HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-07-15, Page 6I � ,�7 I" A;­,� - I I. ,� ., I "; '�TX'�,,RrT_77711A I I 11 . ", ""r, � " . . I I �, 0� ,j'"��,,`,nll,�W�,,�'­, .�. I 111U , ","'R - T�'Y�11Z,""K,��,V, ­11,,,�,�,­, .". ". ��,2� . I . ­,"�,_ . 11-1 11 ­ T, `�,,`�,�.,,� I ....... � ,r,411�1700,�', - -1 -- .1 �, 1.117 `� , I , , , '', � ; �., 11.? � I : 11� �N,��111 I , . � . : � . p W119,57 � , - 11 , 2, � .�,�,,j. 7;�� , , , ,,, � I 1, ", ., 77 ,,,,," ''I � I , I I � : ,f.,Wrlwl�r"-"%,�'TIT,l��1,1,"��.T" _�,,- , 11�,7.71'1 '�.�.;,_ 7 ,, � 11 . 11 I , . I 11 � I �� I 1 , , . . ?.W,", F77niT, ",,. FF 7 , I � )",�., , ��' . . I , I I ,,.�',­. I , . .1 .,� � . . , -, -, �­� '' , , I .�. ..� ',_� -, 777,77 ,�;A.77 � . � I.. .. ­ ,,, 11� I � )`Z, - � I _111 , . 1� .��, , �,,�.% �­, " — , I , " �,,�I�i­, , � ,I , , '. ,��: ,.,�__ ,,, ,-, _­, " 7, , I :;,: �,��,,, � . � 1, , � " , ,,,�,, , , i, . , : n� I 1�1�", . � '' � � . � ,� ,,,� , , ,, , 11 ,� � ,­;,�­�,�,,I�,;,�, .111,11, �"v,T,­,:,,: �,;�;.'�'.:� . �; " . � � � - , I ,,�,, I � ,�, I " � , ,:1,. �%,�l,,,��,�.,i�'I.IlIl!"�:.""�,�*:"�""!�, ��, ,;, ,�_ �", )z_.r1J­1.­ � C , 'z- . I . h 1. i" ,,�' k-- .. .. .. �� I , - � - '1 '1111�1��11 ,'_,.! I 11, I , ,;,, '�� ,'__._­­ ; �', 1� I I � '­ 1, . , �, � � ,,." �', ", , ,�� �, , - - ,;,,� , ,�,N�,�jil,,!, �­, ::�, , ­� - %�40$ g0l,51411.?p � ,� � ,�, ��,K�, , , � � , , , � - "", 1, �,,�­gw ... ..... �"I .,�".�i�����#��',;i,:,.,;�"!:"�,�',�,,�',Il� .",#,V,IxAU,.­�,�% ", -�'�' � � I ., ", , ,� , "Z. �_ , , �_� , .,;" , I ; . " , ", 1� �, ;� ,, , �' I'll �, , IR 7 "I , ", , -,.o ,,�,'x'!,", , I ,;1 , I 1;! I , � I I I k,�11 " , � " _1 , � I , . , "; �, I , � , � � .,ir: ',".,! , �� P, , , " a � kl�kek��ITUIF � , MIINIIIZ4�MI�11 *VM 1-1.11 ­MAm1o_%W%1­1. "' I , � W ", : , ''� � 1 , , ,4N -P I�Iit 0 ... ,����,,,,,��,,���o.".T�,��i:3:', ': . I � , I , , � I - - _111 , _L,��.i ,�� I ��`�:,�:�,4�,ffl ,�, � ___'____ - - -W1 , ,i,�,,�",77L�,,,,,�,,�-'�,�;�.- �u11 14r. ,��, V. ��., "i I a , ,;% 7 11 . AA1 419 F[7%1r-1'&. I L 21`61 = ... .,. .- .1� 1! 1. iti-I "I " - '. W,.$V� .� "?, I- ., 'W"', ip k � p W.'"O, 1, W, , I %" , , Ml . .. 1. , V, " - %-'W." . I ,. � " �, , ;, � - �� � "' i.�,�%;;�,­ IT". t1l , ip�,,�,,, ), �� j.�67*..�,. ,N� ko. 44'. � , �ti��,��'�:�' "I" �� V , . � I TAM- �W%� 10., '. P"RINUZ 0, I :61'4�.191* ;771. ,Po� ack��A'.%,Ip Y"" , , ;0 . .. - 'W _�i% - ` , . .11 41 "I I � ;JijW PcJ 4* 'O *- " 'VAQ ,0 �',ib i ,: " - wa, ,p rpa�:, , % ,' , .4 , i , . �A A ,,, W I , .,*Q I,L . ­ ,§! k 1. I �. I . N-,�S�"ti , " , 114.0 .p 0 70 Or , � I #A. I ", � ", . . ­.-­ . .1 t * k I , tv, * th IT I - , - 7 , I I ,.P� "** ,�, i W4.1, r,X,JjWf ,t,.p At'1fig.i4w 0 tf',�, `�.. "" 11N mi xjw.' r - . - I—- V-1- . ,, I ''.., , u_.. _ ?j _11 _ . ,111. . , - �,­ Q , q I ONZyw, Mw_:w ',W�l I tx "�l ,-,I' N "A P , , �, - - - IV 1! .. , , ` I WA -4440. 443""If 11 WN N'"� ,p� ;�,:-, ��e 6j, , S111 : ",:� V A _'.�, . -.'�, " . " . ,� .. - .1 C. F,l i, .1 I , ' " , I I 'ilz Q44" -u- the encixtion of worIL" . , ", � , '011, ro 0 , 010 ,, ! "' I ;!,.,,��, ,�" when ,it c , , " � girl, it,has fiAve Shiny nose&,w , oo�h, "I"'I", ,",'4 _. - � I I 11W - '. 1.6 ,� *1 .,- Y,��,',','��,(�i V11 . tates twe minutes to 40 It . % f1w , , I '14 $ ,wdvrs her nose four 0 'a , , W � ,1 - .. - ,I -, ...''O'' " I ;� i ��Iqt is I i " �,;�, �� I , � . - t . , _v. " '' ., �1 �* , � t -,� , 9 ., � y 4. 1. %1- ", WA%A1 111101',, � I .�tjtac. When there are some hun- I fto, ovWv= 011 . 4 "a , . " . �1, '. 101 . , . SUMMER MEALS EASILY t" W grev "i I . . . all working together on .. ­4.�`*_F ". � ". . .1 �, �_ w7lf ;� , . . . . . -, , '�,,�-'-',.ft-*. �. � a-- , . . v I I— I '�� I .M � , , � �. 6 3ecific t4sk, a considerable fin- I .1 ft ". � .. wo, 04 .0 uw � :, , O'wu I , , k" , I I ki .,;;, " � NX - k",pAr .. , TV ,,� ;j. ,,,, . .�, , A �0',%, I - � i IS . ; . � is - PREPARED - 1-111 tl � llrlm;­ , , - . I 1p . I b 11 !, -,. _.� - , ,, I "I , I rsonal .1 I .. .. 1',.-,_,( :'11".1 ,�.�,, "' ., .. -1 . � 11 ��, , I " ,a ; ,W, '. . I . involved by, their *atten ,.,; g I . .�� 1, .. 1plve�#' I , . Kason -O P0090 *449� '11i I i I 1� I , �� beauty, &Ad Many During'the summer months, serve 4"", I �, � lot I . _ I v. J ��,- - , , " n. 11 _e!,Iw", , �st*bm�'lvj .­ ­­ 11 Ct� ., r . - ��.,�� I therefore, request their the "Sanday dinner" on Saturday ev- - i L *_r�.�,,,,vw"!wri �� W!, r I ' '�'r ''j$ 86"" �; jmat-lie" 11 17 1.111" 9 M 11 � ­ �� "I, . . . . . . . -, �, �_4 , . ,law OAVQ.�s ,... I ) , !1i;1 -111 � :�:�,� 4 ., � ' - 4W ' N'l n .,.. 1. 14, �,� '­';,�­, - . flill",ov"! 'I , t, P i � " , 4 , �#'. i , Oyer;$, � � '�4 I ,. ,0jA_K.XJWt1;A_ -V�,.��,404 V I �1� �1 . "I'll , , -, , , , ,, T - �,. 't � . -- ..", .T., I " � , " , , . " .1� , '') " �.x� �' . ., , , W . , .16. 4, � %,,, ___ , . - ' - -: *, �V 4 W!�7: �1, 4, , � ,, _., _.N *0 �Xj� ,hX �� '_:,� , , � i '46 5 %o 0 _f, , �,P,r X .1 . , . , . . ening And serve a cold dinner on, SuiV� 9%. 11AZO. 4��'** '00 ... , j �, ,._ ­� PC . , _-, - . I , � Worpep w"b''o, , I ki. 4 , I * , , , �RUMAX* ­ , , 1, L � 5',gp' �M�,� , , ., , �1'1., 0,10.1, * "' " . _4 _4 ,$�,�5 . P , I day. If you serve a very late break-- - pred. 64, ��k*i , ..2141; ma i ,'� 1. - � I 11. . ".0,44 ell. � 'i. , "y'! � -- �, � I -, 4, I., 11-11.1141, ­_ "'n, "..? ' ;�""'I� ,� 1�, � V "IV .., er . w, - ­ "' , � P.1� ,"", 2!0 .* , $.. , ,,� 1 "o—ri �, � . . �.. . V-111 .1'. the ,� ! . I � p � 1�6 71, �t W fast, serve "high tea- at five o'cloek. both, tMd tbeir '000t 91 " 1 �,,!��..:.`,. �0' & Xtil,dool, ,plair t4p �. �x lwlox`,A�190, 000vll c Z Wneii L They ' 'with eft� _.'.4. ' Zc#§PE, 114114),14 � �bg ' .' 'i If you serve a fairly early breakfast, two 1-7= auto � " i " P'T, MCI 14X00 � � W� I Y-1 , , L � 4, , I 0i , ��,��� rq.._,Glood School!i .1 . . All ,dbg � It is tmug,4 � " lkl_ t � -11��­ � taRk Ah "At., fr , , tU 'T� di, , 0 -XII , , 'I - � 4 �,t. '. I main meal at two o'cloc use Cerlb. I . . wmg, . M,01 ;9 � � " 11 I ,�: .­ - 'Ift, , , Z W �JR - . T g 61, ` '. .1 serve. tlie,­n .k I -� rcancf 9-11 a ,goo . , A 0 , = V.,� 1� . a - Wt � productr cy Wai b", 1�"' ­­­,�J% , 4�, , " J 'Ot � Oul�,WAA,�`i`f , '. U,,�H*Q�y lw,4_14 11 ,, A 1. u� �r 4re Wx �T, ', 0 Cert,6 i um -- V ., . , , .. � h -, - rk wr r1k 5k, 04�)I# A 11.0% 0 � 144 . � I I . . ''.4y'R �� ft!�,,' �, . - 1�01 ��(W , , . ­ " " � and a simple tea at six o'clock or fp'�q ' " ­fh - " fikj,�_ . � _a, .. � ! � is in the J# �', I f1r, " I I !I -,w. se . 0- 01 V suRa,r,4AJA A:A _,�'o ,,��­T­ k �­ . �,�,,.,, �, � I . io$'' lj�', the, ),K�vr � I jl,�t%nolng 07-­T)kle�jw �', . _0 , , gq The Shaw Schools have grown rve a light luncheon at one o'cloeli: ., 1� I , ' '�,­� -� 1, ; - ,-1 � ,,, % , the jelly A4 ,Xstanq, of fruft're;-- - I _0 : qX 1.0A, V.U,W1AJ1a1d �:OW ,�, .. I " , " 10, � :,,-�­,, from One t �-, � ` `1�7:"_' - - '0 11_11 .011: 3"41 1.41,40'a9m. lov, � ',�. � .:L "I I " 'caell .� - i., A" I " r 6i - 1, . ;;, reQipft Comes ., ,JV -jNVIWI-PW� , , � 11 _ � 1. ." 11 tested er.g.", � ,-,.;, ", . ", . ,here is but one reason --Good work, however you arrange your Sunday , - �­w - ww-0,04 � . - - M ... I " ": � : _t But, , V - -1j... .;�-;,.­; , five or six. fined and bottled. A book of aimple; (11 e , 011 vMW iljce�., re vor Uwll � I 11 �aoq _ o Twelve, all in Toronto. and "high tea'# at . t- �­, , _S_ ` Ad , ,;,.� 25111 7111 �40 I OMIT'�g " - �b,�Tcjj,' . $b '---' - � CV141A. XV06 , . 4, with � �* . ,14��, Avo , , T .., � , 9 .4;, ]� A V1.9 �, : M - , . " O,Lt_ - .- ". :"': 1. 1111, 1"... .t . , ... 'A.. � booklet. "Af� " - er � . 11 , . , AWA ' Th 'it ' '6 tU an(L' UuVOed with,;:, N. ik ,'I � . .. � '�R,�� k, ",%, meal, do not spend Jong hours in the bottle. fever. . c; q q "Qnpd , , , , , V, * , , "' k,,,'bjA ,,,jij�.eOg'J :Tie, -,bad 1614 ., i 7, t . 3 � ., successful graduates- .Free calendar. ,�;,:, 4 , �,,. ; 309, "'.._".. I 11 mnillix` 4,34,5' .1 T, op%%!%� I . , . ­'. , . � `!� r' _ 'm,0,7 ftact., plac��.t6p, a clike" In".", 1,0,% "to'j'*�,-Vw 0 ,TW _ ption to .- ' "" ' �, " , -- -W1 e ..., e � . - .. 111.11 I ,. #-.:)qO..R(kq .for.74istrib ,,C40r, ;.,". �� ,io �",� W. H. SHAW, President, warm kitchen. Try to arranie the Send,for this '_ new (free) ii<*6�ftfted t, - IV _ P 4 , I :� -! , , ..., - I ". . - , ", - 11 - � be"i , � normal. Th' Vlt)� jid, ,,, .- 1� , - , , I "' ti gg ,4 � . ,!'R*f,�'� . I ? I � I ... '. N, ,Q� TAP .... T - - - ­�- "', " '', I " ` . I - - , arq,.,Aw stoewip#kp��,-�­.�" . e ."%'�"�' hour for the Sunday main _ , �, ." - i0me " 1. . . ,;'' Dept. 4, 46 Bloor West, Toronto. meal so tion Tun' .. - , � I�V, ith more ox- th�.Whipp'ad �4s , . 1011'�;�,!%�r':A** ' ' ' ' ' � " , I � I � ,i�� .V, :.�y nsump � I . , . ... : Mdk-,!rR0th,i-')". §_pO6,060' _� , ­ , i'cr­ ­ h �;� -11 I I.." � ; . I 411�%'Xkzv OJI?4 1 .. � 'I �__ - - in- . . ., " - . - 1)e0)1'AJ_X,­t1 . ..... Iff, , r 1. I I _ Packing Co .- q 4�'�u Mh ,slie 1, , - - '01,,12� ; " �,;,11_7 that it will not conflict with the fa D.u&a -, Lii�ited " . --gli lev 9ZMiis10'vn ed "balianas. � F1V9kV'f thi ZA M* _____ 'lly's plans for the day. _W ; ue. BuzAA(L.t. is ,40 of. ,� .0 r '� 111 � WHO' WOVe - I'A W - -T 11 .f - I �,�_ "I .. (;obour& Ontaaio. IM15 - , �, .bause _ tpa*�trry Sbortc4k6 , � - I., ��', , I LT,1101"Wssogsion Of I 1, 11 A 41, . �. "I I � 9 infectiolm, Aj !X 'rv�. W6 1 , 1.14, -- I 1,',,-_ r. -, !...,.rj�Am- 11 11 , (free) your new tol- 810 . . - or.&L, E * , �t�j� , . .1 , , , . Please send me I'll, J3 -:Sponge cake m4Xtqr; in b�o Pall- - ­,,,� ` � L, "i I 1. I ,, " . , - ' 1 `71 � 1. . � I -1111 . I ­'? . . � . ;W.i6 overnin"J, ��. I " '. I �s� . sral.4,16AI! tins.- W 'The: G ,i " - -- 11M. �� .1 r. SATURDAY DINNER S� :1.. W � _,. �,ft 1,11, �, - ,Js septic. , .11 gn� , , I . � ored booklet on Jams and Jellies. _*i4iii',i, ��L ;_ � �, I - . hen e6ol, slide -one � '. - ;,,,, .. *�� not I � . , . - I ce ur olmo* "W, �nftxs , TO I " �a , ip"'Arp - . �kl � no rqu iggod, it must,be ft.4 I ,jp� N.", ryi-_ !, ": FIRE INSURANCE Buttered New Cabbage �- a e, -en . - ..� I -6 I. - I`— � - 11 'Z, . . I . before . serving ,place a, suce on each *V+''i� , 7 .Iggi � . Aw, � x "AA.&, Z14, 4W", -.1a�w.p, .... , o- 1'�.,,, . , ni� . , , , " ., "I z , I ".. , I 'gerVi'a&�,V 'gjiread--�with ink .pit# of, a 1-p�65" - mu ve I" ut."'i � , Q� IM -0 ,� - '' ., .? Coly. ticall-r 40 fev.er,.'w ap, ud . -1 fl . ­,�'Aln - 4 * THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL Yorkshire Pudding Brown Giavy , �.�* � ' , X , af 4 i, a . alf r� ''k , , . . ., - � k*, --,' " Roast Beef Horseradish Sauce ,,, ,agnosis of conaumi%tim,is,t6 . .half Jiieh,4 i ,,A ho iow, t , - bc�jxo ", ". �- ............ I ..................... there-!A.f prac 12, I the 4� 10 , � , �: R-WRI , 1. 4;�p 1 4011 Browned Potatoes ................................. * ji-vidlia'J., .Jate ., 9_1 .1, ; I , , � 148 Vile � �qiif are still 110sy, and when ' , _14@0 , *� ,� , # �r �Z'�" ' I I Lettuce Hearts French Dressing , _�el[S ed -4t 'her Ap:A.'�,&Neil- -0 lftie,^ .1,111, ­ V , " , I .� ", " � . ."..". � �'�,!�T .''k,�;f,", ! ,,,,, I . I _i. - I . . hW,1-JCb,t11e v� �, %F', 4,4 I�M. v., 0, , �,!P�r , � 1! r H . .. . .1 - . . *�­F � g�, ' , � I I - ;. . "': --* . �.� ,, , �., ­ I �m­ .- I — -wldp� ,0111 I; � _1 W -MP- whole square ,, Mr,", 0: " gin � I . k\� EAD OFFICF—SEAFORTH, ONT, Pineapple Layp,r Cake Tug -" .".Uslk. -'and.swee;tqne,4 xgw, . ries, - Sinclair'',. .j., * 1#14, 4T - ' . , � I, ;he.Trer �� lenty of fat on, tk nes. . 411am w second -slide, 6*, top r t . ­" � 1'�,!� ,qn_ � , U . hands OtP, 1.0, 0 pk *'a . .W 1 � . � i ,t i 14 , � Wo d.., ouf, hi . . 1, t_,d.. t ! ,I , 160 71 ic 1,11 6 yq 11.11 .1 X, disease is ugtall�r i I I 17 ' ' ' "' � with a layer of, bpo DeVrP',PrOseM,00,� I , '4 ''. , _. , I., . tor ;1-4isease. To say"t)i6to is no ... ,/ ". ,, . g 11 ` - d- fl "' wOft'h AAMItins'; Of- �1' _ - ' `� . 1, _�"_� . pm,:stop �c. o,e enq '' OFFICERS: SUNDAY DINNER - . ' . cream, sweeteied sri ,b y.an , Avq,p- I I � 464 ,rk?', , �* ,.: . ,a - , 11 . �4 4, '11- , �, i �. 'I � �,. , : � May had from her mother. She not� - - ­ 1ficri- I ' 'ex I , tolleft., hft.,"., , I- . 13, b1l, _4isease beci;dge - nesses are a;, Jellied Consomme T ., I.. ed with a few�`drdps of vanilla - - ­ I ­ 7�: . ,7.7 ...­�� �, I �11_ . J. Connolly, Goderich - - President was healthy, s'", TW' of the reet is Ao "make . a fract., Form a rose of whiO d "' "' -911­16.'S�ftti�6�hi , n � . , ,:: R,41"Xflstp.� j��Aiiotf * -, , I . i I . . 1 , 11 s." ," ,,- �,� ` Potato Salad P, ­:­ �.. &. .� .. 0 Z " 11 , " ice-presldvO Cold Roast Beef English Mustard ed also that the girl , xr. I ` I ; I— L ­ 4.001 �., . Jaz. Evans, Beechwood, Vi I that her room was kept neat, that she = - It is net iji�tt.: a lortig .On to und garnish It wiCb�a whole,. rnatiOr,- `11 , tl � I .. . � � ... � ..WA"�.P� R aw"131,4411(lick, Am .I"- . 1, D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec.-Trem. akfast on coutin " I 1�. A1A*)i1jaF,�A-."0 ! I L,* -M disturbanm�bas­causbdNse, 1. .Be , 'QW.. � Tomatoes and Cucumbers was always down to bre. L erry- -1 1. - ­ W %;Address. Th6n,381alia, �,�i, , eoudaity'Fihanges in the blood ve.fteK perfect b. .. 11 1. '' . .. AGENTS: (French or Boiled Dressing) time and did not sit up half the I I _ .. plig . ht. of I Mr. Osler. " "I 'agkad'�,,Jthj�"L -1444AWeN 4. A; tpje$�r" - -- 11�1- Strawberry Shortcake . . . : . , ,� - " A .. .. .. Z�?,m4.,-, ," I �, thatW.iffi'ing of'thci'leet stows itself, . - -_ ., . � . . ­ � I - . �� � i,., I.... I I I '. .., . . nigbt_�, "My dear," said Victoria on .L I . :, : ;� �, I . , rQ10 454RAT� 7"*1 ,,, 18��# , I , � � -1 .". . " eA �_ '' Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clint= * Aeaktieaks do not cause," UNCLE SAM 'HOUNDS MISSING . . 9 OPP_ 11 . ,,....gen . . � I - . - -44M , - .Pms . . . .. 1. . - � - 'ptly � ' ,4 ,Q 017 .1 411 I � I �. _ 'a , il �1'4'11644, im. . .&Aemww.".41 ��mi- �1.1': Olin M Cheshire Cheese Rath Biscuits one occasion, "you shall be queen of � . � �- v4;: t", � .. �, . . . . r "844 . 4 . , , I of %, th H I . ii! , , %� �,F ... 111. � 1� _ . ...., I i W. E. Hinchley, f3eaforth; J ur- _ , �Iy emselves, cart leaks 4 .* 11 I , / - . - S—A. I 111-A0 ,.j ,1� �,i' .00 .., , , '011) , .11, England." So it eame about in due . . �, - TRX4 MiXt ,Op� V TRA � . . _ - � � P I 0 , . ." I , �,ON _% , ­ ­ , ,,, , . � " � q *a,# . I , " - ,4 , - ro . A , ; 4, , " * - LIU , - d h ' I I H. , ;'vom � J, � t' . I'��;� . ray, Eginondville; J. W. Yeo, God*- Coffee 3ve " _ Spovered *hen *if "are keing OIL WIT'NASMS , - , �� , MONDAY DINNER course that she was bet . . NEW ILUI 41ff A ,,; 'UST 4 ,q, " row lfk.,:,O�i i� . Id ­ for life Insurance, or for . I " - ,; . � . I -, . ... I $4601 , � " I.. rich; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. Vegetable Soup Duke of Clarence, eldest -9 -or .­ 0110 . , I I -.a,j4 I , ieis4i cij4 " ul'o 11, _j,& King P,KA,5, , . .1 ,1h. - ,,, � - 1k,j4 Q,Tf. , ,* kl' ­ Two 'prominent and extremely � � , Q, jc� - 11- , 1, ".., � - . I.— . 11a6h in the wor , Ing papers, or w ,eli Vw`ikrile be- .� �� i" no . ,. � " P O ��'- ' I I " 1 t." 'r ,�k "I Edward. Says Mr. W wealthy .AMerj4*u eiti4i" .0 ,6421, ,, 0449161. � ,� , ,% essrs. ." ­ I .- 1, , DIRECTORS: Roval SCaIlOD Buttered Asparagus .3 o_1__ I . M — .� _ , �­­' non he 1�., I . inW �,,;,,gtp . . . ,t a tori� 11 I . I ... W., urpe ­agA1 1 - �� , use On �* JA - ,xiodically exaboxie . VA - -to have a . .4 Cucumbers New York Timep._��t is not easy , I James E. O'Niil,'�f.,Ncw .York, and , ;W. . - ; "'. , --.1.1-0 1� doctliiitltnd leaks -,Aen-they are ex- � , 1 " Would you like I . vme,�A - , I . 0� Xe_ . j William Rina, No. 2, Se-aforth; to understand"hW any girl of initia- , Henry M. Blackmeri of, D�iiver, arb c: Thf4sp.age."; It 1�_ Cabbage Salad amin f;upposqdl,y,.wpll childrti�� - - e6nversgtion? To tell ab I 1,791�.�U,xomplete ov. I Out' . I., .. I , , , , .�, faced with the unpleasant prospect . .. I one � " '- - 'ott � . oneraMbfi, 6�4f Wng, ,I. . - John 5--mievies, Brodhagen; James Jellied Strawberries - Sponge Cake tive could have preferred the elder to . . � . 'heart lealo de- O, ave � your eirc�e b 4 ., , ,.., ,� ­­ tljiiit proqt�rK - ­ . - - ,., In 1. ". , and 1_,ake,LOWs,6 t 1�, - -11 � -.A , � nX people with . pD, .. , . '­,, Evans, Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clin- Coffee the younger. 'Eddie' is what the of b&oMbij men without a 6xintry. shrug vii-th jealo�s mien at the won- 11 4 1: @Upp � . ­4.11.4,under-'.th wo � .1 . e. X, tw&. and Of first findhi9,_6*t-Caldw6il19 I I �- der tales? Then come along. - with . , 'i , -.' . velcip, O'ortness of breath and $well- Since t�eyf-are ii��w- travelling sdin I . Z . ton; James Connolly, Goderich; Alex TUESDAY DINNER Duke of Clarence was called, . . 1'y� Broadfoot, No. 3, Seaforth ; J. CL - Grilled Lamb Chops and Kidney ,Eddie' is what he was—a gentle, ing"W—the feet. In time they. ceLlmot h In Europe, the loss I . so'�that it .ixight.,le. -v�iifled, I But ;.".. � w ere I of Amerl�- Sinclair Laird and'his 'band, of advidii- w -I, . '- - ­ , . � his , �. �, slecp. -without having a. bank of pil- I itizenship may ally turera over 'the Great Divide. Z-njoy � ; Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, New Green Peas, New Potatoes coVrteous,but negative- youth. Like . ca, el %I] sliop wu§.0QmpJete slid that of �,�� -% I in -1 They had .�­' a wrath he vanished from the lo r the head. But tk- vOt for embarrassing, for nowPard0ay%'U=vue his; - emocftti4-,�011 I . Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3 Piquant Sauce . I the shivers, of A motor trip- clinging ... � eagues. ., "' .*a,,*- -,e signs of comiAieation or Euvolw -is dependent upon passports, to -the ,Windermere Road, , All 'the deliberately, Sought 4o suplyiesp a any� . ho, �. � Seaforth; Murray Gibson. Brucelield Jellied Vegetable Salad scene." I . . , � %.�:�- of an,Advanced stage befoie reeogniz� vi m petty details '. of reservations, 'hotel inessage that . would - ,have , I Lemon Snow -My dear," said. Victoria, no wbit :. eleared - ,I - ,� � � . . Custard Sauce . i7iLk a'Wig�rt leak is a! gmve error. lack oi "ich tourists , are liable to dri ' r� wranged . be s" Blatpe',;�koAhat, ' 'to I.f . Layer Cake dumbfounded, "leave it to me I , ­­ . . seeing I .. � lie Would- be forced 11 I 10! ves, sight- fore- go. before the lepiiblieUn Nirtiong .. .. � will see to it that you are still to be sonment. The ,piLssport of Mr. hand by the 'Director -ander the'alis- Convchtion under a cloud. As every- �� Queen of Ongland." Presently she 'am �. ,. , Coffee NO ,AETTER MEDICINE "In. er has been taken up, and Ae- pices of the Canadian Paelfie World's .11 JAMES WATSON � FOR LITTLE ONES tectiv bod " ren* 1�., became the. bride of the Duke of es are now looking y qibers, Blaine was.nomin- �, Tomato Bouillon . I for Mr- Greatest Travel System., The Luxury I , __ � . � , but;;,defeate,d, through. the -a ,V _a- . I SEAFORTH,ONT. Dressed Tenderloin, Savory Apple York and -they set up housekeeping - O'Neil for the purpose4of revoking Tour of Confederation, Year. And ated 'K'�- Is What Thousands of Mothers hi palling imhecility of a ., clergyman � . e Sauce at York Cottage, near Sandringham. S�ay_ of Baby's Own Tablets. s gassport. Without passports the cost just whi't YOU expect. .&& who coined the phrase About "rum, 1,�,:" GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Creamed New Beans Boiled Potatoes As Duchess she was overshadowed - _1 - they will not be able. to travel from Stewart 'Bros., baniLdian -Pacific Ag- I ." I 'I" representing only the best Can- Caramel, Souffle Pudding both by ictoria anR Alexandra. As One, country to another, and whatever Romanis)n and rebe lion / I :,� __y .1 - A -medicine for the baby or grow- ents Seaforth, for Tour Literature, . - 11 . � ,.4, - man s ,e country they are in may well. come ii�-;.' . 1�1 ­'__ . ga. '4� ", ,- , . adian, British a n d American Coffee 't wd-rr was outshone not in ing �child- one that the mother can to the conclusion that they are un- � . . I I., .1 Companies. THURSDAY , __ eauty, but i 'I Oecmanner of clothes 'd — -0 � . . . � v I i'll y� feeJ aSBUT( is absolutely safe as well desirable visitors since th ' � "I All kinds of insurance effected Hamburg Steak Fried Tomafc,, and particularly when it came to ' eir own MORTGAGE SA LU OV FARM � ,�R,, at the lowest rates, including- Buttered Peas and Sliced Carr s hats. Nobody would_think of criti- as'*�ent_is found in 139iby's Own Governingnt refuses any longer to ,. . LANDS I _� _ :.,. I New Potatoes 4 cizing what Victoria wore, and as Tablets., The Tablets are praised by extend id' protection to tkqm. It Is UNCLE JOH" CANNON -i MOST The'underefigned have beeia Instructed to sell _�11. FIRR, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUTO- e gift of th anil - THRILLINIG HOUR by public auction under and by virtVe of a .L.. Apnle and Celery Salad \_,for Alexandra she had th ous - s oC mothers throughout the understood that they would be with- I .. ORNADO AND PLATE ' These mothers have found ' oertsixt m4r4ragei which will be prodbeed at L""�� .iT- ' ­ ,in their rights in demanding a ,pass- It is7 expected that "Uncle Joel, the sale,'i4t Faxquhor,,on Saturday July 28rd, ., I GLASS RISKS. Rhubarb. Custard Pie being at once in the fashion and well c9unt 11 Coff ee dressed, no matter what the fashion 'by � 4 -pal experience that there is no port to return them to the United � Arm property known as . . .. � -Also-- othei!�medicine for little ones to equal Cannon's forthcoming book of politi- at 1-80 ` M, - the'f .1.1 FRIDAY happened to be, It has been sug- States, but this, apparently, is the . .1. Lot No. 11, Concession 14, Hibbert Townshfp�, - , I., them., -Once a mother has,,used them c2d reminiscences "will prove'morO In- Which will be sold suW*eet to a prior inortgam - REAL ESTATE and LOAN AGENT Cream of Corn Soup gested, no doubt by some Bolshevik, ' last thing they want to do. Their teresting ihan the�average production of 94,000. which may remain As part of pmr- - for herchildren she will use nothing aim when they left America was to of retired politicians"for whilel lie ch ey. On the farm are good build- ,., Planked Whitefish that King George chooses Queen else. ,doncerning them Mrs. Charlesr remain in Europe as long as possibl __ __ __ ase mon t'. ,�.. Representing "Huron and Erie" Stuffed Egg Plant Mary's hats. If so, he lacks the - N. S., writes: or at any rate until the lsgs_feaces and convenfences. 'ne land is '! itcook island, ' el does not pretend to the literary arts, 4-t class. This is n dtshiable property. � .. Mortgage Corporation, of London. New Pickled Beets power of his eldest son to establish ff"tt, - Tj Teapot Dome he has a babl't of plain speaking, and For -further torras and .conditions at sato �_, Ontario. Raspberry, Custard Pudding a fashion, for the Queen's hats h " "I have -ten children, the baby being oil scandal had blown over. 11 - 11 � . .. ave . ust Siz months old. I have used Their offence in the eyes of the no Ong was.. in a better position to 'Wly to &- aTA14SURY, ,, Prompt attention paid to placing � Coffee never been the rage. The- truth Is I , . GLADMI" , � know the inside ,pUO ]c Exeter and Hensall. .1 . SATURDAY that she pays little atte Government consists uffuirs. He was aw active 1polmaian 'solicitors for Mortgagem risks and adjusting of claims. ntion to ex- Biby's'Own Tablets for, them for the United States of Arherican 'b , ,;t. Business established 50 Years. Steak and Kidney Stew Pastry Puffs ternals- Why should the Queen of past 20 yeary and can truthfully say irf refusing to give evidence whIch for more than half a century, a&d for -1 guaranteeing goad aervim. Creamed Cauliflower Riced Old England give elaborate tbouglit to that I know..of no better medicine for the Government wants in its aitempt . enusido-rable- part of that p�,rwd I .!t!= - n��, d drink and little ones- I always keep a box of to convict Harry F. Sinclair, the oil "' ;1' OFFICE PHONE, 33. Potatoes what she shall eat an, e cloth the Tahlests. in the house and would magnate and Speaker of.the House of ReptL-&Inta- �,,, . � . .1 � 4.. Celery wherewithal she shall b , ed ? " race horse owner, and 4. E PHONE. 60, Fruit Salad There have always been more im- advise all other mothers to do SO. Albert E. tiVes. In his time,.�hat position, meant; 11 � RESIDENC . Fall, formerly Sheretary t 'does to -day. Indeed, Jost 0 , I I . Cheese Bath Biscuits portant matters than dress to occupy l3aby'� 04n Tablets are sold by all of the Interior in President Harding's more than i b ,a: . t"'Remind You d .'� I . medicine dealers or will be -ailel administration, Uncle Joe was actiised (if eing . ,;' ____ ___�__ - Coffee the thoughts of Mary from the time npon r of defrauding the 0,.F, and Me wor � d "Canar-n1sin ' 14 ; SUN -DAY DINNER she was a little girl. (-celpt of price, 25 cents Per Government in the lease of the Tea- a sinister �ignificdnte for . ' � , , I - box� by The Dr. Williams, Medicine I the pro- - ,., But if she is indifferent to her own , pot Dome oil reserve in Wyorni I Pinknty'i , � LONDON AND WINGRAM Radi-hes, Celery Olives eirance she is not un- Co., Brockville, Ont. Threy are supposed to know wh i� gressive element in his party. Ffom - V I Cream of Asparagus Soup outward app 4*1 a-Avanct, shens of the ',-�-;w: it is learn. I;, Cold Boiled Salmon. Sliced Cucumbers mindful of that of others. She in- -*. the money came from which is AFamily Loaf ,.: NoruL Little Mork Chicken Pirs sists that there must be standards ,)f supposed to have been ,handed to ed that tf�t most drairta�tr-. incident . � ,& r I % ,,., . a.m. p.m., Fresh StrRv,'-)erry Ice Cream propriety observed by all who wish to SPONGE CAKE AS BASE FOR Fall, But as soon as it became plain be (%tr cmi on the fl"r of the. TheWr* edB,read . . . . . '. ., . ',�' Exeter ............ 10.16 6.041 Plain Cake he recognized at court. Ladies to be I - that they would be needed as wit- House was laine's vindic#tion. As - "EPP ,�, Hensall ........... 1 10.30 6.18 i m fT.s WORTH YOUR WMLE �N Coffee presented at a drawing room must (YMER DESSERTS nesses. they disappeared. I Kippen ........... 10.85 6.23 ' It was it, and as a strong. partisan of Mr. TO GIVE IT A TIMA-L �`� � � wear dresses of a decent length an(i Sponge cake may be use known that they were in Europe w �,,- - .0 . d as the I Bfaine was paturally frenzied 'ith RUNS, CAKES, PASTRIES, ETC- ".. Brumfield ......... 10.44 6.32 . amplitude of skirt. She hates bobbed foundntion for many delightful des- but the United States Government delight at the unexpected turn' of It . PHONE '70 -PROMPT DELI"RY ,. -1s, . Climton Jet . ....... 10M 6.461 hair and requires that the hair of serts that are particularl . at the time had no authority to fores .affairs. . - COME -AND INSPECT OUR 11SILERT Ar �;,_ I Clinton, Ar . ....... 11.06 6-52 � debutantes, if babbed, shall be garn- ate for wa y appropri- their return. Now under. the Walsh ", Clinton, Lv . ....... IL15 6.52 1 rm-weather meals. The The incident ,took place in the YOUR OWN CONVENIENCE I I j�'�11 I 11-21 6.58 i Hubby listened intently. His wife ished -with feathers to mitigate the following is an excellent recipe which law it has a weapon. That lavr Pro- Summer of 1876, and at a time whe'n I : . . Clinton Jet . ....... and her mother were talking. The denudation. She is against jazz and is more cepripinical than the ,,,,, vides that a judge in the United it seemed all but certain that James Roy'. S. Pinkney i ,. Londesborough .... 11.35 7.12 latter was saying: i2 opposed to women smoking in the d gt�ates can issue a subpoena to Am DIM BLOCK Z SEAF!ORTH - ot. It would be standard 9ponge cake recipe. If the - G-. Blaine wotild?be the next Roubli�- I I I Blyth ............. 11A4 7.21 ( ',You have indeed secured a splen- royal enclosure at Ase ing-redic,nts are properly mixed and erican consuls ordering them' to can c*andidate for the Presidency. �_­ ­_ , '1�1 .56 7.33 ' serve wanted witnesses with notice to I I I Witighain Jet, Ar.. 12.08 7.45' did husband, and I think you ought to misunderstand the character of baked this recipe will produce a cake convention was to be held just a week I ,.T, 'to treat him with a little more tact both King George and Queen Mary to return. -When this notice has been �'. � VITingham, ict� LV.. M08 7.45. d consideration. Don't always want ,set them down as Puritans. Theyare of tenderness'and delicacy. served and disregarded the Court can later, and th� Obvious cue of the Dem- A'BARGAIN I . 7-551 " ocrats was to make Blaine ineligible. -2, 1 to know where he is going, and if he not. They attend theatres and laug"I Sponge Cake. order an appearance for contempt�Tbe Hous6 of Representatives .had 'I, . I South. comes home a little late he agreeAble nt the jokes of comedians. The proceedings, and instruct the Federal b Fok SALIL-Ave sava, am mile ��� . I I and wait until he explains before you Oueen's wine list includes champagne. Four egg yolks, I cup fruit sugar, Marshal to take over property for een for some time investigating the frow Seafdrth� padei'll house with �,:,; . . affairs of the Union Pacific Railro 9 ". - p.m. They go to the races. But I tablespoon cold water, 2 tablespoons subsequent satisfaction of a fine ad, firdaom, "th &44 tPlIet, s=4­bm; �� M. begin asking a lot of awkward ques- both hare % , I - but Blaine's friends soon came to.fh6 � . :,� 6.55 8 15 tions. He's just the sort to appre- certain standards of propriety-Maich lemon juice, I cup cake flour, measur- Should the contempt order also be - 1 C064: ��Urd, t*iik,t15._ arl"M i; ' cone usion that the railroad was a sider Aant* to., stW ehid&*n fw=6 b"16 "..", Winghain Jet . ..... 7.01 8.21 1 eiate' any generosity on your part. B- they insist upon and Mr. Wilro ,F tell, 14 teaspoon gait, ignored a fine up to $100,000 may be a ed before -sifting, - issue and that the main idea *a& -,-to .jW� .4ps,to , . . - - :'t 1 4 toaqpoons baking powder, grated levied. . . "'. Belgrave .......... 7.15 8.32 '-'-,i to him." us that for their stand in ,such mat- I . ­ I ,y I ' . compromise Blaine. %7he country was �;,, :. � Blyth ............. 7.27 8.441 ,iubbY stirred uneasilv, trving t4, ters they have been commended by the riipd of one-lisilf lemon, 4 stiffly beat- On May 11th, United States Consul . . _ 'i��.,% .� 7.35 8.521 heaTmore when -he awoke. . authorities of the Vatican. They were en egg whites ' filled with rumors as to impe-riditig 1L., 8,, HAIM ,,, Hale,� of Marseilles, -met Blackmer distlosures. The most ominbils ot . aonfartk CAL ..�., 7.49 4.06 - never in the set of the late King Ed- . Method: , kt flour and measure on the Canmes-Monaco train anA ,towtf ,,, � �'�.. ward and probably are not altogethn,, out onc cupful, filling the. cup mhth presented him with a subpoena and them concerned the famous Mulligaii . 1.11". "'. Clinton ........... 7.56 4.131 a ,))oon and leveling it off with letters�. Thps� were letters written "". .1 ­�� - J 4% m f the Prince of 3 $501) expense memey to return to the by'Blaine to Warren Fisher of Bos- . . ,,,,,. e 8.03 4-20 � QUIET 9ERVIC,F is QUEEN � . - . " ��. Brucefield ......... 9.15 4.321 - Wales who in some respects strongly knife. Add to it the salt and baking United States. Blackmer refused to tob, and'had been . stolen by a former I - - . - ',;,,��,­ Kippen ........... B-22 4.40 MARY'S MOTTO resembles his grandfather. powder. (level measurement), and accept either.- Then Hale took up 1. I'll- H. MCINNES �,,, � 1. een Mary has never been lack- ,;ift five or six times. Beat egg yolks his passport Proceedings are now employee named James Mulligan, W. . Hensall ........... 8.82 4.60 Q-11 They were said to contain positive - . -,:,,�­ Queen Mary, aacording to P. W. ing in tact. At the accession of King until thick �hd lemon colored, add to under way to seize enough of Black- proof that Blaihe had used his poa4- ,.,.�,­ 1. Exeter ............ 8.47 6.05 . . I CWropractor ;,,`_ Wilson, remain,; at sixty the least George, the Dowager Queen Alex- them a little of the sugar at a time, mer's American property to satisfy tion ad former'Speaker of the House . ,, �o - I ­­. -ll',_ known member of the royal family, andra found it hard to give up her heating between additions, until the a prospective fine of $100,000. , , I . , , . ,� ": The to help. himself financially. Nobody I i Used :,. ,�, _� C. N. R. TIME TABLE so it is high time we intervenea: precedence. and it was the good whole arnount is added; add water and loss of money would got distress Ivrr. seemed to .know where Bleetritity � I h these fetters `�'�V , Blackmer, as he has plenty, aPA Sin- � I 1.�L. Queen Victoria reigned, Queen Alex- temper of Mary as Queen Consort juices alternately with t e flour . ', . � East andra charmed, Queen Mary serres that eased the situation. After th e whir.h should gradually be cut and ,I r has many millions. If millions were. .The inyestigating comini*,t . of ,Wlingliam, will be at ��I�t", I ali did not have tbiyr,..It was reported � - �� . . , , t�� , a.m. P -M -,is the epigrammatic way he c6mparea death of Alexandra, the Queen pro- folded in -not . strained- Add the can keep any of these� -gentlemen out -had been about to fj-db� Commerghil Hatel, Seaforth , , ,,,��;�:, Goderich .......... 6.00 2-20 i the last three queens of Great Bri- ceeded to Sandringham, garbed li�r- lernon rind, then fold In the egg of jail, the millions voill be provided. that Mulligan .., � �� ;��,Al . Holmesviffe ........ 6.17 2.37 , tain and Ireland. Obviously in reign- self in wrappers, rolled up her white'- Potir Into a cake tin, the bot- The honored name of a well.known Mit thein to ther committee, whe ..... "" �,�, Blaine recovered them. I . Tk I . M�idky, Vedn"day and. ... §,w . I Clint�n ........ �..: 6.25 2-52 � ing and in charming there is an im- sleeves and took an active part in tom only of Which has been greased. Toronto citizen has been involved in I - `�R�-, . th,orough Do not greasethe sides of the tin, as The story Was that Blaine lAd, gone .� -, , , .FW#4y. Aftetudons . .. �,N'.,- . Seaforth ........... 6.41 3.12 plied conspicuou.smess that does not viving the whole l)lac6 a the case because of his connection, do oti'lils, knees tolnufligam I I � ��­. 1.� ­;:��`,. - - ,.he rising -b"r "will sti4dk to the and - "I �.rl 6.49 9.20 exist in mere service. It is -because Spring cleaning. Sbe handled a big t presumably is ja splicitoi, with the ,iT I Adjustmentg jiveii.for disealies . t ' !�". tears in.his eyes had'thtpate . . , � - 8-28 of Queen Mary's character that she jab when she undertook the task of % M rM n an in 9 I " ... � ,,". I '­ Dublin ............. 6*54 � ides and help to keep the cake fro fo atio . of a IN ,'i I - - I .0 adian co p ny ".., . to commit stlicide i , t e I lo - of aff kinds, '' �, , , " �.�� �, / � wegit is not in the public eye as much as nuttinz the coult on a business. basis. failing. Fitthe tin only three-quar. which has ,been do-i6uncdd as a fak,6. I 10 00 t t I 1. I I 8054-tf ��""�,,,:�'-. � ,�� w". ?" I --A.M.. p.m. P.m. were to rui h e e,, public, , .�,.. "'. I either of her predecessors or ag'much In Victoria's regime the eusto�n was ters full. �Pl�am. in an oven register- This isr the name df H. .S. Oster, X.C. . I _ I . L I . . 1..� � "LL " "�', , -37 AS her sons and daughter. If it were never to dismiss a servant, but often ing only 2QO deg. V. At the 671d Mr. OsIeTbas also opposed all efforts The se.utimAntoOl w 6 r rr I . - -1 L- -,.,I ... L I I - I 1.�� , . , . of . I I , -1, .., �P . 1� I I'. King Edward 16 minutes 'the oven should register of the Amerie 0 e , ent to ob- I " 11bt- . �.� .1. -- ��:� I I- � - had yielddd and given la' tfiliv _14 ..4� � St.,Golumban. 10.42 5.44 i. -i4 not invidious to make comparlsops to employ a new one. , an ov -?hm . ,., ,:,,," L �Z.11. , ..-��, L . , * tets These w6l," sonic of, I dr!A, 1, - -, ,_­ Li. - ,: I . . I � " '", 1. . ,14 t ".1',4f. ­­ ". Segforth . "L. . 10�r73 5'M one might say that not for a long was. not a. man to cut 250 deg. F; At'the end of half an, taim his testimony, in the course of � ­ ..1-111- !4 . . 4- "�'�L'- , eg�r,T.!,.,, . %_ down on . � � `�,�;­ � Clinton ...... 11.10 hour it sh&fld,Tegist�or 275 deg. F., whic Which were thA1110% . gtbn . ,,. �, % I - � , L . 1. I __. I., 6.08 10-04 time has there been a member of the domestic expenses, so ,.LTf, "il �1. � ��11 V, 4 when h he bus gone to Africa to- beard e a A .,. 'LL- , -� �­ -,� - Kin ­ I ';P_� ­­ /, ­__ 9 ' ' .. In""I"17. .�;,,, �, I � 1Io1m6a*Hlo_ . . 11.20 7.03 10.13 and at theettA Of 45 minutes, 800 &&I ii ' when blAine rose � in t e �", � ­ - 0 99, 11 - ,0 ". P -:K�,.M _,�W, "IV,., ­ ther 9 I J , �; royal family as truly cultured as George cai:n-e to the throne e on and elephants rather than mount L .�o: L ;� T , "' ',� _in ,, J[ . ��A. _HX us: ,,..'Je, "I"! �,-.�'O­";*� . "erich ..... 11.40 ' 7.20 10.80 . � � ,� A, . 1, � .. , , � � ," I I , '' - 'L �11 1, 'j'�' '�­ Queen MaTy. She speaks ., 11'rembi, -i.he-re were many supernumeraries, and F. Bake. fo.4 one"hour-not allowing speak. tfi6 chaniber wa* -604M 0 ,AOP ­ P'�', �­'�'4_,,� the witness 9tand. Though, undor,pr.. . . L I " I a temperature ders of a Canadian e6ruit "&t,�ala,��offoh1w..�doiA�fxii4,,�-, I L y , - % I �'At �_, k I . , 1* �Mft6ggvh 1.:L,.,j­:-.,_ _." - ��._L�' I ,�, ,,­'­_jL ., German and Italian and the books riotous waste. It fell to -the lot of the oven 0 �readh to tell *fim, .. .­Q:,%­;�t.-,',r-', 1-,z. I , ". ., I . -A , ( V . ��'_^ ­.. , , _. many of 'hi fi " 49 f ,Arod, W0 to'bo '..', Ihswu=6 0", I it, " I ­ , 15 rle ,;"..-L 1. � I . . 1� , I. . L r�­%,q��_t? , w2t�s method of , '.I ',,I " , C. P. IL TIAM TARL19 n . 11 , ­�t,A' 'L, ,�. she has studied and still deligbts to tbe� Queen to. weed out the I egi - higher thmi-ftoto 820 deg. F. This he, knows, 'he ,mnnot be tak,on to the - 1. I � I - `,.'� . . ' , ing We cake is slightly h.Z -the Aownfall,of..6 gT ,�Ofiiteatl,' JU.4it.. .'I N't I,— �' ;. . 6 read are the works of Tennyson, ridos and stop leAL-15, The ftsk United States as, a witiless,"and , ��, imitaiip "fL'f '', � "U'll � . , _ . - . - - . _ct ,6 , 11VAWA. ., 106n .. i.. S . i �*�, Ma- a th she did, it, ard A ur"t will produce a cake ,, - - - Sppgoprihtd, � ''I'll ­­' ­­ � '­ l inusual, t U �cjtal of the facts. Ademi to belong , . 'L, [�,;,"ZMWI­ V , �, g PASt Carlyle, Emerson, GeorLre M�ot, ankless one �but _. 1 - , , I . f � VAIfto , ,ficont,ipreG4� I L " , 1 , , � ... " . I ��,�:, I 11�11'1-' I -, �&._Z4�` �".J' "', ". ,, L � ."P . - R ;� '! Wag a f , ", . �L ,.% '�i, - the 'nercrase in * , � , , � I L. I 0 "I I �,�,ffl I -, , temendoug i that is lig�Lt 4nd feathery. Do not to the di�fgllt futurc�, : . po, n xiagw � ,� 2 , 11. . a.m. caulay. Fronde, Lamb, Motley, Mal. despite t , I .. I . . ' ,,, '� " .�, , , I .1 L , . I ' .1 '1� ,� . �A =62�" 11.0', nte. She is a ­t�ost of 11-Ang has it �m open the *e1h door until aftef Xbe efive:;661)..44� &j I frietid 9, b"'I t 4 , . ­� , I . L'..'' I ,.1 I F - L ,P 1-1-1-1­r-1�1 UdAl"Jidt. .0-.,4.e*4* ............ . 5.65,real connoisseur of that it can ." M , "M - :` 1 4','2��N ��'.' " ' - W "", , &&tA06 4 .................. S.So iere, Ocethe and Da tbe� ,nade it _ . -8 - dov,d�iment iftgeisdlt .Tho� , -, xut?; - .L I I 1. '. '%r K�F,',,.' " 1 cake bas V4ih In for half an ,hoitr. The ruitA S W, I ". - ., china, and has w siblA for the Wh% to ftM on with-- I fid pliif6A lb� . . � � !� " I I � , *1- " ,ZF .. - -eJOqu6tJ, Laftd -_i�� ., ,�,� I _ I wil 1 '04 - ... 1. 4.,,,ba believes Mill L -91 ,. . '46VA 11 , When cak#-� i _�ed, remove from . - Ve That thee aAd a most i - " MA " _P ,. � , Oft I q , AW, . ­ �,, 11�11_1 ,� I IMM4 : .� *4 4 - * - � ........ . 6. -goiind and refined tast# til pidtuves; % the civil ligL - . L , , L .. X%,S� ­­ . ­� . I I " 'fiYAW Tog,tting"".00 P uy , 're-, P I L ttjine�:��Vy"�%'&%, . �: '-;'T : ­­ -:-11.11. - , , .1 � I inVeft"�O� M""ji' ' `_ ' J.1 gj&r "_'J_r*L,'7b e'1�A,i,­,o=h%4 ,,,,I �4 - &b!" , � L , J . � L A, : . 6.11 and fminture. She st&ually likes to - . oveni 'Uti, t6gfing tbe G. 6ittl I ,,, ,V`�6� .��,.-,_, , ,� �,r,g;;W, ,,�-� ", '�,"., � .. , �_,. L ' ' * .". . 0 ........... � '' j, A, '' I . I � ­. - - � edges on 9#1 hift that Will raise sei'Voiff 118 1'ett6rs'pJjtft,t" it _LTor6fktO *6 hadL ��6b � 1 ­ 'W - .7 ;1 -------- --.111 . " , - - . -.91J. tiAd I I no I L joc h ­� __ _�.t_­ �'�, " :. L ' ..J�.*Lj� 4 ........ 1*1 ....... O.,95 visit oa castles arid evitUdralig as st I I L t .1, It ­ I Vort. to *6 66 ,, 1, " L"-'- _�, :I,;,- �, � ,� , �' " , 1111, �­­ __ , ffLL ,� I .. I �� h,�­J I I -4 , 11 ", "U"k,".."�­ .__ , . �� -,;04W** . 6.40 relamitim and " 'at a cef4rAftlal. L I �heL tiA 1 ,f ,,, cues from thet - table, _�tjidt i W'lihk.-�iftteii ?"Of It 0i V, ,­ . 1, "' , .4, lil , #X-1 .4t44�f'.44-k'"'YAf . dift .. There M a _�tovy, never tottvaditt- . and cool -tR&,ckWe. in the tin. W`h e -A Tom -1 10 �'';QFI Aa ;wGuld Deriffol 1.1102. ;1 CANC191t ITOLP QVITS - A., 144 I" . R I It* I I . ner'. L O, , % I . - I ,- ,-,;., � , 4 I , , , I .. -$&Iclitr �na- to � , - , , " , 9*111.41" ,� ,� ; , . - � * V 'N � , � , , vf­ " , , , ta . y , ��i I I L" Will 0 i I 0 11 � � ,,�Ifi , ler%41f. When sbe was� a girl, shv, , Cal-teet is a, p6hiless dl�edtei.� ,The, )%� #t. -th* ,� .., - - , " I .. I " L�,��'�� e, 004 �:,t -1116 . . W I , , W . . queen Of tingland by.4 Queen Vietoy . I " �_ P, with a. thin,', I '' """ , -, W, P111 we & W , - ip, 811 L � 4 .. -*4 4 0 a W 14.96 04, that she *As'dho-gatt I . . ��''. ;";�!, cold, loose,%.,�* -,si& _ � 4., , e� ..7 A., 14*40o 41 , e, , � I if W " -,,. I I , ;� , ,,,, 1P 4, &S a lufuTe . .� bladed 4 and the cake' usuall' .1 40*41m, 16f ` I � a , " At, IN ;, " If pom -�41; Viet . I , gl% slip if" ,,Oift , fthe tin ,wit I 16 .1. I It 4 00",�,,,'�, ,.. � I � "Y' � :11 . y6j�k: Alitted 0 , 1. - ,. .. I .1111.1 � . , 1kL;­,. " �,�, �L ,.; 'JZV� "� L #r .ffl**%.At . *0 ;. .. , I , ,�&,&. ., ��T�tafi V.W", �. .. 11 �. . 1b, , X, - " 49 Al�,!* - - ". ". - 01fte _ , it M114. 61 e ralatwu , to, the co %,V?6TV.,FW; I , g . .. I , . " - I 141.1 - - ,! . ]k 'r k i � . "" � __ , L OP 1, t r a 1, L I erroneous u6t" , ,, "" , . . �, , I � A" ,. i �- . Ir * t, 1 4 - , - , , #rm-W. 4, i� I . � I ­ . L �� doa k.tdu1dP44.t,0,r-1Md bw *'�" � laige "tuboll"M axtivv g1T,�alFJ6tVyP I I" -, .. d# ", - - tam, I , �% �,� � 4 ii,.�tW­,.;6r, .1-11, �1. 1`�., I �', ­� L .V - , L& , � "Hil, , W'', * , � U" V , 0, . '71,4 � - I .11, .# , � . � , , � 101041)160 A. ,& , � ,,,.,,I #�' . _`11,111!��%"PAIP-11 UIOTM a �� �: I I I * � kalt: xev;" ; - �cer is. nothift,��.h*t .11 , , I' i, � .0. vy?�'Pml .1 __ I 11 .1 � - AM,&&A I ::: 0-1 -:Mb*t tior W ­30"Ahs; 11"aM, � � �WAWAWWI%V., wt�k �;'WC, � 6�; I . I �, � L , ff a 61��,*dt - , 1�.,%`� " a 'hi", 19" , .. � j. ,� _4 I? I Z # I in IfO 14T, I . L . 1, , . , 'I � , _Ae'4 , ? , i�.1%11 �� iii _ - I ., , t If ME L � I" I 111,6T "UHLI.I.-It ". , , ,:. '.., .. IN Is ''I L, 11 ' ­­ ­­ , I , ,�' ' " ,,�' L: 11 . '111, � . , I I ­ I - 1 I " I " . &",��_ _11"'a . ,� W - ,­i',�,7,'��U'!�_, )­ . ': ,,�`�, , .- , I : , :� �.141 '1� ;L �.: � I I . . L . ,6, � A, , , ,-, I I , 11 I ' "' , ' - 1.� ' � . L � T E % M 4� � 0 .1 ,"L a � k � = . , , � � KI . . .. , ,, � - �� " "A ') , . L �', � �.�,��Q7"', '' , 5Z.