver and numerous other articles. Terms -- All sums of 610 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes.- Four per cent. a freight off for cash on credit, amountu. OSCAR KOEHLER. Proprietor; R. F. Stade, Clerk; Arthur Weber, Auctloneer. 3133-2 pIGS FOR SALE. -TEN- GOOD YOUNG pigs eight weeks old. Phone 16-145, Sea - forth. HARRY CHESNEY. 3134-1 F OR SALE. -A BROOD SOW DUE TO farow about the 20th of January. Apply to JOHN T. ELGIE, R. R. No. 2, Kippen, or phone X1 on 134. 81S4-tf ESTRAY STFER.--STRAYF-D ON TO THE premises of the u ndemigned. a grey steer. about two years old. Owner can have same by proving Property and paying charges. W, F ALEXANDER, Hensall. Phone 6-82, Hen - .all. 3132-3 FOR SALE. -A FEW CHOICE LEICESTER ew�. bred in No�ember. Apply to WILLIAM CHARTERS, R. R. 3. Seaforth. Phone 4-137. 313 1 -tf BULLS FOR SALE. -FUR SALE 6 PURE bred Durham bull calves. roivns and reds. From Ornnge Marquis bull. Apply to G. R. McCARTNEY, Seaforth. or phone 15 on 137. 3131-tf 1FARMS FOR SALE. -A LfEVV CHOICE farms in the Townships of Usbarno, ruckeramith and Hibbert. Gao& bulIdiu,,ToaTkd pell located ao to markets. THOMAS CAM- CRON, Exeter, Out. 800849 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 30. CONCESSION 10 . Morris Townihip, containing about 50 Rcr�. adjoining Village of Walton. C.P.R. station within 20 roda. On the property is a bank barn 40x80. hen house 16x32. silo 12x3O, never failing well with windmill. comfortable frame hou�e conbaininz 7 rooms with modern �onveniendes, new furnace. electric lights. large woo&hed attached to house. The lan& is rst class, well drained and in splendid state of cultimtion. Phone 14-232, Seaforth. or apply on the premises t,o JOHN MoDONALD, Saw.. mill. Walton. 8120)[4-tf TENDFMS WANTED Temder� for 10 cords of 14-ineh green bc,dy d-ood. at leat 60 Per cent. maple, t� b� at No. 6 Schoal Hoii­. Tuckersmith. before April ist. 1928. ,vill be r�ei�ed by the unde�ignerl until January 201h. 1929. SAM WHITEMORE, Seeretary-Trensurer. R. R. No. 3, S�oforth­ FORGET 7HE BLUES ! i I 19A1RN -� "I". Engineering. Auto Mechanics. Electri- cal I tfon. Batt- er7 or ol d Ing Fx orts H se Wir Uff. 0 1 I and Plasterin ]so Barbert sin es' EntalhN�,. dressina. �'h Eam $6 0�0 P) I 0 per. Day, Elaw weeks required to learn. Eitpz t Instructors, Fractical Big Demand. 9 art NOW for bt r pay and a weht Or call for ep*olrl Otio? nnd ree Books. I 5 Tmda Schcoac ne" f3treet went, Toronto, r St e t du, 7 ).'O 0 S h ON-, ON T4 WAnteir T erm Beg!= Jia'aw 3rd B. F. W, AW,, B.A-9 Win -ter Te 0 rM TTESSDAIF, JANUARY -3rd 1928, Complete and thoroug� courses leading to ftlbifia Free employment service for the benefit 04 all students. Without obligation, Write. for free catalogue.- 1. CENTRAIL BUSENESS COLLEGE, Stratford, Ont R. F. Lumsden, B.A, Principal. IHolidays Are Over, Back to Butmew HHS store is going out after bigger busin6ss in 1.928 -gireater efforts wfli accomplish this, coupled- with the piroper kind of merchandising ad'-serwoe render- ed. We will have to step some as the business.year of Y T of 1927 for this store w&.q a big year tart with theire arc many odd gift lines left over after the Christmas and.New Year's buyiing that e are cutting down in . price for quick selling. Come -in andlook around. P. J� KELLY, STRkTFGRD One way fare paid from RgitcheR, Dublin and Seafortk, either by railroad or car, on purchases of $20.00 or over. 'Farm, the eggs were ll-atoed in in- than last,Weeles diose. The heavy steer class was' rep resented by severa emall lottos St. Luke's Anglican Church, Lot 12, Copce-4- to 2000 pounds capacity. Must be in cubstors and the poults were raied -2n brooders End in Of UTICOn- the odd load, wh ich Bead from 9% lalu%d heavy on County- sion X1. Goshen Line, Stanley Township. Har- good shape. Apply at THE EXPOS - yards tanlinated sod four feet wide by 40 cents, outside of one prime waiert mad� a top of 12 centB per potilid, wile on 1�'; (0 Four acres, more or less, of cleared if ITOR OFFICE. 3134-1 10 feet in length. of a dozen near heavies, just under �,200 ds, sold -at 11V& cents per pound Randy - "u' arable land, right of way necessary. (2) Also church, timber frame lxtildiug, S. 'T. Zoltmes a ESE 0 LANDS FOR 'TAXES .4n, one group of 33 hatched May :20AM 1926, 29 were sold in� the Fall, weight butcher steers brought f -o;� 7.80 to 9% cents. and the range on buU.r heifers cedar sleepers, size about 27 ft. x 36 ft. (3)* Also timber frame abed, size about ft, buildings to be YOU'RE NOT SO DUMB -when they averaged more than 12 was 71/2 to 10 cents per pound. Good butcher dirring 26 ft x 30 removed if required by Vendor. before April lat, 1928. To suffer from gore Throst� Bronchitis. pounds etch and netted 43 a- bird ov- cows, which maintained their vilue the easing off in other killers las t week sold - Particulars may be obtained from Mr. Wm. Fee, Hensall, Ontario. Cough. Bronchial Asthma, Catarrh, Head Colds, Adenoids and Tonsil Troubles, when ,et the 'feed cost. Two died natural death, and two were accidentally kill- steady at 6% to 7% cents for good to choice generally, while some real choice bute hers and : Sealed ienders for any or all of tbtFabove parcels. 1, 2, 3, accompanid by marked GOOD results, are guarantee<] by using Mrs. S3,billa, Spahra TonsilitL�. Try It. Keating's 0 Finest Motor and Home- ed. The y were raised at a feed cost choice fat cown were firm to strong at 8 to an treme 81A ents per pound. Bulls ere cheque for ten per cent of te,nder, must be rug Store, Seaforth; A. W. I,. Hemphill. 3134-2 dirawn equipmen .�Of 7.8 cents per pound$ or less than $1 stronger at 7 to 8 cents per pound, far good cimt to the undersigned on or before Ist February, 1928, from whom full partidalars Hensall. < > Prepared and 1b. copies thereof may, Ira am had in my d that the list ia Itzing In of 36, which-wer 13 to choice, with plain butcher bulls downward to 5 cents. Store cattle supply was very light c' n be obtained: the highest or any tender Pot necessarily accepted. 0 published in the 0 rin Gazette, OctoPsw nta another group liatched as Ate as.Julyt 35 were fed --until -7.8 amounting I Just a load of stockers which sold at 6% cents �per pound, and ii few feed-' 7Y4 to 8 Pound. Some ARCHDEACON W. J. DOHERTY, 29th, November 5th, 12th and Ifth, <> 0 at a ost o cents per pound 'they Weighed a little more than seven era at rom cents per f t�alf-dozen baby beeves of fairly good qualit Everything Bor �307, London, Ont. residence, North Main SreeL brought 10al, cents per pound. 3134-9 ANNUAL MEMNG Flowers furnished on ohort <> m -pounds. ech. They were then Er- in the offering, outside of a few late arriv- 0 notice. All kinds o2 uED- 3ceted and netted $1.70.a bird over the als, which were held, ;was sold by closing The annual meeting of the Seaforth <0 1�ed costs. Some of the groups, had no losses time, with feeling steady too strong as re- gards killer values generally. There was plenty of dem-and at steady pric RAA-1\qKUq Agricultural Society will.be held in the Carnegie. Library on awh ile a group 6t 12,which -were M ve� to a house justvacated by hens ' q� es for the light supply of calves. Mm- per good veals sold steady at 14 to 15 cents and a 4ew primes made 151/2 'cents. AGENCY S,ATURDAY, JANUARY 14th, 1928 -2d and placed on poultTy contaminat pound, Ligh� calves and medium quaRty Yeala brought the lInsurance ym&. at 2 o'clock Sat�,/,\r Logo Winted 11 died within a mouth. . 8% jo 12 cents. The bulk of offering _granhd, A. C. Smith, chief of the division of showed good to choice quality. 13�� 5onds, Re'SR' Es'ia'�Z Business-Reeiving Financial Re - &t �Pme wz�tan Saw poultt-y husbandry) 'University of Mill- Good ewe and wether lambs a euj�g at cents per Pound for the bulk registered an- Moneyto Lon " port for 1927; election f Officers and I business. -a, sota, says that one of the objects of other half cent per pound;,radvanee over last lot Directors for 1928, an( other . I i efI92� experiment was to determine week's similar gain, and one small of fancy lambs made 14 cents. Some light feed- &E AFORTH, GIMTARHO NJ F. HARBURN, V.S., tle�necessary amount Of animal mat- er lambs sold 'it 11 ents and, bucks at 10% phone 92 President. V111. 0. IM2AZY -tgr �ii�eded in the rations of the tur- cents per Pound. Sheep were a shade -Arong- 0 Licensed Embalmer =4 0 Hard Mapl�. Soft Maple. Soft Elm, Basp wood nd Rock Elm. Cut hard aM o7di Ireys. Dry mash containing thirty er than la,st week. a couple of choice light ewes bringing 7 cents per pound and good Funeral Director. 0 -per cent. meat scraps gave the %best n celits. Culls sold down- IqX 4 from 6- to 6V!z 0 Up-to-date Horse and- Radmy -results, he says. This was kept be- -ward to .4 cents Per P�und . Total sheep and 0 -2�dre them all the time. lamb supply was light at around 500. Th4 hog market was unsettled with packer an odd Ing 10' foet long. All small or de- '�,This mash W as composed of equal ' -pirts by weight of yellow corn meal, buyers bidding the steady 9.15 cents Per pound for bacon selects. w.D.r., and salesmen cen fpdtive �oft elm logn. 8, 11 and 13 feet long. '%eat midd lings, wheat 'bran and oat to hAding out for a quarter advance. The ]on. comidering that there was no market yester- XR st 2 Cut ba,­ood Ima, 10. 12 and 14 feet , rock elm ].g.-. 12 and 14 feet, Highest cash price -90ur to start with, but changed day, was light, and it looked as though 0 paid for log� which wil) be classed firsta, oats as the -turkeys grew old there was a good chance of ranking the ask- seconds nnd thirda. JOHN McDONALD, -lw�ound er, To 70 pounds- of this mixture 4is added 30 Poundh of high gTade ed price when settlement is arrived at. -The reeeiPts to -day were 2,146 ca�tle, 157 510 and lambs. Phoig 14-232 Walton, Ome. -meat scraps, a half pound of tine calves, 1,228 bogs, and sheep Quotation.- Heavy beef steers. choice, $10 GUARANTEED table salt, and a half pound of pow- :d6ved charcoal . After' they W'bri 9 ix to $11.00; do, fair, $9.00 to Sio.00; butcher steers, choice, �9.50 to $10.26; do., fair to good $8.00 to �9.00; loutcher hiffers, choice, 0.00 -Vebki old the turkeys were hopper- do., common, $7.50 to $8.00; but- :qdd until they were ready for the A mixture of cracked cher cows. good to choice, $7.00 to 08.00, do. fair to good, 05.50 to �6.50,, do.. cdvninon 'to grain medium, $4.60 to i$6.50; do. canners and cut- If you are interested in investing your savings in securities GenemR Ensurance Agermy ters, !38.00 to $4 . 60: butcher bulls,' good to do., medium, �6.00 to choice, 0.00 to �9.00; of the most conservative type, yielding an attractive rate of inter - baby $6.75: do., bolognas. - 64.75 to $5.25. to S13.00, feeders, cholieev­$7.00 est, we recommend "GUARANTEED INVESTMENT BONDS." ! Licensed Embalmer. 8,r REM beef, 010-00 to $8.00; stockers, choice, 07.25 to 0.50 1, do. fair to medium' .,iio to ' $17.00; springem, hese bonds meet every requirement of a sa& investment, being <> ITT SWORTH, Ok - choice, $9.00 to �110.00: milch Low�, choice. S75.00 to �qil.00; plain to medium cown, $50 Uar n teed both as to principal and interest, as well as lizvinl�l "' behilaid 0 to 0.00; calves, choice, $14.00 to $P.60 ; them as additional security a rst mortgage on impl�oVed I pip U48URABTCE AGSNTS AL do. medium, G8 00 to i)12.00; do, 91t430M. - �1&60 to 014, residential property to the full amoutt of the bonds. �h .h ru Kau, L; only th 05 50 to 00.00; layfit -% choice, db: good, $11.00 t4 01S.001 bucks, 814�0 to They are availab4 in denonlingtibnS of $500.00, $1000.00 End UP Flowers; Iurnfahad on &aau� a n �14.00; sheep, yearling, �7.00 to PY8.00- 410-P choice, 05ze to U,60. do. heavies. V4,OW zV . whtds. We Invite your inquiries. Me' I" opt 12ateo, $%15 to $5.00, do.,.culls, 03-00AD 04,00; bogs, AGledtO- &ID, C.. tIMo8 �9,40; do., fed, M%tO009-10 thick th,- W.O.C., Q8.s5 o S .9 : d*.. 71 Ir1rust Company a , `* "' , fed, U.26 toe 08-50. e �lf%r dis4oanta an Werlor grades of Irm edder, PoOn Plowet, V. lo RVA �40YAUArrp dtilnt *00h mapure sproder, a 21row,'uuMer, p: Irw $Miller, Climax bull -WW'44 feet' OX vive pod 40 feet,of froa belt;� 114, hor�4*"i, eug,lija' almost new. sood wo. hay ruv. viavel bm 4juing gany plow, set of aqlghs wiWrkk, set of� scale$ 2,000 lbs. 9bgr tire top buggy, steel tire Clintn fanning *W, set of 4�sectAow harrows. Star $44ap, oar, . in good running order, 2 sets of, do0l btirussa (nearjy new), 8 good horse cQuAs, 60 Vuohela of good clean whita sweet clover eed,.2a tims of millet, 10 tons of hay. The o, impatt- ments , arls a nearly new, meat of - them be� ing purchased in the last two years. Every- -thing to be: sold,-- as proiirietor has seedea. down is farm. Terms-$6ven months' credit will be given on furnishing bankable paper, or a discount of 4010 strailrht allowed for cash. GUSTAVE BTSBACK, Proprietor; Elliott, Auctioneer. UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK� Ex- plements and Household Furiture-Wr. Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 16, Concession 8, H.R.S., Tuelversawith, on Friday, January 6th, 1928, At one o'clock p.m., the following: Z(orses­T*o blood horses, I general purDaze borse. good single or double. Cattle -Two cows du6 in March, 8 helfer� calves, I- purp bred Ayrshire cow due in March, I pare, bre4 Ayrobire cow with calf by aide; I Jew heifer due in April. Hogs --Two sows; ZZ 25 hens, limlements-­Mne drill, cultivntot, na,ruess.' bean dultivator, harvester, plough, roller, w�gon, buggy, cutter, light a buggy poles, horse lylankets­8 Buff&L-r-hu neakyoke'and whiffietrees, I set; double Dium- ess. 3 sets single harness, logging chains, forks, shovels, wheelbarrow and -lawn mower. a quantity of hey and roots. Houpehold Zf- fects-One dresser, I bed, I spring, I Pandora kitchen range with water front, wicker baby buggy, quantity of quart jars, wringer, table and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms -All sums of $10 and -_under, cash-, over that amount 6 months' credit will be -given an approved joint notes. Six per cent per annum off for cash on credit amouAts. J. H. PRICE, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auc- tioneer. AUCrrION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS on Lot 23. Hay Township, 1/4 mile north of Zurich. Goshen Line, on Fri- day, January 13th, 1928, commencing at one sharp, the following: Horses --One team of horses, I driver, I sucking colt Cattle -Vine cows mostly fresh. one due to calve in February; 7 steers rising 2 5 heifers rising 2 years. 10 sPring calves, �,; small calves, I pure bred bull. Figs - 27 stocker pigs weighing about 100 pounds' I saw with litter at foot. Hens --150 White Leg- horn hens, mostly pallets. Implements, Etc. - Massey -Harris binder 6 f9ot cut, Wassey-Har- ris 5 -foot mower, Massey -Harris d6c, Massey - Harris corn cultivator with puller attarh- ment, International fertilizer disc "rum steel roller. 5-secti.. harrows. I tion harroovs, gasoline engine 9 LP., Gray engine 4 H.P., .,hand scuffier, spring tooth cultivator� steel rake, two wagons, 2 hay racks, 2 gravel boxes, wagon box. and stock rack. 2 fanning mills, 20004b, scales, wheel- barrow, manure wagon. ladder, logging chain, 2 double plows. 2 single plows, Pair bob- sleighs, 3 sets of team harness, Chevrolet car in gbod running order, about 6 tons of clover hay, F) storm windows, about 80 onion racks, 2 bushels alsike clver, 2 bushels red cicver and numerous other articles. Terms -- All sums of 610 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes.- Four per cent. a freight off for cash on credit, amountu. OSCAR KOEHLER. Proprietor; R. F. Stade, Clerk; Arthur Weber, Auctloneer. 3133-2 pIGS FOR SALE. -TEN- GOOD YOUNG pigs eight weeks old. Phone 16-145, Sea - forth. HARRY CHESNEY. 3134-1 F OR SALE. -A BROOD SOW DUE TO farow about the 20th of January. Apply to JOHN T. ELGIE, R. R. No. 2, Kippen, or phone X1 on 134. 81S4-tf ESTRAY STFER.--STRAYF-D ON TO THE premises of the u ndemigned. a grey steer. about two years old. Owner can have same by proving Property and paying charges. W, F ALEXANDER, Hensall. Phone 6-82, Hen - .all. 3132-3 FOR SALE. -A FEW CHOICE LEICESTER ew�. bred in No�ember. Apply to WILLIAM CHARTERS, R. R. 3. Seaforth. Phone 4-137. 313 1 -tf BULLS FOR SALE. -FUR SALE 6 PURE bred Durham bull calves. roivns and reds. From Ornnge Marquis bull. Apply to G. R. McCARTNEY, Seaforth. or phone 15 on 137. 3131-tf 1FARMS FOR SALE. -A LfEVV CHOICE farms in the Townships of Usbarno, ruckeramith and Hibbert. Gao& bulIdiu,,ToaTkd pell located ao to markets. THOMAS CAM- CRON, Exeter, Out. 800849 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 30. CONCESSION 10 . Morris Townihip, containing about 50 Rcr�. adjoining Village of Walton. C.P.R. station within 20 roda. On the property is a bank barn 40x80. hen house 16x32. silo 12x3O, never failing well with windmill. comfortable frame hou�e conbaininz 7 rooms with modern �onveniendes, new furnace. electric lights. large woo&hed attached to house. The lan& is rst class, well drained and in splendid state of cultimtion. Phone 14-232, Seaforth. or apply on the premises t,o JOHN MoDONALD, Saw.. mill. Walton. 8120)[4-tf TENDFMS WANTED Temder� for 10 cords of 14-ineh green bc,dy d-ood. at leat 60 Per cent. maple, t� b� at No. 6 Schoal Hoii­. Tuckersmith. before April ist. 1928. ,vill be r�ei�ed by the unde�ignerl until January 201h. 1929. SAM WHITEMORE, Seeretary-Trensurer. R. R. No. 3, S�oforth­ FORGET 7HE BLUES ! i I 19A1RN -� "I". Engineering. Auto Mechanics. Electri- cal I tfon. Batt- er7 or ol d Ing Fx orts H se Wir Uff. 0 1 I and Plasterin ]so Barbert sin es' EntalhN�,. dressina. �'h Eam $6 0�0 P) I 0 per. Day, Elaw weeks required to learn. Eitpz t Instructors, Fractical Big Demand. 9 art NOW for bt r pay and a weht Or call for ep*olrl Otio? nnd ree Books. I 5 Tmda Schcoac ne" f3treet went, Toronto, r St e t du, 7 ).'O 0 S h ON-, ON T4 WAnteir T erm Beg!= Jia'aw 3rd B. F. W, AW,, B.A-9 Win -ter Te 0 rM TTESSDAIF, JANUARY -3rd 1928, Complete and thoroug� courses leading to ftlbifia Free employment service for the benefit 04 all students. Without obligation, Write. for free catalogue.- 1. CENTRAIL BUSENESS COLLEGE, Stratford, Ont R. F. Lumsden, B.A, Principal. IHolidays Are Over, Back to Butmew HHS store is going out after bigger busin6ss in 1.928 -gireater efforts wfli accomplish this, coupled- with the piroper kind of merchandising ad'-serwoe render- ed. We will have to step some as the business.year of Y T of 1927 for this store w&.q a big year tart with theire arc many odd gift lines left over after the Christmas and.New Year's buyiing that e are cutting down in . price for quick selling. Come -in andlook around. P. J� KELLY, STRkTFGRD One way fare paid from RgitcheR, Dublin and Seafortk, either by railroad or car, on purchases of $20.00 or over. :&14t) PLAT% hogs. PA C GLAS W. 33BRY, Aont. GGM. Monaaoy' C, J. IftReT & get d L' avang wbit trade at atrons Prico-1. for VN 9 N D30 PF, J. '�sL 39TATY, an eattlo. Particular, atwe of f600d OPENS �tjentlon iod'd K, 0 to 1�'§Jhlg pU,ajjjy, The few otegst ofeVed woro of mod. JANUA Y 0 rector -004 to 09.2BI. An and. ndjusli Ilo. qumfty and obla for 4tnN I n 6 0 i01 I'll, i. T&Ottto. (cam 67 mos A IiTQ , IV, ONO W. E. Bell b2 ......................... * 0 <> <> 0 0 <0 0 10 TRIRASURIER"S SAL9 OF S. 'T. Zoltmes a ESE 0 LANDS FOR 'TAXES 0 Funeral Director and 10 IN THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH, M 10 Licensed Embalmer. 0 THE COUNTY OF HURO1tT 0 Finest Motor and Home- 0 NOTICE is hereby given that the list 02 dirawn equipmen rr 2 lands for sale for R e r, of taxes has b�-= 0 Block, Main Street, opposite < > Prepared and 1b. copies thereof may, Ira am had in my d that the list ia Itzing 0 The Expositor Office. S. T. 0 published in the 0 rin Gazette, OctoPsw nta 0 Holmes' residence, Gode2ich <> 29th, November 5th, 12th and Ifth, <> 0 Street West; Chas. Hollinea' 0 10 1927, and that in default of payment cC the taxeg. the lands will be sold for t=,m an residence, North Main SreeL Tuesday, February 14th, A,D., 11329, at 9 10> Flowers furnished on ohort <> o'clock in the afternoon, at the T*-,vn XnH, 0 notice. All kinds o2 uED- Seaforth JOHN A. MLOON. TTanamlrcr. holatering neatly done. <0 312Z-12 Tov7n of Senfortrz. Phones: 219 or 254 J. <> <> Sat�,/,\r Logo Winted &t �Pme wz�tan Saw <> <> <> <> lc� 0 o<> V111. 0. IM2AZY 0 Licensed Embalmer =4 0 Hard Mapl�. Soft Maple. Soft Elm, Basp wood nd Rock Elm. Cut hard aM o7di 0 Funeral Director. 0 rrval� I.". 12 and 14 feet long. witb an 0 Up-to-date Horse and- Radmy 0 ocesmonal lm 10 feet. AR good stra,L-kt, Sou n d elm logs. mostly 12 and 14 'feet wit 0 Equipment. an odd Ing 10' foet long. All small or de- 0 Night and Day Service. <0 fpdtive �oft elm logn. 8, 11 and 13 feet long. 0 Phone 19-22, Dublim Cut ba,­ood Ima, 10. 12 and 14 feet , rock elm ].g.-. 12 and 14 feet, Highest cash price 0 0 paid for log� which wil) be classed firsta, 0 <> <> <> <> seconds nnd thirda. JOHN McDONALD, Phoig 14-232 Walton, Ome. 7 0 <> 0 <> 0 <> <> GenemR Ensurance Agermy 0 Funeral Director =2 0 Licensed Embalmer. <> 302 0 Bent Raotor and Eoroe-d=cm 0 equipment. Chargeo Mo6ornta. ....... Flowers; Iurnfahad on &aau� <0> notiee. <0 mi hto Calls DaV Cr2n Molma 275. nona M 0 Inv :&14t) PLAT% hogs. PA C GLAS W. 33BRY, Aont. GGM. Monaaoy' C, J. IftReT & get d L' avang wbit trade at atrons Prico-1. for VN 9 N D30 PF, J. '�sL 39TATY, an eattlo. Particular, atwe of f600d OPENS �tjentlon iod'd K, 0 to 1�'§Jhlg pU,ajjjy, The few otegst ofeVed woro of mod. JANUA Y 0 rector -004 to 09.2BI. An and. ndjusli Ilo. qumfty and obla for 4tnN I n 6 0 i01 I'll, i. T&Ottto. (cam 67 mos A IiTQ , IV, ONO W. E. Bell b2 .........................