HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-09-23, Page 7I I ,; , , , � 1 , � , � z ;, , .:, , ,,, � , k .,� , " " . I I I'll I I � � I � �, , ,, , � " " , I, �' , '. � , 11 , �, , "."., 1__�,,`k`,_`. ." � , � I'll 111, "I, ., 11: � -!�,, I � k, ,� .1 ". ­�G,i ��, ,: o�,:,;�! ,4 . � �� ,,, '', ,:��,:� �,-, � `�,,, `# " �! , 1, : ,, " ;�. '." . � ,-, . . _4,1 V F ""Vgl )# 1, I 1-1.11 1'4� k - 11, - 1 -4 k" � ­­, ,k', ", , ""'ff"", 11 ". , ': I., ': A� , -T I I " ,,, � - � , "'� `� - , , , F-�, .11=40 ", _. "I 1 , ,� Z ,.� � '1111 ��"!��'-,�"�,��,;��'��',���',,�,'.���.���,.", '.1 ,'j- 1�,,�', . , , 'N'-" -4 - " "I, " � , 'f `,&'� - , j-"" , . , " X,,%� "��I, _ , ,�,"-,,�,,�, �,'.� ., ,.� " I W; M ,� A" � , , o " Pvk� "V , :��, - "M � " I �k'!��',�,�4�,,,��,���,��',����..k �a ." ,��-11�,""N �'@00, "__�..�� " � , I , i 0� :5� I "; , I � ,,,�,�",� "�. , ,, V � ) .1 1 ­K."111111�14!!11`4 �, , �'. , , , AA .409 i-�`,,� 1, - " k,.,�p,r, , . , . .. ,, I r , " , . � ., . 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I � ielll�o % 11, I I g' - '. 6 -1 11 _4 I k X. .. "lk ,,, Is': ,,, m ft W 'ped xj,&', �, � "I', , �, � 4.. , , .1 . , I d I ,1�,,� , � , "7­�� -,� � , k hard ' ; - I �� ,�Jr;iaju'' . ­ , . �­ ,�, I'll , � �� - I tq_0m x0n�g, ,40;i, ;boa- ",9497 �,P_x W� ._4 Nvp," I . � ..;; , -1,4 ­ , , � � �,T�* �11 , � 1. �� 'I, ,�',k 11 � , ., 4sk',)4-A­r0't. -!�?' Y�.� *V F �,r,%Fod, . - , -, ip�p,! " ��-_or , _�.. "'i, " � ; ,4$44. 9 �� qA'46�, 44 , , *�Apft im . 11 I - !'�,7,�� � , , , ,� ��! _.... - __ ��_�,��i W�/ , , # � we caAA � � .. . . , . .- - � _;� f ; I I v ,,�- 4" 11 .; . I 0. ___ , 1, � 11 " .. . � . ." � I '. .. . , W ,. I I � " ,�, -Mll , ,,�. �­ � . ' 'had to 41 M, aver educ .1 1 k"4 � Jq a- V_ I - ,�! - I------- *'0WPA.XW.":11 1, ' - -the ,I)ed, Wrip q P&,7L4t'% ;��:��.TJXTAF k, 4;,r,#,.-, In _D� .*��, 1 I I . " 11 - ;f � w-&`,�",;, ,- # mms' ­ , " kl" ., 404 .w.e I I ,,, � . . I � . �OL A" - �' M , Wk=,4y " .to ,MM11'000� � .f� I .. ��, w �, mmr� I . , ­�,. , I I � �­ -� , i , . �,�A ,; � 0 low - �­ �411 11 I . ­�, ­ r .", �f;�VA�I�IV'I%Ias �-bff' I, n'�T.40,4' 111:121410Pfidin. we gokt�­w.e had7k`nq,,�', To teach 'Ice's , . �1 ,4,!.'-, , . I " - ._­ _ -! 11 I 1. 11?__ . I . I accoulotts at ur _ �1. :7"" ]� , ,� '11, -.1 , ,.4, -, "' , " -�Q, upp.ii. PAA, and `Z.q, � � . � .0,111, . . . - � " , . ;? k -L, ­Yl IV . KUF . ,,,�,�"',�,, . , � , . , �;#,% s . � , . �, I 11, � - 91 , h4nd with sim�u j' , gine 'c.q" IMM \ , . ip , QYi lqlc�%Pi� 4�, , , q I I . __ ­ , I ,,-* "�'j" 7 , us courtesy." - ,,�:4:ii,1?,,, , ;­ ,�, ; , !,,,� 1, s tj of `k1S;Jyd,,agqs�tk9j�j �, q� 11 ., . I I ' ' ' I � . ' -, '"' , '101��i: I k,� j , '. I I ,�, �� feet,A'aith th4t in fi. an B 11 McGolweyk, 00h now, witb.Your', ", I .. I �1: 11 I ", �!kl ," 4. . I �i-: . . .... �, ".,k"�,- �;,,�'," yyg.�R,"',.,'�"'f� j.�,, -.4 . I . ;�,',., , �" - . ' andid , ' - -- �, � � , , _ ,,01CL cioctor . . I - . . I .. . . . . ,�, - � I ., I 1. � 'k, ' i , . .. . . � ", . - _� . - - ere; � id . �,,, �1 � �,�",�, �.�; . J1, �..'V , ,-4i4dered.'for an hour'a4d came father? Surely lie w � .0 - �_ all,the troubles',of lifem � e:m , . � ' .. . I .1 ,W I , '4a,vk to: 'find that,, ' ' . �R�,,!., pi inspira . . At the BANN or- "I I "; " , "', �wi; I . 'I A . 4tw,ie �,glbo 11 di - -- � e � in a "dry" city tiou?y, Jeff diditet, kth'*,-�Ii,'"e, trouble I I MMIT . , I �. ��'.'?11,1!� I � I " L I I'll . ; ' I . _ — . ­. �� " J 1 '. I � ""', � � riend, which he had never seen - I . . I . , I I 1. ...-., I, ,!,,� 1:� "I 1_ 11 . I - q3ill:-�' * "'M f before, the to hide the sneer. - , !!,,t4l�g. . I �- .. ,, xeOM - � �.� kl� .1 "I 14- 1. - ,q", qlv,opacy 7 . - ­ .t',k Q. t � �A�' - I 11�., . . , ,�� U I I k FlIKE .1 � � r o. yesij),'ut-!�,� — I ,_ .. . e up the no. accoutit is too -sni to � 1_'' 11, ��;�- 6.� �!�i` �11 , ll .,� - I - � , ,� 11 . , crafty Bill had obtained a quart of "Yes. He was. . ao'�$Vl 1 . t'�p '' 11, .. I I -, . - I I �.,km,, � ., I., I 1�' "It,,'*h�t', hard enbUifis to carry his Bourbon, and was in a -state of un-. chance to -be 9, rich 1.0a W' �J)a order -to -,- I " I I - ., ;Z" ,", ,,',�11 . , . . ,, R" "�, - :",f. _ 4" . . - - receive the unl,444 atterition I ­ 1. .1 �7.1 , �� mem �ig, ` . .��. onfAr if . steady beatitu&. Hc� wanted, be airW save farmers, bables f6r',#' . :'!,;. " ,,,,;�� n ,�ps that he , ,-,�­tg, i � I _Z�# ;XEAD OFF1CZ­$VAF0,RTR,,0NT. - ' I , . ", �,4 _ , ­ I I . I,; I$ , . , I I ; .��: ",�;�",- ','�,�-',,'� " , , He - pictured Jeff Saxton leering at nounced, to dance, I I I , , t, � 'never got." I I." ',",�,�,'�� ", "I' 1� k- � . ! ; ���k, ­�.: . ,W. ��, � .. . I I , , , � . ,- , � � . ' 1�' � \ � I � : �", `,`�`, `_ , , I I . , 11 --1 � � 'It got him into"the community ,'Z,�� I of it$ officens . I , 11 " ,�,��,,�, .k:�, the door, and - while be pounded Bill's Mi "I'm sure h did. I ' 411,11 known , .�." - I I I - 1- "-k I " , I - �, �. " Orriok*Sw ..", , I . T,-k.w , I � �� f.,; ��,,,�_'-,0 �� 11��.. � ,; . . shoulder, and called him the name batlitub, and soused him under, but him. Wis­ne'ed .kto, kx)w �*,�bmen 11ke - , I ', 1. do=,6111,rjk�Gio4l, 'k - - Prosident Which, west of -Chicago, is t Is wet body was slippery, and that in this pink4rostin iop I > . I" kv�,J,--,,`,�', 11_,`,�;'�� - '1� he, token Bill I Zpaying at I " ­ � k. A�k ­ ,,, ,� �,k " , -:', .: 11 , I lao-Jilvan13, Be.eehvood, Vice-propident of hatred and of extreraegla4iless at Bill's merry's4l was all -for frolic- living 'we; have in cities,,14z'v�,Claire said i ... - ,,, , . �� ._n_ll �` ­ I _ - I . I 1 �­;"& " ii�,i� , ` Me'' i � D- F, McGreg0riBeafOrth, SM-Tteft- meeting; he discovered that some- one some gamboling, and he slid Out Of sweetly -not to Milt 6 ifp, Jeff. . I .., ,­ ­�?, 0. 1 I � I . ­ . -,V 4. � � I , ojm� - . � I tad stolen his stomach and left a Milt's grasp, -he iloshed around in the - ,M s. Gilson `,:_, em, wait- I ­� _ " _ek,�O�,g . �� . . I , , I ,. , , I 1. - I . 6 BMK "' MONTREAL . , " � I r rg(,� 1"�,,-'ie,� � . AGENTS: I . 20" k -1W �,�,k piece of lee in its, plaked. ' tub, he sprinkled Milt's sacred godd ing wilh the .patience ,'�p,,; 6 1. / k .�"­111­1. 1, A I ­J,_,,q',,cat at S I . R"74's- ,�,,17��: 1 1, - 11.1 i ", -1 I Alexk� Leitch, R. R. No.'I, Clintan- They settled down on bed "and _6�air, suit with soapy ,water,' and escaped , Established' 1817 1� 1;,k1j. ��� "'," . I .1, ' ! ,,�,,�,v;ii��k� `,�; I . . . I - -mouse-hole, and she kw.,k) V.' on, "But , I � I I �, .1 ­,.. 1". 0. ,,, W. B. Hinebley, Seaforth- John"Mur; Bill's ears red with 'Joy, while Milt and in the costume of Adam he dallc-.. -you haven't said yo 'd _' 0 th, eve- ; Watal Assits-iwexcess <X i7go.000,000 / :T Ye6, Gods- demanded: - _ . . , I �, I 'J��,k I � ed orientally in Milt's room, itill he 1 I'll ... Way' Eginoildville- J. W. . I . . ning. -Do �U. _'$�,Audt sup- ; .11, ., ,kk rleg, , . .11 -11, ,� 1, "'.1 .1 . . ', k �*P 1 1`%'1010; ... i " - , R. G. Jarmuth, Braftagajo6. , - � "ilffow the deuce did ydu get -here?" was seized with sleepiness and cosmic, pose Mr. McGollups wa,ddpe to dress I I � 11. 1. -1-1 ­ � I I I . I ,,, Hensall Branch: W. A. HOUSTON, Manager � � 1371 I 1�1` . I I..."i"41, .", 11 . I.. '1.iWtll, tell you;.; old. hoss. Schoen- grief, .and retired to.. Milt's bed in for dinner ?" - -� ""7% . 11 � to'�* I V DIRECTORS: � . Clinton Branch: H. IL SHARP, Manager I 1'.: �All' �L­ stiain got, so darn lonoi -after you tears and nothing else. k With saccharin dev,.od6i1,'A`,11lt yearn- I Brumfield, (Sub-AsencjI): Open, Tuesday and Saturday. . I �. 7.1_1..,:� 1; � . , � I I . I I �..,� ,;1 WtHam Rinni. No, 2 Sealortb � left,-, An& when Ben�`-and Aeluie got The room dhnm6d, grew Aark. The i sofi',','-_ No. Mr. ! . I ,,','L' . _ ed back, "No, Mrs. Gil - I I - �,,' 1, � " , ' . 0,� . ...... %IT;. 1% . . . "I'll � �;geu; � jr,j I y address and boo street lamps outside ,sent a wan, wav- McGolwey won't car� tc6dres . He's - .-.-.--- - - _�a�,,�,T;- �'�� ,rem Bffnn�wies, Biod) a .Zht the. garage, .. �� - — .. �Ikl.�"T;. � , ,. pa . " 41, 1 .1 3 � ______ __ I----- ___ . , . ''. 2 � -_ , � % 1, lez I -ttle 6 .91 bry gleam into the room. Five ' L ­�I,­ _... _,� ,�4.1 , , ","'.. . Bvam, Beechwbod- XMcEwen, CIft. t go oir ou,a, i uni nIng eccentric." 4", . - . _-_`t � 0i, .4k ?I . I � . . . . . . . I" w ' tion- James Milt was realizix*­,­and�hath1,gbim_ crowds went by, and in a motion-ple- "But you'll make hini cbme I __ - . . ­', '1111 I all� 1. , . .;'111� "I IZI 6;�Wofiy, Goderich; Alex - — ? , - . �, �,; P1111 � I 1, , . _." I � self for realizin Billyfi face was ture, theater a banging piano struck Milt was I I I . . . . . . . . . . . iiWAdf oot, No. 8,-L Seaforth �, .T., Q. tactfully bd,'g#r'*g to re- � 1, ., ..;:,*,I _ ,; ......... 44 � " ,�, . - . �, ;:::,,­_ I 11�1 . I - . !� , I x��;:'�, . air linty,. the bo esins of up. kBill breathed in choking snorts, fu,, n,gj�-t , . . Girtive, No,, 4, Walton�-Robik when Gene Gilso: . , �.t 0�§t explod- - Emaniiiniom , " q rt rarrij dirty, bis h tt -,. I - ,- r 4,�A, ... ' his trousers frayed masses of mud, Milt sat- unmoving, feeling very old, ,; - .k L' Hailock: George MeOsrtiney,' NQ.. 3 ed, turned purple, cavbtj0&1"bis drip- . 1.11 . , � u.�:��- , - ' �� ��'4,",W,N, i, . "., , � while 'Bill chuckled: . very tired, too dumbly unhappy to be years there. This staff about i the little old lady. .... �,;,IMI, I.O., Seaforth; Murraift Gibson. ii;u; "All ,, pffig, too -red lips with. 14 . flavor %� ., ,A . baxdker- Many it has no food value. Besides ...61111 1 1,11� � � . VT., , I ,�:k.�;,, . ,:�. � .:_ . I ; I figured out may�be I could get a frightened of the dreadful e ' I A. the charm of backwoods villages --the "How do you do, Aunt Harriet," and food value, the peach delivers the ,�k, �� .1 " I'll OmIng chief. �._i3'� �. I . , . I � 111�1 L 1 job here in a restaurant, and you and hour kwh'en Claire and Jeff should hear The, abruptly, Milt people that write it seem to take jolly remarked Mrs. Gilson, with great usual health value't4atk 'goes with � � " ", � . . burled at Mrs. �!��. 11 ,',�, , Long Island suburbs!" lack of -warmth. I 'k, � me could room together. I sold out of Bill, and discover Milt's real world. Gilson "'All right. We'll c�dme. Bill'll care to stay in fresh friiits in the way of acidg and- ,.. " 11P " � I :,,­ I kkIV � , , I � 1. "I - I my good will in the Old Homo Lunch fHe was not so romantically loyal, Is "Clairef" He was whispering des- "Hello, Eva. Sit down on the edge minerals. . � � ��Pr � �, `n be awfully funny. He's never een - �:� � � ,:1 V for a h,l.dred buck.. I was going not so inhumanly heroic, that it can rately, "The tea's most done. Oh, of the porch. Those chickens have Fresh peaches when used in "madell . �, � ", t JAMES WATSON out of a jerkwater burg,- his life, Pe ,�kk;l 11 L".. � � 4i 11, k, ;- to travel swell, riding the cushions. truthfully be r6ported that he never hardly. He's an anskusipg�,',euss. He my dear- -I'm crazy with this putter- made it awful dirty, though, haven't desserts will change the simplest Ilk' � � dish . 1k, � " .�',' - . SEAFORTH,ONT. But Pete Swanson wanted me to go thought of getting rid of Bill. He did thinks I'm smart! He I me like ing around, trying to woo you and they? Bring out some chairs. There's into one that is "fit for a king." As I ..." �` -­ 2 ... � ".. �,, ,� _1!14,t4 !, _ I � . down to the Cities first, and we run think of it, again and again. But a dog. Oh, he's richl, Ha, ha, hat" having to woo the entire Gilson tribe. two chairs that don't go down under this lucious fruit is usually expensive ,,��,,,;,t, M '. ­­ , GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT into some pretty swift travelers in always he was touched by Bill's un- Milt might have gone on . . Let's run -2way!" you --often." Aunt Harriet was very during the greater part of the -year, ­ ,1�, ,",�, . .;, . ; * , � . . . � � I , -,, r, "­ _1% 'No; first I'm going to convince cheerful. there is an inclination to look upon it ­e�'111 I . representing oul3r the best Can- Minneapolis, and a couple of girls- suspecting trust, and shook his head, If he had, MT. and Mrs.'Gllson would "I ,� - , , :­, � I , I swan, British and Amerie�n saaaaaaay, kid, some class!" I and sank again into the fog. have gone away, much displeased. But them that you are -what I know you The group lugubriously settled in a as a luxury, but during the present "I".."", � , .'.q ,, Companies. . � Bill winked, and Milt -Mit was What was the use of trying to go Bill arrived, with some of -the wrost are." circle upon an assemblage of wind- season, while a plentiful supply is ob- �'.. � 1, i I Ali Idiads of insurance effected rather -sick. He knew Bill's concep- abead? Wasn't be, after all, merely tea in the world, and four cups taste- "But you can't." broken red velvet chairs and wooden tainable, it should be used in our 'l-l'o'. v ` * 11 .11 � V ' , I at the lowest rates, including tion of class in young women. Was a Bill McGo,wley himself fully done in cupid's headsi and much "Ifuhl YOU wait! I've thought of stools. They resembled the after- every -day menus just as often as pos- I , 7, .1, ,,, ..... . FIRE, LIFE, A(JCIDENT, AZW,O- this the fellow he had liked so well? If he was, be wouldn't inflict him- gilt. the most beautiful, beastly cruel plan math of a funeral on a daml) day. sible. . �; ,7 , ., � .. 1�1 � , MOBILF, TORNADO AND PLATE These the ideas whieh a f�w months self on Claire. Milt made tea, ignoring them while for the reduction of social obes- Claire was the cheerful undertaker, ­'.� I � � � I � I I -, 'N., 'R . OL * Mrs. Gilson the 'grief-stricken wi- Peach Rosettes. 11 � � i�, ,,,k, . GLASS RISKS. I ago he had taken as natural and ex- For several minutes he gave up for- Bill entertained the Gilsong an� Sax- ity—,, '1'0�`_�4�j.' tremely amusing? ever the zest of climbing. tons with Rabelalsian, stories of Then she was jauntily announcing, dow. ' 1'�ii�k, 5G . Two egg-whites, five tablespoonfuls .".""y . I I -Also- "And I got held -up in an alley off When Bill awoke, brightly solicitous threshing -time when shirts prickly "Tea, my dears. Jeff, you get the Claire waved at Milt and convers- I I " . ", , granulated sugar, 2 supfuls cornflakes, lt, "... Avenue, and they got about the rest of the quart of Bour-' with chaff and gritty with dust stuck tooth -mug. Isn't this jolly!" ed with Aunt Hatty in a high brisk 11 11 .. , I REAL BSTATB and LOAN AGENT Washington I teaspoonful vanilla. I � "I I - ready to "go*out to sweat-drip'ping backs; of the "fun- "Yes. Oh, yes. Very jolly!" Jeff voice: "This is the nice boy I met on 7', the last twenty bones off'n me, and I bon, and bouncingl�r Beat the egg whites until stiff. Add %411 ,;­,�,," ., �;,t,rZ,,, Representing "Huron and ErW' was flatter In a pancake. So I says and have a time," Milt loafed about ill being hired was thoroughly patronizing, but she the road that I think I told you about, 11 141 fe6ts with him, showing him to move a garbige-pile 1sw=i in I i 0 look off ended. She made them Cousin Hatty." - 'Ila and cornflakes. AT- , Mortgage Corporation, of Londov6 ny thing" of Milt and B and , p g, d d sugar, vard ­�'% I � 1.1, 'ish kabibble,l and I sneaks onto the the st 01 range in rings on a buldng sheet and 1. �'.�111 �� I Ontario. blind baggage and bums my way the of drink the acid tea, and taste the chalk The little old lady screwed up 'th 11 �� . �.­ _�ity. He dully cut his classes, their employer's "mushinelons"-, e brown in a moderate oven (975 d ' 11, Prompt attention paid to placing West, You'd 'a, died lau ng to next morning, and took Bill to the knotting shirts at the swimming hole like bread and butter sandwJkches. ,9he delicate skin about her cyes exam- eg. I 11,, ghi I � F ) Remove with pancake turner to I-! -;_ :WI I INV risks and adjusting of claims. seen me throwing my feet for grub. wharves. so that the bawling youngsters had to coaxed Bill to go on with his stories, ined Milt and cackled, "Boy, there's' individual plates and fill centres ivith I . . . . J�l Ob, I'm some paiihandlerl There was It was late in the afternoon, when "chaw beef"; of drinking beer, in the and when the persistent Mrs. Gilson I something wrong here. You ,� Business established 50 years, . chopped sweetened peaches. Top with I., guaranteeing good service. livery -stable at Melrose; of dropping agai don't be� 1� I one Fran sicked her dog onto me, and they were lounging in the room, and n asked the pariahs to come to lo,ng with my family. Why, you too kk�`Ili , whipped cream if desired. ��:;,. - . I kicked him in, the jaw and— Oh, Bill was admiring his new pants -he the water -pitcher from a St. Klop- dinner, Claire astonished Milt, and like an American. You haven't got� . I", OFFICE PHONE, 33. ' ,I- - ,4 � it was one swell hike." boasted of having bought them for stock hotel window upon the head of still more astonished Mrs. Gilson, by an imitation monocle, and I bet you, Baked Peaches. , � ' k I I begging, "Oh, yes, please do come, can't talk with a New York-Londo ..,!,�� . RESIDENCE PHONE, 60. Milt was trying to ignore the voice three dollars, and pointed out that the 'constabule" and escaping from n : -4, I ­ that was raging, "And no,Cv he expects Milt had been a "galoot" to spend ten him across the lean-to roof. Milt." accent. Why, Claire, I'm ashamed of 1 Pare peaches, cut in halves, remov- ' - 1�7,�, � I .1 ,- � I to live on me, after throwing Kis own dollars for sh m Mrs. Gilson encouraged him; Bi14 Ile consented, savagely. you for bringing a human being into � ing stones, and arrange in shallow k "I - __ — I baking dish. In each cavity, put one �.; 11 , � The waster! 'ho --%at with almost cl"ed eyes, ,ki , .. - money away. The - knocked at the door. Sleepily expect- ory-ing "But first," Claire added to Mrs. the Boltwood-G il son- Saxton tomb and � . . I bo! He'll expect to meet Claire . ant of his landlady, Milt opened it in the saga of small-town life; Sax- Gilson, "I want us to take the boys expecting—" I half tea -spoon honey. 1-2 teaspoon but- . "' LONDON AND WINGHAM - I'd kill him before I'd let him soil her on Miss Claire Boltwood, Mr. and ton and Gilson did not conceal their to— Oh, I have the bulliest idea. Then was the smile of Mrs. Gilson ter and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake ��_'�" �, , . " I - by looking at her. Him and his Mrs. Eugene Gilson, and Mr. Geof- contemptuous grins. come, everybody. We're going rid- lost forever. It was simultaneously' in a moderately hot oven until the ....I' 11 I . . I North. ing. torpedoed, mined, scuttled and bomb- I peaches are tender. Serve with cream 11 ,, . . a.m. p.m. classy girls!" Milt tried to bear only frey Saxton. But Claire— After nervously "Uh, where -?" hinted Mr. Gil- 'd . It went to the bottom without a,on slices of sponge cake. ::: , ,, ' the other inner voice, which informed Saxton calmly lo�aked past him, at rubbing the tips of her thumbs with � 11 Exeter ............ 10.16 6.04 bim, "He looks at you so trustingly. Bill, smiled slightly, and condescend- flickering agitated fingers, she had son. ripple, while Mrs. Gilson snapped ' 1 .114 1 � Heasall ........... 10.30 6.18 "Thal's my secret. Come!" "Aunt Hatty, please. don't be vul- I September Pudding. I 11�, , Hir,"d give you his shirt, if you needed ed, "I thought we ought to call on paid no attention to Bill and the rev- I �.. 'Al ... I �.l Kivpen ........... 10.35 6.23 it -and he wouldn't maike you ask for you, so we've dropped in to beg for elation of Milt's rustic life; she had Claire pranced to the do<rr. herded gar." i Ifeat one pint of milk in the double ��,.,, .1 . ,k� . I,. : , 1% Brucelleld ........ � 10.44 6.32 it!" � tea." quietly gone to Milt, to help him pre- all of them down to the limousine, "Me?" croaked the little old lady. - h,,il,-r and when boiling hort add two , ', ": � (Muton Jet . ....... 10.58 6.46 VIt,itned to Ise hearty: "What're Bill had stopped midway in scratch- whispered an address to the cbauf- She puffed at her pipe, and dropped _� , , ng t pare the scanty tea. "M tablespoonfuls nf enrnstarch mixed I.. .1 01biton., Ar . ....... 11.05 6.52 yo o do, old kid " ing his head to gape at Claire. Claire She whispered, "Never mind, dear. feur- her elbows on her knees. . y, ain't with one-third cupful sugar, the beat- %: 11,�,�$A Cfint�)D, Lv . ....... 11.15 6.52 ,'Well, the first think I'm going to returned the look, stared at Bill's I don't care. It was all twice as Milt didn't care much for that ride. it hard to please some folks," k- � ion volks of two eggs and two table- � 11 . , I., clilito 11.%1 6.58 do is to borrow ten iron-Inen and a frowsy hair, his red -wrists, his much fun as being wheeled. in lacy Bill was somewhat too evidently not "Cousin Hatty, I want Milt to - . I .qpo()nfuls milk, all blended together �, 1. , Londesboroiigh_�_ .. . - 11.85 " 7.12 1 wrinkled, grease -stained coat, his ex- prams by cranky nurses, as Jeff and accustomed to limousines. He wiped know about our families. I love the until smooth. Stir while combining ��,�� I pair of pants." . I, I : B)Yth - I ........... 11.44 7.21 ,'You betl Here she is. Haven't pression of impertinent stupidity. f were. But I know how YOU feel. his shoes, caked with red mud, upon dear old stories," Claire begged pre- and until custard is thickened, thest . �,� - 11.56 7.33 e - �, - , , got any extra pants. Tell you: Here's .Then she glanced questioningly at Nre you ashamed of having been a the seat -cushions, and ipologiz . I remove from fire and fold in the beat- ,�,, �F,. another five, and you -can get the Milt, who choked: spiringly. He said, "Gee whillikens, Mrs. Gilson snarled. "Claire, I en egg�white-. Flavor as desired., I , Winghaim Ar.. 12.08 7.45 - prairie pirate?" I .1 11 , Winglianti, Jet, Lv.. 12.08 7A5 n the next block, "Ob, yes, sure, glad see you, come "No, I'm not! We -Prp wild kids that's a dandy idee, telephone to bawl really—" 1 Pour into a glass dish -when .somewhat .,�, Wingbam ......... 12.12 7.65 this side of.the street. Hustle along in, get some tea, so glad see yo ^7e raised a lot of Cain --but I'm the, ghuffer out with," and "Are them "Oh, do shut up, Fva and don't be. oolked, and just before. serving cover :,. � , now and get lem I " Ile chuckled at come In—" flowers real, the bokay in the vase?"Iso bos I . "i *1 , ssy!" velped the dear ittle old r I 01 I South. 1 7 - glad we did." . 1 the top with hAlved ripe peaches, the ,., Bill- h6 patted his arm; he sought to I "So' am 1. I couldn't stand it if But the Gilsom and Jeff Saxton lady' i.n su�den and dismaying rage.. cavitiqq of which are filled with bits :i�., 1� , , I a -In. p.m. hu;;�y him out . . . . He had to be ere happy about it all -till the car -1,11 talk if I want to. Have th ! ��;., you, were ashamed. Listen to me, - ey I of brightly colored jelly. Be sure to - 4, � , � .64 .6.55 8.P alone, to think. CHAPTER XXXIII and remember little Claire's words of turned from a main thoroughfare up- been bullying you, Claire' ' I Or Yourjh2ve all very cold. 1.�l - - 1� I 7.01 9. , BT)t -Bill kissed the fifteen dollars, wisdom. These fools are trying---ob, on a muddy streets of shacks that boy? I tell you, boy', these families , �� �, 7.15 8.32 carelessly ram 4 it . to'his pocket, TOOTH -MUG TEA they're so obvioust-they're trying to clung like goats to the sides of a high , are fierce. I was brought up in ' Hot Peach Shortcake- �, , " I" Belgrave ' t, a street unchanged from the Brooklyn - -went through all tho I 'i'g� me IT - BiA h ... 7.27 8.44 crawled back ,,,, the - bed, yawned, "My friend Mr. McGolwey-I knew make me Teel that the prim Miss Bolt- cu r favorit,s layer cake in ,kl , an- pioneer days of Seattle. qchools-used to be a4il, to misplay i Bake you �. � � - I ,_ Z m slee0- him in -Schoenstrom--come on to wood of Brooklyn Heights is a str 9, Claire,- you a 11 �. Litaesboroigh . . . . - 7.85 8.52 1,WhaVs the rush ? 0 sh, 11 ren't the piano and mispronounce FrenchitwO layers. Put together while hot � Clinton JeL ....... 17.49 4.06 Say, 'Milt, -whady-uh tliink of me and Seattle for a while. Bill, these are ger to you.' Well, they're succeeding "Good heaven ��,� to see Aunt Hatty, aro em he Cre 's with chopped fresh poaches, and serve 11 . Clii6ton ........... 7.56 4.18 you starting a lunch -room here to- some people I met along the road," in making me a stranger -to thenil" taking us with the best of ' . T n ne, with whipped cream into which hats I �1.k, 8.03 4.20 gether? Von got enough ifioney out Milt grumbled. 'kClairel Dearl You d 't mind you?,, wailed Mrs. Gilson. pa and I came West together - he I 'VLL��, 11, firucefield .......... 8.15 4.32 of the garage—If "Glad to meet I em. Have -a chair. Bill 9 " P", lk'Oh yes, indeed. I knew the boy,; had an id(ka he'd get rich robbing i been beaten 1-4 cupful chopped rais- I I ,11. 9.22 .1.4 ".0h, no, n0000, gee, I'd like to, do you. You would like to meet her." the Injuns of their land. And we I ins and the kernels of two peaches . .�, - 0 , Have, two chairst Say, Milt, y'ought "Yes. I do. And so "No, really, I don't think—" went broke. I took in washing. I! paunded to a paRte. . �, . . . . . . - Hensall . e ......... U2 ..50 Bill, but you see, well, I've got to t4r. have more chairs if you're going have grown away from him." a .. � SA7 4.05 hold onto what little I've got so I k :omlng to -1 don't know but-- To -day has "Eva, my soul, Jeff and you plan- learned a lot. I learned Gilson was 1 �..,'::�.. to bave a bunch of swells e ned'our tea party to -day, and assured jus, - '41 �t the , ,� � 10ANter ............ cgxr get through engineering school." at Say, I 'been quite a test." ,ismt, cnrnmon stuff as a rkekd-� . call on you. Ha, ha, h . I 1, .. ?, ,11810ite, but you co the "Yes. It has. Because If I can me I'd be so interested in Milt'q ihirt minor, when he was up against� HATCH -MAKING PAID BlF,rrW ,� I ,� I . guess I better pike out and give acbelor apartment— By the way, it. But G-ene's pa qucceedked-there 't, C. N. R. TIME TABLE restaurant -you could work evenings ill stand your friend Mr. McGol-wey—l' b �t!� folks a chance to chin with you," B �, . ­ In fhedu and there'd be a lot of I ,!Then you do care I " I . I'd beeti u� there already, so it wasn't was something about practically ,� .,�', .- - Inp? fondly offered. 84 . -n to -,tealing a fur schooner --but I never ,;�:�, East Ity sports hanging around, and we'd Milt snapped at Perhaps. And it I think that bets entirely a surprise. It's my tu7 . 1, I ci I "Oh, sit down," Milt, "Dear wits n- t ttle on my kin. Any- Hon. R. B. Bennett, K.C., M.P., I U I a.m. P-14- have the time of -our lives-,, . oh, not much good, and I remember lead." She confided to o o o ta jl.� , . Goderigh .......... - 6-0k 2-20 -kvNo' I— ' I study, evenings. And him. the bed- that for a long time You just bad him old Aunt Hatty is related to all of way, by the time Gene came along, whose name has been frequently rneim- �,.:, I Hotbiesville ........ 6.17 2.91 I - The fact is, Bill., I've ,met a They all sat down, four on I .. 1", � I fellows -at the university an , I., .11 9.52 ,lot of nice and Milt's inner ear heard a mute to -play -with, then I'm all the more us. She's Gene's aunt, and my fourth his pa was rich, and that means tioned in connection with the leader- , Clifiton ........... :�. 6.26 xious to -make it up to YOU." cousin, and I think she's distantly re- aristocratic. .ibip of the Conservative party, was . . . snicker from the Gilsons and Saxton. She came West early, "This aristocracy 1weq I � t of Pitts- reported recently to have contradict- 'tj \ Se4fOrth .......... 6.41 8.12 for met I can't lated to Jeff - .1 i I . St. �Coluimbaia ..... : 6.49, S.20 and' I kind of go around with them." 1%. tried to talk. He couldn't. Bill "Don't -be sorry d a hard time, but she's real burgh is just twice as bad as the snob- ed a rumor that he intended to di.s- ­;'. AAv, how. d'you get that ' vp%y I i t was 4 good and ha � 5�,,,,,!i I' . looked at him and, perceiving the stand that? Aftle/r all, Heights --and she belongs hery in Boston or New York, because pose of his large holdings in a match ,.", Y, . i - Brooklyn : ,,, 'd - Dubtin ............ I Rats, you don't want to go tagging d6imbness, -gallantly helped out- town, and good folks—' I ­� * . 1, West after them Wil[Y-bdys. Damn dirty , _ "Not Not I'm not sorry for youl to Gramercy Park and North Wash- back there, the families 'have had factory. , �.�4 k, �_ . I �,,, I . . a.m. P.M. p.m. "So- You met tire kid on &' road Later in the same week he stated , - , 5�gq 9.87 snobs>, And the girls are 'worse. .1 I I just mean, you couldn't h6ye'had ington Square and Rittenhouse Square their wealth long enough -some of Ilik", � .�:. u ....... '10.97 eb-? Good scout, Milt is, We a, though she has le,m got it by stealing real (3qtate in be was Trot a candidate fo,r the Tory .1_v ,�,�! - . ,,, tell you�, Kilt, these hoop-te-doodle so- ways used to say,at.8thoenstrom that so terribly much fun, after you were and Back Bay, too, - , , - �1' - "Zoluniban. 10.42 6.44 .... to must got out of touch a little. So I want- 1920, and some by selling Jamaica leadership. ��;,�,:_�� , � .. `.'l 1. , " .... 16.69 - `513' 9.90 ciety Janes May look all right he was the best dath hand. at fixing eighteen or so. SchoenstrOm her." rum and niggers way back before the "Considering," said a Mend of the I.L �: .1., �, ji , - hicks, but on the side they� raise more after. very ed you to meet . I 1. I; , , , ',k� 4011AUA ....6�. 11 -Al, 4.0a 10.041 a flivver in seve I havke been a little dull, li ci n, "the price of I lik, k,.z , n tftaships4l' I Milt wondered what unperceived Revolutionary War -they've been re- eminent po ti !a 11 � �,. ,',�,�.; , � , , I � .. I , , I . that they know . Z,�­.­.�., , .18 I hell thp any inilliner's trimmer from . I. bag of nt had hardened the faces spectable so long ,.. I .... - ,� , - , M . h! that ever "So you knew Mk*- 0(iggett at matc-bes and the prospects f the Con- � 116lihe le-.,. 111"t'. '� . .11.61 ceme 0 _,, .��_� -�'c �L,� . ��,,, *1 I �L ,;,,.�*, �, , , . C , ­-.- Xt,!W� , 11 `1 , " I em ? 09 home? Now isn't that'i6loe," said . -x rvative ,�arty, I don't blame YOU." ,k 52, 0 ,� . f Saxton and the Gilsons. d that nobody e - se , �. _ _ _ -�, . " . � .,;�," 4 �­ I I "P. . I '. . 6 .'k .1 ­.t�, �� It - � , � , : , �� I �, � .4 '.'tksV-hat do you knomp About th Mrs. Gilson. ", �, I . SileTft save for polite observations cept a Britisher is Iroing to question .40 -�;,.0t, i ,..(, . I ,��, , , ,Y2, . !'J�-L,�� *�� , ,". " �.. , I -L"'I'low, ��dou't � get sore. - I'm telling , new him? - SAsaaay'­U�lt,ind I � I I � �,,,�)� "J. I - . , .., . , T . of Claire. upon tight skirts and lumb- their bluke blood -and A my, what ­,,� � _ . I �i � .1, �.. !kv - , %;A %­lik _U('90, f -91 brung up 11m aiid ,. ney 1, ,. �� ,,46U1 � - . , L . - . , '6 8tW'A&".­ " .,* ,I I , my" frielia - Wh' � I , 'i',',;�, � 14.1 001,141-11IX .�, L i . :`V,� �, . � , I �, WA company reached good blueing tbird-generation mo - � ,� ., � � , 1.11 '10�,�?, ,&� i_ �t alf hftug� togeiuer. y ering, the merry Negligence -A gang of men arrest- ,. �,,Z ""k. , , � .,� � w , � , ", Wi. � "Mil I h#e btimmo ' . v, .� 4,,�. I 11 , � � �, , d ,9ftkund foge%dr And , hng flight of steps does make. But out here in God's ed in -Moscow confesses to havinif 1 � - ­�, � -, � ." I I -'k . , I 1�" I 1. . I . '. �� L,__ I &` X1tW4-',M%6h­1thiit Aebbiges , � � ,,, I., .. .14 �* 4A ­yy _ _ " '!;�'ij, I - . I ".. �' �' 10 1, �k, �,,_�, .�� I ,�, I , - - ' * ;, .. " W '01, . -6% tif4eq -tali ,eA.for bullakheWa--LJ, Vv6rkkabeh 'd ' , �,, 11 3, ' ' " - .K ., I , k , W,. ,r . '­ , -W* , -�'I�­,-, . , 4 *biRed-on fikinti, stimifie.f7g, and'figh ' W , '�" 1h&"1'_ W 1119AIWV��, - 1k, - , , "� � , that scrambled up a clay bank to a Country, the marquises of Tnilli g and 4 5 . n strangled seventeen persons but tht so' X 11 -�,W�t'. I '11f;�' , � k". 'jb �_#J,t"�* k� - - - � - 0 k arons of beef are still uneasy- 1:. � � 11­1��V , � = � . " ' �, - � � 10 . . . , � , t .: I ­1­1�1 � I I . j �. ., g . . , - 1.11" I, '0 �, I , .- tw'�, ,�� 'f.,: L,: � � ,., 0" ���,,,,,�,�",4�,t�-,,t�i��,'i,'��.-,;- i.�,- I:- , , , I . , 1, i , .i, � �,' . I �., 010 O... - . "t 041 b;46nlad ,04�W"', bil . cotf�ge like a hen that has set too the b despatch falls to sts. 0 what iheY Wer6 . p . , M L ll;�hdaa? ,Dan�hgd4fit s.11 flab long. Milt noticed that Mrs. Gilson Even their pretty women, after going arrested for. Maybe they' had neg- �, , ,, �i 1'-11 , � I .11 .., . 1:1, � 'k,-,- 3 X#$--, I . , . ,,' and got that ,, " troniz- � i I mew, ii, 1117,; .,- :,;*,;,.�,,�-:-, � d. � � , .. ,!l 't --anq lemme S%m ever' rtu* . I made efforts to,Temaiu in the lim- to the best haiT-dr"seTs and pa lected to take -otit 19" licenses. -SU � �,,,­� -,;�,f�441',f,'01�4', " #"ip .0 * , f I % . . L Au g 1, _-�� I I �,t,'�'J' ., _ pper, ,,,� _ '7 a � , ILJ . """ L . 064 � b6rl:t 1 ME - I _ &��e `e�l ' ijb�j ,the - Att.1-A-119 out - of you "and— " . ousine kwhen it stopped, and he caught ing the ,best charities, sometimes get John Tl,meg.kSftr. I L A,� I �71,i � ­­��-, .. , I .1 �',j, #25 the oncej.OV, '01 '1!k� "I � , , . .. .1, . ."�',,, 0; *f . t'�_�' r 1:.1. I . � r , I , I ,�, ,',W.* ,quy, . , . , '. :��,6n'�110�il' , I K'wo,w. ,?.!q,�k;ekwj� . - I *onder It Mfft,ktold y6u'about. - � I '14 " . � "ft.,','� k`:�,"Q',&�,�p ..... . . , ' � Oilsot's ni'after to his wife "Na;. it's seared lest somebody think they , , hP1M,K1k,`, I � �, - ' ' l' "' .1 ,:: -L;�, , I , it'.. ,-. - ­4Li - � `k'164 'Ve-j100, I ,'seg' 400 It. 'Wow , 1, �, ��, . , P,tAr-­P",/L�',7 �q4, 41 th.f.&r., had At .4 barn, d"dd- sport, �6a.­ haven't either brains or breeding. I , ., ,,, � ,� ,," '7p I I t A, iwOhoifistlo ,;_., . �� I 04i,�,�v - �!,44;1i� L 'T, 0 , I � ,, , reoltat�� t,� il,��i, 'i Claire's turn. Be ft tk-�Tbe 14htuk 4"'W" ,l-,'.., � " ''I , I _ i*,fA,�'kk I Thqrem:��aK, A­'Wlk of A ,. I � "k �, lr�. ­., , . _ IS 6610fortahlk � . ,J, , r. is ,mming on apace and 0 ?., k�,' _ , �.,'.i4�!� � �.�- �:i�'��',t fltk§!�-_ 11 Safety Pits . , ^ "�, � Wee I %. ". " �� I � . � 1, I , I , 1 Q, 1 steps '1� � , I I I t', I , 11�1 111�1 f".- �gj !flky; ,-,# . I. )"00 Z 441" W., 1AW40k; 1, t -afid I I �.� . . ( 1. � " , �, 'I , Am,. " - 10' I WAk I ,. .1 rl Claire led theta up the badly listed (Continued next ' k.) ; I . � , ,, "�', -�,,,,,�ip,��,,�"k,.I,!,iK�",.?",, V 1 ... ,.,i�lir �EZ_1111 ..., , .,� Uifitt�'t $"�4% , t I aivited 'porch on which who reserable ,tabbitt I � " .� P40 I �_ ,`� i .1 ­­ I ,.t-ofJ1%JAg* . '. � A to an - iould k6i - 1, , , , T, ; I , � ',� L �� , , I'll , ", El "Ill's lady, very neat, very - v to.�,the main , trave ,,, �";L: Z I � "��'�j �; L� ) � �1� i",R , ,4,, i'Z,,,� -,I . , . �,�:`,k"L' 1 ,,10,­kk�l . kk�� I � , , , .,, ­, '04 .-A,t4Vh14d �`�� ; 81 t .1 , .� !X',,�9, , . %p �� ,� 'k, ... "If �, - � # �;� IT . � , �, � 1'�. I , . �..%, I ,,�." ba, .;� '! & mo�.,pjte; ..Undll �W,� ; 411 I ..�' v,;�: , I - '. , Ov'fkeq� � . 4P11%g,k.,;�,,,,,q, "' ,�, - -A& " '_ I , I , 6, p I i , t,ow'i��klk�l b, h0b - 90104m,,w re , , " .. sat a little I 1'�� I .. w .1, A , 111 � , , � ! Ire , �', M", , - � 9002p,_ " �4,07�w.,*-,"�,#,tV4 ,;", , , - - , I 1_11ilr - , _, th $"4� � d6lae7''. , 061, � respect ­..V� 1�� I I'�, .�� . , in %*664 kit 'W'', 1A " t-bby" da, �_ able, very interested, arid - ", , 4�1. , , " -0 -� I�A. 2 �",_ "�'r,­ 'r — -- 4:40aitst In4 1 PEACH HEALTHFUL AND . I "I, . : Ai �m .1 W'ilk j9*4 A'A t, '6 'T k4tid-'A book �-dndbt 1W ldtd,of AtOW.04 4 -little, tell t e , �,, y holding in � 1-11.111 ­ � .,��L. ,, ., " I V I . one Ivory hand R r� . " , ,,,P 4',� - 0 fleCtlVel � "', I 11 11 I , J*, , �,, .1 , ,:,�� L �, 1 .4N4 #6 wit - 111WIlate . i I . 4-M " I ' ' ' ' �' 4 ' ' ' ' ' � . , , , , , , I - I , , , I I " ,4 , ` I "' , "' , I "' , " , "I �� 11 II 10`�`111 I 11 "I I � !, ` �. � i � ", 11 �,11' - , " '' ;,k,,.� " t, , I ,�, ", T "? � ! I 11" 11 I I I ,� I . '. " - - " 11 , L , , � , , , I - ­ I It '; 40 L rej%e� 1-i ' �j,,o,j� ,MV414, t -u , I -t I ', r n,J�Vfk t . ", " , ", - ", . �.­, ". ke Co OrLi .. �,k;� I � �-,��.� M�, ,�'­k .� ". r I � 1� i, ut I ­ I . 6� , "' - , ' ' bxtt:�eoutao Xilt hb don't d � .11 � I I , ... ....0.0,416 1J.", I'll 11-111. -� � "k1k." ,E! L , a . dainty handkerchief and a ,black clay APPRrIZINW One, of tu k0et*otf,,-,4l4v4%1X4k,tWk 9 , .4 th r W ,�'J '&�J"­_�,tj,,_L , "L"'.' " I I ", I p ; ,.., . -, &��# i - ii; 4 S I ; " � , " �� " "" i; 110 �;1�7,�,�N?!, , %,: , I u# L �_A'atft a ftlj� fiJft"qJ*aJ , I Id, , , .,�,, , pe. .. W -.4h,611 It bit I JS�k"L kj�F_, Is ',h , _, " 'o..i.A06.46�0A ��,Awbnvl, , k 6 aftaig I k" _ L . Was vrddked. "U I A 111117 , 'I 1, . , ! ", I � 00 ft� ...... - - -.- _7 - , , Wk, ­ AW*1oA,-'1bo2lt )iowd16 6, Ark* �, . . -1 .� . am ­111[fello, Claire, ulve a qno What Wifln6ltg hIM a 1 , ' I` ", ,,-'�,,,��,.�". .� k - , " �, , ,,, " �, " ',--'.,;,.�1 T-0 �, 01 Yhy dear Ito' . "Pepthfas and Cream!' i's , "I - �, , . , i ; . ,6 .... i--,61�0�4�, , . I " I I LL. - . . k,,k,,i1r­ ,, '' . - itvo� fov d411d1o118nbssj,, ,but beedq 6, a . r, bell. W�, 0 42 ", 'hit a Yft't,' SAId 1�* ".* 0M A doias Idot ZAO*� ftas, ., -,,,,',',i-'. 1 1 .1 __ - `1�11 " , ,',U, ­ - , , k L ;'L,, Y"tf - . . . ea'fled twlet In Toilet t L. ­,­T,�"),LL.t�'��!'­ , L . . , 4 "4*Vf.,d6*d,,,- * - , '4 .. L ,:, a Stores; � I .1 , , A" "4,1;,L", " """��:��",�'��,",'�;"i,�'L�,���;��,��', , ­ L . I . 'L I ; 4-L' '. I , ,, "', - . � � '. . ... >' -� N '� , - ", ,,�- ri�,-L-�,�, .1 �"­':' �r �, . bighWAY, 4-0how?-nb'Pi �2_� § �., , , , 'm �� "'�',.,"tt�'��", , :�n , , " ' ' T" � . iters: I � " ,�, , , ' snfa 6J 1 '�"#[;111'100L!�'Jftt.,�J mtilst i I 9 Wk : broken 010 Telatilftf� Ndbtd�t .4 I �, 1���­ "� , ,br " � , �.', � 11 ",4),� ,� , � ;,,��, , ,. �, ,i,;,Lif,*4610�;.t,*,L*"',O,!J,,�'� I 11 ,� 19 , r �, &Ati , 11 , , I ..­ - '0 1. IL ­,*,:­ "' 104 11 L, I "' , ,% I . , � � - "'O' 6 �:"� , ", �, I SO4 I , W.nw il �" 7 a , 11 - , N . �, r ", � I , ' .. J,,,�,,',`,,� � '� ' �, . t� At � ,� . '�' '� r iia" .-Owl J;� ., ,'.:�­', : , . 11, A, , ,� , VA, �, � .�,�,�, , � ',�, , L �', "� - ' t � ol, I . j,�,,,4,4?"; R,A,',,� ,�� 'Ir ­ ? L . ,.L J IL. 1 1 ,­.�,4'�kkk''��t:J,1,��k, 4 , ­. . " ,��_;� Til�11'1 _J,,'L� , , 'Y , E � -,L,.'. � ;1' :, l�,�� , ,:" , " "", '? , .1 � ,� . �",`�6�.N, -�k!"!, �9 11 1, ,�, , .. 1� . , I I � " it�� ' �.Z'!�.., 'i �, " � t"', . ��L �'4 ,4 � , ,,',' V g , , . 1 4� , � ,: . L., , L'��"" i W-�': ,�,�jQ�j7%,If ',[��,' ':�4.��""",.'/;�,4:,;�;,"�'�"!,�,,,�,�'I ,. ?""',­ � :"", , , ' I I I . � ,� . r 1:1.�,,�1�11 � ... � �'�� ' I .1 1,­,� L . '.i�:,� .. �',.' . I .� I I 1, - " , , �',�L� - ' 1 . I � k.,,,.L I L.: �. , ­ I I , �, � 1 I I I kk'L 14.1, �' ' ; ­�, " ", �, , k. , I I " � k* , k�, _� . . ,., , , � , �i, , %., - _ 'L,,��', '��.,,'L" "�",L�.;��. � . I I '..""'. I il I ""k,. ���,If� ,� , `,"�L� " �� A',"' � m�, ,,�, ­;, . r _0 :, �, ., � / �" L � L I, * , 'L'.' � " , ....'' , ," �.­­, ,� "'k,.", ". . ", "" ." ", � . ", " ,, �, . , 'qkL�'jl,�e.'L�"� �`�� , : ��,.""i�,��', , '­', ­ I . �' '�' �,"'f, " g��, ':k " � R, �, ,.",��',')��..,L,I"����lill�,e���q..."i �A, � " "�' � .. ;:;Y, �,'.,,,�� � �, :', ' �, ­� -.'��"�,�), "�k�j " -j'k�kj�:�',Q "'�­­"' ' ' L . " kkk',� Lk . , , , ' L� , ",, ,;j . _ 'k 111�,6� 1k, &:� ,, IU,,'Z,,�'!��,";f ''I., '� � 'j'�%J�,V, , . , 'k - ��;fl�;�� , , "I "" ,4, _ �, � \ __ , "'. "� - � & ", .�, , � I., -, L , , �"'k� I "' ?,�k���,�i.,.',�i�",'�4��',�,�,�'�"L �,,, ,,� � . " , ., I I '. . I "!)_,�'L;��'����:�,'�::.�,�;"�:7 . ,! v k.:�� ", ­,;kk.,V� "r7,,;'.L . . 1. .1 �1, ,,..',.I "4,. L " , � ­ � .t ., ?�;,�'­',"k,y­ �. Z".", I. , " ' L '' , "", , � "" .' , `�m,t'�,�"4�1,1,g , ,� .'�',""t, �,.'�'�k'L �V* � f! L ,�,,klk ,1 , �e�L",, 4, ' '�.J:"�;'.J�J, ' a, "�,- -.-,��,, -�, . ,;(V I ." � .: , , , L� '�� -�I�k-,3�'�k�&',`�,N,1, L� ,1� , ",V"),��N� 4�4111'fl," L, "" . ir:;" " I - _��L.�,,I�'�',"",'*;" '_� I .. :,, .1 .1, �� , ; , ; , I 1. � ` . , , 'I , " . t """ I ;, .! ; , : , lk�,,��.'1�1, 1'�, .. . . .1 � 1� " �' 1'!',�',:�' "'�'L!,.! ", ,�J in, , , " �, , , ,!� I ", . � , _, _�J,�,�,',,�r , :.. 1; , I � � "'k" """"�.W�� k L, � ,,' � �'k,� �. �� L I "M ""i , ,� ,� 'L .,�., ,X6.,T""�,�,��, ta """,I,Ie."! �[�.',�t'�,'I�,�,�16.,i;l�,,,-��,��""tl",�Yi,w,ep,� R , ""'N , ,,,, ,ffi.'1Q ,�O'll"�,L!"L�ll,�,�.111"�I.","I � , ,�','��,,, 11,�,, . , , , �A ,� , , �,,X "I",M) M ,�,, � , . , .�I�,­`,,�L " " . . i., � , � �117 , " , �J , i I . .. � - , ", � ,kk`,'Lk1�,,. �,,6.ii�,, i,N;4,� "m "', I .�.k �,, , ,!!"M