HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-09-23, Page 1, ,­, , � 'i zt .. I I : I . . ­ . .1 ,q,:; , , I St� I � 'I, � .­ ... .�, 44N, � ; ,! , '. -1. � '... (I , k, . I ,,, L . . 'u" ,; . �,�Ik , �., ... .- j., r ,'. I �� ;, . �� 11 , ,�, �� ;, .. .. . .1 - I .. IM, - I . - , - , :�; t.. � . . , i, . .L � , " "I I 14, i, � �,` , ... I . ii .11 11 � � I : ".�, , ,.- r, �­ "I � I . I, , 4, ... ­ ;, � ., .-,'�; , '..-, ­. :­� , 1. . ,�11 ""; . �� I I— , �� ,.: - �. 111. . :: ,:, �,�;, ,. � 1.11'. I.. * llt� 1".,6. ., �� 0 ,6\ 11 f- -,� R �7I,1� 1- I I . ,.""T- . ., ,� . ;­ .�, , . I It, "I I I , , 'i-1, 9�1­1­1­­­­- ,�­ ''. ­::­'.�", 1, , I I . I 1. 1� ,�: "," , " ­�`,!,;,­" �, '.�`,r��'C',�q­..,;.:)-,F , sw ,:i4,�,��%­,�. -:?7,�x-­7',%­�g;:.kJ � 7 1 1 1 , ,�, ". , ., � , �� ,�, t, ; - - I , ,. , W : �tl � �`- v% "'' - , I I . . pl - ,XT , ,�, ," ��­l "' , 1 -kl 11 , ,, `i1-1,1 � I � I ., I , � Ir 11 4 , 'I 'J.,� � I " � I � I , . 11 -1 I � ,, '1;X--.- '. ­�� � :� .4" . 11 ,!­� , 1, � - 71! J � , [ I., � I . e I �. � , I I 11 I , . ;" " 11 �., � 71 � , ,, ,, %vt 'I" , ,��_,�— --r ,� , --r-;, ----,-,, - - - - - - - - - - �:­ ;� - "��"-,;�,,'��.r;t,�IRF,-,b"",c� [ � , ��., � , , Z.!�,. .,? ,.I % -1 �� , R, �7', , g", T'J�,, � , , ,� '. Tq . � -iiii..."li", "'hS,�r!.M­. i, kIT-11" , t , , , 1. ,., ". i; A.�r "I"',", in V ­�, .- , I , , , , � Z, � 1'. ". , � . ."'.1. ".,­, � ,,�, T 4a I, I , 1 ­ I , 421, "I I ,'* , � I � V I.P , " 'I'S i M11-1-11" "­­ "', "' � ­�, f "', ". Z, � � " , � , 7 �, ', I ; I : ,I ., , ,%7. ,� . � " � I �1 11 � v 1 11 � MT I -Ifa 5,17t �11.v, ­�,:, � . -- ,� I ­;­ �­ , I ,� �� , � �` � ,,�, � I " , t , .1 I I I � . , " 1, I I iF, . , ",I . � " , �, 1 74� , " - , , � �' , ,�, 1, � I � ; ;,�'��, - r�,11�1��.,,,� , , I , I , !�� 1­1�,"i4pT I 1, , 1. , , , : . 11 �4. ", � , � , , I I , � I., 11 6 ., , � I i , 11 It �. . , , I �, ­ , , , '4 � - ��,. � ,� It, I , , � , , , �, " " �, .�,',�., ,; I 11 I I � 1� , � , , d , � , I ` "" � , 11 1,�11,iV �!,,�P;,v�.EieiaiL m �, - - I I I -�­­ ,, ­ � , " J ­ ­ �- I � , 'I I I , I I � : , I I I % � ,� ., � , I , . I I I I , ­ 11 � �­ ­­ ,. ��, -1,111 1 I I � " ,� , . �, 11 I ­ . '' I I,' , ,*�� . ,,,, , - �' ­ tP. . , ,- ;: , ,: V �. , ,� � � ,,�` i.. I M, �, - , I .1 � � - - �- I � ­ ­ ,,- I'll 6 I i � -111- i- I , ­�. ­ .� �. �. 1. - � . , `- ­,j-,,� z�'-i­ ,; � - - , " `,`7�" I � - , , , I . - -1 . � ".. 3 1 -------- I �, I I 41 I I I --"--- —1 Ni I �' I � 11 I � , I �WXI-1111"`�" k&�� � "' " , , ,�� A:4,,�:,,� �­. 1 M.­!�,��­':,� tl : . -1 , F .:, ,:��­.,,�.�:�,�,,',, I i Aik . I'L. ­ I. � "t,�`�"', 4*1", �f� ".., I� '' r" .- � ,, -1 If, ,I ,"I'' �1�1�'�� � 1, � �,: �­, "'� , �e.,: � ,: .. 1, .*. � " �. " ,t'. , ,;,; 11 I IIA, � " ��.,, �� 11�te,, I 11 ;. '­.�.,� " , 11: � 1. ,� 3ZOAN, '�.'­� ;1 P f Wstiir,,`�'1444' - 40,500 , . � � ., " I , , , �'IIL ;1 �7 '. W . . , .., .� ­,r� - 7Y.. � g � , '�Ik� , ­­ ,,JW-QXAV- , ; ­ , , ­ Ai ,I . ,.��,, ­: 1..�, 41 , U p�, 4,� "! , : , . "; -4v Is 1 A1.94 IQ , , , , , . ., �. - "i'n, , 1, X -e "W"."IePV11 � . .. ­� '*1 44 17V . . i ,1 1� "'.. �,�, W- , " -�,�. - ` ­' ­� " I ., 11, , - . :'' . I � �� I I :� ;� . . � ­ 11 11 � 4 " 9 ,�, �. 3P , , 1'1�" �­: 440, . -L, I .- A&--tAiii,to ,- :.I I . '",46 , I I � I 1 �I a, 6t­ ?, " I .- .1. -� T 14; � ., i . � I," . " - ., . . ,, . , ,I%0,f�,,'­1,1�0,;.$ i, . I �,,� ., ­ �, ­, , ­-.,;V.�',,`Q,, �i,;�, t'5,,�­ ,�"'-. . I . , - ��j.. I ,��,,� � I , . , , , .,o,; . * " i ae�ftiiif, '. I . -4,115# -16's' . 1�-..., .. I'I;:� I � ', ' ; i., 1. �, 4V Y . I , . ; I" ,I . I FV � W ;, . .t�tod­,� "My I I - T. V� 0 " W'. � u Oe , I . ..,. I UA "', . � ­ - ,X '. �­ '' �­ ,:.,-".,�. I 't . , . I., V. xr,_, .W kkemedd noolao0gei , - �L 't. I �, J` ')o * .1"', -""aR�11,, -�� F,,:4!7.51ZT'K7,7;­ �."­­­:1111'7 7- I---- ­ ---I- ­ � I ., I to � --—T -r! I I 11 �. ­ .1, . . 'rI..".,�­W­'", .�, 1� '1?�T �, ,I I 11 . , , " .,� , , -.1 -, " ';�" V. - .; � , , 'I, I .. " — -`&F " I X: M � "', , W - , , , : . 11.11te es. �1­ -4 A�94iiW'7, I :Q10 � ;;, I 11 ��-, ��'­.:,;. , , - ,,#,,� "Ib , , tog . .;4fF�7, � .��, I.— ­� - , - " - 1� " ­ , � "� -�­' .!Ift 1) I 1, , �;, , ,,- , I , � I- ;4KAFIVif, o Iv� M 't"I � I ,.',,I 04, -...", , � ;�; I. -� . �. �: �:' �.'.� - - ,��": - . I teps � . , " , � ." , '1� " , 44".1 A' �- ." ­ ., .1 I , .. , , 11 g &1114'19011S ,., , ­ , ­­ ,.­ .- � 1, , 'Ir - � ., " I � , . . I , " I iw 'N IV'. , , , , -1 g4.; -q 1�,��t�:!��`.9�:,'v .11 ,� ,�, . , It Some J , 140" "A' f 0 a4d: D � ; , ��ff � , . , �� I I ., , , - -- - . I I 1k , , . , .. , , I � 10 , pU�16 il� , z�,: whe'som-T k ow 1 .: - ", " . . ."'th, ''al , � , , 1� .4 14 .­�, ,,�­--. ". � 'k , vow , . I- , ,. : I INA """, ,9 , ­ ,. 4eT�aius4i?f , � X ­ . .1.110,R 11 -@,�Pp - . 7- -.,.,- ,, -1 - , . ­. 0 # an �' I;, 9. I , X, , 1 4-, ��* ,,,, , . ,­ I vaul,Z4 al.kq -ppire sea tie- FT"KqSqF a -P !� - '�' mo ,, . , , ,� -11 t ., � � ­:.; vj,� . ," -- I , . ­ �­ , ;p .... ... �, � . , , , - ­ � . . � . W, -1 t;�- sw Q 0 ��* I'." " 1� , , b * in '1027; A�' J.;- Fbr&, - a, - 00 1 , . ­ ,, ,, t4qd­V1;&­r1­'-11 '7 :14, -� , CUA� 40 ,�; Ift'.Tr j�- , , , , w,c L � �;` -4� ,s, . ut in t - , "' � A � ,­ .. ags". . �, ,:_,n ", -;..�. . � 11 . � . . , L. gli, � 'n " �� -, r1l". , I � ... ,, . . . , r I. � - coin �t� , `9- ` 1AM . , horns, 01 1h . .!. , , �,, eA - * co0ve;k" -11.Q111 I.. , , Solfts'. B. VYWISMS 9 fill" or gel,odbag - � . , lo- 1;, 6 -ddbat 'of T94.10M.-i��,'* ­ '! I ,.,qT.# '!J;O , �: , I " uped marble, br�.g# , -, p L h"�! I I ,,,, ft �: J;U -, JLIVIJ�1;$., - WAUPV W14 I'M i, " � � Z 0 y t ,P U .-,, 0 li �.., I , - iffi; ,, " I qp�� �� I : 1 7 � *: ,.W a . . � � an . # 9 % I ; , - ", .. 'tb rexnain'§ of fine Columns; Y, � I . I Alt , , if -, 11 1. .� � a I er too ear old, W. A. liamilto4i & Is ­-, , .*.Black M . illon.15119 ��Wj��-, �. ,,, � . ­�, I . I'.: . � on E. I � - . A- 410.1 *.-a V.eA'M.,`d'yM " Soft I M, .� A � , ,g) ,14.`-�­l , I 100 , - pksj. ( 14 16A ,;-Rqvt�­" !;,,. - "'. - . 1. " I togethei, *J , Inorp f - � o- I i @..t� �Wos, L . - . ,- , �,,, I ­�­ ,. rSong, W. -Decker; filly. e . M.. . . , '. " �, . , ' afkl., IV '10 .. DQV -- - bo .; 11 *0'�-,#&!0Wp _ ,� ,� 1. es y- - or S ­ - �� , � � P ­­ - .,- iwxt 1 1. ,log;IC pp*eniiants, were found. Ps g oi,­�h) X. Qug."m � -­ - �,i,4 ,re _k 1I & 1 .,7� = = awethig- sn' ,the' P* b , fhir��.;3,u ,,,�JT,� : 1.-'4�i% . '-L' , " I :,,A ­ LL AAM., Ift". I A. . , �v - I orn ,Cg,pri we went on to Sor- 3 year old, W, .,Decker- AILI.y ,,,', ' � i er,'77-wilt be Neld -in December , - , , -;cor) W- �oquoftcs;.�-'X� ­St4 I , tfie- ", , 'I -'�" L X: I V,;­� ; , . - � , ­ , 7.- ,,, ,)*­ ­ - A,-,� os,�,A"), , I t T11 -F �- l'' 17, . V:! , in W� . - - U; �,FF,,,,,J S 0 NS, In . � ,.,..� - .11 - ir*, ., I .,., , � ' � . ..., I " , � boiker,� � 9 - and pud I ,,-A .. -11 .I. I - pr . pmx ma 1�11 �rw I . - " , - - .- -b& 1oildesboro.' I - I ,. .. . ­ mg, I year old, E. AA . . "� M, , , k4bt , sort situ- :King, *.' ,� F xe ,e 0.-- �rx ,�j,,,,=F!P"n,:�. _ iianceL 11. I ,", 1 "I I I �041001 . , ." . ­ ` ... - T1- .- On;L.41VIO, ­ . nda1v 1 � 1�1� � . - I.M. a'; 'both - 'QiF -. I; , . , I I �­ 1-1.-1-1L I I J-; V -416i W.4 -Bi* 4 ,� , . , � 1, s , - ­ppf a', r0ito, a If Amous. summer re team, W,� A 11 if � � ., Hamilton A 9 "' k,o � j!�,Il �, - ­ f , ;�­ v IV , -------,*, I 1- —2-- - - - 44d,.on the south shore of -the Bay , '�(Jh`­o :.,' . N IV ,i .00"mr �­r i , gt�L�W � *. I— ... J�,,, . I ,Y,qn 11 t 'r, Re. .- . I . . .. . . - ; _ W rhe, ", 1. . . 11 -, it ., - for best anim�l a* age, W- -*Aneouas,'('d),,A,'E.", , , 1V - I �.' ! ­ , � I . - , , 10, ` - - 'I,' , "" 1�lw 1. - , ,� ­­,., iiie and Qlive � . - I "K��.,t I., 11, 1. -u 1 1A ., I ,40 -., 4 ., * AA ..",PW .4",wili. It IVIRETINAG OF HURON, . * ,of , Naples, anudst ora , ale,t N., �' F 4j, , I � . ­ . ,,, . , JX '�, I �,_,, I � ,� ,1T.P ;'I'K - - a. W-';$.� ift %ing, ,P ' ,L4' J) I .. . appliel , I �, " ;1VITIA" ��11%elgiwtux lx�, mup"T, now throw � . PWB1Ja1T-R-y ,- .11 .: . art.. %till in ,.Fu..,. I inay le04�� -groves. This is .the ..beauty spot of iltopn & So . _ ,,, �, . F'�,'� 1. ­ 1 ,� 01.1- ,VNEC'"',overpoara viWipm, mus or Protec- . to de-n'ly elvet der to hel)�Iltaly­ Hotel Tramontanb, where we. Heavy Draft -Brood =are accOm- Doan,j,p). L�-Jfogga#+4��.,&11 w'14 "T 0 I I t � 211 � rl;.:�. � " - " "' �'. , . , 1.7 , , '. . . � _% .,.. ., W,OR�aw, Y" I .� 7� k., shoii1d The Pregb ­- k i"': " 0-1 - its 7 " I .� ) ,.' pent the ul t, is built on 'by foal, W.- Hagoyer, F. Del- S, 0 , (-e & li) A.-.1 - . I t -j . - .. � � 41 R :t9 -:r-* ,Z, F= -and Okaitgelsm, It : ­ on thS,-.,w . , ; the edge Panied ' ­ -M X � - gh R','. I'll - A. ,�.,..* . , R . wItInair TnI de ­ -e an'd;'.2n .. I I . 1 Ow regular" sepfem�v piis��dj -1- - -eat, foaled in 1927, F. W- (p) 'W. 91QP(11 � . ' ­ ei eter, SeCr0-' af,.A oliff 120 feet above the M dite . N; , i. � iting, .. I , . .. ,.:1 .-. . prove� its faith by selecting.a leadei . . � Iss, Reta Row I r- bridge, f 101 - , ,j ,�.��fl� I I I , .. . �, r . "Ok, I -� 0".:g: ip. 66 rRh in thei Whq.Xg ' Hall ", 6 -ft, ites lyv tary of'.- Mission .01 and Baby rgqean, commanding one of the finest bridge, W. Magoyer, J. W. Matthews; g"Ull� .0 (C anal , 04 em , i ,I!, , .. y ' , ,plet 1, from Quisbez-a Cartadian of,4'reuph . I , I . % " . W:0 0") 'A 1W*;�,r;P*? 1W , , .,*,P I . , .- I ... I - � .. .... . , Ir , �,., - I 'juet" ".7hi"Modera r, - eat impo -- in the world. 0 1 *ploma for,. best animal any age, . , -4roa. CaM ,in ! 9 .1 � , .�,� . �... I . f thaf$ the CPU- tb74 i9th!' 3 =­ � . � 0*0 W ul - �, S A, . - . I . Bailds,. spoke 6f - irt�; ,views F I I , 'N .. n the other di .. I I % NOV � I - � - . �­, - - � - � originjund Catholic iii rellgioii.�, llf".1tZ - I - ,P, es, Sllver;` (oc- & -h � � ,Qi = 1� '�C � of her work;.,, ­ g -both t1i side ofthe hotel- is a large courtyard Delbrid Is. . 1. . - ,), � ., . � � ".4. , , �. . 7* lx..%� �.V .11 -that ' 1, : R' KVDi*mid; - pr6siddd. g - . , . -1 p�l h6hp *40,tY4 - - * I - !1. 11- ;� , ii ­ ance I . Mkithig, A,'E. Doan, (cr & ' .. ,- . . 1 401,11hW., I I wants to,add,.,to t1W. - vl , I At 0,;, , I I .. I I .1 �;q:�%�5, IL - ­ffi-, . .­Liid,�' 11� �8. a.ept JU1l 'Moder. In­0.v- . , � � : ud* � raai---�a - Lead . .-,, At,of ,The commi"iep a ivho- attended young 'mother� ­­ tle onei�. and gardens, ifofusely supplied with Judge--WIM. f1tQuillan, LucklaOw- Whiting - -A.O.:V. Polarids, (c a,,, .,p.,,Ag,­ - . . . , why nat.�Tun -the -.#W , I, "I I . Tep a a " PP I . ,,, xi, . I ­,� -.1 .q- �w gfl: tarlo, - sik, in Voiditto ,Vbst- ,,Ce'vitre, the General A ssiinbl,�, 'i.eported Upon linked up with m.i�s � work. Tl*ftropical plants and floweis. The hotel ,Uarriage-Brood mare accomparded E Doan, U, B. Red Game, (e ,&�h �4, ,,��il,,;i�,Ipn . I � . � ", ,%� . � !ht ld6as�,'decked in� the lizige . its proceediu '' 4 - �, ''I . � I L the 915,, an ..0ve expression youpper Chilkaren-... �� Iling, bot,].�-h,as been patronized by 18 kings, by foal, E. Walper; foal, foaled in S , 0 V. . .�!,��;:�:,;�,,. � . the'1 Aeu,-Of the., orange� ,��, Mr Whiting- A. . Ga;n,p, I .-.., , ,,�, .,�, bKo I ,.L ' - 1� - � ' ' " h - pIdde and , I � (1k, I.''; "I � I , , iome of . Ho , �, - . t", , ,,;� - 3",�. `,� Q, .­ � I I I !, . queens - (C -&:­ a ,,., .,:'�,r, I thAt -1rifits,,t e "t6e,­ . � to the Zne dm,pre:;g16ns and profit en- to: kive and PSI- --,,,i alAd emperors: In the even- 1927, F.. Walper; filly or gelding, two E ; ,. . �­ .1 - - �:,, , " � �,,,!,� ,� . Doan Wniams, Gains ! %.,�.%i.'­� "I ­ " * , Seinthi�l?, - Absurdj� . you, � *ayl � � But to earft , �� 11 - I... I vlt�-,,,� L "" " , , 11 .� I beautiful:1 Kv � of peasants, dressed in ye4 �!',� " .,; � , 0 '0, as given b,*, grollp cr, 1`..'� . . . . . � ,,, . . , ­� ­� - * 1).ea4,?' � 't .t4ine , I V. ,­�- " . tl� . , - . . . , joypo Jp having a - share ,in dealm,g ar old, E. Walper; filly or gelding - Mrs. WhitiM A. E. Doan: ( , ". . �� 0 .", , . A very , , ­ ,*,'bk?, Is it, nOt'ItrUe�'*4 LOO i � � ­ 1- by - Page Ithi. . - with the greatei work'and problenis neld Auxd-� r.: us I year old, E. J. Sbapton; single. 0*.1;;; . , ­ two ladies of the , F nafl*e costumes, danced for 11 � - W ill, Mrs. Wvlpting4�� Gold- � Oefeate,i �6 `&�r6bon�%�4o6d �,Sqat, . i -�� W , ­ kw � - - - - - , � - there I . , . i dip; - V, e �, �'- I'll iary. , -he courtyard. r '11Xht,'(A,.b &.cr),-�M,rs.1G,- - ,� . . Z-,�,i� W t ,zage horse, Arksey BrOs . Win , X4,40'j,*OrldA'WPuid I atti&Mpi,io of the church N(iftonly had , ,�', I I I -Y - ,I ,:Se4O , - I'll � ".1. , I I" - �. � CAR Ish . I � a1iinitloss,stren Mrs: H, .� I hig.; Silver Sdabtight, (.,e * 1) ­,-,�. f 7 , ­ ,. , ur Ike County ,of' Jork,Jn;Ah# Prov ' Ogg, of 64,0 , ey ­ . . z ' . xe,­'d ' 4 t i e- for '!�-A"" PUX- : ince-, -of; Ontario� an&-, -that Bal4win, been felt by each, , �, for best animal any'agei =1 ­* �,, I, - ,�, 1i 4 Leaving Sorrento next morning, we ­ , , tl ,,( . � . , ,, gth -k resided over , Kiia,' I '' � I I., � �­ :��:-" - Poses. -4 Pike In - o;I --.ggt'.�40 - , foaled in I J � 1 4V. � I I :4, ­Tory: '119 I lbas, of a world encircling, communion the afternoon W-st M" . - devotional nrotored 6ver the famous Amalfi Roadsters --Foal 1927, W., G. Whitax - ,A. D - ,$) . " ; " ;.,: ;�' I ,� , defes .'i, � � rha ,. ,,e " �. ... I I . pa � _W .., V. Ba 1, . . Rre :. 403ounty , of - ­"` 'll,ait Road, which Is much like -t ye ­ - ati. " It . ,, 1, �. "I � - '- d '' hi - ' od'd - - - , � idea relati4iiship, but exercises were led � 4, 8. MeMI n& Mago r; - bunning,li !tlns, ( I . - "'i bi , #04 'in Onti6i clalirift undivi 3-1 filly or gel&ng 3 year, old,' , gnA & preep ng is . nee e ,,, in 14 � ,, he Gra I S. - � , li��. ­ �.. - mene troin: tho. ur WQA;Q­ , 01- 1K.1m .1 . . - Mrs. McDdiioald��,',, It follows the coast, in W Decker, E. Walper;. filly, Or geld- (h) G. S-ywoodi;, unnih ,, 11. :, . ".';�, I ' , .. 1A34, ,t " of'hZ iig�' as' I and _ , ondville. . . , . I . ,11 . que .. . 11 . �-WPU, ag tugg'-A fish Rimixiski 1. --Ig generosity -legs mark-* also the pre"nee. of an ,unbounded 106rifiche. . , L C , gbA*'. Od , �- ",-4 � . - . -1 14' 0'-,haif��*� sinksi� �as', Well ipA,,,a cork,,1�44o-day -than in pre, Confederation confidence, In the divine soF, Mission! " . secretary, m4ny places hundreds of feet - - .".-V"Y.- � . . ,,ce of all The - - - above ing, 2 year old, W. Magoyer, W: prydie, "(cr & p) G. He ' .` - V --' ' H 10 W Y :. " I I . ' ­ .1 � ywood gnd�ftd; A` . , I ",y'd'G ­ " ­ -in k6d not ldiik` ago. . � al outpopring and. blessing up n? secreTm ' the supply the sea, cut into the sides of Cliffs Decker, S. Hey; filly or gelding, one Houdans, (c;& h)- A. E. Doan- Red -11,:, . ko - �o - - Possibl even, Hooken might spiritu . , � ., - tini4s? - . � I .QXP IT..'ar 1 : I 1. y - 1. .' I , tj`,; t.'e*q-,nxqn,ba§Ji,'litt1e. 561ise�A,f, go down to ,QuCbe4-:a*,, And- a rest on tbp,gogp.eI preaching. mission of secretary a -ad the er � -'# n steward- or supported by walls and viaducts Year old, S. Hey; single roadster in CapslI (C & h) W. Bowden ijn(f - - ... 1. , . � ., . _ 2nd* , ��­ , ` I hi" , , , "I, �- - I ears shi secretary each� � for earnest 'with* everchanging views of indescrib . ��. 11 ' ': M conStitu- the. Oinr* both now and in the y - - harness and buggy, Robert xLcLar- Sumatra Game, (b) Mrs. walitinci �, ��"� � �. W -W, , 0�qw#�P_Uftd,;­ -So �Png as for -his political hesor-M . p 110 G. Clarke, R. McLaren; '��­­ �'. . . . WX . 0048004tilk itttiueo, survive -there ency Ito that, Pr,ovfncel-',:,. - . to.come. work aAd co-operati� IF— able loveliness. Along the route we en, lady Nftte Rocks, (,e & -h) - To N.I�Snowden, - . -;t. . , , I ' g- ' . ­ I - .1 'inset", ve 01%'by' It 'may, -be the impoirtance of Remits from the - ir rs k- I " ,".I. � - I . 1. Ill 60 ngea-f'& W`C . ,.. ..", 'A argued -that a Leader .. This meeting `wiii'�JTI%hly honored passed many villages, old towerd', driver, Mrs. Ira Mo , M . G. Ar (ci & p) A. E. Doan, T.; N. Snow- � . ,I1 . ton'thlqe is.,ano er reason. We 1 Assembly having received by lkaving. as r,p -I - .. . th , eak" ­ den; Black Giant, (c ,ez h) ,Jr. Stacey �4,� - from Quebec. would be hard to findL 14enel kdVj� -- -,--,-a- forts and here and there olives, or- sey, Miss McGuire. , ,1 �"Z-111 , ,� � ­ cannot ,have, joy with some- emphasis Rev. Alfred Mae- aries, home on furl - , �from a ive anges Judge�S. Pulnane, Chippewa Hill- and 2nd, (er) 1. Hill, W, Lutman, -(p) :�., , ,oilt sorrow, the Harder s*11 may It be to, � get i ,,pgsse , , lemons, grapes and figs grow- F. :1 .. . . ­:,- . lilt"of TCQ-,1aughter`­;NIthout a back, Miss Garrfe.`A', Iwood, who ing in patches among the rocks. We W. Lutman, J. Stacey; A. 0. V. Fowl, , ­�, f.; I i� . '. .".. '.I 'I, I of would-ibe-4egders to go out and farlane, Rev. James Foote, Mr. A. D.' wo�k.- ` I I `�' " ., " CATTLE ..� I gro,-44-,of te4rs,Qr peosure,with-dut I Scott and M. Ross were appointed a has spent twenty-one in i , had lunch at Amalfi, a large town on hiting; Cornish Ja- I-' .. 4".. - search for one. The trouble with (cr & p) Mrs. W I 1, ". . -When Conservitism, dies Liber- committee to give these full and care .. � . - M. than Game, (c) A. E. Doan, Mrs. 1�`, .. , pidn. - � Toryism. is, that it is dominated by - her subject was: 1"Tfiq erent causes a lofty promontory on the Bay of Shorthorns --Aged cow, ,.Itli.. . . I -t . Crich I , all are its own epitaph. ful consideration and report at the of the pred'ent tr ., - ­. '' . in China," Salerno. It is surrounded by the and 2nd, F. Ellerington; two year old Whiting, (b) Mrs. Whiting, A. E. .'.% �. � I , , - = may priv officers and lacks aii,army. The of- '! .,� ��. � All gp6d LilbetalO should prair for the fleers on Abe field all-mant- to carry December meeting. militarism being the ... I in her esti- wildest and grandest scenery. At the heifer, M. Crich, F. Ellerington; one Doan, (cr & p) Mrs. Whiting, . ­ '�� � , � success of W -Winnipeg Convention. the - marshal, * .,Under the cir- I �,�, lunch table we were again given as year old heifer, A. Etherington; Turkeys -Bronze Turkeys, old and- , t, - . ,s baton. Mr. Wellington GrahaAi, of Knox mation. �-�.,. , . � -v�hose splendid work upon " �"64!' k . �1, . . I 0 ��­,­ .... - A ng pall of Indi . ' o7th him in , ­ , L ". , Liberalism in., Cane& needs a Con- cirmstances, a sejirch for a - Leader is College, Miss Mary Maitia­ f the souvenirs, li;,aflets containing a poem heifer calf, Oestricher Bros., E. J. Young, W. BO -den. , ' - setvative Party. it needs-Lsomethi -more or less complicated by , plethora his field, at Bayfleld and Brucefield, "Handica Sk �Z�t o e P,ov- by Longfellow, written by Pym, F. Ellerington; bull calf, E. J. Geese -Toulouse Geese, (c) W. � I ..T.. I . 11, , , ­ . On which it way Sharpen its weapon& of precouceKed opinions. L Liberals as well as his ability as a ,student and erty of the people, g'ella Ily, how the honor bf the place after he had visit- Pym, Oestricher Bros., M. Crich; bull J ,-:�,-,� I ­��.tter far that Lib ' - caste system is so hdRx-to overcome. ed there From Amalfi W. ivic- , I... . . erals should be under similar circumstances, have preacher, were highly commented up M I . we motored . J. Pyin; bull McLaren, W. Bowden, (h) .`!",t� 0 temporarily submerged in an open . 9 rwin Laren and 2nd, (cr) W. McLaren, W. I -11"i, � I , I i selected relatively untried men. Tory-- on by members of the committee of Mr. I , of Frenefiliodo-China, a over a very long and dusty road to one year or over, M. Crich; diploma � �. , , fight with Sword'in hand and visor . - . L Not -all our the examination of students, was cer- visitor to the conference, gave the p0mlpeli. Bowden, (15) W. McLaren, J. Manson - " ".. ... * + ISM might .do likewise. ,. � for best animal, any age, E. J. Py -m. .1 . 1. . drawn than that it Should pass on. I tified to the ca:re of the Senate Of closing words. It is:I. �)ur Father's .11. & Son. A.O.V. Geese, old and youni, ; ��',-) - 1 � " . in" the in -glorious occupation of mute Miltons lie in Chutchyards. nor Knox College, where he will resume work, our duty to pray,3bat the Lord WHY ROAD IN EGMONDVIJ,LE Herefords - Heifer calf, O'Neil A. E. 'Doan. , ,.,I � , do all possiMe LeadeTr;, of Parties in Bros.; bull calf, O'Neil Bros. and 2nd; I ­ , � ::, - twiddling its thunibs� . .1: 1, o ", '':''. I . distress sit in the front seats of Par- his studies in theology ' of the harvest will send forth labor- WAS NOT PAVED diploma for best animal any age, 'Ducks. -Pekin Ducks, (c & b) Mrs. , ", L �� . The charge of 'Z�� .,.,,-..- "I The Sad Facts. Au and BlYth ers, into his vineyard,' - '11 - liament In some quiet little town in "', To, the Editor, O'Neil Bros. Whiting, J. Manson & Sons; Rouen - ., Z �!! The Tory Party has been dead fok Quebec'm4y be a briefless barrister having become self-sustaining, Rev. Miss Hume sang by. roquest, "Take Seaforth Expositor. ' Jersey -Aged cow, W. Hern, G. Ducks, (c) A. E. Doan, T. N. Snow- . ,.�,�,L�, ..". I -.1 . . .�, I . ..., � � I "I �t the past year. It p4ssed a*Ay after capp..-ble of taking command. I might Alfred Macfarlane, -the Interim mod- My Life and Let It k Dear Sir: Hunkin; two year old heifer, R. Gain- d6n, (b) A. E. Doan, W. Bowden, (Cr ", � . ,i- , I -be wis- erator of session, was accorded auth-- The Resolutions Comijkittee, led by ., a lingering illness. 'The nai& the man' -but -1 doubt 1, It has been brought to my atten- brill; diploma for best animal, any & p) A- E. Doan, J. Stacey; A.O.V. 1.11.1. ' CF41.at a meet- �.., , I its demise were three in nuinber--Ar- dam of the ict. The search will do. Ority to moderato in a Mrs. Win. Britten, of Oonstance, rp- tion that blame has� been cast upon age, W. Hern. . .:L.,4 thur Meighen, Protection and the the e,nv - - - d. 'If Toryism ing of both congregations o ported thanks, most hearLily, to the I Ducks, old, A. E. Doan, Dr. Grieve, . ., I erition g69L Mr. Roland Kennedy, Reeve of the Holsteins -Aged cow, C. Prouty, A. young, A. E. Doan, W. Bowden. �,;, IL Orange 'Ledges. --the,L* sun _,ft --must be to make their fhoice ol a minister. - ladies of ffrucefieId,fqr'6Ueix excellent �'..... , . Of the . first, - little seeks '4 plate In - . I - . _ Township Of Tuckersmith, because the J. Ford and 3rd; two year old heifer, . .�� , I . need be said. Mr. Meighen was a willing to change. Old things must All Sessions of the Preorbytery were hospitality at diimei�tlrrie,'thanks t County Road through EginondvillOIC. Prouty, A. J. Ford and 3rd; one Belgian Rabbits, Mrs. G. Whiting; ­'�;; I.. I W ramrod in politics. He drove h6me uested to bring their records to the speakers, thanks to ibe singe 0 1p� ... � I , be thrown away. But the Party may req e December meeting- and sympathy to all that have be rs has not been paved this year. This year old heifer, C. Prouty and 2nd,, any other variety rabbits, G. Cud- ��."LLL his own convictions --they dominated not be willing -still as I see it, the be attested at th en .seems to be a most unfair criticism, A. J. Ford; heifer calf, A. J. Ford I more, 4 first and 3 seconds, Mrs. - ..I,.. .. the Party. No man with a sense of move must be forward with a new The Prehbytery arranged for a bereaved during the year.' as the situation in Egmondville is en- and 2nd, C. Prouty; diploma for best' Whiting 1 second; collection of pdg- .. ��, .1 erence of members of Presbytery The committee to nominate the � .�- ... I I values would haie tried to remove White Hope or a life in the wilder- conf . tirdy different from that in the Town i animal any age, C. Prouty. eons, Mrs. Whiting, G. Hey -wood. ;... I the Crows Nest Agreement from the ness with Bennett. Not many would and representatives of missionary two delegates to the Conference -.. i --.M I tions 1 Seaforth. 1 Grades -One year old heifer, R. Judge -G. F. Purser, Windsor. ,". , 41. I - "I I railway legislation of Canada and .choose the latter, but there's no ac- committees and congre-92L Branch meeting next spring, namedit' I F. Ellerington; two year ol.l. L�', 1. Seafortb pays more than ten times !Mill-, �� " then ask the 'West to m c6unting for tastes. throughout the bounds, on Wednesday, Ontario Street Church, Clinton, and' .9. . I!",.�, ­ - This -was a cardinal principle of Mr. Oct. 12th, in the Presbyterian church, Goshen Church, as the two which,i the amount of county road taxes paid! steer, F. FlIerington; one year old I .t�,:. , I YS Clinton. L.L 4 o'clock in the afternoon. should send these delegates. - Mrs. I by Fgmondville, and according to the I .steer. F. FlIerington; Junior calf,: HILLSGREEN , It". �L t ,� , �141, Meighen,s policy. it was alwa . the I O'Neil Bros.; Senior calf, O'Npil Bros. ,: .... ��, - , HURON PRESBYTERY : Highways Improvement Act, �.-� I , t".... �IWLL� named as proof of 'his courage. Cour- . Rev. Dr. A. S. Grant, Secretary Of Howard -Fowler, Secretary. - Diploma for best animal, any age, W. M. S. --The regular monthly .�.:!;!, age is not the only element of suc- The Presbytery of Huron met in the the Gen(-ral Board of Missions, who :County of Huron is required to ex- i n'Neil Bros: V%horne Bahy Beef Spe- , meeting of the W.M.S. was held at 11 ; � V . cess in Leadership. Visit the ZO'10. United Church, Wroxeter, on Septem- is visiting the 43 Presbyteries of the - ! pend a certain amount of money with- ' - Regard with care the rhinoceros. ber 19th, 1927, Rev. J. E. H-togg, B.A-, church and laying before them the ' in the Corporation of Seaforth, on rial. Ray Mills. . the home of Mrs. .Iarrott on Wednes- . ��;v , �� - A TRIP ABROAD ,account of the large county road as- Judge -Ira M. Noble, Maple, Ont. :day, September 14th. The meeting -L; Courage Chairman orf Presbytery, .presiding. extent to which the church is engaged , "'!, Brainto bulk is not large. ch the town pays an- ,was opened by singing Hymn 798, af- ''I .. � onspiouous Jeature, but its in- The action of the Executive Coin- in missions at home and abroad, and (By Miss Matilda Fowler, Seaforth.) sessment whi SHEEP , . I .� 'I, v f is its C ' nually. The requirements of this Ac' I ter which Mrs, Cochrane led in prayer. I f:" r telligence is , not great. I am not mittee of Presbytery -in releasing Rev. what may b& the needs of the Budge-, Naples, July 20th.--Frorn Rome to � �,, ,Q� L., . contending that MT. Meighen is 1�ot Geo. Telford, B.A., from St. Andrew's to meet the rapidly advancing cause Naples by train is a distgalee of 16.1 - governed the expenditure made there Dorset Ifortied--Aged ram, 0. Me- Psalm 51 was read by Mrs. Carlile. I �; 1. I It - -might of the gospel in the care of the church miles and occupies about -seven hours. , this year. Laren; ram lamb, 0. McLaren; ewe The treasurer's reports were read and � 1! A � ,. . intelligent -I am only putting for - aving of the Rtreet in Fg- having raised lambs this year, 0 Mc- adoi)ted. The roll was called by re- 1! charge, Blyth, in order that he I ward the idea that courage must be accept a call to.�-Frederickton, N. B., is to be present and address the meet- South of Rome there I'Ver6 Sol many The p -� �L",�,, . . t­ b:�6,d by' discretion. Beatin . 9 a was confirmed by' Presbytery. Mem- ing. And at 8 o'clock in the evening old ruins,of viaducts. castles and in')Tldville is a matter under the Laren and 2nd; shearling ewe, 0. Mr -'prating a verse from the Bible, the . ", " 1',�'. I ers find it other ancient buildings and many old t jurisdiction of the Council of the Laren, J. Manson & Son; ewe lamb, text word being "Faith."I, Mrs. lv?�- . h against a stone wall is not the bers bf the Presbytery spoke of the when larger numb may r: K � � fn - 9 - churches or monasterieg ,on the bill-! County of Huron, and no hamlet or , 0. McLaren and 2nd. I CochrRnp read an interesting paper, I'll, ... �1­ supreme test of Leadership. If YOU long and faithful service rendered by more convenient to attend a gather s yet been favored byi Oxford Downs -Aged ram, A. Pym; ­TelIq Why 11 .. doubt the wisdom of these vr*rds, Mt. Telford in his charge and also ing of all congregations is to be re- tops. In the distance were the blue police village ha indu Women Should � ,. ! watch the Nxty Platform to see how the Preabytery. quested -and laid upon the hearts ,of Apennines with lower hills and often I having a street paved by that body. i shearling ram. A. Pym an(I 2nd -, ram . Discard th(', Veil." The topic was " "I, 1 It is probable that the time is not far' I 1� many of MX. Meighen.'s late planks The ,Secretary Of Pregbytery. was the Presbyterian people to come and great rocks -quite near. We passed i lamb, A. Pym and 2nd; ewe having taken by Mrs. Carlile, Mrs. Cochrane .1 ", are torn up and allowed to (ffift down requested to furnish a synopsis of hear Dr. Grant relate the wondrous by sinall fields of grain, 6om, sugar- I distant when some such works will be raised Iambs this year, A. Pym and and Martha Carlile. The text Word ... �111' � . . stream. Hunting for lost aviators the ktinutes of Presbytery meetings story of what the Word of Life is cane, Toots, hemp and grapes, which' undertaken, but it would appear most 2nd-, shearling ewe, A. Pyrn and 2nd; for October is "Prayer." The meet- 1111� I " 11, I - to each of the papers pulblisbed in 9ccomplishing through their devotion were often beside tre--s, planted in I unreasonable to cast reflections on ewe lamb, A. Py -m and 2nd. � ing was closed by singing Hymn 270 .1 . : 4, will have thrills of the probable coin ee e J. - , pared to a search for "me' of these .thb Presbytery with a request for in- and sacrifice, and what it will Yet rows to form trellises 'or the -in. There I the R. v of Tuckersmith, because be Shropshiredowns-Aged ram, . after which all repeated the Lord's 'I I I �� lost Tory planks after the coming: ser -tion.,- also a co - to the "New Out- surely do, if they are faithful and were orchards of olives, peaches, I failed to establish a precedent in Eg- Manson & Son; ram lamb, .J. Man- � Praver in unison. . I . ; � . I � py ville, when he is but one member son & Son and 2nd; ewe having rais-, I �� ,I , � I convention. . I look," Toronto. It was ordered that believe in its power to reconcile, ra- pears', plums, figs, orangba and lem- -ond .1L .1 I' 6*. �. Protection also killed Toryism, It four copies of the bbre,Hated min- clailm, and impower, and become a ons, and almost everywhere groves of in a Council of thirty. ed lambs this year, J. Manson & Son: 0 1 1 ­ , anchor holding"thbin.to offiedlutesbe printed and Ent to each min- knowledge that lives in a wonder of poplar, locust, pine and Sumac* Most ROY PATTERSON, qhearling ewe, J. Manson & Son and 14�� t ,;r I, I � , . I � was an I charge Of love, tradition, faith and deeds of Of the grain was being a ounty Engineer. 2nd; ewe lamb, ,I. Manson & Son, Roy I . I ifi -the past* but ,the anchor has slip- ister' in the Presbytery in ,pt and bound C '.1, , 1, I i DUBLIN � 11, �', I I strong things Qf that civ- by hand. Our Italian �uide told us Goderi,cb, Sept. 12, 1927. Pepper & Sons. 'L. 11 ped -its gripping power is gone. Pro- a circuit. - � -grace, the I .­ ich. is forever. that up-to-date farm implementi l,incnlnq--Agpd ram, Gporge Pen- ',q .�, - f, voctfou killg more people in Europe Owing to ill health, Rev. J. A. Fer- ilization wb . . ------------ 111-- : Baldwin -Ral ei gh.-M r. and Mrs. I .... 11 . ' -meet could not be used on amount of I -ale, T. N. Snowden; shearling ram, . 1"I over the course of years than war. guson, B.A., presented his reftnation The Pregbytery adjourned to i James X. Baldwin, of Pontiac, Mich., �� T. N. 11,11, I It has driven ten times more pekople froin -the McKillop charge. Members in Clinton on the second Tuesday of scarcity of employment for the labor- EXETER FALL FAIR T. N. Snowden; ram lamb, I were treated to a wedding dinner at , : I .' . out of cafada thin it has brought of his Congregation spok concerning December-, at 10.30 alm. ing class. As in France, oxen were Snowden, George Perhale-, ewe having, Lt - inhale � the beau,tiful bome of Mr. and Mrs. I in. I I ,' Xlg,�O-nf bef6re'the light big faithful work amon --­-G� .9 year, Geo. Pe I Patrick Raleigh, uncle and aunt of '. Z, t it, ad " A theM and generally used for the. heavier work, The annual Fall Fair of the Fxeter raised lambs thi , ving, and carts in- Agricultural Society was held on their and 2nd; shearling ewe, Geo. Penhale 1�1, , I # poured on it by fl%o Tariff Board. The tributes of respect were given by sev- CENTRE HURON W. M. S. HOLDS donkgys for dri ­ the. bride, formerly Miss Mary Gen- � I - In the cities bells grounds in Exeter on Tuesday and and 2nd; ewe Iamb, Geo. Penbale, T. ..4 0- P*esbytery CONFERENCE evieve Raleigh, of our 'burg. The , trkinz to usi -the Cries of "Irr ergl - lirother ministers. IN BRUCEFIELD stead of wagons. ,� I ­ ­ '. Party . . . 'i�i . if 4hd�,;411?ull reluctantly accepted his resignation are used on the horses. When an Wednesday of this week. The weather N. Snowden. �-i teet, Hovid' IndWtry" .. . lady has travelled extensively since ,-�, L 1� ­ I . ��t . The Centre Section of Huron Pres- hour's ride from Naples', we saw Mt. was cold, but brigfht, on Wednesday Leicester-Shearling ram, Jas. Mc- . . � Dinner -Pair would be *111111�k 0 d1i4e. Arid, E�,pljdinted the members of the . . leaving her native village and last J�:�,. a nivolel 10 Pqrd - in -1930. -The Presbyter e United Vesuvius, which is nearly a mile and there -was ,a record attendance. Allister, R. Pepper & Sons; ram lamb,' . "i�' c .y ,Settlement Committee to byterial of the W. M. S. of th I Saturday morning was married to --, - ,02 sulphur- The scarcity of apples in the district James McAllister, R. Pepper & Sons; I,'.' , ' d missionary Corder- high, and from whose cone a Mr. James X. Baldwin, of Pontiac, "e, . I rickety thihig- will -no 16�4r � 161d, 06iistrIf ,vhM, the congt,egati6ns an Church held a having raised lambs thiR year,i ��, .. . . I I Protection now SuggeSts`-'9ge and ln� �j,aki,grrangelvtents for Supply until �n? Bruce-fielA United Church on ouo-sinoke is continually. -issuing. An- this year was very apparent in horti- ewe Mich., at the Gesu Church, Detroit, ­7­ .�.L , euce i . � �, - -:,iyalW -7 sfielk tirad ." A'SuwMsor is s Mrs. Lane, other peak of an extiuiit;yolcano is cultural display, in fact the display R. Pepper & Sons and 2nd; shearlin ,� ,,�. L" egured. g by Rev. D. E. 11a,milton S.J. Mr. ­ �`­ ., - fa-mityl -,and St. Vitus dance _ Friday, September 16th. we . ,��4­ L, .. it L the Station we of all fruits was small. Roots and ewe, R. Pepper & Sons and 2nd: e 1 Michael Raleigh gave the bride hi � "'11,11. I 11 - no more; does carrY'RoOe gave to a - In 111turd -Ia-� ineitbers as well as of Seafortb,- presided during the morn- beside it. On reaching 9� � �1� I . . - Devotional exercises bad a long ride to our egetables were good and the display lamb, R. Pepper & Sons, James Me- " - ' �­fsw old. de;ioteos, Vbo -go; longer stop Wit ters -oxr�ll receive, itotice of Pres- ing session. marriage to the qtrai-ns of the wed- i ,,g;� . %r , *,L , ',j, ,. cb were almost a of ladies' work and displays by town Allister; best weather lamb any breed, : , - InCofilp. '.. .�, I . ,, of noisy streets, whi . - Tor ** " �' �,6­: the moin- Me%r, were ,!onducted by Mrs. Penrose march. Mr. Walter Raleigh, a t6 th6k yfain may,, br . 1' ding 41 " ' . .- Sot' "ifft, lip loya ,� the M& , Owhilg tOL the ��Jiko�Qf.4 Rev- GeO- V,arro,. �The minutes of the last Mass of people, for NFIPI" 19 tbd most merchants were, as usual, good. In .I. Manson & Son, R. Pepper & Sons., brother of the bride, was groomsman. , �11.� �, . - . .9' ` by Mrs. A. T. pqpulous city Of ItRIY;, It affords the outdoor departments, the heavy Long Wool -One pen of sheep to . , i�;P� I'll 110 a a - meeting- were ead ­;& I shibbieths, biit tbi teaeor who prb� T7�Rbrd, Rev. ;r,. �,,�,i ',LQA*jke: V 9 - r' elen Baldwin, sister of the , �;.,�.�,: . � , 6i of �.Lf� JtkLe , C I tit tointo$ool ks an advisrdkk�hiknlb io,�,P4 A ViSitorL much entertainment, as draft9 in the boyse class" were not consist of I ram, I year or over; I Miss H L and were approved. th as bridesmaid. She wore mi . �-,� u1"; � .posed a brick for a brick tariff . ­ , -m, 'r, ., : rtnee Settleyn�if,�7661&lnittsb, my of the people th0e.jiv� large- up to the standard of this fair in ewe, I shearling ewe, I ewe lamb- grol) w 'I"'I. the ,Conservative Conventionr1s . blue velvet dres,s, hat to match, and . , IC4 -t 1, �, I ., . Mori 061ft, *'WaSL 4j*int%, , 4.. Mr. Bremner, of Brucefield, mi and %yvrk at their numbers, but there was northing lack- George Penbale. - I .1 . ,, , , i�,`, - , . I . "; ,jilcely to get hen fi-dit than building . JL4V. 0 J. MOOrefttlA ". - v�elComed the delegates. He was ly out of doors to her flmm.rq were pink qweetheartro* . 1. ", .., 1. sibytery.. at the id ploln the open i,g in quality. The agricultural class Short Wool -One pen of sheep ..., . ed 4o, r�prbser& Pf4 pleased, with ih,� inott", of the W. trades, eat, sleep ar The bride, who was a general .'. .., .. � .. .. I , ��, .14 . I ; 11, .1.. I , J**rliil� I - I I X*Otcir From our ho ' of one ram, 1 year or over I '". V .. - ft , 0 11 'Of the:latei Rev- J- M. 0 r A V1120 was was an excellent one and the light consist I . " ­�.7 ­-�,�,,;Z,o.. . , I. 114sra in te, both here. and in London, .1 .., .. 'Irh�� ILIPY'ne BaWe. ,,.. and pleased with the prog am. street. . I I 11 '. 'A, "%,I I. - I . 0--.�.­. 1111W�SAG .. les, on a high hill, we sa , nted. ewe, 1 sbearling ewe, 1 ewe lamb, A. fnv'Or' " , %, , .- . 1 ,, , - . RIM � �#.Jagt of, the catiseg A VAStI6. ,, T%e TL6portlj. of the Auxiliarl �Ot:3116'1)11Y at horses were also well represe Ont., wore a navy suit, navy hat, red '�., - L.; '� ­ ge , - '. " ri, L ,'��4�'�, ­, . . - -11, 11;,'; . , ggV��.;, LAJt2'& 01�, that Tor- � "'26tv. B, Snell Pves6`nted the report Circles wid' ViOds WaO all .helpful, night, with myriads . - .,. _.X��".�. ,� I - I ,._ - . 1, I:, . t'.�..,, � . 6'%W-:;qqL Of llkhtS along There was a big display of cattle, Pym. A. . I , , , I -,, I..� ""I .., VOE4. �� ,�, 11 t0 Ntue- -1 �� ­ 1 , . �� , .*� ,IS. 'IV ., ,. , � * -1 I I I U�­ .. 4:;, " , N of the Religious Efteatio boats lu'the harbor sheep, hogs and poultry. The gate Judge --J. H. Mulholland, Mitchell. fox fur, and her flowers were YeHOW " ..W., ".Ii.bbo W., , 4 �� %ter thiligs, ..pjfjejai1J1f�Lof I!1i1-bIlee,and-Rp the aide of&,-Veattvius. receipts amounted to $700. . " ,. � , ctweetheart roses. Breakfast WAA .. � L. ''! - 0 , 00411mittee &i1d-enc6uragIhj­ fti�,erdl auxiliaries the shore, on the I I ­> , I .. A 9, �reooirime h9 , " on had put' on � � I of the bride"N ,, � .41, . '��­� . L � , " .% .� . "" PIGS served at the home I ­ , , t � 61, . sta Ma6m, of, -Lea4ership yt,gr,'yf . several .bad taised ng is the list of the gue- � ­., .1 . -� ri tv�,, 1111� , qfv, W , is . 'bit'es in The followi father, on Fuller Avenue, Detroit, t6 , �,j " " , . . ,4�,,-�, . � � W* "i - :0 .all w t- �,� &I h4% of Naples surpasses all i " : - ��-j,-­ ­ ., , !�,g Alon I &4 beauty of its Rit1X#" And the ' "" ,�y �J, one W, ': '90hools; 41w,fdkiii of their allbtineiii afid' 66 19vewl cessful prize winners in the Outdoor Yorkshire---4BOar two years old and the near relativea of both contractlilLf -'� , - I , t'-. _ -1 P *1 nd4L, ..�I;k , . -�� 7,1 ' . . ' '#4 f "" , .�._ .�� #,�A­*' -:L V,.:,� �V,�A , I "ll? RZ ,� -teacl� their. bbjecl� -bV,Abd1 SO& lo-velinoa'si of its suMA.ZPn9 , roarties. 'by Mrs. Stgpliets and ?&*. ,­ , , ._ V,.:,4�, 5, % � El "�;."�L� V'.�'J'� i euid .,� ,�;.,:L �1' .-�,nlo I, pq�,, e �­-Txvwup� -'6 , ,Tvde "U""O of - -a r rt departments, and the prize Winners over, G. Miners- boat one'year old and . R 0 � . " "" , be 9 . .Ing, � ,4 �: 004, �idq . � ,�;; �, ,I - �Otltida " - .'atd�c hal� al*Ays been a favarl ego or ­­ p,gft ,'� -tied sftw .i.- �, ZRAV, gwf - . o.f the year. --- . in the other departments win appear under two, G. Miners and 2nd; sow 2 Proctor. of Detroit, two mmt 11, ... . 1� 4�� "I W , tbitobi L . � J# I m ­�, XV4 - . .1 �� 11, 44yfAi,k­6wt1 fliat & #W#il WSA,� 'iqf toulista, being the starti it Point or in next week's issue: a or over, G. Miners- sow I YeAT teTs of the fbride. The hoi , LL I 8 ville Auxi .. .y year .. - ., eiif,braeed a r 41�. , POInpefi, A*to,r trip to tie , .. I 1W #mbligh A �Te '� Pr I .. . S6afftth.: Auxlqarm 6*11'rgiong to Vesuvilm, , old and under two, 0. 'XIIners- sow � 01it' . L. 1 �'. �� , ` 11, " �". , , � sp 61, ineati, , . . �V , , , , A ��- 11 . 1. ". , .U= �A. �, 6,',�k - 102,; ;; 1 , lu�=aw= I -e ,­Iti 90yrento and MAWA—. 1 2.25 Mrot or -PAce. .'I �:�-.'.,7.� - i t"A . - ' ldllbst. littli4*10"t C and ind. 'Dal.eigh holne In WbbeTt Town !',,�.� " ,j,L �7' 1!.., .-A %7,� .� I ­j4p, -, 40j. ;& � the � A - under One year, G. Miners ­ � '. , I that; ", &II ho .,still - .4 1�, . " . I , 'ILL' I L . _ t,I y� '�J A ", -R60 morning whek-,.,,; �Jng for ,, � :� ry '-, 0� e enueu - .I,-. ,, , , ##X.t -Boar under mie year, T. and stupper it I ,blln at g - 21111" �� ,�. ,'thd "'.1", k patchen, Hed&n, Exeter I I I Berkshire )u � - -161firh 1 ,.'W"`�;,�.,.`.��"`�, �� q:0"'T6 n4thtm 11 . � ,�, ��:�,,� f,:- 110."� ,T `�` hl * '' id' is,�Aoa- ,lMimr Mine - L,V ? .-V ,� 'i ;. ,b hj PULIM FA - , I., j�%'.'�:,.'­: 4, 114,V6, 4. te,kk- ,CBA*0,01�i I of 60deA6� 'S ' t" � ,fti4'.,W6 had a fine Vido, -frorn the J - ��.1211':11-� . . r .11 I IOW ';V1'!J,J) �­ V I . I � � _%fteL ­­ . " '. . ��'L't 11&1?�4h In -L ­fof & �ieit-aja�- W- go, - ��.�.:� 17k,&, I� �, to , �utiful b146,,6urdng buy Darkey Bo -Y, ftileding, Exeter 3 2 2 N. Snowden, saw under one year, T-. oling dinner at 12 o'clock o ; I *10 i thenla Awdli- -' ITh Viof,Ahd� beb N. Snowden. etiatitep of tho %4 � b., .' - g� �'r 'd.0 - to whjch all the I I , � �,$�Inb#*A"JU - 1. �. , � I,.: , � I " , A, ;d afringinj -ro ., -its Sur- Uneda Grattan, Eagleson, worth -Boar under one year, ,xvere invited. Mr. land XT9. I 111;,�?� .7�,� , NIV 1119, ,04.",",filw,�61& adlifoo , 1, � T. group J!4 -, ­ , . 0� ,"ty . 21", ., " �� "P, . -1 �,� I I GrA not .... 2 9 a Tani � ­,� , 150" 04' ., , 11 101S& �11..��1115.ZA I . � 4 -,� * I ­ �, abs 'She bwe:& 4-tgow. . q,agjos, Air. Xdhii CarbatIt mad, i �L & , " "' -a sprinklga,�,',* Ot , � I 7" � lid* C -uud*, -Ul - %'h V Has, nd Be ......... _ 4, , I 11 a, . "Aff t*d" I ,ro _ gt Time -9.24%, 2.24%, 2.25 . T. 14. Snowde*; sow two years . :7AOV-'.�� " , ­,;, d tt6`9t4" mass dz,�­ 2ftd; so* tor, Allen, 01 , I W i ,� W 44"tte , � Vesuvius �,�-p ­,�,Iv AbliflulitfIdt. 1*1 114'� si over, J. Ma-ftson & Son And in I "s p1pa; 4 �, r 1, Ov� ft � �4 ii:� �� � ; 'L ... � "'t L 0',W I I clinto - Xr. i� ­M�,OIMIFI� .g�bayftd, Atter 74 , ift� of two - W. J. .W991e, Mt. AIV -,Mrs. I I . �7 U, I % -fV;AdfAW 164&A'>fdV the, 12 L Rulaning Rated. 6ne year 61d and under t*6,, J, MdA A. ­ " P:4; Ioxv4ij 11-1 -r 4001 M 6 � I il 'AXIIIN 0 MivOW'.-!d � ' �40 - 6 J I..". toft.,,A#�b - IN L , "It - h-0 . ,�, �11 7 2,� 10 . ME yars we"RAO'h6d, Capri, son & Soft and 2ftd; sow VII&T 006 ,Npajtle, Mr.;,:.& d, ,,;,`� � , I AN 'k 'It , WIM 0 1 1 �� � R 1 T1. sk, it �ftly' 1 4 - I I . if, - 1W ", &'An" I 1� , .1 ,w -�" ,6 L 4. Ast, 'Al .40 I . James Taylor, Exetdr ....... i mith I 1�`i.l MW;. . voleddo'raek -three 1 2 L year, J. Mgii#on & Son ft1kaL =0. . I 0,103".1 1 " % sit , 4 � '' �(Or'," 4*�i "L� �,�', unil Mr. V. A. - - , 61 � t e;, . t. oogj , ;T ft'-Lft - .. 104$.t� �'ti% �( ,� : W. S. 90*07 Sposew-J. Manson � "g, '. EJ 1,04 , . -,O-#d, ' ' ' '' ' ''k�,',,,V 9 , r.-, , ,1,41 I .. . ­ ,* �'*Agf ­rnts . vr 4.4i, _ , tid �'j . - 169 2;000 Willard, Exeter ............ tI6 " - I .1 . f 00 we're the , �"%;"Lqn' " '04 w1wr ftt'I�06*6 the sea, , - t, 6 ftbe at �� � "0# . 4W udge bo �. " * , & , ' I - 1.1,11 , , , , . 121- M,,�Doiftaid, Ex6ter ........... 8 a - i - I � - . -'41i - . A Al,�,,�, "i, g. LM & Son, terila USat Ma k t 11 Mgll...,w�, noto'd ., � I r" , "' Iffik X ado 0, d1,41CIOM d4t' *, I& vaitr neafgTk shjoteo The Bowdenj Centralia ...... " , I 'R.%� , 1*11 �%,X, ., - ?J , .. - Ind rtme-4, 1, 1. ..... 44 .1 ­ . -,-- - , ,Vt Alt:6%, 1. M � � - ,W ­,$ 0. , , ,: , "" I .0 .b .1 �� . fig - . . Zrudge­01; "I t , . . - .. ." � o bf 11 �­ I 1 , �, �diud 0 It . r , . I I ft 6-, W ----I- ,6 Al .. t* I P '4� ri! , # .0 I,�, I .1 likao, IS11 , ­ I ,PLUAL I - 0 0 '. 'I 1 W , , "t ��;.L,, k - 60 , -1 44b " I L 20 P 4� .. LW , , ft, tfty - � I � , I , f f1v % f U*. ; 41,100 I.W."' io� ee-� , L�%e I , IMPA ,.""", ,Q , 11666, Aftuo, a 10 . X td. cood, . I Vafl.jV ,)"44�-A. a Dofftl���t*�*Adkl- ; 11. a In Bicycle Raee,-,� � F I ao4Ih:1r "I , , , _ , EF �� 1 11 I 11'..., cowl�119woj,",Ipv#fw&(byftwboatik�,,,�11110��AtMtO Ste,wqft, 2nd; . ,ATW " . .. , . I .1 . "I ­ . , . 41 . . . I I I ,'; . ,.V -, � - , &.''."",�'­­ ;�­ -'' - . ­,t­V.­­ I . . -i 1. �, ',gn, I I , ., '1Q ­f "..."I JiW�07 ­ 6" I 1. I I f, .,�, I , . . :: o?"W'10. R,,L"%Nh,44.. ,,.-, ,­ L 1, .. I � ..- .&­. , . . i . , 1 Q �If.'v,Al&� , �- I " " . �,, *." ', � L ,, IN' �, \L . . . .1 . . . . I I �. ,4�7 e--:�gi � t I ", . . I I . , . '. I ., . '. " I ,� ., ; - I- A."E , �S,,�`,!,4fd il � - . ' `:'�' L 1;,,:,�, '. .' ' ":'­I�',�. L� " .,t,, 1. "....'. '1­1�11,��.­ �-, 1�� , . � . - '. ... , , , - .1 ­'� - � . . * �, �­'�,.%­Z*,�,�­ , , ' I - .1 1, .....: ..,. L." ;.� � I . , � 1, 4, , ,�, I I -1 X11i, , I 11� : .?.. �, �. I ,'..� . - ��- � ,L'�� - " - .' I . : �: ,", It ` W. �1.1­ �. I;, , . � � , , " � . '. - " 1� � L - . - , ,-;- !'�,\� � �t,:�,�,�­� .­�, �,­-.-," 1'. ­ �,,, , ,)): �,:,� . � , ,;, � ��,�� ,,�"'.�,,�!. ..� , , I ". . . " , , , , ,,i�- �7, ­,-,­,- . . ­ � % -66 "; ILW I, I'll . , �'� .,L".., 1. - ' "�� �-- , "N . - , , ", , . ­". , . . '' � -ll ,4 , : '�.' I'.; -:','�..i�..'*�l�,��o,.'f',��;�'��", a, -�-1­11.1'1 , � - .�� 1'- .. .11 M, � .. I , . � ! , - liat � 'I , , , ; I I � .". .1 �11.;, I �' - - " '' " ": ,�' "-� . " ;. W, MOP.M&W, .- 1- . S . ..�­114,,I�,�.M 19�,.`�`. Z-:1. " " I -.,� 'Ah !.I ��,:�,,�,j4 �,��;­­­.­ -j",A, � , g 11 I o ­', I , " I . ., A I.. , P, - I ­­­­ L %02 L, � I I JT-" ­". 1-1-4'. � —11 .11­.�:�I��t' V MA, ­L�' . " -� .,­­­,� I