HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-09-09, Page 1, , I I I , - �", " :� . I I ,, , "_,. � � _',� , I ,I -,,,, I � . ':_ '. �, ?; , , I'��i��,�,��,tg�,,��"-!"it�,'�',., � - �"-11- , , � " _� "'. ;�,, - 7, ,f� - " I ,, 44�,X. ��;�, I �,­. �,�a'_ I I , . I . � . I , , . �. ��,p -,�­,�,7-%�� I'll, � ... ., , .:��q, - � .7,'T&�# � - ,� I ,,,, � , �� I e ��,`�,%P,�� `�,�-`�,7 , " R � 117 1 - ­,',� � ,� �, ; ,4�1 ­", �, -, i - ;� , �ql,4-�j­li.�­'-, "I", �­, � �­�'11 ."', '11� I - i , '71 1 V ,,,,,- , , V1111, �11, J,s.,�,,­ I � �p� ''i �2 [ " "" , I , I , , � , , 1� �, , , - , ��_,� � ,,�� �., ", I " � �, ,, � I � 'i I I , r, I , . ��! I , , " _ , - w�o, . , 1. I I '. , , I I . I I � I _-� I ,, 'i , , , , I I , �, " �, A� �:�, ". �, � . � , , . I I I .1, : I i'l � � I . I I . , I . I I ! � . � .11 I . I I I � � 1. I ,�, , I ,�_ - , il �,, . � , � , , , � ,� '", ,� � : �, , �l , � , ­ , 1 �,- 2: 1 1,11, "' Z,�;' ril P , , ��, I., I " i: I , I � " �, , , , I . � , , W ,� . " �'. ; � I , � I ; � ,?�, ,,� 11 ,,; .; �, ��;, , " , , I . '�!!' �,, I , , I ,� '�,,�,_­__" "" I "I � � . , , 7, � - , I , , " - . , I , � I i I - , ,�� , I . " , I �11� - 1 4� ] , 111 7 � , I �, Fl� I �, � , � �., i , , : , ­.Rff'Q-1,V1 "n, __, I , I I I �� - , . "I 11% , 1 I '':, , . ."'---11111. , I :, 1� I I � I I i I�Al' "O, I � I t '. f,) , ,: - . I I I I -1 :��, I I _. I _ " - , , ,,, I 11 , " I., �:, �: . I I I , �! ". , I �� I , ,�-�,gn, - i ,,, " MR, M- 0 1114, I __ � I ' �' L,: �, 1, '111.Z �11 z", .­, ­ 11 -111 ­­­ - �' `11,� 11 � 'I, :�,�'�� �,,.,,: � Ill , "''T �� 11Z , ,&,V��;!i:,, ". -t ­­. i --vv- ..", ... A1111- I I` �, -I _ - " '. �, �l 1.�t,l' %,:,.L�_�L:��2�,� �- �,�,?-`,',',.�,4��-'�` ,�,l;' I .1 0_,, ��,,,,� � . 5�­ I" � ,� "I � � ,, lv�,�� , � ", � - ­­_,_ �,� � I .''. 11 I � - - ­­ �, �11 7`0� Al ". "f , � - ­� "-I' - � , I ... I ... ... � 11� 7., - ,, -- -, T- , " , , -- I—— �� "�­ L I ". �, - �, �` ��; , , 77-71-1: N,;_ , _7�1111 . I �, E �PP.�%,�,i�k'-'qi','.-'�"���,�,'��,,,':��,� """"'. 1, I ,;i "" ,� �� ", ­�,.., 11 I, �'� 1: � ­ ,�, .... I 11 .... I " 17Z 1�,_,7:�_ 7 7- �, . I 1. "I", � , , I . " :�" � , 05 , ­�, , "111, I I I � , lll�­�� , i� ` I W "'18,111; I I � I I I : � I 1, I , I I 31 t � , I I � I � Ill. , SON, , . I'll EV§ . (1v 0" "r I -1-11 _ M il A2 I - "I ., I I . I I I "I i 1,�, .01, � 11, �,: �, I , I 1: .V I f, , ... ,' `�­ ,, ,� � r ,; T" I I I ,, - . - , , 1� " �', g" � . �. � 1�1' � I , , , "..", WAS . �'. , "I � �, � 4A � I I ,A*�;" �'. , , �111,74­,A I 11 V� .1-1 1, I 11 .11 I I " -,-.)kq �,­`,,, , . . " 1-1 i, , "I �� I'll `* L1,11,11' I � ,110, l"T" 1',.lp, I . I � ,� .1-4 � M --- 1-1 eTTI�Ihv�Wsmtlf-Gqd =v111"V1UN..1V`1 � A_R11&TRff1111*ffW11A15W1 I .- 'T..�� l"i , 'If . B11, � - � �,; . 11.11 , "" ,�. �, i A , , - I ,- � I Iff 'm - 4 5 t', 4 �� �4' " - *% " , , L. , . , , 'yg i� -_4 mo , " " _r, �, �., � W,,� X,�Ay,v, , III; p,,,, '!N40 - ad , - rl`� �1_4%14 I ,� '..'%' . I .. .. ,�,qfig—, I ON, " I ,.. 17 .. a WA 11 I R o,nq Nyx,:,:�((f , r" go MW'�;,- 4-­`�,_��, "! , I I -1 1-11 M1 ,� , v k� A.-I.Irk" I.,, V., ,9W,,'8 14 D A ,�,2.w,gz�.0,A�,�,%.M*:,�."I,tko';�� lo I ,` : V� " , I I '. I .,,�, ".,. " I � a P I , �,' ,�l,� cl sn:., t ,;"., � i � ...... .., .. 141". ,� � �, .11 I 11 1�- �,'g W�24� �' "' '. '11� -1. ?4k ,p,� , ",-, 'N IAM ley am& "Am. .1 ­,rkr �� ,l, ._'? " .. k , m , _111 I ,.,._.�­!� - iN 111. I ""N., I , "'.. �,-, 1-1, - .; * � M , -09 , I ,. _rb. .1 , I lilrlf WiT.40, � - f! ­ �, .... , g"g, , � . ,,T, I In* ,, �, .... q , "Im , , �,;, ,' -,._I, I � 111 I'IV41, I;* X-1 '�,J ­ 1. ,..�­ l�%',�,'% ',,,,'� A,W� q.1, - r., 11� ,, . - . I ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, � ..... I'll ,,.�, 11. 4 �� �� WA I ., '' .11._ ­...�� M I - , "' i", .;!��. W, � q 0 , -4 , ,�,l:��;'-�,',' "MA 1�1'1%w` V-4,15 4_1 .4w 9 "'. � " '41 1 , C11 777.1—Wtiv - -I q ft:2,', - , , - Is �., ,S 4 ''P � , I �..' � ` - , ,�; 04, * -4&&--­$VdA;ts '-",' .1 , , ,;to� � .1-e- �,­,, 0 04", 4S , , ". - ,44, �,:��Ii',:,"Qr,if­ i "I �.� � a , - , Q& � 1 140)v VW_ I - 'I ..... .. �,01, , 11 , , , �, ,, �,� I - ­�� .!* - 0 1 . ." . F2 , , V%.",�` C_,, �, .- � . � - , �, I , - ll ,� �' i i� �.,i ,�', 7g !,� , � , " �A . :� , _� p I � . 00 , , " I , ,P-(, ` M all 0. k , " 111L d - - I i: %., ; ­ . 71 ba I , 1, % M 40 - W � , k , , . , �� W '.11,11 ,,, Z . .11.4 � '. *t .�_ 1111 11 4__"� 1.1v , , I .MI. i�­r -744, f" 7"FA � . q, �,�-,. ?­ , I , 't I .,;, '_4 �-, I lb I I sai!n, 1, h _�"!W� �� _ V p0g, " IN Z �` . , '% " 1 11" 1 1 11111.1 fy 5, '�, 'A `�q 4 1 I --..-__t . " i f, 7 A lil,'111,; 'J.4, , �. . " I I '� . g_4.1Aj4 ' ' 1 �,4'�,:��.",�;"�:.�'.:,�J ! :� . ,,, . -­�,­ . k -4 P 19.'..' g . ,�'. I'— 11 et MSWMW?�' � :�: � ., .1 Ar, " P ., Z , r,?;� r ,g%% 11 one 11 . ': " " ,�'. ­7,�-7�,�i -,'� . eoz*�C % � '. _Yffi�'. I � I . . I " ,.- . . I ,� - ,,.. 2 ­­ 11 ' -"' , b7, 'CiDI'T -, I '! 4 - .)'XBW , .",,, � - ?_ . I ,,,,, � M , , � - 9� 'Q , and -, _, � I , "­ "," � llq� t�,� , , � - Qs Idad' ' , �, ,J '10 I . I N, .1 _.o V. a or* ;jg . _� C _��k.� I � 11' I if . ympow and �, '�,�, , olgbipo-�,*,�� , _�_ L P `� � ; � 1 I 1, , ... ,� Tvwy Ito ,�, !," .X4k , ..4 1� _,�11 I .. . � % , �1 _ '. - 4 34.f��jk ,,W . � Of ll,, _jklu"Ixt -a W41, To . .��4,�,_ I. . , "�,:, I , , _ Ak,�,;�� . � " E, ,,,,, -'O � Ali �10 .�, � NO R9 N 1�,1'4. V �iv"" -34e, lu ,11 ., , N t I. 14-1. _ so -,;"".,jj�� " qm� -JR41N -1, � � N 0.1'- , 11.1W ,�' . if* , ten I I � �. ,.�,�., I . _""., - wg , I'll, , ;FPQ�4- p I � V�#"' I . e-,cq.1A t . , "Ov . , , , , ... . .?�� ) , ­ ", � - 'V _ , `l0l ""i " . W ;W" -_kNgi _ _`.;l:� "' ,,,,� i,.,,�­,: ��I, , , , I'm rf , " 4 asked ,t.� ". - I , t . � ., . '" % " . � ,. . 7 , " VIN ) , ! §�,, - - I , In � .- - ,.­­ ­ " .� . ev _Vq 1; l6narl-to whom jd,ia� � Xotes,-Xos - . � .'.. . .1. 'o.�.". ." '-p'm I ... I 0. 117-1 * , , ", . .: _,,!� . . _W.,��.To �: . . ., , qr �x - 4� " V. _ .. , CXS.WT�! t-MI"i"29*R4,� 7rn.,9�17. MW I", ,. _ .". , , .M� , , � J Lrv_vV17 r ­ 1, 'a I , .. , � - , 6 - ", , , UIPA" 4F __ , . .. W, "" � _ . , ,� � ..". 1'�- --al. , , T,,�Rljg - �, A _ '. . .- 111. , � . DIYAO . '" LM, WOrtAY,04,019e made an appeal and r -e. their , haroWsting cot p ` - " --- _: 4" 4V ,p ,no;" al _6 .. 01rX_')P "'641,10" a ioo 'Toil 11: ,a letqd � � 4nd , ... , _ . I 5% 4 JR0,_ .k #4 DM,4� P '..`�, l.1, '40 , � ,� ; 1 ds I" ., ;;P�, � ) ,,, ,,�, � Jim"', 't , W ,q �,;,;, . " U." , ,�� led t)�,, ail: the farm .'s . � I , - lAt" - 19 . .. ", - ", . . . ,, �` OX , , 69 am , ,_ . �� - ­.. I I , , . q. " go -, 4; . I I , , � , A 1, I ;, I , , 'i., � 91 - ... , o"ri . q MP - Mill., 11 � - . r";��_­ 7�, .�, ' a , ,- � , "!". --,.9.q& 44 1 .. ", - to, , , 'Imlow swing' -"Mos; 6�p 4 ., , �Vw,*4eist ',q `10,� g, .0 ."001" � " 0`00e#t,­K'Vg1 *�64kb .. I . . � V-- -f � 1,7�,i - . SON ,e ' I - .it was these Zlarl��Bhtngis' in full , I 6 . _# '491; ., ',f� Ill R ,,,, � . '' - . - 1,� � 1, �V.;� - 'V, ; '' . , *1 ,�--�':�Ii .- _r 1M.". . "t - . - I a O& , Ow � impport. , 1. 0. % ,; '. Al I _1 _. I . �;_ - "ve . �!, � ... R I Ish- sp .4' .4 '' I � F1 'r j, , . ­ . � On; % t 04 , -If I I I in, , �, I I J � . " " � . �,�_ ; . - , ., , , Veq ' I _ , . ence Uoyne, has Secured a schoW. M 4. a_ , tion 'many .More . I ... __.1. � ta jor uor,mapy. frie .- h -all, ; ;. [V MOW4611 - , mi , �. r �­ .,�� I ormxv I -"! , �� ?"101W , , I L � her$ — -------------- j , ed� . nds, Chatham. -Mr. and - !Mrs. *9044M �"' a _ � __� , ,�_r I 1. , , - " 8 40 i)u .. "$'��ZNe tea, -_ . Jq . wit Pan " WT 's-'. 1ndke, , ': 1.7 % 0 - '! . W ' � ,. I .1-1, WIN ;­�- ", 1. I *f,'Whow she was, a -Zeneral favorite, Hams and son, Lewigs of Qhii*,go,, back*,, W-jA;il� , , , ,*,! .- � '11�' ,O,e `4 -�` . ,�.­; fg:, � 6 ��,� � .��,; � t,q .,,.,,,��'. _ , _ 4� �. . � , " � 0.4`4 .-, I -1 .4 -4 _�*f ,--,- I 1, , .Q ., 0i . 1k , WK U , qP"W 71N .7 �,;, 114, MUM Iff,mox1l . , q�kr ;�, I I " wis �l44P";NWWWAXPA $�, `0 ". a-44raoter. that made and re� � A � Ad .1 M _ �'#N,o , C- "' V Ub"'4" � I - �,M 0 . i , '' V 4 �`� ,0_,-,.;�-,MN1W - M , 4-0-4 #P ��g6 . ".,. , ....­ .- , -$, ql�,_ " . led' itho��eru,m -0f.-OV4 _MMR; 4 " arg. Twade as � clilldien, water � ell 11�4 ­,"; V . ", � I ,., . L , ,,.� ,;:;,.� .r��, ,�'. ,: ,., '. , " '. - ��0'1 ". � s �worlg is, the aid spent Tuesday evening at the home . Mflf7h , ;,�_,t ", - :, ,,� � 11 ": .. . � I I , al 1 , A �c:, , ", -1-11-6 "I ' mosrvq� e,(, ive, week Sho'la 4u�*ved hit �'"' mii�sw -.40-1, i , ''I . �:, ?.A '4��kM',"4 ` ` a is is 6� . I . - � hree brothers of Mr. and Mrs. P , f4r ro, V. - th � . �� ,_ I C�Ae! - , ."400=;�' -On . HOwever the woik or . ex v and a tem- two- sisters, 4Ts.Aiigus McIU noon, of .at Fianne_r7.__;�Mr. !jor inon"p - , , " . - _­. - I ­'V'A. �MW��4"_ - or- ,"i iow .' I -* " s ,,, . , 4%0. 0$ A is, encou . , 1I&tbK--'1,,th'4 -t� , _ perat , .it .0ront(k on N - - C;ool . �nit�'j. i 41"i 0Z ging.,- there. b6ini twenty 2 ! f Joseph Moylan returned to T -0, , W ` p 0.31 � , , I ra ,%#,U3 ji;�,, , Th .4041P _r" I ffitle# P .L . % I I ,, I .. ,0: 1 � q4til"k,"I"99N]'", � $4, 1 70 degrees. Ltelm - Mr ,, urn. .11 � I . . . �4; � 1, I s. Jawes Hagan, Sea; , � ,.." � i v P ... V R, - I , d - ,;�i I "lin - __ ." ,Me-goe'sn't. have ganized',and Independent churchis in. r ess- thesepi Tuesday -The Misses Mild _amstr,onz.- Z, wmhlsv.,� A -i"J, , - I , . - . qRq,q'M',UV i 'VU54��,�Z�-T4 k I it - ,a e cold,dark .,forth; Dinald WXinnon, of Arnaud, Gertrude, McGrath attended i I � 1. �. � , , - , � , , 191�4 .1 Ad htigp.patr. �f in�fr this di§trie.t,-and in ipite.of perffel start r . efetred ' vill dev 0 UAH ., , " I il , " �dj * ' the- To- Stophim, Spa, H.. snell,' - , - Z P 4Mniton Alexander, of Casselton, ronto Exhibition on Mond - Mrs. we, , 'I .. I , , 17el, " -1 "'" I _­­ #044 ­01�p �p - -1� 4oes not tion the mquibers. re*4 too Bob : , . I . -AVII!, , - , . _*i�;; ".1'.. r "' '"' -, ._, her, � and'bis,', vn,;t piu,faithful. _, __ R,fA flowers . .. ay. rils, rm.. J., AT-mq4_.% il�� .., ,, , - - I I - . lacia -.#al "' . are 11.11 , 11,1"'"p-, I Jhmes %ghes M-stpo � ".. - �.l. � I ,�JP4- * a -010";z a "-J� ,'40e to ,look 'forward Vn.'th Oil- MIZO. �c4rocalen,, -,who,, is connected the result. , 1, son, Jimmie, of lea-6 ­:A Dale- ,rw.,� . � ". . * N M's ,� . " , I I .,�P;, rJ A .I ""o ,qqwxx - foreb and I W ­ . ,.,� .!f- ." n out, they,, . - � ' I I - tbxt,4**t?,,T6V9;p:Kpen.r 'inji to ie'eding � A4 -.hig, t4re§bing with"JiUkAry Od educational Wprk in m . I ,... _,, ". ... � � , _.. ... ,. I � ­`@ _` , _.. . � ,�w.� v.J - - - . i�W"� , ,4% e Y'l, I .1. ,, . # - , . Seafarth, spent a few days last week _ :� ,l. I , I . I ,., . ., - " " ,'Slv.q qpe% �� for Avo.,VMU can now. . ­ I ust be . 1, about A& . ' r,. Dundas.- RoAree tivats,7 .,� I �, i P.,,',, M ff. -w I . , " -1, P. � .4 e.ordinary. farm, qr _700 Wkh.st,Chin� University, of Chotu, dejoeei, if I V, to last ,As � .; V. The return game. will ,11 ­ 6w,, Ai the, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Patrick le' . , iffiA .3n - , � � � 1 � J*,,* I I �. eAWSOve d4jrS'a crop.of I- I I . took caid of the 0edd! Wr ,9... W that,China: ik?f . I I . - ..I.. " ­­ . . - . . ,�Ug 0 S. d aced with' th OS I e. ' I_. Flannery. -Mr. Redmond and IffraitflM Vm_.:.,_a%v '! il . '. , L _ 1. " I . I I � ree long ,as p � . fwarft, played off 'in' . . ."i"l; 11 .. .. .. , �, P'� I I '. ., ,a�; " , , . evol . I'll , .. ,a�; , , I . wilowt WbJq,0)T;' 4i4er the, �ietfiods .-6f 1 th I . I 040118v lntOlUdualo Political and 1. ,� AMRT SAU of Alberta, who have ,been spending -a Septemb, , - ' * ' ' I , I '� �1' - �,,,,�. - , 06 Past quMpter, of gi century t.t � .1 ' L*i 4, U­J1j;ej'., . , -11�11 , er 17th. - �.' , � . . ., WoudId Ing in- &, "'- ' � , Indu4 *al, and that- her' leaders,- -v�ho I �-q,�i,.., I �!:` ,- , -gum #.r , . ca I . I � I ... � d, _ ,of e . ri , few holidays at the home of Mr. and I , �' I ,- , � .1. .1 . :�,_#,,. * �- - - . I _ ' k�-,' , take d66ble ifie nulabet-of. men dbu`* harvesti . 1Z 4C., � , � �, , - are moved by, BOX intexest, ra�cial J. 4 k %__.-M" Mrs. Thomas Moylari, Beechwood, .*� .1 , , . I - 11 `�, 1, � Z.l I , . I . . . � 1?.�! . ' "I At� of Z�l - injured - m*nity, are to 8 - 11;,"�'11'� - ;: -th eh$th of tim jj,� � .. ' _� .1,11" I � , _bk I , _ - t� of ;�'., ; mol -e. than 40,900. harg st- ,hatred, -'and REPORT OF j�. PMRNT -motored to their liome on Monday I � e, .,,n ,, _ 1, , - pq ern, an- . ., 11 " -t�. . 'y � @_'; , You &er Have Your last. CHISELHURST . .��'�:;�� I ,7ie colov of .1 . .1131� �,-,; L . .11-11. ,,,, � . : ... .1. 1W - Did , . , �, I '' Td�S,Wldw:: M. � 9110wilig , rt of hog .. � ., ­_ 'h , , ,,- -in fliox­ f ­ RW Into West ' ' blame for the pregbftt, unrest. She - The f I U 1i = -410 .: �_;, , ­ ,. !_- , ,. mate is .,possiblili , - pro xc�t: - pu , ,K.� - , . �. . . 4W.W."Aallp . T - ­-,_,FWR%4­yP-AxP �aqp he" i irde ,-*rain crop. holds that the outlook is very hope- ,shipments .1 -0 '�, �, . - , . t-T,0-malwest, t ,,,-�i"-: . -of . .1 V I e " � ful- for Chinese women, wh I W-4, - " - I ...11"', - . . . -..t1kq.,,. Auraper>-4f the ­4a*. aoitj�, ' ,for Wes I Septem.% - fidue Taken -in Seaforth ? Notes. -Mr. apd Mrs. W.,W , ;'Jril � � , �,, I �, " I - % " - N. . � ". qn;.,tl#. , . 1i .11, - - " �2;4,mvue­f, - , , ­­ �. - � ,, , I d'oendhs.:'ahqrt- 0 110o'Al-,ber Ist, 1927: . . . AMM 4.1 , � I �e'"s . I . � . on " � . W4 11 , - � J�l ".. , - I - . '..:" -1 I 'BRUCEWERLD SimO' Ust �N-'�,'e,l'� Y .I efiew, , ,4; , . 3 4 In, I -, - - - , q,., were 4eallqd to ton(jon on I P 900 #00TOU . �t �t- so read V& ,,�'�.,., - . . 0A ,a . _pq*pS1­ y passed,from, the p I to. . -1 ... . ;, �, 4ut .", . I . Xt M, . I I rwa . 7 �:� ,',� I � 7. ,, �- ye. � W4ndfdq.­j6X& � ' I I . If ;,U�q I ', 4'r,idout."J?.,I�tw46�i,t.,.:to :_ 01M �. 4 po* -. SEAPOR I 11 I -80, you owing to the serious; I l; "t 1, 2 -, le!�� , unq . 1.� .� ".. -, - I . Are - . A , ­ M 8, 19; select Ivelyn, who is suffer- "I'll � '1,1,r" -Xv $. � tb guldb1filein among the large assortment of Snaps, 1 ,,l:�14.).)`j , -OR xvotes�Xrs. William Spear, accom- their daughter, L . I I , _,��I*,_ -, ' . � .. - e,,e � thi- 12 o0o - ready fo;�'the � , bacon,, 7 - th I � V104 I'll 1. panied by her daughter, Mrs. Fred Ing from an attack of pneurao.ma- . � , - ft � .. , J)fi 6 Photographs and Enlargements now ,4 � go �. � -S I . , . I I I . ,,, V14"' WL _extA.,410m, ___ tbe: � . �� at';'harvesied lait Intothe voluntary self.demiil. ' BRUC "ll .: , �. l 4" , . " ' , ­_t�41"emp_� "� -4 `560009 -p-ounds 4 the "Jf-assertivli'Btage afi - 'of ""r . tw,) , all, d will find a copy of it condition "Ill; 'h � I 0:. " � �' b 1; -IN - I � 'I 4 - 1.1, 1. tht .7 wi 1. ­�� - . . .. . _ _,. _&'�, , 'n . � ; i�. , � . ,� - ,..., . , Adge w" '@Out I", I � ,I- hogs, 28; f Photo 'Mrs," W. I 5 , I Lit" heat dfstrictL h Of year. Thousand o1i" W , bffered fbr. Salle at D. F. Bucks - McLaren, of Highgate, are visiting Miss Edna Briiatnell and � I - �_.­ .�,, ., binders Were Results I that 'Chinese Work select bacon, 5-, - mvvth, 21; Vaph Gallery. Tuesday for t1W " A . , - I ." . CalgitM-'-RliGO",'th�u-ty'�tive c9ftblhies pur&.asi&, *kd hiiiiii3fidii ''of mew among girls is.well. worth whil � . 1- . I friends around Brucefield and Clinton. Latta left here on "" . * * - , e. She heavies, 1; shop lbo&%­_�, . , ,-;;,! 1, " ­ . ' :were Ap;d, -#qud,,a - , �W"_ tup tractor to, also contends that .while affairs seem, I., - A picture is a memory. y6u Will 7 -Miss Irene Snider, of London, is vis- West. -Rev. Mx. Harper, of ;;­ - , ,.:"�,. . I , - , . lipgreittly tkreshinr, - Pga - 'PR Exetor, - , - - - - , � hi,ie gim�n . .11 HURON 00.nZ ,: , . , 4§44i �, This- . ear . I'll., ogs, 1,045 ; - �­'�_�. . , o'. . . - , � I 1, � ,,� good o 7 ... (>Ad.6perv�te thbin: (But -W 'the prairle disgouraging, we may f4st assured select bacon, 3 2- I _� ooth, 568; find groups, paiis, individual, family iting at the home of her parents, Mr. conducted the services in the United, .- "". : , , o* ' 0-r-1, , 40ank $1 . and *adding pictures from d , -�',� dian, company alone is ., , ays gone �nd Mrs. J. Snider. -Miss M. Norris Church on Sunday last. --Mr. and Mrs. � ak . I . . . . . "', . . - idd. At least half the wheat that the great need of free education hogs, 34; 11g0t. and * , rs, 7. . . � 1. �� . ... exbectAd Wist' IS 4eii, yeais �Ider' all this -will that all work Of value be conserved, heavies, 47; e a I ., es, 5; shop by,to the present time. � 0 - ?I to plAce"one hundred'and fifty of these be chan ., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. William Archie No es and family I I . _ f Lou ,;�; V, nevytmiiehiiie� ij� Alberta, while Sask- "JI. b­hifidled by goinbines.' Thefe and medical attention in the near fu- . 1. Dow. -Misses Isabel Souter and Maxy don, spent the week end at the­hdme .. �, � , . mi The price for pictures that would - 0 . .,�� ; �0._ i ' - I .. ' - - 1, I & atchewAn farmers ate' e�dger buyers - f ', and Mrs. Thomas' Richar6on, � - ;� . ' - will be a saving effect�d of. between turewill cause the doors to open wid- 777-77- normally cost from $1.50 to McNaughton left Saturday for their M Mi . � . , li, - 1�1_ 11 lntlffanitaba, wl�ere ,tho-farms are d ;40,000,0()iD a year, er than ever; that the Chinese Chris� $2.60 each, is ................ Angus :11 - I �. , - ,. � M000,000 an 25c schools in Northern Ontario. - Miss Mrs, Noakes' parents. -Mr. ' �' ,. I ,.�,., ,.� smaller, the new dqi�elopment is less Which. Will go into the pockets of the. tians are rising splendidly to the ec- TUCKM"; tH SNAPS Margaret Aiken -head, of London, is Robertson spent the holiday. at his :Iol,`�,.. . , . , ." , , � . . - extensively employed, but even there faime�s. , The harvest labor Wak casion and .that what China needs is Notes. -Miss Al ---,' , go at ....................... spending the holiday at the home of home here with his father, iis�ier a -ad, - .. � -,-`,%-., . - � 5C - '�.11��. , r p . ,,�.' , - emg'tried out exPeri- will b# a -thing of the, past, the . -iiar- our sympathk, patience, understand- falo, spent last week -,,';did with her � ­­` I k, coinbinss, are b ' "' " ice � T6pp, of Buf- P11CTURE)S IN FRAMES he arents here. -Miss Ina Scott, of gtandmother.-Miss Gralde McLean � - , , .ff, mentally with very good success hr vest excursion, will be relegated' to ing and prayers. at ..'....... 50(: London, is -visiting her mother, Mrs. left here to take up her duties as ,I . ,,, r 11 11"', � - - - cousin, Miss Thelma . 11 �o,,, . ZW,e.-Mr. Jno- POST CARDS C A. Scott, in the village�-Dr. Pete Me- teacher at a school near Lucan.-Miss - . ,�, ", . . It 1. - .. '.1". I the.limbo of things forgotten. When The afternoon addresses were in- McMillan, of Detro - . , , W your . .". , the larger w6at diitiicts. I . .......... i'r '.%'. " . I .. ng IS I � 0 nt the week I I ..; " a the harVe " - 3 0 Ewan, of Detroit, is wisiting his bro- Sim w��'­ � The epribine is a combination of � sti over there will be terspersed with two interesting page home town ............. 5 Pson, of Egrnondvi le, entered up- , ,��,� I rs.,, . ","... I reaper and a thr9sher. Pulled . and M - " , " ... , , , - end with his parents;,4,01r, ther, Jack McEwlan, in Stanley. -Miss on her. duties on Tuesday last as I I " I., by no expensive threshing operations ants presented by Exeter Circles, al- Hugh mcmillan.-Aan"�;' the ones Cleta Pepper has returned home af- teacher for S. S. No. 10. . ;: "'d . I . .11, - elght horses, or by a small tractor, staring the farmer in the face; wheat so by music by several Auxiliaries. +1 _9 THE SALE WILL S+ART ;�,;,:--.1 _ - . , -left for the West��` _, Wednesday ter spending a few days with her ..."A .;,� ,. Lly, Mrs. Moorhouse moved a resolution were Mrs. James Ragy - � I, ... . the reaper cuts a fifteen -foot swath will'be handled once, and once' or that " , �_ I . I I around a wheat field, while ,a thirty where no,# it is stooked fo _ � - Lorne Fin grandmother, Mrs. R. Pepper, in Clin- 01 :4. . . lloving of thanks to CreditoA ladies and all laysm, Mr. San, BroAdk4t, Mr. Rus- 1, ri -Mrs. H Aikenhe-id and daugh- . - ,�� I., . . " -power gasoline motor operates cqtting. , 11. 'horse , ' day Sept. 9th ton. o �- I .* .., %-%' I then pitchforked on to the who had helped. 1 sel Wallace. We WiSbFfAem a safe ter, Janet, accompanied by Mrs. M. EXETER ': �." � . the'threshing machine, which thresh- bundle W- then pitchforkqd off in- The offering amounted t , . ..­ . - " 5, �afq agon, . o $30.60; journey. -Mr. and- Mi6ir Smith andi Miss Leila iStackhouse, Died In WinniPeg.-Word was re- ,�� %_ ex as the grain Is cut. An endle .Fordon Hay- at 9 a.m. , ,, . as to,the maw of the thteshiAg machine, expense*., $11.70, leaving a balance of ter, of Flint, Mich1#a*.,!,vire spending were in London Saturday. Anna Aik- . , � ";. . ' '' . � � - canvas conveys the heads of wheat- Makers of binder'twine and pitchforks $18-90. the holiday with t& Vatte AND CONTINUE UNTIL LATE ceived here last week by relattyes of , �,, , - I .,�� _!.,� I ' for that is all that is cut -to the r�j�y­not like the new development, -In closing, Mrs. Mollard'asked those Mrs. A. Rosr-Miss , r'..; motber, SATURDAY NIGHT, SEPT. loth enhead, who has been visiting in Lon- the death of George H. Bissett, who ��,�',, , I separator. The grain is separated b4f,tl - 3%ary McMillan don, returned with them -Miss Elva died in Winnipeg, Man., on Monday, r. � t .I ,le dgy.-of pitchforkless-tvnnelesr, present to put Missionary work first has accepted a gehool,noiji Dashwood. --- - ,. I I from the -chaff, and then is elevated hgt�vegtinj is coming over a large in prayers and effort'so'that w'e might Wie wish her ever_y suft6as in her new - -1 Anderson, of Kippen, is visiting her Auinst 29th, after a long illness. The . '11� . I ;1, friend, Miss Kathleen Elliott, in the - . into a tank -wagon drawn along -side- part of the;;hard wheat area of the succeed in winning the world for duties. , �. North Dakota, and Angus, on the vinage.-Miss Martha Carlisle, of late Mr. Bissett was a former prom- I . � � . - The chaff is spewed forth behind the ptairie pror4me. Thd'fa'Tmer of the Christ. A rquiCing missionary chorus Died In Washingtoo,,�.'Tbe follow- homest�ad. The funeral was held Hillsgreen, is spending a few days inent business man of Exeter, hav- - ..�';,' . . ,�� ma:chinle, One round of a section- West has, wikh Ins whe&t pool and his and benedictibir-brought a ivery help- ing despatch from Wglt . " Ing conducted a hardware store here 11� . six hundred and forty -acres-of Wheat A.Aington State from her late home on Monday, Sep- with her friend, Miss Elsie Landes- with his brother, the late Isaac Bis- �Q_ ' , ' c4#0iie, be66me a disciple of niodern ful and.intCresting meeting -to a ejose. will .be read. with a, grei I k. deal -af re- tem -her 5th, to St. James' Church, Sea- borough. -Mr. and Mrs. Bill McGre- "I " _. . and eight acres are cut; one hundred d�y djtcIency. � � . . - 6. , gret -by many, old,friends b sett, and later with his younger bro- � wl�� -bushels or more of 'heat are, . . M �- - �` and fifty _v ONTARIO GARDENING SERVICE ship: "Marion- 'this town- forth, of which church Miss McKin. gov, of Montreal, are visiting the ther, Ed. Bissett, now of Winnipeg. : '. '. . I . I �_ " I on their way td the elevator, Vs a qP Ramsay ',Pennie, a non had been a life-long member and former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. For a number of years the deceased I .4 .. . ' daughter of the late Elizabeth and supporter, and where High Mass wai McGregor. -Rev. C. Mustard and sis- I � . I . 'slick arrangethent, as the, prainie SOUTH HURON W. M_ S. Planting Fall Bulbs. Peter Ramsay, died at her home near celebrated by Rev. Father Goetz, of ter, Miss Greta, of Toronto, are spend- man was also Clerk of Exeter, but 1-1 .1 111, farmer says. . . 1� � . I Spangle, State of Wasbingto moved from here with his family over ­�a ., It is a simple matter to procure a . n, on the Seaforth; Rev. Father Gaffney, of ing the holiday at the home of A. �.�.',�,4" Ir I And it saxes money -that's the big On'Septem�ber Ist, 1927, a beautiful morning oX August 24, 1927. 20 years ago to Winnipeg, where he - , " . I display of bloom within a few weeks Survive She " Clinton, and Rev. Father Dantzler, of Aft9tard, Sr. -Mr. and Mrs. S- Me- h . eqided and was engaged as I " IF factor. 'When the selL-biuder displac- autumn day, the south. section of d by her husband,'Itichard R. as since r I'll � , . ed the cradle method Of 111TVesting Huron Presbyterial, of the Unite after the snow disappears. To get Donnie, her son, H. Ramsay St. Columban. Following the churevi I Brien, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at ­� d 'Dennfe; I Clerk in the C. P. Railway freight I ,- � "ll' wheat, the cost of the bushel of wheat Church met In Crediton. The church this, secure bulbs now, and plant Out- her daughter, Mrs. Del survices, interment was made in St 'tb home of Mr. and Mra. William %beds. About two years ago he was -, . . , le ;?It I .1 -, ,,I,,, f I terested faces side. Snowdrops as soon as the snow seven grandchildren, and h" sister, afflicted with a stroke of paralysis, �_3 was reduced 'very materially� and one was fii1ed and the in qary Sm "th; James' church cemetery, the pall be."-,] Landsborough.-Dr. A. M. Landsbor- is gone, are followed in rapid succes- Mrs. J. H C ors being Messrs. Donald McKinnon, - ough, son of W. C. and Mrs. Lands- �1� 1. ., man in harvest time could do the arid hearty singing of1he missionary . arter, of Do;-�Vnqy Cali- ' from which he never recovered, and � - i;;n at Joseph MeMillan, Ray McKinnon, I borough, Centre Road, Port Credit, .1 work done by three or four prior to hymns testified to the fact that . the Sion by the Scillas, Crocuses, Grape fornia. Mrs. Dennie was ,� had been an in,valid ever since. He I ! and Dutch Hyacinth, Narcissus, Cot- Earlston, Lot 13, second- concession Daniel McKinnon, Joseph Doherty and i Ont., has opened up his office for gen- w I the binderNa appearance. Now the W.M:S. of South Huron is a live body tage, Darwin and Breeder Tulips. Tuckersmitb, on March Oth, 1850, an(i Joseph Hagan. eral practice of medicine and surgery as in his 70th year and leaves a I oombine is carrying 'the harvesting and very en�husiastic ovei this part family of two sons, Harry and Grove-.- I ability of one man just as much fur- of the Mast6r's work. ,, There is also a single early tulip lived there until 31 yean; ago,,when Personals. -Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyon in Garrettsville, Ohio, U. S. Dr. r.f Winnipeg, and one daughter, Mrs. _.� I ther -ahead. The combine is operated Mrs. Mollard, the vice-president, which will come first of all, but it she came west." and son, Arthur, and daughter, Mar- Landsborough was a former student R. E. Atkinson, of Glenella, Alan. His - added very rnu6h to the tone of t1lb Darwin and later sorts. By select- The community was saddened last dren's Hospital, Toronto, visited at ate of Toronto Medical College, also or. Friday. by two men, one driving the eight does not compare in beauty with the . Death of Miss Annie VdYU-Pnor. - jorie, who is training at the Sick Chil- of Seaforth Collegiate, and a gradu- remains were interred at Winnipeg - I P %. I ,,horse team or the tractor, while -the meeting by the able manner in wh I ich ing varieties carefully bloom from the ThurBday by the death (,�'Mlss Annip. the home of Mr. Andrew Kirk the of Columbus, Ohio. He is a native of' I other tends the machin�ry operatin she presided. Following the opening first orf May to well on in June may McKinnon, which ocenrred at the past week. -Dr. Lyon and wife, of 'Tuckersmith Township, and his many Brief --Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Trieb- . I , the thresher. Two or three men * e hymn and invocation, the Greenway be Secured from tulips alone. As the home of her brother, Mr. Angus Me- Stratford, and little son, visited at I friends will be pleased to bear of his nor and family left Tuesday for their . I - e 11 the trucks or the toak wagons Aul- Auxiliary conducted the devotional ex- liowers for next year's blooming are Kinnon, on the 10th cnneession of the home of their uncle, Andrew Kirk success and extend congratulation c;. home in Pontiac, Michigan, after a ;: I ,. Ing away the grain. Four or ve ercises taking for their theme, the already formed inside the bulb now, He is one of many Huron boys corn- several weeks' visit among relatives 1. - , men operate the machinei which ;s Macedonian call and the story of it is a�dvisslble to get the largest ___ ----I---.- - ----�-" ing to the front. Dr. Land-sborough here. -Mr. and Mrs. Gould, of De- _16 r � � - capable of cutting tbirty-five to fifty 1,ydia, ,who, like most Of the women bulbs procurable. Unless well root- I is a nephew of Mr-�, James McQueen, troit, visited here Sunday. They were . s - acres in a day. The average cost of of our Society, was believing, busy ed in the fall, results will not be sat- � of the village. -Miss Cooper, of To- accompanied home by 'the former's I ,V 4 . � operating the new equipment works and self sacrificing. Mrs. Zwicker, isfactory. Hence it is necessary to , ronlo, was the guest of Miss Adst father, John Gould, who has been vir.- L. , out at about one dollar per acre for on behalf of Crediton, -welcomed the 11 , planir early. Tulips, Narcissug and 91"% . Reid last week. -Rev. W. A. Bremner iting here for several week. -Mr. and I b gasoline, oil and labor. What labor Auxiliaries, i'nd Mrs. Sinclair, of Hyacinths should be planted hont 'I I ace? n I k- and family have returned home after Mrs. Harley Sander-, and family, Mr. . .1 Two binders will cut a� much wheat M. Ellis, of Hensall, was appointed -at tho " -Mr. Sydney Tbomp- and Mrs. Charles Sanders, Mr. and I 6,nd other expense does this displ He� Sall, made a fitting reply. 'Miss four to six inches deep, and abo 5 their holidays. _ . . in one day as one combine. , The cost Secretary; Mrs. Homey ano Miss Mae same distance apart, while the sinal- _:!i' E A F ORTHI son visited at the home of his par- I Mrs. Fred Mills an(] daughter, Pearl, . of 'cutting wheat is fifty cents Per Wilson, Finance Committee, and ler bulbs should N planted aboull , , I . "I I ents, Mr. and Mrs, S. Thompson.- I Mrs. T. Cookson and son and daugh- I I . e sf' Miss Edna Thompson commenced heritor and Frnest Mills, all of Windsoi, .mere. The average cost of twine is Mesdames Moorhouse and Wickwire, - : . I . forty. �ents per acre. Stocking costs the conrtesy Committee. The . three inches deep. The tall late Tul- r duties as teacher in School Secti-I are visiting among nelatives here.- . I.. m1n_ ips will stand more erect if planted No. 13, Stanley, on Tuesday. Her M . �, another thirty-five cents per acre. ,utes were read and adopted. Then FALL FAIR I rs. W. S. Cole who has been at the .: � Then comes the heavy cost Item- followed the. roll call of Auxiliaries, from eight to ten inches deep. . I many friends wish her succe". in her Led side of her mother, Mrs. Mara. �_ � threfihing. Thretshing costs have av- led '.by the youngest. one piesent, Best Varieties.. . new sphere of labor -The young peo- at Lucan, for ,;,&veral week,;, returned .1 I � . erAged-fo l for Brimsley. Only' one Society failed to I ple of the congregation are holding home Monday.-Misq Gladys Kest]*, 11 their annual picnic to Bayfield next returned to her teaching duties at 00- .; I- �S, which on a twenty bushel respond and the reports gave various Some of the most satisfactory var- I Thursday and Friday Saturday afternoon. All welcome.- halt the latter part of the week.- l., .. crop'iihoplits to, $2.80 per acre. This interesting ideas for the holding of ieties are: Narcissu&�Emperor, Sir . .� . Val , does il�t aeeo�iit for the cost of hau-1- .meetings and raising of funds. Sys- Watkin, Madame De Graaff, Madame The .sections) meeting of the W-M.S_ Miss %ay Jones was holidaying in , JK . I is to he held in BTUcefield United Toronto last week. -Rev. Rural I)e" I I iNg wheat from Ifie thr6ghink maichiiie tematic giving receirved first place in Plemp iffid Poeticus; ' Hyacinth -Lag- Septem..ber 22 and 23 .1 td the' elevator,' 'Vhieh�r - randesse, Grand Lilas, King of the I chlurch on Friday, September 16th. Hawkins, of Blyth, will conduct the I -oily, be any- methods for raising funds. Five Cir - PIM , ! I 'A , I. W IV; 1, , - - 'thing frO,IP' 1twO. to Itm 0en%_.per.'0,es-,feported and showed great en- Blues, Gigantes�, and'Roi do Belges. There will be morning and afternoon -;ervice.s in, the Trivitt Memol-W , 1� . � Inishel, rth-us"we. see that und6r:tfio .thusiasm in their work. Seven Mis- The Tulips are too -numerous to list . � . .sessions. Churcia next ,Sunday. Rev. Wulter i I . method of bindh - Jones will take the dutics in Blyth.- ..., . old 79� St4o)�dng ai& 416i'-Dand reports -were given, Hen- seParRtelY. It is advisable to get a LIVE STOCK, PO(:I,TRY, BOOTS AND VEGETABLES, FRUIT Mrs. Ronson, of Toronto, is visiting I - . threshing, costs' averaged- between san ,J�eing-uoique In having tl-reirs catalogug and select the colors and ' AND FLOWERS, LADIES' WORK, DOMESTIC PRODUCTS. here with her parent.,�. Mr. and Mrs. 1. . ,.� . . .. . fV4r and fte dollar6per, acre. "The -rejad".by'a boy, Master I:ome'Elder. type desired. For outside planting . CONSTANCE . new combine does it all f6f one 4 I ut FINE ARTS, SC900L CHILDREN'S EXHIBIT, ETC. i W. J. Bissett. -Mr%. James Howard ,. I .. . lvov., , , I., �. .. �,, - . The i rdpor6 w#r ,.tWst encouraging any of them can be recommended, b . � Notes. -Mrs. G-eorge Leitch, ., __ I hn ptov�o - 4AMh earnest and for planting indoors the, early types Mrs. has disposed of'the dwelling on Main 11 d' A AhVI, � - 4-4 I The Vistevii farmer be)[16065 in 41-' qtra;nirfifl eftbrt *he hA a- -nut into are best, and care should be used to SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Jam Dale and Mrs. John Carter, Street which she purchased a short . 10 I � . �, �'. I , &ibncy of -�roditWois�at,l�.litirl�itiiig'',.the w6rk of'.'Au- 4� .# Sr., are attending Toronto Exh4bition. time ago from the Howard estate to .j ,,, &..Cfrides and Select those especially 81#tabls for Horse Races, Boys' and Girls' Foot Races, Relay Horse Races. Fastest ' .1, - - to 0 bftds, . In a Vary" 0 �,And lntereg� forcing. - - I .. - - just ,a# firmly �s does. the eag '1113 Wwkinv TOxiaj Midway, Baby Show, Etc. -Mrs. William Clarke and her daugh- Mr. William F. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs, . I ' ' , :, ruanufact;UrO bf automobiles or dhoesf. , �4* talk, mils J69U, ktitraY, 'Ot Z306� : � ter, Mrs. Howard Armstrong, are' vis- Herman Doerr and family are spend- " 1� - � . , , . . I � ). Y . . If he. ean.increase his production per, . 4-ri 'gave a,splorudid, 4urvdy of bur Planting Bulbs Indoors. iting the former q sister, Mrs. Bor- ing the holidays in Kitchener. - Mr. '.?� . . &ore and �utv his ha .' .study bopka;­aiso School Children's Parade and Drill rett, inToronto, and taking in the Ex- and Mrs, Fd. Treble are visiting in �1 . r rvesting ,and ii&r� ur_ 6�, each -On(� can easily have flowers all -win- 1. : : 4, :, . 1. 4., hibition.-Miss Buelah Scott left on Toronto this week.-Mirs F. A. Bowie � .40 I . Ietipg' costs, he is oing to do it. If imember the value, of tha g6ntbly, ter by plantffig a few bulbs in pots - day of last week for Toronto has returned from a holiday trip to , �,,� � � ­ e-,ian. 44vo thrablollats per acre - This ciag�d the, morning iossloh *.and 'MUSIC BY SEAVORTH HIGHLANDERS BAND Wedn M � . . I at,thitAblie. Narcisan , ,Hyacinths . �:x , - , where she intends training for a nurse Toronto -Gus Holinberg, of Sault "A � �:�w . - A 0'e61W;l6t�'hSfte8dng 4nd putting s an adjournment wds 4fidde fok ,41hner., and CMfiW,§ Lillli.a can she grown in 1. 1. 91 I �, " *.Alp 11 * aa I . in the Western hospital. - Miss Ste, Marie, Ont., is visiting with his . Z01, , ".. ��,- I.. " � � 11 I ,,% '. 1 14- , 4! 01 itor, lie JB da ADMISSION: Adults Wd;'Children 15c; Autos 25c; Grand Stand 25c. .:, 'I ��,, Q 0 �,thf A - The following-bxeretset ofthe at- soil, water,dr Aber., Tht latter sub- Blanche Wheatley has gone to Toron- father and other members of -the fam- . 1i , , ': ,�:.., ,. � . I � " !�, - , I . I A' I .,. per, bbshol 'On ternoon session *eJe,ably. -taken by . ., " . 0 11 k'&,:, ;�, . FRI- st,,Zico, Which is School �Children admitted Free. to this week to take up her duties as ily.-Miss Ann Auld, of Watford, has ." � __ .. 1, q �.,ftqp�, nd HRIogrooA' Auxiliaries. seed stbreak is th,6 dleautst to, li&tdle � , 'I, � �. fgu�' " no.* on sale. at! all I . � ,,Z�� , , ", - kl�tl­ " "' .1 AS401 Mppdn,'a - I �11) , I "I . , 1-1."44 ­­. �.l I . 1, �� 11'. r: � - . � . .� teacher on the staff of the ublie . J , I I I , �� 1. �4 ..1,,*1 - bvlio ler S � , , � , ':� '"64, �1�� .I , A"i-Av , , ", 14, Miss, Rowd19 addriss 6A 'ftvk(l and will probably give thi& best -1, - sch-ool.-The W,M.S. met oil 90g- "..! - �, . . � I re- � I .. . 11 I., , � ".. . ' � . I , I ;:. -,I, ,,, d0o , ,.N . I ^1 ,*- day of this week for quilting and . �`,�,' l �r4� , � - ", j6A4 I la,�W, = ,, Mi -%4,q M. Armstrang�The thirty-ninth , , I go W6M ahe'emphafttid" the 1Xn'P0tdnc4 sults. Tulips should'be p% anniversary service of the Trivitt - I .1 _41 � �­ , , - - ,. �, � itted � % I .. ' ' ,,. 4, "I' , - I 41d Its 0 Aq . tf� k#�*4 of�fhb ,Band, as, tbb ?nicleua 161. the t mtt , �� , sewing for the missi,on box in the ". - ,� I . .1 kW4.11 11 � ',­� � i i pots, plachig t)ie - bulbs ahou alft: � " Ed. Memorial Church was held on Sun- - 11'� I I . � � I , �'. .. � ".- , . � . ,!iil: � , ",�- �, ' �-'Aiid' � 164% ' - Of . I .. W& 'She -inentlobod that as - eda- iAch bolow the soil. The " � . FAL, ,,R,,,,-. NIGHT y last, the R6v. 'WhIter Jones eon-, , ' ' il " I " . , - - ­ - ` ,' . RAr6 basement of the church. -Mrs. dR , - * , U el"g, ,, "' -4 , � , , 00.v I dilf,%0 , at. ,,, , ,g , MX'64�,I -nituix .�l VUU" fl, , �;,T;",j­; � Britton spent last week end with her - 11 .. , , A ".. .� . 4-tha � a, ux $it tjds ',v�fll ,caae-into bilooi X., t - . .� ,�, ,,�, � . . parents in Walton, her mother being ductIng both sorvices. Spechil mU*ik , � W-,;� ,,, - ­�,, i� I 'hw_ -Just, isi i��tfl, , , flo hotbe - 'tbMd be' l#A , 11 l ' . ,. "�O, L Opera Hall very . ­-�sr. , 00 ,, i**00- , . - � , � I .� . . 4".. It �ft 'i h, �� �xpedt ftfit - wdeks, and - fte-4 � 8 I -by the aboir and thiv . ., --, ,',, :"',, �'.. o'� � .. �,�f,hjjt.fhe iihief ' - ­ . � �­��"� ,1 ." -� - , :�, 1 A' 'U"C" 'crop OR X 4&10 purpoSe every wd9k 6r tW6 up urAil lQhristmia . I .�, n, Ross, discourses by the rector were app*o­� I - -.:V , , ,7 Cardh olorly at present. -Mr. and Mrs. was prov ded - ", , , �, I ,�,_ ,,, %�� �,e.oLft, � I 4#1Y "90f 0 9 tp *W I � It to', 1#"69t 'young for & suct"sion of blo . ',.-, Chares Macuregor and So I . ` ,.�;.. ,." � . 'k , , fe I :V , - , I I om Eryacintlis , ­­ P, �� , , - -c " �, . moth0s,1 ' - 'HE FAVO ,� 11, on Sunday priate and highly Interes .*,�T,o � , ",4 , : ,�Od, �hte M"'t , I ' Tulft#­ U talie a -bout, two, N! "', ", were Stratford visitors congregations, both morning . 1, �.. , I , ,.�, �11' I 0 a, !iV-%o-th11dmn started ,+ T i 1, V ting. 7W ��, �­, q,ft, � � , � �2!4 ,,%,! to , 91" M �' FOUR ENTERTAINERS " , l, I I "'flat . 'I , , MAUM, v Aould thrbe mo,it-h6, ", I'' � � , ;. �� ,,Q . - Al" , , and eve-� . " . � " _1 1� , " � - ril A �;i - 0 "I a,nd 154iffodi s dboilt the ' ]Sgt. tftg, were well attehded.-Leonard, " '�',,�,` 11 ", I , ! , Will, VadstS . � early wix&fllut, _ _ I - ' 11 � �. _. � 1. �A � 1"" the W. 4,kvordl i copies #ata& Wfttb- soil ii peed, a light -PAulite 'Teeter Wilqon,.� itt and Reader; Maybelle Smith Tianiste; :, , " Pootball.-Monday being Labor day Haist, who has been conducting tha�,,'i, .:"; ..� . 4.4j� f.w - _& lia 4. .:' - � " ' � 0 ftntainhig plenty 61- � " � . , di �,Tq - ­_ tli6 Of i I' - * "_ �%', Myttler M. Armstrong*. n , ' ` I �. � I , �'��IV P::_��-,�- 1 It Mate- Gladys Topping Comelf, Soloist; . - 1, 0 l. 0 I , , � , , 1� ,, , south end butAer abop here for avMAI ; ' - . 'i 6 , " . ��Y,;:��;! Tq - fti I ,-Mahfo MeCulloch*�-M#ftone; Ruth Fitzgerald, Fancy Dancer. a large crowd gathered in the after- .7 4, ' �,, , g'W -' 'Mks. KOdd,t 0 , AWJ gq 46f, t6 r6ldnd -Wla'. 1W,d441'W,D1A1q Ithd dtaitog"e �nmlutt , . , " noon isposed of the business , *!, , TJ t661 ,q � ;,I PAA 1141,1,1111111 1, �, _'.. � to ate one of the fast6st 4nd time, I .1 bUgh .,,,'V-'1-,,� I -W. I , , , . 1'1,�­ di , AA I " " � ��j -J ��' .M; " . I.- 1,�' tablle�,)od obft'�`" ry'.#W,Ap� 'he , "00od; ., ,With. On- or wttke'V , ' . cleanest e3chfbItion of foafhall P104d weok to Jdhn Stanbury, of ­� 1 if' I 100 - I - . . I , , 4 'Urs" Entertaitment , �,�,..Ll, I . , ., ' ' Two,, AIYIUM ., � � ,. A166 !� sout-WJ, , gg6 h, Kok, "nedesm ., A,64, , R�o -tni Mt- , *ho will take narge on . U , , . , 0 ,�t . P.bil", - , . , � � I, . 9 '.,�� I I ", � , ,�,�, W11 � �; i 14:1 � 04fil. lig tltwelu,S dark Ike 1f&,1ihk* . Doors opeaN.341--o.m., Coueert at 8,00 p.m ford and Xinburn'&b1,fA.c&Aw togot*oer 1jurbig Mr. asiBtlo, - -:-I-,, '. , 0"'AW Rlx.,­ ­ - _T INA 11", 1. 0 `�-,i" �� , ,610 � 7 .,i , ", � , a' " " , 't t here this su . Yier when the Bt '! . a � , - � I I 11 11.1 � ­ : .' .", 4 11 '' , 19th. - -- 47�%* . piround"29, " , :_ - . I SHA'kS, 60c,, CHILDREN, 25c. � I � _ ol blue 1#11,`� , I '1� 9 VA , kot r 6' , .,�,�, ., Ior the final round for the JtMtor . zz � -A - . I . , . .. , he has miedd hiatt# �Wa. m. ftleft w,lc - _ - P.- '. 14". 1�,�..' ffl�'N, <R l, L whei .._ , � :,� ,�,_� , .. .,.. - Chnvipiouift. The gh-fAo lo6WA%ftb- - , , 'm � I "' " �, , ;.,.., ". I .& . ; Z " " 00 I I *111 regret Wd df*%fturo: bin, tuft%1 � - � 1, I, - T ". ­ ­ ' , 11 I 11 I , I ed at 4.38, ipeffi. . I �,,­­, � t',w N 0 � - ". 'I., . M. R., "' P_ : * , AV ,,.-O,T,,� � - 1) w 'eiji­�!'Tum` QU " , , :, , � , "N ,! '. 11 _q� W ,"t1jW, ' , , _ L ORT LTURAL SOCIETY --- 1. ��1.11_.,;yl' '�'% �; , _ _ �' ­ TMn*da§ Meh'*a',t, Efthtf6td-a uum- - MIAWQI� M-41910?V ,,� - 'ett 43 Ub hifohdO r4"Imli416 A ,, � , 5 . ,V, , a-hl''t'" P"It �&' ", I . V k hW 4 ��, I " � 161, , I "I 11111_11711--11 , I ­ I . ,."�_ - " '0 ..., W 5, , ` A, DmissION - - ,�::� � � �, oht* %W� "10 I ,,, ,.� 'go A - -,,� - � "'A 0 :::: .1 "I .... ;� ... I - " V M&Mft%V,-4i1A­th14, I 1L A&, I -11 4 , ., t , .* �'ouj r. "I 11, 1620 Ef �,; '.fL�,ii , ii�," "', 11. I I ",!: . .. - ,*�:.*Mpult'N Pr . �. A SU111MRWIND, sep-T,Aw" Ittlillon -was 1. 110 OR## .At OrAt *,4"41 V Imetv W4*-QW;s Or 41*" , - I - . - 14 '.On ,:11"t" - - . . fte Xftb%[#� '*Ohj,. r JK,&*. , e MITUIRTM., rfew , a 'hildi — , 1,� , 'O - - 'Am " , . .1 - F,4;6 Li frolk the 0"Mur. � , 11. . r ,,,-, , ". � �', - ;� '_ ­ , .I.- i:', . " i .. . -0" - , M�'il L't -dd � . . . . . . �,�� , .... !� ... I", ���� I-, � - - - . . ­ L 'L 10*_ got": 1 gig aftAwd"; vti ..� , .',"i.""���.L.,.�.*,!.,�'..�..-,�,.�.."..�...,.�'... ­.­ ... �.. - V. Ad & L I ..... �� ........... ­ . . . . . _.:�..'., _­­.. .. � ;0 , - 11 . I , , " M *41g. � 10 hif�""!l, , I ­ I'll, , I . - . . ............. .. � - .., ;, " " : :l: ­�!�!;, ... �1. " , �, � ' ' ' " &"'�', ,� I - I "U" A,4 � t*" t 'a INH Al". � T* 40k. ik t �al � 1. I , ;,,� � ,,, �"j.�t I ,". , " "' ' .��.��4`,-'� - �. . q: F"'l., . "� , . § � , ­' . .. I - . , , ,, . �. J; W� 1� . _I)., I I :,-,� ,,, , IkpA - ic , ,;� - , . ,. . . :, � 1,; . I., q ­ ,,, " , " ""' , I I I , � , I I �" ,t� �l, "'. �., '-��. , " . I � .. _ . , .,�J ., !�� , ,� .,. .. �- I . , ;.1 I AI, L� , , , , . . . - . W. � il t - i , ,.�,,, ". :f, � � I., __ I I "I -, �, ;4 , , , i � 11 0� , , ."�'.,,o, :�,� � rl�'. . O., 'I! ,� I � ' & "4�,��?�,'�Y'�­�'­'�';� , , ,"i'-,�-li?:"�.":".IN�,��,�el.,..-,t��."��,,�i":;k . I I I.''?, � , � ., , ", ,, .g., �'q',�4 J,'�., N .. I �� .0 .1 l I '' , - . , I L � I , I , ,,, I �. , I `� . , I . "I 11 1. ., 11 :I 1; . �� I , I L I ." f - '�:�,;�, . ,�. . " I " " . . I L , , ?. � e . 1, . .. - �': . - � , ,,, ," `j I.;, I � I -�: , , S, , , , " I ­:­�l'- �_'��.'_,� , . L- ,� ,,"�_'L�­�,� ' ' ., - , -�,-�,,,��,.'�i�:..�",k,�..,��i,�,,.,�,("", �,.��,_,A, _1`.11"1"-.-` �` "' " 1. � ­`I�L`­l"` "J"I''4"'.., , . -.", , I I � , ,''.4 11; - -1�lll I , A—, ­ , ,_ ,,:, ,�', , , , ,., , " , , ,.­. t t . � ,, ��. , .� ', ...,I "I Ir? " "? k " �,�'­')­­ 1'11�,��,'�%.::;�'. ", 11 U M ,; , 1 %�l�.. _ ; 'el�''V";�,,,--�,�k,4",!"Ap�,� 44M��.ls.,��,�,�,,, f. , "'�l�,,"��"4�!,F"�,�,,�.�,,,,�,.";",, N]�,,;If,_�.A,A. �i'�*14�;�L�,�i��-.��,,;,,,�,,�,�".'-,""� � ,,, � , . 11 _ "qr,� _:4_,;'1 l §14UN94, in AAM.wahl � �0. _� � I . . ��'�_. . L 1. I I � - � . ��. ... - , ", ;,� .' , , l. , , �.'_ �� ,�",`, .,L ,;­..,;, ll,�";"',,�l�j�j ��,�'%"�:.,1,2j� , _,;&� T,k6 0