HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-10-07, Page 8"11"'"11111'"111, ".1- — I , � , , 1 ,4 1 1 5� � ., . - r 4,,�. _; 1,4'. , , , �, ,-,_!,;�k,�.�� '. --q ­�, . . , . . , I - i�'. "'k , , - ", - i� �'. , &51 I�N& %, 40 ,�: " V .. ,,,, , "I'll" � . .1, 1 "�Vt*,,o�,,4-,C), W , N"INN11,11 F I 11 -11 " � MW � -%-A,�my,v'ix,,rj�. _".. 11-� ,� ,� . i 1,kj; :1 1JA10 " Rg I I vl',"�,� � , " 1. k,p - jm's�,�;' , , %.", 1-1 I 4 . , , 11 � I - � I I - 11 ,�� A, 11 , . . "" I'll . .. , -, ,,�,;. ,..� AMQ* ......... 11 � .1� , ....... I I M—fl, I � �', i'�, .: '1!111.��, I�Tl.!'i , , k ., t4- . ?1, -1. ��;.1;1 ��� 0-11r. _111 "I -, - �� ltl_ 111, __ - , I . , I '. .. . 011,; . 11 11 �� I.. -.1-1.1 ­...."'. I . . I , , ,1'1.j�,, 1, '. I , , � i7 . ,% , , - , V i , " .. , ". " , � , �Fl ...... ­ - - - ,,, , � . ! , P � . � �-` . ,',%,-f%�4� � ,��'.',,��",.",",�,,"",�"*�,�"., _ ,,, -.,,. ''.. , , , , .. , , " ­ ", , "" ,,,, 0 . ,,� " � . I ,� N " 1,��4 , .f,,,ii��i���-���,,�"A"�-r""�.�,i,.�',,, _W,�. 44 � 'N' ! � �,i�,��'­r -,.,­­,� ,,, . 4"" ., � , � - I 11 I . -1-__-___ ­ I -1 .1 - _. I I _ _ , _ ­_­�!.� ,.­ ,�­­ . ­ _,-1- ... -11-1-1 ­rInt, i � I ­___ i I � I _VFI�V, "I'T'.­�,.,! ­V�1111.,.i­01­5�,q ,.,,%1RV1.1V1�­1;1 lr;_­� ! - ­­ , ,, , ., ,;,� F,q,,)r 1� � ; , ,,, , ­:' � , F, ­ - - , . ,� _', , , ., I I � � I " � 11 I , 11 I � " � 111. ., ­ , � � �11.,�";'­ , """ " iT "'d ," .Ien,� L 6 ... , ,, I t4h _,"`�, I . I .... I " lb 11 "A . " ;r . .A,- �A 'T ,4 .. , ,i "Oil t W# 777 . . 7,T,F, - �, -� .- '.pk ,'J', ''; � P 4 �r . , , ; I � "; . � . I I ,wv'--,F- _7 ;.""' � " '­ . - cv,­ I M�',�,,'�'�,.',Tj �,�'_­ 1. 1- . . I ­ _ '', . * . � ,i.� , El , .. 7 , Z! 77 .,,T� , 5V %� .1 ., . , I , �, . , I T , '�.� � , I � --�!Ii I a .. 444"., . vw xwr-�-; ,11'4.1';"`�',�, �., t "'I For ` � . '1114A. t4jv',Q;, I � f 41 1. : " 411 'q 1 i41,1� 0'4m, � 1; I .P , ­-, , 'i..M`14 I 11; � I , , " li;., 1 . I ". - , I " ie . � , -�', ft_op _ 4 i -O - ,t ­ li� . 'm I �, 1, I I IT, ,,� o �, i U121111 W�.,,,g 1, I I .. 1 1104 �i�;, .. it , . � � 1 ��:tl_ ��, I 1 '61 1 ft, .�t � i . ,,9.. R 11 ; % . ,_,' ; � ­! , " , At , � I , 1z . f r , i��',' , I � � I "t ,� ,V9,N4iW,% �, �Vyi,�9;1. . I ." r4li % ", t 3inz, X4, " "' .1 v � ,� - � I .1 � -, A! I � � � ,i . � . % � 4vt P, I ,.84,. -oil I 4 �,N� ..:`41 v . � Is #1 11 W l 1-1 #&'4=40, , Iii � -, - I I ,,�t i � X4, , " ?�,;�,.�Ag t " -� �, .. ; --V . 'i ,� -, 4, 1*11 s , , F No i, - 40 � �t. :",�, - �, . 4,gs a I DISTRICT RATMO C., $)Aulripai�% w, � I, and __­ I �'. � -1 I I � . I , 1. " ,� , � �' Mr. C. all 111: 11 ,,I. ".4 I I 11?,,.'� �� M, I I � I;, � �, �-,*: � . 'k, ''... 'TZ 40r61M11*Wy,, " H OAAK, dw �9. I #_ ..% � , ,i� 1 S,g1k,-..Q , ,� I _% f� y4r0e , 1. ­A� 'IF I , I I . . I .11 AiRp I RF4 I - tler �;' . � � � . , I 11�$ I I K..", . " 1 111P_9�W 145'�Wt aU4 "'"' """' "' , 61 P .. ­ I , �� ,� I I , 11 . X ,AIM I Rjo. 11 . t's ties I - Apinkle, John MATIVY �7 � , 1z egoliA�,—_tc A;1, Koel li"'.1 . . ____ ==� , .,6f Lovdpi�o (Was A. TYR NO , ';.��,', . , I Chesney. She is survivAd 'hY . i�l I . , . , i -_ �q�_;, .,. . 11 � I LUqU�,:%NNA e4W.`1109,%R , t A U V 11. .'. %� .-, . � � ,- - uy,� -. XPAWIt. - - th 14T. ,�,';, z� V " ni ��,��Z';7 WXX',� 1, ,,, ,! I :,. " ,daughters: Mo. F., A. Uro��,'_­`_i I ' ' "' ' "" I the UVRAV kq ,,T� ', ... . 1, ; 1.� - , . . and, fisniil� -S* '. � .. RZ - " " ''I', � . .�, I ,Q - . , 400d., OWE-zO 11 I I .,. � , eAkt ^I Su Rik SURV, �4h ,:, , 1P Cured Me'ats Lions Meat,The semi-monthly 12 _41111 n�+ Mr;t. JB eIr ;lt , #�V* Y04 a . .1 i%vid Mrs, **, X f May *1 11'1..�` _� , . , . I �e, � � IT, I . -1 . 1 11 ea.41 ., .9 . t" I I . I I - ( �,�p , I 1#1 -� ;�, 7 , , I I I _Xs ��, *W­Mz Ran ; I 'ZI, at 'M -=#W, W# h V.4 4 . _� . ': 3 � . , 0% k . . 4 54410r, �4 ;�, �T":",. V, .51 I : , I '. ,� to . . Ict �;21 , ,. meeting of the Lions Club was "hold Detroit, and Miss,Eliza-bet homes . . . WA111 � 44 r. , an ;4=8i��,, 0 �t I I . i I 1. ' -W.T9 I X -N.- SHES—Re. . e wegep ,pj ". �. 0 ­- , d - ,JAs, ,�,. � � � 0 1 Tip "'! , � geUry L a0egy r _, " , _F.11 � c ;�,* . N ,to,�he most popular authors 'PeUT, $, " WWTIA . , "MR, or .a � Ve � This is a clearing hue of , 7 �-, o- TkI17,; ViSi I . at the Commercial Hotel Qn Monday 'O , 41 CLOTHES BRU, gulaT 75C who ministered most faithful to her 8,10d line of Reprint, ftdon' N-otes.—Mr., and ,Mrs. for,gl$,c. � � ul ' ant Sunday with ;rlends in Mo4k- r .PW , . . am 'IN, V 4. . evening. A goodly number of the mother in her'deolining days; also, ' i 4 a ­ . r."V.. — r a V 11, ,%!; "L, �" vire string all hair brughes of ex- a Win, . Tjx,�4e are all well Printed anii and , DIX% i i )?#0� . �., How % .. �, �-, �. - members sat down to luncheon, under four sons: John and Thomas, . I I Will 1 ,OV�l %L,`� , .. I . . il t.� - aor,,h bound. ra. _.an , t� -�. e qualit � r, .. I pA�: gpea .the week e at , il 41 " tra - I , Y_ the chairmanship of Lion Dr. Bar- nipeg; James, of Pierpdt, and lRol-A, - "' . 1 ,�40 �, .r I e .4 1 Mrs 0A, N 1,11.�X. . I . . . chl3dre-4. spent ... Of last W W: �v _� r. rd , ' , ] "'I "' "t _7M lil,`�'- ' DAKIM� SYRU,P AND BARING row�,. The latter, in a well delivered of Beamsville, three of whom, Mrs. B. r , 'ELINIVILLE I 'P�iw"'7"'k -i'lomye 1. 86 CENT$ EtkCH With - -friends near Wartbuv .— r. .4, lzoili�,_" !". �,"7 for their home iA � S , �. % I ch, suggested several ways by Rigney, Mrs, F. A -Crooks and ,01i. ., . � , 2% �, . . �, - sPee re &-ad Mrs. Charlss gele a .66 'A' 0 11 .---; ", I ' I , , Wwi ,-, MOLASSES—Best quality and low . NoWs.—Iiyoo.was turned on li� Re rs. ,b , , 1. ,Ae44,4y, mi)rning ! � % P - % ." ,, _:,Aq0tlPk I . � -J! . Pl which the work of the Lions Club Robert Torry, also Miss J. Grant, Of ' � .1 . on Wo40y-of: -this week.—Mr. and; "I ` _ .. 1, !W,�r. er prices than in cans. I I . I Regele, Sr., spent Monday th Mr. Tta,�-',,,'%%_-`,�ioi! 1 :�qxljje Uln,ite4 Chureli . hol :1 Ok. _6 Q) ' " I I alted in L.. �11. poWDERS--A co Invitations from the I %1L Ruehrra. Mrs. Iteirele, Will ' 4 I . 0A , ­.. might be made more effective in the Buffalo attended the funeral. I Mrs. Ed. - J�bns- and "family N1 , , ... W,� I mmunity. q I'll Stratford last Suafty,­This congre- pud Mrs. John -.9 � , . 11 , � R,4 I I IN ��' I ,._ PURE GOLD JELLY . ST., is'stqing there for a few, da". Thu ,, ,'t W ,,:, bis 11 - � , rsday '14ftirfiao ­ A 00ir 6th, aat . . '' ` e. � I . . "I 171", Joe powder at 4 for 25c, in a good Brantford and Hamilton Lions Clu 1, Hompson � gation was well Yqeproisented 'of I "W 04, .t7l. , I I at Zion —Mr. Archie Ferguson, Mrs. Joe G$- the h I . " , t, . . orne . Mrs, I ' 'L � ­ery rsa6 services last Sunday.— Mrs.. Herbert Fowler AnniveirsarY I :;.q,�, range of flavors. were left to be dealt with by the com- ..... To Rzsat,-Beatti,� Brw.. sealk-bb- iaoogsToRE - . SEAFORTH annive 8ekvieW.'_The, �anuli. ;: � L�.,;4��, . mittee. . on and Mri and , , . . . . . , a bond rip'saw. Finder . ited at the home of Mr. Thomas 1; I HONEY—Pure Clover, 5 lbs., 65c; Saw Last. -Lost between G, R_ Mocartuey,B Su'bsigiptions taken for aR magazinea Mr. and Mrs. H. F,6rd and fanlily"iiB- f Seaorth, spent Sunday of last ror�ary. services of the Mitp&'40hgVeh 4 �1, , farmf and Sesforth. � Isaac 0 'th Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koeh- w-er# hold on Sunday last. Ud 4ih .- , - ,3 � - please phone 25 -1 ind'papers at publisher's prices� , , W,: ' io lbs., $lM- On. 167. Seaforth. 8121 1, near (;Tecnway, on Sunday. I Week wd. f . 11 4;., ____._ 'was filled, topapicit�. -at both semiceo . , �, � Lost. -A grain scoop botweev, Kippen and - ler. . I � 11 . --A olf.-On Saturday, October Ist, a Hensall. Finder Pleas ' a phone 5-91, Hemall- � ___ L . - and was beautifully decorated wit1v - I �11�., � RICE� 25c 1.1 8121xl � I CHISELHURST . I .", . .f' a for ...................... cal com,petition was held at the golf i. c. Bali, Yuppen. I . � flowers4 Rev. E. J. Ralston, of Ar- " ,,, ,he Pul- Notes.—Nearly one hundred peci kona, a.former pastor, preached two; .",-; . l P., links, when a large number of mem- For Sale. -Crown Huron Range, for coal Brown ' of Lucknow, occupied t sle . . , STAFFA I 11 .. reservoir and ovea th--- pit ixi North Side United ,Chureh_ gathered at the home of Mr. and W;� N.ot6s._T,h, an"niversary services of very iinpressSv ,sermons' and enjoy,- � 4�Y, RICE -The beat that grows .." 25c bers enjoyed a splendid day's golf. or wood. with . . '. all eter. Apply to R_ N. Dorrance. Phone Mr. G .,�",:,. I at 2 for .................. The first event was a mixed two b 239-21. 3121X2 eorge Stewart has taken over George' Fairbairn on the 12th Conces- Grace Anglicarl. !Church will be held ed the day shaking hands with old .,�'j. Mail Route No. I out of sion, on Monday evening last, the - 0 1 -4 foursome. The winners were as fol- Far s.le.-Lumber for 6 gravel boxes and the Rural - event being a miscellaneous shower in on Sunday, October 9th, at 11 4.m. friends. Special music was'furnished I � . ,; LONDON SPECIAL SOAP, for r. John McMil z, , , , . 25c. These big bars contain more lows: Miss J. Cluff and R. M. Jones, 12 bay reclo, and 6 wagon tongues. 'Phone Seaforth, on which M a purnber of honor of their daughter, May, prior to and 7 p.m. Rev.' Mr. Jones, of Hen- by the choir. I I �� F. , 8101-d I ", ie 46; Miss E. McLean and W. E. R- J- McMillan, or a- Harry Ch -tars- lan IRS b�en courier for - I . 1, ': � soap than 5 ,bars of any of tb ar s. F. H. Larkin is visiting her forthcoming marriage. After the -- . - ____ __ - I . I ..�o . 25C Southgate, 47; Sealed holes -Mrs. J. Loat.-A sum Of money at W&ltOu School ye S�IVI r I �. soaps we have at 5 for .' . utation of the gifts, which were I I - . C. Greig and T. S. Smith, 14; Miss D. Fair. either On fair grounds. in b ... ment Of with -friends in Toronto -this _week.- Prese . , 019 RINCESS SOAP FLAKES AND Wilson and W. Archibald, 16. The United Presbyterian church. in �sheds, or on Mr. and At rs. Gordon'Miller� left Wed- both useful and costly, a dainty lunch -7 1 - ri ...- I : P Walton streets. Finder please leave at The prnia served and -afterwards the large We Urg� 1 EspeRaFy i 312�xl nesday for .1 PALM OLIVE SOAP -Get your second event was a handicap medal Los Angeles, Calif *1 Was I 1`1 Expositor Office. reside�Miss bollie company passed the time dancing. ;; ", The winners are as follows: one Moffatt where they will — I � I tokens redeemed here for these- score. Range For sale. -For sale 40 you. to I do We be - I.' !..I 1st, J. D. Hinchley, gross 41, handi- range, as good as new; also on. Monarch Carlin returned home Sunday after MANLEY - ' "... e of 1weeks with Come and ; lieve you ,. " 1. L" FRUIT BOWLS -Regular $1-50 1 1, net 30; 2nd, B. Johnston, heater, a bargain- Apply at Cardno Bros.' spending a couPl I I 11 . . � __ ; t'j":,L 59c cap , 3120-e frie —Mr. John Dei' - I Sft - t. he will enjoy for .......... ............ gros� 45, handicap 14, net 31; Sealed Store, Seaforth urvose ands in Detroit. -Mrs. J. D. O,con_ Notes. tz has again 'L, I I .. V Ren- Team For sale. -For sale general P ntll, Miss Dorothy O'Connell and Mr. started to run the McKillop stone � 11 - I ... ... holed -W. E. Southgate, 15; Sam chestnut team, also one big stro, d i and -Mrs. C. Eckart is spending Ma n�y New I I Your visit � D.,N.river , , GLASS PITCHERS -Regular 69 C nie, 15. two choice cows. Apply to ixon, Sea- Joseph O'Connell, n her. - �, , �� ,r $1.00, for .................. forth, or phone 27,3W. $120-2 visiting with relatives her4­Mr. and a few days this week with her daugh- I Things. [ . r .. --- i here. 1. . ,--do- Noti...-Hensall Chopping Mill will be run- Mrs. S. Morton and two children, of ters, Mrs. Tom McKay and Mrs. W. I I � I - � I I I 1'� � ' .day, nursday and Saturday. all day I ­ - ,� . nin, T, j. Pass n .... ,, He were week ,end guests at Manley -Our School Board has en- I I .1 I �; F F. D. HutchiSOn'S Died in Saisk-tchevv--�The death until further notice. � _,..I&. Hamiltdn, . . � �, $120-2 the home of Mrs. J. H. Broadf6ot.- gaged Miss Delaney at an increase in I 1i PHONE pHOR pHOOD-166 occurred at Hanley, Sask., on Sunday, For Rent-ibe waterworks house wdll be Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake, Mr. salary. This is her fourth term as I TRESE'ARE I ;,' I- October 2nd, of Mrs. David Sproat, rented on ailieral terms to suitable tenan't. Henderson Smith and sister Miss teacher and she has proved success- .. . ol . at the acre of 79 years. Mrs. Sproat Apply to F. D. Hutchison. Chairman of Prop- 1, � ful -Mr John Murrav Affr Lrot a V in ­. . — 1 116-v Belle zinlitho and Turs. vy. Smit, spen . . I .1 , - - I whose maiden name was Agnes Han- erty Comm,fttee, a . � .�. -House wft all the week end in Toronto -Miss Mary surprise on October 1,st, when his - .1 . ,,.h I ohn House and Lot For Sale, , . I , Was . .daughter of the late J Heslip, of wife presented him -with a baby girl. - ... - � modern conveniences, one acre of land, situat- Wingle and sister, Mrs. . . - - " - I Hannah, and .she was born and spent ed in the Village of Walton. Apply to P. Detroit, are the guests of Miss Dollie ON = - = 11 ,�.; V -, I , I .. . her early girlhood on the Hannah B. Gardiner. Walton. . . WINTHROP :1 " . � .,. I 0 1.,. . - mile-, For sale. -Five -roomed colth), Z ­;Lt G1 =to You Days' , .. homestead, one and a quarter Not -Mr and Mrs. E. Smith of I : Willi -am Street Hard and soft water in — . . I �T west of Egmondville. In 1893 she house. electric lights, garden. Owner leaving Brussels, and Mrs. Tisdale of tho � ,�11_1 was united in marriage to Mr. David town. Apply to Mrs. Sydney Deem, East Wil - 711 4. 1. . . NOW PLAYING West, called on their niece, irs. Ferg. ' ' " � .1�1 . .,�.�'i Sproat, then a resident of Ethel, but 4kvm Street. $121-1 Bullard, last week. -A dance will be We welcome you'to see our liberal displays of Fall �_ .1 1, .� �i� - . I ,� who was formerly a well known reSi- Recruits Wanted -For ithe Seaforth High- 0, 0 held in Winthrop Hall on Friday, Oct. �1.1_. ..�, � lenders Band. CJass starts at onZ eust Merchandise. By coming any day now you will 1, .. � '... 1. : dent of this district. Two years after be willing to stay with dt. Apply . D. 14th. The Blyth seranaders, will .,- ..'; " I I her marriage Mrs. Sproat moved to Reid, at Custom's Offiee, or to W. E. Smith, r% .�.''�� . Richard Dixfurnish the music. -Mr. and Mrs. Jos. find scores of suggestions for Fall wear in our exhibit. 11�1 .� ,_ " Belgrave, where Mr. Sproat conduct- at I K Smith & Son's Shoe Store. llt2l-2 I ,� " � , Davidson and Little son, Murray, of , ; ­",% � House and Lot for Sale-F)Dr sale, frasne 6; ed the post office and store for many house s.ituated in Village of Egmandville; 2 with London, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. MORE NEW COATS AND DRESSES . -;,:-", " , Bennett on Sunday. -Mr, I I t- I years. After the death of Mr. Sproat acres Of land, fruit trees and orchard; two and Mrs. . - .. , li: .�..�., I �. ten years ago, Mrs. Sproat had spent frame barns. House contains four rooms and MAItY BRIAN and I -tarry Jackson and Miss Helen spent ,., ;.'� 0 I t, soft water in house; electric light � - I . her time between here and the Wes kitchen, ­'. I ...." in house and barns. Telephone. Will be sold Sunday with Mrs. Htaist.-We are � , - ,� � , . �-,-.4 but had been living there continuously cheap for Quick sale. Amply to James Hud- JACK RENAULT glad to hear that Miss Margaret Ail& , ;� - - _ . .. for the past three years. She bad son, Egmondv,ille. or phone 2 ,on 146, Sea ... . all&-tf -in- Cuthill is able to be up after her ser- . :,. � .-..',, - , been in poor health for some time pre- forth. ious illness. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph � �.,: . . " . " , , -11 vious to her death. The remains will 4 -4 . _r . - . Dolmage and Mr. John Bullard spent .11 1*1.. , ft� , , be brought to Seaforth, the funeral Sunday with friends i4 Stratford- � , . � , I ,.""01"., ville Local Briefs. -Mrs. Arch. Scott, of -vey Hulley spent Sunday at Fresh from I . services being held from Egmond Knockout Mr. Hay i � .11.1 I ... . . . = - Church on Friday after -noon at two Ottawa, who spent the surnmer with the home of William Bell, Monerieff. the bi f ashion ' 11. 1. p.m., after which interment will be her son in Edmonton and with other 9 1� 11 . I _­ 7' centres— , � .� - 4 11 ;nade in Egmondville cemetery. friends in the Welt, is at present Riley, WINGHAM NEW IWI . I �, __ 1 40 spending a few weeks with relatives Briefs�Miss M,ary Johnston re- FALL where the 1.1, I and old friends in Seaforth.-Mr. and ,;.. R. T. McIntosh, of Ingersoll, Story 1-y the sports writer, Albert turned to London to resume her stu- AND brightest ., Watt-Hagyard- - The following Mrs. . dies at Western University. � My � � . . " -!ph Mer- spent the week end with friends in Payson Terhune. ell, of Wawanos s- WINTER brains and � 111 A HECLA FURNACE which we take froal the GuL I th.-Mr.- Jack Hinchley, of the Charles Campb h, i' I I 't�,, spending in COATS I. . Icury, will be of special interest to SeafoT a few ditys-with friends nimblest fingers ,,, � , Y_ .�, , many in Seaforth and vicinity, as the Brantford Collegiate staff, spent the Monda), Tuesday and Wednesday Aylmer, Galt, Paris and Hamilton - i . ��; I � Efficiently installed has no equal i1th town- i ith his mother here. -Mr. ss $15 to $65 . have been ...... " �, � groom was born in Tuckersn , week end w BELLE BENNETT'S Me rs. Roy and Harold Baratt, of at work— . �. "I EFFICIENCY ship, and is a grandson of Mr. J. B. I Neil Smale, of Detroit, spent the week Dranflitic Triumph Kitchener, are spending a few days I . I I BASE OF OPERATION lenderson, of this town: "A very!E.nd with bis parents, Mr. an4 Mrs. -STELLA DALLAS" in town. -Mr. J. E. McCarthy and E. come these .111.1 Thomas Smale.-Mrs. J. L. Dorsey - . �". DURABILITY 1 pretty autumn wedding took place on i Morrison motored to Penetangushing, � .1, SFACTION ednesday at the home of Mr and'Iett 01-. Motiday for her home in New Styles . ;, COMFORT AND SATI W I An Eleven Reel Production. where they spent the week end. -Mr. I I 11 .�, - - V_ I . . , "I "I", , I Mrs. F. 11agyard, Waterloo Avenue Duluth. E'n route she will spend se Emerson Bennett left on Monday to in Coats -1 . . . I ­ . . , t", Robt. Reid 1 wheri their daughter, Flora ,Craig' vr-1 day, with friends in Toronto and — attend the Oatman Funeral Home, !NEW 11 and Dresses. , ' , aske -:..� -'� !was unitk-d in marriage to John Stew. W,nn,jxg_-�'ou are NEXT WEEK END SPECIAL where he will learn to be a mortician. DRESSES And we want . .1 I I ': Plumbing and Heating . ,n inind two interesting future dates. R", art Watt, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.' --Mr. Edwin King left on Friday for I " I PHONE 23 SEAFORTH rolden Jubi- 1711E NgINNING OF $6.00 to $25 you to ,� . Alex. A. Watt, of this city, Rev. Dr. When celebrating their C g a course 11� WORTH" Guelph, where he is takin . . , "I V,,-�;",. 1, .MacGillivray officiating. The b,id- � lee the Northside United Church have BARBARA I kit at the 0. A. C. .7 11 - ed the services of Rev. D,-. liy Harold Bell Wrig see them. - ,;ecur - 11 -------.— - ----.----- was charmingly gowned in blue georg-. I . — .... "I �ir�l - ette and carried a bouquet of roseg , Chown, for Sunday, October 23rd, and featuring HAY ;` " � the noted Canadian "Sunset Quart- Ronald Coleman and I ".. :,It I � and lily of the valley. During the I ette" for .Monday evening, October Vilma Banky School Report. -The following isl I I 1, ,, �, gister, li t7te M , the report of School Section No 10 ' 11 ��: ' 1.';s 1 94th -31r, and .Mr.,,-. Harry Stewart * ' '.., , . Ills signing of the reg -rettily. - Hay, for Septernher. Names are ar- -_ & - 1, Frances Weiler recited very p I are -;pending a couple of weeks in -_ - . , 0 I , U ci I i t y - ;;;��.'.;,.". Q i Following the ceromony a buffet lun- Toronto and Montreal—Miss Annie - ranged in order of standing: Sr. IV . , ,�, !eheon was served by four girl friend-, J J J -Hugh McFwen, Margaret Dick,1 11 1%. inf the bride, wearing differen colors,!_M Nay, of the Stratford Normal,� P an I N C -1-1 s4' S-4 1, , I t C in Grace Dick, Ted Munn. Jr. lvii- ` � ­. � . ' ­,�_ 0" t h O%E,kOselof organdie. after which the happy ,fzr)(,nt the week ,L,nd at her home vin Bell, Jimmy 'McEwen, Mar], i'us- I 4', McKillop. - Mi-�s Helen French is -_ . ­ - -_ - ­ --- er, Garnet Mousseau, Helen Munn, SWEATER COATS --The New Fall Styles are shown I �,' Couph! left anlid showers of confetti from a ;1 , We Can Offer You:- I ( i home at present suffering � here now. � ,on a motor trip to Toronto, _)ttawa Harold Elder. qr. 111 -Jessie Dick,, .11 ... I -vere attack of appendicitis. -A i . ; "., , - WILLIAMS, SHOES !and other points, the bride travellinv,'( Irene Mousseau, Dor�thy Corbett (ab- I �. - meeting of the Home and School Club .. ­ iat an", DoYouwear �, GR i in a navy blue coat, blue � in the Kindergarten TV sent). Jr. 111 -Annie Coleman, Mary '. . wearing a fox fur, the gift o f the, "" J) be held .., I , I CHUM SHOES I i (,orn at the puhlic school on Tuesday, � - ,vrnoni. On their return they will re- I -1 eman and Annie Hiuser, (equal). MILLINERY ­. d Sr. 11-F,dward Corbett, Edna May I .October 11th, at 4 p.m. All tet; FALL , ,. If Better Shoes At Lower Prices ,ido in Guelph." I I C Jr. 11 -Jack Munn, Marion NEW ,� . .orb tt �� . ed are cordially invited to attend.- ur Shoes ? c'l -11. Count, Buy Your Shoes in Dou HOSI- ,, � �.. ---.-- - - Miss Sparks, of Stewart Bros.' Mil-' Xl,' Kenneth Elder. Class I- . _-, Egmondville. i i Dorothy Munn. Primer -Lloyd Mous- FALL Every style of Hat that the .. 11.1 I - ERY * I - I linery Department, wa% on a buying 'When iou see a man wearmig our I au, Alex. Munn. - B. Stewart, GLOVES well dressed woman is look 1, . Se ' 1, - , POULTRY AND NEW LAID EGGS I C. (­ 1. T. - The C. G. 1. T. met on i.rip to Toronto this week. -Mrs. J. Shoe-, 'you know two things about Teacher. IN il IN �- 11-1 WANTED, AT THE TOP PRICES. Wednesday, September 2�,th, at which IT. Fell, of Go(lerich, was the guest I him: That he's a judge of good shoes, ___ ig for is here now. Come " (1, I r. and Mrs. 1�harles Finkbeinerl lDry NEW "I ,; '. ,after 41evotional period -in(] Iscus- I of N1 and no spendthrift. TUCKERSMITII SMAIL I and select your new Hat I I.. it Will Pay You to Deal With sion of business, the following of -land other friends in town this Week.1 , , ..... , . I . West End Notes. -The 65th anni- STYLES from,the newest styles now STYLES Q. I - Ig-trA in ;hc(,rq won, cho-on for the coming' -11r. . and Mrs. N. Robson, who have TWO OR THREE OUTSTANDING V,,,a,y service, at Turner's Church I . . '. ' 11 .1� . ., I . W J PLA ,term: 1'resident, Miss 1,aura McM11-1 heon visiting with their aunt, Mrs.�`W, VALUES ARE:-- - will be held on Sunday. The pastor, on display. , P_, ]an; 1st Vice -President, Mjgs Mva,(,'. Broadfoot, in Tuckersmith, have I , " 1 4'�, TV ju Inniga , Rev. A. Doan, will preach at 2.30 and ;� ; Physical Committee, Mi to their home in 'Abilene, � Made Of 730 The choir is preparing special ��� I'll, �,�. Wheately . s - r,,1urned I I 1� 11 ' , ,,_ .", a�-._Mr. F. C. Jackson, of `� s . I . ' " "I .�!, ies Evelyn Golding, Mary Archib.1 J Uriis Calf Leather with Panco soles, music for the occasion. Margaret Armstrong; 2nd Vice-Presi- I M� "I'll, ,1�1 . ____ - - - __ - - _ __ I , , ontreal, spent ft few days this -week -, plain toe, absolutely Farm Sold. -Mr. John Hay has sold . " � � : I . i dent, Miss Margarot McMillan; In- I �It the home of his sister, Miss Jack- solid . � .......... ......... $3.45 his farm' on the 9th Concession '­ tellectual - - Egmandville. --Mr. and Mrs. ' to .. 1.� . Committee, Misses Dorothy Ron, in 0 . Jackson Bros., of Arkona, Middlesex i 0 MacTAVISH , � . Robinson, Jean Frost, Muriel Beattie; Robert Habkirk, of McKillop, have �2% " � MEN'S ,YUSHION SOLE SHOES- County. This -farm contains 201D . - 3 -rd Vice -President, Miss Margaret loaqed part of Mrs. McGonigle's resi- .1 (�-_ Fjne Vid Kid Leather, Goodyear acres, with splendid buildings, and I 11 ��l . Crich; Spiritual Committee) Misses dence on North Main Street. -Mr. I I . . . . . 111,�, S P I&;-:--; cip a I � Mildred Turnhull, Mary Haigh, Ona and Mrs. Jack Beattie left Thursday Welt double soles, $5,A 9 there is not a better farm In Huron __ __ - - ____ I .. ; '� 1. . Nicol; 4th Vice- President, Miss Elinor morning on a motor trip to Toronto Rubber Heels.... �­ ... , ­ '" County, but owing to continued ill --- � -_ ­ — - ,???.! 11.1. health Mr. Hay has been forced to - . , lq�l For Saturday Only Burraws; Social Committee, Misses and Belleville. -Four rinks ,of Sea- A YOUNG MAN'S OXFORD -Made give up farming for the present. He �,) , f . ,.; , . Helen Lane, Mary Barber, Helen forth bowlers were in Woodstock on on a I �� I . . . . . . r�� wide t,oe College Last, Black will have an auction sale of his ef- j� I . .1 4 J;,�, ...... 26c Ament; Secretary, Miss Doreen Far- Wednesday taking part in the Snow- � �� 1, , , 41��! Cured Bacon, lb .......... 30e quhar; Treasurer, Miss Anna Ed- bird Tournament. The players were Calf Leather, Goodyear Welt. $4945 fects on Friday, October 21st. The . I . I � � . Sliced, per pound .............. _ nerw owners will get possession on I .1. () .... 200 mun , Miss Helen W. T. Thompson, R. H. Spr,,t, R. j. The "Spencerwood .. ........ I :.' Home-made Pork Sausage, 11 . , �,- November 10th, 11. i Lane; Pianist, Miss Annie flanna; Sproat, J. M. McMillan, skip; It. Win- i ", ­� ,;� , HAmburg Steak, pound .......... 15C Assist. Pianist, Miss Margaret Card- ter, Frank Sills, R. E. Bright, Dy Comparison is Our Best Salesm.an-It ' - . 11 ���.. I � � - ­ I Read Cheese 10c a pound or a pounds no. Be&ley, skip; M. McKellar, G. D. Makes Many New Customers Daily! MCKILLOP MITH'S PECIALS �, for 25c. . I ,��'. ... 'r. �� , -About thirty membeT.q of the C. Haigh, Dr. Burrows, Dr. 11. H Ross Cuthill-Pridbam.-A pretty wedding I * ' EconomyBootShop was celebrated at the Manse, Mitchell, ,.,;,�:, , G. I. T. enjoyed a weiner roast from skip; C. P. Sills, T. Johnston, C. A. 'I . �A I 1 630 to 8.30 at the Lions Park on Barber, W. Ament, skip."Miss B. 'Saturday, October 1st, when .�,(.N �,V, Directly opposite Commercial Hotel or' I,- ", D. H. Stewart Wednesday, October 5th, and all re- Barwick, Missionary on furlough from . �1 : Rowena May, daughter of Mr. and I " � I , , I � I 1, Cutlack, India, is a guest at the home __ - - � — Mrs. Jasper Pridham, of Fullarton .1 , PHONE 58 SEAFORTH port a splendid time. This week end is your opportune time to purchase your needs in $,!:': of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sparks- township, was united in marriage to , �4 A- - ned sev- .?" 11, second son of Mr. Stylish Footwear, merited by high quality. We have eOmbi . t-� , Mrs. Milton Chesney, of Toronto, is Oscar C. Ciathi ��i' "If, — eral lines of Ladies' Pumps and Straps at a very special ,Price Of , a guest at the home of her mother, a I .� 1�� . . Death of Mrs. Alexander Torry- nd Mrs. Jd'hn Cuthill, of McKillop $6.5,0;. We have all sizes and J , . . One of the oldest and most hfi�bly Mrs. J.R. Habkirk.-Miss Mary Laing, township, by Rev. H. L. Bennie, min- $3.95. Regularly priced to . " - L' ,C11, proper17., A few of 'the best are'-, .. " 10i � . esteemed residents of Egmori&i1le Of Milverton, spent the week end with ister of the Presbyterian church. The I 11 N�.... 'I . ','-�� . � Jewelry ceremony took place in the drawing . 11�t, i .. - her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Laing. . � 11 �athor, full breasted �11 . �? 4 1 . passed a -way at her home on Ravfield _Mrs. Thomas Rawley, who spent room which was tastefully Aecor*d WASP_ -A pretty'gore Pump it patent le $3.95 1 " lf�$. 1113Z. . :` Street, EMondville, on Saturday, Spilke heel. R09dIRT $6-50- S,PWIAI ......... - '. I � ,.-.j-..�� . . I Octdber lat, in the person of Sarah last week with friends here, has re- . with asters and marigolds. ThebTide ' . covered I . 11 I . � I urned to her hoine in Port Huron� ,,,,d becomingly in pink georgette - I . . r� - .. I Hamilton, t I -Pe MARIE,A dainty.Pateht high riding one strap SlippeT, $ .� 6, ­V,�.";. . NOTICE daughter of the late Mr. -t,.. :,_�_ � f'.�'A' . ,,, Mr. and Mrs. A. Matthews, Mr. and VVATCMES CLOCKS trimmed with satin ribbon and cte 11 1� 11 i�.` , � - . and Mrs. W. T. Hamilton, and widow .50 06.9 ,: 11 !%,� I I e J Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. Joe , �eel. ,; ,,, ..". � , . ,.". nde-r Torr7 ' Mr, Jq de chene, carried a 11buquet of Ophells , Autunin lea utiderlay, covered Spik . 9 I ,. RegUlaT $5 . I I ;1 . . -- - , I I ef the late Alexi The de- DIAMONDS RING ,_ d6d. 'After the � "" - I I., 11 I �� - .. I , �, ,fl;!,L,�� . .. --oa- , Beka:A were in New GermanY. last . roses aild was unatten � ' $3 .... " ..4 1 11 I I I ceased lady, who was in ber 92nd , I I 'he ' eouAe left by MAUGIR-An All black Patdht one OttAP, *W t�60 1*t; . 1. -, eek, the guests ol Mr. and Mrs. G. PIMULEMS ceyetnangy t , ,liap -!�� , ". 1 " � I .py il , , I , .�;` I � , � " � The- ItAgtrw 9aftgage *ad , eat, was born in Wigtonfohire, Scot- w red.$Viye heel. Regulai�&O�. -WNG1J_ % ....... � , ., � 1&'., ,' i I . V e came witb ber Hickno_n�Mr, Walter Robinson was ETC. motor for 9*0ford' land ei eove ..,,, ".;,' - 1, %` , , - 4.., land, in 1886. Sb I I -1 I I , � .1 ill �� ., , ': " , - ,� � 4 1 �, . P = "; c6fnpatwo Cd WM4 or � ;s du flit,lilotie 66n. The hifae , \ ,: " a 0,1_11- H'tard . 1M10 - � 'I ... � . . . , �# . P611%1 1 a . . El , � pltt,t ## . ." , 4., , ", , , Canada wbon seventeen . . . . . . . " � , 9' 4"ttlifle � .A.—A PAtdilt Onti Stiltil t­�� '&'�� �WbOaL. ' 11'.t�'�, I .1 , I parents to u' eut for the btAwber shop he wore . f6i � Net , - I)OR f . I �. . ­ -ra of age, settling in South Dum- .... �, A3.96 1 �,i �1­ '. .. '. yes. - , #J, ... �' � . 'I .60 and ' hat , - -=Z� .,,A ,� , ), �:jo;;,­ . an in Hotel London, the new X rpsew&6d 'tt lt� 9 Op'hip,zi h4661, rub�Or � ,PRF�W . . I � �­' �, ,, I so � t- . �­ $294*000 -TO IWAN frfes� Where she was marri4A in 1866 ' OP I ., 4".0 11 , , . . I. '" � f%�' .--;",ji , . ,�, I ,; . I - - , ", ., li .1 'hotel recently ' " ` 11it L I - ., f * ,,I* '. , �,,, , , " .4�,. &� .1i, ,-',LLL .... � . � � opened it the city of ALL = 1% OF HIGH ,. . ,�Atcll *10, A, %kii od , eoviu .ft , I , it . 1, �. .; � . to Ak,gixudet Tbrry, who pr4ode"as#d aldin, has It, 1.6, I *A made, ffi 'A' , 1�, , , , ' I &1;UAA;:-W1AL,-GT, , 1 :11vi U, 1, 0 , . �,� � IWO, *t, MG&I, ,London. - Mr. Andrew C S43 rdt"ft, tw VI'vidd bn`�thb � ­�- S -A , , , _ ., JW !!,`�� 4i , � 29PAM ,,;6ws,,, t � W*zfti % � �, ,. V 7-0, � , �,' ��,&%#hl�-81248 to 71h ........ . A ,,,, �� " 1 $#= Wk. 17or three, years they 111#4d at I I I 1 b $ices, ."t, mi _ I I � -ribuall ill at big' hOU16,, On C L AA INO.,., ; 0 L,.�. " . . " , , -, " 6,4, 0-�"%4 _,; ! been so ft4 . ., , , �11, il lf".� � , 11,J%--' '. . " * I . I , ! , ".. 11 '. � I I I I _ ' T � , --hii - , " ,, % ,.1. ,­� , k , , 'r ""'! . , .1 0101d 19prinp Farm, in BrAnWrd I _ I W. " '. � � � , 4. 1 . 1, e,�;� .1, � ��-1111,.,;111. 1, , �', ", �_� - I I I I Jataea Street for o veak but' hia 11 MD. PUMP Nat , I" " , 1 4 , .0 � ., , !,. , , ri "d S611d Pbot CotaforL I I �.-,..­ . .- 11 I . ,,, 1� . r, - 4 , : . L iii,42-1 WOW- 41 � -",�11 �', � . , ­;O�".,.,.; I I do .. � �, lo, �, , A, � . i I I I I I , � ­ . 'later to Tddl mutly friends *ill be plowwd to 1#&* , i� �'_ -, . ­ , .-,V, � ;,V�.r4p . I ­ , � . , , ,,,-, 1-11 �­ , j'�-,3­�,- . . � , �f ,, " , e, r�� , , 1. �, , t"'V , , ,�, , ,,��: �4` ,. , I 1:1* . V Y-11 11 I � , t . li,;�'.7�-.' RVnillip, hitef M. oving to , , I . , , ", " - " �;�'.7��' � _ �; % t : :�'_ -, .�. 1. 11 . I � I , � �, V, I _1i ftUt4$0i,7�461 that he '19, im I I I I . � I , ­A��V, 11. ;'1112. �4 -c, li ,., .. � , � "I , , . " � tj6fe A�r lj�rjd for , . , S I . I ,. . , , I �, . ­ , I �It.41�� :­ �. , �� 11 ': ". . i ,. '. ",_ & , - .1 �!-' %'�­�,117, '' I . � . I - _11 I ,,4 ',:�,��, P� W.', Watton aud Mr. Jog �Ph VU't- , � 11'� , ,� .. , & W 111.1�1, 1,i �1­1­111111__­-_ 1: e prdvi#g;--Mr, and �Xfg. I A d & ,?,n�,A;��"M$ � � .Y, r pld,� � 9' , It - _ �� - !,�, ., ,, pom. " .-Th. 196% ft .- dft�-#- 06, "Pie 0wolk ! 14 1 � $1 � .... .. 1� a 4 , #�� 'UMAT'i, . � i� I ?"', � � :;--. 1" � ". . ,V - wiue� IZI 1"'K, ; 7 .1 .0 ."I" V . , � I., it. " ,., I 10 ; ":�,, S1, 7 In . �. a V 1� 3 ., - I , , I ,� :, gg,gc� t;SMOUGA abli di RuAlikom ., ".., I I , �� ,I ft & ­_:, , L I ., , �, , ... a J , the ' �: ' . i n ­.- -­ �4� "I Ug I ests pl, , h6lil-6.4f-Mr, ,i , * , � � ,� �, - '' , 9AMM I . I I � 11 ." 7 :, �. 11 i"",;il.�'. I .-M I 7- ,W . , ,A�-4bvl, 1Wbfi*1 vol� 'y %-;4�pq;'- " *1 a �,,Z I ?-o . � �, � 1, ­�� . - � - ". '. � I � .� X " �!;, .. ,� MIU1012 " ..; ��, a hi , swb � I,' �;Y, . ,,1P`c`i5%r., W -,A' I '- I 0 � '& �1*4; r"A, - ­., I , woo �%l , , 1� I'll 't, "". .., .. ie. I ', - � ift04 tia 4� .1 , ., - i,4� 11 I , 3q.-4%� � - :- , I �;��, �".., ., " !. ,f,l "J�. . - .. ", . 40 "I I'll j �. , ,,,� � . , �� ,��!l ? -6,0 ".; � � . I . I-. , , ;. WWA — —, -, I 1-11, . . . . . . ... . ;�!.� _Ir 11,16&4 " , T " 1, �41' noi �R- 6&15�'11 , � .1 I 9 "! W1 I ,i!�,,,,, J, . ., , in_,..�,,,,,.,,i - ft 18 Al � W1, ftr", , � "" a .''. j , � ,,� i� "? I �, 1 � I � �, -TW6:"P 2—mili OKI' ` 12 "m 11, 11 ,,,, �.� ,�� 1 , � I.. � � JbfW%,,,, I'� �� '. , , "I , 6W , , , I I , , A , "'. I I ��, .. I'�, � 'r , I __ � , ,��, �Ai� :� � 6 , V11 � q� .. 1=06 Ar -2 ,,, � , ."..!,';_ 1101(� , i", ,; - ,." .,;,W . ! " U1 ,%'.%� .11, I - NP, ,IL,�wi.� I n, 11 "V� Lt Arbil, &8r,i1V1?i,1'V.V&.L�b.'&' Im'.11.11. " , � 'I' to . ,!`,-.:,J, �,�.�, llr g, ; . . . . . . 11 1, � I'll, 1, fa,�, ;, '. a ;! �_, 4' 1 ':I�I.V , � "F ,P ? p�� 4; � ��p�g �'O' I A--��, , �1, . , , � gw,, U� i ,,� " "? I , I - �, � ,� � , , I , F . I :,�,;, �������,���.,,,",�',,-,,'.�,'.!;�F,,�,,".,�! M�11M%b,�,� , I 1� � _46 , 1_1 11N,12N , :1, . "' , I I I'll 0" , 340115 1111�'91'�541 , " 11 � � �, R __.t I? 1'4 , , � , ', I I ',_V�; "', L'.' I , , 0., . , I w , �w , , -;� , , -, " - 0,11 ��,1,1'1 %.J , "I I " " I L � 11 �11 L, 'q.;, , " , , ". �� ,;, F � ', !, - q I­R� L I i I . . : I : ��,, � I 7WI . " ��' � - e, 1, 1��'(111111 >�111�7 i"j,-,141,,, ";;,_ .71�il, .�k A�', R�,W� -q­,I,� 1�'­F"�', " ,, I I I �, , , , "I - it) , . L� �1`r, ' 01 1%1`4? '�6""��,'�L� ��ji' , , . � , 1�;,�r ,", " � . . . . . . . .. "'I"', J��', _11; : " � � , ,��;'�l !N! , I " �`�"l ,� , , ': — �i I I I I � , ,;,_�', '' �'. ,111:­i1,�1,,):: 11�11 -11 "I .. .... ", �� I I . � ;, ,� ... .. . ,�;;i J, I ,, ,, 7 , 1; III, I I , r z � I , 11 , � , � �,",�,4v-��,� -,j�,;jv , � . I — I.". ,, I I — , 11 111 I 1, �` I' L i : I 1, I I �, �,, I I , � � ; , � �� � �, ,�, , ,:L , � I I I , , - � . : iw,,�,,­ii LA�� , I � j ­L� ,.;, .1 � "��41 0"' � , " 0 ., 11 11��,��, %'�L �'­ � "�! "' 1 �, "I , " L L,,,�,.�v 1w I 11��, �,L i � � A�.` _�,��t, ,',�,.,� �, � �4;, .�� � . � � A- hL. le " I :� 14" I I .1 ;4"l . . .!., ,� I ' I 11 " . 11