HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-10-07, Page 2., I, ", - . ­ � - .."I T.�Al. ) 11 .., . .."e, " .". "or"I'm 14, � �,­' T , ,.. '' .1 , ,T.�,11 ,%, :t"��. .,p*":z �! , - , . ,, � - , ,i� , , .,. � 1- . , . "i., " ,.t ,, � :, � r, ! � , , , " ,� �. " : - I , �'. 11, Y- V.,".'' _�?.,, - i I , "I .11 , . , _� I-— , , _, ""', I �., 1, , k:; ,W ,'� I :A': � ,�­":. �';,�,�%,­A,S,, � .i,��, , �;,,, I --,;­. ��," , , , ;'_;� -ik".' �% " I '11'1:`��.""" i'711" , "'I, 11 -� 1, """ `11,� � 4, - I k" _71 .1 ,;�, � '. � , o ���.�ll,�,�-11".i-l��l.-I�,'�,,I ,�'ll,��"I'��1-11.11",,"�,,�""I'�i�",,�-�.,,� 1;�, � , '.,,,o, , ��%., 1, ,' �'. ", �1�4,_,, . - � .. " � I ��, .'�,, ,� , , I - . I , . , , , � .1 , 1. . . ,� . � " *11 . , ^,; ,'4 , , � I � , , .. � 1. I 111-_ A*. 0 , - -I ,� I , . . 1 In 11 I I 4 N�.' . ..' ma, , I I 110.,i . � ,.e 4: y F,4 4 Z�4ni, 1--,':� � - - �� ,,, �, ,,, , ... 7, . , , ,"� , � I � ,,� ,, 11' 1 �,�, � . ; , ..' � .... I Q. , , 'T - 4weir and I N r;. i�. q " . 11 J �; . I �. .1 Z11011 lot 0 , :1 '111� 0 �.% -� : � , I �, , . � ���. I 1: = � 1*11f " �'ll�i,��-kl�iO,��-Wtki4-�[.�I'll�,�",.-.PI & , A .4 I I., i�i;- H, I - . ,,,,, ",.�',,,',4. . 1 1,,,� .. � , , �0 , � I , il �. 1.�,� "A ,. ". �,�- ��!,:­.���t,ij"! 1�i '. -,�, , � ,1� I I �­. I �­, ­ _ ��_:.: �, '' ,;., ; " ,,, � ,�, *,­��,� I I . � I ­ --,::1 �, J,* S , ,, , " 1�4, �7��, " J�­� 1-1.1 : " , �1� " - tu � 111"%­,� - 4' � VMI`.�11 1 1, N",- - ­� , '4 .,; I . , i�,�� - -.1i'K, I 11,'.1_.,.. � ��Ili ,� � 11b � ,g,' , -,"',.",� , 5 "I I ? . , - � ,.�t . . .1 "I'S : , " I - . I r in ". " , , , , ... eviouely, .. 12 I � . I . I I. ! P; 11 � � 11 %�, , �!;;...�­'.:� ..I �. �;. � " bein " 4�ked "what " , , Alhou hear, ,,,� ... 4113ASA ,, 11 '� "A ,,��, .. ", - , �._ � , � , . "I I I .."T, ",�'.z.."T;. ,.t. � ,� . � i "I" , - N � ,�, i 11 ,, .'� "" " , 'y ii, '""' I , , , , , , , 'Mi ­k : I ;1W � .1-1. I.- I I—- -1 ,,"� � " I I it MOVE It q W . " 0 !�R , , , , , ''; . . � . very words h 4 1 i ".. - 'dl.��I , "� I i ,�'­ : ,, �r � .", . . � % - e5f" . , � �!".,�Qid � I i , I . ,�,, . �t� , 1 'J�FA: * 7 wm 03 V I's , 1�1, 11 `� �4'111­11 I . 111�' :, 11. .. '114� 11 "Thise teach h 6 , o , �'o � 11 I _.. , r;. ,, , , EINA .1 Tbe first,,,-W§rd� 'he h "i ,$ 1 1 . __1 49W,r, , � '­,, , �� ia . �A �a I $ 1 , ., 'i., I m, , ­� .... I t ii t is � � ,�. are: "G9, return."" _ 14 " e of on . 1-1. .1 �, � if; ...... . 11, � , �:�" � Here is the FURNACE that t)bat his withdrawal has been wrong, - _____1 Tatepayers, Th4t, 4owevor, *a�.UA I , " �,,,�,,-`, ��'_ i W, . I 11. .� .�,� , .. , " ,­, ' ievqs you of all worry. that his mission is not yet over, that ex ctly it�e kind of romance he'liad IN .. " '. �, I � I � ­� � � I rel � N 1- ­ - I . , . ,. I - there is, Btill work for h 3 . . - ,.-,.!­�, --, , ", � ". � . . im to do, - N I be p seeking.- ,1-4 a sburt­tbfo�- - -iz - �.. I ".".,., 1 ,,, � -:: � . - 1111,I !!I[ .1 1,� Large door, extra heavy fire Then lie is comforted by the revela- �11­ I I ,��;�J. ... "I � � I I - 11 . I ,re "I'll -,: � ..., t , P ".',- , I I j I I -1 � ", I ` , I , ,qlity w,hen he � had gathered togetb- . . . . . . . . . ------ I 17�1;V . .�; -1. ��`, - �:� 1,, . �­ . I 11:�77�!;4�,', 'I !, '."i' . ��, . % I 1. � -i.A . . � . - tion that there are seven-th . spffiblent money to move on, he - � , � i \ . ." usand � N016 , , er I I 'd . �.�, �'. ` " I pot and grates, rapid radia- 0 1 1 , ,�i. I , - .1 I � ; . � �. �:� *.,. faithful still, Ieft in Israel seven pqa4ed. ;�?Agtlier *e4 to, 13444 Co- . _0 . !, 0 11. A. I . ..". "'IC , I � ) . � I �_, ,��', . 41 tor, roomy ashpit—these are thou"n who will sympathize with I lumbm. He taught school in seireral .',", 1, 4'�',' I I 4 I 11, ­­: . :1 d I , e 40 - . I , � .��.�t,z;(,: 8N tt(,,�,': ! "". - 1. V I _ 1,�, ,�,�,�!' 1 411 eentres -in the Fraser Valley., � �, � ..", . . . . . . I , �', li, ;1, MakO� your Bmkt tb*,- time, ,,,there came the great I "I . iy� 11, 4. �,,, I some of its points. But, him'Tn his trials, and who need his �,l � ­: ,, t Too . 10 , I I care and attention.—(Condemed from own, haH ;� 11011111111=1 ! ... , . . , 11 I 1" I ��;; " , 11 11�111' i i ll-. li a above all, we install proper- The People's Bible and The Bible oi,4,dqf . I 0 11 , ,�,i,A I ", _k so,p �b�)"-­ gold rush to lioasl4nd.' Always. very ..�-;, . .. . I �,,,,, � ,,� �! " r ,,',�, 11 � ­­ ly, using only the best ma- Commentary). _ ,,�,nq skrewd, McLean guep"tsd that he I . . ; - 49�;.&- ML .. . :I- wo#e, fats .p.,ild `­ _ is the outstv*nding I , , . r" �, 4, 1, """ " "I'll , might �qqmbine his teadftg -with an - W, ". , � � , 77, I,- . 1#1 . , I � � - - I terials and are able to guar- 11 .. ­ " opportunity to take part in the search - . I "I t ' I I I - � � 77,..,,7,.,...7 � o � .�, . I . : 111. 11 A I I ; for gold. But there 'is nothln� oft I ., . ",��.,i;�,� X, I _. I'' antee the work thoroughly- WORLD MISSIONS , , Keeord to prove that he dietovered could lirrite like Shakespeare if he ing. . I I .,.,: I . �,_, - . I . � ' A � a - ' L had thiY mind to And when Princess ord,ored , Bring in the"plan of your itt, ETTS � do' it. 1. Ileana " -k � � ­ India is the land of the picturesque. � t . I any great mine; ilistead, he becamt, in 1 Wr .1 +11. A ­At -d 11 he �ontlriues --ftemon — to the ­Verl it lbe -- al I k. �. 11 �, , , ;0 �"Iw,I'. , ,- � : , �� li4. I home, or better still, prione Its palm trees and its temple bells, UIR a few years, principal of Rossland � ­�_ I I 11 .- 41i 11 - W5 P id a:,� �. I" ­ J, EL , ,,,,, sm public school. As in Alberta, how- "lack of education is their most use- suite while Queen Marie was at�lyl - ,, ,,, ; ASH P ok over its patient bullocks, and swaying ele I _y ful asset. It quite completely and � ing the W,omen!s Canadian CIUD Te- . , , us to come out and lo - . � ,._ ever, school teaching was not wholly - , -4 i� , I phants, its princely splendor and pea r I ,,4�, - ARE r. to his liking and he surprised his satisfactorily accounts for any lack of , ception being held in her honor that A,",." 4:_ - � sant poverty -these and a hundred -few really 1 afternoon in the hotel, Princess Ileans � , I need intellectual brilliance, Very i-; ther contrasts stir the imagination friends when he suddenly annou - , - . . ;�,_-_-:-Z--�.�_ � AT NO COST TO YOU. 0 It costs less to make �i. thoroughly, uneducwted people do not; gave her order for � "tea and toast and ,-,' " - _ - of the most casual observer. What soap than to bug it ! that he was going east to study ined feel that if only they'had beep sub- lots of strawberry'SainY . , cine. He went. ,.,,,:, I .. -set for the ,pinema �1­ I , . panoramas, ready i, routine of cas- 'Showing that the Cqjonelt, lady and . ..., I We Are At Your Service machhie;/what gorgeous colors for FULL DIRECTIONS In 190.5, at 32 years of age, he came jected to a few years' , I '. , '.1 / � the brush of the artist; what magic WITH EVERY CAM west again, this time a qualified phy- ual lectures fr6m -bored professors Judy O'Gready are still very much `,�,,� r: and to the rouAd of mild social activi- "sisters" under the skin." .. �11 �11_ SPECIAL IN BOILERS tales for the tongue of the raconteur! sician just graduated from McGill ties incidental to a university career, �, p,51'1,�,, - . I .. �� .1 . , .. I �. .11 Of all the types of work in which we . In those'days Greenwood, B�C., was a they ould have equalled Einstein -01 - I ) / .,."�` . An all Copper Heavy Boiler, full Number 9 Size of the Central India Mission engage, Ak�S 13 OS'F- big town with three, smelters operat- in pro;ndity of thought, as a matter I 1!,�, there is none to appeal to the roman- -,( f ing. That looked like the place for ' , - , ,", . I -I's $_ - the new doctor to locate,'and he won of course. That sort of thing­---pro-,Beware of ��� ' ��, k - � 11""'n $3.49 EACH tic sense more than the thirty years C'11 -VE "N" found philosophical genius, or any of labor with the wild, sby, hill -men success from the start -particularly . X,;, I iFOR on his reputation in Rossland, & few other manifestation of outstandingl3F ,iiiit,, who E4 on the boundaries of our ' Bladder Weakness , , . ­­ high intelleet"e, in,their up! i ,.- , �� pAIVAG miles away. The role of the country �� . *", field. Driven in bygone centuries :r,%_f_ physician which took him all over a mere 'necessary cdAnsequence 0 ce- Getting -Up- N'ghts , , , - 14:1 �'. , ';,'! �, . ,� from the level open plain to live in AvRG , M . 1, , , I , I VC tain educational formallde&--it fuP, I.` , e fastness�es of the forest, they ;,D15% large section of the -province soon a natural result. r. — I lows from them as .A . I have become children ot the jungle. made him remarkably well known. - � I 1�11 ?, \ . I �411 ru . Nothing is more irritating to thb men .D*turbed Rest Undermines Health, , G. A., SILL,5`0' & SO " L Y S t tume, shooting S? It made him an alderman of Green- . Saps Vifali*�,, . Statei5. Physician - ,,� JL 11 V_ -T G - ood. Then mayor. There he was who has had a university education ` Who R�eommendls Honie_.Tre .1� their game with bow and arrow, naive w ar I 1111� I elected twice. Then came 1916 and than to be told that the particul . . atmOt .. �;�, �,,,, — - and primitive in their fear of the faculties he has cultivated in himself, -- ... '11:�,' spirits, "lifting cattle - like hill there was but one man e Men and wonimr who are cottit-int- � I I ften ,altogether in3(associated with I �.� I . dwellers of other races -for food and — Liberal nomination in Green -wood rid- 0 ly annoyed and distressed by Bladder ' , . I , , - . for adventure, timid because of a *�--- ing-Doctor MacLean. anything he ewr even scented dur- Weakness- or Urinary Irritations �, �. . ing his academic career, are a mere .. .". . . ,�, SUNDAY AFTERNOON of Divine Providence here. Instead long tradition of oppression they are in commercial pectin. Skim, p A landslide swept the Liberals into should take immediate steps to com- I I., I .. - of taking instant revenge, Jezebel peculiarly open to the influence of . our power and MacLean became minister result of his having put in a few bat their trouble before it reaches a 11._� (By Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.) quickly and cover hot Jam at once I I ., took a day to perfect her plans and friendship and the spirit o of education. Next he -became pro- years' attendance, at some university. serious or perb�aps dangerous stagel 1-1 � , .. .. in that day of Elijah escaped beyond f service; with -hot melted paraffin. vincial secreta -;y. To -day, to his For, after all, no r9al kn�wledge is I Backaches, Headaches, pains ini . . , . '. I � Dear Lord and Father of mankind, the,bounds of her power. and for those with the vision the pro- - credit stands the new university of ever. acquired, and no intellectual feet and legs, nervoushess, restless- � .. 11 Forgive our feverish ways! spect of the Bbils as a little nation of Pear Marmalade. achievement is' ever made, as the', ­� - made -a way of escape for his servant. Christians in both glorious and rea- British Columbia, the groundwork of ness, frequent but scanty urination l, , '. j, Reclothe us in our rightful mind; "He arose, and went for his life and sonable.-Rev. G. P. Bryce, Rasalpura. Seven poxnds of pears, cut small, a magnificent galaxy of buildings at niere -result of submission to some with burning und- pain, getting -up- ,,;, ...."I/ , 11 . ice f course of "education," such . 11'. In purer lives Thy sery Ind, came to Beersheba which belongeth s(,veu pounds sugar. Let stand over Point Grey; the far-famed Tranquille routine . nights -these are some of the -raore, ". �1. ..�.., in deeper reverence, praise. to Judah." He was in, a measure .0 . night, in the morning add one-half sanitarium at Kamloops and a free as is afforded by a school or univers- troublesome signs of Bladder Weak- W­ safe there but he thought it .wiser to pound preserved ginger and simmer government correspondence who, surrounded by ne-ss or Irritation that should have, 11.11 school ity. The man P� I �. Drop Thy still de7# of quietness, go still farther for the kings of Is- NO BET`TER MEDICINE gently for three hours or until soft. system for teaching .pupils residing mathematical experts, hates mathe-1 . . . ,prompt attention, ': Till all our Brivings cease; ,FOR LITTLE ONES iatics, but is forced, largely against No matter how stubborn your case .,:-. rael and Judah- were on terms of close Add the juice and pulp of three lem- in out-of-the-way places, afar from 'D o acquire , 1'- Take from our souls the strain and alliance at the time and his surrender mis a few minutes before removing schools, has proven a remarkable sue- his natural inclinations, t may seem to be or how many differ- . , I 'O I stress, Is What Thousands of Mothers Say �:;,�, might be demanded. He therefore from the stove. cess. some knowledge of it, cannot Possibly ent medicines y-ou have tried without # �. �. I . And let our ordered lives confess of Baby's Own Tablets. develop -into the same calibre of ,.- proceeded southward into the desert It was inevitable, consequently, that success don't give up, and think your I . ��'. . Thy beauty of Thy peace. to be out of the reach of his enemies. Pear'Conserve. - there was little surprise when the Lib- mathematician as the m -an who with case hopeless or the natural couse- ;I ,,,, A medicine for the baby or grow- a natural instinct for the subject, ,".. . He was alone, having left his servant . erals, At a caucus, unanimously de- quence of advancing years, until you ll; I Breathe through the pulses of desire at Beersheba who was no doubt, ex- ing child -one that the mother can Four opounds of pears, pareh� one easily achieves heights of mathemati- � ��, a leader to have tried the special private -pre- . . I- Thy coolness and Thy balm; hausted by Elijah's rapid travelling. feel assured is absolutely safe as well pound figs, one and a half cupfuls cided that in choosing ca] brilliance unassisted (or unob- . ... i�� succeed Premier Oliver, that leader scription of Dr. Southworth, a physi- '. - Let sense be dumb, its heats expire; He was still sizffering from the reac as efFwient-is found in Baby's Own pineapple or sour apple, four pounds structed) by university professors or .. .., - should be Ron. Dr. MacLean. cian of nearly 50 years successful ex- _... I I . .1 . . Speak through the earthquake, wind, ti,, of overstrained feeling; he was Tablets. The Tablets are praised by sugar. other �eacherd, and inspired only by perience. . .1. I and fire, weary with nights and days of tra- thousands of mothers throug',,out the Put all througli food chopper and - a sheer love of his subject. I In order to reach the many thou- - � '.?J'� Y. 0 still small voice of calm! Amen. ,,I; he was faint with the sun's beat- country. These mothers have found cook one-half hour or until trans- '� I The writer is doubtful if a univer- sands who cannot come to his office, 1. o ' -ee. 'ty education counts for much I he was exhausted for want of food. by actual experience that there is no parent. StiT while cooking to 1, on USES AND HANDICAPS OF' s - with .. .. "' �� o J. G. Whittier. Dr. Sduthworth has placed his URA - I he was for the first time alone-alon; other medicine for little ones to equal from burning. Put into pint or half a student who has a strong natural TABS in good, local drug stores --and 11. I& S. LESSON FOR OCTOBER 9,th solitude and silence of them. Once a mother has used them pint jars. _Tl,�..; conserve is very good FORMAL EDUCATION interest in any subject. It may as � . I .1 in the awful invites you to try them without risk � 1.� 1. the great white desert. At length lOr her children she will use nothing when used as a cake filling. "What we call understanding is likely as not hamper the development . 1. of cost, unless pleased. If URATABS, ,.. ­ I" Lesson Title Elijah Hears God's the prophet gave way completely; else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles Pickled Pears. generally no more than a doubtfully qf originality. But, education orn't, bring you swift and certain comfort . ­� . Voice. "he came and sat down under a juni- Butt, Tancook Island, N.S., writes:— accurate recollection of somebody a strong intellect will make its pres- you will be happy. If they do not . . � t, I Lesson Passage I Kings 19. per tree; and he requested for him- "I have ten children, the baby being Wash eight pounds of pears but do�else's explanation. Few of us think ence manifest in time. Some gifts satisfy, they will cost you nothing� r, . -t I us,ed � months old. I have Ill: " . self tha he might die." Elijah just six ,not pare tb(,rn. Stick four table-janything out for ourselves." This are best developed by the sort of so, if you need this grand medicine, . .k�'. . Golden Text—Psalm 27:14. wanted to die, yet be was unwilling Baby's Own Tablets for theFd'for the y Dazin- treatment that makes a pretty garden, try it to -day! All good druggists. . spoonfuls of whole cloves into the passage, from "Young Lad ... past 1, ) .N,L,a,.,:; and can truthfully say Others flourish best in a kind of jun- * . .. �.: - to be murdered. There is all the dif- pears. Make a syrup with two cup- court," by Mr. Conal O'Riordan, re- ' . � , . �: . � We have seen how Elijah treated ference between the two states of t J hat � 1-r.wx of no better medicine for fuls of brown sugar, one cu'pful gran- calling the more famous aphorisms gle. A university education should I a— I .�, the prophets of Baal; he laid them mind, To be taken away by the L,,d I I't tie ones, I always keep a box of ulated sugar and two cupfuls vine- that "Nlan4cind would rather die than be regarded as merely a start, but T1. �. Wn to 1 i- . one thing, to con ' in the house and would Sir Kenneth Murchison, an English I � ,, I , . . under arrest, brought them do sem to be killed I t h ,-- i'a L, I U LS gar, add spices and a few pears at a th'nk" and "rhinking is the hardesc Mr. Mannings rather whimsically sug- '.. the brook Kishon and slew them I is another. Elijah did not die, advise all otliper mothers to do so." time and cook the pears until tender. . work in the world," has provided Mr. gests that if he were making a new M.P., recently received the following . . . . . i, there. It was the Old Testament I "Tired natur,�'s ,sweet restorer" fell Baby's Own Tablets.are sold by 11 I letter from one of his constitudnts: "I .. i a Fill jars and seal. IZ. A. Mannings, of the Royal Insur- 'beginning in a financial career, he ,, . Z. __ i I Dear Sir—My husband is very ill- 1- way of expressing religious indigna- ! upon him and in his slftp he was in- I medicine dealers or will be ma led ance Company, Montreal, a text for would prefer to start as a newsboy, ­ �1, . tion. We do not read that the L upon receipt of price, 25 cents per Preparin- Pears For Canning. please can 'I have the widow's pen- ord %isited by an angel who made ready � one of his characteristic articles in It would have the primary advantage . .? Ps � . ,�. I -,ad commanded the slaughter, nor food for him, and bade him arise and �,ox, by The Dr. Williams' -Medicine I ' 11- -i n- i - ­ ". I � Use a fruit spoon instead of a knife the company's monthly publication. Of cultivating resourcefulness in Be S o ... ­ I... are we informed that he apprlove( vat. lie obeyed and t Co., BrIckville, Ont. I Many of these articles range far from ing, and the secondary advantage of .0. . 11� Was it because he had slain the ro- sleep again. A stTond time the an- point � ' 5,r removing the cores from th , relieving the beginner from the neces- , . ,1 . ____-0-_-__ pears - �ich are to be canned and the -� subject of life insurance and are "' an illustration nany sity of keeping up appearances, at .1 ;?�� 1; phets that Gr).l did not answer t hir gel touchod him and told him to arisc fruit .w:ll !­ left in better shapv. time when thisl might prove ve if _�, � of thq, i -sided 11 �1, � prayer for rain as immediately as he vnd eat adding. ­hpcause the journey PRESERVFD PEARS' ARE HANDY The -kin, and cores of pears may (haracter of the author. Thou'gh be. ry , . crar, ping from a financial point of I., r. hand answi-red t�e prqyer for fire? i� too great for thee," For the next had the benefit of a long and formal 11'eum to RKeduce I'll. be used f,,r making a very delicious, .1 '' � V 11 1. Was it not because he had already "t-tY (1,1Ys and nights he jr�urneyc(i FOR WINTER TABLE . the education in the i 11 There would be also full lib - ,i:, anyber r, I red jell� Old Country, Mr. ' '*` - I . � begun to accuse himself that he fled :-1 the !Arength of this nourishment .. Combine 'Mannings in the current article ex- erty to branch out into any likely I I... ' kin and cores with sugar Fide line, for, from the point of a Varicose Vem's ! ) " ;� 11 'when the rnpssage from Jezebel onto the mount of God. SERVING juice fr,,rn pressos doubt that merely going - �, - I., ., reache-d him? He had been under ,L Having arrived at Horeb, the pro an ' ") 1. ' Icial pectin according to I through a university is of much ad- I newslhoy, there is nothing that is "not .... I Canned and preserved pears r - ' contained in pectin c I I. 1$ , 1 - -, nav d irl,, i"i?,'r.'s ook vantage to the young man in his sub- done." Finally there would be reas- p ". 1� grr-at strain and under this threat he Ph( -t hid himself in a cave—possibly I P used in innumerable winter dishes hook. � onable time and leisure, to pursue ,Ub Gently and Upward To. " -, I became tor, weak to re -;-t an angry .n t),.v cloft of thv ro(-k,wh(,re MO,P-1 i --ranging from salarls, to des,;erts—1 sequent struggle with the -world, and � � . , ' Z,_ . woman. - fto . line of study that might make an ward the Heart as Blood in ."­ . had s'ood (FXodus 33:22). A, he:,an.l a .stock oi. ban([ will help to �avve I he believes that many college gradu- an Y . 1, i I appeal, ; . '� . We read tl,at Ahab went hom:� anfl t.1:-`1-.-1 there, the word of the Lord,'Lhe day when unexpected guests ar- , ateg in failing to recognize this truth Veins Flows that Way. & � .1. I related all that hnd tak(-n plaef, to C,--- in him in a vision dunng thr-,,i,.,, or %vhen one. has been too husy B. C.'s NEW PREMIER -WORKED i find the going outside much harder � . I . , . . 1. . I than it might be made, ------- 01— — 'Y" his wife. lie told 0, Eli�ah'- rhal- �iiir�'. 4%y'nr -What I - I �1, . .1 , , doest thou her"YTO prepare a "t-nade" dvssert for din- HIS IN A I'. COUNTRY SCHOOL Many 0ople have become de- ... .. lenge, the gathering of th(. ppopi,,, i:ko �,? 'I he prophet anSWernd; ll. ner. I Fspecially is this true if his place I spondent because they have been led 1:.1 the building of t1le al'ars, the Tj.4elvs, !I a'. s- IN -011 joalot's for the Lord God� TFACHER AND DOCTOR. !in the university, either sebolasticallyl PRINCESS LIKED STRAWBERRY . . � I '. '' cries Of ",le p-,­;)hv's ole Baal, thi, . r �, ­; � for thv children of Israeli Canned Bartlett Pears. I or athletically, has been an important to believe that there is no remedy ; , - of T'li* -it, swiden answer liavv ,'or-aken thy -ovenant, thrown:1 Fictionis-,� have overlooked a _ !one. Naturally vnnugh he leaves the JAM. that will reduce swollen veins and , " "� prayei Jah, tl ( - re I bunches. , I .� - 'n thine altars, and .-lain thy pro-; Selert ripe pears, peel them care- markable , -n% ainly of the When Queen Marie of Roumania, o -ounce orig- . 1. of fire, and the limr' cry of thv, do,,, ,� 1 , p!ot for a Story of the i .titution con4cious in . .1i; f "strngglinL� upward" ty-pe in the ca- fact that his own importance has been arri,�cd in Vancouver, B.C., last year, inal bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil ,� .. �', , ast6undr(! ornpl­-'The Lord he is ; I 11 vt S -ith the gword; and 1, (-.-on I , ully, keeping them in their original ,,, the God; thv T, ­d. he i,; th- (;o(l - ,o,lv. ,�m left, an(] they sock my life': foi m, then split in halves and remove reer of Ih.n. 'Dr. J. D. attested by his fellow -students and ."'. . - two incidents of the day she spent (full ''. . . strength) at any firdt-clasd She listened to all thi � I !.(' ulke it away," cores. Fill jars with pear-, and pour cently sole(ted as pren � his instructors. Mr. Mannings pro- there made an impression u,ppn Van- drug store and apply it night and . .. .';,. , �. s without hvinf I syrup, previously made. Columbia. And the plot would have'ceeds- � Q %"'�, I Moved but when he proceeded and knd he said, "Co forth and stand ""er a hot ' couver women, at least. morning as directed you will quickl� I , I �, told her that Elijnb had "slain , imrn thf, Lord.,Place ruhhers in position and adjust the.-'addcd value in that it would "& , , r I " .1 mount before the . bel t he immediately comes into as- One was that the beautiful blone- notice an improvement which will . � , ,�.�, -\no _)s loosely, and sterilize jars for true. ' sociation with others—jealous others, .4 , I ,,; prophets with the sword- JeZebel I . , 1)ehold, the Lord passed by, and tol haired sovereign had an apparent pas- continue until the veins and bunches k _� - I thirt mirruteq if they are quarts, Born I in Culloden, Prince Edward I -haps, unless he has a sense I . leaped to action. She was not on] t great and strong wind rent the of sion for red. She arrived in Vancou re reduc& to normal. , , , I ;,,QRins. and brake in come to diplomacy unusual in a newly fledged ver wearing a frock of ruby -red cloth Moone's Emerald Oil is a harm- , ;,�', y pei "I , ��,i,. . J a 1, 11 I , " was a priest� n All ,� a King'q wife, she ., pieces the twenty-five minutes if they are pints. Isla d, or parents who had ' .1 - �21:1. Syrup: One cupful sugar to two Canada from Inverness, Scotland, Me- university graduate—wbo have been .III , * daughter and she was gning to mild- rock% hi -fore the Lord; but the Lord under a fur coat with a bat of the less, yet most powerful germicide ",f ;... ;_ � I % , ­­� � p 0 ii "., item that a subject would dare to do v.,as not in the wind; and after the cu fuls water boiled together for ten Lean was 1 ho son of a seafaring fath- forced into earning their 6wn living same shade, Amall and close fitting, and two ounces last a very long :; � ��, . � I,', such a thing. She wore a mighty wind an earthquake; hut the Lord minutes and -kimmed. Allow' one er, but though in his youth be fre by their wits at an early age—at an and well pulled down over her smartly th6e. Indeed, so powerful is Emer- I PM. � I ." oath—"So let the gods do to me, anti cupful of syrup for each pint jar age at which the university graduate . if, ., ,,),.i.q not in the earthquake; and after ... 11, ,,' � -- — - - -------- — ___ - shingled head. aid Oil that old chronic sores and � ,,, tbe earthquake a fire; but t e Lord In the afternoon she wore, at the ulcers are often entirely healed and ' ,e,:,. Toore also," and sent a m"senger in ' b and one and one-half cupfuls for each was struggling, may be, -with the as- . I k�,�� haste to warn Elijah of her inten- w as not in the fire; and after the fire quart. sistance of a patient and long -suffer- big civic reception given in her honor, anyone who is disappointed with its .;' "' -11, ' .�� - tions. "So let the gods do to me, a still small voice." If desired place a silce of lem TbW ing tutor, with his entrance examina- L 11"; at the Hotel Vancouver, a delightful use can have their money refuRded- ", . a small piece of ginger root, or both, 0 U t:ons. These others, forced, for their frock of the most luscious shade of C. Abe-rhart sells lots of it, 'o 'AlP � and more also, if I make not thy life Elijah covered his face, realizing *b ttom of jars to vary flavor. on or . HANING-Du 11 11'read and butter, into early contact wine colored velvet, simply made and I 1 g7' In 0 . ". � as the life of one of them by to -mor- he was in the very presence of God. Al�:, " with the disillusionments of a busi- matching exactly in color the red vel- — —_ —_ . 1. A ` I. I row about this time." The question be bad beard when Whole Preserved Pears. ness life have in many cases been vot toque she wore. There were TT I . V, Let us note the marvellous working arleep was now put to him directly - 1. i. � .111, 111%­� ' PAINS TELIEVED able to help their ungratetful employ- touches of fine lace at the throat and A BARGAIN �� ,'.,. 1. Select small pears that are ril)e and . . I � . — 1, %� . an perfect, peel, scoop out blossom end, ers into steering a course clear of wrist, And she made a never to be ... P., ". I the bankruptcy courts. Their knowl- forgotten FOR SALE.—Five acres, one mile ­.. , Woman Suffered Nearly a Year. , 1, i but do not remove the stem. Cover picture, sitting in a tall "i �'.-� 1 , a quart of cranberries with a quart , edge of the differential calculus, phil- backed chair on the red carpeted dais fl -Om Seaforth; modern house with 'F!Ig, , - � osophy and metaphysics is pTabably listenin'g attentively I .,.�l I I, i i \ I of water and cook until tender . then \ Wia E. PiDkhaWS Vegetable to all th� furnace, bath and toilet; small barv; - %" 11 _ drain off the juice, and to each cup negligible, and of the classics and speeches, her fair beauty a lovely foil good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid - ., ,�, 11,41' , i� " . of the juice add a cup of sugar, Boll Unipound Brou.glat Her Health literature scr�Lppy; but their knowl- for the handsome coloring of the gown chance to start chicken farm, bees,, U"'� � __ � " . 4., 1 . 2"Wo 19"Roc, — , edge of the sAperficial and th , etc. Apply to :IL' 1. . � down to the consi4tency of a th'th - N ,­ n R. S. HAYS, . I'll �, , I ____� L1.0 . syrup, then cook the pears gently in Moose Jaw, Sask. — I 11 a I l.cing �o dite wiles of their fello*-men in the The following day, every shop'l �5 .. � business world is usually pretty ex- n Seaforth, Ont. i'..i' ��_ �� I- , ;_; �__�__ . J this until tender. There should be try to tell Tou what Lydia . Pink- the city was featuring its crimson :�, I ele tensive as a result of the practical - I I." " sufficient syrup to ewer them. When baln's V table Compound has done coats and frocks, not to mention hats, 2958-tf I 1 1 ,. . ,,,... ..... I'll � �� for me. Ruffered Very badly with experience of wfiich� so far, the uni- small a 0 1 .1 . - — I 11.11 the pears are tender citrefull - nd close fitting, such as Qneen 11 11 I . " I y remove �,: . �1, I from the fire and stick several dragging-dowApAb3s and inflamma- versity graduate has had 'none." Marie had worn. �! I � , : ��-. , I . blanched almonds in each pear. Place ti al airts in iny right side over Those without a formal educ The other 'incident was that of a I I I . . I , , I i'lo 0 �� ,0`1. , ationy . - '� ��,,.,. - MY%iP san� down my whole side into suspecting the educated men of feel- young prindess, thrift, and of her love � � . ,.,. � �, , , in wide-mouthed jars and boil the MY leg. I had it nearly a year when ing superior, are inclined wberry'jam. . . "; f . * , . � I . I syrup dowd bntil rich and thick and to resent his for stra .. R 0,��­ 'I" I .1 . . .1 1� UT over I went to a doctor and he said I intrusion fo . ... " 'P. , . , I : I . PO the fruit in the jars. A would have to b r awbile, and 'their world Princess Deana, upop.reaching the . if I � , NOTICE - ,,� , 1T1i,,­;, . . . ave an operati 1 I " §,�, I '. ,�, 1.17. 1, on. But I : .. I I delicious dessert is easily prepared !nv mother aid to' take—Lydia E, em, " %�t I '.C� "" ', 9 is just as -narrow and full of pre- Hotel Vancouver, with her -.m6ther and \ '.,, 11 I � R';` " � 11 , . � �.,�i'l � ;�, I I :, - with these prepared pea a by placing Pinkh-RM's VeptableCompound as it pudices against other world's as the brother, - hurried. to, anhd a 11 � � ",-�!��, � � I --T*— . �� . . ' ,,�­ ,­'�"' ' " r I e Tour mc . one of the whole pears 9 s saved her I ife yvats before. I took university man's quite diffetent few minutes later a., , "I'll "'.... ! 11 N;4.. t" `­ ", �� !, rio , A� quares or maid- was .. . . ,;.", i -11�'�, I ,,C. � 441,04, 6� ' L' 1. IL n, I . [h., , -ED A I - rounds of ppon-ge cake and surround- twO bottles and, L found kwas better Isinelin , I f-016 60in, filay- - The Indotrial Mortga , ­ � � �VCJWF&tAl�li world." They are strongly di - instrueted tol.sum'mon 1111lie best dTy , go �31& . I t " " , �.l r! . 0. f� ., - ,_ 0 , � .. .� ,�, .. .06tA &4xiti sleepibX,q . so I ke t on ta it and also used ed to rqcelve those of 'his ideas vthich 6leiner in town',. 6nd s4nd o t t .,Savings, � compapy, 0f!_0&V#1a,. , �­� , '.. , " X 1 . I % . " - aarters by met. Ing witli 'whipped cream or served y iaw !N u 'he " 1. ,I _, M, ,�� 4 I 1-101 T are lik4l,y to be superior to their 6wn favo ,� � I. . Wa r, and Partitions of Gypioc, without the cake with whipped o .tive Wash. � 5 L di . Phikh&M A San� :. I rite gown of thp'ljffno�sj to. be OAUAO� 191 - �:., � � - , ,;. ., - , , I 11 ,,'h, W, 1!�." .11 . I , �1,� , I " , . mak6your attic fimt&%tant, , � I .4 , i nave had two niore children since by re4on of his wider geneval knowl- cleaned arid' prdso4d, as* she %shed to ,,,�:,--��.,o, ,�, ­�,,; . ,�, 1, , , , � No".0 � ,;. " - - , . ­'�', plain cream 6r used to garnish a sn6w � � , ct,i�.lPft , llh,V_ & 9fid, ,�r � �!i� P , tft &tl# -`06611ft onnud0k, - pudding. I then and am Pbrf6dtlY WAIL I used edge, and they are uta*afe that the WeAr It tha e " I '' LOAN , I- I.. 1, if,, I I I I / I ve& 1 _1120,91009 TO . , ill 01 0%06,t6bM-6t­0,M . , to have to lie &Wn two or three , ling. ,. t VA6 an lox_ : . . I , , , - &-tow'" If*Intell A I 5 11- WIF .,Aft�u . feeling of superiority for �Whio_li they 4ilisite Uwe Of PoVdiar bluo .. � I " - ,"�, 11.� ­� I.. , " . � - � 3, A== = Win Ripre Peai Jam. tikes a day, WAAliovv I do all in c6ndenin the nev In,aft, exists just as ehiffoli, it) sim�l�o niade thil-t raothar%, � ,'04 a It" , 4' ...... �,­­,, 11 ;�,!.­ ng, I _9 "d �bft ftd Will I h"8eW6rk withotit I -_ �900 , Ar&knds, at moder- ,,.,, w�, ` 'I ,.� ,,, W , I strongly within-themA4 g2d d4u.ftrA '*or46.e1jkbdja*�1 _ , io'vAg� , . �#Wl . . tr6bble. I A r .q Et P g, �,:A . , �' ..X64#40g. . � �4p lv, , , ", ,.,. �m ".. , . - —­ " F ".., ? pound , V '�' �4 �L . , ,� �`,, ... - �,".��!'�, .0 & " tivii�. ,,i�., ]Four level 4=ps crushed or finely' r4,s keep the V 01,jes, ,and with .he - � . . ,,,, ', -4 � ,0,?"i ,4, R & CAN MA the butise asI no bdttpt-4ho*',6J-redsoj, 1%e.wr1t_ I lbat, . #V "PC 11.1 . I ­ .11 - - 'N' chopped ripe :fruit, 7% cupfuls sugar, , then - .0 , 'O * * K: �4 rin an ll , I , �, 1. h . el ", I 1014 now and er satifeAlly fluti6sibbit one P*' -0 '; f'Psilids deal g a lo *1 I .Ps me, " CA, = veo, ,out-, long and, 6ft.0, , 10's� " 14 4 I buttle tornmeTeial peeti& . I ----"u �.­ i P; �7 see fit dtan,dihg - t thlug� � Obout, the � h%ft '*ho Wh6 *6*6-:' AO .1 #VAY to , , '' . . � �iri�fjx " 111 TM P�`_'!'*i��'26 -.�, �, ; , , _1 1'1-_, . . 11 ) I Mn be I �10. I ,ij � P461 gtkd 'eare 4bdut twoe pouh,ill, and1*01 gnaw6*1f&_ftVI bpadg 6f,&*ftg,�,A6 .ea,uo ti 4-', _rA ; frock so - fo , . � I r, , _,__ V1, 11�1 4 . . yipe p1mita" Put twou h� fte f6i6d imy Other we � I - i_' ' D. F. X=11W 0% I , . .: 1- I 21 W1, 3 , S � I'l,l I e1400.1mid , &too gl . y6foltrv. ;of, �", Alit :Me ;.",- � ,�' ."I'�X1,3 � I 0 � 11. cli6pt,ter6f &00i "g* *49 # I 4 , bl'th . . , 64"", '16. is UW, dow 11, 'r A * - ha Iftas , T . I : WT#W 'I ., . 22 li, . � I ,��, . Y�11-mta I % , `01',';,�, llk - � 1, , �. I � , __ __ 'M i&.1h6b, )i46 ,4diijits. � . . � i, � i tore squ4 , i,*,* __ _­ , flo�dnofas, ,si , I'll �_�.f,­* - �' 'It, 111, 4, - *11009_401 N . ey,Tte , , . tp : , � I .1 1�t � I id", "tharly bfb�en td a I , , � t I , ,,*� 4, . " -ft ;1421 1. � a� e " I ,� -(!" - ,,, - �., ,,, 0 'L , �� — awyo " , V, I -, I.. ". I ... ...W., I � , Ae,doftft IfInflb, Uflio , k''A& I i, I &*,t M1 . 1. 11 I , � - 4� . . " . 1 '4 I'- t. ,J4 1 I 011*5 �Oft I b I " ' h -Ch" ig n6t' . " "" - 114 `1� 0.3 a ,:I - r i , I I ,I,,,,,.,, I , I , W "d14 2 Eqn, 01 �� � L. -U ., _0*1 % , It. -P* . , � , �.--,,' -1 1 � &M %90 iW,,' , , , Ve , �' - ­ ". " , ': . . J ,. ; , mk *611. U§0 � Tlr�f_ ,grbl 0 :, Ad WAU& - It td,-% -,iftlid# hd* b1fi*1 fk­i�,­.,�', , I , , ". , � � V . � ,`,,�q , , , - lein tvit , q oj� - , , ' � 1: ��.11 .. - ..."'. . ; T ,� . '��.11 . I 'Ift AM 11 ." I -,--.," " A I I -Ir,l � I 11� - k", '. . �. '. ,�. , ;, �,, "t I , at'i , "I I bi;A&O, UEAAJL-' � esoh � . 1 �14 . L, 'rimPmd 10 �46 -a i ir * 1101� . v. ,� . , # � W , � , "pond0k, . N �­,' L " , All 6". I 4 1i d �f,ig".6#6 ; .4, t_A0$1tht4 I , — . , .1 "I I ,;III I I 1; ... I ------- I I . ­. "i � ,,� A e; �. , � . i �: I �'; 41�., � I ii ,. .1 I 1, . : I" 61.9 9 '1411 :- P,w 11� , Op 4f*`� 10 1,64 0 r, , , �. , - �'. 4. . .k, I iff -1 pt��J , 'A 6; W, 44 ,�0144U.41. � - i ,',4,�l � A. a"_u - " to , " , , I t � It . I., no VMI# 'I , , I I I ,, i� ",�'MI,*0"', Aft , R )016brir4�* every* e*, o � ' OYPT", J, . - , - � . 11� ��T� — �, !"'0110, - ,b , , , LZ ", " N no I , Tog 644 "'., ,� 1, ,... ", ,�', �.�,,�� , . � , 1 , , la 1� i -,,.`,11-':% . I ��,Awl __�_� -rr 1 11 . & W � i-I'T .,, N'Ll.".��"'��, � ­ " � _tr;r,—�-,"-r,'-1-� ;�� , I," � U11W *111 - I f V , ,�:L. .11.� I... LL f ""'., �,O � � I ., I ki".. ­_ � .1 ,C,,"" " . , , . 1 ."14,'',-1 il�Rli R, 0 �'i ummim" # , � _ . � -, ;; " - ,,,, �k ,�L�p' I V i.�. �, _ . , , , 3 ,� , , " '. N . , ._ , ,j ;k, J6 . 0� , -, I " ;', � - , I ,,, Nl�, i " , �,x,;'W.l `Ai i " `41 " '��,­ �W.­u . .� � , , ", 4 7,fr�., . :� � I I 7 1, I A x MR" 't ."; k . ", �, I 1. � , 1� �.?',',.' �,1�1.1 � , A, 1, �1� I pAm"A* RIPE, 11111,0�i,01 ,� , V ''; J�'i'p,�', 4 � PIM, C A 1. � �� ,,I 1�,­Ilik � I .1 R, � " � �, ", . �,Tl �, " 4*'� -, - -�op',. " "'� 41 t."11", ,." '�,7, Q4 .��;, -f, ".."'h, ! . W1 I � � . I , g . , , 1, - ��0,4! '1"1'11_'0'�' - .. ,� , 5 N, TE - wtv . , .,,',,'� , , , - . 'L.. ,. . ', q� i q: gR? " , ��. ,,,,, - , -11 ,�" I '' F� � __ 1� ­i.;� � 4 , , " :�� I � 11111111 "I " ru.,"�,"�," i., , . I ,�, `o ,,P��i�',.,'.,J�'� �,!:Z`,,%7�lj IN , Q . :"'.'�, 11 , I ,i "P , 'Ml' ". � I I I I , I I J.t,y,?.­i`TAjm;J,, " o I �, 1 I I , 'I ,�! � , '. - I- I I 11 L , �,Z ;�1'4 ; �11 I I ,�i i . It " , , I � I 111. I . ,�. ''I I I'll 11,;, I � 21 ii, ; ,; g, ;P',��, " , P .., � I I , : : , , ,� " 4:� I - "" L", ' ii, . 4*�p �r%ffil! 'I I _-(110011W KIWI. '0161 . .. I I " , � . � lf,,,N�*T?,',,'�i,�'! "I W,��E;: , � , 0 � ,,q ,P 1-y 11 I 1, � ,'' , 'L L, . " ,,­!.,,��,,�;p ;;." �:,� . : ��M�'; I I'll �111 - " T". , � , �- ., , .", 4 % 'i I � , "I' ' .� � �i` ` : 41 ""' I 1;:;�::, I " , ,�L,::�,*Z 1i1*1­,, � , , .. � , 1 7, �!j t.�,;� * _,.�,, k �� , - - � ", . �, . i't 11 � 11 - I I , I I ; I. � , I , . .1, , " �,11� . .%, i I I I . �11 I I I . .1. ?"I I , , � k"­�.' '4� 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 , 11.011,- q--,", - , �:, -4v,�.,',�'.,'� ,,, .,,;...:-1 � ., � �, " I � t1i �� - " " � .1y '0000 " ,. , " :11 il!i:1 : 11 , , - - V -.11. 11 I � .,�,, � �,i, I " , .1� . I I . ­ I . "I , % , � � "';, k 1.11, 4i �'�11. , � ; - 'i . ,:� ��_ . , . - 111�, ,� - , ", I , I � I I I � : I "� , 1'.."", ,- �,� , " " I - _,, .". , "; I , , , , , 1� � I 111. 0-1 I � � , � Ai�g ' 4 � I !; 1� I I - I .- --.-,-.. �. ..- , �Z! � �, � "";', 11 .V::1; I � 11 � � � f __ , . , - , V114 , "'I'll , ,;i � .1'" o", �, , '11e� 1, ",I I __ � 1111111�" . , �v � , I,r I f�l ;. I .,,, I �� L'� , , , ' �,� '� " "" I 11, � 0 , , � , .. � �, .p "" III , W i � ,i,lv "' � . - gg,� , . W , I , , , V _, ' W I ' I W V i 0;T -1 , ,�,,�Z��7�lp '. . '�!�j � �, � ffi,lo� Y,��'ll�,4,1-,,� V Im ." � �: �;, i , 'L a , I � I 11 , - , I , X '11 01,11 "'�� % "_" ... f � � I I I , "j'�:" 1�,�_I­ , ��.. , � J.� � .� ..", __1 ,, 11 . -� � W&'""A,Ul��_,�L­�.­�, I _ � � I 41'...; �, � .- � - �, ­�.:� ,'�74 ." ""�'�,� '111 4w