HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-09-30, Page 5URK'­e. ( �, . ,4 i �%:; ,,, I) ,�, 4k"i" , litN"'q'il: 'I §1� '115'11�1'�,�, I �, " %�1: - 11,:. ,,�,,:',',�,t , ,k,: 11 � ", T"," � . ..� � J .1 "I, 15 - " I . .� I- I 1:1!.111'111i,�;". , �0 �i� Ir All . , ��',, . 11 �,,-! gg". ,, �i�.,,-vy-­ , , ,�,_, 11 1 " , � BAk,ter, --p4st �fe* . r�bi ,Tet'r -Ouod witIN7.,tfieni. 1, 11 � ' ' ' ' Agnuts, �A Q'i i ' illr,b ,gg, I ,!V,", 1'1`r,�.��. ,. i � �� -, V . " ,��., "I (! ��,, � , , R, ! , ,�, , ",:,�� , ..; � %- :� , . , .. " ,l� t,,,- ',­��,­. , I i I I � . I, ,;., :, . ,, I �: 1, jl� I � 1. .._� I I I � �, I , �,,!� 9.1%t:1 �_,�J`-_` ,� - , ; 1 , I � - , ,�,�_, Z�� ,t�� , I , ,1 � " . .... I . church.' and . Sabbath': p:ho6l.. ' Mr.. " - ,,�,'_,, ,,,�,�'� . , � L., ­1,� . I ,. " .. " P,� "; "I ,� . 'Graham -,,,w*L4�';`h".- been ' I , , , conducting . � � " 4� , � ,�4v", �,,',�, " , -, 1�'.,,`, � _:*_., _w, . I., , , service& t �` , I . ,,or the 'Presbyterians ,during IT,,_ ", � , r "� - I ­�, -, - " , . 1 1. -, I , I ­ ., , a�,f,.; .1 ' 11 % . 7," , ,�, - �i,�11;1:, , 45141� r '�' .. � ,�--, � 'i., ��, , � " , - �� - � , :: . , , " 'Villigrti Somerville, *as -'well attend- . , . , " ,�, , , �. ,.��K',g . ',,�, ': � , �': '. .. 11 . , .1 " � I Is i '- I a �� . I I . - � - I i�hair. The meeting opgned by sing- . I .. , , , , -!� . ,�4 � , . " , , I -. . Ing Hymn 25,0. The Scripture lesson , - ­ .� 1: I I . . from the 27th Psalm, was read' by �� 1% I I �, I : . - 46 .. , 16". 1. . � (10" , . , . , , 4 . � . . �: I :� ., . I I - , I " -1 " I . . � I : , I 'i � .. of 1, 4", ,--�/�­ ,..-,-� - "'. -1, ..- I", - ; " , A ,� , " - - .0_;�� . I , are. -, Mrs- ,$ ��,`,"r,.,� _ � . � ' � r i0e , 414 I 1. I e* " "' , I- �' �_. ­,�o,�,,- _4. 4el.'1`,"',4e*,*er. 7k . - ... �. _�k Rov. ,_V"��V" Y041 -r +� 11IM411 "� �O __ , " �1, ", " - '. � I - � " , I , I I&WpO4, ,,.m,.Se#tembCr AM; X01111% __ , . I �0:051,�7 , U , 7ew-sir , A, ; Ond, 'it$, _,,��­ I ­,., . I pben ,Xlovvxwhiz� oil- S_O'f�r�ber W. N - I ` � VIZ. 1TWWT11w,� ZQII� VMINOY, on ,Ynclay,, the, 4 i.��,�Og 1,-.5-ygAM­A11d,b:,P1o1RPNs. . , - 7 r �0,0;�;A -'. ­�A �, I � �pls . 4 10 - �raazia; . S t alber. 19th. ., -wpoa on winning the Nilver t;qo,,c19ii4 . IN: .. : - '.Jatad byl The T. F , ,,atdlrt C�hir 'thp:. el*,�, -1o'k - "'.1hibitor ., anvo; and Uraig il,em, zwho 1. ;qe! �an pe'_ their. hqiip , �-Mks.4­1'�', 4' ' ' , I . �, ,,witk Me - ��.,'q� '�, , . . 1r,. .%A " 4 ­�6�' of William Una , Imle. q�h obe E�pb�d#.',' - � , _,� , � � ; - � - - 'I i!!,i. i � . 1. f winnihg1thehighest,n].4" �$ .k 1+ �11 .1. ,T er.0 , * � , � BAk,ter, --p4st �fe* . r�bi ,Tet'r -Ouod witIN7.,tfieni. 1, 11 � ' ' ' ' Agnuts, �A Q'i i ' illr,b . ". ,�". Ili '. .0 :; . I/ . . I , .. I , IN DARP4�01ZIAM . . : I.Poluts'at the School r-arr.._4�#_XT&_W.i.1_ . ,- , , ra , .. I _ I !�lEirl_�,= X -Achoo - . I - . ' - ` " � r t has returned home':iMr-yJMtb *$ ig , -, vdith relatives in Chicago. - � __ �great#­m , , i,.r . . , . pom�, q;ss,,pd,. eit�, pauxons and�%,partwiitia, ,� - 41ijlnity , �F.y.jn. . -�­ t- I'll In' loving -memory bf Pte; (Marence A. C. W,stieu, -who was kililed'in a�61;ion in France, - ­ ,: � .. -0- — , : church.' and . Sabbath': p:ho6l.. ' Mr.. " - September 29th, f918 - I . � ��r I I , 11 . I WINTHROP - . 'Graham -,,,w*L4�';`h".- been ' I , , , conducting Licensed Ewl�aiwer * - I I �ad,JW Aid and, W. M... S. ,Xeetlng� _w, . I., , , service& t �` , I . ,,or the 'Presbyterians ,during H. 0. Bdit - �, . __ _�_A �-The Ladies?l Aid 'and W'. M. S. th� summer months,, left on Monday. B . of X. ineeting, held at the- home " rs. to pursue his studies at college. -Xr-, ... I S. , :: . , , " 'Villigrti Somerville, *as -'well attend- . , . , " Grahant has prdved..An earnest and, , I "I I . , i . � 11 led, with - Mrs. R. ?&F arlane in the studi Ous young maxii, aud.'$e.'.con' . ve � 1�1 I!. I " I ­ L I . � - � - I i�hair. The meeting opgned by sing- _ 1. hi, gation -was well pjea�sed:wjth, �er. . . . CARD 09 THANKS -. . Ing Hymn 25,0. The Scripture lesson I 11. . mons. ".. ... �_ - . I I I I from the 27th Psalm, was read' by Rural Deanery. pf Huron. -The fall , "giral - mi. 7100 Mrs. William Duggan and faindly -the I .11 ,_ 4 Miss Cora Campbell', followed by sil- � nle4ing �ol ihe Deanery � of 11 . . gratefully adkn-ledge kind e"ressions . 'Ientprayer for Mrs. Gauld. The topic I I Huro.1i, "n , Ill be held in Trinity Church, of sympatby� from their. many f riends and neighbors lin their recent sad bereavement 10 - - , 1. was taken by Mrs. H. Blanchard, fol Bayfle,14,'-pi -Tuesday, October 2nd. I . 3120xX � 'lowed by messenger' prayer Tv Mrs. Thp. seksipns*_ vAll commence with . I I - - ­ I — . . V .,a R. Campbell. Miss Bessie Blanchatd ,-a ce , lebration. of the Holy Communion - �igave a reading followed by voluntary . � 10'a.m.,,the c(Flebrant being Rural ta- also GET ITF.. USE IT . prayerIvy Mrs. William McGavin. FDI�. . 14ed by *a few business items, the .will preside at the 'ineeting. of ihe Chapter at 11 . For Sore Throats, Bronchial Asthma, Quin - i -ineeting closed -by singilig.Hymn 309 . . o'clocki and the afternoon,- meeting, sy Bronchitis, 413ough, Head Colds, Catarrh, ;;;d Tonsil D-ilseases. Good results or money The Ladies' Aid and, W., K. S. ;a The.'Chap,ter m.eeting �'vffl be held at back. ivis Mn. sybiata spatir. Tonsiiiti.. ,. -hold their next meeting at the home the Rectory. The Woinan's Auxiliary � Keating's. Drug Store. 3120-2 , � , - - ,of Mrs. D. McFarlane -on Wednesday will- meet I in the church. The after- _____ lahemoon,'Oetobpr 5th. ' . nOO4. session will be held in the , Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. *. C. Ben- church. Dinner - kna supper will be I SALE REGISTER - I I mett and Mrs. Lloyd Porter and Mr. � Bennett spent a day with friends served in the town hall by the ladies . . of ,the parish, the three- congregations � Extensive Auction Sale of Farm Stock, , Implements Household Furniture -R. 'Tm London last week�-Mr. and Mrs. combining in this. The addresses Of and at 12.30, on Wednesday, October 15th, on Lou al Con - , A. Stone and MT. and Mrs. H. Innes, the day will be given by Mrs. R. J. . cession 14, MeKillop. JAMES H. McLXUGH- LIN, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. I -of Norwich, and Mr. and Mrs, W. Bowen, Venerable Archdeacon Daher- W. J. CLEAR1 Hudson, of Stratford, spent Sunday tY, Rev. Quintin Warner, all of Lon- At one o'clock ,P.m:, op October 17th, on -with Mr. and Mrs. S. Shannon. -Mr. don; Venerable Archdvacon Jones- Lot 9, Concession 5.,Tucliersmith, Auction Sible of Flarm, Farm Stock. implements and Mrs. Sellars, of Brussels, spent Bateman, Mr. E. Douglas Brown, both ,and Household F'urniture. CHARLES WARD, �Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Bul- of Goderich, and Sheriff Middleton, of Proprietor ; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 3120-1 - 'lard, l Clinton., __ - - ___ 4 Irl _1$ 11.0 .. a- . TUCKERSMITH I - . U. F. --O. MEETING West End Notes�Threshing is now BRUCEFIELD - I I -the order of the day. -Mr. and Mrs. I � George Turner moved to Clinton last Peaches to arrive on Thursday. - Phone your order early. H. F. Berry, Brucefield. 3120-1 The regular meeting ,of the U. F. 0 will be hold in Carnegie flaiii, Seaforth, on 'wed - -week and are busy getting settled in nesdaY, October 5th, A good attendance f members and ithose Interested are invited to 0 their new home there. -Mr. and Mrs. . Notes. -The anniversary services of attend. Mr. Am<., President of the U. F. O., jW 14L Howard Johns returned from their the United Church will be held on the will speak. I trip this week and are getting set- last Sunday in October, the 30th, the I 18120.1 JOE FOREST, Secretary. 4, -tled in their new home. preacher for the day being -a former . Golden Wedding. -An outstanding pastor, Rev. W. D. McIntosh, of Em- — -event in the life .pf -any community bro. Rev. Mr. McKinnon, of British 1"0X.rANT Norivichs . occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Columbia, is ,to preach at the morning WOOD FOR SAY --SOFT WOOD IN FIVE Peter McKay, 6th concession, on Mon. service next Sunday -Mrs. Ross scotT. � .day oS this week, when Mr. and Mrs. returned home last week al. 'ter spend- cord lots, $3.00 a cord; insple sialis de - livered, the same at $4.50 a cord ; a,lso a McKay celebrated the. fiftieth anni- ip ,q 'versary of their ma:rriage. On Sep- ing a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. T. Dunlop, of Toronto'. -Mr. and Mrs. quantity of hardwood delivered at $6 00 a cord in flve cord lots. A,pply to T. J. 'RICH- tember 25th, 1877, Mr. McKay was Jarvis and their daughter, Winnie, ARDSON, R. R. 1, Brucefleld. Phone 137-25. . mnited in marriage to Miss Annie and Mrs.,L. Forrest, motored to Ful- Scallorth- I 3120x3 STRAY HEIFER.---GTRAYED ON TO THE E - Clark, youngest daughter of the late larton and visfted the Misses Ida and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Clark, the cere- Lizzie Taylor and Mrs. D. Bira. Mrs. premises of the under,itgned about August I :mony being performed at Egmond- Bird's ni�_ny friends will be glad to ist, a roan heifer with home. Owner may -Ville, by the late Rev. Hugh Camer- hear that she is improving in health ' have saime on proving property and paying barges. A, McMIGHAEL, No. 2, Seaforth. Oor 4on, then pastor of St. Andrew's -'Mr- and Mrs. Grieve, of London, phpne 16 on 233. 6120�1 1 ,church, Kippen. Following their mar- __V -spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Douglas. -Miss , FOR SA,LE.-lZ8 ACRE9. HURON FARM V_ riage they went to live on the 16th Concession of Tuckersmith, Ada Reid and Miss Anna M. Haugh, County, adjoining Ciinton; all clay loam; J.,we brick house. 2 bank barna. silo; large where they resided until 18S�7, Mr. Lance Norris and Mr. Carman orchard; a few minutes' viulk to town, Nvhen they mover to Lot 8, on the 6th Haugh left this week to attend the churches and schools: tovo n water piped through buildings and river at back. Apply concession, which has since been their (Jniversity in Toronto. They will be -the to E. W. MORRISON, P_ R. No. 4. Clinton, -liome. Owing to the anniversary much missed fin SvWday school and ovL 3120-4 1alling on Sunday, the celebration of . Young People's Society. -Rev. J. and B UILDING FOR SALE. ­ FOR SALE the auspicious ev ent was held on Mon- Mrs. Hamilton and Miss Oliver, of large building 40.50, two storeys. buil; 06 -Vk day when all the m , i , embers of their Godericb, visited at the home of Rev. for flax mill at Walton; double boarded, family and a few of -the nearest rela- W_ A- and Mrs. Bremner this week.- matched spruce on outside, two floors double boarded with dressed -hemlock. All the lumber J � tives and friends gathered to do hon- Miss Eleanor Snider was in London .- ----I- ��---_ .X , Ax--- , 'l- _r - in this building is strictly first class hemlock .. ___ I -or to them and the -occasion. Both "i" ­­­­ - ­­­, - "" ""'ce. �­­ - ­ jL. .1-ile -_- I ; 'i - L ri&on, is visiting at the home of JOHN XcDONALD, Sawmill. Walton. Mr. 'and Mrs. McKay are in the en . ,O 3124x4 Joyment of fairly good health, and a her grandmother, Mrs. J. Ross. -Mr. -, --- -_ host of friends throughout the county and Mrs. J. B. Aikenhectd, accompan- 4 ACRES, LOTS 27 hope iedby their niece, Miss Margaret Aik- and 28, Concession 14, McKillolb. 11A miles llfori-��, %P" -vnll join The Expositor in the from the village of Walton. On the farm I, that t1ley will be spared to each other, enhead, of Londop, spent the week good house, two barns and other outbuild- their family and the life of the com- end at the home of the latter'b ,par- 'ings. 'For price and terms write MRS. -imunity for many years yet to, come. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Aikenbead RA_LPH W. CONNOR, 10705 75th Ave.. 0 and other friends� in the vicinity. Strtcona, Alta. - 3 1 16X8 , DUBLIN Motor Accident�Mr. Sipie, travel- FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 30, CONCESSION . � Notes-4Mr. and Mrs. William . -Hardware in London,' 10. 1vtorris Tow-riship, containing about . -1 TOT- ler for Hobb's 50 acres. adJolining Vilinge of Walton. C.PjR. had a miraculous escape from injury � 4an, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan and . station within 20 rods. On the property i . Miss M. Jordait-are ,visiting near Monday morning when the car which bank barn 4Ox8O, hen house lGx32, F910 12x`a0a �St. Catherines with Mr. Edward Jor- be was driving turned turtle. in the never failing well with windmill, comfortable , rl ditch, just south of Brucefield. lie frame house containing 7 rooms with modem danl9f the Standard Bank, at Jordai , was travelling ata fair rate of speed conveniences. new furnace, electric lights, large 101- -14 i0itt., and with friends at Buffalo, N. woodsilied attached to house. The land is'.rst . `Y.-Uiss Ruth O'Reilly, of McKillop, And had just passed another car d-riv- class, well drained and in splendid state o,f had ain, operation for appendicitis en by Miss J. Aikenhead, when the cultivation. Phone 14-2R2, Seaforth. or apply' nd took to on the premises to JOHN MdDONALD, Saw- la%eaforth Memorial Hospital. -Miss car -became unmanagable a mill. weaton. 3r20x4-tf Maxy -Jordan, of Toronto, Is spend- the ditch on the right side of the � - ' -ty bad ARM FOR SALE. -GOOD 50-AP,RE FA,RM # ,AA, 'Ing this month with her parents in road. Although the car is v� - F for sale on the Mill Road (County Road), Hibbert Township. -Regan Bros. are ly dam -aged, Mr. Sipie was not even Tuakenvinith, part Lot 29, Concession 5. L.R.S., tr-ucking screened gtavel from. Mr. scratched. situated 81/� wiles west of SeafoT'th and 21A Wagle's pit in McKillop township, to R44- Day Services. -Special Rally mileA east orf Bmeedleld, 1% mides from .the rame ouse, 9 rooms and cellar and wood - 1 1% county road south of the village. Day services were conducted in the school.h7lbere aye on the pr ,pperty a good I --Owing to -the,continued drought, United Church, Brucefield, on Sun- f hed;,bank barn 86x60 drivenwhed and ben a , larmeTs cannot.do their fall plowing. day last. In the morning (the congre- house two giorod welJs and 4 eyes (if malple gatioii joined with the Sunday School b,,b. 'Aaere of young orchard, also plum. � �-Miss Rose O'Connor has returned berry, pear t;Pes and other sTnall fruits. The to-Aigh School to complete the 14or- in the auditorium of 'the ch . urch. and cre,mainder is in a good state ,of cultivation. arranged Rural mnbl and telephonew Also 27 acres of #- *0 I ,*Ad Eiltratice work. -Mr. and M,:rs. the specially program was land with creek runizing through. 'Timothy Regan,. of Loggli, spent Sun- carried out. R&. Mr.- Bremner took past"' . part of Lot 32, Concession 4, Tuckersmith, on -,day- with,Mr. WoollkLeot, Of Mitchell. the service and, a Special` dihildren's which is a good barn. 2sx,55. and orchard. 1, * - j rovided -beautiful music. Mgt Will be sold togetfher or separatelly. Apply L --*r. and Mrs. Bernard Mulligall alid choir p - on, are Margaret Watson recit;W "We Would to AlWHIM M.GREGOR, R. R. Nlo. S. Sea- tt� '?,,fgmil�, of Seattle, Washill � � Mr. Lance Norris told forth, Ont. al 20%3 . I . �!-thd g%esta of Mrs. A_n____ ligaft, , 6f See Jesus," and A 1,,dut village. -Miss Theresa CarPenter the 9tory of "The Two Searchers." DVSIR RLE FARM FOR SALE. -BEING � I !vening the service was in Loft 16 and the easterly portion of Lo; -.spoillit-the week- and with her parelits In the e ' 17 In the fourth Concession of -the To hip . % �i *Li -,A `Yaurned to Ca,p*a on Sunday charge of the Young People's Society. of Hthber% consisting of 126 acres of womhoi,� .1�,,, I k ;.: *Eftak'noll has re- Alex. Addison the -president, took the land. It 14 on county. road, convenient to ,eVonihr . __1MiS8 -156th I flea ,� . . ;�-tuiwed, from I&' v4, i in service and the,special service Was school and hilgh g600l and within two mi I catiVA spent thre Of Dublin. On the farm, I ili a modern two IV4jontd *na I'Oth6i, titie:��'a'r,, alid also followed. There were e storr brick house, one bitift , sox^.. smotbir I 1. ;, . , tld BIV". ,Is. Apeakers, Miss X,4thleen Snider adz88 with,' good stabling and ,I - 6*1 ' �� Of ,,�Nft. Hiirrt Biialb,'� IsP . _andL ** (ts Re hardwood bush; dwo a Ua& wiktd- 4 - _�'Aiole, of Montreal, 10i by motor for speaking on "Cana:da and I , mills. It is free of encumbrance anA .the . I A, I 'soprceg;14 Lance Norris gave an aC- buyer by Viiyipg one4llra of Piti-thase.timee ­.- �' Vbidso$� 04, _They,'W�� th , * 'us . _Ir , ,. , . To" - " gue*ts, �Wht� of t'116 Young People's Confer- dain-b—go "or balance by mdrtgage tot 6 � -Mrii.,11106" Bh�le_�­Mll ,­Misir-,N* , Vdi A , I . at 5 per cent. The owner is, itinxio � I -gugh Belliningior and Jois b ld in `�&lltervflle on Monday leavi g to reside in (Jaliforillts. " 13eale h, 41: 4. I ., se I I 'rol, 'jW:"'iI�uetJay ol last weekl- Carman yea 0+ an to ply to F. vecox- � , � _�_;, �:,� IiE�r.", Tifeilakor tilkilur UP r`401 . bublin", or ito . An MRAY, � � ' ' %' '6� )n 114anada and Wiloorld . 1�4 - . , 00�& 4 6DIL - � .1 � 1.11". �, * 'in- Stratford � Qll� M I 8114-tt .0 Oollezi,Lte'.l p, . %I . , .1 , N!t - ,11,� I studelitz'.Attei& .0 'Aft 'three addresses I . ­.­ - i ., .� 1-1ir 'A, " &* 0 Bk6t ' rho6d.7 , , � 4- ' ., .1 . , 6�,our ./ , ',' 7 , ' 1; �'P , ,,, hg- Special music VAILli" r6n 9ALV.-Vo-n gAra ms,r v. .'t ,ogi?,"i _J 'aij last week, �, wbr� ifi6t jAUi66V 'Eirildidn .10 11 _. -1-'---" . -t.__ . . '&A 6, St"fley' Township," - (�� , I �­­:, � I , � " � �. . I—- I. � . 11 *" also iv6 bY,' a young peopld"s . 06nftAl .. . .. . I � I'll '�** , D I -A ing Itio stores. on the.prelinbes gre a 1% I . . li I , ":, � -, '. 1 '411'._ 1, I I _IhAij Mk , -A., .Toh1JA6 aAng "Does - ZA u ho �Ilth furnatd 'Ad a fratne I t, ­­.­,­, I - -:7.1 . 1, � ­._ . . �._`;; ��.�:_,404 �q ' ­ I , o ii 'L Li_� � *, ��W-� � o PALM ,r - , , - .. ,V' '" I__ , 1,1� � I .� yo 11 " � .1 � ,, ,, " � I,7, � I . ­_flid. ? 11�"3 �kld I Rv-" =.4�nwv�� deas`�,' ,;L,n,t on P'11�11VAI� , Wt.ober.. 7th, 10, - ,. , ,.t� , , oil, '114�'�J L ". 1 0',4�ip , ,V"3,0",�`�,Jbe­f"Il ��!.r .... Tig mt , ve 0 0 T'lizam"Old� 110* ,. _ ow, 4 Owe, " . :;f*s4.* 4Q,V*1l0- lt ear -old helfe", . , , . ' Al"M ' dhee�. 1�,rteli, � I , ' ' � I ,. eW.,�_. I 1, ,4 e�. .,, all regiEpterW Tqg�L44` Sows N -if old. P'�bid . try�_, 4Q"� I .. �,�,& Q� k pellets, .100 _ft#,MJ�cghmi.n'L149M��(L'. , Few". 'IV 10 - ", " TZ i..W.Itbore, , . 91 1 '' �,�u 4 3 M I 4 _gga leinfx I 9, I � Perry Stgt-0 'T 'i Dr.00d ,090 ebwl- 4-1 1�1, er, 11 , m - vehicles' and -Imptements ',--_a1dV ;b,W r buggy, wa&� Atig- plow, - ndb* 014w; � godder, extension -__1_1 nk�.___ __ -1!1_-_K___ laoxes, grain , ', wgs for , Atbveas, cliAi �, � d otilierarmclets. Pain -A Magiriet-sep* Prinizese.sep, . arator, and (a Capital- 0. . �', ad in good repair, aire a Daisy c M " � Ef- fects -Four leather roeltoers;jr4z-��Ibetl and springs, I coemnode, coal oil- to'- "" ' - *Is and ala kinds of, kitchen '#fi�.,Q' - Fodder ---Six thas of mixed hay. T =�..41'11 sums of $10 and tinder, cash: overr A=ttlunt 6 montits' credit 'Will be , given c in ng &DWONed joint notesr or',a dlsevmWoft��'b Per cerilL off - for cash on credit abbic '� JOHN WORK� - MAN, Proprietor; Y'ran . 1: �� T-01or, Auctioneer. _��i,;`71 9120-1 . �. . I... �:. , � I � , . I ,. 1,�1�1, — , ' CTION SALE OF DU*ij,AN A_ND HOL_ Au.T.I. COWS, AND V00S.-iff. E. Nairn, auctioneer, 'has recWved - M*r-iiotions from the undersigned to sell by, , "%ic auction on , Lot 25, Concession 8, Fulla#Pit Towmship, on Ixtonday, October 3rd. J"f,.��#e following: - Pure bred Durham heif&-ijitilm 3 years odd with heifez calf at foot; Dbrham cow due October Sth; Durham cow -due October 10th; PiAled Angus cow due Xq,v*ber 3rd: Ayr� shire cow due December Ulli; Holstein cow freshened in July; 2 Holisittifie cows due in October; Hodstein cow duo., November 2nd, Holstein cow due November I)Lh, Holstein ' cow due In December,'Ho$"n cow due in January, Jersey cow due -in, Ocwber, Jersey cow due in March, halt ,.J ,prsey heifer due in March, Ayrshire oqw�, f,-��hened in August, two farrow cows, to.6-D�1rhani heifers 2 years old, Durh�arn steer I y -ars old, live Durham steer; I year oW.,&2 half Jersey heiter calves, pure bred ]1*10fein heifer calf ' The above are a choice luff'-of Young stock In first class conditiom AH --&w,,, guaranteed right in every way. Hlogs-Three young Yorkshire sows due to farrow about time of sale; 50 shoats from six to- ten weeks old. �Arots axles, suit- able for making low &�M_ stwk wagons. Terms. -Seven months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint 76bt,-� with five per cent. added. WALTER l$TEWA.RT, Pro- Prietor; W. E. Nairn,, Aactictnevr. 3120-1 � � �. - � ' " ' F XECUTORS' SALE OF . ARM, FARM E �TOCK AND FM;PhEk_1WT'. -The execu- tore of the estate of Alexander McBeath, de- ceased, will offer for sale by public auction on the premises, Lot 6. Cofteselon 3, Stanley Township, 21/3 in"Oes northwest of Kippen, on Monday, October 8rd, st'2 p.m., sharp. the following: Cow 4 years. ,old with calf farrow cow, 2 calves, aged ft,pr. 60 hens: cream separators, quantity df lumber. two ladders, steel tire buggy. Portland cutter, Ford touring day, light wagon, -heelbarrow. grindstone, 35 cords hard �Wo,d and other articles, Tha farm consists of 100 acres, more or less, (excepting sch" grounds). of good clay loam, well drained aml watered, in a good state of cultivation ,with about six , acres of bush. -A good comf-table brick ,house with kitchen and woodshed. and a commodlous blank barn, witli,91 ,ji- shed, pig housie, hen house and driving �,I; farm 2V2 Trilles from railroad. Schodl o , Termis of Sale.-Abl chattels. e -h. O)i ]an , 10% of purchase price paid down on �day of sale, Wance on Ist of March, 1028, The farm wiJI be offered subject to a reserve bid and to the customary conditions. Per particul.ra �pply to JOHN McEVkrEN and HUGH AIK- F jNHUAI), Execut.m. Bri.idefield, OLnt.; WIT­ LIAM BRYDON-E. Solicitor. or Geo. '11. El- Ilott, Auctioneer, Clinton, OrL 9119-2 � __ _____� - I Enter Any Day. in any one of Shaw's Twelve Toronto Business Schools for the Training which will lead to a good salaried position. Free Calendar. Write W. R. SHAW, Registrar, Bay and Charles, Toronto. __ - __ - . - . - - - - - - MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARNI LANDS IN - McKILLOP TOWNSHIP Under and by virtue of Lh, Powers of sale contained in a certain na-lizake which will be produced urt the time 1�f �4,&. there will be offered for sale by public alldtion at the Queen's Hotel, in the Town of gv�aforbh, on Thursday, the 13th dny of Orbober, 1927, at the hour of two o'cilock in the afternoon, the ffoldowitngl la,nds : Poina -m-nasOrl kd Lot number Sixten (16) in the Sixth Concession of the Township of McK,11-P, hi -the County of Huron, containina are hlindted acres of land more or less. The land is well dy,;i1ned ,ind fenced and in a good state of cultivation. And In convenient. ly situated as to church. -h-4 6:nd markets. There,'are on the p-ises tw6 good baras and 'a driving shod and n good frame house and- about,eight acres of h-nrd wood bush. TERMS OF SALE. Ton vcr cent of the. purchase money art th� time ,�f gate, and the balance within thTe� weelis 11hereafter. ,For further terms and conditions of sale � apply to - B EST & BF. -T. Seaforth, Ont. ­ie; . Solicitora for Vendor.' Dated Sqvtember 22, 1927. 8119-8 I ThomsLs; Pr -m, Auctioneer. __ — __ MORTGAGESALE OF VALUABLE FARXIANDS . Under and by virtue of the Powerst of iral�, contained in a certain In,denhime of. Mortgage which will be produced at the -time of sale, there will be offered for �.le.. bV tiublic atic- tiiun, by Thounist Brown. Anctillor"Y, at the Dominion Hotel, ]in the Village ,00'Oublin. on Sdturday, the let October, lq2J,,at � o'clock in the afternoon, th 96d1i"naft'sly: S te tlA �Uf� W the _ ' gouth half of Lot womber Twono !, 0). i2i the rijivet (list) Concession, o ­ "M f . . :��& I M6be�t in the -,County of PeNIC-1i .Mg. I I th , W ndtfiesfintrement soventy-five,J16) jewt.8 ,of ,Und, BeAke some more or 1%`* I altnoall; '. 'Th6 li�,filf is ndivaiLfitgLion 4 � on the'ftoi�lnclhl 114ghway. l.',r_11gX4Vm frolb in Dublin, id 6 iniT& from 8644;M aled 1. I I effWe 'bD n%'1rLz and schools ; C %"* are I . 1. , gredt*d OVA. '0 promises I & 11',tft�ft wft, 44 90, %,' "i ,bl.09 tft4oftesih, x #d' V.d _ ," .. '' "MrII'dweldistig 11 *n�-J'� . , . ­ A �= OF SAL§�;5,,, ,. � "" 6�-3l, -t Teti per, c671t, of the pum1h 11 1114"IdIfi" kottib 1� . "�.4 , . I—. d . A -9 C , 113 1 [0- days es. ,- .77"'I-11 " iswodtlyi - i �""` VVI -1#0 _0111 to 0 - rebz" ,;,,��, .� �.,Vor 41n#-: � bra soft watel . . 1 13 .�� rv-st j6gusl CAI -A ? I" _y I a , itvn and vp s ­11.1"Wfiv M ,Z "I � �,'.,!. �,Irluld.jz oaritettei to 0o94d,,bf'1AS9p# luella, :t 0 hoolse: bithk barb, 80x52 "with "defteht =r Iwo Ath . ;` A �� I'M - � , � 'I '*Jo' - ,, - flocre Fill %*i*h; vrindinill alfitt ,W,At&,,; % toV=V1dW,0re PUIV-1hase. �) 114 -1,1111, VIM kk. �ternbg Am co-fili A % I the An#tld .. ,'��,I$ '. Ati, 'Stuckhousib, ��, V'remiller, XilthI90 the berb; drive obed an'd. bnoletnOnt 116wd. L 11 ­.- ,I . I I "' I .1 . , Ity 1i �,#" �:"' �'4-:'V`SfO 01''WO-dit ' 'gaflk "1118t 90x96- tw -0 ,�. All dleatisill, *01 '41fthiodi be tdo kuowitll at the t � � ­ - 'd In +hd'inountime, I q '11n16 nextj at 11 ""."' _6 Snider sO.d # 1, I fifi& w@" dineed, -with wi -atkd in a good I ble ,, LLL , I � i 0% I I � . I . Metcalf, of INTMA .� al ! LLL I X As 'L 'am Tylvisol,pletutur Shloor pxe- _ ",4V1Vv4WtL seven . ,,, at, . , ., .., . " - ; Z-7 , -I* ' her"R6W9_MM� Ilk I - I I I r, Alles f"M Klmon t !' '. - , 4'1!0*14t� the Orjs�4 A�d,49 to bo't6n �- - -and M � 10 .4 0 With the others tA, ii�osth� 1batal tin)kil fthd V�B'6 , I I 4 G.,� Noelin � , � ��� , to Nofig , 216"61hiAlk!��Ut"C", 401� � .; I ' �, " ,dh , . �1, -, -;,*p4 t 4....few Alay , a pgP&"61k�%ho LeX9611ent way. the get V Mal 04 ,� , . 4 � bf vtd!sdrw�=," 11., n 'it ,� , , .s 1� ,� t , i - , % "".�., ,it . 41 ,� .�" . ,,�, b , M i 14, �. "I . I 'go VOS . I I 1� � : 11" �. " :: , I., ,4PVWV;T1­1Ursi Aa -,W, , , " vpi a ,, 6� - I I , � I;, ,��;.;_. I . - % I " :�,�. , . - ­: ,111 . � ,. . ,,, � 1 ,�"". , . , . I I - . 1. - , ,- , . 1, - , : , �� , . �,P, 41, . ��,­ _i; I .1 � . I 1�'. . I), ­. �."­, L" . 1. � 1. � I iA ",*A'� . - 1. I I "� I . I , �, t - ,,, --'J�. , . . I ,� I . I � . "t,. , . ­­, I . . . I ,�� � I . ,. I 1. ­-�� I, , ­li' �,? I .� - 1z /, � � 1. I � L It". ,,,, ,�, "i, 1, . I I , � - I . � W. , <, N ,,;,� � � I . . '* , : I " �,�, -, , ,.� , ''. I I 11, jl�� . 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I - V; - l.. ,��.� �, , !", �V,,,l, 110 &!,.� � � - air I.- . . . � �:'."'�� � 0 I ,p, ' I ,' I "I ! ;::� � ' ' - ` �,.M,,�__ ,,1 zq�: J".."� , " , MAN WANTED . Egj�j -"-,.'L' - "' ' L I " " ,i��, A,X1 ,, ,, .... ,�:.`,""AIP411 I . SAL .. I WE ANTED - _ I - 1q, . " , , F Wanted, a ,rna;i to cleart'and dig a �. . 11 I . . - 1061".11- 0- , i* " � , ,L` e ,.P �,; �� it I , - 7 1� 1 I.-3 �; �.. TRI ­` ditch on-Congession 8, Tuckersmith. . . . 1, .. I 11 ` , � ._'111. �Pll I �� �, �, , I I �,'� Gexiiprdl� W , _"� C-1 , ,','."�I�,,F, . , W , �r� � � 'O I . -�-- , , or To be succieseful it . . , ,- W 4, R 1�1, Apply .-to R. KENNEDY, Reeve, a Life 1 --ace bosift8tis. . '­­'. ­_­,�; I I . man should be fully :i-��,4,�� ,;jv�,--11, . - , hil, � �.� '1'1+.� �.�, . eclof :�'i�L"i'.,��' i . �p� to meet': p ,�.� ""+ ", phone 22-131. 11 I OW-10OW";,", '',+ '' demands -made, for pnifibipating inst�ran6e, , � �� + �)" - -�;, ,, �410% . " I . I as .well as p-ArtiftUt5ft. - a pprely 0#4. I ' Cjw� 40ft, � V_4��,,z.i',­,, I - ,' 01111 — adian 'Co. /.:rnTt1y11^ I., ..." ,,- , � .. . - years 01('4 -wRal kAvwn;'1Aee6 I � I'll, I I ". . +­ - 'td I disttrict agent f, , m.,SeaQ*b ,,, . t . �",�, � I , ;,;,4,4,1�1,-i:,��,,,,;§ ,1,1�,�,­,­, N Al.�111 a 4mil 1�, I :, ,, ., ­ - I ,"'u; I � Leave I nam axid address 4 The I I ., ��, � o * "' 7 TRY IT YOURSELF Offim � - . I .1 ,�*A�, "I'll- .. 8118"d - , . .. � . kl. �e 1111�`, I .)� � . . , � I " � ,�'�_ �,LI , . I I .. " - ;.. I ." . At our risk and learn as thousands have, , - , ..'�­;- 4'z,� - 1. .- + — " , I 0:' 11 '..­ .�X that Mrs. Syliffla, Si� . ... I ... , �L. I , I , , - -I . treats Sore I "K A IF-(1JR?1T :.�.�� 1111:�,:� :��X,, P_�,Ir�61� w, ,,, m r -, Quirisy, Bronchitis, Gatarrh, B,ronchilal Asthma and Tonsil trou- bles Successfully. Keating's Drug Store - .3118 -2 .. _- , � DR. F. J. R. FORSTER ,Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Porento. Late assistant New York Ophthal- nel and Aural Institute, Moorefield 3S ,�'ye and Golden Square Throat Hos- ital, A London, England. At com- nercial Hotel, Seaforth. . . -'­ J-1� . ", 1, I , I , � � I- I­r,q , . , . -Z ­.�­Z'P?K, � �� I - . . . _4, ,,�1'11. I . " ,- ­� mq I . � , .. , ''I I ... , I � j, "', . ,,_),'�,� . 11 , - I. � ,�� 1, I I - , '� , . . . - g" ... I . I 0 0 .,*. , e' I .1. - ��11 I � I � l, . . . , . - . �4'1' 11� ., ,� ri ; <> 1 - 11 .. �,�4. , �4,z,��Z:­ 1 . ,��, 5L,* W;�T. BOX-& M 11 5 ',�.��!�,v � ,,, , � ,',0;'.�­ _ I 0 Funeral Director,ond.. � . I I �' � - 1, Z 11 I : .,_� I - �. . �,,;,­ � I ,, * <> Licensed Ewl�aiwer * - :,�,, I'll- �1.. " �,� ��,,, 0 H. 0. Bdit - �, . 11:". a.;'� 11",11 .i :::: . � , , � "o" :_ "I" .`.��,�7�,l * Beat Motor- find 'Horse-ifftwa � ;,41*0'. ,,,, ,- W t � �� 11 I �� r,� , , 'r, " �� " .:�;,�,r:, ­.. 10 01 I � .. eqdvinjmt ,: �� . . , >._"i 11 .. 11 '�% ", "e, 4 �, ,,��,. '. .�, ....�411 1 4> Cha vioderate. . . 1: " . ' I rru%til"st , ,�__ 11.1, .1 �1. I'll .r:��­ <01, "'T-1,1701 1 ­.'� 111111;`rF,y2 . 1. 1� r4 ,�, .. -,.I :��,t�e,,Ii� 1, , " I .0 Flowm d on ghm* . _1�:,-; , -Co, , - I . I ",4; I -.� 0 notice. . 1. _4i �, �O ,,� " �. "." "I � ,,,0�1'11 ' . � "' I I ,C1 -Nights Calls Day tCalls , , _41,� � . � "I'll �� 4:1 4:1 �, i 40 ." 4:1 511 ..... L � , 'i <> Phone 175. Phone .a 4> 11 . � : ... ��, <> � - . 0� I '11, . � , . � I ,,, <> 0 <> <> 0 <> <> <> <> 10 0 <> I I : - 4; � . 11 ,.,g e :> I <> - I �, � , " �'�11 I �> S. T. Hohnes & Son 0 I � , "'.. ", I 0;' Funeral Director and <> I � ,�,. I I , - . 4. � , - ',;,�, _�,p - .'A"O, � I , .4, 4 :> Licensed Embalmer. <> . , . � ,:4r4 .' I " ' �> > �> Finest Motor and - Horse- drawn equipment. . Beattie 0 0 0 I School of Commerce .:.�,'j� ­_'��,, ! � I � , ,,.�, -1 I ­� .�g; �> :> Block, Main Street, opposite ,O - . CLINTON, ONT. 11_`.�",, _�x,,��,­ .,., ... �, - 1. � �,�, 1, ... e� :> The Expositor Office. S. T. Holmes, Goderich 0 0 ESDAY, ., .: N, - I 1. . , residence, SEPTEMBER 6th . �,i;�,�,, " :> �, Street West; Chas. Holmes' residence, North Main Sreet. 0 0 OFFERS THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES , ,. , �4 �!� 0, _2 I; ,�,_ � : -, :> Flowers furnished on short 0 Expert Teachers Actual Office Practice. I , , ,,, 11 , :> notice. All kinds of up- 0 Two Standard makes of Type- And a record of Successful . q, ,; I I � ,:,'4� :> holstering neatly done. <> writers: Graduates, whose high Stan- ,�, 1� i , � ... 01 Phones: 119 or 254 J. 0 Practical Business Training. dard for .good work, we . �4,q�;� , , � ,� W", ! 0. 0 Gregg Shorthand. expect you to reach or. ex- �A I .1� Secretarial Studies. ceed. �, I I I " , �- " � , " I "I __ - - WHEN YOU THINK OF A COMMERCIAL COURSE WRITE I I I I I . ,.," fl 0 0 0 I B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Acets, Principal. Phone 199 . . ,_� , 4T4` > . 'Il;., 11 I_- . - 00 W. J. CLEAR1 - 11. ,, I,. I I ,_;l � > Licensed Embalmer and 10 - ...... I ... .11, I I'll....... > Funeral Director 10 _. ... 11'11�.11; ... I ,� - I I > Up-to-date Horse and . Motor -0 :> Equipment. .0 �1` Night and Day Service. 0 :> Phone 19-22, Dublin. .0 > 0 ...... "I'll N..�.. 4 , -1 11 .. 1,�, ?_, , , �, . - 'M � "'Y ,, .. g ",-, '. . . T1, ._11 -� , �lj� . 1 I'll, '11114 . �, �_ �11 � �, , , I'll . . . . . . . . . :,-, 1Z .. " . I , �.5 I �11 .;I - ;h, ;. �� , ,.,Z: I ..� �Vj� � . _;o _d�o .i - - ,,:�,� 1�i , " � , ", ... , .A.", )_,� :�. . , --,��, - I .. .; , ; "A, I , X ii�� I . �V,,,. , I I . ,��. 1, , , Z., '' , " � " - "I .: � �, "'. I , , . L , �> Cars or Flowers furnished 0 .... I � T= I.. 1. �:> as requested. 0 — _____ ___ -, ___ - __ __ - - - _­ - - __ - __ - - - ,i� � LO -2. �> Day or Night, Phone 67. 0 3� 0 1 Huron and Efie I Debentures for Me I IG. k. HOLUND, AGENT I Dubfin, Ontado . I "Biltmore " NEW FALL HATS Alpine and Derby Blocks. New Coiors. Prices................. $2.50 to $8 Sizes 6y, to 7j78. P, I KELLY, STRATFORD One way fare paid from Mitchell, Dublin and Seaforth, either by railroad or car, on purchases of $20.00 or over. . — __ ------------------ - THE JOHN RANKIN - I - �� v I ,- � --- . AGENCY I . � Insurance of aH kinds. � . i , ,. -, ", �11��I.ffi.�W.,­_ — Money to Loan I V ­_ ­_ ­.- - , I 'y 1 �14 __ SEAF6RTH, ONTARIO ' � i �"..'._ " I * , , " , Phone 91 . __ - 1 I 7S , : .. ��, , .. I 1� - - � , �11 �: Ill , - ... 4 A BARGAIN FOR SALE. -Five acres, one mile MORMI from Seaforth; modern hwisa with . furnace, bath and toilet; .small b"D; . . . good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid I - - . chance to start chicken fal'in, bees, etc. Apply to R. S. RAYS, GRMN BINDER ADERTISEMENT - Seaforth, Ont. The New McCormick -Deering Grain Binder combines the beat 29ryg-tf mechanical features of the popular McCormick and Deering harveA- I 1-1 . ...... —_ � ters. that hive won their way to fame during nearly, a century of I �� 11 .-L ­ I service. Lighter in draft and more convenient of operation, thio new - I I Grain Binder is made with either the McCormick knotter or the weN L I I 11 . . I known Deering Knotting and Binding head, otherwise the machine Irs , � I , � "MI I � I; 41 . 40 ,111, ", "I , 1110 . I .1 "I ,�� standard throughout. There are twenty-two improvements built in- � . L . rmick - .. I 1 , % U64*0ft ra"k 11r,6% ""A to the McCo -Deering that make It t6bre desirable than former � �, I "I I a" a a it** models. � . I ,�,, y4w wal -A , . �. .1 =w upra" ft 0 , �� , � "t I 1=01M UW& No Let Us Demongtrate. ,;. � � � ,,��,�� � I I . I , � , I I '­ . 4 L t I , i, �',�,, I .n I I I ­4'�111'1 k IL ,,*�, 1 L . , . :,�,,,,, LL 11 , , ,; 0 A * L W�! ��,.. I C. S. HUDSOX flinsiall �, tb � �', zl�'11 ,�,t 11,�'11'11� — . I � I I . I" .1 , P., ­ � I � I I L. � L!, .. . . � ­:: ;,'i L� . k wou ,�,� Agent fot f,"It line d Tate-rhatioll A,swofit,61­6 t .0mado., ," � i I .. I . I . . r# I% .1 .. � , �,,;, " �,, " I k'� L. _ �­ . , ",,�":''� ' ' �,110'�' _ , .1-. -,r,; J_a , Agent, I 'bil'o Law , mitei4l. . ,, - � , - -, , , � ­i� ""' ­ .... --`Z-----'-- I 0-11, I I .L' � 0. "Ill li'...'."*�"", 2, ­­., ... : " ".. ,� L _!Q11 I 1 4 -, -� ... - . .. . . ­ ­�'t-�V , "­ ­ I Id , : , , �., � ,,�'',::�, . �.L 111. . ,� ­',�,,,,�,�': !0, . ...", . _�,Z�, 4,, (, i 1. �. ,_'L "��, ,�� L'. L] , r ,,,, �,%'. I � 'i, , "I" :­ ,p�,,� , I I 'L �, ';qL,�,,Lj. . I , "' 'L., 11'1�11,1 I . I I - 11 -11 "L ,,,Ii�Lr" � I . I . ;, '�, � , "L, ' '. , , . �' I . . " . I _" 11. , ,�, -Kr '� 1i ,, I ,, ­�_­�',;?,,, 11 111; .L_ . " , L . ..... � I � I i , * , ""' �"`­;", .1 I , . I I I. - . i , I. 1 - _,�:, L �� i� "I 11, 1 ,� " !')�L . I ,. L I . . . I � I , I' '", 1: I il,141 ll) 4.1;1 ,� , L , . . : I I ! '.,., .. �.' . 4L , ", L , .. ,; I ";,,;,�, 'i� ' � L ,_ L , � ": .,,� " '_,. , ,T) . ir,��_�Ll.­', "" P,' ... . 1, '. . , ,, _­,­­� ..... . ... L. ,A, �'­ --I, ­ 11 I . � "71 11 ' - -'� 11 I , . �'. I I � � ", ,-,,� I I �, � , ,� �., I 14111 lt'­il.,�� .. , -� ;,` �Jq "' $, "",,�­', . ,, �­ - j-. L�',k , , ""' r�­'­­ �' ,t'l,­��`,. - . ,,:L " ,) "�, . . . - � In � �j "'IT ",L,", , ,;�, �,_ ��.', " ,; �': "'.''!, 'I 7 ", �: " , �: �,,�-�;�,, , ," 2 ", �i I 1, 1:1 .1 � .1. L . :, L �k 'A ,,, .. '� 4'.."Is, 11--1-1 , '', , ��, ��', -,q, "L;� �,� ill.,�", _; L.��,�.�',",�,4"�',�j-'� ZvO ...�)"!��i-ii,e..v,,�.i�tK�.',�i����,!,�,�'-'�,,,r�p,�.,��,'i�lliel;'.1l.ii����,�',�s',�,,,�'.,� -..--. _ ... . ... _ .._ -, ,.,,,.�.,,,,.-.,,,--,,IAP"�),x,,"",, 1 ,,,,�i N.',',?z1,fz,n �,� ; '�`l").., 'L"?, "" I .: , , �` 'IN I , , -,��,,:.'i!`,L,,-,.,ii 1� ,'� �, ,�14, %',!� . .`.i , ',',�, "!,!� '�,� �," ", I ., D * � .L ` ,.k �,­� �,,;Z I.." A"Vli, "I � �,"., ,�,�,�,I -, �,f "' L %­,� � "'� '­, ., , ,� " ,". � 11,14�;.,�t,'g i%7A 11.�,,ii' `�.i.`��,� .�i��!;�4�-L'�I';�1� � �� , ,��, I �, , ;, . ;� I tL - - . �'��,,'t , , , L ": � . ... . . �: 0. <> �> W. J. Walker & Son 0 0. <> �> W. J. Walker, Funeral Di- 0 :> rector and Embalmer. 0 �> <> �> Motor or Horse Entuipment. 0 ...... "I'll N..�.. 4 , -1 11 .. 1,�, ?_, , , �, . - 'M � "'Y ,, .. g ",-, '. . . T1, ._11 -� , �lj� . 1 I'll, '11114 . �, �_ �11 � �, , , I'll . . . . . . . . . :,-, 1Z .. " . I , �.5 I �11 .;I - ;h, ;. �� , ,.,Z: I ..� �Vj� � . _;o _d�o .i - - ,,:�,� 1�i , " � , ", ... , .A.", )_,� :�. . , --,��, - I .. .; , ; "A, I , X ii�� I . �V,,,. , I I . ,��. 1, , , Z., '' , " � " - "I .: � �, "'. I , , . L , �> Cars or Flowers furnished 0 .... I � T= I.. 1. �:> as requested. 0 — _____ ___ -, ___ - __ __ - - - _­ - - __ - __ - - - ,i� � LO -2. �> Day or Night, Phone 67. 0 3� 0 1 Huron and Efie I Debentures for Me I IG. k. HOLUND, AGENT I Dubfin, Ontado . I "Biltmore " NEW FALL HATS Alpine and Derby Blocks. New Coiors. Prices................. $2.50 to $8 Sizes 6y, to 7j78. P, I KELLY, STRATFORD One way fare paid from Mitchell, Dublin and Seaforth, either by railroad or car, on purchases of $20.00 or over. . — __ ------------------ - THE JOHN RANKIN - I - �� v I ,- � --- . AGENCY I . � Insurance of aH kinds. � . i , ,. -, ", �11��I.ffi.�W.,­_ — Money to Loan I V ­_ ­_ ­.- - , I 'y 1 �14 __ SEAF6RTH, ONTARIO ' � i �"..'._ " I * , , " , Phone 91 . __ - 1 I 7S , : .. ��, , .. I 1� - - � , �11 �: Ill , - ... 4 A BARGAIN FOR SALE. -Five acres, one mile MORMI from Seaforth; modern hwisa with . furnace, bath and toilet; .small b"D; . . . good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid I - - . chance to start chicken fal'in, bees, etc. Apply to R. S. RAYS, GRMN BINDER ADERTISEMENT - Seaforth, Ont. The New McCormick -Deering Grain Binder combines the beat 29ryg-tf mechanical features of the popular McCormick and Deering harveA- I 1-1 . ...... —_ � ters. that hive won their way to fame during nearly, a century of I �� 11 .-L ­ I service. Lighter in draft and more convenient of operation, thio new - I I Grain Binder is made with either the McCormick knotter or the weN L I I 11 . . I known Deering Knotting and Binding head, otherwise the machine Irs , � I , � "MI I � I; 41 . 40 ,111, ", "I , 1110 . I .1 "I ,�� standard throughout. There are twenty-two improvements built in- � . L . rmick - .. I 1 , % U64*0ft ra"k 11r,6% ""A to the McCo -Deering that make It t6bre desirable than former � �, I "I I a" a a it** models. � . I ,�,, y4w wal -A , . �. .1 =w upra" ft 0 , �� , � "t I 1=01M UW& No Let Us Demongtrate. ,;. � � � ,,��,�� � I I . I , � , I I '­ . 4 L t I , i, �',�,, I .n I I I ­4'�111'1 k IL ,,*�, 1 L . , . :,�,,,,, LL 11 , , ,; 0 A * L W�! ��,.. I C. S. HUDSOX flinsiall �, tb � �', zl�'11 ,�,t 11,�'11'11� — . I � I I . I" .1 , P., ­ � I � I I L. � L!, .. . . � ­:: ;,'i L� . k wou ,�,� Agent fot f,"It line d Tate-rhatioll A,swofit,61­6 t .0mado., ," � i I .. I . I . . r# I% .1 .. � , �,,;, " �,, " I k'� L. _ �­ . , ",,�":''� ' ' �,110'�' _ , .1-. -,r,; J_a , Agent, I 'bil'o Law , mitei4l. . ,, - � , - -, , , � ­i� ""' ­ .... --`Z-----'-- I 0-11, I I .L' � 0. "Ill li'...'."*�"", 2, ­­., ... : " ".. ,� L _!Q11 I 1 4 -, -� ... - . .. . . ­ ­�'t-�V , "­ ­ I Id , : , , �., � ,,�'',::�, . �.L 111. . ,� ­',�,,,,�,�': !0, . ...", . _�,Z�, 4,, (, i 1. �. ,_'L "��, ,�� L'. L] , r ,,,, �,%'. I � 'i, , "I" :­ ,p�,,� , I I 'L �, ';qL,�,,Lj. . I , "' 'L., 11'1�11,1 I . I I - 11 -11 "L ,,,Ii�Lr" � I . I . ;, '�, � , "L, ' '. , , . �' I . . " . I _" 11. , ,�, -Kr '� 1i ,, I ,, ­�_­�',;?,,, 11 111; .L_ . " , L . ..... � I � I i , * , ""' �"`­;", .1 I , . I I I. - . i , I. 1 - _,�:, L �� i� "I 11, 1 ,� " !')�L . I ,. L I . . . I � I , I' '", 1: I il,141 ll) 4.1;1 ,� , L , . . : I I ! '.,., .. �.' . 4L , ", L , .. ,; I ";,,;,�, 'i� ' � L ,_ L , � ": .,,� " '_,. , ,T) . ir,��_�Ll.­', "" P,' ... . 1, '. . , ,, _­,­­� ..... . ... L. ,A, �'­ --I, ­ 11 I . � "71 11 ' - -'� 11 I , . �'. I I � � ", ,-,,� I I �, � , ,� �., I 14111 lt'­il.,�� .. , -� ;,` �Jq "' $, "",,�­', . ,, �­ - j-. L�',k , , ""' r�­'­­ �' ,t'l,­��`,. - . ,,:L " ,) "�, . . . - � In � �j "'IT ",L,", , ,;�, �,_ ��.', " ,; �': "'.''!, 'I 7 ", �: " , �: �,,�-�;�,, , ," 2 ", �i I 1, 1:1 .1 � .1. L . :, L �k 'A ,,, .. '� 4'.."Is, 11--1-1 , '', , ��, ��', -,q, "L;� �,� ill.,�", _; L.��,�.�',",�,4"�',�j-'� ZvO ...�)"!��i-ii,e..v,,�.i�tK�.',�i����,!,�,�'-'�,,,r�p,�.,��,'i�lliel;'.1l.ii����,�',�s',�,,,�'.,� -..--. _ ... . ... _ .._ -, ,.,,,.�.,,,,.-.,,,--,,IAP"�),x,,"",, 1 ,,,,�i N.',',?z1,fz,n �,� ; '�`l").., 'L"?, "" I .: , , �` 'IN I , , -,��,,:.'i!`,L,,-,.,ii 1� ,'� �, ,�14, %',!� . .`.i , ',',�, "!,!� '�,� �," ", I ., D * � .L ` ,.k �,­� �,,;Z I.." A"Vli, "I � �,"., ,�,�,�,I -, �,f "' L %­,� � "'� '­, ., , ,� " ,". � 11,14�;.,�t,'g i%7A 11.�,,ii' `�.i.`��,� .�i��!;�4�-L'�I';�1� � �� , ,��, I �, , ;, . ;� I tL - - . �'��,,'t , , , L ": � . ... . . �: