HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-09-02, Page 39 IN pt 1 11 EI , rier to from t the s and dit so Wk can easily G34 _W M "'Rsoi(.4 w� Priji 11"A hot in, td �elean hot I?krE(,: to 4 O]X" t ",r rubbers hav,0, W '70ii, Ue that- yo -X �Iiuluoo ZOT-MAg �orj which: ne�w -tj' n -p,14 ,X '1411 been, plaeed� 1jr T using eubug- 71 k aggpterjk�,�jfblqod: is_�nl�c i p. V -4 ,-, e Xor f �� -_Tbl �bquid so pack be too denskl e, F lie I there, UN N 46 ctp 0 36rk quickly so t to 1$c0Ve*. cool vegek: d. is, ta e. 'best. Ft., ��U t 010,W oenwlond of tr vel, mdulged­t4is�. art 0 , pOl t to each qu _ ensure Add bus teasp,00WJ -,ps. sit . q q �J*, r,,,,' W iA 44� n every ol vegetablE " - - ilin g water -Of inent _h #6pfdnsity.*p pportuni . 11 904 , _ - ' -u T� kas, his- methodical - hablt.16. 1�1 I * essary in or(W,, f 11 in ;J��.by QJitei 02 a, '�* J bi dn,'B, ack's us(! Mfill jar 4F '40. 1. - r 11:PTb6f oosen slightly; Dr. nt thiiik'� Screw lid tigh-f W1 -liam notes of what lie saw­:�theti f0w, 6 -,cdac %,i 6ondlt ilik- P11 a wo-hilerful turning back ab6ut,,,JAe-quarter indh; and It 's�rvice, th :spciety he *ai a� J, ,W, i per wi 11_�: il.� -,3 IRS -­ or nlaee ty ass I 66'ibiiis and, otl r.,-�.dqt 1 1*8 over he W §- wh : I llqa.d�,ng m rilber of the cabinet. Vne be WYM el �Ut 4" A - ITLY sult-w—r. arg. showal tb2*s cab' "Tel 'IT th" � w�a� in such a��.boly rufi." down :m Et a I Wre inet pos- h e . c di- the lid., but do" n dam p down th -goo p %s 'going lower .wi ory jars are -s� gr6q di - Ple4sures-de"r hokIT ar tion ViA we feared gh6 wi K 1n; f6i p photograph, Ty b gm ��,�Iamp and fully e�k ad� into- a2 &cline' Her 1 5 . , -hl led and VeTy serious -as if Visit. �fape was pale used, hal 19;me of,, his notes Toere -made for the le"t'�xertion would 1( ' fasten the 'the. eArqs of'half tb�e.woild on their �gtte hei c P . a #d' !'a purpose o guiding other t�avqlers broathlees Mid ' she gkfff.�ed � f (in vs �alioulders. Every one of. thein- wears the� I f r) Pla e hot ck at once on hf:lvut-of�the-way places. - Besides headach contains boil - 4 nificent, silk hat. Uik' She had no,'appetite and rack of canner, wh trock c9at an n)Ag it'tak- certailt notation's be set'd6vi t1W lost a `lk in -�ieijht. 'Up to'the time Ing water. Do up.010 the jars touch The afternoon this'pijetur-6,d giv Dr. Wi 5 -en ti�lte a'fvt�'of fh4,leading cab- stars that are to be'seell- to -day Sig �Yiii beg�m- 11jam, , each other. In canner the C.. V Z I - W J .. er . water must be dee�k-�4-0�nough to cover -Ariveis of theeity were *ithout thpir �=UCRIMg SOMek, 11 spec a e. Pi 110 Irepurnelit had helped t qr intere4t_ I al stars �jars about one hic;.b4$,�,*. pressure cook - __V her.' But thanks'.0 -We use of this er the water levd';:1%9T6uld be just be- IsUal head[gear� The -cabine 6rigo) �rented the'.'high hats _spev'lally for the were Intended" commemorate--4nns t#o�nderfiif medlicifie'61ie Is again well' '66cdston. up.4o the marlr.- . In k. Cover wa- whichl were noC­ iffid strong, thowing, no signs of the low the top of th4,�_ ter bath canner -,�Wtlght lid. Screw 1626 Karl Baedeker had a consider *ouble that hadso weakened her." -4, k and able collectibn of these notes, mainly In all troubles due to weak, watery down clamps of pre ptire coo er 01,�'.`J team esctLpes, ]BABY'S OWN TABLETS I about the Rhine, which at that tim'6 blood, Dr. Williamsy Pink Pills will be open pet cock u was the most popular intra -German found a; reliable remedy. Sold by all then close ii. HELP A PRIZE WINNER route of travel. The Rhine had long medicine dealers or sent by mail at Process the recLuijed time. Do not. been celdbrated in romance, and 1 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williams, begin counting time'' for processing Baby's Own Tablets are without an contributoil t�v this body of legend Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. until water boils itk-�water bath can - equal for little ones. , From the new - was a professor, named Klein, who ner and pressure is �at ten pOunds "born babe to the growing child they had written a book deseribing his with pressure eo.ok6r. (Water is are an absolutt safeguard to health. travel, down the river. It was some- �oilfng when large Whbles are break- 40nce a mother has used them she thing of a rhapsody but Baedeker USEFUL KNOWLEDGE FOP. THE ing on the surface; And it is in mo - will use nothing else Thousands of found in It a vehicle for presenting tion.) Remove froni-eanner. Tighten mothers always keepthern on hand. gome of his own ideas as to what a PICNICER screw top lid, or cla:mP down wire of Among the mothers who state that travel book should contain. So when Whenryou go on picnics and motor glass top jar. Invilt and cool quick - Baby's Own Tablets a�e the best Prof. Klein, died he bought all the trips, t1lake along a medium sized bot- 1Y. medicine for little ones that the5 rights to the book 'and proceeded to tle of witer and some soft cloths for Watch for spoilage for about a �kfiow of is Mrs. Aussell Hill, of Nor- make it over nearer to the heaA's the purpose of washing the hands, week. Store in a cool (lark place. I., .-wood, Ont. Her experience with the desire., He kept on overlaying the By merely dampening the cloth you Tablets should be of great �bphefit to String . Beans. any mother who has not already i '% . romance- with reality UJItil in the end can scrub off dirt without splashing f1v- he had 1;roduced what -was the first and- wasting the water. It is surpris- Heat to boiling p6iAt with water to ep the Tablets a trial. Mrs.'Hill e e ave five firie healthy ehll-- eir amount of water will go. when used in water bath B�'r Urve hours, in German Ba d ker, a guide to, -the ing how far a comparatively small cover, Pack hot, salt. Process says. I b Rhine Ri# . At that time 'he bad 4ren, and from the youngest to, the tside of Ger- in this way. The economy of uten- steam pressVe eldest they get no other medicine but no. idea of expatitding Ou for fifty- T-nany. But the original Rhine book sils and space is appreciated, -too. minutes. Taby's Own Tablets. When our baby became pa�t of a book on Germany giri was eleven months old she won and its success was such that Baedek- A Tube of Shaving Cream. BeetF1.,, .iiecond prize at th,� Norwood"Fair, er succesilvely Published tr4vel guides and when she was a year older she cove -ring Holland SWitzerland, ' the 4nd some inexpensive, paper nap- Can only young t6hder 4qts. Leave 'Won first prize in competition with ki s 4hould- be kept in the pocket of on ,, inch or more of stdm and all Austrian Monarchy, Vent . ee and 'Cra- 11 -of the motor tourist. They f r,,t and cook in boiling, water or '-twenty-eight other babies.' It was the cow. the car "Tablets thai g4ve her the 'heal&h In 18rj,9 Baedeker made the ae- are -much more convenient than a steam until skiits slip easily. -Skin, .,development to carry offitheie prizes. quaintance of a talented Scotchman cake of soap and ordinary towels. pack he4, add salt and',boiling water. I always &light lir' telling other named Kirkpatrick, Who. . suggested When Motoring. Process in water bath f6r-two hours; -inothers what thelrablets have done , ublish' an - English in pressure cooker for fQ minutes. I that he ought to P , �5_ Vor my children." . V edition of itie book, and it was this It pays to carry a bottle of citron- Carrots. Baby% Own 'Tableti are sola. by suggesti�n that set the concern On 611a or other mosquito -repellent in the % er of internatio Can young tender ciwots obtained medicine dealers, Or,--hy, inall at 25 its care :61 laine, The pocket of the kar. Trouble on the E,q liAms, firat Baedeker guide )i5 aP- road frequently happens when MOS- from tbinning rows of caizrol e, -cents a box from The -Dr. Wil er 'iSng%r.atPe Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. peared in 1864 an4 ever since. has quitoes are troublesome, and waiting cut as d fired, cook in b0N been the acknowledged standard. It for repairs is less irksome when one to cover. Pack hot agA add salt. it to their father -that the present ],as taken this precaUtion. Process in water hath'for one hour RAEDEKEWS GVIDES A HUN- publishers give credit for most of the A Handle For the Thermos. or in pressure cooker for thirty min - improvements made upan the orig- utes. DItED YEARS, OLD inal and the organization of,the Ma- Try putting an ordinary shawl -strap Corn. jerial familiar to tigers of the guide. about the thermos bottle and its ten - At once famouls and obscure is the it was he who moved the busine ss dency,to roll is done away.with, and Cut off cob without pre' cooking. _F!blisWg house of - Baedeke'r. It t4s rrom Coblenz to Leipsic, which was a most excellent handle for Pouring Add half as much water as corn by acceptedthe world over as an Irs _ then beconring the publishing centre, is pro,4ded. welghL Heat to hoilft_ point, pack of travel and general informa- Qf.iGermany. . At the same time Herr hot, add salt. Procesm-it water bath tu,!7% Henry Albert PhWps,"now Wagner, grandfather of the present Mot9r. Picuic Lunches. for four hours- in pressure cooker for -visiting in Leipale, had considgrable printer, moved from Darmstadt and difficulty in finding where the little joined forces with Baedeker. - The When SpSce in the car is scarce, try 90 minutes. Ted books are published. He bad also Wagners are the printers of the packing the pie-nie'lunches in florists' Greens, Including Spinach. 4ifficulty in persuading the Bsedekers B�Ledekei. maps, a most important 5oxes, usiag two long slender ones to submit to an interview. Though part of the book, over which the and stacking one on top of the other 'Steam or heat in covered vessel un - dealing in one brance 4 publicity greatest pbins are taken. "We dread —placing them close to the back seat. til completely wilted, using just en - they shrank from another. writing new people," said Baedeker. "For Here they are behind the feet of the ugh water to keep from burning,, in the New York Titnes he tells., of instance, in the matter of pasting in passengeve and entirely out of the Pack hot and add %alt. Take care telephoning the firm, and at fiistbe- the maps, ii�w binders are-Arways way.. They hold a surprising amount that pack is not ton solid and that ink repulsed. Wit this rebuff only putting the- wrong Maps in Place. of food and will solve the lunch space there is liquid to cover. Process in -warined Mr. Philli e chase, peo.: Nearly everything is dbne by hanJ -problem for you. water bath for four houto-, in pres- o "' Teity being and each ffian is proud To prevent the liquid carried in a siire cooker for go nibillt6s. ple shrinking �r�� ubli of -his workY' in whiLt TA P to him. He � most of the map makers, men and thermos bottle from acquiring a for- Tomatoes- -of the work- eign flivor, use a different cork for '1:;Iy foun� t "61elty Cork be - he street number and women ' and indeed most It wEis itien in all departments have been' each varietk of beverage. eveifttually the printing house the place fro -M d Ing popev� absorbs odZra easily and Use only perfect, w611 ripened torn - !an old-fashioned mando childhood an xt food atoes, scald, peel, cut away all bard a. � k.,p which from with - is ajf; o then flavor the ne the- outside . no hint- of-. activitO Uve an interest in It, both proprie i ano green spots, Pack ioId in hot gavq The world seems to with which it eorpes in contact. Keep `TheJ0a�i0,-6f;W,64eker was to bd, seeil -tary and loving. ',�ned jars. Add salt, and hot tomato juice R I circurnsta - on hand a ��le set of corks, label He bo'done in old fa,h or boiling water if 'tomatoes were Its e$ or it is not to led "C" for co6e "Ch" for chocolate, 61-ghts of but f accuracy Proceso in hat water, t of 0S11 for soui and' r, packed whole. ji t4r, 640. r4brsrt most modern- son on. The let A bath for twenty-five Tiny, 15�jff wajL surpasied in the admitted insooke-?f, 0.andgolk plants.' There must be Plenty of en- msy be carved on top of the corks or wftole tomatoes, to be,�used in salads, of the fotindei Of the buOftegs-', te" rise, for the books are issued pasted on. rl? ii and The Motor Picnic Lunch. may be packed in pint-larg and will -Anterview efth year With more informatio 'i's The office 1W which. flie: ate4. 'They re- It is sometimes more convenient,to keep well when prooe. W for only was held was lfle� A Prffit Out 6, 'Dick- have den widely imit CfA I , i - fill separate boyces for the individual ten minutes. They rft�V:be remove(] ens. Evirything, seeibed o UcAblioxx- tipir yp I front. jars and used whole. �sitlon of leadersh p Ae (Methods as rerorhmen4edi by the ity of MissnurQ- Mi Univerr The time'given i., Joi)46quart jars. When pint jars are ilts6d -reduce the. one-tenth When half -1111011 jars are tfs more time will be re - S rer qa1red. S, -------------- 011 graduate Schooling — When fram the school of e0drience nobody Mi.' You are giv" you a sheepsk n. glad to have saved 0*ii,:,bf'your own. —Kingston Whig S, �tr d A tit' 14 'e, rving beyo "t nt d CA1600 'Other Days and ThesiD,;-Obse Ns Pau 0, imir I rl tile, T6*6-140, 6b, the g'rla'flash by it is 'Gi 3 t6 p4itt me"J'sy0l J orork, --to -believe thi I aystbck� storboM libel 9 W ju=ft 'It mok6toft A., abt*rn., gi�Affi t -`lftae once had hard "2"T'dR, N AZIJ it t AU bt�r le a wOMW tould drive Wbp, ".so g*nt M —Viariddavt-Ir Provi a of Ut oft� it 1=tipE Z,% awi1d,.WjhJjkwj 6w ab abddd' W t 117 fo*b", Tft.. ZZ NINA to WW - %b 'At� "AU0 Whets's 41he Fun it. -A sob �e,�**d SL% ra abolto#�* BUffhlp 0V=4 f:T raiti, - , , , 14 00 tet d I a the 44* ty modern boi r e, �re us - find'.. g r b Avy in 4 144 14" ii6ws alt"'Ot nom TOkowo .11 bu- to bach- 1W 'n g� "4PIWicoam" A3 *hai aft6fw ­:O*�n Son "M D XUOWL-� of the BR'D few to 141 FS, how she " iW4 p without 10,ohip,'Vie, b0ber k"JAn Thwag- T ............. ......... 6�. , P.� - - �� -X. 4 4j, M Ri. A P_51,1,., .Z -Mi k IC A*Jj_50, 5 "'Ei0ifl, , , ;� 2 U" ry Poy. and parent ,win, Ev,e of new eldthes. -M0 They are the Famous J D PRINCE v p`h R A, There is no bettex Boys' Clothing. "made. Seams are all taped mid dou-,W Stitched; tb� linings aye the very -b9st "and built for wear, Y6u will -be SO. i4. f prised what a smart good loorking suit you can get fpr a very little woil� P%, Aw Women's NU 1111 Suits r or de in a variety of Here is wonderful value in New Knitted Suits ma pleasing styles in a strong presentation of the new Autumn shades. They ear. And the -values are a wonderful Fall Suit for sport or afternoon w are particularly attrdetive. z�7050 Special Quantity Purchase Monarch Pure i nread Sflk Hose pecial Price $1.29 Regular $1.50, S These are new Hose bought in a arge, quantity for special low price .urnover. They are Black, Pearl, Natural, -hampagne and Grain shades-, they 3.re a fine quality pure thread silk; liave double run stops. -They are an exceptional value. Special Price Pair $129 Snag-Proo- f Overalls The Best Overall Made Two wVV eights, $1.9- 5 and $2,25 There is no better overall value. than Snag- troof.— yoll cauRqt get better than the best ; sold from ttie At lantic to the Pacific and giving continual consistent saf isfaetion to thousands of men They come in black, gr, y and black stripe, blue and white stripe. You can get . overalls that costa little less but they are dearer at the finish. 01 _,Ont Stewart Bros., be''.., 4 1, A ��k �A, V. q,� V� .1" M � g q,;, . ,,, : " -R Is