HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-09-09, Page 2, . ", I place; and hear thou n eaven y 4.1. r__I
'4 A U U 11 should have your attention.
owel%lng place; an w en ou e-- "I have been refused a motor driv- 20,000,000.00
est, forgive." Solomon continued ur mmULL RUE er's license because I am deaf. I Cad and Short loam on Bonds, Deben-
this prayer to a great leng*tb com� think it grossly unfair, and if*this is tures and StQd- . . . . . . 159-486,193-35
mending -to God's gracious . accept-, the rule it has been arrived at with-
ance all the prayers that should be� Mrs. WilsoleSEXperience a
We - out investigation. Dominion and Provincial Goverrunent
Guide to Wo�menll`assing "I am enclosing a sta
-made in or towards the Temple. tmg9t of the Selcurities . . . .
see from this prayer that Solombil; 91-778,977.,05
with all his learning had learned to through thii Change of Life cse for deafened persons and I think Canadian Municipal Securities and
pray well, "Solomorl in all his other you will find it a reasonable claim. I British, Foreign and Colonial Pu&lic
would like to have your league look
glory, even on big ivo�y throne, look- Hamilton, On`thft6.-"'I have taken ' and
ed not so great as be did now. Gtest several bottles otLydia, E.Pinkharn' into the matter see- that your Securities other than Qaadlan 32-479,771-71
.8 bard of hoaring members are treated Railway and otheir Bonds, DeEiientures,
0 m- fairly.
mien should thus support the reputa gM
exercisei StDC6 . . . . . . . .
of religion g, and go Pound and I can and
ticin "Why should
iL deaf person be ra-
boner Qod with their greatness. Sol. n.ot speak too
ly" of it as I
fused a motor driver's license?", I
omen was herein a type 6f Christ, ft 4C Quick Assets $4274,50,308-14
Hearing is not neceaskry to nin a
�ver whom at the ange
r Life d motor. Any irregularities or faults
great Intercessor for
he rtfled" (Henry's C=inentary). 6.o6
loans and Dig�ta and other.Assei� 317,068,09
all run-down and in an engine are more surely deteet-
Alter thia long prayeri, Solomon
Iad to a- tite. ed by gight or touch (feeling).. A 8.
I v P B=k Pitethises .. . . . . . . 11" 00 000.0
rose from his knees and blessed all
(7weak smooth running motor Is even more
the congregation of Israel, guyin -!Md _ick, and the
evident to the deaf4 their perceptions liablIlities oteptotneii under letters of
In In baeP- by -th4te iens4s b�come mre keen "if' `6
"Blessed be the Lord, that bath giveh
so Tkad I
Your Garage iigZ I Credit (as pei cofttra)
rest unto his people" larA61 &addrd
than, i with those who have norratil
ter with a 1061d garage? 13Y to all that he prom cl; there. Elt dh
endure anor er wift ardlymcive.
cked t veo sad at
ne word '76
�Nw Wal hegrhlZ I -, $ .... .
11014 Total Assets .9.r�l ON* .
�it with G,�proc you way save the c6i9t0f a era not failed o I , "..
"In the. examination triali of a
iri, I �bten Wateripump -and numerous repairs caused by promisiik, which he 6UA d Okla not, a friend
v OUS - Wo and -it *h
'6 If' I livi6d"ckt green
her; -re.no
dfivor,there a - teati; #Won
ich, the
hand of Moses W a iearing 401 the &Wltr 11
winieet bkter cold. It is 0so Lord our God be w1ith,tig, an his WA,*: di4d,
"Oot go but" dh A 'gignit 'Notes in-circulaticitt
i buy-atid apply. TtFe�d quesVion, Xone of the, U in
lot leaval
4 aay atia Inex t ve' to with our -Whofg- lit hiul,
*in tan y6u h6w 0 oe 6Avised- me to
al=t 11 �f the aity or on the' hi
-or forsak -1e,
ghways i*
9%d'ln&Ul= Will radude your fuel bill Irom Ila$ n 142y I am's vef- AW bn b:v afthdo9400 6Z
iig; 'that Depalits
AUG. hod these -are being �Te,4
WN �,All lAis wais, afid to kee 'W"'. a' '*gya worked hhd,:
olive our hdarts utito hitd; irld. . - hill, 66CA401�tl lay.
laVOisX10 IA�" PAW anct td` 4 Letters of crecht outsit*A4
SCANADA , g , &tmak ,
IA4,d by 'm0ft 01glial lu k
I UP Its in bed for y0fithk, 1"b694M '66 it oub abilitio
�radndffieutsj *h16h Od'o0f., 'W. ei li
M� 10, dtdfga�bg
fathers. And I t th _4Vd&', 16: teal like a wr, -4
b MA'Iwl'
ead it
40fietewfth I b rftt bottle, an T.R eP14_
tl5des � V 61 1
r �d d
W11r m7n 7, IRT"W"
MIAMI 90 p
4 r::
X -4 N
L91.4, Alto,
.0_40.chu 9410"-* ---
I wb�re we call Thee
Rop i w- me --co-2- e, b 1,oid of Rest$ tG-daY; _e�c.
e and
With Thy wonted loving kiUdTION "'A 4 Of
40 aw, 40,
Oiear Thy servants as they pray;
A Thy fullest benediction
ind ea
-Shed iwitlun its w0als alW4Y. 110'. MAQVI Agims"'Um
Bedford Harvest Tools
J. IVL'Neale. 'tog
have always held first.ratk -4001wit
PRAYER WOO.' q Jitng4t
in tines, handles and feel. 1W
We stock only Bedford's at Creator of the sun, the plants, the' es
birds and men. Thou art all lighr.
bottom prices. _qAst-And wpati; OnC Aft.th,,A d bw
. . . . . . . . . . . . and love and �ood, all truth and per-
Make me a good 0 e -
child, ober. 'J" WJWAt9:"4 bubt*4 #w'' *Way,
fection. 4 th `�Filliii
client to
my father who toils night
me, and honors
aud day to sup -port �yhgt �,-he
me with his name. Make me my
Plymouth Long Fibre One exawleO Q
riegated. R
ther's joy, and help me to be lov-
ship inj b
New Yor�
Hay Rope gives long wear. ml
fellowa,�and not 4�4ua
Ing to all my 1 1
woebegoue,, bearaggle TO 0
r pure Manilla Ply- them displeasure, nor oppress nor en- "Lo
ore milk EverN Wheaton adopted.the� Animal. CAL,
T 90� m
v them nor oive them cause for an-
�r �,
firom your,,cows moutn Rope has a mai A ng
ger. tMake me sweet to servants m Jew we as qr a e p- Yaw
th a litter 9
tly with CreonGId be
3W, them through it. poor; helpful to
h, charitalAft td\ the 19L
h - odor of Creonoid is strand all ._and oneef them 7as not onl fom�
N 6 a 4 ': R, 6
him wi
es. The cows wi ill; respectful to the J1 F
.,oNequonable, to Ifil it is those who are 11stinctly Uth Spots 777,
the mark is not there cat,,bat marked d
Rn stand more 4uietlY and yield upon my lips. And NETtg
old. Put truth _A� 0. M0
of,Wek, brown gtud white fur.
"'Vorevalk. en not a Plymouth. thus, blessed by God, without fretful -
We Creonckid in stables6 barns, b. Whgotoills. 40-yeai sea�ch is ended
r . , �1� .. .. '.I . - 1; - t
�;j,houpes�,and hog Pew tQ get rid of M- ness or rancor, my days shall be joy- Thete's comfort ior all who suffer fr but P� T. LBarnurn is: 4eac�
ful, and peaceful &hall be my nights. indigestickn,�fil th,� grateful note written
where is there an entgetic-. ea
'IT i
Amen.—Prayer taught to his child- by Mrs. Omer monette, Montreal: "I T.NJ E Y
iii � tak F TA4
In bulk hunter who will pay W.,I. Wh,ga-tiba. U. RS
hardly da d ruit-a-tives', fear'
We have a limited supply ,n, by Guillermo Prieto, Minister of Ing $10,000 for his three-way coleired'..
41.25 per Gallon Finance, Mexico, 1859. my dyspepsla wiuldn't vanish,' Mrs.
on "! " , �� �40ngs t0fthe peop e
of Brantford Twine Monette frankly confesses, "but finaW cat ?
''-,v t AOYS to
S. S. LESSON FOR SEPT. Ilth, 1927 took twQ,.'4ejc!, Now I cat wen and got I "er infoiwa�-
iser*k t. "0"., ""46
TrWt-a-tives' to all my Og oiy"_ tion, apply to. -
b dyspepsia." t
friends " th uw� f 4' J
be� L remedy for
pen reg
"fi 'OV41 ' - 0
the Temple. Mrs. Mon c.xj)re-=s the sentiment of One bUndr0d. al
and. With such good Lesson Title Solomon Dedicates FILM ACTORS DO 4UN INTO
`21 ;ondox4 atarlo,
prospects, it would be wise th people whose digestions DAN6ER* fi
Lesson Passage I Kings 8. receive(I psofes DU' odii.0,121 Ma "t
Golden Text—Psalm 122:1. came, quickly bak-1k to normal under the struction. Thete were 6 WAO�444%
takin ste- ad
to book now. ark from healing influence of "Fruit-a-tives". There is 4t very. real. element of dan- sixty adults 0 wok
When David brought the making of motion pictures, the 1xtensio �
to Mount ger in the n Departmeixt.
the house of Obed-Edoin up
This wondoffal modicine is a combination notwithstanding all skepticism to the
Zion he "gathered together all the poss"fritcome, of t4e.
of intensified fre,li fruit juices andtonics- contrary. Some recent casualties are: University is rallw_ Qq =all
hosen men of Israel, thirty thou -
Indigestion and I)i1iousness often arL-due Colleen Moore, in May, 1925, suf- for I" most Pr s I nbeds�ali
sand" and there was great joy and merely to liz�r bowels, liver andkidueys. fered a sievere injury to her back in numbem OnZ A be runitea
feasting. But when Solomon pre- st4dents h6v-
G, A. SILLS & SONS c Fruii-a-tive!0 overcomes these condt- when thrown from a handear while Ing the highest 4 klifirations will
pared to dedicate the temple and re- be accepted. AppIlb aid
be made as early as
ti6ns natumlly. Get a baz filming "The Desert Flawer." She
move the ark into it he chose the 9:1`lya� i east for
from y u; �1, 5t, 25c or 50c. Reft was laid up in a plaster �Reaisftfion Day -23rd Sep -
time of the Feast of Tabernacles 'your food again as Mrs. 14onette does., weeks and production of the picture tember, 1927.
when the people of the whole land war, delayed until she recovered.
flocked to Jerusalem and were per- Milton Sills sustained an injured
mitted to be spectators of the solemn focit A-ril 1925 while pursuing
p., q�7
6M,�t:'Iftw M
.�w XXX—i
h". Z
event. The king did not need to therefore,
gather them together but he did sum-
mon the dignitaries as the represen- to
tatives of the people. The chief of
the fatherg-of Israel accompanied the
king and the priests themselves bear
the ark on this great occasion, while
to others of the tribe of Levi were
committed the transporting of the
tabernacle and the holy vessels.
�acrificial offerings were made by
David on the occasion when he re-
moved the ark but not to such an ex-
tent as on this occasion. The sheep
and oxen could not be numbered for
multitude. This done, the ark was
placed in its final resting place with-
in the holy of belies which Solomon
had specially prepared for it. On
the, priests coming out after placing
the ark "the cloud," the visible sym-
bol of the Divine presence, filled the
house of the Lord. Seeing this, Sol-
omon accepted it as a proof that God
be perfect with the Lord
our God, to -walk in his statatels, and
keep his commandments, as at
i�is day."
Then great �--acrifices were offered
and "so the king and all the children
of IsrsAl dedicated the house of the
The KuPean not only memorizes
Scripture; he Puts it into practise.
one day there came into one (if tha
mission station,, a sturdy Christian
from the 'north, After the :usual
greetings, he --is a d the purpose
of his visit. lii�4 rep�y was: "I ha-ve
been memorizing some verses in the
Bible, and ha- come to recite them
to you." He lived a hundred miles
away, and had walked all that dis-
tance, traveUilig four nights -.a, long
stroll to recite ,orne verses of Scrip-
tre to -his pastor, but be was listen-
supposed fugitives from justice over
Bronx housetops The same year he
nearly lost his Re in a log jam while
filming "The Knoekout" in -Canada.
Wlace Beery, in the early clays of
his I'Sweedie" comedies for Essanay I
once jumped from a building and
broke both legs.
Lloyd Hughes, after an icy swim in
the Pacific in May, 1923, during the
filming of "The Sea Hawk," came
near death from pneumonia.
If sacrifices are essential to achieve-
ment, Frank Lloyd's "Winds of
Chance" company can boast of more
than its share. En route to location
the company w;re -aboard a train that
was w-recked. Three days later, at'
Lake -Minnewanka, a snowslide tossed
cameras and several players off an
icy ]edge or a glacier. Viola Dana
passed through an earth4u"e en
route to meet the company. Tom
London dislocated three vertebrae in
train Or the alarm bell. He looks.
The ditections of the 'back seat driver'
have nio effect on the, deaf mat at the
wheel. Dual control is not necessavy
And is not attempted. - The deaf driv-
er keeps to the right side of the roadi
does not cut corners or expe ct the
other man to sound -his horn on a
dangerous bit of road, the loss , of
hearing makes a person very much
more careful.
"In all the sireet accidents not one
per cent. of the responsible parties
are deaf persons.
"Recently two girls who were deaf-
ened drove in a car from San Francis-
co to New York and back, and in all
that journey did not collide y1th any-
one or ran down a pedestrian.
"The fact of the matter is that a
deafened person is a better driver in
every way than one with normal
"There, are thousands of men'said
women who are.4ard of hearing't�*
g cars with greo ht -
havebeen drivm' t a
isfaction -to themselves knd-to others,
and with an unequaled recor 1 4 for ewe
and skill. -Why should %6ybe refus-
ed thexight to continue?
"Deafened persopi have -severehazi�
dieaps in life and ill earning a lliving�
Motoring is onq of their great pleai-
antes. -Driving a car is one of the
things that they can do and do well.
To many of them this ability makes
them sure of their position. If they
are deprived of this it will be a gross
blunder that.the department of high -
ways will be responsible for.
"Why should a good driver be re -
fused a license?"
..... . .. .
would dwell there forever and turn-
ed to as he r(�cited in Korean, with-
a fall. ' Victor McLaglen came near
ing to the assembled multitude, he
but a verball error, the entire Sermon
drowning in the rapids. A carpenter
blessed them. Afterwards he knelt
on the Mount. He was told that if
broke his leg under a heavy barge
(2 Chron. 6:13) and offered prayer,
he simply mertiorized. it, it would be
at the edge of the rapids. Lloyd
thus dedicating the Teznple.
a feat of inewery and nothing more.
was twice thrown into the river by
"And be said, Lord God bf Israel,
He -.must practise its teachings.
rough water.
there is no God like thee, in heaven
face lighted up. with a smile as he
Kicliard Barthelmess broke a bone
above, or on earth beneath, who keep-
promptly roldied: "That is the way
I it
in his Ickot last January at the start
est covenant and mercy with thy ser-
I learned it, I tried to memorize 1
, f
o the filming of "The Patent Leather
vants that walk before thee with all
but it wouldn't stick, so I hit Ork this
their heart; who hast kept with thy
plan. I would memorize a verse, UILU
gervant David my father that thou
then find a heathen neighbor of inine
promisedst him; thou spakest also
and practise the verse on him. Then
P,'Erel 'Ere!—If some girls are wrap-
witih thy mouth, and hast fulfilled it
I found it would stick." Imagine
pc themselves they have pretty
A up in
with thine hand, as it is this day.
this humlilo Korean Christian in
nice wraps.Reg�ina Leader.
Therefore now, Lord God of Israel,
heathen city, amid the bill- of th
keep with thy servant David my fath-
peninsula, taking that matchless
Lost Gifts.—Some of our farmers
er that thou promisedst him, saying,
moral codc and;k precept, by precept,
are becoming so well educated they
That there shall not fail thee a man
putting it into practise in his life
can't tell when it's going to rain.—
in my Right to sit on the throne of
with his nvi�rhbors. Is it any won
Oshawa Reformer.
Israel; so that thy children take -keed
der that th,- Korean church grows.
to their way, that they walk before
rea In rrAnsition.
The Evidence—American books now
H� R4 110 pj.�il
me as thou hast walked before me.
equal the best, anywhere says a pub -
And now, 0 God of Israel, let thy
iiqher. Some o -f them have beautifLI
word, I pray thee, be -verified which
thou spakest unto thy servant David
Lindings.—Ottawa Journal.
my father.
But will God indeed dwell on the
earth? Behold, the heaven and
Sympathy is sought for W.
ven of heavens cannot contain thee;
how much less this house that I have
Wheaton, who spent 40 years of his
life looking for a cat, found it, and
EstabliAec'l i8il
builded? Yet have thou respect un-
now doesn't know, -what to do with it-
Is hearing a driving asset or liabil-
to the prayer of thy servant, and to
Phineas T. Barnum, circus; 'In,
ity? Is its merits, from the stand -
his supplication, 0 Lord my God, to
practical joker and exploiter of
point of safe driving, counterbalanced
hearken unto the cry and to the pray-
er, which thy s�ervant prayeth before
freaks of all scitts;--was in big hey-
day when Wheaton's search began.
(, � outbalanced by its demerits? Those
thee to -day: That thine eyes may be
Barnum, a, the story is relayed to
c estions, are prompted not as another
�Jam at the back seat driver, but by
open 'towards this house night and
Wheaton, waritid to buy, for $10,000
,a statement of the case for deafen-
3oth Jultv, 1927
day, even toward the place of which
cash, a cat, of the male sex, with
ed people," forwarded to the Motor
thou hast said, My name shall be
three distinct. and different colors
League by David J. Howell of George -
there; that thou -mayeat hearken un-
to the prayer which thy servant shall
town. Hr. Howell states in his let -
make toward this place. And, heark-
en theu to the suoplication of- thy
if thy Israel
"I am not a member of the league,
as just now I am driving a rented car.
Cash on hand . . . . . . . . $ 72,805,088-47
servant, and people
However, my case may be thEv same
Deposits with and notes and cheques Of
when they shall pray toward this
: 11- . 4.1,
as a number of your members, and
&her -Banks . . . . . . . . 47,104,781-25
p., q�7
6M,�t:'Iftw M
.�w XXX—i
h". Z
..... . .. .