HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1927-07-15, Page 1'ka I "4.t. te; r•,,„ UAW.. 4* -, A,1:414{1, yte kr, 3. j: ALP' .tAster, tt? 4 ,k.; .4;4 ro• ' -• 4.".aea -, • • O..' • ; • tot. ,••, ; 44'." ''''',4';0,4',"5"•?kg''":••;4 • at, . 43 fl IV V. 14, 4,T erg 33 33 "oe 411 -00 a 1 4 33 • 1 • ' • ON? ; tat 4st fr .,e .44 'diife' 7 • A•141 3.r13.„t 11 10'• 7,:w0 a 3, 'ere e On E"? 44 I A. - .tI vt. • IAA 000444.44001444144A, • 3 'f 4bs co 14 34 31 44 333533 1331 e, 04" 43 ,144' 38 ••,": Atec,":9"A. itos g tult,1 .., , , „ ,• _ 7t . 4,0,jr6K1•,,, ,i,us ._,.O3,5,. * C14".44T auk-'ut44. •014iirug'70, , .7 :ite7 ' iii.a.k0.47:•°. AO' act ii40#40 4*, 3,04i-_,,,thie•oliturie-: As,',,,,, 0..,b044 ..:••Wlien the eotiYeritiorie _ ,,,.„ g he - sitting ''1.017-.A62* *--35'w .1*.'rg -a icrota to ..,..00-y.:, 41%00 0110-1y0 -.,,Ngin. oket-'an iniln,frAC9t ' 49 '',W12av passed through ill*: • •-.-b le :!lit,"- el: •1st,. eke' tion- and cae• It-:laiWlleleetl40'.. eke hesd4:'seeV94)-X0Nvext4: 4 um)* to. These 10.-01', kil*, that 0.0740:, aw 'n ffant t-delightfu1.-. to hiek„-nen,_ They milist -,fee,tnOat. Torytamie deriest lo.'-attaY• ont Of 4::..*g, iii.uut ada for fifiden .year Orse and, v41* could-3rtin find a men„,,,: -011- that „„ ,Of the House -•vsio Votild Make 4•;:t0, 7•6" ' G•enera/1.40 eMemarild-ille-.retreat ' Obi: Ilascoye. '..A iillanni. ' I gel., , • - cavalier like Mr.'"•Bennett the entire, strMY 'cret iAto sr,4, .. " itt *001,d. be:,-,*.tg,4 ,ot.,,i,.. saerihee •baggage '00 ,,atidit',.t.:. otilirhe dould,see kr•Pictiliteets 'itaaelt heading -7a Pgaletelava charge., "1414e, Tory Peaty IS in lip mond far' rec lee, • adeentnres . It is ' safer on thls''' old• .statge 'with Gtithrie thad ting-,-: a' road slam with any liver 11er'hh* i.sight. . , , „,... -, • , The Party's.' second obc4ieW" ertg': • gjlson." Oertitinlirit Would bea corsee choice-, than ' Guthrie: • ,Vbether •'-it' Would be the wpast Of alprissible selections i a for Vie 'intintriCaifffialt ta lay, hnt its a feta gemaa that it might. •--The,;eIti:7tititk. ie. that'..lide.' ' - -- Fergasert ie neither, a !big litlat. pAysti.; eillt7 All$4' w1011Y, gaa is. 11.• "tent- hina,ton 'of neitrlY ell the . eiamatial ..„ ::',leinente least .ridatltt -IztV• 'tlie TeVY ai•t•2 t41**tlee 0.4,, ••-• 0;t1- . 'son -10... 0) P.SraPeliti••04 Of'-s•Peerfklaii- s- ties destitteict-sciliag* palitiefir paity. .1." leid-to 'eha" iia-i*ke'. , da9a", Of.-hOlaedg heir and ehanging pidita4Stls. ati is -essentiallyialipte it-ateritdlg-Ve the politiefaiZ- lieta'aibialid, ilittiute.. lite is,.se ':0; .411,4p -.tic tte hi11e. d ge ji, - liat''' 1g12 !Orfila/4 -;:iliitttf s.rolieg 4f knoVs 'a ea a, meet ever: it4 Watiti:i• 1114."74' e•4144,:Ifeni'le., '• e-0-'"-- • lielier, NO' ..C.We.f4174: C)-• • • miii:lta ;;,,.7:. 4:j :0? -:1111:1 e:P•'-'s tll;:18:11:;11:1iiti4-:17°.:11:14:nll'' lagOli • :4'4f1#*14% . , Y. sai;, if h t be vialks, el 'V .',.. e '' •''' ' iljaid . s "e •joU.:01.44 6-0'f°. ,'S t el tr 'a : °an 1.:It- g!'' ::.""::!14 m' •:.'" ' ''•-:-Ar leg.4.044104- etter ';:ti6 ' Ap 'fril'' 0024.0 Ate Wilk., , 4** „ -4, . . '911'aq:P'04-tktiatil .• a•e",; ' • toe sr' 44' • • 4.••44. a 2 .1 A ao) re'l• 4 e Jet' kak • a 01'43q4.1.• At• at . -1=101,' • 3233 o " *1'4' AA re : v o o'•.• 41, Ai.g9ge!.'e.• k o 004 ,.., ie riel' '74:::.4:0" 43 °"4 ti .f..,.:,:oc;,17,J.tel. 1F,.7 .i. •, 4;4:dit(%;0:: ,ss , :. , , t e : ofiC es..V:•, we*gPP, , '0s 'jaet . :: '' ' iv, 41* ttalop •:' itt4 '*001. -is 4wereapresen, t1' oTt At' R.0 4" i....Vaiii,:kt4 4i:4: gitrera44 g.,,,,_, eezeona. - ata•reeeitea".,,t lino* *tee ...0.00,:: ..„,,A,...'goe3„ pro-, e",,liere•f•andlhere like"Vtletter-' •comor.,,,,,t1s: grAxtuoo. ofr miusiaTia Temiliks, was Vndeef-- • 1$1,-43 WO ed...And adopted: geataaPtelt'''te„,g1Pa "eat- tae."-al'a4as" Peasolved that whereaswerae af"90,,te- oreaanney'refndecle, -It JO -coneinced that the 'Moat ainnieetaiit • e *Ala tholegist: lias dke01:f-es_91.igeoominend*tliat eacimilecy uni'on7 • 9 thaviedaeS;oat of- thou -West- Taw „eleneVinai res lutionsvvere mov- dod ptutiositiOn. Whia-Rgis. field of„Pork is am • thet4fiengeve bjgnilig in, the neinds andAtaW anCeariy Out et etindf d contet ttm•eloreigners. ;of the V'ireTsts- `a lacation,. Essays •and Postera OIL aeCtEllOirEt.,/ rt• ia joi ,PUbliofi 'chools. • • - g' theseTeeplalhat4f_Lthe 2. Resolved,- that ive, Press for "g9ale t•tg, ‘-m4v1REVIET;431 k--4"2 .pohbition mid stand ot 'be °Peni. ae ever opposed to anYfOrm of license 00-4 theleoinpositien of CV"; Sew' Or Government sale of intoxicating .•itreeeeeiaa0gad ,and 2whem„..0.00 -for liquor. \ • gin -the. %%rate' • Chamber hcse " Resolved that wei, rouse to • statesmen taaY. fr"""ceL4-' tate for canddates, MumelYal, Pro- treeirel-toi•oecaPY:Seata- in our *nate' &aw& Ternparalve„ in mei .and , „to, litcfies On thee opening, -vincial or "'rational, who; are avowed .4SO:ilea-not • for re: second, that 13144,7this: oFry ..i)? that laid Pe;r:ehtibedi,titoonissutps;04rIdthwhooissPureo,mnoiseni,at! have deilece ter. what their panty Mai be. Thitt,isafet the way 'Silage ie sha..iaes . ,of• agesblved that a greettar effert 9w4rit)-10,14:77,074,7,..4,krtio- be -Maile. tlan:•locaV. qione to get vcreurcits,,itii4tero cf.00,,,itett.,se06644nittoeiriidents, in anf mach., etter ft :virauhl be if SOree. 0? 53• Resolved, that in. spite of tile tfliontegtlielleetmd 24, aithdeli.trall4411 waPePasrheanut ..esatibaalclk;nvof ourstlieeipmast to 4eabreg • tlea..aapireet slrtiight -in the eVe be discouraged but work and pray mote Citaire are sate -the -wee' iteastraiglit, . Whereas we have reason to be- earnestly- . says `.The • Senate is bestiatif' 1, the „„rin heve that sprne of our members have alk thetelle ghtles4 supported candidatea the keys of the beckoning Fertile. that` fav•eurable to Government sale of The Search For a ging. liquor in the last election, forgetting Now many other names belie 'been Mentioned.for leadershi of:theTory Party, but I see not ing'in, thm. ManY of them are -therfall -4)0•64, lows -the type you r ax. glance to aceotaya1013 ••O'n:41Ag day's_ fihing.. They are.; that thdir loacalty to their party Meant gross disloyalty to their pledge as rnemberrs of the Vir.C.T.U., thus giving the opponents of prohibition the op ortunity of saying that even Men as W.C.T. . members approved of Goe- man beings, u , '104, parta ferment sale of liquor, be it therefore looking, for at die oreient tole resolved that members following this a 33333L.3. T.. vi course, course, thereby breaking their pledge," tOld,lhat et at ther tatiVi. eliall be called to express centrition ti044-07.0uid.,„ntliseitheitasestit smut to the executive of their anion and tOmieattlie• Mouth and eignuttlheir renew their Pledge, before being re- 1,1;!s,,IvInituriss deris_ cognized as mernbers of the Woman's Ion... For the Tof"Ye Pin? does not christiall TerePerance Union. yeltatitjs c ree'de The folloveing officers were appoint- bu ThisP-bagaiss...,,,of-Pfehrtig ealeader is es a' 0.h RecOlte; President, Mrs. A. T. CeePese.V/intn; Vice -President,' Mrs. rresponding Se - .•E tleee, "ode ed. for the year 1927-1928: Honorary. Pr idents, Meedarnes Drividson and berde-work. • o groOng up, r. illu':.1p),(0 -its klYz: Ar-Venex4-104.* ;gni 31 (41;VAPgfatni; see it -tried :eta 6:10,6 ekt 0r.itary,..Bliss.gt-hei mordbek, Hensall; Sfour filiAdtr441. ft/We" (asiiSidirieSeciatary, Miss Aittie‘Con- Oinefre restirer, Mies Baillie Mrs. %tie, ,tr,0t, car. ticket 'the r*Car. .4,...-tregd ;,-Le!Asl'Or Abe Ubeigeeretary 'ellitnee 'on g. knew eikrie • tg, eeMate, /Mast Joynt: Tittle aliont: ' leaked Itie ',a.. !wed Cot, bt thereveite no istehe *Mild da) ihte The ENTRNC‘EXAMINATION e dericleiteliine %CANA' him ..:(ft,A19,4*jklif)71`:th :bint'all kinds The felleving are -the results of 't eak tfeee,'.but 'tlatakem is and the -,recent Entrance,-. Examinations. 4 7 ' • gr., , beltg lit the 'varimia places Of which li% ,atanaer Seater:DOS the. High School Centee. 4i4eta:rase Cettilleatee pill be Mailed shortly :,-*ie• to leek back and Marks will be Sent te the un - 334 Tr:0 11 0 re • 414 Aro a a 31- '1 4 0 4.".)5 4• 40.'13, 33 334, 3133233 33 2 3333 . a te * . 0 t . • 4 0 'IA )4t ,ee • . 7 aleaten, yaw/ Auccessful eaudiciates but net to,tbose Brnt: vi who, have been succeastd: Appeals sien'of rauSt be sent to the InePeetor bfoie. t•• g-4, ea• a :Atigust 15th, othereeists. they amnia ; g• •/.4a be .Corisidered. ThZ highest standing „,,--- „.;• „•-,'",ept.:; wegi:obtained, by Eleanor rime ia.A. cl. ti76 marks out., of '14:1. The 24. - at all. the • centees. Was very . • „.., - Saforth. .. 0,tatitiOr•IL Allen, C. A. Arch - 3., ,'„ , i',040460,cote(111; lifi :: ';'''• '11. -- "g.p r,' ;4•_‘,t, 4. T. wud,., - ,3333,33%3233 '',•0 33, • ji tr,,,k;TTet ja • : , 333,,3 31 333333403 • a 3133 3333 41 . ; i•444,11.)5, ,!P: ava l„ yggl 3332 3333,433 4.; 401 Tr - 33333 * r* sr, 143,3 111, 32 h 33375 3333 • 11. ‘.6 •;,, tate 4't "le .• 4-3 if: -4,t.::•'• • Q a(g). • F. Pandas • ePherson af)illyg F. liyart,, ..•••• •Vire' 'Nike; ft, eello•M• ternoieliala ,Pgliiett, tAii3), f ) A. Hiumitort .Houston A• 14.,1#99h,, murra7, 9 (11), . Websterpt. L. Reid 4.4 aBinnicSe M. Bewley, J.':a (H), L. gt,„ Cardiff, A. Davids ` W. Drager, M. Ennis, A. Fa -4„ on, V. Fox (, F. GarnmagC, .ssier (H), L. Gostick, J. (H), D. •HengaaSe- V. Jitel4i, Leitch, M. MeGawley, A. Meor C. Me - Donald, M. stard (11.), Mg, Nichol (11), M„ olson, B. Sha, E Shaw, ..•.er- alldon, E. Wilke (B), Shortreed (H), (11), J. leek (Err, K. Ziegler I. ) , B. Yol- Cliatinf.; The highest standing,' was obtained by Dore .g.,,;" had 65 marks out eat 14• IL Andrews, K. • , M. Car- bert, Carter (11)a artwright, P. Churchill, •S. Cook,•:, ti Covey, G. Cudmore, W. Draper,e. Elliott, J. Elliott, M. Fear, , G. Fitz- smmons, J. Gaselier ' (:a• M. Glens, G. Ifellyar, G. Rolexes, a^ HOY.e5ti-S, Little, M. McEwett; P. es Eiertna11. Mel/lath (H), E. Morrison401), W. Murch, K. Niekle, W. Per, K. Pickett, M. Pickett, II. PlaMetel, L. Plumsteel (H), Reynolds,* Role nson; C. Rowcliffe (II), ,Itipley, K. Streets, L Swinbank, I. Yedden, D. Watts (H), I. Webster ( Winghane R. Beninger, J. Brackeabuiy (H), S. Campbell, J M. Clark, J. Copeland (H);',...C. Coulter, it.''Coutts, G. DairldSon, L. Drane, M21)iive (H), W. Dine L Fowler, ic.„ 1,47 .(H), Irinkire "(H), A. Haniiiiiond, R. (11), E:'HOmuth E('!•-trelri,H°PAPe, tree; Entijten( Hk j.,.M.ECtInnePardes' -2,11/), J. Mitchell (El), I. Ntt*p (II), A. Phippen, M. Proctor, („gPaen, M. Perna, E. -Rae, E. Reid Rich, J. Rth, T. Roth, A. Shields . (.11.), F. Skilirig, _Sinith, A Stokes, 0. ififir„,(1),.R.-Walker (H ), P. Weave, E. Zurbrigg. . • 'Q... • • Wroxeter. T1 Ashton, M. Eareigey,44-Elliott, E. 'Fich (He 0.„Fralick, V. Montgomery, W. PannaUltiihin- S li, As. R.Utta__,n E. Shock:00, 11 Veneto -0e, I'Veteon. • ETIK4T,E iriiatOgotlie ite ie-ifilegt 1106'a Val0; roPiTOPeitg In in MKi11im, 4indta v Apply to. w. EE. Ilea. 13.esztall- ear% ago WAS. united in refi flO '/QA•u, ' ICatherine Rya." qf ie PraniPtbsn,),.Mardi Ryan, of Waltate- Y:-Oljt Years' ' ewainaga-- e4-agiailie• 'became 'interested iiirthX010,-' ateept ,,Sehool ,§e0rlA'N-Q:Itt", Mr Lane was agx0iudijatileits oylan, -Ste • Sasses aTe••• ,yeelledog, lionest and. oider4. of.,Mesitt; 111 t-fi: dr. niraan, and was'm all ids dealings, fre. J. Camp- ochan"(II), Ctimming olmes, raider, B., • Michel, G. I. Speiran. ? 1,e. 33 this centre Eats, who ' FOrdwich. A. Alb-reebt; W. Angst, 0 Baltru- wA (II); E. Fallis, M. edeke, 11 Gibeon, Giaharn, G. ilealeftitate, _R. Ilarrifielda Henry, .1 StantfatOn, P. MeDerinitt, Tk•Mlitood, M-ongonlerri, M. Pritehoi,_ Robert,i. Bangst,er (II), ke tott, 11. • .,. GgrakT,..INSPIRAT1.9§ift, ..e•CONFERENc Orie d the finest Conferat*i ever held 10,!..the Seaforth comma tame to an-erid:on Wednesday " ?or thaonfeenee the can 'f Egtahndirille -United Ch erse PreetY4riiii Church, an hhside Chnibli-johedetheir for -e0 -The seratieek were untis,ef P'; A. Robing... and'. eOfutudtar of Mission Edutilton' and Evangslie Sunday it •-Veits Dr. Roki YsliOanttiaa the. epeaker. hie; Messages tv VI, and char Iht, Robineon itt am., a%13 P.m. 133 ' • inoon hi s i• me for • ving j ed trip *th firAt•- . et of Z' %Oh were ., ressed . MIS arif•, st to ce .? 4' 01 .11Z 4,1 4.0 ?'" Wee 410 . • - $ 33;'313313 2 ••••,;^ • Z • 4,,S • also; 313333 44 32 433133,3331 311 ESA ,44 • 00 33 ••'••••• 31 3234310 • r,kk :•-• 're aa" GIeji-Rovtteert; llarve9 geYsi Ant.ereivttbialain avdciite six Sens, 4 Or 6"1' ---*4 a cent, John; Tharna,7aTames, Basil eatatt KOS, execie 1)dmsea (1*oreateila,„ Jasepl, an tWO dinghters,'Mary and Meal. Sr. I to Jr. Ir. -John "uw•••,? Catherine. Ho' else leavei four Io- (Prellaetedgin MAY). Sr- thers, Thomas; of Tuckersmith ; .1-.--13Ort'kt Peeir- These iaarla ',Chitties and Frank of Brucefialdi and, Avk,an asterisk have taken 'Ewa William, of Clinton.; and two sisters, classes hi one year. The follo-Wing .Mrs. Angus lefEinnort; .Kippen, had perfect -attendance for the neon% and Mrs. Leo Hrrigan, of Lucan, to of Jessae_MervYll 'Keys, Allan Key4i •ineurn -his lass. The funeral was Bobby Peck. The following h from' his late residece, .Lo -.2; completed their Star Memory Caitiff: Concession 4, MeKillop,' on Friday., July 8th, to St, Coluraban Clmreh, where Requiem High Mass was sung by Rev. Father Dantzer, and thence to St. James' Cemetery-, Seafoith for interment. The pallbearers were his six sons. The large number who at- tended the funeral bespoke of the high esteem in whieh he was held by BELGRAVE all the community. cat es for meraoriziag the Lord's Prayer, 23rd Psalm, 'Pen Command- ments, Books of Bib/e, Beatitudes- Meivsn Keys, Audrey Murdoeh, Har- vey Keys, Glen Dowson, Allan Keys, Geome Dowson.-J. S. Hogg, Teacher. For Safe.--1We have a fine property 'at Reiman. Apply Ass. W. E. Paff, Hensali. Notes. -The picnic held by the United Church Sunday School was well attended and all enjoyed a good time. Races and softball atere the ehief sources of aninsement. Lunch ws served shortly after five and ev- eryone was ready to take part. The booth did a good business too. Af- ter supper one of the softball league games was played. Union was the visiting team. It was a good game and was won by the Belgrave boy. C. R. Conites and J. F. McCallum -acted as umpires. -Miss Ruby Clegg who has been teaching at Ridgeway, is spending her vacation at the home of her brother, Joe _Clegg, fifth line, Morris. -A number in the vicinity have commenced haying -Miss Violet Anderson, of the staff of the General Hospital at Stratford, spent a couple of days with relatives in Belgrave and Morris -Mr. C. R. Coultes, Will Watson and Alex. Bryans each load- ed a car of cattle on Saturday. -Miss Ruth B. McGowan, of the Department of Health, Detroit, was a visitor with r sister, -Mrs. C. R. Coultes. She was -accompanied by her cousin, Miss Catherine Murdock, of Detroit -Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jordan also Morley Jordan, were visitors in Belg-rave on Sunday. -Charles Coultes spent the week end in Toronto.-4)ur softball teams were to Moncrieff to play the league games there on Friday even- ing. Both games were won by Mon- crieff, the scere being closer in the girl's game thrt the boys. Lnnch was served and a 'social time spent. This ends the ball games except for the final games between sections which will be played before long. - The garden party held at the home of Garner Nicholson, under the auspices of the Anglican Church, Belgrave, was very largely attended, and about $700 was taken in. After supper was served, a good programme was given by the Cowan Concert Company, of Toronto, who gave the programme last year. -Master Jim and Mabel roultes spent Saturday with relatives near Varna. -Miss Belle Allison. of London, was a visitor with friends in Belgrave.-Anniversary services were held in the Presbyterian Church. Bel - grave, on Slanday. Rev. Mr. Boyle, of Toronto, being the minister for the day. Large congregations were pres- ent at both services. Blyth choir helped in the services. -The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of Knox United Church, Bel - grave, will he held in the church on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. McKILLOP For Sale ---We have a fine property in Ffenaall Ayala. to W. E. Pfaff. nensall. School Report. ---The following are the results of the promotion examina- tions in School Section No. 6, Mc- Killop: Honours, 75%; Pass, 60%,: - To Sr. IV -Herman Beurman, 62%; .Reg. Little, 62%. To. Jr. IV -Harvie 'amen, 90%; Louis Duffy, 77°71-; Mary Duffy, 74%; Marion Little, 64%. To Sr. III -Brenton Godkin, 74%; Esther Duffy, 71%; Muriel Finnigan, 0%; Orval Beittnann, 64% Ivan MacNahla, 61%. TO Jr. III -Iola Benrinann, 73%; Norine Little, 68%; Gorden 62%. To Sr. II-velyn Heagy, 74%. Jr. II -Vera Duffy, Ahna Pin- , nivl, Helen Elliett. Jr. Primr- fila Gerald O'Hara, Rita Dffy, Leslie Pryc.--R. A. Dale, Teacher. N .totes.-EiSS Pearl Beton of De- ' .fgroit, spent a few days Yilth- her par. „nts, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ilea.ton. .Other Visitors at Mr. *Atari% for „. the holiday were Mr. and :rs. Bevc•-• oily potion and Mr. aff of 1),etit,f Thonias Atlanta Mot ,a reeently.,=40; 4E3433, 4 av 033 4333 3332 Ara BRUSSELS For ..,Sale --We have a fine property In Sewall. Apply to W. E. Pfaff, Items& Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs Norman Dentmerling and son, Durwod, have returned home after an eiajoyable holiday with relatives and friends in Detroit. Mrs. Deramerling's aunt, Mrs. Warner, returned with them. - Misses Jane McLennan, Ella Hansuld and Ella McLelland are spending the holiday at their homes. here. - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peter and- Mr. and Mrs. George Steane and daughter, Nellie, were welcome visitots during the past week at the Ethel parsonage. - Mr. and Mrs. Howard McRae and Gwendolyn, of Brantford, motored up and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Desjardine-Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Makins and family, of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with the form- er's parents in Seaforth.-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lashwood and son, Jim- mie, were Thursday visitors with rel- atives and friends in Stratfard-Mr. and Mrs. George Warner and Mr. and Mrs. J. Warner, all of Toronto, mot- ored to Ethel and spent the holiday with David H. Saunders -Congratu- lations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. F.arl Sholdice • over the arrival of a little daughter -We are pleased to state that Draggart Fox is improving nicely now after his recent serious illness. -Will Bremner had to go to the Stratford hospital last week, here he underwent a serious opera- tion on his eye. When last heard from it was thought that the Opera- tion would be successful. -The Ethel softball team is practicing every ev- ening. They have entered in the tournament to be played at the Brus- sels Old Boys' Reunion. -Rev. and Mrs. Hart and two boys spent a couple of days at the parsonage dur- ing the past week. Rev. Me. Hart is the new pastor at Trowbridge and was en route to his new field of labor. -.Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bisbee, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Stamm:ton, Rhea McLelland and Elizabeth Fear left last week for Hamilton where the teachers will take a six weeks' summer course. - Everyone in the community was sorry to hear that W. C. Bisbee, the princi- pal of the Ethel school, had resigned to accept a similar position in Blyth school. BeffIre they left the congre gation of the United Church. Ethel, took the opportunity of showing the appreciation which everyone feels for the service Mr. and 'Mrs. Bisbee have rendered to the church and commun- ity and presented them with a finely worded address and fernery. Al- though taken entirely by surprise Mr. Bisbee made a very appropriate reply thanking all on behalf of himself and Mrs. Bisbee. -Charles Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Garton and Mra. Jack McCreith and two children all motored to Owen Sound on Saturday to spend the week end vrtth -Mr. and Mrs. James Mintosh, of the Comely. House. Mrs. McIntosh is a sister afj the ladies. -40theie Winds *ed' 'a` week:. end... • gases- : are- planni ' tre. 41 44 ' • 33 e ire • fIg'-wr 3L th°S1:6-1inliiiereetr an1911:^14autiO:::!•EG7t: Church are :busy preparing' for thezr„, Jubilee ?gailar'tahe held,” fliet4ec- 4tery grounds- •on ThursduilJtily'74, Tea will be served from, 8- andaidart'enthoy.r:No'roWcit?uklee13,1;2"m?-ltraaifrr,b sge.1.14$1,saLe ,,it,,641 will ha given duringthe afternoon'. -- The annual- if -''Club Bridge party Will be held on Dr. Metealf's lawn •epe.4-, Wednesdayafternoon, July 2,0th. tiat-,1 year this was one of the -bright vets • in the stteial life of Hayfield, and this year is being looked for. The hea.u- tiful -grerndseof Dr. Metcalf make' setting that is irresistabie, se that this year's party is already assured. a • 6 • 1•••• :- •-,• WALTON For Sale. -We have a fine property in nensau. ewe to. W. E. Pfaff. Hensall. Parsonage Sold --The sale of Wal- ton Methodist church and parsonage was, attended by a large crewil • last Tuesday and good prices reaized. Mr. Jeseph Bennett bought the par- sonage, the ,price•being *1,100. Wal- t= L444, bought the church and • elle& for 113.00 and seats for s1o2. This will giseathem a splendid hall. Their former building had become too small and they intend to dispose of it. Notes. -Bill Methilla and Thomas Archibald spent Sunday at Teeiwater. -Mrs. Bert Currie, of Wingham, vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Crozier on Sunday. -Mr. end Mrs. .Joseph Carter and family spent Sun- day at Goderich.-Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McLaughlin visited with friends in Wroxeter on Sunday -Mr. S. Vassela and Mr. Joseph Ryan, jr, were in Goderich on Sunday. -Mr. Jae Ryaa and daughters spent Sunday at the horne of Mrs. John Lane, MeTeillop.- Walton Entrance pupils did well this year, the nine writing having passed/ -Mr. Wess. Clark returned hodee to Listowel on Sunday. -Mrs. John A. MeFadzean and Jean, of Dein:tart°, Col., visited her many Walton friends. John A. is an old Walton boy and is a Senator of Colorado. -A number of earloads of Walton people attended the ,garden party at Garner Nichol- son' on the 4th of Morris. -There was a large crowd present at Duff's church garden party last Wednesday. In the near neighborhood of $540 was taken in from gate receipts, booth and mission band. -The many friends of Mr. Thomas Clark are glad t*. know he is mach improved. -Mr. Wm. Neal was in Preston on Sunday. He was accompanied by Mr. and hirsJas. Harris, who were returning home, and also by his niece and nephew. --Mr. and Mrs. Harris, of Preston, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lyddiatt last week. -1153s Louise Mills has returned home from Detroit where she spent a delightful holiday with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Allin.-Mr. Frank White, of Benton Harbor, Michigan, is visiting at the home of J. J. McGavin. It is twenty- eight years since Frank left these parts and he sees many changes. He made his home with Mr. McGavin for a number of years, attending the Leadbury school. -Mrs. BeriT has gone to St. Marys to visit the friends of her old home town. -A large num- ber of citizens in the village and sur- rounding country attended the Orangemen's celebration in Blyth and Guelph, and all report a good time, even if the weather was warin.-131 • Mrs. George Iindie and fa of Goderich township, spent Sunday at the homes of their nephew, Her- vey and Clarence Ht./die-W. and Mrs. Fitzimmone and finally, ef Thorndale, accompanied by Cenductor Notherey, of Sarnia, motored up and spent Sunday with Mr. and ra. IL r J. Clarks -Mr. and Mre-,e tt, of Lucknow, called on Mr. and,:• -g • Si Pet- er Gardiner hist weitic.---141ed Si113, of Toronto, ie visiting Ms. and Mrs.: Joseph Loe,-Mt ariCarsgliailt me.., Donald end John, 'Visied In 80,tiazi, last weelc.-Mr. and Mrs 0:110* raid hildren, of Wingliam, called,Oilli, ' Intim& in the villa ra on Wednesday a.1iss EYSTS, of C inton, Is volt hr , Mold; Ws. D. Pgildue.---4,Pi• beittilitibit,- ot reton, is fiki,pds hitt-to• 24,4 ailitoatige.:-.4 , ,,,4, o• 332 4v41ti" • 1 t1 1g g .• a k A ve • . , co, HAYFIELD. For. Bae. -"We have a fin.property i Remell. Apply to W. E. Pfaff, Rensali. ITreezes.-Mr. and Mrs. A. Carty and son, Junior, returned to their home in Detroit last week after hay- ing visited Mrs. Carty's mother, Mrs. N. Green, for a week. -Mrs. W. C, Starling and on, Donald, who have bean visiting her hushaed% Mathette Mrs, William Sterling arid other rel.' atives in the Vieieity, left fortheir home at Hanna, Alta., an Sittirday,t4., Mrs. Paul Doig and finni ants. es G. and F. Clarke. of .t, tie -forsda eatte rin Wg 41', ,11unie Ce,m0 and "Porontec . 33 13' 55324831 4•TEr' ',70'-'10 • T,s'4';v" •11. • :3331335", .:'233T991.*'3333433333".4333133i,3 "3333;333331.3 , 1,4 • 44-1. -10 SAS gar : 41 1° At $ 3331 - 31t4 to, 33 tr'' 4; ; IS; itrAr rat' ,a.r.aLo:' kr a •,„ ter f.14: 140 a 4 .43 4 % .44,42 "3333331, 33 . 4 eta s 4E, „„akto; 4,E}'•,i "iT k 4-34 33, 414 333333 ••4, 4 :44 oot o kte 31 tra 333331 .33 •