HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-10-14, Page 4. 1. I ;.;,., �, .1. 71"Fl �'. , , ," "r � ­ -�,,,­�, ,,, �, . I I ,:., , " � . I I I I I I I I , , . I I � I . - , ��, ,- f, 11 I I �, ', � . ,-,,�',, ,�4 , , �,%" , , , , ,,� ,, ;." �: , ,", 111 4"c,:, ,�� I 0 , ,i ,,, �. , .1 � . 0, �-, . � 11� 1. I., I ',,',::, - ' � IL I . 11 I , ,�, , �, ,� ���,,�-,�,�: � , �, ,i��," ::,� ;�,,, u r..Ilt.,.� R- . I � ..�,-, ;j"', , � , , , i ,; ,,,:, ,,,,�1��� ;�, ,::. ', . � I . -, ,, � � . I X" . , - 11 �1.1 ,, I . I I I I � I . � � - 11 1. � 71 " ,;�,' �M �17 Mr 1 INA I 11 ? �, 't, . 0: VN I I 'I''_ ­� I '1� I I I � I I , . I . I � I , I � � 71 , ,17-.'! ,�", '. '11 .1A.-5-1 11� I'll qv�;� .L1*1, ml , � , I , I ,, , ", I I I , . I i I 1 ­ I, I "I . � �,, � I , ", - . � , I � 1�. � -; 11,!� �,, 4 1 or ���IE4"y-vb,4w)p�,V,e,%5�-,4,ioI WoFg, , I . i N� �1, � 4i " , I , " I T, I ,; " 1 ,�7'�,::;, ��.. ­. . ""I � �'­�,, , I 1, 11 � " I A,';:�; , , � �� . �, � , i � I � .. 11 I , I � _7-71_-'T I � I . ,�, '1'71� '..., *W*.V1",5"1it 1 I 11 �,.-��ff,, ',,,W ­,­, OP .... .. k , 1101'N� 4101PANER 41w.' A 11 11 . �asg , I , ,�;iN',! ��. k,.,'-- � , ;1, .1f118 il.., Ill `Z �'A MPI 11 I 15 " � "' Oil .. .. .1 , � , 1E ,1 , " ,� � ,.. ­ __ " � , , �. , - " � 1�,,, �� I c' , � V! " Rl". �,`� � -, AN 'I"" r . � I � � I " �,, I I . .1. 11 I 1_1� _,,�,W, I - , t , , , --11 - I, , "i � 4, , q ­ —wr—'! 1�11 . I I t;v �. , ,, ',,.�:. � "_ T , 1. N , , N 1, , ,� , "I" " .� ,,�06 " � §.' IffiRl Tm � "I , I "J_ 111,, I " - , . 7 ,.. � _.. - _ . . . . . , ,0�A"7,.,A,7V, All. !.�!M* � . - A' - ""4., "I" I 17 , 1 , I I . V% . I _V� 71r I 11 , ­ , _ . , IT . , 1".5,0W ,�: '' �� �"�,"� A'" I 0401 . :�, PF%.. --1-,5 11 ­ I I - , , . " �', - It �, :: V� �, . i -1 , . i , , 6 I P r , �1�11;�,%', ..,i_ �. --1111F. - V, ,a ,"At � , ,. __". I ", I , , ",'', %� 0 - .1 I _�� W _PT9, r N I "I - ,,, ­ " 'It"A 0 ��"W�, " 1� , i a L19TTER __ r .. * , 1IN , ',!�,4,05q, N� I . 1. 1. � *`4 uluAtA X%_ ; 2V ; � 4" XOT"g ",^, — 1, .- . I . , " �� - 0 *V# 0, % W 4, $A ere P, �,1111 ,�W - 111--- ',� i", ft " %,,- . . ­�. a * � lettaxl� it .1 , , lolm 11D4 14 W � g% , . . 4 .. .,. : � �,,,,ii�,;t,�,,�v P � NT -,�_- , I . :iZ'� I �: "4 1. , �T f� , � __S, 141`11� 1,1)�,;� " ,��_. " � - . , * ' ^ A( ' , �4tkisi ken ' . I ". O JUL, � A 1-k I I -1 -----, . - . . Is. 4 -'W -1:04 ' ' _� ,!��l 4% �Kl t, . " 'I— -.7,r, —."-- --- — ­!­—, .tA ,.A7 . I, , ONM , W. 6.. of eke-" V*Aed Churd 'i I I il�,, , Affairs, Vl�iqh , , Ne - I 111W . - I ,.,lk4 abstTuct that traffic more with a - �. , ","­i"r ; 1, %) �lr. ��' A� - - ', , a tim of the thurch 4u " � " , "' , , , #1 i �11 ,W!.� ""t -� , � MIN , . ,,C , s0hQQ1 roovi N Wf\",� , I R I ,a 4 lursday Aft"' ., �, i� 'r , ; I—- ; , ,,AQo4, with 40, members, - " 1. � ,,, � ,", . li a 'E"6W _ . ; , I I r .1 ..-v� .1� I ­,­ , a line or 0, �,l d .N, ­-�*­,-_F,�� , , I i "I'VE 1 6 �_v *4 � _� , . W _. , - , , . ent and Vith the Pres4dent, WA, ".. 1 T7m",!.!,, �Pr- �� T-3 -1 I W wo-,publish iwjuu.. xi� The meetin I . . 10 I ,�',.�', ��,`�,­7 -. _ I V � � � . . jwh si6 a -ad one down the c9ix#e of 'AlcDonuel�, ftesiding. ,g 4h1*1,-',. M.FT .11 #� -"­ - I � � i , . �,­ �,. ,,�l ..:�, , 0PIN't,", , . UX WN- HALVAA,� , �' "' ,7',,`�, ��*%��.N-2 , �` 4% .And -we wigg.4mg,thet,b, street as welt? A merchmi dbes, Was opened With A hymn after wzuc4 pv,q -,z "- " #0 ­­i'i" � � -�A 16 g j*�# . , I ., . V_ ,',q affif f W _*�', � Al. ,1� s R , 4& . ,�, ,,7 �,,F Heqyy Jed in prayer. The sub- . - �ff , , , , Flot P',( �It . vl,�, Rx.iuphixis, *,'UQi lars. , ; , �, - ­­ , � JV Rk.1v P -W, 1 , - � � not have one customer At a time �on ' - ,.,. _ R - S , . ,,, .. I -1 �. I K 9' 0 " � � PC +, 0 ,g. I T410. F'L '. I 13� 1, - ; 1� ill", " � , , 4� . .� 7.1, , "' . - F. ;-M 1. " , , � - — -1 ubilo, - I , - . �, � "I'll *11*1 . ,.:', � N4 . ,.. - ­'� . " �,� . I-- I . ub, ,,�: .. .. 14��.'i.el� 1_!� _ ._,�.,1,.:'31,!_ , - � e,;, . ; 1�� t , F5111 � � I ­�, 'no Collin- "I" �"4,xApg L'o, qA r1l .. - ;1 ,:*. Moor � the. 1 ,-4 for the Afternoon, was along the , 11 R", , , . t `1 it'. � ar.4,04; we� %W -VP I - . � :, .1 dolf. . , . . . . . . . . . I 1- � ; , . , �,� RIAWIN, r , �,,�.,�, I , 11 ", IM 11.4 , "' '. . , Aa 1 f IMP 'd N P " 11 , C I , , 11.1�', " a Saturfty night, and it is Saturday J! d 0iq Confederation J ­ r ,"A 'I A ", 4W - 1� - - . _,_ NN i night we had special reference to. Is coupled with study of Canada and the . . � ­r.,�,� . . W��AqW � R hOkloW I � ;', , ##� !1;q.V , . . . , . , . ,� ..,,,W'� �, . , 111., ,!��",:.,�*� .� . 8410n: , . ­, it - was--.no� om 'Vlkt . I it not reasonable to suppose that a progress Of the W. Th follow- . -% i: , � , Wit � � 0I I M. S. G � , I , 4 TE - .,; ,�� �, %.,x4 - IN 35p. A.1-YULT$ 65a: � P� 11 �pp�t.ym vuAL, L"A' f,q�, I . . ; .. :"44,1111 1" a free - - , . To' a�vuellu­v Itl �, prvyx 4�Vmv, - "A I F and Q,pqn d* man would find as many ears in front ing mentioned ladies all very accept- . ­,,g�,�&­ I � pg _Ri�l ,w9wis-, �'yj� � �� 4 441'_',,�,�,�',,-",,V�� " -, 44 . " ,."!#S" _­��, , . , . - - ,". . . , �. 'I-- '.11 , "� " .4. .. 1'4�1 , I . �R"T_­ ._�.__.".� . _ ;, . tbe ix % W � , I " . _401P-5 ably took their part in the T�eetiirig, . pt". .v IS 'A. r7v­i�, 0 town affairs, thwuo the of a busy store, � with a systom of side .. � .. -- 111 4 -Wvl��., _� "I"."s.,4�io" . 11 11�1 , L .1 "L -, . . 11 , _.v*1 .� "fl�,.�,.qo*",.,�'r,��;4,�'.....),.', - I - � that ,� ,,,, A" t ,­�j,M,�,�� I - . ingi Aeafj . ?M11 70 ��-',,�, ... I widely all reading papers: Mrs. S. Stacey, 11��I��4 :'�_�' . . .. ` TF " 'M p'" '14 , AS" � , . 4,p4per no matter how , I I men and thO84 .� , rz� M� ., Apr W" , , �, y4e,xv V�,kw g%",_ ­. 1. �.. _.�e I ,w] . I ,:­,,�,Ii . , I'll ; � v.. MANY differ, to be better for - - _Mk%�y _ _� 11 .1. -- � , � 1"Utrew, , ; 1% , �,��,fi­$,,�,� . . ,.,,,�"'C�11 . V:tw , , I Mrs. C. Cook,'Mrs. M. Drysdale, Miss f .;"r1w P . , _ , st .,a .,.,,.. r.",,,. 1,0 � __`� .ffi5 , - -,77- — out to the pWs of--�-,W , "I . . , � conimpnity Va whWA . - -th-fio I �7 . - not common . . 'I , `1" 111'­,�, R . ki , as he would with one of hoft '*��," 41416 � 7� angle parking? Is is Jessie Moir, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs - -----------­ ��� __� - N., �,�.#Oxwv ..' 77!7,�: ", ..� ,�7;".�7'7---1 '11, I 111­.�� I I - - M ,- - Y.0714 l0ft, , ,.'�`,�: ,,,� , ,, 44 t6itm and t � , 't", -�r 1"..< .. :.t,j. " ""Z - k ,',�.* � , "* I U A0. , I r " P'.N . .�::� ��.�:�`� �'j, �� -1. , '1.I'14-_-,_-, , , , , . ��.ge ,,�r .$ ". m , , ", .W� " � - 'i ,. ,,,, ";­­ ,�:�:�,� � u's welfare, than a sense to believe that a man.when he' Sqruton,_Xrs. Habkirk, Mrs. , , I - - 4 -1%11.­-L� '��,�f7,' -, ­.�': _11T`,_,� I ,.. � ­,� �, i, 1 " .. 4 j4l�,", , � ,kZ_ -r,,,,, " -A. I - v�� -_:Vit,� I..;., . 'I'll � H'�"P- Bourn I 'k A- 1, ;.� .. - q, . . .1 ­., I .. 4i ,. League.. .It was orte of men 1hat. in theb �yo — 4 . � I '1�i: . � , . - _k 11 I -- - - wo* , . I I:` I 1-49 ,L 41=.Wl prees�� b*," , ea , ;,�, ,':�­, ly contested and exdt-' fad wilth thi-ohurch..";trid the -soo , NAA 14111-y P - Ann.,,Wla 1, ill 1. ­ . , ��f'., " � , 4 1 -�. 1, � ',',,"r "' . , ..�w . I ­ _�� . -,,,'r I ,�,�',',;r I �,",, " 11, , . . i 11W '�'� ", U00 T . "'..'.1m , " ,�,"_,"', � I � , 1� . I . . ,p�; - ., - 8� And corner discussion of them found cars in front of his destination, hill, Miss Consitt, Mrs. Dougall and ,the niod'.` ie . " . I � US � �Mith - , 04 I 034PXOV��$ole%, � , .. , . � , P..'r 'Li, V a 700 �*" : - , ;�, ,, , Ohe � . , :,!",� the street or in private. ,McQueen. A hymn was sung ollinected'therewitil' -He M . `r "] .� , I I would do the same thing with either Mrs- 1. _ I Ahe seaso ..A ng game$, m The battery r . ,6�e,,'v �. , _ , � �,:�,, __ ­ :i ,. Q171a, , - "' - - ' , �,,� . ., "� 1, , I f or Beni ­Nvas Llo�d Vann cial mention of many of the ma,,# I- er .M '' , e,�� , V W11 , .. There is one imputation contained , followed by prayer by Mrs, William I We -sAng, MA00 I 110 . _W1 "t � , lift I .At ,�-,I�,�.".�,!­­' �*';;:,�� .�� ,� t'.." .. -L I.. I I . , , . -A I . 11, . � . yatem of parking?Would he not look ier, pit- *,A A ,� 'I'' , ,� . 11,� I ,.. Buchanan, and arrangements were . , ; 1� 1� , ion -14 X '�,I$JXO , V:,,� � - i;, - . 1�1;­< �, , 11 nearest av' bar St &d Hortoni, . "`�­?�o . � , , ; , -e eommer �,`� �f I I . , � -1 ,;"W - thO Wayor's letter, however, that char, a " - � I , , "I. ,40t, ,r wiiig.,,Atld�oss Ift �, bad habits' to be Avoided in 4bott - , 110. , J - catch . �:�w -;-�, 1.11'. ;., ­ � � iv . - I � ­,�.. �i, ,�'­,�.,, YL ,or,*htle ., i ,�_­,! ` ,�,-. " " , ­ . .� ",­ - ,i,: ,�.�'11 � '! �, gol ----' . " �,, . � for the ailable -opening and I . pm V-041 , � 11 � ," "' made for a quilting, which will be ,,,,- 1,u erieg oge thp,two the semoh britiled,'with ,.., ,. ; Al ZIA' _t-".,z�"7" � I . ,-. �,�, objection to, and it is a 141i. 'd batt )d adviee I., ,:`�z_','� tt,'I., I � .� .� " r k "; - I 1 1 - �-. �.,�i.,,­;�111,.-;111M !�,,,� �. _:!,.�"'�*., 'I��.. ,t: � I ��;�J. ", ,ark in it? No merchant can guar- held in the near future, The meet- I . and instruction !Oftlle young especil; ,.� I �. �, -, � . ": � �. , ", w ";' the "one as ,pitcher - I I - . - , .zl.� - ,` is the S catcher. -The umqpI -pose .1, . �� .� ;-. .,.�ery decided objection, That antee that there will be affailable ing was closed with prayer by Mrs. and t1W 6th . The 6oir, com: . d, of - all � _.�, .1 -, ­. I ; , ,1�! Im F , . i w ". "" : ; I ., qp a ires, "t:.. - . 1 �,'.^.,, -, putation that The Expositor, parking spac6 in front of his premises Lammie. ollowing the meeting the young girls, d1d_yxuob credit to them- " . - -, ;� , � .,,�., �, �, .� ., were Ben' W - " for base, selves and to � 1. 1�.. ', .�.. � , _,*1 - i ken of Z1,44 I - . , � � _ -,, * -Mr. W. 0. G' � � ,through its editorial columns or else- for any particular customer, nor Ladies' Ald met and discussed .some and unQ.M Anderson,. of..Xxote.r, At � oodwin, - W11116, .1 I'' ��,:, " . , , ` , _ ". -1 . 1. I . , � I W., business matters and the next shower I t leader and instructor, .and .warv, highly I I- ­ - I '. � '41 where, has on the occasio could he be expected to guarantee it, p & ' - _' - �_ il,01. which will be held for the baz a. ly#. a all the Re�sall'--%Oyl praised -by the pastor. *The Attend- - � ,,, ��,,," .� --4, 1� .. ", I - �, . ... 1� ' . , aar, pla) *' ,# might be terined .a fine, Ano . .. 0 � - , 11 .1 -i, *- "-_w .11 . . . . . . . . - . . 7 1 . �,u ', . 1111 I; �! mv;-�j�,, � 4 I . . ,� - and his customers are not 'offended which the ladies are ,making prepara- wa%- very large And the service . '. V " ,. ,� .R '­."', � �_. ed of, or on any other, soitght to ere = . � ��,_ , 1. , �, .1 4, I combinad,' , , and itis -noti,ge - throughout � .­. I � , I _ I . , �t I -, . .,. �i�.,� l-, I I � ,��w )!i VMS I I I . .. ,.�-A;,�! I 111.11� ­ I ", .: , - - 11 - - �, � " I ,_,,,game i I . I � ­_ I - r,'� " 'ate discord between the Council of when they do not always find it. tions for, will be held at the home of greatly - enjoyed.- op . .1 1� 11 - I _. L. .. � I '. I., , '' '�, I � - . k ... .1 . . . I . C�.,j�-:" � I Seaforth and the citizens .erally sp§Wng, wise to particularize, The raiins Of the past, week ihave,been I ­ I AL -,r in, ;.. � � , .. " , ... "­ , 1, . 1:1.1 ,F.. 1, 1� I I � of this town __ . . I . . .. . . . 1". 1:�i� s . . SFA ��, '. Ir . . -ja�tlfi�d hqwever , . - ., . . . .. ,t'':P .1 � . I Further, we did not make reference Mr . J. W. Skinner. , � 1. �, I I - ,��' we feeF**�,would he � most beneficial to. the fall wheat and TPAXPRONB .. I I"....", " .. I ...�.. I , - , " I ­ � T. ._� 1� ,J.� , or between the town and any other ,to the signs on the east side of Main Business Change. -Mr. J. W. Skin- in this JA I I , , . 11 � � , , X= " , , I 'A .. I. ._. . ' ner, ' -who . . 1. " - � ', ,­ . I . munici who has been in the general store ,,q*ce in making sP40141 root erops_Miss� Doris Bolton,' � I " �-., :. ­_.. ,, ­ . �� "I'll, ..�­ . � � .- _ _ _ _ '�."" pality in the County; has in Street. What we did suggest was mention .0,f Ue fine pitching. doirte,,by is taking a Secretarial Course at . . . . . I , - I nowin", � . 1'..��i , ,�� .1 1. :-x ': . I . ­ , .. - � . I . 1 '.. � I business for some years here, pur- Mr 1�16�4..`­ Venner, - who :%pitched-Westerveldt, School, London, spentthe "' ,_: ­­,, I.. - . 14'�4"'. . ' . any way or at any time tried to be- that the parking signs on Main Street chasing the, business of &.he late W. tbi�ughO , - -a . �. I., � . ,"�,� ­_, I .�. I' 1.1-, 1". � I . . �., .. - I . - ",7. W`,'ihe game in � WeUdid. week end it the home Of *her parents, ,1 , ',- -11 117�->­�p _':� 1 . � , ".." I V I � �, - �� '� � .11 . 1_ �­ .� ­", - '. ,, , .- � I ,. . .-. I -1 -K I I .1, ", �.,�� �:�: I '4 .1 � ; , - ­ �. I I—.: � - be 1 . and 'Mrs. Gordon Boltofi,',ai did . t c . " �, -, � �� "I _� d:,� . � ,'� . I �-." little the town or tried to create a be placed at right angles to the lines C * Davis, has sold out to a Mr. Win. manner adiiih-A-d by all. .He was aW Mr \ I lief, throughout the country, that of traffic, and the agreement with J. White, of near Tara and Owen - � I . � . I 1.11 't ., , I ", �24 ' 1� 4 ,;, - i . - : , , ; supportei.,lb . .1-1 "I .. , .1 :� �..'�( , . .7:. � , . , , , 1" , ,- - I - .� ", , .,v the catcher Mr. Lloyd' also Miss !MvA, her sister, of Kit- . ; , ­ I . ,'' � M.n 1� — - , � .,.:,I ... ,�­­� . :_ this is not a desirable, a very highly the Bell Company, mentioned by the Sound, -who in the coming month of Hott,n, wlj� provedhils;4 and adept . " � �', 11 r - ., , . ' i ; ch,ener.----,Mrs. J. 06nsitt, of our vil- . � I ; Z, Ar .:, ­ � I , �1 desirable place in which to live, or Mayor, as far November, will be here to take stock behin&t44 � I , I o : T �� 1. I i . I .., ... , i . I .q I . as we can see, does not .�, Then -special menti�n lage,. and daughter, Miss . , ; :11 ,:� � �, , ., ,at. - r,� �:,,.__.!., . with 'Mr. Skinner, and take over the Annie, and AUAU � .�., r,�,�:,�;,__.,. ��,, . - . rful, ca . � 11 '' '';_ . 7; .1 " _ in which to do business. I p .. .. � . , '. ,.�, I . prohibit that. If the signs at pres . usin6s and same premises, the lat- can be %ade )f a wondik tch Mr. and -'Mrs. William Consitt, all of . . I ... . ; ,_ ,� '- . I : ! " For over fifty years The Expositor in I . , , .� �� :0 - I ` ant on these poles were placed at rijt'ht w ade out I the field by Mr. Harold Hensall, were visited on Sunday, last .1 I 1. I - � I, . I '�.;­ - � . I . ; � � � , � " . 11 "ter 'being the property of Mrs. Davis Scruton *41�0 ran quite a distance to by a number Of -relatives from Sea- � . . ... . . I , �.. I has obtained its living, its entire liv- angles to the position they now ociu- which he will continue to rent. Mr. , . that looked to the play- E have a toll6etion of Sh*rt Felts ' I �.. .. . 11 il . i catch. a 144H � . . ' 'c ., - �.,%., ing, and the living through that time, py their interference with the climb - . .forth and vicinity. -Mrs.. R. Bonthron very elde�tively. jm*�ij . . . .", I - .White, we believe, has been farming ers and spectators as an iMPOssibili- and daughter, Mrs. T. -C.'Joynt, ac- ­ I � * j, t'h '' ',,, � - I - ,_ cf ,at least one employee, who, has irig of the poles, if any, would be less for some time past, but previously ty and whio tit a cFAical juncture in I W , . I .. 1. ... . was in the mercantile business, compAiiiid by a couple of friends, � ribbon, and n' - ty. pins alSo a : �' . . . I 1�, that he will be a man of businessL ex- . t f -ter-' large assortment of e vets, in all the _ ,., - r , 1, been a man of family, from the citi- than now. With the signs on the so the game; epurled so much for Hen- mor ored. to Goderich on Sunday & . I I, "' � sall. 'It Is perhaps needless- to say noon last, to spend a few hours with - . - - I �t � I I 110. 5'j�,,.! I , . % " : , � , " 1,1. , i�,';' `11 � , "' "" , I I � � I I I - i `_ .If,111121 I , , k` t .� I "", ,_� N -1 .R., .. � ,,��; I �i rlwww I [�, I I "I", I . zens of Seaforth and those of the north side of the street, where there peyience and will, no doubt, command that Our. villagers and those in the friends in the Couitty To'wn.-We are - I pretty Autumn tones. �Call and choo�e- . I ". - I 1, 1. I surrounding municipalities, and its i, ii, question of climbing, what is to a fair share of business. We are outlying dis-tri,ot, are proud -of the dis- r . . 1, . ,l,a,s,d to see *r. W. J. Jonesagain i ��'. bope of future existenc� lies at the hinder them being turned about? pleased to learn that,while Mr. Skin- tinction won b� our boys and the fiae , g n a pretty hat. . �, .. . . in yment of his usugd health. I .. ­ " 11�1 same source. In the light of these With the Mayor we are heartily in ner is selling out, he intends remain- ,the enjo. . . .. . .- ' _.1. ing in our vi playing t4�oy have made throughout For a time lie was. quite poorly and , .. ,: ", facts, is it not plain, common sense accord when he says: "No ;matter Ilage and is not parting the past seW.�n, and feel that they confined to his room, but is .1. I , with his fine dwelling property Oil are well entitl,�d to all the support rly M. a . I i�., , a gal n rs. Berth Bell, Hensall- I to believe that The Expositor ,would where people go, they will not receive I able to be around and Mr. Jones is I � . . 1. 11 � I . - ,:.­ Wellington street. Mr. Skinner had and interest shown in them and con- one of those men who enjoy an acti. - . I .. . ­,�' hand every endeavor, by suggestion more courtegus, generous and kindly worked into a very good share of fidence established for future seasons- life and while living a retired H is . � . J ", , .. i . or otherwise, to multiply the com- tre went than the- will from the I- ,' +I,- _� o - I - - . � , . I . I", " I - unities wealth and welfare, not to . 1. in 11 ,*- subtract from them. To any, who in merchants and' the citizens of this town.,, It was for the purpose of - __ . ur,�,a pa year sil - fered very much through illness, be- ing in both the London and To-ronto fr. turn, the li,,ys feel truly'grateful for the patron�ige extended tb them by the public. a-nd the splendid work Of A always anxious to help his'gons on their farms.�Mrs. Ecclesi of Nivr York, is the guest of her sister, Mrs; I � I . I ­ I I.., . . I . .1 . . .... - - . . . 1. I ______ __ . , . ' . P , ., I . ., � ... . I I I . . � . . �, ,the past may have entertained the � � I , belief that The Expositor has been preserving these ideal conditions, and that -we hospitals for some months, and while considerably improved, feels that it the president and officers of the base-" ball manageno-nt, who have aided Owen Geiger.-!�,Mr. and Mrs. Cum- . .. �., '? - '.. F I H my Aft, a ii I. ee e� v ' -er �E tift".' I discord no other, offered what we would be wise for him to take a rest them so I � I - udn&, of Detroit, speift part of Iasi , 0 . . " i, trying to sow seeds of and to ;_ !, intended and believed were fair and from active busi ness, that would not ,Oat gr y. Briefs.-HOIN' Communion will be k with Mrs. Little and family, wMeisets 1, . . - 1. create a feeling of resentment among ��. Seaforth the friendly criticisms, and while we re- be as strenuous for'llim until he re- administeff-d. 'next Suncray, October Emily Morrison, di4ring the past week, accompanied to New York State . , 1. ' Cut out those rich fo�ds ' ' _,�'� ,,, the citizens of or sur- gret that the Mayor and Council do - gains more health and strength, and 16th, at Qract- Church, Staffa, at 3 some relatives and friends who had --a11&-;9Ub- ' I 1, � rounding country, against the tOW14 rot see them in that light, still we as he, together -with his good wife 'are p.m. -The A. Y. P. A. Of St. -Paul's been here visiting atthe home of her I stitute more - Breid, in yotir diet— . �i its laws, by-laws or any one of its ­ see no reason to withdraw them. good citi- zens, our villagers -as well as those in I Anglic;tzk Church, held its,Tdiss10narY . . parents, !Mr. and Mrs.� Robert Morri - . . . . .- \ . .. I . 'big I officials or ermployees, we say thAt be- � . the neighbor are pleasi6d thaA meeting on..,Monday evening in the basement son, and is making a short visit 'with BREAD, is pure thrift food, - bringing,to your table I ,g" - , � I - 1� , '. lief was held in error, and the holding DUBLIN ,hpod, they are remaining as residents. of the church. Miss Mary Fee read an interesting on the them. -Mrs. Nelson Blatchford spent , nutritive value than any -other food y�uean buy at any . . ) , , �_,_i of it has been an injustice to *is �. To anyone who make, ,u,h,i Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. John Flana- gan and family spent Sunday with Died Near Woodstock. -The follow- paper of the work , M. S. C. C. in China, ' this week with relatives and frienda in the neighborhood of Kippen-We price. - . * Bread never taxes digestion or clogs the system as , - I . .� - paper. � statement in future, we say that Mr, and Mrs. Tom Connolly, 10th con- . C�smon of Logan. 'Marie Ben ing notice of death and sketch of life which we have copied from one of the which wa� 'ell received. -Mrs. J. ys Ke was _- - "'t c -d by her son Percy, of believe that Miss Gladys Broadfoot hed her tonsils very successfully re. do. richer foods. , . . Most important of all, Bread builds health, renews worn- . ,� . statement is an untruth, a lie out of -Miss ninger and her friend, Miss Sugrule- , London Da4ies, refers to a nephew Of Mrs. Ilamilt", � holds a good position move(i at Mrs. Patterson's Private . . . out tissues, guarantees energy for the dayls tasks, ' . . 0 I.. whole cloth. teachers at Mildmay, spen,t Saturday James S�therland, of our vil- as high g6tholl te4cher in.that city, Hospital on Wednesday last�,Wlth Insist upon , - . . I I . I . ...� These statements permit of no argu- 1�. �. t. With the balance of the I � imen May- ., and Sunday Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Benninger, of the village. . . 4age, and. will be of interest to those engaged in stock raising, for in add!- . tion to what is - therein sta d Zom- who spent the we4k end here, coming by motor,'.hrd his mother returned with him'to-�--make a short visit wi+w- the near approaching of the winter months our carpenters, masons and, " I . I ' . - I I �, . . -Golden, Cr4st Bread - . ., � - , -, . , , , � ) I , . I 11 - - w ,b - 4 11 I _IVIT. Leo Kenny, of Winnipeg, visit- I pape angers are rUsueu wilun wort. I I I .:: � . �. or s letter, we do not, nor should we, ed Mr. and'Mrs. Louis Dillon,recently. � ment was recently made in one of him in that aity—, Zurich .Lodge - ,01 —We regret to state that Rev. Dr, t . `11L A _vA _'_:.k_-�!_.__­i _x —,-.V- lk�_ 1-u"_ —I. . .. : I )­ + 'M- ,;+;_;—. — .+.&.A �1, I -12.1 1k1r Tr--- - -_­�m 11 .. I . q - 11 . I I I e a ng stock Journals of tne asons ast 'all are looking r- Fletcher still continues. quite poorly a sylen i u . . q ' I 'L I'll � are fair; but we are still unconvinced, United States that from all returns ward in the near -future to the officia n o ned to hi h . I on all-ptife ingreidIients,and fullest fobd value. � I . RENSALL I a <1 c nfi a ome --Carme ' I I I .1 and we gime our reasons. For Sal�-Seyeral articies of furniture in and data that could be obtained, that visif-of the D. D. G. M. from Gode- congregation intend holding a fine . I I - Mr. Thomas H. Dent, then living at rich, we believe, about the middle of fowl , supper in their church on Fri- 1� . The Mayor says: "Personally, I eluding large kitthen cupboard, Detroit r ... e . have had on many occasions visitors gasoNne stove� Wfid Ros�, .11 �as, wood bia home in Woodstock, hAd the b4ot next month -On Sunday last at the day evenin , October 21§t, and for / Ask your Grocer . . heater with o�en, lame ,leather arhol-tered cow in the world judged from milk morning service in Carmel Presbyter- which they 9 are making fine prepara- I - -1 . ,� I , tell me that we have here a clean, 00ueh. oak settee, kitchen cabinet� law -n and'butter tests: "Thomas Harrison ian Church in addition -to a good ser- ,tions and haw- secured the,ser,dce,,4f __ .1 Mower etc. Apply to Dr. G. Knapp (resi- e � " ,,I,'- tidy town." So we have, and those denee),' Hensall. Ont. 3122-1 Dent, one of the outstanding Holstein nion from the pastor; Rev. J. Me- the famous Brunswick Trio, of Lou- . I 14 Made by , . . statements were true in the maim School Report. -The following is breeders of Ontario, died at his home _11roy, a splendidly rendered quartette don, as entertainers, ,in addition to I . ) Hensall Bakery �_ But the Astement on the appearance the Public School report for Septem- just east Of Woodstock this morning was given hY the following: Robert good home talent, so that both from —_ I , - ber: Sr. IV -Bob Houston, Mabel following a stroke on FrKay even- Y. McLaren, James A. Bell, William the standpoint Of a fine fowl supper -_ _. of Madn Street, which we published, Workman, Irene Datars, Eleanor Skin- ing. Mr. Dent, who wall; 74 years A. ,McLaren and Robert Carrieron, and good programme, all- attending I A. J. SMITH - L and to which exception was taken, ner, Grace Brock, Howard Hemphill, old, was one of the best known dairy- Awhich was very much erijoyed.4r.--Mrs. are assured of a good time and treat. I ./.67�0 I , I � , . 1. was made by a stranger from across Edward Little, May Kenning, Beryl men Of the province, having won sig- A. Sinclair, who has not been enjoy- -The weineT roast held under 'the I . - die -P T4 �, the line, not to the Mayor or any Drummond. Jr. IV -Florence Me- ral honors as a breeder of high record Ing very good health fo;rL a few days, auspices of the Young People's 130- - I Ifensall. Ont. I I . Donald, Irene Hoggarth, Alice Hig- Holsteins. He was born at 13mbro, became suddeii,ly,*orse On Thursday ciety of Carmel Presbyterian church . other citizen, but to his compan4on, . I also an entire stranger. Which state- gins, Marian McKay, Gladys Pass- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richord ,4. sfternoon and it was decided that an at the home Of Mr. Peter Moir on - 'PHONE 76. 1 . .1. more, Hazel Hudson, William Dru,m_ Dent, two of the pioneer settlers at operation would be necessary, and she Tuesday evening. last, was largely at- - ` - nlent is apt to be the more candid? mond. Sr. 111 -Harold Foster, Nor- the Zorras, but had lived on his pres- was taken to Seaortb Hospital, where tended and very much enjoyed. 4 � ,- I I 11. . -_ - a 1. That the street is sprinkled, swept man McKay, William Nichol, Emma ent farm fcrr the past 52 years. He an opera,tion was successfully per- - - . I - - I and cleaned every Wednesday and Wurm, Isabel Smale, Eldot Appleton, was for many years a director of the formed. At date of writing she is - -_ I — . . ­ . _`1 I I - No I Saturday morning is also a statement Ftoy Brock, John McKay, Helen Glenn, Woodstock Agricultural Society, and progressing as nicely as can be ex- . - I . . . of the Mayor's, and we 'believe it. Lorne Rlder, Ray Patterson, Harold served as its president for two years. pected,. and her many friends trust --- . - . - Appleton, Viola ffildeb,randt, Eleanor He was for years a director of thi she will soon be restored to health 7 � But have there ever been any excep- . I ,�, Bell. -William MacKay, Teacher. Oxford Holstein Breeders' Club, alid and be able to ret74rn to her home . , , 1, tions to this rule? The day on which Council Meeting. -There was a won' fame by winning the Prince ,of !oon.--JMr. Thomas/AD. Wren, accom- . I , - we drew littention to Main Street, short special meeting of the Council Wales trophy for milk and butter fit ,panied by Mrs. Wren, motored dur- . � . , . :, was a still, warm day in midsummer, on Tuesday evening last to receive production at the Guelph Win -ter Fair ing the past week to one of the lead- I I I - tenders for the putting down of un- for three successive years. On this ing wholeRales and laid in a large - 13 . r. P-nd the accumulation of dirt along � I z � ... the cuTbs, would leave the impression deTground tanks for fire protection, occasion, he was tendered a banquet quantity of Lang's best leather for I I .. $ i , k, and Mr. George Hudson was award- by the management of the Guelph -is harness shop trade which is ever 111 � I Y" �L " that it might have been missed that. A -wo of them, namely, one near Mr. Fair. He was an Anglican and a increasing. Af. and I'Ars. J. W. Ron- I R;vl: I . A 11 2 r , I � day. If not, it had been swept too Ci -,rge Douglass's home and one at merriber of old St. Paul's Church of thron and (laughter, Miss Jean, mot- I I , ��. ^ � . . early in the morning. As we -write the Ulnite4 church corner or near i�hieh he was.for serveral years a ored to Londda and spent the day - I., I 1'1� Lammie's, and there are some three warden. Mr. Dent is survived by his there on Wednesday last. -Mrs, T. C. -P- t I this article late Wednesday afternoon, m ed for. When sill wife iind by four daughters and three Joynt accompanied -by her mother, $7 1 " I ,�- -, I . another day on which the street is aTe completed, it will give fine ser- sons: Miss Beatrice Dent and Miss Mrs. R, Bonthrbn, 1ind Mrs. William I I I L I ' , L.' cleaned, we notice directly in front vice connecting nearly every part or Peari'Dent, at home; Miss Jean DaTt, Buchanan and her daughter, Mrs. J. �1 I 111� ... .- . � IL D'O' this office a pile of dirt, over a our village with underground tanks, Toronto; Miss Frances Dent, Bridge- S. ,McDonald, motored, to London on I I . foot high, against the curb. There already put in, so that the distance port, Conn.; T. R. Dent on the farm; Tuesday last., "ending the day there %A I - � ., �_ . iq another a short distance up the between them will not be too great W. Aj Dent, Woodstock, and Fred with friends. -Nearly all the Indiana I ' ­ . 1, ervice with Dept, of Sault Ste. Marie. Another and families who� were here pulling, . , I � �-,___d 1. N-11% street; two further down, aud three o i . I I IV ur fire engine. son, James, was killed'in the Great flax have ret�med to their homes � I . N ­,� ... . across the street. Any good house- Many Happy Returns- -On Wedrt�-_ Wdr. ; The fimeral 'is to be held from ,with the close ok the work. -Mr. and I I . . �. keepor will tell you that a house May day of last week Mrs. J. Sutherland the resi&nce on Tuesday afternoon at Wrs. Lloyd Haddon -and baby; Mrs. C. - I ( I I I - � Le swept and still not be clean. There very quietly celebrated heTI-92nd birth- 2-30 with It interment in the Anglic4h -M. Redden xria 'bahy 'and Masters �11 ; I . . I r Hi,rold and Rdssell, of St. Catharines, ' � are different, degrees of cleanliness, day, only a few relutives, including" ceme-0ery. I - /' - I I I . . her two sisters, Mrs. A. H. Carroll Chiiinpionship Match in South Hut- motored up on Saturday and spent A V4 IT L . _:.. , With regard to the parking by-law, and Mrs. G. F. Scott, both of Wood� . - ; . 1\ ! - the Mayor says: "While we must in I on it e Won by Rensall-On Tues- 'the week endew.' � T i . .. . - ith- relatives and . � I - 7 Co. 'LL , I' L � '. . . . . 1, 9tock, being present. On former laite day it ternoon last our baseball team 'friends, returnin Monday- - - a , I - - . V ome on . . - . I _. � :J . I ., , 't. I -t , sist that the spirit of the by-law be birthdays Mrs. Sutherland was ac- motored out to Zurich. -to play for the -Misl; Gladys 16liker had .her -tonsils , . . 1.1, I Tespect4 there must be judgment customed to having quite a large championship in the South H . removed at M&'PAtterson's Hospital � . �� - . � , .­',� � �, I I C IV& A0, // yo Z f why Aw. . I . '. That is very true� but when number of relatives and friends pres- League, and in which League Zur14W'!on­MLonday iffig 'and is getting I I � I " ­ I � ;shown.11 � , I � "I . ras"10 ., "". I e. 491,11 . I _1 ". -I , . . I � I I - � I" difflaulty of ent, but not feeling very well, by and Hensall were the highest In -poU4 --al ng nicely._= -0 F. Scott$ who - . MGM— . I X Ve tried -to point out the , ,, o � � . . I 1, . � - L . . , ' &­­ --- hqy a me ,ffl*.* � -__F 4 __ �' L � . ' ' L. I I . , -enfortang evoft the spidt of this, -by- medic6,V advice, she Was advised. Tiot of gsimes won .throughout th4 `qqasft` � �hlls been spen V soiNe weeks with 1. . . . . , I . . . .. 1. _. , , . - _�' - , i . 0 . -1 11 I .. � 1. - I '. �. - �-, . - to have! a very large number' presont This,'AeMing 9aAe ha& to b6 p9it- -her sis'ter, Mri;;"�Lraes Sutherland and I .�,­ , - r � _ - - I - I .. 1'�' �: . '11W, vva:Wete acepsed of driving peo- "Va"Ve had a terrible Otne dddd" --." `�.':-' ' "IS.- - ­. ;.;.��; � as it would lbe rather tiodlig for her 1p�neil �lsevdral tlm�s 0whit to *dt ;family, left foil,'"dotock on Monday � n . . owe�-mw-a westing4ou4e, when *0 -, - ,,�*�� ,,, �, ' � � I ; . -1 I ing Which radio set to . ,� , " - , I , �,�,tplo hVIA town, And virbtse, the great- to -meet so many. She spent the day- weather ,and e,onsequently, poor, &A-1,01votling to ataiw-Ab funeral of her 1. buy�every,� � � �jL � f'. "­ 'Wn L " " ' ' , - &� . "-. r,"� , '' � . . . I . eti ,:L��p I ,* ` �-M. ffooultl; -,­­ - '. "Of AN `.i6r .' ho pailsed � , , ,* i,'i, . ., " ,, L' , 11�k" � "AW .1 there Is shown, the gr"ter very pleasantly and was,kemembere.1 dition ,'- the, di ona. �t was- 64i, I ClAiMS to have the best. - , _1 ,, , _&i M . - nt,nlMt Vbaft the M`Q.*,k,W �r t - , , , , '' , ` _ ,iephew, Mr. V ,,Dent! * 'L . . _ , #"�I'­­', , � , rosi hy_l�:k by many frieudi;. by phone afta VMS Tuesday afterno�OJE",�4it'-StS&d'As . I !P,*Lay On Stina- . . . - I .1 _�'..; ­� � ,* "'..", � �-, -1% , I- I th�i 'd I,_ .1gh I 1. - - . �, 11�_11 . _ ,, . ". �:.. �.,., ; I � . ,4 , ". 001 y.,,;.70orain . � , , , � ,,� ,. "', " ,,, '�'A � _', L� �� ,,"L ,7 ,". - . " " �,,� '­� t ­t.. -.k.', ­­;- , , ,, � . �� .... . . ftaj�, In.:bhe meantime, vre Vuld the recipient of many.birlhday pres-'Mogt ekaff fat of the ,gd#:;1., $, i9ev %r !01110"'g - "Yesterday morftJ,%ig;Ju' W -10H, : I " �j­ � L. "�Pl, ,� ­ , ,is P, _. . 6" K� � I ng game'46y ere strok&��."- - C Nileboils_. - L iZk­Saj,di, L Xt 1. � " ­ - i P,,- ". L ;�- cita . 1. 614i�: I . I . . MV =" � ,e '.U& 'L ",� �,", ,� , i�.�, JE '. 'dab .i and _ ' * ' 4;l%6t91d1i , "ItAft " 10 -"-� "Wd '.. " 'AAMe­ Wef;t�Wgh' -:_�44 ,"..: � 'e. ,",' � � . . __ , ,&.�, �� 1�,," 0W,a6utbaiftords i#de pail"g on, Xam. . I %X'Atigilei of LO,�d�u , '10 , . I I ­­ PY ,"�� , �, 11 . " , 11 . , � ., M� . %� I . L'' I I I . I is i 64", I " ' ' '06, ''� "t �, ­ W'_'"." ' " ' 40464101 � " demaetrla- _., ". �� - td,-. ton, bin ., Lq ,0" mud ,,.-for . dy I , I ` 'Per � 1;. fi , . �' " . _ '01ur boys gas tho as , # ., iginaa4d'W",� dith ants and remembra-hees. son, it Was, voky encouraging,. ,'* daughter, * " what about , , Y,P.L.z-The Young People's League `;WUtL t10VV at ION 4;ij �1,6* appliances? Th " I . '�",;,.�:.�;, "aswe,U Its "Utra -pax � . L thlb, a, P ' '' eo�(,- X .... 1 �0'46 t7 ­� ,, ,,, ­­ L�6 C ,t�-�f � - 5 MIA � _.. . - L , ,"69��Od� � I I I Amily.- . - . "I ?� ,%�.'_?" - ­AL'�,J;�% .�. ­ !, � .�I,�."",Lr'­ � . 11 , . j_,j.JM - I- L .V . t, ,�j �').��_.'_­,- �"L� , ,, ,­�.e,. �,�I�;;C ` _, , AM 0 :5�,ii - , �,j�: . , I - I _i '' , 1 , , 'r, _Ilr � ."y -�L." �$ f'�"�I� klrjo,1164�"_ I , I ." , 4 - , I . ­ I 11 . . ' " 'ohil U. I I , � K-'� ff ill � '_,"L 4 " ", , ki �d the T101t4d dburcli hold flieli week- . r _ ", -.1 �� , . pz , In large uut*ro � fr6m 'Men"i � ha"471,: 0, spent 8 bhUy with and ", - , , . hiit�r.. h I 4 , - Y. Aft IcettalW41% �', ..... .. � , ,,,�, I I , Iola . ,- . -1 , 1 too .01 W1. , _� ...." , ,� , I drt,; ilkakii Yee Ak, *1f4t'9dofd- ly iftht meetin ' "on Monday evenint c them to Z4 = �Wad am -4 - 01 ., Z . , , 'T 101'..,% " ;Oilk4 ,� I I . . wo, _ , . 9 , a �� , �, ., .'f " 11 .:i ��, , , & JAS. Sum% t'i'*Oi"l��".�-"-�'�.,.,,,�.- ". .1 1 �', " , . . ' time _­. " - - ­­ , - '�­L­;-,� �;­ .""'. I.. 'L - . . �.. . - �, , 1, 1-4�:� '.1 , , , -1 , , - I ' , - ' v ' old ­4hi first Of- the: , -, _. , _-J- .- � - I. P, .,Z. th# $, ,Is V. be 7 ,?t', � ,,,,, %�a good attendance smd with miss Ich, evideteillig tb -' it- iUtot� �,� - : I I AM'"." ,14, ,.,,,, -, k, .� � ,' I I I ­ ' .. R, i .*_ I ,# - , .1.� . I r .. I , , .., , - S, �eobtwgbn . g1ji,1A wa 0 M h� 1 ,4 , � 1. , 0:1, " 411 P -a I'Ll *)� - 04j.". , .�', * - . . .'it, I ,#4�Uj ' 'X6"' 'fl4ll _,�� c, :� " �'L �­ � � .,�,%4,,j11,7, i, 11&� �.�i­.11­ ,, 7— I , L 61*nod with t 4g of"a lipm, 041W #4 ",A% � -&q;0 " ��'!- �_"'_­ L"" ­3`�! '� �J't",�4L", , ­ �,�.'�­ _,�' ,�, ".'%W� , i* -i!,.r.1, -1 VL.' . Y.: 1.i��1`11 I I - �,113, , J,,' - #, the, 1, I .1 aw , , *q..f,,)J;0 ,&,:,�k " - ' a . - . ---7i, I I ff VH11. M S Mlion", r"'Mr,", . L, .1 I . I I'll I I—. L, . - Mildred J%Mt'glj`� ,W�� I'd IvId4it � - ':'; '-; ", " �­ , ­,_�:­;.,�!7.ft,:�,Y 'N L I a, � '. I I ,��, ,,,, ,0;"�, ,,� ��,.' 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