HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-12-30, Page 3?t�t{�'�E,raSa ,^f '�•�G c A.' ,�1
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1'ellglou9 census, 141 citizens are list-
sured him she cured herself of sciatica
cd as "miscellaneous'." Golfers, may -
by burying a piece of grey worsted,
be.—Windsor Border Cities Star.
four inches long, at full moon in the
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ares,, whosEficoPs provided'a guard mornirt#
k said: "This .
f, of lionor. The reception was,. held at: ntotOr"biJ. J d'r"xvex yy s his conductor,
the lWahara''ah's Mint House which is who llye"s liundI"sip '. yards' away, by
1 'd
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a replica in miniature of .Backingham eoutinualiy sauastdrphis horn.y
It 1iPeliied 1871 Palace. Su4peeted it er, a woman is,
D3 r - being''sou' t by th0 lice of A.rmaglx.;
a is thought„to 'h.�"responsfble for .
^ Sh
u ` . the death near` Ctlemont, County+
Armagh, of a 'sev RtY-six year old.
farmer, whose ' yi
•, Inhaling a feather from. a pillow, r
3r",has foxnd.l ng :.
' r^ M1�,� , �1 "� ;•, ``,. a seven -weeks -old child at 3�lprwieh on the side of the mad with terrible
�a2lager'injuriesO l.is 1>iee. - "•Robbei r8 'be-
d;ed from suffocation. The chiles was ` t nt1.,, y
�, r found dead in bed. A doctor said at lieved to be flee tnptit*e fot. the crime.
_•�� , .c the inquest that a' small feather had . Taking rat poison' in an attempt
been `found in the child's larynx. It• to commit suicide obi` Bray Head, was.
seemed that -the feather had come charged•against;n, Dublin man at Bray
v Wift" 8 AND LEGENDS Also that if you wear something from a pillow. district court. It *ds stated that the
sewed with thread that was spuA on Two hundred miles at sea, off New man was' out of work, and had only
certain element of. legend. and .,Christmas -Foye. pp C er in„ w% stick fork, an owl was captured when it been married a Wes ek, when he took
superstition is bound to •develop a- to ou the poison. The: 'district justice
rcun8 and cliri to sit ” arieient- lea, y d^J)vgt, if .you, ,page ,a shirt alighted on a vessel bound for Eng- P j'
g y ,tat was woven, spun, and ae)wed by land. It has been presented to the sentenced him to 'a• month's impdison-
-tival,. and Christmas being one.of the a pure maiden on Christmas Day it London Two by the officers of the 'went, with hard labor.
1oldest Christian remembrance days, is will be proof against lead or steel. ship. It is of a species known as For malicious injury to the door of "
mo exception to the rule. Other German superstitions are that: Richardson's• owl, which has never be-: his house and -for
'threatening and us-
�ome of'the older ones look strange Ifyou, are born at sermon time on fere -been exhibited at the gardens. ing abusive language, a Strabane man
and foolish -to sensible, ' modern eyes. Christmas morning yotr can see spir- Sixteen 'thousand dollars was paid summoned a neighboir at the local ses-
Thoughts of the future mate; .for its. - at an auction sale in London for proof sions. The plaintiff 'stated that the
instance, have long been associates If you eat a raw egg, fasting . on sheets of the first edition of DZr, Sam- trouble arose over a deal about ,a
with this season. An old English cus- .Christmas morning you can carry uel Johnson's dictionary, a record horse, and a policem-tn had to go in -
tom is here described in poetry with' heavy weights. price for any relic of the famous to the other man's house and sit down
-the peculiar spelling of the day: The crumbs saved up on three lexicographer. The proofs contained with him for two or three hours on
Christmas fives are a good medicine marginal corrections and 1600 slips the night of the occurrence to pacify
"In these same dayes, yong gyrles to one. who. as been disappointed. of illustrative passages in the hand- him.
that meets for marriage,bee jt is unlucky to carry anything out writing of Johnson and his assist -
Do search to know the names of them of the 'house on Christmas, morning ants. be raised by the Irish Government,
that shall their husbands bee. until something has been brought in. One of the wonders of the world Minister of Finance Blythe announc-
.I'our onyons, five, or eight, they take, In some parts of Russia the girls is possessed by Nuneaton in a nine- ed at a meeting of the Dublin Cham-
and- make in every one have a hard time telling their matri- months -old girl, `Happy" Boulest- her of Commerce. Of the sum, $35,-
35;Such names as they do fansie most or monial fortunes as the belief is that ridge. She has never been known to 445,875 will be issued within two
best do think upon; they will not see their future mates cry. "Happy" is attracting t;.e at- years' About $15,000,010 of the first
Thus neere the chimney them they set, unless they go out and digs a hole in tention of baby experts who are con- issue will be financed by a New York
and that same onyon then the ice of some lake or pond and then founded because she is otherwise banking syndicate..That first doth sproute, doth surely sit by it watching until the small than normal, and theoretically it is Slashed by a razor several months
bear the name of their good man." wavelets underneath form the fea- impossible for a baby to be normal ago, a young woman died recently in
lThese same "gyrles" had another' tures of the man they are to marry. without crying occasionally. Dundalk as a result of the attack,
w'ay of telling their fortunes. of a Needless to say, the Russian girls Severely burning and gassing two While she was in a Dert-y railway sta-
near the time of Christ- must have strong powers of imagina- workmen, an explosion occurred in tion a man jumped at her with an
.wark night g tion. -a purifying "sthed of the Rhondda Gas open razor, severing her throat from
areas, out they would go to the wood- Works, at Porth, Wales. The victim's ear to ear. She made a remarkable
Rile where each would pull out a stick staggered through dense smoke and recovery in Derry 'City Infirmary,
of wood, BRITAIN OVERSEAS fell unconscious when they reached where she remained until a month ago,
–Which, if it streight and even be,safety. They were rushed to a hos- but suffered a relapse upon reaching
and have no knots at all, Free fights, murders and robberies pital. The force of the explosion was home. Her assailant was committed
A gentle husband then they thit►ke are occurring with alarming fre- felt three hundred yards away. to an, asylum.
shall aureus to them fall; quency on the alluvial diamond dig- An educational centre for rural dis- The need ofadvertising Irish honey
But if if fowls and crooked bee, and sings at Lichtenburg, South Africa. tricts is to be established by the Cam- was stressed by the chairman at a
knotties here and there, Since the recent rushes thousands of bridge County Council. The scheme meeting of the County Wexford Bee -
.A crabbed, churlish huskand then thea diggers have assembled in the vicin- is to erect at an estimated cost of keepers' Association in Enniscorthy.
earnestly do fears." ity, among them ex -criminals, who £14,100 a building; together with suit- Instructor in Beekeeping under . the
appear to be reaping a rich harvest. able gardens and playing fields, at County Committee of Agriculture
An ancient way of getting a good The rainy season began in Rhodesia the village of Sawston. This it i4 said that it came as a revelation to
Y g him when he was told by an English
,crop of apples or other -fruit used to with the usual severe storms. Asst- pointed out, will not he an ordinary
crtler near Salisbury, after four years university college, but a place where correspondent recently that Irish
be practiced in various parts of Eng-
land and France. In England the hard work in getting his homestead rural education could be carried out. honey cannot get the same price on
lander would invite in several of his into shape, had the place struck by Injuring eleven sailors and dock- the English marl.ets as other honey,
-friends and after dark •had fallen they lightning and burned down. The light- yard men, some seriously, a gangway English or Scottish.
would arm themselves with guns, ning struck his ,young daughter, who leading from the dockyard jetty at Her 107th birthday was celebrated
blunderbusses, or any other firearms
was seriously injured. Portsmouth to the new, cruiser H.M.S. a ferw days ago by Miss Catherine
they had and proceed to the orchard. A battle against fire which lasted Suffolk suddenly collapsed. The men Plunket, Ballymascanlan llouse,
There they would, select the most four days marked the voyage from were boarding the cruiser when the Louth. :Miss Plunket is the descend -
fruitful tree and standing around it London to Adelaids, Australia, of the accident. occurred. The gangway ant of a distinguished family. Her
•one of them would recite: steamer Tynebridge, 4,360 tons. The crashed on to a wooden raft between grandfather, William Gonyngham
fire occurred in the reserve coal bun- the jetty and the ship, 25 feet below, Plunket, was created the first Baron
"Here's to thee, old apple tree! ker and was only put out after en- and snapped in two. Plunket just 100 years _Ago. Her
ergetic efforts. The steamer carried In a collection box at a Labor meet- father, who succeeded,to the peerage,
Whence, thou may'st bud, and whence. a cargo of timber and oil. ing in Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, a became Bishop of Tuam, County Gal -
thou may'st blow, Sighting a dead whale in the Bay war medal was found. hiss F.l1en way. He left five daughters of whom
And whence thou may'st bear, apples of Plenty, New Zealand, the captain Wilkinson, M.P., who addressed the ,Diss Plunket is the sole sur" ivor.
Ow' of the steamer Kurow changed the m.eet;ng left later for London, taking After lying all night, terribly injur-
Iiats full, caps -full, bushels, bushels, course of his vessel to allow a closer the medal with her. "Perhaps it ed, on the railway line at Multyfarn-
sacks full, investigation. It was then seen that I comes from an ex -soldier who has ham, near Mullingan, a seventeen -
And my pockets full, tool the w'hal�e was about eighty feet in given the only thing he had," she year-old girl was found and conveyed
Huzza, huzzal length. Above it were numerous Said, "I am taking it to the House to hospital, where she died. The girl
The cider jug was then passed a- screaming sea birds and the water of Commons, and, during the next it was learned, was walking along I
round, the guns fired off into the treo was alive with sharks. Armament Debate, will present it to the line when she meat a goods train
An eagle attacked a five-year-old Mr, Baldwin, saying `A man gave and stepped on to the other track to
branches, and the party then return- girl who was playing outside alarm- this to help the cause of peace.' '' let it pass. .Just then another train
-ed to the house where a great feast g
was ready. er's house near Goulburn, New South A dream that came true in dram- came along in the opposite direction,
In France the same custom ' was Wales. The child saw the eagle div- Itic fashion was told of at the in- and knocked her clown. One of her
,carried out by only the children un- ing down at her and shrieked for help quest on a seven-year-old boy who legs was badly crushed, while her
der twelve who went out and san whereupon the farmer ran out with was lost in a fog on Dartmoor and right arm was also fractured, and
g• a gun and shot the bird. The eagle's died from exposure. The boy's =he sustained other injuries. She was
"`Mice, caterpillars, and moles, wing spread measured more than sev- father said that as soon as he heard still conscious when found.
'Get out, et Out s, my field , en feet. that his son was missing he exclaim- _
g Two thousand employees of the ed "My dream has come true." He
I will burn your blood and bones: South Australian railways are to be had described to the police before the WIT AND WISDOM,Give me bushels of apples."
dispensed with as a result of the pol- discovery of the body exactly how the It Takes Doing.—A genius is a thin
icy of retrenchment which the lines boy would be found, saying that he lad opera. Citizen
An English • legend tells us that I , Y in grand p I
Joseph of Arimathea went to England,' have adopted. The Premier of South had dreamt three weeks before that —_
arriving a few days before Christmas. Australia, in making the announce- � his boy was found dead lying on his Driver's Ucense.—What some pen-
�On the summit of a hill in Glaston-
dentt said the firsPt men to go would back by a stream. le don't know about driving would
bury he thrust his staff into the l e those who have reached the retir- In search of health and education, fill a hook—also a hnspital.---Calgary
ground and on Christmas morning it ing age but are still employed owing a seven-year-old cripple has just com- Iferald.
was found to have taken root and to the nature of their work. Tletel3 a lour -thousand -mile voyage
,covered itself with wonderful white In a jungle camp about thirty miles from Bermuda to England. He is to A Humane Thought.—Some of our
blooms. Cuttings from that tree are fior,• Jamrragar, the Viceroy of India, receive orthopaedic treatment at the struggling authors ought to be knock- I
anuch in demand for planting near Lord Irwin, spent a few days holi- Lord Mayor Treloar Cripples' Home ed on the head to stop their strug-
,cl,urches, and only last year a thorn day as the guest of the Mahara1'ah ' t Alton, Hampshire. Since birth both e.ling _-Toronto Star.
tree planted in Washington, D.C., and Jam Sahib, of Nawanagar. On the his feet have been twisted, and he
rty sat up has been unable to go to school. The The Virtues of Politics—Tf a town
said to be from JoaQph's staff, was first night in camp the pa
in full bloom on Christmas morning. for several hours 'and Lord Irwin shot Bermuda War Veterans' Association, picks its mayor each year from s rlif-
In sortie parts of Germany the peo- twonthers with long-range shots. of which his father, a laborer, is a
paferent street, eventually it gots them
Vie believe that if you hang a wash Theo camp was sumptuously fitted up member, paid his passage to Fngland. all paved.—Sarnia Observer.
,cloth on a hedge on Christmas Eve, and resembled a canvas township. Thirteen operations have already been
and then groom the horses with it, I To replace the tiger which recently performed on his feet. Waste—The crocodile can go three
they will be fat and sleek all year. died in the zoo at Auckland, New Zea- A superstitious practice in Cumber- months without Pating, which seems
land of rubbing a stye on the eyelid a waste of splendid accommodation.—
with a gold ring to effect a certain cherbrooke Record.
cure was quoted by the local ?Medical
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those who eo rt s e - A
and support aided. us M11 -
our progress.
E are thankful to
our many custom-
ers for their kind patron-
age, and to our staff for.
the loyalty and helpful-
ness that made possible
one of our biggest years
in business.
4 '
Officer of Health in a lecture at Wig-
The New Religion — In Windsor's
ton. He also declared that a lady as-
1'ellglou9 census, 141 citizens are list-
sured him she cured herself of sciatica
cd as "miscellaneous'." Golfers, may -
by burying a piece of grey worsted,
be.—Windsor Border Cities Star.
four inches long, at full moon in the
back garden. These anis other Sim-
Aptly Defined.—Night gown: A
ilar practices were survivals of old
garment put on at six o'clock in the
days when superstition, cant and
morning to replace the evening gown
hypocrisy played a great part in the
worn all night.—Toronto Star.
fight against disease.
The Truth Will Out'• -Dad's fear of
voting men, when daughter reaches
15, is just a confession that he was
110 model youngster, — Ridgetown
The entire cost of a new bridge,
which is to be erected in Derry is to
h6lbhouldered by the Northern Ireland
Traffic Directions,—When the girl
Government, which mean's a gift to
Iriver puts out her hand at a street
the city of approximately £250,000.
intersection you know she is going to
Pour fires broke •out almost simul-
do something, whatever it is.—Toron-
taneously in- the busines's distrjet of
to Globe.
�Viafi�%ord. Ali we`re of mysterious
o1r%gin: The` local lire brigade sum-
'Why Wait? ---About the only thing
Imbued the mli¢tary and' civ3e guards
that comes to a man who waits is
and all the inhabitants to their aid.
vAlskers.--Brandon Sun.
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o to
behooves to�,
our �. res .t t 6��.
those who eo rt s e - A
and support aided. us M11 -
our progress.
E are thankful to
our many custom-
ers for their kind patron-
age, and to our staff for.
the loyalty and helpful-
ness that made possible
one of our biggest years
in business.
4 '