HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-12-23, Page 4vir, , , - "I � -,4' gg , , , %g,, , , , - , "I .. §r, ,§F�,,+&�%*.g " v g 4�j, , �­ , , , , ,q,, e., , " , , � " , ��, �w �,, � .�. , -11-c" � _� W - ", "'. . .-.-,- 6 , 1-1 . ­ � , ", , 1 -1 -Ir , , � i I , ", , , � p� I ..1 1.1�1 , ,q L .��f I W);�, , �4 , , , , , ,gf ., , R ', 't—l" " ---- , i,1010_9 T� �3 ,. "it , , - ­-, .".-I �, - _ 'I , ", �, � r ,F, WIWWX� 1�47WMRR'4 , , 7 -4'%,� ,,�, I ,� -V �V � & g ._ A ; � � N".11 � , � � � ii�!,� �11'1' � � r � , 4 � .� L I . ,�, I I � � � t I L , � . , � . I i­,� �,, If I , ; i : " ­­ ­1_1111(111111� �� �� ,�,��, ."', , .: , - , �",� - g6 ,�' ­��­ _* � 0 % ,u � � , , , , , mww��" . , 1— �fi �' �"?�',; , .".." lo� � PX - F� X , 1. �" �','!��g ," ;� , ��, � 4, www� ,t,�, � , , 2, �, , ,� "o ,,,� , i , �7 , , 4 T k "'.. , , �;;;�`� ,,� "' 'r� , 4 -1 - LM I'll ­­Qz ,,�� �� . 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A ,,,,-�',��#'.! �h'if I , ""AW" , , ) -a#v - " _t, *_ �11M 1%�, 'RJR, , ,`�'�.It,k ' .11�1 I �`, � '. q��4,j,,;;,-"�� � `,�;: no.�'.,�! 1, " ., . k I � 1',p"_;,L '�,l"'., _1 I I _;N"' " �� ,��L ­ � 4 , , P,.,�, � 44f x, 4�X # "'FA '.. . . �,C ' �, ,,,,;,A111V0"5�, &�, ''�,,',' "a t:,# * , � �1'11 I � %46?0,F-,"- , ,.. . 0 �', 11 . I � � � ,,,, ii " -, , ,, 't�'),,��'��j,� ', , , , 4 "w—ft � ��, , ... A � ; ,!�k�l .,,,,,, i M, % ., , . �r " ` ,�111 � '1� ;� %iil4",:� .* , , , I ,,,, ii� "" �",:,- �11­11 , � , , �1 ,� �1�. 3,%�, '"I'm ,t ..,A, , ,'.#,1*,cqi�,_1 , ,.. . , �� ". ",',"�'�,`,`;"�% . ,�­&Wgf """ F 4, rp '. i., I'A�rll I ,1!4 �.'11_ - "I _­...., ", , I - ", j* A � � .4 � , T!'�,�­n­.g-�,� ­.­­111,�­, - ­: , :,� " - , Z'F',','�,;-��,`,!1.;f.^ � , " ", P ­q , " ,,,�"Lgo,n�,Vvq­vgw� , I'll , Z,�". ;�: - - ­ --, ��, , I , N '4 OF A"'R, 14 �.Tfty "I . "M , T � .. I ,��%­', " " 'i. ; " ,:_N�110'1,�IAI��11�v i� "' " " I r,�­04041'4,, 14,�, 17 , , "i , , - , " . � I 1; I , ,; I 5 � , ""�,' ��,'�, ,�,, ,��. , , "!'� �,��, ,� , ,��,, ,- , . _ � . � . h. It, , �,--',,�,, 1. , `­�ii,411011411 I :V�Fpll ". W f � .�'_.��,,� 5� - � - WN , "I.- - - , , , . kn7m r . � . � W .1 1; , .", 4 L , - , . , . I fiih ` '12-'--, nf the, ]4f- . P , " - , I- 7: .' , , 'K_,L':,''�,"�,-", " 4Av`lf dw�l I ,q xlj"�?"N '�' - " I 1� .. - . ­ � � ,.: ,� � " �,' - � - to, If, � i �,' , �$�` � It:. i�l I I I '11 , , k � _;;1 , -41 I I I �, �,�;� ,,, N", -,t, q " - "X, , , , �� , ­� , � low .41 1 - 'i P, AN �1 .l."T �m " L , e ��" ;; I , , WX . '., -v-,:� i, , , '� ,, I , - � 14,1'�", , " �0'4 W ., Afn,� , T 'i , � �',� ;,' , 4 4T. IV W1041011t; T11PT9 - 1941149,�P, . %*ti . � I ". . ,� � �1 �. ": i, 4, � �,. ", "", i '. _,�'",", I . , ,­ Ot ��, re". , , I ��� ,7',111e.",5 , � - I 4 1.N.R. over 041", I "� .'s . I , 'A � ,­",_ -, , I � : ,. ,,_ '': - .�',, �,�-. �,. I ',.`4 _ , I. � ,,_ ,,� ,�­-!,�)J� �,�J � 11 � .,5� * �; I . �, � "", -11 ,-, I , ' ' - ­ I - � , � , _1"e"1111'r, "' . t ... ­ . . ,,­ ,�V_ I & � I :%, � � ; - eliI - .1 1i . , � 1. '- In �, � ,�6 'G�,6'.'_U,�41' OvMe,d �. the tt , , 14W-vo 0. be, - " _'�,'� 1- - ' '_ " - a1w. i%ys, - TeiWAO., ", - 'r 1�1.14 ., � - � __ "' , �11 1, , � I '_,:� %� - , I , 't 1) , , "I 0 $241 , , 11, 0 i ,� 111 'A 14 I - . � $11"t 0 I ", �7.�, 11 b " . . 11 wpo.4t, *41�0$u 25 I . W 11, - ; — , 416 (01u, Of uniall, lwit$L' thi, 'ed 0. I whic, 16" 1. 1. - - ,, �' , " - � � � , , I 1 * ,� W. RaNtou"'MU'Allor')OT Natiou�ql 1) " F41I&VOW pe;k� , -"rilq. �_",%,Z.1�1' '11-1. 1 6', ;,�� , , _,�'. 4 � � , , i ... - I. . , `111 . , t � �7 1� � - -4 .- - J vvx�qp '�,,� ,( , �,�, ?--� #M"' -Z i , , r�tq', ;, al Wu I, .., . e. far*_ ato.' Z,00- lymont al , ,4..,.g , *%r , ,I 01,11.11 I , I "'Over the RIV n ,a. muo, A - ,O� .A. 4 ��� ,, 'j, . � ,� ,"�O* - . - pal,W � "O . 4.1 , L� atpropji,Ately cr, rages death ae,64 on Thurs,4A3 ;, , , , jo.e ', � - �, , , "I 11�' , 1. �, "I , ' ­­­­ j , �, ,,� " ,,-"'��. �L`:: �� I .-l � M, - , ;�, U p .; ;§ ,-, , . .1 ,, P " - A wife. or XT. uexirf 'b -,' I ,"-4",� .4 L 1 - , 4 , ,pors -"., ---- ,!;,�L,i",. 1�. �_ � Uoq , � 11" i ' ' ' 010�' - hi ". � %` 0 �111*4 fouca, "$A�gpated this idea at a recent be - , - "'p, i- " es ter mw Years, � " R .. bJ,4 honor,xt Amherst, X 'S ' I SaeA�`� Tbi reaved family 4ave Mrs; A I 'ft " 11 . , , .1 -, (6 .1 ,,,' 0 .11, "'ium -1- i �' �, bmquet; b3 VO . ,� or J� 04, , , p ,,, -I& � of . :��,n. ''.. - ., � . � , -- f'1T , , �0, ,� ,,�� Z, 41!"_�, 1 , , � iam all l�Atioilul U-ne betw the sympathy of the community, as ullj� I .1.. . . ­� I ,,, .... � , L, � ; een a rnsq, nf f 1. t I , , I , , 4 ,., 11 ,,�A,e� keen 1*0URIA be The eanadt ains" of tb . ,h concession , 0. I ­`�,' '' t, , " __ __ , . I i,��,� , " , " , , date, no workable s evidenced by the large'erowd . . . , I � . I � : � � , , . , , , , , , 1.111, -11.1111 � . V., �� I . �1::­'41'. . � 11 . I � I .1 , - ' t.� I . I � � ", . . . , %-'4 . , . '� ts.. U : I 'k", , - ,. , � �,,� " " 4. .1 . -" '. I � ­­ 1�1:­"_'_'7::_ 1.1.1'. "Ill . * I ..'2 , , I , A IN gv�^+,_ ""' '� , �, , . * t�.­, ,'"Rik, 14%1 Montreal and, St. Jobli is longer than wa Ili her' -six eveaf� year. �h�",`ftte' � .. .., ,, I , ey, �, -� , , , e�l . , , , ine which cuts -`*as - mig ,- , - Mrs. A -da ' ' . nose-maidplit ,"� , �s or. which gathered to pay their tribute'af Pinsk i name , wios,.I�.. "'i rot slippets Men . .T I - . : �,�111_ - ... , 1",,�. 404a, sho � 4% 'iw �" � , , State of Maine. If freight Christina ,V , . , 1,4�:Z,'!,,"�,,� advanced, and the Canadian Pacific 14 I I X - , , h, 1%�, gi� '*1 , , i respect and. esteem. . , I , #dkerline, being '4 1 . " , Of , ,I$ Ov Slippersi - ,. , W " i I ZIA � '' :,- , :;;", I . �W� ,,,,, .p.,94g,res �,��; ill , . Orline. � choice ,; I olors. , _ ob I 1-1 :-, t ,_ 4, � s made. It is t1rou9b the —Mrs. W. P�11 daught I. ., er4l'' 0 , .. 1, "�, 1. ,,, I haulage Over this territory becomes Notes� nep and daugh- . ,. - I . I I . �. ",41": �­, , , . er,of the late Ge6�ze� Coclke I . ,, - I � I � 'tOwn b , � . I , ­ "�,­ ­,�,,�"'A W. - ­ - . I _; _1 " f. I . . ne rer��. e , -, '.. - �, I , ter, Roxie, of Hamilton, attended t W" baro--�O�,a spent her 'Outl "lif , ,-.,.,.. " 11 L 0, � 1ps have ,an wee ". IL Ir.'', - ___ ,-,� ',- '' �. - ��,�!'L,11'11WV I �;,� heavier, it might he worth while- for ", '1� id * Felt SIB ' ' Iden's . P aid : I . "-, 1. �. .1 -, � I . ­- ";,", ,, , , 1. 111.1. ue cities or large cgntrez the Canadian National 'I, have this fune X10 I 1p� . . L" , �,�;, �11 tp"-ship. Forty-fi - yeoits - Ladies! Pla I . ,761t-`tlip,-�':��` . � " '_�7," 1, 4111 , . ral of the former's sister, Mrs., in this . , � I , 1� �* .1 �;_" ��, ,:, I . � I . ., . . I � I I '81.1,11- ­", . i.,_ � - - A for the use of. the privilege. There may be other parts Reid, of Varna—Mr. Earnie'Penrose, ago she wao��'warried to her now sor-, I I � V I I 11 . I � , M9 Toomo . � ,"', I , I 11 �-, , 1 7 ,I I 11 . jP I � � I I "' , I pers., __ , - . , per.s. . - - - :-�- i , .: � s , I ""' -11 I �.. � � ..71 1 - - : � I � 1:1, , 4 "I �' ".r" -11A of London, is spending a few days d and went' to live 011 11 I . . � � � � I . � pment of these urban of Canada in which mutual exchaftes ' Pon, rowing'"$50xi . . . , ��t,�., �, "' i4lt'll- , , ,; 11,'I,4�",! `V!- �',�q%, . 4 I I � I I 1. - �11 Rev. and Mra. _ I — , � I I . � . � gt' , in, case of fire, but these of running rights or even exchange of with his parents, the 8thiy,hoXe she died, She was a ' . .. -17 _-7-7--.',,'$',L .... .. �', ..,.�,� ,1:1111 . , " . ­ .-1;,.J",",6"1 1 1 ' . i I " 'A,* g � . � .. , � 11 ' .. 111"&M 1 , � �'.,., . � - ions of the rose, if """ true helpmeet, and a !. �� .." - ,� 11 � `1, .. � , , S 1#,-,�., 1, . I'll � 1'. I 'I '_,','�, . , b of Varna�Mr. Jaxaea St6pben- .1, � Ladies", Cosy Felt Slip- , Menla'..� . � �,,�,4 eans proved satis- actual ownership of sect good wiI %..��A , Men's Plaid Felt Slip- . L o' ", , It ., ""', ., �1' �, " - ,',�.,, 5r any m to both son received word a few days ago of tender a# ,,A ther. Her, - � - 1. , , I , , � - I'll, , p. i yd -0 pass . . ., . .. . ,� 1. 14 � � , � ., ,��zll, ,,,, - � I I � ­ I . - pers., , - . � � line ni glat be an advantage oving I . . , pl�4,Apd M' 8 good many Cases roads and to the country. We may the death of his brother, Mr. Preil, i,,,, leave4�d,-sad vacancy in the home pers. pers, padded'soles " I I �� . , .. "A- � . � . , "o 11 ", . I , , � - . - . . I I �, _.'' ' . � , .­ , L _� , " I,, "I'.... �_ .- . 1� leave it at that --the two organiza- Stephenson, of Saskatchewan. He I � . L &,i pcontinued.' . -- , ,g di circle. sh(IS survived by a family , . . I ' . . - I . — � � I � � , '. _".. - Ill I , . . � I , ­" " 1��Illiii��, . L ??�Nl, 11 I . I � A` ' ��,','­T tions of rail -way officials are quite Cap- was the fifth son of "the late Ralph �', I , hg jeason for this is very plain, 'qf seven, A I 1 4 .1 11 111"! I . *,�-,,daughters and t*o.bons. Misses' Rose Felt Slip- Men's Spats la Beaver LadieW Rue skin " I 11 ...... - . . t�is is the first They ar0,r',7-',V,,Iizabeth, Mrs, Charles . . .., 4 ..... ..... --- .. � wv.,,;� �16 + - +'6- surface --cost able of taking care of their own in- -Stephenson, and I . rles I , .11 " .. , � r.� . -1 ,�. , ; 4kPW,0,,AQ �-4�- . 111-11 T U � � I .- I 11 m 12".. `6unicipalities, can not be ex- terests with some one sitting on the break in a family of seven sons and -1),exter- Arne ia Ann, Mrs. Joseph pers, gold1rimming. Irel'u. . casins. - ., , - '. ­ . ..'�:,; �. I ,�:,; � 1. .. �.,�,,, t111:1rr7, side lines (ihe Government or tha three daughters. Much sympathy is bl�tm, and Christina May, Mrs. I I. ­ . � — . . . 1. , . , .. ) - , I I., � . '.. I . 0--, _,_,.�.,;� , i I, I.,", p"t j * �'_ ­ .1 I . � ,_11 �, ,.;��� .W ' � � 'I' 11 "'Ad to send out their fire fighting ailway Commission) to keep things fell for the mother, who has reached Austin D00, � .., . . I R " .* all of .,�Qoustance. z .1 �� , 1_­ii1_ . � � �1'1 .. call of the t the age of 88 years.—S. S. No. 5, Misses' Blue Felt Slip- Misses' Buckskin Moe- - Ladies',- Of -FV3 ­�_"`! � , , equipment, at the own- traight. Margaret.'1ulm and Sarah Lilliazt, at . , V , .1 �, 11 ''a." s I . Ic -I' - * 0 en- 1,ome- Th6s."E. Adams, of th-e,9th 11 pers silvek.�t.rimnling. casins. * .. - Slippers.. ' ! 1i M � ".. ehips, because of the danger of leav * Stanley, is holding their annual ' , 1 9 . , I , ": I � I . I , . �R,,�, . own municipalities exposed To -day the question before us is tertainment and Christmas tree on concession, .gtid John, at home, Three ", 1� __ I . I I -" I �, I . - " , ini; their r also Survive; � I . :, ", ,�;�, I rs. It. Thursday evening, December 22nd, . - . .. ;,.;;,�, .. . , �;.,. � - I appointment of six Senato sisters arA_­,tr brothe .. .1 � . ,- . . .,: ,� -. �, ,�, , their absence, and also the the . ,�d I , . � . I . ..'6 , ,U,�,_. g . The whole un- commencing at 8 o'clock. A good Mrs. W.- S.,_Crawford, of Dauphin, - . � � .. 1. .. . .".k. , -4 is equipment It not an ea.sy task. WISHING ONE AND .ALL A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS '. I � I ­ 7� dt;,�of damage to th employment problem would be settled programme( is being prepared con- Man.; Mrs.. John Stirling, Pilot Mound, ' I � , � `;� - I a I"g run, even if they were paid -f d Senatorships enough sisting of music, recitations, dia- Man.- Xfg�. katthew Mains and XTs. ,. . . . 4. � .. , 7 � ADn U we only ha I . . ' I i"', � . I.: . . - .1 ' ' . . ­ I ... I - . "'.. I q .. ,� n- ' - ' � , of logues, etc.—Mrs. Norman S�tepheuso 5boro, and George .��, I �,�-�� -for it, which in most cases they are to go around. Not even the worst 11 S. W'oo"n, Londei . . . . I 1; . out" would hesitate is in Clinton hospital, where she u Cockerlinq � ;, Toronto. Mrs. Adauip I ., 66 ,"', 1, �; not. There are cases, of course, when , former � �� PO4, �ar, no Government has derwent an operation a few days ago. was a m0iube'r of the United,, LTER G. WILLIS ,%.LH' 11�11 "',', , and done willingly, but to apply. So f . W - -4.- It is done Methodisf4llurch, Londesboro, and a . �... ..�­,, - I , LZ.. � 8 an ever thought of the bright idea of We hope for her speedy recovery, - I . . ­11e� 11 , I ­ ,; �:. . I'll ,�!,�" these are the cases where fire i the peculiar worlter in the W.M.S. She was a I , * .�� 11 " . �;;- -, . �n basing appointments on - - . ready . � ..- . I . W, - � , . I - , ,L, Strange to home-loving.woman, but always , ... I . 1-1 w , ­ , I .O." �. �� .., I ;,"'.. 1 property, ,practically within the tov merit of the applicant. . - - 1- I-, 1-�Ii. , ', - �, , :, - 1. . .1 I With motor equip- ST. C%UXBAN I I I I . � - I , ".7", I or city limits. say, party service is not, as manY to help any.�ne in time of need. Dur — � . - I I - . - 196 n � . '. I . I . � -:- W, zuent, however, calls for aid are coin- seem to think, the real measure of Notes.—The C. W. L. of St. Colum- ing her illness she was most Patie t ' _." , .. L �'-��.', I . appointed— ban will hold their Christmas dance and uncomplaining, The funeral k I getting the consent- of the M bolils ,a good position in Oitax�a,,. $sr- . 11� ling from an ever increasing radius, eligibility. Senators are e h ' .in home spending Christmas ,hiplidayz! . � I � ��� 'o th 0 g . . . � , �, of Neember 26th. place from the family home on too' d. ==Zt 11 - Sun- of the enterL S, - . 1"�t� y this is written before the present vac- on the evening CHRISTMAS SERVICES" ( ,,,­;� and the question arises, who is to pa . . � - 1, the 19,1 room and also his -ap� *ith her sisters, a little west of our , ..., ,., ancies have been filled—without re- Stuart's Orchestra, of Stratford, will day afternoon to the Union Cemetery, 101) 251h 1 preciation* of the services of the cktalr-�:l vill-age.—The Misses ,Ethel' 3(grdock , 11 " ,� . for them ? y service they have ever furnish the music, and an excellent Blyth. The services at house and . 1. I , ". � . f � i gooa gard to an SUNDAV DECEMBLn man. The entertainment 'was then a Dickson have. been help- . V, 1� Township eo-Rucils are pretty rendered their native land, the State lunch will also be served by the ladies. graveside were conducted by the Rev. 91 17 . nd Emma '' I . � '1� ��, closed by prayer by the Rev.' A. =- � ing in the local -post office during the , I CARMEL PRESBYTERIAN t � ", 15 �, - watch dogs of the public treasury, and or Party. When Governments ap- -_ . _-W__ John Buttah, of Florence, a cousin, —The programm' was large . I 11 are ,�`.. "., decline to take responsibility of meet- point on merit, even Party merit, it MANLEY assisted by Rev. B. Snell, Londesboro. CHURCH, HENSALL clair. e ,1.9' Christmaw ,rush 'of mails; whi h " Y i - I- � I Wiffiam. Hesk, ,. given by the children who acquitted . . I .*!, � . accom- The pallbeakers were I . . "', 11 a.m--Subjeet, "The Christ Child's heivier Wli, year than that of any, . . �1. - =9 the payments. Nor should they. will call for rounds of applause. Notes.—Miss Lucy Eckart . QM'r � ! former.—Mis,s Margaret Anderson is I .14 � . * * * panied by her aunt, Miss &th,rin, Charles Josling2 Gharles, Weymouth, , Escape." themselves very creditably. I I In the first place, unless there is an I nas'Dexter, John Harvey and Al- Briefs --Your local correspondenti, in Seaforth Hospital, going there 'for. l, " � I ' ", I 11 "I", . eement in force between the town- The recent Conservative Convention I 0 Connor, left for New York to visit Thor adf6Td. Mr. Button repeated "Jesus, Our Lord" owing to the Christmas rash in the a minor operation. Miss Anderson. _�, . fred R � . ,�,� agr ay season. � Pt- 1—Soprano, solo, Mrs. A. Dougall "I., �� I si�ip and the adjoining urban munici- approved the construction of the Hud- their sisters during the holid the following verses at the conclusion different lines of his duties, is unable- al-w-ays has been well and energetic , 11;1�., . son Bay Railway. Cynics said at the —Mr. Fred Eckart has retu s Pt. 2—Trio, Mesdames' Dougall, Hog- to send in his usual budget, but will and her relatives and friends hope ­ I pality, the authority of summoning time, the move was due to the fact Detroit after an extended visit on ac- of his addres : garth and Paterson. 11 try and make up for it on some future, soon to see -her home again in the . � - . does not come through them. that the Convention was held in Win- count of the late snow storms. Fred ,,I cannot say, and I will not say Anthem—"Break Forth into Joy, Y-ni ... such aid occasion.—Miss Maxwell, of Whitby, eni'd ent of her usually goodhealth. , , Choir ' " Why should they be responsible for nip,eg. There may have been another ,being a good driver made the trip That she 1� dead, she is just away! is here visiting her sisters, Mrs- -J- '—Nomination �meeting will be held in . �"'_ -home last Wednesday with his motor With a cheery smile and a wave of Quartette, Male-�'$hiue On, Oh Star" " it? In the second place, making a reason. There is a growing change W. Peck and Mrs. Sydney McArthur. our Town Hall on' Monday evening, I - Speak- car without mishap. Messrs. MacLaren, Bell, MAcLaren � the hand —A very fine cantata, "The King All December- 26th, and election matter3 ��. payment in only one case is creating of mind upon that question �.____ - - I ­ ing at the Kiwanis Club in Ottawa, - , wandered into an -unknown and Cameron. - �, She has ' e hour --our , . � .." . a precedent, that would lead to un- ays ago, Hon. Charles Dunning land, ,- Offertory—Hallelujah Chorus, Handel .9lDrious," will be given at the even- are nOw..:the tol3ie, of th t, a few d CROMARTY Mrs. J. Murdock ing service in the United Church on Treasurer, Mr. A. W. E. Hemphill. -,,: , told trouble. A farm adjoining a said - And left us dreaming, how very fair the coming Sunday.—Our merchants reports taxes as being. pretty welt . I pays no .more money into the 11 , Subject, "The Coming of the , 1, town No railway has been built into Notes. — The annual concert arid It needs must be, since she lingers 7 p -m.— are displaying wonderfully fine Christ- paid in -for this year.—OuT sebooI . � - I part of Canada which Christmas tree of Cromarty school theref ' King." _',,;., township treasury than one several the Northern t Duet—"But, Thou, Bethlehem" was stocks in their different lines of teachers who are teaching at a dist- .. t — Look place on Monday aftern-oon last. And you :7ilo you! who 4 , back. Why should it have or has not justified the expense." 1. the wildes , ' - t'�'� ': Inile-s he The statement is true. Canada is A fine programme of songs, dialogues, yea ifi; . 1. , �� Mrs. Murdock and Mr. MacLaren Lusiness and report trade as good, ance from here, are at their ir home3 I I : ,� �4� expect to have fire protection at It waking up to the value of the North - and 'recitations were given by the For th4--AdMime step and the glad Anthem—"Chimes of the Holy Night*' The recent storm blocking up roads, in our village and vicinity, fo their .� 1, I V�', e of the township, when others . I Choir bad a tendency to draw trade more Christmas holidays, while our local . 111 expens Ottawa has been slow to r"Ognize children of the school. Rev. Mr. El- returri'�, Soprano Solo. -_"The. First Christmas from the cities and points at a-dist- teachers from other places are at ,-111 a der acted as chairman. A real Santa Think of her, faring on, as dear . I I - I have not? To pay in one instance this fact. There is evidence of i Morn ........ Uts. J. W. Bonthr-)n ance, that could easily have been their homes for the week Or so holi- , � � 't, conviction. That in �­ and not in another would be unfair change of al visited the school in the afternoon In the lov,e,of There, as the love of "Let Us Go Even Unto Bethlehem" utherwise reached by autos, so that days. --So heavy were the snow storms I.i. . and unwise. measure at least has been brought a- I a�hd-d�elped to unload the tree, which , Hiere �-­ "* Pt. I—Bass Solo, W. A. MacLaren. it is indeed as said, "An ill -wind that of the first part of this -week that our :� lip bout by the developments which have z Whir,still as the same, I say, Pt. 2—Tenor and Bass Duet, R. and � �11' What has brought the ques-tion wat.. bountifully filled with fine gifts Thinl . I blows nobody any good -"—Our local Council found it necessary to'draw a ' 1�1�� . - . taken. plAce recently at Flin Flon and I for' the wee ones. Miss Heywood, She is not d&d--she is just away." W. MacLaren. churches are having special Christmas large number of dray loads to clear �.�, � again in recent weeks, is, in all prob- generally. O�nly a few day s I Lhe tea�h�er, deserves much credit in' ., The flbraL�Vfferings were very beau- Pt. 3—Final Chorus, Choir. . '�.�. . the North � ervices on the coming Sunday and obstructing our Main Street in . the , . . � I ; ,gity, the great number of fires that agc� the Ottawa Journal, a strong op- thc training of the children. — A tiful. , I , "I. REV. JAS. McIT,ROY, B -D., Minister. 's the choirs of the three- churches are business gection—The services in our I . .. � I , 4.1 . I t] kii've occurred throughout the town- ponent of the Hudson's Bay, Road, Christmas tree and entertainment will ­ __ . .- ___._ __ — - ____ - having fine solos, anthems, quartettes, lucal churches were not as well at- .�, , ships of the Province during the past wrote: "On this Hudson's Bay Rail- 1�e held in the church, Cromarty, on etc., so that in addition to -good ser- tended as usual on Sunday last a*- ,,>,.�-. y someday have to eat Saturday evening. A fine program J ­ HENSALL mons, which our minister. am well I lzig to the Snow storms that h,d__blbck-_ N I fall an . � - ", d the immense financial loss way we Tna . , I ,KIPPEN. . Wanted.—Woman as housekeeper. Apply to , ,'_p t �', crow - " And this week the Financial is being prepared for the occasion ------ 1 - I I - 1� W. A- Houston, Bank of Montreal. HeT�sall. qualified to give, the musical services I ed the roads .in. many -parts.—We are- . , I I., , they have entailed. The loss ,- .1 - . of farm Times of Montreal heads its leading Mr. Roy McCulloch is able to be Notes.=,Mrs. J. Straut, of New, 1 8132-2 �rill be well in keeping.—Miss Me-1pleased to see Mr. Earl bick, who 1. "Hudson's I Wanted.—Willing to do any kind -enton, Manit , '. ,-, N, buildings through fire is a very ser- article with these words; around again after a few days' ill- York, is'spending a visit at the home Work of Dougall, of K oba, is vis- some weeks ago got his arm so badly 1'� i ious thing to the present day farmer , Bay Road may be justified if wheat ness from vaccination.— Dr. Traynor of her, brother, MT. Robert Dayman work. Miss Bessie Henry, Hensall, Ont, Ap- . � ." ply at Mrs. Dave Beeswax- 3132-1 iting her aunt, Mrs. H. Reid, of our crushed in a bean threshing machine, I . many cases an unsurmADuntabl- route is not a success." The state- visited the school on Thursday last of T11tkersmith, and other relatives in village.—Mr. Melvin Elliot, of Gr d able to be out again and going around. �, in The Pre�byterian Sunday School. Christmas a, I , obstacle. The day when a - Wm, Concert will be the Town Hall, Hen- at ­, farmer ment is a bit guarded it is true, but and vaccinated the pupils of the th!'S' com'munity.—Mr. and Mrs. held in View, Manitoba, is visiting tl� e —We regret -to state that Mrs. jane, ,�� t en- it indicates a softening of previous school, also some of the older people' jvlson, of our village, are spending a sail. on Wednesday. December 98th. at 815 home of Mr. George Douglas, of our Henry still continues very po&ly and �, could go to his back lot and cu p.m.. sharp. A good programme, consisting , convictions. There are indications nf the vicinity.—Mr. Lloyd Miller, of ft.w days with relatives in Toronto.-- of ,horuses, solos, duets, recitwtiorts, drills, village.—Miss A. E. McEwen, who confined to her room. ,. s past, that both political parties which have, Stratford, visited Sunday at home. Mr. Gilbert Jarrott, of London, is PAntomines and a play entitled. "Our Awful I . � , I ough timber for a new barn, i - - �, Z- long past. The greater number Of to say the least, been hesitant in the spending a few holidays at the home �,,t,­ a re,0 two act comi"rama. AdmlB- - � . LL I- - - - — - -_ n AduM 95c, Children 26c. Everybody ! I were built a geilera- past, are now in a little better spirit Mr. and Mrs. Isaac a1c' : 3131-2 . I farm buildings rd to this undertaking. of his parents, wvlcome. 11 t comparatively lit- in rega HULLETT Jarrott, of our village.—The heavy Leather has advanced 20 per ceut. and go- I ... - tion or two ago, a * . �� I— fall of snow during the week made ing to advance more. We have a atock at . .�, tle cost, but they were well built, and Canad;an financial conditions con- At Rest.—Mr. John Brigh th2e. old price, while It las�ts: Team harness, Seaf orth, December ?2, 199-7. ". I I am, one the roais almost impassable for cars, si 0o per set; team trace, per set of four. Z!, ,,pe as good. to -day as they ever were. t - nue good. During the eight months of the oldest and most r $IZ.00: leather, per set of fear, $18.00; team * 11 - but with a few days of nice weather " �. - belly bands, 60c; leather hame straps, 26c; -1 day it would cost a de dents' of the Township of Hullett, they will snon. he on the go again.— Ienther halter. 1 -inch. $1.00; 11/4 -inch, $1.25. GENERAL PUBLIC, . V To replace them to- ending November, there was - .,.. -in. crease of passed peacefully away on Mr. and Nirs. .James McDonald an,] A few sets of English Oak Single Harness. ,�­ Plore than the price of a fai of $26,000,000 in exports Sabbath 11. roduce and an increase of morning, December 18th, in his 83rd daughter, 14argaret, of Stanley, left, trimmed in C�Idine, hand -made. at vriry ress- ..4 ,� , rural Canadian p on,ble prices. Seeing is, believing; come and Everywhere. I " �, Even under these conditions, $65,NO,000 in the imports for home year, at the home of his daughter, an Tuesday morning for a trip to th,e look theyn over. Term arranized. Five per , - till seems a long way . fire protection s consumption. The balance of trade, Mrs, William Mason, whence he had Coast. T�eir many friends wish them cent. ofT for cash on &]] new harness. Thomas . � � , in the distance. At present it is im- is in our favor by $80,000,000, a de- gone to spend a few weeks' time. He a pleasant trip. --Quite a number of D. Wren, liensall, OnL 2132-2 Dear General:— - , , - -�- practicable. Even if the heavy equip- crease of $90,000,000 in the trade bal- was born at "High Vodden," near good horses are being picked up in Firemen's Christmas Tree.—A beau.- . & , -, l .�, ment costs we're undertaken by a ance as compared with the corres- Scarborough, Yorkshire, England, and this community by the local horse tiful Christmas tree has been erected "GREETINGS" and may we express our sin- , - 1, �� - �; � - I , I �;- township, the results, would be neg- poriding eight months of last year, at nine years of age emigrated to buyers.—Mist� huby Spencer, of Lon- in front of the T6wn Hall by mem- ere good wishes for a Very Merry Christmas and - :1. when the balance in Canada's favor Canada with his parents and the other don hers of the Fire Brigade. The tree c ,�. ligible. No matter how,good and how I is visiting at the home of Mrs. 1, ,000. members of the family in 19-54, dur- has been gaily and tastefully decorat- . 1. . was $17 1,0N Tean Kyle. a "BRIGHT" and Prosperous New Year. ­ __ the equipment might b,e, there is Sometimes isolated figures such as ing the time of the Crimean War. ed with colored lights and streamers, ;,­� 1� �. -, water. Not many these are quoted as an evidence of de- I They crossed the Atlantic on the good and on it will be placed the gifts l;: the question of I " siness. They reveal noth- ship "Charity," and was thirty day�; which will be giveA to every.child in We appreciate the share of business you have ........ 1. � � farms contain wells large enough or clining hu ZU I RICH ry, �,, easy enough of f much ing of the kind. These are short per- rm the vnyage. 1�pon reaching Can- the village and surrounding count given us in the past year, and trust the efforts we , � ", �- � use to a modern fire engine. Then iod comparisons at be ' st. Conclusiom, ada they lived with an uncle in Farms .Sold. — Two important under 14 Years of age, who attends on have advanced to please, will merit a continuance of ��., and dyawn from them or comparison�, Chinguacousy township, Peel County, changes in farm property took place Friday afternoon of this week, when 6 there is the quLntion of location made with similar figures from the for a year and a half. They then here during the past week. Mr. Oscar the presentations will be made. Thi,�; your favors. . � , - V . ads leading from that location, arid ITnited States, prove nothing. If we moved to Hullett township in 'an ox Koehler has sold his fine IN -acre is Hensall's first community Christ- ,, "I , . I 1-1 To township fire fighting ,­ to deal with trade comparisons or sJeigh, where the father, Richard farm on the Goshen Line, about one- mas tree, and Friday 'will be -a big , ­ :i�.,­ the seasorts. A it StaLiStiCS, it must be in an honest waY, Brigham settled on Lot 15, Concession half mile north of Zurich, to Mr. Al- clay in Hensall. , May this wish strengthen the ties of friendly I . .,�. randson, Albert, r,ow ired Melick, of Elkton, Michigan, —The business. " � eq.uip3nent would need to have, if by covering a Period Of time. A 12, where his g Remember the Mail Courier. ,"M! 41.1 going to be of any real beme-fit, merchant proves nothing of his year's resides. Mr. Brigham was twice mar- formerly of Zurich. Mr. Melick a,]- heavy snow storms the first part of - .. 1, 11, . , was Yours sincerely, 11, , _,�; the size, the speed arid the resource " business by .saying that his %ales to- I ried, first to Miss Elizabeth Foster in so gets the 25 acres grass land, a few this week blocked traffic very much ,/ ., .. �` I "ir I , of the largest city equipment, and no day were greater than a year ago— 1 1,9,67, when they made their earthly fhiles east of Zurich, from Mr. Koeh- and made it almost impossible for our - 'E. BRIGHT. �% R. ,"'.. tovirnship can afford to maintain such. nor does a farmer prove his financial 1,nome on his fine farm, Lot 15, Con- ler. The price paid for the 125 acre, rural couriers to make their long trips. � p.% R� "To -day I cession 14, which they cleared and so is $11,000.00. Possession will be giv. In fact it will be often impossible for 1-6,'?. see, there hi -, . position by saying that tl�1�1, As far as -we can of took in $204D for a load of hogs and well improved by their earnest and en on January 16th, 19M. Mr. Koeh- them to do so if the roads are not . I ..�11�� Dress Well and Succeed �,., � yet, been devised only one 'form all through the month of December indefatigable exertion. From this un- ler and family intend renting a home broken for them, particularly On I . 'i " ,; ; . 1,Y," rural fire protection, and that is in- last year I sold nothing." ,on was born one son and one daugh- here until they have decided where roads where they drift badly, and the , 11,�,1,1�, Strong Mutual Fire Insur- * * * ter. His second marriage was to Mrs. to locate. Mr. John P. I 1. . �� I qurance. Rau has sold only thing that often keeps them from TAILORING AND RA13ERDASHERY . & I scouraged at the Christmas ,4� � - I 'J'J, , , daughter, Mary 150 farm, ,,, I , about 11/2 being di 1� �'! ance Companies in this district and Note to the Readers of this Paper: Ann Miller, whose , his fine. -acre -_ .11 _,....�41 , is If there is any question in regard to fMrs. James Richmond) became a miles 'north of Zurich' on the Goshen rush and enormous mails, is that they � - '­ t,; �, . county offer a fire protection that _ — t��, �,�Z�,111 I I National Trade or Canadian Statistic; member of the family. To this mar- Line, to Mr. Moses Gerber, of Wil- will be kindly remembered by many ___ ,,, I ,�; wery cheap compared with either 'in- - ',�` �";", . on which you desire information , , riage was born three sons, one Ot mot Center, formerly of Stanley town- &f their patrons in, the way of a lit- - . � .1 � i.. ,. -nical fire protection will be delighted to answer your qui , in infancy, and one daugh- ship, who gets possession the middle tie good Christmas cheer, which is - - I . . , , hO. di i, �­ r inecha es- .d � . , _�,� � . I ....... lj,�,,Vf , - do not resi- t.ion% direct. Simply address me at � ter. ,Mr. Brigham was a man of much of next March. The price paid 1% so commonly the practice in cities and "I ,gr, � - in url-ian centres. W'hy . ' ,_. .k�. , () n a wns wh ,,�',, , ore the carriers of ,� i�, �, :� dents in rural municipalities bake Ottawa, and mention this paper. more than ordinary intelligence and $1-1,500.0,0 for the 15 acres. Mr. a d I rge to ,1 -, !� , , .. . '! e of the opportuni- ability, and took a great interest in Mrs. Rau intend moving to Zurich in mail matter have a good easy time , - ater advantag A Merry Christihas � �1_ 1, .1, I 9ye education and in fact everything per- the spring. compared to the poor rural couriers, � . .- er ? . � , " .� .: t I les these Companies off STANLEY taining to the betterment of the com- -Notes.—Mr, Elmore Datars arra who have to battle for long distances � "I I ;; ii , ". , � . . . . I rnunity in which he lived. For over ft-mily have moved from the farm on with weather conditions and badly _. ,,, . . — ____ I ,,� - I Death of Mrs, Reid.—There passed thirty years he was Secretary and the 4th concession, recently purebas- drifted roads, that well may be said and . � I '. , 1. , i. ��._ . - , THE WEEK IN OTTAWA away at Flint, Michigan, on Saturday, Treasurer of S. S. No. 7, Hullett, and ed by Mr. A. Pranger, from .Ar. E. to take ,the joy out of life. .. I," �!-,�_- . I I . 1, y ZnteTtainment.--The Salva- �, � �1, ��. 11 I 13 i.� :,." . December 17th, Mrs. Annie Reid, at was for seven years a member of the Datars, to the farm of Mr. Lox�is Arm - .. ,rrr I , an) . , -, . .. r ," ',!,�.;., " � . (By R. J. Deachin the age of 68 years and 3 months. township council during four years of Schumaker, 15th concession, Hay, MrA. tion, Army of the Exeter Division, . ,� , ,- I i,-1 I 'i" ",I � ; � " -� - which term he -was Reeve, being re- Daters' father.—Mr. and Mrs. John A Happy NewYear . .��,`.�Iwl, I , , ­­. I I I !", N ,,No Government in Canada is long She was the wiAow of the late An- , held an entertainment in the school " - � .1-1 I , . left, with idle time upon its hands. No drew Reid, of Stanley, and her maiden elected by acclamation on each suc- Laporte left on Monday' for a vipi,t room of the United Church on Fri- - �.. .11.1111, , ie Murray. ,She was cessive occasion. During his term of which will extend over some moifth.% ,day evening last. The meeting was . . A�l I" r � , me was Ann . �," 1z", "c"e"'.. ..", , ,,, 06oner does one problem approach a na opened by Captain Huson, of Exeter, re wish to all. We wish to thank our " �1'�­ 11", ,11�_ I � I , 4tt . , 1, . lement than a new and bigger one in her usual health till about six office the County Home was establish- with relatives in 'Chicago, Detroit, Is our since "!. ;� �. �', � -, , . it have weeks ago, when she had a hern- ed and be always felt highly honored Windsor and other points.--�Mr. and Who made very nice and appropriate .- 11 ' I . IV, ,,­". f','kes 1 5; place. One would many oustotnere for thek esteftied ... patr9nage a'n,d our'.... I I . �-"_�,��::l I '��,', I , # hage of the brain, which was fol- in'having his name inscribed on the Mrs. J6seph S. Bedard, of Drysdale, hiductoiy remarks, after which he I I .. '­ught, that the joys and -sorrows bf -G'rr ,,�,, 1�.,,,�,,­ JU -- - - . I ,; I. �1: " 1. ,M - ,'marble slab." Bei�g a great Liberal mourn the death .6f their twin baby called upon one of the offleers to, en- - pleasant business relatioas,in ther.past. We look f0i " I .. .0 'Matitime - PtoVintesP were about lowed by a severe stroke last Satur - ed , " I I � ,, ' . ,��,,; "'. jo, d"thixt. the -granting of the cay tnbrning, from which she'never he was a. constant reader of The boys, which were bo" an Sunday last gage in prayer. He then intro-duc -ward to serving oixr customerj� upfir during the. Now"i., I ��g�, - r: -an - . L ­ , I .... I - All her life Globe for some seventy yei . and died on Thepday morning. - e - * ' ' , � r,ld4�a;1tJsJW,g oat of 'the Dunt ars Ile —Tbet6 the chairman, Pt)stmasteT G. J. Sath ,�4 �L,�: I , 1 J -*an regained consciousness. Rd . , giv- Year' and, enjoyitig th le� ebting many .nq., ,, -, 1. " I , . 1-1 tailre of m , - M I :�.,", A - haiti was spent in Stanley except for a few was also a member of St. A rew's ;.,"game talk 4 a municipal election- erland, who presided during the - I I �i.�R ­..'., 1 .11.1 IF - spent r the town I 12, , 4 ­ with her children in Church, Blyth, and 'an Elder for 40 fo, ship this yeni. Many ing of some fifteen nunibeT* includ- k ", "'I'l, ,file U& 10-11 - 11� 66tlti&16� , ,� L, pp!�.,fi, W�itS i placed that . .. �� � 11�1 211Z .1 � Wui ones. Our Pi JALITY and, Frr,yo , , A "I 11 W " 6,, , e#Q ' 4119hed months , , . - 11 . ' f ' ' be the ease. Fli , her home being . ing solos, duets, readi .. . ' �", - 19 1116t 'to I -, �, � , . 1. �., - `9' other, Wil- names are mentioned as possible can L � �, int -ears, Besides his elder br ngs, dialoguev, � 11 1� I on he Parr , . bf - , . C , - � '�s v to b� our Miino OL 000- " , � I- - liam . . I . .� , .. I. , �'g.'. .1 ... �## r* m d that the thqe, where her son, G"Tge, no* re of Loridesboro, 'arid his Sister, dtdates, but- nominatiou day on Mon�L drills, etc., concluding xvith what i's . � , "': � " ", , '.111 I., - &# . . . , .11 �, I- ; `,�Nld. , � "' * termed a "geography pudding," the I I . , . - I- - I �� ,Z� ' . , --�Or,, Afl',�,.�, V � ,,, 1 *ZAr "be given sides, Since the death df her bus- Mrs,' Charles Harvey, of Exeteri he day will -'likely, dedide- the matter.— 11 _,' . I I. I - , � ,..i�, - 1 I I I I . ., I I I .1 11, , ,�, , 16 ,�Vd -tR6 She hAs leaves behind to mourn the loss of an Mr. gnd, Mrs. Conrad C. Schilbe of, ingredients of which were colitribut- . . . 1� : �,�_,�,,� �_ I ­ , � -k , C, N,., P.. from band fourteen yieara ago, I .. , ''. . .11 1,�., � , I 1. , % , - I g"', � ,, . � .9_� � 'v Mi. . - . M * I lX . � i 0, ed by a large number of countries. ", , 4JJVJ,1,v4W I .. '. ,., � , ,,, ­ , d fr6ld there spent her time I �- �F... * � . ,L . . . . � - I 9, " , I . -Sr&fttt clitus tilud � . , 1� _,,:� , - ", !. , , 91"'C'.1t atoti an with her children Of ever kind and indulgent father, three this villago, celebrated the thlrty� . ,414,4NiV I I whoni, there .sve four boys 4iftd, four daughters, and thtlad ,Ams: MYA, Wil, fifth��imjversar- ,6f th6ir, -wed At the cloge ar."tK9", . .Ai " I 111,9Y " - , 0 ,,-� , maft'me I .iit.W I - �, '".q.,"Thp �y lig a I _. . . -1 I . " I �, , ,P-,� I'll , in and entertained ,all pres- : . , -: . I 4, �� I .1 . , �,, "f .7.4 "� -, , ,0, IVY , $1, v gi-4s, -who will sadly miss her loving lism Mason, of Rullett; Mrs, .James 'it Tp*gdak. --T h6V, . entertal, ed t e, Castling / 11 1-1 I I I . ' I ,� -L, �, I ,�, -At, ve-ebout 'I i "' 1 1. . . I . , an onship, . , . 4-a 8 - . .� - -111,.. , *A th0cmi I 44t , , 4h,j' � i �;� � I � , "1110,511�11_11,t,�;;. I 1:11, 11t 19146wg-, andL*ise counsel. The gid, mdud, of Monlit. Mrs.- Al ,an �und near- t4ladvos 'to, uo-V ent but ,very especially the"children, :'4 . __ &tu iz , ,_­ . `T I 6 the I � - : _ 10�1�41­ il � ,j' � " F. , dixg., Me ,,the members of -col,:ALI, *- r , .1,180CI4 - ;; " , � - � , " , i ...A,irpih 5". ,A-,Vj,l V lost of , 4_ �j� , , C T� . It" � �iro Xi foi a nurdber qf YA%utes thtit wHI - 0 ,OW,911� 1* e,h,qall# 6f Ex td. ;e�*Ilcl, C ( ,)ng.—Sno* 14; . . � I odl*,t W , � I , _'A �,,,,, ,-� !ill L Wid, Mirrw Jantes Sk . 4 lb�'., � " , " omi'"'a I '10'�� - 51k& I's, ,In K V M . '. , It H _F I I ,'A�j 1;,Iffil, �,�, � � '. 1.11 I i .$ ;04�k ,P '. , 'g ," ,�, , 04 " kud&tfiees lx� i . I ,.. I I 11 , '� � �-, �.; " �, fj , 17alJeA,,­XuR1U,rg � t � � 160" 11,11-6 ,.1_11a, -i3 01"I"Al . , K" .1 I , I z .; �� 1# ..", Ito& Gaut6ft'. 116hii Twid" Plint e m, 1*03 ft tj*� ,� ntm n5l I , N.� , ,'�, X 14 11,11111e�., 11.1 It- -1.11 - � 7 0 st -' day ,�,,� , � % 11'� .1 -� q�,, , , � I . - 1. 7 te* I A � -t4 I-'&' �', Aftp, ". � . .. - . , )n� Jardeal o Owli� ­xe � , Autoltibbilds- bTe, tig - gomug Ch-dAt"10 gifti JU , I 11.�.;, � "'' ­ - Stanley; *Pr, Thoma:s: Itobbag O� i�, At 09 :P , I !.P, 1,4', 1 !­_.!��i;x� I . . _�,,,, ,',,P '' ,�� IN .... I , ­��_ .�� _ I c1f.4 y6ing6gt -s , , * � � " ' ,� 11 . I ..,,,,.A -- 1� , � '. � - 111 , �. 11 #J4WJ�y-,,';, qhd X-0. W C.' W *s. R: ,1 -gtosldw The fift'A�i'sl getviee w -as � I �yt �'_ �u sal -1 , , I 77 "I - " "� , 'R , v the -, e ,quoWties d % 1. F11 . '' i 6 .,,,� , 4 I . . �� � : , loft 6L�, reffiembeted,,by,th .,� , ; , .� ov". t" .i � it, �", - — "N , ��Jp 4,1 _,�,, 6 4, the 81 at , the s Sin I , - , igqe gTgav', prof0ii;91vtO the* ,0 "I "I A his , , I �]L . I ,:�'� - - . PN.,� ... �",; ..... _ 5 I ,,U�,p W.F­.. �A_­. ­ ­­ .. -).- I - I il I , '_ �, x_ *­­_ ,,, ". . I .1 I - - I -.11_--__.?_ 4., � I, WIA ,.:. ".� - - � . -, lotht ,d,,'� _.to.ist � hat ­ I- I 11 � ti � P, 1, � 1� I . ­_ ­ . I il ' . �. P". , 1� ,,,�,1,,��,,, � ". . L , A '711�,L� , ", � I , , ,,,, ,,,,, precis on. ��1:11�1�1"r­­, ,- _ I I — __ . . � .J � , I � I , I L. (" 1F4; "i, ��,t;.�,;� � ',�, Z1. I I - �V , -!sw , "d -.Tbdri- 46, t , ­0� of "the R( � ,r� ,sinelaiv -1* , '' ,'", , , "". �' 1. �, , .� - h " . , ' �e',�� �, ,, 1�40 , , 7 " ,:, -1 � ), � V# , I I ,1-;-'--"', , ift ", _ -i4�Wq��$,,'<�; , ",e 4 , . I ,, I �s; .�, ,� , ',RJk'fD_ ktoW � �­ I L­L,1,1�,V,,�,,'��.;Oj 'K,,�'� 4,� ib4 , � '' . . , ­� " � . ,�, , ;1 I , �, ` " : � ­ I 4 �. � 4. 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