HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-09-09, Page 30. 1
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e"b'V'su "Vo, Aum 4m," Voonea Pts h4j
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Aile, Wa. "444 'Plo0or and :3
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s# Uo�jiolghl;'Qf his, -001bo':b-, motorists
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$J590 -WA Oried him. two,
,w-qw X As n4o Imea the, iuri�
ra tAtions. 1W"ns r
XWV� W_4VL tWft. 4Vt,'th1Aeen'years, ago, he has ridden
tWt0e:-enrergdd-. ni.xetire- cle,,although heL,:Jx -"'grudge ugaW
hU& lwhd .0
% . ,
lnoa� to 0 his country on the the -hors V
battlefield and -again to secure the Ife preferi tG.
He has b
a- eon
republic. It was Hindenburg's walking at leattIMA"Ples daily Since.
-wish to iretire at -the age of eighty, he settled in tho�,�,f, )1; d promises
DrIl, an
M. since -no One else can fill his to continue th1sJh4q§ until he -lies,
77 shoes he mug -t remain in office, prob, providing he is, Although mi&
t ties, he wand -
'RS ably until his term expires, five years way, Almost, in h
*Qu in -foundalblons for his- I#ter hence. ers through the i most o�, thu
fame. Sir Martin Conway lin
ow rotten the road d Com- His household -is quits� as simple as' day, all the year, �131 ring the
40 . g;
-16. �� - . iznvvn� ;. , eted a successful crosshim o -P On;+-- 41.- -
bergen, and Walter Well Ua- v4hrin-C -LT. consists of ping season, he1W`--,4nspecting his
2.' � Ask why in blazes they park' man had,fuil the president's son, Major Oscar Von traps, eolfecting�4ti4
#heir cows on ed in the first of his nimals, repair-.
-the public highway. several efforts, Hintlenburg, his young wife, who acts Ing the �traps .4n&*
to reach the, Polp., Jackson w ranging them.
a. 'SymPathize with the natives for, plorin, as ex- �*As'hostess, -her two little children, Bet*een daylight 4W dawn during
:having tO live in silch a:, rustic place a im. Franz Josef - Lan&, �where four civil servants and a captain of t1le trapping seia'son"'Itt is not uncom-
4. Remind them 'frequently oi a ypar earlier there had qccuir�d his the�Relchswehr. The most importanip mon for him to W.4_-:�6tween twenty,
�*hit a -big liv�ly town y dramatic me6#ng'wfih gansen, br., member of it is Dr. Otto Meissned, and'thirty miles- e4� day. For th-_
? on hail from c,
and what great prMleges''y . I ok, who later did- not.'discover the the
. on enjoy North Pole, was prepailug to. ace , secretary of.state, Who held the balance of the yegr,_,be walks less,
there. Oln- same position ulider Ebert and in his while fishing, hunting, cutting .1.)wn
6.1_Be_ liberal with Suggestion on jany Amundsen in the Belgian Ant- inconspicuous wayAs �ne'of the most tv.es f�r wood, piok�hg berries, etc.
bo* -to pep up their layout. arctic Expedition. Nahsep hack set powerful and able men in -all Ger- But he insists an staWng to the pro -
the farthest north -mark at 86 degrees njar,y. Under thq �previous regime grarnme calling for -g -t least 10 miles
6. Alak if there are�, really any 14 minutes, and had failed in his ef- he was looked upon as a Nationalist, every day. I in dition to all
�speckled trout in the sitearn which iw f+ Th s
-their ohief tourist magnet. ort to drift across the. Pole in the. but he now enjoys the reputation df the other exercise, 1*, -gets. For at
Fram. To a world which had been inclining distinctly -to. the left. Un- Ircust an hour he cdtt�,:vp cordwood.
7. High-haf the guide who under- thrilled by -these exploits came the der both presidents he has_success- 'Church has a rlflei��botgun ani re-
takes to show you the fishing spots news that Saloman-Auguste Andres, fully represented the interests
-and if, necessary catch the trout for of the volvei: aud plenty of.animunition in
a Swedish scientist and two cOmPRn` epposition group and has kept
-Tou. the his camp, but only occasionally does
8. Mention' in, "passing that ions would try to reach the North Pole chief executive free from charges of he carry one of thelirearms on hii;
�ovisions along, so iaunts through the wilderness.
brought all your P you in a balloon. If promised to be the favoritism.
_vou'd be sure to haW lie -in fresh. most spectacular of all efforts and The daughter-in-law sits at the 'relies more on his I -Ong and sharp
9'. -Never miss an thete were many who -believed that head of,,Ithe table And performs dif- knife as protection. i -,4'n recent yea --s
Opportunity to Andree was capable of doing what he ficult social duties as the head of an the animals apparently look upon him
elaborate on your marvelous mastery announced. important establishment, but her hus- as a neighbor, fox-attackg have been
Of the fine points of angling, motor� Andree had a solid reputation as a band, Oscar, keeps himself in the few and far betweem The wildcats
,camping and such. I
scientist and had years of exp
priente background. Outside the presidential have been the most offensive of any
10. Impress) the popr, 'benighted in Arctic work and balloon flying. palace, however, she is far -less ;in- species.
bouls with the fact that the only real, These had convinced him
opportunities are to be found -in the that it pirtant than Mxs, Styesemann and The post office, department would
.city. would be entirely feasible for a bal- the wives of several other political enter the bankruptcy coart if they
loon, taking off in Northern Europe, leadel.s. Hindenburg himself is very had many such customer, In about
and favored by southerly winds, to solzpi�(.)us for her welfare -his own twenty years he has been credited
pass over the Pole and continue on to two aaughters are much older, one with posting,two pieces )f mail. at a
MADE HER BABY land on the. North American contin- of them being a grandmother al- total outlay in postage of five- cents.
PLUMP AND WELL ent. He believed that the necessary ready. Sentimental parallels have Not that he cannot write, for he had
air currents existed high above the been drawn between Goetbe's daugh- a rudimentary education, lie's not
Nothing makes a mother more clouds. His plan was carefully stud- ter -in-law Ottilie and the "new Ot- fussy about reading, eithor. It would
grateful than a benefit conferred up- ied by the Swedish Ajoademy of Sci- tilie" who directs the presidential be no hardship for him if he had been
on her child. Mothers everywhere ences, to whom it was presented, and menage -Living Age. Nithout reading matter ;, r a munth.
who have used Baby's Own Tablets received the approval of that body In spite of his age, thurch profited
for their children speak in enthusias- in 1895. Later on funds for building do from his trapping acti'vitics more than
tic tdrms of them. For instance, Mrs. the 'balloon were subscribed, Alfred men half his age. He 'ets the valu-
Zepherin Lavoie, Three Rivers, Que., Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, be- able foxes, racGons, martens, minks.
writes t�-�'Baby's Own Tablets are a ing one of the donors. Then Andree
-wonderful medicine for little ones turned to the manufacture of the bal- VARICOSE VEINS muskrats, when they an, supposed to
They never fail to regulafe the baby's loon, which he called in his outlandish Reduced Or Mone ' BaCk be very scarce. The I,ss. valuable
y skunk, squirrel and rabbit seem to
-stomach and bowels, and make him "'Swedish way the Ornen (Eagle). bcat paths to his trans. There are
-plump and well. I always keep a box When completed it was the largest SimPle Home Treatment few individuals more skilled ir. the
-of the Tablets in the house and would balloon ever built. It measured sary -
advise all mothers to do likewise." eirity-five feet from the top to the That is Giving Amazing skinning of the fur -bearing animak.
He can tell wi6in a very small sum
'Most of the ordinary ailments of bottom of the gas bag, or ninety-sev- Results what he should get for his pelts, just
�childhood arise in the stomach and en feet from the cap of the bag to
bowels, and can be quickly banished the floor of the wicker car. The ut- The world progresses. To -day ail- by touch.
1by Baby's Own Tablets. These Tab- most care was taken by the experts ments that took weeks to cure can
'lets relieve constipation and indiges- who built the balloon to combine now he ended in a few days. If you WIT AND WISDOM
-tion, break up colds and simple fev- lightness with strength. The bag it- have varicose veins or bunches you
ers, expel worms, allay teething pains self was made of from two to four can start to -day to bring them back
and promote healthful, sleep. They layers of pongee silk, the joints and to normal size, and if you are wise He'�s No Long-Dirtancer-A rn
O'� -
,!re guaranteed to be free from in- seams being cemented with a newly- you wil do o. (1111to can fly two miIP3 but he d, "t.
jurious drugs and are safe even fo'r discovered varnish. Just get an original bottle of Ho wants to find places to.light.-St,
'the youngest and most delicate child. The wicker car presented new Moone's Emerald Oil at any dispens- Catharines Standard,
The Tablets are sold by medicine I problems of construction, says a ing pharmacist and apply it night and
idealers or by mail at 25 cents . box writer in the New York Herald -Tri- morning as directed to the enlarged Watch What Turns Up -For a man
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,! bune. The use of iron or steel was veins. it is very powerful and pene- to make money at hard work all de.
'Brockville, Ont. avoided to prevent interference witft trating-,'and only a little is required. ,nds or. -,V�ether he turns no i-;.;
the magnetic navigating instruments. After a few day's treatment the
sleeves or his nose at it.-Waterfurd
Comfort and compactness were the veins will begirf to grow smaller and (-4.
. A I ar.
Keynotes in the building of the cylin-
by regular use will soon reduce to
drical living room. About seven feet
wide and six feet from the ceiling to
People who want to reduce varicose
Ilatry with the A.�jiirin-Profe,;qo r
Andree may be counted as the first
the floor, the walls were covered with
veins, or get rid of running sores and
A. V. Hill say-, that a normal man'.i
h(,nrt beats 100,000 times a da.,.-. Tie."
�of missing fiers to attract the atten-
48 i,915�s, suspended from the outside
e were lashed the expedi-'
ulcers, should not hesitate to get a
bottle at once. It is so that
short skirts have. much to answcr foi.
tion of the whole world, and it'is.just
thirty years ago since he disappeared
tntltopnreasphernalia. The outer side
a small bottle lasts a Ion g time. Any
-Lindsay Post.
in �be direction of the Arctic Circle,
of thNcar's ceiling served as an add-
pharmacy can supply you, C. Aber -
Disdaining the Home Crop. -Win-
mever more to be seen. Indeed, from
ed floofk on which two men were con-
tinually'§�ationed for purposes of ob-
hart sells lot-, of it.
nipeg pastor says 1ho child of a
the day his balloon vanished but one
servation. In the matter of cooking,
mother who smokes i,� "half dam-nedi
message was received from him, and
Andree had devised an ingenious plan
at birth."
that was a month later. He had
to avert a possible explosion. An
And yet w� send missionaries to
taken with h-= a number of horning
alcohol stove, lowered through a trap
the -Chinese! -Melita Hra.
rigeons with the intention of des-
door in the floor of the wicker car,
-patching them at intervals to. keep
the world informed of his progress.
was lighted and extinguished by a
Records may come and records may
"In My Dreams it Always Seems-"
-Portuguese revolutionists, accord-
The pigeon was killed on July 22nd
simple arrangement of cQrd and ru,b
ber tubing. A mirror attached at an
go but Israel Church is a victor along
ing to a cable, are rushing reinforce -
,off Spitzbergen, and on' its leg was
-the following message: "July 13th,
angle of 45 degrees insured full sight
groorve. Although living only five
miles from the little town of Ches'ter,
ments from Valencia.
We knew that darn thing
12.30 p.m., 82.2 degrees north lati-
into the proper functioning of the
New Brunswick, he has not placed a
cause trouble yet! Oundalk Herald.
tude, 15.5 degrees east longitude. Good
stove. Provisions for four months foot
were con sidered sufficient by Andree,
in the town in 40 years.
progress toward the iiorth All goes
-well on board. This mesLge is the
who, in the event of a forced stay on has
For over a half century, Church
been living in a woodlands cabin
- Its Dangers --A
Geniality Ila St.
Louis man of 25 -hn,l four
third by carrier pigeon.
the ice, depended on his weapons for
fresh food. -Once, in to
For about ten years after settling in
Probably one of tho,e genial fellows
1C.A REE.01
response a the
query, he pointed to his cartridges
wilds, Church a weekly vi.R-
who simply can't saY "No."-Hialifax
The fact that two previously de-
ispatched piggons had gone, astray
and said, "There is some concentrat-
to Chester. �Hje carried animal
pelts into the town and returned to
*eighed heavily on the public mind,
ed By test It was estimated his
that Andres's balloon
home with food, clothing and sup-
Worn Voices -Vienna woman now
e,,qpecially since by'the time the first
was able to re-
wain in the air from'36 to Op days.
plies needed about the house, and a]-
has a tenor voice as a result of un -
-message was received Andree had
1 1890, ndree, vnth his two com- farming.
in trapping, hunting, fishing, and
dergoing an operation.
been missing for several weeks- The
forebodings were just"fied, for no t
panions, As StrinAberg and Knut
When he decided to move into the
That's nothing. Hocks -of women
over here have got toner "ices just
since that day has word of -Andree
H. J. Fraen-kel, both young scientists heart
and eager for the 'adventure, made
of the "toodg, (liurch mid been
from talking about theirs. - Sarnia
cc.me out of the north.
The, Year 1897 was a time of intense
cam . P at Danes Island, in the Spitz- there.
in and wap living
He ws's' then in his ear:y lbi
j�jcpTorinj- activity.. Peary was ex-
bergen group, and after preparing ties.
the balloon cat dowm to wait for the
Ho_ ell ose a site for hi..; camp
Colts are Thinner -The only things
p1pring in -Northern Oreenland and
expected southerly wtud. But it did the
started building it. He cut down
trees, for the foundation and
that look as much all. legs as the
flapper baby
not come, nor did the suitable weather of
r ur
the supe stract e. RbUgh boards
modern are colts. -Kit -
chener Record.
put in an appearance that year. The that
were obtained fjorn a portable
next year the camp vras'established rilill
a mouth earlier to have a bet�er
a few miles away were used for
The Dominant MaI6-The onI
chunce. of favoring breezes and On the
balance of the building. ITIthoUt
least assistance he erected his
males of this era who bosfs�,the bousey-
Sunday,July 11th, a brisles6uth �rfnd camp.
hold are under three yours of age.-
do ye19g,qd. Trial balloons were sent
Deciding to cut loose from civiliza-
North Hay Nugget.
tip ab the Moe Were that the wind tion
could ,b So
ended upon. the..e.A
In so for as possible, he elimi at-
the weekly visits to Chester. In-
Labor Saving Device ge
s -A ntle-
man we k2row says his reason for be
Of the shed that held stead,
he cultivated die friendship of
ing lidn-tst is that it,6*" 'him
11�e ballopA, an-torft down, nod IW - a
I , " *�, t
dh,4 "a Ploted for inkmecti-
parrot T living about three miles a -
d excuse for being.1, poar.--T,,tth_
-Phratl an way,�
ate start. Andree bade farewell to Cburdh
who acts as emissary. When
has skins to sell, he hands
birid Fterald.
his feAOW saienti* and Ateppod into them
to his friend, the Oh1Y Person he
Wentifyiug Marks-YbaY by
the'wicker ear. Then lid 6ut speaks
Stilxdbergl, Frienkell Let us JoF
to, and the friend driies into
ey bee
th Owe mannish Orouth, to fool
�,-)Ms pssistAOts Joined bita. mintfs
Voturning with the receipts
pAylnebts for items n odod. Ill
v -u, but they'll always ko',b# a traf-
At ftfial,ft Catharfi�4* 'Standard.
t:ivAth bare� knives, stood b0sid'a kho
the recluse has adhered to
h ing the balloon, dad at a
- 911ibui
jm*atfon not t4 set fbot in
Old Stuff-What?-Momons
Mbrhth Ahftea'aut thdlm 4i�d
44-61,016011 Was off. An unruly %Xt
Selling nod buylig
_Jliak� h". Uen Astisf setory to,
fic Cie. thei will estaft a dbureh
fii,, olly,*od& That% 64V
t*4�t it into M14t
g coals
Isr"I '&644 not only detests the
MAIII and Em -
J 'At
0 'A
10, Ail
40 ho s, --tl.
16ver.of . ft 4' in r
4, bea W4 a4t ;r a
and col6riiigg that ki 'W
TU valu W III
e, ese gGrgeau.
terials l'
108 in. their finW'h-'and edlqrm
ano_*the perni.&-aenq 't ix,
str% ng appearance.
AGF fl`,�-.. K
SF,,AFORT,H for the famous North�
way Garm. e
nts. Any coat or drestj X
shown, in any Northway advertise-"
raent, Whether advertised by circular,'
catalogue or newspaper trom the
main Qfte -or any branci store, can
be had at our Store at exactly the
Sam,? price.
Come in- and see the'New Fall
Styles. Pfices $12.00 -to $60.
$10 to $13
Do not judge these
Suits by their price.
They are odd and
broken lines *from
our regular stock,
and are worth reg-
ularly frorA $10.00
LO $13.00.
They are good
styles, well rriade,
Bloomer pants, siz-
es 26 to .34. They
will give you excel-
lent wear.
Special, 5.95
M 0
illin e*ry.
Ready With New Fall Styles
HERE is a real sur-
prise for you in the
new Fall Hats. Jaun-
ty little shapes in soft crush-
able materials, gaily decor-
ated with dashing autumn
coloring. Fantastic shaped
felts in new shades, the very
essence of attractive style,
and gorgeous dress hats for
special wear, here in a gay
riot of delightful styles par-
ticularly adapted to the new
Fall gowns and coats.
Come in and see them; we
are proud to show them.
Snag Proof noted
for wear and com-:
fort, Black, Blue
and White and Cot-
toilade. Size 34 to
50. Price
$1.95 and $2.25
Famous Big "B"
Work Shirt, f u I I
size, double stitch;
Black, Black and
White a n d Dark
Blue and fine check.
kSizes 14 to 18. Price
$ I to $1.25
Men's, Fall New Fall
sui'ots Suits
ODERN methods in OU will surely come to
producing clothing wearing these better
calls for team work Y Brands of clothing if
-team work where every you seek the ultimate in
operation is performed by clothing value. And for the
an expert, produces better same reason you will finally
made, better fitting clothes come to this Store, where
for less money. stocks are the largest and
Our Special Order Suits choosing the most varied.
are made in the most mod- Distinct and defuiite su-
erifized tailor shor M* To- periority in style and qual-
ronto and Montrea. ity and decided price ad -
We will show you a won- vantage is the foundation
derful variety c f cloths to for our fearless assertion
choose from, and guarantee that your clothing money
a perfect fit. will buy rpore value here.
$22 to $50 $8.95 to $35.
Stewar't Bros-.,,, -