HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-11-04, Page 1or \ , , I I f4 V , 11 -�.­­, , "'t . . _. - I ". 11 I [..�11�1 .. V,� , , " ,�". K,'��,V�.�v �&r,! , . "" 1 gr, I I ��,,,,�'.-�,I;:,n �1_11­i"_' ;� � �, 1. 11 "" ,_ , . _ P 1 1."Mp , q.,� I , � .� �', _i, , , , �_ � - -1 .11, ! �. � - , .. I I M �,�, ��; " ��, .1 � �, , - ., I..� 1. �, . 41 , -I , ,,, , ,,, : ,1 , 1,%� "",_ I ds`M`­_i`�­ , 11,_. I , 1, ,7 " - ,:;, �� , � � iTTT " "I I 7 11.111. ­14��,' ; . I ,,, �_ , � ��� 11 . 111,p� 1�', ..; " e:,�'O, : I � I . 110q-" """ , . �", , .. 11 � tw , .", ,. ,:.�,�'.4;,;," �'­.,�' . �� 01 n�l � 11;1,`�, �' ,�,;, � �1, "'i", � . � , . �� - � ,. - . . � , I IM - I" __-� ,. i ., 1, , " "�� . . . . . L .11 -1 ­;. , 11 .. . _ I - � � "I .1 : , , !�,,��,?,J,� -, , ,,,,, �' M'2�-,­, 11 , � A , ,-,, " 11'�": ,',,,'e�;il�� , �,-��,, 1. 1. , I . I --1 , .� . - .. ��­ � 1: - �,­W4',T,10�.­,­! - , ._'� , � ,�,, - , . I I ��,�� I � - , Ili . , � � .1. . - . 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U". , -!,-,1,,.-",�4,�_ �1 , ". . �,z _ 'N ma "),"v "MI'mr, 'A I'll. � ;�-?`� " ­ �_ to`)Pis� �, whie Im .1 - "IC - J a ;;;;;;;; , I 1. , - i 1,�" 777 .... I I , 0 .1 �X. ,­�, � - �­'..*­'%' T. ..(o - " .. I'll ""'s- - . 4 , , - 81, . I :1 " &1444fiiif :ZWra � ,il,l , Mae IV's I � . . . I 1� � .1, 6, e;v1p J�6 911,111, , '. - , ? ��',,ft � 11-1 . 4 , I ig,*6 I I I ­­ "", " '�' -7 �M I I '- ­J,��_- � ", ''. ,, ,' R. J. Deachman) .*,� ��r lsewfv�lthl ""'' , - - y � . � . �,�, ww,�,,Matlxiiia' F6 � t...� . . . ,, �_, "" "',on �, ­' 4. , g , ". , , , " "' , - - **, ".. �0 0 , . - ,-e �­44, J L , 'A ., . .0*10914i" , .0, , ", " -Kok thb;' _Qoii�i ��Wg, .l.elik$­ .04ea,r� S1,14 �1)rlghtp'J_,go- ul , .;$OmetAme ago, acttng '-,-�'ll,�.","�ll'I'll"��'ll,�"4"ill"� , �11 " � �, , 11, - ,_ '. , ,�-` . , , __ , _ 4ppli 'on, iii , ow_ �, � . ", I ­�, I AW -Ii, �W,q: hAd -A 444,�,V.l , , � , . '� - - :pf , 4, "M"'M, . before the Tariff Boardi':for teou R , , tion W , the Pun-rising,,6o T ,,R,%,p.p6v . , Md9W I 1. I ia�the duties : on gbimijium - 1#�. , , ". 11 , , !�.v were. The ,hbarip#,%of-:fbe ;apPed­PAA1fP.Of tho­4,itius . , _- fralk�, " � - P"Ase was , , ',--:,� � IV - . .. I ,, hi � , �4x4giis. iii I J�qr � kh, - 1.0 . -, ,re - wer I postponed. *)�pn.it'first came itn' aw, �a, �_­, .. I . I I � j # ; I I I . OF �� � . .1 . I 11 11 . I I � -� ygly �Wjm gpgq iniost, to the tol , ,_,p ,.,a . 1. r to progs4t thR businesi bao ,V -,W"�,. 1. �.' � I a 1.14, � , ota%;� OhOlj�W 4 Ti . other build, � rag, , _vo of, ' o-4 � ' h 'A , , f6re, the .*aid, .And #rst` q4rin .0., , , ,W Q - ,� , , .- . . ,_a wa .�Iga dOwng ,their, aq 1 ,gigs., iriterlakez Wd reeently., The .�Iumlftum � Cmw , -In 'eo '�, '*.Otween Laket 4 _",4'.�. iiTtwl p4imi,:6f Canad#vouvitoped with aw f4_4 i4j�ij� Bli.. I.. . , , , ) %W the Alps or , 'n . 'tion, ' � SPIP11PA .. �or increase of the duty" avery,side. � It is.ibuch tburistha-unt. *,-on P,JuMfijuin shebts And r0s. T��- 'ad 4nd'14,44-a 1hrge number of botels . _ � � inlit iliie.,pow to introduce ,to you the� XeWy all- the houses, except,the ho. . - Alurninum-CompAny Of Canada, Ifk' tep, iare, built of wood with over- ' . I- I ways and its works. � __ .1 4.4figing, eaves and shiugle�roofi 1 4 The Aluminum -Corapayiy of vianada,� .. 0 44 ,,%is Ornamented with qug-int carvings� I is ownq4 by the Aluminum COTPTY�. Sme though 250 years Old' ' ­. of e, Pq at s 11 'I � ... � and nevei America. Glance , fir -Alt .,gL, % loo1c'quite, fresh. Around fiithei in order that you* may'iiave An, , m. is, a xegion�' '.of glaciers, intelligent appreciation I - " I . tain' 'torrents, pretty t . hiogs that .1 ar4' about to reveal, in -11 L .- 4g, �0*q of L the . ag �' brald lakes and forests of the countenAnce 'son. The -1 I . We took the train to ,UinlnUm L P . Ts. A Company of Arderica ' ,,, a GrIndenwald and from there went by P60r!r . M large - , corporAtionwL . inuel, tram and horse carriages to the gwlac� t4e leading aut�hoility on Corporations ier, one of the largest moving'glac- in, the United States, under date of iers in Swilzerla4d. _We left the January IA, 1927, gives its assets as horses An# walked for some distance " L follows:� fo.-the ice; and through A cave, cut in Plant and equipment .... $103,331,741 the Ice unde�, the glacier. We pick- Inve&tmen�s in subsidiary , vad - mountain Kowers an our way back . ' Companies :_-......... 46,868,336 to the eamages. ' . ._ ' Investra6titsm in allied Rrofit Grindenwald we took the I coinpanies ............ 5F977 ' 827 train to Weiringen where we had Marketable securities ... 3 191D 5i lunch. Ne went on by tram to the , - - ' Inventories .............. 2%866A72 L George of Aare, a gr0id ravine'carv- cash I ....... I I ..... I .... 33,9�3,1r)l ed out of the mountain rock .by the . 'Bills and accounts re- fdre6 of the torrent and a mighty . . eeivable ............... 14,278,811 glacier which has long since passed Pripaid expenses and de- away. For three quarters of a mile ' firred charges ....... 3,80(.,638 and back again, we followed the nar- . row 'board walk fastened to the side I .- . of the perpendiculat rock high above . $241,806i814 the foaming torrent which rushes I . Note in the above the investments through the gorge, vpft rocks in in subsidiary companies, The invest- places a few hundred feet high near- inents of the Aluminum Company of IY meeting -above us. We took ,an-, America cover a very wide field. They other train to the Relchenbach Falls, are interested in raw materials in where the stream comes rushing down British Guiana, in power plants in the mountain, leap after leap, from a Norway and their plant at Arfvida in height of 2,000 feet to the valley be- � Northern Quebec is one of the great low. industrial enterprises in the Dominion From Meiringen we took the train of Canada. .Pne might think from to Lucernei end soon began climbing the list of assets given above that it over the Brunig Pass, with an electric would never cross the minds of those engine ahead, and another pushing interested that money might *he made lichind, and ' when creeping along the by snatching a few additional cents edge of a'precipice were often glad from the humble purchaser of kit- to see the mouth of a tunnel ahead. chen utensils im the urban and rural From the town of Brunig, 3,295 feet homes of the Dominion, but if the high, we began to descend and enjoy- ir�tlk of human kindness ever did ex- ed better the remainder of the trip, ist in our larger corporations it is regehing Lucerne in the evening. rarely revealed and the Directors in Lucerne, August Ist.—The city is tation in asking beautifully situated on Lake Lucerne for a duty on sh&ts and rods in or- in the midst of grand mountain scen- der that,the company in Canada own- ery. The river Reuss flows through ed by the Company in the United the city. .1 crossed several times ov- States might be protected from com- er the old bridge built in the thir- petition with itself from the other t_eenth century. It has little shops side of the line for the facts reveal and a roof, on the ceiling of which that the main competition which this there are ancient paintings. The first company has is from the parent com- night we went to see the "Lion" which pany in the United States. i�-, lit up and is also reflected plainly Now remember that the Company in the water below it. It was sculp- is already manufacturing sheets and tured in the side of the white rock in rods in the Dominion. We are not memory of Louis VI's Swiss Guards, asked to give it this additional tariff who died in defending the royal fam- protection in order to start the manu- ily of France in 1792. Next day we facturing of sheets and rods in this went b6y steamer to Bruirnen at the country. These factories -were start- other end of the lake, where we took ed while the products were still on the funicular up Mt. Axenstein, where the free list. Now while they are there is a superb view of the lake, getting along fine we have the re- aj:d we had our lunch there. Near quest to contribute from our own Lucerne are Mt. Rigi, the most fash- pock ' ets to the already bulging cash ionable Alpine peak, and Mt. Pilatus, reserves of this amazing Corporation. 7,000 feet high, upon which Pontius The situation is so ridiculous that it Pilate was said to have committed . is difficult to make it plain. It is as suicide in his remorse for the con - if John D. Rockefeller were to pass demnation of Christ. Both of these the hat among the Civil Servants at have several -hotels on their crests. Ottawa and ask for contributions to The first of August being the nation - help increase the dividends of Stan- al holiday, there wereL fireworks at dard Oil. it is as if our Canadian night and the hills were illuminated. millionaires were to take up a col- From Lucerne we had an all day trip lectiory at the country churches in to Frankfort in Germany, going by Western Canada to give our million -e way of Bale, Freiburg, Baden, Carl - Aires a holiday trip for the good of .-,ruhe and Worms. When passing their health. I gazed in amazement through some of the towns we notic- at the able Corporation Counsel as he ed French soldiers, as some places Presented his story, As nearly as I are still under Fre,,tch control. can make it out, this was the burden Frankfort, August 3rd.—In the of his song: morning we had a motor drive, being "It is your duty to encourage Can- especially interested in the older part adian industries. All industries of the city with its narrow, winding ought to have tariff protection. streets and ancient houses, somewith Patriodsm demands it. I am giving strange carvings and paintings on you a lesson in, patrioti,sm. Our the outside. We passed the House of Company on the American side of Goethe, and the original home of the the line is very patriotic. It is so Rothschilds, We left about 9.30 a.m. patriotic across there that it has in- for Bingen, where, After spending duced the Government to provide a about an hour, we went on board a tariff on aluminum products of every steamer for the Rhine trip to Cologne. kind—mueb higher than you have in Soon after leaving Bingen we passed Canada. You ought to do the same. the Mouse Tower. At noon we left it will raise prices in Canada, but the lunch table for a few minutes to look who you are helpingl Cheers!" see the Lorelei Rock. There are And the song was well rendere& numbers on stones along the banks, He was a very able chap that lhwyer. marking the,different places and some It takes great ability to control the -of us had maps of the river with the faciar muscles of a Corporation numbers and places marked, so we lawyer when he, is asking that the could understand what we saw. The average Canadian working in -a fac- river narrows or widens here and tory or living or, the farm or serving there, ever winding between luxuriant his country in one of the tbou,sand vineyards, hills and valleys with and one humble ways in which we towns, villages, castles, towers or Canadians spend our lives, to turn ruins always in sight. out our pockets and let the small 0. change fall into the hands of a Can- adian Corporation owned by an CITY AND VILLAGE LIFE AiMerican Corporation and do this for the one purpose Of increasing the In a letter from our son, Billy, who 0wh resetv0s, of an outfit which a,_ has his home it Oak Park, adjacent ready boasts Almost of $40,00GOCro .to Chicago, Ill., where it has featur- in its strong_bOX . L I I /, ed as a village for the past twenty- five years, and -enjoys the advantAges � Ana this is one Of OUT infajit in- of an immense city without having to dustries. What a smile the L pTattlinjr britkticipgte in the terrible conditions 10AUt , must have on its fAc6 98 it that it would have to. assume by be- ' " I � g . f1sei:`rA I .tself'.in the glass. It iq ihe* coi�dng part of that great city, that "'L ,11- of ation. - it in- tg notbd the world ever for vices and f A2 )3&w . cre . erito * "' 1 king -9 might envy eriminaliti6s of the most degrading ,4 V4 that . and besides "thiffi. i �L'hag that greatest character, accounts of which ap0ear , I ­, , 1�. 'g, � reso of this,aad other lands. "t ,, the sue- In the pi � iii,14 '% , of all nec#$019 ;i'�� 1310y's h,Omd' is Oak Park, ' cesi �J,�'i` 14 I 6A "Jjjo-�tho . Alth,ugh "hi h I' O'neloile, his L Ritl� �, t, 'f 11 ­ 1W I* , , ,� rerl An accoui , Allis . Id, � 0;,"��!Tko,� ba"11 capgo, , L- . � . __. 2. ,A � 4491;�' 4- -k I � ,f 14, , i ,,�� Ah 1 Arm this iuompn�4 I ecal; �. PlAve U AW9. I %1. .1. ., — ' - 4, �, I OT E" d in the YA16t of thb'gr . ,,� T,Trgy_�,yv 04 �!, 9 tion to the 6:060t ,p C 'I - - , bat bitst- , ' ' ' on AlUmlilum kigneky-8 OA.,4,, , �:-k , -r; �(� " , �Ibi 0 h , ' �,�go, WhOe Miro I I - 11 , , I", I �A, '� �jiii"'&A I t om .49 Wifts And Ao- L , "' �:: I I " , , ;,- , , 1; aq , , "!,, " .0h, _T "I 11 � , � 4, -) ask too vitch bit A��40000 I 'O , , " '' , k , - ;I . , , . ., , R Aim. appear ridioulou , 1.0 , . the - -1 � 11.1 4,11, ""I - � tarf# VmtWIAIAT "Sue, 14WOV11 , . , I - 1 AV4 ,, I . aer the 901ex,al MIS, 12,00 OUR 1 � --- I .11104 0100d,000plh. Th's hnd � I . I A,: -'.P �1 .."I �� '..", � -0 n ,I ... '.1 of Ggoat W- , , I ,; ,111111 i A � , , , to� � bp reduced t6 I I I I of Ae , I - .1 M 6f I Alft i# ,, � � I 1. 1� - ... I 1i I � � ,!,�'� I �,, . ,11 � .11 , �9, Vht , �.i 111 '' ulia 11 � -­ , ',"y . �ta a ahs . ORO r ....... a � ­ - �kfea,t , .1 , I '. ; , . ��­­ , , �, r '. .� ,,, i" � .... ,":,��,.��,�,,,-I,,',�il,��'.,"� I . 1, : ,A";'! .�:-:,. , , , �� I ": �1' �, , I' �, ',��­, � , . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. . . , I . -, '. , � , " 1. .. . , �', " '. . ,�, - .11 " , "', �.� .'�"'L'�: ­ . �,�. , . . I I � I - -4­�, "", �,�:�,� I �, ,� 11 �,,) �,,��, , I .— , - " ..'. I I .��,,�'r,.� ,'' " , , , I . . , �,4_,�, , , - ,%�,J " " , �� ,: I , i - ,I, 11, � '. �� , � - "� " -�,- ,,,,, ""�"� ��, ,� -,,,,'. , 'XiI �,A�� . " �' 1. 1 I �1. 4� � �, : i- 1 ".,!, ,�,,�A,� �� �,�,�.,.�,,,,,,,..�,,.;��.'�,,,�"r..,."4"."�.,-,��,,..,,�a,�,� L",�,�""""LL�",4�""",.,��,.",�,,�,��,�;�-�-���!,,..��;,"-�;'I .�,i�31;MIAT'14 . ":.-_ ,�, � . - : .,�,A�C,',,i�,., ,��t",f�L,�,,�X,. ;;� " I . � PlAto LiFv il " , I .00,otxow to land him where � ','MY �� fbofr V�­B- T, IV - . " �'. I . '1� �, 11, �, , I � � I ,,, - - - �. 11 i - I .., �� I 11 '14 "";, , "I'sp1mg winz � !9� t � IM . given - -v, - , � C I ­� Wualux, �Kot sbe a . I � : , , ... "I ), �.`as if we had a Big ��tl 11 , I in J�tl . . J11 I I., ,�,; .., 1�1� .... 1 ­! '. � �' I I, . . � , , . � , -, � , I'll " 1111.!N01 ;1� " 'ill! . di;mliii� ­wWb A 40.61ing �W,ith, 11 @04JO-s 01a - ... t;ou r' !�OtArfo, who has g­rqu X0111" .. �� X P ' � 1.�:, " - � , . � � " - "-' - -, ��e - ., .", i I " "", . I I , , ,,,, Jy.,� , � . �, %R, RR �11, , , . , , . '' , 100, 104 * RM , ." 4A i I i CAP*11n I . , I . , I . 110tive" , 41 "Oung , 0,11 . . bitlon voters In,* 4 'A", ,uqh.,A­.. .. 11 t , make I Its Powerless in the hands, bf the Ru , ,I I - . I L 1. / �,­,�y!,V,� I """ I . , ; �, . to"., L a., I'll, I - Of the 9' . _ . m4, I � rdes, whilghedeMi.tfullk cl I aims to be I I I � � , ,:� , .11 � , ,,� - � ,, . �1� I * , " � �',�`,�, ,7 ,,,,� 40.� " , ,,,,�, ? , � 11� ..?. 16n . . i1a. "! 1� C � ADf " V �, . I -VI I I a, xeeutive for ,the'adming y 'e - Working for -us- Botb yanKee Bill and I his Ontario brothei will,have to cm- , L fort each'Other, "on , . . . ,,, � � A , � ". , , " I -1 I 1�, t , R , Z" . . I � 11 ,�� ,,, , - 11 ,�,�0 , ,,I . _ �,� I I 1_t��4.lr - 1 1 , , ,,� " ' -, , �, 11 , , , _7 J. : - '�� '. .1 4? , " - �� I , " i, ; , i�f , , " .; 'i , 'I 0 -tf I is' .80: 'follow;%: Honorn7. Pre�j . d, , ,pi . Rev. J_ E. Hogg, Clinton, PTQQ , � eloct�ou day � "' � - oubt : I 1, Y �- . ., ,� , ,� , � t Y . Mr. George Baechler, Goa�righ; V-1 coiiied arouiid.-, - . The ".. jgajn.� I followingis, thp clipping from , , _ i, ,11,� " �, ", , ,. �;�.'�,& o' "q , .v 1. 'I,' , � ,­ va "I", , , " . , � . .. ... , , , ,_ President,. Rev. J. M. ,Colling, Grw -Bend; Secretaxy-Treasurer, Miss . Oak Park referred to- , .- WHY OAK PARK IS,QAK PARK I . I 11 I I W, � ". , " � � � 0 4, ,_, Or, " 'l �., , T. Scarlett, Seaforth; Assist, Trea "Oak Park I I . which, tgkos, pride in Its claim to, fh0r. Urges�t - . ,� , I . �1�i� I ��' �,, . , , , ... - , "' '4, - � � you C1 W", I urer, E. R. Crawford, Seaforth- Co of Christian. Fell. Dept, Miss W. Ra -be villa 1, - ... I I I ge in the world And' which"Is in 'a continuous , - !;J��"L%; - ,.� -1 RON - Vro:E�ter; Con. of Missionary Dep Miss E. Steinhoff, Blyth; Con, of C frlOdly rivalry with Evanston for the 0onor of being Chicago's 'I'D &H" CONVENTION . . That's the Kind We Offer. � zenship Dept., Mrs. A. V. WaIde most prom- ANTHRACITE COAL ­—Egg, Stove and Nut Church, Blyth, on Friday, October 21. 11 Bluevale; Con. of Literary and R inen� suburb, announces for the near future I I �111 ' 1; -i" , creation Dept., Dr. McInnes, Win an old-fashioned. old I lime week Former ,.M� .1 I I? 416ted foi i We` � , iat Hea #"" ham. - residents and all . other friends of that foremQst vMage of the known. u - ,. nmrse are invited to , � I I I . I -1, .1 , - � ,�, i �l, . _# � � I - r go -and look the Place.over and par- f I I . I . , " , �# ' REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENT ticipate in an appropriate program in celebration of the twenty-fifth an- Nq- CLU-FF,r' ; J. ,. -, " . ,�l � t I ' SOM I I I �, . . I �!,�, I - � The following is the report of ho niversary of its incorporation as a � . �.,. � � . I,— , __ `­­­ - " shipments for week ending Oetob - 27th, 1927.- village. . _ — __ 1 - - .n i�i -f I "Oak Park well can afford to sub,- mit to the sort of inspection it will 7.1. . ' I �,, �,.�, I "I he spoke of 'the lifb�44d customs of 11 � ­, 'SE", ORTH--TotaI hogs, 74; s, lect bacon, 19; thick smooth], 44; ei undergo, on the occasion of its quAr- the people of the ' " - The (lark- yM, _ tra heavies, 10. ter -centennial anniversary. It is a � fine example of -what can be done In ,4 111� admitted as noss of the I N . - Also the brig ,'6 the future, HURON CO—Total hogs, 1,587 bacon, community building by citizens will- ing to exert themselve�An __50 . . - which is more. tfiag,�� . J to COmPre- bend it. The'r '', ,.�* nd that. dis-. select 5a; thick smooth, 88 heavies, 40; shop hogs, 58; lights a the inter- ,est of law and,ordeir, decent govern- united pe,,Pl I a, ,_!"­� i day be uni- � feeders, 23. . ment and,fTeedom from the tyranny of ... . � -- r , �,,, � -W — I public offloAls whose election is die- . , - f". 1'F;.,-"", tated and whose actions are c . ontrolled ;­'1,6��_� 0 .. , 0 DUBLIN I by or;anized influences of a demoral- .. I . � W School Report—Th. foll i owing izing sort. Ullable to change, but unwilling longer to, tolerate the con- ditions under they I . ... I I ­ . Eg the report of Dublin Separate Schoo of the six highest in each class: which lived as part mo, J Ale Sr. Fourth — Mary Dillon, Bessi of a larger municipal Hivision, the people of Oak Park'twenty-five years . . United d' urch Campbell, Mary Dornstyein, Joe Molyneaux, Dan McCarthy, ago org-4nized their separate govam- � I. '11� ' - _�" Ethely O'Hearn. Junior Fourth—Mary Me ments. 'Since that time they have grown greatly and prospered mater- Sunday, Nva&r 6th I Keever, Ursula Krauskopf, France ially. 7 �.5i � Delaney, Isabel Jordan, Geneviev IlAbout Oak Park there is no pre- , � I it ��'. �4-, . , I McCarthy, Gordon Dill. Sr. Ill James Cummings, Bertha Dilloi tense of being better than its neigh- bors. But it, is REV. R. S. LONO"Y, B.D. Cecelia Feeney, Charles Benn, Matil a charming, well- ordered -community of beautiful homes - �� 7.30 V -W* REV. J. H. ARNUP, D.D. da Dornstyein, Francis Donnelly. J 111—Arthur Looby, Jeanne McKeever and intelligent citizens. Its 60,000 residents have a right to he , Miss Eleanor Clark Soprano , A ' ' Rita Stapleton, Dorothy Donnelly proud that they are Oak Parkers." , Soloist, of London;� . XT Sidney Agnes Maloney, Helen Dillon. Secon Our Ontario cities seem to vie with Walsh, Tenor S6Wat, of To- - ronto, Radio Artist. class --Rose Arnold, John Krauskopf John Arnold, Ursula Flanagan, Gen Chicago in securing laws to suit the lower element, as most of them 'were MONDAY__4 ii.m. P evieve Feeney, Jack Benn. First Boo represented at our last election by A Splendid Entertainment of —Joseph Dorsey, Frances Brennan Kathleen Cummings, Joseph Donnelly rum supporting canclidates� while Musical, Literary and Dram, Charles Krauskopf, Albert Donnelly Toront was so managed by Our Big atic Numbers --Miss Eleanor Senior Primary --John Maloney, Mar Bill that the prohibition element was Clark and Mr. Sidney Walsh. cell -a Dillon, Fergus Cummings. Prim disfranchised altogether. ADMISSION, a5e and 25c. ary—James Curtin, Thomas Dorsey Toronto has an "Oak Park" village Great Services, Great Inspira- . Michael Feeney. adjacent that is named Weston, and tion—Don't miss either Sunday Notes.—Mrs. Mary Campbell wa il. will make it power for good move or Monday. presented with an umbrella and ai felt when we get rid of our liquor dealer master, who still tries to REV. W. D. McDONA.LD, address on Monday evening at th pose as Conservative party leader. Pastor. : home of Mrs. K. Meagher. The ad dress was read by Mrs. Frank Feene J. R. GOVENLOCK, ROBERT MCOLY, and the presentation was made b Seaforth. I Chairman of Board. Mrs. L. J. Looby. Progressive euchr — - . and luncheon closed a pleasant even __ — ing. On Tuesday Miss Drucilla Camp A STANDARD TRAINING SCHOOL fl6d by the cementing influence of bell was presented with a book Jesus Christ. .Rrayer by the Junior Choir, and little Bessie FOR HURON WEST Rev. F. Langford, Field Secretary, Campbell was given a box of hand At the last meeting of the Huron discussed in a most useful and in- structive way, "How a programme of kerchiefs. The entertainment took place in the High School.—Mrs. J Presbytery of the United Church, �teps were taken to put on four stan- Religious Education may be worked Nagle was the guest of Miss Aileen ard training schools within the, k - ,I f, + 1, D �, � I � 0 . S 0 e res y ery. A conference of workers from the various schools of Huron West met in Clinton recently and planned for a S standard Training School, to be held in Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton, on November 10th, 11th, 15th, 16th and 17th. Four departments of the regularl training course will be taken: . The � pupil, the teacher, the New Testa -1 ment, the leading work of the church.' Devotional exercises commence atl 7.45 and at � o'clock, sharp, the class- ; es will begin. Two periods of fifty, minutes each, will -be coverod evPry night in each class, thus covering the ten lessons of the course in the five nights of intensive study. I Pastors, superintendents, teachers, and all other interested persons, are requested to co-operate in makingthe school an unqualified success. Each school is asked to give this enterprise the maximum of its support. Rev. J. E. Hogg is dean of the school, -and Mr. L. W. Currell, Clinton, registrar. A fee of fifty cents per pupil will be charged to defray ex- Penses. Each pupil should bring note book and pencil. Books for the use EUCHRE and DANCE IN G. W. V. A. CLUB R0034S Friday, Novem-ber 18, Auspices of Seaforth Highlanders Band Eucbre, 8.15-11.00. Dancing, 11.30-2.00. A Good Band is an asset to the Town and should re- ceive the support of every true citizen. Be sure to be there; Good Prizes will be given. SUPPORT YOUR BAND . NOTE.—A lucky Ticket will be drawn from the firs!t 50 sold and a good prize given. It will pay you to come early. ADWSSION, 50c E. D. Reid, Pres. W. E. Smith, Sec.-Treas. of scholats will be supplied at the ­­ ____ _ —.-.-- - - I school for about twenty cents each. Huron West comprises 'the follow- ing in rural areas." The religious end ofiCni-hert on Tuesday. --Mr. Jos. Rose' charges: Bayfield, Varna, Holmes- the programme was stressed by the who was injured when a stone strucl ville, Brucefleld, Clinton fOntario St. .peaker, and the need of making the' him on the head, continued big WOTI and Wesley -Willis), Egrnondville, wisest and most effecti,re use of "the'after the Wound was dressed by Di Northside, Seaforth; MCK111OP, Knox rod in the hands" of the people of the Traynor_ -Mrs. L. Bannon, 10th con and Burns, Londesboro United, St. area. ! ress,ion of LoKan, died on All SaintE Andrew's Blyth, and Queen- Street, I � Blyth. ___­--__—._—.-_­===;�_ __=�-._-­--�_ -=--- - - -_ It is suggested by the committee - -_ - - - that no meetings be held on the charges on theonightg on which the gehool is held. B. SNELL, A. E. DOAN, Coal Coke W ood Chairman. Secretary. I - - - Be sure you get the right Fuel. There are RON - . many kinds of Coal and Coke, but the kind that PRESBYTERY IN, ANNUAL . contains the most heat is the cheapest in the end. CONVENTION . . That's the Kind We Offer. A most successful and inspiring I convention was held in Queen Street ANTHRACITE COAL ­—Egg, Stove and Nut Church, Blyth, on Friday, October 21. One hundred and fifty delegates reg- istered at the session. COKE—Egg, Stove and Nut At 10 a.m, devotional exercises wore conducted by Rev. S. Seobie, Bel- POCAHONTAS CANNEL COAL DRY WOOD grave, after which the work of the � �� ' " various ftartmentd was brought -an- der review by W. Q Medd, M.P.P., of E x6ter. TAe free Aisetission was Wm Ament &Cot an excellent leabiie of this session. - ___,_ ___ I . I U th6 afternoon devotions wero led I . . Phone 31 or 52 ' b , Ro-� 11'. VVhitfieldi St.11AeTes. One � " * - . d our, intasioaaries, Rev. X. I � - . SEAFORTH . ONTARIO . � ..., I �. . ii4: ge% A , WO er,., rvotod OtW tboUgh# 1W' ,,4 & piet#09001114&0"�Wkiftb! di 1. , � I I ­ "I, � I �11 I �.,,§,,,'__,4 '11- 1-1- �� . � . ­ 11 � . . I I I �, . . I �!,�, I - � 1. .1 , . I ,,,, I I I., ".. � . .. I I I ,:.17'. I.. I ":,' , ., , 11 , , .. �_, ; _"�%'­ _",�,,:.!�,.��, �,� , " �,�,il il�,, h-4_11 'I',—,'.,, '­ , ,�,��",�i,��i�ll""I-��,�4.v,,,,I 'd. l- _:,�,,,,,,,,,�.,,,,,,.�� " � t�".4 -1. - I � 1., � . .. . ��. � ,,', , . W _ I - , , ,.-,."�71.� � I ,.,. , . . �;,� �, 1 , " - . I ­� , ,� 11 4, - .,,�,,--;,..���;"";"�,'.,,4i', "' ` .� � ,,, . a",, `,� .,i, �1�, �: 1:� � .,_ . I ". , � ,,, ': ,� :,�,M",Mk ­ - � .. � �. ­ ,.., .1 '' 9 , - �. - �*,',,��',O­-�,�t Bg�wg,m,.;',�,� , �0- the weeketid wft Mrs, 0. I _­ ,'- ! , , fgg 0 ,W"`� �,,,,g,4L,��O,',-- ,� $[ [Gna'.� % �J " ".. � U . ,!§�", , 1, , ,;4�,,�.' . , 150 ��.6� I . M, k I —Mrs. L.', MCITinjs � "I'll � . I I and Mrs. .L,, Pig- 'vowi',��T,46, jv,,'�� � X. cell, of ftatford, W"a 'W00k_1 ,ew, i I ,o,,,P�. �)�",��"`"W% 1"�',�, 01 , _7_41091, � 11'A',��, 4i". N �G'� , . _iul I d �, ,,,, 5- guests doririj last week b�t thp ho, ..wii td, "W 11 � .10 a. of Mr. and Mrs. Q. E. Holland. , 11�6 * ,d- �� - -71, �, � I floil :4AVt��i�: hold: "4r" �.� a, . � .1 ;; , ", . " .11 " .. ­­ I � �,� — 'SJX.0qay,-0X,t0riiOon1 _�'T­W, I I � , , , � ' � - , I MrbU County V. 14 �',' 011neg "I, . bi- ive _ �� WINGRAM . wi � o ,surp*eiT,`ivat,A�en,,%�,,,,f , _ U, � � 11 a- Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Gil= ' "and Mrs. 19OPP -on T*'ad. 11 our of this wedk, ,h '16 ­­ .0: g- "'Pent �a few days with Mr. and Bfxs. Iarg�a I I I I I'll, *11MMAR Hetherington—Mr. Tom S6 -numbers . eboftom, their. h6me. .,aod,'t . I ­,­­,", �,10 I 1�1� Aii ­191!�� .1.1, ,11�11 visited his sister in Bayfield last . . a 0 t �, week.—Mr. and Mrs made 66 tfi4,Town_1f4X�,WJWM`.,A �.,� � . F. Fields are I I..' - 1�,111 Al�� spending this week in Toronto—Tha cial .evening was spent. A'.0064-', . R �� - 44 11 �� 0, 8 masquerade dance held in St. AugUff" gramm6 was. rif�eri,,-`*OA , - ... ­; I ­ �,: � - .. I".. .1'.,!,!V pD , speeches, songs, and ��',U X�,7,1�"','� %!,� ik, � tine proved a great success. T4e , _a si' "I, W W,��'1-14 i4l, , ' I , c... _1741w. I � I , 9 bars ofr�,thb CounciL I .11, -,0 - �111 illr .101e- ­ Prize for best costume was w . ` �, I 1. , � - . _�' L; �; , " �A,��`! " ,� , er on by The Council.—The regWar -in - I . .."A19 1. Miss Angela Giblions, of Wingliam.— 4 aneeting of the Coupeilof 4U-­*0Nvn 411.; . '' 1� , . ii�W_ ',,�, Mr. -and Mrs, John Haines -are visit- .1, 1;." - 4 lm� ,"J". 3i "" � ,,4 ".0 "hold, �Jvnl*] , �. -4.,,64 . ,sWip"��,d� Rw,, �wwas ,� �­ ,� ".� - , , . i I f, i'�-,, - Ing in town.—Ur. J. J. W. simpion, g ­�:.""" ,1,1�, is visiting his brother, R. Simpson. SH Zudeh, on 9- .01�4,,T � " . All il;- in olway, fictober ;ijt.­­­. ,�." W . I � I'll I—, 11��,?�..._� - .1 "ft . . I . _ a embers word prd.'ieft ". I , J ", ,, gr _�;_, . . � pm'. "'a -,X ... 4� minutes of the meetings 6ix Q _b:_1.1.d1 ,cte��._,..�',., I'll -1 .... I , � ; MANLEY 3rd and October 24th weze, iaogoa,:_��1�11��,' .1 1�� ,�..�;111; 3; Notes.—Mr. Peter Eckert has treat- as,xead. The, following age ' ' I , I., I �. . . .1 . .qv*0,0W,:�"!��,""', , � W A eo himself to a new Ford Sedan, and passed, Burlington Steel CO.', Z ,...'41 - I *4,��, '�' 5. ;, if the new one lasts as long as the Road 3, , ;7L�9r;,CX�L;,. ftetg#t ,� p -, I p: � , " �� " ' , '�' I .'v I . 1. � � .,4. ,� �, . , � � ;4. �� I'll old Ford did, it will not owe him Any- StW, *§.61; E. Hendric14,,Wjr .-,1-_,- , ��4��, - .... � ... , �j,�4��! '1�m I '1-1, -, tl 0, , thing, as it gave him service four� �y,ta,ttel d . .. 1,;, � Road , $57.to; t. `; gsz - I , �­ 14 `p 0 i"I teen years—Word was received here Road, .14, �178_43; P h irey is , , 11 "I'll - , " .� .� I'll . ,� "I."', �: ��, .� ... 4� that Mr. Martin Purcell has - greatly Anee Co., insurance on hall, $2Q.0 ;; ��! !��,�. I ' 4 is improved from his late illness, and Ontario Hospital, for C. Rupp, $39.0.0;: ""'.. I L�.",�, 4 , . "I., I 1, he expects to be able to come home R. Cudmiore, lime for hall, *3; E. F. 1. "" ,,, - for the week end. --Mr. Louis Brall KlOPPY selecting jurors, $4; W. H- 0 . ' ".��,; � 8 and his daughter, Edighoffer, selecting jurors,,$4; A. F. .11 Mary, and Miss , ­� I k Lucy Eckert, from Detroit, and MTs. Bess, selecting jurors, $5; IL --Flax- . _'', I � i C Eckert were week end visitors in hard, pay sheet ischwalm. Drain, $1414, _1 '� , .-: - our burg last Saturday.—The many H. Brown, pay sheet Road 15, T92.5ft . . ^..! � li, I I'll �,��f; , p, s friends of Mr. Brine O'Hara are pleas- P. Schwalm, pay . sheet Road 7, ' � I.!, v. .-M e ed to see him around again.—Ma.ter $168-50; Stade & Weido, cement and I I - Gerald McKay, son of Thomas Me- furnace, $227.50; F. Stelck, pay sheet I :, lr� �` "I . ... � 11 , .1 . . , Kay, met with a painful accident last Road 4, $202.80; C. Aldworth, pay ,:., . . ,,, - week when he fell on a stone injur- sheets, Roads 2, 3, 13, 14, $377.15 ; "'."'. . . J "I. � � ��, . I r- ing his knee and is still suffering C. L. Smith, printing account $20-2.50; ' �.. %, - . ,,, .. ­, . . 7�,� . . . . . . . . , - , 11117, ��., , , considerable. il H. Krueger, pal .1:6ad 14), 7�­, , .. ;­. �, ,� .." ,_ I Accident. —,M:-. Stephen Murray $217.25- E. Datars, pay sheet, Roads I", _1 I - , I I'll . - . d 17, $i7.50; A. Wein, tile Roads 1-19, � "' ,, met with a nasty accident last week. 3- -',� ,,,',�, .. , I I While on his way home from Dublin $53.23; A. Foster, part cement work "11, _,., 1 1� .��, 11 � � I I I " �. � - with the team and wagon, he was Road 3, $75.00; Mrs. E. E. Clarke, �, I'll'.1. , '_� . � " , 11 I k struck by one of Stillman's trucks, tending lantern Road 18, $1.95; Econ- � .1 , I , from Stratford, on the rear end of mic1l Fire Insurance Co., insurance �". ) , the wagon, throwing him out while On telephone office, $24; Bell Tele- . 11 "", � � jm I'll, . the team got away with the front phone Company, tolls, $136.50; North- ,LJM 'I, T ,11�,', b - wheels, but were captured by Joe ern Electric Company, supplies, �, . , I �., ...... �: ,� 'I, I - 1, - Carpenter, who was plowing along- $P.81; L. Albrecht, switching, $69; ,: :1 � zv� , ._:. Z Q�',! ��, I s,Ae the highway about one mile west lla.'O. Deitz, salary, car and batteries, �!! 4" , � � I of Dublin. Stephen escaped with a $91; G, Thiel, teaming account; $4.75; I z, ,�� "' I ­ - . - . �,, s broken rib and a severe shaking up. D. Schwartzentruber, wood, $8. The ""', , ,,,, . ' I �,,,�, I . �V�5 I .0. Council adjourned to meet again on "t, �, I'll ��,,! " � e Monday, December 5th, at 1.30 o'clock I � -.. ��­" " I :...". 1. I - TUCKERSMITH p.m.—A. F. Hess, Clerk. ... . .j,�. . ".. 1; T. . . . . "­ .. 0 -11, F- I . . School Report.—The following Is ,� ,� " I .��;, I .11, e the school report of School Section I � .... E , ;b, � No. 6, Tuckersmith, for October, has- BRUCEFTELD ,," ''i - �11 A', i�� � , , - ed on examinations and the monthly Natice.—Cam�pci�w Munday. November I � , ", work of the pupils: Sr. IV—Elmer 7th. for the winter months, the undexsigmed � I �� ,� I , flugill, 70",,; Jr. IV—Fvelyn Nott, 77; i Atx)res will cl�- e W,nday, Wednesday and , , I � ��, , Jsabel Ashton ! Friday nighL, at -, p.m. in�teid of Tu�day ..... I ." - , 72. Sr. 111—Fletcber and Thur�day nizhL�: H. F. Berry. W. Scott ,,, I I Whitmore, 94; Warren Whitmore, go; I & C". 3124-9 - � "I .. I Raymond Townsend, 76. Jr. Ill— � .... J I . i Anniversar ServicPs.—The an'ni- �� ,, " Sarah Whitmore, 87; Myrtle Ashton, , .y �11; � I . 78; Pearl Hugill. 75; Verna Hugill, v er " " r N' scr,ices ,A-hich NvQi-(, held in ,,,.�', � � ". the Unitcd Church hist S)unday were . I �. -10; Harold Hugill, 70 (absent f(,r ex- ; ��, . __ , , ; a decided succes-�. The wf,ather was .... ..: I!. i aminations), Sr. 11 --Leola Nott, 72; � perfect and thi, aiiditnrium was filled .. ml � Hazel Ashton, 70. Jr. 11 -- Arnold � I I I llugill, 75, Sr. I—Florencc Whit .� I . . _;tn it., utmo,'L cap4icit�'. both morning I " � , , 1,", � more, 92; Velma A S land (-�vningr. Thi, conzrevation was ,-A'; - , I shton, 94. . r. A , , � Primer—We-fley Hugill, 8' J r, Pr. � � - ,,Iad to wvl(­mu TZrv. W. 1). and Mrs. I'll. I � —Iona Hugill, 76. Th- follmving McIntosh and familY. 'Mr. McIntosh � ., �111�' I �� .� ., . . 1- � 1, I 1 �, I pupils have obtained their memory preached two mw,t impressive ser- _:A�,',�' �, . . n01-Tling his subject -,. " I ,star certificates for m niorizing tho . mons. In the I -S 0 Z. , � � f,ord's, Praver, the 23rd P�all�7, th(, v'� 'i's Moncy, takinz for his text, Luke I I— ­� , � 11X� I � . 12:13, "Niaster, -,poah to my brother .."I I.,, Books of the Bihlf�, the Ton Corn -j- �'4 ", ,t,� .�. � tlhaL he divide the inheritance with , , � mandments and the Beatitudes: El- ;,A, i i me." What foliv it is to make it - ,�,�, � [ rner Hugill, Isabel Ashton, Fvelyn IM , ' R "" .' Nott, Fletcher Whitmore, Warrcn the chief nbject of our lives, just the "I.I. - �' ' Whitmore, Pearl Hugill, Sarah Whit- I mali,g of money. For a man's life I �f . , I � more, Verna H'ugill, Hazel Ashton consigteth not in the abundance of . , I I I ,,, the thing.,; that he possesseth. The �,,�, 1, � Florence Whitmore, Myrtle AshloW . � .'�, I I I minister .-.aid you can not pick up a ,.�,,� , Number on roll, 18; average att,end .,�', �, .., � .qnce, 16.—F(ina M. Jamieson Toacher I daily paper without get ing what peo- 11 .� , ' . I will do for money. They will rob � � " Saved The Barns and Crop. - On p c ,�, I , - , � and bootleg and cheat and commit .;�, , Thursday of last week, while thresh- .1 ,� 11 , ing operations werp in fill] swing on murder And follow after every evil . _�' . 1, .. � � the farm of Mr. W. C. Miller, 11,4 w ay just to get. zain. The source of , 1�,',� �.� , - Imiles west of Fgmondville, a piercing, true happiness iF love to God and - � . "'& - IRt . ' lovp to man. In the evening his sub- . ". , 1i cry of fre, heard ahove the din of , . 1. .1 .. 1, 1�i I Ject was the gV.at power of thought, ,;',' 1�1 .1 .1 .1 r � the machine, rang out, a small blazo a� , "I , ,�t " , , I being noticed on the stack hy orw 'f " For as a man t.hinketh in his heart, . ..,.�. I .�:'� 1. 0 �'r, � - ,� , ( - I u - 11 the men engaged in the barn Alm )St � ";o is he." He rnmparer nkind, en' �, � ' . Us impure, unforgiving thoughts I I , . 14 instantly this ,spread to the large barn 'vlo , .1 ; Dnd but for the prompt action, cool- i t() a pile of worthless junk, and told : I I ".,., ? � ,.. "! headedness and untiring effort.-, of n f the necessity ()f thinking of what- " , , 11 � R0 1 soe'Ver things are just and pure and .-P, , the threshing gankr, the large build 11%:& ; 1(,vely and of good report. Hie said r, � ings, silo and the entire season's crop . � � �' that he and Mrs. McTntosh tould re- ,,, "' ,,, would soon have been a mass o f 11 .1 ,,,, I names. As it was, the one side of I �rall many pleasant memories of the -1., 1� .f""'! � years spent in Brucefeld, but one . . I I ,,, , . : the lRrg(,. bRrn is R sight c,.f charrecl . .�, : boards on the outside. Pnth Mr, an� thing they would never forget, the I.V 1i . . . . . . 11 little grave in the nearby cemetery. '. -1 I I Mrs. Miller are loud in their praiq,, , .. ­�111­5, � Special mention should be made of ..;..�, � "I . of neighbors. and friends who rxisbe� .,�.-, ,'; � t I I the md,sic of the day. The choir tm- I 1�1 ... 11 1, " I I t;. their aid at what for some tirnr , . .1 .111", � �,., I der the leadership of Miss Jean Mur- 11 i appeared an impossible task. They ,� k.. I dock, gave several selections which 'j. ,, nre pRrticulary loud in their prais( � �t 41g, ,,,, 'were well rendered and much appreci- I 1� , �,;.� , ,� . of the threshing gang, who had tbo, I �W'9� A ated. The offering was a most liber- �,,,4�3 .. fire completely under control befork, 14'� - ., !!', "' �'j I I .1 a i one, amounting to $580. .. lwl"4 further aid arrived, The Senforth Fire � .. IK`,,�` M Brigade rushed their engine to the I Noteq.—Miss Shaw, of Bluevale, I �, I,, �'; , was the guest of Miss Helen Tough 11, '11, other helper's aid and Played thPiT this week.—Mrs. Walter Stevens and 1� �, g chemicals on the stack, or rather o� I '4. , �, what remained, until a large forec, her ,sister, Miss Jessie Tough, return- � :1, � V . ed home last week after spending , ��, I . , of men with a stretch of w von wim 11: . 0 four months visiting friends in the - .1 , t �� , . ... . �1. it , and forks removed it to a safe dist West -and at the Coast.—Rev. W. A. ,� , , , . I � ance. The. loss is covered by in ur- ��;;j �. ­:� s Bremner visited friends in London . . . . . . � 11 ance in the Ray Mutual Fire. Tnsur- . -- 11. - I �, � this week.—Mr. John Mcaregor, of � ..... `1"I'' �, I ,�111 � oli! , � I ance Company. I " i Harrisville, Michigan, spent the week ­�'i�,`, `��: I .. .. � ,,�, ,�� , "�' ------*— end at the home of his brother, Hugh ... ., : ,,��, I I ZURICH � McGregor, and other friends in the , . 1"-'.1';;;;;;;.�" �11 "� . . �". I , " ��,, � vicinity.—The many friends of, Mr. 11 1! �.�, 1��.:: - .. � " ., �-­ ; Notes.—Mrs. Rachel Brisson, wife Frank Aikenbead, who underwent an �: ' ,,� " ' X' `�i,�.�', of Mr. FAiward Brisson, Sauble Line, operation in Clinton Hospital la9t I :3-1� ig. � I , ", " � . .� Stanley, passed away last Friday in - week, will be glad to hear that he is ',. . :.1,12 � , , ` ,", � , ,..;. �tj� "'!'i her 71-9t your. Deceased bad been Ill improving.--ne concert which was- '. �.:N ,,,, �, , .;, �, 0 11-11 I - for many years. The faneral Was I held on Monday evening Under W5 I 111, X ""; � �.� iv, I held on Monday, Interment being ' auspices of the choir, was wall.. ' "" : '. ; made in the R. C. Cemetery, Drysdale. en o:&A , "I , " �, ,-, 1, I --A number from Zurich and vicinity was certainly enjoyed by the Ad 1" �,,�,�,, I �, -nd the Sunday 8chool, Con- ence Mr. XeOee, of A01OX4.- - I 'O - '1�1­- ; `6:: will atte . > " , " ., ,", � ,,,,,� a,b ,� �,." 11�?�� , �.�111�1" �, verition to be held at KiPP6ft On Miss t8haw, of MtteVale, ave, goo �. �,,�A,� � '� " ' , .i ,�� r , ,%�E,�,,: I Thursday and Friday of this weak.— tertgjt.6r.& . ftodhd piaiw Andl, ' 4 " _1 1. _.,,V�,;,,, " I I ��', The directors of Hay FWtao-irs' Mat- music wa%�40VAishbd_ by I .", 1151 'i � �,. , `� � , , '1� ,I,%,,-,KJJ­­J)­­ ;":. I -1 �,�, ual Fire,Insuranco Company, held the Or4astv.'041" W miss,'; RleandC,. .,_, "� , L�,'� �, , .monthly meeting at Parkhill IAAt Sat- JaMIA A .,� � . pl; �', Mr. 0 El urday. , 'F( J&i i��$�k,q�r�;,I��,�;f��.1;�'�,�--�:�"�,k, ",", ,,��:��'k, - —Mr. and Mrik. AM Mallek, of Migg J�vtj he - ,��.',5'11y,�`,--,,,',,,�, _ . _ , bl. chigan, spent a fiv days ara6untad to $66. . , ". "7 � ... , �; '7- ­ ­� I , . I I , . r. I , I Mkton, Mi . 'i , ., ,�m U,1411`rl�'. t;, , I I '��,,,'_,IeA�Ull­ I � � �. 1'� i . " . .11'. ;',:ag Lt �. Ill" ,,','T ­' , 1 �, ��. ,�, , ��,g�'­' 1 '' , I I 1��, " '", , , ", �, � �,P,`, ,� I i ,� � . I L 1: - i�i�,,,�,,,,,16 "! i , " rl? . � -1 % " , �, - , : , I . I . .� �'gl � ` - - 11, i . 1��'�'�:�`­ L " I �, - . .,�,,O, , ,,, � "', . . ; t , � ­ -,''"g "' ;. 1. 11'1.141 _"4, �, "'L� ' ,, '"I"", 1,-4 , ' , ,­j,�:­;,� �', ,� ,"., A ,�,, . , � i'l L . 1�� � , \ - , .1, 4� , . , ,� ". , Z�l � � LL � , - ,�,.K , t,Z,,,�%,,v, , 1 ?14", " , , � , �. �, .t,�.",, I " .. ,� - .:,:� I � ,., I'� , , � ,�, 1�1�11�� 'Ai , . I - _,� �111­ � . 00111XII ` � 1� ....