HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-10-21, Page 5"'", -1 I -In li� I,-. I , �,� � I I . , , , .11. I I ��! � , 'I,' I I , 11 , I �;, :,� , ,.� 1 7, � ��,,, �� I .1 ,­ I I J,','�,!,�;�,,�' �. �' ''�',' , , , , � ��, "'' -.1'.1".'': ;�.'11, �,! , ,,� I il . , - `�� ,, ,. , . .11 � ... . �, .'��,,Y,,T.'K�',`,',,,'*� 7Z.F�p,ilw"7�"-,r�,�'�.,-"���Xf"',�, . 1�1, !, ",;j , , I " � .�� ", r I !�; i .11,it'-", ... � . , , - - �, '_ � - 1. 1. - ­ I -1 I , , 11 � - I 1-1... - _ _-, 1�: , q �:�.".. I � �;, ,"-,I;:,- �8, N� '� ,,�,,.",� � ­ � ; . , I ,111 'Ie",U I n�'. � �� I �-�%� � I � .�. "i, .11 I I ) I I . , I � . ,*)�A ;�,, .' � '. ;', I , , , ,0-1�&','�,.'�,-�! ... ,',�:'.'�,�&, � �, " .11. - . I " - � , 77 , , � - .t��,,,,,�, " N Yq,gf� 1'11�tll��Ii I I I I I I " , I I � 'I, ��, �: ":,.., � I , " ". . , I ��,` ,I, :, I �,� 11� " " ,� � � aggi , � � -i ,,, V?g, i,;� �� . , �, , ;1 I , . I 1.� .1 " , '2 , " , , . I . '. 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I : ` �� - , I -1 , .4.0 I .4 I I , I'll , � 31 . "I ,.* - , , . ?, I - ,,, . � , 4II. % . I , - � I : . I I I ., :�!i , � - .� �:�, � "' . . . 'I; I . ,� , . �. : . , I 1" '. . . ", i"'11. 0 . , " � ;0 ga&w,�V , -- "N -t ,W��ir4"'-fts"T,11` 'Atld,� Afts 7 R 11, , �ft. � '�V ',q ­], � W 14 4W4.0110' -fl, -1 _0 41111111 . , , - I , 04f, lk��*,#,&,.( 4�"- , "d "'-- ­, ;W , , ` " Visit"i4i ,, - 42aw,, ot;ii;ig ;;. -, "I � rie%13 � 11.1-, ��; !� " , 't ,�f, " �: . I � . t4*,� � �,: ..�, _��. A. - I "'m . ma Qn,so iof .4 �� ­­ . how I F "I I . . ?" `.P'1111'�� 1 .. . .1 ilIptilly sh4ken-,la,,tAi� . . 30h, lwqq � � M =%*Ithi r", , � t 9, � ­­,­ . , ipped, off and ,% , .,. - I , I " . " , ,., 1, � 11� , . , - "DO, j 0", �, As,vp �, t -, W. . V . . . qg"'i'0041 , il4 _ P, "WK � *.�.:;ill "y , , s , I M, I.p 4 * , A, _. - .�.,,'.�Jg M4n- f 1" "''' � 10� �, 111 _-:2 . 21 1; � %i '. , ­ . " . �V , - ka I" W VW1V4reA o' X� I .. 1, __ ­�_, , . ,,, 01ted, 61%04�,, gav-119404 I, .4 ­�, P � I 141i4ii 00 the Week . . I " 1�1x' ", � " �' . .. . , .iiiisul%. , Vi =0 � AritheT.,gildmok, ,,, I I � ,; . , ­ ie ­'ftr, ,:V,'.# ., �q � s �T � . ... 0 .. . . I I , * - " to, � �A,0,% ,"A � , T - i.� I I I ­ - _ mllku - � , A - � V - . . �", , ft )lj(m . , o -- XX ...6 A 1. a tr *'.' : W, - a - J 0 b ns 04 'O � , ,5 - � � , � I , , " ��, " ,,�, , 1r,", "' "' ' ­ ., � 0, I'A ,,.f !", .1 .. 11 , ...-�'o rl . du��*'-6aoo-drajpd * �"Ifiid,on . ..�. . , � 664,,44 Y vl*xtr, -,7tsti," ".'' '$uriday� last jiW I . , 1:1114010.1A EIT 1. � ­ ­ . EX000, M 11 I I , - � . . - of %4 'St"n'Ta i'v"h- . It . M, . , ., , i4d..'" , --- W - V . - 174_�.,_ . 41 'T , *�11 . , - I - . vv m1pui ovi � . . I ': ­� . �. I . r . renc. ,,- I � . nr_`fvll,�W,93� - *VNI.40:0 . tag, Bis One Cent 84W -#ext ,UnIted,V4 ­� , � ­ 1, .tlie , h,, � T, � " 01, . ", " I � � � 11- ` . � V' �T;r on' proi � , , . '. 1. 4uu a I " 1; I . , iday, 0,-y,_ " - mson. of Usbqme- M,W- ""u'a go ': 48 Yeare. ' , , 219±0 .27tb, 28tb and 29tk % 6 'e* � , vy ;ilo . 7M h - I 1094, A � o � , 11 six, 4, " -, 11 li'g" �... ;T 4 faiiii, and -,a 6 by certifiq4te. *, eUregor, of I -4AV ­'-si " "' I_ _11 , , , &r , r ��11.o�li". .r. faez. 14 ;- , *, 60A�_WWal$ tfor jt� The Ifti; , ,ing q .S 11.1-1 � * . 11 � ­1.w�. plll� " � ., - I � . . . . , , XJ& R ,x , , `0 -Vhariiila,03� � , _-­­� - 014dys, 'McLean, of -StazOey, 'Attevd�4 i � .1 '' .Jay,. .1 !IV I Ve I .� yt; I . ,, - f: �yo Fear, at Koatiting ", , I 1�! . I, 00* � , I , , , 128-1. � I . . �_ ' � , . . IN - ­�.-% . I I 0 0 1 - . . I 1. - - .1 . , .. . "N , -1 , -, , -EN . 11 7mji`r;�_ ,� , � .�I;i , - -'Am the Teachers, COnventfoj and llanqRet ..� V .. all(IMrs. NettInan Me- I . . ,I,, - oteo"­41*11 . � will be charg� - - :u � 'd. , .� . Watch ,;for tho - �, :. .. , - 34�, O�. cent Sale next 'held at Nxeter ofr,�Tharsday last. -Note.-Itemo 'under thisi-4 "' I I , �_, �' � 'a ,,`I, imi -October 270r, 9$tb.aiid 291:1�;_ Hill -Is will, , % i,C . � Of Deirolt, and Miss ed 50 coats per ailiglia V" " I �. � , cq� _ f . lY wTk, ,Mrs. McDonald. of Londoill, vis , , ffid 25 cent" for I " - . Itd wi* each .dau..a �erig, ;_.��i��4 U4,0119" �� , be � out - so'orh wait 4pi it T%e bj her mother ' '. . �w I . ,�,._, 910tt Pa hill, visited .�" _ ,',','� df I ,A) . . est money A . AN T . - I , - y I . I 11 _­ ' , : — 4 V_&, rI3. 0114 1 ....... �, -,,14I I le i 7 .. VIk" N ;'hbhoTjaeofMr.'andMrs. "IT Of, the y�ar�� at *4ating ' � 11 �" 4V4 � Seaforth. . 'a Ph"Am"'y' Workman, during the ,past+ week.� 'In loving 1#empry of #Wk,'i #ughter of Mr.. I . 4.4-61 11 .Z . V1 XT_ I � 8128-1� - - "' k 1" 11, . __ - a 110,3�Ar� SS 014 n I I . e �Wgek end' . r , V r I ' . Cc Amiyeisary $ervlces.__Aln,,,g one -0 in qT,khitl , k t� Miss Edith Die ,'who has had an a . and MTs. John Knight vAo Uditober - 31at, I . ��, 922. .1.1, iF, J I - ! I i I . .92'�4ell�t � A of' th I J e, lairgeot. crowds to attend the AU'd atWidedthe wedding reciption,pf . . "end . annivaisary. services -in connection a d= - iheke_�-Mrs. Archie Hodgert_j,t�, tack of to,nsilitiM, Is able to be out . again,�-Xrs. A. McMurtAe, of Hen- A onowx riwt�,'A - , "�;i�ROSS We laved'dear little jns,�'7,,'��_,� But God " Church intend holding -a bazaar in of Deut., and in the evening from Oscar Klapp, Auctioneer. 31284 I . . i� at ",15resienf confined to her home' I . dre'Ws United Church, St, an . , kipi;iqn, kiended on Sunday last, it salViS spending a few'days with her sons, Hugh Wl John, MeXurtries near . I'll .., loved her mt ,,�',�, .He ta.k her to Heavew. %W11, Where ai � _" I her afflictionil 4": I er. 6,; I . . I ,through sickness. it is to be hoped . r- Kippen.4411 members" of-thii Horti- 1Sh6,'wilI%oon be eiijoying her 60P94 the Diamond Jubilee. The da I I 7- . I ,.JP 3123xi Aw,' I '-;: V,� 411� I �� 4 -IV 0 - � -right an .cajris Ualth.-T,The-f4rmers are busy 41fting ,;i�as,. b, . d clear and were their pbtat6 'and mmigolds, and aie nuiWerbus from all Pait* of. -the eoun- es , eultur,41'Society are reminded that the , foal billbs have' arrived and. thii same — HUDSON. -In loving .,mo*p; I ry of our dear mother. Mrs. James Hudaoo�,`*Ao Passed away li I . ma be obtained from the Secretary, ,, try, , The pervl6bfs were conducteA by� - y 19toking for continued fine weatber, as , - -�Rss Whiteman. April 9th, 1927. . . � , .1. I I �;., �_ , , I - 9-a large acreage of fall plow. t4e, Rey,,JkrclAbald Caxne�oi, of Ot- . . there I i . - , . , a son of-wforiner minister, who * og yet to do. ta" . "' . I Farewell, dear mot -her, thy,� iWok is 0 er, '-4 � more ; Tby willing be" Will too " -� ii _. . . w.!jp beloV.ed by So ipany during his ,. il —, , rfUnlitry ill St. Andrew's Church here. AUCTION SALE . ,,,,, A loving mother, kind. ,nniv*-tie, . NO on earth we will ,A4'WAike you- Sur One . by friends :,vl;*, lonely, - !, . .STAFFA ,� I I . next Rev. Mr. Cameron delivered sermons , Wktq1% for the Big .One Cent Sale U_ . . - AUCTION SALE OF CHEVROLET RUc T K. s rounded . . ' Inithe midst of our joy" �N',%re blue, , - - :1 .0 W-4 t. - I ;­ . . a sm a on car -P, ve a hearl,adhis, '%e ouit soon. Wait ifor it The biggest money be long remembered by the large audi- auction, kt the shop of C. by Public Longing, -a Le and die, .. . t6ber 27th, 28th and 29W Bills wal --. morr-Lig and evening that will - Ther- will be Offered for Sale dear mother, for 1. � - � of ,the at Keati 'a Ph— S- Hudson, it' Fluvreits may wither, leavealta , :qaver year, . once- that greeted him. In the kiensall. on Saturday, November fith, at 10 Zenterth, 8123-1 "norn- O'clock If some do forget you. never."vill we. ls,a.b;�,,�%ortfmer, reader, in Nortbside United . biotes �,The W. M. S. of the United a.m., one. half ton Chevrolet truck, ing he took his text from the book which-w*1 be sold for storage. Terms --Cash. --sadly missed by your chil Sin and grand- children. 111� $123-1 -1 Church intend holding -a bazaar in of Deut., and in the evening from Oscar Klapp, Auctioneer. 31284 I � .�", , 11. the Town Hall on October 28th. -Mrs. the Book of Rebrews. Befo�re del' . ering these effective and inspirilnv- A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF_ __ — . . "I. .1 ILInited Church, Walton, were largely sant Emmerson and son, of Galt, are . g FECTS.-Mr. Thomas Brown has been sermons, Rev. Cameron spoke of the structed to sell an the premises on Saturdlny-, EARN $6 TO $8 VER DAY . -visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leslie Norma Wilson has re- great honor, in fact the greatest bon- October 29th, by Public auction, at 2p -m., the following household �- Learn -and earn Part thn.'�il'-%oWr mechan- -sermons. The text for the morning , -Miss turned home after spending a few effects: One cupboard, 2 or of his life, that the good people , 1 mattress, 2 parlor tables, three iron bedat ics, Battery, Welding, Vulas, pleng, and House Wiring, also Bricklaying And Plastering. *1 1.0, I idays at Bowmanville and Port Hope. Of -St.' Andrew's Church had conferred dining chadrs; 6 kitchen chairs, I wheel chair, 4, lamps, Baxfberi ' d B uty CU#uV 'work. d UK an as Goo . I . I - , Mr. and Mrs. Will O'Brien and up carpets, dishes, frail; jars. stove ,on him, -not only for his own sake pas, 2 crosscut saws, I .Pair curtain poles. but for the sake of his dearly belov-' Terms positions now Open. Wrt� '4�)Z. ca 11 for free instriactive book. HEMPHILL CHARTERED , -daughter, Miss Olive, of Zurich, spent :Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien. ept a* -Cash. ELIZABETH TORRY, ed parents, who had given ten of the Proprietress; Thomas Browm, Auctioneer. SCHOOLS, King St. W., Toronto. Free Em - ployment Service from Coast'.to Coast. v the many good things that la small quantity of preserved fruit. also other bicl­ Terms;­Casih. LESLIE SCOTT. -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leslie and Mr. best years of their life in active ser- 3128-2 3123,1 If Engineer in rharge. I and Mrs. F, A. Hambly spent Sunday vice in- St. Andrew's Church. He UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- also A Con- Plans, etc., St. Clerk'n Office. Lat 85, I cession 3, McKillIp T --.,hip. Excavation. - —_ - ____7 man. While supper was being serv- CLEARING AITC71ON SALE OF FARM in (1alt.--iMr. Frank Tuffin spent Mon- spoke of it being the same church FECTS­M. A. Ellis has instru, cted the .. "* .. — I - , I I I Prepare For Axt Career I where he received his early church "d"19"d to s6l by public auction at her .1 rc3idence, Hensall. on Saturday, October 291t1i. -day in London. -We are Sorry to lose training boy, the I Z1. I 31r. Norman Kleinfelft from our - ' as a and where at 1.90 P.m.,the following: One oak pedestal ble, 1 cam, nation a truths of God were embedded -in his extension ta bi ecretary and . I � , ; ; I �� ' 3nidst, Norman has gone to Indian- mopolis to study for a rni-nisteT.-Mr. bookcase- I Morris chair, rockers. kitchen ex- mind and which fitted him for the tensi n table, 4 kitchen "bedroom Under direction ofminTgest i­,,m!nerFi&I I 1 art and advertising ervize orranization, . �, ; and Mrs. George Wilson and Miss sideboard, chairs, 2 great future. The church was beau- oak suites, mahogany finish dresser I serving large. national a&erti­r�. Cam- I -%e , Norma spent Stinday in Parkhill.- I bed mat- tifully decorated with flowers which Find commode, I iron bed. 1 wooden - t mercialan artists trained Myer-Buth ( 1. wa rn ami high as $10,000 a year. I b", � ia 1 3dr. and Mrs. Cecil O'Brien, of Ridge- added much to the interior of thi; tr,,. springs, pillows� 2 fl-p'ece toilei sets, I couch, 2 lourives, bookcase, books. I sewinv Hoym'e Study kraining. If you lih,- u, draw, I -%igan's store, Egmondville, spent the town, and Mr, Harold O'Brien, of Lon- grand old edifice, which has now stood machine, grass rur 8'xI0'. tapestry rug 10112' I write for free parbiculars. 4 1 MYER-BOTH COUPANY 1 No. 10 --Horses and harness need not be property of one man, nor necessary ,don, siDent the week end with Mr. and fOr 60 years, The choir, under the by 12', tapestry rug 12'x9', liAoleurn, 1 312 Federal Bnilding,"Toronto. I No, I 1 ---Crovm to consist of six furrows. - - Vrs, P. O'Brien -Mr. George Butson leadership of Mrs. James B. McLean gasoline stove (Detroit), washing maehic.7.0!4 , beater. step ladder, lawn mower, lairge fruiti I . I No. 13 -Skimmers allowed. I 1has improved his bungalow by giv- and Mrs. John Henderson, as organisit: cupboard, kitchen table. kitchen utensils, dish- _­ — — � ,. , '. ing it a coat of paint. -Mr. and Mrs. is deserving of the highest praise in es, sealers. garden tools, barrels, and other the way that the song of praise, as """ too numerous to mention. Terms- TUCKERSMITH TELEIIHONE . I .... 1, '. , , , " ?��;. � ' ' " .1 1....13 I" I �. 1` ..,.�. "T. M. Hamilton, of.Toronto, called on Cash. Everything advertised to be sold. MISS well as the anthems and solos, were SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION I` * -hiends in our burg on Wednesday- .M. ELLIS, Proprietress; G. H. Elliott, Auc- 't v..'A'Aim,ft I- J. SHAPTON, R. B. Wit�,JA,X-MV. -­ 31iss Cooper, of Toronto, is spending carried out. Mr. Orah Crawford, of tioneer. $123-2 In ordeT to bring our teleph,,ii- up to ., a few days with her sister, Mrs. F. Ripley, assisted the choir greatly and UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FX- A � tandard, Messrs. Da3rympri and MrTlmth are � ��, , I", ,� ; ",-,I i, I , I - � , 't 1; 't A. Ifambly. rendered solos both morning and eve- FECTS.--Mr. Thomas Brown has been In- ins pecting every telephone in the ay,item, and when batteri are run down amd not giving - . to sell by ning The collections on Sunday a- strueted public auction at the resi- service, theyeswill be removed stiff the, sub� ' I ,4r, .,� . 1 4 WALTON mounted to somewhat ovex. $400. On dence of the undersigned, Main Street, Sea- +11 "-.4- I .V_17 _1; U � forth, on Friday. October 28th. at 1.80 p.m., scriber will be asked to Pay for the newly installed batteries For the convenience of I Come and hear this first class concert tal- ,ent, the Sunset Malle Quartette, waisted by � - , e y even ng o ng a O the following: One Famous coal heater, one fowl supper was served by the good Quebec range, I dark oak buffet, dining table . subscribers, -these gentlemen are authorized to ls,a.b;�,,�%ortfmer, reader, in Nortbside United ladies of the church in the basement and 6 chairs. I InTge upholstered rocker, one receive any money for long distance calls, etc. ,C at Seaforth, on Monday, October 24th, large upholstered' chair, I office chair. three and Sunday school room, and were T. G. SHILLINGLAW. .. 3122-2 �4� ist 9.80 P.m. See large advertisement. Anniversary 'Services. -Anniversary small tables, I corner Sent, I antique walnut again greeted,with an unusuallylarge wall clock, 1 book case, I table lamp, I oak A. D. SUTHERI.AND, or �PLOWI G A* services that were held �in. Duff's crowd. -Shortly before six o'clock can Kroeler davermart �bed length), 1 dark oak bed and set of coil Springs, I dark oak dresser - - - - -- - -- - -- ____ _bRAIN ILInited Church, Walton, were largely were seen coming in almost every and Stand, I single white iroin bed and TENVERS vittended. Rev. Mr. Lane, of Seaforth, direction and bef9re 8 o'clock the .Aprings, I white iron crib, I Singer sewing No. 7 Riding T'Inw ...................... I 0 9 (3 4 -,Oelivered two very able. -and inspiring . sp4ciops. church was packed -'to over machine. 2 congoleum rage 9' .x 101/2', One muraleurn rug 9' x 7%'. 1 kittehen tsblo� I mkitchen Tenders for the repair of the'�Carrotn Muni- -sermons. The text for the morning flowing. This large crowd was in no cupboard. refrigerator, 7 k I, ,n cipal Drain. RcKLItlop. wl77 be-r6celved by th,? " rvice was found in the 27tb chapter P.. Isle chairs, kitchen maker, -high chair. wash way disappointed in regards to thd Ing bine, ironing boa�d, blackboard, b.k, undersigned U11 Tuesday. November Rth� 1927. -hen tenders will be opened at the Winthrop If "The Acts of the Apostles," and good things that were provided by " board, shelves, curtain rods. blinds. toilet set. Hall at 2.30 p.m. Ten Per r�nt of con,tract �25th verse. In the evening Mr. Lane the ladies for the tables were almost picture;, dishes, I coaster sled, I small sled, I to accalmPanT tender. I ' . I for his text, the last clause of heard to g -roan from the effects of -pp- boiler, tub, 5-gaLlon oil can. fruit jars, Lowest or any tender not necessarily ar- "Pted. .took ,tbe,21st chapter of the Book of S ee- the many good things that la small quantity of preserved fruit. also other bicl­ Terms;­Casih. LESLIE SCOTT. I Work to be done according to plans, etc.,, l -ond Chronicles. The choir rendered ed upon them, and one and all were ProprieItor; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. If Engineer in rharge. I ! , �special music at both services. The ustice to the inner 3122-2 ___.__ -----------___- Con- Plans, etc., St. Clerk'n Office. Lat 85, I cession 3, McKillIp T --.,hip. Excavation. 3)rocee day amounted to al- man. While supper was being serv- CLEARING AITC71ON SALE OF FARM 1,968 cubic yards. , � 731308t $300. ed, an orchestra from Hensall, Coin- STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. ,Having JOHN MeNAY. Cl,rlk. I W. M. S. W.M.S. held their pri,sing Miss Lammie, Miss Murdock sold the farm. I have give,n ii�istructi.nq to ' R. R. 2, fiaafo�th. -The -ineeting �n Monday in Duff's Un ited I and Mrs. Hoggarth, gave several vio- 'I'liornas Brown to sell by public Rue ticin on Lat S. Concession 9. Tuckers,mith, on Friday. .4123-1 1 � . Church. The President, Mrs. 11. ]in selections which added much in October 21st atnI a' clock. sharp, the follow- --- � - - --U-.-- - _ � I 'Campbell, presided. The meeting was taking up the -attention of those that ingi Hor-e�--O e matched team of gsiffinwit. team Of Registered mare,i supposed in be in I I STEEL GIRDERS FOR SALE -opened with the usual exercises. Short were still waiting to be ' foal, on, 4 year old filly. eligible for - "gi, mill, woman. 8l2Dx4-tf — - -papers were given by Mrs. Charlei vOell as those that had been already tration; 1 three year old filly; I tw. �, , I 7 and 10 inches wide . -I)rs er and Mrs. George Dickson, on served. At a late hour the progTam old gelding. I yearling filly. I Ruckliag,�.t, I heav--driver work Single or double wriner : 11 to 13 feet, () inches To -kg q commenced, being opened by a selec- . I I . " 'the development of mission work. Mijss tion from the choir, after which ad- of running riwe at Sesforth Fair. CabUe-- � i � -F.. 'Mitchell, Travelling Secretary for I pure bred cow fr"hened three weeks, one, to close on I . of cow due in February, I cow due in March. , work, was dresses were given by a number 1 cow due in March, I cow due in May, I I : I I present and frave a enleridid talk on former clergymen and ,others. Miss raw due in Felarnary I cow due in June one I SATURDAY - . lf�l gn,�, 1� I � I � I , " lz It , 11 , I . f, I .� W .'�'A I 'i, I . , r , " " I �" - - - , N � . -441.",T— , - "I ", . pirt 11 1. i I , , I i . . 7 R "'i §,�'i, '441, , _M - _ ,4 ,4 � 11 XF, �, ... , "g, 11 ,� I. . ,11" �, _,% , " , ... iv,. ., ,�,_ "k, '). , .. � , I - A � , --l", n , V� 2 + � - I I . I , ,�� ji,, , h%T � , I � . I lit, lb _ , * , ,,, F*W1 � '. , .. 11 ; mi" I , , ,' q , � X B , ,AV . qqe - I I�,.l ,,, t� I , , p" I 11 . . Vg's ,� i. , �' 1� � :1 " rA'.��1,' .;"`ioft.",� �, � 11 I �111 I I I . I I I �: � , I , VA51 I , � - ­�� �,' .. 11 I 11 0tJ..,U_V- -- . .`%"6 11 , ., "" * t . - 7* P. . !M ,A ", C , , , 1, . ,,, ,, 'W141W2, '10, I g ­� � .. , . . . . . . . . -1 ". 1. .11 I 6 , , 6 , - , ., 11 ,� . 4 1 "F i W �4 " ., "I I tiliz, '14171"IeT# .�, ,I, I I `1 1 QUO ton �W 40a�zJOW110.411".06 , : ftdo "1,1.1.06 1W - 11 I . . ul ", - , 'I'll' ,. - ... .,nr , , I uvoor-4"Iet�AA*Ar, RTM - .� 0 - - . I I , t". .. U.1 '.Rx . I . ,�� - "I 11; t or, I � teim, I " 100000i'04i'v"11, � 0, 4 T40447,-,Octo�6*,� a6t1i, , , 1027, at nin OT0410JOR � _8;4�il�' 4TlWte. - wRl - be, One Wad P ,AcU+ ,of. - Horse ,$7,_ Beef Cattle" 1)a.Ir I . - . -Cat'Oe" Wort, Wus; - V - bi . altry, - ', Fial, Whoat" Oats, Sweet Clovers,' Pettat6ed . ; . ,. .and, Apples. This competition mus be -thoroug.K, y representative of thl Royal Winter Fair arid the teh boy scoring highest at Clinton in the abovi I classes will be the ones entitled t( . the free trip to represent Hurot County -in the team judging at th( Roydl Winter Fair. I am taking this means to let th( boyla of KcKillop know of this , the rules governing' same the prizlill pal, thing needed is good .judging abil. ity, and His to be hoped that Me. Killop will be represented at 'Clinton on Octobdr 25, 1927, to try for a place on the county team. - Yours trhly,. . 'FRANK J. McQUAID, . Reeve. - - . - - . 1 WPORTANT NOTICES STRAYED�F`ROM LOT 14, CONCESSION ,� 5. Hay, a red yearling heifer with horns. Any Information Ileading to her recovery will be thank -fully received. DONALD BURNS, FOR SALE. -TEN CHUNKS OF PIGS' Apply to JAMES MURRAY, R. R. No. 4, Seaforth, Ont. Huron Road East. 3123xI CKME,FOR SALE. -YOUNG LIV-. ..ESX , for IV]- from g ­"d stmin. Apply to HENRY FORSYTH, R. R� No. 2, Kippen P. O.. Ont. Phone 24-134. 3123x2 ESTRAHEIFER -STRAYY,D ON TO THE Y 'undersigned, Lot 11, Gon- premises of the cession 11. McKillop, in June last, a black heifer with white spots. Owner may have . qamc on pro%nng property wnd Daying charges. Phone 8 on 46, Dublin. THOMAS McKAY, R. R. 2, Walton. 3I23x3 - - -,--. __ - SIJEEP FOR SALE. --THE UNDERSIGNED ha.A a number of choice Shropshire ewes for sale. Al,io a few Oxford Downs and Leicester.3. ,These are all young sheep and have had lambs during the present season. Prices reasonable. Phone, 21-133, Seaforth. T. G. SHILLINGLAW, R. R. 4, Sea -forth. 3122-tf ]3UIL ING FOR SALE. - FOR SAUR larva building 4Ox5O, two storeys, built . for flaxt mill at Walton; double boarded, matched spruce on outside. two floors double boarded with dressed hemlock. AV the lumber in this building is Strictly first class hemlock see it. Phone 14-232. JOHN McDONALD, Sawmill. Walton. 3120x4l Underwear STANFIELD'S 2 -PIECE UNDERWEAR Red Label ....... $2.50 per gar. Blue Label ...... $3.00 per gar. Black Label ..... $4.?J) per gar. Combinations - No. 7700 .......... $5.00 a quit P. 1. KELLY " Sole Agent for 20th Century Brand Clothes. One way fare paid from Mit- chell, Dublin and Senforth, either by railroad or car, on purchase.% of $20.00 or over. 4 8 .. rietor 7imission work, pointing out the vast Mae McGregor, who is much talented dry cow. 8 heifers rising 2 years old, I eight at $5.00 each. I I , I t- I ,J meed of extending our work, also the in the line of readings, gave several calves. Ifogs--Three saws coming in soon. 4 young sows not bred, I YorkShire hoax, two - --- -1 _­ - - ____ - Apply to I . :great need of missionaries and lead. , -era. We look forward to g-reat things fine ones, which was heartily encored. young bears. 20 young vim, 10 pig,, jumt Selections were given by the orchestra wenned. Implements-Vassey-Harris bi-nder7 Mr. Crawford, from Ripley, and root cut with truck and fore rarriRgP. I hay A. D. SUTHERI.AND, or �PLOWI G 4, being accomplished since hearing Miss and loader. hay tedder, Massey-Frarris, drill, culti- ! I � , . ,I t0g, to,. affofd � lidflift-'- bittiliffy Wik. -Do1g, of Port Itcron, spent the bnY loader, Massey-HArris 19 dise. drill. Cook- . , t# I ptA 1 14 - shuft ,ndlnlk_ plow, set 4-eectfors irou barrows, , �� ft Iditchell and will gladly welcome her James Moodie, of Brucefteld, -render- 'star. I net iro,n harrows with cart. Cockshutt llrc�;ident. S"retary. I No. 7 Riding T'Inw ...................... I 0 9 (3 4 01 i., back to Walton any time. , . h, Notes. and Mrs. W. Hogart ed fine solos. On the whole the an- riding plow, 2 walking V)o­s, I land railer. niversary services were a success in ,ne ecuffier, I wagon. I hay rack. I set of ------- — - - I MATCH Walton. Ont. 3123-4 --- --- -Mr. sleighs, Set 2,000 Th. scail", fanning mill, 2 doubt, long FARMS FOR SALE .nut, the Sunset Mate Quartette, assisted by ents. Etc.: Horses --One =m re 6 years Isabel Mortimer, Tender. In Northside United week. -Rev.. -Mr. and Mrs. Barnaby, 11"Id 1700 pounds: 1 roan 5ey-ra aid. -- ARM FOR SALE.- I,0T .10. CONCESSION ' F and Miss Annie and Bruce, of London, every way and will, no be ,,,,, double harness, I buggy, I Melotte cream * , __ __ - i 10. Morris Tow6hiv. containing aboutl 50 a,cres, adjoining Village of Walton. C.P.R. . spent the week end at,the home of a rememb ceeds on i,eparat*r. large size; wiLt,P-r trough. I a tter, FOR SALE.-- 12S AGRES, HURON , Fl"ounty, Station -ithin 20 ntids. On the property is a James and the Misses Simpson, east Monday evening were somewhere near 1 4 H -P. sra., enrine.,vulper, grinder. quantity of lumber. a number of 9 -foot cedar Posts, I adjoining Clinton, all clay loam; I The annual Plowing Match of the � ,� mDf Walton. -Lawrence Cumming spont $400, making upwards of nearly $800 ,,, bar. wire stretcher. I drain sc,00p, neck. large brick howe, 2 bn,pk Imms. silo; large i orchard: a few minutes' Mt. llleRsant Branch of the Ontario, , I I :a ferw days in Toronto on business.- ':Mrs. altogether. yokes. whiffletrees, a quivintitys of hard wood. Mrs. Win. Craw- 18 inch, household furniture. , 0 whi tR Wyan- churches and Schools: t4iw n water Piped � i T'lowmen's Association, will he held - James Mowbray and Gordon Of , Notes. -Mr. and dotte he-. I acre of marigolds, I a f esumos through buildings and river at back. Apply i the farm of Jamer Dalrymple, ,in 14 1, Metroit, visited relatives and friends ford, accompanied -by Mr. and Mrs. turnips, 1 acre of sorghbim. TermR--Amll to E. W. MORRISON, R R. No. 4, Clinton. . i � . � .. ss in Whiton over the week end. -Mi Orah Crawford, all of Ripley, were of $10.00 and under, cash : over that amount Mrs. 12 months' credit on furnishing bunicable 0 TYL 1 8120-4 Lot 6, Con. I 1, Hibbert � mill, woman. 8l2Dx4-tf — - .1 Ruby Young, who is clerking in Fin- visitors at the home of Mr. and .ver. Five per cent. off for cash. Roots, ARM FOR SALE. 100 ACRE FARM FOR F No. 7 -No shaping of furrows, excepting scratches and crown. I % A . . -%igan's store, Egmondville, spent the Lean, of the London P No outside stock James B. MIC and Sorghum, cash. P allowed. . ­ sale. being Lot 8. (in th� 16th Concession of Grey Township. On the nrenuses, is a two , T ,D, c A -2 n, -t 9-rith nd �� -week end at her home here. Road, during e pasu week. - Tvirs. Joni, ­. ­ ­ -a. , ppen, ,ov ; *11 . Brown, A,,,t4l,* 312lx2 Tham- wtory brick house with Rlste roof and all : y I 0 . '. , ,,'­kostesi'served­%L delightful, lunch. of Mr. and Mrs. - John Deitz, of out due May 24th: I 11 -year Oldl. dry: a isne year . T. ON ' Graham and daughter, of London, .. ­ -_ - - ­S­ALE__0F__F­A­R,M­_S_T_0CK modern canverience�, hrivk ­neer: woodshed, I land- It 14 on county mad. convenient to school and hiwb school and within two mfW saw, Stratford last and Mrs. Arnold'Petrie, of Torontoi, P.ed Ryan, 166916, born June Ith, 1024, sire � BRUCEFIELD were visitors in this locality during - - AND frame barn 5fix6O feet on �tone foundation : Classes For All Comers, I " '9 4, .. f Watch for the Big One Cent Sale next the past week. -Rev. Mr. and Mrs. AUCTION - � --'Me _ ,, IMPLEMENIS undersigned Rue 29th. instructed to by ,,t,r ,y,fern aV through the stab ISO �0: 11 2 it, another Wilding 6 (; feet A dril ed well -, N ictor Grinney, Oti. , awyer, � � , . ,I t0g, to,. affofd � lidflift-'- bittiliffy Wik. -Do1g, of Port Itcron, spent the bnY loader, Massey-HArris 19 dise. drill. Cook- . , t# I ptA 1 14 - shuft ,ndlnlk_ plow, set 4-eectfors irou barrows, , �� ft � -Treek. October 27th, 29th and Him' "11 John Richardson, of DTUmbo, visited tioneer has been selll public 11 The out soon. Wait for it, Tito biggest nVOiTC7 auction on the far R. T. Luker & Son, ' ith a windmill and supply tank; 13 imeres llrc�;ident. S"retary. I No. 7 Riding T'Inw ...................... I 0 9 (3 4 11 of the year, at Keating's Phannisay, at - the home of the latter' .. Caues,.mnof ; s brother, an Lot q I,, 1 , Usborne. 11J mileS Fir flirt,her particulars of hardwood bush- ' T R. R. No, 3. apply to ALEX. 131 CHANAN. Science Hill. I SPECI A LS I =-Z'. 3198.1 Mr John Bell, and also other relatives mouth of Exeter. on Tuesday. October nt�, this neighborhood during the st 1927, at I o'clodk. the following Stock. Imple- Come and hear this first class conicert tal- in ' pa, Walton. Ont. 3123-4 --- --- - -_ I— .---.--- ___ ��__ i�! , .nut, the Sunset Mate Quartette, assisted by ents. Etc.: Horses --One =m re 6 years Isabel Mortimer, Tender. In Northside United week. -Rev.. -Mr. and Mrs. Barnaby, 11"Id 1700 pounds: 1 roan 5ey-ra aid. -- ARM FOR SALE.- I,0T .10. CONCESSION ' F TAKE NOTICE I I 1" 11 . . , '<hurch at Senforth, on Monday, October 24th. from Blyth, visited at the home of 1 ,00 pounds: matched team: 1 blue roan 10. Morris Tow6hiv. containing aboutl 50 a,cres, adjoining Village of Walton. C.P.R. Rest fini-h in Stubble, Jones & May gi,ves good to value of $2�00. .", i. , , - " -` at 9.30 p.m. See large advertisement. Mr. apid Mrs, Win. fvison and other home 4 year' old, 1600 pountin. The above will inspection for market. One Station -ithin 20 ntids. On the property is a - - I have made up liat of lands for sale for I stand . Miission Circle. -The members Of relatf-ves during the -week. --Mr. Fred h bred mare, Sure Fast, born 1916. hen housc l6x89, bank burn 4Ox8O, silo 12x3D. Arrea" of taxem. and have advertised the "itne 114 , I � ,�� 11 k sta"`m ndard ., . the Marion Oliver Mission Circle were Parsons, of London, visited his par- registered by Tramp Fast. 2.12%; 1 standard never failluir well with windmill. comfortable " in the Ontario Gazette. The. .dverti�ement ,**:,:� , " ; ,,entertained at the home of Mrs. J. ypar old by the great Widore, dam. . ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parsons, of filly I I Flom- ' M-17 3 frame house containing I rooms with modern emiveniences. new furnace. cle�.trlc lights, large .ill appear four weekin in succession. W. LANE, I ;11 �if .� 'il �7 . I . " .., I - , Sure Fast: I standard years o1c. I Addison last Thursday night., The the town line, Stanley, during the Me Todd by Jim Todd 2.081/1 has been miles woodshed attached to housp. The -14L pid 1. ,rat Treasurer, Rnrou County. - , �; .". �, . .. -.-Imgmdar meeting occupieO the first pas,t week. -Mr. and Mrs. ElBeVBM in 2.17Y,. Sights ,in 16 secondm, raced at Preq- 0180q, well dratined amd in soleudid state of fisted at Gode-rieh. �', 1. , . Vart of the evening. Hazel Haugh, Stafford, of Vienna, visited at the toix July 2nd, soum4 and the best %' of mnn_ nets, a real pacer: Sorrel pony 14 hands high _)ie cultivation. Phone 14-232. Seaforth, or apply In the Premises to JOHN McDONALD. Saw- September 301h. 1927. 3121-2 - 11 � 11� 1 president, presided, and Mrs. Ad- home of the latter's brother, Mr. W. any lady can drive. a good driv . q er, I wrrej ; .9 +11 __ I- .3 ­ I ­ mill, woman. 8l2Dx4-tf — - I � ___ � __ __ .- __ __ I- V, %uson gave a synovs - o � L. Tweins, during the wee .-TvIr. an horse S years Old, bm ver a " - ;. %tudy-bog . After the meeting gamen N of Pips -I 7�yeat old cow, fresh. one 8- ear old Mrs SainuetCullmore and farAily � .roller DESIRABLE F ARM FOR SALR-BETNn Lot 16 the of Lot -4 . cow, fresh; I 8�year old Holstein duy March ' fture were enjoyed and, then the Seftiortli, were visitors at the li;n�e 'ear old ,:�md ii 4rd, I 7 -year 0141 due May 9th: 1 6-7 and easterly portion IT in the fourth Concession of the Township . '. , ,,'­kostesi'served­%L delightful, lunch. of Mr. and Mrs. - John Deitz, of out due May 24th: I 11 -year Oldl. dry: a isne year of Hibbert. consisiting of 121; .acres of eboi.-e , I olld heifer& ; I I -year old s4teet ,, 4 spring calves. , : ,.N#6s.-AA vambor-from 'here Rt- village, durilig the past weok.-Mr. I 6 Shoals. Registered Shorthorn DWI. land- It 14 on county mad. convenient to school and hiwb school and within two mfW saw, Stratford last and Mrs. Arnold'Petrie, of Torontoi, P.ed Ryan, 166916, born June Ith, 1024, sire of Dublin. Oin the farm is 96 modern two -Veek;4iow, "'iliv'r pliyo. got" - at'XIV00*1 . were viefton at the home of the lat- Olo'Verds.1% Ch,lef, a sure ,stock bull. ImIge- story brick house, one barn GWO, another . . witiversary seM cies..4n. 'S'llday. T�he egor and ments, HALy' and Owtii-7400t Mnasey. ter?s sister, Miss Mae McGr binder Magatey-Harrfs side rake, M)Rss*7-HArr,16 ;;ait4d in 'pQer, 66:K88 with good stnbling and H acre% of hardwood bash; tw,o good wells and wind- , elititih boye: Wag closed - the others during the past week. � Mr. has,, Dearing mower. Massey-HR&T& �,�. mills, it 16 free of encumbrance aud the � , . ,I t0g, to,. affofd � lidflift-'- bittiliffy Wik. -Do1g, of Port Itcron, spent the bnY loader, Massey-HArris 19 dise. drill. Cook- . , t# I ptA 1 14 - shuft ,ndlnlk_ plow, set 4-eectfors irou barrows, , �� ft buyet by paying one-third of Purchase price 'efin arrahze, for balance by mortgage for 5 - I 11 and week ohd at his home here. --Mr. and I - : r g to Xlpp - -_ I set 9-seetion iron harrows, dise, Clinton fon- � , ,,�, #�,.iffimffimns of 1) 1� wheelbar. I . �,�:-,� 1 .. i� 0 0twit. W006 -Mra.' Harvey Hubbard atid Mr. Mel- nit, will! ldwsey-Hurrisq cultivaAmr. , % ­ I -a 113' ,q . -I-- teell a gets terain years at 5 Per cent The owner is anxious to eel) before leaving to reside In California. . For further particulars Apply F. 14COON- PAO i"� .FA 4;�.. 6 , �­ p1pus prue e 0111, ma vule =Mymont, an or Detroit, Spent rove, e V . i4 , h double driving hu.m,ss. potath N%LU Dublin, or SO ,, 11AV'. - — , R arn-eta. set HN Vft Wal ..,o " friiuds of MISS Ellen ii, visit ,it the home of Mr. and Mrs. I root Pulver. cutting ton. I 81144f -- , I biller, set Steel trucks. . - - ,eo W" ,*7,M - ­11-ra ge M tOWAXI PUr-Ur ,ca and Bob Dal- James jMtClymont� of our villa , dur- box, mistoure spreader, light wagon. mot bob- I , , 1" , AIM VOR SAL& -FOR IrAul, LOT 7. P 6 ... �- � , , 3 -0W, Ao learn. theY ing the pa4tweek.-Mr. and Mrs. R. slofghtl� logv4ii box, Ut ft -Tc. 2 lgddeptf, ,&,&ft*l F Ooticession 6, Stan -ley TovVitabilp. contain- ... I � I � I �W64, 'wieder, likwa mower. onta.­hny and 4% acres -have sdo%i 1, ; ­ �,. %,�aud UM P. Bell A -Ad Mr. and Mrs, W�n. Butt, of earru Varitibire-1 ween pattor suite good Ing 100 acres. On the oremit" are a 1% � �' furlanv* itiftil, It rame 'Bifirdige and son,-iy wll . �4 APPLES � _ ,041 ti�, ftr#,$.,�sts all of Seifbrth, were rdAitors at the as poir, &rk watnut glass aniou"rd. varl,iy- storl brick home with f ,i6f Mrs. J. W6tio.". .1, utt, n* IftI2, kibr-hen rteel range. bedat.0d, one kitchen and WOO(IShed. Hard and soft Vier 4V . . 035'aftr I � Mv�'�-Viss home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 0 caPbosird, thilft. bed, - mind other artltlts; too ,r, the �auooz. batik burn 811tift With cement Ilia &ott vidftdd �&WO',"�l " "' �#`4,1' 0411 , of Our village diiiing the past Week. rdorow -to th6lition., PooftivOlY lie in I through- wi-admill" 4xild ,%vater in GOOD WINTER APPLES ,,q, - , robIfte 60" " - �� �. lr�11.0"Vq 1, � ;' dviVe shed and fift1901milit house, At , _�ft the b-Arn -day�_-Mts.­Llkle =11!*"ftQ,1:�%1 " ... . Glazier, of ailfth,, Vidt0d at nu ,Visa ,,,aid his form inuid Is I .. .M, so .the * lev. , J."d to all cle4r#d,. well drained L_ ated '611 lot- AOI*tO � 0 4M . Vift VV b1L Terms,-AII aufi,lo bf 410 20*30; ' " "' Farm 90 I tht,howio of her daukhter, ltm Thoo , v a under, canh-, over that oniount 12 nitiotit., and *oil f 6d Voith *lM AftaAn a good -it ifft"(M4�,44611i V ., tote ot. diffilvotion. sevbll Wlo from Hon C. Hoare s Pro ,0 0414, *411, to. gi n. 'Im fur,nVT,g avp�vovw � �Xestplttll last *etsk" , , of out VIVAge, dUTIn'9 the L"it � 4 A*66I& &440, ,) ., nil , * -,4­'Mioa Elvk- Anderson, of O& Wit iww tjjY6 �t be *er odfit off 10111h 5 'Mill ift"11 across the 1, J,V._�Kr, sMd. Uta, O" � � ' , "" # )f"s �. t- )Mftouvits, Huy ift'WAM read, ItUfAl - . attia ph 'Iftft' ,Ift be sold NEAR CLINTON. ?hter� A'A1196 V � Ow � pek j�A, � � t the week end with ft ft wilial Votia. A r, . U ' '84po"Vidalt I '' �481,; k bai;h ;6- 'dit h 6%9 *W*.1%* I 211 , 06rar VI"h'.'. iut.�g� & 80q, X , 0� ,P -Xg q , Bring Your Bags. . 6 , � -F q 4 r. VAR i M r a. to" t ptank F. . , , I V 3121ma , .0 1)" ",Wt I I I . , , I , I a 41r- i voaftt� Vain& . . -_.1 ,�., �.= � . , ,6,��Oiij I . I ppat. . I sdr4 'y I . - , 00 .., , � ,_L, *r. Old. MO._ !$X4.4#. W A. Allider , ,� r � . - __ . , ,A, ; I "M 4 01 I Ift, Irdw 'Elpten" - I .4 i 0 211M , - f. ailuft Aftott Ol.a. � . I , �,�",,_' : -_ . . I . I W. I . I It 1��­L`:�,� .,I I . �. I . 1. 7',�,,�', 1'-� � I . . . I I ., � ,�L ,.1. , i 4,41 1�.. I - ., I . . ., 1i *1 I 0 1 .I � . L I , 'i ,7,q,�;.;.",*'­. '11 .. - I I I . - I I . 1 ­;�,_,4..._ . . 1. , � � 4* ,­' .. . I 1, I .1. : I I . 1; I � 1� :Y_'�' .. � � ,i,-;�,��,,,��,,�,��.i,',"�,4,��,i-,.�,, ;_1 i, � ,-. � �.", . , .. I I . - � , �i . I, ,,,, 1. I I " %'� , , � . I . . . � ".. � � . � ,��-. � "4 , � 1. '' , . .1 I 1. . I , . -i . . I . - , - ., �.. - .� , , . .. - �,, ...Iou,��, , 1, I . I 1�, _�, " �,.,��',_, 4 *,�;,, , " ... I" ­"., ;,� I I �. - `;,.),�.",��,�, "U,"I.,'', �., . - ,,, X I , ,,, , � - ,, . !, , �, ,.;" I , ": . ,. . . . . .1 &1,i��;I�­�,��',�� V . ': 1. _,., �. ",kom,, . , , ., ... I ,� I , , _'-':.��, ',�,*�.,,,, � k, 12,.w.�_ , 4 � I . � ... I.. It . I I ". , 1. � . ,� I. I . . im ., . 4 . ad , � I i a , �4 4 - �! I , ­,, ,'%,'. - ­­­ 1. , I . -.�, . � �_�,, I' I ; , 1. � � . . . .11171.11 ��!,, ",77 - I , . , ­,"., . ,.:. . , - t;1 1. 't';:, 'U.'If., , . , ,". ,�,­. .,'I,;:,;, 104 � I I I , ��;,;�:-,,�,, .1. .�, , - _ � , - I I EY � " "' - - -, ikl I ­Aki `:".',,' THE I -4 I 1.., , , , , . , , , ; ��:` CAN, N." I If] �­ I -171, % , A 11%lu 11.11 .1, I . Z "I %JJV' I - � �1 11 ..." � I— ­.. -7I----­ ­I 7 7:, . .7 .=I , � ,,, - I %- :, , I , . - ",I... $2 . 11 � "� �-_,'� . � , ''o � , , - I & CapitA Paid U� I , , - - . �, � , I ; , , � I _ �` I , ., "Cam"' I I - . � :­­ ., Sed,orth Branch - . - 1. G. WUe . I , I .. ----I- I I - . I .1 1: , ..... "I ­­­­', � , � . .. ­ , , 11 I � 1 '77 .1, . . I I dwnwgwwft� � . � ""' __________`t7___1tt�_____7 --- �_ . . . - I _:,k1-'X- ­5 , - .1 . I .'' , 1. � ... �. . .. . Tabbits an -d Hawks", ...' . ARE MOST PLENTIFUL . We have the Proper Guns, the Proper 5 . Ammunition for These. I',, I ( " 22 Sporfing-Rifie, bolt action, long "I , . evice, only..V.00 ' .' I .! . . =. I I- , , = 1i = .22 Repeating Rifle, 15 shot slide ac- � , ..il . tion, complete with safety, modern 1"', . " .. 1; . . sights, long range ......... $18.00 I".. I I 0 . 2 Shot,Gun, long barrel, bolt action, � suitable for nitro powder high ......... $1 6,(M , ( I Double Barrel Shot Gun, Gruner . t � cross bolt hammerless, pistol grip, . for .......... ........... $27,00 . r Double Barrel Shot Gun, pistol grip, twist barrels ............. $20.09 . Special heavy load smokeless 12 gauge shells, No. 2 shot, 42 grs.. I k I Diamond powder, per box, $1.35 \ . We sell Hunting and Trapping I . q Licenses. / A G, A. SILLS & SONS - �, I - I 41 .1 � . `­ ___ - 1. . __ __ �, It �� '�� I .1 , — __ __ .. " , I - , 1.1.11, - 0 .,_ I .1 . � . ;� I � �... I ... . �� 11 , �� �R' 11 ,_ . , owin 0 1 � �, i, . .. .. ��, �­ Under the Auspices of The Exeter District Branch of the Ontario Plowmen's Association WiH be held on the farm of ften Luther, Con. 5, Ushorne Haff Mile North of the Thames Road, on Friday, October 28. F01,1,0WING LIST OF PREMIUMS . PRIZES . I � 1. � : I ��11. � .... . C1,ASSES IN' SOD I I �� " .. I No. I Open class with high cut plows ...... $12 $10 V� I -4. , 'I'll ,,I I , �;,' I No. 3 Open clas . ........................ 112 10 9 6 ;; � C[,ASSES IN STI:BBI,E 2:, .. � No. 4 Boys under 17 years .............. 10 8 F) 4 . . .11171.11 ��!,, ",77 - I , . , ­,"., . ,.:. . , - t;1 1. 't';:, 'U.'If., , . , ,". ,�,­. .,'I,;:,;, 104 � I I I , ��;,;�:-,,�,, .1. .�, , - _ � , - I I EY � " "' - - -, ikl I ­Aki `:".',,' THE I -4 I 1.., , , , , . , , , ; ��:` CAN, N." I If] �­ I -171, % , A 11%lu 11.11 .1, I . Z "I %JJV' I - � �1 11 ..." � I— ­.. -7I----­ ­I 7 7:, . .7 .=I , � ,,, - I %- :, , I , . - ",I... $2 . 11 � "� �-_,'� . � , ''o � , , - I & CapitA Paid U� I , , - - . �, � , I ; , , � I _ �` I , ., "Cam"' I I - . � :­­ ., Sed,orth Branch - . - 1. G. WUe . I , I .. ----I- I I - . I .1 1: , ..... "I ­­­­', � , � . .. ­ , , 11 I � 1 '77 .1, . . I I dwnwgwwft� � . � ""' __________`t7___1tt�_____7 --- �_ . . . - I _:,k1-'X- ­5 , - .1 . I .'' , 1. � ... �. . .. . Tabbits an -d Hawks", ...' . ARE MOST PLENTIFUL . We have the Proper Guns, the Proper 5 . Ammunition for These. I',, I ( " 22 Sporfing-Rifie, bolt action, long "I , . evice, only..V.00 ' .' I .! . . =. I I- , , = 1i = .22 Repeating Rifle, 15 shot slide ac- � , ..il . tion, complete with safety, modern 1"', . " .. 1; . . sights, long range ......... $18.00 I".. I I 0 . 2 Shot,Gun, long barrel, bolt action, � suitable for nitro powder high ......... $1 6,(M , ( I Double Barrel Shot Gun, Gruner . t � cross bolt hammerless, pistol grip, . for .......... ........... $27,00 . r Double Barrel Shot Gun, pistol grip, twist barrels ............. $20.09 . Special heavy load smokeless 12 gauge shells, No. 2 shot, 42 grs.. I k I Diamond powder, per box, $1.35 \ . We sell Hunting and Trapping I . q Licenses. / A G, A. SILLS & SONS - �, I - I 41 .1 � . `­ ___ - 1. . __ __ �, It �� '�� I .1 , — __ __ .. " , I - , 1.1.11, - 0 .,_ I .1 . � . ;� I � �... I ... . �� 11 , �� �R' 11 ,_ . , owin 0 1 � �, i, . .. .. ��, �­ Under the Auspices of The Exeter District Branch of the Ontario Plowmen's Association WiH be held on the farm of ften Luther, Con. 5, Ushorne Haff Mile North of the Thames Road, on Friday, October 28. F01,1,0WING LIST OF PREMIUMS . PRIZES . I � 1. � : I ��11. � .... . C1,ASSES IN' SOD . � I'll. No. I Open class with high cut plows ...... $12 $10 V� I -4. , 'I'll No. 2 Boys under 20 years .............. 12 1 0 �� a ", - I �" No. 3 Open clas . ........................ 112 10 9 6 � 1. 1. " . � . . .. . - C[,ASSES IN STI:BBI,E 2:, .. � No. 4 Boys under 17 years .............. 10 8 F) 4 .11 I I I No. 5 Boys under 21 year . .............. 10 9 6 4 ,� ��, � .. � No. 6 Open class (sce Rule N o. I -5 ) ...... 10 8 6 4 � ��' 1. I No. 7 Riding T'Inw ...................... I 0 9 (3 4 , 1 �... 11. �.. ; tition in Sod ............... 12 1 0 8 6 . I ; .. . I SPECI A LS qll. I .. I q� . It. 1� ... 11 .. Best Crown in sod, W. F. Winder, agent for 1. 11. C. gives goods to � ..� , value of $2.(1,0 i�! , Be -it finish in sod, George 11. Hawkins gives $1.1550 worth of Dr. Hess I . I . I Stock Tonic. I I 1" 11 Best Crown in Stubble, Arthur Jones giveq goods to value of $2.00. .1 I , , I Rest fini-h in Stubble, Jones & May gi,ves good to value of $2�00. .", i. , , - " -` Best plow team, Southcott Bros. gives pair of good cowhide mitts. ., , . I ­, I Best team and equip,ment, 'A'. J, Heartian gives a Deitz lantern, valued ... I . , ., . !!! at $2.25. .� :��,. _:�, , Oldest Plowman over 60 years. Harvey Bros. give 50 pounds of Flour. 114 , I � ,�� 11 Youngest plowman under 17, B. W. F. Beavers give-, a jack knife. ... - - - - - Rest Crown in Class 6, W. .1. Beer give,; $1.50 halter. ,**:,:� , " _ Best finish in tractor competition, Browning's, Drug Store gives uw- .. 1, -� T nreakable quart Thermos Bottle. I ;11 �if .� 'il �7 . I . RITLES AND REGUI,ATIONS . . ,A , la�, , . , , ­ . It" No. 1 -Entrance fee: Memberst Free; Nort-members, 50,v. - , �; .". �, . .. No. 2 -All contestant -s competing to he on tb6 grounds at 9 a.m. Plowing to . I !.1 ... I I cornmene, at 9.30 and be finiqhed not later than 3.30. �', 1. , No. 3 -Plowman to provide his own stakes. S 1. �� No. 4-Aiverage depth of furrows, 6 illiches. 11 � 11� No. &--After setting and removing of stakes, assistance wiAl not be allowed , .. .. ,� in Classes 1, 3, 6, 7 and 8 except for lea&ng single horse. .z , .", I " No. 6 -Selection of land to -be by ballot. : No. 7 -No shaping of furrows, excepting scratches and crown. ! �: I . No. 8--Wbeels prohibited in all classes. ,�., _­ .11 � I .. ,I, 1� ..','�'. No. 9 -Decision of judges to be final. � .v,,Ila - I . L "I � . ... No. 10 --Horses and harness need not be property of one man, nor necessary ': .1 ... , ., .11, I i..�",­. I ., �� , ... for awner to be plowman. 1. ­ , , ,11 - ; I I No, I 1 ---Crovm to consist of six furrows. I ... 1. . '.4". I , I ­ 1, No. 12 --Gee around six rounds. . I �, .1 _.. . ­ P%,�' , No. 13 -Skimmers allowed. . ," �, ; ,�. g , ,i�'. .. I � ,� No. 14-Lumeb will be provided plowmen. --;t ;, . ,� V , '.. V �, No. 15 --In Class 6. no handling of furrows and only three stak4i�s alltrv�ed; 11 , 1 4 1. �� . �% ' I � rnu4t be finished with team; titme taken to plow land considered fA . , ''.. -1 . , . , ". I ".., I 1.� X .. .. . Z -, judging- Prize winner,; to be paid on day ,of match. Teams will be provi&4 . I .... 1, '. , , , " ?��;. � ' ' " .1 1....13 I" I �. 1` ..,.�. visiting plowmer wishing same. . , �t . 'I' .. A.. . 1. I "i�,., . �" ��, .. ,;,�;:,��,�� " �,�;,_,,i�,., I 11 �.' . .-. I For further information apply to ,L ­ ,4, 11 � 1,11 I �?y;, 11 �V ,,��: .1 � � �� , 't v..'A'Aim,ft I- J. SHAPTON, R. B. Wit�,JA,X-MV. . " �11 "� I , " . . � ­ President. seeft", " � �J, -, I I , 11 �! "," , i ,,, , � ` PP&RCY, PA-8831af, - I ­ ", �.-,i-�, I � ,, 11 1-1. R �� J�` MT., ,;. , ', , � lat Vice-Pregident 2nd Viet L I I".. . ,,;: � .� .8 , ,.�i , ,_­ �, "' I - I ­L:7�,�;_, 2;'11.. .. ENOS HEROMAN, Treasurer. . , ;� `I... � I ; �� i��.I. 11� � ��, , I", ,� ; ",-,I i, I , I - � , 't 1; 't � ­ ?,,�;, .... - � � , '. . , : ' 11, ,,,, _ , I , � , , �.�.� � , . , ,�'. � 1,� "; " 1"';", ''. " ft I-; . - �:LL, %. '' ­ ,,,�� 11 - ,��,�:�,!, -1 . ­ I I , . �. i� ,::�., ", I : - � ­:,�. � . , - 1:: " 1. ; .. 11 ;V � .11 1141�1 � , . 1. . 1 2V I "., I . , , ;,1 , , , �, � - �, - , 1". . , - , k 1. 1�� . _ ,%L14. " .Iffj�'%Mft;� . iNokm - xi&A,'��-,�m!,Ii �M=�,5ikn;,", ��,,, , ��.A�121,T,�,,,14,.At�- ff, " " -,��11116,,.�,.��.! ,,, 1.�,�',�t�"",4,&L�,�'.i�(.141t��kl-l� ff'."N4,60.3 Z ,� .. . ,12? 'i"'AAAMAi .,,_11�,,i�:.',Z`1 . �', - *.1 '. ;" "t. . I _ . ", � I 1-11, I I '. �' .1