HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-12-16, Page 7y .H
* - r,.,_ *1 i Y , a 7+, t N : 7M1!9°.' l 7@' f 1 x: r""•m�+f err �;,s• c'^,,c�a ,. t {�*�!yr ,,1
Altilt, 1JeaiiD t rrrAxt1A}. LIAR''•"'C stn „i 1 ti i�7 ',�^�^iFt Mll�t'1'�SF'
i `�" 4 r � � �'� '.'fir ��+�Bq��I,�Y_fi � �t •' r 4"` P, '" 'V .
�•v, W Mm.�:,A.+FItihl�� ��R "� �.�>>M+ �r '`ii �' •a", �'^ 5f5�vr :v $;I� '�i�fs A^S'R ; eti.`fS�if'� �'��yn •-� ,�"
ray,, +l'r';l . dl'eA, !^ - _ -1} 1� '{�, { l'.'t::� i ,pd .. �tr'�T' - "a'?
�itslm,> x.., �D°° Gxie� b+Rm' M.
t i �tv3aOdha y -* . :,; pzc a all
n�mr,� pQ (7�� e� (7�T �, t1 1€ I -,hlt out
r 1y il�"i'`, Oftc Oli:ss rtr. , L��,F.?[#: 4u�'. J tR sk,41:F .'! r
p,,��, �,�� d and 47t1z1-
No. 2�� 1= T . wed af' `,idep�g4�, She
+, �ohlX ,1�ennewles., Brodit dk1:•,'. si broaaght ug there?" West' asked 1 auti: sed tiiat'�%, �er took iza»
re v
aJamea Conmla G d�0►pj,lid DtT No. I was bre ht utnt command, uvtntn uzzzi> ccs-:
�ly, a�+� G1lUSSNTT & DUNL+AP , �,, yag on the Bar sa'ry words
ot, Na $,$00ffl Xt e #
New York „Double G. ranch. Father sold it.. not "They're o light u J ' swimming,
Neve,, No. 4, Walton•'$obe l�,'+,1,'" t ,. long since. We're ixiteresteil in the 'boys] Wave"gat to btu the wind
HarloOkp . G064e Mc a to ,r: a? Qe,• Monte Cristo mine and it has done
back to town for ours. Dick
n a n
b der Horn
. . Murray
s .. ... 'd.: ,� ,: n b t ..
Beaforxh Marrz, L'u ... � out ride axou d h ..
. .. y C7'1 ., ,� .. so well t w moved Y y @ :.
;t . , l that e v d t�towr}, she >
(I,onit, uaod from last weep) explained. and gather up the bays eu the ranch.
" At the first bend .in the mountain Get swain to swing z` *d to the
ATSON i ' s * ,ep bloomed. She *as road Jack had turned in his saddle to south and 'comb the lavp��' gulches of
vcyld`as a� ii,ltl,,popppy onn the hillsides look at her as she climbed the steep, the Rearing Fork, pe71 he to get
eyEAFORTH, ONT. 1.past; v>*hic, They w fit ash ng But A quarter of a mile farther u there in touch with me $oozy& can, I'll
slier' t?�, toy . a daintiness, a delicacy yeas another cur a fiche swept come. through !by F�iklmaleji,"
GENj:I AL INSURANCE WEN TS< of ' ori sad ,contour that suggest v v'h sept :the
el is u h into t
ee h h da
ed �'
L . to
•+. • p kbe
�- tri' -wi g
representing only the Best Cans it thin sight', of the 'summa...
y' til tFrt3 fruit named by het father. Hie Flatray pulled- up and got out machine; and took his •'Ola a beside
adian, British and American'. • • oYou bet five raise the best here," her.
his field glasses. Leisurely the man
Companies that, simple gentleman bragged gatri- and the maid came into sight from. "Hit the high spots, Jiro. I've got
All ]kinds of insurance pffee 4 otidally. "All ,we need is water, and the timber on the shoulder of the hill, ar engagement in the Vlji that won't
at the lowest rates, including the •Li'hegln dgm assures us of plenty. and 'topped the last ascent. Jack wait, prior to which I!vq got to get
Yes,, till ,4t"certainly 'promises to be could .discern Melissy gesturing here back to town immediate; j`he told the
FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUTO- an Eden." and there as she explained the la of chauffeur cheerfully- for"?he was be -
GLASS RLSIfS West unlocked his lips long enough the land. ginning to enjoy himsel'� as in the
to say: "Any country can promise. Something else caught and held his old days, when he had been the haid-
--Also--' I m looking for one that will per-. glasses. Four riders had emerged riding sheriff of a border county
REALi,ESTA:TE and LOAN AGENTS form." from a little gulch of dense aspens which took the premium for bad men.
-Pr6mpt'att6vtion paid to placing "'You're seeing it right now, seh," which ran up the Point toward the The motor car leaped forward, fell',
rusks and adjusting of claims. the mayor assured him, and launched aummit. One of these had with him into its pace, and began ''-to hum its
Business established 50 years, into fluent statistics. a lead horse., song of the road as it ate upswiftly
guaranteeing good service. West heard, saw the thing stripped "Now, I wonder what that means?" the miles that lay between the dam
Agents for Singer Sewing Machine of its enthusiasm, and made no com- the sheriff mused aloud. and Mesa.
Company, went either for or against. He had He was not left long in doubt. The ~" "
plenty of imagination, or he could nev- four men rode swiftly, straight to- CHAPTER H
.OFFICE PHONE, 33W er have accomplished the things he ward the man and the girl above. One A CAPTURE
.RESIDENCE. PHONE, 33J had done. However, before any pro- of them swung from the saddle and Flatray swung around Old Baldy
position appealed to him he had to stepped forward. He spoke to West, through the sparse timber: that edged
see money in the deal. Whether he who appeared to make urgent pro- its roots. He knew this country well;
LONDON AND WINGIiAM saw; it in this particular instance, no- test, The dismounted rider answer- for he had run cattle here, and comb -
body knew; and only one person had ed'Melissy began to run. Very ed the draws and ridges on the an -
North. the courage to ask him point-blank faintly there came to Flatray her nual spring and fall round -ups.
a.m, what his intentions were. This was startled cry. Simultaneously he There was no trail to follow. Of-
a.m. Melissy. eau ht the flash of the sun on bright ten the,la of the land forced nim to
18seter ............ 10.16 6.04 Luncheon was served in the pleas- steel. The Ieader of the four had a detour,- for it was rough with
Hensall ........... 10.30 6.18 ant filtered sunlight, almost undet drawn a revolver and was coveringwashes, with matted cactus, and with
Rippen ........... 10.86 6.23 the shadow of the great dam.
Bruee$eld ......... 10.44 6.82 a g West with it. Instantly the girl a thick growth of netted mesquite and
On the way out Melissy sat as de- stopped running.
Clinton Jct. ....... 10.b8 6.46 PP g. Plainly the life of underbrush. But true as the needle
inure and dovelike as it was possible the railroad resident had been of a compass, he turned back always
Clinton, Ar. ....... 11.05 6.62 for her to be. But now she showed P P y
Clinton, Lv. ....... 11.16 8.62 threatened unless she stopped. to the direction he was following. He
herself to be another creature. The man behind the weapon swept had the instinct for direction, sharp -
Jct. ....... 11.21 6.58 Two or three young men hovered a gesture in the direction of the led
Londesborough .... 11.36 7.12 about her; notable amongthem was g peri almost to infallibility by the ex -
81 ............ 1.44 7.21 horse. Reluctantly West moved to- perience his work had given him.
a young fellow of not many words, ward it still protesting. He swung
Belgrave .......... 11.56 7.33 good-humored, strong, with a look of P g' g So. hour after hour, he swung for-
Wingham Jct., �Ar.. 12.08 7.45 to the saddle, and four of the horses ward, pushing his horse over the
power about him which the railroad broke into a canter. Only the man ground in a sort of running walk,
Wingham Jct., Lv.. 12.08 7.45 Icing appreciated. Jack Flatray they -with the drawn revolver remained on common to the plains, Sunset found
Wingbamn ......... 12.12 7.65
tailed trim. He was the newly -elect- the ground with Melissy. He scab- him climbing from the foothills into
South. ed eheriff of the county. barded his gun, took a step or two the mountains beyond. Starlight
The great man watched the girl toward her, and made explanations. came upon him in a `saddle between
a.m, p.m. without appearing to do so. He was The girl stamped her foot, and half
Wingham ......... 6.66 8.15 rather at a loss to account for the turned from him. the peaks, still plodding up by wind-
Wingbam Jct. .. 7.01 8.21 exotic, flamelike beautyinto which ing paths to the higher altitudes that
I-lle laughed, stepped still closer to make the] ridge of the continent's
Belgrave ........... 7.15 8.32 she had suddenly sparkled; but he her, and spoke again. Melissy, with backbone.
Blyth ............. 7.27 8.44 was inclined to attribute it to the ar- tilted chin, seemed to be unaware
Londeaborough .... 7.86 8.52 rival of Flatray. that he existed. Another stepbrought The moon was up long before he
Clinton Jct. ....... 7.49 4.06 Melissysat on a flat rock beside g struck a gulch spur that led u Elk -
Clinton him to her side. Once more he spoke. horn Canon. Whether he would be
Clinton ........... 7.56 4.13 West, swinging her foot occasionally No sone wall could have given him
Muton Jct. ....... 8.08 4.20 with the sheer active joy of life, the in time or not -assuming that in had
Brucefield 8.16 4.32 while she munched sandwiches and less recognition. Then Jack let gave
guessed aright as to the destination
Kippen........... . 8,22 4,40 pickles. The young men bantered her a sudden fierce imprecation, arra gave of the outlaws -he could not tell. It
back his pony the spur. For the man had would be, at best, a near thing.: For,
Heneall ........... 8.82 4-60 and each other, and she flashed bent forward swiftly, had kissed the though he had come mote directly,
�` eater . ^ .......... 8.47 6.05 retorts which gave them alternately girl on the lips once -twice -three they had followed a trail which made
deep delight at the discomfiture of times, had swept his hat off in a low,
some other. Toward the close of P the going much faster. Fast as the
C. N. R. TIME TABLE lumheon, she turned her tilted chin mocking bow, and had flung himself cow pony rcouldewn pick its way along
from Flatray,as punishment for some on his horse, and galloped off. the rock-strewn gulch, he descended,
East P Pebbles and, shale went flying from eye and ear alert to detect the pres-
audacity of his, and beamed upon the the horse's hoofs as the sheriff tore ence of another human being, in this
a.m. p.m. railroad magnate. down the trail toward Melissy.He
Goderich .......... 6.00 2.20 "It's ver good of you to notihe me twaste d boulders, of moonlit, flicker.
Y g cut off at an angle and dashed through in shadows of dark awesome asks.
$ Imeaville ........ 6.17 2.87 at last," he said, with his dry sk'le. g P
�� tan .... _ , • .. • . _ 6.26 2b2 ,� � cactus and over rain -washed gullies His quick ear caught the faintest
I was afraid of you, she eonf aid at breakneck speed, pounding u the
Seaforth 6.41 8.12 cheerfully. Pe P g P of sounds. He slipped from the sad -
$t, Goiumban 6.49 626 Am I so awesome?" stiff slope to the summit. He drag- ale and stole swift] forward o the
Dublin .............n. • • • 6.64 3.28 v ged his pony to a halt, and leaped off point where the gulch joined the main
esIts your reputation, you know. at the same instant. canon. Voices drifted to him - the
You're quite a dragon- I'm told you Melissy came o him with flashing sound of careless laughter, wafted b
. a.m. p�m� pm, g Y
Dublin .. .. 10.87 8.88 9,37 gobble a new railroad every morning eyes. "Why didn't you get here the light night wind. He had miss -
St. Columban. 10.42 6.44 for breakfast." sooner?" she panted, as if she had ed the outlaws by scarce a hundred
8eaforth 10.68 6.88 9.60 "'Lissie," her father warned. been running; for the blind rage was yards. There was nothingfor it but
Clinton 11.10 6.08 10.04I(Lher sone," the great man strong in be> o follow cautiously. As he was turn -
laughed. "Miss Lee is going to give His anger burst out to meet hers.
Holmeaville .. 1120" 7.08 10.1& g ing to go back for his horse the moon
Goderieh ..... 11.40 ?2A 10.80 me the privilege of hearing the truth "I wish I had!" he cried, with a fur- emerged from behind a 'load and
about myself-" ious oath. flooded the canon with a cold silvery
C. P. IL NB TABLE "But I'm asking. I don't know "He insulted me. He laughed at light, It showed Jack a man end a
what the truth is," she protested. me, and taunted me- and kissed me!" horse standing scarce twehty yards
But "Well, what you think is the truth." Jack nodded. "I saw. If I 'had
from him- The man had his back to
am. "It doesn't matter what we think rrderieh • ... , . , , , .. • • • • • • • 6.60 only had rriy rifle with me! Who was hem. He had dismounted, and was
about you. The important thing o hey tightening the cinches of his saddle.
Meaeet .................... 604 know is what you think about us." "He wore a mask. But I knew him.
KeGaw .......... ^ ... • Am I to tell you what I think of Flatray experienced a parse of His
Auburn It was Dunc Boone.' appointment. He was unarmed. His
• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6:11 you--mith all these young men here, "With the Roaring Fork gang?" second thought sent him flying noise -
Myth ............"""•••••• he countered. "I don't know. Is he one of them."
W8WM ............. • ° ° • • " 6:40 She `.aas excited by her own im- ,c lessly back to his horse. lays h he
McNaught ................. 6.52 I've been thinking so for years." unloosed the rope which always hang
McNaToronto 1026 portance. The ]link had spilled over "They must have known about our coiled below the saddle horn. On
.................... her creamy cheeks. She flashed a picnic. But what do they want with tiptoe he ran back to the gulch mouth,
a.m. look of pf'etended disdain at her, Mr. West?" bearing to the right, so as to come
Toronto , , , , ,1,40 Young men. Nevertheless, she made "He's one of the world's richest directly opposite the man he wanted.
fronto .... • ' • .. , • . ' • , 11.48 laughing protest. men." As he ran he arranged the lariat o
a1tAn .............. •..... 12.01 "It's not me, 'but Mesa, that counts, "But he doesn't carry his money his satisfaction, freeing the loop and
Blyth ..................... she answered ungrammatically. "Tell with hmn."
12:L2 � making sure that the coil was not
Auburn me that you're going to help us set "He carries his life."
, , , „• • • , , , , • , ° , , , , , 1223 bound. Vere cautiously he crept for -
orchards blossoming in these deserts "They must mean to hold him for s
'>V%Gavv .............. ,,, , , , �•�4 ward, taking advantage for cover of
Moneset , , . 19,41 and we'll all love you. ransom. Is that it?" 0 boulder which rose from the bed of
................... �� "You offer an inducement, Miss ,you've guessed it. That's the the gulch.
Lee. Corn -_let us walk up to the play."" Jack considered, his eyes on ,The man had finished tightening
Point and see this wonderful country the far -away hills. When he spoke the girth. Hhs foot rose to the stir -
A BARGAIN of yours." , again it was with sharp decision. "Hit rup. He swung up from the ground,
She clapped her hands. Oh, let's. the trail back to town with your and his right leg swept across the
I'm tired of boys, anyhow. Thee motor. Don't lose a minute bn the flank of the pony. It did not reach
FOR SALE. -Five acres, one mile know nothin' but nonsense." She wa dispatch to Buck
h y Send a P Y the stirrup; for, even as he rose,
from Seaforth• modern house wit
made a laughing moue/t Flatray, and O'Connor: You'd ought to get him Jack's lariat s�aked forward and
furnace, bath and toilet; small harp; turned join the railroad builder. at Douglas. If not, some of his ran- dropped over hi head to his breast.
good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid The young sheriff arose and trail- Kers will know where to reach him. It tightened sharply and dragged
chance to start chicken farm, bees, ed to his pony. "My marching or- Keep the wires hot till you're in touch
him back, pinioning his arms n his
etc. Apply to ders, I reckon." with him. Better sign my name. I've side. Before he could shake one of
R. S. HAYS, They walked up the hill together,
been writing him about this outfit. them free to reach the revolver in
Seaforth, Out.
the great man and the untutored This job is cut out for Bucky, and his chaps, he was lying on his back
29.53 -ti _ girl. He still 'carried himself with we've got to get him on it." with Flatray astride of him. The
-- the lightness of the spare, wiry man "And what are you going to dor' cattleman's left hand closed tightly
who has never felt his age. As for "I can't do much -I'm not armed. upon his windpipe, while the right
her, she moved as one on springs, her First time I've been caught that way Searched for and found the weapon
t slender, willowy figure beautiful in since I've been sheriff. Came out to- in the 'holster of the prostrate man.
motion. day for a picnic and left my gun at Not until the steel rim of it press-
"You're loyal to Mesa. Born and }tome. But( if they're the Roaring ed against the teeth of the man
he- __.. - --- ---- - Fork outfit; they'll pass through the neath him did .Tack's fingers loosen.
gq g Lori Elkhorn Canon, heading for Dead "Make a sound, and you're a dead
18e - Man's Cache. I'm going to cut a- man."
round Old Baldy and try to beat them The other choked and gurgled. He
xvinmaA; o it. Maybe . I can recognizeSO-
me soe was not yet able to cry out, even had
1!1'rfot rth i1., � � '�` of them." he any intention of so doing. But
"But if they see You?" defiant eyes glared into those of the
"I ain't aiming o let them see man who had unhorsed ia°rnd captured
ALawrence, Mitchell. me." him.
6, "Still, they may" "Where are your pals 'bound for?"
Hid quiet eyes met hers steadily. Flatray demanded.
�� �� "Yee, they may." He got no answer in words, but
THE o ,
a They were friends again, though sullen eyes flung out an obstinate re-
+� �y he had never fully" forgiven her doubt fusal to give away his associates.
A �x� i {� c ; 1 of him. It might be on the cards "I reckon you'.re one of the Roar-
111surahed 49 i that some day she would be more to ing Fork outfit," Jack suggested_
Bo td 0 � t>�ie him, than a friend. Understanding "Yom know so darn much I'll leave
y �, r poi featly t$e dsi►ger of what he pro- you to guess the rest," growled the
I molke ► to' Lox t � posed, she yet made n" "protest. T'hd` prisoner..'
( �i AY+"� 'x° y � �vA���' . ►' � ' man who would storm her beast must t;The first thing I'll guess is that,
be one who would go the limit, for It anything happens to Simon West
Vholld 01 " her standardia were those of the out- you'll hang for it, my friend:'
R ..
and stoyr the s�?a# t04 and a ration,
wh;le,ibe exeosots'�oes onto tlietstoinach,
Ssabsorbed into. the bloottaeks the seat
of the trouble sand oh8clfs the growth of the
Creomulsion is juaranteed satisfactory
in e treatment �
egfr of persistent.
ghs and
colds, bronchial brone al
asthma, bronchitis and
other forms of' tory diseases, and is
excellent for b2
� up the system after
colds or flu. Money refunded if any
cough or cold is not relieved after taking
according to directions. Ask your druggist.
Creomulsion Co., Limited, Toronto, Out.
"You'll have to prove some things
Flatray's hand slid into the man's
coat pocket, and drew forth a piece
of black cloth that had been used as
a mask.
"Here's exhibit A, to begin with."
The man on the ground suddenly
,gave an upward beave, grasped at
the weapon, and let out a yell for help
that echoed back from the cliff, while
the cattleman let the butt of the re-
volver crash heavily down upon his
face. The heavy gun came down
three times before the struggling out-
law would subside, and then not be-
fore blood streamed from ugly gash-
es into 'his eyes.
"I've had enough, damn.you!" the
fellow muttered sullenly. "What do
you want with me?"
"You'll go along with me. Let out
another sound, and I'll bump you off.
Get a move on you."
Jack got to his feet and dragged
up his prisoner. The man was a
heavy -set, bowlegged fellow of about
forty, hard -faced, and shifty -eyed -
a frontier miscreant, unless every line
of the tough, leathery countenance
told a falsehood. But he had made
his experiment and failed. He knew
what manner of mart his captor was,
and he had no mind for another les-
son from him. He slouched to his
horse, under propulsion of the revol-
ver, and led the animal into the gulch.
Both mounted, Jack keeping the
captive covered every moment of the
time; and they began to retrace the
way by which the young cattleman
had just come.
After they had ridden about a quar-
ter of a mile Flatray made a read-
�a ;
the arroyo at`a p9lnt ��tpC� lal0,ifi;
.fella back to form a little,,�
little grove .of sapeno
lythe shatalder of 4'.W qet evnze
yards a
d be" a" e. ;t
s k h h
Y nd e e �
stand.. He dismouzzted, anal made 'Fina • t � u�i
Sr I,
prisoner. do the same,
"Sit down" he ordered crisply.
"What for?" � a , • a,,
"To To keep me, from blowing the top•
cf your head ofP,'r answered Jack ?
Without further discussion, the:
"After sui£eying #land ypsiipm
man, sat down. His captor stood be, patitrn:,1: was ad,ed~ fo ',f)+�*{i
bind him, one hand on the shoulder $ All m ells e'; ot►c7 now l s
of his prisoner, his eyes watching the y and- i>a good healt-l�. .I`;'. d
Dint of the gulch at which the kid
en- ns of remecl%, but -� dl" rYiit a r
emy would appear.�"ry r
brought back .nap hxaltiz fi �A�rftizSi�' �t
read}*"to-testilyt zrlut is
Two mounted menshowed presentI ams .
1p in silhouette. Almost opposite the ceret testimony.
ny. 0 ctauny Such is tjie� " x,
sere testimony of Mz s.:
grove they drew up. McGuire St.,:.Montreal.
"Mighty queer what has become of +
Hank," one of them said. "But I If your body is handicapped'by
intestines -i# you -!lave: l}eadac e3,
dont reckon there's any use looking spells, feel despondent, unabie.,:te
any farther. You dont figure hes work orla alI zneaalBry• . "Pilot -a.' ,
P Y,<b y
aiming to throw us down -do you, tives". It is tete id' ''t .i-iaxatty :ill "u
Buck?" most natural: medicine to restorers tc►,h
"Nope. H'e'll stick, Hank will. But health, because it is mad,, .:from `pure; lir
it sure looks darned strange. Here's fresh fruit juicesintensifiedfnnd'bielndegl r
him a-ridin' along with as, and sud- with tonics; nothing else. 1>•Ja
denly he's missin'. We hear a yell, safe. Step 'into your drugrs� bs
and go back to look for him. Noth-in' 25c or 50c boa. Make
doin'. You don't allow the devil experience come true for
could have come for him sudden ---dol
you Jeff?" �~-*
It was said with a laugh, defiantly,n.
�. iipersti.
the sun. But the dormar
ness in the manner of the man. It
seemed to him that both were eager
to turn back. Giant boulders, carved
to grotesque and ghostly shapes by a
rq,�, •
� �'3Alilt��llly, Gni
cd themselves aloft and threw sha-
X48' V11fiR,4�G
L) I''.eGceggx,
caught in the gulch, rose and fell in
* - r,.,_ *1 i Y , a 7+, t N : 7M1!9°.' l 7@' f 1 x: r""•m�+f err �;,s• c'^,,c�a ,. t {�*�!yr ,,1
Altilt, 1JeaiiD t rrrAxt1A}. LIAR''•"'C stn „i 1 ti i�7 ',�^�^iFt Mll�t'1'�SF'
i `�" 4 r � � �'� '.'fir ��+�Bq��I,�Y_fi � �t •' r 4"` P, '" 'V .
�•v, W Mm.�:,A.+FItihl�� ��R "� �.�>>M+ �r '`ii �' •a", �'^ 5f5�vr :v $;I� '�i�fs A^S'R ; eti.`fS�if'� �'��yn •-� ,�"
ray,, +l'r';l . dl'eA, !^ - _ -1} 1� '{�, { l'.'t::� i ,pd .. �tr'�T' - "a'?
�itslm,> x.., �D°° Gxie� b+Rm' M.
t i �tv3aOdha y -* . :,; pzc a all
n�mr,� pQ (7�� e� (7�T �, t1 1€ I -,hlt out
r 1y il�"i'`, Oftc Oli:ss rtr. , L��,F.?[#: 4u�'. J tR sk,41:F .'! r
p,,��, �,�� d and 47t1z1-
No. 2�� 1= T . wed af' `,idep�g4�, She
+, �ohlX ,1�ennewles., Brodit dk1:•,'. si broaaght ug there?" West' asked 1 auti: sed tiiat'�%, �er took iza»
re v
aJamea Conmla G d�0►pj,lid DtT No. I was bre ht utnt command, uvtntn uzzzi> ccs-:
�ly, a�+� G1lUSSNTT & DUNL+AP , �,, yag on the Bar sa'ry words
ot, Na $,$00ffl Xt e #
New York „Double G. ranch. Father sold it.. not "They're o light u J ' swimming,
Neve,, No. 4, Walton•'$obe l�,'+,1,'" t ,. long since. We're ixiteresteil in the 'boys] Wave"gat to btu the wind
HarloOkp . G064e Mc a to ,r: a? Qe,• Monte Cristo mine and it has done
back to town for ours. Dick
n a n
b der Horn
. . Murray
s .. ... 'd.: ,� ,: n b t ..
Beaforxh Marrz, L'u ... � out ride axou d h ..
. .. y C7'1 ., ,� .. so well t w moved Y y @ :.
;t . , l that e v d t�towr}, she >
(I,onit, uaod from last weep) explained. and gather up the bays eu the ranch.
" At the first bend .in the mountain Get swain to swing z` *d to the
ATSON i ' s * ,ep bloomed. She *as road Jack had turned in his saddle to south and 'comb the lavp��' gulches of
vcyld`as a� ii,ltl,,popppy onn the hillsides look at her as she climbed the steep, the Rearing Fork, pe71 he to get
eyEAFORTH, ONT. 1.past; v>*hic, They w fit ash ng But A quarter of a mile farther u there in touch with me $oozy& can, I'll
slier' t?�, toy . a daintiness, a delicacy yeas another cur a fiche swept come. through !by F�iklmaleji,"
GENj:I AL INSURANCE WEN TS< of ' ori sad ,contour that suggest v v'h sept :the
el is u h into t
ee h h da
ed �'
L . to
•+. • p kbe
�- tri' -wi g
representing only the Best Cans it thin sight', of the 'summa...
y' til tFrt3 fruit named by het father. Hie Flatray pulled- up and got out machine; and took his •'Ola a beside
adian, British and American'. • • oYou bet five raise the best here," her.
his field glasses. Leisurely the man
Companies that, simple gentleman bragged gatri- and the maid came into sight from. "Hit the high spots, Jiro. I've got
All ]kinds of insurance pffee 4 otidally. "All ,we need is water, and the timber on the shoulder of the hill, ar engagement in the Vlji that won't
at the lowest rates, including the •Li'hegln dgm assures us of plenty. and 'topped the last ascent. Jack wait, prior to which I!vq got to get
Yes,, till ,4t"certainly 'promises to be could .discern Melissy gesturing here back to town immediate; j`he told the
FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUTO- an Eden." and there as she explained the la of chauffeur cheerfully- for"?he was be -
GLASS RLSIfS West unlocked his lips long enough the land. ginning to enjoy himsel'� as in the
to say: "Any country can promise. Something else caught and held his old days, when he had been the haid-
--Also--' I m looking for one that will per-. glasses. Four riders had emerged riding sheriff of a border county
REALi,ESTA:TE and LOAN AGENTS form." from a little gulch of dense aspens which took the premium for bad men.
-Pr6mpt'att6vtion paid to placing "'You're seeing it right now, seh," which ran up the Point toward the The motor car leaped forward, fell',
rusks and adjusting of claims. the mayor assured him, and launched aummit. One of these had with him into its pace, and began ''-to hum its
Business established 50 years, into fluent statistics. a lead horse., song of the road as it ate upswiftly
guaranteeing good service. West heard, saw the thing stripped "Now, I wonder what that means?" the miles that lay between the dam
Agents for Singer Sewing Machine of its enthusiasm, and made no com- the sheriff mused aloud. and Mesa.
Company, went either for or against. He had He was not left long in doubt. The ~" "
plenty of imagination, or he could nev- four men rode swiftly, straight to- CHAPTER H
.OFFICE PHONE, 33W er have accomplished the things he ward the man and the girl above. One A CAPTURE
.RESIDENCE. PHONE, 33J had done. However, before any pro- of them swung from the saddle and Flatray swung around Old Baldy
position appealed to him he had to stepped forward. He spoke to West, through the sparse timber: that edged
see money in the deal. Whether he who appeared to make urgent pro- its roots. He knew this country well;
LONDON AND WINGIiAM saw; it in this particular instance, no- test, The dismounted rider answer- for he had run cattle here, and comb -
body knew; and only one person had ed'Melissy began to run. Very ed the draws and ridges on the an -
North. the courage to ask him point-blank faintly there came to Flatray her nual spring and fall round -ups.
a.m, what his intentions were. This was startled cry. Simultaneously he There was no trail to follow. Of-
a.m. Melissy. eau ht the flash of the sun on bright ten the,la of the land forced nim to
18seter ............ 10.16 6.04 Luncheon was served in the pleas- steel. The Ieader of the four had a detour,- for it was rough with
Hensall ........... 10.30 6.18 ant filtered sunlight, almost undet drawn a revolver and was coveringwashes, with matted cactus, and with
Rippen ........... 10.86 6.23 the shadow of the great dam.
Bruee$eld ......... 10.44 6.82 a g West with it. Instantly the girl a thick growth of netted mesquite and
On the way out Melissy sat as de- stopped running.
Clinton Jct. ....... 10.b8 6.46 PP g. Plainly the life of underbrush. But true as the needle
inure and dovelike as it was possible the railroad resident had been of a compass, he turned back always
Clinton, Ar. ....... 11.05 6.62 for her to be. But now she showed P P y
Clinton, Lv. ....... 11.16 8.62 threatened unless she stopped. to the direction he was following. He
herself to be another creature. The man behind the weapon swept had the instinct for direction, sharp -
Jct. ....... 11.21 6.58 Two or three young men hovered a gesture in the direction of the led
Londesborough .... 11.36 7.12 about her; notable amongthem was g peri almost to infallibility by the ex -
81 ............ 1.44 7.21 horse. Reluctantly West moved to- perience his work had given him.
a young fellow of not many words, ward it still protesting. He swung
Belgrave .......... 11.56 7.33 good-humored, strong, with a look of P g' g So. hour after hour, he swung for-
Wingham Jct., �Ar.. 12.08 7.45 to the saddle, and four of the horses ward, pushing his horse over the
power about him which the railroad broke into a canter. Only the man ground in a sort of running walk,
Wingham Jct., Lv.. 12.08 7.45 Icing appreciated. Jack Flatray they -with the drawn revolver remained on common to the plains, Sunset found
Wingbamn ......... 12.12 7.65
tailed trim. He was the newly -elect- the ground with Melissy. He scab- him climbing from the foothills into
South. ed eheriff of the county. barded his gun, took a step or two the mountains beyond. Starlight
The great man watched the girl toward her, and made explanations. came upon him in a `saddle between
a.m, p.m. without appearing to do so. He was The girl stamped her foot, and half
Wingham ......... 6.66 8.15 rather at a loss to account for the turned from him. the peaks, still plodding up by wind-
Wingbam Jct. .. 7.01 8.21 exotic, flamelike beautyinto which ing paths to the higher altitudes that
I-lle laughed, stepped still closer to make the] ridge of the continent's
Belgrave ........... 7.15 8.32 she had suddenly sparkled; but he her, and spoke again. Melissy, with backbone.
Blyth ............. 7.27 8.44 was inclined to attribute it to the ar- tilted chin, seemed to be unaware
Londeaborough .... 7.86 8.52 rival of Flatray. that he existed. Another stepbrought The moon was up long before he
Clinton Jct. ....... 7.49 4.06 Melissysat on a flat rock beside g struck a gulch spur that led u Elk -
Clinton him to her side. Once more he spoke. horn Canon. Whether he would be
Clinton ........... 7.56 4.13 West, swinging her foot occasionally No sone wall could have given him
Muton Jct. ....... 8.08 4.20 with the sheer active joy of life, the in time or not -assuming that in had
Brucefield 8.16 4.32 while she munched sandwiches and less recognition. Then Jack let gave
guessed aright as to the destination
Kippen........... . 8,22 4,40 pickles. The young men bantered her a sudden fierce imprecation, arra gave of the outlaws -he could not tell. It
back his pony the spur. For the man had would be, at best, a near thing.: For,
Heneall ........... 8.82 4-60 and each other, and she flashed bent forward swiftly, had kissed the though he had come mote directly,
�` eater . ^ .......... 8.47 6.05 retorts which gave them alternately girl on the lips once -twice -three they had followed a trail which made
deep delight at the discomfiture of times, had swept his hat off in a low,
some other. Toward the close of P the going much faster. Fast as the
C. N. R. TIME TABLE lumheon, she turned her tilted chin mocking bow, and had flung himself cow pony rcouldewn pick its way along
from Flatray,as punishment for some on his horse, and galloped off. the rock-strewn gulch, he descended,
East P Pebbles and, shale went flying from eye and ear alert to detect the pres-
audacity of his, and beamed upon the the horse's hoofs as the sheriff tore ence of another human being, in this
a.m. p.m. railroad magnate. down the trail toward Melissy.He
Goderich .......... 6.00 2.20 "It's ver good of you to notihe me twaste d boulders, of moonlit, flicker.
Y g cut off at an angle and dashed through in shadows of dark awesome asks.
$ Imeaville ........ 6.17 2.87 at last," he said, with his dry sk'le. g P
�� tan .... _ , • .. • . _ 6.26 2b2 ,� � cactus and over rain -washed gullies His quick ear caught the faintest
I was afraid of you, she eonf aid at breakneck speed, pounding u the
Seaforth 6.41 8.12 cheerfully. Pe P g P of sounds. He slipped from the sad -
$t, Goiumban 6.49 626 Am I so awesome?" stiff slope to the summit. He drag- ale and stole swift] forward o the
Dublin .............n. • • • 6.64 3.28 v ged his pony to a halt, and leaped off point where the gulch joined the main
esIts your reputation, you know. at the same instant. canon. Voices drifted to him - the
You're quite a dragon- I'm told you Melissy came o him with flashing sound of careless laughter, wafted b
. a.m. p�m� pm, g Y
Dublin .. .. 10.87 8.88 9,37 gobble a new railroad every morning eyes. "Why didn't you get here the light night wind. He had miss -
St. Columban. 10.42 6.44 for breakfast." sooner?" she panted, as if she had ed the outlaws by scarce a hundred
8eaforth 10.68 6.88 9.60 "'Lissie," her father warned. been running; for the blind rage was yards. There was nothingfor it but
Clinton 11.10 6.08 10.04I(Lher sone," the great man strong in be> o follow cautiously. As he was turn -
laughed. "Miss Lee is going to give His anger burst out to meet hers.
Holmeaville .. 1120" 7.08 10.1& g ing to go back for his horse the moon
Goderieh ..... 11.40 ?2A 10.80 me the privilege of hearing the truth "I wish I had!" he cried, with a fur- emerged from behind a 'load and
about myself-" ious oath. flooded the canon with a cold silvery
C. P. IL NB TABLE "But I'm asking. I don't know "He insulted me. He laughed at light, It showed Jack a man end a
what the truth is," she protested. me, and taunted me- and kissed me!" horse standing scarce twehty yards
But "Well, what you think is the truth." Jack nodded. "I saw. If I 'had
from him- The man had his back to
am. "It doesn't matter what we think rrderieh • ... , . , , , .. • • • • • • • 6.60 only had rriy rifle with me! Who was hem. He had dismounted, and was
about you. The important thing o hey tightening the cinches of his saddle.
Meaeet .................... 604 know is what you think about us." "He wore a mask. But I knew him.
KeGaw .......... ^ ... • Am I to tell you what I think of Flatray experienced a parse of His
Auburn It was Dunc Boone.' appointment. He was unarmed. His
• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6:11 you--mith all these young men here, "With the Roaring Fork gang?" second thought sent him flying noise -
Myth ............"""•••••• he countered. "I don't know. Is he one of them."
W8WM ............. • ° ° • • " 6:40 She `.aas excited by her own im- ,c lessly back to his horse. lays h he
McNaught ................. 6.52 I've been thinking so for years." unloosed the rope which always hang
McNaToronto 1026 portance. The ]link had spilled over "They must have known about our coiled below the saddle horn. On
.................... her creamy cheeks. She flashed a picnic. But what do they want with tiptoe he ran back to the gulch mouth,
a.m. look of pf'etended disdain at her, Mr. West?" bearing to the right, so as to come
Toronto , , , , ,1,40 Young men. Nevertheless, she made "He's one of the world's richest directly opposite the man he wanted.
fronto .... • ' • .. , • . ' • , 11.48 laughing protest. men." As he ran he arranged the lariat o
a1tAn .............. •..... 12.01 "It's not me, 'but Mesa, that counts, "But he doesn't carry his money his satisfaction, freeing the loop and
Blyth ..................... she answered ungrammatically. "Tell with hmn."
12:L2 � making sure that the coil was not
Auburn me that you're going to help us set "He carries his life."
, , , „• • • , , , , • , ° , , , , , 1223 bound. Vere cautiously he crept for -
orchards blossoming in these deserts "They must mean to hold him for s
'>V%Gavv .............. ,,, , , , �•�4 ward, taking advantage for cover of
Moneset , , . 19,41 and we'll all love you. ransom. Is that it?" 0 boulder which rose from the bed of
................... �� "You offer an inducement, Miss ,you've guessed it. That's the the gulch.
Lee. Corn -_let us walk up to the play."" Jack considered, his eyes on ,The man had finished tightening
Point and see this wonderful country the far -away hills. When he spoke the girth. Hhs foot rose to the stir -
A BARGAIN of yours." , again it was with sharp decision. "Hit rup. He swung up from the ground,
She clapped her hands. Oh, let's. the trail back to town with your and his right leg swept across the
I'm tired of boys, anyhow. Thee motor. Don't lose a minute bn the flank of the pony. It did not reach
FOR SALE. -Five acres, one mile know nothin' but nonsense." She wa dispatch to Buck
h y Send a P Y the stirrup; for, even as he rose,
from Seaforth• modern house wit
made a laughing moue/t Flatray, and O'Connor: You'd ought to get him Jack's lariat s�aked forward and
furnace, bath and toilet; small harp; turned join the railroad builder. at Douglas. If not, some of his ran- dropped over hi head to his breast.
good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid The young sheriff arose and trail- Kers will know where to reach him. It tightened sharply and dragged
chance to start chicken farm, bees, ed to his pony. "My marching or- Keep the wires hot till you're in touch
him back, pinioning his arms n his
etc. Apply to ders, I reckon." with him. Better sign my name. I've side. Before he could shake one of
R. S. HAYS, They walked up the hill together,
been writing him about this outfit. them free to reach the revolver in
Seaforth, Out.
the great man and the untutored This job is cut out for Bucky, and his chaps, he was lying on his back
29.53 -ti _ girl. He still 'carried himself with we've got to get him on it." with Flatray astride of him. The
-- the lightness of the spare, wiry man "And what are you going to dor' cattleman's left hand closed tightly
who has never felt his age. As for "I can't do much -I'm not armed. upon his windpipe, while the right
her, she moved as one on springs, her First time I've been caught that way Searched for and found the weapon
t slender, willowy figure beautiful in since I've been sheriff. Came out to- in the 'holster of the prostrate man.
motion. day for a picnic and left my gun at Not until the steel rim of it press-
"You're loyal to Mesa. Born and }tome. But( if they're the Roaring ed against the teeth of the man
he- __.. - --- ---- - Fork outfit; they'll pass through the neath him did .Tack's fingers loosen.
gq g Lori Elkhorn Canon, heading for Dead "Make a sound, and you're a dead
18e - Man's Cache. I'm going to cut a- man."
round Old Baldy and try to beat them The other choked and gurgled. He
xvinmaA; o it. Maybe . I can recognizeSO-
me soe was not yet able to cry out, even had
1!1'rfot rth i1., � � '�` of them." he any intention of so doing. But
"But if they see You?" defiant eyes glared into those of the
"I ain't aiming o let them see man who had unhorsed ia°rnd captured
ALawrence, Mitchell. me." him.
6, "Still, they may" "Where are your pals 'bound for?"
Hid quiet eyes met hers steadily. Flatray demanded.
�� �� "Yee, they may." He got no answer in words, but
THE o ,
a They were friends again, though sullen eyes flung out an obstinate re-
+� �y he had never fully" forgiven her doubt fusal to give away his associates.
A �x� i {� c ; 1 of him. It might be on the cards "I reckon you'.re one of the Roar-
111surahed 49 i that some day she would be more to ing Fork outfit," Jack suggested_
Bo td 0 � t>�ie him, than a friend. Understanding "Yom know so darn much I'll leave
y �, r poi featly t$e dsi►ger of what he pro- you to guess the rest," growled the
I molke ► to' Lox t � posed, she yet made n" "protest. T'hd` prisoner..'
( �i AY+"� 'x° y � �vA���' . ►' � ' man who would storm her beast must t;The first thing I'll guess is that,
be one who would go the limit, for It anything happens to Simon West
Vholld 01 " her standardia were those of the out- you'll hang for it, my friend:'
R ..
and stoyr the s�?a# t04 and a ration,
wh;le,ibe exeosots'�oes onto tlietstoinach,
Ssabsorbed into. the bloottaeks the seat
of the trouble sand oh8clfs the growth of the
Creomulsion is juaranteed satisfactory
in e treatment �
egfr of persistent.
ghs and
colds, bronchial brone al
asthma, bronchitis and
other forms of' tory diseases, and is
excellent for b2
� up the system after
colds or flu. Money refunded if any
cough or cold is not relieved after taking
according to directions. Ask your druggist.
Creomulsion Co., Limited, Toronto, Out.
"You'll have to prove some things
Flatray's hand slid into the man's
coat pocket, and drew forth a piece
of black cloth that had been used as
a mask.
"Here's exhibit A, to begin with."
The man on the ground suddenly
,gave an upward beave, grasped at
the weapon, and let out a yell for help
that echoed back from the cliff, while
the cattleman let the butt of the re-
volver crash heavily down upon his
face. The heavy gun came down
three times before the struggling out-
law would subside, and then not be-
fore blood streamed from ugly gash-
es into 'his eyes.
"I've had enough, damn.you!" the
fellow muttered sullenly. "What do
you want with me?"
"You'll go along with me. Let out
another sound, and I'll bump you off.
Get a move on you."
Jack got to his feet and dragged
up his prisoner. The man was a
heavy -set, bowlegged fellow of about
forty, hard -faced, and shifty -eyed -
a frontier miscreant, unless every line
of the tough, leathery countenance
told a falsehood. But he had made
his experiment and failed. He knew
what manner of mart his captor was,
and he had no mind for another les-
son from him. He slouched to his
horse, under propulsion of the revol-
ver, and led the animal into the gulch.
Both mounted, Jack keeping the
captive covered every moment of the
time; and they began to retrace the
way by which the young cattleman
had just come.
After they had ridden about a quar-
ter of a mile Flatray made a read-
�a ;
the arroyo at`a p9lnt ��tpC� lal0,ifi;
.fella back to form a little,,�
little grove .of sapeno
lythe shatalder of 4'.W qet evnze
yards a
d be" a" e. ;t
s k h h
Y nd e e �
stand.. He dismouzzted, anal made 'Fina • t � u�i
Sr I,
prisoner. do the same,
"Sit down" he ordered crisply.
"What for?" � a , • a,,
"To To keep me, from blowing the top•
cf your head ofP,'r answered Jack ?
Without further discussion, the:
"After sui£eying #land ypsiipm
man, sat down. His captor stood be, patitrn:,1: was ad,ed~ fo ',f)+�*{i
bind him, one hand on the shoulder $ All m ells e'; ot►c7 now l s
of his prisoner, his eyes watching the y and- i>a good healt-l�. .I`;'. d
Dint of the gulch at which the kid
en- ns of remecl%, but -� dl" rYiit a r
emy would appear.�"ry r
brought back .nap hxaltiz fi �A�rftizSi�' �t
read}*"to-testilyt zrlut is
Two mounted menshowed presentI ams .
1p in silhouette. Almost opposite the ceret testimony.
ny. 0 ctauny Such is tjie� " x,
sere testimony of Mz s.:
grove they drew up. McGuire St.,:.Montreal.
"Mighty queer what has become of +
Hank," one of them said. "But I If your body is handicapped'by
intestines -i# you -!lave: l}eadac e3,
dont reckon there's any use looking spells, feel despondent, unabie.,:te
any farther. You dont figure hes work orla alI zneaalBry• . "Pilot -a.' ,
P Y,<b y
aiming to throw us down -do you, tives". It is tete id' ''t .i-iaxatty :ill "u
Buck?" most natural: medicine to restorers tc►,h
"Nope. H'e'll stick, Hank will. But health, because it is mad,, .:from `pure; lir
it sure looks darned strange. Here's fresh fruit juicesintensifiedfnnd'bielndegl r
him a-ridin' along with as, and sud- with tonics; nothing else. 1>•Ja
denly he's missin'. We hear a yell, safe. Step 'into your drugrs� bs
and go back to look for him. Noth-in' 25c or 50c boa. Make
doin'. You don't allow the devil experience come true for
could have come for him sudden ---dol
you Jeff?" �~-*
It was said with a laugh, defiantly,n.
�. iipersti.
the sun. But the dormar
but none the less Jack read uneasi-
tion in them rose to their throats, :^
ness in the manner of the man. It
seemed to him that both were eager
Fearfully they wheeled andgave their =i
to turn back. Giant boulders, carved
horses the spur. Flatray could hear
to grotesque and ghostly shapes by a
them crashing through the brush.
million years' wind and water, rear-
He listened while the rapid hoof- i
cd themselves aloft and threw sha-
beats died away, until even the echoesi c't
dows in the moonlight. The wind,
fell silent. "We'll be moving," he
caught in the gulch, rose and fell in
announced to his prisoner.
unearthly, sibilant sounds. If ever
For a couple of hours they follow -
fiends from below walk the earth,
ed substantially the same way that
this time and place was a fitting one
Jack had taken, descending gradual -
for them. Jack curved a hand around
ly toward the foothills and the plains.
his mouth, and emitted a strange,
The stars went out, and the moon slid
mournful, low cry, which might have
behind banked clouds, so that the
been the scream of a lost soul.
darkness grew with the passing hours,
Jeff clutched at the arm of his com-
At length Flatray had to call a halt;,
panion. "Did you hear that, Buck?"
"Well camp here till morning," he
"What -what do yod reckon it was,
announced when they reached a grassy
Jeff ?"
Again Jack let his cry curdle* the
(Continued next week.)
The outlaws took counsel of their
terror. They were hardy, desperate
Most good actors seems stupid peo-
men, afraid of nothing mortal under
Ple.-Mr. Job" Drinkwater.
by Canada's export n ade
P A p�
flame CI'&e and Faretoties2 0SHA•'E7Vk',014TAR10
Yx•h ;', ,
the distant reaches of
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entering into the manufacture of
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And it represents a greatly aug-
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