HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-12-30, Page 7i 11 �� - �, , .,� I � _� ­ I , :', 11 -, , ". , ,,, � I , �, " ,� ��N",� � �,�. rjeup �� I B1,71) , -, 1 ,� ,,, f�, I ,, , .. , �N.*'� �.Zl �,',� , , . . , . . , . . & '" ,:,. � 11 . . , " I 1, - �-�' i .. � �, ,, I ,,, "211", , ". ,. . I . 1�1� - , !, , ik", `-,.�, t & 1. T�, '-�� , - �� - 'i - , I 1p-,�� t I lil, ", 11.1 1�� VIR - I ...... ...... . , ib ...... �­ 1,1P.�,­­­',VW,'_', ."N" -,� 1.!:�,',.����,,,�.,�,,�.,��t,.-; ." i ­�36 ,,;a �:�- - - �'i, , , �, �'. ime ,,,,, ,.. I., - , I - � . , ,IK , .; ,, ,,, , V, , - , , �i�­;�, I " ` � - - ­ I A .,�M,;�"" , I � , " I 'e"',�,", k. �. � 0 ": V I I -1 . I � ,�,ti',,%�,t`�:�­- ,,��., / R, S-,, �' ,PM1"",,,;:,"'�"." � 11 I' - I *T � , , I "9 &,'.,�, �, � .1', ­�� " , "' 16 , " , � �� ,�,�;.",;� ; ,1 , I . ,� , ,,, # �: E .f�,�.��; ,,�;�..,, , rist�l, . 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'1,44 , "' 1 , v ­ rlll­�, #fi -9tar i �'iealeulatiou , , I P1 .1'"i#, wbetbgr , - �,?A '1'1�1* it , I � M�", 1'. " � 1. �,,",P, 0. I? ,P��d ' "'I ea . Oj�,*i ;.(., 7� , , , , ­. I , , t I '� i - I ,� I I ,d, IN -i0. ,­ , d I . I') , I . 1� . I 1 I I , ,� 4": ,, _.O,�40 ,Y, , , " ''. 11 0 , � I I . 1, , ­�I­ ;,V-'� a 1��!��I' 1�14e m . 0 � Qun. , - I a � , ­-, K , X"� , � . . , 14 Ir 'JAL , I . 10 . J. -here,", Lttghed III ,k" ' " I . - wamea 9r, 40 -�,O.Pxrqpn�: � , - '!,f�, 1. . m � - Buifdfn '90V , ht I -1 ar ,4b VL. � 1104-a I , D, � ;., I "Am' 44 th'", *V* .0 " 4n.1 " � . to t Algo, , g, - , = �11 164 .1�� ` ' 44AA -, Ait Y0'A ,V, I 1), . vor iliss, 4,,Vn �. 'After that gy -, pw _r , UP, , , � � � ,; 11 �,. � . ,1.T!3n -The .,other ' ' d ' h1o,'­0 ­­ I .,,,, 4re#-, ":12', p", I ., I , , PT 0� ignpre , r4mer 1 -, .. � U, rey.�q, 'M"f � . I 1_ � ." , !".. . � 'a Ancl after th,�U'it Qlil� ; , - ', � ' � I "a . 'Un*­Mth their,q*, ,AT_%,',f " , , , "'o OWN, . , - `61Y -, -­nl' . �' - a', '�� " - I K , . -li y �',_, ". :. � t , .� " ildie More .tbAiix once ,a,, � I _ , .�Jk . . ,-;; ;­ , _ ' -11 the #1 'T .,i� 4, ,�b , 0100 k' � , le4 .1 � , , , i, , � an&tlh" ch) , a.� _ .0 111111 `�j � � Of ri c 6. , I 1�, lieute diat uoutonank Orvoll, I — I , I,',- . . ,. I I . bo ,plaii Myself .A ," d at . _ nlpvy , , , L, � , . , _� ,".' . � .1� _�, _ " _,� - . � . � I . CIO , . 1. wih '­ 1, "'.q i- . . 0,6,%p -'Uld so W '- I -.V -# . � , -,% , I ;,,, _ I . , I 'I 1:,�. C h -f --_ bll� , , �,, i ; I' -1 ,,'# lk .. - 'n ,�11 sh UAI.swt�x _ � X 1 "A , I I . . - __. �. -t'answere . . ,V",`h4d,4#M,o4 ugg �g � Vu ,0,1"T I t q: ;- A, � � � . , �' ight. �, .1 a, e, �., � i� -77 -- 4 � ad4o _[ , , 0 , _F, "' , "or " , .1 �­ 1, 'y .11 X1.61 �19 .��Iig`- vigor which I re. A, "� . , f - I ,,� f % e looked ou into the. n th, point of thAt Yea seeth,"to know 4 'he 3, I . vi4oxvg ,,ap � about ed, 4p#0§4ei of mm"'g4ju." -n - ,-, - . . "I A�� lkl� , . , I 1. VJ1VrJVagJ,N,AnX ­ - --i V 71 . .9"Ite' - I I � �,�X�l - - " . . � e� ` that notch I hil s,'wo-'4. , _01.130 e._ '. � , ,� I it - I - tdl"4`�;90,1'�_ '� �., , I—, , � _ .. iff ,4 n tb I 11511,11 thf, 41 new � ptoploillo., 1,;ot bgr, # 11� I "I I _�11�1. ,.: ,. . " . , , '.I I " �� I � MAt. I ul,d' L* ", "Ift , ." I ,4 1 1 1 I . 0 11 I iw , "I'know 'what I know. MeS4, aw, he 06 . � - - I ,�,s,� ", 1i . � , �;,� . 1, �.�'. ­ ` , -A , ;_ "You'll get it soon enouglil You -d ��J�.t - I 0* Rpse , � , io -­�' , e i "W11411.11- 11 �t . , , QHN GRIEVE, V 5 , ,!V be close to th !4M �� - - � ' - Oadua _ � n- . At I recko wd u , W-bil to savez it now, if you weren't a niut- W r�e 0 t, tliv;j*qj��, I . , .31onor to Of OUtRT ,, , , 6 "'than I 4 , Perham" he sug- Otormor; 'z6d ii "'�Jns . , I - 5,�d �fr � ity. of thiis double -play,, 4P . ! 11 . ...... ._'..­.­­ I ��'i�,� - , N Qopege.. , All diseasp� , V44omestlo,� �49��V;Aibuie, an gret at the far tonhead. As it is, I'll have to orplain gested, . - doll,910e; W.. 11", , Her eyes dilated. He could him H , , i., 4. I ��. I, �,. , ,,� 'iJ ", � , � � J b , I ,�� , , . t1,Vt,AV " see ,,,, b reated. calls 7,06nip side of the track thout being notic- it. Do -you remember,eb,pturIng Ton ' a �,,� � 1�*-�, i" , . . , y . I. 't, ZZ -�'_ 01�1 I - - . ' - '�� .��,�,�, . oChaves two I' liL an eai;h-; "le loved � � ""4 ": �' ;&. ffi� ... od-tO and 6Ar&s�'Ab0dekaWkXA- ed.much, ..", " I tenant ? " suspicion take hold of her. ML. - � 'N 11i I,,"- I .. - 'I _ r �� WoW'11111 I 2� ��, ­ , I � I'll, I Office .*� This thpy,,1Joi.qnd easy ene.ugh.,Mve The nggr no I 'rtifi) &,','�: � I" xtq"­4"` - - " "`�_i, . . ��,,�� ,,� "clal W� __ �d ' with surprise "Perhaps," .she answered quiet ' , , , , I! J ary Dentistry.',�.::*p - �� � - ' wante . - 1. , 11 ", , I . t"i- ra d(f ly. He , d to fool the ". 11 '1�', , �ij,u. , _ 11 I : 1&.iA,V.,­"4 I " I "I r,esic "'A 1*�.Btreet, one, � inutes. , latit- nutabler. sev4ij,' �'was in, his round, inn6l�ant eyes. oV9nt1bk' ai�IV`14�'i'�'V'4"�110'7, . ­ .1 U 4P i len�6 ir i i,Godlft i "Does that mean you think I'm not- beart"s content, and th � . eT 134M6 , " , " ", fi, .1 ad _W , _P9.1 , �, U ,VqT,,!Vr��4j:=A,,ekdfs Officei,,Sea, �' �71 Bucky O'Connor?" He had pushed afterward. Hitherto, . ad V111'"'i". .11, � I - ._, ,, disf �dosert. �- "What happen to him?" demand- L a,94 , ,,-��T�,�-'�,:���,,;,,,�4.���-", ',�, " 1�" ,. steaming.a*Ay latolthe, *nt ed ..ed, ,,,�,' 4 ,� ��; I'— .., , _ I . Af, . . , - , ", ", 1� 5114 _,', .. Flatray gave a shatp, s,brill whistle; �'ed the other. A child could have s&3n 00 I � . his pony forward so as to cut off her cGine his way.- , flThe' re;j14,�.0#%W �10,404,c i�, dnlw�,w I I . , _ _ ­ I .. I , � L I.. I . But if this girt should go home, he gdardid * At "d a - " li� - � I � - AN "p, advance, and both had halted for the �,, . � t, he was ridden by a leering, sav- . ! if 0 ;; , I behind some sand dunes tha I , X : -ff4i - and from \ I %, ", -1--d- - , ,I, , . . "i . o I could not show hioface at Mesa-; 444 do�lt �'t� J h� OV7 Aijp %W` i- ", F,e��Ilk !,,,,, . A. K. CAMPBELL, V.S. merged two men and four horses. t� e age triumph. moment, 111k, . ,;iii' 4 '411,�;_,A �Graduate of Ontario -,Veterinary She looked at him with level, fear- the spice of thething would be gonv�, d " " . 'I, " ",V, .� ,p�" 1�- tiAnyth-ing new?" asked the sheriff � "Killed trying to escape four days � ­ . � � , '­ .1 I :. �� ;` � ­ ,,-: �7,�, �r. ,,i'�-,,, 1 - J,niveisity of Toronto. 'All a, — .. . eyes "I don't know who you *He was greatly taken with 'her begu-, ,r, ,,Ic ;__;�­:­­ ,� � 1!R',,�4�_j - s th6y came nearer. ., , later." � 4 . I - �Youire getti I ,,pge, I �� '! Y, . ,.., I - I %��, - " 121 of, domestic animals treated 'Not s tb' - ­ 71 "Wbo'killed,him9 I , are.,, ty, her daring, and the charm of high. of,,, pr'tsoners. 60 . . r ,g, , i'Rij� . � I ' . - : g�,p I , I .1 � -1 ­ ,,, i� Uj' derA &inclples �, them, .. I .. . "But you think I'm not Lieutenant spirits which radiated from her. p , * ".. , .,�n ­� "I did.: It was necessary. 1 . 1�0 - �, 't . "Y'n � ,, ­ �,,,.,,,J ,�. �zv­ . 1,�. ,�Z�;, . - ", ... mo ­ re,- eight hours in which to escape -and O'Connor Of the rangeTs?" Again and again he had found him- soi, , " 5 i -_ 11 ,.G, �& ,(,,,the iuos,�, reasonable. Day or night ,"Boys, shake ha ds with the fam- gretted it." . Gin 11 � . - r TI he Was handcuffed, chain6d, locked "I don't know whether you are or s6f,drawn back to her. , He was,not �, at's . , , , ,.. " � �, . ... . 1. -6mptly . L & .1- � .1 _,�. tel , , p attended to. Office on -ant O'Connor " said Flat- A sudden s,pasm of cruelty swept Truly, ilte outlook in love with 'her in any legitimate A or one c " . It, t . - ", `�Nk)��V", � . ous Lieute4 ' ., I - up and guarded. I , ,, Street, Hensall, I , I 11 .. 1, : , V " i , . -the darkness. over -the' face of the -man confronting was not radiant. "There is nothing like in . . 9 I opposite � Town, ray -with i'sneer bid by not." aking sure. sense; but he knew now that, if he . . , � � . Phone. U6, . . "Lieutenant, let me .make You ac- him. "Tony was my Partner." . 0 IS IW7 " � I _ , 1: I I '� I., , ,�', .. , "I I . ifIt's a lady­thii� lissi-,!"f, I ,� quainted with Jeff Jackson Buck "Your partner?" I Just look over this letter, please." could see her no more, life would be Ifl.". . timbl__�Ixi#�,X,110' �., 1.11 �� , , 'I.,, I I.. , , - 'I.,, I FSNX,�, I . 111� Lane." ; . "That's right. I've been wanting � She did so. It was from the gov- a savorless thing, at least until his Lc4�.,, ,4�@,�,, " " . _.. I �k I I 4, �� g " �,,,; ., I ­ . � d1ye do?, ever sinee, I 'k - q, � � _ � I . . MEDICAL ,,Much obli ed to meet 'you," grin- ' . CHAPTER V ernor of the Territory to the ranger fancy had spent itself. Moreover, His words shook. her: An', .7 'land' � '" - & -,-,--,- 9 to say ,How rl,,; " � ' I officer. WIhile he was very compli- her presence at Dead Man's Cache seemed to clamp uponhe �, 4" `�,,,, I DR. W. C. SPROAT ned Buck as he shook hands. Lieutenant O'Connor. I'm right glad r heart. The- `;! "! 4' k I 111, _,� �:-, .. t , ,�,�: , I . A PHOTOGRAPH mentary as to past services, the gov- would be a safeguard. With her in bl fm er, lips' b ! , �'?, 1, �, � nted and rode toward the jo meet you. . .. *.g, 14, � , �'�"" ,Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, They mou , 11 ,111,i� I University of Western Ontario, Lozi� notch in the hills that had been point- ' -But -I Oon't understand." He did, ernor made it plain that he thought his power, Lee and Flatray, the most her brave eyes never faltered fro Mi. '% - Z 'o 'i�, ,� � On the third morning Beauchamp . . , . :Z .. - r ru4ly . Physic- ed out to the ranger. The moon was 'however.. O'Connor must at all hazards succeed persistent of his hunters, would not his. . I , � �� I I . , doll. Member of College of _ Lee returned to Mesa - unshaven, in securing the release of Simon dare to move against the outlaws. A'So you war on -women . too?" I A'. , . qg�- � 11 I..— �,ga_,-, "I 1,-, " I . Mg. 0 ians ns of Ontario. Office ul Id, silvery light flooded , "It'll soak through, by and by. dusty and fagged with. havI riding. W at. This would be necessary for Inclination and interest worked to- 'Ironle lip -w. �1 �i� 11., ?W_� and Surgeo ); and a c6 e He gave her his most �, �, . 4" - ,, ,�� I IniAberhart)s Drug Store, Main St�, the plain. Seen in this setting, the Chew on this: You've got just ninety- He brought with him a handbill which the good name of the Territory. gether. He decided to take her bacp "I don't war On you, my dear; yow�, 11­-�, I , P, N, 1 . Seaforth. Phone 90. great, painted desert held more of six hours to live -exactly as long a" he had picked up in the street Mel , '! I . . . . . . �� ,. g, I,-' I - Otherwise, a widespread report would with him to the country of hidden shall have half of my kingdom, .1r, � ,. .-J_9;1.11� It mystery, of beauty, a -I less of the Tony lived after you caught him! issy hung over him and in"'stered to W_�Itd,�, ��,.,,.,.­.� . ' im . go out that Arizona was a lawless packets and gulches. There, in time, you ask it -and all my heart." . , t ..- 11, 'i , - , It, dead monotony that glared endlessly You 11 be killed trying to escape. �t h S I.' I I � ,�,-,�'T . .i needs. While he was eating 1 :,;�,,,-,�,,�,1,4,� , place in which to live. he would win her love -so I -As vanity "I can't use either," she told,h,i;n � ,�`,Z�, ", I ,.�_� _�_� � from arid, barren reach(-;. The sky will he necessary, just as you say it �jre�kfast he talked. .�,�-,�.-,�il,_�.�, I DR. W. P. I. DOUGALL I - Melissy folded the letter and 'hand- insisted. After that they would slip quietly. "But I'm only a girl. If , :. �_ 1.�,_ � " .", ", ,�,,, , __ bf stars stretched infinitely far, and ,,�-as with him; but I reckon I'll nnt "'lio luck yet, honey. He's hiding 11 �,,,, ni,t, � 11 ,�. I. 11onoul )f Faculty of effect of magnitu,cle. do any regretting to speak of." . ed it back. "I beg your pardon, Lieu- away from the scene of his crimes, you have a spark of maAuess. in �' , ''. :,! 1,'�,�, 1�1�� r . I'll I added to the n somc pocket of the hills, I reckon; tenant O'Connor. I see that I wa,, and go back to Liie world from which .. �.:";,� I'll - 22edicine. g �dl= "You would murder me?" 11.1 � ��#, ind � a r of Science, Uni- surely you won't- take me " on , . f NVQ� The miles slipped behind theni a�, , .- 5.1 ,f 'We ern Ontario, London. and likely there he'll stay till the wrong." he had years since vanished. among those wild, bad men OU , . I- , �,_-, � iiii 11 ;:., . I "I I ,versitY 0 they moved for -ward, hour after hour, -W,11, I ain't particular about the hunt lis past. They don't make them �� .. � member liege of Physicians and their horses holding to the running word I use." MacQueen leaned a- "Forget it, my dear. We all make The dream grew on him. It got "Those wild, bad men o ine . .1 ....., - '_3. ... � �, �. �. � � , , any slicker than Dune, dad gum big mistakes." He had that curious hold of his imagination. For a mom- lambs when I 've t e w d. V ' All�'t Qsurg n of Ontario. Office, 2 doors walk that is the peculiar �rait of the, Vainst the side of hi�a horse, his arm ugly hide!" . mocking smile which so often bo gi h or Th , _1 �. � � efaVA O.Post office. Phone 56, Hensall, cow country. They rode in sileirce, t�11.0,Am across its neck, and laughed "What is that paper?" his daugh- vered ent he saw himself as the man he wouldn't lift a hand arainst you. .. - . . . . . I;, I I , " 1, ­ .! 3004-tf "Execute ' . ,about his lips. She felt as though he had been meant for -the man h a there is a woman there -the mother ... .� ... . .. _ "I �� -, I .. — with the loose seat and -straight b- k b, slow maliciousness. is ter asked. -as his might have been, if he had been able .. I . " - I'll . � _ -r, -,I I use, though -if you want were deriding h�r though of one of my boys, who was shot. "I of the vaquero. Except tho. rangc the wot Lee curbed a disposition tom-ard bad I .r 1�11 -, 1P ; DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY ords held some hidden irony which to subdue his evil nature. He saw Well have you chaperone<J for fair." . "I I � I all were dressed for riding - -FI,Ltra:, to kn,),A- " Icnguage, as he viewed it ,%vith dis- w I 1� Bayfield. she could not understand. himself respected, a power in th<� "And if I say I won't go?" ... �... ^ ., �. �::,, - � � in corduroys and half -knee Red Ile �ad made no motion toward his gust. "This here is bulletin number : �', I . Graduate Dublin University, Ire- "The governor seems very anxious community, going down to a serene I "You'll go if I strap you to your . ­',.�, a �� �i., A .... , . _ _ � , I ----- ,,- �� 11 boots; his men in overalls, Cll,Rpil, weapoii, nor had O'Connor; but the one, girl. It7s the cheekiest, most im- I .. .11.f�', land. Late Extern Assistant Master to have you succeed. It wi4l be. a dd age, with this woman and thei saddle." ,� .. � "I lip, g ir ��­ 1. Rotunda Hospital for Women and flannel shirts, arid the broad,-brimine 1 1 Ater kne,,v without looking that pudent thing I ever saw. XRcQueen black eye for Arizona if this band of children by his side. Then he lau h- I . . �� ;, ". - , . ", I; ornbrero of the Southwest. All four was covered vigilantly by both of serves notice to all the people of this (Continued next week.) �11��11 , j, 11:11 r Children, Dublin. Office at residence s tlaws is not apprehended. Yoii ed derisiv'ely, and brushea aside the '' " . ..... 11-� , men; but there was an I the other men. .��,� , I were young, country to keep out of this fight. Al- ou .�� 3, lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. . e range don't think, do you, that they will do ___ 1, ,:11 .1 __ ____ ---------------- -- - - -__1 , j N. 1 Hours, 9 to 10 a-Tn., 6 to 7 p.m.; odd difference in the expressions o� And who are you?" th so, he mentions me and Jack Fla � 11 :, -1 �. 2866-26 their faces. � 11 tTay Mir. West any harm, if their price is I ,1111,�,1�14T, L "ked, though he was quite sure e -warning u . .. � _�_ ". 1� , , ­ - y . by nam s that, if we sit 1. ,; I Sundays, 1 to 2 P.m. J,agkso --a,A ..Laxk�� hip,d_thg�_hard-1 Aiu.,�er. ----=---- __ __ __ . -the zg. - ,liel1-_-WiAl=:-b0L P*Poylg fz,z- not paid? They would never dare." rni '...":, . . , J, �.x� d 4: i . :..'�; I . _ _ -------------------- �_, an ,,Men _--calf' -me - Black MacQueen 11 fe 'tdbk _tb�is tip almost as though " � .. I n I . W DR. F. J. BURROWS ed, faces, with something grlrn I I US. he I resented it. "They -would dare " I he Case of Aemilius Jarvis ,:,--, � I" , 11 .... '.." "I - I of -men who rikle far ,A �Iled the other. "What will you do?" anything. I reckon you'll have to get In Its issue of Dec. 5th, The To- was disposed of completely. - ,7�1 office and residence Goderich Street, stony in them T�v , . east of the Methodist church, Sea- and hard with their lives in their , eQueen? But you said—" "Do 9 I'll get back to my boys up early in the morr�n' to find a ronto Globe dealt at length with the "At the second trial evidence mw �, ,,._," , '. .,�,, forth.. Phone 46. Coroner for the hands. The others were of a hig�er at I was Flatray. Yep --1 lied." fast as horse -flesh will get me therej ,.., , I I I gamer man than Black MacQueen. ' case Of Oscar Slater, who recently Produced showing that the law firm a � ... _V1 ', I .� J " I'll 4County of Huron. type. Flatrays dark eyes were kei�n, 0 4,nnor appeared to g -rope with once I've had a talk with that beef "I wouldn't call it game to hurt an was released from prison in Eng- of 13lake, -Lash, Anglin & Cassels �11 , �.�v bold, and restless. One might have !hi, in itinazoinent. buyer from Kansas City I made an old man whom he has in his power. land after serving 19 years for mur- had revised the document whereft i 11 . DR. c. MACKAY guessed him a man of temp nt ' One has to stretch the tmth some- _,., I I ,�, � ,, , eram appointment to see before this thing But you mustn't let it come to that. der, the sentence having been re- it was agreed between Jarvis and , ,�....., Nl � C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- capable of any extrem'es of c.nd-,T� 'im'e3 in my profession," went on the broke loose. You don't allow I'm go- , . ity University, and gold medallist of often the victim of his own, ungover-tu,t,law smoothly. "It may interest ing to let any rustler dictate to me You must save him. Are you mak- duced from one of capital punish- the Drury government that the re- . I :�,, : � ..... I . I k t as 1.1 _0 tf, know that yesterday F passed ing any progress? Have you run Inent owing to a doubt as to the muneration of Jarvis was to be, tn � 1�1,`. :_ Trinity Medical College; member of nable whims and passions. Jus what I'll do and what I won't --do down any of the band? And while I Man's guilt. Through the efforts of the profit made on the re -sale of , . I . , .1 thq College of Physicians and Sur- looked a picture Of all the passion las Lieutenant O'Connor. When I was you?" Sir Conan Doyle, It was proven that the bonds to the province. At the . ".... I h to seed, so 'the ran O'Connor I arrested Flatray; and now think of it -have you seen to -day's .:.. .1111, geous of Ontario. "Where do you reckon he had this paper?" Slater. a German with a criminal seeond trial, too, Mr. Drury and Mr. � ,E,10 , seemed to show them in flower. The I that I am Flatray I have arrester '111�1 11 ' strong ., printed?" she asked. 11 record, could not have committed Doherty appeared as witnesses ati ,,�� V � P" ng fine and ., O'Connor. Turn about is fair play, No-wby?" , j& 1: " . P� night a masked man woke up Jim guilty. Though free, he still has had been entered upoh_ The 11 ��F, , DR. H. H�GH ROSS was sometbi "I don't reckon. I know. Late last , "The biggest story on the front the murder of which he was found confirmed this as the agreement that . I §, I , Graduate of University of Toronto gallant in his debonair manner. I you know." if true," O'Connor re_ page is about the West case. It seems Pr* -,,V�I'i i4cul . ty of Medicine, member of Col- warm smile went out to a world t e "Interesting, . Snell. You know, be sleeps in a the record of a conviction hanging to be pald was fixed in advance at' - -.t , "��" I L 1 . that this MacQueen wired to Chicago V � Ar4:, Of physicians and Surgeons of pleased him mightily. torted easily. room at the back of the printing of- to Mr. Lucas, president of one of the over him. Now a special Act of 80 for one lot and 90 for each'st ­�.� k I I .. I ­ 11 I n torlol, Pass graduate courses In They rode steadily, untired and - "You can bank on its truth, my fee. Well, this fellow made him I. Parliament is to be passed to enable two other issues. There could, , 'w ­ le 01'esgo Clinical School of Ch1c;11gO ; tiring. The light of dawn beg friend." dress, set up this hill, and rum off ines, on the Southwestern system, one of the highest courts in the therefore, be no conspiracy and no �� j� 1. .. thitt they would release Mr. West for land to re --open the case and give bribing of Smith to accept bonds at 1�1:� � ROM Ophthalmic HOSPitfil, Londonp flicker from one notched summi 0 "And you're actually going to kill five hundred copies while he stood ov- three hundred thousand dollars in .1, I spital, Lon- the — a new trial. prices fixed long before in the,writ- �, ,0 I England; University Ho another. out of the sandy ' e me in cold blood." er him. IT swan I never heard of gold. He told him a letter h�: i been ..He may be of alieu birth," said ten ;Lgreement between larvis and � ,�'. g, don, England. Office -Back of D- they came to.a water hole, paus' ' or The black eyes narrowed. "Just as such cheek -I" mailed to the agent at Mesa, telling 11� , *. I minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. a drink, and passed on. For e- I would a dog," said the outlaw, with Melissy told what she had to tell- ader just what conditions the The Globe, "a native of a land with the government. In then$ band I .: .1� 4 " , ,. alls ansWered from residence, lay of half might me e savage emphasis. ap U money which Great Britain was recently transactional Mr. jarvis had not met , t�. Night c ter which her father shaved, took a ' � ��� � VicUria Street,.'Seafortb. I "I don't believe it, I've done you birth, and went out to meet the buy- with a threat th engaged in bitter warfare, but nor dealt with Smith at all, but I � ., , l&scarpe of,tbeir prey. "I (� was to be turned over; and he ended . I ­,. tt, if steps were tak- Britons insist that he is entitled to with the premier and cabinet. .. C .11 .. I 1')� " _,, . , , I __ . 11 OU I Of no harm." �:_r from Kansas City. His business en to capture the gang, or if the what in well and favorably known "Tke Star has on several oeca- r , I They came into the cou .11 ', "I . DR. J. A. MUNN crumbling mesas afid Painted: fr8, MacQueen glanced at him cootempt- kept him until noon. After dinner oney -were not handed over at the throughout the world as British alone declared Its belief that a VINT ,�4, 1 . SUCCAW8011' to Dr- `fLlL Ross of hillsides where - greassWOO and uously. The famous Bucky O'Connor Melissy's saddle horse was brought Tn � �� uate, of Northwestern Univers- . specified time, Mr. West would dis- Justice. Amd tboy will see that he grave wrong has been done 'Mr. ;11 Grad gtrugiUif ro' he looked about 'as competent ,, , b,7 around, and she joined her father th appear forever." gets IL" Aemillus Jarvis. 109 bond traidip- : tii�ago, 111. Licentiate ROY141 i1ci ant cactus I clied earth. This the . rsed in the pimply age. ride back with him for a few miles. 41 � Dent9l Surgeons', Toronto. par te nat- "Did the paper say whether the Have we, right here in Canada, actions were entirely in keeping I � .. "I thought you had better sense. Dr) About three o'clock she kissed him y would be turned over?" a case analogous to that of Oscar with his agreement with the gov- 4 � SI'lls, Hftdvirarei Main St -P tIntil they'canic to Plateaus' ' ou one 1� �. V WM . Ing in foothills, crevas�ed ' I . ink I would have brought y good-bye, and turned homeward. Af- m,'It said that Mr. Lucas was going Slater 7 ornment, and notwithstanding All I ,il�. 1. Ses1 , ort I h. Phone 1ft. � deep and: narrow, Tine c . ano grew to Dead Man7s Cache if I had intend-, ter she had passed the point N�here to get into touch with the outlaws at The Toronto Star, In Its Issue of that has been said about those, ' 11.- i I � - ", �...--0:0_�� ateeper, rock ridges more ' uent.- ed you to go away alive? I'm a- the Silver Creek trail ran into the once, to effect the release of his chief." Dec. 10, dealt editorially with the transactions an accounting would ' , , I ,,,, L- - DR. F,' J. RECRELY -came. e dif- fraid, Lieutenant Bucky O'Connor, 1111� _11� I Graduate Royal College of Dentai Gradually the going be road she beard the sound of a gallop- A gleam of triumph flashed in the Aemillus Jarvis case in a manner show that the net result of theift :, ,4� . . . . . . . office,over W. R. ficult. that you're a - much overrated man. ing horse behind. A rider was com- eyes of the man. "That's sure the which will be of interest to all was a gain of several militoa-dol- �i , " , I So�igcots, Toronto. Uow ash- Your reputation Sure WO Id have - `� Lg� SA Trails they seldom fo nq along the trail toward town. Canadian readers. Following is lars to the province. , ,,�,.l, _ - U - r You ought I The Star editorial in full: 1. ,.,�,'Al , . Grocery, Main Street, Sea u He best way." , , . _tjft' L .; vesi- es with sides like walls, c onted blown, if you had lived. " gained on her rapidly, and presently "It won't'help Your repUtAtiOn, Will, Mr. Jarvis has suffered a great . ;�Ni, -�,.Y,,� ,,,, I -tf th, In. I . and to thank me for preserving it. , ."rhe friends of Mr. Aemllius injustice and Is surely entitled to ,, . sorj,5 . rh&. ponies dropped a voice hailed her gayly: it?" she asked. "Won't people say . . like untain "Preserving it -how?" arvis In Toronto and throughout ­� clambered up again "The top ol the Tnornin' to you, that you failed on this case?" the province are still pressing upon a new trial at which would be 9mall- i � , , I I 11 .1 � r�scend� "By bumping you off before you've Miss 'Lissie." He laughed softly, as if at some the Ontario government amd the able much important evidence that . , J �, � goats. Gradually they we 2_1 � �.. � � - ",I I 1, , She drew up to wait for him. "My hidden source of rnirth. "I shouldn't was not procurable on the former � . AUCT101991@0� ing into the upper country, .ost it." " I it do that," the federal government at Ottawa their occasion. t��,l , $ � . I. , to the wild stretches Wher e Out- "Sho! You wouldn name is still Miss Lee," she told him wonder if they did -say that Bucky .,�!.'It p . ------- ershed-3 representations that Mr. Jarvis has . �.6'T"; I � 1, In these ranger murmured ineffectively. mildly, by way of correction. O'Connor hadn't made good tbi "It Is believed by the friends of , - .. - � laws lurked. S time 4,�,�, , TH014AS BROWN I , suffered a great Injustice and that Mr. Jarvis that the federaF Minister . .11,�',� I I ,, I , ,were heavy pine forests g from "We'll see. ,Jeff, I put him in your "I'm glad it is, but we can change They'll figure he tried to rid'e herc the wrong should be righted in so I :::, Lie -for the Counties of the to ", � onsed auctioneer thlii-gulchea'p,long the shoul charge. Search him, and take him it in three minutes at any time, my on a job too big for him." of Justice could and should inter- , 61 _', V Cotrespondence I far as that is possible. The sum of I �, of Huron and Perth. peaks. . Bank's cabi.n. I hold you responsible dear," he laughed. HeY surprised eye brooded ove Velm to cause a re -trial of this ow. I I" , " . l r $200,000 was collected as a fine ,,�_'� gements for We dates can be on But the responsibility for righting . I, I'll, �� I ­� ,� arran A maze of canonp, hopele lost in for him. Bring Tne any papers y She bad been prepared to be more this, too. H(tere be was defending the from Mr. Jarvis and is now being .�11..i. " I ifinde by calling 'rho Expositor Office, I Seaforth,. Charges moderate, and the hill tangle into whic .ey had find on him. When I find time, I'll friendly toward him, but at this she outlaw chief, and rejoicing at his held by the province, subject to this grievous wrong does not rest *�;U­ plunged, led deviously to isting drol, around and see thiit you're keep- froze again. only upon the justice department at ,.Ilb� . �,,, V own downfall. There seemed to be court direction as to Its disposal. ' .� � Ottams- The case is an Ontario ­A,� .. ,S6tJJfs,etfon guaranteed, pass, through which th led, to ing him safe." "Did you leave Mrs. O'Connor and no end to the contradictions in thi.i He also served a period of Imprison- " ��* ,, � I .5, . I . eap- one, the administration of J11sticS, 4'. . � drol, into a vista Of kb ' aves of Biicky was searched, and his w the children well?" she 'asked point. an. She was �g run across another ment. '' , 11 OSCAR KLOPP ' m is in the hands of the provbxc% and � I.. . � 11 .., - . � ... . I 00.10pi Graduate Carey Jones' Na- toreist-clad 'hills. Among 6 wound ons and papers removed. Aft" 'be- edly, looking directly at him ' tangled thread of the puzzle a few "The friends of Mr. Jarvis aft the friends of Mr. Sarvis, should ,,, I , ,.'." I . ctiOneeting, Chi_ col-intless bidden gulchesi. Wn Only ing handcuffed, he was chained to a His smile vanished, and he stared minutes later. pressing for a new tii new trial Prow their cam on the attention at ­ .41 l�; Al. &-&h661 of Au - 11 a ry is ge fashion. Sb�-. She had dismounted to at which could be produced decisive the onterio government. pr� - , � ...i 11 *1 ­­­ . 8;,_ ''. I a taketi in Pare to those who rode fr6m bhem On heavy staple, which had been driven vt her f ve tran let birn ..�q I. , I eitgo, , peeia cours, - rious niggh e anda,r in�o one of the log walls. He -as ". " , , _. " , .� - j . ate, Mer nefa t . rr' ev - k one and the door wa had taken the wind completely out of tighten the saddle cinch. Owing to new evidence that was not available pergimma a -ad the attorney-gedeftl - " Eta I , , e -_ n mar , left al the heat, be bad been carryin� his for We defense at his former trial. Should. on an examination Of th& ", I.. I ,i . tfi6 Stock, ,Real Est The range n )ted d -9 locked; his sails. It bad not occurred to bia, 1;1 I Mpdlso� and Farin Sales. -Rates it .1 .11 I I "... - ,ling matket. Sat- arid catalogued in his * maP'ev- but he could hear Jeff moving about that O'Connor might be a married coat in front of him. He tossed it -W- Ysrvia was tried in October, evidence produced in the PeVSS 11 � I A, �, 11, 06, , ig *411 prevai 3 i- 'Fi- hat he outside, - -11 � I , =,� lured, t that it -1 0 _. i write or *ir6, ery gorLr&, and peak, "h! - . , man. Nor did he know bu on a boulder by the side of the trail, 1924. and acquitted. by the Jury of cass, clearly perceive that there ft I �, , him. He ,4;vo,�,�, I 1, . & nt. Phom, saw, be guessed c .. ich- he With the closing Of the door the might be a trick to catch :n such a way that the inside -pocket On ehgrgw ex"t thut Of buVIU9 every girbund fbt- the granting Oft. I -� ..N�Q� , I , . " :. 6, PPI ,Zurick. 0 '411 � 11 ., .to 1. 1_1 , �' , F 11 I � 2806-52 could not be sure. I . be hard vacuous look slipped from his fac� did the only thing he could do -made hung down. From it slid some papers '4%mvtptrled"� with others in 60R)i re.-tylgI lOf the jaevis case. T614" Al ,.13 " - . s first be- like a mask. The loose -lipped, lost- . ,,, �Qh'�'; ,' V when his ... ironk fashioiti� which tim WRI& band = A. YeEX later , ,4 ..! I V, . � _�.., . 11 1 � . I I . an(b a ,phortograph. Melissy looked de6- being the case sad tho,M][0carrisie'' .. a�, � I ,-1 11 11 I I i to sa, answer in an . ",Pv t .1 I I 1: � I I came aroused. B � eY rode, dot expression was gone. He looked niig1bt mean anything Or nothing. do -%m at the picture, then instantly )ft. Andrew Pispall wu tried (Nov. of justice ht4Vftk oeo4i,Wd d I '. " X � i'. � I � . . . Ti a what be once more alert, competent, fit for the "Very well, thank you." stooped and picked it up. For it was 1926). and evidence wifis produced ,proceedlugg 'rb# wbibli 4 uring " _��' . . � . ": . � AL %, LUIKIRR - wit�out stopping, tli Attorney- 1) ,�,�-,,_.'-� , ... A.::A I I , I .­h'yl. ,Is, ,* I 1. . . , kn6v must be,P , Passp as emergency. it had been his cue to She saw at once that the topic did a photograph of a very charming wo- t_hiat ftnipletely demolished th6 'gellorwo department were difialaw. ­ "­ ill, i .-T6 - , . men about hiln q Y grO . cross � ,,,01 J� I 13 *sdd Ailalbiiis�f�i�itve 06,6� -thb uped let his adversary undmatimate him riot allure him, and pushed home her man and three children, and a basis for the COUSPIMCY charge responsible. that department 011194t� lil� I I � 10 , . . ", I .of SfW %%k At6dA 16,- W`411 � long night ride,he had bad ad ag&twa mr. Jarvis. The evldence to accede to the reiquobst of Mr. 11 � . ii, - - themselves g(j,a4 to eM any escape During the v,6,fttago. "You must miss Mrs. the bottom Of it was *-ritte-A a Iiiie. ­ �,,,-,�,,��'Ta -W, 1 � , .� mig, iiflth6-ii , 86VIa y - to tb,O. was avall0le In the Pepall ,yarvie t,floli - I i'f, " ,tars ex qtnytlll,� as y droppod eh&tt#s to escape, had he desired O'Connor wbeii you are away on &Ahat It hdIMi0"4P, 0 1, , - ­ � � . .-dWd�',.8Akjtkh6j;, he ,Might atte . I '�, 'nR's, � I 16elk MWt0it, . I , 5 meshe,3 do so. But this had been the last duty."' .4 .f 444 OA VW& 0"'Peli the, 401AWAM the rawster of IN I acauteik- 11 ,,, � ," .11 11 . X,�,. = and fstthor'111 "I 'ITO Bucky from his loving -% patlee - to � 4 I i. "', ,,, i� . ,� 4,1"w, �1,0 IRON,,— k1f0k 1, 4, A 6 � 4 n ". -, I .�� '0',Tprriiff� �*"O . .� 01 or rep4a, *dth 'I I mt. 4 Itf.that-tyi-6016II-for " I* � .." I I'll 11 - _ fake4t.,orowned Which. he thing he wanted. "Must I?" and childrenAlt : " ed, to h_;Lv� Wrongfully �cence , "F 1p&�,'_', - i � , ��� I Jsw , , 4 I . isteT,,�'u , �., ,�, knew t&bV-tb,o"-ROA� optltm , % outlsL*a had 46hoseln" to takehim "And the children, too, By the way I I 'a " as 4841 ON trild. "i4or to it only tvb, Dotdofiit" , "', ... I �-, � , _., " ,U) TX C! n, , :"Pi " 0 Or$ 11 I . I R, . To len At I ... "*Wld- ed&0leUlt 6x6a- friendg ot . AVWfl11J& . ,;,�,,, %:�,�_18'1111i�� , I , I " . I � ­ . , " . . k . I 44ma *fko " -,T - T-1 Zm IF I , , 114 1 , . - ftstfili � . 2;ll',�V 5"' , o,.pe "a" "' to t)iiir , The girl leAded it to the man with- _ - W � , g �'Wdid n6t fieed In the hills. He what ate their names?" . the.�, �,�,-�:!�tffi , " 1, 404a Mr. #P 'IiV ) � 1,1, 1.14 ,% shoidd onto - ,,, r , LeVASCIVesL� in . �' � -00 -0"W 931119-,� Wbuld baok,!h1w"1f to -use the knowl- "You're 6tthl g -up a right smart .rn tb . �, , , , .'�!,-� ,, ,,, - :: -, - ., ­, fbe*,� .*Or 6f ._, out -ii. word, And lookeA -'him full in ' ':I�#` 'eW. 6*1dauee, eowd#A. 6f &� ',Matteir Mit"AW tholf&:WdOld ttk 06 " I I "' M. � I I I - . �1,1 , . . I � , . "T'; , fr-"i ',tW- w6re"thTuattng, upon -him, irterest in ray, family, all of a Bud- I . , _ . � � ';�;�t� . -111 7 et, '16 �q$MG 'no` I . . 1'� by Mr LN' , 11 �, o .. .. it he od& ,� ", ,% , , ".", ,�W*U-a , I ly _ __ .. . . the face vinto Vho ori(To �� !�!-�I,i7 "I . "W'111PI.,�'11�,."Izt "21 I - I __ . . ­ thiat tb,�,bviii hbolat ,.--Bb*bd out, by gingert" he said, I th6Vda~�Iffl goA% 5 �11 , 47 ­ 11.1-C11"p" . #'Ii% :tho"r , , . � " 1-11.�M , ", ',,� 4 , " knew. � .AD it we Wer ,n b ,ht laugh. . 006oisal he made, 6f �140 - '' �ftetb* , �Jl�%.,.Vil� 1�111 '"Q V - 1, " , V'.. di-Ahoo, ___ , r,-iW4tW%1c1ue hhd come uP- I talk about the ,a . t a lIg !M1 " " . eac" tal S Paz - wa�$:n. Atthb JU" I ligall ud�,& I -,,R� I � �� , .. i -11- ­­_ 191,141QW., ,�­ , 11heil; undoing, I Oidy Advrr,he. _66huillad. ­ ­ - I 1.91 t" 'elty';1did, it­*U,a,-,0V,6 k, 9 If, Smi� 4 1, I � . I .�� 11 ,0'1_.1'1.t1�1' they could se 'k, I 01 11.11V % ft --'' 1, ,Mw�­ , .4 . I 1. . ,,A , 0 US td I ,WN.: ,, . . W11 .,%�A' , I., - I .. ll!'fifift,!!Wg� -& mitiptigle, 'IU bad h6t , . 11 I _,d ,4 Y, � �;. 16)&. . - - t I I . of, doubt. oil , - � ad .. W" I �� , i . i �U 'Olt 1j. i his face, sho 'A .� , . , 11 W1111, % t : 1, i I ", � 4 , � " t N , . IT , � � 'i ) tZ il a ­ - - I ,. _ K�,�;'\111%'W,�� d X"t ',�i,�'r. ! ... A. _­ d oil - 16 " IrA,141 "' ��,��,, , � . vlott% ,VJ&6tiW­that: they-vNuld Neve� a I*i4- - 6 ully decideA to slay the illus- But as she continued td,look at him .1. P "" g �,,,, � ! " ��,� � 3�t & , I t 11, " .,,�.,, �., . .. I � 11 [ I . t. -to tpe ),8,VWfi1­'k1fi ,&&1hst­%im-.­�­A*d--ffi1h ion of do - If ' ' ii�6 I ifiittV.2 I ' '. .� � , �,,4 i �'O dull . I I . ,ti it " fit to -,Inalt, of- promise, who had plainly it W " � -I (A*1 'I 111"", .. ,., 11 I - ,to alavraghtwrapget- avmt know, Vlib*f ai�yer - J chil. t,r-ave114d far -on the road to ruin- Ill A !,­,%,'.�,,,%Av�,;, . . � '' i � X, g',,P �qg F- _"�,­'� -It, -was his 6 "Oh"9111111 ), ki'ai a � ..., _____ ­ I *ITO "I ''A - " �,)'1�6��J��­ I 19119 I I __�,C;: ,� � I , � il 1. l-,", , ,, - � I , li 1A, g, " 4- ? U& it �Aar- � W164160imr, il 11 i f " -I.' I ; dret." th4 conviction grew on her that the 0 _011-Ift` "A gbdo" � W -a . ,. . 1� 1% I �, 'i�,A,,�i�.'�t �� " 11 � I ;Nul , ,� �� , , - � , � : , , 170'. , , 'I, 1; f , , 0* 71510 0 04- ann"NO& -.A_Wj'_­----­, -- _N . ' ones- Office, 185 V d2i 260'�;""1418-4 -�', - ����­` I I "I I % - U., .�""p i ilsweet4aeed,woman in the phota-grapit . .. ­� ", �,,'4v',�7,; .,I MOM I'll .b'*4WW%VA bf *98 0"At"119 A- '%# IIV.o hiii about tl�gpk.; -Map or ,at_ VlJRt.r,t11n � 4" , "' k , W , 1. � I &I - -W, ffite(i 6" I#- '. - -.1 , [a was iftya '10 `�,, "':7. �,�', I 'i . i "m , CT , ffLTth6 ,0btL'ne#§J, of itht. 61 � 31 4 4 - -hfsr.,.�, ]� . li#� ,,,V,,',.,,�� , - � I � - , � WN ­141 J� 41, .,�, Vft _40 Or r k� , cy 0 t wat no laviftg Vue '09 twwv I 0 ;M g - . 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