HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-09-02, Page 2777,171, �77
r, "a F11
0. Fvkt4 Q tho promisod ur,
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1&0.pe ag... I Me MAO
W1,404 at Jlis. feet 'shall lie le bay
All vule,authokfty, J 0�
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and powov, ";
ei t taeTe4 's
Bigoath th 12
ample sky;
to be�
-Pole to pole that
pha 4, 16%
reign from ice s,.
4 fw. H
Redford Harvest Took The - boo every human 11
W. C, Bryant. If yot.0,q', get a two -dunce"',
M00110 P, V
inal bg
have always held first rank 'A
andles and feel.
in tines, h Ru X.01 at -�"Ms over t"M."T
ord's at coine unto Thee, our Father, fox
We stock only Bedf We '-?�Oirected yo%:� 0
We mornin e bb
from Thee cometh salvation. 0. 1W Nis. .
V44% I 1 #4.0199 -00no
bottom prices. 104 MUM-;
notice, qu,.. ��
proveme:gt,, *h '-"U MIN -MW
have to confess we Uav6 wandered Tom?ito MXW
tinue"'O the vofts`#A�buziolaes
from Thee and have not obeyed the cOnt 0M
"nagla, norma -tow Rik
-would are reed,
Mer art,
00, - t 4
'R voice of the Lord our God. We
that Thou wouldst feed us with know- ald Oil "'hatin
of gr6en'eom,AA "green! 'w
4 004i I teaspoonful salt, 'y q4 P
941E 4
opped),�,2 potiods butt 1, table., Jt
iess, y- e St powerful jit�Wv
Plymouth Long Fibre ledge and understanding that henea IWWIQ,�,,,,� M
last a4vet�'lon* "itft .
and two pnc (,s Ik _ * - "DIAIM&I", ", 4 ON
forth we may acknowledge Thee in
Hay Rope gives long wea time In.ft, qpoon sug*r.- V4 teaspoon PaKI a.
0 powe�,
X �16 Enter. 4,010i M5 "4"'Y" F7110 -P w- 0",
Fry. the peoppf, And the W,
all our ways. In Jesus name
Ct vli.f.w 4PQ �Whojf: R
Ply- pray.
Amen. it] I chronk #ore rdo
Every pure Manilla
.�.gef more "Jilk P". VA
MW 3 ; P -v
00t entirely bealed apd, onion in butter until'scift. 10:-Ahq
�i A
m yourocows , 494),
I � 41Y
e cau,ij# V their
1, 1 '0111*- *th Its �aea#time have the ,earn cut -Train 08
mouth Ro�'e has.A marking S. S. LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 4th an lisaPP IS :1
h Creopoid be- If AtoeS, skinned and 0 1-v n
tly v* us *0310 -,teltl4dea. #e cob and the tom has already
slice�L eooking
the*- -together. Add fortress of incoW
the mark is not ther�, it is ch -X
' 'd
strand all through it. Title Solomon's Wise
JJS lots of It',L/
Mson Paqsage I Kings'3:4-15. to the, latteo the.- - fried' pepper and ma4e it a 91;4tely-and, pu�p ps,
more'wilk. J
Acki en a ious di.. `9
gently mdfk. Ii id t 11�1'a curi scov-, 7
4 in 11as bi;g h�: not a Plymol�th- 6nlon and the seasening., Go d,
Golden Text—Proverbs 3:13. t0a g. ig V
-at once. ery was)5i�de whil.
sage fraiu�:Qod he deeided-to off r ii a 1#tle thick, an4-sOv le exc4va4 n
atil e a s �.44,s
something that was - I I . '' - �y ,
sect vests. thanks. Hiying offered a great, sa-
unquestionably' good of Solomon in Duples�. Tomdto--$4ndwivh.'. 1561-119 made in 'that rl*�On 0K. &Qki-�
ogl;=9 jet
11: !Ze CrWnd0h1 We are told.
crifice,iii Mheon, he proeeeded.to do. duits, etc, TJuder.the Pj�azpa.ledX-
In bulk Verse 1. He loved the Lord and kept gn�
We have a limit6d supply likewise iii`4erusalem, He'niade a Thi6 is a sandwich that is A whole
the charge he had been given -by Da- icipQ or public.square, the wqrkmpue
$1.25 per Gallon f ;aftL the sacrifice, that weal in itself-
vid his father upon his death-bea great q�
found, a vast. iolit
those "a4ftV-'bini might rejoice with Spread thr;e.,plicos, .0f bread,ind �an&n chamber
of Brantford Twine On (2:2-3); and, when he offered 1.5 feet high
Wtter. Put a lettuce 4
him in thO, goodness of 'God. eaf on 614e of!
fice, be offered like a king, in some them. Lay two slices of to wide, v.#h th ep:
matp r
hand. With such good proportion to his great wealth, a which led to the
this and season with Wt and pepper,
whole evidently for
thousand burnt offerings. Where Ming a, networl.� o# t,,,
Cook two strips of bacon, until crisp.,
prospects, it would be wise God sows plentifully he expects to Jr,��XLD MISSIONS urderkround communipatioh,.� -the, ez'.
reap accordingly, and those that truly Lay thesean top of the tomato, Lay istence of whiph had long been un�,
untii,�t& eighties, seareely even a slice of bread on' top and,anotjier
to book now. love God, and his worship, will not the naiae�'.ol a foreign country was lettuce I leaf. Finely choA'a hard- known. 'It mik'ht even yet be explQirt-.
grudge the expenses of their -relig- 6 a onnaise ed by writers of-roniaxitic fiction.
ion. We may be tempted to say, 'To known'to the Koreans. In IN9 the, cooked gg and mix with in Y The -face of Naples'is very oeatly
what purpose is this wasteV Might writer mo, the governor of Whaug- �and spread on the lettuce. 'Cover changed also by the bold ov�nlng of
of with the last slice of bread and servi;.
not these cattle have been given to hal province, and in the cotfise� new streets to relii,-ve the c6hgestiou
rsalion! learned that that dJgm th most
the poor; 'But we must never think conve �, Tomato Salads, due.to steep hills. Of these t
Cy A SILLS qON5 tary did:.,vCdt,.even know the' name, of . kportant is the VDC', I a, 'at
that wasted which is laid out in the I Sliced matoes with V=Von- ily, ,korane
service of God. Ameriea,.,pr England, but thought shore drive, which was. opened by
that the',western world was all one nai-se dressing are a . �ppetizing at any King Victor —anuel during his
In verses 5-15 we have an account coun 4U knew of Chinp�- as the time.
of a gracious visit which God made try.., I Tomatoes, sbo�apod out to form recent visit. is inks together the
Cle'an to hv
Great Zouhtry, and of Japan as, th4, :famous Via Partenope and -the port AV. Sold -by a
to Solomon, and the communion a cup, then filled with chopped celery,
which he had with God in it, which Collte"PIA),4 I)warf of Land. His th" Dru `f"G
and nuts, with thick dressing on- top running along the southernside 'of e 991S S, r0cers Oad
for Economical Transportation puts a greater honor upon Solomon world wds,,,Atill flat- and iff the nAd- royal palace and the Cas�bei Nuovo,l MAa a6i�i
and a whole walnut for garnish, serv-
than all the wealth and power of his dle of it'*= ('hinal while on the east
kingdom did. sidi'of It -,was Korea. If you went ed on a lettuce leaf, is a delightful
salad I
night f- far enough,, there were lairing-orr
It was in the night, the 3. Sliced cucumbers and sliced to, -
ter he had offered that generous -places intq.'mow here. All outside rae-
e desir- matoes with salad dressing is good.
sacrifice, that God, in a dream, ap s were. harlarians, and Korea 4. Sliced tomatoes sliced cueum-
peared to Solomon and made him a ed to converse with none of then -L I
gracious offer. "Ask what I shall While'ather powers of the Orient bers and sliced or split' banana. If
in_ the dressiag is -mixed vnith v!hipped
give thee." Not that God was in- were touched by this and that cream and served an very crisp let-
debted to him for his sa�rifiees, but fluence, Korea as though by order of tuce, the salad is improved.
THE thus he would testify his acceptance sume great resident -general was kept
GREATEST of them, and signify to him what closely locked and barred.' Suddenly
great mercy he had in store for him, the coMinhad was issued from some-
where, "Open wide the gates," and TOURISTS REPORT CHANGES IN
if he wdre not wanting to himself.
Thus he -would try his inclinations, lo,.in stepped the missionary.
and put an honor upon the prayer of Korea, iiiight have remained a her- EUROPE
faith.' Solomon readily laid hold up- mit stiffl--,had not the war between Tourists are coming back with ac-
oii this off er and -prayed in his sleep Russia an&Japan brought her prom- counts of exceptional activity -in the
thus—Thou hast shewed unto thy inently-+efore the world. Included endless process of changing the face
within the1imits of the war were not
IN CHEVROLET servant David my father great Iri�rcy, only ber;boundaries, but her fate, her of the world. Piccadilly is torn up,
according as he. walked before thee and while setting a street on edge may
94 ISTQRY in truth, and in righteousness, and in hardly be noticed in New York it is
I a - uprightness of heart with thee; and Not only wag she pushed before the disturbing in London. This is the first
UALITY has always thou bast kept for him this great worl6 by riewspaper reporters, war time, indeed, in the three centuries of
A— 4 A 14 4, 1 4- —
come first with Chev- 'kindness, that thou bast given m a correspon n s, an po ca e , its existence that the famous Picea-
-son to sit on his throne, - it is this but the Hidden Hand linked her to dilly mile has been disturbed through-
rolet.0 And never be- day. And now, 0 Lord my God, thou the world% Vwest and greatest high- out its length. A lithograph of about
fore has the Chevrolet insis- bast made thy servant king instea&of ways. -In place of being a'forgotten 1840 Shows a bit of it at the eastern
tence upon quality been so David, my father; and I am but a lit- corner, she is now a part of the steel end being dug up for drain pipes, and
s that encircle the earth. To the I this piecemeal method has heretofore
strikingly exemplified as now I tle child; I know not how to go out rmg I
nt is in once unvisited city of Seoul, callers always been used. The more dras.�je
Improvement where improvement was possible! or come in. And thy serva ich thou are coming frQm all over the world.
the -midst of thy peoplq wh rriethod at which shopkeepers are a -
Refinement where refinement could be made i Sunday aftor Sunday we have visitors gast is due to arrears of subterranean u
bast chosen, a great people, that can -
Grace and beauty added to the Chevrolet quality not be numbered nor counte4 for who look (1,,wn. on -the congregation work projected by the postmaster -
of rugged endurance! Chevrolet has,left no multitude. Give, therefore, thy setw- frqm thq platform, visitors from Ja- general, the metropolitan water board
pan, America, China, India, Europe, and three elee
stone unturned in the building up of Chevrolet ant an understanding heart to judge Australia. God is using Korea as a tric and Kas supply com-
QUALITY . . . quality which has won Chev- thy people, that I may discern be- panies which could be put through
rnissionary advertising agency for the ...
rolet the greatest automobile sales volume in tween good'and bad; for who is able most satisfactorily and economically
to judge this thy so great a -people? whole 1, a r East. These visitors say
Ly making one job of it. This does
the world today. "Pow wnnderful-to see these hun-
Herein Solomon acknowledged God's dreft of p le gathered here in wor- not quite mean that the whole length
And, Chevrolet has used its popularity, its great goodness lo his father, Ile of the street will be "up" during the
huge production, its vast resources, to effect made no reference to his faults but ship." They say this and pass on to three months allowed for repairs. The
'tell about it. Korea is evidently
substantial savings in purchasing and manufac- spoke of his piety.' He owned his ing used as a-pivdt-point for the work is divided into three stages, so
turing costs and Chevrolet is sharing these own insufficiency for the discharge of 1)e that the first section torn up will be
was 6all- wbole hemiFphere.—(From Korea in ready for use before the last is at -
that great trust to which he
savings with the buyer, in the form of new and Transition). tacked. And while the upheaval in -
ed. Being suceftsor to such a king
lower prices. as Dav4d he required great wisdom cludes what we call sidewalks and
if he was to keep up what he wrought Londoners pavements or footpaths,an
Come in today. Learn that the Most A azingr
Quality and the Lowest Prices in Chevrolet His -
and carry on wbat he began. He re- TOMATO WAS ONCE THOUGHT effort is being made to -provide for the
tory constitute the greatest Value that evea cognized the magnitude of his task; POISON needs of pedestraiiis even in the see -
Chevrolet has ever offered. they were a numerous people that I tion under repair.
could not be managed without great Strango, is it not, that the tomato, What Pi&adilly has feared has not
New and Lower Prices care and wisdom. He understood of which there-6re more than fifty been the diversion of its regular cus-
Touring - - - - - �645 Seden - - - - - - 850 well that they were God's chosin peo- varieties,'was dhee considered a dead_ tomers, but the loss 6f casual trade,
Roadster 645 Landau Sedan - - ple and the better they were ruled ly�poison. virtstone
915 Now, owing to the -variety particularly of visiting Americans,and
Sport Roadster - - - 720 Imperial Landau Sedan 955 the more honor and glory would be of dishes possible ftain tomatoes and it has been delighted to discover that
Coupe - - - - - 765 I -Ton Truck Chassis - 635 bestowed upon God so he prayed for to the extremely. important fact'that instead of 'driving visitors aZzy, the ARE PIONEERS IN BALLOON TIRE SERVICR
Ca6riolet - - - - - 875 Roadster Delivery - - 645 an understanding heart that he might the tomato is vitamin rich, millions oj uphea4al has made the sid4walks
Coach - - - - - - 750 Commercial Chassis - 485 be a �ust judge. He showed too that quarts of ton2stoes are camined in busier than ever. People w1lo used. to Anather Reason Why They Serve Motorists
Prices at Factory, Oshawa, Ontario—Taxes Extra he realized his own limitations. "I America each . year, pass through in aiitomobiles, now Better and Save Them Money—
am but alittle child: I know not how make that part of their journey en
to go out or come in." He called Baked Tomatoes. foot and displays in the shop windows The advent of the Balloon Tire requir6 . d ar�'expansion in r eipair.
E. W. FAWM, Distributor himself a child in understanding get better attentioi4 than ever befoie. methods. To meet this situation Repair Schools were opened bt:
AffrCHELL thouph his father called him a wise , Remove the skin and hard portion So Piccadilly seems likely to survive
E. WELSH, Manager - SEAFORTH man (ch. 2-9). He seemed to think around the stem inds of six tomatoes, its first disturbance since a Zeppelin the rire,stone factories where the Firestone dealers and their repair -
PHONE 187 he couldn't do even the common daily 13 years ago dropped a bomb Which 11-trien'have been instructed in the care of tires Ad the use of the:..
business of the government, much less tore up -a bit of road in the shopping specially -designed Firestone Balloon Tire equipment. . I I I
what might demand attention at crit- district.) Americans who make the In eaclf* textitorY 'thr�lfghout the country Dealer Educatiormt.'
THE MOST AMAZBMG QUCtlity IN CHEVROLET HISTORY ical times. Thus being humble -mind- grand tour in counter -clockwise fash- N
Meetings have b6en held. T�e3e havo bcca attended by =st of the-
C-52eC ed he was qualified for receiving di- ion, beginning at the south, §ays the Firestond 8 vice Dealers who havc obta;ned the latest inforrn�tibn
vine in�struction. He begged of God YOUNI.M.GMEN Springfield Republican, get a great er
to give him the best knowledge that surprise *hen they land at -PTaples,. regrarding tire construction, care and repair roethods-
would fit him for judging "this thy which ever since the modern fashion Fireftoffle ]Dgaler;are kept ,Up-to-date on tire divielopmelit and'.
so great a people." Solomon's pray- SUFFER MOST,, of travelling for pleasure bbgan has s&via�—continually progressing and 4aproving their Ability to,
er was pleasing to God. And God been as famous for its dilapidation serVe you bett& and save you money. -See the Aearest
said unto him "because thou hast These T4�1!.6't'ind RiAief bi and raggedness as for its pictgresque Dealer to -day and let him handle.,your tice r�quiremetits.fireotolr
done this thing, and bast not asked' " , , 1� beauty. rftatever one may think on
for thyself long life- neither Bast i:� .40kt Pinkham 8 political groundi -& the' Fascist FIRESTONE TIIZE A RUB13ER COMPANY OF'
Taking 4, CAiUW�.. Wmlt0l
asked riclies for thys;if, nor bast ask- VegetaLM6. COWPowid regime, it is emphatidallY a govern- HAMILTON, ONTAUZ116
ed for thyself understanding to dis- meot of pub&.*otk6, and n-ot even
cern judgment; behold, I have doie- Ayer's Clif&-X 415pe. — "I have AuVstuk� vtho edu4d Rome brick arjA
been te- "...three yea
according tc�thy vorords: lol I hgveg1v- r4, and left it'utarble is 114ely to alter the'
'of tho visVit, scene norebonspituously than ;7i -4
en thee a wise and an undei�stan;ding at -the end'
heart- so that there was none �'like y0U I 81WRYS fe6l Mussolini is doing. Rome itself is the AA1
tired and have e most grandoise recon -
thee before thee, neither after thee no object- of th
strue-tion planned, but it is in Naplea
sball any arise like unto thee." is A -14W
ing Solomon 4esired to be good,flTo" that thL- changes already made are
than great, and to serve Most conspicuous.
-than to advance, his o*n,.-' q?aws in T,.YbYalldl wo 1,
more 'rhe casual visitor, notes one writelF,
4mtil 1§0'm tanes I VMPSToNz.
�Wad.bblge tootop, receives the impression that the whole
gav& hirn. such a 'right undbrst
of th� law Which he w"'to Jud WAY+ ON,
9 �,Working. A fri city is undergoing repairs, so utafit
=1 the cases
a he was to ju4ge a4fhat M '8'0Tn1n,,Vnd4d of the streets and pavements are uj)
Y io he wa# u4eq 14 A and so many new buildings Ate"behig 1.4 X11,
At ft, ualled for a, dlearl�b ymialli. F1 k
Pro: vp
64 d 0. to-11inq how
solid judgmeyit, and a p1prraft "0. erected to meet
MuMppep g", 0a
(s of and Above. into. thib 17ftain, 0 good, it w slums. At the some time underground
xWOW 6-dea� iii4,116;rbotu t1ko.ho
Using festdity
Ifte gave him-1iVhd4- bhd hux rt �,ftd, I laear b h ads. Xaphis A city af�
-Was pt=ised that hig shd: me, - And it channels 'hive been' eo-fistrUcted for
e six
10S eveil lithend ft vater, gas, electric light and tele-
#T,codl in mitir, - "a.e#d bit 'pi: ----------- b6tt
,to 6 erg.lr�
Aor aiid all 14a nei phone, All theme imprtimenietits,
that wh10%, thbit"li f
ot 'in wisdom
gath *1th the elifilinatioti. of begg
Pei' e disci� Ine imposed upon po
,% I " U and t1i
a tdii and 0611 lVeft tire
tw— Z
0=11 110U."b's toup.
"W19gulur per] ��f 081 *et Iyato
t V n 4W
-Sti wbo, I wes 0 �Cte
Tw'! ze 7at��
MV-410wil. XZVEM, dAV4 otte',6tl a 14TA-0 ........ . . . . .
A -A 'I