HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-07-15, Page 3,) 1,1i 4 1' , Notes.—Rev. A. E. M. and Mrs. •• 'Thompson and son; John, of Minion, visited here during the past wee1.-- 3liss Mina Cornish, of Bayfiekl, is PPZe.' t•Pr•the e/14.104rler, ,Yae.ati,Ws-11141 Thorrais Magert and fain - 1y, of near Seaforth, visited A.Andayi •in this vicinitpr--. ifia), test Pym wereiSitbrs n .; •atunity last Sunday.—Most of the •wesidents of this neighborhood •took in the celebration in Exeter on the miorning of July 1st. The afternoon -was, Spent by ,soMe set Gritad .Bend, vOthrn at Thanies Road, 6,0 all seem - ted to hatevery enjoyable time, the intense' heat. ACCident.—Mr. Wilfrid Johns suf- fered a very painful and serious acci- dent on Friday of last -week: 1w -oiling on his threshing machine a -piece of iron flew up, -smashing hiS glasses into his eye. He was rushed to London hospital, where he is -still. Ins many friends hope that his eye- aight will be unimpaired. DEBILITY DUE TO INDIGESTION SPerfect Digestion Comes, Through Rich, Red Blood. There can be no perfect digestion -sunless you have rich, red blood. This is scientifically true. It is also true that there is no tonie-for the stomach that is not a tonic for every other wart of' the body. The way, then, to "tone up the stomach is to tone up the iblood. The many so-called stomach reme- dies merely try to digest your food for you. Hew much better it is to tone up the stomach so that it will do its, own work as nature intended. 'Mere is no pleasure in eating pre, digested food. Tone up your stomach and your appetite and digestion will soon be normal. If your digestion is weak and your 'blood thin you need the help of Dr. Williams' Pink .Pills to enrich the slood and restore strength. In addi- tion use care in the selection of yoor :food and your stomach trouble will -soon pass away. Mr. Gordon Dundas, ;Peterboro, Ont., tells as follows what this medicine did for him. He says: 'Something over a year ego I was gasoline salesman when I was taken sick. I felt very miserable and. 4ost twelve pounds in weight: I did not sleep well and could not eat as I could scarcely retain anything in my stomach. I went to a local doctor -Who told me the fumes of the ga.s lied got' into my system. He gave me :some, medicine and told me I had bet- ter go to the country for a change of air. I did so, but I still felt listless and gro_ggy, and had no ambition. On -the advice of a friend I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had -mot been taking the pills long before 1 was beginning to rest better, and to eat fairly well. I kept on taking the pills Until at the end of the ;seventh box I knew I did not need any -Yrtore, as 1 luid gained the weight I lied lost, - slept well and coald tat anything. I have since had splendid health and cannot say too much in praise of Dr. Williams' P4-ik Pills. `,You can get these Pills from any xnedicine dealer or by mail at 50 cts. box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine ,Co., Brockville, Ont. $85A50; .114E. Neeb,7•Road Superint.und, ent, $96.00; S. Hey, account fOr re- pairs, Road 18, $29.00; M. G. Deitz, coal, 9entraI ,ofice, $425; •Northern Electrie Co., supplies, $46.25; Strom - berg -Carlson Telephone Mfg. CQ, SRIVIteSr45t1;4;'• Adtk $$$001,IAL G. 11)eitz-, salary and tar, $7,90; Salary $462.50, hat- .feriga, $1.0*;Iteigh0airti expresa $8.20, lisbor,7`etc.' $41.45Vless tails •$40.95—$487,20; Georg@ J. - teaming poles, $3.06. The 'Council adjourned to, meet again on August 1st, ati1.30 o'elock, p.m.—A. F. Hess, Clerk. • ZURICH• Council Meeting. — The regular monthly meeting of the Council of -the Township of Hay was held in -the "Town Hall, Zurich, on July 4tb. All • the members were present. The min- ts of the last meeting were adopt0 .ata read. The petition of interested • iltei in the 'treyer Cemetery, near il Sgneen, Svan„received and the same i.iilia• left over until the next meeting ' f tbe'Council, for consideratiori. On • a, petition of Mr, John .k AMcDonald and others, the ITOwnstup Engineer aArae-instroeted to inake-asrePort, etti,,, • a -elating to the improvenient -ef. a "'. leertain drain affecting Lots nustibets 1,4 and 15, Concession 1, Stain:, A •�iif Hay. The .follcrwing accounts '0'.•‘' yriapedi R. Geiger, pitting in . r4.0:4*u.katle0 eulvart, Road 9, $5,00; T. I„.-,MAtial,„,Slieep, killed by 'doge, se; • littficiPa Wiirld;:Suppli'es,'$1.14"; Bur - 1 irgtoli ted"CO,,:,',,Stettl% 419066; FS. Axt, labor, t+3 '''AWII t p5f : John Weide, labinre,,, ,; .: ,05; A. Price, labor, toWil;' h _ 3" '.061' J. Bloch, Labor* t. ' , h• Steckle, itepairt,.,, ' 'C.N.R., freigh ',' se 4,4 ',.„ • , `Thiel, teaming eariNite: . k50,4011, ;.' A. Foster, 'cement ' 'Wek, f , ;. etilVeflitic. •;', . '$185.15i1 F. Dueharree, • ' ,Sohooi . ‘If..0-: qidikia civil atat liktilt 4 .. A-Oendange �l� -...ot I a ,,.,, „:,,,! ..,' , , HOUSEHOLD HINTS Automobile oil is a good oil to use as a general household oil. It is in- expensive. Take a good sized egnpty bottle to a public garage arid have it filled, at a decided saviag over the cost of most oils, many of them in- ferior in grade. To clean a hairbrush and keep it in an immaculate condition without softening the bristles, dissolve a large lump of an:monia in luke-warm water and wash the bristles, rinsing qpick- ly. The result is always satisfactory. Save your rugs. The brushes of tire carpet sweeper and vacuum cleaner should be kept free from all lint if you want good service out of it. After thoroughly cleaning the brushes, wipe the biiiStles with a cloth dipped in coal oil. This prevents dust when sweeping and preserves the col- or of the rugs. Soapstone sinks and tubs are a trial when they become spotted and stained. A house renovator and de- corator has contributed. this informa- tion. Soapstone, may be perfectly cleaned and made like new, no matter how stained or discolored it is, by sandpapering the surface, first with coarse sandpaper, then with fine sand- paper. After it is clean, linseed oil should he rubbed over the surface; this prevents dirt and discoloration from again reaching the soapstone. If a cloth, dipped in linseed oil, is rubbed over the surface every month or two no other attention _ will be needed for the general surface -.af the sink and tubs. Brooms are one of the many articles that do not seem as good as before the war. They seem to become stronger and last longer when damp- ened in hot suds once a week. 4f SHOP WITHOUT SALES Situated in the heart of one cf London's busiest shopping centres is a shop that sells nothing. The window is dressed every mOtn- ing, and the goods displayed are al- ways up-to-date. A number of smart and willing saleswomen are visibly engaged in duties behind the counter, but customers never enter. These premises are maintained by the edutation committee of a large dairy company solely as a training centre for their assistants. Girls from dairy Shops alLover London go there' petiodically • to . undergo a week's course • of instruction- in the art of salesmanship. , Each week the girls play' the game of "ICeppiiig Shop*" but, the game is oneerreal business rindnot of niake- believe. Every Phase of inedernsshoP.% keeping is carefully analyzed. for, them by an instructor, Who eXpla-I4, the art of attracting and satisfying. .customers. The girls who welcome the change as a break in their, ordinary routine duties, take it in turn to dregs the iwindow, tidy the shop, or act as cu - fathers. In the afternoons lectures are given on all classes of dairy pro- 'cli.tets and at the end' of the coarse a ghatexarnination paper is set. ' • We pronounce foreigners as if it rhymed ” with beetleS. — Mr., T. R. Glover. Leading a woman \ to the altar is a man's last act of Ieadership,—trarw, open a can Of sar.. dftie••,Sand,t for a , turnkey anct,,,04301Y.,. -10'.§ttkt,'ford Don ' ri to the regular sa • Clearing Lines1. mentioned here. iss These Last. D Men's Suits. Young Men's Odd Suits Sale Price $8.95 -$15.00 to $16.50 Suits Sale Price $12.95 $17.00 to $18.00 Suits Sale Price - $13,95 $20.00 to $22.00 Suits Sale Price $16.95 $25.00 Suits, Sale Price $30.00 Suits, Sale Price $35.00 Suits, Sale Price $19.95 $23.95 $26.95 100 Boys' Suits Regular up to $12.00, Bloom- er style ; Sale Price, $5,95 Long pants style; sale price 25 PER CENT. OFF Overalls Fainous Shag Proof Brand; Blue stripe or black; regu- lar $1.95. Sale Price $1.59 Men's Caps New Sand and Grey shades in fancy patterns; all this Spring's caps. - Regular $1.50, Sale Price Regular $1.75, Sale Price Regular $2.00, Sale Price $1,59 $1.19. $1-.39 Boys' Jerseys All colors and sizes. Sale Price 33c Men's Underwear Balbriggan Shirts or Drawers. Sale Price 49c Balbriggan Combinations ; White or natural. Regular $1.25. Sale Price 99c Merino Shirts or Drawers. reg. $1.00; Sale Price; 83c B.V.D. Naincheck combina- tions; regular $1.00. Sale Price 83c B.V.D. Hatchway Combina- tions; regular $1.50. Sale Price ........$1.29 Boys' Underwear Balbriggan Shirts or Draw- ers; regular 50c. Sale Price - 39c Balbriggan Combinations Regular 75c Sale Price 59c Men's Felt Hats All new Styles in Grey, Brown, Sand or Black ; all the leading brands. Sale Price 25 PER CENT. OFF Men's Dress Shirts All the best brands are re- presented; a full range of sizes. Good patterns, good materials, big variety to choose from. Regular price $2.00 , SALE PRICE 99c Dress Goods All- Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings 20 PER CENT. OFF Women's Dresses Cotton oulard Dresses, navy and black in fancy pat- terns. Sizes 36 to 46s. Sale Price $5.39 Voile Dresses in short or long sleeves. All sizes. Sale Price $4.95 Silk Dresses, new style, new colors. All sizes. Extra ,value. Sale Price, $18175 House Dresses in Gingham, Broadcloth, etc., a very spe- cial bargain. Sale Price, 89c and $1,19 Fuji Silk Dresses in white and colors. Do not miss these. Sale Price. . $5,95 Women's Silk Hose Finest Art Silk Hose, silk to the ton with a double run stop. Excellent wear. The colors are Champagne,Bran, Blush, Grey, Black. In all sizes SALE PRICE 59c Women's Hose Pure Thread Silk, reinforc- ed with Art silk, silk or lisle top. Every good shade; Monarch or Mercury. Sale Price 79c Full fashioned Silk Hose : the best maker's best makes; over 20 shades. All sizes. 20 PER CENT. OFF Women's Fancy Coats All the regular New Spring Coats Evecy coat must go. 20,Y, off Women's Spring Coats. 50 Women's Spring Coats in fancy Tweeds, Poiret Twill, Charmine. Good range of sizes. Sale Price $9.95 Child's Dresses Play Dresses made of Ging- ham and Broadcloth, pants to match, age 2 to 12 years. Sale Price $1.55 Cotton Knit Bloomers For women Made in Grey, Mauve, Pink, White, Yellow and Peach. Will wear. All sizes Sale Price 33c Corselettes Boned front, garters attach- ed. Elastic insert. All sizes. Sale Price 89c New Spring Wash Goods Regular $1.00 to $1.50. Sale Price, yard 69c Bathing Suits Men's and 'Boys' Wool or Cotton. Sale Price 20 PER CENT. OFF "0111010141•11MIEWIRMINNUMmonst ALL STAPLE GOODS 20 PER CENT. OFF BROS., te. • 155 $t• 4, 4t i• 15