HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-10-21, Page 7�— ! 1 .4
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. 1. R. S. HATS .
. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer
-1 844 Notary Public. Solicitor for � the
A40munon Bank. Office in rear of the
Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Money t , o-
Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyan-
to-is and Notaries Public, Etc. Office
Wthe Edge Building, opposite The
Expositor Office. �
� I I . . I .
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterim.
ary College. All diseases of domestic
animals treated. Calls promptly at-
tended to and charges moderate. Vut,
erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office
and residence on Goderich Street, one
door Oust of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea- (
forth. .
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary s
College,' University of Toronto. All b
diseases of domestic animals treated 0
by t h e in o it t modern principles .
Charges reasonable. Day or night e
caW promptly attended to. Office on I
Main Street, Hensall, opposite Town
Hall. Phone 110i ' . h
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,
University of Wlestern Ontario, Lon- y
dom- 2!�--mber of College of Physic- p
lams and Surgeons of Ontario. Office t]
in Alb,drhart's Drug Store, Main St.,
Seafortb. Phone 90. fl
DR. R. P. 1. DOUGALL a
Honour graduate of Faculty of e
Medicine and Master of Science, Uni-
versity of Western Ontario, London. it
Member of College of Physicians and c
Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 2 doors
east of post office. Phone 56, Hensall, e
Ontario. 3004-tf ti
�- to
I Bayfield.
Graduate Dublin University, Ire-
land. Late Extern Assistant Master o
Rotunda Hospital for Women and h
Children, Dublin. Office at residence G
lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. th
Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; s
SiindayA, 1 to'2 p.m. 2866-26 tj
Office and residence Goderich Street, h
east of the Methodist church, Sea- 0)
forth.. Phone 46. Coroner for the b,
County of Huron. - -- th
. . w
C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trini
Ity University, and gold medallist of
Trinity Medical College; member of w
the College of Physicians and Sur- 9
geons of Ontario. ri
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New York
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(Continued from last week)
"Playing,off Ior sick," he scoffed.
"I'm not," she protested.' "Never
get sick. It's just a sprained ankle."
"Shol I guess you're Miss Make
Believe; just harrowing the feelings
of your beaux."
"The way you talkI I haven't got
any beaux. The boys are just my
"Ph, just friendsl- And no beaux.
My, my! Not a single sweetheart in
all this -wide-open country.
I Shall I
go 'i:ope you ,one and bring him in,
compadre ? "
"Nol" she exploded. "I don't want
any. I'm not old enough yet." Her
uncing eyes belied the words.
"Now I wouldn't have guessed it.
(ou look to me most ready to be
?icked." He rested his weight on
he farther stirrup a -ad let his lazy
mile mock her. "My estimate would
e six -teen, I'll bet you're every day
f that"
igbteen," she came back indignant -
"You don'et myl You'll ce'tainly
ave to be advertising for a husband
nn, Miss Three-Quarters-Past-Sev-
nteen. Maybe an ad in the Mesa
aper would help. You ain't so aw-
al bad looking."
"I'll let you write it. What would
on say?" she demanded, a patch of
ink standing out near the curve of
e cheek bone.
He swung from the saddle and
ung the reins to the ground. With
ngling spurs he came up the steps
nd sat on the top one, his back
gainst a pillar. Boldly his admiring
yes swept her.
"Nina, I couldn't do the subject
,stice. Honest, I haven't got the vo-
"Oh, you!" Laughter was in the
yes that studied him with a side '
It of the chin. "That's a fine w4y
get out of it when your bluff is
He leaned back against the post
mfortably and absorbed the beauty �
f the western horizon. The sun ,
ad just set behind a saddle of the -
liuros in a splash of splendor. All �
e colors of the rainbow fought for ,
ipremacy in a brilliant -tinted s-ky �
at.blized above the fire -girt peaks.
oon dusk would slip down over the �
nd and tone the hues to a softer ,
armony. A purple sea would flow :
er the hills, to be in turn displaced
a deep, soft violet. Then night,
at night of mystery and romance ,
hich transforms the desert to a :
ing of incredible wonder! I
"Did your father buy this sunset -
ith the ranch ? And has be got a
uarantee that it will perform every ,
ght?" he asked.
"Did you ever .see anything like I
?" she cried. "I have looked at -
Graduate of University of Toronto
"em I my Me and I never get Lir-
� Faculty of Medicine, member of Col-
ed." I
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
He laughed softly, his indolent,
-Ontario; pass graduate courses in
sleepy look on her, "Some things I �,
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago,*
would never get tired of looking at ,
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London,
England; University Hospital, Lon-
Without speaking she nodded, still
don, England. Office -Back of Do-
absorbing the sunset.
minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5.
"But it wouldn't be that kind of �
Night calls answered from residence,
scenery," he added. "How tall are �
Victoria Street, Seaforth.
you, muchacha?"
Her glance came around in sur- ,
piise. "I don't know. Albout five
-Successor to Dr. R.
foot five, I think. Why?"
Graduate of Northwestern Univers-
"I'm working on that ad. How ,
ity, Chicago, 11). Licentiate Royal
would this do? 'Miss Three-Quar-
College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto,
ters-Past�Seventeen wants to meet up
Office over SiDs, Hardware, Main St.,
with gentleman, between eighteen and 1
Seaforth. Phone 15-1.
forty-eight. Object, matrimony.
Description of lady: Slim, medium
height, brunette, mop of blue -black
Graduate Royal College of Dental
hair, the prettiest dimple you ever
Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R.
I Smith's Grocery, Ma ' in Street, Sea-
"Now I know you're making fun of
forth. Phones: Office, 185W resi-
J. 105-tl
me, I'm mad." And the dimple ]
dence, 195
flashed into being. .
--imostly says the opposite of i '
what she means has a--'"
"I don't. I don't." .
"'-has a spice of the devil in her,
which�' "
Licensed auctioneer for the counties
"Now, I am mad," she interrupted,
of Huron and Perth. Correspondence
laughing. .
arrangements for sale dates can be
"'—which is excusable, since she
made by calling The Expositor Office,
has the reddest lips for kissing in
Seaforth. Charges moderate, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
He had gone too far. Her inno-
cence wag in- arms. Norris knew it
�y the swiftness with which the smile
Honor Graduate Carey Jones, Na-
vanished from her face, by the flash
tjonal School of Auctioneering, Chi-
of anger in the eyes.
cago. Special course taken in Pure
"I prefer to talk about something
'Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer-
else, Mr. Norris," she said with all
ebandise and Farm Sales. Rates In
the prim stiffness of a schoolgirl.
keeping with prevailing Market Sat-
Her father relieved the tension by
14a.e�on, assured. - Write or . wire,
striding across from the stable. With
opp, Zurich, Out. Phone,
him came a bowlegged young fellow
i�-98. 2866-52
in plain leathers. The youngster was
Charley HyTner, one of the riders for
the Bar Double G.
"You're hAre at the right time,
i . Licensed auctioneer for the County
Norris," Lee said grimly. "Charley
of Huron. Sales attended to In all
has jus,t come down from Antelope
part-, of the county. Seven years' ex-
PassF.- He found one of my cows dead ,
Pkiened to Manitoba and Saskatebe-
with a bullet bole through the fore -
wan. Terhifi reasonable. Phone No.
head. The ashes of a fire were there
178 r 11 'EY,0t%1r,`C0AtralAa P.O., R.R.
and in the brush not far away a run -
No. 1. brder 10'' -A The Huron Ex-
s 56 A110'prolmptlY
ning iron."
positor Office, add a , at-
The eyes of Norris narr9wed to
slits. He was the cattle detective of
� '' ' ''
the association and' for a year now
the rustlers had outgeneraled him.
I. �" !
-P. W. AlIRMS, '
�1141 have you take me to the spot,
. I
I ,
Ueensed auctioneer f6r Perth 0�nd'
Charley. Get a move on y;oou and,
we'll get there soon as the 'on i
Counties, Sales s 6� 161 ted OY
I .
tate,'Farm StO 4vadir
90111'. On all faft.-atoei�
Molloy. grip I ped the arms of he . r
111111, I .1 pet .
and reit d U 10 " ,
chair tillt1k with both hands. She
at Worris with a new ex -
'. Ma
. ti *he Rate: rXt, V" .
� t 700
�Fz "A-i;�,�, A=&I'LAN19he
piession ' a kind of breathless fear.
knew him f6k a uran who could
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vn I �!,Qrporq P�, A4 . a creosote self -S could; no 190" ust her,
P ... � I ing"her
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W4t, 19, M I �
I Be ,P104,8au TOTAXv, Ureemulsioniso, Ja I � e t. .:� -
,w),nqd11oa14*.,6very with two-foki 4Ui4Q1J , . I kZ
. , , rus M, " 'a, 1 it $014
. W§p0hp &d.d heats the inflamed
btAriw and -kills the germ. 'Dom-, lowed that since 4 mW . . was a
� -
I Ota.l�nown��gs,�ereosoteisrecopiz,ed tiiief'thif; man nUghr,,AA.'v " ,00iraluiltrod
' .
Oy medical authori ties as one of the greatest .all the c6raes in the'ca ..
I .
healin "I 'don't know." T,benpk�J�npulsive.
.g agencies forpersiistent coughs and 1.
i colds and other formsof throat trouble.,, IY, "No, you don't, but.'.V,0# may be
Creomulsion contains, in addition to creo- Tor all that." � -, ", 17n.
� `4
sote, other healing elements which soothe "Ilm not asking anythMg for my-
and heal the inflamed -membranes and stop self. You may do as y � Q#`�:please af-
the irritation and inflammation , while the ter I've gone. ,$end for' W. Flatray
, .
creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed and tell him if you iillm.,�' �: ,
into the blood, attacks the seat of the A horse cantered across ,the plaza
trouble and destroys the germs that lead toward the store. BeU'qm
to consumption. ��, � y turned
. quickly to go. I
Creomulsion is gjaranteed satisfactory "I'm not going to tell,anyone/l the
in the treatmept of chronic coughs and girl called after him in a 10w voice.
colds, bronctial asthma, catarrhal bron- _ ,
chitis and other form ,of throat and ,Norri's swung from 60 saddle.
"Who's our burried friend?" he ask -
respiratory diseases, and is excellent for ed ,carelessly,
building up the systeca after colds
orflu. Money refunded if any,eaugh or "Oh, a new rider of ours. Name
Fold is not relieved after taking accord- of Morse." She changed the subject.
ing to directions. Ask your ,dl -u st "Are you—d�o you think 'you know
Creomulsion Co., Limited, Tbro,t,o 951. - '
,()at who the rustler is?" -
— . . 'His cold, black eyes rested in hers.
- She read in them something cruel and
sinister. It was as if he'Were walk -
not be swerved from the thing he ing over the vanve of an enemy.
wanted. For all his easy cynicism, "I'm gathering evidence,'a little at
he had the'reputation of being a blood a time ,,
hound on the trail. Moreover, she "Do'l know him?" .
knew that he was no friend to Jack "Maybe you do." . f
Flatray. Why had she left that run- "Tell me." t
ning iron, as evidence to convict its He shook his head. "Wait till I've
owner? What folly not to have re- got him cinched-" 0
moved"it from the immediate scene "You told father," she accused. 0
of the crime! He laughed in a hard, imirthless ILI
The cattle detective and her father fashion. "'net cured me. 'The Lee u
had moved a few steps away aird family is from MissourL Wlien I n
were talking in low tones. Melissy talk next time IT have the goods to
became aware of a football. The man show." . . n
who called himself Morse came a- "I know who you mean. You're In
round the corner of the house and making amistake." Her voice seem- b
stopped at the porch steps. ed to plead with him� h
"May I speak to you a moment, "Not on on your life, I ain't. But w
Miss Lee?" he said in a low voice. we'll talk about that when the sub- b
"Of course."
The voice of Norris rose to alk . . ject is riper, There will be a show- d
Irrl- down some day and don't you forget C
tated snarl. "Tell you I've got evi- it, Well, Charley is calling me. So hi
dence, Lee. Mebbe it's not enough to long, 'Miss Three-Quarters-Past-Sev- tl
convict, but it satisfies me a-PlentY enteen." He went jingling down the d
that Jack Flatray's the man." steps and swung to the saddle. "III M
to a tense at- not forget the ad, and When I find
tention. Her whole mind was on what the right man I'll ce'tainly rope and i
passed between the detective and her bring him to you." L
father. Otherwise she would have "The rustler?" she asked innocent- h.,
noticed the swift change that trans- ly. in
formed the tenderfoot. "No, not the rustler, the gent be- th
The rancher answered .
with Im- tween eighteen and forty--eigbt, object M
patient annoyance. "You're 'way off mati-irriony." fr
Norris. I don't care any -thing about "I don't want to trouble you,', she ru
your evidence. The idea is Plumb flung at him with her gay simile. a
ridiculous. Twenty odd years I've "No trouble at all. Fact is, I've
known him. He's the best they m-ake got him in mind alreadyi" he assured g
—a pure through and through. Not her promptly. a
i &ooked haid in his head. I've eat "Oh!" A pulse of excitement was
ng pan too often beating in her throat. B
,vith that boy not to know -what he "You don't ask me -who he is," sug- cl
s. You go bury those suspicions of gested Norris boldly, crouched in the hi
�ours immediate. There's nothing to saddle with his - weight on the far in
-hem." stirrup. - H
Norris grumbled objections as they She had brought it upon herself, tb
moved toward the stable. MelissY but now she dodged the issue. "'Most ci
Irew a long breath and brought her- anyone will do, and me going- on
;elf back to the tenderfoot. eighteen." F
- He stood like a coiled spring, head "You're wrong, girl. Only one out ro
,brust far forward from the shoul- of a thousand will do for your mas- fr
iers. The look in his black eyes was ter." pe
;omething new to her experience. For "Master, indeedl If he comes to
-tate, Passion, caution were all mir- the Bar Double G he'll find he is at th
.-ored there. the wrong address. None wanted, if
"You know Mr. Norris," she said thank you." be
juickly. "Most folks don't want what's best di
He started, "What did you say his for them, I allow. But if they have M
ia,me -was ? " he asked with an assurnp- luck it sometimes co,mes to them." th
.ion of carelessness. "Luck!', she echoed, her chin in ha
"Norris—Phi�ip Norris. He is a the air, ri
�attle detective." I "You heard me right. What you r, u
"Never hear of Mr. Norris before need is a man that ain't afraid of
n my life," he answered, but it was you, one to ride close herd on you so to
)bservable that he still breathed dcep. as to head off them stampede motions
She did not believe him. Some tie of yours. Now this ]ad is the very re
n their buried past bound these two one. He I-, a black -haired guy, and ,
men together. They must have known when he says a thing--" -
�ach other in the South years ago, Involuntarily she glance(i at his
ind one of them at least was an ,
sleek black ,head. Melissy felt a sud-
memy of the other. There might1len clamor of the blood, a pounding
,ome a day when she could use this I )f the pulses.
mowledge to sarve Jack Flatray from i " -- he most generally means it. I've
the punishment dogging his heels. wrargled, around a heap with him
Welissy filed it away in her memory and there's no manner of doubt he's
� ? or future reference. u p to specifications. In appearance be
"You wanted to speak to me," she looks like me. Point of fact, he's a
3uggested. (lead ringer for me."
"I'm going away." She saw her chance and flashed out.
"What for?" "Now you're flattering 'him. There
"Because I'm not a hound. I can't can't be two as—as fascinating as
Aackfmail a woman." Senor Norris," she mocked.
"How do you mean?" His smoldering eyes had the pos-
"I mean that you've found work sessive insole -nee she resented and yet
iere for me because I saw what found so stimulating.
�ou did over by Antelope Pass. We "Did I say there were two?" he
made a bargain. Oh, not Jn words, drawled, .
)ut a bargain just the sAme! You It was his parting shof. With a
vere to keep my secret because I knew touch of the spur he was off, leaving
yours. I release you from Your PRrt her no time for an adequate answe;�.
)f it. Give me up if you think it is There were no elusiong and Infer -
your duty. I'll not tell what I know." ences about Philip Norris when be
"That wasn't how you talked the wanted to be direct. He had fairly
other day." taken her breath away� Melissy's in -
"No. it's how I talk now. I'm a stinct told her there was something
hunted man, wanted for murder. I humiliating about ,such a wooing. But
make you a present of the informa- picturesque and Unconventional Cori -
Lion." duct excuse themselves in a picture -
"You make me a present of what eg i
. que personality. And th s man had I
I already know, Mr. Diller, alias that if nothing else.
Morse, alias Bellamy." She told herself she was angry at
"You guessed it the first day?" him, that he took liberties far be -
"Yes.,# yond those of any of the other young
"And meant to keep quiet about 'men. Yet, somehow, she went into
it?" tl�e house smiling. A color born of
"Yes, I meant to shelter you from excitement burned benQath her spark -
the punishment you deserve." She ling eyes. 'S)he had entered into her
added with a touch of bitter self- heritage of womanhood and the Call
icorn: "I was doing what I had to of sex was summoning her to the ad -
10. ,, venture that is old as the garden
"You don't have to do it any long- where Eve met Adam.
�r." He looked straight at her with .
his head up. "And how do you know CHAPTER V .
what I deserve? Who made you a THE TENDERFOOT TAKES UP A
judge about these faictS7 Grant for CLATM.
the sake of argurnent I killed him. Mr. Diller, alias Morse, alias Bell -
Do you know I wasn't justifiedl" amy, did not long re-ma'In at the Bar
His fierce boldness put heT on the Douj)le G its a rider. It developed
defense. "A man sure of his cause that he had money, and, tenderfoot
does not run away. The Paper said though he was, the .Tnan showed a
shrewd judgment in his lnv�gtments.
He b6ught sheep and put the� on the
governmient foltest reserve, much to
A 12� the annoyance of the cattlemen of the
all%, wou
'. t I view a district.
. I world 1)rev, I
I emooforEfl Morse, as he now called himself,
. , md ItsM112MVIC, was. not the, first mau'Who had
.. tome Su
6var 96 & didd* Taquraozogle OW all Pau br,ought sheep into the bord,or,countrY.
oftho orl ovoyvu I&CMUCAr. I outaft rar up In the hills were severid, camps
N A" at
; E F1 I %IT11
1� I I I&
99 �M,14—' ObUmb&g. 70 Ad deSt% tif them. But Wthetto these -hAd be6"
- - '
%�;;t'Z, UntaAv I there oil sufferance, and ItlAd beet
,,,, I.,
. I'll . I
. . ,
. I . , I � " I �1 "..
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-Ve things weU done reamdAts. ' � � "I .1 .Q Vvm. 11 -. 111� � , 'PA"IMMIN WIN
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The Cosy . sures even 9� , - . � ,, ''. �,-,;,,, - 1P, ,�
Home Quebec I, - - - ; w:,` o- . , " 11.1 � I.,, t�11'1111
heats. cooks, bakes- This combination i , 1�"���NAAIV ��1�11
� M-r4&�,R�, 1. 1,111 1� -
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- - . �.,
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burns any kind of fuel. c0aL,80ft= —T, .." I .. 4111111.,."�,,��'��4,:,'! 4
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mderstood that they were to be kept 11 .1111111111 'I" ." I
" I ,
. � , '!-�",n
, , ...... ��, � ... . . . . . . ,4�
to settle the matter with a Winchest- "Not a bit." 1, �,., ,.114001
,:, �',:,,!'�41 , '�
� i
1. .. I,
ar froin the cattle range. The ex- er, but M�Iisv, getting news of his :'And you growing older every day.1p I "� �,; . . . . . . ;., " , � ''N,�
,., ,��j� n 1.
nsion of the government reserves intention, had caught up a horse and 'Does my age show?", she wanted � k' ��." �T rl
, j, 01
11 . - il . .,,�,
hanged the equation. A good slice ridden bareback after him in time to to know an-iiously. I . . . . . "I'll''..", �'$
I - 11
. . n:,,�� �
f the range was cut off and thrown avert by her entreaties a tragedy. The scarce veiled admiration, 'of 11 �.:p'31" i",
. . �,Q��4' ['.g
pen to sheep. When Morse leased For six months after this the inen his smoldering eyes drew the -bloodio. , - :. �","5,� , ,.
.. I
is and put five thousand bleaters had not chanced to meet. her dusky cheeks. Something vigil - � �": -::.:- ?I
. . . . . . ;"1111 ". ;,�,
. .. " �
Pon the feeding ground the senti- Why the tenderfoot had first come ant lay crouched panther -like 11� , - nlq.� . �11
. �
11 �,�..
�,� ...
ent against him grew very bitter. West -to hide what wounds in the the laughter of his surface badinage. I '11
I 11� "
Lee had been spokesman of a com- great -baked aesert--no man knew or I "You're standing it well, horiey2l 11. I �,�,
...... �, tl
I . : .
, , I
ittee appointed to remonstrate with asked. Xelissy had guessed, but she The color beat into her,face, less at 1�`
in. Worse had met them pleasantly did not breathe to a soul her know- the word than 'at the purring caTeSS ' �.',,;',,
", ���
11 �� n.
ut firmly. This part of the reserve ledge. It was a first article of Ari- in his voice. A year ago she had �,:�rc5i` �,,
�l .
� ,
ad been set aside for sheep. If it zona's creed that a man's past be- been a child. But in the SolithIand .11 -1
ere not leased by him it would be longed to him alone, was a blotted flowers ripen fast. Adolescence steals. ,", r: . . . . . . 1.
, .
y somebody else . Therefore, he book if be chose to have hard upon the heels of infancy, and, �., I., .,,� I
to withdraw his flocks. doubt many had private it so 1. I
eclined reaso�s to 1 though the girl had never wakened W -'J"
I :,�,,, I I
. , ,,,�:,�,, 1 -
hamp lost his temper and swore that their untrumpeted migration to that love, Nature was pushing her relent- �,, .1 'i � I
.. ���
. 11
I " "I
.,; i.� 1'1�
for one would never submit to yield kindly Southwest which buries ideri- lessly toward a womanhood for which 1, ,�
e range_. Next week masked men tity, 'but �,, �
,,, I �,
no wise citizen busied him- her unschooled impulses but scantily I -_ ,,,
rove a small flock belonging to self with questions about antecedents. I safeguarded ,her. , - . 1�1
'. J�.. 2'-,.�
�1 "
orse over a precipice. The present served to sift one, and by She turned toward the shelves, ,
The tenderfoot retaliated by jump.- the way a man met it his neighbors "How many airtights did you say?" � .,.
..... I �,,R .
I'll, ....
,"��% .0
ig a mining claim staked out by judged him. "I didn't say." He leaned forward I � !'I��- - .-.-
e upon which the assessment work And T. L. Morse met it competent- across the counter. "What's the ,; 1�-` �, ..
:�`7 ��� .,
d not been kept up. The cattle- ly. In every emergency with which burry, little girl?" . � ,
,n .9 n�
an contested this in the courts, lost he had to cope the man "stood the "My name is Melissy Lee," she told ",,,` I
. A .
e decision, and promptly appealed. acid." Arizona approved him a man, him over her shoulder. ..., �
eanwhile, he countered by leasing without according him any popularity. "Mine is Phil Norris. Glad to give � ; Q
,� 11k
. "I �
orn the forest supervisor part of the He was too dogmatic to win liking, it to you, Melissy Lee," the man re- . �
I �
n previously held by his opponent but he had a genius for success. torted glibly. . Ar"I", I
id putting sheep of his own upon it. Everything he touched turned to gold "Can't use it, thank you," came her , I 1�, - I I �
7 . ,;�
..'' -
.��,�, N
"I reckon I'll play Mr. Morse's own The Bar Double G lies half way be'-. swift saucy answer. , ""', � ,
aine and see how he likes it," the tween Mammoth -and Mesa. Its posid �,,, '?i
f "Or to I"d it to you -say, for a .
� "
igry cattleman told his friends. - tion makes it a central point for the 'week or two." I ... 0 �. -11,11,
�. ,
.,�, ;�
But the luck was all with Mor -se. ranchers within a radius of fifteen. She flashed a look at him and pass- . . . . . ��1111" I
efore he had been.working his new miles. Out of the logical need for it ed quickly from behind the counter. - �:4, 11 ,
aim a month the Monte Cristo (he was born the store which Beauchamp Her father was just coming into the ,� ', �� -
;..-F ,
d changed the naine from its orig- Lee ran to supply his neighbors with store. -�: .
J. .. ,, �
. , "'
al one of Melissy) pro,ved a bonanza. canned goods, coff ee, tobacco and oth- "Will you wait on Mr. Norris, dad? �� �, I
"I I "
� " �
is men ran into a rich streak of dirt er indispensables; also the eating Hop wants to see me in the kitchen." . ", -'11
at started a stampede for the v -i- house for stage passengers passing Norris swore softly under his . 1 .. I 11
tinty. to and from the towns. Young as breath. The last thing he had want- .. � ,
�� �
Champ indulged in choice profanity. she was, Melis�y was the competent e4 was to drive her away. It bad ,,, �;
rom his point of view he had been manager of both of these, been nearly a year since he had seen ,.: - :1 - I "', , "'.
� �
bbed, and he announced the fact It was one afternoon during the her last, but the picture of her had ,�'J
.. -.
cely to such acquaintances as drop- �our the stage stopped to let the pas- been in the coals of many a night - - - - - ,�l
", "
d into the Bar Double G store. sengers dine that Melissy's wander- camp fire. ",4y,
"T" �,
I 11 I
"Dad gum it, I was aimin' to do ing eye fell upon Morse seated at one The cattle detective stayed to din- , " "'.
.. ,'�� L � 4.
at assessment work and couldn't of the tables. Anger mounted with- ner and to supper. He and her father :::::: �1� I ,.
. I- r
st lay my hands on the time. I'd � in her at the cool impudence of the had their heads together for hours, . ��',;"."
� , ,�j
� � In,
en a millionaire three years and I man. She had half a mind to order their voices pitched to a murmur. Me- ", rt
dn't know it. Then this ,darnned him out, but saw he was nearly lissy wondered what business could 14i '�'
orse butts in and euchres me out of through dinner and did not want to have brought him, whether it could .
�:,Vj "
e claim. Some day his and me'll make a scene. Unfortunately Beau- have anything to do with the renew- .�. ,�
I �
ve a settlement If the law don't champ Lee happened to come into the ed rustling that had of late annoyed :� "'.
ght me, I reckon I'm most man en- !Aore just as his enemy strolled out the neighborhood. This brought her ,,�. , �
� "
gh to 'tend to Mr. Morse." from the dining -room. thoughts to Jack Flatray. He, too, , �%�
It was his daughter who had hither- The ranchman stiff ened. "What had almost dropped from her world, .':
. :1
. :1
, �Ijf
, ,
succeeded in keeping the peace. you been doing in thdre, seh ? " he de- though .she heard of him now and ,I, � 1,
. �
hen the news of the relocation had manded sharply. again. Not once had he been to see I �.Vl "I
, " - �
" "
� "
ached Lee he had at once started "I've been eating a very good dinner her since the night ,she had sprained I .;r
,� 'I,
in a public cafe. Any objections?" her ankle. I �,-
- -- ---,--- � .
"Plenty of 'em, seh. I don't aim to 11� t
keep open house for Mr, Morse. (Continued next -week.) �.".i.. I
. "I undestand this is a businesn pro- �`L 11)
position. I expect to pay seventy- - 4. ,el� -1
five cents for my meal." �. I
At your . ln�,
The eyes of the older man gleamed 'A",'
Wrathfully. "As for yo, six bits, if . .. 1�
.. I.;!, i
you offer it to me I'll take it as an ;�T,T,
k Unusual pets are now becoming . � n?",
insult. At the Bar Double G we're <,.�,
very popular in England, and it may ,�,,,�
not doing friendly business with claim not be long before cats and dogs lose � ... �.�
Service jumpers. Don't you evah set yo' legs their place-, in the household. :� . ,il(`
� �,�,
under my table again, seh." Masked love -birds, with black heads, �1� I
Morse shrugged, turned away to I I �,� ,.;.
i' /'� the public desk, and addressed an en- yellow breasts and bands of vivid or- . '. 1,
,� .,
i n , "
t hi �
/ i, ange at the neck, are the latest "fash- I "!, �
4 1 velope, the while Lee glared a rn �,
� �
"I ion,,, -while numbers of lemurs are be- L, I., 11
from under �his heavy beetling brows. "111�1111 "I �'
- �'�` ",
, 14 , ing bought. The craze for monkeys CO.
;�, � Melissy saw that her father was still I'�i.�
,�, )"',
r�' 11-1111" of half a mind to throw out the in- has died down a little. .�,
, �,n
. �Q ;
t L-�- -_,�- truder and ,she called him to her. One boy went into a naturalist's , n,�%
- - - il�,X
k , I "Dad, Jose wants you to look at the shop and asked for a byeria. When I 11
.11 � �,�,-,�
. hoof .of one of his wheelers. 4,�,,,,
I .,- ,:SW
'1� I ,e5.r �t He ask- told that this animal was not exactly, ,'V,J�
I ,�� 1,� I � - ed if you would come as soon as you the sort of pet to keep in a house, �11
C � � I 11 �.� be wanted to compromise with a baby "'.1
", '. I
- I
I I- - d I -
�-, ") J-1 \ Beaurhamp still frowned at Morse, chimpanzee. Finally he left with a �,
I - ,,---k�'—', - ) Co"p'in"g' his unchavpn chin with big hahy crocodile, but what he will do ',......'':,
,\. 11� I �
. , I ras :�,:j
� I 1-1� ,-. -
Q, , -, J ;�L -, " , hand. "Ce'tainly, 'honey. (;1ad to with it wben it grows up is doubt- ]",
- �- - 4-4 , . �� P
, . -:71 ,,,
��.,� -- - 1� �", look at it." ful. I �,nRln
" �1�1,1�1
, � 1� , ":,
, , r "Dad, pleasc." There is quite a demand for lion 1,� "%
- , I
� I I ��,� ,
(-`-� - , ything between $350 � .,;
I � I . I I The ranchman went out, grumbling. cubs, that cost an 11 ,
1, ", -A\ I 11�`11,- 1-1 .. -- I 4�
'- \- ,, - Five minutos later Morse took his seat and $500. They can be kept with '. I i, "
,--�- - � 11
I . fety until about two years old, but R I
I I on the stage beside the driver, haAring " '. 1.
'. �1 �,T�,
first left seventy-five cents on the as soon as they begin to grow morose . ,i
.� 1�
I � , "."
i counter. and sulky it is time to find new ac- �."I) �
- I ) ,�,�. ;
I -r The stage had scarcely gone when cOrnm0datiOn ,� *:,
Tho men and wrin-r, (,.f fll.'! , , " .
li'll- . ;; ,.�,'�, ,, I",
pany are trying to fmn out �i),,,�!- the girl looked up from her book- : , ",
1�1,, "
, """".i
thing more than just a wood j,,;j- kcepinK to s,ee the man with the Chi- I 1,�' 4
------- I '. �;,,.
, I 1,
huahua hat. ---,I , 111MI.
ecal telephone service. : '.. k".
"Buenos tardes, senorita," he gave ���i: 1',�t
' I " -
No two users have exactly th,, h(.r with a flash of white teeth. - ,. 1�
'y� ��
�,nme needs. When y,)u �j-,i, ti� to "Buenos," she nodded coolly. � %
��' �
..., ",
install or move a tcleohnno -e But the dancing eyes of her could . ,�.,.'.
I ..
I 116-- � ,�4
want to handle your order in sllrl! not deny their pleasure at sight of - "
. I
a way that yoilr pc'-son-ai roquilo- him. They had rested upon men as I" �
, .`11
ments are exactly mrf. N " ", ;
handsome, but upon none who stirred ,�, I � .IL
. �. 1 .1.
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when you ask for information her blood so much. DVE VVr 01 � I ,,�,�,
He was in the leather chaps of a ple" IMI&A.- ":"� ".-A,
r. or a bill or re- cowpuncher, grav-qhirted, and a polka WOX411 — &-pair" 'I'll ",
' � 1�
port, troub1c, witi, your in,;tru- , � ��...,;"
clot kerchief circled the brown throat. I ,. V;
ment, or make even the most ��11. �" 1
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casual telephone c,-.11, ve want to Life rippled gloriously from every 1 4.. ��* .. r ,,,�.4,
1 �, � $ ,
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give each matter the sort of at- Trotion of him. Hermes rippled glor- � I �.i.
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tention that spells pel%�017al ser- ieusly from every motion of him. 'Ir . I �; ,��,`.�i...
I 'A . I ,', �,��,�'.�
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vice, not just verage service. Hermes himself might have envied the .."m "'o,
., 4t, , " �', �
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This is not eMsy. But it's what She supplied his wants while they A1214 I'd .. ��. 11 �"-�
we are aiming at -a personal .qer- cli ritted. . . ,,.�, " !
vice. "Sogged off your range quite a -bit, ' . � --;4, I 41
I ]ZO -��,,�,':�
. haven't you?" she suggested. *1 � %, 1. 1, 1.� �".
"Some. I'll take two bits, worth ' I Awf n � i � "n
� ,. r. 11 I . I... 'k. �.,,�",�,'� ',',,�"".
of that smokin', nina." , 1��,7'� '�,,,, �.,�
,, . ". Iz �,�',� 'nl'a, ��'
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She shook her head. 'Tm no little . 40" dp. I I �,;�'.�Vg.,�,q!
" I i . .�, 11 44P Iql'��.. .. " I k'511,11�4
girl. Don't you know I'm now bat I r,:.�,',,,'-'-'-'--,�,,�,,,,,,�,',,�.,� , I I - lnv� �11.i, " "Op -,-
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"lMy-iny, That ad didn't do a,, I 1 4 - � 7.� . 11�,Ij
1 $91 wi�017.l'i�i ,�� �
I inite, of good, did It?" 1. ".
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