HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-08-19, Page 3M
J " 1111
T Imp
NOV Mr, two Ag f�
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gv� .0,00
19 0- a 0.fta,k
RO 4 th
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2 , . , " , i Mat silk,
'701, 4 V0 �
, , r* 19T tons, Of
Ab e.
1 4"Wgov o�-
op# 4:p, opth,"gg
fi"7. A '10
Amu 0.
I he 90 orner was,
g�i� Rip, re;�
RRA, X _�I!n
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'J Ml' A Ia�;� 1-1 Al", the econOnua, a&4�tgst., n -00
Id t
could e
4 as t
fblbod iW
C.e,!S. Vaq-1W. -4 4 -
to fts many
Zvi wages, i In ed board, WaRellul9ge Is used
f---dovii Lw
Tn I in films and.*
31 . VA IlDdion and
t .49 xio, clothen,
washi U
'of qn4 miending) bi
ppg "�,i V75 so 4occasion4y\ big. bister guncotton tiveS, ibul ita�
lot K
Came -Over '�iinoi�t importai�,kg
in the mALnu,
14 11P An at and mAde., him a p
air af. shlrts� Or ov-
C r eralls. "I remowber� �Jwpll the, first
'ix ctive shaekg,. to m6derry A In 1884 a rell n, Charddimetj,
41ASIMOryuLls, NA, A fiatfri storel�suit Ozer ow-!�- o said one
'r -A _ I . . -n
service, aces,
�A il�,
a xe,
withelectrie vented the Ai4i :ess for inann-
PiTu . . 11 h16 old days , "I boughl
Thirty years ago, facturiing art0d It congis
;'t baths. d it cost
a vp der shower ll!�, Ontario, an i
4atjftbnt� now Willis' and Niley bdilt Tly. USA, d ainly of fo itrated cellulose.:
.1p, a 0 e m2
.:P.1hk:Pills,afid you es, Er company store, e. an under heavy pre$ th gh h9lep
unis, out Prep, rou
11, PrAW-0 at time men were coming
v -ill be �gat.Lfi I e I d, Wiih the prompt iriii- church for a'coal and I o' eom n -Y.' e' o , t e with bores less" one hundredth
I 'T .. div& War with stor -me
The bouse4 0e IF f4 y Z# fee�, I of -a milli
pent in iix condition. - Amo . ", . t. zti4 41ii, eter. Alfter
-provei es of wonderful wages that were be- 'denitra, ion en 90Ar.?KhR
yo P9 , r,� Ive of the re -
1%g 'thotisands -vilio have found new two stdiek"With-one s* 6 chen 'd
Ing pgq over, in the United States.
ads Wo -Jrwound together
!health thnugh the 'use of this medf- 10 fiet by- 24 -feet:" The-. entire con7 One. nikht at a fifth suiting thre4ds
of - November
Naglo, bi&6 ance Q were ready. e weaving ma-
tradt 4inouated to $8-6,000. These d -
iie. ii...Mrsi'llerbett young John, seventeen yews
*,-ho,-isays--"I had bilildinks weie -to accomptodate the old planned with another chap to seek
iftot, �be, 4"
an w 0 old style ",*e -hive" their fortunes a�road. A few days
-So i ell f d @mployees f an 77T, .
ell or some' twe- -were representative of I t
*coke �Iant and
growing weak&.
ginduoll � I *Wd ex on November 12th, 1865, they
1dke- Zflzy sp'611s lmd 6i fal I the, type
6, of const�uction common in I:ft their native land and later ar-
-bftminous C, al re- rived at Youngstown, Ohio, where VM0 INS
severe. he ViAted States
�was i0bJect 610f. -
found-ithard todo in' .1 -took 'gi - .00
-of those days., John got a job in a blacksmith shop :1 ', , 7 oney
Ong Reduced-, Bach
di In -for e, The objeet�-.Iwasi to g6t-the cheapest
me leme at one of thq mines at $2.00 a ten
6bkainq�le shelter, and the operatives
-11 did. ine no, good, still hour day. k'With a'little overtime, Simple H
n cAsider them entirely satisfaftory.
ZV�vn - weaker., In*. t .6 on 1 was able to save, $45.00 out of that
'legan Le use of Dr. Williamst Pink 'wages," he said,- and
-The _ov nary ntiner's house of that first month's That is GivilWAmazing
day was,built -with plain board sid- -,vith Uejl I a start he was confident Resgl
'Pigs an&jn' a .'shbrt time foic6ad -theV"
I .. " ts
heff 'me�.- I eoinitinu_ d -the Ing, batton covered Joints, no cellars, that in two or three� years he would
e 0 , 'ills for a whille longer, no water or plumbing', -wiring or heat- be able to put by enough to go back The world pr6gr6 . imies. To -day ail-
Zmaula'-f thAt the trouble that had ing and the Nmininium, number Of to Canada and buy a farm for him- merits that took, weeks to cure can
Abotliereid me was gone and'I was 01 . lc,. windows and doors. self. now be ended in a fow days, If you
-sinore a well woman:` I Their present contracts of a simi- But he never went back, except have varicose veins or bunches you
Get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills atyour lar nature are in striking contrast. long afterwards to visit his sisters, ,, start to -day to biing them back
..idruggist's or* write The Dr. Williams, Fifty houses built for the, Carnegie Presently his industry commended to normal size, and' if you are wise
'Medicine Co., BTockville, Ont., and Steel Company at Clairton, Pa. -in him to some carpenters who were you will do so.
--the pills -will be sent post paid at 50 1923 were contracted at $275,000- boardi�g in the same house, and they Just get an original bottle of
-4cents a box. These houses conformed, to the urged him' to learn the carpenter Moone's Emerald Olfat any dispens-
stand�rds of living and of construc- trade. He did. and this was his busi- i,g pharmacist and apply it night and
tion, had furnaces, shower baths, el- ness in life, although there was one morning as directed, to the enlarged
JOHN CARLEY, LUMBERMAN, ectric service. Former luxuries have hort sharp spasm of0book "agent- veing. It is very po.Werful and pefie-
HOUSEBUILDER, CONTRACtOR now become necessities. ing. trating, and only a little is required.
A conservati,�e estimiZte of the num- During those strenuous years, abont After a few daei, treatment the
John Carley, wanted a raisle of. a ber of houses built by this company the onlT recreation Mr. Carley took eins will begirt to . grow smaller and
-4911ar a month. He was working as for mines in various states would bn was with his horses. Always he had vy regular use wilT soon reduce t�i
a hired man on a farm in Eastern around 10,000. had a weak soot for a horse race and normal.
-Canada, �vhich ineant up in the But it was a small beginning. They kept a small stable. Latterly, the People who want to reduce varicose
zmotning at four to milk and to bed had a little sawmill and were doing stable was adapted as a garage for a veins, or get rid of running sores and
at night after the chores were all some building around home- One hig-]�- powered car, which be drove ulcers, should not hesitate to get a
.-done. He had been getting $5.00 a day they gave a price on five double himself. While be usually travellei bottle at once. It �s'so powerful that
=onth 'the Isatt year and he wanted houses at a coal mine'about 150 miles t,�isurely, he admitted he liked to have small bottle lastr; a- Ion K time. Any
:*6'00. it was considered unreason- away. 1 4 cAr that could pass anything on the pharmacy can supply 3 m. C. Aber-
;�ie. He left and so was lost to the Their' business acquaintances road, if he cared to "let it out." hart sells lots of it.
42gridultural industry, a maii prede,_ thought they werAcrazy and' the two He was well past fifty when he de-
-thled for generations to work on the embryo contractors had to disregard cided that it was time to do a little
'land. much free advice on the utter folly playing. Before that it had been DINNER STORIES
Recently the- news eTS of Ameri- of trying to erect houses so far from pretty much all work. He learned Some -amusing stories concerning
p their headquartera, that it could not
ca told of the death 7sharon, Penn golf and at eighty-two did not besi- Queen Victoria are t,,Id by Sir FeliK
-4of John Carley, will known and sue" possibly be profitable, -and they tate to do the eighteen holes twice a Semon in his autobiograbby.
aces" - contractor bafter, and capi- could easily he underbid by firms day and his average was around a The Queen had a great sense of
italist. It was the same John Carle- nearer the mine, etc. -bundred. Fvery winter hewent down dignity, but she also possessed a keen
For over ' half a century, he had be,��i But they got the contract and clear- to North Carolina or Florida for Fk sense of humor. For instance, 'when
--vitally connected with the busillespi ed about $100. a house. month's golf with two or three cron- Sir James Reid, her majesty's physi-
'life of Pennsylvania. Although - onlY While working there they secured in and at Pinehurst they did notcon- cian-in-ordinary, became engaged to
-ten days away from his eighty-thinj another contract for twelve houses of sider the season well begun till Car- one of her maids of honor, the Hon.
%irthday, he,had the bodily aiia iben. a similar kind. This was the biggest ley and Co. had arrived. In the fall Miss Baring, the Queen was exceed-
ftakerL Each he went down the coast duck h nt- I gly an , and, sen ng for him
-tal vigor of a man 6f fUty-five. thing they had ever unde u n gry di
- For- fifty years, the'firm of Wallis contract led to others and.,tbey took ing or else out to Western Canada to lectured him severely. He ought to
:�and Carley had been doing' business everything that offere&-regardless of try his aim at a gray goose or prairie have kuiown, she told him, that no-
-in SharonA- and in that lime bad built place or distance. chicken. A little matter like sleep- body was permitted to propose to a
,thousand� of houses and other build- The percentage of profit,was small ing on the floor of a shooting lodge, maid of honor without obtaining thr.,
-ings in many states of the Union. but the turnover rapid, and they getting up at three. in the mornmg Queen's permission. then humbly
rhe feature of their business and the- found that that class of work did not and sitting in a "blind" all day tak- Sir James listened.
�one yrhieh, built a fortune for the require the personal supervision that ing the odd shot at the ducks as they answered that her majesty was quite
-firm, was the contracting of small more particular building would,' Five flew over, was "nothing in his -young right; he" certainly would not do it
-Iouses for industrial plantd. They yi�r cent. on such work was better life." again. This so strongly appealed to
-Iour4 that a small profit on a hu -.1- than twenty per cent. On a $50,000 Four years ago he made an inland the Queen's sense of humor that she
house, which would take a year to tript to the Arctic Ocean, going out to laughed heartily, and without further
complete and where a high priced Edmont(sn, Alberta, and from there ado extended her pardon.
superintendent 'would be required all travellinit two thousand miles down
the time, as well as much personal tbN Peace and MAenzie Rivefq to A small boy was seen sitting mood -
supervision., - the Land of the Midniglit Sun. it is ily on the front porch of his home.
Oncq started they were fairly reported that be did not think much "What makes you so downcast?" a
swamped with enquiries for estimates. of the architecture of the Indian friendly neighbor inquired.
Soon th�,y had ten jobs going at One tepees and was offering the natives "Well," replied the boy, "if I had
1W110 %Way time. estimates on houses with modern it to do over again I wouldn't eat up
In the day time Mr. Carley worked heating and lighting, but they pre- s - ister's lip stick even for spite."
in the saw mill and kept the contracts feTred residences with the smoke go -
from hame? supplied with mhterial. At night he ing 6ut naturally through the roof. Here's a new poker story, or rather
took his books boine and worked over When touted out of bed at midnight an old one with a n.�Wl en ding. At
them till early morning hours. There early in July to see the sun, he was the conclusion of a m9rry game the
P Keep the family were no book Keepers or stenogra- considerably disconcerted. In a dis- other night, L. P. nweA-us 80 cents.
united. If some are phers or office staff in those days. appointed voice, he said, "Why it is "III have to owe it to you," he said
To Mr. Wallis fell the task of get- ,
16 a -way ftomhdine, the , Just like any other sunset," and then with 6 smile. "All I have with rr�,
ting- the orders. The capacity an looking around, "only thle blamed sun is a $20 hill."
4easiest and quickest way of the two men dovetailed is in the North." "X can change a $20 bill, we sang
is of co'6rse 1)3r a Long Dit- ab"itleg
The ioft 4vtb each. other adinirabfy. They On that long trip down to the Are- happily.
t�ance �call, worked - hard. There wait littlA of t1c, he was by All odds the gayest, "I don't want it changed," said L.
Teople n dayg, t '(X'A a precedent to assist them and they most popular person on b�oard, and P., in'an outraged tone, vanishing
X . ,
'0, wl bad to develop and organize the -whole the least given to flares of tempera- from the place like I-CanileVs father's
very =e liot!19,01 iolr�
i gr'to 9 iivelid&t Wng , for theniselves. meht, To everyone from the Eskimo ghost.
ng , &PeSl ile "Ift,* a wir
-'rehaht but thejf. T 0 2= received e pilot to the captain of the boat, he
1- 1. � 6 P I o you
be&rts Still U=,, faster gskhig f6r'&K ds mate on forty hous- was "Uncle John." He w6s one of LRdy-W-hy should I help
bi I h �m, Al#bama. This those incomprehensible persons who You don't look as i f youl ever done
4when thO h it Aidi 6r -09 An 111!i n 'no
I t OIL, t Cit, breath, for it seem- could take! a job on himself. It may any work.
-,3AoJheewV6.1�e 00i-� the d limits have been to create envy in the hearts Trairip-4ndeed T have- I once man -
ad ro,' -be �`61i ', Ue possible
,:-4 -vnre. of 6 j;6�doosfil execution, of some of the younger, cigarette aged a good hand laundry, but it fail -
t pt *jaie obWined, an. smoking fellows, that he sometimes ed me.
Even when they go -Poor fellow. RVW was tha0
4,sizid 'the 'phijact picked'up a rope, and would skip for Lady
ifito bushiess, p6r- se�iir6d. 44,jed to 'cOn'trjkliff6t a hundred to one hundred and fifty Tramp --She went home to her
ha %jant "S' �hauses- in�-that looal� 'times -without stopping. His square mother.
h -cities, than ) 04..
built shoulders were as straight as
large,, O�tei co 5 it
9 'they woke pixt:t- years ago, and he ffe was a newcomer to the bank
into 4.,,,n ng
M h suit
_bis duties
thpt.,,O�qs later -turn t P and drinking quite un- and consequently foland
9. e 0, d , it I living. rather hard to remember- but all this
eg" f6i, the mavor. "Notbing ve ,is, To, - 6at I quo oetryl, or the was forgotten when he received his
-totlialig win." f 096 at had taken first pay envelQpe.
'h revelation� In In a businesslike mafineir he quick -
'And so b)
le stoiyvoa�tes. A ti� hif fun Rig r
I a d Df filing� cabinets and note ly checked the conteiitg before sign -
e a regUlaIr tiib Ile. tract Aft-io bi 'houses. The th
to� �ent quslity of the buildings began to. im- books4 To accompany this piact1cal iftg the receipt. Then -his eye caught
'A black:
-eseitat -underlined i
#i4i-d; Th#96 200,were to be'of bridic carpenter to a pi ion of one of the *ords-
14 - "Your salary is your pp;2rsonal busi-
A - A�yg'the d6fitAotiifteluded everyffil'Ag
ones by, Shakespeare's plays *as nothing short
the% land on 4 WNOTY- If the liet&'ks T�ti Out a ne and confidential lfttter. It
of a to ang one.11
UL 'Thec6st
wag -h
t tiging ghould not be disclose
J o, ra '%�ug t Wbild of ibe a I text, be u -
*Wh, t 1�" Afg, were pu
tO the
comfbrtable; it thvk left out EL par&- , The clerk' grinned hi jileked up
Ser,V'ce wa cellars,
graph or m &ct, he Twas plainly, dis- 'a pon an:4 signed hid'vame, Belo*
In a tax
e knew most- of the 01278 he sidded briefly:
a, slAfe roofs, gusted.
fkb1h tpem&y, sAd. a word omitted# "I too I
mention it to
wits to him OM &$,,much ashamed di. it as you
6-ost 6f W -111d *on At Mr. Carley i�ever sought public of- tjrq.0
em ii, sr'-dW6yo�d04,0, fiee-hiii wag, a butinbts Inind-hat
t 4,t� haVas a real'ciflzeii� rieverthA_1esA,,6f The plav was f1h' ildly
%h� Arat, she hw,�Mfllv M* V#W W
big: oft wn aud..state. 'XI ii�wgc% drothatic ebRr' f tnt the
-it 1cone 'virs th4f_ 1 bleb the
k 91bodff is goold to wb�" �te
K66i% t vaes �AAd " I V11 _Wou ImustratO his herq g6W*�,nts the gi! , trium-
p town or- R11*06d""'t
4. �*i6 to
_7y, 7117
V!4 "A
do* -
A,W W, ,,, i �, w-, .1
owaly,40 Pp;,Z03w, *t4ing that givps, yad: r *#Iftp,
Good taste; becomi deslgns� ait-ra6tivq,patt*r0s;,,:
and long satisfact ry, wear are necessary attAbutes-
�!,� 01
to clothing, value.
We h,&ye.$u'ItS here for every man in styles and
colors that exactly harmon* with his age and per-
sonality-� and are appropriate to Whatever use or oc-
casiou', he may re4wiir�e, You will i6t get better
rle guara
es anywhere and we ntee every Suit we
Prices $8.95 to $35
Men'g Suits Made to iXeasUJ:*C..,.',
Guaranteed to Fit
Whedi your preference is for a suit made to your
individual measure, we can serve, you.. Your meas-
ure is taken carefully here; the Suit is designed, cut-.
and made in one of the best tailoring establishments
in Canada. And we guarantee a perfect suit and an
exact fit. Back of this admitted advantage.of style
and fit, you have ourguarantee of best linings. '
Leave your measure with us we will surely"please'
you. % I
Snag -Pr 0 -of Overalls
The Bes . t Overall Made
Two Weights, $1.95 and $2.25
There is no better overall value than Snag -Proof. -
You cannot get better than the best ; sold from the
Atlantic to the Pacific and giving continual Consistent
satisfaction to thousands of men They Come in black,
grey and black stripi), blue ano Nvliitf-- stripe. You can
get overalls that cost a little less but they are dearer
at the finish.'
Prices $1.95 and $2.25
Boys'School Suits Specially Priced
Real boyproof Suits that will stand the rough and
tumble, wear and tear of school life, in neat patterns
and colorings, that are calculated to keep clean and
smart lo6king. They are well lined and strongly
sewn. You will not get better value anywhere.
Sizes 26 to 35.
Price $5.95.
Boys' Pure- Wool
Sweater Coats
Made from the short ends of the materials in
men's $5.00 and $6.00 coats. All pure Botany Wool
in all the very. newest colors and patterns. They
are wonderful sweaters for boys.
Price $1.75
Stewart Br'os,,,,,
�i Ch.
t -d A
-_W6fh#W, fi*�A: Al itod M0,1MV,
go tdi