HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-07-29, Page 5R -4 % 11 P RI'd Z A FMI PIP, , I - r ;�"7" ""', A. "*:.­�_V IMF. WAX. '0 " � 2, Fr d-�pLK, AR1714310i P" NIAL:� N .4 1 V L�U Zjore�4 r 6th at )ration 'The -`wCo". 4- 1 77 ext week. t agy, 04�,:'I�'hxve tram. Ore # G i'd eh 66 . .. .. 9;_deIW -.ed t4is �p0r;Od at. i4te'rest-1114 3wn in --the 1voo 'Vo 0E, thq iTand historicAl' in which Ontaric, zo: I - tb osid sea as, to, -gfto F A, RR-WaTolf , , " Imiung part. so, tramm or, delivored�',of a.02*4 'A an C, )v = lay, Tuesd . _ comer In phvatiant tp, dsffft.-Act,of all'-poom ",0V peariw� by the loot. "M@&, cut and .'Wed Other out - 9 of the said reek are the1 006d spring of 'IF . I no.- vdte in 1he said Munk --a 060tio a r r 01 -cram M -Ong summer, Pro wln�q; -thi me* of,M014"Lemb: i*' iNit*b game, vslers vs. De - and %'no, Was through cen'tre of place -w sprit ;lit Avonjetpol, Me a a jfat� WAS trQit Risdous, '03k, tvautty; two �,W 11ijRe_,or acres of good har4wood bu§ 'llpt posted hr'* Q'ffi� '-sc.. �M. I., illop, on the great days -of - hot$ 7- g, Monday Lnd tire - ion there for I 1: a I and P t pection, I 47by can dvou�oll votors tm futuack .'Wck, , ­ d4b of , erroft or works, Friday,;mnli cial ath­ _r6i's.and 7-zou,know hQ1* mind , ILI 'na am found therein to �immed rUwAgni, I I a late lemo meet -ano- ladld$ all match-., y;!: W 0 bad .0pefting Paralysis, 16*41 reel rw. une nga to have same corrected according " 6. h.. d ed-gatn% Saturdiiyi.jr,4. well " Aqm � Rarp 401TT! W -Ain, a'9 good a g !oD= at night -Is T# *44 6 1 ' 9 . t )6.11- 'CIM and roof NO., rcm,� for !Killop this 41st day -of July, e Will con� .9 a ra your '20 -bow, of coftle and`�OL heraes., %%ere is 1027. Md- g carnival L shape' to barn clude with a4rdfi i6l�u MONAY, Gletf. i -o �,`W �utj�,�4r*qejc wheh be co 1b.j. 28*xdG? with s Thursday win,4WA Torth niiht, obove- a t it fte Amd W, is drive shed duil carage the tweii th iseedin boo combined ty_01M� zes will be Apply per- distributed , h co am - , --_"t -peti- .or - 9 Overy'v4 McVEATX F'ropriaton a. (ayi wi& I I ir .1 .1; Tint -10 . . I� ;�-N ctir W.� DRY.DoNk 61 to M _- ---- 115 t��; "d, any visitori ;4. will - h*�i` boa M1 now, wo" 3wn ITr ut, is gai* W;e, k"L_ ca or pra y JULY 3-1L­­AT_TG:. 6 _M, our mnbdig P ghly .416r *Utl it has q- t MANY MEN- �,7 as the E. J. n, at _�ANTED the G ot think,there is any medi- St..,jard rand Hist6rical Pageant, Wages paid learning Dank, Dublin by July Blot, 1927. P, ,tihe'j Arn U10-2 600 People garage work, eleeptariratity.L�'�u*w7,'a"'=-g.";attery and thia market so effective in 04% beauty culture a u-down,AystejA­ag_'Mr., house wiring, bsrberibtjrL� Depicting 100 years of life work. Write for !Igrted catalogue. ral Herb, Medicine ind anelles frc hi commend it to oui nelgh- in the Huron Tract. FIEUP11111L -i SCHOOLS, NOME 163 King str�et Vl�� Toronto. a an en Monday, Tuesday, Hoping to see you Soon, siieereix All accounts e late Richard Peck Wednesday Eveningil t must he settled :yours O:tlw Two Afternoons of Horse -Mr. and -Mrs. W. C. Leffso, Elmwood, MARTHA ANN PECK, Racing 'Ont, R. R. No. 2. 8109 tf . Executrix. Estate Richard Peck. Just to Re m`w. You of The above is one of the many let- Monday and Thursday Iter4 we receive dafly'from people who, Great Event in Semi -Pro 1have used the Natural Herbs for their 7- Baseball Oslerg, champions of 'pi, KIM -Y S �c6n1pWntal!Ould we are sure th.at-there On - is a herbr for your -etroft1p, which ir —BUSINESS FOR SALE tario, v. Risdons, champions F* ill_tl�:;.,�'If .used, will givie itid same resuhs"111-S, of Michigan, for interna - this letter states fhis boy got, after The Musical- Instrument and t0reara SeparI­ tional championship purse stor businebs'of the late Richard Peck, well e rappt,, d Bread being carried to Mr. Murfin - at the L-ftearted stock of supplies. repqt of $700. w and aaces- 1hotel in over on anuary 217, 1927 serlds on hand. K4Y lie lnfj�icted at any Wednesday afternoon 1T*S WORTH Wip*,` WHILE I timv. Purchaser will have the privilege of lie got the special herbs for his trou- TO G14 IT L renting the store okbuying the building. Band Tattoo and Fireworks welling over the store with all RUNS, CAKES,, R�FVIES, ETC. ble and used them, and above is the Cornfartable d modern conveniences. Seven Bands, including the PHONE 70--PR1DMPT"nI)ELrVERY 714atter from his earents. MARTHA ANN P�CK, famous Band of 48th High- COME AND INSPECT i�fio BAKERY A:f -If you are troubled with any com- Executrix, Estate Richard Peck, landers, Toronto. Followed YQUEL OWN CONVE NIENCE -plaiAt and wish to get results, call or A.*D. Sl(ITHERLAND, Real Estate Agent by magnificent Fireworks -and Bee Mr. Murfin, the Herbalist, -of 3IQ9-!tf._ display. Roy. S. P16,kney Heib Girdeug of I the Canadian 10, Friday evening DICK BLOCK "jf�LFORTB _13ft-ddrW.,`T;ond6t1',' OfW; who will be- 'mt the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth* Provincial Athletic Meet -for oue day only, hours 9 a.m. to 9 Many noted4thletes will be present. Girls' Soft -ball on Wednesday, August 3rd, and NOTICE TO CREDITORS lie will be glad to tell you what hett�s Game don Ladies v. t*o use for Toronto Ladies. $3,500 Z_. your complaints. There NOTICE Is hereby given pursuant to the Aare over 1,000 different herbs used Statute In that behalf that air persom.-having Saturday afternoon -for different diseases and nr..Murfin, claimi� against the estate of James Davis, late of the Town of Seaforth. Blacksmith, decew- Each day's prograni will con- _%eing -an expert on, herbs, will tell ed, who died on the 27th day of May. 1927, elude with a grand Street Are required to forward their claims, duly WANTED orou which to use and, he will have a to me undemigned Solicitors on or Carnival, for which 24 Rroven, �supply with him and no matter What before the 29tb day of July, 1927, after which prizes will be given, ,the complaint ix -or how long on -stand- date the Executrix will proceed -to distribute each night. the estatebaving regard only to -Poo being qng it is, there is k herb- that g1tows Ilable only for the claims of which she shall for it that will git you, the -results then have had notice, See detailed Program for First ortgage 0 .3jke the above letter states this boy Dated at. Smforth. Ontario, this 7th day of other events of tha-week. �*ot. " 11temember - Ad aM�� and please Xaly, 107. k DEIST & DEIST, Icome early. 214ture,!s. R-6medy w1l], be Solicitoirs for the Execattri3L 100 acre*sl their apecial for your complaint. IMPORTANT The book accounts of the late Jamds Davis on the Provin6al in our hands for collection and must are now f at once in order to close up. the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I<> <> 0 Highway. �txlo 40, BIATHS_ BEST'& BEST xGivuu­Tn 'Memilop, an .4,12b - 1.2th, to -Mr. 0 Seaforth. Ontario. 0 S. T. Iffohnea & Son A. D. SUTHERLANI) and Mrs. Ambrose Givilfil; A Son. Sloss I I . 'Affedland.-In Dublin, ah 361Y 'lath. to Mr. 0 Funeral Director and 0 and Mrs- George a Haftnd, (nee Allce * Licensed Embalmer. I<> General Insurance, Re.1 PAtate. Etc. Carbert). it daughter-Marstaret Anne� 3aodsson.- . Ont�. on July -lath, to 00 <> PHONE 152 SEAFORTH Mr. Pin. Masev Mm� EL 4L Hodgson. a daughter. W� Motor and Horse 0 on, rii ion _'Margoret)l 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0 Cokel Act� 1927 4' 'nest Itocl,_ Lagn., t, Tot,, -lift, to Mr. iId Vy Cd Mn. -Fred Roek, a son. 1' . * Block, Main Street,. opposite Ewcln.-rn Logan, on July ti8dr, to Mr. and * The Expositor Office. S. T. - 0 The W I m3aContro Act pawed by the Pro- vincial lature, requires thirt all noxious 0 Holmeb, residence.' Goderich 0 Ontario - weeds shall be destroyed sufficient 'to prevent 0 Street West; Chas. Holmes' * the tivening of the seed. Stahley Council is '<> residence, North Main Sreet. -0 W fby the Rev. W. R. AID, sires -that 'everyone who, will co-operate SbuliJuly Vary their utraost to destroy the weeds. Alex. Me- 0 notice. All linds of Up- 0 .M Du3igantiop, to ro Iddst daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. Oonntll alid John Rath*ell 4" appointed Weed 0 bolstering neatly done. 0 J94uIjf,,ffardy.__At the Iftme, Aubum, on taking athlo to canT out this Act. and d� <> Floors fHruahed On short 0 Gr -a -in ol -d IMMey, e u 1� David Hardy.'of West'WIMAliosh. Ins enforce the Act Section No, 9: D=rtwtner of laiid who refuses or neir- 0. Phones: 119 or 254 J. It is very neceRsary I hat you have DUTUS, iects to obey any lawful order,of the Innpec- 0 a good market for ywir Wheat, but .. eAforth. tor shell incur a penalty of not less than <> 400 -0 <> I<> <> <> <> 0 I<> <> <> . = lart; William $20.00 and not mote than $50.00 for every it is more necessary that you should UR entire stock� of Men's, Young Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing on Sale at t6k�ar­�S*'Ie�' fted-60-Y witch offence. rket. have a crop of wheat h, me In- MaDonoid.-4n. 11sbom July IUS, Mark J. E. HARNwiLL, Clark. __.Z_ sure a good crop of wheat by using Heavily Reduced Prices, for two week9. All our new Spring and Summer Munro," daui��, RV n I � -It04tt Varna. Niagara 99 per cent. piire; finely pul- 0 light colored Suit-, on sale at one-quarter off regular price; 25 per cent. redue- an, I In'W9a is gilo-41 verized lime and a guaranteed 16 per a McDonald, age" 30 ve on 0 0 0 0 0 0 I<> 0 0 <> 0 0 V=- -on the London Road, tiouth of lien. 0 cent. phosphate. Limv and phosphate tion. All Blue, Black, Brown and Dark Serge and Worsted- Suits, 10 per cent. to 25 Bull, on Friday. July 16th, - Mrs;. W. 1'. t—_ 0 W. J. CLEARY have pmven to he 1)(,,;t suited for per cwt. off regular prices. 150 Men's and Young Men's Suits,, up to $299.50, Jubilee I. F*rreat, In her 6s �h/ Year. 0 Licensed Embalmer and 0 crop results in Ontarin W* have the *Someft.-.1t, i3rtisseM, on July ASM 'Adaft 0 Funeral Director. * proof from 'our agri, ultural depa&-!Sale Price, $8.95. Hundreds and hundreds of Boys' long and short trouser Suit% Johnston Somers. need 68 74,6%, months N !md 1; days. OTICE TO CREDITORS o Up-td,t, Horse and Motor 0 ment; we have more (­nvincing proof with two pairs of trousers and vest, all heavily reduced. New Straw Hats, 25 per cent. 1111 11 W I ION' 111 0 Equipment. 0 of satisfied customer- In our own 0 Night and Day Service. <> comunity. These pro(ifs should bc off regular price. CAIM OF TIIA NOTICE k bereby given pursuant to the 0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 wore reliable than th,, -Opinion of 7'. -­ -, . - , . Statute tit -, th 'at behaic that all versons hav- ur , d" Fote at Ir ;Vra f� dd9t& I nk!!, , 1 -1 , I W kitilq to hisWne estate ol Patrick co <> farniersAn the Sout*errt States. We 14e OI64Towiiship ofsMcKii116P ert ey. Iate-6f ; C, <> <> <> <> <> can, sell you any grd, of F ilizer I a. ed, � It df hmoklefy in" lub died on. th ard of a guaranteed quality that you pre- . 43ta to iliank i�044 so of' -0yj IM7. ate tetiattv;d, tq forward th9ir fer, 15tit we are try i n z to give you rote*m 0 -the underiftfied fjoiljel- P0 Jo KELLY tot, the Ifth day of Augusk 1611, -the best for your need q, at. your purse. I " date the Executors will pro*LPM <> <> Lime and, phosphate Fi I vvaya, in stock - distribute the estafe, having 0 qualikk right, price right, tiftd -we d - e_,jonly for- th qfialy "87 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario ey 11 W. en have had notice. f W. T. BOX & CO. liver reasonable if you aiz4 busy. Ser- PDX 41,F at S Ontario, this afth (TAV n nifieftl Director and vice aad satisfaction, our motto. Sold of Julz I almor. 10 and delivered by V, 1� raut 0 Ueft494'Emb wh 0 a BOX SOLE AGENT FOR 20th CENTURY BRAND CLOTHES 5 :­ Oil <> solielIttor 'the Executors. Rest Motor, aa(t'jjorse_draWn 0 UT M. SO lint . EN I., ne way fare paid from Mitchell, Dublin and Seaforth, either by railroad or car, on 0 R. R. 4, SEA u 16 Chlik-08 Modorate. F ()4T ft, ROt4- COUNTY SCHOOL PAM '6 Plavrom' fj��shiad on short purchases of $20.00 or Over. Clay Drain Tile Matififtethrer DATES, 1997, 9 0 Phone 136-21'. 1:5�- NIghts Calls Day Calls op- I if ;teibber 8th 0 v%owle ve,- Phone 4%. <� Ordexa. taken by J. U Idt Sbp Ardbibald, 0 Seaforth;, Finlay McKerAer, Beech- TEACHER'WANTED 46. to their mohl"kiiAdheas 101 wood; Johr �tL fm pptewb Ina." frkbalb ir 12th. 0 I<> Ig> i Hyde, l3nicefiV14; W661liam wanted for School Rection No. 4. McKI D. H. McINNES Davis 'Staffa- William 06*,; 11PPen; too, teachpr holding first or second cis, �,tfidir, reziel �N d �Iip 1111 1111 11 loll at as& bereave- mi, K and i�red X -gens, Mitth certifiente. Appljcat . ior� to state sedary or Uri, Chiropractor pxpPHItrt,P, App7 to ROBERT GIBSON. R. Huron and Erie' 00., 0 46- 10 0�.A>' 0 %.5v e., 0 d Pl0ft2-tf ikyoZ 10th. .411, 1 . - I I R. No. 6, Senforth. p RG"10; Eleetriefty Used ifttWft '� 20th. ..... . Varna, Not A',9A N0 ngham, tvill bie, at Debenhwes for Ue Of W1 .,X6lborfio Tpi No- , t '1�, t .,M Dwelling Property for Sale U'Ahold TP Whin '16t 240- IVZA t lit Nal Atjj� 460662WRN "00", , , - 1161en% *1th Two choice dwellinsm for an -le In Seatorth, TV, �hd loffowft "�Ilw mad tot]@ --ntrany, looated. and in good condition. KPI "apt ion Llivet at once. Terms reasong V 1� , , 'Q�>, - 4 MUIPM G. K. HOLLA'N'Q,,.A 1,o or leis. I 410t, Is' -p ',g aud north side lumes Street and one W, W 0 WWWA 4ble ui usn't th 6ide 6f Market street Ajij?ly t4 P MW WATSON Insurance nd R 9AW A96bu Q WM'! N WMU 0, R11