HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-09-30, Page 7, 9MMAM ;�l�",,W.�,�"D.",�'�'ll��-.�,11.1 ��`, I: � �; "I;. �, I �. "..'," I '11- 11 r" 11 � ,,,, 0".,4 �,� � � , �,; 11 I � i�, ,. ��. ; �:��i , �" " �' "" �, : �, - � � I I I , , I I, Z;."I", N I %, W, I ­­­ ­ � I 11 ... ­ .� � ,. ,ir"rttltm""-FR� -- 1 . �,,,',',,`�.',�,%�;, ,,-'. � ,, , , ,,�,, 4 1 ��� , I, .. .11 I �- , ". I " �: ;k` , 4 � , . , - ,, '�', " "'.r"'," �& I � I I , :, I "14..'� �,.W,�� , , , I b I I � � i Ig Nll �. I' 1� I " ,�'. I IN "." ,�',"c"11 � 1, 11 . " W.,Vlq I � I ., I'll, I . N ­',�,;, , � I � . -?j , . .1� 11 , � , V, � I � � ,� I . t. I -:;;;;;;; , � I N! 71, i: ': � I I lillllll;[; 311613=1 ;,. , I � I 'I 111. '.. ,, � 1, . . � ��� ill � X .4 2 , �, - ,� ,. ..-ll ...... — ��L �-',.­- -�­ : ri� . � . . IL - i " " . %7 �111 . 1. � `:�;, : I .,. . ��; I , !`,.. . I ......... ., , �� , .t�-. ., 1 I , , .1-1-17 , , ,: �',-,��4 � " , " , � , , ,; � ,­ '. I "! 1. � , �. -, � l ., , . ? , .. , � . � I. 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I lr� 110 .a "'i , 1''.. � , X� i � �*1.11 1. "I I '. � .. - ? . �*, I.. . 4P. �2 _V; 41 � gei,� .,-,:, ...' ,-'e", 1. ­'­,,,­... ''I"; - / ,�. 1��"" I -lI." �;a . - , "' .g "' ,7 ,. - � t4oa 01'� -�,J�!�'. .. .0� " ,�` '�,"'I"", , , andoloo-, jvp�', -Va4 , �' ,,in di� QV 11 . � IMOW , '' ,W . � , . . ". 0wr -4,11 ", � �; i, S,., ro ic. iwl A ,4 "Wi*r , J .: �,ll, I - 110 .;�� "I .1 11.1 I 'l-l'.I...." , '­­.�i4.,O, .: 1 �. I , - . I . ., gdin# ,tot�., . - -h`o"�, V, �0 1.11". � -b 1 ­V"d -t4evest.,ijue 4bffl1V*0P-' iiel 'w '­ ? � � . . . . . .�� ��,,�i-.., . 'O I �, , ,,w "W"O �., k" ,, �4 . � , � 10 Wo .1,11 W "� I 11� 1W - ", 1,lUVA v;�� - , � ' . -* �. �km , *` * " -!­� an -fij ­ A #VX , I -­ :Ii,� "' ,?­-,��, ­.-.,,,, - - -,--, ObW Awi:ti��:,"' � I � I , ,yr. - t�-i?y,� , � Pope!. , ( :'. , I " # �A.chp.� r , - ;;; � , Ild p �62 2414 StV48 '=d W S. .4,44 -p .,y- ._, ­ � ,ms i � *0 , ,­ .1 . - ., I , ,o - N I" too ".. .. . I � -0,0­vaqyle� - 'i 07, Pus- IIII be' aii� on - - iin' I . I "IT -v­-,716�­-11111*10 th. � � 0 . � . ,, ;;,, ': � i�'­,Z"I­ gz'n, - r k �1 ,,�"""i�`,'�A; P , " I ,1. p , " .,� Quee. ng o -1 � � posed tQ . ' ;., d, - - � I , I . ' ''I . I .. �il a- , I I I - re �gpqope - r .4 . 'A. I li.gMseell kham '..-;�' . . -1, "�� - ­. , q pi � . -lo`4 ­ J � * ' 'r� " ' but' � ., I - . I 04, , W . . ,, ­ ­�J,�v,11'140 .',M iar olope f ' ;� . ,6,.,,tO I Mae SU , rn a 4fhqy' a1w , ,ol, , 1, - - I ' �. ph'I'l�,,1sc?p . 0 , s ,9,::, I - wor -f 3, iev- - , e � ... -, , 10' .UA er�* ,- jmji�irtjnt-,�t� . - . -47 "e �bvs,ei`, AO -ld of b -6 . !, 1. ., pol'',"*6 , ,,q ., . ey , , ,', come to :�*o - - ' .a ' t , , -�A ,body evei. pi,r ., . Wk. � I . � . I I'll - , 10ge-�boy-.9M 11 . I:! � I., � ... ­ 11� I - . . � p0ers.,:,,,A, 0�' r1l dicinO.' dv,r,r, jvgj, u my husk Posed Vo,mp. in ,a b , -malip � tl� I � . , I—, '' ;,, �,, ­�, 11 I . , ;1, �Ili . ,. .114,11, P.11 -A . -­ . , - t ho , _s you 11 � . I , �, , � ... !�!. . 1, , . . . . . . �,� ro�;, -SAt"Jands'. .100 I boy. , 1, -110.417;4, ,* , I - aps �' , I 11.1, . p e &'..,, . I . � I .......... ... I, 1. " - - , - . ,-,- R 1 � I � .1 .. A 114­11­�,' 'I, I'll, . r� 1�, 11 able. , ,- . � -1 'lu , Set4 1-1. d%, a bond thO 40, -bef9ral Ohl j)Mtl � LN .. . - I I , . . � ��, - ., " w . , " , "M . I T�� "''. . I 14)1',,�.Js 21'. ".'str , M, np , id try it, in' a fiQQ4 . I . 11. A - , in k . - , - ­ - I . � I., , eipt, y0liSi011oot Up here, out sifAhe bong On �4nq-, --..,,f,., , -'y � w - tj U'It , relief. I is fuiIJ , r n4vejkuo,W it t11U � - :i'l I I -- � . � ,�.p bo , , '' , ­71j�� �",.'�M ­ j ��-;�117,m q, 'f6 " * �t,, , . , , , T.�,.,­., - , , li" ,qD I � W . .K - , .,. WAlp - - " I ", - . ,,, , I I . �, . . �), I ,.." - 4 , ,& . . . . way; b4tVI read the goclai' �� ; had not ta ., ow you kid- - I THE,, VP . . ,� �, , " , F'W' I.. I I qA, - 11 1, :,�,!��4, ��. � I , 1. . - . . - In; li`­ � I I . Wgkliww�., .,,,�!, , ..; I., iO" . , !"".. - I no s 114' Wo" , ", , '', �,4; ... .. . -, �. ' when I n I , . I � � � tg I I t!,evd me If You kiss me again like . I ,, - I ., ,, � ,­ ".. 1. � 11 �, - -, ,, � . I I I W. � 1�1 i *�'.."'..", ,, �, - V � . I � I ' PIA, lk" I.. . 0 - . V "��l� i�l ­ " .�, ,,, I 1. 11 i7 1 . "', , ­­­ �­,�, 0. . .. I ,. et ' ' , - - y6s " -� ` live bottles and hA health, the can we get the cai.r out?.".' 1.1i " �. . I � -#to-,, )) coal irlhelpin . �e'n . 0. , , , "', V. � . 9�pers 4fid r � 1�huekj !�,� Nh­ --,-. JIM RM' If the I took r_ . 4 ­ R. 11 I `-, 1� � , I eptid, , - , , , , Q� .both topple overbq&Ta, By , � � , ,�.A I - � 1�nere�s./ a -big - , , ,i14 1,.,r , 1w,"it'' , , -, st be -Very -careful I � " . . f, , - �� - "'."Is ,, XW r� comes, you inu , - . ki .01i ." 'Pi. I I 4. " .1 .� - � 1.�� " ') � " � - . Now I have three t aoy and Wayi . ZAG AND . t 'h11- -.N I.".... -i& ... I . I 11 ' I about NrFi V6gelanCVP't2 W.4.�­,.�* fi6, -.1 hav'p- ne my % w9rF., 11 "T think so, if we put on the- chains. . , ?"AQ . . -Wg-rp, MR's f-,<,�] , " ' , ' hei 'boa . of'' to -get shot!" , . x Aurers' WKIL , I ., . . .#: ­nne- I I . � - 1. 1. -11. I � I'll I'll I � .... � "I "I . 'a, -- ,: ,i..,�,',�, . . . '- '10M , Y";-34%, ".�'. , . Well have to take, off our ihoes and A negrd,'iqxiAr1 " ,,;� lld.. , 1, A I ' 11.1 , I I I.- . I � I - .1, I -r' ­ .'I -001. . -in mm6rs,�,�, - . In , � 111 I , I ­ 1�.6 ' 4.vAutiPr how 4ne ugoln. , to.run a: 64ard- Claire. J -don't know what put it . ment. I - no*.'--,, I ,,i,-lfye yer was chargo,ol, : p1li"'. ia�,,i. ' I � W � 11. , 1 � U, TUNG .. . utiful 4�44to."4-0. a . &vr,m- " , ': , I . - - . -All I Ailit, if you ingist, Good Lord, I I I . A 08 LOP 9 " . J I Ke ' � - . 45 '­­ " � SURANOW, Life ahol 0 " "' f having, ru%. dckw,n a. poolestriag, � Q I tauce ,V,*U -caa�--­&%` ,�,��.�!,y . , 1, , � . ,, ;l , in- '. t , , , , , , , : ` ; , , doia steeldngs-!' ' with . . . . .. . � qt�upls for I to mi*oad but— Do you realize E. pinkfi , "" ' . . -4�� . . . . . . . �, I .. , I ­ pound. I �Sliyly, t'arning from him a little, "Wh,en you -are driving," said the . . 0, , . FI: .. ­ . ., I ` I I . , � � �.'. , -I, RV=14, I g1leas W� j6s,"t hb shoddy- in I tha a. ndra;ole has happened? WgIre whiiii I t I eed it." she stripped off -her stockings and magistr*te, "and you see you are 4nd.prel � � .,!, .� I " I .1. I 1. ", , .. : , ,� ece, , .,;.*'F. ,��, I . I .1, � I . � -, . . � I . , ;v�, I I �. 0 7- 9. , 00*1 M, I. t116,EaSt,if you go far enough back. no Ionger I 's BbItyWol,and"it fellow - ..... - - . ., �* , tr;� ­ .7 - . � . . RZ D -O�V ��S"Fbtlt= 3, SUSAN DA � ,­ R, No. 5, pumps, while he changed from a about - to hit some person, you should t1ling your CUAIA�VWXV,N, ­rllll� . 11. A . Wig . , .. 41, i'z�x ­ "-i. 0 I 1", - - y Vr.",,';i�,� '� I . .. � .� , 'Aw .." y, ilf�, I . .. , ,. I ONT- blaire, you're a nice comforting body, named Daggett. W� have bedif,'even � Colhoriir�, Ontario. .�;11� , 1� fliv�ver-drivor into a young viking, zig,,zag your car." . . I . ... �,��,;­,i,�f��, � - .. I i;-,", , '. . ", , �,] �,' �V 1. ­ f end I hate to say it, but the truth is, when we've Ijked e- li'othor" 'up . 1- - have seen. d' - , . .1� -W, .. . to ��­ . �, maElts: - , � - Ae Sold by druggists N ­ here. 0 with -bare white nock, Palo -hair xuf- "I did zig-zag, your -worship," said ;Ai wood, $4, ;; ,��­ . ' -i�� ''; `� r ­ . , ­­."�, :1 I ok . "' " . " ,�� - 1� ­­­.­­­-.-­ - an was zig- , ,' 1. Z�­ 1 :. 4.7-c( you great-grandfather wp -an h,qst- to-diay. 'Alwixp there,si been a kind - fled about. his head, trousers rolled the negro, "but dat ra magazines br nmsxlaw�#, , �.... .",'��'!'�,�., P mag;,17., qo&iioli,�` - - President ter, and made his first nio . ­ : I � k,�-' 1� ne betting of fence between us. We "had to ex- -- .. . - I - I -44 I up above his straight knees --a young zaggin", too, and he zigged so much � I I - �;, ..", ,,,�,-�� �,,. , ­.. � li�.4�.,� I �, � :'-*Jran Eviiii'Re'd&w*6d,�Vice-prosidenI on horses. on y --ourde - I ,IN g tn "V � ". , h,', .. " Now, my, I h , 0 Rlain and defend Ives, aird'scrap I ' f " . ":"" 7()* ­ ,,:�,�,� _ -'D. E ig&� � Seaforth Sec,Treas. tell that. Do you. mind, dea4e?`J� — But now -we're' us, and the . - sll.� seaman of the crew of Eric the Red. faster dan I could zag d -at it just This tradi'can be , ls�..` I �,�111 I .. 111� I -1 I 90T, I I . I 111­,�*! . ­,�-, \ �...­, They swung out on the run.ningk nacherly -give me de, swimmin' in de ��,!-, . I After ito, .1'.. lx-�T. " .: ,,,, . 1i ..; :,,. I . "Not a bit. Isift'it-dolightful that rest of the world has disappeared, cial bandit. board, now awash. With slight head, an' dat's how I com6 to hit if you -will' go � " , ,�,,:, i ­ I I AGA14TS: this is such a ,'demo "ph, how do you do,"::i4uted Mrs. I . . �,%",­,�� t . - ­ '­� 1� �, ,\ , critic country, and�ll - ' - squeals they dropped into the cold 'Im." 14 ",I 111� � Alm Leitch, It R. No. -I, Plintau; with no castes," said,AQlaire. "And nothing else matters," said Gilson - �: . , � I 1�il� " . --1 ' �, .� stream. Dripping, laughing, his - I . , ��.. r,'­'�-­. - % I. W. E. � Hftehley,'Seatorth; John Mur.. � At thi;, Ahe first btdik in the lit- Claire. Jeff Saxton turned a rite purple. -- � . . ,­­ ,�. , � ' I I �,�-,, " , �,: ­ . . - 1 "How do nu like *0`�,new bug clothes 'clinging to him, he ducked . ­ *, �.p - - MY1, ,, .J. W. yeo, tle old lady's undam4able ifood, Mrs. ­ I � I do*ft behind the car to get the jack THIN, WATERY BLOOD . (I . 1. � � . , ,� , I- wo Nigh; . L- J - . I I � - - . Gilson. sPranig up, yAmmgrfhg, "The I - Claire? Awfd little object. But I under the back axle, and with the K � ".�. . � I . re may stay. ai.long as can make fifty an holdr.�,,.Come and -� � , I i".1; , ',.'S,� 'you THE BEGINNING'OF A STO ' I - . I �' �, I 1, ' of water gurgling about her and splash- ALWAYS DANGEAWS ', i. " , ­�, . bvt�&,ORS: 11 s You JIM to -be holie In time � its exhilarating coldness into her : ��; . ke, but if , , . RY try it,. Claire, can% k6q1!? . i I - � . � ' I "Why— " C!a1re -K."'-. obviously Ing C 40 ,-,,,, , William, Ith ' -No., ,2j, Seaforth' to dress for dhiner-�!F It was t4e farewell to Claire and face, she stobped beside him to yank if Not Corrected Serious Results I , I . I ' � ­` I John" Bennewiss, Btodhaggtk; James "' shocked by the impropriety of the yr,A�,` ., M, I "Yes, and I must-bo.gbiag,ll bab- Jeff Saxton, a picnic in the Cascades, the stiff new chains over the rear Sure to Follow. ", � �. , " . bled Saxton.. I I .1 suggestion, She looked. itl Mrs. Gil- I ­. �� 11 `,�, Eva=, Beechwood; M. McKwen)-Clin. near Snoqualmie Falls -a decent and wheels. � � .1 , ;;�,­ ­,�, -- Goderich;.-Alex Milt noted that� lilts, -lower sh son, who was breathing as- though she - . ­­ ., .. .11 1. I ­ . ,.­. . - ton; Jarnes Connally, . . Up Ow- decidedly Milt -less fiesta. Mrs. Gil- h r. Claire . They climbed -,back into the ear, In no trouble is delay or neglect , I . .."'.1 � . I , 'J .*�pd white tooth marks.. . s just going unoer t'b "-1 e — � ... I'l' I- Broadfoot, No� 8 son was going to show Claire that � .'�,� - N I , Seaforth ; J., 4L psiea. niorq dangerous than in anaemis- . -- 11 . i It must be said doubtfully, IlWoll--­�.Jf you- can joyously raffish as a pair of gi i 1� , �i I Grieve, No. 4, Wal Admitted that all Of they were just a.% hardy adv tu . ." 11 ", - I ton; Robert Fer*, _ en rers I ?V She wiped a dab of mud from 1�er thin, watery blood. It is very common I ­�'A I- I 'Elaxlock; George thent rather i97i,ored the little old S get me right back to -the -hdpse ..,,;�� as that horrid Daggett person. 0 - ::;�,;.Ar� "Sure," agreed Milt. , cheek and remarked with an earnest- in young girls and in persons who are GOOD POINT � ­ 1��!�,li I . .1 - ; 1� I . Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Birucelleld limousine, but ness and a naturalness which that overworked or confined within doors. I. ��' . McCartney, No. 81 lady for. a i5aorkent. ,Milt *as apolo- she didn't take the - When the Loco was - g9ne, Milt HIS I " ,. . getically hinting, ,q don't really think merely the seven -passenger Locomo- I -1 � �". I I Bin and I'd better come to dinner this bile with the special body. drove the bug to the side of, the road, Jeff !Saxton who Imew her so well It makes its approach in so stealthy The Young clergyman found a con- "�-";-.-T �� / I . ­� ; le � , '..", I . evening, %Mrs. Gilson. Thanks'a lot They were ever so rough and wild. yanked up the emergency- %rake, and would never have recognized as hers: a manner that it is often well devel- vict feeding a rat in his cell. -�..­,',,,wu, .: � i 'but— It's kind of sudden.,, carefully kissed the girl- ho was "Gee, I hope the old -bird crawls oped -before the trouble is recognized. "Ali, you have a pet, eh?- he en- ,�:,,'.'�,�,'�4.1 , .1i ..... . They had no maid. The chauffeur w I .. .1 ,, WATSON k REM Claire again tudk ehaxge. C snulgled down into the *absurd low Out now."' But taken in time the tonic treat- quired, with a smile. . , ,:­.� 'P .. ,..:.. his :, , '� , I I . , 14 . I - 'Not at was absolutely the only help to the . "Yes, sir," replied the convict, his � � .. all, Milt. .Of course you're coming. Gilsons, Claire, Jeff, and the tempor- tiri-sided seat. - Milt let in the reverse,. raced the ment through the use of Dr. Wil- . :;, . � . ­ . .1 SEAFORTH ONT. "Do we have to get back soon?" he enginp, started backward with a burst liams' Pink Pills, so enriches the hoarse voice softening. "I think e I . -'�. ,."�,�.;-, - 0 It was Eva herself who invited you. arily and ejaculatorily natute-loving 11 1-5- .. of muddy water churned u b the blood that good health and strength of that rat than -anything else on '' `�,:,'�,� V, - I GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS I'm surCshe'll be delighted." Mrs. Betz in the daring task of'set begleed . They ItTu y 1 "...14, �. r I epresenting Only the best Can- "'Charmed," said Mrs. Gilson, with ting out two folding camp -tables, cov- "Ohl I don't care if we,never get whirling wheels. ek the is speedily regained. The correctiGn earth." I e ..... 0" 11% the expression of one who has swal- ering them with a -linen cloth anoi back. Let's shoot up into, the moun- bank, sickeningly hung there for two of anaemic conditions by Dr. Wil- The young clergyman laid a hand .. , �.,� � ­ - .11 I - solian, British and - American lowed castor vil'and doubts the unity opening the picnic basket. Claire' had tains, Side road. Let's pretend we seconds, began to crawl up, up, with liams, Pink Pills is as certain as any- on the man's shoulder. ,:� " ­.,:'.. A , .1 I � , ... '. ­ .. Companies. of .the universe. . - are driving across the continent a- a feeling that at any second they thing can be. Wiss Teresa Heafey, "In every man," he murmured, , .;, I AD Idnds of insurance effected to admit that she -wished that she . . . P-, : -, , , I at the lowest rates, including- There was a lack of ease about the could steal the picnic basket forMilt. gain." would drop back again. Dunraven, Que., is one of the many "there is some good trait. Now tell � .. ..::�. �, ;r I Firs dashing by--rocka..in the sun- Then, instantli, they were out on ,Anaemic sufferers who has found new ime how you came to take such a fancy . .. �-,,' �,� farewells fo Aunt Harriet. A�s they There were vacuum bottles of hot I . -­ I.. . ne---clouds jaunty beyond the in- the shore and it was absurd to think health through the use of this medi- to that rat?' "', -.,:" �: .- 0 FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUTO all turned away she beckoned Milt Coffee. There were sandwiches of s"' they had ever been boating down cine. She says: ----"I cannot express "'Cos be always -bites the warder," .. �:... . MOBILE, TORNADO AND PLAT I B and murmured, "iDid I raise the dick- anchovy and pate de foie gras. There viting mouth of a mountain pass- that I �,�-. 4N '. ill 14L GLASS RISKS- ens ? I tried to. It's the only sol s with almonds even the ruts and bumps and culverts there in the stream. They washed too warmly my thanks for what Dr. was the cheerful answer. �, 11 , � I " , I . ­�,,,,�� , - - � �,� .. I besides smoking that 9A' moral hid- _she seemed a part of them all. In each other's muddy faces, and laugh- Williams' Pink Pills have done for � ,� ,4, -Also-- Old den in the suave cream, and there - lv� �;; � . lady can allorw hers6lf, after she gets was a chi�ken salad with huge chunks the Gilsons' huge cars she had been ed a great deal, and rubbed their legs me. I was suffering from a badly li.,',�� 1-1 . ABAL ESTATE and LOAN AGENTS to be eighty-two and begins to doubt of pate W 1. shut off from the road, but in this with their stockings, and resumed run-down condition. I was very ner- NO SPEED LIMIT LAW IN :,��,�?�� , I ite meat wallowing in a tiny bug, so close to earth, she re- something of a dull and civilized as- vous, had little desire for food, and' I . ;11',�' 7.. I .� ��l I :: , I - - to ,,,acing every -thing 'Ahey used to -teach her. sea of mayonnaise. - MICHIGAN I '11Y- � covered the feeling of struggle, of pect and, singing sentimental ballads, -would feel tired out at the least exer- . t�'. 11 � � Prompt attention paid Come and see me, lboy. Now get out, When the gorging was I I �,.. 11 - risks and adjusting 4 claims. triumph over difficultigs, of freedom turned back, found another road, and tion. Tn this condition I began taking I I 0 and, boy, beat up Gene ,Gilson. Don't' the cigarettes brought out (the chauf- started toward a peak. Dr. Williams, Pink Pills, and before Michigan% new "No -Speed -Limit' ­�."��4 p .1 I ,...,?�; , I Business established 50, yearls, un-boundeds And she could."bc hersQlf ,..,. I.... I be seared of hi* wife's hoity-toity fear passed a spirit lamp), they hat lies beyond the top using them very long found my statute went into effect recently, sup- 1�. I , � guaranteeing good ser -Oce. ways Just sail in." stretched on rubber blankets, and good or bad, ignorant or wis�6, with "I wonder w , � �.. . .1 / h It this e. ihealth gradually improving, and planting a speed limit that was the .,.".�11 � � ph, 1% "I *Will," said Milt. S climb?" said Clair, that which obtains in On- , 1-f, I . � Agents for Singer Sewing Machine groaned -a little, and spoke well of this boy beside her.' All of which s e 0 "More mountains, and more, and under their continued use was com- same as 1'.. I I expressed in the -most eloquent speech outside �� " . Company. He had one -more surprise before nature and the delights of roughing she had ever, uttered, namely: more, and we're going to keep on p1ttely restored. For this reason I tario now, 35 miles Per hour . � �v," � . . , I , he reached the limousine. it, "Oh, Milt—!" climbing them forever. At dawn, I earnestly advise all -weak girls to of cities, towns and villages. . �.. .. . I : � ? Michigan's new "speed law" pro- . :.., j� �' , � OFFICE PHONE, 33. Bill McGowley, who had sat listen- "What is it? Vv"hat'g wrong. And, to herself, "Golly, it's such a we'll still be going on. And that's take. these pills, feeling sure that they :. A RESIDENCE PHONE, 60. ing to everything and scratching his They're so -oh, so polite. They don't to be gracious our ,life." will do for others what they did for vides "That a motorist must have his . i. ,� Cheek in a puzzled way, seized Milt's mean what they say and they don't relief not to have to try car under complete control at all :�Z , * � t and aphoristic and wepartistic and "Yo -os, providing we can still buv - me." I �. �- �,. . ­, �,, sleeve altd rumbled: dare to say what they mean. Is tha 11 I sond vour name and address to The times so that be can bring it to a ,* . . . . . . "I I . .. - - " ': 'k " � Good -by, old hoss. I'm not going it?" worried Claire. everything with Jeff." gas. . safe stop whenever necessary and al- ­ I 11-1 . And, "But I wonder if T am aphor- I'Lord, that's so." Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brock- "'i 11,;� to butt in' on your game and get you 'g of wh ail you free so prohibits reckless drivilig which , � 1. I -V . She started. She discovered that istic and subtle? I wonder if when "Speakin ich, did you know I ville, Ont., and they will m, .1. I � LONDON AND WINGHAM in Dutch. Gosh, I never supposed she was looking at a bristle of rope- ight endanger the lives of others on I ,�', , I I I you had enough class to mingle with colored hair and a grin projected she gets the rice-powdor off I Claire tbat I have a tiny bit of money-it',,.a useful little book on "Building UP M Slow-moving vehicles "'.11 14 � isn't a lot more like Milt than she about five thousand dollars of my the P,Iood." The pills can he obtained the highways. & North. elittys like this gang, but I �no* from the .shelter of a manzanita bush. Vt - .1. . . . a.m. p.m. when I'm in wrong. You were too' thought?" own through any drug,zist or by -mail at which delay traffic on narrow roads � .. "For the—" she -gasped. She 11 I '� 'Williams, are barred by the new law." Trucks ..� 4' Exeter ........ �,- - - 10.16 6-04 darn decent to kick me -out. Do it ,,vas too startled to be able to decide And, aloud again, "Oh, this is "But— That makes it impo­ r,0 cents.a box from The Dr. I I Hensall ........... - 10-30 6.18 myself. IlYump, It sure is," Milt agreed. sible. Young tramp marrying lady � Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. are still limited in speed. � � , ,� � I i ,�" . You're best friend I eveir what was for -the. She spoke j u- They had turned from a side -road .1 Kippen ........... 1e.85 6.23 had and—_ Good luck, old man! diciously to Jeff Saxton about U er . I I . . PP into a side -side -road. They crossed — - -. I 10", Brucefield ......... 10." 6.82 God bless you!" Montclair, the subway, and tennis. - ­­ ­ -- ------ -= --- .---,- -- ­ -- - - ­ . - - - ------. ­-- --- - --- -- .�: v ., -P . 20.58 6.46 y?; i i .. � . ­­­ .t­lkii., . 1,,� . , " fw,t.. jet - - an upland valley. The fall rains had - . .'r, . ... . � 'Clinton, Ar . ....... 11.05 6-52 - r. -- I 6 0 V., fleeing past Aunt Harriet's cottage, one rose to examine the mount,ains, strolled away, darted down a gully, flooded a creek till it had rut across I Clinton, Lv . ....... 11.15 . 6.52 off into a sandy hilltop vacancy. The and pounced on Milt Daggett with: the road, wasibed through the thin I dinton Jet. . � ..... 11.21 6 -5 8 last Milt saw- of him was when on "How in heayen's name—" grawl, left across the road a shallow I 6 '. Londesborough .... 11.85 7.12 the skyline, Bill stopped for a glance "Found out where y6a-all were go- " iolent stream. Milt stopped abrupt - - 101 11.44 7.21 A t, : LZ - !y at its margin I . . I - .. � �� � - .4 . . I I. I .. . .. I , ... I 1, � � I � �i 11 ;:� I , I.,: : y ............. back, and seeme , W e t4 gging s ing. Look! Got a Dag! Rented 1L. " T -T I -1, ­ 4- 91 I� T �1­1-1, . . 1 I BeIgrave .......... 11.010 "I -06 knuckles into his I yes. Come on! Let's duckl Drive back ere s er we u, " -1 I I ,�,, ',4--,�� Wingham Jet., Ar.. 12.08 7A5 ruess," he sighed, -*III Then Milt turned resolutely, marcb. with me!" At the end of the gully - "Oh, nol 'Can't we gnt across? It,-; � Wingham Jet., Lv.- 12.08 7.45 ed down the stairs, said to his hosts was , new Teal bug, shinier than ths� " � Wijugham ......... 12.12 7.55 with a curious quietness, "Thank you ancient 16�t chariot, but equally gay nly R couple of feet deep, and gravel . , !- for asking me to dinner, but I'm a- and uncomfortable. I-ottom," insisted the rwored adven- � I South. *11 you turer, -- . I fraid I can't,come. Claire, wi "Can't. Like to, but— Be aw- "Yes, but look at the steep bank. . &M, p.m. walk a few blocks with me?" fully rude to them. Wbn't (to that— , Never get up it." I I Wingbam ...... 6.55 S.16 During the half minute it had tak- not more than is good for their souls "I don't care. - Let's try ItI We . . n to descend the steps, Milt had re- —even for you. Now don't be sul- I WinghAm Jet. ..::: 7.01 8.21 e . can woggle around and dig it out ii I Belgrave ............ -7.15 8.32 flected, with- an intensity which for- ky." e- samehow. I bet yoA two -bits we � Blytb ............. 7.27 3.44 got Bill, that he had been selfish; "I won't. NQV be sulky again, b I that he'had thought'Only of the opin- -cause you,' me and I can," said the delicate young1woman Loftolesborough .... 7.85 8.52 . re crazy about i I whom Mrs. Gilson was proteeting. I . " I -V4 7.49 4.06 'on of these "nice people" regarding don't hav,e to be sulky." "All right. In she goes!" . 7.66 4AS himself, instead of understanding that "Oh, I am, am I., Good heavens, The bug went in --shot Over the . - - it was his duty to save Claire froni the inconceivable ,�conceit of the Jiluton Jet ....... 9.03 4.20 1 bank, dipped down till the little, hood firucefield ......... their enervating niceness. Not that childt" sloped below them as though they . * 4�0, Kippen . 8.22 4.40 h6 phrased it quite iri this way. What She turned her back. He darted ta were looping the loop, stritick the ' her, caught 'her'hands behind her Reagan . .:::':::::, g.S2 4,.56, he had been muttering was: I I I. I rushing water with a splash which Exoter ............ \ ,8.47 &60 "Rotten,. shame—me so seared Of kissed her hair, and whispered, "'You hurled yellow drops over Claire's folks' clothes that I don't stand up are I— . - rose jersey suit, lumbered. - ahead, J4, -% I 11 . - ,'to *e& "d keep Iern from griotherin "I am not!" : struck the farther bank,'paVed at it C. N. R. TIME TABLE Claire. Lord; it would be awful if "Well then, you're not. Lord, you feebly, rose two inches, slipped back, East . she settled Aown to .,Wng a Mrs. Jeff are -sweet! Your hair smells like and sat there with the gurgling wa- . Saxton. "Got tor save., her—nott for cinnamon and clean kittens:- You'd ter all arouvid it, turned into a motor . I a.m. , P.m. myself -,-for beit." ' rAtbe,r go bumping'olY in iny flivver boat. - , 6.00 2.20 - It may ­have been Aunt Harriet it than sailing in that big Loco they've " WV . Goderich I'--- 1 6.17 2.37 may ha,6 been �Milt's resolatl No can do," granted Milt. "Scar- � nalm�svn' e ........ Olij 6i got there." - ed?" . (31infon ............ 6.25 � 2.52 Mrs. GHson ars-ker6d'almost, mookly, "Yes," defiantly, "I would, and I'm 99 , ',W Nope. Love it! This ig, a real 1 6.41 3.12, k � -fi myself. I'm a throw - i 8 (Vell, If you thin " _ 'Otild-yop ashamed o r —the brush on the bank, and 1 6.49 ,_ -amp I st, *061umban ...... 6.64 8 -Xu like to walk, Claire?" . I back, to -my horrid ancestor, the bet the gtream—listei� to its cyackle un- . .... -28" ' As he tramped off Vith Claire, Milt �:Jnnk hostler."I ' , 4'.. s - " I i West demanded, "Glad to escape?" '. ., : lPro;bsbLv.' I'm a throw -back to CII)o you like to camp witfi..me?" . , -4� ... ...... 1:� ., . 19 , P.M. P -ml- "Yes and I'm I YOV, I rpft I . Y - ; I � 5.88 9.87 -pea ity'andestor the judge. I'll train ou , ., Love it." � I 11n 6 k. ". tc,k , dinQ�r.' It really as been wda,fing, to .meet my flifte, friends." '17, 1� uftban. 16.42 6,44 . ... this trial by food.,, . - ,]<Well-��Iikb` M"i ry--Wor&—T� Oh t ��tol "Sayt Geel Neve� thought-- , � * 'k, - � , Q��, - Clairel Got your transportation, back . 4,641W ....- 10.68 5A 0.50 (tThis is the last time Ill dare to do Atop -� -VV,o' talk like ': , , 0, � � k0f, [16%h, .. ­�', H, ­ " .4.1o. IL-10 1'.08 1044 mobt the ailsons.,,- ­ I thilldroil. `ItCu reddo" East T" ei, i. HAO . i = -.� 0 6-�--*Nl'o the rank ,,M t, k t? yes. Why?'* I .... A, I I . sow- 0-6 , 21168 "And I'll have to -be going. back 6,f a gibbdrliig scfi6o1'kiJrt1­An4 -1 ,, , Ap - I ". 19a4t. I hope the Gilsous' will 'for- likg fil - a 0 .,, thin it I Tigh . , " . so . --oh I dolk"t khbw- 1 0646 . it W - 11 all '7;� sure you rait 'jp!l 11 I 40"--a - , . * - 46�6 all I - , I ... I , ;0 . I I I I . .leg o Ili *,nd get a refund. So I ,,, " � I -md day.' .0 , . , . -.u. ­., - I . logo llow, I ", I give me, so s ,darn hiii.au; � autp � - ... fit.), *­ .� - . .-- � - 1� " ,z" . . � I I rjg,, �­ � ..", .r C. . . '%$m a -aid y6u, didn't vl� %om ,--kiss.me and get out, before I t - �. " , , . -K ." ­ .fr , hutty P . "Afe -You going n - I ­� . I . � o let ta in O . ­ - I ,. ­�, ., . , . I , , � " - . , P , .. , . , ,� I But - �� . .1 mr&,: 0 -Auut� 04ttJ',, , . tbo�, stftedt.11 the secret?" ., I � " :�, . I -�: I ig I . 10 .0 cc IV .1111�1 � . ��.` , I �` I : "', � I , .2'. 1 :��::� . .i. �� , . 7 ".. � : - , � L . , I I , ��� 1� I 1 4 ,:. I '! , I .11 II ." I �� � ", , I .;;� " I - I . . -, � , , . . I I ".11 ., 11 I - �� �. I. 6 1 i,. I I il 'I.-1 " 'A . I 7 ` -,�', .. 1� ��:: - .. .. I " , ­ � .,�, , I - .1,11,�,�l , - , 1, 11 I .. I.. 1. tt.1 "I .� :: I � � 1 11 11 ­ �, � ", i .. i. I � . � i.�;' 11 I ..i I I "­ ��� I �­ k ., ", . i, �� ` " .� ,0 Oj .. I I . i" %,. . . ', . ,� ��O�, ,, N�� . �. "I . - � 'I'll, � ��" " �, V. , r .., ,.";! . : - 11: " I 11 I .1 " , .11 ­� , ., , , Ill " . , !, I I..."!. 1".. ; , � I ,,� I , .11,�,�",. ; - P1,4 .. � I, ­- li ... L �."i ...; , �1,,o4 .� I '­ - i ,;. i , . , , , 11, ,,�l ill 1. �0, " :4 .11 VTQ� I...-,.! . ,� .11, . � : ,I", " - I , 1� L 6'i 1 - ,L I 11;I � . -;,;J , - I. .1 I � . I ,A " � XX The I . ­,�"., ... � . I -y 0 r y 0 —0 — 0 blaren! I � , , , �i, 0M. '. Uyost �6. � - - "Oh, yes *fnight9a well. I *du just ben l"Tilito Oonfederadon,," the .ralls for &W brilp (w thto big -pageant Triany of tha cam la'13arvim I I �, , , � .� l- .., � ", , ., . � .1 I � �� 4-16 "va a ;. .: , 91.11, � 'L. jq&'.. -� �f , -a' je, Social ew& � 5r," � I I I , � . I �: *4 ... 6'.... . ..'.....;", ilfe'.96 th , =X1 wondetiug,=. 1. don It th i nkZ,,.�`ffU`7&fi, 01 y in wlitch ft 1zlitivaded to "et ifire evol- ity '�. ." �', I � - =- atly roid dAn.- ql" ' meet your car a- 11 . . ,,, 1V ., .".. 0­9#4fi-4 It., - .7o waiti16 Q- o- ..., . . f" kok 01$64ion�—worse,A 'JI 46dide-milly Wlargvat t000-totiVe, nOt onl capae of 40 tons. .11" . Z *14L� ." , .. .1 �­­ I., - ,I a , .1 Waiting, 411, 6 dth �g% - - , ..I.. 0 ger­-ure., pirm,grtraWal; 0 ,. ­ . ruilft. you to ride. (�auada, IrA dn the Britlistb Empire, Utboj ,of M-ij trsnsportaa,on. Ur. u6ink"e V91as bbrIn ift mllwairK .. � A ki ­,I�j . i , long 06, *sd �,�, . A - aitid ,9� ��, ", ig, -, I . - N4'1.0zW1*14.#4-4V% - . %­ Ineering s6hb6 'k - 111, , . - ,�. ­`.. . .Ill Aik.of ". I . thred, * A `9 � _l, left the Ownadl,an NatkonA RaAlways "'Me 'Arst Jocamotilveg I ffMd nodk, Ayrsbire, ,4wuatoi, in J. &'��t .. ��,I, - . '��4t'*f'j�� '*.&'��O.,it# 6.1 � . , "VII I in ­­, , �� '.- - , , , , . LV 110h the$ I- " MR, - ther ­ ", , , , ukdoe 46110! t W14T tellimilaua at 1�oron4o, -to ttalm part in we / rar %4 rmwly, HW obaly 64W Sao' .,.,,:, ,',�:i . I �­ 11 "' i �,��,,i,, , , ;;i , 4g - .�� 0 It , * It �' � 'a `�' W - IkO , To#", Do- � OIL *10 Ard two ful." , - " 4 and s 19 .lg� 2212 tow,,, . mert4re -, �� .., 4 " p, . ", ..q � f ,�v�l a , ft, .� J lwi; 11A016 *0 6�.Jf' I trd lelt "' 'I Ily the "Pageant of the Iran Horse," at ed, as N� loolked over the old 1 4. A � 1A;.,4!1 , , 't , - V-1 " , , ;V," ­',V Al*w, a i b . - ifi'ji 'Wicken y % 411d I - , I � , jx,lf.' , vr 01rAe. Qdit � . 9, ";0 .1 ,st " WAY.,!, at J� tdrftd� a . blild " remairk, ,, , dix all % C = -, - .,�W;,,, I I 4069 WA110 fth fAmilteg *U gAteleted to' �' '. �".,44 itb6id " - W L' . �,l I ­` ." � 'r I a" & "&re�ffa the."Away 021 -Baltlinlore, Maryland, John. Rybu �� , , , -N, A ,M thmer and compared it w9h 66 ii� r I JA;t, �.� , l�", . I - ,­� A ,,� �:� 01.�� - , - WM Aa. , " ' p., 0., " t k to '0110 P dfild�­Ybll doft tU ftitlifil ' ', lAdy !A MclintYav, a pahslaiiied engineer. who ' naft, 11"Id, � t ." ... �,, ,::: k41X;0, to 0.4-T ,,, F , i(p, , jo-l;�o . I .., �, ­. .; " , ­y� . I r!.� 1,111-1 AN 061ut , P .� ild 'Okookljn— ot. l�,ftt peowd, "d I- 1'tl I � : , ?"',i�N. ,, L ''I , , the, delftee " I ,. . � , �i , . T�, V #11 � , 17A.. I . :-, - , e!�4#1 % - '. .P.MVIA tba.. Kift, 0iiiiipg a mgn; 0-044`0t� '46tut t , ­�i . I V- , " � I , , `�' �- 'O . -- - &M th4l0raftil . . ,.. I - .�:i " dl; -N ­ , bilh%- ­­ , I'loW, , 0 , � 04,'*At*d -t6-1hottow and-"' 7 i Years agot, eMeMed MrOMbils rettla-e- Trunk Sys,to= Vag. Valghg . in s . l.k.V ",!�,�,l � LI "'. ..�. . :'. 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