HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1928-01-06, Page 1%
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----------- ..... --- 'Oro
0ountiles. Mr. came Idmak" Iminister of co -,War-
is not a doubt ill Vivo; it pen- to prbividie suit�ble cc
Minister of Qrganiz4- ffvwlek,T� b Ni ki'
1�ha solution iW. that prob... tb, of the Cour
St ithe Trusta�sl p be! g,
the determination of our rate tion
passes, great
progress !A:th the government' of Hollana. In the )Rastb rovincial Secretary. onal
louse, Stephen -i-4. P1
�brtdKer and more m*perous. new, of the building is librar also Speaker,of the I W110
hithe io., the 'thoqt Portfolios, L. �Xc s
ft of Mr. Carneg,
,An, ever before.
Gidley, Bob MeNlairn, Clato
Looking backwira'.
GelvifLugenport, an ancient, Spanish
to pla aw over urneJ�ac
A TRUP ABROAD �nd Hjiol prison, we Joined an American party -k. McCF 199 P . ..... .
conducted Sguto 46 bA
-had (By �Iiss Matilda Fowler) of tourists a -mid, wero
Seventh Wroxeter-4ohn .35 bar Nlr* R �W. was a bor� Wednesday evening the
was officially In the histary of i;hel DOmintom But At 2.27 p.m. I left, Brussels for rible place. Here Cornelius de itit 01#,-r Boys, Pprliment
-periods rgi4i: ant through the building. It B
haA a less� sAbafaxitial basis Amsterdam, and in half an h opened by Brig. -General C. H. Wit -
Our was. i prisoned and mear- by he and
W4 t46 progress. we record 0-daY, reached Malines, (the Mecheln men� his brother John, were tor'n" to pieces phall. Th4_ fiono4able G. S. Henry,
Sellers, -
down to-Ac,opeAlng of tioned in the poem, "The Ride From by a furious mob. In the calls and Minister. of. Roadsnd Highways, wel- 0. �,f4& a wreat hAix of set- Ghent to Aix") which is. one of the dungeons �vere blocks' axes, racks, Election,=The following are ather, J., elea om9d the parliament on behalf of the The
timned to Walton,,
we d
:0, Mat Construe- most ancient and interesting of Flem- thumbs -straws and other'tbrrithle, provincial -house, by -a very excellent the results -by iolls, of the election
`h cities S I
V_ . - address. Welcome on be on- Monday jast:, UAe hIS2 duties,
Lxg;51 W,,jux -parvii then The fine cathedral and at half Of the hold
ruments of torture. On the `W
tj%d pro, taking University of Tor nto was also ien- For Reeve—
tUt is Plac any houses near it were much dam- of one cell e ictures niside by
der 3 4 Total boexi visiting hi
-)m of progTess we age acked ads ed by Sir Robert TAlconer. 1 2
40;w. But V d by the Germans, who some of the, prisoners with their ovm Fire NO 65L_�288 Mrs. Thomas Cl
Am I 'had. -at that time VMS 1ased largely Louvain, fifteen miles distant, And blood. Later in the afternoon, frien(Is The select standing committees McQuaid W, 34 41
day morn- Dodds ......... 13-87 101 8 —285 Stratf.6rd, where jj'
upon import. -d capital. It came from. massacred niany of the inhabitants. of the family ere in ession all of Thurs 4 -
came to the house to �arber shop.-��-Kujri J
preparing bills land motions to be
'S For Council— . k,
tionalHig-'hway and spending large third port of Europe, which -is en visiting s
fif aft�rn n After ev Ur
the fact thpt. we were, constructing a Soon after, we reached Antwerp, the meet me, and I had a very' pleasant ty oo rought before the house. At 1.15 a
FigglAnd, has or
dinner they N.CLUF has be C
,�p fle, to�( 45 74 96--S.Q§ everyone
o on �;,� ,
miles from the sea. The place is -went -with me by tram to the Hook bus ide to all places of interest in
otlier great omteTprises, 60,11a 180 113--42,5 in Blyth—Gliefi lay. we have actual produe-, strongly fortified, athe harbour of Holland, and stayed on'board the Toroto was very much enjoyed by Rgele-
pent,Mondy with friiendig in
tive work coming from i -the develop- was like a sea of vessels,: and steamer with me till it was nearly All members were guests E 4�
ckart 107' 65' 7 '-28
of it, —Wesley C. Hack*,ell,,who s
he Toronto and Ontari W t pf our natural resources in funnels. There were very large build- sailing time. The steamer left' for race over John o Boy ant McKay ....... �15 .44, 52 90--261
The majori
, n y rough and most of thp' pass -en- erick Ro-%
his brother
forest& and in Z6,11. ings oored brick and stone, and at Harwick at 11.45 P. holiday, with in Tlie sea
was Reeve. 2 -,.-Fred Work Boards. At 2.45 the second toran *'132 20 28
Magazine of Busi-' some distance we could see the superb ver . sitting, of the house was eld in Con- 31 111ackwe 1, Holland,, N.Y., has re
System," e 7,0! 84,
published in Chicago, in its.De�; cathedral. After passing the bound- gers became very sea sick "6 livej vocation Hall. It was urged that Eighth Line Notes.—Happy Nw to his home herg.—Mis R
as soon as was lected depu y q p 0 uby Y
t H 11 d and through Esschen we started. I went -at The ie*cto of Eginondville, spent the week'eiid.
e a business map airy in o o an
is every member encourage C.G.I.T. and Year.—Mrs., Nary'Rapien spent
camber issue, gav once to my Hemingway.
own week or so with her daughter at Bl- at lier home here—Ediwatd,
the 'United States and Canada. and Roosendael, we crossed one, of the berth and escaped being sick, but it composed of Joseph, �Ilp Robert U.S.E.T. co-operation in their of the staff of -the Bank of Commerce,
Save for a f,6'1,%r 'minorr areas, -where longest bridges in tile world, over was impossible, to sl4ep. We'resich- McDonald nd Stuart'.:
constituencies when they returned. mira.—Mr. AI�in Ri6se returned home
-were invited to from Buffal(), e has been em- interfere, t e enti Flla;dsch Dieg, a�shee of water at -ati6-3:0" x -ANOSI S Stalker After adjournment all where h spent the week end with his m6fher ft
h ire ed Harwic ne and EAST WAW
'the -mouths o 'v 4ings for a fel- ployed for some moiiths.-�-� and Mrs. Y. Devereaux, Seaforth.
f the A pris Rhine and I took the L (acclamation). W. F. the Parliament Buil,
maxked as
'was prosperou tiain. to onaon ri �%' - IT lowship supper. By"this tim every- Mrs. William Koehler and baby spent Dora Holmes, who spent the boll
h1erbas in, the United.States, due to Naas, formed by the great inunda Campbell, W. Reid - - )'Fl with -her .. mother, Mrs. Watson.. in
k� Jn4 of bot4ding enterprises and to tion in 1421. We next passed through WEST WAWANOs#,��,Keeve, AI. one was getting -acquainted and a Christmas in Stratford with Mrs.,A.
Brdssels� has returned. to %DAtD
with F. Johnston; Councillt
jcond4tions, %kenerally, there Dordrecht, a charming old town SHORT (COURSES GET AWAY TO -her. n, Z�, 1,�rAk �%dd, general -good time w,�s had by all. At Steinac —Mr. Leslie Weitersen re-
'Wor6 arge areas in which busi- its quaint thoi;oughfares, gabled Jamles Foster duties as U I il where she will resume her
many p.yn. the third, sitting of the house turned to Detroit on Monday, after
ne s Tvas recorded as distinctly below houses, typical canals and long toac er of the juniorroom in the pub -
A GOOD START liam Stewart was again held in Convocation Hall. spending the holidays with his par-
er, employinent bridges. At Rotterdam we changed HULLETT ReeVA, I.X Adam,; A full report of the motions and bills ents here. — Miss' Freida Messer- lie school.—Mr. Asquith spent . the"
alverage. In Decemb
holiday week with friends in Auburn--'
in Canada was at th h* h It is a very large city, second The S�iort Vvrintgr Courses in Ak�i- Councillors—H. Forbes, passed at each session Will be. pub- schmidt, of Gadshill, spent New
iince the records lie Zsgt 11h ture and Home Economics got a -via lished later. Year's Day her home here.—The
were ztlpos - 'ornalyinsto Amsterdam, and is the chief cul Y Robert Lawson, Jamps.'I at Rik"ond Carter, who' as spent, the holidays with his
to a good start on Tuesday morning GODERICH TP.—Red"
ed and -plans for further �ex ension in port of Holland. In the harbour, ex H. C. Cox; Friday morning saw many import- Misses Amanda and Edna Hoegy, of parenti, Mi. and
Mrs. Joe Carter,, has, returned
e weatber. W. ant questions ors with
many of our larger enterprises give tending over 310 acres, were many despite the very unfavorabl Councillors letbin, discussed in caucus such Godeich, wee holiday visit -
prom Mr. Paterson, the Agricul as whether Trail Rangers should be their, father, MT. Adam Hoegy—Mr. Waterdown (South), 'where the, aise of a bumper year in 1928, large vessels, including the liner, tuTal:" 316- Haacke, H. ell
tends Collegiate Institute. Hig ss
esentative reports that the boys and eeve E Ilowed to sit in. Parliaent, and a -Leslie.-Lovell,i who has been staying
"New Amsterdam," from New York. pr . ;, and old a
r ers ter, Miss Viola, returned �vith him,
The Lesson.— he busy quays extend for about 18 gi Is turned out in, large numb council elected by aeda' tion. debate forand against cadet training. at the -home of Mr. Henry Weiterseii,
Visitors at t
considering the cold stormy morning. he home of Mr.and Mrs.,
irales, and the city is very pic STEPHN.—I Hayes , These discussions were referrred, to left last week for Toronto—Grandma
We have now, perhaps reached the
Sol. Shannon, of Winthrop, were- Mi.
with, its old-fashioned houses, num- There were 33 boys and 28 girls pres- Dputy'Reve, R_ Goetz_",4pd old coun- the Committee of organization. Regele is able to be up again after
state f intelligence inWhich we will
herless bridges, countless tree-, and ent during the first, day. It is ex- cil elected by accIg9fkt!Oii. At noon the members were guests her rec6nt illness_-MrS. John Eggert and Mrs. William Hudson, of S!;rat-
not-likely give the entire credit for
fcrd; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hudson"Of
trim gardens. We passed through pected and hoped that more will turn USBORN__E.—Reev6�',Jimes" Ballan- rf the Toronto Rotary Club to a ban- and little Della Eggert are spending
the change which has taken place, to Seaforth; Mrs. Hudson and daugh-
Delft, once famous for its pottery out when the weather make,; a turn ty , and council by ;�ccliiiiiation. quet -held in the-Cry'stal. Ballroom on a week at the -home of r. &nd
any political Party. It is right that Mrs.
terS, Map and Vera, of Seaforth.--Mr.
works,�-the Hague, and Leyden, fam- for the better. T KERSMITH.�Re�ve, A. Ken- the seventeenth floor of the King Ed- Ed. Scherbart.—We are -sorry to�re-
this should be so. The fact that we 'h
ous for its University. d -V uncillors—M C1ai!i*,-'J A. a . and Mrs. Ferg. Bullard and e ildren Near Leyden After a few introductory remarks ward Hotel. A 'sumptuous feast was port the illness of Mrs. Geo. Stern gle
-have made the most rapid recovery rom the teachers to I -ith the boys Cr;(,h, C. cKay, W. partaken and many interesting ad- Mr. Ed. Sternagle has. been ir, but is Bett
were many small fields planted -with f y and Jack, visited with Mrs. Bul'
of any country s�n the war, is due t parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ariiii-
'oe in and girls, the cla he dresses were rendered by prominent now recovering.—Mr.. and rs. Ed.
to the inherent : egth of youth, gladioli, lilies and other flowers sses div, -'TANLE —Reeye, J'i-A."'Ma7ison, r strong,,.-Winghain —Armand Kernick
t bloom, and also gardens with beds of boys hQIding their classes in the Coun- an(i old counci by acclaVation. Toronto !itizens. Rose sp t New Year's Day -with Mr.
-more than to anyt in else. We have
egetables surrounded by hedges of cil Chambers, while the girls are to HENSAL eeve, R. -Higin The fourth sitting of the house was and Mr? -,Ed. Ahrens, south Of Brod- visited his mother in Blythi quite re-,
gone a long wev.since the dark days v cently—Quite a number from the -i-
af 1920, We shall go still further oats. Near Haarlem were canals dot- br found in the Auditorium of . the Councillors,. .. C on, Sangster, adjourned at 5.45 p.m., the 9_vening hagen.—Miss Adelin Messerschmidt
Lo be given over to a progrginme of left ononday for Biodhagen, where
ted with boats and having rows of Carnegie Library. G. C. Pett . P iest, cir-ity attended the dance in Winthrop
mid sign are not waarting that the
trees along their banks. Along one The subjects of -study are of inter- ASHFIELP.—Reeve, -A: Hackett ; recreation. she will assist Mrs. -Selhei' or Friday evening, December 30th.— 71ext ten years will be the greatest in m.—Much
road, where est to all farmers and farmer's wives. Deputy, T j. On Saturday morning the question sympathy �s extended tp Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Johnston is visiting relatives
'history. Anderso Q Uel
e passing on bicycles This week and next the girls' classes McKenzie: S. Sherw6od, i� e before the house concerning the. William -ill Lofidon at present.—Mrs. Williaw-,
hope#ul. story- comes from Sir many women wer Sullivan. cam Benneweis a the death 'of
will have Miss Mary Houston, of El Mott, of Mitchell, who has been vi§ -
and one bicycle was drawing a baby MORRIS.—Reeve, Hender- name of our Parliament as it now their youngest son, Roy'agd 8 years
itiiig'her brother,
Henry Thornton in regai�4 to the op- carriage with a child in it. Haarlem Perth, who will teach cooking, qon . Councillors A. stands, "The Ontario Older Boys' and 10 months, -which took place in - Donald Buchanan,,
.(nation. of the National Railways."It has returned to her harA
is now the centre of the world -famed la—deing, housc�plwining and gen- ��h�eler, J. Brown, T. BV*es. Parliament." It was moved and car'- Toronto Hospital, on December 26th. .e in itidbell.
fix anticipated that the, present year
bul culture. In history it is fam- eral home management. Miss Jennie ried that our Parliarnent-,be called in Miss Maty E. Mowbray left on Fri-
The Nneral was held on Wd day to, visit,
�Vvm end with aksurplus sufficient to r its heroic defence against the Seebrooke, of North Gower, will be the future, "The Ontario Tuxis Boy . s' December 281h to Brodhagen Luth� friendis in , Granton�,
liay interest on oi�i obligations to the ous fo Xdssrg, Lawrence Cuminin&
th Spanish in 1573, when 4,1000' Dutch here during this time and will instruct
Parliament." Othe4 questions such eran cemetery.. Rev. Alberti conduct- aHmp -rey
When we consider that wi BOYS' PARL&AXENT. :N h d,
men and children held th in the vario-% W,,ricacies of dress f s.uaifarms for Trail. Rangers and ed the' services, which were attended ,a_an Edward'-Xiller iii�jdr-_
men, wo
`in�reases in e ais sAii by a lafg and
7 - 0 'PARCIAM GS �uZal development were .196 discuss
and daifghter, Velma avid about 10,000 Spanish were lain. The boys are going to have to step ed. neighbors. As this is the zecond
vvages,,, the record of "both Canadian
When the town, through famine, was to imbibe all of the material that the FOR SEVENT9 tl Winthrop, visited Mr.- and Mrs. Geo.
At 11.15 a.m., Parliament was ad- death within the last six Months, it
la��wiys is phenomenal. Their ex- -to offer them.
forced to surrender, the Spanisil various teachers have Jackson, of Walton, recent y.
eet in cacus for appoint- W extrqmely sad.
istencei has been a continual race be- jburned to in
demolished it, and killed 2,000 of its Mr, Paterson and Mr. Ostler, of the The session o the Seventh Older ing leaders for the next Parliament.
en increased w omies Boys, Parliament open ----
ages and econ
ture, will
citizens. I reached Amsterdam - at local Department of Agricul ad Toronto. The following were nominated for the
in other directions. By greater of-
ficiency, by improvements in motive 8.35 p.m. and went to the same hotel look after the study of the v ir the afternoon of December 27th, Premiership: - Fred Payne, Welland;
power, by savings in other directions, where I had stayed before with our classes of Live Stock, Field 1927, in the Parliament Buildings. James Gibson, Caledonia; W. K. BRUCEFEELD
party. Several Americans were stay- and will have something to say about One hundred and two boys, ale DUBLIN
Wylie, Parry Sound; Harry Pullen, Notes.—The annual meeting of -the
they -have not only managed to bring
ing there and, a lady in the next room Soils, Fertilizers, Drainage, Farm from Tuxis groups all over the pro- St. Thomas; 'Bruce McGill, Ottawa. Horticultural Society will be held 'on School Report.—The following is'
about an improvement f service, but
ave reached a higher record of earn- to mine was from Kingston, Ontario. Arithmetic and any 'other items of vince of Ontario; exclusive of elght Brig. -General C. H. Mitchell, act- Thursday eveidng, January 12th, at the report of
Dublin Separate School,
In Amsterdam, nearly everybody I interest pertaining to the farm. Dr. delegates from Quebecwho ere tak- ing Lieutenant Gover'nor, Officially de- 8 p.m. All are asked to attend as Fourth
Class: Honours —.Gertrade
irgs. We have railway problems in 9 t in the sessions as the guests clared the Taxis Boys, of this is an important meeting. — Mr. Mulligan, Mary Dorrestyn, Mary Dfi-
Camdda, but they are certainly net met in shops and elsewhere spoke John Spencer, of Bowmanville, will be in pai
here on January 9th and 10th to talk ofthe parliament, took,the oath Of Ontario el6sed at ConvdatiOn Hall, and Mrs. Drew,Boyce. and daughter, Ion, Frances. Delaney; Pass �pick
worse than the problems of other English.
Countries. No yn a x Mary McIver,. Dorothy
Avisterdam, August 13th—In the on Horses and Veterinary Science. A. allegiance as the first item, on the� five Saturday afternoon, when valedictory of Moose Jaw, visited at the hMn of I e u
I went to Cook's office to Nelson Ure, of Roseland, will talk on days" programme. The oath'of alleg-
The epd of the year also brings us YrOrnmg I addresses by the leaders were deliver- the former's brother. Mr. t. Boyce, Brennan, Ursula. Krvauskopif; Carrie
"I hereby! ed,;-�W. C. BARBER, M.P.B.P. for last week and other friends
for a trip to the town of Bees on the afternoon of the lith. innee read as lollbws:
the annual reports o our di0erent Irrange promise that I will be faithful and 1927-28. in the O'Connor, Ethelyn O'Hearn, Dan Me-
Egmoud-on-Zee, in the north of Hol- EveryoTe interested, -whether regular village and comm#ity�Mr..L., Mid, Carthy, Monica Ri�ache, Joseph De.;�.
banking institutions. ]E�_-re again we
land, -where there is a very ancient attendants of the course or not, will beai� true allegiance I to the king.of
see record which indicates improved of Toronto, spnt-the wee%_�'. at laney, Gordon Dill, Elimbetih Cum..'
conditions throughout the castle of the Egmont family. They 15e expected to turn out to hear"these hings." The afternoon was gpent-by the home of his father, Nz. C. Reid
country. �mings.. Third Class:. Honours—A�-'
everyone in getting acquainted, -and
told me that there being a -railway special lectures. —Nurse Rouatt, of London, visited at thur L6oBy
Our -banks have been subject to a REPORT OF IMOG SIRIPMgMTS
ar as Alkmanr, the remain- Friday afternoons throughout the tGurs we're made through ToronO ,
good deal of criticism. No dc the home of hey parents last week.— Kenny, Feemey; ?aS0._Fran;-;I
so -me respects they oilwmliniA 'was cembsy week -end at the �ot
human institutions are far gromilper- �oy, tilds Dorrestm Charles -gem; Dorpil
and social featurei. 2fth, 1927:— Wirs. A. T. ScotL—Xr. Alem';
deser7e it , -for der of the trip by trams and motor course -will be devoted to Pu.blic Universitythe Boyal Ontario Museum Me following is the report of hog Miss In& Seott,.of L dol ' s it the ces Donnelly, J
very difficult, especially as Speaking,Debating and other literary and the central Y.M.C.A. on- College shipments for week ending Da �Tof ier
I- they were not accustomed to the Eng Ta�en MIR in all Street. Edison thy Donn,01y, Xdthleon%ums tee
feet, but the empansion, of theiT bud
lish language there. Thiey advised this year's courses promise to be first In the eiening the members were ot mess proves theSr MUst SEAFORTH—Total hogs, 89; select affd his Sister Gzace, spent their holi. -Ci6j.-gose A iold, Mar "Dd-
it 1r; a good me to go only by private motor car, class in every way and deserve the tendered a 'Igla:t �aequsinted supper" ri garet,
0 randeving a soroice bacon, 25. thtch
b smooth, 48; henvieso days in OrUhn ititing their sister,
es of but it was rather expensive and it support of every one. in Knox College. Every member had rdstein, J6seph Kaftaaj
-for the couhtry that in tin 10; shop and Other Ion, Gerlvieve Peeneyj JAmea 0
tell who,he was Vhat -he v79s, and logs, 6. Gladzts, .0
0i 8;
take vas raining heavily, so I decided not It
Id be able to 0 WAR00N.- select Irenq Snider, of rA the Senior Primary Jamea t
y u 6 .ToW hogs, 63;
'o' why he was. i�i6 the hanqudt the
ev Pto b =d Xdfileen Ounimbigi, Ddltofii
n S. to go, but spent tho d,ay in exploring acon":16. thklc amd6t, 89 -,.heavies, holiday with her parents,
catla d members met in semiat in the padis,
the dity, and it the dhopsi. 'Mbile in MU14TICEPAL 31LIECTRONS A MrQi J. Snide --Miss 'Nary XcNaugh- prances Braim-an, Jose
ph Dome Tko, TU91117(341 Brussels I Became acquaifitedi with a me -at buildings. V=R Lantenslader, and Bob Mc� bert DonneUr. Prim ton, of Sault Ste. Marie,
XAloney, Xa
rer than it' ftp hogs, 33. going parliament, e=79ying. to Ud. the 41,6; 92,
Hague, where they were connected throughout the County. Their home ass in the the elections held on Mon&y last litnient, gavd the report of the ou�, M; i t McOn, 6; thick smooth, N
oney situation at the end Of iting there.
-Hanandor nnd his wi:26, who ware via- The following the results of premier of the shdkh 0067 Boys' Pat- atigghton,i,iof Thamegford, who, were �vn The m sia ec a 'heir 'homes here, I, have the year is -distinctly clan vialthIg At t A
W25' a year ago. Eur9pe is rapidly importance of onr wor'lr- gone back to their work.—gla with very nice families. Learning -SEA.FORTH.—Mayor, W. H. Gold- belle Souter, of -Sioux Look6ut, left returning to solvency. Many of the that I had been to Sottegem to visit ing. Wednesday moming,the election
Reeve, J. W. Beattie- Council- -of Monday to resume her
leading countries have returnkd de- the' ancient home of the Egmo , 0 the premier and the lat f the HURON COUN .77 COUNCRIL, I dueles as
I rs EL C. o
B X, G. P. &idno, W. A. [929
finitaty to the gold standarcL Italy position vere in or To teather there.—Invice Norris, Miss Capaicit MI-. they accompanied me from Brussels Cri6h R Parke, all by -acclamation
-was 'the last to' take Carniiii Haugh, Miss -AdA- Patrick's Church was ttated It
Ward, J. M three candidates tke pr iiambilp Seaforth--J. - W. Beattie. C
such as far as the Hague, and invited me School T*rustees, South tle d modte the lariffe congeegatio�xd
Fr=oe undoubtedly will during e of . traudrd,: Clinton—B. Langford. John McIntosh have one to
the to spend a day at their home on my Robertson; North Ward, Robert Arch irxvi C"
Fred Payne, of Wavlar rner, J. W. craigie. T onto to resume their studiet therie. mAjO1ritY 69 %rhmil rccsived
coming year., This is vitally import- returh -from Amsterdam. ib61d; Water, Light sifd Sewer Com- nitinion at the - Widilight - Madd.
nd, and
ant f6ri Canada. With an unstable Scharfe, of Kingston. Zoward gehai�fe -Whigham--j. W. Mexibbon. Y. P. S. Bnquipt.—On Saturday
After mission, J F. Dialy.
cV,, these ountries were qyiable The Hague, August 14th. W"99 evening last at the Young People's choir sang Cramer's lected pZrA1ii_-,Y
t�,gojf the Seventh Brussels—A. C. B
"Adeste Fideles 1113hrklk pending a day in Amsterdam, T took CLINTON.—Municipal electios in (),der Society banquat in the basevi"t of
wipmehase abroad. Their fluctuat- Boys, t, =4 Fred Blyth-z�Pr. Milne.
-80 partook of 'a t iNd, v,
the morning train to The Hague, the Town of -Clinton resulted in the Payne leader of the 6ppsition. the church, almost Xight, Holy Nigh
lAg rate of exchange made it difficult- Hensall—R. Higgins.
ackson, W]w
to do busiess with them. It mlyst where my friends met me at the Ste- dehisive defeat of Fred The Pr6mier'g Czbinet: Eeter—C. B. Snell. splendid supper it nicely decorated �-Mr. and Mrs. i&haei Nagle
t1on and took me to their horme. Af- tables. -After supy er n�;,splendid, pro- a progressive at
that-1hat.condition is has been Mayor for four years, bi 'Howe Martyn, Winister of Finance. Tuckdrmih—R. Xenndy. tained to
ter lunch we went by tram to Schev- Col. H. B. Coome, vice-president of Onjisted, gf iter of their relatives and mkird vital to Canada thar� it is to Gewmell, Minister of'Educa- KeKillop--F. J. McQuaid. gramni was given which C
ningen, wh Knitting Company. The a solo by freie Snider. and violin ' 6 Ifig present on Monday' ni6ht MI
other countries. Canada is -now, and ich is three miles' from the Clinton Itullett—Ernest Adams. Sol
on by Eva Stackhouse. Several toasts �Fyamk Jordin end� fiftfir.
The Hague. The famous beach is the vote was small, owing to Q6 stormy M olm Lavo, Mini of World Ashfield—A. Hackett, T. J. Anders
miust always remain, a country with ale 9ter
most fashionable watering place of weather. Coombe polled 312 votes as were also given and responded to. guests of her
0. large export and import trade. We ]Friendship. Colborne—Hugh Ifill.
Holland. In the summer season it is Doyle, of Hibbiart.;�_Mr, can, in the vei-�r nature of things, nev- against 1346 for Jackson. M J. Gib- Harry Pullen, Him'steri of Program. Goderieh Tp.—Herhert CO3L The toast to "The Xing" wis given
of MsFeeiiey, 'and crowded -with tourists. Few sea plac- bings was re-elected public utilities by Ada Reid. The next toast, to "The son
mi the greater n 00=0111
e Pq can rival it for social life and var- commissioner by acclamation. Dr. Church," -was proposed second Son of X Z tile capacity of other eountriea to olo
h'business, the better -vvill it be for ietv 0 amuseimetits. There are horse !red. The on, 0. L.-Palsley and W. afad responded to by M IT
R 71,
and auto races, golf links, casino, eir IS were electedby acclam-
That to the Thiviotw% as ropoepd at thel les ka
Cus, theatre, tennis, swimming, fisk-
ation to the council, and a new nom- by Anne HAugh and responded, td by. Peter's Sonilnsin7 on
To som,6 people thi6'sdems very dif-
ing a -Ad sailing. There is along sea inatibin will be necessary" 'to appoint Mr. Bremner, who inhis speech :�Dad 9ftaVT!OOnMt- Go a Wal,
-:0oult to unde it is t&e "z=WOOD
bu' front, the beautiful Wilbelmina Pier, ant f1he hoddr
InU ev 'the other three members of the coun- ;t Istw fpam Aev. r, D. S h orything to et�t= 'IN ndid cil. Bert Langford -was elected Reeve the ptst&� wh;an tho-' Sbelair d 19%
4heleps, COAL COKE
numerous hugge hotel and a sple
alag' to, llovA fTom the
promenade, It Is also a fishing vil- by Acclamation wt the withdrawall, of formed fir, 1921. Th'toast kz�gr
Of 22. ;,g
agie, and me sees =47 a the fisher- the presdit Reeve, N. W. Trewavths. 6�, t!111
jLibpairityi 69 the Vogt a 160 world. 1, 1
to' 3*10 In tike minds of vromen in their singular costumes. HOW mu& aght Coal Sava YOU?
loam sulder ul�o Ig to '11te, we spent GOMICEL—The results of inni-
a& '�u too, nittdi cipal eileedons here, Tatum, TO hov Xisd 'rae. P 5 -Ar Pr
�voanlr; Pal -ace,
walks ebout Anihfm%pite Doo—Eggg istm mad No
in 61% as Mayor agnin f6,r th neeW41'
Tue pened L!
k�y 218. ri Or towt to Oled V. air* R. �iam a oths? propotu
j� V �u L
0 A06 Oaks zra 40
Amat&', 16 0
.02 W. MidtSM 105, D. spr"le
Ind, 10
tit WM 0� �7 1MU
-,7 T�-' a
7�i�' -7'7�