HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-09-09, Page 7,,, � � , , t, � - I " I IT 7w�­ , I I , 11111MIPM-1 .17WIr - .: ", , 1 .." "', `�:`, ,,, , I I 11111 111111 1, , ,, I . . ­�� , �,11 I i , , ��i, : 11 , , I � , - �,�. -, I. 1. " , ., ,� � ,­� - . , . :v,'� 11 ,. , 1, , - , ,,,, " �� 1 7' , I ., I I , � I ,,, I -�, 2, �, � 7111M � , �, `;��, � I � � , " , ..., , - 7 . .� , i , " , : . ". - . i ,. ��'_ ,��,�iI,,� . � " ., I'll, , `� , , �, -,,,� � " , , � � ,� �1,1'1'1�.�� , , ." ,; I , , � � - k:". , ;,;, . , , �, ". �i, % I . "I i�:,.,� i_;� -I", , " - J, i _,� . .. .... - , , '. I , ." "" � , '_ ,V, .� � , " , , '1 , , - � � , � ,; ��,.A `�1%11�� 8 1'1�,1�111'11'1'$?il,., � �; ,��,�. , �� I "�i 'i , .,� � I , � I I I - , �, '. ,,i�.� , � '. : '. , 'A' !, , ­ � I 1131-1- � . � . I I - " I �'. � 11 "I'l � , `i:� I I I .. �, �;:, ­ighj�, I 11 I , , , " I __ t 1. I . '117;ill'��i , F, ­ . . I - _­ " � " �­ I " , , , , , � i�l ��:., 7IV. 11, , ", , � , , `,��,7�. 1� I ,T�� ,� � I,?. �� -, 'T I�D,j ., �­ � , , , , , .R." , F"':; "�� ��; � , �._ ,,, I -�, 2, �, � 7111M � , �, V,%- I s" �, I I � I I . I I , �. `� I 1! I . , , � , , . , I ­ ", , 1`�, :, :', - .;i 'i, �'', � I � 7_1 - ", " I , , 117 r _-r . . , I �;, ,, , , , , " ,� '', 'I , , . I , , " 11, , _ , i',�, - , ', I �,-_ I � I , � �'. �1, ,� �, 11 'i'', , li ,�­ i��, ,.., � I , '', , I., ,:i;��,,',,',��i4,� " � .1 111-1 111r. � 1, I I � ��.'.�� , , � , " ,;. � �­i, " - " I 1 J1111161111ili-I ".1i ,��, ei; ,)��'i, i . '1� I 1 , Ql.,i,i,� i,,',',,i,f,�,,�,�10��,, � , , ­� ­1!&iI,r-,I �,�i;. 'i,:��.",T'... I I v I � I , i "'' I ":, ,i I I ., ��', ., � I I I � � "", "" I _­, I 5,,`,1'r,-'1z11i,�,i�i, : I , ��, ill"', 11 � � 1� "I 1 1 `� " 1. �11,`. � I � I �, � . I ; 11 " I :� ..... I'll - .. 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I'll, 0W10W,�, 11-1-1-1-- ... ... . � 4 - - 11 ...— 19 'Ik �:Z� �.i, -�'fl, , ;10w. bi* ff . .. li ._ , :iL - 7 %4F .� ;11 'w�#,,�,",�'a'...", j" , . 1�1 " -� I . . . . . 11 , . t?r6_____-_ . � " ,; 11-i ... I �:,. � 1--C. ­ 71"�;.�i',A' " jpo�, 'IV I . ." I - .. il.',,"",:,� .,A ,1- 0i I 11 llrli-111 I I— -1 ­. , %, � ­­­­ I .. ­,.­�!,� . . '�; - - T A , "..", � I , P, � �., �, I . W ­­ �� � , � `41i , , , "' , " ,i . ". .. '� , ­15,F)",� TV,p ,1 I 0517ol.'_I,,�f,, .� I 11�11 :�. �f,I IWO 0 W�t .4, il,.RT�" , 51AY , I %= 12 i._ �*; I , I'll . +_NW'9� vi, ,� , I I % - A I � 40 " �.� ­�, _," z , i I- " , . , p. 4,,� . 2" *11, - idi 1".� 0. �" ,�,'�;!. " - 1, ow l','� I I ,, , ", �, � � Ir � 1, , _P f , _1 , � 'W,491111� W.11 , , , r�.Ilil I 1 .. . , t, under 19 ill- .. 4� �WV , "", , . " WA 11%, 1. - IiW ., 'Z;1 _i-� I �. I, , " " _d � - . .. , , 1. `� � 0 .� -­ 11 , -71, ; _ , . - . ,-, � 1� , , , '! j, A 1. ., I % , �­i ,46, , . A V � , . . ,,; . ", , � , , . ;:1 �L� 'Tro1q, 1"'PW #,� * , isu , I 4411'i.�, ii��.i � � I . I �, _r ;;. ., �',,. � � � AM, - - _..." a ,, I ' I 11.1 - 1.1, � - I .� ".1., _ .-V , ''I I. 1,!rl� . . . . . � 7.71i_,.� ,-1- - I ... ". 1. . I -*L , ,bl , , , , = ., '� '11f, , � " , I 1,1:, ­.P��': �,�,,T, Iii 7 I I , � �,,` , ";e ,, Cil . ! - " t .11 "I, I . �, ol ; �; ... ­ �,44` � - " " " ---------4 1 3o, '� " , , - , . 'i 'with th4 - I -lei V. M.'' 441 *A* im� .. � , - , " ; " �, mow., ,,NW,��61"_ .,=" GUT 1 ib .1.111ii. .�� I 1� 06 ­ , �P �,� - , g,��,,� .1 �4 f " )p4t,,- J ": .. � I , , �. I i, I �, , no � It ` �P#f or, , , I*"A rson, I?vje- I.. 191rumWd ps - . ?, � , . . . . I .,�12 lzl-;�.ol­��Iii`,,'�r, - " ,ii` , "I � '. . 00045 In'. i, , ,.,. Z. ,,_­i,� 1.3. 1 '04 .1W 0 ,P4 , -it - I- -, I �.; i44-,-,.` - po'��v -VWth0r, . � -p gr ", - I ­� " zi 4, .: ,'�,;"i� . - � � I it! X'�, J. '2o ,!, , -'* ,� 'e'�! JT-M,J st �cpg# Yet, , Aup dunt0rd�("l y West. _ oprift �". ­ � I -, � .". 1� .1 -1 .111 1 17 . . , ,war4! 116v " , _0 " " �, �� . -'R , 111 I � , It . ,ir"orget , , , '' 'a , T4 w1i " �" ,!r, 71 .1 I;. " :. �: "'. .,��, ,:** Now. '70 -M, w,-%- . lrj�, ,�,., ,,,��, ��`, ,,�, I "111 I w 0. � , I ..., I. , -4 t � `�_ : 0 1 �. , . I .1� I " 1. . _0 e )� "i , i " A .. ,��, - - " :; � ': 1, I I , , � � I i . 4 . .r 0'w4,*--)-�- 'D � - I A,. ,4 , _', . � , - V_V'11��` , I , . . ely'joukiioi, ,,Jjqtd� or, wliate'VO4�,p6y� 4.100i4but"onei ik "' ' ;uch;, ':.,,, positively 'W'0014"blijosAble tol"yo'. -1 "' " , " 1:� . , _ ei, f),r�,iome%E ,a .- 4 - , . : �, .": . neyiv�. '�,' Alr . buld, l*e,rpu]jh-16f '­,tJi6s#-'ddys , ,'.N V' +. * d:1 1016P., , -1.0h., 1. i , �, ..", " I . �t , - 1, I - - . fl:11. ,,, ��'hv , , , . , , , I 'A., � I � 1. , � . . �� X 5 .1 I :V, . , 009W , IT*' tnqd:� Boltwood, kony. in Alaska . k "4 YZ ., � �, i.,; .. �,' �, . . It .1'.. I I -tough, , -,Iwg;iit t6�,stay, I I � -1 P. yeelf I - - � , 11 ", 0.4w , IV` ., I * ,4 "Pl, ,� : . 1: : ,­ , ..' - "' 4 11 , , 'hero iii, & ta - jut Common- dAb -,4t­ele4r7cIt�r,-' W Do'you Vm "' . ", , . : I Jng- If, 1141, " - i 11 � . I .. I � �, '�pro,�t V�## , " . , , F . I . #'..,�,�,' ,O �tax,e ;, 11 0 ,,,b,`,,`..n%-1aii er,- �, !�Tp,,,, Q YOU on, -a: _ lie wa� gpirie, whis -og .Into , , ; ., . I � I tA, , . __ � :� " '2�. , ,., 'i, ", ; 'I, d 1 9 st', Mid, -of -hinted �_ **1 , I., , g Whot,wold"I I "I ­'. ,,i,,,�, ,,.,, , T,avner �ylg0rous,";k,1 JWd llt Ing H� WAIS I in I " I ­ ., 11, � . _%1. � P-7-wfed" �%,)� ., �. i �`, it *l[k*Jea4,:`.0 a Gilson limidusine, . , .�, I I ,... , - ,, _ . , , - , & i�� 1. at we were " teati �� ii� '..", , ii. , P't . 11 , �'to `ed4be;�Aw-* tbree,'h#rifted.,jfijJ�0 �d 1. . .1 11 . '," , s 6f,'� idlj�t 1— ., - V 1. " . 1. .1 d 16 14- ,. T, - �;,,: I , the::Ou) 14. Lt was his hundre&mule ,'radius? ..at lhpi 1-9yqIty, in Alremor:jof , , - I . I I _ .� ` , - , ad this . I . . I " - � * � . ,,., ,,',.' �, � A111sbi�!lb.,*&vr,:%t4. 0ho-',k-OR gilli "'dry VP . . . . I ­ .... 'I., , ­ � , � p, - hvx� 1. ''I for,61 actual I 1_.0 W, . , - � 't1rU1PJ,PUU I . - , vpt�d . i . I , , . i. �, � . ne e "Gee, .1 'don't know at the ineddlexe. . . , - :t�� -_ --- . �,�., , , " P aftg a port ­ , , , * , +1h, � . - ." I , M1404 qx %he#dl VIM ,-Ili , .;� I'!, - .in . - , . ". � ii.' 11 �" ,A; I , , , . .", � � . I do, -;,m be just. a IV I. w ander if But lie' had, never, - wom even*ng � 1. I , - . I . . , - , I !"p- � V. r '" the" �eanit stand b " re rd M ` t - clot I he$, . I_ �_ I I . : , ; ": 3�11 41i�11` I . , v � I , I - I . I . "I, SO, Ulk( % . Ot . g to" � , � , I , . I : 0+1 , 1,, we � ;.q V & d. �oth- yci,4 6�n telfn�e about wireless te16' I .1 � ,/ � . . � - , , � ,P], rilat _I) vas aware . . ... I I � 1� ­ . .1A 3 it -tax -we c4n,zli, . . I . I "Xo� I it'Ya 4 h � . 42 . MLOP MUTU -L air , 1�s-­ka4l, .11 Isn't what worries -W-. ��,` t the lad. � -_ doWt know anything about fore the complications -of . -1 I I I . r,?j, ". 't.ij�--Cfijef ','�ejisp� in t el . " u, - ,%, �o.w gil, t - �4,_ , p puppy t I graphy then 7 � .., �-", . 1. - 'Icts?;t ,�'. 101 . ppy .1 - can't . I I f . is`,pa er's t '. That , , Re calletl I .Mis-pu*` and, e- - � ., THE'Me . 1. . - , Wost g6t tirow-iied, �,­onc , 9 . I., I I , , , that exo*. ,, I .. .." . . ,� ;- ­ ;;;; ' -ad T" ')t ' - ,W ,liave. � s utter�lmpo , ssi. Ji I It anodety. ToA, I . �, b t ­9_�- bR fbe.,orI$,Pral Place "Please stay, Jefiff -W 4., soniq It% hi ,A thgtt eitler." galib, he was flabby - . ' I I WSUMANCE I Co., -W - ;A' , I b, He's as , , � I � I : , FME . WIT fi I �,�. � ." . , I 1A `6 it 'd", ""' Atods­afid darling drivi6s.and thiugi.', Welll� go -crude as iron -ore. 0 ,'i'le's being . desperately tried to make Milt and to Schoenstrom�-Ito Bill Ne,i;- . . �_,- - I I Y' wellief, . Milt, had , I I . . - .1 d,they '-v ,* a � . ..#, n305qi , , ' , . . , ` , . I . �. I I , " � . . 10V,�; the , ! �_,____ g�l� . � '. .. .1 � - ,, `� ,, ­ one morning I 'shot 4 bla�k b6ir just up Rainier -as fxr.As, wv'can." . 'I, ­ im4&g""i,J� his ;answer gracious but someh o J d I ­ ." � I.. careful, he may 1) ,'p be incon- -9,w- Golwey, even to Pr f. ones an . iff"D OF1F1CFr'_RWORT,ff,.-0NT-- W tiMe to keep him from dating my ' He stayod. Ae was'an&dotal lantl . .,.,, _ Be hated this devil's obsequiousness greasily prosperous Heinle Raiiskukle � , 14V ­ '111 I . I ' spicuous, -but give hi! k* e chance m I . 1. k �� ,, " 11 . . ii,� ; ` I I � " ernoon. Claire .- . . � , , . I 'suit was the Symbol , & " 'I . W �,� . ��".,,, 1,�:g "�, , , �.�� ; oot .", , �', p I � I I .1 ., b i amAsi4g at ti that'aft '7 �, ore than he had his chilliness at -the dress- an � - I" .1�w , � I 1, ;� '.q 1�* - ig- I . I. " ­ I I. I � . . "'Ohl -:she sighed in ad )" . . "A -I.. 91ww... . . . - in *�Ww,,,­� " , ': :, . _ wiftfts miration, and - I -and, -t*b girls "Reially, I'm not """ 1� t ng when . o" Lake. He' had. a feeling that pro and - I of . . . .I I I " -, o�:,�z ,.�,� :­ ,., . I , Gilsons, lnt#h of, the iridleatic 11, .1 " ., .. : , '... , - , . ; "to L.� � ,1 1. , I u - - Pre � ex , -4 1] ' "I ­­�, - I I - h�'�' 'h! . ,, 4 ' ,. - 1�1�.,i I I . I "Oh!'" again, uneasil droppe�d in�, Idmired him. That- I say that at thirty-fi ,*1 � be dining the G %, . y. , w'"ho . Jilsons had delightedly kicked sophisticated wealth. In Sch6enstrow , Ler, IT MK :, , . I I �00 __ "' ---or " _' Samt , . .. . " * E -W -14M lCo. 0% __ - , JW,was the Ig 'T Ill the. WOT14 made. heit uneasy. - And when Mrs. in his shirt -sleeves, okih& , I I ­ 14 .;t­��!jt , pt p� ,son V _ each other .under the table; that, for v at e r d s i z.,Iti�, �1. 1, I , , , , - . �44. Evani; BeechWood, VIC'e'-pre"81.444 � , t li�g ., �'il . . A. �, ing doivn all her unchanging sm e en waiters do�n w a ress- ui s. I , �. I 1(0.0""!�- ..,..- ,.W ,;,�:. 1. - � . 10. F to spoil his til _*fi`b ' Gilson beggqd Nm to leave his 'hotel -to ' -Ile, Claire was For one thin there aren't any wait- .1 !" ­­­.� - 0;��,L - ' 1. , . XeGregor, Seaforth, Bec�-Tftas' _ . read the paper witkIT, '( shoes off I 9 711_�"­_ �' , I . _ , , _#A - .­ I— , .1 � - bUt bb*�r6k,thj-&. knew"thdt 'and 'sta� with them, his refused with- and feet upon the tabljjk�.,?�But Claire - _...". , N11 � ��4 . . .,on' it �- unh�ii . . . . And she was 1so ers. There is. oAe waitress at the �� ' I .1 .. I . I .. hby'?had---,V,t47 ly chang 'h A __�y kn at n�, far''off, a white wraith floating be- Leipzig House, Miss Annie Schweig- , i. �. �,� .��; �._�:-X�,V,' "­�i%jlil �,;;� '111111% " 'i, �� ­ . I . t - . " .."..'m , " : " � I � % - -/ AGENTS: . .11 . ed Places; a quick look at, Claire tt'bat u her. �u ow wh a de�ti xotic soul ,. " " ............. 1� �"_�, I � "- , - , 11 ­ , i ��.., 4� � 1114t now it *as� ihe,who was the limp !'He wants,me to'be # ' frantic grasp. enblat, kut you wouldn't expect I . � - . � 4 ­ � . '"' ­r,­,�, ` � . I - . ­ i .,;.* 4 ,�W; i`A* � 'Alex. Leitch X`!R - I de- Ire s Ae is-iiii-she fancies tl , ause this yond his . it , . - f, , I , %�: "__ tIi � . ,16, weller, --- ,- I . � �. . ,.' ";�, I pia, .., ,,V ­�ilii , ii� 4 � 1,.�Nln , ti -he who. was - the really so much more'considerate than fellow re lied a punct4iW or some- ."ilt doesn't matter, really. But f Schweigelublat to deal [them off the �� - � � , �,p'�,f ", I . VC1,; indoor -d and � _ . , I I I . - �is­ft,�­)., that As hLa, had a4mir- Mf � And I hurt him. Even , his , didn't knovr� go you've started in arni in black trousers with braid doWn his WaTdrObe 'alreox -con , .1. � � - ,� � , " ­ . thing, of the sort for ll,drl& the road . ti - 1, I ., .. ... �� . , �.'Iw'*","�,�gf , - I . �� .. .., . �, �, W11*09 11754,9466 Ville; J. Wo, Youi 40do- - ---' ad,'Lake� so now it - id, b7oke down. And'I've spoiled the engineering school at the Uni- the si8e. . ejokm , � �� il I, 14 1 .ed ber.at ;�'Iathe these gen eman y pos� , , , ; she's indebted to him, iqi&tbe worse . . I 11 1*,',-,.,�I� I ..� I With the aid of tho clerk � ."'11- I il I J40;. R- I 9- JgrmUt4i BrOfti&L *As hers to admire, and his -to be -ViiFs �if, -b� mo-oing. A ' ' eversity- of Washington," Saxton was No; a dress suit was what the hero � 11 . - I � - " , i 11 . .. -DIRE�CT69$- ' serenely heroic. i I � nd' I've he is, the more she fiselsl , � �� �, ',�_ 11 -: ,�,.;", I �. I I . efings. And I'm help - him. i ' , 'Z "� i';� pu;i*Ing. "Have you met Gid Child- wore in the movies; and the herd in chart he laiiurcb� - 11'�' , I ,hurt tile Vilsons' fe &.rid aftairij 4, I - t�a ""' - I .. � I � ",­ I - , . . _ to i� . qrs there -son of old Senator Childers the movies, when he wasn,t a cow- ed garment with 4 plate -arm* . .. .. 0he was not -far from the worship- rot much of a comfort to father. Oht - ob, it,s qru p� .� .­.i� ,, ite . 9, I 11 Iftlam Rinn, ,No-. 2. Beg ighi�g I '.1, , � . �­ ,7ible, but V -,h,, , �T& and an' opening as crooked as the - d, . qxt , ink.sub-deb in ber . � . I � ,,�l 7, '%ow did & absolutely no go 0- L-i-ebarming people." puncher, was an ex -captain of the li'. - � .9d,". -she agonize;- there have been cases�.,`Jbu know, .�.'�. I . , d - 'd "I've seen him. He has a Stutz- Yale football team, and had chambers Id 530 v M I ", ... 11 .. i uri Ri er, a white tle whIc4 ' I , I ' ' "Thatl Oh, nothing." I I . ' "I � �.. Irl � . JoU- Beu-newles, BroBtagen; Joinm you get the Beer? ed. � � where girls as splendid' fine and " � Hians, t6ech*ood; M. MeEwen, C1W. his is the Mereek,", sighed Milt. -and a valet. You could tell him from his strong red hands looked as eilljr�' �.�'. ��, I I . I well-bred as Claire herself, bave been no, _: ...... ,� -Z�, il � C�bnolly, Ooder)ch; AleZ "'Pleasb tell me.11 / CHAPTER XXX trapped into low mairiaies by their Ille hoated himself for it, but he the valet because he wasn't so bald. as a dead fish- waistcoat, pearl 111*s ' I., � ; , , �. "k, ."41 I'll, * No., 3, ZWortlx; .J. G. "Really and truly. Nothing -at all. . 0� i , , �, , I - - - loyalty to 6adging advejiburers!" couldn't quite keep the awe out of It is true that Milt had heard that and studs. For the first time, - , PC �,p ., if - . ;, , o. 4 Walton- Robert Pardo, 'People with Wercers- in St. Cloud there were people who s izilres , 11 ""I", 14. Just a dranken,fellow with a knife, THE VIRTUOUS PLOTTERS "Ohl" groaned Mrs.;�'.Gtfiison; and his voice. for e of ma,dness dli��,,g two. -�� �­, .. I- .- "I. 0 . 1,1.1 . Karl ; (irge McCaitney, No. a, playing thi fool. I didn't have to . . or three vieAs to iMinneapolis motor . . . . . . �� ',-"��- ; M uch him--i-quite sure he could have Mr. Geoffrey Saxton, in Alaskan "Good Lord!" lamented Mr. Gilson, Claire seemed to be trying to speak. wore dress -suits at ,parties, but then -, � , .. i� . i� �� 1, I I urray Gibson, Brucefielt to tan and New York evening clothe -s delighted by the po"ibift of trag- She made a delicate, feminie, clair- St. Cloud was a city, fifteen or gx- ai�cessory stores, he caughtthe shop --l! I - ,1 . " 1, ", � I- . '. .,�4-­ . , I 11 W , I., ___ I give -me a frightful beating and all esque approximation to clearing her teen thousand. ping fever. The liong'shiniVig,,colm- I I - , - kz;,�, i - � that sort of thing. It was the Big and Piccadilly poise, was talking to� Fdy;,and '$eally, V�n A �exaggerati­ ,-4 .1� I - the Eugene Gilsons while Claire fin- ing,' said Jeff enthusiai�ticially. throat. But Jeff ignored her and with "How could he get away with a ter, the -trim red -stained shelves, 4he , " :-, `,� , . .I ; Chief who got rid of him."' Of aunt-': . ".... �_., V . JAMES WATSON to do?" de- almost osculatory affection continued dress -suit? How could hekeep from glittering ewes, the racks ff , , :, 11,�,, . ' "H,-,ut you? With a kniiiiiife? ished dressing for the theatre. "What are we going - , ;, A. .M�rs. Gilson obsg;ved, "She's the manded Mrs. Gilson; while Mr. Gilson to Milt: feeling foolish in a low-cut vest, and ing ties, were beautiful to blin and, . `­ "' . t ' � 1, � , 4 . , . . . . . Ohhhhhbh!" _ "Po let me know if there's anything what the deuce would he do wit beckoning. He revolved a pleasagitly � . - . SEAFORTH,ONT. dearest thing. We ve become awfully being of a ready and inwentive mind ,h the ,_ I .. k, . She ran to -him, pityingly stroked foi her. But I don't think she exclaimed, "By Jove, you -_ ought �; I can do to help you. We're ac- tails? Did you part lem or roll lem. clicking rack of ties, then turned ailil � I . � 3k�5� , I GENERAL INSURANCE AGEM -the scar,^1ooked down at him with "'? beat Can filmy eyes. Then she tried to retreat, knows what she wants to do with life. kidnap her and marry her- yourself, qua�nted. with two or three of your up, when you sat down? And would fought his way out. .',?� , , 1, , . .. - , _ I engineering faculty at the Office. They not everybody be able to tell from cost ei- 1,,� � " A rep -resenting only the loose ends. '-Who is J eff! " .�', t I, � adian, B�itish a n d American but he retained her hand, tl,n,,d up She's -rather at . write in about various things. Do his foolish look that he didn't belong actly twice as much as the largest ��It�,, I � at her as though he knew her every ihis Daggett -boy - some university "I'd like to. But I Im too old." .. �_,�,,, Companies. u happen to know Dr. Philgren?" in one?" He could hear A.D.T. boys sum which hi had allowed himself. .. ',,,�_!-- I .�,�,­. - . effected thought. She felt weak. How could student -whom she seems to like?" They beautifully assured 'him that yo I ";i3 i "Oh yes. Say! He's a wonderl" and loafers in front of pool, rooms .He bought a.fnewspaper, and in the �., . I, jl�., � 8 e' of him- he was a blithe young thing with milk ..� � -betrayed into exclaiming. whispering, "Look at the pikeii, I, the w -columns found the advertisemen . �*' I �. . at the lowest rates, including- h escape him? "Please!" she beg- I Milt was ant .. �1111_ � . I I ..� - o, unless you did. I teeth; and with a certain:'satisfaction �. ,. , ged flutteringly. hadn't -meant � ' . "Yes. Good chap, I believe. I-Le's rented soup and fishl" want--ciolumns found the advertise- I I FIRE, LIFX- ACCMMT, AUTO. ier mom- want to be fair to him. What did JW suggested, "I tell you what we . �: - � - � - .,� MOBILE, TORNADO AND PLATE If be held her hand anotl been trying to get a job with us. We For of course he'd rent one. N,,- ment: , , 7, 4 ent, she trembled, she'd be on his lap she tell you about him?" Jeff asked might do. Of course it's an ancient . ; %�,, - .11, ,I A J. GLASS RISKS;. stunt, but it's good. I' judge that may give hinr'one. Just tell him you body bought them except plutes like . " ;:: w , I , I ': ' . �,,%-.�, .. Ai in his arms --lost. And he was hold confidentially. 1% ilberfarb the Society Tallor .- _'11 ­ I I "Nothing, except that he's a young Daggett hasn't been here at'the hous are a friend of mine, and that he's I Henri B. Boltwood. 8 . ��. ,�:, �, ,, --, . -Also.- e DRESS SUITS 'TO RENT I �.., " r'., 4 . . � . ing it. ,He was-- - . to give you any help he can" He agitatedly walked up and down .!:, j M . yes, engineer, and frightfully brave and much. ,Why not have him here so * )" _�, , Ob, he was too old for her. Milt choked on a "Thanks." I for an hour, Peering into haberdash- Snappiest in the City ��. � , , I - ' _ :", I -M REAL,ESTATE and LOAN AGENT all those uncomfortable virtues, and often that Claire will awaken to his 11 ry ' 1 I. � I I �il. and too paternal. But still- Ufe And -now that we're just the I e windows, looking for a kind-fac- - ­�,,�� ., � � Representing "Huron and Eri&' with Jeff would be protected, -kindly, she met him in Yellowstone Park or trudity, and get sick of bim?" Gilson family here togetber-horw goes the I ed young man. He found him, in Ye Despite the superlative snappiness .1. " , I . . , .... .41 somewhere, and he saved ber from a "We'll do it," thrilled W. - . I li,�_ , honorable.-- ' ancial side?. Can I be of "y as- I Pall Mall Toggery Shoppe & Shoes- of Mr. Silberfarb's dress- it his . .1. 'i 11 Mortgage- Corporation, of London Yet all the time she wanted, and bear -or -was it a tramp? - from We'll have him for everytbing from nni , sui s �. �1� ... .1 Ontario. sistance in introaucing you to some an open-faced young man who was e,-tablishment was a loft over a del- ' ,.._��', , i� '. '. � something unnecessary, at any rate." nine -course dinners with Grandmother ��. , � " Prompt attention paid to pt stormily -knew she wanted, to be flee- . . . . ��j,o, I risks and adjusting of cl a �`Ing ing to the boy Milt, her "Eva, I don't want to be supereili- Eaton'8 napkins on view, to'milk and engineering firm where you could do I gazing through the window as spar- icatessen, approached by a splintery �:". .., L, ... I ;, I 11 ... I aims. mate; to run ould klingly as though he was thinking of qairway along which hung shabby ,�, . 1� .1 away with him, hand in hand, disL ous, but the truth is that this young cold bam out of the ice -box. When ,a little work on the -ide ? You c '... Business established 50 years, Daggett is a rather dreadful Rerson. Claire dosen't invite him, I WWI" : make quite a little money-" going as a missionary to India -and signs announcing the upstairs -offices . �'.,`� " I I.. I covering all the colored world, laugh- I So confoundedly affectionate and liked curry. Milt ironed out his wor- of "J L. & T. J. O'Regan, Private .. �' . �­ - - I., t I t . .2. guaranteeing good service. . He's been here at the house, hasn't "I Detect*ives," "The Zenith *piritualist ; ... ing at life, not afraid of losing dig- j paternal- iied face, clumped In, demanded fra- .. .. . 11 . 11 I - OFFICE PHONE, 33. he9 How did he strike you?" Church, Messages by Rev. Lulu I - I dli- * ! Milt said irritably, "Thanks, but 1! ternally, "Say, old man, don't some "b-1 � "It' I I nity. In fear of Jeff's very kin ,"Not at all. He's silent, and as CHAPTER XXXI hings stores Paughouse," "The International Or- . I ,�:. : RESIDENCE PHONX 60. ness and honor, she jerk -ed her hand I don't need to do any work. I've got I of these gents' furnis �.. 1� _�, I I a ..: , �­ , free. Then she tried to smile like a P11 as lukewarm tea, but perfectly I : plenty of money." i �.ave kind of little charts that tell just der of Live Ones, Seattle Wigwam," .;:.,., I , . I inoffensive." THE KITCHENT INTIXATE I � . ". I - .1 � . � . � . � I clever fencer. I "How pleasant!" Raxton's voice'whFit you wear with dress -suits and and "Mine. Lavourie, Sulphur Baths.'! ; :, . , � I - As she retreated to her chair she "Then he's cleverer than I thoughtl he dead air of the hallway suggest- . I s " I.. It stammered, "Did you- W . as Al- Daggett is anything but dull and in' i Milt had become used to the Gilson 1vaS smooth as marshmallow. "You're' Pri nee Alberts and everything?" T I , .. 1. .. ­ . offensive, and if he can play that I drawing room. He was no longer un-'F(rtunate. I had quite a struggle to "You bet," said the kind -faced you ed petty crookedness, Milt felt that n- " , - .1, . � -) LONDON AND WINGRAM 'aska interesting?" (lie of its,get through Princeton." "You bet," said the kind -faced he ought to fight somebody but, there ,�i �� I - He did not let her go, thi estimable role ! It seems that 'he I comfortable in the presen . V, being no one to fight, he banged along . "'.-I s time. ; Wasn't Mr. Gilson contrasting Sax- young man. . "; ** I North. is the son of some common workman sleek fatness, though at first (not' "J, . r i Easy, cat -like for all his dry gravity, silk shirt with Milt'- 'darned West of Chicago, "You bet" means the flapping boardis of the second- 1-,! .;" - , L. .,. T. . , ,N,:, M I in the Middlewest- he isn't an engi- i knowing that there were such -re-'trn'S 11 floor hallway to the ground-glass Ooor q.-:" . a.m. P -m- he sauntered after her, and with a t all; he's really a chauffeur or 1 sourcesi as interior decnrators,) he i cotton covering, and in light of that "llatiher," and "Yes indeed," and On I ,.:%" I _;� Exeter . ............ 10.16 6.04 fine high seriousness pleaded his neer a -ontraq - h,�a- - o� 9ilberfarb the Society Tailor, who �'.1111 . a taxi-driver or something; and hc had been convinced that. to have cre- I ( .t chUckling at Milt's st an I the whole I should be inclined to fancy . . � "I I H4nsall ........... 10.36 6*18 case: om, the Gilsom, must have! Snxton's modesty? Milt became ov- that there may he some vestiges of,- was also, as an afterthought on a �­ . �� IN. Kippen ............ 10.85 6.23 -,"Claire dear, those few weeks of ran into Claire and Henry B. on the ated the r6 x4oild. Nowilerheated. His sralp prickled and hi,.;- accuracy in your curious opinion," and straggly placard, "Pressng & Cleang . "::: - i, w insinuated him- known everything in thp ' . . . . . '. I '', Brucefield ........ �' 10.44 6.32 fighting nature were a revelation to road, � S were damp. As 4')ax- ­Ynu're a liar but I can't afford to �i and someho shoulder-lilade While U Wait," ., � - white pan- I . , 1� V Glinton Jet . ....... 10.58 6.46 me. I'm going to have lots more of self into their graces -far from being he gianced familiarly at itr i (Continued next weelL) 1, I 11� I ; Clinton, Ar . ....... 11.05 6.52 it As it happens, 'they need me silent and commonplace, be appears eling, its sconces like sil%(�r ca_9dIe_.tnn turned from him and orrioned to,say so." . :ii I � � - , . 11 . ": There's -plenty of copper, but to have so I I .,., ()Iiziton, Lv . ....... 11.le 6.52 there. me strange kind of charm sticks, the inevitable davonport in-; Claire, ­N.lore �=, hnney?" Milt The kind -fared young man brought - E; big transportation and em- which," Jeff sighed, "I don't under- evitably backed by an amethyst-sbad-! hated himself. He was in much of from behind the counter a beautiful -2. ­­ ., - cl Clinton JeL ....... 11.21 6.58 there' ed piano lamp and a table crowded I tile dramatic but undesirable position1hrorhure illustrated with photographs Solitude Where are thy Charms- , r ." , I '' , ,ii�,' � �, � . ... � . 0�'. , . � Londesborough .... 11.85 7.12 ployme,nt problems .that I seem bet- .with silver boxes and pirtnre--frames.'Of a man in pajamas. not vpry good of Phoebus Apollo in what were des- About the lonpliest place on earth is % Blyth ............. 11.44 7.21 ter able to solve than the other chaps -,------ - -- n!i!�__ __ i � ": %, - - He liked the winsonienv,;s 6f light.pajamaq, who has been locked out in cribed as "American Beauty Garm- a Pullman berth after you switch out 1. 1. J 11.56 7.33 -though of course I'm an absolute !thp hotel corridor by the ,;larnming vnts--neat, natty. nobby, new." ne the light for the night. -Nelson News. I 1� Belgrave .......... . upon velvet and polished wood I �'T, ,�; " Wmgham Jet., Ar. . 12.08 7.45 muff when it comes to engineerinp� It was not the drawing room but 1 r,f his door. lie was in the frame of � center pages faithfully catalogued the . _.", . I I Wingham Jet., Lv - - 12.08 7.46 problems. But I've had certain train- I ",.� .7 � the kitchen 1�at dismayed him. mind of a Tnong-rel, of a real Boys% ties, shirts, cuff -links, spats, boots, . � I rner-Tthe path- .. . Wingliam ......... 12.12 7.55 ing and -I'm going to arrange things In Schoenstrom he had known�that . Dog, at a Madison Square, dog -show. - hats, to wear with evening clothes, ! etic thing about the consumer is not � �. . I so that I get up there at least once . . .� Y., there must somewhere I)q, beautiful He had a faint shrewd suspicion of morning cloth", riding clothes, ten- that he e-ndures what is done to him, . 1�,,� , South. ummer Ill make a 11 s but often cheers loudly for it. -Re- 11 ., . I- a year. Next s parlors,',1 but he had tru�ted in his Saxton's game. But what could he ris costumes, polite mourning. � P.M. much longer trip -see the mountains experience of kitchens. Kitchens, ac- do about it? As he looked it over Milt felt that I gina Phoenix. . ill.- ... I .. , a.m. -ob, glorious mountains -and funny He felt even more out of place when' . " A. 6.65 815 X"a woulchm"a cording to his philosophy. were small . )) VVIngh"n . - half -Russian towns, and have some re floor,;, and pro- the. family forgot him find talked a-; ..:: ... L . . I 11 Winigh ji��*:'::' 7.01 8.21 y - - __ - . _______ - . - _ ____ . I I . 1 R.&Z fi. 11,1te)vIRM vided with one oilcloth -covered table, bout people of whom he had never I - -_ am , sh-ii3g- Wandering. The real] '. ... ., �11 11 q1grave ......... : , 7.15 your 12 e a S n= one stove (the front draft always heard. .,�, isth . ......... 7.27 3.44 big thing. Even finer than - � , ,. : N. He sat alone o -trenw1v (list - � . � � . ndesb;jo�j� .... 7.35 8.62 ' uperb plucky trip through-" broken and propped jup with the lid- n ii n ex ' , - - I �� "Wasn't plucky! I'm a cry baby," d ate cold ha f-�, n Jet ....... 7.49 4.06 merclum at ?G lifter), one cupboard with panes of ant desert We an ni and - "I'll . I I I 7.56 4.13 . he said, like a bad, contradictory lit- tin pierced in rosettes, and Cale stack wished ho, -were in Schoengtrom. ! . I . %,nlon . .., ........ Claire had recovered hcr power of ,��,., � Ington Jet. ....... 808 4.20 tle girl. it. He smiled and of dirty dishes. Shp seemed to he trying to� 11- 9 I .� IR I , " Ile didn't argue But the Gilson kitchen ),ad the ef- speech. --/, ..." , i8rucefield ......... 815 4.32 Buying tnly small ..-/ I ' "__� �.. 11 � ,J . ........... i,22 440 said "Tut!" and placidly catalogued stocks enables the ficiency of a lahorafory and the super- bring him into the conversation, so N 8.8 ' tbAt tho rnmily might appreciate him ; . K-111011 2 4*50 her with, "You're the p1tickiest girl 6liousness of a hai r -d re,ks errs booth. \.- -_, H671fitan .... :::::*, ,S.47 6'0- I'Ve .,e, seen, and it's all the more I sniall-town merchant Sho hositated, and thought with*, .. � E26tev - ; - - . . 0 With awe Milt beheld walls- of white T ,,I, ,,, I - aniazing because you're not a motion- to tryout the novelties and tiles, a cork floor, a ga-alnige large crensed brows, and brought out. "T h. I 1, Gh I .� -1--l" picture Tomboy, but essentially ex- new styles people are looli; as a hDtel-stove, a ceiling-lidgh re- 'Ili, oh - - iNlilt: How much i- . I I ` , . , 1. . - q iiii s -�- "I ing f9r - on which the frigerator of enaniel and nickel, zinc- gas ,�elling at now?" . . . i .1�1 I . ". . I 11 . �1:r I - C. N. R. TIME TABLE 41!� a grub." i I .. , , I � " . I margin of profit is greater topped tables, and a case of utensils ,�Tilt lert that charming and inti -I "k. � .� , , , .1 . . East . "Very well,'tben. You're a grub. It frighten- I I " .:, . , a.m. P M. So -am 1. And .1 I*e it. A,nd 'when than on staple lines. Ha nd- like a surgeon"s knives. I supper -party at nine. He said,. 11 , ... ' to -mouth buying keeps ed him; -it made more h,,pelessly un- I ­RtP Ili - ...... 6.00 '2.20 r make the big alaskan trip next year approachable than ever thian-j"Gllt,,to ',vork on -on my analyticall 111L , - ­ -... I � G6derich ... 1. -P ns. grom try," as though it was � lie; � k-7- - , I "I 6.11 2.37 1 want you to go alongl Claire! down the capital invest- drian luxury of the gi at Gilso . -Ad " � � Clinton ......... ::: &25 . 2.52 Haven't You any idea how ter'nbly ment, and additional quan- . . ', The Vanderbilt%' kitchen and lie threw "Good night" at .Saxton I 1�n a dasbing bold A.B. . ,,, �, 11 ,:: � I � . 6.41 - 8.12 close to me the -thought of -you has itities or odd sizes can trust be like this. And maybe Xing FIR though be hated his kind, goodl \ I. ,�� I, - Reafbith ........... 6.49 3-20 been these weeks? You've guided we always be or4ered by Long George's. ,- . benefactor; and when he bied to be I Fresh from off the rolho� 5ea I , 11�1 3 St,: Columban ...... 6.54 ' 8.28 througb the wilderness-, " , � I . . . . . . I . I Distarite. He was viewing the kitchen upon gracious to Mrs. Gilson the best hel ,. .. i Didblin ............. I Home on leave a rid keen for fur) . �';,' Z West 1,it,s_ I'm glad." She sprang the occasion o,f an intimatd�,, gunday could get out was, "Th"ks fl invit- 1 .11$�,� . . I I ; I � . I ,�,, . 1. ­ . '. a.m. , P-nL P -TA up, beseeching, "Jeff dear, you're go- ." They expansively saw him , Frombreakof daytosetofsur) . ... . I . 7� I, .1 . 6.8g _3� I evening supper to which lie had been ing Me .1'. �', �1, 11 � . �,�'-. I �blin ' '� _ _ st run up Taut a rrd t ri m. and be i L said '. V9 , 00 - --v..,..'� .87 ng to stay foo.tea? I Mu Thanks to this yearningly Invited by Mrs., Gilmr, to the door. Just as he thought tbatl � . '. - "Oh 1 - ... 1. I � &,�.­ 001uniban.., , .49 � GA4 ' ---- and powder my nose." method of conduct Tb'6 7,ii were all out. The- Gilsons he had escaped, Saxton begged, F 1&1,1� . 1% _S0$dJJi _ 1. r ch ap ',:� � � : . , . .... ` #%8 6-53 0-60 "Not until you say you're glad to ing business retailers and Claire, Afilt and ,loff- Saxton, Daggett, I was �Rrguing with a e - I " d i Neatly shod and "Z9M'T"' d 1 .., - ' - .,. I , , ".. � - I , .. . . , , r. 50, �'Joft, , -"'A see rm. . Child dear, we've been am- - - , , f . 0%40;0 � e... ` 1" - , � 10 have never been able to shoutingly prepared their 00�h sup What color are Holstein-' ... 1� � , , �' -limillb, - - .,0 '8 Bling along and- ,No. You I ism cattle? Red?" I As I pzss the people -say- . �,�;. � , I � � . -r I I show as many up-to�-date per. While 'Kra. Gilson sc-xAdbled � ih . "I � 0 il a . - I ���.., h :� i-e'ai,�s.i!", io , �,40; .10,310 'Thats thestufftogive em -eh, 1� - 11 -04 _ 1, 11 ''. , _,,�,,, 1 aven?t a child an3f more. You're eggs and made coffee, the others get "Black and white,' Milt said eager I 14 . .1 0 �, . I � ,_,.,i,.2 ­L,: ,.. styles as now. T - _1 , ' ly. .., . � ,,, . i- ' ' , wamaiR. And if I've never been quite 14.1tam. *and I � I I � L . 11 the table, and brought lo - :w" " , 'Gilson giggle. � ,�.', " ., 11 --;I Am P. 11L It"Is V " !�' , - -j tit bitt jitift a dusty offlee-machine, Di He heard Mrs, . . � . � . ng 8_ a bowl of salad from the icei-bo�. ,i�� , ,� ,, I _ ��i,) , � ,. . , I �, ., . I 1: " ­ 'L I !_,� , . , - .1 I thwig 'gone' now. I've got the wird B n Milt had 19tended to he a.aildnt but 'Ife .stood on the terrace -wiping his - I I �, ,�� 1, ,� � I ' - Lo "-..- - L t y usi 0 e � .d I . I 1. ': I RVA .� n e_ - I I ,, ,, - ,.,. I an e h bout the least strug- � � �.,, - �!i r ,�,,, I— �,1`4, , . . . I ft,id;' 011'6 *IldarnessAin my hings. Man � W C t deft servitor. When he h04­�heatd forehead and, wit . I �-, -,� I _.."�:"It", . ., , . all tor � . . . 1 0��4 1 , - tt,66� hild, %6-ma4l My wornsal, That's all 'I n - h gle, finally and irretrievahly, admitting . - .1. %,� . "tA. N -W �* .** - . .0. 1 ... 6.6 , ake r . that he waf to ,come t N ,� wit __ ..�,­ ill W . ­�:;4�­�`,i,. , � 11 ' to ' ' now, but- ,Ob, nt er that be would never see Glaire Rolt- _�'.O� I 'r.1 Wi his I W '%A, R_ . . . � .,� &66 ' gricb4a th the returned Mr. Geoffo 8140_ - -.' :,� � I . ; 'e,�, � W"_,;4!��44 i e, ........... . - re- 0 .be - � &--4 , 0.04 T-4- - i - I e e i 1 -do need you gol" wood or any of her friends again. � _.i I I I � iiij;4 �', . I I I T . I'll 1�1� _. I- l-, 1'. �.... Y UMV V, Eal overhead expense can had first ba#n psnic-ishakep��Ipeb ra- . - I ,;� - � ON I his AbolAder, � � Z�Z - - . . ,V ,,, , R, V". fft,drdw her head to "let old 1yoU4.6hie.,t —neveTI . ,:A.iV.; � .1 - A �.,� �.,.*.# 0-11 make his store the solved. IV& .a%- Not 'L,,,,�,, , - i ,e - " %,** - 0.25 i ""',- - . .� ". , , I and for An hti#tsql� she rested there. buying r_. R?� I'� ", *� ft , at � I A 111"L, V - I ton do ,the, high A, d iii,14% I � . I . � W,61th& , 4" # i , 1,1*i. ."'. -"o l3ut as she looked , she saW coining head4uarters for a large I . _�:�z t , ,� ,,�,T, , � � W��, 'A � 04- � itid atound ind shd* .:6ff 'hIs He had received from Mrs. Gilson � V I'M , I 2�,*J'��_ 's - . r. . nini sia I .;� 1, `1 I - �, �,,, . . ,I. �" � '60 L, _,; 4, '�Ii.�! . ii, �t- . , I " i a. 00 In the grain . I ' , i% X . �. , al I IS',. ., �f:�� -his GUITO�mding territory. 1%W - 11 T, " 11 it I 1 : 4 if k fi�,,� I.. T _at-, - ep 'at t1e first night of a three-rd-ght , , "o'; ,roicmth. ; 1, I il. A �, 1`ii , #' 4 I 0 �,� I t I . I �, I ,,1 � ",;Q �t.�.y 11 � , .�iw ; fbragt. '. 14 , ' , , , iiA i 0 0 041 ehtl 9 d2sed skin of clothes and adJectives, w;0,-,`,6` did a note inviting him to share tbeir,box I I " 1; . ,ai -.1 ..%,. ­;.,:�.., �.. , , Flakhatir But Awk:, Wt He had spent half a , . ., I V 1. - � * v6A 0 g . , ". . . ,��%g I 4 , , " A IN20, �!# . I � lie%'114 gej *Opera Season. - I I , - - -, I fi, , a ne hoods iiide�­but, held bobw TAO. �"g� .1 11. . % I - . W4,141 , - � , . -, ---., , ing to think of a courteou- I " .; � _ , Would be "on %6 job." E - . V" gj supeit, and, . W I - �,,� �-, o,�,�,� �1. 4 .. , I -, i ` . . - _ . I 1.�Itl-__ M". .� � ". ftA.'.$githe cunning child-wifo 04011l'at ' I ,04, p ignore SffMs.rrude_ day in tr)n I �- ., ,, I , �� i , - M .... ,.orritd, aii . ,,"__�., 1. 1� 1, 11 I I , ` VW ;­ , ,�:-"�,,�,���;.,-,,�,,'��,�l,,I, di . d d4tiiing lilim, I . - i� . �,, ly rude way of declining. . . .. I . ( 11 - oll -_ . I ,�, -- P�l .1 g, I :: -",4%',,,. - - ., _klli I ;;;; - I I I . . u4m., 1. � I IV 11 ,;-*',Jl�� jL k'i't1_," I I I .,,,I.,.. . ... : . W.T��V,: , . 4 "' . - as BIL . IN I . -, .�, , ,, 0,11 t;� � ­ � �� ?r , ,�'r xpdTforlty to beat 156or I �, - 1�p rom' le . ,I N 7� � . I I I .1�1r;. , --� � - y ., 10 *S,�-,hlt, rude. eqt� A straggly little ifirl calrie � I , ".1 I; ,,'I � " ...-lit", , . etturing--And to be - , . bid -4 � , , � to I ; . , ...... :: ....* t"s e'rK, , " Z �� . I I . I 'i'l �- I . , , .1 1. . . �. , ,�!j i,_�� , . t t �Wtb­ �11A,,'H- .Dagiget �j',,, 0 -0 candy-thop below his r . . ". . I ... * 10, .Js th . -1 � I I 1. N J, ''I. - _� i�.L I ed;iml I I ,�; . '*? .. ­ , "' I � . 1 U14) FlAu"'p- , XVIR ... . � �_ :I- �.. .� I I : ,�,� . : * , 1. I to �;,­ " . , - . 'I I ? a I I , ,�l ", �V,jo.jj- 11 West Christian , 41i " # I.:, �a had `� W'do Tivanding, "Say art, you Xt , ;,ffi, I ........ 1..� ... 0,4�4 S I - .. e . . ........... 60.0*64*0 - .'f 64440140 404W, . , _, I i7 " . 1, .11 .11 I o' ,iiei#i� ... It �w WT10 ldd ;61 -;-� ,.jin, I -.4, ay,, there's some WOUM'd ' � . , "Ill ...*v " , .". � _ ".", , . I h I' i 4 ., 11, 11 I � n " '%"WvX', .1 . ?,�;��, 11, .,�b It U117 Man- � R�', ,: '. ­� .;..6.9.1e,. ij�, '94 % I , . 4A*-;;��,,� - 1. -LL � � - , , , � . " , rf,� ,qdp, ,h1l them ,we a&t suppfted tA . 'Ir I .. __,­� � - 11 " Ili 11 14HO I , , I , , I ��,". " ...# .......... 6 I _,. " '. . ;,�, . tll� . 11 1, ,,, � 1,1'. ; ":. -� ­ . , kbio I - I '' , I ; , , , , i, � �, )` -��, � �4 * I , ��, -11 ��, . � . , .\ . ", . , "' . I rf . , , , 0# lu'yi i "" , , " .e I I:. I .............. .. I � W " k jA iout "' vt tialk to 7011 Olk our tjplel)iltdfie� 6 , �,i_ . r I A'Vith . i, - , , " F . 111 'I, . , �,��V I I ,I . '6 to . ,.,! , ': I � I I - . � L, h- I , I '.7.1'.1 fti'� .k �, - � .� .� . ,;�.... ;:". " 1. ., .. . I - �.. - ; ­­ . ,'N'. ', ­$1,r1V I". �, 1,1�0,.','.J��i'� 1. -:1 '4..�,­' " � " ,!:�, 1, ., " � I.. . , 11' , � , I 46.0 .... 0 6 . . 0 k* CO3 I 1� � ., . ? , 1;% � , � � ; , �'7�-�i' ." "", " �': " 11�1 I ... I . I , , 4-1 .� - " " I , . ' ' 47 I . , TI: 11�..Isll-­", .. I I � 'I.,. , , ., . I . ... "! i,. .. "I -1� I " ­ 1 Iwr­� ,�,t�S ,7 I . 1114 k, . - ��, - - ie.:. I I , ,7r "� , `� . ,� . , 7, �';' , , `� - , ,. �,;, " - '. 'ti;1�4��4,,!,� ,,; ."A i.,',',,� . I :�.,. �, , , . ,,­� , 11 . , I _, � � I � . : , , I I �, L .. � ,. �.'. , ;. i:�, 1., :'i,:,�It�, - , �,­"":", �, � I .4 . T,-,�,;., . . .. I.".., I "I 1,,,,,�.�,-,, ,�, ;. :�;,I�':"�i�;,r, �111 � 1�ii I �WK`V, I 11.1�1111�.111­,.kl. .�..�L�', I I � . .­.. ,­." ,,;,,`,,4.' '.�-ii­,��­ � w , ­ I I S'1111� , - Z i,., � , " :, � , . 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