HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-11-18, Page 3VIN 01"S"I" a A RN "'A "n )I iffff� Qq 'P ok. !k Al F� 7V P :d er , 04 ; _W, . # V, %a A q and cpooc 0 C a rr,7449,44' 0 -*4C tu wh S"'A and. T q Ve I ot b1c 0 W, qu"'O.Ad t &,eo 0 _4d fortune in betin appotWO Oftor� 6 For at any the Socialist paper, AVaptl in' ali ]DraftclL at a salary -Of $100.-a mqnth. In Milan the Mi visolinis 'lived,. for,' ten years,'with fhe ekeepdon of the: year that he jervgd',3t, the front. Their TIHS life together was not wftbou� its ad,,, venturds, for twice in the ten -yea;, N MR. DOWN, U* 10N period the husband was -sent to V1 for injudicious utt� rances. They w xe, Ira y, but UotL 'toorer than, 'A rl B NK. oor ni , U 140 Y EatablMed 1,871 - their nejg�boiis. - In those years Don - p4 Mussolini got to know,her husband well. She came'to realize that his work came first, and that when he was absorbed in it his mood was far '"SEAFORT H BRANCH from conjugal. In 1922 he had'be- Fome recognized as the strongest man IL M. Jones in Italy and the march to Rome -wits Manager made. Thereafter his home was in Rome, while hers remained in Milan. CONDI�iONS 'THAT She spends her time with her chil- own benefit an Essay Competition has dren, and with the help of one or CALL FOR A TONIC been arranged. Three prizes will be two servants runs the modest home. awarded for essays in this County The children are of the §tirring var- :Symptoms That the Blood is Thin and the best will be entered in a Pro- iety, and their mother thinks that in Should Not be Neglected. vincial Champio�qship Class. caring for them she has a career Five hundred boys, possibly ready quite as important and interesting as Weak, lacking in stxength,' energy for a rest, but carrying away a store if she went t Rome to manage her and ambition, nervous, sleepless, poor of new knowledge of agricultural and husband's home. As a matter of fact appetite, digestion disturbed—these industrial progress that will make there is no hostess in the Mussolini are the symptoms of a great majority them proud of their country and their menage. He does not entertain, ,of people who have been benefited by calling, will leave Toronto on Novem- though now and then an entertain - 'the use of Dr. Williams, Pink Pills. ber 18th. ment is given in his name at a hotel. '7he- great value of this medicine in Apart from her daily occupation with -cases of this kind is proved by the AIUSSOLINI'S WIFE DWELLS IN the children Donna Mussolini finds -statement of Mrs.,W. Hensher, King- SHADOW her chief delight in occasional visits �ston, Ont., who says:---�'Following a home, in which she works as befit- ; -severe cold I was left in a.run-down, Not the most curious thing about ting the peasant girl she was not so mervous condition; I had pains in the Benito Mussolini is his wife. Since long ago.—J. V. McAree. back and limbs and could scarcely he went to Rome five years ago she miove about. I did not sleep well at has never followed him, but lives HOW TO TELL DIRECTION might and was despondent and dis- quietly in Milan-, ready to receive her When travelling in unfamiliar couraged. I decided tb try Dr. Wil- distinguished husband when he visits country, it very often becomes neces- liams, Pink Pills, and can truthfully her, which is never less often than sary to determine direction. Most say that affter the use of six boxes, once every couple of years. This ar- people are able in a general sort of the change in my condition was rangement has given rise to the rum- way to do so in the daytime by means mothing short of marvellous,. The or that the Mussolinis had separated of the un if it is shining or at night pains vanished, I slept well, had a and that the union between them was s ,:good appetite, and in every way felt merely a nominal one. Moreover, the (speaking more particularly of. the northern hemisphere) by means of. -well and strong. I also gave the Pills name of the Italian dictator has been the north star. to my daughter, who -was in an anae- frequently coupled witli those of sev- Some people seem to possess the :mic condition and feeling quite mis- eral brilliant Italian women. There faculty of telling direction by means Qrable, and in her case, too, they re- has been no open scandal of any kind, of the sun with a remarkable degree -stored health. I hope my experience Mussolini not being the kind of man of accurcay. To those who have qif- may help some other weak peyson." who would tolerate gossip about him; ficulty in this regard, the well-known Dr. Williamst Pink Pills are sold but whatever may be his wayward all medicine dealers or sent by fancies it is said that it is to his method of making use of the watch in connection with the sun may be 50 cents a box by The Dr. wife he turns in moments of great employed. This is effected by hold - Medicine Co., Brockville, perplexity or despair, which are not ing the watch level and pointing the e book, "Building Up the unknown to him. Donna Mussolini hour hand at the sun and accepting .-Ontains many useful understands her extraordinary hus- ',be sent free on re- band, and is said to remain deeply in the line midway between it and figure love with him. Recently she gave 12 on the dial as the due south direc- tion. birth to her fourth child as a token This will not give direction accur- R FARMERS' VISIT WILL of their mutual love, and incidentally NOT BE DULL gave gossip one in the eye, tov use an ately but will be good enough for most practical purposes. The sun ap- Italian brase lf� J, 4 3-4 Three days that are brimful and From a portrait in the New York pears to go around the earth in a Mowing Over with interest and enter- Times Magazine, we should judge clockwise direction (to those in the tain,ment are in prospect for the five Ponna Mussolini to be an exception- northern hemisphere) making the lundred Ontario farm boys, ten Of ally fine-looking woman for a for- complete circle in twenty-four hours. them from this County, who are to eigner. She has a charming smile, The hour hand of the watch makes a -visit the Royal Winter Fair and the and Mussolini can have0ho reason to revolution once in twelve hours Or, ,city of Toronto as the guests of the be ashamed of her appearance. it in other words, moves twice as fast �Ontario Department of Agriculture. is true that she ist not educated in a as the sun appears to travel. As - Entertainment, but not merely that; formal sense, having had but two suming that the sun is due south -everything on the crowded program years at school, but it is supposed when the hour hand of the watch is that has just been announced by R. S. that after their marriage she got a at 12 noon the working out of this Duncan, Director of Agricultural Re- good deal of information from him, simple method becomes quite appar- 3presentatives, who is supervising the w he is the sort of husband who ent after a little consideration. arrangements for the trip, is there would not despair of properly instruct- For two reasons the method is not for a purpose. At the Royal Fair ing his wife upon all matters. But absolute. One is that at -12 noon by the boys will see for one thing, the before her marriage she was a kind Lhe watch, except on four days in the "Jubilee of Agriculture" exhibit of farm hand when she was not a year, the sun is not exactly due south -which the Dominion Government and serving wench, and it was because of but is constantly varying in its posi- the different Provinces are staging her lowly station in life that she had tiOn. Another reason is that the sun to show in a striking way the pro- the opportunity of meeting the youth does not move around the horizon on -gress that has been made in the who was destined to give Italy th P level with the hands of the watch -Dominion's greatest industry since greatest thrill since GtarabalZ but slantingly, moving up in the 1867, and to demonstrate the a=z"ng Rachele Agostini w9s born in the morning and down in, the afternoon. -variety of high quality live stock and some commune as Mussolini, though Thus it is the sun may appear to I:far7n produce raised in Canada to- seven years his junior, and before be move during an hour near the mid - ,day. In the show ring they wfll left the village to go to Switzerland dle of the day than during the same -watch judges of international reputa- in pursuance of his Socialistic career period of time in the morning or the tion place pure bred animals from the pair had never met or if they had evening. atine Provinces and many States. It Mussolini had not deig-ned to glance- At night the position of the Pole will give them lasting ideals of the i,.t the comely farm girl. Star, or Polaris, is an infallible guide. types that the foremost breeders are It was in 1905 that- Mussolini's This star may readily be picked out ztrM.*ng for, ideals that will influence father opened a kind of peasant road- in the sky by using Ithe two outer their own plans for the home farm. house on the outskirts of Forli, which star,,s of the Great Bear constellation Live stock, grain and seeds, fruit he called The Lamb. He had got or big dipper" as it is often called and vegetables, pOultry, rabbits and tired of working as a blacksmith and as pointers. The North Star also fox#9, dairy produce and honey—they had also wearied of being the village forms the end star of the handle of -will see them all. On the first niglit school teacher, so as it did not re- the Little Elear constellation of the they will pass in 'review before Lord quire much capital to become a hotel:' "little dipper," but this cannot always willingdon, Governor-General Or keeper in Forli he chose this occupa- be made out even when the stars are Canada, who will open the Fair, and tion. His inn served wine and ffiac- shining on account of the fact that f or the rest of the evenp they are of much less magnitude. J g they will 'aroni to the passing laborers and ,watch horses from the hnest stables truckmen, and occasionally was able When travelling in strange country, Qn the continent take the )amps tun- to fill an order for a stewed kid. He through the woods, etc., if often hap- �der skilled riders. had a partner in the enterprise who pens that one wishes to know the di - More than -all this, they will have served 1,, as his cook and chief rection 'when the sky is overeast with the magic password that will gan"o housekeeper, and this was Rachele's clouds. Some people who are famil- them entry to the huge farm imple- mother, left a widow when her farm iar with the woods can read the signs zment manufacturing plant Of the h,,d husband had died. The work from the evidence of Nature. Thus Massey/ -`Harris, Company; they will was rather too much for the stout the southern sides -of certain kinds of see Union Stock Yards and packing widow because Mussolini, Sr., paid poplar t.... are commonly whiter iplants, and gain a first hand kn;owl- li-ttle Ltention to the actual running than the northern sides, due to the -edge of cattle, sheep and swine mar- of the establishment and spent most action of the sun. In certain trees, 'ket requirements; will go through of his time drinking, arguing or play- more moss will grow on the north ,several large commercial institutions ing bowls with his guests. So the side than on the south. Some Indians to see how big city business concerns widow sent for her daughter, who it is claimed, can tell direction in a are rim. These lads are to live high had been in private service for some grassy country by the way the g-ras,; during their visit; a luncheon as the years and she became the maid -of- lies due to the prevailing winds. guestsof the Governmentof Ontario; aff-work at this raean little Italian But these methods, when one is lost ,other big Spreads as the guests of the tavern (el dumpo). When Benito re- on a cloudy day in a strange district packers, the implement people and turned to his father's roof be was or particularly in the woods, are more different commercial concerns, wind- twenty-four.and Racbele was seven- likely than not to add to one's con - Ing up -with a theatre party on the teen. He romained several months, fusion. How much better would it final night. The boys will sleep in and we can imagine that he made the be in this ease if one were provided Spadina House, in, the centre of the little -inn an extremely lively place. with a good magnetic compass and a city, and will breakfast each morn- It is said the girl was fascinated good map of the district as well, and Ing at Hart House, in the great din- by the oratory of the young man, knew how to use them both. ing Wdl used by the students of ithe which would pour out over the sur- The Topographical Survey, Depart- ment of the Interior, are engaged in 19givorsity of Toronto. rounding countryside as he held the order that they may bring back gathered yokelry spellbound while he the task of publishing such maps. One 4a dleAt Story t9 the folks at home advertised socialism. Noi doubt be series, that known as the National and obg� e m4te closely for their Topographic Series, is intended event- ually, to extend from one end of Can- ada to the other. They also have col- lected a great deal of information re- gardIng the true direction of the mag- iietic needliej since the magnetic needle Elk does not point true north but more or less eagt or west at different Wi places, The' map sheerts above refer- red to and publications enibodying th6 11ILS"s tAd Wk bi !!41. Won"' -n W- ormatio e0ected regardiiig "Sue I I - f 6-001 1*11,0MAWMA�L1. 21 magnetic needle are av'Aitable to the 4. public it each case at nomitml cost. t Sweff New` Over - Coats for Men and Boys. 0 V E R C bATS, Overcoats and In o r e Over - Coats; every.Style, every Weight, ev- ery Color, every Price. There never was a time when we were more confi- dent in our showing of Overcoats. We fear no com- parison, no matter under what condi- tions, because we know positively this season's new styl,� coats are not sold for less money any- where. No matter how small or bow large you are we can fit you and your pocketbook, too. PRICES $5.00 to $35.00 a 4Z.�5,r 00xv, at", . .. . ....... C �O ts a ;S es, LO d", miss r Q$11 dtl­i: U111 have mar'shadled their. m "L creations for your inspection. in an ipm- of the most re,as�oi-hably posing Array priced high-grade, new garments that we have ever had. Two of the Season's smartest New styies Sold at Our Dress Goods Counter - HAI, rED RNS NEW D S REASONABLE BECOMING DRESSE IN PRICE ENTRANCINGLY charming, bewitchingly at- tractive, and in complete defiance of all that is commonplace or ordinary. These new ar- rivals are a fascinating combination of elegance and beauty, depicting with unmistakable authority what new, correct and becoming. And you will not be asked fancy prices, either. You will be surprised just how reasonable you can buy these dresses that are nothing short of wonderful. PRICES: $10.75, $12.50 to $15.00 Men's and Boys' Underwear NVarm, comfortable, pro- per fitting Underwear, a full range of sizes, and a complete assortment of weights and qualities. Stanfield's Hatchway Penman's Watson's Turnbull's Mercui-v All reliable interration- ally known brand, that are sure to give y­1ii the maximum wear ard �en- eral satisfaction. Guar- anteed. by the maker; guaranteed by us. Men's New FaH Suits You must see the long rows of New Suits to really know what a com- plete stock we have. The new blues with hair -line stripes are at- tracting the particular attention of the young men who know. There is also a very attractive showing of grey worsted for older or more con- servative dressers. Alto - together it is a display a prospective buyer cannot afford to miss. $15-00 to $35.00 _.Jr an S Wown' Cats S0 BECOAUNG is the princi- pal reason for the popularity of our New Style Coats and they are different, is an- other. These recent ar- rivals are the style rages of this Fall's creations. 6elceted .1or some special ele., gance of mode, some gorgeous fab- ric, some marvelous shade or delightful fur trimming, and not one Coat that is not reasonably pric- ed. PRICES $12.50 to $60 Use Pictorial Pat- terns—the New- est in Style, the Simplest in Oper- ation. M. _�111 D�$ 'W p IVS9 4 ", i, iuw "4t, Sweff New` Over - Coats for Men and Boys. 0 V E R C bATS, Overcoats and In o r e Over - Coats; every.Style, every Weight, ev- ery Color, every Price. There never was a time when we were more confi- dent in our showing of Overcoats. We fear no com- parison, no matter under what condi- tions, because we know positively this season's new styl,� coats are not sold for less money any- where. No matter how small or bow large you are we can fit you and your pocketbook, too. PRICES $5.00 to $35.00 a 4Z.�5,r 00xv, at", . .. . ....... C �O ts a ;S es, LO d", miss r Q$11 dtl­i: U111 have mar'shadled their. m "L creations for your inspection. in an ipm- of the most re,as�oi-hably posing Array priced high-grade, new garments that we have ever had. Two of the Season's smartest New styies Sold at Our Dress Goods Counter - HAI, rED RNS NEW D S REASONABLE BECOMING DRESSE IN PRICE ENTRANCINGLY charming, bewitchingly at- tractive, and in complete defiance of all that is commonplace or ordinary. These new ar- rivals are a fascinating combination of elegance and beauty, depicting with unmistakable authority what new, correct and becoming. And you will not be asked fancy prices, either. You will be surprised just how reasonable you can buy these dresses that are nothing short of wonderful. PRICES: $10.75, $12.50 to $15.00 Men's and Boys' Underwear NVarm, comfortable, pro- per fitting Underwear, a full range of sizes, and a complete assortment of weights and qualities. Stanfield's Hatchway Penman's Watson's Turnbull's Mercui-v All reliable interration- ally known brand, that are sure to give y­1ii the maximum wear ard �en- eral satisfaction. Guar- anteed. by the maker; guaranteed by us. Men's New FaH Suits You must see the long rows of New Suits to really know what a com- plete stock we have. The new blues with hair -line stripes are at- tracting the particular attention of the young men who know. There is also a very attractive showing of grey worsted for older or more con- servative dressers. Alto - together it is a display a prospective buyer cannot afford to miss. $15-00 to $35.00 _.Jr an S Wown' Cats S0 BECOAUNG is the princi- pal reason for the popularity of our New Style Coats and they are different, is an- other. These recent ar- rivals are the style rages of this Fall's creations. 6elceted .1or some special ele., gance of mode, some gorgeous fab- ric, some marvelous shade or delightful fur trimming, and not one Coat that is not reasonably pric- ed. PRICES $12.50 to $60 Use Pictorial Pat- terns—the New- est in Style, the Simplest in Oper- ation. M. _�111 D�$ 'W p