HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-10-07, Page 5" f V 01 � -A "' - *�;VA 'I , , Vo - 12-5 . I ­ : I ". * � u . 0� I 9 00. Vo ,V Vo Vo , T. .-­..�' .. "�,*'%%W4 1'. ! -.= * I VVWX I �.�, knn i ... '. , hddW. 1� , enson,,� 140#01,� Vea, .1a " i� 11 I it) 010403 , �� ... , I . i".. '. t ,*J,� .1:112 .. .,,Of i, . .., 40up " :: It, � , , ,�' - USS - I :� I.... , I , 'To-- ren !i � 1.�� � : t 0, a rm:. I �11t�., , _�� �:i47. I � . . r'. ft " ".-� �.:,.,", � _­ ,�.i . . . . . . . . . . "I'll—, ,,, �m . ,,i,�"Xai"�,,,,�­:f I ,� '11�' "I I I I � I V.,. ., A " DFAWEVIELP 1 "I'll 1� . I 10TP :, ff 1'11�111: , I "4`. -Rev Mr. Wbiting, of To- wonto, '�,i'.:retu`rn.d tiiSsjd4.ryjy6W' Zapaii, #ave an interesting ,Addreiis � lost -Sunday wbrriiing In the 'UnIt6d .Church.',!��Mr. Whitlag,�Ila* been' in - Japan f6r tbjp'p4 . ri,' as, ,, a . A le y p teacher .of bpW. in 4 � -1. silon school, . 'gttteni , with ajj. 4inee 9C.'800, boys. .He said that'sixtY Yeari .. pgo - Ja p*a , n w* as ,ClQse4 t,o werp..,11v ; forejgAets Atd, the people ,fto'jn jgnor4,�cej Isqualpir and � vice. -Voiat a reingrk,A *here Is iri 0- . - Me change ,!#. w6w vhay, h * � �. � 00 . ialt WesIrn, V efn, tnyph�ioXis,"= ! . .95 per obnt.' af the pebt le tawilre4d , I , 4�144-A and. wri�j�j and th�Y'ar C'wo � . . . . , I FMg. MA" 7 can unders_____ I - nP.- lish lan;age. fie told off the great I joy and 4 �uM-ulnii$� * tha,t vame into _ the 4eaTof the migstonaries, tea* - ere and"vl# I I , when .',',they .. ye,?�eoilvez�s I .. Ibeai,4 the I n I ews of constrmatiop. of - the 1ftUjo4"6f't& thre6, gres ' t churches. in Jaol& tl�ey were praying earnest- . ly for t4Wnion. He Said the United I Church io"ene of'the greatest church- . es in tho'world to -day and is one on which the oun never sets.—Mrs. Win. Ratteribury returned home this week after spending five weeks with her ,son, John, of Burlington, and 'her daughter, Mrs. T. Dunlop, of Toron- to.—Jack Ross, ,of Detroit, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. James ]KcDonald.—Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Aik- .enh�ad accompanied by Mr. -and Mrs. Hugh -Cameron, of Clintone spent the -week end with friends in and around ' Wingham—On Saturday afternoon the barn of Mr. Henderson, in Stan- ley, was'com,pletely demolished .by fire. The cause wasi due to spon- taneous combustion and one whole side was torn -out of the barn.. A' fire at this time of year is truly a great logs as the whole season's crop was burned. -A number from here at- tended anniversary services in On- tario Street United Church, Clinton and Hillsgreen Church on Sunday.- 13asil 0 , Rourke has moved into his mew blacksmith shop and the barn where he ,had his shop before and sold -to Sam Rathwell, has been t ' aken down and. moved away. -A number from here attended the Field Day In Lucan Friday and participated in the sports. -Rev. and Mrs. Bremner entertained the boys in Mr. Wotson's class and the Tuxis Square at the '11anse last Friday evening. After a delightful time was spent in music and games, refreshments were served by the hostess. . I - . House in Egmondville R Also Farm Bargain A. D. SUTHERLAND - � - - __.. - _ - - -..-- DAIRY MARKET 0 Tor6nto, October 4th. -Cheese new, large, 22 to 24c; twins, 24 to ZZic: triplets, 25 to .26c: Stiabons, 2�6 to 27c. Old. lArKe, 26 t( -11 -tiltoTLA 28 to I 2k -. twins. 26 to ,7c. soc. Butter -No. I creamery prints, 41 to 42c. No. 2. 39 to 41c. Oggs-Fresh P�tras. in cartons, 54, to 67c � fresh extm�, loose. 52 t. lr,!'K� fresh fir-ots, 45 to 46c; fresh Recands, 34B to 41c. Storage extras, 44 to 4fic; firsts, 42c. - LIVESTOCK MARKET Buffelo, October 4th.--Hm rcceivta, 12.000 few 230 to 250 pounds. $12.25; 170 to 21 pounds, mostly $12; pilm and light lights Opt $11.25 to $11.50: 300 to 3r,0 pounds. $11.2 to S11.75; Packitur sows, $9.50 to $10-40. Ca,ttle-ReceivtA, 2.1900� short -fed steers $12 to SIS.50: common to medium grassers $A * 150 to $11.25; heifers. $9 to $9.28; fat rows 1% 05 to $7 : law cutters And canners, $3 to $4.�,O lbulls. $5.50 to $6.50. Oalves-ReceiptB, 1.100: top ­nl,�, S17,AO cull and common. $11 to $13. Sheep_Receipts, 8.400: good And ChOic -, e14 to oel,146: cull and common !i A i 14 - .M., W '., "", , , ..,,?� 2RR,�71,?RjoIN�..)" ., .... Ar th 1,4�,,.)­,­ 13 M - . . i I .1 I i 11 .. - " ft 1""i ..." I 6, � ,F .. . -0 � 0 i , . ,; 1, IP t�'*&Qovi* `-`;� "'04;1." r!" 0. 0, . ..,� 1, , I F Ill It 1;16w. _7W."alls'. %? W, . L' , W4#*ek *10169, "If 0 . 7_111 � . �,.10 � " .. , L I W." - ."' , 1, . :�� 11 .. 11 � I ..'�:.. � , " 1� 11OW'. 0. L , ! "' 1 ;.... L I , . , I 10 , Ot: " .. I � , . 11 . ., , ,ill . i... , . . ,. I � . . ,� L :M I ". 0. - �'_ �,. � L '. a ; ­ ,.� . 1. --1.-':; ­­ 1.1.111.-..", � - _. 1-1 .111 .... IV., _� . .. .1 J',�q'.- 'L7 "i -'�7--!k,�` "'.. . ., - - " - I I , I 11 ­­ L�1_ . ��`,V� I'll 1 ��$ . "�. � - " -CMD I W", , ". � " I f �1- "N'. .I & ,:.,. heL�. a.-;1._ I-. �.. � " ", T family. of �An , I i, X0,0 4xiblder , � 1. - lorry 14"ir.01-to e4"s _ . i , -F. . 1�e raspy � VXWMS�,bm of 0=0 � 7b4z them InAligir, rec?etit "vemei&. 6121-1 , I , -,--!!=!:!!!!=I— ­ 11 -I - - I - I " . . . � GOT IT I USE IT . .1 ` Maosi6i. Bronchial Asiiipaso.Quia- L 'nugih, Head 0,14, f:w It, , .. , * 'L �teoots. GooA, results or .2"oey " .1 "' Syb9la Spahrs Teti* " ' , ,a. I D;; $barie. " � L . 0 g. z .. . ii _44_� i � .. , . I I I � I I "`� , , I .., .L " I I .. . . . � !�! �.,e , F�"T,�. X014,111, �_ I , W, . I . 'POW . :,SAt�\;4"OXJT to bARiXED 'ROCK , b -i�o-fl�y Ots y April batch. A, bpV Tj 0 V Yo� ks� h" nwatl pigs ready to wean. I Apply to F. J. COLEMAN, R. R. 1. Sea­ aorth, , Phone 238 r 22. slal-I P,ULLE'rt5 FOR SALE.-leli BARRED BOOK pullefe, from a good daying strain. "hatch - ad April Rth, May 2nd and Ma,v 24th, $1.00 each. Apply to R. KENNEDY, R, R. No,1,4, Seafarth, Ont., or phone 22'on ISK a, WOOD FOR SAII -SOFT WOOD IN FIVE cord lobs, $3.00 a cord; maple slabs de- livered. the qame at 44.60 a cord; also a quantity of hardwood delivered tat $6.00 a cord in ifive cord lots. Apply to T. J. RICH- ARDSON ' R. R. 1, Brucefield. Phone 187-25. Seafforth. . 312oxa .FARM FOR SALE ­a28 ACRES, HURON County, adJoining Clinton; all clay loam; large brick house, 2 bank barns, silo; large orchard; a few minutes' walk to town, churches and schools ; town water piped through buildings and river at back. Apply to EL W. MOFjkISON, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. OMIL $1204 BUILDING FOR SALE. - FOR SALE, large building 40x50. two Btoreys, built for flax mill 'at Walton; double boarded. ma-bohed spruce on outside, two floors double boarded with dressed ,hemlock.. All the lumber in -this building is strictly first class hemlock and spruce. Come and see it. Phone 14-232. JOHN XcDONALD, Sawmill, Walton. 3120%4 FARM FOR SALE -104 ACRES, LOTS 27 and 28, Concession 14. McKillop, 1% miles from, the village of Walton. On the farm is a good house, two barns and other outbuild- ings. For price and terms write MRS. RALPH W, CONNOR, 10705 7ryth Ave., Strathecina, Alta. .1 3115xs FARM FOR SALE.-4,OT $0, CONCESSION 10, Morris Township. containing about 50 acres, adjoining Village of Walton. C.PjR. �bation wi.thin 20 reds. On the property is a n house l6x32, a -Ile I2x30, never failing well with windmill. comfortable frame house containing 7 rooms with modern oonvenienc-�, new furnace, electric lights, large woodshed attached to hou!e. The land in .rst class, well drained and In Splendid state of cultivation. Phone 14-282, Seaforth, or apply on the premises to JOHN MODONALD, Saw- mill, Walton. 3120x4-tf — FARM FOR SALE -GOOD 60-AORR FARM far sale on the Mill Road (County Road), Tuckerarnith . part Lot 29, Concession 5. L.R-S_ aituated 31�, miles west of Senforth and 211 milesi east Of Brucefield, 11/i miles from School. 71here are an the property a good frame house, 9 rooms and cellar and wood - abed; bank barn 86x6O, drive shed and hen house: two good wells and 4 acres of MaVle bush, 1XIncre of young orchard, also plum, cherrY, pear trees and other small frutts. The rema;nder is in a good state of cultivation. Rura maN and telephone. Also 27 acres of pasture hand with creek running through part of Lot 3 2. C�noession 4 . Tuckersmith. on whieh I d bum, 2605. and orchard Will b:&O'Id7toogetber or separately, Apply t" ARCnlE McGREGOR, It. R. N,o, 3, Sea forth . OnL 812OX3 __ _____ __ - ___ ___ DESTRABLE FARM FOR SALE.-BErNG T,O,t 16 and the easterly portion of Lo 17 In the fourth Con,ession Of the Township of HLbbert, consisting of 125 acres of choi-Z land, It i,o on county road. con venient to school and high schOol and within two miles I or Dublin, On the fa.rm L4 a modern t, , tory brick house. one barn 60x40, anoth e 66x38 with frood stabling and 15 acres a hardwood bush: two Rood wells and wind milk. It is free of encumbrance and th . buyer by payinsr one­third of purchase pric . can arrange for balance by mortgage for Years At 5 per cent. The owner Is anxiou to sell before leaving to reside in California For further particulars a,Pp1Y to F. MOCON NFI,L, Dublin, or JOHN MURRAY. WnI to n. .1 I 14-t — - FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE, LOT 7 &,nc"aion 6 Stanle� Township. contain : Ing 100 Acres. On the premises are R I� 01�ti,,,,ry brl.c,k house llqlh furnace. And R fram - . hen 'd wonds�hed. Hard and soft wate , at the hon-e:'bnrk barn 90%52 with opmen fioor� all through: windmili and water I . th,r, barn: drivi- shad And I,MPIeVnt hOU4 . 2n.,80. Land I. all ,cleared. well drain ni well fenced with wire, and In a go - . n "" , �'�jv_a't�o_n.,,Sevpn miles from Hen . t'i' f .0 t 'ile, h I across th 5 en , fro ppen: Be no, . Rural m � ;� , ll�- onai'l, �tl and phon,c, Will be so] " r " rm�. Apply on the prenals c or ' d ' ,,, vama Past Office. WILLIAM 9 FOS �R , VArna. 3110x4- L.'A'., 1- 1i;_-! --1 . ­ I— I " 1,,�, . Pt!!!"! 1. , � I k , %, P , , � I � . 7 z , � "" . : . I � I . , . A 7 � . � , '. ,� , - . I I too , a4gm-, 1 awi-i", �,,� " . , ,: -.-, . I �:, -!�!i 11 - % WWN�_,' 14R�otd * bb with, c4r, 11 **f-1bo'AbQ0Je,'*e;0, ' tioned'aaws are blob" #=do-AH'.1ak .9 fts on4vide , �, - parhem ; M fa Ian beovy Alifluers ; ,one Holstein months, 0140 '190 _Mei � of soeil- working . inares.- . ; '. Pows sn4 17 little ones about 4 weeks Wd, I Ybrk, shire boar 16 months cWd_B jr: w4as aboillt.4; paupfi. eac% 1 McCartney. ,xd*i* ma, chine PeArly 'now.. All muo sold aw, the - . , barn, )ejo1yjlpg "4 . ­. 1 ll"4 destr4i)04 . , t4ill I by, nts." Tprras.---1. , smono: -iRl X,iind uA&Pi , : ,;aab; �Vvr that jalpi 1, .. I I I I I . be istv I an - oix litiiiWhIng spvjwved� ilctffit= ft pe� ce#�`ver annum,olilowed, %Q ' r cash on I . I ItAls X. EM40MRSON, Propri.- . . t.puntv, . 1, .91,11 . allaom Ai7ictioneer. 8121-1 I . I MON SALE-Mbere will be offered for ' M. ' Sale, at Duirs Manse. McKillop, on Tues- day. the 11th day of Oalpber� at 2 p,m., the ­ articles: One extension dining I ;X�.', I Sideboard, desk (qurerloemr i cut ou�), . I iron =" d!OP6 dining ram , chairs, I Morris chair. I rocking chair, one steel tired ibuggy, I cutter,'l wheelbs7rrow, I Step ladder, 2 sets single driving harnew (one nearly new). I wringer, I stable fork. carry combs and brushes, I Quebec heater., coal or wood stqve. 1, Queen heater wood stove, stove pipes, I robfi, I horse blunket� I gallon 1 1 measure, I buggy spread, 2 lanterns, two I ap,ades, I bucksaw. I rake, 2 lamps, I bracket I ._-p, I parlor 11amp, I ehaff basket I vlo&.es f basket� I market basket, 2 bedroom rugs. pw- tures, dishea, 1 bird cage, wide Poultry net- ting, poultry. six one year old hens, 16 spring a chickens (pure Speckled Sussex), floor lin- eleum. Terms -Cash. A. A. CUTIML, Clerk; Thom" Brown, Auationeer. 8120x2 - I k AUCTION SM OF HEREFORD STEERS AND THOROUGHBRED HOGS. -Mr. G. H. Elliott has been instructed to sell by pub- lic auction on Lot 35, Concession 6, MeKil- I lop, on Friday, October 21st, at 1.30 o'clock, t p.m., the following-. Thirty Hereford steers I averaging 1,100 pounds; 9 Hereford steers. I 1,000 pounds*, 1 grade steer 1,100 pounds; I t grade steer 800 pounds: I Angus Steer 900 1 pounds. These cattle are an exceptionially ( fine lot for shortkeep or for grass. There N will be one load of 20 steers sold in a! unit. I Hogs --36 chunks from 70 to IZ5 pounds, 8 ( ReItdstered sows, second ,litter; 1 thorough- bred sow not registered. These Sow& are of c Featherstone breed, bred by R. N. Dorramce. Seaforth. One grade sow. These Sews will : all be furrowed by time of sale. One R,-g- istered York hog 18 months Old, real bacon type. Also 50 Rock hens one year old, bred- to­luy strain; I Massey -Harris binder 5 -foot cut, good condition-, I Fordson tractor, wheel rim; Monarch Peninsula range in good con- dition; a quantity of mixed g -rain. Terms- . Grain and hens and all sums of $10 and under cash: over that amount six mot, the' , credit an bankable paiper, or a discount of 6 per cent. per &nnuna on c,reait amounts. MILLER ADAMS, Proprietor: G. H. Elliott j Auctioneer. 312lx2 � - __�____ CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND I M PLEMENTS. --Ravi ru-4 sold the farm, I ,have given i'nstructions to Thomas Brown to sell by public auction on Lot 8, Concession 9. Tuokeramith, on Friday. October 21st at 1 o'clock. sharp, the follow- i i;g: Horses -One watched team of geldings. I team of Regiwtered wares supposed to be in ; foal; 6ne 4 year old filly, eligible for rexis- : tration: I three yee,r old filly; I two year ; old gediing, I yearling filly, I suckling colt, , I heavy driver, work sirmle or double, winner of running race at Seaforth Fair. Catt3e­ I pure bred caw freshened three weeks, one cow due in FebruaTy, I raw due in March. I caw due in March, I cow due in May, I cow due in February, 1 cow due in June. one 2 dry cow , 9 heifers rising years old. eight calves. Hov.-Three sows coming in soon, 4 young sows not bred, I Yorkshire bo", two young boars. 20 young ,Pigs. 10 Pigs J-& weaned. Jmplemen , �--Wf,aaisey-Harr-La binder 7 �k foot cut with true and fare carriage. I hAY loader, hay trdd�. Massey -Harris dril-I. culti- . v.1bor, 1 set ircyn Ivarrows with cart. Cockshatt riding plow. 2 -]king plows . I land railer. . one scuffier. I wRac,n, I hay rack. I set of sleighs, set 2,000 Tb. sewles. funniniz mill. 2 - .sets double harn�s. I buggy, I Melotte cream ,ieparat,,r. large size: wa.ter trougil. 1 cutter. 1 4 H -P. gas engine. pulper. grinder. quantity of lumber, a number ,if 94not ,�d-r posts. I t crow bar. wire stretcher. I drain aroov. n-k- N-okes . _ whiffletre�_. a quantity of hard wood. e 18 inch. houschOld furniture. r,C White WYan- dotte �ena. I acre of manlrolds, 1 actre of turnipa. I acre of sorghum. Ter-rns All Sums 0 of 810.00 And under, cash; -v- that A­m­uDt r 12 months' credit on furnishing bankable f paper Five i�er c"L off for ra,�h. Roots - And 6orghum. cash. No ouuide stock alla�ced. e JOHN HAY. R. R. No. 2. Kiprpen. Prop,ietor; , Thos, Brn-n. Auctioneer. 812IX2 5 - CLEARTNG AUCTION SALE OF FARM. FARM STOCK AND IMPT,EMF,N7S at . - I,ot 21, I,ondon Road. 11/i miles north of . srucefield. On Tbur�day, Oct,oheT 20th� At I f ,,'clock, .harp, oonli0inz of the fa)Jo-�rg: ppv',ho"c 6 year sold, brown home 7 vMrs . old, grey home 6 years old, Aged drivinv - b,,,rse. good Single Or double; black driver 7 KearS old, ba Y horse 9 Years old, Renerial vur- e pose. Road rdiable home. CRVIII _HdNtlin r cow due November 5t,h. Durham raw due t November 10th. D11rham, -w due November n 20th, caw pure bred, grKnii mii1ker. f; yearlin,r e, oteers, f; yearling heifers. Pius--Y.rk .sow ,I due in November. la Taonworth Sows bre,i . 3 d w,pk,: 19 pig,9 10 we -lot Old, IC) Piv,i nin, - woeks old, I o pigs 1,2 weeks old: 40 heirs, One e Year old. Implements. Maa%ey-Harris binder d 7 foot cut. Deering m-o-er 6 foot rut, Massey - ea Harris 17 -tooth cultivxt,ir hroadca,�tcr fforn- p,. hired. ii dr -urn land reller. hay rake, Adams tf walron nearly new. wagon rack, hay and I box 2 I I ,tovk combined, nemTqy new: irrnve I I ' Fleury walking Plow�i 2 set. diamond bar- __ - 6.ho" ---- ­­ - - --- , - ---- rown. ,p r,owp,, international ,rurine,, I mOunted: fanninz mi,il. 'A refle, girmin ,rush - r 111110 ,r, ,utting box. set scale-,, Portland ou tter. light w-agor, rubber,tirp huggy. ste,el tire top -.d __ buggy. Steel tire qhhw bulorY, strism r,00km'. ,up Pan, 50 Sap pails. se�t team harr�l . r- . . . nearly ne­,v, 2 sets plow harness. set- single V,.. � . . I horn,As fork-. chains, wbiffletTe� And num- _ I 11 I . " - ,rOu, (Aber artilles. F-rra mnai-ts of 'no pr ,� - . ' I'% I—— m,r,, or I- Of good clay 'loam. Well �� " I � I ., ,ndeydraineci And in high 94" Of rult'va- 'I �; .1 ja'ck V. Euiott S I - .;-,n (mantitv ,,f hnrd iv"Od bush, bank barn " 1. . I . � I 1� -.110 f_t ,ij�, ,,�.m­i foundirtion And recuent, F I . . . 1, 13�Or,,. W,qI pt�jjj�d, new %ieel driv­iri� shed . .. 7 ., I �� 24,00 feet, Ine, 1111�i, 19�24 feet. Tb�re �,o ", I F leet of Aerop''lanes �� - A good comfortst -r-m Ili, �torey brie k I � . 1 viouse. Thi- io a -.-t d-ir.bl, pr�rty- F . I . 1. � I " miles from Rruc- ! I I , ­ I I -oil jDeat�d. beiriv I% Ciiju�to,: 12 serrs of I I . field and 6 mile- from i fall wheat end fa -11 n1olvinir done. Terrv, of .. � at 8� I US :, Sale. -A-11 sums of $1000 under. .OnAh: the- � C'N.. - , ' ed and 11 .. I ,�'. . I ."er tba.t Amount 12 momthio' 1redR -11 he I ' " , I v furnishing approved joint notes. OT 1. I ' I .iv,,n on for I &unt Of S per ,(:,,n,t allo%ve,l c, Ash , a dis 11 a standard arrade of - ,on ,,rdit amo-anu. Everythinir advertised tr . . 11 . b7l I . . I he sold As 'proplife'u" is vivini, up tarminiz i. Terms on Farm. -Ten per -t- of vurchae( � I price Paid down Ion day of B614 " 50 ter cent , , WARM ULD �f � 6 price way remain on property' ILI . Of purchase . L . - reasonable ,rate of interf.19t: 131LIAnce in 8( L r Ij . `P�r-P*Ot011 G, VR L te, I 'r � � dayq. IFRANX LAM, 9121.1 L� I - _1�1 , ill%tt, Auctioneer. L _-q* I . . r, 7 I'll �� I % - " `,;'Ili , i � ,4, __�, , A ------ �_ ",7 I A Im _f j . , .. - r ._ ,� ..�. . i fm ­�A Lj., WIM a . — " W-1 -11, �. L I � ,, �� r , . FARM FOR R ., .� 1 50 Aor0s Pr6rZooLpf'S For-Informptionj 1* 6at I THE EXPOSIT wit 1?jyf`A%1X3& I . .,4.1 . 11 , 8121-1 . . � .; . '. _"�� . I . � I , - � - � _­ rp -1" . - . i . t t TAKE, NOT10:10 - __ .1,., . I 'have made up list of 14pik vy seas ter , wrears of taxes, and have ad*er the Same n the Ontario Gazette- T-fit'Vertisement vill. appear four weeks in sucv,06016b- .W. LANE, I I Tress"reto Huron Cou" )SAW at Goderich,' * F_ leptienaber Both, 1927. .. 1 3121-2 . . . � , . , . . ,: E MANY MEN WANTED � Wagois Paid part time�� wlfllp� teaming urage work, "I tricifty. weir& bta=, Ouse wiring, brilklaying an I . 'I". arberins suit beauty culture work. Write or free, illustrated ca:kdogue. 2"noches and mploymera service from coast to, , 1088t- HEMPHILL CHARTERED 904_0011S. 16a King Street West Torihto. � 121-1 , . . __ . I'l, 4 . � ., . ANTE Tender% will be received by the undersigned �r furnris,hins the material. and work on he Young Municipal Drain. 4poncession 14, , - wiletit Towmsbip, until 6�"i,day; October 5th, 192T, at 7.30 o'clock p.m.. when said mders will be Opened at the Community [aX1, Londesboro. A deposit cheque for 5 per ..,L of tender W accompany same. Plum ad specifications may be seen at the office of he undersigned, or from S. W. Archibald, I.L.S., Seaforth. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ae- epted- JOHN FINGLAND. 121-2 Clerk of Hullett. I - - - - ,- AUCTION SALE of Land, Buildings, Machinery Under instructions from the owner, I will ell by auction on the premises on Railway kreet, -in the Town of Seadorth. on Saturday, October 15th At two o'clock in the afternoon: LOT 69, Jarvis Survey, Town of Seafurtb, 6'xIS2', on which is said to 'be em,ted - wo Story frame warehouse. 38' 6" x 60' 9- ,.d a one­story frame office building, 17' 3" : 29'. LOT 70. Jarvis Survey, Town of 5 which is said to be )eaforth. 66' x 132'. on -rected a two-story flax mill, 72' x 36- of Frame construction metal -clad. wilth metal -oof. and a corrugated iron bairk-11 hous- r,OT 71, Jarvis Survey, Town of Seaforth. i6' x 182' on which is said to be erected a n,mtory fraxne barn. 40' x 2C. PART' OF " L,OT 72, Jarvis survey. Vacant land. And the foljowin;gA epuipment: One horizonoaj mbe boiler, 42" x 10'; 1 .make stack. 40 ft.: i wagon S,cales. capacity 5 tons : I flow ocales $2x,10 platform; I Westinghouse motor and -tarter, 25 H.P.; I Westinghouse motor, 3 �,P.; 1 40" "Blower Fan" with galvanized pipe system; 1 flax ww shaker machine; I battery of 9 flax scutching ktii,es and boxes: 2 flax tow Targer knives And boxes; on( Clippeer seed clearing machine; 2 flux thxesh- inv machines, Wbipj2ei�: tables-. bencbes. 1�,_, inch pipe, radiators, tools, etc., etc. CON,DITIONS OF SALE I,and and Buildings w0l be offer,id en 1110C ,uhiect to a re-Tve bid. If un,old they wil then be offered separately. E�itlipolent wid be offered �tem by item. TERMS: All sums of sio and uniler, cash -er thax amount 10 per cent. ,a,,h.�Ioalhric, gix montb's credit on appro-1 jornt ncit� with interest at 6 per cent, Dee,is too lam d.livered on completion of payments THE SOVEREIGN PRODI-CTION CORPORATION, LTD., Owner. G(�orge H. Elli(At, Aurti(meer. - - - _. 1 _7�� - — — - I MORTGAGE SALE OF VALL'ABLE FARM LANDS l?i, mcKI1,LOP TOWNSHIP Under And by virtue of the ",-'ra of SRI contained in a certain mortwliz,i mhich w! be produced at the time of -le. there wi be offered for sale by Publir nu,Milln at th Quren'a Hotel. in the Town ,if S-A(hrth, 0 Thursday. the 13th ,Jay ,if 0,1,,I,,r 1927, a the hour af two o'clork in th,- Afternoon. U 'Toblo,viitrigi Iand.: P,oing 'amN."I'l tur 19 number Sixit,en (16) in the 1;,,th (-Ionce�s.io ,,r the T-riship of M,Killop. i,i ihe Count (if Humn. conit.aininiz one hundli-if acre* ( � land more or Imp. The land is w,,11 d-ined and ferl,ed Road i A Iroad state of cuitiVal-11 And is ­nvenien ly Ritunted As to churoh. srh­1 And market There Are On the pre,mL­ ov,, good ban And a drivinv Sh�l and A g(lod frame how and about Pijrht arr- of I-1 -,)d bush. TERMS OF ,;Aj,F,,. -r- per ­ut. of ti r.urrhase money Sit the finno (it sn1e, and tl balance wi�thin three w"ks th-after. For further terrals And -nIkL11111- of RA Apply to RRIST & BURT ,genforib. OntAri�i. Solicitors for V,n,l,,r Dated September 22, 1927. 14119 . -1 - 1� V I ,. � � ., , � � , j� 1:11:. ! . � , , I 1P !.'Ili- ,*, " � , , i , i.'; I �- -, `4 �,gvj, ""I , .. ;� 'N'lliz ­_ I I ��;' I ,, 1, ,� ,r . P,Pk-i. � , I 1,�, 1, .N' ,77 I! � �� -: :,- - ' 'i,ifJ"'t"M2� , . -, .1 , � 7 . .. , . . . .. 7 - . �. . I" .. 11. ". .� -v:�, ", �j . I � r ­'.S.. _,%Rie ;4�,� IN, I 1. . , t -T .. ; "i p, - - :�1,7, , Pool .0 ,,I ,11 pt I I , , '' . d_ - ­ --q , I - . - ;,.. . , � �� _ ", , P, ", I � . ,W,.­U�,�,Y*�: � ; � � , q,"n ,,�:A; - - , g, g ,a , I I W : I I'll �- . . " '' P� .�� ,_ S 4 . I . . I " ,11� , )., .1 �: `�;�. ,� I I . , I . _;�* � ; 11 I �­­ �.� - , �� :- , � - I ." I' , - � ,,.�., ,, � , . � " . I '. . ". - � ,�.,� -, ., , i,� - ..:, 11 1. ,.� _­;,-,�, ,, , i -,, . �111k. I I .1�1,� " '!12 �� f .. , "; , ;, ". � . . I , I . � 1;11 ��� I I Pi* 4 . I "'Im"a-.1411M. �.. "A.0 , , I I . -%r -f,":,.,. 401� ;� " . ­. � I "t . �, . ___��,, ,.,%� ;.",:;g,-� , .0 , , '', i k 4 ..r. C ft � ;1. � �i'l PIP . , '..'' - *�,i i��i�� � -4 , I G'I I ­ '' V y I ��'� ,! ., � ; '. !. � ,,�, `.,.� , , �1' 7�1 ��', Dt,�� 11 1.11'.�,-,�, 1,i7o�,,,. ili, U0, � � . . '"', o �� -1 ­kW - 1� 1, . . . . ... �i,l . . I ., 1, �. 1, . .... I � i I . I � NEIR 21 . . � _. - ' I I . , - I - I- , I , - �, " .0 and - , k 15 U , i" � wortk ff j:--,,.!��.f- . 5 -tO ACd � 1� A I W1 ,�%,' 0, it 7. � ur,Wkfie _­ . -� . - .1 "Trq_."�­ ­..� .,� % - . i. I.. . ­ .�, A ­ �.,., � -`1­1'7,�� 1 . . , - `�*� - � I , � ,.­-;,:`i�� . ;� 7 � ';;��r�.' .1 I ,, '. . ­. _'.�. I �''.*.,*,",;.:'';,..),��.""��.', . ";,i �, .1� '.,'..Q . jn,!"�W,,k. . see our Wonderful Now Fe -11 I � 111t), 1. �'!,` 1­.-� lo. I I �. .-31, . � - ­`� - ­., ,, 03'- g.kg - ------ 7— 1. I I .�3,1; �1 . � . . Ir I I ­%. " � ,. -, "ft"_ I . r, �� , . �., q � . � . 1. 1 �7;1� .". . . i! - 11 I ... ­:. , I ,.��; .,q .;��,,' 0 14 Y�,' ,.. .7. � ,, ­. "', '­... "' �,S,�41. I :: , ��. �'� ,11��. . .. �, I I I....'', 'i'..01 C!. I Huron County Representative ! . . � .. I �j ": . I .11'.. ,.Io ": :,�� �% - _-, ;i " , I I i,. i � ,� ", . �., "'.. . I I � , ... 0 ,;, I � . . ,�;'­ ... .. �.: .11 .'' I I .' ';�, � I ,-:',��,",-,.'­i I ." �, V , .1 ,,, ,,;�,,, ... 11 . - ��., '' .�, , I " -1_ ­ %­. ,�, , - ,:,r ". ,,,.�'�..'�";� -- i" . . �_., .. ".. _ ., OZ . ,� ... , . I ___ ., I . I , ", 1� _ U'd I R. J. GIBB - Seaforth ..... to �,' ,­ .1."__i.,., 1,11,65 , - . I . "`,_,­,_ - - ,, . ''. . . I . F" .1, -1111 � . -. , .� , .. ­ 11 � &I 1. . 1 1�4. "I � f.: " , * ­ - .1. ,, . . � � I m­�� I A, :. . . .1 �!­_ ..:I��-1,0,,' 11�:.­�"­� �� ___ - . . I ­'.�,­,­-,�­�:­­ 11`,.�..113 I I > * *0 I *1 0 * * * <> 0 0 , DR, F. J. R. FORSTER > . 0, tye, Far, Iqose and Threat > S. T. Holmes & Son * Graduate in medicine, University 16f >1 Funeral Director and * lAeensed Emballner. 0 <>, T"Olilte. Late assistant New York Ophthal- IL . — r N, W. J. Walker, Funeral D1- 4> mei and Aural Institute, Moorefield's > > Finest Motor and Horse- �00 E,ve and Golden Square Throat Hos- . . pital, England. At com- > drawn equipment. Beattie > Block, Main Street, oppogite <> <> .London, mercial Hotel, Seaforth. I > The Expositor Office. S. T. 0 —_ - > Holmes, residence, Goderich 0 0 <> <> <> o <> <> oo <> <> * <> > Street West; Chas. Holmeso 10 <> * > residence, North Main Sreet. <> 0 W. To BOX & CO. '0 > Flowers furnished on short > notice. All kinds of up. <> 0 0 Funeral Director and * > holstering ne'atly done. <> 0 I.Acensed Embalmer. 0 <> EL C. BOX * > Phones: 119 or 254 J. <> 0 0 Beat Motor and Horse-drawn 0 > > 4D. I 10 * 0 equipment. * 0 Charges moderate. * I " 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 — _=�__ _____ <> notice. * ) 0 0 Nights Calls Day Gagn * 0 Phone 175. Phone 4L 0 > 0 * <> ?I W. J. CLEARY <> 0 -0 <> <> <> <> 0 <> <> <> '> '�> > Licensed Embalmer and 0 . - — > Funeral Director. > Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0 0 A. D. SUMRLAND > Equipment. > Night and Day service. 0 0 General Insurance AgencY > Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 Real Estate > * Conveyancing > Bonds I I and Investments. Shirts Our Showing of Shirts is Un- equaled Anywhere. FOR DRESS AND SPORT WEAR White Broadclqth, collar at- tached Shirt—" Paddock" i.:1 our feature shirt ..... $2.50 Blue, tan, white Broadcloth I Shirts, collar attached� ............ $2.00 and $2-50 Stripe and patterened Broad- cloth Shirts. 12.00 to $3.00 Fancy and Stripe Print Shirts, at ... � .............. $2.00 F 1. KELLY STRATFORD S40c Agent for 201h ( . entury Brand Clothes. One way fare paid from Mit- chull, Dublin and Seaforth, either hy railroad or car, on pur(,hases of $20.00 or over, Phone 152 : ONT. ­ . 1.11 - :tl 11,� � . - - __ - I . . "�. �!.,,�, I , I,' � _ ', ol , . , 11 ?.1 . I - 1. .11 MAN WANTED 0 .... .�.i'. , , I I" . I -, Wanted, a man 'to clegin. and' 41 i i,4.,;, =,Ak .1 � �. . ditch on Concession 8, Tucker , . r I . I I , Apply to R: IMNNMY, Reeve, 'or '1�1' , phone 22-1�31. 1 : . . I �, 11 -.-od000P0000­o`� I .i � I . .1, - : 11 D. IL MeEMS . Curopracter . I 19kcftidty Used of Wbigham, will be at Commercial HoteJ, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds. 8054-tf, . - - THE JOHN RANM AGENCY humoance of all kinds. Bonds, Real F,state Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO - Phone 91 . . __ __ - 0 School of Commerce CIINTON, ONT. FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th OFFERS THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES Expert Teachers Actual Office Practice. Two Standard makes of Type- And a record of Successful w-riters. Graduates, -whose high stan- Practical Business Training. dard for good work, we Gregg Shorthand. expect you to reach or ex - Secretarial Studies. ceed. WHEN YOU THINK OF A COMMERCIAL COURSE WRITE B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Acets, Principal. Phone 198 � 19 - - - - __ - �� __ - - ______ One In A Thousand , Mav reach hi,i objective in the j)jjs . im­ world but he is the one � who haq taken advantage, of ev- i eri,' oliportunity to improve him - gel F. OtJR TRAINING— � , Will mRkv it, pogsible fOT You t.0 q(,,11j,(� a very niuch Letter posi-I tion nt the start and will ()Pen I fnr you many oppoTtunities for I I advancernent. !, ENROLL NOW— N,'r,w Cjas-,1.9 aTP being formed every wepk. . now t gtart with the next cla.-IS - � Find your future will 1;)e. assured. Central Business Cheige . Stratford, Want) 3120-2 . __ -_ I __ I I � , . .1 ..� , I i . . � , , . , � "o .;i, , . . d": , I 1. , , , .;, 11 . . : * : - '�- I .1 I �.: ,,,��":*_"'_'-�L`�; . I . . I I 1 . ., ,. ., " , .... ; I ­ . , . I N ,t"U , " e. , , � , ., " , '. f 0 . , � ,­tV . , � , .1 � � *1 ..- _ : . , � ,� I ... � , , � ",%­ i", . '-.A �1,,. ` , . 1. 1, � 1- L , i. , F, 4. . t k �.- I. - . .� .1� .'�:.t, � ,�M ii , . , , . _ , — ., - . p �:'__� . ` ,. ,;�. - - _. ,� .: ,i�:%. � �, il"k, � , � -, . �, �k 'A I �, , Wk., '14" -P ,� ­�-,�*', '11�:A"�';';,­ii ,", I -&,;;,, ­,;,,;,,,Vrm&,i."� J,,� ir!,�._ , . M�W'��-'­� 1%;# r .� . . �. I I -1. - , , .:. - I- �1 - . . , . � I .�, ,,; �� I . , � I , , - ,I "Ir I '' . � , "'' � j , � 'P .. : ­ � .1 "t ': . .. ,�,n ": '!. ,., "; i, , �. . - . I ,,,, ., � .,.�­ I I I � N: . , , I q�y. t �.'e,'A ��"4 " i"s!, �� " 1,'.. ,111i,�­ I I �1, " �, I - , - , "", " �. I .,. , 4i, -� -� " -..,3,,?`�4 .1, �..-"-,;,,�f,,,.�,.,,�,,�-.�",Y,"�,�;'.-�,�,*!�,�,,�l;.,%..��I ,��%, I - � ,4 i; KIP, ..:.r,�,�'&.,.,`.�4,;.11 :,`,� 0-i&1&6."q,,/;,j, -g.4 .. �. - . ...;O� ..: ­�.,%. .� - .11 , � I ,. , � , . . IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOU. N'our futbre and everything that it holds for you depends upon the preparation you make now. Train yourself so that you -will be necessary in sorne particular kind of busin"s and with perseverance your success is assured. Studentq art, entering cvery week. Write. now fnr full details of our courses. Centr� Business Coflege, Strafford, Ontafio R. F. LUMSDEN, B.A., Principal. 3119-3 Is __ GRAIN BINDER ADEPT .. ISEMENT , - ;.. . , t1i. I & '�4 .1 The New McCormick -Deering Grain Binder combines the beat ..'� mechanical features of the popular McCormick and Deering harves- ... . ; - - I - ) ters that have won fheir way to fame during nearly a century of . ,�n . I'll, ,.� service. Lighter in draft and more convenient of operation, tMA new . '.; . . :, ,,,, , , , Qrain Binder is made with either the McCormick Knotter or the Well � _ , �?J'j ­ i�"c.; known Deei�ng Knotting and Binding head, otherwise the machine is ""im :1. � 'improvements built In. ,��Ii standard throughout. There are twenty-two , !.,))�, � I.:.,."� to the McOormick-Deering that make it more desimble than former . . ; 1':1.1.� � , i,�` models. I . . , ", , I ' - . ,,,,,,,, ­ �N.�, ,�� ",.�'.N Let Us Deiaouswe . .., �,,,;,` * " * . I "'I'V" � ' , '_ , . . I I ': 10_ - at, .11 , ., .. (,"� 4, , I I i . I :1 40. 1.�11110 1, � C. So HUD. , Ren"11, 0 I'� 1. ,.; , "' , I. I " � I. " . �'-s,:�Np,, . 1�11 . ,��! '. .A"i, . ,:,! —, - * ... .ii -1, � n I towltol� Noi*k .4111, 1� 4,"4�,, Age* for ftil line of Ininsoflo a t, 0. '**'U't . Q '. ,4;"�,,,., , . . 7 �', "".", " . , , " . . � , - . "I � , I 0101�a�,Iw ;.,�,iio­.,t­kk­ ­ ,�,�-j �,� ­ 1. ­,,,� ­.ammilibl"A" ­ - — ­._­,,.I� ,'&'. I I.... ­ - diii-­­ I— - , ..1 VA,ii!�;--y " —1 — :;� � __ "; , " .� 1..i 41 . I., i! ­ " N* , v "; .1. �;�� lf�j . I . . . , . , ,i;.� i . � I I . . . I . I � 'A"M", �... . 1, "j:. 11:1��)­. ". t.�111,.' -� , . . I 1! ".. :_­ 11,� 0 1­:,,,��111! � � � , . . I . � 1. .11 � ,�,. ,�' I . . ­­; . I., I I . �;,.;. , , . , I ... . I I '. , ,_ !. " I ­� . i ,�� . 11 , �., . 0 ;,'�' . , I , . . ., � . .. �1; . Is. . .�', ., I i I I 1;1. 1 �': . I . ­ . z I . I - � �. " � ."...."'.-I, I � I . , I'll � 1. I - . v� I � I ,;,.., :. :`.,�,_ ' I � . .11 o`,` , , -�, - 'i �;, - -,,�, , , "O'. �, ,:: L I �:�' �, * 1� ". I , �,­ � , , ;".".�,.,N,,­,�', I . '' �. ,,,;i'A. �1. Le,,', ...", � ; I "I I 1''I"''.. " " I " - , ", , -, 1-1, i I . . - - IX ;,!_V,�,��f��__. , � �.i.. .11 � e.�4 ,'. " , , i �i � ��� I � . .� iil"1­111­�" ' . "'I sf­ ` " I . .`� - � �il . L � . ­V.,Uj&ffl ,,, f.�4 . , �,� I i� ___ Huron and Erie __ APPLER i 0-- 0 . W. J. Walker & Son 'D `� Debentures for We GOOD WINTER APPLES 1 At 0 0 IL . — r N, W. J. Walker, Funeral D1- 0 * I., . . 0, C,,1,,,,,.,..1 �, J', 1 W4. h * "' - I Fruk Fam, 0 * 0o rector and Ellnbwrner., -- Motor or Horse EquiPlithto * * * G. K. HOLLAND, AGENT I . � o' � q , . - 'i .� . , , , -XIM-ft * 0 Cars' or 101owera furnishtd I itt , a' roquo do * * tano Duhh, On 6 . . CLINTON. * , ,.: Divy " Mtht, Phone a. * I , f Otitig Vibur laagg. , . I 18121,%S I � 0 00 . . .. 4� * * * 0 10.0, .0 * * * * . I t I �- - --..---- I I � , . .1 ..� , I i . . � , , . , � "o .;i, , . . d": , I 1. , , , .;, 11 . . : * : - '�- I .1 I �.: ,,,��":*_"'_'-�L`�; . I . . I I 1 . ., ,. ., " , .... ; I ­ . , . I N ,t"U , " e. , , � , ., " , '. f 0 . , � ,­tV . , � , .1 � � *1 ..- _ : . , � ,� I ... � , , � ",%­ i", . '-.A �1,,. ` , . 1. 1, � 1- L , i. , F, 4. . t k �.- I. - . .� .1� .'�:.t, � ,�M ii , . , , . _ , — ., - . p �:'__� . ` ,. ,;�. - - _. ,� .: ,i�:%. � �, il"k, � , � -, . �, �k 'A I �, , Wk., '14" -P ,� ­�-,�*', '11�:A"�';';,­ii ,", I -&,;;,, ­,;,,;,,,Vrm&,i."� J,,� ir!,�._ , . M�W'��-'­� 1%;# r .� . . �. I I -1. - , , .:. - I- �1 - . . , . � I .�, ,,; �� I . , � I , , - ,I "Ir I '' . � , "'' � j , � 'P .. : ­ � .1 "t ': . .. ,�,n ": '!. ,., "; i, , �. . - . I ,,,, ., � .,.�­ I I I � N: . , , I q�y. t �.'e,'A ��"4 " i"s!, �� " 1,'.. ,111i,�­ I I �1, " �, I - , - , "", " �. I .,. , 4i, -� -� " -..,3,,?`�4 .1, �..-"-,;,,�f,,,.�,.,,�,,�-.�",Y,"�,�;'.-�,�,*!�,�,,�l;.,%..��I ,��%, I - � ,4 i; KIP, ..:.r,�,�'&.,.,`.�4,;.11 :,`,� 0-i&1&6."q,,/;,j, -g.4 .. �. - . ...;O� ..: ­�.,%. .� - .11 , � I ,. , � , . . IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOU. N'our futbre and everything that it holds for you depends upon the preparation you make now. Train yourself so that you -will be necessary in sorne particular kind of busin"s and with perseverance your success is assured. Studentq art, entering cvery week. Write. now fnr full details of our courses. Centr� Business Coflege, Strafford, Ontafio R. F. LUMSDEN, B.A., Principal. 3119-3 Is __ GRAIN BINDER ADEPT .. ISEMENT , - ;.. . , t1i. I & '�4 .1 The New McCormick -Deering Grain Binder combines the beat ..'� mechanical features of the popular McCormick and Deering harves- ... . ; - - I - ) ters that have won fheir way to fame during nearly a century of . ,�n . I'll, ,.� service. Lighter in draft and more convenient of operation, tMA new . '.; . . :, ,,,, , , , Qrain Binder is made with either the McCormick Knotter or the Well � _ , �?J'j ­ i�"c.; known Deei�ng Knotting and Binding head, otherwise the machine is ""im :1. � 'improvements built In. ,��Ii standard throughout. There are twenty-two , !.,))�, � I.:.,."� to the McOormick-Deering that make it more desimble than former . . ; 1':1.1.� � , i,�` models. I . . , ", , I ' - . ,,,,,,,, ­ �N.�, ,�� ",.�'.N Let Us Deiaouswe . .., �,,,;,` * " * . I "'I'V" � ' , '_ , . . I I ': 10_ - at, .11 , ., .. (,"� 4, , I I i . I :1 40. 1.�11110 1, � C. So HUD. , Ren"11, 0 I'� 1. ,.; , "' , I. I " � I. " . �'-s,:�Np,, . 1�11 . ,��! 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