HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-10-21, Page 31�6; i,.
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"and, R,#,p Arm
invesime,u; 91 ,be t, Ink 0: rs to, enging
14 , I rail
-I; put in -w 'A 14
Regalai Elgonjoi.,Zver with cold water; hegt. i ng IRK, �f;.rzaill
ued; when water b A 02'liid in q -
orated, reduce the heAt' SS1pn.4ft0v lines weve'
take e . vap
n i , is shrivelled and th�"X,
built al)[,over thoj�,�,J*Wry-
Prepare Y_)u
6f your s ain through a double cheese� electrificatiOn
ool, cover, keep in 4 Cold ate, contempliked �roneh railroid
0� e - I
en it rea V e
!Dpp ce. Hundreds of mtles�'�A' I d Vai�v
pitunity Wh Preparation of Crumb.a.-7-,Dry piec- electrified, not q nd gro, I unA
arrives. Ov— the
— id J
ha inilei: �;
lines., Thwi.W 600
til crisp; put through themeat chop- tance
per or roll fino; sift. electrified- Ahe VA*B, Lyons And
T Medlt�rra;,San, t4e�,64 �s e behing-
V t m str&
south from the 0, p, I and serving
e Rhone valleyp�: r-Tseilles and the;
Riviera, plans the Imate electrifica
:1ts system.
Established 1871 ol�RRA? tion of 2, ffeli�.
The French tru*`,�'roads are
Wlhen Ernest . Newman, the London known for their q'e"Jid. The famous
music critic, was'in New York, acting Golden Arrow wh . JW the travellei,
e s gu
is , est critic of a pap�sr there, he 185% miles from Efflais to Paris in
found many faults with the famous I go ,i,ut,,,,
Metropolitan Opera. Especially he
7 SEA -FORTH BRANCH ridiculed the practice of singers of .077 -
Ilk R. Jones Manager singing to the auldience insfead of the
characters they are supposed to be
Girls Tell thk7to
addressing. on the stage. Mr. New
man, since his return to England, has Youi.�,`$'ginny Friend
returned to this subject. But the
BED ment the company's production re- Musical Courier ma4s this reply -
cord wiH be surpassed soon after the "The operi-going publk wan -its some, TFIl him that thei�,quick easy way
'Sir Alfred Yarrow, the famous Eng, new cars go on the assembly line. acting, but it does not want that act- to put poun�rs of solid flesh on his
Mali civil engineer, has designed -a bed ing to interfere with the music- it bones is to take ffdGoy's Cod Liver
which he declares will promote sleep. does not want composers to write Extract Tablets.
'The design of the bed is based on the only recitative which renders acting Tell him that besides helping him
-fact that Sir Alfred found that the SOME HANDY HINTS -IN HOUSE- easy, The success of Wagner's so- to fill out his flat chest and sunken
3novements of a train were conducive
:to sleep, and those movements he has CLI�ANING called music dramas is no argument cheeks and neck McCoy's will make
to the contrary. That success is due, him strong and vigorous and give
in the mechanism of the When emptying the vacuum cleaner not to any of -Wagner's foolish and him more ambition.
-new bed. bag, insert the open end in a large impractical theories, which he was Miss Alberta -Rogers, thin and
The bed is of the usual wooden paper bag and shake down. In this never, himself, foolish enough to live run-down gained 15 pounds in six
supported on way the dirt is kept from blowing up to, but simply and Solely to his
.frame type, but is weeks.
�springs and given the required move- about and can -be disposed of easily. marvelous basic dramatic ideas, and McCoy takes all the risk—Read
.iinent through a link mechanism driv- Save the bags in which grdceries are his no less ninrvelous music. this ironclad guarantee. IP after tak-
nen by an electric motor. The motion delivered. "In the Wagner operas, where the ing 4 sixty cent boxes of McCoy's
cf the bed has been arranged to vary Velour upholstery canbe cleaned by magnificences are mostly in the or- Cod Liiver Extract Tablets or 2 One
gradually throughout a cycle to pre- brushing briskly with a medium. stiff chestra, there might be some excuse Dollar boxes' any thin, underweight
'vent possible nausea from constant small �Prush. If there are soiled plac- for real acting. But in operas of the rran or woman doesn't gain at least 5
unvaried motion. This cycle is pro- a, like oil from the hair of people other Bort, where the voice has the pounds and feel completely satisfied
duced by having two eccentrics, driv- who have leaned back in a chair, rub tune and the tune is pretty much the with the marked improvement in
-en from the motoy, through two gear the greasy places gently with a cloth whole thing, too much acting simply health your druggist is authorized to
-wheels, one having a tooth less than dampened in gasoline. spoils the music. One may well ask, return the purchase price.
�the other. If the tick is not spotted and badly bow can the most histrionically en- Ask any good druggist.
A crossbar connecting the ends of soiled, pillows may be renovated with- dowed of artists really act when his qP
the two eccentric rods is coupled at out removing the feathers. Wash the remarks are repeated Over and over
the centre to a rocking lever, and pillows just as they are in tub or again through five or six or more min- ENGLAND LEADS IN BUS
this, in turn, imparts a reciprocating washing machine, using wairn water, utes of,.iria, duet or ensemble?
rnotion to the e frame of the bed. soap and ammonia. Souse the pillow., "As well imagine a wricert artist BUILDING
up and down for about ten minutes, turning this way and that, sometimes That Eniland, after leading in bus
rinse carefully, hang in the sun and with his back to his audience, as to
A SIMPLE TREATMENT wind to dry. imagine a singer in opera with an design, then being headed by the
FOR CHILDREN'S COLDS aria to sing—or 9 -row of singers in United States, -is again "up-to-tbe-
minute," is indicated among other
an ensemble 'acting' as per the re- things by the following description of
OCold in the head is very common at COMMON PUFF BALL IS GOOD ceipt of the dramatic stage. Yes, one of the motor coaches displayed
this time of year, especially in the some of it is possible. Mere are at the recent Royal Agricultural So-
-very young. Neglect Of a cold is FOR FOOD moments where real acting is effec- . ,
prone to lead to serious consequences. Vve even in opera, but they are not clety a Show: "The seats have pneu-
To relieve all congestion of the sys- One of the least appreciated of all the vocally great moments. matic upholstery, covered with chrome
edibles, because so little is kno leather, and the back rest of each
ttem. is the first step in treating a wn o f "What the public wants is to be
cold, whether in infants or adults. it, is the common bu.V delicious white left in full enjoyment of the singer'9 houses a neat little polished table,
For the very young, Baby ts Own Tab- puff ball found growing not only in voice, and for that it is often neces- rigid yet positioned by a touch of the
lets are the ideal means of doing the . fields and by the wayside but oc- sary for the singer to get down as finger. There is a separate electric
this. Containing no narcotics or casionally by one's own doorstep. The near the footlights as possible." fitting over each seat, all of which
wother harmful drugs they soothe the puff ball, to be fit to eat, must 'be face forward except thorie. at the rear,
firm and perfectly white when broken the occupants of which, share a large
child's fretfulness, relieve its suffer- open and in that state is absolutely ov�l table placed between them.
ing -and ensure convalescence. safe as a food and vies with the A VERY RELIABLE Fvery passenger is within the reach
Baby's own Tablets are without mushroom in flavor. HOME TREATMENT of an electric bell communicating
;an equal for relieving indigestion, To prepare,the puff ball, peel and with the driver; there is an ample
constipation and colic. They check slice about one-half inch thick, Cover How Weak, Run -Down People Can spply of match strikers and ash trays!
diarrhoea; break up colds and simple the bottom of the frying pan with fat Obtain Relief. and the equipment even includes an
fevers; promote health -giving sleep
:and make the dreaded teething period and dust with salt and pepper. Lay automatic cigaret machine
in the slices and fry a delicate brown. Among the many remedies offered The' Greyhound Motor �Tistol-
,easy. The Tablets are the one medi- for the maintenance or restoration of don Sepvice has recently added to its i
Garnish with parsley and serve hot. i
-cine that a mother can give her little By cutting the slices with a small I health and strength, there is none can fleet of bu-es some excellent new ones. ,
,ones with perfect safety as they are compare with Dr. Williams' Pink Fach of these buses is divided into'
guaranteed to be free from injurious cake cutter the puff ball may be made Pills. Most ailments are due to poor, three main sections, the front cor�-
to resemble the button mushrocIms and
drugs. They are sold by all medi- thin blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pill, taining 18 seats and the rear portion,'
used in any capacity in w4hich one
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a have a specific action on the blood, which is a smoking saloon, having 1
13ox from The Dr. Williams' Medicine would use the latter.
Puff Balls With Tomatoes. making it rich, red and pure. Through eight seats. Between the two is thc
Co., Brockville', Ont. Six small puff hall mushrooms, six this richer blood the tissues of the central section, on one �ide of which
.0 tomatoes, 2 tablespoonfuls butter, 1/2 body are better nourished, and the is a lavatory, a nd on the other side
teaspoon salt, 1-8 teaspoon paprika, 3 tunctions of the body better perform- a 9 in all buffet. Each passenger has
FORD TO START ON NEW CAR cups water. ed. Anaernic sufferers, weak, languid available on the hack of the next seat
I Cut the tomatoes fine and stew in and nervous people speedily find new an oval mirror, a pocket containing
NEXT WEEK health and strength throug1h the use newspapers and the like, and, when'
I the water for twenty minutes. Rub of this medicine. This w as the ex- required, a smail folding table con -
Or 4's n Sieve, Add the puff r
Production of Henry I' . ew through a puree perience of Mrs. John Arrnou , South venient for accommodating a lunch
,zar, whose appearance is waited with balls, dice. and salt, and paprika and Monoghan, Ont., who says --"I am t
,considerable impatience by automo- simmer for ten minutes. Add butter ray, By his side i�, a bell push for
one of the many thousands who have
]bile manufacturers, will begin within and serve very hot.. The puff balls ammoning the qteward, and a switch
tor should be about the size of potatoes. regained health through the use of Dr. for controlling the light over his Seat
.a few days, officials of the Ford mo Williams' Pink Pills, and I take this The floor is covered with a pile carpet*
'Company announced. All varieties are wholesome and de- pportunity of saying a word in laid on felt, and the engine exhaustl
The announcement temporarily stills, licious if eaten when the flesh is as "
praise of this splendid medicine. Be- can be utilized when required to pro -
the wild rumors and speculations that white as curd.
Fried Puff Balls. fore beginning the use of this medi- vide warmth for the interior.
las been rife in automotive circles cine I was pale and badly run down. Six -wheel huses, ha�e been built for
41uring the past few months. It also Some varieties of puff bal I can I found it difficult to do my house- some time in Great Rritain and are
dispells the qualms of more than ten rightly be called vegetable sweet- work and was tired and breathless at reported to he gaining, much g -round
thousand Ford dealers whose appre- I b d ' T 0 epare t�ern so that that the least exertion. I had tried ",veral over there. I)eliv(,ry of a larL-e num-
'reZ s pr
hension has bordered on despair. ter can be justified, wash and peel medicines without benefit, and finally her of these vehicl(:�; has been taken
Coincident with the announcement1while t ey re as white and li�ght as try D'r. Williams' Pink vice on rough and hilly
maral ce decided to recently for Rer
-from 11flivver headquarters" that "it hrmaio-w inside. Then sli
in an� .Il the slices n P'lls- 'Soon I began to feel better, Scotland.
-won't be long now," until the new'%e in butter' i seasoned sleep better and eat better, and found routes in
-model will be rolling off the assembly flour and saute my weight increasing. In a word I
line; it became known that one hun- A Puff Ball Caution.
,dred and twenty-five thousand persons While all the puff balls 'are safe fElt like a new person. I have since CANN-1--,D ('11ICKEN FOR RFSERVI�,'
car eating, one of the books on mush- recommended the pills to others who
'have made deposits on the new - rooms suggests that there is a fun- have taken them with equally good L'S F
-without ever having seen it. In addi results."
-bon, nearly three hundred thousand gus tkat may be mistaken for a puff Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for After dressing chickens, wash them
-persons have placed orders without ball, SO one must be careful even in Rnsemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner- thoroughly and hang them up overl
-imaking any payment. using these, if an amateur mushroom v ousness. Take them as a tonic if night to drain, and where they will
Ford factories, which, during the gatherer. you are not in the best physical condi- not freeze. Then cut up the same a.,;
past few weeks, have resembled large tion and cultivate a resistance- that for cooking. Pack in sterilized one -
trade schools with foremen and work- will keep you well and strong. Get a quart sealers, place rubber in position
-era being instructed in the manu- COOKERY LESSONS box from the nearest drug Store and and use no water, a., the juice frorn
-facture and adjustment of new parts,
are now beginDing to take on the ap- Deep Fat Frying.—As foods cook- begin this treatment now. the chicken will cook out to form I a
-pearance of heydey activity- ed in fat (sauted or fried) so often -The pills are sold by all medicine nice jelly. Add one teaspoon Ra t,
Approximately 75,1000 men are now are unwholesome because 6f the ab- dealers or will be sent by mail at 60C place rubbers in position and partially
,employed in the Ford plant� which sorption of fat, 'special precautions a box by writing The Dr. Williams' tighten tops. Place on rack in boil -
should be followed. A fat thermom- Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. cr, with cold water to come to rims.
Combined earnings is greater than tbe boiler lid on and from the time
,90,000 employed at the peak of the eter is not expensive (about $2.00) Keep
and is well worth its cost, as food the water commences to boil, time
7n,odel T production. them for three hours—steady boiling.
Ford officials predict that with the fried in fat of the correct tempera- FRENCH RAILWAY'S CENTEN- Then turn down the. heat, or remove
ip- ture (providing the food has first ARY BRING CELEBRATED
increased sPAce and improved equi boiler to back of range. Remove jars,
been properly' prepared) will be cTiSP THIS YEAR. tighten tops and invert to cool.
and appetizing atid not in the least
greasy. France is celebrating her railroad "I am a farmer's wife and have
'Choice of Fata.—It is necessary to centenary this year. Orle hundred canned chick6n many times, and never
use a soft fat which will drain frorn years ago French engineers, stimu- had a jRr sPOil. It 'a nice for picnic
the food before cooling; use lard or lated by England's example in the lunches, served cold, or just at meal
one4half lard, and one-half suet; or a field, built their first railway, and so time when you have unexpected guests
If you wish, it can be heated,
lard substitute; clarified beef drip- placed their country in a position to arme
pihg; a good oil, as alive oil or introduce rail transportation to the adding a little water and thickening
mazola. continent. It was a modest little the gravy.".
The Tbmp6rature of Fat.—Use it railroad that was first laid, only 12 If desireA, the poorer portions of
thermometer or teat with a small cube miles in length, but the first 'traints the chicken, including' the neck and
t. giblets, may be cooked in water, and
cf bread; count the time required to tjip occasioned great excitemen
brown the bread. The steam locomotive had not yet tiv broth used for"filling, the jars. The
(a) For food already cooked and made its debut in the country. Hetses giblets 'nay be groutA, thoroughly
As bread should bri0wh furnished the power, continuin 14e soned, Rod an appetizing sandwich
for oysters g it use a
ill forty se4' '1 1844, The 1.45 nietre track then filling made of them.
ends, 390 degrees P. unti
(b) POT uncooked foods. -the bv4ad laid is standard gauge to -d for all
-�hould brown in sixty seconds, 665 French railroads, and apprwdmal;�S
1he st4ndard ,Pattge in Gr6at Brit6f n A wise woman could make a ce
Sue S.;
pst.—After using, -cool the and Amorlea. This first lint, the of marriap out of the most unprom-
Ch" 4" Of
strain through I 61116"e� Etienne aid Andrezieux, had but coio is material. My wife has,Mr. J.
and ReOp 411 a track and was - intet W to a Ve Me A. Cai. &
EN oarme,
with S"`at.'U';51 act 10, on,
HE MAN OR BOY who misses seeing tfils
Overcoat display will overlook to hisown dis-
advantage the biggest display of the best
Overcoats this Store has yet shown.
We started out this season determined to have a
stock of Overcoats that would be simply unbeatable,
and in addition to this they are priced at figures
that makes them doubly interesting.
Come in any day and see how big and how attrac-
tive this display is. Slip into one of these stylish,
luxurious, comfortable Overcoats, and you will be
surprised- at just how reasonable these unusually
good coats can be bought. All sizes.
Boys' Overcoats $8.50 to $18
Men's Overcoats $15 to $40
A Special Purchase ofException'al
Specially Priced for Quick Selling
RARELY indeed is it possible to offer brand new
Dresses, carefully made of the newer mater-
ials in the very latest style, at what is practic-
ally clearing prices.
We wish to specially emphasize the wonderful
values that these Dresses represent, and at the same
time to assure you that these are the very last word
in high-grade dresses. Every new material and
color is represented and are so cleverly and attrac-
tively made they are simply irresistible.
If you would have a real good stylish dress at a
low price, come now.
$10,75, $12.50 to $15
Meii's Suits
Made to Measure
$22 to $50
We can give you a Suite
made to your measure at
any price you wish to pay,
and will guarantee you the
best possible value. In buy-
ing a special order Suit, we
advise buying the medium
and better grades rather
than the lower lines that
must of necessity be skimped
down to a price.
Leishman's, Johnston's,
Art Craft are , mong our
more popular m.alces. There
is a big Showing of samples
here now. Corne in and
make a selectio�i earlV.
$22 to $50.
Stewart Bros., MW
Men and Boys.
All New Merchandise at
New Reduced Prices.
� ;-I
Sea, rt -,it".